!:) PRO TE(H .. ',::'; .,1 ;:c/cffl, c:s~1486~f--;;ifN4.A? :) POLYESTER SERlE Z GRiS REFLECTION . Prolectl CllelfdcalS LfdiC!»mie Ute. 1600 Ouest Henli,Sourassa. Saint-laurent, Ou~hec. Canada H4S lW3 Te!.:(514) 145"0200-Fru(;(514. 745-5114 WI'Av,protecbpowder.com '.'. SPECTRUM LIGHTS TOWN OF ADDISON LIGHTING SUBMITTALS SUBMITTED TO: TOWN OF ADDISON JIM PIERCE SUBMITTED BY: MELS ELECTRIC, L.P. DAWN PERKINS JULY 26, 2004 ) ..,.,.J S 10 SOUTH AKARD ST. DALLAS, TEXAS 7521 5 PHONE: 214.565.1074 FAX: 214.565.1081 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL i DATE: 7126/04 REFERENCE: LSPECTRUM LIGHTS I ! LIGHTING SUBMITT ALS ...-.-.-. ! TO: TOWN OF ADDISON ! JIM PIERCE I 16801 WESTGROVE DR , ADDISON, TX 75001 I l ~.IDAWN PERKINS I ATTACHED PLEASE FIND SUBMITTAL SHEETS ON: ..-.---.trr-EM I 1 . DESCRIPTION ROADWAY AND PEDESTRIAN UNIT I I I i ~. .-.-.. t==__-+______________________~________~ L---'-____ THESE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED FOR" " IAPPROVAL APPROVAL AS SUBMITIED -+-+R=ESUBMIT COPIES I i AS REQUESTED SUBMIT 7 COPIES I -+-+RETURN 2--=C=-=O':"':P~IE"=-S--li APPROVAL AS NOTED i REVIEW/COMMENT RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS I --'-..l-....... _____..-_-_=t-.J I REMARKS: ! E ___________________________..=:J 1810 S AKARD, DALLAS, TX 75215 214-565-1074 OFFICE; 214-565-1081 FAX ---------------------------------------------800, Cure SoiVin..--APPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand.IQue), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel,: (450) 979-2747 ISOO) 49B.eSe7 Fax: (450) 979~2749 VrWW.!umecschteder.com __...t. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec·Schreder Order N° 7734 Type Roadway and Pedestrian unit 37 Luminaire HSX-400MHBT28·SC2F·240·SC.L TS1056A HOUSING: Made of cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.200 (5mm) minimum thickness clw mounting provision for hardware, LOCKING SYSTEM: Two spring loaded latches made of die cast aluminum and die cast zinc, permits tool free access to lamp and electrical component servicing, LENS FRAME: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy, REFLECTOR: Made of hydrofonmed 3002·0 aluminium alloy chemically brightened and anozided (5 micron min), The Seal safe optical system is rated IP66 and offer a resistance of R>600. SLEEVE: Die cast glasHeinforced resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasket. SHUTTER: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter tum C/W Porcelain body lampholder, 4kV Mogul Base c/w a injection molded silicone gasket (duro 60 shore A), Adjustment to obtain the various IES distribution is tool-less, DistribuUon type: (SC2F), Type II, Short cut off, fiat lens. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0,20" (Smm) thickness and shock resistant. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo·resistant pulse raled 4 Kv mogul base, LAMP: (400MHBT28), 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp fonmat BT28 (ANSI Code M59) (not included), BALLAST: 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59), 240 Volts, high power faClor, -20"F (-30"C) lamp starting capacity, clw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock, TERMINAL BLOCK: Receives wires (#8 max,) on primary circuit clw ground lug, ADJUSTMENT: An integral part of the housing permits an adjustment of ± 5", MOUNTING MEAN: Two brackets, formed in a single-piece, made of stamped galvanized-sleel (12ga,), Accommodates tenon ranging between 1W' (38mm) to 2 3/8" (60mm) 00, fixed by 3/8 -16 UNC steel zinc plated, FINISH; (SC), Special Color: PC14825, Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish, Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM B117 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. n34.DOC ~Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ~File No. A11750 Page 1/1 07-22-2004 800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand, (Qu~), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979-2747 (800) 498-8587 Fax:: (4S0) 979-2749 WW'W.lumecschreder.com..__..d. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schreder Order N° 7734 r-----------~3·-8..·----------_, /L v SIDE \I1EW BOTTOM \/lEW SECTION ylEW 7734.DOC 07-22-2004 legistered to ISO 9001:2000 'i1e No. A11750 Page 2/2 Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206)Proleel: 7734 T)'f'.; Rd &. P.d. Quont~ 37 col {I. HSX-FOC-STR-LTS10560 Oraer. Lumec-Schreder 2'-4"~W'-'.g'-O" 7'-O"l , I ~t::--.,Ip, ~I I 0 I N I, J I--2'-8" "I, I, I, I, I Supply by other Need coordination I, I,a ;.,., I '"'" I LO, 0 '" .I a I-m '" N."""" ! ,~ .... --I ~ N <:J'J. N, I, I,, 0 .I ,I --,I I),I ~ J.. lJi H Revisions: D(lte~ ?e,j8y; Titre: PRESENTATIONTitle: DRAWING f-10: D&6Sinii par. f.bDrown by: ~he!te:ole: 3/'6" " ~ ~te: act.N/OJ Page: '/1,, I pole height Ql'ld bracket jul,21/2004 1m VEritiE Verified No. des$in: OW9. Nl,Im.: 4206 rov1 aoo, Cure BoiYin..--APPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand. (Que). Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979.2747 (SOO) 496-8587 Fax:: {450} 979-2749 wv.wJul'lieC$Chreder.com Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec·Schreder Order N° 7734 37 Luminaire FOCAL·70MHT6·NARROW·240·SC·LTS1056A HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090" (2.2mm) minimum thickness clw mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETING: Silicone gasket to insure IPSS rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: ClOSing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, polished, electro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (NARROW), Narrow Beam Distribution. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (Smm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 base. LAMP: (70MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format TS, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143), 240 Volts, high power factor, ·20'F (-30'C) lamp starting capacity, cIw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure, fixed into the housing. ELECTRtCAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will insure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTING MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of 114" (6mm). Three (3) mounting holes 7/16"16"0 available for 318"-16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by. installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. POSition adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip Chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM Bl17 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. 77341t.1056.00C 07-22-2004~Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ~File No. A11750 Pllge 1 11 aoo. Cute BmvinAPPROBATION DRAWING 8olsbrlaod. (Que), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979.2747 (800) 496-8Sa7 Far. (450) 979,2749 \WIWJumecschreder.com __..It. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schreder Order N° 7734 1----1~----I PIAN VIEW SIDE 'IIEW fRONT VIEW 07·22-2004lUi.' 600. SLEEVE: Die cast glass-reinforced resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasket. SHUTTER: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter turn cfw Porcelain body lampholder, 4kV Mogul Base clwa injection molded silioone gasket (duro 60 shore A), Adjustment to obtain the various IES distribution is tool-less. Distribution type: (SC2F), Type II, Short cut off, flat lens. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0,20" (5mm) thickness and shock resistant. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv mogul base, LAMP: (400MHBT28), 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59) (not included), BALLAST: 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp formal BT28 (ANSI Code M59), 240 Volts, high power factor, -20'F (-30CC) lamp starting capacity, cfw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock, TERMINAL BLOCK: Receives wires (#8 max,) on primary circuit cfw ground lug, ADJUSTMENT: An integral part of the housing permits an adjustment of ± 5·. MOUNTING MEAN: Two brackets, formed in a single-piece, made of stamped galvanized-steel (12ga,). Acoommodates tenon ranging between 1Y," (38mm) to 2 3/8" (60mm) 00, fixed by 3/8 -16 UNC steel zinc plated, FINISH: (SC). Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish, Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM Bl17 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures, 7734,DOC 07-22-2004~Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ~File No, A11750 Page tit 800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING Boisbnand, (Oui), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel,: (450) 979·Zl47 (BOO) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 979-2749 WWW'Jumecschreder.oom Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumsc-Schreder Order N° 7734 r-------------i3'-B"'----------..., SIDE VIEW 1'-+" 6QTIQM IJIFW SEcTION V1EW 7734,DOC ?egislered to ISO 9001 :2000 'ila No, A11750 07-22-2004 Page 212 P. 07FAX NO. 2145651081JUL-27-2004 TUE 09:30 AM NELS ELECTRIC, INC Lumec-Schreder , "' I 'b ~ -I r-2'-S" , to I L-o t -11-8~" r ~ I lit ROUND STEEL TAPERED POte: .. STEEL 119" (D.120") ·£I,1,5E DlAUtTE~: 6.34· -TOP OlMlETERJ 4,4 -HAND HOLE: 4~ 'II: $" -GROUND LUC J/8". -BASE PlA1E 1"" .If 14", "'''W STEEL ~ , -{bIZ} v's~ ~e • />J'lCHOR eOLTS: 50000 PSI GAl.VANIZEO STEEL. 1". x 36" (supptied by lUJT\ec-Sehr(!der inc). 1-1'-t___-'R~"~'.~j."'n.~:___+-O~'~l'::.:-l.':p,':.':,/~e~y:~ T1t re: A.J 'I TItle; rwdlson Pole Details Destiru! &lIm Grown by: Vfrifi6 Varificd 1 = 50 r-10 77J4pollt f'oqo-: 'Ij Addison Clly Spectrum Drive (4206)Pro1ect: 7734 Typo: Rd &. Ped. Quontl.!¥.: 37 caf ,. HSX-fOC-STR-LTsl056a Order:•••••aOG, bl)Ul Cur6 BoIvin Bofsbriand (Oe). Canada, J7G 2A7 Tel: (450)979-2147 Fax: (450}979·2749 Lumec-Schn!der b I OJ ><) !-10'-8"2'-4"g'-O" I, 7'-O"l , I, I~ b I , ~I ? ,I I-2'-8" I 1 I , , I, Supply by otherI Need , I, I, I•I, b I, -I I~ t') , I , ~ 'Ill' ~ ~ '" I N N, I, I, 0 I.I , ~ ~ ,I :1 , I, ~ II i1. coordination , 0 I (J'> N n I to t') # Revisions: Date: IP••/By, Titre: Title: PRESENTATION DRAWING F 10 Cessio! par: Drown by: f.b (chelle:Scole: 3/16" ~ l' OGto: ocl.24/03 1 Ipo!e h:oigl'tt and brocket juI.21/2004 : 1m V6rifiili Verified ~o. dessin: "'9. Num.: 4206 rev1 Pege: 1/1 SOO, Cure Boivin..--APPROBATION DRAWING BOisbtiand, (Q1.I6), Canada J7G 2A7 ret: {450) 97s..;2747 {SOO) 498-8587 FEll(: (450) 97g..2749 www.lumecschreder.com __...d. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schreder Order N° 7734 37 Luminaire FOCAL·70MHT6·NARROW·240·SC·L TS1056A HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090" (2.2mm) minimum thickness clw mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETJNG: Silicone gasket to insure IP66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: Closing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, pOlished, electro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (NARROW), Narrow Beam Distribution. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (6mm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 base. LAMP: (70MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143), 240 Volts, high power factor, ·20°F (·30·C) lamp starting capacity, clw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure, fixed into the housing. ELECTRICAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will insure tightness level at the wire entry for fiexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTING MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of 1/4" (6mm). Three (3) mounting mounting holes 7/16"0 available for 3/8"·16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by. installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM B117 and ASTM D2247 testing procedures. 7734 Ils105S.DOC 07·22·2004~Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ~Fife No. A11750 Page 111 ..--APPROBATION DRAWING Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schnkler Order N° 7734 ~------1~------~ PIAN VIEW aoo, Cure Boivin Soisbriand, (Qull), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979·2747 (aoo) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 979-2749 WHW.lumecsehreder.com SIDE VIEW fRONT V!EW 7734 Ilsl056.DOC 07-22-2004~der 1------3'-8" -----j oc, I ;.., L I , '" I ~ ==r , ~ I 0 Aluminum reflector: bent aluminum flat sheet, The reflector port is painted white (WH). Aluminum brocket pointed same color as pole. 0.250" tho Titre:Revisions: P('lr/By.Dote:I REFLECTOR FOR INDIRECT LIGHTINGTitle: r-1O Oessjn! par: Echelle: Oate: Scale: 1/'6" ~ ,"Drown by: f.bi JAN.29/04 . Vfirifia Pugs;No. dessln: 4206-FOCAI..-REFLEC rev1ju1.21/2004 i 'm ! Verified1 :reflector's design OW9. Num.: '/' Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206)ProJect: Ord"er: 7734 Bolsbrland tQc}, Canada, J7G 2A7 Typo: Pedestrian Quantlty': 30Tol: {4SO)979-2147 cot ,. fOC-SPR6-LTS88~BFax: (450)979-2749 YMW.furn(lcs(lhrede r.com •••••800,boulCure Boivin Lumec-Schreder -"\ -A , o I M-, <=> I • Rev!sionSl , Do.tel 1?r/By.: i T!tl"el Title' PRESENTAnON Dess:ln~ po.l"l LMDrawn byl Vhrlf!f Vel"'lfled DRAWING [chene!Scalel No. des-sin! Dwg, NUM,l 112:0 4206 spr6 r-l0 Da,tel Jut. 21/2004 Po.gel 111 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL i DATE: 7/26/04 REFERENCE: SPECTRUM LIGHTS LIGHTING SUBMITTALS TO: TOWN OF ADDISON , JIM PIERCE I 16801 WESTGROVE DR ADDISON, TX 75001 .._--BY: DAWN PERKINS i ATTACHED PLEASE FIND SUBMITTAL SHEETS ON-• ITEM DESCRIPTION ..-..2 , PEDESTRIAN UNIT r--, ..__.. i I THESE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED FOR' i APPROVAL APPROVALASSUBMnTED RESUBMIT COPIESr----.--.. i AS REQUESTED APPROVAL AS NOTED SUBMIT _7~PIES IREVIEW/COMMENT RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS RETURN 2 COPIES , ...__._--------------,I REMARKS: 1810 S AKARD, DALLAS, TX 75215 214-565-1074 OFFICE; 214-565-1081 FAX BOO, Cur~ Boivin...--APPROBATION DRAWING SOisbriand, (Que). Canads J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979·2747 (800) 496-SS67 Fax: (450) 979-2749 wwwJumecschradar.com __...d. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec"Schreder Order N° 7734 Type Pedestrian unit 30 Luminaire FOCAL-70MHTS-NARROW-240-SC-L TS885B HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090" (2.2mm) minimum thickness C/W mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETING: Silicone gasket to insure IP66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: Closing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, polished, electro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (NARROW), Narrow Beam Distribution. LENS; Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (6mm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thenno-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 base. LAMP: (70MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp fonnat T6, G 12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M9a or M143), 240 Volts, high power factor, ·20°F (-30°C) lamp starting capacity, c/w polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure, fixed into the housing. ELECTRICAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will insure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTING MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of 114" (6mm). Three (3) mounting holes 7/16"£1 available for 3/8"-16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. FINISH: (Se), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM GY, ASTM Bl17 and ASTM D2247 testing procedures. 7734 Its885b.DOC ~Registered to ISO S001:2000 ~FileNo.A11750 Page 1/1 ---------------------------------------------800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING BoIsbrtand, (Qu6), Canada J7G2A7 Tel.: (450)979-2747 {SOO} 498-8567 Fax: (450) 979·2749 www.lul.1.!aCSChreder.com __...t. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec·Schn!der Order N° 7734 I----'>¥-----I PIAN VIEW SIDE VIEW EBON! VIEW 3x 7/16'~tL;J 7734I!sil65b.DOC 07-22-2004ru;:'\ legistered to ISO 9001:2000 ~'ile No. A11750 Page 2/2 7 d Base & Bolts Infonnatlon Lumec·Schreder !~II' ~ , ,.' 3"(7Sm[1l)PrOjection I":·}.: :,.:F". . • -.~' -.1 : Comes with 4 steel anchor bolts, 314'1 ' X 17" + 3", 8 nuls and a washers, ; Important: Do not obstruct space I between anchor plate and conClete lJ?ase. ___M._ [ Qty 30 Pole Anchor Plate ·B.C.: 11 112" 292mm -Thickness: 1"(2Smm) NOTE: Bolts Clrcle Allowed: 8"@121/2" 203mm @31Bmm .11 1/2"JZi 292mm SPRSV-13-CAP1-SC-L TS-885B DeScription of Components: Pole Shaft: Shall be made from a 6" (127mm) round high tensile carbon steel tubing, having a 0.25" (6.4mm) wall thickness, welded to both the bottom and top of the anchor plate. Maintenance Opening: The pole shall have a 2" x 4 1/2" (S1mm x 114mm) maintenance opening centered 20" (S08mm) from the bottom of the anchor plate, complete with a weatherproof aluminum cover and a factory assembled copper ground , o lug. I ;, Base Cover: Two piece square base cover made from formed aluminum, mechanically fastened with stainless steel screws, Pole Options: (CAP1) Optional Pole Cap El 7734 Its spn>.DOC 07-22-2004 Page 2/2 ....