COWLES & THOMPSON 114 E. l.OUISiANA ST., SUln 200 McKINNeY, TEXAS 76081:).4483A PROFESSIONAL CQRPORA110n TElEPHONE jill721642-6OQO ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 W. ADAMS AVE., SUlTE321 901 MAIN STREET, SUITE 4000 P.O. BOX 186 OAl..LAS,. TEXAS 7620203793 TEMPLE, TEXAS 7eS03<0785 rnEPHONE ('::U:W. 771-2800TELEPHONE 12141672-2000 SIM ISRAELOFF METRO {9721 283-0006 ONE' AMERICAN CENTER. SUITE 777 !214) 672·2131 908 £.$.£. LOCI" 323FAX 1214) 872-20208!8RAEl.OCTPCLAW.COM TYLER, TEXAS 7670141884 TELEPHONE 19031679·71500CHARLES SORREllS Ha26·H182) December 16, 1997 Michael E. Schomberg, Esq. Thompson & Knight 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 3300 Dallas, Texas 75201 BE: ABP Investments #IlI, Ltd., et at Vi. The Town ojAddison, et at Our File No. 3195151477 Dear Mr. Schomberg: I need to confer with you again regarding our pending special exceptions and determine whether you will agree to replead without the need for a hearing and court order. In particular, it is our position that the law does not recognize your alleged claim of inverse condemnation resulting from delay in finalizing condemnation proceedings or a ·condemnation cloud." Please let me know if you will agree to drop such claim. \ On other matters, please let me know if you will amend to identify specifically what you are alleging in the way of trespass, interruptions in utility services and/or denial of zoning variance requests, and whether you allege that such actions constitute a complete taking of your clients' property or render your clients' property completely useless. I look forward to hearing from you. SIJdj cc: David C. Schulze, Esq. DOC #: 559196 bee: The Mayor of The Town of Addison vMf. John Baumgartner Ken Dippel, Esq. DOC #: 559196 Prepared for Dallas Area Rapid Transit 1401 Pacific Avenue \ . Dallas, Texas 75202-3325\ Report of Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Site-Ol, 02, 03 and 04 Addison, Dallas County, Texas 75248 Task Order 006T WBS No. Contract C-92000227 TMI Project Numbers DN93-o12-o06T June 24,1993 Prepared by Terra-Mar, Inc. 2679 Lombardy Lane Dallas, Texas 75220 , (214) 352 8::t52 Fax (Zi4) 352=4556 DallasfFort WorthfHouston 􀁾􀀠¥James S. Lee Environmental Specialist 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁄􀁭􀁒􀁁􀀭􀁾􀀠Approved by .:J" ,> /•􀁾􀀿􀀱􀀢􀀤􀀧􀀠􀁾􀁶􀀢􀀧􀂷􀀧􀀺􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁚􀀭􀀭􀁺􀀠Mark K:. Boyd, Ph.D., R.E.P. Manager, Environmental Services PHASE I ,. ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT \ TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1.2 Involved Parties 13 Limitations 2.0 SITE OVERVIEW 2.1 General Site Description 3.0 SITE BACKGROUND/OPERATING HISTORY 3.1 Current Ownership 3.2 Prior Ownership 3.3 Sanborn Maps 3.4 Cole City Directories : 3.5 Review of Aerial Photographs 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETIING 4.1 Surface Water Characteristics 4.2 Groundwater Characteristics 4.3 Soil Characteristics 5.0 RESULTS OF THE ON-SITE SURVEY 5.1 Site Observations 5.2 Adjacent Properties 5.3 Area Reconnaissance 5.4 Radon 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 12 12 15 16 16 􀀮􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠 II I ,I \ ' . \ . 6.0 REGUlATORY jGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY INQUIRIES 6.1 Federal and State Regulatory Agency Inquiries 6.2 Special Resources 6.3 Local Government Inquiries 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 9.0 REFERENCES FIGURES Site Location Map Site Plan TABLES Summary of Regulatory Agency!Review APPENDICES Scope of Services Title Information Aerial Photographs Site Photographs Hazardous Material Inventory and Closure Report Record of Communication 17 17 19 21 22 23 24 Figure 1 Figure 2 Table I A B C D E F 􀁮􀁭􀁒􀁁􀀭􀁾􀀠􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀠 􀁅􀁘􀁅􀁃􀁕􀁔􀁦􀁖􀁅􀁓􀁕􀁾􀁙􀀠Terra-Mar, Inc. (TMI) completed the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), as described in Hazardous Materials Site Assessments, Contract C-92000227, WBS No. ,, Task Order 006T, for four (4) subject sites (Site 01, 02, 03, and 04), located ..\ in Addison and Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. K. C. Moore, Environmental Specialist, conducted the site assessment for the Phase I investigations on April 22, 1993. The Phase I ESA was conducted in accordance with Exhibit H of the contract as modified by the specific Task Order requirements. Site-Ol, as designated by DART Task Order 006T, was described as 15 acres located at the southwest corner of Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-QZ, as designated by DART Task Order 006T, was described as 6.7 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersection between Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-03, as designated by DARTTaSk 􀁏􀁾􀁤􀁥􀁲􀀠006T, was described as 6.4 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersection of the DART Cottonbelt Railroad and Quorum Drive in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-04, as designated by DART Task Order 006T, was described as 19.8 acres located at the northeast corner of Arapaho Road and Prestonwood Boulevard in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Based on observations and review of available information, the following environmental issues or potential risks were discovered: o Storage of large amounts of Chemicals and processing waste at Logic Design Metals, a sheet metal manufacturer, located on Site-02. In addition, according to the Town of of Addison Fire Department, Logic Design Metals had been cited for storage of excessive amounts of chemicals. o Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs), located on Site-02, were present at 4851 Arapaho Road (Southwestern Bell) and 4803 Arapaho Road (7-Eleven). Of these locations, the 7-E1even Store, was not listed in the TWC PST /LPST listings. In addition, according to the TWC PST /LPST listings, one (1) PST was (J:\DN\DART-93\REPOR'f\TASK006T) 1 present at Site-01 and listed as permanently abandoned in place, at 15280 Addison Road. o Ten (10) PSTs were located within a one-half mile radius of the site. Of these one (1) was located on the western adjacent property of Site-D1 (Waterworks Car Wash). o According to the Town of Addison Fire Department and the Addison Department of Health and Safety, soil sampling and remediation activities were conducted by Ashland Chemical, prior to leaving the site. A closure report for Ashland Chemical was on file with the TWC. o TMI identified (10) pole-mounted and two (2) pad-mounted transformers on Site01; three (3) pole-mounted and two (2) pad-mounted transformers on Site-02; and two (2) pole-mounted transformers on Site-03. The PCB content of these transformers was unknown. TMI requested information concerning the PCB status of the transformers from TU Electric and will forward the information when it becomes available. o Five (5) RCRA notifiers were identified within a one-half mile radius of the site. Pro's Autobody & Glass, a Limited Quantity Generator (CEG), was located adjacent to Sites-01 and 02, however the potential for impacting the sites was considered low. In addition, one (1) RCRA notifier, Brantley Cleaners, located on Site-Dl, is an environmental concern due to the potential for release of hazardous materials on-site. o A petroleum pipeline which contained aviation fuel and unleaded gasoline was located along the Southern Pacific Railroad line along the northern boundaries of Site-04 and Site-02, and the southern boundary of Site-03. A fire associated with this pipeline occurred in 1985 near DalIas Parkway, approximately 2,000 feet from the subject sites, however, it was unlikely that the sites were impacted. o According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Map #480171 Panel #0025C, March 16, 1983 for Dallas, Texas, the eastern half of Site-04 was located in an area designated within the 100-year flood plain. TMI identified no evidence that this area was designated as a wetlands area. o TMI was denied access to parcels; however, structures were noted on Sites 1, 2, and 3 which may have been constructed using asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). (J:\DN\DART-93\REPORT\TASK006T) 2 i , . 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope \ .The purpose of the investigation was to characterize the environmental condition of the \ site by evaluating such factors as· land use, site history, obvious indications of . environmental contamination, and presence of adjacent or nearby properties which may adversely affect the subject properties relative to environmental conditions at the time of the site visit. Assessment of this site involved four basic elements: 1. Limited site inspection to observe conditions at the subject and adjacent properties. In accordance with instructions received from DART, TMI was not granted access to the subject property, therefore a survey of building conditions and assessment of potential environmental concerns was not possible. 2. An examination of available aerial photographs and title information, to evaluate site history and past land use. 3. An environmental agency database review to indicate the presence of regulated activities at the site and to identify, to the extent possible, adjacent or nearby properties which may pose an environmental concern. 4. An evaluation of site conditions such as geology, hydrology, topography, drainage, obvious indications of environmental contamination or potential pathways for migration of environmental contaminants. An itemization of information sources utilized is presented in Section 9.0. 1.2 Involved Parties Terra-Mar, Inc. (TMI) completed the ,Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the subject sites in general accordance with Hazardous Materials Site Assessments, Contract92000227, WBS No., Task Order 006T, which specifically incorporated DART criteria for Phase I Environmental Assessments (Exhibit H is presented in Appendix A). This work was authorized by Mr. T. L. Johnson, Contracting Officer, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), on April 12, 1993. 13 Limitations Professional opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent scientific certainties. Findings, conclusions, and recommendations were based solely on observations made (J:\DN\DART·S3\REPORT\TASK006T) 3 during the limited site inspection and data available to Terra-Mar, Inc. TMI makes no representation concerning hazardous or toxic substances or other latent conditions which may be discovered by means of investigation or techniques beyond the scope of work undertaken by Terra-Mar, Inc., during this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment , \ ,(ESA). , \ 2.0 SITE OVERVIEW 21 General Site Description On April 22, 1993, K. C. Moore, Environmental Specialist, visited the following Sites as designated by DART Task Order 006T: Site..Q1 was described as 15 acres located at the southwest comer of Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. At the time of the site visit, Site 01 consisted of approximately 15 acres of land improved with eight (8) commercial structures fronting Be1tline Road, Addison Road, and Arapaho Road. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-02 was described as 6.7 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersection between Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road in Addison, Dal1as County, Texas. The site was improved with five (5) commercial structures along the south side of the site fronting Arapaho Road. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-03 was described as 6.4 acres located at the northwest comer of the intersection of the DART Cottonbelt Railroad and Quorum Drive in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. The subject site was improved with four (4) residential buildings and one (1) commercial structure. There were no apparent hazardous conditions or environmental concerns observed on-site; however, access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site..Q4 was described as 19.8 acres located at the northeast comer of Arapaho Road and Prestonwood Boulevard in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. The subject site appeared to be vacant and a branch of White Rock Creek traversed the site from northwest to southeast. Several piles of construction debris were observed during the site visit. There were no apparent hazardous conditions or environmental concerns observed on-site; however, access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. ' (J:\DN\DM1T-93\REPORT\TASK006T) 4 According to the United States Department of the Interior"OeoIogic Survey, (U.S.O.S.), 7.5 Minute Series, Topographic Map, Addison Quadrangle, the approximate geographic coordinates for the center of the sites were 33 0 57'25''N latitude and 96 0 49'37''W longitude for Site-01; 33 0 57'32''N latitude and 96 0 49'37''W longitude for Site-02; 33 0 57'38''N latitude and 96Q 49'37''W longitude for Site-03; and 33 0 57'44''N latitude and '\ '96°48'42"W longitude for Site-04, respectively. The U.s.G.S. map indicated the . approximate site elevation to be between 630 -640 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) for Sites 01, 02, and 03, and 550 -610 feet AMSL for Site-04. A copy of the relevant portion of the U.S.O.S. map is included as Figure 1. 3.0 SITE BACKGROUND/OPERATING HISTORY The following discussion of site background and operating history was based on title information obtained during this assessment, interviews with persons knowledgeable in matters relating to the site, and a review of available aerial photographs. Because access to the subject property was not granted, on-site interviews were not conducted. 3.1 Current Ownership According to a 70 year title search conducted by Research by Spencer, Dallas, Texas, Site-Ol was owned by the International Ouaranty Corporation. Site-02-Tract 1 was owned Anderson Realty Company and leased by Logic Design Metals. Site-D2-Tracts 4, 5, 6, and 7 were owned by ABP Investments III, Ltd. and leaSed in part by Logic Design Metals and MCM Company. Site-02-Tract 2 was owned by Kondos Children's Trust. Site-02-Tracts 11, 12,24, and 26 were owned by MCM Company. Site-D3 was owned by Opubco Resources, Inc. Site-04 was owned by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). 3.2 Prior Ownership Based on the above referenced 70-year title search, ownership of the site was apparently held by a variety of individuals, investment groups, and financial institutions the past seventy years. . A copy of the title research is presented in Appendix B. 3.3 Review of Sanborn Maps Sanborn Maps Maps typically contain information pertaining to industrial and urban development, primarily in central business districts, for fire insurance purposes. The maps show improvements and structures built upon properties. Utilization designations, as well as a structural designations indicating types of construction materials used on improvements, are included. (J:\DN\DARHl3\REPORT\TASKOOBT) 5 ! Sanborn Maps, reviewed by Research by Spencer, Dallas, Texas, revealed the following: o There were no environmental concerns revealed from the Sanborn Map research. \ ' \ .. 3.4 Cole City Directories Cole City Directories lists names of businesses and residents according to street addresses; this 70-year search was done by Research by Spencer, Dallas, Texas, and revealed the following: o No environmental concerns were revealed by the Cole City Directories research. 