f II I THE GINN CORPORATION Conslli/ing Engineers June 20,1995 Pete Davis, P .E.. Texas Turnpike Authority P.O. Box 190369 Dallas, Texas 75219 RE: Addison Toll Tunnel Environmental Site Assessment Dear Mr. Davis: Transmitted herewitb are two (2) copies of the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for the Addison Toll Tunnel. We are also forwarding copies to tbe parties listed below. Sincerely, 􀀱􀀱􀀱􀁦􀀷􀁾􀁟􀀯􀀠H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. HWGflw Enclosures cc; Glenn Houser, HNTB (w/o enclosures) Ron Whitehead, Town ofAddison Jim Jackson, Dallas County Commissioner Sam Stuart, AATI 17103 PresIon Road. Suite 205 • Dallas. Texas 75248 • Phone 214/248·4900 P.O. Box 796577. Dallas. Texas 75379·6577. FAX 2141931·1452 I . I I I i J PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT of the proposed Keller Springs Toll Tunnel Addison, Texas Prepared for the TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY ... by HDR ENGINEERING, INC. June 12, 1995 i I PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT the proposed Keller Springs Toll Tunnel Addison, Texas TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Summary ........... , .. , ... , . , , .. , , , , . , , , , .. , , , . ' , , . , ' , , , , 1 II. Introduction , , .... , , , , ... , ..... , , , , , ..... , ... , , .. , , . , .. , ... ' 3 II. 1 Purpose. . , . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . , . . . . , . , , . , . , , . . . . ' . , , , . . . 3 11.2 Special Terms and Conditions ........ , ...... " ....... , .. ,. 4 11.3 Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment ... , . ' , ....... , ..... , 5 11.4 Audit Dates and Participants ...... , , , , ................. , ... 5 III. Site Description ........ , .... , ...... , .. , .... , ...... , , .... , ... 6 111.1 Location and Description .. , ...... ' ...... , .. ,', ....... , .. , 6 111.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics ......... ', ........ " ...... , 6 111.3 Description of Structures, Other improvements, Roads ........... 10 111.4 Information Based on Experience and Knowledge .", .. ,' .. , .. , 11 111.5 Current Uses ......... , . , ..... , ... , . , ..... , .. , , .. , . , .. 11 111.6 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Properties .... , ' .... ' ...... 11 IV. Record Reviews ....... , ..... " .......... ',., .. , ....... " .. 12 IV.l Sources of Information. , , ...... , .. , ........ , , , .......... 12 IV.2 Reference Material Discussion .... , .. ' .. , .... ,', ......... , 14 IV.3 Historical Use (Aerial Photographs) .. , . ' . , ...... , , .. , ...... , 15 V. Information from Site Reconnaissance and Interviews ... " ....... ".,. 17 V.l Site Reconnaissance .. , . , ... , ..... , , .... ' .............. 17 V.2 Interviews ......... , ....... , ...................... 􀀬􀁾.. 23 VI. Findings and Conclusions ....... ' ...... , .... ,' ....... , ....... 28, VII. Signatures of Environmental Professionals ... "., ..... ,' ..... ,", . ' . 30 VIII. Tables I -Database Information PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT the proposed Keller Springs Toll Tunnel Addison, Texas TABLE OF CONTENTS (Con't) IX. Figures 1. Location Map 2. S.C.S. Soil Survey Map 3. Geologic Atlas 4. FEMA Map 5. U.S.G.S. Map 6. Database Area Plan 7. North Detailed Area Plan 8. South Detailed Area Plan X. Appendices A -Aerial Photographs (1994, 1990, 1984, 1975, 1971, 1957) B -Site Photography C -Geologic Profile (East & West Portal) D -Proposed ROW -Figure 3, HNTB E -Scope of Services ii .) I , j PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT I. Summary HDR Engineering, Inc.'s (HDR) Phase 1 -Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the proposed right of way (ROW or site) for the Texas Turnpike Authority tunnel resulted in several findings and recommendations which should be addressed before a transfer of property ownership is executed. The ESA commenced on April 7. 