--d Specification Lumec-Schreder Miscellaneous Description of Components: Hardware: All exposed screws will be in stainless steel. All seals and sealing devices are made andlor lined with EPDM and/or silicone. Finish: Special color (SC) PC14825. Application of a polyester powder coat paint. (4 mils/l00 microns). The chemical composition provide a highly durable UV and salt spray resistant finish in accordance to the ASTM-B117-73 standard and humidity proof in accordance to the ASTM-D2247-68 standard. Surface Finish: The above mentioned product has been specified in a smooth finish. We wish to inform you that Lumec cannot guarantee a finish without imperfections (e.g. apparent grinding marks and porosity). We strongly recommend the use of a textured finish which provides better unifonnity of surface finish. Pictures of finish surfaces for comparison purposes are available upon request. No return of merchandise showing above mentioned imperfection will be granted. Note: Sublectto EPA calculation before approval. with 80/mhp.1.3 gust factor. ) 7734 Its spr6.DOC 07-22-2004 Page 3/3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 6-17-2004 REFERENCE: SPECTRUM DRIVE TO: SITE CONCRETE BY: KEITH ROBERTSON ATTACHED PLEASE FIND SUBMITTAL SHEETS ON: . ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION ! 1 7 SWITCHGEAR SUBMITALLS .... -THESE ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED FOR-X APPROVAL APPROVAL AS SUBMITTED RESUBMIT AS REQUESTED APPROVAL AS NOTED SUBMIT ~EW/COMMENT RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS RETURN ---.---~..---IREMARKS: r----COPIES COPIES 2 COPIES : i 1810 S AKARD, DALLAS, TX 75215 214-565-1074 OFFICE; 214-565-1081 FAX SPECTRUM DRIVE ADDISON,TEXAS SITE CONCRETE 3340 ROY ORR BLVD. GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS MELS ELECTRIC L. P. 1810 S. AKARD ST. DALLAS, TEXAS , ..," APPROVAL SHEET ENGlNEER:______ SITE CONCRETE: ___ MELS ELECTRIC:___ ORA WFORD ELEOTRJOS[JPPLY 10502KING WILLIAM DRIVE DALLAS, TX 75220 972-869-3633 Ii'X# 972-869 0533 SWITCHGEAR SUBMITTAL ) SPECTRUM DRIVE SERVICE A& B PRESENTED TO MEL'S ELECTRIC SERVICE A T BILL OF MATERIAL " ) BOM Number: 84741 BOM Name: SPECTRUM SERVICE A BOM Sub Name: MELS Hem Number Quantily Catalog NUmber I Details HO Deslgnallon: A NOOD MB PANELBOARD (INTERIOR) NOOD PANELBOARD CONSISTING OF 120I240VAC1PH3W60HZ SCCR:65K MAIN: l00A OG CIRCUIT BREAKER SERIES RATED INCOMING CONDUCTOR(S): (1 )#4-3)) kGmll AllCu BUS: ALUMINUM TIN PLATING GROUND BAR TYPE 1 44"H X 2O'W X 5.15"D INCOMING: BOnOM SURFACE WIDOOR BOX CAT#: MH44 FRONT CAn: MHC44S REF. DRAWING: PBA 5a5A BRANCHES: (3) 4OAI2P OOB (3) 20NI P OOB (3) 20NI P-PS OOB SPECIAL: STANDARD SOLID NEUTRAL, WHT FACEIBLCK LET NAMEPLATE Estimated Ship Days (ARO); 15 Working Days Designation: A MH44 (BOX) STANDARD TYPE 1 BOX HGT 44" Estimated Ship Days (ARO): 4 Working Days Designation; A MHC44S (FRONT) NOOD TYPE 1 SURFACE TRIM FRT HGT 44 estimated Ship Days (ARO); 15 Wo,king Days UTIR2122B HORIZONTAL METER RINGLESS OHIUG 2fX)A 2 POS, D224N SWITCH FUSIBLE GD 240V 200A 2P NEMA 1 3 89J3SPG1V02 LIGHTING CONTACTOR fJXNAC OOAMP NEMA +OPTIONS 2 FLNR-I75 175A 2SJV RK·5 FUSES 110lN 110lN TIME CLOCK IQ.a) 2000 PHOTOCELL 11-«) 664RTSC 6 X 6 X 4" N3R ENCLOSURE CEU608424N3R 60H X 8'MI X 240 ENCLOSURE BY UNIVERSAL Pagelofl PRINTED 6/16/2004 10:52 AM PANELBOARD ) " --t '" I"", Maln'-ug5 Top Endwall& ~~=al"""""' "".. """"'" "'.,. PI\aS8 & N&utrnl -Cla!llng Plate BOltNQ,...I-..-..-..... -""'" AVCu(AWGI I"""" IOrilM "..,'4I_I of PoIt.Ibns T",. (A_"'Y." Sepa1mry) _~I, 2 200 UT2R1121S "" 4 4 OI-ruG "" lTT4RI131B S I "" tm~~~+5 300 q;> "" "" U12R2.t228 ) G i 5 4 OH1JG 500 ut5=ru 6 620 UTe""""," S "". .6~2S0 4411. ....... Ma-~'Q ",,,,,,Aoos. '''"''''' 711. '6-"", 43'. '"'""'" I SaresA. m. n.{).-!iOO , SeriesAtl "'. jfl/1H.iOOor ..."" SerbsA-L(1!)<1>1>-$O i /f11O-«lO or",,. (2~IAC~___ SerbsA·L 13M PCP 14R 15R 16R i MY 17ft AC!'I. .'" AC1'l '''' ACl't 2Of! EMT322SCB Wlthoutecve.. Surface Mount,RlngTyPG. _Maln wiIllTesiS_ Syp811S _ eUSERC Requl",monfS) $uprpftId wtttI bOrIdflbIe nautraI,.~fW tIM JIll ...,..,a eqllpmenl, Stdtabialx ~or~SIIIIf¥Ic&.tA.LI$ttd,..Em94. -'-..... Clralit BnNlkM(Jj~lQ) !=. CI~II """"-" N~tJ.C..~_I.""'" (=-.. It\~\lac.: !h)aw 200 A 42kMu:. iEMf122SC81f!fNf I ~..., """'" I , "''''''''' DVl1rovae 1__ I"""'w ...,.~oo,alOA : Z2kMiU:. EI\ffil225C80< 2'4Of120 \lac ""'" """OJ30 I O' ntIL·O_E_l_A-'-I____ IL_O_E4-<-_--' Sch~ule 2-3 SAFETY SWITCH '---.11.25r----jC.O.E.F R.'61.... Open Type L & LX NEMA 1 Flush Mounted A....-. 1\1>0 Fonn(.)""''''' A B Standan:l. F. Y48. R6 15.19 ,.. LF '" 22730 LXF A3. All, C. ca. '41XI "MT,P 610 44S-Std., A12. HOd C, C6, P,X "" 7.19 -"''' Std., X 341 183...,30 SMF '"'''''''''' T.N.'41XI ".50"""""loa" KJ,c,ce. 610 '" """ T. N. p,R6-SId .. A12. "'" C,ca. p,X 15.19 .... -i0 of""'" A ""' ,.88 7J 30 LO 6 .'""" 1>-1' 5.63 143 ,-<) 4.34 30 SMO 110 ... .... 110 23 5.33 60 SPO 135 ... 622 158 '-3 7.'" 100 SOO 111l ... 7.62 199 '-3 9.14 232200 SVO 4&5. 9.14 232 300 SXO 2-3 12.31 313 400 S\'O "" SID '-3 600 SJO ,-<) Dimensions B C 0 • 1\1>0 A B 5 ..., 3.12 ,."127 117 7. 73 5 '.62 3.12 LXO .'"127 117 79 "" 5 '.62 3.12 5.63 127 117 79 143 322 .22 7.15 3.79 82 107 182 96 .25 '22 7.15 .... 108 107 182 115 4>1 '.94 '''' 4.61 110 125 210 117 5.61 '.94 '.70 5.'" 142 125 221 ""5.45 650 10.13 5.94 "" 165 257 151 9.75 '.50 10.56 9.75 248 165 2" 248 '.00 .50 11.35 .m 152 165 280 152 SVO9.75 .... 11.55 9.75 '48 165 293 "6 '.66 8.74 SJ(O 12.31 ,.. "" 222 313 "" 12.33 9.00 27,78 S\'O '.66 313 229 700 I szo 220 12.33 11.94 42.70 SJO ,.. 313 303 1085 220 Olmens5ons C '.68 119 '.68 119 523 133 523 133 '.72171 '.72 171 '.72 171 '.72 171 1050,<7 10.50 ~ 11.94 303 0 • F DB1 325 7.70". B3 196 DBI 325 7.70". " 196 8.Bl 325 7.70". B3 196 21.00 533 35.35 898 NEMA 1 Enclosure (Non-Combination) EIectr1cally and Mechanically Held Fonn(.) 18.115 29.15 9.24 461 740 235 11.25 25.15 8..99 "" 639 22B 18.15 29.15 9.24 461 740 235 A ,......j • • • Enclosure Saddln NEMA 1 Flush Mounted '--.--1 For additional information, reference CataJog #8903CT9701. /C 2003 Sc:hrski:Ir EIedrIc ~-14-77 FUSES FLNRlFLSR Class RK5 Fuses ~Littelfuse 250/600 VAC • Dual-Element, Time-Delay • 1/10-600 Amperes I'OWR-GARD~P!'Guts I I I I ~. Uttelfuse FLNRlFLSR series fuses have been the superior UL Class RK5 dual-element time-delay fuses, and are the ) most widely used class of fuses. FLNRlFLSR series fuses provide excellent protection for all types of circuits especially those containing motors. However, users and specifiers should consider the significant beneftts offered by Indicator fuses. Complele information on Ihese fuses may be found In this section of this catalog. APPLICATIONS Service entrance switches Swtlchboard main and feeder switches Motor control center mains and motor brancfl circuits Individual fused combination motor controllers Distribution panelboards Industrial control panels Protection of fully-rated penelboards and loadcenters All general purpose circuHs SAFETY • 200,000 AJ.R -Reliable interruption of all overcurrents up to 200,000 amperes. • Faster acting short circuit protection than any non-current limiting mechanical protective device. RELIABILITY • Aocurate and reliable -Automated. precision manufactured and assembled parts ensure aocurate. consistent response to overloads and short 'circuits. SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings: AC: 250 Volts (FLNR); 600 Volts (FLSR) DC: 125 Volts (FLNR) 300 Volts (FLSR) Interrupting Ratings: AC: 200,000 amperes rms symmetrical DC: 20,000 amperes Ampere Range: 1110 -600 amperes Approvals: Standard 248·12, Class RK5 UL Usled (File No: E81895) CSA Certified (File No: LR29862) MSHA 300 Volt listing (FLSR) QPL: Federal Specllicatlon WF-1814 AMPERE RATINGS ~, 'i(, 1\" 4 8 30 80 225 " j1, 2 4» 9 35 90 250 'lioo 2]'{ 5 10 40 100 300 ~, 1:< 2~ 5l:. 12 45 110 350 ~ 1~ 2~" 6 15 50 125 400 ?<1ou, 1Xo 3 6X 17% 60 450 f,'o M 1~ 11{, 3%' 3~ 7 7~ 20 25 70 75" 75 SOO 600 "FLNR only, °FLSR only Example part number (series & amperage): FLSR100 RECOMMENDED FUSE BLOCKS LR250 series (for FLNR series fuses) LR600 series (for FLSR series fuses) Refer to Fuse Block section of this catalog for additional information. DIMENSIONS ReIer to FLNR_ID series for FLNR dimensions and FLSR_ID series for FLSR dimensions. LONGER EQUIPMENT LIFE • Reducea damage to equipment caused by heating and magnetiC forces oJ short circuits. • Equipment nuns cooler with low-resistance dual-element fuses. 31 FLNR_IDIFLSR_'D Indicator™ Class RK5 Fuses ~Litteltusa' 250/600 VAC • Dual-Element, Time Delay • 1/10 -600 Amperes PllWll-GABDNProducts -IT";:':-F-A G i rn I is -II-e FIG. 1 FIG.2 AEFERTOAMPERES SERIESFIG. NO. A B C 2 112 112FLNR (50.8) (12.7) 112.7) 1110 -30 5 314 518FlSFUD (127.0) (19.1) (15.9) 3 31' Sl8~1~ (7B.2) (19.1) (1S.9) S·112 1 518FlSR_IO (1397\ (25.4) (15.9) For additiooal application infOrmation request Product Sulletln EL-4 ~ 0 % • 0 u w ~ ~ w ~ --~-_...DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (mm in parentheses) o E F G H J K 9/16 5/64 5/32 3f8 (14.3) (2.0) (4.01 (9.5) 13/16 3132 3116 5/B (20.0) (2.4) (4.8) (lS.9) 13/16 3132 3/16 518 (20.6) (2.4) 14:B) (15.9) 1-1116 3/32 114 718 (27.0) (2.4) (SAl (22.2) '188·61)0 ' 4(10 l: 300!: 280' , 'SS:61) 40 : 30 ~ 28' (I) ;: !ill"8 ., W • VI 3 l! 2 w " .1s= .S •••• .2 .1......... .M ~2 .ot , l i ~ ! i, w.~ 70 -100 110-200 22S 400 2 2 29 TllVIE CLOCK TORK ELECTROMECHANICAL 17 • 24 HOUR TIME SWITCHES Same On-Off Times Each Day '4\.PPLICATIONS Automalic ON-OFF control when operation is required at the same time every day, 7 days a week. -Ughling• Air Conditioning -Pumps• Water Heating -Signs• Fans SPECIFICATIONS Contact Ratings: 40 Amp. Tungsten, 120 VAC 40 Amp, ReSistive, 120-277 VAC Single Phase 40 Amp, General Purpose, 120-277 VAC Single Phase 20 Amp. Inductive 120 VAC, 277 VAC Single Phase 1000 VA Pilot Duty 120-277 VAC. 2 HP (24 FLA) 120 VAC; 5 HP (28 FLA) 240 VAC TIming Motor: Heavy duty synchronous, self-starting high torque. Power Consumption: 3 watts. Automatic Operation: Minimum ON setting: 20 minutes, Minimum OFF setting: 75 minutes, One pair of ON-OFF trippers supplied -accommodates up to 12 pairs. Dial markings are in English, French and Spanish. Temporary Manual Override: Available. Operating Temperature Range: _400 to +165°F.(-40" to +74"C.) Enclosure: See end 01 controls section for dimensions, General Purpose (NEMA 1). Drawn steel, beige enamel, with combination 112" and 3f4" K.O,'s on sides, bottom and back. Lockable hasp. Cover is removable and movement releases from case at finger touch for easy installation. Back has keyhole as well as matching screw holes for quick mounting over ,ingle gang box . .Jther Mountings: Model IAP-Inlermatic· Adapter Plate-allows any TORK 1100 model to fit into an Intermatic case without necessity of changing enclosure Noryl*lndoorfOutdoor NEMA 3R -ModeI9000N". MetallndoorJOuldoor NEMA 3 -Modal 9OO0A" (hinged side). Mela' Flush, with tock and key (suffix FL 1) -Model 9001", Metal Duplex ~ 2 standard units in one indoor/outdoor case, surface (suffix DUaL) -ModeI9004L"_ Bracket mounting -specify mechanism only with bracket ·Use model number when ordering speCial enclosures separately, ORDERING INFORMATION -.I• \ 1100 SERIES Model 1101 SPST -1101 & 1102 , , '{l! up;l"~ molO( "'T!\in.la ,_bridgoll !t;;mlmllirubl &t CPST "114"''''I Model 1101NC with clear Lexane cover ®~. LISTED DPST -1103 Mole" -W-Am,. R~i~ 4< 2 '02 SPST 4< 5 "'3 OPST 41 2M."" ""'oor DPST 40 ~ NOryl"' I "PST 40 ~ 40 AC' lage ~ 2() n n 6 120 60 60 li77 60 P I~ YES YES YES YES Y! 201 i 2() n • I 5 SP 40 5 2() nlv OP 40 2 120 !O I 1104-M OP 40 ' 5 200-277 60 201 I ~~to fit Intennatk: ~osure. Reserve Power is not available In this seri$s. ·TORK 1 GrOve St.. Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 • Tel: 914-.664-3542 • Fax: 914-.664-5052 • Internet: http://www,rork.com PHOTOCELL line {Black) Nl!l.llral [Whilo) Move Slide lot E.:arlier wl.$ler Tum On STORK PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROLS -THERMAL '2" CONDUIT MOUNTING t"lJ\l:..Je:"'-1f1\',"'''''''''] L2 .. .''''.0\<''-_-'=''-..... 2000 SERIES FIXED POSITION •WITH WEATHERPROOF SEALANT Mount At Any Angle TORK'" ®~. LISTED Optional Clamshell DIMENSIONS ACCESSORY .... 1·518.. -+: 1--•. i • SPECIFICATION WRITER'S GUIDE Photocontrol enclosure shall be constructed of Lexan~ material. Dome shall be UV stabilized to screen out ultraviolet rays. Dome and base shall be ultrasonically welded. Weatherproof sealant shall be used at the nipple opening where wires emerge. Cell shall be cadmium sulphide, epoxy coated, 1/2 inch diameter; Contacts shall be normally closed and fail in the ON position. Photoconfrol must withstand temperatures of _40· to +140' F. Unit to be.provided with three color coded, minimum six inch wire leads, #16 AWG, rated for 105° C. Photocontrol shall have a fixed base for mounting through 718 inch opening or 1/2 inch K.O. Furnish and install TORK Model 2000, 120 VAC, (Model 2000-2, 208-277 VAC), (Model 2000-7, 120/277 VAC) or equal. B·BRACKET FOR WAll MOUNTING OF All lJ2" CONDUIT MODELS PART #73866 ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE " " '"-.""., Ol .T. '" '" 01 g .r, . " -," ~ ~ '" '" OJ <11 '" "" 01 "" L----Q..___ 'JJ II .11 II " C---w,---11 II II /I _\..._tnC ---" U -' DRIP SHIEl.)) 1315 I I I I I I I I I GA$~lE» IlOIJRS ------I 5/S., 5/9.23 UNISTRUT (e PLtS> 49 X eo 10 CiA. CiAllIANEAL P~lNTED .,HIT!: --"=-~-=...--II II --~., " II I " n I II "H 3PT LacK J II ..,....-IJI PADLOCK I ./""" COV[R •• II " . II " II U II U 4" OVEI II ~ i I J :5(1.667 DIIlR o .It: ~-:::J ~ I, 4.~1l6 II II II " " 23.125 ~f==:.1+-1---\.. II II II II I [ 2al~ ------1l9. cU: ==:JI"'~-.l... 7.315 = ~ ~~.----ti r---------81.:n2~--------l 84.oil! I I 1= 9.906_=I'---.l ~'.Il6;;'~;'.-~:~;'.:\"">.;" >: ,;' "-'.:-.;.'J:~:';"';~-:-I g;~Oxa4X24f~ D( (i, '. :.j \,'.;;:.'''''.,£,Y·";,(:''','·:·.':'·'.'!·' .::.'.:~'-'':'':'.\,;,.:.!;,;.".,::''',~.':. ~;:\ ""',.',,'" -' •.", ~'; .:; .. ~;,-.'".:<.'" ...• ' .... "' ...... SERVICEB BILL OF MATERIAL 80M Number: 84745 BOM Name: SPECTRUM SERVICE B BOM Sub Name: MELS Hem Number Quantity Catalog Number 1 Details Designation: B NaOD MB PANELBOARD (INTERIOR) NOOD PANELBOARD CONSISTING OF 1201240 VAC lPH 3W 00 HZ SCCR:66K MAIN: l00A aG CIRCUIT BREAKER SERIES RATED INCOMING CONDUCTOR(S): (1 )#4-= komil AUCu BUS: ALUMINUM TIN PLATING GROUND BAR TYPE 1 44'H X 20"W X 5.7SD INCOMING: BOTTOM SURFACE WIDOOR BOX CAT#: MH44 FRONT CAT#: MHC44S REF. DRAWING: PBA &:;&. BRANCHES: (3) 3)A/2P OOB (3) 201\11 P 00B (3) 2OAl1 P-PS aOB SPECIAL: STANDARD SOLID NEUTRAL, WHT FACEIBLCK LET NAMEPLATE Estimated Ship Days (ARO): 15 Working Days Oesignation~ B MH44 (BOX) STANDARD TYPE 1 BOX HGT 44" 7-00 Estimated Ship Days (ARO): 4 Working Days Designation: B MHC44S (FRONT) NOOD TYPE 1 SURFACE TRIM FRT HGT 44 Estimated Ship Days (ARO): 15 Working Days UT2R2122B HORIZONTAL METER RINGLESS OHIUG 200A 2 pas. DWN SWITCH FUSIBLE GO 240V ooA 2P NEMAI 3 89J3LG20VD2 LIGHTING CONTACTOR ffJJVAC 20AMP L +OPTION 2 FLNR-OO OOA 200V RK.o FUSE 1101N TIME CLOCK 2lXX) PHOTOCELL 11-00 664RTSC 6X 6X 4" N3R ENCLOSURE 12-00 CEUOOB424N3R OOH X 84W X 240 ENCLOSURE BY UNIVERSAL 'agE! 1 of 1 PRINTED 6/16/'2r041D:54AM PANELBOARD , ACCESSORIESCKT NO •,V'''' ACCESSORIES 008 Q08 PHYSICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA o ENCLOSURE: lYPE 1 o SYSTEM: 120/240 VAC lPH 3W 60 HZ SURFACE WITH DOOR FRONT 65,000 AMPS SYMS. SCCR FRONT CATIJ: MHC44S SERIES RATED BOX CAT#: MH44 o MAIN: MAIN BREAKER: QG 100A DIMENSIONS: 44"H X 20''W X 5,75"0 BOTTOM FEED WIRE BENDING SPACE: 65K AlC TOP 5.0" INCOMING CONDUCTOR(S) PER PHASE: BOTTOM 12.1" (1 )#4-300 kcmil AI/Cu (PER SIDE 6.1" PBA 50SA o BRANCH MOUNTING lYPE: BOLT-ON o BUSSING: ALUMINUM BUS -------------BRANCH SUMMATION ------------STANDARD PLATING 3-30A/2P QOB 3-20A/1P OOB o SPECIAL: 3-20A/1P-PS QOB STANDARD SOLID NELITRAL GROUND BAR WHT FACE/BLCK LET NAMEPLATE METER BASE rg SQUARED Metering www.SquareO.com Ganged and Test Block Sockets and Accessories for l«; most ..1ttl-lttte !c!unn3!lun Class 4131 Horizontal Ganged Meter Sockets .. Single phase. 600 Vee max., main lugs only, 2 through"6 meter positions, with and without horn or lever bypass, end Of canter feed. overhead and underground service feeds • 10,000 RMS symmmrica.1 ampMeS short circui\ Ctil'l'cnt ra\ing (or higher with utility approval) • UL USled. NEMA 3R encloSure .. Supplied with ground lugs 1JT2R1121B • Supplied with hub opening in top endwall, requires (he use Of a QQIt-nn hub. or dosing plale This metering: is generally utility specific. Always check with local utility company before installing. Contact your nearest Square D/Schneider Ekacbic sales offICe for addoonal catalog numbers, if required by utility. ~.-...--. ( RlngtessType. 1.f1hase, 3-Wlm. 600Vac Max., Without Bypass or Jaw Release .. "'" I -...... ...