3.5 Aerial Photograph Review Remote sensing imagery (aerial photographs) from flights in 1971, i975, 1980, 1984, and 1990 were reviewed to assist in assessing site history. These photographs were on file with North Central Texas Council of Governments, Arlington, Texas, and copies of relevant portions are presented in Appendix C. In addition a copy of a 1985 aerial photograph showing a petroleum pipeline fire near the sites is also included in Appendix C. The scale of these photographs ranged from one inch equals 800 feet to one inch equals 1,000 feet. Discussions of the aerial photographs follows: SITE-Ol 1971 Aerial Photograph Site-01 in this photograph, appeared to be developed with a light industrial structure (Ashland Chemicals) located in the center of the site. The remainder of the site was undeveloped. The areas in the vicinity of the site and surrounding area appeared to be developed with residential, commercial and light industrial structures. 1975 and 1980 Aerial Photograph In these photographs, commercial development around Ashland Chemicals appeared throughout the site. (J:\DN\DART.93\REPORT\TASK006T) I 6 1986 and 1990 Aerial Photograph In these photographs, the area previously developed by Ashland Chemicals was vacant with only the foundations remaining. Commercial development appeared on an area of , \ ,the site fronting Beltline Road, Addison Road, Arapaho Road and Quorum Road. \ SITE-02 1971,1975.1980,1986, and 1990 Aerial Photographs Site-02 in these photographs was consistent with observations made during the site visit. The site appeared to be developed with commercial/light industrial structures, SITE-03 J971, 1975, 1980, 1986, and 1990 Aerial Photographs Site-03 in these aerial photographs, appeared to be consistent with observations made during the site visit. The western one-third of the site was developed with residential structures while the remainder of the site was vacant. SITE-04 1971 and 1975 Aerial Photographs Site-04 in these aerial photographs appeared to be vacant with undeveloped roads present on the site. 1980,1986 and 1990 Aerial Photographs Site-04 in these aerial photographs appeared to be developed with a golf course on the eastern two-thirds of the site. The remainder of the site appeared vacant. Review of aerial photographs did not reveal obvious visual evidence of use, storage or deposition of hazardous materials/wastes on the subject property. However, due to the scale and resolution of the aerial photographs, small and/or under-roof features were unlikely to be detected on the photographs. Therefore, this review does not preclude the possibility of the use, storage or deposition of hazardous materials/wastes on the site. (J:\ON\DART,93\REPORT\TASK006T) 7 4.0 El\lVIRONMENTAL SETTING 4.1 Surface Water Characteristics \ ,Based on site observations and review of area topography, movement of surface water ,\ from the subject site would be as follows: SITES-OJ, OZ, 03 Surface water would apparently flow in a northeasterly direction toward an intermittent stream that flows into White Rock Creek, which is located approximately 1,000 feet northeast of the Sites. SITE-04 Surface water would apparently flow in a southeasterly direction toward White Rock Creek located on the eastern boundary of the site, and a tributary of White Rock Creek that bisects the site from northwest to southeast. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Map #481089, Panel #OO05A, July 1980, for Addison, Texas, Sites 01,02, and 03 were not located within the IOO-year flood plain. However according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Map #480171 Panel #0025C, March 16, 1983 for Dallas, Texas, the eastern half of Site-04 was located in an area designated within the 100-year flood plain. 4.2 Groundwater Characteristics According to the University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geologic Atlas of Texas, Dallas Sheet, the soils at the site were underlain by the Austin Chalk Formation (Kau), which consists of limestone in the upper and lower parts, mostly microgranular calcite, massive, with some interbeds of calcareous clay, thin bentonic beds locally in lower part, thin bedded marl with interbeds of massive chalk, in the middle part, and approximately 400 feet thick. This formation is not known to yield appreciable quantities of groundwater from rock fractures, but small quantities of locally perched (near surface) groundwater may be produced from the contact between the unweathered top of the Austin Chalk and the overlying residual soils. The amount of groundwater available within this water bearing zone is site specific and dependent on such factors as unit thickness, proximity to local recharge/discharge zones, ground ground cover, and season. 'I: (J:\DN\DARH3\REPORT\TASK006T) The shallowest major aquifer underlying the site, was the Twin Mountain aquifer, usually encountered at a depth of approximately 2,600 feet. The Paluxy aquifer is the firstencountered minor aquifer at an estimated depth of 1,800 feet. , .According to the Occurrence, Availability, and Chemical Quality of Groundwater in the ..\ Cretaceous Aquifers of North-<:entral Texas, Report 269, as published by the Texas . Department of Water Resources, one (1) water well was cited approximately one-half mile northeast of the subject properties. The following data are an excerpt from page 39 of the cited reference: Well Number: 201 Status: Not in Use Depth of Well: 2,778 Feet Aquifer: Twin Mountains Formation (Kctm) 4.3 Soil Characteristics According to the Soil Survey of Dallas County, as published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, the soil type present at the sites were classified as follows: SITE-ol o Stephen-Urban land complex, 1 to 4 percent slopes. This soil type is mostly silty clay. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is very low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers approximately one-third of Site-Ol in the southeast comer of the site. Limitations of this soil type include shallowness to bedrock, corrOsivity, and clayey texture. Dalco-Urban land complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline clay. Permeability is very slow, the available water capacity is low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers the northwestern one-third of Site-Dl. Limitations of this soil type include very high shrink-swell potential, corrosivity, and low strength. o Austin-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline silty clay. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers approximately one-third of Site01, bisecting the site from the northeast to the southwest. Limitations of (J:\DN\DART-93\REPORT\TASKOOsr) 9 this soil type include very high shrink-swell potential, corrosivity, low strength, and moderate depth of the soil are limitations. SITE-02 ! \ ' \ o Daleo-Urban land complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline clay. Permeability is very slow, the available water capacity is low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers all but the southeast comer of Site-Q1. Limitations of this soil type include very high shrink-swell potential, corrosivity, and low strength. Austin-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline silty clay. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type is present in the southeast corner of Site-02. Limitations of this soil type include very high shrink-swell potential, corrosivity, low strength, and moderate depth of the soil are limitations. SITE-03 o Stephen-Urban land eomplex, 1 to 4 percent slopes. This soil type is mostly silty clay. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is very low. Runoff is medium, 'and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers approximately the northwestern one-third of Site-03. Limitations of !this soil type include shallowness to rock, corrosivity, and clayey texture. o Daleo-Urban land complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline clay. Permeability is very slow, the available water capacity is low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers all but the northwest comer of Site-03. Limitations of this soil type include very high shrink-swell potential, corrosivity, and low strength. (J:\DN\DART-93\REPORT\TASK006T) 'IERRA-MAR 10 SITE-04 o Stephen-Urban land complex, 1 to 4 percent slopes. This soil type is mostly silty clay. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is very low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is I \ ' moderate. This soil type covers a small area located on the southwest \ corner of Site-D4. Limitations of this soil type include shallowness to rock, corrosivity, and clayey texture. o Eddy-Urban land complex, 4 to 8 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline clay loam. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is very low. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. This soil type covers the western one-third of Site-04. Limitations of this soil type include shallowness to rock, corrosivity, and erosion. o Lewisville-Urban land complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes. This soil type consists of moderately alkaline silty clays. Permeability Is moderate, the available water capacity is high. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type covers the northern one-third of Site04. Limitations of this soil type include high shrink-swell, corrosivity, and low strength. o Frio-Urban larid complex, deep, nearly level well drained soils and area of Urban land on the flood plains of small streams. This soil type consists of moderately alkaline silty clays and clay loam. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is high. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. This soil type covers eastern one-third of Site-D4. Limitations of this soil type irtclude flooding, corrosivity, and low strength. o Austin-Urban land complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes. This soil type is a moderately alkaline silty clay. Permeability is moderately slow, the available water capacity is low. Runoff is medium, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil type is present in the southeast comer of Site-D4. Limitations of this soil type include very high shrink-swell potentia!, corrosivity, low strength, hazard of erosion, and moderate depth of the soil are limitations. (J:\DN\DART-93\REPOR1\TASKOOIIT) 11 TERRA-MAR , ,, 5.0 RESULTS OF THE ON-SITE SURVEY 5.1 Site Observations ,The subject sites and surrounding properties were surveyed for environmental conditions relative to the subject sites, K. C. Moore, Environmental Specialist, conducted the site surveys on March 23, 1992. Photographs exposed during the site visit are included in AppendixD. Site-Ol was described as 15 acres located at the southwest comer of Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. At the time of the site visit, Site 01 consisted of approximately 15 acres of land improved with eight (8) commercial structures fronting Beltline Road, Addison Road, and Arapaho Road. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-02 was described as 6.7 acres located at the northwest comer of the intersection between Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. The site was improved with five (5) commercial structures along the south side of the site fronting Arapaho Road. Access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Site-03 was described as 6.4 acres located at the northwest comer of the intersection of the DART Cottonbelt Railroad and Quorum Drive in Addison, Dallas County, Texas_ The subject site was improved with four (4) residential buildings and one (1) commerciaJ structure. There were no apparent hazardous conditions or environmental concerns observed on-site; however, access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey cif the property was not possible. Site-04 was described as 19.8 acres located at the northeast comer of Arapaho Road and Prestonwood Boulevard in Addison, Dallas County, Texas. The subject site appeared to be vacant with a branch of White Rock Creek running from the northwest to the southeast across the site. Some construction debris was noted during the site visit. There were no apparent hazardous conditions or environmental concerns observed on-site; however, access to the site was not granted, therefore a thorough survey of the property was not possible. Above Ground/Underground Storage Tanks According to TWC published databases, PSTs were located or previously operated on Site,.()1 and Site-02. A 3,000 gallon PST was reportedly located in the northwest comer of Site-Ol and abandoned in place. Another 550 gallon, steel, gasoline PST, was reported to be located at the Southwestern Bell building on the south side of Site-02, and was in (J:\DN\DARf-93\REPORl\TASK006T) use. In addition, PSTs were also observed at a 7-E1even store located in the southwest corner of Site-02. This facility was not listed in the TWC's PST jLPST Listing. See Section 6.1 for a listing of PSTs located within one-half mile of the sites. ! \ .Petroleum Pipelines \ . A petroleum pipeline was located along the Southern Pacific Railroad line along the northern boundaries of Site-04 and Site-Q2, and the southern boundary of Site-03. According to Bruce Mueller of the Town of Addison Fire Department, there was a fire associated with this pipeline in 1985 near Dallas Parkway, approximately 2,000 feet from the subject sites. Mr. Mueller stated that the pipeline contained unleaded aviation fuel. Storage of Hazardous Materials On-site storage of drums or other containers of hazardous materials was noted during the inspection. Approximately six (6) 55-gallon drums were observed on the north side of Logic Design Metals, located on the south side of Site-02. The drums appeared to be in good condition. According to Mike Taylor, maintenance supervisor at Logic Design Metals, four (4) of the drums contained waste hydraulic oil and two (2) contained phosphoric acid. In addition, aboveground tanks of oxygen and nitrogen were observed outside of the Logic Design Metals building. According to Mr. Neal Gayden of the Town of Addison Department of Health and Safety, the only violations cited to Logic Design Metals were for excessive storage of hazardous chemicals. In addition, Mr. Gayden stated that Ashland Chemical Company formerly occupied most of Site-Ol. See Appendix E for complete listing of chemicals stored or formerly stored on-site. Landfills No evidence of landfill activities were apparent at the sites. However, numerous piles of construction debris (concrete and lumber) was noted on Site-Q4. Surface Impoundments No evidence of standing water or surface impoundments were found on-site. Air Emissions No on-site activities serving to generate emissions regulated by city, state, or federal authorities were observed during the inspection. (J:\DN\DART·93\REPORT\TASK006T) TERRA-MAR 13 Waste Waters Potable water and sewage services were provided to the sites by the City of Dallas and the Town of Addison. Wastewater effluent from the site was discharged into the , \ ,municipal sewer systems. \ Electrical Power Transformers/Electrical Equipment The site was surveyed for the presence of power transformers and other potential polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) containing electrical equipment. TMI field personnel identified ten (10) pole-mounted and two (2) pad-mounted transformers on Site-Ol; three (3) pole-mounted and two (2) pad-mounted transformers on Site-02; and two (2) pole-mounted transformers on Site-03. No electrical power transformers were located on Site-04. The utility company for the area was TU Electric. Potential PCB-containing electrical equipment is regulated under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of 1976. Three regulatory categories of equipment are defined in 40 CPR Part 761, based on PCB content in parts per million (ppm). These are: "Non-PCB Units" (less than 50 ppm), ""PCB Contaminated Units" (50-500 ppm), and "PCB Units" (greater than 500 ppm). Owners of transformers are responsible for the operation, maintenance, and spill remediation of the units they own. A statement concerning the PCB-status of the transformers observed on site was requested from the utility, the response indicated that none of the transformers noted onsite are PCB units. Copies of correspondence is included in Appendix F. Solid Waste Disposal Solid waste generated from Site-Dl and Site-02 was removed by BFI, Waste Systems Management and the Town of Addison. Soil and Groundwater or Surface Water Contamination No evidence of soil, groundwater or surface water contamination was noted relative to the sites. However, according to Mr. Neal Gayden of the Department of Health and Safety for the Town of Addison, Ashland Chemicals, which occupied most of Site-Dl until 1981, did conduct some soil sampling under direction of the TWC, in areas near their rail spur, where drums were stored. Mr. Gayden stated that the TWC had issued a closure statement for the site. The TWC file for Ashland Chemical indicated that a clean closure of an oil and water seperator was performed on June 6, 1983. See Appendix E for copies of the closure report. (J:\DN\DART·93\REPORT\TASK006T) 14 Hazardous Substance Identification and Inventory ! \ Regulated quantities of hazardous materials or substances were present at Site-02; ..