1995, at the request of the Texas Turnpike Authority. Activities included a "snapshot" review of pertinent and available documents, interviews with site personnel, and a site inspection of the property grounds for visual signs of underground storage tanks, and general environmental conditions. The draft ESA report (May 31, 1995) has been revised to include recenlly obtained geologic information. Lachel & Associates, Inc. (LAI) initiated a geotechnical investigation program in April which focused on geologiC issues relating to the tunnel construction only. The results of their sampling program is summarized and shown on Figure 1 " Draft Geologic Profile -West Portal" and Figure 2 "Draft -Geologic Profile -East Portal" (Appendix C). General findings were made during the ESA. Foremost is the fact that both the ROW and areas in the vicinity of the Site are, or have been, heavily industrialized. Both sources and routes of potential contamination are thought to exist on or near the site. The site exhibits no outward indications of serious environmental impairment and this investigation has not identified any environmental impairment that would cause us to recommend,the Authority not purchase these properties. Many of the documents reviewed concerning operations of facilities near to the subject property were not available and many of those . that could be reviewed were incomplete. Several reports were in conflict with each other, as was some of the information supplied by those people interviewed. Texas Turnpike Authority 1 June 12, 1995 Environmental Site Assessment· Phase I Based upon findings of the ESA, we propose the following recommendations. • Sample existing piezometers along the proposed ROW east and west of the airport. • Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (intrusive sampling). • Recommend the completion of a title survey. • General clean up of drum storage areas. • Asbestos investigation of buildings Samples (physical equipment, liquid or soil) were not obtained as part of this audit Consequently, we do not have any laboratory data, either physical or chemical, which supports, nor refutes, the potential liabilities associated with the ROW. The basis for our recommendations and suggestions are visual observations of the site, supported by the photographs which accompany this report, as well as other documentation which appears in the appendices to this report. Furthermore, there is the possibility that less obvious environmental concerns and liabilities, not readily noticeable from simple visual inspection, may exist, and this should not be excluded from consideration. Texas Tumpike: Authority 2 June 12, 1995 Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1 II. Introduction The Texas Turnpike Authority is planning to purchase the ROW, for the construction of a tunnel under a portion of the Addison Airport, with the intent of connecting the eastern and western portions of Keller Springs Road, currenlly separated by the Addison Airport, The proposed ROW affects an area approximately 3700 feet long by 100 feet wide, HDR Engineering, Inc, (HDR) has been contracted to provide a Phase 1, Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the proposed ROW, II. 1 Purpose HDR; at the request of the Texas Turnpike Authority, has completed a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment This ESA was conducted in accordance with the attached Scope of Services (See Appendix E) to evaluate the potential for the presence of hazardous SUbstances and/or petroleum products at the above-referenced site as the result of any past or present land use on or near the subject property, This ESA is based upon the review of readily available documents and site visits for the purpose of evaluating the history of past use and identifying sources of potential contaminants, Three areas of review include: 1, Local -Review of readily avaifable information held by the Town of Addison and City of Carrollton, Texas. Interviews with local environmental quality officials and business managers familiar with the subject property and local history in general were conducted. 2. State & Federal -Acquisition and review of government and priVate agency databases containing environmental information pertinent to the subject property and vicinity. These include databases and files maintained by the U,S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), Texas Department of Health (TDH) and the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). Texas Tumpike Authorlly 3 June 12. 