-...... Top Em:lwaJI< 8tU;No.""""'1""M """00 """".-<_I -...-iofPosltkms i 5;. Type -.... -_. I , , I ; ; 200 UT2FH1ZtB 100 , 4-~~-; UT4Rl13113 S UT5R11316• ! UT6A1t3tS4 ! ~ (U'W'<2t'22B 1 (2)1 S 4 I c.ruG : !IlSf12l92'IU ! • LmlfI2:I92'lU """" PrIa5e &NeIJ'/.t3l "if];!)r,A>'Cu (AW~crntl) AlfCu(AWG} ...~~1I!$1y) S 302. Ji6-2:50.... ,<;-,,;0 '<;-2'0 """"A6C6• .6-,,;0 m. ...... .... ..."., Ser"",.,,nT. '''''"'''''' SetlesA-L ' ,--' .". 'liMOO'" ! ...."" ! SeresA4. ij2)411iO-350 '1Q2 UtG-5lJOOf I i SerlQS A4. i(2).111.fO..:l':iO CloG:lng Pfafa ... iO'd" page 2.. ~ly) ''"¥:;? 14f! 15"lOR .c• "" ACPL ,.. tG!'I. I "A._-"'pC I 21lA ""'..-.EMT322SCB Meter Soctcets Accessories FlFfHJAW KIT CofM:\I1$ a4ia'H mti'lU:'t ~10 a 5iaW mclor sod:tll For use on mti'lU:'t S)CIteIs s~WII'loIi 1eveItr,pass. IlfJIfNlUlUtsG Contj, ""'CLOSING, PI..JUES (to seallYb q'XlRngs) FQrSormA=ForSerbsA itlJl1'1) ForSOlmA-l.fstee~ For$etesA-l. al.ll'nnlm) HUSSOistcd~~lItsi:U:!)"""'kl.ooin;:h USlN:::h,.00_ ,.00_ ,.50_ SemsA-l.:2.00_3.00_'''''''''' •.00_."'So!d9:s B; 3.OO1r.::h A!lAP1'ER FtATE To slow1Muse 01 Jl Series A Ht.tl on fl d€wbB th!rt 1$ ~taasaies A-L HIb. LUGIOTS For use on Il'WJef SlXist$mwJedWllhl.bv;I., Load. f(Jfe8CtUXJilOfl (a Ijfl 1.f'has:e dM:e (C$ _""--:t.""""''''''''=~ flddesore, w.o.ba!rel lug (fI6.2M 1Iz:m1~ IrdWes oM, skgIe barm! tJg ('4«10 kI:miI) Ind~1f'uoe.~tlg:s.(f6.300=1} ~~ """';1:,-".'" ..",. -o Onfer crtf.~SlCICIolld h ros.Orderpolntl1!rtlglon. MJ ....NY t.rPA 7.",2.2.:ACPL ,ACPtA 11.. I 2UO "liS AI'" 22JiII 22JiOAl'"A20J 3''''""'" -P200L 58.00 IlOOlL ""'" 7.... ""'" A350L 70.00 MOOL 711.00 6300 10',....AAP ; ARP((t116* "'''' ....ARl'OO129' .....-, .-11,10 ',"""", ARI'!llc1 ma:In c:In:ult breaiie!, T ~1JSeOfEZM125OQ,\~r(oo:lot~).Aebrlopage2-15bf~ A AdlitrfDpage2-4forbcDrdmcnl:k:lns. EMTTennlnaJ Datao LI'D_E_1A...!I_--L_D_E4-L_-,1 ~sc;;rw"! 2-3 SAFETY SWITCH r wtAING DIAGRAMSsS ~lDIA , '----, I Il'.:~r..i I.SO 11.24 m "" 1.<45 FUSiBLE+ .31 OIA ~~-~i"'--NO KNOCKOUTS ON.SO • HANDLE SIDE"tir(3 HOLES) A.B.C ~NOCKOUT5 ·Hi "nn ~i IERtiINAL L\I&S * .ut>EA6 KAx. VtAt;jltIH. 11111:£1 mE #34'1$ 1~ MIl) eo OR IIIL'" A,a,C A.B.CKNOCKOUTS KNOCKOuTS .-. A • C D """"",.CONlUIT '$lZE IHA!£TEII SI." 32 \.1S_~ (2 f'lUS) '89 A.B,C,O KI«lCKOOTS HEM TYPE I •I(NOCJ::OOTS ruAL Ditef5ICNS. lHCHESI1IJ.lII£TERS A~B.C, rnotKOUT5 .."., F1HI!II -WY BAl:ED 9W£L E1.£¢'llIaEfIQ9ITEO ~a..£UED PH::Ii!iPH..UI:za! STEEl. I.L I.tSTED .. FUjii £-2875 !M..1. ;e,muu ... IN.9.U.TED WJlf)aE !JJIT.MH Rft UE AS SElNICf: aWIPl"EJlt SflR't OIAcun RArvm. eATN..O$ VOlfAa.E RA,T1HOSIDIIEII ~ ""'''2~OYAC \l'11I:1t<> .....,01110, RATUIIO , ..• '--.. so iGSEPO'iIEJI ItAJ IIIGS '''''''' ,roo /WI • 1 ~ 3~ 1 ~ ,~ , 1.50::1. " .s. '" 7.SO lS 10.. COO A/IPlWS tID U!!ID WITH 011: PfIOt'ECl'm fit CUS$ H ~t: FI.!l!S IM.COO AI'I'BE!I tItD lI!D WITH m PROTfCTm BY CUl!! CUl!! Il F'lISE5 1HN )lUfl'INll n£!E. SWfme, .w.ow 3.00 UI I 15 ~tim. ~ II:M!llf ~FfIft: U'ENIMG rF SIDE HINGEtl oc:tIl. GENERAL DUTY SAFeTY SWITCHES 101 SClUARE :c COMPANYVISIIU tuDE 'NPf.1.I!Ie OU'J!'A 5WI'TttIltjI) P«J!!, • fOR ~GRCUCC DElTA 5't'S1f!.tIS (N.Y. "'".... ~-N.'!HA Tl'P£ 1 ~f'U!fiCISE+I.J.SS SJITAtU fUi 16ll.C' (II 1'$-r;: ~. ..."". 18S9 I1EF 01/$ flesg-.", 10 LIGHTING CONTACTORS Lighting ControlIQJ SQUARED Muttipole Ughting Contactors, Type L & LXwww.SquareO.com Fot!tte: mm tllHo1lakl fllform.&Ii!UI: Class 8903 TypeL Type LX Features • 30 A fluorescentligmlng rating. 20 A tungsten lighting fating Electrically and mechanlGally held • 2 through 12:·pole versions • Field-(;onvertible contacts with N.O. and N.C.lndicalots (8 N.C. contacts maximum... ) Silver-Cadmium~Oxide double break contacts Multipola Lighting Contactor.; (50-60 Hz) ",. """"--OIl""""""Enclosure Ydth Plastat Ad'/ucment -_. NEMA4&4X w~ Resistant GIas&PnlyHtw Enclosure-""". NEMA4&4X Watertight, Outlttlght BTUlMd~,"!'o SGGIE.nrdosullI. -""",. NEMA12 Dusttlqtrt Iuad ~lgttlndl.t!flNl Use Endos.um Type Pnoe. """'_. Power Poles for Type L or LX The kits beklw orEl used to add 30 Ampere power poles to existing Type L contaclors when additkmal circuits are required. Type L lighting contactors are Supplied with mounting b/ad(Gts, sothat adder poles may be motJIl'ted from the front by a single captive scoow. Adder poleS are supplied standard with N.O. contacts which are coovertibfe to N.C,• •••• ~ 1\'1>0 L3L TypaL3R PDwar FoNt Adder kII:~ Clan 8003Tn'Je Single_ ..... <:at Only BeAddm to CoI1tad:Of1P* '''''' """" LCOO """'" L01000 U 3Y., 7 20 70 175 500 ~ 1';0 3); 7~ 25 75' 200 600 "FLNR only, 'FLSR only Example part number (series & amperage): FLSR100 RECOMMENDED FUSE BLOCKS LR250 series (for FLNR series fuses) LR600 series (for FLSR series fuses) Refer to Fuse Block section of this catalog for additional information, DIMENSIONS Refer to FLNR_ID series for FLNR dimensions and FLSR_ID series for FLSR dimensions, LONGER EQUIPMENT LIFE • Reduced damage to equipment caused by heating and magnetic forces of short circuits. • EqUipment runs cooler with low-resistance dual-element fuses, 31 FLNR IDIFLSR_ID Indicator™ Class RK5 Fuses ~Uttelfuse 250/600 VAC • Dual-Element, Time Delay • 1/10 -600 Amperes P8WII-GARII~l'Podm:ts A-~I A-li-F Ci-' :·1 t E-II_ + ts 0a; IT ~s I ] OlD -+ :• mJ I:°4®~-II-E l-cl H_II~_J lO·600A FIG,1 FIG. 2 .~--. ~._. .'_."._---. REFEATO DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (mm in parentheses)AMPERES SEAlES FIG. NO. A B C 0 E F G H J K 2 1/2 112 9/16 5164 5132 318FLNR (5M) (12.7) (12,7) (14,3) (2,0) (40) (9,5) lIlO -30 5 314 5/8 13116 3/32 3116 518FLSRJO (IV,O) (19.1) (15.9) (20,6) (2.4) (4,8) (15,9) 3 314 51. 13116 3/32 3116 518~ FLNRJD ~ (76.2) (19.1) (15.9) (20.6) (2.4) (4.8) (15.9) 5·112 I 5/8 1-1/16 3/32 114 7/8FLSKID (139,7) (2S:') (15,9) 127.0) (2:4) , ,(6.4) (22,2) r.l' FU51J.DO 3O~.450.DD , , ~~ta1 l\D I , t:lSO.Oi) Total number of days 13>0 Bid B steeltvoa street pOles 827 Fumlsi)llristail LliJh! Poles & Lumlnartes·,' APPROX. 30 EA , 'l.. ~~S;00 gl{ 15"0.OD 829 Fumish/lristall Vehicle Pole & umlnaries f"/'PROX. 3t EA t,.oSl>·OO '2.M, qS"D .OtJ Total bid 31"1 1100.00, Totelnumberofdays\ l~O "V'B'dF . ~ ,'vI OlmSlgne~ References /. 04-24 Spectrum lighli!, Addlmdum 1 BidFonn \ \ i HP LaserJet 3200se inventHP LASERJET 3200 SEP-17-2004 3:45PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 57 9117/2004 3:44:04PM Send 92145651081 1:13 1 Cornm Error 442 JaiLS ELBCTItIC (ilIODl/OOl .·~.J.6:201J4. ·.TmM:9f~ . . S~:~'abi.II. P.O. Box 2010 . ~on,"TX~IX!I.~l'O .~c~: :oW,geOi-dcr ~JorSpcctrumUghll Diu Mr. Oiwcbin,' . .0ur.'P~~~~add th!:' ~B~.~MR:ttIi&hlt b allIlllp.um olS6:~oo. 1hiI prlu iaeJudel'.th£e:o~~.~~~l,drcui1~aalD4crj~"!t!'?:'·,!",,"illlllD.1lt1 man lnIta"'ticm\\Ompl~: nu-doe&~IP~IDdG'boDdm&o Im~i)r.repllCerneot, utility Ql)lrlpany c~.~far:& ... ' It),:*Jocl.hi1 i. ,"~Ic~rtlr!,he ~pce~I~1Iprojeciip!~~~.tIJhis propoul lignedand~·pmtDIIlly.. . . . ~:. " MChmemic;I;--p, \"II"IO:iII~~";'D aT,' 0""""':'. iEx.o.. 'l',iII" ·~gl.. .aaIl."D'I''' ;".,., iII, •.II\6S.'DBI 800, Cure Boivin BOl'sbriand, (Que}. Canada J7G 2A7 HI,: (450) 979·2747 (800) 498-8587 ra:c (450)979·2749 www.lumecschreder.oom Type Roadway and Pedestrian unit 37 Luminaire HSX-400MHBT28-SC2F·240.SC ·L TS1056A HOUSING: Made of cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.200 (5mm) minimum thickness cJw mounting provision for hardware. LOCKING SYSTEM: Two spring loaded latches made of die cast aluminum and die cast zinc, permits tool free access to lamp and electrical component servicing. LENS FRAME: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy. REFLECTOR: Made of hydroformed 3002-0 aluminium alloy chemically brightened and anozided (5 micron min). The Sealsafe optical system is rated IP66 and offer a resistance of R>600. SLEEVE: Die cast glass-reinforced resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasket. SHUTTER: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter tum cJw Porcelain body lampholder, 4kV Mogul Base cJw a injection molded silicone gasket (duro 60 shore A). Adjustment to obtain the various IES distribution is tool·[ess. Distribution type: (SC2F). Type II, Short cut off. flat lens. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.20" (5mm) thickness and shock resistant. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv mogul base. LAMP: (400MHBT28). 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59) (not included). BALLAST: 400 Watt Meta[ Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59). 240 Volts. high power factor. -20"F (-30"C) lamp starting capacity. cJw polarized quick disconnecl plugs with positive lock. TERMINAL BLOCK: Receives wires (#8 max.) on primary circuit clw ground lug. ADJUSTMENT: An integral part of the housing permits an adjustment of ± 5". MOUNTING MEAN: Two brackets, formed in a single-piece. made of stamped galvanized-steel (12ga.). Accommodates tenon ranging between 111," (3Smm) to 2 3/S" (60mm) OD, fixed by 3/S -16 UNC steel zinc plated. NuJ. S4i'r1p145 FINISH: (SC), Special ColQr PQ1 4825.Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV. salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7. ASTM Bl17 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. ® 7734.DOC 08-03-2004 Registered to ISO 9001:2000 . FHe No. A11750 Page 112 800, Cure Boivin Boisbriand, (Que), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979-2747 (800) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 979-2749 www.lumecschreder.com APPROBATION DRAWING ~-------------------.3'-8"~------------------~ L /v SIDE VIEW ,'-4" 6QITQM VIEW SECTIQN VIEW 7734.DOC 08-03-2004-®Registered to ISO 9001:2000 , File No, A11750 Page 2/2 800, Curn Boivin Boisbriand. {Que), Canada J7G2Al Tel.: (450) 979-2147 (BOO) 496-6587 Fax; (450) 979-2749 www.lumecschreder.com APPROBATION DRAWING 37 Luminaire FOCAL·70MHT6-WIDE-240-SC-L TS10SSA HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090" (2.2mm) minimum thickness c/w mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETING: Silicone gasket to insure IP66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: Closing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, polished, electro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (WIDE), Wide Beam Distribution. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (6mm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 base. LAMP: (70MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format TB, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143), 240 Volts, high power factor, -20·F (-30·C) lamp starting capacity, clw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure, fixed into the housing. ELECTRICAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will insure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTING MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of 1/4" (6mm). Three (3) mounting holes 7/16"0 available for 3/8"·16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's su pport screws. AJuJ. i4.1fI(J4.. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM B117 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. ® 7734lts1056.DQC 08-03-2004 Registered to ISO 9001:2000 . File No. A11750 Page 1/2 800, Cur6 Boivin BOlsbriand, (O(.le), Canada. J7G 2A7 Tel.: {450} 979-2747 (SOD) 496·6567 Fax: (450) 979·2749 'N'WNJumecschreder.com Lumec-Schreder I----l~----I PIAN YlEW fRQNI V!fW ® 7734 Its1056.DOC 08-03-2004 Registered to ISO 9001 :2000 . File No. A11750 Page 212 37 City Spectrum Drive (42()6) ,J70 '21\7 lumec-Schreder 'b I IX) 2'_4 11 _ 10'-8" 9'-011 "~O"l I• • ..,..-'----I~ , ~: a I 'I , , t..--4' -0" I, t I, I, Supplied by othersI Need coordination , I, ,I ,I , aIt'") I, ;,-,, t'")I,a ,I. a ~ I It'") .~ , (J) N ~. 'l!I' , 'bI I• , 0 i-, ~I , .I I ;"a , ~ ~ ~ I I, • :) I ~ d.±-."J , Revisions: Dote: Po,/By: Titre: PRESENTATIONTItle: DRAWING r-10 [lessin' par. f.bDrown by: ~ch'6l1o:oole: 3/16" ~ l' Dote; 001.24/032 1 general revision pole height and brocket AUG.Ol/o< jul.21/2004 I.b Jm V6tifi6 \lorified ~. d~nin:9. um.: 4206 Poge: 1/1 Project: Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206)•••••800, bout CUre Boivin Oraer: 7734Boisbriand (Oe), Canada, J7G 2A7 Tel: (450)979-2747 Type: RW and Ped.Quantlty: 37 Fax: (450)979-2749 cat II. STR-31-BAS22-1-1!4X40-14.5-SC-LTS1056A OJ N 14"0\-BOLT CIRCLELa "--, to -I I /0-<0 I. 2J.~' [~.~ R 1"[25] • '., LiS"[152] F>( ~ ~~~~ '---14"--Il • EXISTING ANCHOR BOLTS 1"0 x 36" rT 1 t ON 14"0 BOLT CIRCLE W'Iffl,lumecschreder.com Lumec-Schn,der r-4'--j .-'" ~../.-, I ,. .J,J~ FvrY1lsh. CII./C4{4.~ , ~ ROUND STEEL TAPERED POLE'~ " I I -STEEL 790 (0.181 ... , Ss -HAND HOLE: 4" x 8" -GROUND LUG 3/S"D -BASE PLATE 14" x 14", 44W STEEL /""' U\ /\ \ )I V ~~ ~ 1-B A ...11"1 A r ~ -' 'i= I "l l' ~JB18"[457] , 1/8 '<0' PI 3/1 jf ~ '? ...J! h,J . ·..• 4 '" . d'!'," "' a:;, ,. ' " ' . ~ .... .' " ' . , " • '. " ' .IJ: ., , ..' .~ . " ' .. # Revisions: Dote: Par/By: Titre: AddisonTItle: Pole Details F-10 Desain€! par: Drown by: de Echelle: Scale: 1 = 50 Dote: I/O·ul.26 04 1 general revision AUG.03/04 f,b Vl!irifi6 Verified No. dessin: Ow-g. Num.: 7734pole Page: 1/1 Lumec-Schreder , o I I'-Prolecl: Addison City Speclrum Drive (4206)Order: 7734 Type: Roadway 8c RildeofilF1301nil cal II. ElF-7-lA ELFA BRACKET: -Aluminum central portion, diameter to match top pole diameter -12" tenon to slipfit inside pole -Bent aluminum bracket, 2}f" pipe schedule 40 (2.875" a.D.) -Bent aluminum sheet metal decorative tail extending opposite side of bracket -Cast aluminum sphere ~-----------------------7~_8U .. '~--------10'-O'-------------1 .+====~ ~-----------------------7'-O"------------------------~ Mounting: 2 through bolts 1/2"-13 at 90' Finish: Painted polyester powder coat same as pole and luminaire # R&visLons: [Xrto: Por/By: mr::, ElFA Brocket Illustration F-10 DasslM par: Dtown by:: 1m Echelle: Scole: 1/16" ~ 1" Dot.: I(jul.21 04 V6riri6 Verified !!:;. d~'.:n:'Mg:. um.: 420681(-7-10 """.. 1/1 Pro]act: Addison City Spectrum Drl.o(4206)Oraor: 7734 Type: Pod!Pod&:Ro. Quanflty: 67 cat II. Lumec·Schnlder Aluminum Bracket Painted as pole Stainless Steel Hardware Revisions:, Por/By:Dote: Titre: ILLUSTRATION OF FOCAl CLAMPING SYSTEMTitle: F-l0 DesS!in' par. Dot., 9L!~hr.II"Drown by: f.b oe: 3/16" = " .!AN.29 04 V6ritl& Page:NQ, d~S9ln: 42.06-focol-cklmp 1/11 note Jul.21/2004 1m VerifiM Dwg. um.: Project: Addison City Spectrum Drivo(4206)Oraer: 7734 Typo: Ped/Ped&:Ro Quantity: 67 cat ,. Lumec-Schrecter I ==r ro I I") , '0 1-------4'-9"-------1 1------3'-8" ------1 '" I Aluminum reflector: bent aluminum flat sheet, The reflector port is pOinted (color to be determined). Aluminum bracket painted some color as pole. 0.250" tho Field Installation to be at 13'-0" from ground f Ravi$ions: Dote: Por/By: ~tr::: REFLECTOR FOR INDIRECT LIGHTING 1 reflector's design juI.Z1/2004 'm D8ssjn~ por. Drown by: V6rif~ VeriTte.d f.b Echelle: Scale: NQ. d~51n: Dwg. um.: 1/16" = 1" 4206-FOCAL-REFWEC nwl f-10 Dote: JAN.29/04 POgff; 1/1 Lumec-Schreder Pr~:)ject:Oraer: Ty~.:co ,. o I Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) 7734 Pedestrian Quantll5: 30 FOC-SPR6-LTS88 B * Revisions: Dote: Pac/By: Titre: Title: PRESENTATION DRAWING Dessin6 par: Drown by: LM Echelle: Scole: ':20 Date: Jul. V6rifi6 Verified No. dessin: Dwg. Num.: 4206 sprS Poge: F '0 2,/2004 '/1 Lumec-Schreder 800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand, {C!u~). Canada J7G 2Al Tel.: (450) 979-2747 (800) 4SUS8' Fax: (450) 979-2749 www.lumecschreder.com Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Order N° 7734 Type Pedestrian unit 30 Luminaire FOCAL-70MHTS-WIDE-240·SC·L TS885B HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090" (2.2mm) minimum thickness C!W mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETING: Silicone gasket to insure IP66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: Closing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, pOlished, eiectro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (WIDE), Wide Beam Distribution. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass. 0.24" (Smm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot. LAMP HOLDER: Porceiain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 base. LAMP: (70MHT6). 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143), 240 Volts, high power factor, -20°F (-30·C) lamp starting capacity, c!w polarized quick disconnect plugs w~h positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure, fixed into the housing. ELECTRICAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will insure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTtNG MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of 1/4" (6mm). Three (3) mounting holes holes 7116"0 available for 3/8"-16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM B117 and ASTM D2247 testing procedures. 