\ however, TMI was not granted access· to the site and therefore a complete listing is not . available. TMI did contact the office of Health and Safety for the Town of Addison, which had on file the types of chemicals present at Logic Design Metals and those formerly present at Ashland Chemical Company. A Summary of these chemicals is included in Appendix E. 5.2 Adjacent Properties Adjacent properties to the subject sites were as follows: Site-Ol North-Site-02 South -Commercial and retail West-Commercial, including one (1) RCRA Facility (Pro's Autobody and Paint) and one (1) PST facility (Waterworks Car Wash). East-Mostly vacant with one (1) office building on the South side. Site-02 North-Site-03 South -Site-Ol East-Commercial Structures West-Vacant Land Site-03 North-Vacant Land South -Site-02 West-Vacant Land (J:\DN\DART.93\REPOR1\TASKOO6T) 15 East-Single-family residences \ Site-04 \ ' North-Multi-family residences .\ South -Commercial development and Prestonwood Country Club East-Prestonwood Country Club West-Toys R' Us and Vacant Land None of the adjacent properties were suspected of causing potential environmental impacts relative to the subject sites other than those previously mentioned as being onsite and the following: o Pro's Autobody and Paint Q Waterworks Car Wash 5.3 Area Reconnaissance One (1) nearby property, other than those identified, which represented environmental concerns relative to the subject sites, was Addison Airport, located approximately 700 feet northwest and parallel gradient frdm Site-D3. According to Mr. Cruz of the Town of Addison Fire Department, a few minor leaks, one major leak, and one fire have been reported from this facility. The major leak was reported in 1986. Ms. Martha Britian of the TWC was contacted to determine if,the major leak had been reported to her office. Ms. Britian indicated that the TWC files files do not go back to 1986, but she would contact the TWC response team to determine if they were notified of the major leak. Ms. Britian was still researching this matter at the writing of this report. 5.4 Radon According to Areas with Potentially High Radon Levels, as supplied by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), TMI determined that the site was not located in an area generally recognized as having a high potential for elevated levels of radon in (J,\DN\DART·93\REPORT\TASKOO6T) TERRA-MAR 16 structures..Therefore, radon was not considered to be an environmental concern for the property. \ A second source of radon data was reviewed. According to the Preliminary Report of The Texas Indoor Radon Survey, as supplied by the Texas Department of Health, .\Bureau of Radiation Control, April 20, 1992, the residential Radon measurement for Dallas County had a maximum value of 6.8 pico-curies per liter (pCif!) of air, however the mean value was 1.2 pCi/1. Four (4) pCi/1 is the threshold of concern according to EPA guidelines. Therefore, radon was not considered to be an environmental concern for the property. However, the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control data indicates that levels of concern may occur in the area, with a mean concentration less than established threshold values. 6.0 REGUlATORYIGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY INQUIRIES A review was made of the following databases to obtain information about potential environmental concerns for the subject site: o National Priorities List (NPL) o o State Superfund Sites o Spill Prevention Control and C'..ountermeasures (SPCC) o Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information Service (CERCLIS) o Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCM) o Texas Water Commission (TWC) listings Petroleum Storage TankS (PST) Leaking Petroleum Storage Tanks (LPST) Municipal Solid Waste Facilities . Industrial Solid Waste Facilities o Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Table I presents a Summary of Regulatory Agency Review. 6.1 Federal and State Regulatory Agency Inquiries NPLSites The National Priority List (NPL) identifies those sites which were involved in CERCLA (Superfund) actions related to abandoned or inactive hazardous waste sites. (J:\DN\DART·93\REPORT\TASKO06T) i No NPL sites were identified within a one-half mile radius of the site. CERCLIS Sites \ The CERCLIS is an EPA database listing those sites identified by federal, state, or local .\regulatory agencies as being of potential environmental concern due to past or ongoing . activities. The status of CERCLIS sites range from those which have never been investigated, to those which have been investigated and have proven to be of lower priority, to those that are in the process of gaining NPL status. o No CERCLIS site was identified within a one-half mile radius of the site. RCRA Notifiers The RCRA notifiers Jist identifies those facilitieS which were indicated to generate, transport, treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste regulated under RCRA. The extent to which these facilities actually handle such wastes varies greatly from small-quantity generators to large-scale treatment, storage and disposal facilities.' The presence of a RCRA facility adjacent to or near the project site is not in itself of significant environmental concern; however, a RCRA facility can be of concern if past (or future) discharges, spills, or releases of hazardous or toxic materials occurred. o Five (5) RCRA notifiers were identified within a one-half mile radius of the site. Pro's Autobody & Glass, a Limited Quantity Generator (CEG), was located adjacent to Sites-Ol and 02, however the potential for impacting the sites was considered low. In addition, one (1) RCRA Notifier, Brantley Cleaners, was located on Site-Ol, serves as an environmental concern due to the potential for release of hazardous materials on-site. For a complete listing see TABLE L , TMI did not identify information that indicated that these facilities have or would likely serve to impact the site. Additional information regarding these RCRA regulated facilities would require a Freedom of Information Act request. o According to the RCRA violators database maintained by the EPA, none were identified within a one-half mile radius of the sites. State Superfund Sites The Texas Water Commission (TWC) also identifies sites of environmental concern. These, generally, include sites similar to those identified on the NPL and CERCLIS lists. ·0 A review of the TWC State Superfund List indicated that state sites were not located within one-half of the subject property. (J:\DN\DART·93\REPOOl\TASKO06T) 18 Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities \ Owners and operators of petroleum storage tanks (PSTs) and leaking petroleum storage \ tanks (LPSTs) were required to register facilities with the Texas Water Commission .I. (TWC) and report unauthorized releases. o A review of the TWC PST list indicated that eleven (11) facilities were reported to have PSTs within a one-half mile radius of the project site. PSTs were identified at businesses present on Site..()1 (Beltway Development Company located at the northwest corner of Site..()1) and Site-02 (Southwestern Bell Station located at the southeast corner of Site-02). In addition, one (1) PST facility (Waterworks Car Wash) was located approximately 100 feet west and paralleJgradient from Site..()1. See Table I for a complete listing. o A review of the TWC LPST list indicated that no facilities with leaking tanks were within one half mile from the site. TMI did not identify information that indicated that these facilities have or would likely serve to impact the site. Texas Department of Health The Texas Department of Health (TDH) maintains a listing of permitted solid waste management facilities (landfills) throughout the state. o Review of this database (municipal and industrial) indicated no such facilities within a one mile radius of the site. 6.2 Special Resources Sole Source Aquifers No sole source aquifer, as defined by Section 1424( e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 US.CO 300f J::1 seq., has been identified at, or in the vicinity of, the project site. A sole source aquifer is the sole or principal drinking water source for an area, as identified by the EPA. Wetlands (J:\DN\DART·93\REPORT\TASK006T) TERRA-MAR 19 A "wetlands" designation investigation, as prescribed by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, The Water Quality Act of 1987, 33 U.S.c. 1251 􀁾􀁾is a rigorous protocol of data collection to characterize hydrology, soils, vegetation, wildlife, climatology, and \ other disciplines --with studies often continuing over many seasons. The investigations \ are a prerequisite to the placement of dredge or fill materials for development purposes . \ and the construction of buildings on a site 􀁤􀁥􀁳􀁩􀁧􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁾􀀠as 'wetlands". Investigations of this .. type were beyond the scope of this Phase I ESA; however, based on the site inspection, TMI did not consider the site to be "wetlands", as defined by regulation and case law under the Clean Water Act. Threatened and Endangered Species (T &E) Numerous species of plants and animals --with potential habitats overlapping the project site --are afforded various levels of protection by federal and state statutes, including the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.c. 1531 􀁾􀀠seq. Investigations necessary to demonstrate the level of utilization, if any, of the project site as an active habitat for one, or all, of these flora and fauna species were beyond the scope of this Phase I ESA. However, TMI did not identify information during this assessment that the site or vicinity served as a habitat for threatened or endangered species. Wild and Scenic Rivers Lacking proximity to a water course regulated by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the project site was not considered by TMI to be subject to provisions of that statute. Coastal Dunes and Beaches The project site was not located near a sea coast; therefore, TMI did not consider provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1451, et seq., 15 CFR Part 923, to be applicable. Critical and Unique Habitat The Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et 􀁾and its regulations, define "critical and unique habitat", and impacts thereto, for purposes of significant federal actions. Detailed investigations, beyond the scope of this Phase I ESA, would be required to demonstrate whether the site would be "critical and unique habitat". TMI did not observe characteristies associated with this designation during the research and site inspection. (J:\DN\DART-93\REPORT\TASK006T) TERRA-MAR 20 Historic Buildings, Structures and Sites, and DesignatedNatural Landmarks \ Numerous federal and state statutes protect historic buiidings, structures sites, and \ natural landmarks. An inventory of these resources was provided by the Texas Historical . \ Commission A search of this publication revealed no historic buildings, structures, sites, . and natural landmarks associated with this site. Vegetation According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department "Vegetation Types of Texas Including Cropland", the vegetation in the vicinity of the site was characterized as Urban area with no indigenous vegetation. 6.3 Local Government Inquiries Fire Department The Fire Marshal for the Town of Addison was contacted regarding reported fires and incidents of hazardous materials spills or leaks, or other SPCC circumstances recorded at the site. According to Mr. Bruce Mueller of the Fire Prevention Division, there have not been any reported fires, hazardous material spills or leaks reported at the sites. However, Mr. Mueller did state that a petroleum pipeline caught fire in 1985 between Sites-0l-03 and Site-Q4. However, impact to the sites was unlikely. In addition, Addison Airport, reported a fire in 1984 and minor spills in 1986 and 1992 at its fuel tank farm. Mr. Mueller also stated that Ashland Chemical Company, which occupied most of Site01 until 1983 stored and used chemicals in their day today operations. Copies of correspondence are presented in Appendix F. In addition, a copy of the last inventory of chemical stored at Ashland Chemicals, on file with the Fire Department, is included in AppendixE. Department of Health and Safety Inquiries with the Town of Addison, Department of Health and Safety, were made regarding the subject sites. According to Mr. Neal Gayden, R.S., of Environmental Services, Logic Design Metals, located on Site-Q2, had been in violation by storing excessive amounts of chemicals on their property. According to Mr. Gayden, soil samples were collected and some soils removed from the site, prior to the issuance of a closure report from the TWC. In addition, Mr. Gayden confirmed information provided to TMI concerning Ashland Chemicals, by the Fire Department. Mr. Gayden also provided copies of MSDS documentation on file for Logic Design Metals. Copies of (J:\ON\DART-93\REPORT\TASKO06T) 21 correspondence ate presented in Appendix F. In addition, a copy of the MSDS 􀁳􀁨􀁥􀁥􀁴􀁾􀀠are included in Appendix E. \ Zoning .\ . According to Ms. Carmen Morgan, with the Town of Addison, Zoning Department, Zoning for the sites were as follows: Site-Ol -Planned Development; Site-02 and Site-03 -Commercial; Site-04 -Planned Development. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on observations and review of available information, the following environmental issues or potential risks were discovered: o Storage of large amounts of Chemicals and processing waste at Logic Design Metals, a sheet metal manufacturer, located on Site-02. In addition, according to the Town of Addison Fire Department, Logic Design Metals had been cited for storage of excessive amounts of chemicals. o Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs), were present at 4851 Arapaho Road (Southwestern Bell) and 4803 Arapaho Road (7-Eleven). Of these locations, the 7-Eleven Store, was not listed in the TWC PST /LPST listings. In addition, according to the TWC PST //LPST listings, one (1) PST was present on Site-Ol and listed as permanently abandoned in place, at 15280 Addison Road. o Ten (10) PSTs were located within a one-half mile radius of the site. Of these one (1) was located on the western adjacent property of Site-Ol (Waterworks Car Wash). o According to the Town of Addison Fire Department and the Addison Department of Health and Safety, soil sampling and remediation activities were conducted by Ashland Chemical, prior to leaving the site. A closure report for Ashland Chemical was on file with the TWC. TMI identified (10) pole-mounted and two (2) pad-mounted transformers on Site01; three (3) pole-mounted and two (2) pad-mounted transformers on Site-02; and two (2) pole-mounted transformers on Site-03. The PCB content of these transformers was unknown. TMI requested information concerning the PCB (J:\DN\DART·93\REPORi\TASKOO6T) 22 two (2) pole-mounted transformers on Site-03. The PCB content of these transformers was unknown. TMI requested information concerning the PCB status of the transformers from TO Electric and will forward the information when it becomes available. \ ' \,0 Five (5) RCRA notifiers were identified within a one-half mile radius of the site. Pro's Autobody & Glass, a Limited Quantity Generator (CEG), was located adjacent to Sites-Q1 and 02, however the potential for impacting the sites was considered low. In addition, one (1) RCRA notifier, Brantley Cleaners, located on Site-Ql, is an environmental concern due to the potential for release of hazardous materials on"'ilite. , o A petroleum pipeline which contained aviation fuel and unleaded gasoline was located along the Southern Pacific RailrOad line along the northern boundaries of Site-04 and Site-02, and the southern boundary of Site-03. A fire associated with this pipeline occurred in 1985 near Dallas Parkway, approximately 2,000 feet from the subject sites, however, it was unlikely that the sites were impacted. , o According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Map #480171 Panel #OOZSc, March 16, 1983 for Dallas, TexaS; the eastern half of Site-04 was located in an area designated within the 100-year flood plain. TMI identified no evidence that this area was designated as a wetlands area. o TMI was denied access to parcels; however, structures were noted on Sites 1, 2, and 3 which may have been constructed using asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). , • " 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on results, observations and data evaluation of this ESA, TMI makes the following recommendations: o Conduct further research and investigation through the TWC, to determine if limited soil sampling at the former Ashland Chemical site is necessary. Obtain copy of Tank Closure report from the TWC issued for the PST reported to be permanently abandoned in place at Site-Ol, and determine what impact if any, the PST had on-site and if limited soil sampling is necessary and remove the PST from the site. II (J:\DN\DART.S3\REPORT\TASKnOOT) 23 ....._--. ----.--....􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀢􀀹􀀱􀀠9.0 REFERENCES DATABASES comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information \ System List, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, December 1992. National Priority List (Final and Proposed Sites), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, December 1992. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Notifiers Listing; United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, December 1992. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Violators Listing, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, December 1992. Petroleum Storage Tank and Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Lists, Texas Water Commission, December 1992. Solid Waste Management Facilities Listing, Texas Water Commission, December 1992. State Superfund Registry, Texas Water Commission, Fall 1992. Preliminary Report of The Texas Indoor Radon Survey 1992, Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control, April 20, 1992. MAPS Areas Areas with Potentially High Radon Levels, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. Addison Quadrangle, United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series, Topographic Map, 1959 (Photorevised 1981). Geologic Atlas of Texas, Dallas Sheet, University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, 1987. (J:\DN\DAAT·93\REPORT\TASK006T) 24 , """ITeore, 􀁁􀀢􀁉􀁝􀁡􀁢􀁮􀀻􀁾􀀬􀀠..d Ch,rnl"I Q"ilty of a",ndw",,, 10 th' Cret"",m ii Aquifers of North-Central Texas, Report 269, Texas Department of Water Resources, 1982. .• \ Soil Survey of Dallas County, Texas, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil i'\Conservation Service, 1979. . AERIAL PHQTOGRAPHS Ii North Central Texas Council of Governments, Flights from 1971,1975,1980, 1986, and 1990. I 25(J:\DN\DART-93\REPORT\TASK006T) I ---. 􀁾􀀠',,: lITE 31· .. _ Ison Modified troln U.S.G.S. 7,5 􀁉􀁴􀁤􀁮􀁵􀁴􀁾􀀠Series Topographk 􀁍􀁂􀁾􀁬􀀠Addison Quadrangle PhotOteVlsed 198; .(:Contour lnlerval 10' t NORTH I o 1000 2000 4000 DN93,012.006 ;1 􀁾􀁔􀁅􀁒􀁒􀁁􀀮􀁍􀁁􀁒􀀬􀀠INC.: SITE LOCATION t 􀁾􀁾􀁹􀁾􀀴􀁔􀀠FIGURE 11 ; I '. \ • .; .9,;; ]• » 􀁾􀀠o '" o ; "' "•U T.• Quorum Canter j ®• o Arap"ho ltd. . .\.D COIllilructlon Area " 0 1 1 • (6i !l:aYleU 􀁏􀁵􀁵􀁩􀁤􀁾􀀠$Wr"le, I o 􀁾􀀠􀁲􀀠Ski . Hut 􀁉􀁾􀁏􀁩􀁉􀁙􀀺􀀧􀀠I Constru{;licm Arua Office Depot COlllainor Store Ralph .nd Kakoos • 􀁾􀁉􀀠• 􀁾________________􀁾􀀯􀁾􀀰􀁾________􀁾􀀮􀁾__􀀭􀀭􀁡􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁄􀁾__􀁾􀀠t8l Pad-Mounted Tramfortnct' ® Polt;·M.ountoo Tnwsfotmer • Fire Hydrant 5:ZI Storm Drain Belt LillO Rd. NOT TO SCALE SITE PLAN #1 -.􀁾TERRA'M.. AR, INc.1 􀁎􀁏􀁒􀁔􀁈􀀢􀁾􀀠n:RRA-MAR DN93·012-006 2 Site 3 \ \ •. 7-11 Computer 􀁰􀀧􀁾􀁯􀁰􀁬􀁣􀀠Arapllho Rd. 􀁎􀁩􀁴􀁲􀁯􀀮􀀦􀁾􀁄􀀠taak. Coment Pad • Site i NOT TO SCALE DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT I-_____T,::A::;S:;K;,.ORDER 93006T t SITE PLAN 112 LEGEND DN93-012-006 •. Fire Hydrant NORTH ·FIGURE 2 AddifOIl Conferellce VacauJ Land Center \ \ MHon:d SL Q• " ..1 EJ;;• ;,-•0 􀀭􀁾􀀠115506 ! 5 •Q a ;; 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾[] Ct• 􀁾􀀠Clara St. EJ Banhell 􀁔􀁴􀀢􀀻􀁬􀁾􀁮􀁳􀀠C,Lr Inc. NOT TO SCAl.E t SITE PLAN #3 LEGEND TERRA-MAR, INC, DN93-012-006 '•..: Fire Hydrunt NORTH FIGURE 2 TABLE I -continued ,. \. 3. FACILITY NAME: PayJess Cashways Inc. ADDRESS: 4803 Beltline Road Addison, Texas 75240 CLASS: Limited Quantity Generator (CEG) FACILITY J.D. NO.: TXD988078697 LOCATION: Located on the south side of Site-Ql. 4. FACILITY NAME: Shell Service Station ADDRESS: 5304 Arapaho Road Dallas, Texas 75248 ClASS: Limited Quantity Generator (CEG) FACILITY I.D. NO.: TXD980748784 LOCATION: Approximately 700 feet southwest and up gradient from the Site-Q4. 5. FACILITY NAME: Pro's Autobody & Glass ADDRESS: 15293 Addison Road Addison, Texas 75248 CLASS: Limited Quantity Generator (CEG) FACILITY I.D. NO.: TXD988071098 LOCATION: Approximately 100 feet west and parallel gradient from the Site-Ql. RCM VIOlATORS o According to the RCRA violators database maintained by the EPA, there were no RCRA violators identified within a one-half mile radius of the site. CERCLIS The CERCLIS is an EPA database listing those sites identified by federal, state, or local regulatory agencies as being of potential environmental concern due to past or ongoing activities. The status of CERCLIS sites range from those which have never been investigated, to those which have been investigated and have proven to be of lower priority, to those that are in the process of gaining NPL status. • According to the CERCLIS database maintained by the EPA, there were no CERCLA sites identified within' a one-half mile radius of the site. TABLE I -continued --_....--------\ ' PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS \ o A review of the TWC PST /LPST list indicated that ten (10) facility within a one-half mile radius of the project sites had reported PSTs. Two (2) of these facilities were located on the subject sites (nos. 1 and 2). None of these . facilities was listed as an LPST site according to TWC records. The following PST facility was identified during database research and site reconnaissance: 1. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY I.D.#: LOCATION: PSTs: 2. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY I.D.#: LOCATION: PSTs: 3. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY I.D.#: LOCATION: PSTs: Beltway Development 15280 Addison Road #300 Addison, Texas 75248 0031999 Located in the northwest comer of Site-Dl. 1. Material unknown, 3,000 gallon, empty, installed 1976, PERMANENTLY ABANDONED IN PLACE 1/30/84. Southwestern Bell Station #235 4851 Arapaho Road Addison, Texas 75248 0062633 Located on the south side of Site-D2. 1. ,Steel, 550 gallon, gasoline, , CURRENTL Y IN USE. Marriott Hotel 14901 Dallas Parkway Dallas, Texas 75240 0044218 installed 1987, Approximately 1,300 feet southeast and parallelgradient from Site-D1. 1. FRP, 1,000 gallon, diesel, installed 1982, CURRENTLY IN USE. "FRP" denotes Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. TERRA-MAR TABLE I -continued \ ' .\ 4. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY LD.#: LOCATION: PSTs: 5. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY I.D.#: LOCATION: PSTs: J.C; Penny Store No.208 5301 Beltline Road Dallas, Texas 75240 0058752 Approximately 1,500 feet southwest and upgradient from Site-Q4. 1. Unknown tank type, 280 gallon, diesel, installed 1979, CURRENTLY IN USE. 2. Unknown tank type, 550 gallon, diesel, installed 1979, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. Mobil Oil Corporation 5012 Beltline Road Dallas, Texas 75240 0044719 Approximately 1,200 feet southeast and parallel gradient from Site-Ol. 1. FRP, 10,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1987, CURRENTLY IN USE. 2. FRP, 10,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1987, CURRENTLY IN USE.i 3. FRP, 10,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1987, CURRENTLY IN USE. 4. : FRP, 10,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1987, CURRENTLY IN USE. 5. FRP, 9728 gallon, gasoline, installed 1974, PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM THE GROUND, 1987. 6. FRP, 9728 gallon, gasoline, installed 1974, PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM THE GROUND, 1987. 7. FRP, 9728 gallon, gasoline, installed 1974, PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM THE GROUND,1987. 8. FRP, 9728 gallon, gasoline, installed 1974, PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM THE GROUND, 1987. TABLE I -continued \ ' \ 6. FACILITY NAME: First Gibraltar Building ADDRESS: 14951 Dallas Parkway Dallas, Texas 75240 FACILITY I.D.#: 0063481 LOCATION: Approximately 1,500 feet southeast and parallelgradient from Site-Dl. PSTs: 1. FRP, 10,000 gallon, diesel, installed 1981, CURRENTLY IN USE. 7. FACILITY NAME: Addison Ahport ADDRESS: 4788 Roscoe Turner Dallas, Texas 75248 FACILITY 1.0.#: 0000022 LOCATION: Approximately 700 feet northwest and parallel gradient from Site-03. PSTs: 1. Steel, 11,696 gaHon, gasoline, installed 1957, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 2. Steel, 11,696 gallon, gasoline, installed 1957, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 3. Steel, 11,696 gallon, gasoline, installed 1957, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 4. Steel, 11,696 gallon, gasoline, installed 1957, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. S. : Steel, ,11098 gallon, gasoline, installed 1979, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 6. Steel, 11098 gallon, gasoline, installed 1979, , TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 7. Steel, 11098 gallon, gasoline, installed 1979, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 8. Steel, 2,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1967, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 9. Steel, 2,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1967, TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁔􀁅􀁒􀁒􀁁􀀭􀁾􀀠 TABLE I -continued \ ' ,\ 8. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY 1.0.#: LOCATION: PSTs: PSTs: 9. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY 1.0.#: LOCATION: PSTs: WatelWorks Car Wash 15209 Addison Road Addison, Texas 75248 0060186 Approximately 100 feet west and parallel gradient from Site-Ol. 1. Composite tank, 8,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1988, CURRENTLY IN USE. 1. Composite tank, 8,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1988, CURRENTLY IN USE. 3. Composite tank, 5,000 gallon, diesel, installed 1988, CURRENTLY IN USE. 7-E1even Store 1602-22948 5403 Knoll Trail #101 Dallas, Texas 75248 0007394 Approximately 1,600 feet southeast and up gradient from Site-()4. 1. FRP, 12,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1981, CURRENTLY IN USE. 2. FRP, 12,000 gallon, gasoline, installed 1981, CURRENTLY IN USE. 3. : FRP, 12,000 gallon> gasoline, installed 1981> CURRENTLY IN USE. TERRA-MAR TABLE I -continued , _ ..... _-------------------------.\ 10. FACILITY NAME: ADDRESS: FACILITY 1.0.#: LOCATION: PSTs: Montgomery Ward 5402 Arapaho Road Dallas, Texas 75248 0019048 Approximately 2,500 feet southwest and upgradient from Site-04. 1. FRP, capacity unknown, gasoline, installation date unknown, CURRENTLY IN USE. 2 PRP, capacity unknown, gasoline, installation date unknown, CURRENTLY IN USE. 3. FRP, capacity unknown, gasoline, installation date unknown, CURRENTL 'Y IN USE. 4. FRP, capacity unknown, diesel, installation date unknown, CURRENTLY IN USE. "FRP" denotes Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. ! \ ' .\ APPENDlXA EXHIBIT H -SCOPE OF SERVICES .... 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SITE ASSESSMENTS SCOPE OF SERV'ICE8 The Authority reguires hazardous material site assessments for real estate proposed for acguisition or already owned by the Authority. The information developed will be used to evaluate lindividual sites for the presence of hazardous material!s) and to provide budget estimates. for acguisition and construction !activities. In addition, the information will be used to insure . ci.ompliance with current environmental 'regulations is maintained for Authority owned real esta.te. More than 90 task orders for investigations on over 200 parcels have been issued under three'" previous contracts since January1991. GENERAL DIRECTION 1. Individual phases of a hazardous materials site assessment will be done on a "task order" basis for a 􀁧􀁩􀁶􀁾􀁮􀀠site. Maps will be provided to the Contractor which show the location of each particular site. 2. The Authority will provide any applicable Right-of-Entry. 3. The Contractor will· obtain any necessary permits. 4. At a given site, the Authority reserves the right to reguest additional testing at the price negotiated and agreed upon and included in the contract. 5.' All data and laboratory results are the property of the Authority. No data may be used in any manner or for any purpose by the Contractor, any Subcontractor, and/or their employees without express written permission of the Authority. 