1995 Environmental Site Assessment 􀁾􀀠Phase I 11.2 3. Site visit -Several site visits were made to identify visible evidence of the presence of, or the potential for the presence of, hazardous substances and/or petroleum products and non-compliance areas. In addition, a review of land use on and adjacent to the subject property was conducted. Special Terms and Conditions This investigation addresses the likelihood of the presence of hazardous substances and/or petroleum products resulting from past and current known uses of the site and nearby properties. As a result, certain conditions, such as those listed below, may not be revealed: 1. naturally occurring toxics in the subsurface soils, rocks, water, or toxicity of the onsite flora; 2. toxicity of substances common in current habitable environments, such as, stored household products, building materials, and consumables; 3. biological pathogens; 4. contaminant plume below the surface from a remote source; 5. contaminants or contaminant concentrations that do not violate present regulatory standards but may violate such future standards; and, 6. unknown site contamination, such as, "midnight dumping" and/or accidental spillage which could have occurred after the site visit by HDR. Services for this project were conducted in accordance with the Agreement between the Texas Turnpike Authority and HDR. No warranty or guarantee of site conditions is intended. This report is solely for the use of the Texas Turnpike Authority and any reliance on this report by third parties shall be at such party's sale risk. Te){as Turnpike Authority 4 June 12, 1995 Environmental She Assessment· Phase I 11.3 11.4 Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment The scope of this investigation is limited to visual observation of surface conditions at the site, interviews with public and private personnel, and a review of readily available reports and literature, Facts that have been concealed, withheld or not fully disclosed at the time this report was prepared may have significant impact on the findings and recommendations of this study, No sampling, laboratory analysis, or determination of asbestos containing materials activities were conducted as part of this investigation. This approach reflects current professional practice unless the information obtained as part of this work suggests the need for further investigation. Audit Dates and Participants The audit team for this investigation was composed of Mr. Victor M, Zepeda, P.E., R.E.P" and Mr. Troy Hotchkiss, E.I. T. The site was visited on five occasions (Refer to Table 2, in Section V.1 of this report for specific dates). The Report was subjected to a Quality Review by Mr. Mike Harris, a Senior Environmental Professional, on June 12, 1995. Texas Turnpike Authority 5 June 12, 1995 envIronmental Site Assessment· Phase I III. Site Description 111.1 Location and Description The subject property is located within the Town of Addison. Texas. (Figure 1) generally bisecting the Addison Municipal Airport from east to west. The site has been a part of the airport since 1956. when the airport was first constructed. A complete legal description and a property survey with easements of the tunnel project site were not available. An alignment plan produced by Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff. titled Figure 3, HNTB (Appendix OJ, was used as a guide to identify the limits of the proposed tunnel ROW. The administrative offices of Addison Airport are located at: Addison Airport 4505 Claire Chennault Dr. Addison. Texas 75248 111.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics The subject property is located on a generally flat topographic high point. approximately 640 feet above the National Geodetic Vertical Datum plane (NGVD). as determined from USGS topographic quadrangle maps. At the subject site location. surface drainage is either toward the east to White Rock creek or the west toward an unnamed tributary of Hutton Branch which feeds into the Trinity River. Surface Water Characteristics No surface water impoundments are known to exist on the site. The existing portion of Keller Springs Road on the eastern side of the airport is drained by roadside ditches toward the east. From review of aerial photos. United States Geologic Survey (USGS) maps and site visits. no other delineable watercourses were identified on the eastern portion of the subject property. Where the proposed tunnel crosses the runway proper. the surface grade appears to be toward the south. However. the tunnel location where it crosses the flight operations area is generally a local topographic high point. Texas Turnpike Authority 6 June 12. 