7734lls885b.DOC 08-03-2004:~Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ~File No. A11750 Page 111 APPROBATION DRAWING Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schreder Order N° 7734 r---l~---'; PIAN VIEW 600, Cure BDivin Boisbriand, (Que), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 97S-2747 1800) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 979-2749 www.lumecschrodor.com SIDE VIEW fRQNT VIEW ® 7734 1f.88Sn.DOC 08-03-2004 Registered to ISO 9001:2000 . . . File No. A/1750 Page 2/2 7 Specification Description of Components: Pole Shaft: Shall be made from a 6" (127mm) round high tensile carbon steel tubing, having a 0.25" (6.4mm) wall thickness, welded to both the bottom and top of the anchor plate. Maintenance Opening: The pole shall have a 2" x 4 1/2" (51mm x 114mm) maintenance opening centered 20" (50Smm) from the bottom of the anchor plate, complete with a weatherproof aluminum cover and a factory assembled copper ground , o lug. I '" Base Cover: Two piece square base cover made from formed aluminum, mechanically fastened with stainless steel screws. Pole Options: (CAP1) Optional Pole Cap El Base & Bolts Information Lumec-Schreder Comes with 4 steel anchor bolls, 3/4 X 17n + 3", 8 nuts and 8 washers. Important: Do not obstruct space between anchor plate and concrete base. [ Qty 30 Pole Free openingAnchor Plate 4 1/2"."B.C.: 11 1/2" 114rnm 292mm -Thickness: 1 "(25mm) -NOTE: Bolts Circle Allowed: so@12 1/2" 203mm@318mm _" 1/2"JZI 292mm SPRSV-13-CAP1-SC-L TS-88SB 7734 Its spr6.DOC OS-03-2004 Page 1/2 Specification Lumec-Sclm!der Miscellaneous Description of Components: Hardware: All exposed screws will be in stainless steel. All seals and sealing devices are made andlor lined with EPDM andlor silicone. Finish: Special color (SC) PC14825. Application of a polyester powder coat paint. (4 milsl100 microns). The chemical composition provide a highly durable UV and salt spray resistant finish in accordance to the ASTM-B117-73 standard and humidity proof in accordance to the ASTM-D2247-68 standard. Surface Finish: The above mentioned product has been specified in a smooth finish. We wish to inform you that Lumec cannot guarantee a finish without imperfections (e.g. apparent grinding marks and porosity). We strongly recommend the use of a textured finish which provides better uniformity of surface finish. Pictures of finish surfaces for comparison purposes are available upon request. No return of merchandise showing above mentioned imperfection will be granted. Note: Subject to EPA calculation before approval. approval. with 90/mph, 1.3 gust factor. ..:r.:Z:."~-.... 7734 Its spr6.DOC 08-03-2004 Page 2/2 SOO, Ctri Boivin Boisbriand. (Que), Canada J7G2A7 Tel.; (450) 919·2747 (800) 488-8587 Fax; (450) 979·2749 www.lomecschreder.com APPROBATION DRAWING Type Roadway and Pedestrian unit 37 Luminaire HSX-400MHBT28-SC2F-240-SC-LTS1056A HOUSING: Made of cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.200 (5mm) minimum thickness cIw mounting provision for hardware. LOCKING SYSTEM: Two spring loaded latches made of die cast aluminum and die cast zinc, permits tool free access to lamp and electrical component servicing. LENS FRAME: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy. REFLECTOR: Made of hydroformed 3002-0 aluminium alloy chemically brightened and anozided (5 micron min). The Sealsafe optical system is rated IP66 and offer a resistance of R>600. SLEEVE: Die cast glass-reinforced resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasket. SHUTTER: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter tum cIw Porcelain body lampholder, 4kV Mogul Base clw a injection molded silicone gasket (duro 60 shore A). Adjustment to obtain the various IES distribution is tool-less. Distribution type: (SC2F), Type II, Short cut off, flat lens. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass. 0.20" (5mm) thickness and shock resistant. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo ....esistant pulse rated 4 Kv mogul base. LAMP: (400MH8T28). 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59) (not included). BALLAST: 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59), 240 Volts, high power factor, -20°F (-30·C) lamp starting capacity. clw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. TERMINAL BLOCK: Receives wires (#8 max.) on primary circuit clw ground lug. ADJUSTMENT: An integral part of the housing permits an adjustment of ± 5'. MOUNTING MEAN: Two brackets, formed in a single-piece, made of stamped galvanized-steel (12ga.). Accommodates tenon ranging between 1%" (38mm) to 2 3/8" (60mm) OD, fixed by 3/8 -16 UNC steel zinc plated. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC 14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM 8117 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. 7734.DOC 08-03-2004:®Registered to ISO 0001:2000 , File No. A11750 Page 1/2 600. Cure Boivin Boisbriand, (Quo), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450) 979-2747 (800) 499·9597 Fax: (450) 979-2749 www.lumecschreder.com ~---------3'-8"'----------, SIDE YlEW BOUOM VIEW SECDQN VIEW ® 7734.DOC 06-03-2004 Registered to ISO 9001:2000 File No. A/1750 Page 2/2 Lumec-Schreder 800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING 8oisbrland, (QUt!'!), Canada J7G2A7 Tel.: (450) 979-2747 (800) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 97Q..2749 wwwJumecschreder.eom Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Order N° 7734 37 Luminaire FOCAL-70MHT6-WIDE-240-SC-LTS1056A HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090· (2.2mm) minimum thickness c/w mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETING: Silicone gasket to insure IP66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: Closing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, polished, electro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (WIDE), Wide Beam Distribution. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (6mm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 bese. LAMP: (70MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Wall Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143), 240 Volts, high power factor, -20°F (-3QOC) lamp starting capacity, c/w polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mountad onto an injection molded polymer structure, fixed into the hOUSing. ELECTRICAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will insure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTING MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part. with a minimum thickness of 1/4" (6mm). Three (3) mounting holes 7/16"" available available for 3/8"-16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish. resistant to UV. salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7. ASTM B117 and ASTM D2247 testing procedures. 773411s1056.DOC 08-03-2004.®Regislered to ISO 9001:2000 "". .. File No. A11750 Page 112 Lumec-Schreder ---------------------------------------aoo, Cme BoM!"I BoisbriaM, \Qu~), Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.: (450l979-2747 (!lOO) 499·95a7 Fax: (450) 979-2749 www.rvmccschrede.r.com ~-----1~------~ PLAN VIEW SIDE \I1EW FRON'[ VIEW 77341ts1056.DOC 08·03·2004®Registered to ISO 9001:2000 '. '. FileNo.A11750 Page 2/2 37 City Spectrum Drive (4206)bool Cur~ Boivin , Canada, J7G 2A7 Lumec-Sch"lder 2'-4" , I, I, I, I, I, I,b I to r<) , 1---10'-8" ---I f----9'-0" ----1 7'-0"l '0 I N I I Supplied by others Need coordination I, I '0 I ,-I , o ~ I Ir<) , 0) N'~I -" , r-bI, I b 1-I, ~ '0 I I, r<) ~ ~ I I, , -:) ~ I ~ 111d:i::!: I RevisTons: Dote: Par/By, +i~r::: PRESENTATION DRAWING f 10 2 , general reviskm pole height and brocket AUG,03(04 jul.21/2004 to 1m Dessin6 par: f.bDrawn by: Echelle: $cQ10; 3/1S" = l' Daie: ocl.24/03 Page: 1/1V6rifJ6 Verifted No. dl!l$sin: DWg. Num.: 4206 : • 4: Project: Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206)Ordor: 7734 Typo: RW and Pod, Quantity: 37 cot,. STR-31-BAS22-1-1!4X40-14.5-SC-LTS1056A , Revisions: Date: Por/B}': mre: Add'Title: 1500 Pol. Details F-10 Dass!n' par.Drown by: de Echelle: Scole: 1 = 50 Dote; ,IGlul,26 04 1 geoeral revision AlJGJX'l/04 f,b Vlirlfi~ Verified No. cessin: Dwg. Num.: 7734pole Poge: 1/1 Lumec-Schreder ,----'---"1 r-4'-j -~ r') , to I o 'co I t 'i:n N r ROUND STEEL TAPERED POLE -STEEL 790 (0,'8, -HAND HOLE: 4" )( S· -GROUND WG 3/8". -BASE PLATE 14-K 14", 44W STEEL /"-..... 1\ V\ , v J A 1'1 l A r 'lJ.' -lJB181457] '" ,--I N '" •w I IIb-it> .I I-Lo II-, .. Prol.", AddIson CIty Sp.drum Oli"" (4206)Ora.., 7734 ROUND STEEL TAPERED POLE -stm '1.. (0,1201 -&\S( ~EfER; B~· -tQP~4~ -HAM) f«ll.E: .... x s-GROUND we J/O'"_ -~PV.1( 14'" A (.4., • .wI STEEl. . :,.oiI. , ... ," :, :.'", ' /:........ >-~7;;;;rl;;! ~ B A I A'\ f-r ] 1-s[ J18'[4571 ~ , I!!1/11, ~ ~T~ ',' ' . .' : ... .'... ~ fI .". 'eLl ......... : .'.. ;;;, " , .,! ,4.: ~ ,• . • ; 9.. ,'. , .~,' ~~..'• . . ;11.R 1 25) '" Lf-6'[152] ~~ ."--14"e ~~ '-SOtT CIRClE • ANCHOR SOLTS: 50000 PSI CALVAIIIZEO STEEl. l"e • 36" (supplied by lumec-SchtEder Inc), I Rni'lioM: Date: p~ rot,.: Add'l'itJe~ (son P ,Ole Oet ,I ~ Lo U STR-31 ROUNO SJttt. VP£A£O POLE -STEEl. '1" (0,120")-8AS£ 0WIEmt: 8..34" -TOP 0CMIElER: 4" -lWf) HCl£;: ". l( 8-CAOOHO tUC 3(8"'.-SASE PlAl£ 14 ;c H·-.....W ST£a /....... .p'/"'\, J' v \a ~ f::: a A i\ A ..L 1 I f1a[ 0 , I~ ~ , J/') 17 d h I',. ':"" " . ,,~ .' ... -:"; *'" , ..* '". ; , '. ' " .', . e; • 4: " ,. " 0" •• Ll• • c • : . ..... , , .'.' , .. ' f:.' , .... R1l2Sj", :.: r.' ~1152)?%(r-fJ ~~r-.14"0 BOlT CIRCI.£ lQ56A I 1-2'-8"-'" ~ 'in N , ~ ~ I N '" f .. Addison CUy Spectrum Drtv.. (4206)7734 RW and '---14"-• NlCHQR BOlTS: 50000 PSI GAlVNlIZED STEEt, I"e x 36" (supplied by lumec-Schrlder Inc). , por/Sy:Data: TItre: Add"'A~IioM: Titie; Ison Pole Oetails £=-' 1'-" Oe's¥r!t por.. 0..",I = 50S e: 'jU,.26/<>4Drown b~ de Y&ifil POII_:nJ4po1o""'''fl:;''0.., .,Vttil'lIIIid 1/1 Lumec-Scnreoor -1-2'-8"I :,., 'in N •--I N '" , ROUNO SltEI.. TN'£RCO POl£. -srut Il9'l (0.120' -8I.Sf; OIIMEI'ER:: 8.3"'" -lOP 0Wftl(R;! ... -IW«) HOC.£: ".. x 0'"-CRO(j"n LUG 3/9'". -BAi£: P\Al€ ,.'" III "-•••W STEa ,.-r....... ~. 7\ , ~, v "l;! ~ e r ( ~ A I\ ) i-~B[D181457J , 'iI! 'if , Q '.7 ....d ~ · . .' : .. ~ " .., ,,' 0' • " ,'.. . • .o' • ...·',-; ..' t, • i§.: • 4," ' .. .. '. '" • ' . :', ~ ,'. '. LJ. . ..::. ' .......' ' " , , , $' ~ , , ' ,' . ..., ....... C:.~hI52JR 1125J :.' ~(~ ~~"--14".BOLT CIRClE-14'-• ANCHOR BOLTS; 50000 PSi GAtVAIIIZED STEEL. I'•• 36" (SUpplied by Lum••-Schrfd.r Ino). RevilJioM! Oate. Por/errdro: Add'I TItle: ISon pore Details F-10 OnM! par.. Oot.~~: • = 50Ik-..by: de 'l;'L26/o4" Vlrlll6 PQiO;I/:;, ....It" nJ.4pole 1/1_ Hum.:v.tlfJltd Titre; .Par/&,:RtwilioM: Dote:I Titl., Addison Pole DetoU. F-Io ~ssift! per.Drown b)r: de DoW. lIe~; I = 50 ·...2604" Vlttfi6 Pogo:.. dasin: 71.l4pole IIIV.fir.,d 0-,. Hum.; lume".SchnldGr I 1~2'-8"-I")! -ll-~• in '" •--I N '" •CD I )(:,-•<0 \.I-Lo Ii ~~ HC4.E: .-'It e· -oROUHO we J/O'".-GASE PlATE .." JI 14-...of¥! t--1-B • ANCIiOR BOLTS: 50000 PSI GAlVANIZED SJEa, I". • 36" (supplied by Lum••-Schrfder inc). Slal. 800, Cure Boivin ..--APPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand, (Que), Canada J7G 2A7 'el., (450) 979-2747 (aoo) 498-8587 Fro<: (450) 979-2749 www.lumecschreder.()Om __....d. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Sc!mider Order N° 7734 37 Luminaire FOCAL·70MHT6·WIDE·240..sC-LTS1056A HOUSING: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.090" (2.2mm) minimum thickness c/w mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting of accessories for beam modification and glare control. GASKETING: Silicone gasket to insure IP66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. LOCKING SYSTEM: Closing captive 4mm allen head stainless steel screws. One allen key is provided with the order. REFLECTOR: Fonned in 3002 aluminum alloy, polished, electro-chemically blightened, and anodized to provide a precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment of beam angle to frame precisely precisely the zones to be lighted. Distribution type: (WIDE), Wide Beam Distribution. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (6mm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently seal to the housing by a bead of RTV silicone applied by a robot LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv G12 base. LAMP: (70MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143) (not included). BALLAST: 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp fonnat T6, G12 Base (ANSI Code M98 or M143), 240 Volls, high power factor, -20°F (-30·C) lamp starting capacity, c/w polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. BALLAST TRAY: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure. fixed into the housing_ ELECTRICAL FEEDING: A pressure gland will Insure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.560". MOUNTING MEAN: The yoke is made of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of 1/4" (6mm). Three (3) mounting holes 7/16"13 available for 3/8"-16 anchor bolts. (bolts and anchoring devices by installing contractor). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position adjustment is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish, resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM B117 and ASTM D2247 testing procedures. 7734lts1056.DOC 08-03-2004~Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ~FileNo.A11750 Page 112 800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand, (Que). Canada J7G 2A7 Tel<: (450) 979·2747 (600) 498-9567 Fax: (450) 979-2749 wwwJumecschreder.com ___lilt. Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schreder Order N° 7734 Type Roadway and Pedestrian unit 37 Luminaire HSX-400MHBT28-SC2F-240-SC-LTS1056A HOUSING: Made of cast A383 aluminum alloy (as per Aluminum Association) 0.200 (5mm) minimum thickness c/w mounting provision for hardware< LOCKING SYSTEM: Two spring loaded latches made of die cast aluminum and die cast zinc, permits tool free access to lamp and electrical component servicing. LENS FRAME: Made of die cast A383 aluminum alloy< REFLECTOR: Made of hydrofonmed 3002-0 aluminium alloy chemically brightened and anozided (5 micron min). The Sealsafe optical system is rated IP66 and offer a resistance of R>600. SLEEVE: Die cast glass-reinforced resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasket. SHUTTER: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter tum c/w Porcelain body lampholder. 4kV Mogul Base cJw a injection molded silicone gasket (duro 60 shore A). Adjustment to obtain the various IES distribution is tool-less. Distribution type: (SC2F), Type II, Short cut off, flat lens. LENS: Flat protector made of clear tempered glass, 0.20" (5mm) thickness and shock resistant. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv mogul base. LAMP: (400MHBT28). 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59) (nol included). BALLAST: 400 Watt Metal Halide. lamp format BT28 (ANSI Code M59), 240 Volts, high power factor. -20°F (-30'C) lamp starting capacity, c/w polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. TERMINAL BLOCK: Receives wires (#8 max.) on primary circuit c/w ground lug. ADJUSTMENT: An integral part of the housing permits an adjustment of ± 5'. MOUNTING MEAN: Two brackets, formed In a single-piece, made of stamped galvanized-steel (12ga.). Accommodates tenon ranging between 116· (38mm) to 23/8" (60mm) 00, fixed by 3/8 -16 UNC steel zinc plated. plated. FINISH: (SC), Special Color: PC14825. Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coal finish. Durable exterior finish, resislant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7, ASTM 8117 and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. 7734.DOC 08-03-2004®Registered to ISO 9001:2000 File No. A11750 Page 112 ..