6. The written report be SUbmitted in draft form for Authority review before delivery of a final written report to the Authority. costs involved with submittal of the draft report wilf be based on a previously 􀁡􀁧􀁲􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠upon price schedule, 7; The Contractor will cooperate with all other Authority Contractors " 8. Whenever the work takes place in a construction area, the Contractor and applicable subcontractors will notify the construction field office on arrival and when leaving. All safety requirements for the construction area are to adhered by all Contractor and/or Subcontractor personnel Working in the construction area. Page 1 of 6 July 92 reports are to be sent to the Authdrity's". 􀁷􀁲􀁾􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁮􀀠Transportation Planning Division Environmental Planning section, P.O. Box 66016J, Dallas,. Texas .75266-7214 (Fax no. 214/658-,6331) . \ PHASE I 1. A literature and records search is to, be conducted to 'd,etermine past land use on and adjacent· to the site. This search is to include a 􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁩􀁥􀁾􀀠of existing historical aerial photographs and applicable records of regulatory bodies. Any pending, issued, denied, or revoked p-ernit from a·regulatory agency is to be identified as part to the procedure to establish land usage. All past or cur:x;:ent re'i/.ulCatory agency investigations and violations of permit cond-itions/restrictions are also to be reported.' This search is to extend back to 1920 􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀀠feasible. 2. The site and properties 􀁾􀁩th a 0.25 mile radius are to be visually inspected to identify any visible adverse environmental conditions possibly impacting the site. These conditions 􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁬􀀠inclUde information about each of the following conditions: a. Presence of ,any possible asbestos or PCB containing materials/equipment, . b. building permits for asbestos abatement during renovation or remodeling of any structure(s), c. evidence of hazardous material storage, d. presence of an active or abandoned underground storage tank system, e. presence pf waste material storage (including hazardous waste), f. evidence of the site located in a floodplain, g. condition and general type of vegetation for evidence of soil contamination from toxic materials(s), h. evidence of hydrocarbon and/or other chemical spillage, and 1. presence of current of forn'er RCM regUlated facilities within 0.5 mile radius of the site. :J: An oral report out'lining hazardous material conditions impacting the site is due to tne Authority's Proj ect Manager (214/658-6256) within 15 working days after receipt of the' Notice to Proceed by the Contractor. 4. The written report for each site is due 20 working days after receipt by the Contractor of the .Notice to Proceed. This report is to include observations, findings and conclusions as to conditions at the particular site. 5. Upon completion of review by DART of the draft report, the Contractor will address any comments from DART in the final Page :2 of 6 ruly 92 􀀭􀀭􀁴􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀬􀀠VJ. 'Cne final report are due to the 􀁁􀁾􀀧􀁃􀁮􀁯􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀯􀁳􀀠Project Manager within 10 working days of receipt of comments by the contractor. c..... 6. The Contractor conducting the Phase I' investigation wi 11 not conduct any further investigation on the site(s) covered under the task order regardless of the recol1U1lendations in the Phase 1 report. , \ ' . \ PRASE IIA: SOIL AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS, 1. Based on information from the Phase 1 investigation, the Authority will specify the number and general location of bore holes and any monitoring wells,to be drilled at a given site, 2. Each bore hole shall extend to a maximum depth of 35 feet. The bore holes are to be filled completely with a grout material at the conclusion of testing. All bore holes shall be covered until the grout mixture· has hardened. 3. The Authority may request that additional samples from shallow depths be obt.ained by hand augering. • Hand' augering locations \,Iill also be filled in by the use of grout or other appropriate method. 4. Laboratory analysis for petroleum hydrocarbons of a given soil sample will be needed ONLY if initial readings for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) exceed 70 ppm (parts per million). In addition to TPH, samples are to be analyzed for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene isomers) concentration. The Authority reserves the right to request TCLl? (toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) testing for benzene on specified samples. 5. Soil samples shall be taken at a maximum of every 2.0 feet of depth during drilling operations. Complete records will be maintained by the Contractor showing origin and soil depth of sample . • 6. When designated, soil and/or ground\,later samples \,Iill be analyzed for the presence of ·total metal concentration of specific heavy metals. The Authority reserves the right to request TCLP (toxicity characteristic' leaching procedure) testing on 'specified samples. The Contractor \,IiI 1 be notified if analysis for heavy metals is required. 7. The Contractor may be requested to analyze designated soil and/or groundwater samples for the presence of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PARS). The Authority reserves the right to request TCLl? testing on specified samples. Analysis of samples for PARs will occur only at the express request of the Authority. Page :> of 6 July 92 P-92009078 B. An oral report giving the groundwater depth, soil and groundwater conditions, and available laboratory results for the site is due to the Authority's Project Manager (214/658-6256) within 15 working days after re?eipt of the Notice to Proceed by the contractor. 9. The draft written report for each site is due 20 workingdays after receipt by the contractor of the Notice to Proceed. This report is to include all information in the oral report plus a least one map showing bore,hold/monitor well locations and ell Cltl11ing logs. Data and laboratory results are to be sUbmitted 􀁡􀁾􀀠part of the draft report. • 10. Upon completion of review by DART of the draft report, the Contractor will address any comments from DART in the final report. Three (3), copies o,f""the final report are due to the Authority's Project 'Manager within 10 working days of receipt of comments by the Cont'ractor. PRA8E lIB: ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIAL lNVESTIGATIONS 1. Perform a detailed, non-destructive asbestos survey by obtaining bulk samples from suspected asbestos containing material (1ICM). The number of bulk samples taken will be based on information from a PHASE I investigation of the site. A :minimum of 10 bulk samples will be required. 2,. The asbestos survey must only be performed by individuals licensed under provisions of the ,Texas Asbestos Heal th Protection Ace (Texas civil statutes, Article 4477-3a) administered by the Texas ,Department of Health (TDH) or any successor agency. 3. The analytical work will be performed according to methods approved by the us Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or the National Institute of Occupational safety and Health (NlOSH). In th'e event, of a conflict between the methods, the Authority will stipulate whether the EPA or the NIOSH method is to be used. Usually bulk iamples, excluding floor tile and/or mastic, will be analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM). Floor tile and/or mastic will by analyzed by, scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 4. 1my laboratory performing performing analysis of samples for asbestos :must be licensed under provisions of the Texas Asbestos Healtb Protection Act (Texas Civil statutes, Article 4477-3a) administered by the Texas Department of Health (TDH) or any successor agency. 5. The oral report giving the location, material type, amount and condition of project Manager receipt of the Noany (214tice ACM at the /658-6256) to Proceed site within by the is cdue to the 15 working ontractor. Author!ty' s days after Page 4 of 6 July 92 ! , ' .\ SITE-Ol TERRA-MAR Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The DatoJln/ormalion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas. Texas 75222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/3764474 \ Fax II At Your Convenience ! \ . \ April 22, 1993 DART Task Order 006T OWNERSHIP SUMMARY Site 01: Being a 15 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, also being part of the Quorum Centre Addition, Town of Addison, Dallas County, TX., according to Volume 84067 pg 5718, Map Records, Dallas County, TX. Instrument Date: 5-4-1900 File Date: 5-5-1900 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: William Myers Grantee: J.I. Dennis Comments: Volume/Page: 244/271 Instrument Date: 10-23-53 File Date: 10-26-53 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: The Estate of J.I. DenniS, deceased Grantee: Louis E. DenniS, et al Comments: Right of way easement to the County of Dallas, Volume 3495 pg 546, filed for record 5-2-51. Volume/Page: 3937/401 Instrument Date: 12-26-53 File Date: 12-31-53 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Louis E. Dennis, et al Grantee: Harold ·Starr, Trustee Comments: Volume/Page: 3967/356 Instrument Date: 12-30-53 File Date: 12-31-53 Instrument: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: Harold Starr, Trustee (Page 1 of 3) ENVIRONMENTAL 1LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1WIL SEARCHES PROBA1ESEARCHESIBANKRUPTCYSEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Let Us Find The Data/In/ormation You Need" P,O, Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager H 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/3764414 Fax II AI Your Convenience ! , ' \ April 22, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Grantee: St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Comments: Volume/Page: 3967/367 Instrument Date: 12-9-83 File Date: 12-22-83 Instrument: Harranty Deed Grantor: St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Grantee: Daryl N. Snadon, Trustee Comments: Right of way easement to the City of 􀁁􀁾􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁯􀁮􀀻􀀠Volume 63092 pg 844, filed 􀁦􀁯􀁾􀀠record 6-24-63. Quit Claim Deed to the City of Addison for right of way purposes, Volume 64298 pg 825, filed for record 4-21-64, Easement 􀁦􀁯􀁾􀀠street purposes to Ashland Oil, Inc., Volume 73243 pg 2029, filed recdrd 12-13-73. Utili;y easement to Texas Power and Light Company, Volume 82054pg 630, filed for record 3-17-82. Volume/Page: 832491Z5 Instrument Date: 10-5-88 File Date: 10-11-88 Instrument;: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: Daryl N'. Snadon Grantee: Texas N.R.C. Corporation Comments: Right of way easement to the City of Addison, Volume 84075 pg 4955, filed for record 4-13-84. Volume/Page: 88198/2198 Instrument Date: 11-1-88 (Page 2 of 3) ENVIRONMENTALILIINDUSESEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Data/Information You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222.f,079 2141376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/3146467 FAX # 214/376-4474 Fax II AI Your Convenience ! , ' \ April 22, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) File Date: 11-1-88 Ins trumen t : Trustee's Deed Grantor: TexasN.R.C. Corporation Grantee: First Interstate Bank of Texas, N.A. Comments: Volume/Page: 88213/594 Instrument Date: 6-22-89 File Date: 7-3-89 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: First Interstate Bank of Texas, N.A. Grantee: FIMSA, Inc. Comments: Volume/Page: 89129/367 Instrument Date: 12-30-91 File Date: 12-31-91 Instrument: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: FIMSA/Inc. Grantee: International Guaranty Corporation Comments: Easement Agreement between Hunt Petroleum, et aI, Volume 91197 pg 872, filed for record 2-23-91. Access easement between Hunt Petroleum Company, et aI, Volume 91169 pg 1406, filed for record 8-29-91. Water line easement to the City of Addison, Volume 93078 pg 2540, filed for record 4-22-93. Volume/Page: 92001/617 Dallas County, TX Deed Records updated/certified through 4-8-93. (Page 3 of 3) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 UND USE 􀁓􀁉􀁩􀁁􀁒􀁃􀁈􀁾􀀠 ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES ! \ ' \.\ SITE-02 Research by Spellcer' "Lei Us Finil The Data/Information You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/3764106 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/376-4474 Fax II AI Your Convenience -' ,. .,\ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T OWNERSHIP SUMMARY Site 02: Being Tracts 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 24 and 26, the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, TX., containing 6.7 acres of land, more or less. Instrument Date: 3-23-25 File Date: 3-23-25 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: M.D. Kelly and wife, Carrie KellyGrantee: Fields Noell Comments: Tract 1 Volume/Page: 1188/136 Instrument Date: 7-11-47 File Date: 7-28-47 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Bertie.g. Noell, a widow Grantee: L.J. 􀁎􀁾􀀠Keliher Comments: Tract 1 Volume/Page: 2854/:270 Instrument Date: 1-5-53 Fne Date: . 3-30-53 Instrument: Warran-ty Deed Grantor: L.J.N. Keliher and Wife, Hilda Keliher Grantee: J.G. Bartholomew Comments: Tract 1 Volume/Page: 3825/113 Instrument Date: 8-25-55 File Date: 8-30-55 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: J.G. Bartholomew Grantee: E.W. McConnell and R.P. Hamilton Comments: Tract 1 (Page 1 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL 1LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERlY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Data/Information You Need" ! , ' \ April 23, 1993 (Continued) Volume/Page: Instrument Date: File Date: Instrument: Grantor: Grantee: Comments: Volume/Page: Instrument Date: File Date: Instrument: Grantor: Grantee: Comments: Volume/Page: Instrument Date: File Date: Instrument: Grantor: Grantee: Comments: Volume/Page: Instrument Date: File Date: Instrumen t: Grantor: Grantee: Comments: Volume/Page: P.O. Box 226079 Dallas. Texas 75222-6079 214/376'00)6 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX 11214/376-4474 Fax It AI Your Convenience DART Task Order 006T 4332/601 11-20-58 12-8-58 Quit Claim Deed 􀁒􀀮􀁐􀁾􀀠Hamilton and E.W. McConnell Arnold Darrow and Marshall H. Greenberg Tract 1 5015/419 9-22-61 9-25-61 Warranty Deed ·Arnold Darrow Marshall H. Greenberg Part,of Tract 1 5629/291 6-3-63 8-21:-93 Warranty Deed Arnold Darrow Marshall H. Greenberg Part of Tract 1 63133/2196 8-2-67 8-7-67 Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien MarShall H. Greenberg Ernest T. Anderson Tract 1; Right of Way Deed to the Town of Addison, Volume 64334 pg 106, filed for record 6-10-64. 