1995 EnV!({lOmenlal Site Assessment -Phase I The runway and western portions of the airport near the proposed tunnel are drained by a surface swale toward the north and west, away from the proposed "west portal" of the toll tunnel. Between the west portal and Midway Road, the existing Keller Springs Road is drained by roadway curbs and storm sewers toward the north, eventually to a tributary of Hutton Branch. Soils and Geology The subject property is located in northern Dallas County in the Blackland Prairie physiographic province. This region is characterized by little relief and dark, plastic clay soils. The subject property is generally conforming to this description, although significant disturbance to the surface clays is evident as a result of urbanization and industrialization of the area, (Appendix B, Photo 15). The geologic setting, as mapped by the Geologic Atlas of Texas, Dallas Sheet (1972, revised 1988, University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology), is within the Austin Chalk Formation. This formation is cited as being generally "Chalk, mostly microgranular calcite, some calcareous clay, weathers white." This formation is known to have very low porosity and permeability, thus forming an aquitard, or barrier to vertical groundwater flow. The reported thickness of the formation is approximately 300-500 feel. The surface soils of the subject property are in the Stephen-Upland land complex type. This complex is typified by one to four percent slopes and is well drained. Due to commercial/industrial development, the surface layers of the soils have been extensively disturbed by building, street, and especially airport construction. Where the soil is relatively undisturbed, the surface layer is moderately alkaline, very dark brown silty clay with a typical thickness of one and a half to two feel. Permeability and available water capacity are moderately low. Photo 15 depicts the surficial clays overlying the Austin chalk approximately 1/4 mile north of the West Portal. Texas Turnpike Authority 7 June 1:2, 1995 Environmental Sile Assessment 􀁾􀀠Phase I The Texas Water Commission (TNRCC) maps, Major AQuifers of Texas and Minor Aquifers of Texas locate the subject property above the Trinity (downdip) and Woodbine (downdip) Aquifers, the former being the more significant and deeper of the two. Due to poor hydraulic communication between potential shallow, perched groundwater and deeper usable aquifers, the local surface recharge rate of these groundwater features is minimal. Some water is occasionally encountered in the cracks and fissures of the limestone formation, especially the upper, weathered section. Local shallow subsurface flow is undetermined but is assumed to generally follow topography. Assuming uniform weathering and surface top soil/clay coverage overthe unweathered chalk, subsurface flow would be expected to drain generally east and northwesterly from the center of the subject property, generally conforming to pre-development surface contours. However, without a thorough hydrogeologic investigation, it would be imprudent to estimate the likelihood for the presence of on-site subsurface contamination the origins of which are from oftsite areas. A review of readily available subsurface investigations in the area revealed the following geologic observations: A) Aviall Fuel Farm on the Addison Airport (Approximately 1/2 mile south of the site) "The surface material consists of a black alluvial clay layer approximately three feet thick. This is a plastic clay of very low permeability .. A soft limestone of at least ten feet in thickness underlies the clay layer. A blue rock was mentioned as being present at about 13 feet below ground surface in one excavation." Preliminary Investigation of Suspected Leaking Underground Motor-Fuel Storage System North American Consultants, Inc. September 1987 Texas Turnpike Authority 8 June 12. 1995 EnVifonmental Site Assessment" Phase I B) AER Manufacturing. 