-800, Cure BoivinAPPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand. (Que), canada J702A7 Tal.: (450) 91g..2147 1800)400-8587 Fax: (450) 979-2749 Y/WN,lumacschreder,eomAddison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec· Schreder Order N° 7734 r----------3'-8"'-----------~ /L. v SIDE VIE\#{ 1'-4" OOJTQU \liN SECTIQN V!EW m4.DOC OS"()3·2004®Registered to ISO 9001:2000 . File No. A11750 Page 2/2 aoo, Cure Boivin Boisbriand, (Que), Canada J7G 2A7 Te1.: (450) 979-2747 (800) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 979-2749 w.NW.lumecschreder.com I11III--APPROBATION DRAWING Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Lumec-Schreder Order N° 7734 t-----12~----I ~~.' PI AN VlEW SIDE VlEW FRONT VIEW 773411s1056.DOC 08-03-2004®Registered to ISO 9001 :2000 ., File No. A11750 Page 2/2 •••• 600, boul Cure Boivin ProJect: Addison City Spectrum Drive (4206) Solsbrtand (Oc), canada, J7G 2A7 Orcfen 7734 Tel: (450j979-2747 Typo: Rd 8< Ped. Quantlfy: 37 Fax: (450)979.2749 0.1 ,. HSX-F'OC-STR-LlSl056a wwwJumecschreder.com Lumec-Schr > «7734.pdf» Best regards, Janie Velenczei Contract Administrator Lumec Schreder 2 Steve Chutchian To: Dawn Perkins Subject: RE: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Olive, order 7734 Dawn, We received the revised submittals and would like for them to be considered approved for production, with the following conditions: a. The pedestrian light fixtures be house flood lights. b. Calculations be furnished to support the 7 gage steel street light poles. c. Drill holes in pole 180 degrees apart, in order to mount the reflector and ped. lights on either side of the pole. Your assistance has been appreciated. Thanks. Steve C. -----Original Message----From: Dawn Perkins [mailto:dawn@melselectric.coml Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 3:00 PM To: Steve Chutchian Cc: Jim Pierce Subject: RE: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Drive, order 7734 Steve, I have the color sample in hand. It will be brought to you or Jim tomorrow by Tim. Apparently the engineers are working directly with you on the calculations you requested. And yes it is impossible to add a sphere to the top of the ped pole, although it is more costly -if if you wish for this to be added just give me the approval and I will get with the designer to get something working. Please advise once the last set of submittals have been approved so that I may release them into production. Sincerely, Dawn Perkins -----Original Message----From: Steve Chutchian [mailto:schutchian@ci.addison.tx.usJ Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 10:31 AM To: dawn@melselectric.com Subject: FW: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Drive, order 7734 -----Original Message----From: Steve Chutchian sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 10:29 AM To: 'dawn@melselectdric.com' Subject: FW: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Drive, order 7734 Dawn: We have reviewe the lates submittal for the Spectrum Drive lights, with the following comments: a. We still need to receive color samples for viewing. b. We are requesting that calculations be furnished to justify the thickness of the 31 ft. pole. c. Is it possible to get a cast aluminum sphere on top of the pedestrian light pole? 1 With the above mentioned items, the Town approves these submittals for production. Thanks. Steve Chutchian -----Original Message----From: Jim Pierce Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 2:50 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: FN: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Drive, order 7734 Here is the latest Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 -----Original Message----From: Dawn Perkins [mailto:dawn@melselectric.com) Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 2:31 PM To: Jim Pierce Subject: FN: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Drive, order 7734 Jim, I just received the attached drawings for submittal approval on the spectrum job. Please review and if suitable approve for release into production. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Dawn Perkins Project Manager/Estimator Mels Electric, LP -----Original Message----From: Janie Velenczei [mailto:janie@lumec.coml Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 12:39 PM To: tlm@melselectric.com; don@melselectric.com com Cc: bgalvin@ala-inc.net; mhealy@ala-inc.net; Serge Fortin Subject: #4206 Addison City Spectrum Drive, order 7734 Hi everyone, Sending you the revised approval drawings for this order. Let us know if you have any questions concerning this project. > > «7734.pdf» Best regards, Janie Velenczei Contract Administrator Lumec Schreder 2 February 22, 2005 Town of Addison PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum lights WARRANTY Gentlemen; Mels Electric, L.P., does hereby acknowledge its warranty to you on workmanship and materials performed for the street light work on the above referenced project. The warranty begins on February 1, 2005 and will continue for a period of one year, with the exception of the lamps and they are covered for 30 days. Mels Electric, L.P. by its General Partner MES, GP, Manag nt, LL SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME thi~day 'Of~ ,2005 by TImothy Keierleber, Presidentof Mels ElectriC, L.P. by its G~ES,GP, Management, LLC. susAN J. HENSlEY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 0cI0be, 23. 2005 . Susan J. Hensley (Printed Name) Warranty Expiration: February 1., 2006 1 e 1 tJ SOUTH AKARD ST. DALLAS. TEXAS 7521 5 PHONE: 214.565.1074 FAX: 214.555.1 OB 1 February 22, 2005 Town of Addison POBox 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Lights Gentlemen; Mels Electric, L. P. has paid in full on account, with all of our vendors for all work, services, equipment and materials performed or furnished by us, or in connection with the above mentioned contract through this date. 1 B 10 SOUTH AKARD ST. DALLAS. TEXAS 7521 5 PHONE: 214.565.1074 FAX: 214.565.1 DB 1 OWNER 0CONSENT OF ARCHmer 0SURETY COMPANY CONTRACTOR 0 SURETY 0TO FINAL PAYMENT OWER AlA DOCUMCNT C707 PROJECT: Spectrum Lights {namtt address} TO tOwner) r Town of Addison ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: P. O. Box 9010 CONTRACT fOR: Spectrum Lights Addison, Texas 75001 L .-l CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACTOR: June 22, 2004 Mels Electric, L.P. 1810 S. Akard Dallas, Texas 75215 In .«ordance with the provi,ions of the Contract between ,h. Owner and !he Contlactor .s indicated abo••, Ihe (Mit" InUfl nltne" mcJ ~n;" of ~,('ty Compel",,' Fidelity & Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. , SURETY COMPANY, Mels Electric, L.P., 1810 S. Akard, Dallas, Texas 75215 • CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the /ina' payment 10 the Contractor, ond agrees thot final payment to the Contractor ,h.1I nQt ~lieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations, to ~I* :t.Soert n>me .rt4 ~tnJ d O"","l , OWI>IER.Town of Addison, P. O. Box 9010, Addison, Texas 75001 .s ",I forth in lhe soid Surely Company', bond, IN WITNESS WH€REOf, the Surely COO1p.Jny h.. hereullto set ils hand Ihis 18th day of February, 2005 Alte'l: (S.al): At orney-in-fact Tille & Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. NOn; this form Is to be: w('d n " «mfl2nron document '0 AlA OO(UMtNT G106. CONTRAClOR'S AfffOAVn Of PAYM[Nr Of OEBTS AND CLAIMS, CIIf'~nt (dilion A'A DDCIIMtNT G11I1 • CONSENT Of SUlETY COMPANY TO fiNAl PAYMtNT • Al'RII 1'170 {{lITION • "I~ ONI ....e£ .. 1910' ruE IIMtIUCAN INSTitUTE Of ARouncTS. 17)S NEW YO'~ AVE.. NW. WASHINGTON, D.C. _ POWER OF ATTORNEYlheStRIul Seaboard Surety Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company 20572Power of Attorney No. Certificate No. 18 3 8 0 7 8 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, and that St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, S1. Paul Guardian Insurance Company and S1. Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelily and Guaran[y Insurance Undcnvriters, Inc. is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Patrick J. Bonds, Retha Pearce, Donna Cates, Melody K. Bergmann, Lana Thomas and Gaylon E Brown Dallas Texas of the City of ,State • their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executmg or guaranteemg bonds and undertaking~~aor~ttted i~yactions or proceedings allowed by law. -,c,'"\: _10l U ,,~'V 30th October 2002 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Compames have caused this instrumenrw;!i~lfi~ed1.3AO'sea!~~~ day of __________ '" ('" "'\~ )VSeaboard Surety Company C, ~~..J \.'9 ').-~ ruted States Fidelity Bod Guaranty Company St. Paul Fire and Marine Insuran..:l"ce,.C1:ompanl: ..... :(....1$ Fidelity and Guaranty Insuranee Company~'V\\.~ ;\"\>.J.. y-~'i-~ St. Paul Guardian Insuranee~ompap-\~\ ).'J 0 'b-~. Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. St. Paul Mercury Insuranee Comp'lrly-:-X0 \>. .'\0 ,~...,. ",(~'D'( ",;.0 ~vi/'(\' ,''''.... \V~. ,,>-V:-,,-,;. '\\,,\ --~'-;. \ (y w~~ '~"~8~ ®i> 18.. 1~ L1977IB PETER W. CARMAN. Vi" P",idoot ~..~ "@>t~) ~~e.rI~ State of Maryland City of Baltimore THOMAS E. HUIBREGTSE, Assistant Secretary On this 30th day of October 2002. before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Peter w. Carman and Thomas E. Huibregtse, who acknowledged themselves to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respec[ively, of Seaboard Surety Company, S1. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Undenvriters, Inc.; and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of said Companies; and that they, as such, being authorized so 10 do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing the names of the corporations by themselves as duly authorized officers. tt:::~~~ \~iiL)j ,.~ In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission expires the 1st day of July, 2006. REBECCA EASLEY-ONOKALA, Notruy Public 86203 Rev. 7-2002 Printed in U.S.A. This Power' of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the fonowing resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directom of Seaboard Surety Company. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company. St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company. United States Fjdelity and Guarnnty Company. Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company. and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Inc. on September' 2. 1998, which resolutions are now in full force and cffcct. reading as fonows: RESOLV£D; that in connection with the fidelity and surety insurance business of the Company. all bonds, undertaklngs. contracts and other' instruments relating to said business may be: signed, executed, and acknowledged by persons or entities appointed as Attomey(sHn-Fact pursuant to a Power' of Attorney issued in accoTdance with these resolutions. Said Power(s) of Anorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman. or the President, President, (lr any Vice President. or an Assistant Vice President., jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. 'TIle signawre (Ifsuch officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature ofeach of the foregoing officern and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Auorney or to any certificate relating thereto appOinting Au.omey(s)-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and subject [0 any limitations set forth therein, any such Power of Attorney or certifieate bearing such facsimile signawre or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company, and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signarure and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is validly attached; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that Attomey{s)-in-Fact shall have the power and authority, and, in any case, subjecl to the terms and limitations of the Power of Attorney issued them. to execute and deliver on bettalf of the Company and to a~h the: seal of the Company to any and all bonds and undertakings. and other writings obligatory In the nawr'e thereof, and any snch instrument executed by such Attorney(s)~in~Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested to by the Secretary of the Company. I, Thomas E. Huibregtse, Assistant Secretary of Seaboard Snrety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, SL Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercwy Insurance Company, Uruted States Fidelity and Guarnnty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company. and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Ine. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of lbe Power of Anomey executed by said Companies, which is in fult force and effect and has not been revoked. .' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this _-'-''-_ Please reler /Q the Power ofAttorney number, ; •.~,,,....,. . .. .. ~ . Town of Addison . Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights ADDENDUM NO.1 Bid due: 2:30pm June 8, 2004 , , '1 ',C ,",'neCOri¥fur is required to submit a bid for the aluminum type street light ,lllld pedestrian light, ,", '. ~s:sPecifiedin.tbe original contract documents. In addition, the contractor sba11 also submit a bid ":,:f9t,;~I'.typestreet and pedestrilllllights, with identical outside appearance, dimensions, fixtures, , "':';ali4.\\I;;(i1#~,components. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, for either , ',thili'a.1i\!¢jlpni;!lC'steel type lights. The contractor shall also submit a delivery schedule and , " ,iniiica~t:W!,tA~numberofcalendar days required to complete delivery and installation ofall '" 'lights:m;aadiiioll, the contractor shall submit design specifications for the proposed steel type , street8l1dpe~trian lights with the bid, and sba11 be subject to approval by the Town of 'Addison. " "2.>:" ";,";', ' ,NewBid;1.'ox.m AUached • " '13~l)~24 spectium Lights, addendum 1 Town of Addison Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights ADDENDUM NO.1 Bid due: 2:30pm June 8,2004 ... I'" "'TheCIIll' ~I•• _Uon duly otgauIud under 1M laws oftho·S""" ofMslyland. .... that Fidelity and Guaranty fmlU"lUiCe Company' ill 'a COlpOI"lUion duly organized under the laws of the ~of Iowa, and ma.! fidelity and Guaranty InBlU'B!'K'ie 'Uoderwrlters., Inc. is a corporation duly ~UDder the laws of ~SUUC"of WISConsin (herein coUecti~.Ij·calledthe "Companies";, and that the Compairles do be:eby make, constitute and appoint . . Patriok J. Bonds, Retba P_Donna Cates, Melody K. B~Lana'I'homas IUId Gaylon B. Brown 'I • . --.-.~.. --Dallas Texas III _ Wbenor.l~... my hand 8IId ollIcial seal. My Co~~~pimthe 1st day ofJuly. 2006, 86203 Rev. 7-2002 Ponied In U.S.A. This Powerof Attorney 13 granted l.1DI.ler and by the authority ofthe following resolutions adopted by !:be Boards of Dl.rectm:s ofSeaboard Surety ~~.Sl Fire aIId Marlne lmumnot. and any 3\lch instrument e:cecu1cd by such Attomey(s)-iD~Fact shall be. 88 binding: upon the Company 8i if signed by an Bxecutive Offi(:ef and sealed and atteated to by the SecreJmy of the Company. 1, Thomas,E:. Huibregtse.. ~iSfJlnt Secretary of Seaboard Surety Company, St ~u1 Fue ~M~inrrunml;C Compm;y. St.fau1 O;:=~~:::y~:'!:~~;I; Se Paul Merewy In""""", Company, UIliI¢d SIl... FIdelity aIId Gu"""'ty ~Y.FIdelity ..d Guaranty I' •• '. : : : herein; that __________~, who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is il!":.. '..... : . :.::: ________ (official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf;rt:::::::::::::::: said corporation by authority of its governing body. and is within the scope of its corporate powers, Signed: Corporate Seal Underwriters Inc. Bond Number__________________________ &;lte of Texas, County of ____.2'.~.:!:.'l~__________________________ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that __---'M=e=ls~E::.l=e:::c:::t:::r"_i= c"_'_,...'L"-.!..-'P'-.'-____________ 1810 S. Akard. Dallas. Texas 75215 (hereinafter ealled the Prindpal), as Prindpal and Fidelity & Guaranty Insuranc"....Y.llderwriters, Inc • • corporation organized under the laws of the State of __W!!.Oi",s",c"o"n",s"-~,,,·n'-'-_______ , a Corporale Surety authorized and admitted to do business in the State of Texas and licensed by the State of Texas to execute bonds as Surety, (hereinafter called the Surety), as Surety are held and firmly bound unto Town of Addison P. O. Box 9010, Addison, Texas 75001 (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the penal sum of -----Three Hundred Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred and no/100 -----Dollars($ 319,700.00 ) for the payment of which sum weB and truly to be made} we bind Qurselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severaUy, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has enlered into a certain written conlmct with the Obligee, dated the __----'Z:.-2:::.n"d-=--_______dayof -'==_________________ , 2004 ,a copy ofwhich is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for Spectrum I"igllts -Bid B s t,,"'Lty.. their true and iawful Auomey(s)·in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above. to sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and aU bonds. undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fideHty of persons. guaranteeing the perfonnanee ofcontract.:: and exe<:Uting or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings ~.or~Ttted i~yactions or proceedIngs allowed by law \1,0"'~Sea]e~wV-day of _____________~ "\:;,,,.~ ",1') 't-C) ~"'l'~'\'\,"'\.l';" (\\"'\'\ '\., /VSeaboard Surely Company Company G i:'V ""S 1" • ruled Stares Fidelity and Guanmly Company SL Paul Fire and Marine Insu,f,~~(l;omJ'.a!i ~ "'~~ Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insuranc~Cbifip~\\tJ 11.... ~~ r Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriterst Inc. St. Paul Mercury Insurance C~qt~' O~'\ \'> A\ ~,,-1 -;,<'\:" \. .-<"-cfv\,,\\ i'\\ ~r ~~~!~ ~' ~~.~~. 1t1~'~ ~~ii~i i -ra:w ~ ~1I'~iQ ~ State of Maryland City of Baltimore THOMAS E. HUIBREGTSE, Assistant Secretary On this day of ~_~___ October _____ 2002, before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Peter W. Cannan and Thomas E. Huibregtse, who acknowledged themselves to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary. respectively. of Seaboard Surety Company, 51. Paul Fire and r..1arine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Irn::.: and that the seals affIXed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of said Companies; and that they, as such, being authorized SO to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes thereil.l contained by signing the-names of the corporations by themselves as duly authorized officern. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission expires the 1st day of July. 2006, REBECCA EASLEY·ONOKALA. Notary Public 86203 Rev. 7-2.002 Printed in U.S.A. This Power ofAUorney is granted under and by the authority of me following resolutions adopted by !.he Boards ofDirectocs of Seaboard Surety Company, St Paul FlIC and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company. Sl Paul Mercury Insurance Company. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. on September 2. 1998, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that in connection with the fidelity and Surely insurance business ofthe Company, all bonds, undertakings. contracts and other instruments relating to said business may be signed, executed. and acknowledged by persons or entities appointed as Attomey(sHn·Pact pursuant to a Power of Attorney issued in accordance with these resolutions. Said Power(s) of Attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shal! be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company, either by the Chairman. or the President, or any any ViCe President, or an Assistant Vice President, jojntly with the SecretMy or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved, printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the foregoing officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsjmile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Attomey(s)-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and subject to any limitations set forth therein, any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shaH be valid and binding upon the Company, and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is validly attached; and RESOLVED FUR.'l'HER, that Attomey(s)-in-F;'acr shall have the power and authority, and, in any case, subject to the tenns and limitations of the Power of Attorney issued them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the seal of the Company to any and aU bonds and undertakings. and other writings obUgatoty in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by such Auomcy(s)-in-FaCl shaD be as binding: upon the Company as ifsigned by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested to by the Secretary of the Company_ I. Thomas E. Huibregtse, AssistanL Secretary of Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine 1nsurat'lCe Company, St. Panl Guardian Insurance Company, S1. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. Fidelity and Guaranty Insutafice ~Olpany. and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a tree and correct copy of the Pov.'er of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is in full foree and effect and has not been revoked. {) =:::<-="-=-___IN TESTIl\fONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this p,tL daYOf_-irZ, ,£O(HI Thomas E. Huibregtse. Assistant Secretary Please reftil' to Ihe Power ofAJlorney number, crlen1#: 20289 MELSELE I DATE (MMlODffY'VYiACORDm CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 06129104 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATEHRH Insurance HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR5520 LBJ Freeway, Sixth Floor AlTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. DaUas, TX 75240 972 385·9922 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURE." Employers Mutual Casualty Company 21415 Mels Electric, L.P. INSURERB: 1810 S. Akard INSURERC: Dallas, Tx 75215 INSURER 0: INSURERE: COVERAGES A .§'c ~'ELlAB"1TY _ ANY AUTO 07101/04 07/01/05 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ee eeddant) '1,000,000 SD-DO..Y INJURV (Per peroon) SCOll V INJURY (Per eedd&nI) ,~, OiHERTHAN AUTO ONlY; • • • $ EAAee • AGG $ A "TV 07/01/04 07/01/05 EACH' ••n nnn nnnJSJ OCCUR D ClAIMS MADe ,1n nnn nnn s ~~M~D~EDue~~~~E~S;10~OOO~~~--~~-1rnoms-~~r:--~IA WO.KERSeOMP.NSAnoNANO 07/01/04 07/01105 ,I EMPLOVE... LIABILITY E.L EACH ANY PROPRiETORlPARTNERlEXECUTIVE OFFleERlME...... EXCUlDEO'I E.L OJ'EASE. EA I I nnn nnn I ","" E.L. orsEASE.1 . 1 I non nnn A omER Inland Marine 07/01104 07/01/05 $100,000 Leased of Rented Equipment 5250 OF OPERA110HS ' .... v':'...... , I ADDEO BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Town of Addison Is Additional Insured and Is provided with a Waiver of Subrogation on the General Liability Policy. '>In. nOD The Town of Addison PO BOX 9010 Addison, TX 75001 POlICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE mE EXPIRATION IDATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING INSURER WU.,L ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -3(L DAYS WRITTEN )IOnce. TO THE CERl1ACAlE HOLDER NAMED TOlHE LEFT, BUT FAlLURETO DO so SHAll.. OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON 'mE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR: ~~~~~~__~~~~______~~~~La~~'~~~.~~~~~.. ~~)~~~==~ACORD 25 (2001/00) 1 of 2 1IS1412661M140948 • KMC @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. A statement on this ce~ificate does not confer righls to the ce~ificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). H SUBROGATION IS WAIVED. subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, ce~ain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer righls to tho certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement{s). DISCLAIMER The Ce~ificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s). authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-5 (2001108) 2 of 2 #S141266nn14094B PAGE 5JflijAR·29·04 14:05; 9724249457;SENT BY: TXDOT; SITE CONCRETE. INC. PROPOSAL To; Town of Addison 03126/04 16801 Westgrove Or. Site Job # 2:\-133 Addison, TX 75001 Addison Bid II 04-1)3 Attn; Luke Jalbert, Project Manager We propose to furnish all labor, materials. and equipment necessary 10 construct. as IiIn independent contraclOr, the following described work: LOCATION: Spectrum Or. Change mder #2 DESCRIPTION Oeducla Schedule V North: 604 Fumlsh /Install f>anel Board APPROX. 1 EA @-$1,200.00 EA -S1.200.00 610 Furnish IInslaD 2" PVC w/pU!I rope APPROX. 150 LF @-$3.00 LF -$450.00 617 Furnishllnstall ~",WG Conductor APPROX. 2.390 LF @-$0.50 LF -$1,195.00 820 Fumlsh/lntllallstree\ light pull box APPROX. 7 EA @-$250.00 EA -$1.750.00 621 Fumishllnstall Ped Pole FoundatiOn APPROX. 27 EA @-$500.00 EA -$13,500.00 622 FUrnish !Install Light pole APPROX. 27 EA @-$3,700.0() EA -$99.90().0() 823 Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole Founoatlon APPROX. 6 EA @-$500.00 EA -$3,000.00 624 Furnish /Install Single pole & lumlnairies APPROX. 6 EA @-$3.000,00 EA -$18.000.00 &25 "umlsh/Install 30 Amp Disconnect APPROX. 1 EA @-$300.00 EA -$300.00 Subtotal Deducts V Horttt: -$139,296.00 Adds Schedule V NQnh~ 803 Fumi$h /Install Service Ground APPROX. 1 EA @$50.00 EA $50.00 80S Furnish nnstall 2" GRC elbow APPROX, :2 EA @$17.00 EA $34.00 809 Furnishl Install 2" PVC Ped lighting APPROX. 705 LF @$3.00 LF $2,115.00 815 F umishllnstall High Compression Taps APPROX. 25 EA @$15,00 EA $375.00 819 Fumish/lnstall #4 AWG Conductor APPROX. 2,850 LF @$0.75 LF $2.137.50 826 furnish Iinstalllight pole Foundation APPROX. 44 EA @$575.00 LF $25,300.0() S27 Furnish/lnlitall Light Poles & luminaries APPROX. 44 EA @$3,582.00 EA $157,606.00 828 FurniSh /Install Vehicle Foundation APPROX. 26 EA @$515.00 EA $16,100.00 e29 Furnish/Install VehiCle Pole & Luminaries APPROX, 28 EA @$&,670.0~ EA $210.760.00 630 Furnish I Install Panel Board wI Breakers APPROX. 1 EA @. $1.370,00 EA $1,370.00 631 Furnish/Install 60 AMP Olsconnect APPROX. 1 EA @$350.00 EA $:'\50.00 831 Fumish/lnslall200 AMP Disconnect APPROX. 1 EA @$471.00 EA $471.00 . Subtotal Add, V North: $476.670:.50 Page' of 2 SENT BY: rxOOTj Deducts Schedule V Soutll: 804 Fumish !Install Panel Board 821 Fumish! Inslall Ped Pole Foundation 822 Furnish [Install Light pole 623 Fumish/lnstall Vehicle Pole Foundation 624 Furnish Iinstall Single pole & lurninairiell 825 FumishilnstaU 30 Amp Disconneot Adds Schedule V South: 803 Furnish /Install SeNice Ground 808 Fumiah Iinstall," GRC ElboW 609 Furnish/inslall 2" PVC Ped lighting 810 Furnlshl install 2" PVC with Pull Rope 815 Fumlsh! Im.taN High Compression Taps 817 Furnish/Install #8 AWe Conductor 826 Furnish /Install Light pole FounQation 827 Fumishilnstalilight Poles & luminaries 828 Fumi$h Iinstall Vehicle Foundation 82Q Furnl~hllnslall Vehicle Pole & Luminaries 830 Fumish /Install Panel Boai'd w/Breakers 83t Furnish/lnstall60 AMP Disconnect ACCEPTED: BY: DATE: ____________ 6ANKREF: 9724249457; APPROX. APPROX. APPROX, APPROX. APPROX, APPROX, ApPROX. APPROX. ApPROX. APpROX. APPROX. APPROX. APPROX. APPROX. APPROX, APPROX. ApPROX. APPROX. UAR.29·04 14:05; PAnE 6/6 1 EA @·$1,200,00 EA ··$1,200,00 7 EA @.$500.00 EA ~3.500.00 ' 7 EA @-$3,700,00 EA .$25,1l00.00 2. SA @-$500.00 EA -$1,000.00 2 EA @-is,OOO.DO SA -$$,000.00 1 EA @~30P.OO EA ~aoo.oo Subtotal DeduClS V South: ·$l7,liGa.GO 1 EA @$50.00 EA $50.00 33 EA @$17,00 EA $561.00 225 LF @$3.00 LF $675.00 215 LF @$3.00 LF $645;00 12 EA @$15.00 EA $160.00 100 LF @$0.75 IF $75.00 .1? EA @. $575.00 EA . $8,625.00 15 EA @$3.582.0Cl EA $53,730,00 9 EA @$575.00 EA $5,175.00 9 EA @$9,670,00 EA $87,030.00 1 SA @$1.370.00 EA $1.370.00 1 EA @5350.00 EA $350,00 Sublotal Adds V South: $158.466.00 Total Change fot Change Order 1tZ:I 5451.941.501 ~ SITE CONCRETE. INC. 3340 ROV ORR BOULEVARD GRANO PRAIRIE. TEXAS 7505D-4207 972-313'()733 FAX JJG72-513'()825 ESTIMATING FAX ~72.513.0661 Paga 2 of 2 I Item # description Quantity unit unit cost total cost North 803 Furnish/lnstall service ground 1 EA $50,00 $50,00 I 808 Furnish/lnstaIl2" GRC elbow 2 EA $17,00 $34,00 809 Furnish/lnstall2" PVC ped LiQhting 705 LF $3,00 $2,115,00 815 Furnish/lnstall High Compression Taps 25 EA $15,00 $375,00 819 Furnish/Install #4 AWG Conductor 2850 LF $0.75 $2,137,50 826 Furnishllnstall Light Pole Foundation 22 EA $575,00 $12,650.00. 827 Furnish/Install Light Poles & Luminaries 22 EA $3,582,00 $78,804,00 828 Furnish/Install Vehicle Foundation 21 EA $575,00 $12,075,00 , 829 Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & Luminaries 21 EA $9,670,00 $203,070,00 830 Furnish/Install Panel Boaard 1 EA $1,370,00 $1,370.00 831 Furnish/Install 60 Amp Disconnect 1 EA $350,00 :5350,00 831 Furnish/Install 200 Amp Disconnect 1 EA $471,00 $471,00 I North Deduct -$139,295,00 Total, North $174,206,50 , I South 803 Furnish/Install service ground 1 EA $50,00 $50,00 I 808 Furnishllnstall2" GRC elbow 33 EA $17,00 $561,00 809 Furnish/Install 2" PVC ped Lighting 225 LF $3. $675.00 810 Furnish/Install 2" PVC wi Pull rope 215 LF $3.00 $645.00 I 815 Furnishllnstall Hiah Compression Taps 12 EA $15,00 $180,00 817 Furnish/Install #8 AWG Conductor 100 LF $0,75 $75.00 826 Furnishllnstall Light Pole Foundation 8 EA $575,00 $4,600,00 , 827 Furnish/Install Ught Poles & Luminaries SEA $3,582.00 $28,656.00 828 Furnish/Install Vehicle Foundation 6 EA $575,00 $3,450.00 829 Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & Luminaries 6EA $9,670,00 $58,020,00 I 830 Furnish/Install Panel Boaard 1 EA $1,370,00 $1,370,00 831 Furnish/Install 60 Amp Disconnect 1 EA $350,00 $350,00 i, South Deduct . -$37,900,00 ! Total South $60,732,00 I Total LiQhtinQ Change $234,938.50 BID FORM (updated from addendum 1) Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights Company Name: MELS {;;Lt:::GTIGLG I L, P. Full Mailing , Address: ~UO S . .wA'i2D ST, Dl\u.AS1TI "(52tS-Phone Number' ("2l 1h 5105-W1 y: ' Fax ( '7-1 4-) Sl:, S' -lO g I -4~---·--·~'ff--------------------------------------------Items: Bid A aluminum !voe street poles unit cost total cost • 827 Furnish/Install Light Poles & Luminaries ' APPROX. 30 EA 3100.00 &f3 000.00 I 829 Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & Luminaries APPROX. 37 EA 2, 3:;0.00 30~ C1SD. 00 Total bid LtO I , lls-o. 00 Total number of days 1'3>0 Bid B steel type street Doles I Furnish/Install Light Poles & Luminaries I 829 Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & Luminaries APPROX, APPROX, 30 EA 37 EA '1-. Y, "]..r;;. DO IING CONTRACTOR: Bid 04·24 Spectrum Lights, addendum 1 ---------------------------------lheStR1U1 Surety BID BOND SL Paul Fire antt Marine Insurance Com[lany SL Paul Guardian Insurance Cumpany SL Paul Mercury Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guarant;! Company Fidelity and Guaranty lasur.ance Underwriters. Inc. Fidelity and Guaranty [nsurance Company Principal Office: 385 Wasbington Street St. Paul. Min:tesota 55102 Seaboard Surety Company Principal Office: 5801 Smith Avenue Saltimore. Maryland Z 1209 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Mels Electric, L.P. _________________________________________ of Dallas, Texas ____---:::-_____________________________________________ _______ as Principal. and Fidelity & Guaranty Insurance Undilrwriters. Inc. corporation, as Surety. are held and finnly Wisconsin bound unto Town of Addison __________________________________________ ____________ a5 Obligee, in the full and just sum of -----Five Percent (5%) of the Amount of the Bid in -----::---c--:---:------,----~-------_,__--Dollars, lawful money ofthe United States, for the payment ofwhich sum. well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, Our heirs, ex.ecutofSa "administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly bY these presents_ WHEREAS, the said Principal is herewith submitting its proposal ___..;S",p,-e,;..c~trum Lig..h"t=s'-__________ THE CONDITION OF THlS OBLIGATION is such that if the aforesaid Principal shall be awarded the contract the said Principal will, within the time required. enter into a formal contract and give a good and sufficient bond to seCW"e the performance of the tenns and conditions of the cQntrac~ then this obligation In be void; otherwise the Principal and Surely will pay unto the Obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said Principal and the amount lOr which the Obligee legally contracts with another party to perfonn the work if the latter amount be in excess of the former, but in no event shalUiability hereunder exceed the penal sum hereof Signed. sealed and delivered _____-=8::t"'h_______________ • day;o~f""'--'J"-u:::n=e--------------2004 Attorney-in-factBrown 85274 Rev. 9·2000 Printed In U.S.A. POWER OF ATTORNEY1heStRIul Seaboord Surety Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 81. Paul Fire snd Marine Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St. Paul Gu_ Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Inc. 8t. Paul Mercury Insurance Company 20572Power of Attorney No. Certificate No. 18 3 8 0 6 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Seaboard Surety Company is it corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York. and that St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. St. Paul Guardian InsUrance Company and St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of tbe Stale of Minnesota. and that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland. and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa. and that Fidellty and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. me, is a corporation duly organized organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein c(Jllecti~ly called the "Companies"). and that the Companies do bereby make, constitute and appoint Patrick J. Bonds, Retba Pearce, Donna Cates, Melody K. Bergmann, Lana Thomas and Gaylon E. Brown Dallas Texas oftbe City of . State , their true and lawful A[[omey(sHn~Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings_IW~or.\Ttted i~yactions or proceedings allowed by law. :u..~~<'J. \J ","V 30110 October 2002 IN Wl'I'NIrSS WlfEREOF, the Companies have caused this inS~~~~~~~~~~)) day of Seaboard Surety Company G, ~ "\G. .(i~tedSlates Fidelity and Guaranty Company SI. Paul Fire and Marine ~\.ru.mJ'1"'l ¥ -<'\'Y' Fidelity and Gnaranty Insuran<:e Company St. Paul Guardian lnsurancl\~"Y -'"' ~1."-a. Fidelity and Gnaranl)' Insurance Underwriters, Inc. SI. Paul Mercury Insurance Co~\. OiJ" ~).~,.""\ ~,.V.I"4'~ f.~'"'1I.II: ~ ~. . ~'~'\."~~e ® r~· ~ .8l s.•-;,. ~ &'fE:;:J) \~... 