67153/.2179 (Page 2 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL I LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES I BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES J UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "leI Us Fimi The DatalInJorl1llllion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas. Texas 75222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager" 214/314-6467 \ FAX" 214/376-4474 Fax 1/AI Your Convenience ! \ . \ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Instrument Date: 3-16-69 File Date: 1-10-72 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Ernest T. Anderson Grantee: Anderson Realty Company Comments: Tract 1 Volume/Page: 72006/1232 Instrument Date: 6-1-82 File Date: 6-2-82 Instrument: General Warranty Deed Grantor: Anderson Realty Company Grantee: A.B.P. Investments III, Ltd. Comments: Tract 1; Five (5) year Lease Agreement between Anderson Realty Company (Lessor) and Logic Design Metals, Inc. (Lessee), Volume 77109 pg 370, filed for record 6-6-77. Right of way easement to the Town of Addison, Volume 84075 pg 4958, filed for record 4-13-84. Volume/Page: 82108/2694 Instrument Date: 9..,8-03 File Date: 10-4-04 Instrument: Deed Grantor: w.n. Julian and wife, A.M. Julian Grantee: James Atkins Comments: Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 7 Volume/Page: 398/298 Instrument Date: 11-12-27 File Date: 11-23-27 (Page 3 0 f 11) ENVIRONMENTAL /LAND USE sEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES /REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES /CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES /BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DELINQUENT TAX SEARCHES /LIEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Let Us Find The DaWln!omUllion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/376.0406 Digital Pager # i 141314-6467 FAX # 214/3764474 Fax It AI YOur Convenience : \ ' \ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: J.A. Atkins and wife, Nancy Atkins Grantee: W.H. Sims and wife, Maggie Sims Comments: Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 1443/201 Instrument Date: 11-17-28 File Date: 11-19-28 Instrument: Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Grantor: J.A. Atkins and wife, Nancy Atkins Grantee: W.H. Sims Comments: Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 1517 /455 Instrument Date: 7-6-49 File Date: 8-20-49 Instrument: Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Grantor: Mrs. Maggie Sims Hudgins and husband, J.H. Hudgins Grantee: Mrs. Ernest"Melton Comments: Part bf Tracts 4, 􀀵􀁾􀁾􀀠and 7 Volume/Page: 3176/264 Instrument Date: 6-7-55' File Date: 6-7-55 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Maggie S. Hudgins, a widow Grantee: Mrs. Ernest Melton Comments: Part Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 4276/547 Instrument Date: 5-25-66 File Date: 5-31-66 . Instrument: Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Grantor: Maggie S. Hudgins, a widow (Page 4 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL I lAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES I REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I ClV1L SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES I BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEliNQUENT TAX SEARCHES I UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Dala/ln/ormLItion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-{i079 214/376>0406 Digital Pager # 214/314..Q467 FAX # 214/3764474 Fax It Al Your Convenience ! \ ' \ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Grantee: Ernes.t Guy Melton and wife, Grace M. Melton Comments: Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 66832/2497 Instrument Date: 8-16-79 File Date: 3-25-88 Instrument: Affidavit of Heirship Grantor: The Estate of Ernest G. Melton, deceased Grantee: Grace M. Melton, Eloise S. Ryan and Gloria Melton Tinsley Comments: Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 88079/l6i6 Instrument Date: 8-16-79 File Date: 8-20-79 Instrument: Quit Claim Deed Grantor: Gloria Melton Tinsley Grantee: Grace Myrtle Melton Comments: Part 􀁾􀁦􀀠Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 79163/2799 Instrument Date: 8-16-79 File Date: 8-20-79 Instrument: Quit Claim Deed Grantor: Eloise S. Ryan Grantee: Grace Myrtle Melton Comments: Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 79163/2803 Instrument Instrument Date: 8-16-79 File Date: 8-20-79 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Grace Myrtle Melton Grantee: A. Ben Pinnell, Jr., Trustee (Page 5 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE SEARCHES A.SSET SEARCHES I REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I G1VIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES I BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DELiNQUENT TAX SEARCHES I UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "LeI Us Find The Data/Information You Need" P,O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222..6()79 2141376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/376-4474 Fax II At Your Convenience .' ',.\ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Comments: Part of Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7 Volume/Page: 79163/2807 Instrument Date: 10-3-79 File Date: 10-18-79 Instrument: War;ranty.Deed Grantor: A. 􀁂􀁾􀁮􀀠Pinnell, Jr., Trustee Grantee: ABP Investments III, Ltd .. Comments: Tracts 4, 5, 6 and 7; Memorandum to Lease between ABP Investments III, Ltd. (Lessor) and Logic Design Metals, Inc. (Lessee), Volume 79205 pg 300, filed for record 10-18-79. Assignment of Lease between Logic Design Metals, Inc. (Lessor) and ABP Investments III, Ltd. (Lessee), Volume 79205 pg 304, filed for record 10-18-79. General Warranty Deed, ABP Investments rII, .Ltd,. (Grantor) to MeM Company (Grantee)' for .4668 acre tract, more or less, Volume 84133 pg 532, filed for record 2-5-84. Volume/Page: 79205/335 Instrument Date: 9-4-02 File Date: 9-11-02 Instrument: Deed Grantor: W.W. Julian and wife, Annie Julian Grantee: St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Comments: Part of Tract 2 Volume/Page: 287/7 6 of 11 1 ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE SEARCHES (Page ASStT SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES /CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES /BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DELINQUENT TAX SEARCHES /LIEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Data/Information You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager 11214/314-6467 FAX # 21413764474 Fax II AI Your Convenience ! , ' ..\ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Instrument Date: 11-5-91 File Date: 11-14-91 Instrument: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Grantee: George P. Kondos and Daniel P. Kondos Comments: Part of Tract 2 Volume/Page: 91223/1730 Instrument Date: 11-12-9l File Date: 11-25 -91 Instrument: Quit Claim Deed Grantor: George P. Kondos, et al Grantee: Kondos Children's Truat Comments: Part of Tract 2 Volume/Page: 91230/1808 Instrument Date: 9-8-03 File Date: 10-4-04 Instrument: Deed : Grantor: W.H. Julian and wife, A.M. Julian Grantee: James Atkins Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: 358/298 Instrument. Date: 5-17-37 File Date: 7-30-37 Instrument: Deed Grantor: A.R. Arkins, et al Grantee: Commo Atkins Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: 2026/303 Instrument Date: 8-4-54 (Page 7 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE SEARCHE$ A.SSET SEARCHES I REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBA.TESEARCHESIBANKRUPTCYSEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1liEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Dalallnformation YOIl Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/376-4474 fax II AI Your Convenience ! , . ,I April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) File Date: 8-4-54 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Commo Atkins Grantee: Mack Needham Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: 4084/272 Instrument Date: 3-13-61 File Date: 3-15-61 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Mack Needham Grantee: Bertha E. Battley, et al Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: ' 5011/155 Instrument Date: 5-25-62 File Date: 6-1-62 Instrument: General Warranty Deed Grantor: Bertha E. 􀁾􀁡􀁴􀁴􀁬􀁥􀁹􀀠 Grantee: W. 􀁁􀁲􀁾􀁨􀁵􀁲􀀠Vaugh Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: 5786/326 Instrument Date: 1-9-52 . File Date: 8-3-67 Instrument: Will Grantor: The Estate of W. Arthur Vaughn, deceased Grantee: Irene Vaughn Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Voluflle/Page : 67151/802 Instrument Date: 7-5-66 File Date: 12-8-75 Instrument: Deed Grantor: Irene Vaughn, a widow (Page 8 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL I LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES I.REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I C,1VIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES I BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEllNQUENT TAX SEARCHES I UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Data/Informalion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/3764474 Fax 11 AI Your Convenience ! \ ' \ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Grantee: Robert L. Vaughn, et al Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: 75238/2487 Instrument Date: 9-13-82 File Date: 9-13-82 Instrument: General Warranty Deed Grantor: Robert L. Vaughn Grantee: Southern Pacific Land Company Comments: Tracts 11 and 12 Volume/Page: 82179/1541 Instrument Date: 9-13-82 File Date: 9-13-82 Instrument: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: Southern Pacific Land Company Grantee: HCM Company. Comments: Tracts 11 and 12; Right of way easement to 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠Town of Addison, Volume 84075 pg 4952, filed for record 4-13-84. Volume/Page: 82179/1559 Instrument Date: 8-22-1887 File Date: 12-27-1887 Ins trumen t: Deed Grantor: J.M.F. Work and F.V. Work Grantee: W.W. Julian Comments: Tracts 24 and 26 Volume/Page: 92/17 Instrument Date: 3-26-54 File Date: 3-3-31-54 Instrument: Warranty Deed (Page 9 of 11) .ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES I REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I CIVIL SEARCHES 􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁂􀁁􀀱􀁅􀁓􀁅􀁁􀁒􀁃􀁈􀁅􀁓􀁉􀁂􀁁􀁎􀁋􀁒􀁕􀁐􀁔􀁃􀁙􀁓􀁾􀁒􀁃􀁦􀁦􀁅􀁓􀀠DEliNQUENT TAX SEARCHES I UEN SEARCHES KesearCh by Spencer "lei Us Find The DaWlnjormalion You Need" ! , . . \ April 23, 1993 (Continued) Grantor; Grantee; Comments; Volume/Page: Instrument Date:. File Date: Instrument: Grantor: Grantee; Comments; Volume/Page; Instrument Date: File Date: Instrument: Grantor: :Grantee: Comments: Volume/Page; Instrument Date: Fil·e Da te: Instrument: Grantor: Grantee: Comments: Volume/Page: Instrument Date: File Date: Instrument: Grantor: Grantee: Comments: P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 15222-6079 214/376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/3764474 Fax II AI Your Convenience DART Task Order 006T J.E. Julian and wife, Rose Julian Southwestern Transportation Company Tracts 24 and 26 4012/588 10-26-54 11-30-54 Warranty Deed Southwestern Transportation Company St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Tracts 24 and 26 4160/59 12-2-81 2-26-82 Quit Claim Deed St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Southern Pacific Land Company Tract 24 8206lf.1374 8-3-78 10-31-78 Warrant-y Deed St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company MCM Company and Gerald G. McCreary Tract 26 78212/3704 9-5-79 9-21-79 Quit Claim peed Gerald G. McCreary MCM Company Tract 26 (Page 10 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE sEARCHE$ A.SSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NA.ME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DELINQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer ''Lei Us Find The DatallnforllUllion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas. Texas 75222-6079 214/37«Hl406 Digital Pager ff 214/314-6467 PAX # 214/3764474 Fax II AI Your Convenience 􀁾􀀠', \ April 23, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Instrument Date: 9-13-82 File Date: 9-13-82 Instrument: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: Southern Pacific Land Company Grantee; MCM Company Comments; Tract 24; Right of Way Dedication to the Town of Addison, Volume 82019 pg 3346, filed for record 1-27-82. Right of Way Dedication ot the Town of Addison, Volume 82117 pg 1657, filed for record 6-15-82. Volume/Page: 82179/1554 Dallas County, TX Deed Records updated!certified through4-9-93, (Page 11 of 11) ENVIRONMENTAL 1UND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEliNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 liEN SEARCHES , \ ' \ SITE-03 'IERRA-MAR Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The DatalIII/ormatioll You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 15222--6019 214/316-0406 DigiUlI Pager 11214/314-6461 FAX 11214/316-4474 Fax II AI Your Convenience April 26, 1993 DART Task Order 006T OWNERSHIP SUMMARY Site 03: Being a 6.4 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, also being a part of Blocks Band D, W.W. Julian Addition, Town of Addison, Dallas County, TX., according to Volume I pg 538, Map Records, Dallas County, TX. Instrument Date: 9-5-03 File Date: 10-4-04 Instrument: Deed Grantor: W. W. Wodell Grantee: W.W. Julian Comments: Volume/Page: 359/319 Instrument Date: 1-31-44 File Date: 3 7-44 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: The Estate of W.W. Julian, deceased Grantee: John E. Julian Comments: Volume/Page: 2470/:394 Instrument Date: 1-6-69 Fi·le Da te: 4-4-69 Instrument: Warranty ·Deed Grantor: John E. Julian Grantee: Mildred J. Christie, et al Comments: Volume/Page: 69067/511 Instrument Date: 2-3-77 File Date: 2-4-77 Instrument: Warran·ty Deed Grantor: Mildred J. Christie, et al Grantee: Comments: Oklahoffi& Publishing Company Volume/Page: 77024/1061 (Page 1 of 2) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1 REAL PROPERTY RECOlID SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CML SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEliNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Let Us Find The Dall1lInformatkm You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/3764M06 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX #214/376-4474 \ Fax II AI Your Convenience ! \ • . \ April 26, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Contin.ued) Instrument Date: 2-3-77 File Date: 2-4-77 Ins trumen t: Warranty Deed Grantor: Oklahoma Publishing Company Grantee: Opubco Resources, Inc. Comments: Volume/Page: 77024/1057 Instrument Date: 6-18-84 File Date: 8-1-84 Instrument: lifarranty Deed Grantor: Opubco Resources, Inc. Grantee: Opubco Properties, Inc. Comments: Gift Deed for right of way purposes to the Town of Addison, Volume 82093 pg 1073, filed for record 5-10-82. Volume/Page: 8415113619 Dallas County, TX Deed Records updated/certified through 4-12-93. (Page 2 of 2) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DELlNQUENTTAXSEARC HESIUENSEARCHES \ . .,I SITE-04 TERRA-MAR Research by Spencer "lei Us Find The Datallnjol111LJlion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/37()..()4()6 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/3764474 Fax II AI Your Convenience ! \ . . \ April 27, 1993 DART Task Order 006T OHNERSHIP SUMMARY Site 04: Being a 19.8 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Robert Wilburn Survey, Abstract No. 1580, also known as Lots 2, 3 and 􀁾􀀬􀀠Block D/8222, Prestonwood Oaks Addition, City of 􀁾􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁳􀀬􀀠Dallas County, TX., according to Volume 82135 pg 1831, Map Records, Dallas County, TX. Instrument Date: 9-1-1883 Fi Date: 9-20-1883 Instrument: Deed Grantor: Dallas and Wichita Railroad Company Grantee: W. W. Julian Comments: Volume/Page: 62/467 Instrument Date: 1-31-44 File Date: 3-17-44 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: The Estate of W.W. Julian, deceased Grantee: John , E. Julian Comments: , Vo.lume/Page: 2470/394 . Ins trument Da te: 2-15-45 File Date: 11-20-45 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: John E; Julian and wife, Rose U. Julian Grantee: The Hockaday School, Inc. Comments: Volume/Page: 2607/152 Instrument Date: 1-9-59 File Date: 2-18-59 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: The Hockaday School, Inc. Grantee: J.A. Humphrey and A. Pollard Simons Comments: ( Page 1 0 f 5) ENVIRONMENTAL 1 LAND USE sEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES I REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I CJII/L SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES I BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEliNQUENT TAX SEARCHES I liEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "lei Us Find The Data//n/Qrmation You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 214/376-C406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/376-4474 \ Fax II AI Your Convenience " '\ .