3420 Wiley Post Rd. (Approximately 1/2 mile southwest of the site) "Groundwater was observed to be seeping into the tank hole in several locations from a shaly, fissile, calcareous clay located at a depth of approximately nine feet. A dark gray, plastic, silty clay (el) was observed to a depth of approximately five feet. The dark gray silty clay graded into a tan silty clay (ell that extended to the bottom of the excavation. At a depth of approximately nine feet, the clay is shaly. At this depth several seeps were observed in the walls of the tank hole." UST Closure/Removal Report AER ManufactUring, Inc RERC Environmental, Inc. June 1994 e) Homeliterrextron, 1900 Surveyor (Approximately 1/2 mile southwest of the site) "Naturally occurring rock in the area is located at a depth of approximately three feet below grade. Water was originally detected at 3.5' below grade... it is believed that this water is...perched water." This report associates the perched water with a city of Addison water line break. Site C/osure Report JMA, May 1993 D) Raleigh Blakely Hangar (55), 16445 Addison Road (Approximately 1/2 mile north of the site) "...a dark brown/black/gray clay to a depth of approximately 3 to 8 feet. Below the clay, a weathered tan/gray chalky limestone was encountered which graded to a competent dark gray chalk ...each of the three wells were Tel •••.-, 8 • ... >000 lOOO 4000 SOOO 6000 7000 FEET \ 0 1 KILOMETER Fa ........... Em_ CONTOUR INTERVAL !O FEET \ .' , " " \ " " , \ '. .... /..: -........ t:ly'.V·••P··· Oato TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY· ADDISON TUNNEL E.S.A. May 1995 I Figure 5 "U.S.G.S. MAP" U,S, Geological Survey, 1959 photorevised 1981, EAST PORTAL .. , -.' N 􀁾􀀠• 􀀬􀁾􀀠C I0 1320 2118Q... . SCALE IN FEET LEGEND EPNRCRA EPNTRI EPNANDS SPILL INCIDENT SITES PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS lEAKING TANK SITES HAZARDOUS MATERIAL S1'UIll'(GE MUNICIPAL saUD WASTE RECORDS TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY ADDISON TUNNEL E.SA May 1995 "RECORD INFORMATION KEYMAP" r. I I j PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS LEAKING TANK SITES HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE MUNICIPAL SOUD WASTE RECORDS DaleTEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY ADDISON TUNNEL E.S.A. May 1995 "RECORD INFORMATION MAPNORTH" " eP3 I8IF24 ·. -:-: 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀠􀁶􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠.,..'".. .", .. ,.. " . , .. l i j ;e P22 , ..)t-., .. 􀁾.... ,. (::·:f.)tJf'1 "tTV; .181 AS FlO H1S£ R50. F43181 P24 EAST PORTAL 􀁈􀁄􀁁􀁾􀁨􀀺􀀮􀀠N 􀁾􀀠o 800 1600 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND• EPNRCRA is] EPA/TRI EPNANDS SPILL INCIDENT SITES N 􀁾􀀠leOO" -= \ t j • LEGEND EPAIRCRA EPNTRI EPAIANDS J SPIlL INCIDENT SITES PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS I LEAKING TANI< SITES HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE I MUNICIPAL SCUD WASTE RECORDS 􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁲􀀮􀁯􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY· ADDISON TUNNEL E.S.A. May 1995 "RECORD INFORMATION MAPSOUTH" r. --en w -(.).'0 " z w " Q. :«c.. 1',; •. '« -o..,i, 􀁾􀀠W c.. 'c..« " ! x "AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH -YEAR 1990" ::t: a. J: Cl.. « a::: (!j 􀁾􀀠o J: Cl.. « iE w « i . 􀁾􀀠,J ; , ; . 1 . I Photo 1 -View west from northeast corner of Jetway parking lot. Beechcraft tanker trucks are parked on apron in middle distance and Addison Air Traffic Control Tower is in far distance. Photo 2 -View west of approximately 250 gallon above ground storage tank between Hangar Six and Jetway. Notice thick, oily spillage on ground immediately right of the. tank. Texas Turnpike Authority Appen. B Environmental S.te Assessment -Phase I Jt1ne. 1995 Photo 3 -View north of "Jet Hangers". Notice drums near facility doors. .. Photo 4 -View east from empty lot at corner of Dooley Road and Keller Springs. Formed concrete slabs are in foreground, drill crew is in middle distance between trees. Texas Turnpike Authority Appen. B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June. 1995 • • Photo 5 -View northeast from behind "construction yard" on Dooley Road. To the immediate left is a drainage ditch flowing north. Photo 6 -View west from Dooley Road of "construction yard" with drums along the treeline in the distance and a trailer mounted tank between the tanks and sqmi-trailer . . ) Texas Turnpike Authority