2~ l\.1977 1951 "4 .. ~~l> ~II • W ~"idf6 '00 ' State of Maryland City of Baltimore THOMAS E. HUIBREGTSE. Assistant Secretnty On thi, 30th day of October 2002, before me, the undersigned officer, personeliy appeared Peter W. Carman and Thomas E. Hw'bregtse. who acknowledged themselves to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary. respectively, of Seaboard Surety Company. St. Paul FLre and Maril!e Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company. United Srares Fidelil)' and Guanmty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc.; and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of said Companies; and and that they, as such. being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for !.he pwposes !.herein contained by signing the names of the corporations by themselves as duly authorized officers. In Witness Whereof, r hereunto set :my hand and ollicial seal. My Commission expires the 1st day of July, 2006. REBECCA EASLEY·ONOKALA, Nolar)' Public: 86203 Rev. 7·2002 Printed in U.S.A. MELS ELECfRIC, L.P. References for: Bid #04-24, Spectrum Lights Project Name & Location: Contract Amount: Owner: Contractor: MidTexas International Center{ Inc. 1500 Service Road Hwy. 67 PO Box 80 Midlothlan{ TX 76065 $422{778.25 MidTexas International Center, Inc. Rick Lunsford (817) 461-4744 Mels Electric{ Inc. 1810 SAkard St Dallas, TX 75215 Project Name & Location: Contract Amount: Owner: Contractor: Bethany Drive Allen, Texas $187,770.00 Emerson Partners{ Inc. 10005 Technology Blvd West #151 Dallas{ TX 75220 Mario Sinacola & Sons Peter Magnanti (214) 387-3900 PO Box 2329 Frisco, TX 75034 Project Name & Location: Contract Amount: Owner: Contractor: North Beach Street Expansion Fort Worth{ Texas $502{695.00 City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Dept. Gilco Contracting{ Inc. Jamie Burchette (817) 735-1600 PO Box 24442 Fort Worth, TX 76124 Project Name & Location: Contract Amount: Owner: Contractor: EBeltline Rd. Phase I Carrollton, Texas $651,396.25 City of Carrollton Public Works Department POBox 110535 Carrollton, TX 75011-0535 TIseo Paving Louie TIseo (972) 289-0727 POBox 270040 Dallas, TX 75227-0040 MELS ELECTRIC, INC. 1810 S. Akard St., Dallas, Texas 214.565.1074 BID FORM (updated from addendum 1) Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights Company Name: SekcJbc>-n S;e.c-'; \ c...t..-5><\<\1 I have received, read, and will abide hy all pag: of these specifications. I am a legal agent ofthe above named eompany and am fully authorized to sign this 'bid. Affiant further states that Bidder bas not paid. giv~or donated or agreed to pay, give or donate to any officer or employee of Bid Items: Bid A aluminum e street oles the Town ddison any money or other thing ofvalue. either directly or indirectly. in award ofthe Bid. Furnishllnstall Ught Poles & 827 Luminaries :Furnish! Install Vehicle Pole & 829 Luminaries PPROX. APPROX. 30 EA 37 EA unit cost Total number of days Total bid Bid B steel e street oles 827 829 Furnish/Install Light Poles & Luminaries Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & Luminaries PPROX. PPROX. 30 EA 37 EA ~~al .2-j5Y70>J). CD T etal number of days I if 0 , BidFonn signe~ References~ 04-24 Spectrum lights, Addendum 1 Bid Form --TRANSMITTAL OF ADDENDUM ****************************************************************************** II NSTRUCTIONS:i Acknowledge receipt of Addenda with the form below, please FAX to (972) 450-7096 upon receipt and Acknowledgement ofAddenda on outer envelope ofbid. ***+************************************************************************** Addendum Acknowledgment Should be faxed to (972) 450-7096 ., I Acknowledge the receipt ofAddendum No.: 1 Total # Pages: 3 TOWIi of: ADDISON, TEXAS Project Name: 04-24 Spectrum Lights By Facsimile Transmission on this date: ',.:::.M::a=,-y..:,2:;:8:!"2::;0::;0:..;4______ The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that Add'mdum No.1 has been incorporated into the proposal and ifaccepted becomes part ofthe contract. Signed By (print nae): --~~~~~~~~ Si Date: 'Z1 Phone No: ';}.,,\l..\.-~l,,~ -~w+ PLEASE SIGN & FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO TOWN OF ADDISON (As verification that you received this update) 972-450-7096 _Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lighlll, addendum 1 Town ofAddison Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights ADDENDUM NO.1 Bid due: 2:30pm June 8,2004 1. The contractor is required to submit a bid for the aluminum type street light and pedestrian light, as specified in the original contract documents. In addition, the contractor shall also submit a bid for steel type street and pedestrian lights, with identical outside appearance, dimensions, fixtures, and electrical components. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, for either . the aluminum or steel type lights. The contractor shall also submit a delivery schedule and indicate the total number ofcalendar days required to complete delivery and installation of all lights. In addition, the contractor shall submit design specifications for the proposed steel type street and pedestrian lights with the bid, and shall be subject to approval by the Town of Addison. 2. New Bid Fonn Attached ACKNOWLEDGED BY BIDDING CONTRACTOR: Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights, addendum 1 • ~ SURETEC • BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we SEBASTIAN SERVICE CO. as principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY, 5000 Plaza on the Lake, Suite 290, Austin, TX 78746, as Surety. hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto TOWN OF ADDISON as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Five Percent of the Greatest Amount Bid (5%) for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surely. bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the principal has submitted a bid for BID NO. 04-24: SPECTRUM LIGHTS. NOW, THEREFORE, if the contract be limely awarded to the Principal and the Principal shall within such time as specified in the bid. enter into a contract in writing or, in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such Contract, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penally hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, neither Principal nor Surety shall be bound hereunder unless Obligee prior to execution of the final contract shall furnish evidence of financing in a manner and form acceptable to Principal and Surety that financing has been firmly committed to cover the entire cost of the project. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 8th day of June, 202004. SEBASTIAN SERVICE CO. (Principal) BY:~~$~ TI';~~)arC SureTec Insurance Company THIS BOND RIDER CONTAINS IMPORTANT COVERAGE INFORMATION Statutory Complaint Notice To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call the Surety's toll free telephone number for information or to make a complaint at: 1-866-732-0099 You may also write to the Surety at: SureTec Insurance Company 5000 Plaza on the Lake, Suite 290 Austin, TX 78746 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverage, rights or complaints at 1-800-252-3439. You may write the Texas Department of Insurance at PO Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 FaX#: 512-475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim, you should contact the Surety first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. Important Notice Regarding Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 In accordance with·the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (the "Acr'), this disclosure notice is provided for surety bonds bonds on which one or more of the following companies is the issuing surety: SureTec Insurance Company, U. S. Specialty Insurance Company, and any other company that is added to SureTec Insurance Company for which surety business is underwritten by SureTec Insurance Company ("Issuing Sureties"). The premium attributable to any bond coverage for "acts of terrorism" as defined in Section 102(1) of the Act is Zero Dollars ($0.00). The United States will reimburse the Issuing Sureties for ninety percent (90%) of any covered losses from terrorist acts certified under the Act exceeding the applicable surety deductible. The actual coverage provided by your bond for acts of terrorism, as is true for all coverages, is limited by the terms, conditions, exclusions, penalties, limits, other provisions of your bond and the underlying contract, any endorsements to the bond and generally applicable rules of law. This Important Notice Regarding Terrorism Insurance Risk Act of 2002 is for informational purposes only and does not create coverage nor become a part or condition of the attached document. Exclusion of Liability for Mold, Mycotoxins, and Fungi The Bond to which this Rider is attached does not provide coverage for, and the surety thereon shall not be liable for, molds, living or dead fungi, bacteria, allergins, histamines, spores, hyphae, or mycotoxins, or their related products or parts, nor the remediation thereof, nor the consequences of their occurrence, existence, or appearance. . /~\.....-:::;; =---:; SureTec GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Mell by These Presellts, That SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY (the "Company"), a cmporation duly organized and existing under the laws ofthe State ofTexas, and having its principal office in Houston, Harris County, Texas, does by these presents make, constitute and appoint Pauline L. Lesch, Clem F. Lesch, Gary Matula, Steven J. Zinecker, Steven W. Lewis of Lewisville, Texas its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any and an bonds, recognizances, undertakings or other instruments or contracts of suretyship to include waivers to the conditions of contracts and consents of surety, providing the bond penalty does not exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) and to bind the Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seal of the Co1IlPany and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifYing and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolutions of the Board of Directors of the SnreTec Insurance Company: Be it Resolved, thet the President, any Vice-President, any Assistant Vice-President, any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint anyone or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company subject to the following provisions: Attorney-In-Fact may be given full power and authority for and in the name of and ofbehalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver, any and all banda, recognizances, contracts, agreements or indemnity and other conditional or obligatary undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be binding upon the C01IlPany as if signed by the President and sealed and effected by the Corporate Secretary. Be it Resolved, that the signatore of any authorized officer and seal of the C01IlPany heretofore or hereafter affixed to any power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any power of attorney or certificate bearing facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the C01IlPany with respect to any baud or undertaking to which it is attached. (Adopted at a meeting held on 20'" of April, 1999.) . III Witness Whereof, SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 11th day of June, A.D. 2002. SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY Corporate Seal By State ofTexas ~ County of Harris 5S: Presidet(t On this 11th day of June A.D. 2002 before me personally carne John Knox, Jr., to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in Houston, Texas, that he is President of SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY, the company described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal ofsaid Company; that the seal affIXed to said instrument is such corporate seal; thet it was so affIXed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ~ e OO~NAU.'BAIiEZ 2. ' " --' .~ "':t:.,:;:s-.:z:.-~{...L • Notary Seal JUNE",""" Do na U. Ibanez, NotaryP My commission expires June. 1,2006 I, Michael P. Whisenant, Vice President and Assistant Secretary of SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certifY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by said Company, which is still in full force and effect; and furthermore, the resolutions of the Board ofDirectors, set out in the Power of Attorney are in full force and effect. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal ofsaid C01IlPany at Houston, Texas this 8th day of June , 2004, A.D. Corporate Seal Michael P. Whisenant, Vice President, Assistant Secretary Town of Addison Lighting Master Plan Addison, Texas Dra~ Issue January 19, 2004 Prepared by Gensler Dallas 5430 LBJ F ...eway. Suite 400 Dallas TX 75240 Phone: 214·273-1500 Fax: 214·273-1505 ,.. L • /V'~-----+~-1riV .R====p-----r I J, I i I RoadWay /Pedestrian Fixture b __ ;11.-----,-/I i <>l. ' "'i I Ii )i, ~ II: Gensler ·Page }, T~ RQ'ild~~y aqd PsdN1da.n Q 50 Lum;rra;r. HSX-400MHST.28'1>IST·...OLT-scrx.LlS8.4A HotJS'Na~' Made of eas! A381 alumInum -alloy (as per Alumln'UM"I hmalio"f) 0.200 (Smm) mlriimum thlckn£i$S cJw mountlfig pro\lision for haU1Ware. LOCKlNG SYSTEM: lWQ 1.I"rln.gAoaded latches: made of die c;asl'arumlnum and die Oi~ ~lno., pell)'lits tQol free aeci!ss 10' fainp and eledriea}componenls8Nldlj9 : LENS F.RAME: Made" ot die C8at::A3aa'aluminllm ellay_ REFLECTOR: Madb.~.hydrotOJfNld 3002·0 aluttiinrum.alloy chemically brightened and anozided (5 micron min), Tho Seal$afe optical \System i3 ;al~1?GG:at'l.d offar'q resIStant!) of R>60o. SLEEVE: Ole,ca$t gJaS$-e(ekllorud resto,'tne~hanlca11y fastened ta relledor and fully silicone 9.e.akel. SHUTTER: Injecb'ori molded tjliis$ fibet. reinforced polymer. RemQltable with "a' quarter tum CfW PQrceta:fn body lampholdu(" 4~V Mogul Base cJw.a ii'ljeclfon'mwood '81Jloooa gaskel.{dlJro.sO,sh6f,e·A}_.Adjustmeht to ot:>tain the Variol,l6 tES distribution is Icololes" Diot!:lbutioh type: {OlST). DlSTR!BtJT10N TO CJ.ARIFY . LAMP HOLOEft: Parcelajn lh.erroo-msts-tant'Pull!ff~ted'·4 Kv mogul b$e. LAMP: (400MHS12B), -400 watt Melat Halide, la"rhp format BT2:8.(not lo6JiJded}. ,BALlAST: 400 Walt M""" Handa, lamp'IOIm" ~T2~. VOLTAGE TO BE CONFI~MED • h;gh powOf' factor. -2~(~G"C) lamp startillg eep.ec~ cJw polariz~;i"q\Jkk dl.$conru:ct plugs will} po(i;fHve lock. TE:RMINAl BlPCKl Receives wJres (#6 mat.)·on·ptirnaty cin:::utt eIw groUfJd lug. AtiJUsnJrEN'f: ft..n integtal'part ot.llle housfntJ peTmita .n ad~tmentor'± 5', MOUNTING MeA'N: Two t?ra~ts" formecLlrI!l sl~litpieC!1, mtde' of'sta~ 9aJvanll:ed·ste~1 (12g3.). Accom"lodaleA tenon ,ahging. bef.;t£!en 1%" (-3~r(o.2 3fS~. (6~mljll 00, f!Xed by ~/rJ -16 UNC stdl.;tirlc plated. Q"raoKe(-tsnon accommodates leoonrariglng betweeo 1%" (3Bmm~to 2'3~a"'{60mm) 00. FINISH: (SCTX). Sl?S.c\al T~tedCcOOr: (set:up.-qtIargf!-'Jot uSE! OC .speGIal c~alrtja.d>' .Qowlo'pe"d alld ltSe R;AL). Hot dip .chemical, e~ing preparalton with mlnftrjum :3 mll$·(7S mfCfOn,) polyester powder: eoat firosb, Durable' ~~fIQrIlnlsfl, mSllllant to UV, -$'<111 Gpl'ay and humidity u pet ASTM G7, ASTM B117,antl ASrM ()2247' testing,proceduraa, Jmmary a 2004 ·~ )" I .-r An~ho, PJ~1a -:9'C:':~ • Tbfci:l\!:Im 0..94"(2<1'1l\mj P()l• .shaft: shail be tn4ld!:! 1ror'l 51 :&~ &l~(~.T4}.ttll.lruHu*. hest tm;al~' to T6 after welding, 3~ (203mm) at lhl!! bi/$e-. tepetlhg do'lWl to 4~~ (114mm),anht!-lop. wall thlcknM$ to ,b& od",iGod o(;.CQrdif>.}1Q &1tUtf1J1ji1 eaiculali:lJ\$, w.ldfid to both lh$ boIrom af'\d top of .tile anchor pialI'. AnchQr Plat9: Spalt bll made-of ea5.falUl1linomJ3~~T6 Q:ll't'U:"A~ B·108): .MlIlllten·.nt;. ~llil1g;Tha"pol~'sh.ltha\l8 .4~ ~ e: (102tOin x 152mfrl) m;iin.tQl'1ance-oP,llr'ling \Xlntered 18" (4S71Ml) 'trom In"" bolWm of"lhc aridlor plillt't, CQfrlptale with .. WC;1It1etproof alumtrllxl'I CoY!!'1 ar,d a'1aClO'Y 8$~inbled cOpPt;r grGlUf1d'lug. .~~dplJ'O" of Comp"l1*n~; Hardwarw. Al!"exposed scrawa wil(be.1fI $lQinleM stl)ci,.AA ee;.ll$ tUld-uai"D"deVices SiO made ~rlined \dh:EPOM and/or aillcon9Pm!.h:IU pe:rontar o("~eeffic:a!1on.-I I _-1.______ i '1 -I i ! i ! I i 1, I i j i j j i 1 i !, ii l~'~:_..J ~ :fT,;,~!! ._._~_100~~ ---..,.' ....... I !.~.' •.-•.-! {>l ...-"'~_~"""~ ci-!-,-.£5: =~!:i~~ OJ J'lIItW)i 1:[; 1004 r 'Type Pode:stl::m Q 25 l.timloalre FOCAL-7DMftTG-Ni\RROW-v'0I. .sCTX-lTsa8SA ;tO~SI"'GI,~ade.O'f,dle cast P4a~@IllJlttjnoffi alloy (as p:er~iJminl,lm A$$OClatIonFb:09(r' (2.2n;un) minimum Ihlclmp.fmmatTh(noIjru:luded), BALLAST: 70 Watnlel~1 HilJld~. {arnA,forma! T~. V9lTA~e T9 BE C'0NFlRMED . high power r't1Clor.. ~200F (~30"Cj !~mp 'sliilrtJng ~p.a.clty. clwpolartzed Cluldt discoone:cl'plvg:s w1ttrp.09Wve lock, BALLAST TRAV: lntegraled electronic. control gear is 10 be mounted onlo an inleooon IOOlded polYlMt structure:fured inlO' the housing. ELECTRiCAL FEEPING; A plossure gland will josule' tlghtnesi level altho wirtvenlry for flexible conduit 0;340"\0 0,560', MOUNTI»G MeAN: The yoke is made (){ a single cast aluminum. pari; wrth 3 minimum thiCkness of 1/4" (Bmm). Three (3) mounting holes UI8"" avail®!e for'3IIl"~1aenchOf boilS. (bolts and 3oeOOrin{) d~vices by IMlaIIing conltactorf, The yoke allows '100 degree rotation. Position adj1JstroenUs allowed by Iigh1ening the yoke's-support screws. • FINlSH: (S.ClX), :Special Textured Color; Cse:~up charge. for use of special eolot: alt'$-atiy developed and use .RAt), Hot dip'chemfcal $lehln!) prepatation 'Mih minimum 3 mJIft.