\ April 27, 1993· DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Volume/Page: 5056/91 Instrument Date: 7-10-65 File Date: 7-14-65 Instrument: Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Grantor: A. Pollard Simons Grantee: Vannie E. Cook, Jr., Trustee Comments: Part of Lots 2, 3 and 4; Right of easement to Liberty Pipe Cine Company, Volume 5757 pg 114, filed for record 4-19-62. Volume/Page: 65610/1764 Instrument Date: 7-10-65 File Date: 7-14-65 Instrument: Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Grantor: J.A. Humphrey Grantee: Vannie E. ·Cook, Jr., Trustee Comments: Part of Lots 2, 3 and 4; Right of Way Agreement between St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company ·of Texas (Lessor) and American Liberty Pipe Line Company, (Lessee), Volume 5862 pg 155, filed for record 9-21-62. Volume/Page: 65610/1761 Instrument Date: 7 4-66 File Date: 8-30-66 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Vannie E.·Cook, Jr., et al Grantee: Shadywood Country Club Corporation Comments: All of Lots 2, 3 and 4; Sanitary sewer main easement to the City of Dallas, Volume 66788 pg 970, filed for record 3-29-66. Volume/Page: 66876/51 ( P age 2 0 f 5) ENViRONMENTAL I LAND USE SI!ARCHES ASseT SEARCHES /REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES /CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES /BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES /UEN SEARCHES Research by Spencer "Lei Us Find The Datallnformation You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 􀀷􀀵􀀲􀀲􀀲􀁾􀀰􀀷􀀹􀀠 214/376-0406 Digital Pager # 214/314-6467 FAX # 214/3764474 Fax It AI Your Convenience -' \ ' \ April 27, 1993 DART Task Order 006T"' (Continued) Instrument Date: 7-14-66 File Date: 7-21-66 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Shadywood Country Club Corporation Grantee: Prestonwood Country Club, Inc. Comments: Volume/Page: 66868/1640 Instrument Date: 10-31-73 File Date: 10-31-73 Instrument: Warranty Deed Grantor: Prestonwood Country Club, Inc. Grantee: Simons Land Company Comments: Right of Way Deed to the County of Dallas, Volume 67032 pg 1049, filed for record 2-14-67. Utility easement to Dallas Power and Light Company, Volume 67123 pg 1629, filed for record 6-22-67. Sanitary sewer easement to the City of Dallas, Volume 67204 pg 828, filed for record 10-18-67. Right of Way Deed to Prestonwood Country Club, Inc., Volume 73171 pg 1192, filed for record 8-29-73. Volume/Page: 73214/1237 Instrument Date: 8-31-76 File Date: 9-24-76 Instrument: Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Grantor: Simons Land Company Grantee: Vance C. Miller Comments: Right of Way Deed to County of Dallas, Volume 74070 pg 2535, filed for record 4-9-74. (Page 3 of 5) ENVIRONMENTAL f LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES f REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES I CiVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES f BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEliNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES 􀀱􀀮􀀧􀀭􀁴􀁾􀀺􀁳􀁴􀀺􀀺􀁡􀀮􀁮􀀻􀀻􀁬􀀱􀀠uy ;:,pencer "LeI Us Find The DaWinjormJJJion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222·6079 214/376-0406 DigilAl Pager 11214/314-6467 FAX II 214/376-4474 Fax It AI Your Convenience April 27,1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Right of way easement to the City of Dallas, Volume 74111 pg 1151, filed for record 6-5-74. Volume/Page: 76187/2253 Instrument Date: 12-5-89 File Date: 12-5-89 Instrument: Trustee's Deed Grantor: Vance 􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁥􀁲􀀠doing business as Prestonwood Country Clubs, Inc. Grantee: NCNB Texas National Bank Comments: Memorandum of Lease between Caroline Hunt Trust Estate (Lessor) and Shell Oil Company (Lessee), Volume 78227 pg 654, filed for. record 11-22-78. (Fifteen (15) years amd 1£0 days Lease) Sanitary sewer main easement to the City of Dallas, Volume 79116 pg 1167, filed for record 6-13-79. 􀁓􀁡􀁮􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁲􀁹􀀠sewer easement to the City of Dallas, Volume 82138 pg 1775, filed for record 7-15-82. Lease Agreement between The Diocese of the Protestant Episcopal Church :in the U.S.A. (Lessor) and American Petrofina Pipe Line Company, Volume 83049 pg 407, filed for record 83049 pg 407, filed for record 3-8-83. Volume/Page: 89235/3068 Instrument Date: 11-30-91 File Date: 12-4-91 Instrument: Special Warranty Deed Grantor: NCNB Texas National Bank (Page 4 of 5) ENVIRONMENTAL /LAND USE SEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES 1REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DEUNQUENT TAX SEARCHES 1 UEN SEARCHES R.esearch by Spencer . "Lei Us Find The Dallll[njorllUllion You Need" P.O. Box 226079 Dallas, Texas 75222-6079 21413764l406 Digital Pager 11214/314-6467 FAX # 21413764474 Fax [I AI Your Convenience ! , . \ April 27, 1993 DART Task Order 006T (Continued) Grantee: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Comments: Volume/Page: 91235/3005 Dallas County, TX Deed Records updated/certified through 4-13-93. (Page 5 of 5) ENV[RONMENTALlLANDUSESEARCHES ASSET SEARCHES I REAL PROPERTY RECORD SEARCHES NAME SEARCHES 1 CIVIL SEARCHES PROBATE SEARCHES 1 BANKRUPTCY SEARCHES DELINQUENT TAX SEARCHES I UEN SEARCHES , \ ' \ " APPENDIXC AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁮􀁭􀁒􀁁􀀭􀁾􀀠􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀠 • 'B _ _ \ ............ -.....I..ou........._-!,I' FEET II I1'.-1t)uiii(.;d from N.C.",C.O.u. DN93·012-006 TERRA-MAR, INC 'I191£ AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHEET 20-+ 46':: NORTH SITE LOCATION APPENDIX • , 4•• ,co "'10 -4-FEET Modified from N.C.T.C.O.O DN93-0I2-006 1915 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHBET 204 464 llORTH SITE tOeATlON j' TERRA-MAR, MoiJified [tom N CT.C.O.G. 198U AERIAl.. PHOTOGRAPH SHEET 204 464 NORTH DN93-012-006 SITE LOCATION TERRA-MAR, I APPENDIX I"". :.:., .' '. 􀁾􀀮􀀠f' 1 •••􀁾􀀺􀀠: 􀀬􀁾􀀠". . 􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀱􀀠Modified from 1985 ABRlAI. PHO'tOGRAPH t NORTH 􀁬􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀠'\ . 􀁮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀱􀁜􀀠􀁜􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁬􀀠250 ti&C 1000 􀁾􀀠... FEET DN93-012-005 SITE LOCATION " P'Pp"!'ln T 􀁾􀁏......􀀺􀀵􀀰􀁆􀁏􀁾..􀁾􀀧􀁏􀁾􀁯􀀺􀁯....aa......􀁾􀀲􀁑􀁏􀁏􀀠Modified froID N.C,T.C.O.G TERRA-MAR,DN93-012-006 1986 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH t SITE LOCATION SHEET 2 U 54& NORTH APPENDIX Modified from N.C.T_C.O.G '99U AERIAL PHOTOGRAPII SHEET 2 J2 5;.14 NORTH DN93-012-006 SITE LOeATIO:l TERRA·MAR, INC, APPENDIX \ ' , \ APPENDIXD SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 􀁨􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀠 Site Photo No.1 -Looking east from the southwest corner of Site-O!. Site Photo No.2 -Facing north from the southwest corner of Site-01, Site Photo No.3 -Facing south from the northern boundary of the Site-OJ at area formerly occupied by Ashland Chemical Co. Site Photo No.4 -Facing south, From the northeast corner of Site-Ol. Site Photo No.5 -Looking east from the southwest corner of Site-O L Note 7-11 where PSTs are located. Site Photo No.6 -Facing east from the northwest corner of Site-02. ,. 􀁾􀀠---Site Photo No.7 -Facing south from the northeast corner of Site-02. Site Photo No.8 -Facing west from the southeast corner of Site-02. Site Photo No.9 Facing north looking across Arapaho Road from Site-Ol to Site-02. Note: Brown brick building on right as a reported PST location (Southwestern Bell). Site Photo No.tO Facing north from Arapaho Road, looking at the front of Logic Design Metals. Note: Nitrogen tank on side of huilding. 􀁉􀁲􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀭􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀭􀁾􀀠Site Photo No. 11 -55-gallon drums containing Hydraulic waste oil and Phosphoric Acid, located at the rear of Logic Design Metals. Site Photo No. 12 -Facing north from the southwest corner of Site-03. 􀁲􀁲􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀧􀀽􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀽􀀭􀀽􀀽􀀧􀀢􀀽􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁪􀁝􀀠I < Site Photo No. 13 -Facing east from the northwest corner of Site-03. -' Site Photo No. 14 -Facing southwest from the northeast corner of Site-03. 􀁮􀁭􀁒􀁁􀀭􀁾􀀠======================d Site Photo No. 15 -Facing northwest from the southeast corner of Site-03. Site Photo No. 16 -Facing east form the southwest corner of Site-04. Site Photo No. 19 -Facing east along the northwest boundary, and looking across of Site-04. Site Photo No. 20 -Facing east from along the northwest boundary, looking across a stream that traverses Site-04. II Site Photo No. 21 -Facing south from the north center of Site-04. Site Photo No. 22 -Facing east looking at concrete debris pile located on the northcentral area of Site-04. I \ . .,\ APPENDIXE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY AND CWSURE REPORT 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁾􀁟􀁾====================:=d ,. \ LOGIC DESIGN METALS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY tERRA-MAR '. " • < ••'. BULLETIN . IN-,. 14·D" ! , ' . \ TURCO PRODUCTS. INC .• 7300 BOlSA AVENUE, WESTMINSTER, CALIFORNIA 92684·3600 • 714/890·3600 ., TURCO® LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF HEAVY DUTY LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER FOR SPRAY AND DIP APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION: TURCO® LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF is a hazy, amber, liquid compound formulated to remove rust, paints, lube oils, drawing pastes, cutting oils and protective oils from ferrous alloys by spray or dip methods. TURCO LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF does not contain cyanides, phenolics or chromates and is not recommended for use on nonferrous alloys, such as aluminum and copper. FEATURES: TURCO LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF offers these features: 1. Supplied in liquid form. 2. Can be dispensed by automatic equipment. 3. Readily soluble in tap water at recommended concentrations. 4. Concentration is controlled by simple titration. 5. Readily rinses from metal with tap water. 6. Nonflammable in liquid concentrate or solution form. 7. Does not require post neutralization 􀁲􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁥􀀮􀀠8. Nonfoaming in spray equipment. ' USE INSTRUCTIONS: Tanks: Tanks and associated equipment must be fabricated from stainless steel. Dip tanks should be equipped with mechanical agitation. Charging Tanks: Fill tank to 3;' of operating level with cold or room temperature clean water. Start mechanical agitation and slowly add TURCO LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF, in required amount, to agitated tank. Add remainder of cold water. Spray Systems: Add TURCO LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF @12% to 72% by volume from 175 'F to 195 'F for 1 to 2 minutes at a spray pressure of 20 to 30 psi. Rinse with warm to hot water. Dip Systems: Add TURCO LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF @18% by volume 10 100% by volume, for 3 to 15 minutes a1170'F to 195'F, with mechanical agitation. Rinse wilh warm to hot water, overflowing rinse is preferred. NOTE: Higher concentrations are recommended for rust and paint removal. '. CONTROL: Your TURCO Territory Manager will supply you with a TURCO Test Kit and instruct your personnel in its use. A laboratory test procedure is available ,upon request. DISPOSAL INFORMATION: ; Dispose of spent solution per local, state and regional regulations. Refer to your local TURCO 􀁔􀁥􀁾􀀡􀁩􀁴􀁯􀁲􀁹􀀠Manager, Region Sales Office or TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for additional disposal information. DANGER! Conlact may cause burns 10 skin and eyes. TURCO® LIQUID ALKALINE RUST REMOVER NF contains sodium hydroxide. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not take intemally. Use with adequate (equivalent to outdoor) ventilation. Protective clothing, such as a chemical face shield or goggles, gloves, boots and apron made from alkali resistant materials should be worn when handling and using this product. A NIOSH·approved respirator should be worn for mist conditions. Add product to cold water with care to prevent local pockets of steam. Keep containers sealed when not in use. Transport and store in closed containers below 130 OF. • Hazardous carbon monoxide gas can form upon contact with food and beverage products in enclosed spaces and can be fatal. Follow appropriate tank entry procedures (see ANSI Zl17.H977). Before using this product refer to container label and TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for additional precautionary, handling and first aid information. NOTICE: The above information and recommendations concerning this product are based upon our laboratory tests and field use. experience. However, since conditions of actual use are beyond our contrOl, any recommendations or suggestions are made without warranty, express or implied. Manufacturer's and seller's sale obligation shall be to replace that portion of the product shown to be defective. Neither shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury. direct or consequential. arising out of the use of this product. Roy. flI87 (Sup" 9194j TURCO PRODUCTS, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 02136 SECTION I PRODUCT NAME: Turco Liquid Alkaline Rust Remover NF 4181-47 Manufacturer's Name: TURCO PRODUCTS, INC. ' Address: 7300 Bol •• Ave., W ..tmlnsler, CA 9266+3600 . E.margancy Telephone No,; (51") 387-6200 Inlo. Tal. No. (71<4) 890-3600 SECTION II -HAZARDOUS INFORMATION' ! \ . .\ COMPONENTS CAS., I CEHCLA ! RCRA , FlO WasteNumoor SPILL Ib$, No. ACGIH TLV OSHA TWA 94, 'W'T, Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 Triethanolamine 102-71-6 he following non-hazardous ir gradients are Community Right-to-Know Ac of certain s Jersey: Water (7732-18-5) , Sodium glueo I 1000 Nt.Lstd. listed i ates, in ate (527. D002 NtLstd accor 1uding 07-1) . 2 rng/rn' Nt. Bstab ance with Pennsylvan 2 mg/rn' Nt. Estab. Fhe Worker 'a and New 20 5 nd I CARCINOGENS (AS oetin&d In 29CFR 1\H(H200} NTP IARC OSHA Contains no comoonents defined to be carcinogens Not listed Not listed iNat regulated PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Alkaline Liquid NOS HAZARD CLASS: Corrosive material' HAZARD 1.0. No.: NA 1719 in H,O:12-14 SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS' FLASH POINT AND METHOD USED: Nonflammable -Not applicable ,EXTINGUISHING MEOlA: Not applicable : SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE AND PReCAUTIONS: 111<1' 􀁾􀁰􀁬􀁦􀀭􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁾􀁦􀁮􀁰􀁲􀁬􀀠resolr"" Ion UNUSUALFIREANDEXPLOSI.DNHAZARO S; contact with 'reactive metals, SUCIl as aluminum, Zinc, tln, etc., may lead to generatIon of hydrogen gas In explOSive amounts. i I SECTION III -PHYSICAL DATA: BOILING POINT. -F: Approx. 