Appen. B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June. 1995 Photo 7 -View northeast of debris piles from parking lot behind unidentified warehouse, northeast quadrant of Kellway Circle. Housely Communications (?) construction yard is in middle, right distance and Million Air is in far distance. Photo 8 -View southeast of Housely Communications (?) equipment yard with storage tank in middle right distance. , . ., Texas Turnpike Authority Appen B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June. 1995 • • Photo 9 -View north of Beltway Construction (Hanger 92). Notice three snorkels and surface tank behind fence. Photo 10 -View east from northwest corner of Forney Engineering property depicting drum loading area. Texas Turnpike Authority Appen B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June. 1995 Photo 11 -View southeast of Forney Engineering diesel igniter testing facility for coal fired power plants. Photo 12 -View east of the Cornerstone Fuels fuel tank group at the northern end of the Addison Airport fuel farm. Texas Turnpike Authority Appen B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June. 1995 • • Photo 13 -View southeast of the Million Air tank group at the Addison Airport fuel farm. Notice unlabelled drums along the fence and on the pump-pad. Photo 14 -View northeast of the Jetway tank group at the airport fuel farm Two snorkels to the right are not in the picture. Texas Turnpike Authority Appen. B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June. 1995 <. , Photo 15 -View north of typical geologic shallow cross-section taken immediately west. of airfield stormwater outfall culvert, north of Kellway Circle. Texas Turnpike Authority Appen B Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I June 1995 " , () " x-0 z " W" 0... 0... « GROUND SURF ACE Elr120 638.0 DRAFT TOP OF UNWEATHERED LIMESTONE TOP OF WEATHERED LIMESTONE EIr<107 Elr122 rElr1WEST640 _________ _ 635.0 639.0 638.0 EAST􀁟􀁾􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭, , ")-, , '---:i--, , , , ! < <' c .... ' ; ;!;);.. '\; , , , , , ..""""".", , !:,.... ,""', .. " .., , , , , , , , , , , , , Ls , ........... " ...... "-:. ....... " , .. I' , ' __􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀬􀀺􀁟••.",": ,z.· •...• _._. 600 -----.......-....-----------------------ROADWAY CUT 1_ _ _ _ PORTAL SECTION _I TUNNEL SECTION 1l 9+00 9+:75 10+00 11+0'0 12+00 GE.OLOGIC PROFILE -WEST PORTAL NORTH RNV UNE 11-G) 􀁌􀁅􀁾􀁅􀁎􀁄􀀺􀀠􀀮􀁾C R RE.S1DUAL CLAY;0 '..." WLs WEJllTHERED UMWTONEm Ls UNWEJllTHERED UMWTONE ...lo. DRAFT .)};," , ..' DRAFT TOP OF UNWEATHERED LIMESTONE B-112WEST /g640.0 EAST //I' /I' I' I' I' I' I' ////I' I' I' /I' //-" -.'>: -: 􀀮􀀾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀿􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁽􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀩􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀽􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀿􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺 􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀼􀁾􀂫􀁾􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀾􀀬􀀺􀀮􀀧...'. " 􀁾􀀮􀀠ls6l!l__ 􀀽􀁾􀀠TOP OF WEATHERED UMESTONE B-l11 641.0 GROUND SURFACE /////􀀯􀁾􀀯􀁒􀀠/I' I'" " , " ,", , " TOP OF ROADWAY 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠-------TUNNEL SECTION PORTAL SECTION ROADWAY CUTI •• I • • • 25+00 25+50 􀁾􀁯􀁯􀀠2&t,25 .21"00 I I I GEOLOGIC PROFILE -EAST PORTAL ."-NORTH FWV UNE G') LEGEND: "" .',"' ·A ·ALLUVIAL eLA Y :::u .-' R RESJDUAL CLAY m WLs WEAlTHERED UMESTONE I\.) ls UNWEPITHERED UMESITONE 􀀧􀀺􀀮􀀱􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀠. DRAFT C • • o x -o z W 0.. :0.. « .. , i f . ! .' 􀁾􀀠, f J I I -I . i 􀁪􀀬􀀭􀁾MIOWAY 􀁾􀀮􀀠.,. PYI $TA. 1.40 EII'I. 035.00 ••• 100'YC ..... 􀁬􀁾􀁴􀀮􀁯􀀢􀀬􀂷􀀠-••• 􀁾T01.L 􀁐􀁌􀀮􀀢􀁚􀀬􀀮􀀺􀁾... .... -_. ... .,. 􀁾􀀠• • .'h .., ","', ·0 O· ./\",_ .--(/s:. \ ,.': r:l/' ,--. \ '. -'-. ".' 􀁾􀀠L ;, '.-• .,,-1. ___. WEST PORTA\. STA. IJ+U 􀁾􀀠ooot.ev RD; ',ct FUTURE' \ \ \ \. \ \ \, \ 􀀨􀁈􀁏􀁒􀁔􀁈􀁾􀀭􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀱􀁟􀀠. I TAXIWAY PYllnA. .,. . . I 1-__ :-1 J, ---_lELEv. C30.1I0 􀀾􀀴􀁯􀁡􀀧􀁶􀁾􀀠_--r 􀁾􀁩􀀠-.. Ipvl 􀀸􀁔􀀢􀁾􀀠11·2:6 fOLEV. l5U.t.I.o4".o·ve .. %I$q' I OOR FRAME 􀁾􀁌􀁁􀁒􀀠. , , 􀀮􀁾􀀠,• EXISTING!RUNWAY I TfJNHEI. -1.0", \ • 4,' • .'''' -. . . EAST POA1'" .. Ii , EXlstlNQ ' .. . . aTA. 1t'+2. '-ADD 􀁏􀁎􀁒􀁏􀀬􀁾l'AXJWA'(