(7S microns) Pof/oowr'powder:eoet flnlSh. Durable exterior fin16h. resjatant~o UV. satt s.pray and humidity at! pet ASTM G7. ASTM B117 end AS!TM 02247 ·testing proeethnet, ' .!alluary LJ. 2Q04 Pogc6 r L-________~Q~·%L_~I~~P~~~~-.~LT~S~8~~~A~-~13~~~C~T~X~~~M~X=2~~12~______J[OucriAt!Qn"of C.ompan4nU: Pol" St"!aft:. Shall b,~ m~de fr0!1l'a 6" (127mm) round extl)Jd~ 6001-TS atuminum tubing. haVi.ng a 0,241" (S:2mm) wall thicknefi:. woldep to both lti9 btitfom anLj top or the-"anchor plate. Maln~n2u:u::e OpGn!ng: l'he palEr ~h'a!1 pave 11 ?!' x. 4 1/2." lS·tmm ~ 1141"!)m) maltltef!aI)CEc\ opening qel}~rad fO" .(5Q'81)l1l}) f[OIJI llj.e bottom 0" 'ttl" ~or p"late. eo,mplets with a .weatherproof .ailJllIlnum' COlier 'Il1d a f.?e{ory Bwernb!ed (;Opper gf\?und lug. Base Coyer! No base c,Q'l:'a:r;suppJlGd with lra.l)sfoonerbase. DG$crlptlol1 0' Cwnpooants: tf"rdwafQ~All eKposed screWs will be In")stainless steel, Ail;sea/s; and.'$ealiOfl, d8\iices ar. mad:e and/Of fined wtln EPOM 2lid/or:sUlcone, Pai:< P l Gensler Town of Addison Stroet Lighting Specifications 27.3053,000 01119104 SECTION 16521-ROADWAYUGHTlNG Part I GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes: L Roadway I Pedestrian Pole & Luminaires Assembly. 2. Roadway Pole & Luminaire Assembly. 3. Pedeslrian Pole & Luminaire Assembly. B. Related Sections: I. See "Lighting Poles and Slaodards" for Town ofAddison. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each luminaire, arranged in the oroer of lighting unit designation. Include data on features, accessories, finishes and poles. B. All documentlltion including shop dmwings, le.t results and photometric data shall be submitted, including all data on poles, bases, wind loading. shall be submitted and assembled into a binder stating name of project (roadway). name ofproposing manufacturer. with contact numbers and names of individuals having specific knowledge of project, and its requirements. C. Shop Drawings: Submittal Drawings shall include all mechanical demils. including dimensions. layoul and mounting arrangements arrangements of components in the luminalre. All electrical details, including ballast, lamp, holder. terminal block, pin and sockets connectors, larap and ballast wiring dimensions complete with component ratings. Anchor bolt templates keyed to specific poles and certified by manufacturer. D. Pholometric Data: Submittal Drawings shall conform to IESNA Publication LM·69 and include the follOWing photometric data: (Al. Computer generated point-by-point for a \ypical area shall be provided. AU photometric information oftbe luminairc shall conform to IESNA Publication LM-63 be provided on a 3.5 inch disk or a CR·R. (8). Descriptive Literature. (e). Isofootcandle chart ofhorizonlal and vertical footcandJes. (D). Luminaire classification per ANSI designation. (E). Carldiepower tables, house and street side. (F). Coefficient ofutilization chart. January 19.2004 16521 -I I Gensler Town ofAddison Street Lighting Specifications 27.3053,000 01l19/04 (G), Maximum plane and ",aximum cone plots of candela, E. Operation and maintenance data. p, Manufacturer Plant: Engineer or designated person from client will have the option, at any time, the right to inspect luminaries, or any part of these assemblies, during line production. G. Product delivery, storage and handling, Ship fixtures, poles and accessories in a secure and dry filcility and in original packlng in a manner to prevent soiling, physical damage, wetting or corrosion prior to installation. Provide storage for inspection by Gensler after fixtures, poles, etc, have been delivered, Inspection is at no additional ccat to the Town ofAddison, or Gensler, 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A, Electrioal Components, Devices and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defmed in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, llDd marked for Im.nded use, B. FMO Compliance; Fixtures for ha:zardous locations shall be listed and labeled for indicated clllSS and division ofhazard by FMG. C. Comply with IEEE C2, ''National Electrical Safety Code", D. Comply with NFPA 70. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS: A. ROADWAY I PEDESTRIAN ASSEMBLY: Lumec-Schreder #HSX-400MHBT28-111-(voltage)-LTS-8-1A-ATR-31-1-1/4x48- 14.5SCTX-LTS884A-KOMAIFOCAL-76MHT6-Narrow-(voltage)-SCTX-LTS8S4A-KOMA B. ROADWAY ASSEMBLY: Lurnee Schreder #FOCAL·70MHf6-Narrow-(vo!tage)-SCTX-LTS884A·KOMA C. PEDESTRIAN ASSEMBLY: Lumec-Schreder ilHSX-400MHBT2B-Ill-(voltage)-LTS-8-IA-ATR-31-1-1I4l<48-14.5SCTX-LTS884B-KOMA . 1anuary 19,2004 16521 -2 I • 2.2 Gensler Town ofAddison Street Lighting Specifications 27.3053.000 01119/04 SPBCIFICATIONS OF COMPONENTS: A. ROADWAY Ll1M1NAIRE HOUSING: Is to be made of cast A383 aluminum alloy (as pe, Aluminum Association) 0.200 (Smm) minimum thickness with mounting provision hardware . .B. Locldng System: Two spring loaded latches made of die-caS! aluminum and die·east zinc. permits tool free access to lamps and electric.1 component "Nicing. C. Lens Frune: Made ofdie-castA383 aluminum alloy. D. Reflector: Made of hydroformed 3002-0 aluminum alloy chemically brightened and anodized (5 micron min.). The Sealsafc optical system is rated IF66 and offers resistance R>600. R Lens: Flat protector made of cleat borosilicate glass. 0.20" (Smm) thickness and sboek resistant. F. Sleeve: Die-cast glass reinforeed resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasketed. G. Shutter: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter turn cIw Porcelain body lampholder, 4Kv Mogul Base dw and injection molded silicone gaslret (duro 60 shore A). Adjustment 10 obtain the various lES DistribuUon Is tool· less. Distribution Type-JES TypelU. H. Lamp Holder: Porcelain !bermo-resistant pulse rated 4Kv Mogul Base. I. Lamp: (400MHBTI8), 400 watt Metal Halide, lamp format BTIg. /. Ballast; 400 watt Metal Halide. lamp formal BT28, (voltage to be confirmed by electrical engineer ), bigh power factor. ·20degree F. (·30degree C) lamp starling capacity, with polarized quick disconnect plugs with positiveloek. K. Tc:rminal Block: Receives wires (#8max.) on primary circuit with ground lug. L. Adjustment: An integral part of the housing permits an .dj ustment ofplus or minus 5 degrees. M. Mount.ing Mean: Two brackets, formed in a single-piece, made of stamped galvanized steel (12Ga.) Accommodates tenon ranging between I W'(38mm) to 2 J/S" (60mm) OD, fIXed by 3/8·16UNC steel zinc plated. Bracket·tenon accommodates tenon ranging between I W' (38nun) to 2 3/8" (6Omm) 00. N. Finish: K-W Industries "K·Klad" Finish, color "LNA", Special Color. Finish to provide chemical etching preparation with minimum of :; mils (75 micron.) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish with special warranty made by K·W Industries. Resistant to UV, ,alt spray and humidity and high heat, as per ASTM G7, ASTM BlI?, and ASTM 02247 testing procedures. January 19. 2004 16521 ·3 I nanslet Town of Addison Street Lighting Specifications 27.3053.000 Oll19/04 A. PBDlSTRIAN LUMINAIRE HOUSING: Made of die cast A3S3 alllIllinllIll alloy (as per AlllIllinllIll Association) 0.900" (2.2mm) minimum thickness with mounting provision for hardware. Front of housing is especially designed for mounting accessories for beam modification and glare control. B. Gasketing: Silicone gasket to insme 1P66 rating for dust and water ingress protection as per IEC 598 standard. C. Locking System: Closing captive 4mm AUen head stainless steel screws. One Allen key is to be provided with each luminaire. D. Reflector: Formed in 3002 aluminum alloy, polished, electro-chemically brightened, and anodized to provide. precise controlled light beam. Modification of light center position with focus adjustable device allow for field adjustment ofbearn angle to ftame precisely tbe 10nes to be illuminated. Dislribution Type: (NARROW) Narrow Beam Distribution. E. Lens; Flat prolector made of clear tempered glass, 0.24" (6mm) 6mm) thickness and shock resistant. The lens is permanently sealed to the housing by a bead ofRTV silicone applied by a robot. F. Lamp Holder: Porcelain therlll!rresistant pulse rated 4 KV G 12 base. G. Lamp: (1·MHT6), 70 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format T6. H. Ballast: 70 Watt Met.1 Halide, lamp format T6, Voltage__ to be conf1lDled by eJernical engineer, high power factor -20 degree F (·30C) lamp starting capacity, with polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. I. Ballast Tray: Integrated electronic control gear is to be mounted onto an injection molded polymer structure, fIXed into the housing. 1. Blernical Feeding: A pressure gland will i!1Sure tightness level at the wire entry for flexible conduit 0.310" to 0.S60". K. Mounting Mean: The yoke is mode of a single cast aluminum part, with a minimum thickness of Yo" (60mm). Three (3) mounting holes 1/16" diameter available for 3/8"·16 anchor bolts. (bolts by anchoring devices by installing conlrac!or). The yoke allows 180 degree rotation. Position Position edjustrnent is allowed by tightening the yoke's support screws. L. Finish: (Same as fmish by K·W Industries above). Color ULNA" to provide chemical etching preparation with a minimum of 3 mils (15 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish by K-W Industries with ,peci.1 warranty. Resistant to UV, ,alt spray.. humidity and high heat, as per ASTM G7, ASTM Bl17, and ASTM 02247 tesUng procedures. PART3·EXECUTION January 19, 2004 16S2l -4 I , Gensler Town of Addison Slree! Lighting Specifications 27.3053.000 01119104 3. I The luminaries will meet the physical. aesthettc and photometric requirements specified and shall be UL I CSA approved. The luminaries shall be designed as to size, shape and weight so they do not aggravate the vibration characteristics of their respective pole. The Iwnin.nes shall b. able to slip fit a pipe rum 1.5 Inches (38mrn) TO 2.375 inches (60mm) OD. and h.ve • barrier to limit fl,e amount ofillsemon ofS.Q inches (2oOmm). Materi.ls: All material and equipment used for the assembly of the lighting system should be with high quality. brand new without any defects. 3.2 REFERENCE: NEC NEMA ANSI C81 Series E1cctricLamp Bases and Holders. C82 Series Fluorescent and High Intensity Discbarge Lamps Ballasts CI36·!0 Standard for Roadway Lighting, Equiprnent-Locldng Type.Photcecnlrol Devices. CI36-14 Standard for Roadway Lighting. Enclosed Side Mounted Luminaires for Horizontal Burning High Intensity Discharge Larnps. C136-15 Standard for Roedway Lighting. High Intensity Discharge and low pressure sodiwn lamps in Luminaires. field Identification. C136-22 Standard for Roadway Lighting, Internal Labeling ofLurninaires. C136-31 Standard for Roadway Lighting Equipment, Luminalr. Vibration. IESNA RP-8 American National Standard Recommended Practice for Roadway Lighting. LM·SO Photometric Measurement ofRoadway Lighting Installations. lJL January 19.2004 16521-5 I I Gensler Town of Addison Street Lighting Specifications 27.3053.000 01119/04 1598 Standard for Safety for Ltuninaires. 1029 Higb Intensity Discbarge Lamp Ballasts. ASTM ASTM A 167 Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Steel Plate Sheet and Strip. ASlM A 123 Specification for Zinc (hot-dipped galvanizing) Coatings on Iron and SteeL ASlM A 153 Specific.tion for Zinc Coating (hot-dip) on Iron and Steel Products. ASTM B J17 Standard Methed of Salt Spray (fog) Testing. ASlM D 2247 Standard Method ofHumidity and Resi_Testing. ASlM D 609 Standard Practice for Prcpararion of Cold Steel paoel for Testing, Paint, Varnish, Conversion Coating. aed Related Coating Product. ASlM A 167 Standard for Stainless SIeel Bolts. ASlM D 522 Standard Test Method fur Elongation ofAttached Organic Coating. With Conical Mandrel Apparatus. IEC EN 60598-Classific.tion of Degrees ofProtection. EN 501OZ-Classification ofltnp.ct Resistance of Enclosures. January 19.2004 16521 -6 I , -'--. Bellsler Town ofAddison Street Lighting Specifications 27.30$3.000 01119104 SUBMISSION AND DESIGN REQUIREMENT AU documentation will include shop drawings. lest results and photometric dala shall be submitted and assembled into a binder statiog name ofproject and name of engineering fum. SPACING AND PLACEMENT RoadwavtPedestrian Poles are to be spaced at 60' intervals on Commercial Areas that will include Pedestrian and Roadway Illumination, Pedestrian Poles will be placed at 20' Intervals belWeen RoadwaylPedestrian Poles. Deviances of plus or minus 10' on Roadway/Pedestrian Poles spacing should be rtviewed by Gensler. Deviances of plus or minus 5' on Pedestrian Poles should be reviewed by Gensler. RoadwaylPedestrian Poles incorporate both Roadway Lighting and Pedestrian Lighting Elements, and are designed to be used where both Roadway Illumination, and Pedestrian Illumination is requited, RoadwaylPedestrien Poles mayor may nol include Banner anns and holders. Roadway Poles are to be spaced at 80' on center in Residential Areas, and at 60' on center in Intermediate Areas where Pedestrian Lighting is not required. Roadway Poles are similar to RoadwaylPedestrian Poles, except they do not incorporate the Pedestrian Indirect Lighting element or reflector. Roadway Poles are t. be used when Roadway Illumination only is requires. and Pedestrian illumination is not required. Any deviation of more that 10' in any direction should be reviewed by Gensler. Pedestrian Poles are to be spaced at 20' on center, typically between RoadwaylPedestrian Poles, and in special areas these poles may include additional blill11ers, LED Lighting, and any additional service such as trash receptacles, drip systems, plant holders and any festive additive the Town ofAddison may require for that area .fuse. Any deviation of more than S' in any direction should be reviewed by Gensler. END OF SECTION January 19, 2004 16521 -7 I July 6,2004 Timothy Keierleber Mels Electric, L.P. 1810 S. Akard St. Dallas, TX 75215 Re: NOTICE TO PROCEED-Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights Dear Mr. Keierleber: This document shall serve as your Notice to Proceed for the above referenced Project, and is issued and effective July 9, 2004 to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents. Enclosed is your copy ofthe signed contract. The proposed improvements and work shall be completed with the original contract price. Please include Bid No. and Name: 04-24 Spectrum Lights, on all monthly invoices or other correspondence to the Town ofAddison. Should you have any questions, please contact my office at 972-450-7091. Sincerely, MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Copy: Steve Chutcbian Jim Pierce Enclosure \ ~~ ~------~vr~11ff~~~-------~ ~ i i 1 i •<>, i I~ t RoEidWay I Pede!?trian Fixture J. ---:~-----------'-I 600. SLEEVE: Die cast glass-reinforced resin, mechanically fastened to reflector and fully silicone gasket SHUTTER: Injection molded glass fiber reinforced polymer. Removable with a quarter turn clw Porcelain body lampholder, 4kV Mogul Base clw a injection molded silicone gasket (duro 60 shore A). Adjustment to obtain the various IES distribution is tool-less. Distribution type: (type III), type 111 distribution, as per IESNA. LAMP HOLDER: Porcelain thermo-resistant pulse rated 4 Kv mogul base. LAMP: (400MHBT28), 400 Watt Metal HaUde, lamp format BT28 (not included). BALLAST: 400 Watt Metal Halide, lamp format BT2S, VOLTAGE TO BE CONFIRMED , high power factor, -20QF (-30QG) lamp starting capacity, clw polarized quick disconnect plugs with positive lock. TERMINAL BLOCK: Receives wires (#8 max.) on primary circuit clw ground lug. ADJUSTMENT: An integral part of the housing permits an adjustment of ± 5'. MOUNTING MEAN: Two brackets. formed in a single-piece, made of stamped galvanized-steel (12ga.). Accommodates tenon ranging between 1'12" (38mm) to 23/8" (60mm) OD. fixed by 31S -16 UNC steel zinc plated. Bracket-tenon accommodates tenon ranging between 1 '12" (3Smm) to 2 3/S" (60mm) 00. FINISH: (SCTX), Special Textured Color: (set-up charge for use of special color already developed and use RAL). Hot dip chemical etching preparation with minimum 3 mils (75 microns) polyester powder coat finish. Durable exterior finish. resistant to UV, salt spray and humidity as per ASTM G7. ASTM B117 and ASTM D2247 testing procedures. SPEC20040113 _105649_4206_ S.DOC 01-30-2004~Registered to ISO 9001 :2000 ~File No. A11750 Page 111 800, Cure BoMnAPPROBATION DRAWING Boisbriand, (Qu~). Canada J7G 2A7 Tel.; (450) 979-2747 (800) 498-8587 Fax: (450) 979·2749 W\WI.lumecschreder.com ..-__...d. Addison City (4206) Lumec-Schreder r------------3·-6"'-----------..., 1.L /v stpE vtEW OOT!PM YlEW SECTION vnM ® SPEC2004Q113_105649_ 4206_5.DOC 01-13-2004 Registered to ISO 9001:2000 ., File No. A11750 Page 2/2 Protect: CIty of Addl.on (420S) J7G2A1 Orcfer: . Quantlty: HSX-400MHBT28-jype Ii!-VOLTELFS'-1A-A1R33' -LTS884A FOC-70MHT6-NARROW-VOLTLTS885A-SCTX Lumec-Schreder ';.-, I lo I') -I I.-1'-7" Sq. 2'_4" -9'-8""-S'l c---. ~ /V ~ 1 4'-0. , 0 I Ol I') '0 I '0 n I I') ---] '0 I') r-.-.;1' ~ '0 I