220 0 p SPECIFIC GRAVITY; .L. "J I VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg>: Approx. 20mrnHg YOLA TILE, ./t BY VOL: 􀁉􀀧􀀺􀀾􀁾􀀠VAPOR DENSITY jArR"" 1):· APPEARANCE AND ODOR: 􀁾􀁡􀁺􀁹􀀠amber liquid; Less tnan .J. I EVAPORATION RATE Less than 1{Bo, AC•• l}: low odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER: <-omp"",-" "pH 3.1% ,SECTION V -HEALTH EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID INFORMATION' EFFECTS Of OVER EXPOSURE: EYES: Contact w1th product or product solution will cause severe burns; possible permanent tissue damage and possible blIndness. SKIN: Contact with product or product solution wIll cause severe Irritation, possible chemical burns and possible permanent tissue damage. INHALATION: rnha I atl on of mist will cause severe Irritation and possible permanent damage to upper. respiratory tract. INGESTION; Severe Irritation, possible permanent damage to gastrOintestinal tract. MEDICAL CONDITIONS WHICH MAY BE AGGAAVATEO: None known N-ollOA FIRSTAIO: EYES:Speed Is essential. Irrmediately begIn flushing eyes wIth large volumes of water. 􀁾􀁾􀁧􀁦􀁦􀁾􀁹􀁥􀀠􀁦􀀹􀁾􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁮􀁁􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁴􀀠15 mInutes. Hold lIds apart to assure contact with all surfaces. Obtain 􀁓􀁋􀁉􀁎􀀺􀀬􀁾􀁬􀁵􀁾􀁨􀀠􀁡􀀡􀁴􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁾􀀲􀀠area with .!arge volumes of water. Continue flushinf until "slipperr feel iscompletely gone. at'least 15 m1nutes. If Irrltatlon 'Is evIdent or blls er1ng occurs. 0 tain medical attentIon. INHALAlION: Remove to fresh aIr. AdmInIster oxygen 􀁉􀁾􀀠breathing Is dIffIcult, ObtaIn medIcal attention if irritation oerslsts INGESTION: . d .\ Do not 1n uce vomIting. If victim is conscIous.dllute by giving large volumes of mllk or water. Obtain immediate medical attention. Never attempt to give anything by mouth to an unconscIous 􀀮􀀡􀁬􀁾􀁲􀁳􀁯􀁮􀀮􀀠PRIMARY ROlITES OF ENTRY: INHALATION X SKIN CONTACT X 􀁏􀁔􀁾􀁅􀁒􀀠SECTION VI -REACTIVITY DATE: STABILITY: STABLE X UNSTABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR CONDrTIONS TO AVOID: reactIve metal sContact wIth strono aclds nroanlr material s HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: None SECTION VII -SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURE: SPILLORRELEASEPROCEOURE: CONCENTRATE: COn!ine 􀁳􀁐􀁾􀁪􀁬􀀮􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁯􀁐􀀬􀀡􀁥􀁡􀁫􀀠at source i.! !Q.1S can 􀀮􀁑􀁾􀀠99ne sa!e!y.VentIlate area. Evacuate nonessentIal personnel. Pump liquid Into DOT-approved drums for dIsposal.Absorb remaining liquid onto Inert absorbent and place In DOT-approved drums for disposal. Wash area with water.Waste·water containing only residual amounts of product may be sent to sewer Iflocal regulations permit. . . USE SOLUTION: As for concentrate OISPQSALINFORMATION: CONCENTRATE: 0) Transfer to reclaIm1ng center for recycllng or reuse, if POSSIble. (2) Transfer to licensed waste treatment or disposal Site for disposition under applicablelocal, state and regional regulations. SPENT SOLUTION AND RINSES: DIspose per (1) or (2) above, or spent solution and rinses can be neutralIzed and floatable soIl separated .. Residual organIc matter may be removed by oxIdation and/or carbon carbon treatment. Clarified water may be released to sewer if local regulatIons permIt. SECTION VIII -SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION: RESPIRATORY PROTECTION; For mist condItIons, a NIOSH-approved reSPirator for mIsts is advIsed. If respirator are used. a formal traIning and screening program must be initiated. See 29 CFR 1910134. : VENTILATION: . MaIntaIn suffIcient mechanical VentIlatIon to keep concentration below TLV. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: CHEMICAL FACE SHIELD 0'; GOGGLES:...L.-GLOVES --X.... BOOTS...x...-APRON --X.... PROTECnVE SUIT __N.ot GLOVES, BOOTS. APRON AND SUIT MADE FROM: A I ka Ii res I stant norma 1 y reQU Jr ed RECOMMENDED PERSONAL HYGIENE: wasn nanas and face wI tn soap ana water DeTore smoking or eating. Immediately remove all contaminated clothing. Launder before reuse. Discard contaminated shoes. SECTION IX -OTHER INFORMATION: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS -STORAGE AND HAN DUNG: Store in dry protected area. 􀁾􀁁􀁕􀁔􀁊􀁏􀁎􀀺􀀠H azardous carbon mono-Xide gas can form upon contact with food and beverafe products. Th s can collect in enClosed spaces and can be fatal. Follow approprIate tank en ry procedures (See ANSI Zl17-1-1977). Person.: nel enterIng such areas must be provided with respIratory 􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁴􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠and a safety line. Theyshould be kept under observation whIle in the area by anot er man at a safe distance. MIXING: Add slowly to luke warm water whlle mixing. Never dump large amounts Jnto water 'vIolent steam eruptIon may occur. Make addItions to In-use tank slowly and cautIously. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF CONTAMINATED EQUIPMENT: Re! ieve any pressure. Cover open InIs to avol d spl ashi ngClean exterIor and interIor by flushInrwith water. Collect flushlngs for d sposal. Use protectIve equIpment for eves. skin and Inha ation. . DATE PREPARED: DATE REVIEWED: R&D DEPT.I -sft. SAFETY & ENVIRON. r!f-c-pAPPROVED: JD 8/88 a.c. DEPT.' Ci-:tCY P U TIroISDS .-&'8(1 475 , \ ' '\ TURCO PRODUCTS, INC, • 7300 BOlSA AVENUE. WESTMINSTER. CALIFORNIA 92684·3600 • 714169().3600 TURCOAT® 6449 LIQUID DETERGENT·IRON PHOSPHATE FOR SPRAY AND DIP APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION: TURCOAT® 6449 is a clear, colorless light yellow-blue liquid iron phosphate compound with a built· In cleaning system, TURCOAT 6449 cleans and phosphates ferrous metals, aluminum alloys and galvanized parts at temperatures ranging from 80 ° to HO°F, with an average coating weight 01 30·40 mgJsq. It. at 80 OF on steel. FEATURES: TURCOAT 6449 offers these features: 1. Multi-temperature compound; solution can be operated from 80°F to HOOF. 2. Readily soluble in cold water at recommended dilutions. 3. Used at low concentrations; 4 to 6% by volume for spray. 6 to 8% by volume for dip applica· tions, ' 4. Easy to control and maintain solutions. RECOMMENDED USE: Three Stage Spray System: .STAGE 1: Cleaning·Phosphating: TURCOAT 6449.4 to 6% by volume at 80° to 170°F., 120·F preferred, with a pH range of 3.5 to 5.0, for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. STAGE 2: Cold water overflowing rinse. for 30 seconds minimum. STAGE 3: Inhibitive Rinse: TURCOAT HIBI·RINSE or HIBI·SEAL. at V2 lb. per 100 gallons of water from room temperature to 120 OF. Three Stage Dip System: STAGE 1: Cleaning·Phosphating: TURCOAT 6449,6 to 8% by volume at 80· to 170°F., 120°F preferred, with a pH range of 3.5 to 5,0, for 2 to 6 minutes. Use with air or mechanical agitation. STAGE 2: Cold water overflowing rinse. for 2 minutes minimum. STAGE 3: Inhibitive Rinse: TURCOAT HIBI·RINSE or HIBI·SEAL, at '/2 lb. per 100 gallons of water from room temperature to 120°F. NOTE: Optimum pH ranges have been established for the following general classifications of metals, Minor adjustments may be required for specific alloys. Steel: pH 3,5 to 4.5 Aluminum: pH 4.3 to 5,0 Galvanized: pH 4,0 to 5.0 EQUIPMENT: Tanks and associated equipment can be fabricated from mild steel or stainless steel. Stainless steel equipment is preferred. \ ·CPNTROL: TlJRCOAT® 6449 is designed to operate at a pH of 3.5 to 5.0, at 14 to 16 points. The pH can be ad· justed with sodium hydroxide. To determine the concentration of TURCOAT 6449, place 10 mls of solution in a flask and titrate with .1 N NaOH, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Solution turns from clear to pink end point. One ml of .1 N NaOH equals 1 point. One quart of TURCOAT 6449 concentrate per 100 gallons will raise the solution 1 point. TURCOAT 6449 contains sufficient accelerator. Do not add additional accelerators. DISPOSAL INFORMATION: Dispose of spent solution per local, state, and regional regulations. Refer to your TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for additional disposal information. WARNING! Contact may cause burns to skin and eyes. Harmful If swallowed. TURCOAT 6449 contains phosphoric acid and hydrofluoric acid constituents. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not take intemally. Use with adequate (equivalent to outdoor) ventilation. Protective clothing, such as a chemical face shield or goggles and gloves, made from acid resistant materials should be worn when handling this product. Keep containers closed when not in use. Transport and store at temperatures between 32 OF and 130°F. Before using this product refer to container label and TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for additional handling, precautionary and first aid information. NOTICE: The above information and recommendations concerning this product are based upon our . laboratory tests and field use experience. However, since conditions of actual use are beyond our control, any recommendations or suggestions are made without warranty, express or implied. Manufacturer's and seller's sole obligation shall be to replace that portion of the product shown to be defective. Neither shall be liable for any loss, damage, or injury, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of this product. Aov, 1018& (Sup. l(\tlll) TURCO PRODUCTS, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 03040 SECTION I PRODUCT NAME: Turcoat 6449 6449-3 Manufacturer's Name: TURCO PRODUCTS, INC. l Address: 7300 Boisa Ave., Westminster, CA 92684-3600 Emergency 􀁔􀁥􀁬􀁥􀁰􀁨􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀡􀁉􀁾􀀨􀀶􀀱􀁾􀀩􀁾􀁏􀀠1010. Tel. No. (714) 890·3600 􀀭􀁾􀀠SECTION II -HAZARDOUS INFORMATION' 1.\ COMPONENTS Ethanol, 2-arnino-, phosphate Phenoxypolyethylene glycol phosphate Hydrofluoric acid The following non-hazardous CAS.. Number 29868-05-1 39464-70-5 7664-39-3 CERCLA RO SPILL !bs. RCRA I Waste i No, ACGIH Tev OSHA 'TWA 􀁾􀁉􀁡􀀬􀀠INT. Nt.Lstd. NtLstd Nt. 􀁅􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁢􀀮􀁾􀁴􀀮􀀠Estab. 30 Nt.Lstd. NtLstd Nt. 􀁅􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁢􀀮􀁾􀁴􀀮􀀠Estab. I' 5 I' 100 [J134 C 3PPM( asF 3 PPM 2 ngredients ar listed n acco dance with the Worker!and i Community Right-to-Know A t of certain tetes, i cludin Pennsylve ia and New 1 I Jersey:. Water(7732-18-S) sodium xylen sulfonat (1300-2-7). " CARCINOGENS (Alii dOfinod in: 29CFR 191O'-,-200-')--.,-I- --N=TP--'--rl----.. _·_·-_·_ .. .. .. j..􀀺􀀬􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁒􀁃􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁟􀀮􀁪􀁪􀀮􀁾􀁟􀂷􀀠.. ..􀂷􀁾'--O-SH-A---L Contains no components defined to I be carcinogens 􀁟􀁬􀀡􀀧􀀰􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠Not llsted 􀁾􀁐􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁏􀁐􀀢􀀧􀁅􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁈􀂷􀀭􀀬􀁐􀀢􀁐􀀭􀀬􀁎􀀺􀀻􀁇􀁾􀁎􀀭􀁁􀁾􀁍􀀽􀁅􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭--IHAZARO CLASS: • l Not regu1;8.:.,te::.;d:......____--IjHAZARO 1.0. No,; Compound Rust Preventing .-. SECTION 1/1 -􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭PHYSICAL DATA: I BOlLING POINT. 'F: 􀂷􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀢􀀧􀀲􀀢􀀼􀀢􀀱􀀢􀀧􀀲􀀮􀀬􀀧􀀻􀀺􀁆􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁟􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀽􀀭..􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀁟􀀫􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀽􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀽􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀷􀀧􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀱i VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHgj: Approx 􀁾􀀠. 35mmHg ! VAPOR OSNSliY (AIR", 1): More than 1 I! 􀁁􀁐􀁐􀁅􀁁􀁾􀁁􀁎􀁃􀁅􀀠AND ODOR' -----.-------4 =l Icolorless to yellow to blue liquid; 􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠SECTION IV -FIRE AND 􀁅􀁟􀀬􀁘􀀻􀀮􀁐􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁌􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁏􀁓􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁉􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁏􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁎􀁾􀁈􀀺� �􀀮􀁁􀁚􀁁􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁒􀀺􀀺􀁄􀁓􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾________􀁾____􀁾_____..__ FLASH POINT AND METHO"iJUSED: I Not applicable -􀁎􀁯􀁮􀁦􀁬􀁡􀀯􀁬􀁬􀀱􀀱􀁬􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁥􀁾__..__1 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: 1 . Not applicable ____.____ _ __􀁾􀁉􀀠SPECIAL FIRE. 􀁆􀁉􀁇􀁈􀁔􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁎􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁇􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁐􀀧􀀧􀀢􀁒􀁏􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁃􀁾􀁅􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁄􀀧􀁕􀁁􀁅􀀠AND PRECAUTIONS: -"----1 Use seJ f-contained respi ratory protect i.o_.:.;n,;.'􀁾___􀁾______􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁾_________I UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: -􀁾􀀠I 􀁎􀁯􀁮􀁥􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮_______􀁣􀀭􀀺􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠SECTION V -HEALTH, EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID INFORMATION: EFFECTS OF OVER EXPOSURE: EVES: I Severe irritation, possible chemical burns, possible tissue damage I or destruction, possible blJndn,:e:.:s.::s:,'.___._____􀁾___________􀁾􀁟􀁾____I SKIN: Severe irritation, possible chemical burns, possIble tissue 􀁤􀁡􀁭􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁡􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁧􀁥􀀽􀀭􀀬􀁾__􀁾􀁟􀀠·----..-..·..􀀭􀂷􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀂷􀀭􀁬􀀠􀁾􀁌􀁁􀁔􀁬􀁏􀁎􀀺􀀠􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀭MIst: Severe Irritation, may cause damage to upper respiratory tract. INGESTION; Severe IrritatIon, possible damage to gastrointestinal tract. , 􀁾􀁅􀁄􀀱􀁃􀁁􀁌CONOITIONS WHICH MAY tiE AGGRAVATED: None known , N-l40A I FIRST AID: EYES: Speed is essential. Immediately begin flushing eyes with volumes of water. Continue fa. at least 15 minutes. Hold lids aport to assu.e confoct with all su.foces. Obtain medical attent ion. SKIN: FlUSh affected 􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁡􀀠with large volumes of water. Wash with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly. If irritation Is evident or blistering occurs, obtain medical attention. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Administer oxygen if breathing Is alfficul t. Obtain medical attention if Irritation persists. INGESTION: \ vo not Inauce vomiting except on advice or qualified medical personnel. If victim Is conscious, dilute by giving large volumes of milk or water. Obtain Immealate medical attention. 􀁎􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁾􀀠a,qempt to Inauce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.. i . PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: INHALATION 􀁾􀀠SKIN CONTACT X OTHER SECTION VI -REACTIVITY DATE: STABILITY: STABLE X UNSTABLE HAZARDOUS POLyJ.,tERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR CONDITIONS TO AVOID: .C.ooJRrt with 􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁮􀁮􀁯􀀠alkillis reRrtlve 􀁲􀁔􀀱􀁦􀀧􀁴􀁒􀁉􀁾􀀠HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: SECTION VII -SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURE: SPILL OR RELEASE PROCEDURE: CONCENTRATE: Conf ine spi II. Stop leak at source If th I s can be aone 􀁳􀁾􀀡􀁥Iy.Ventilate area. Evacuate nonessential personnel. Pump liquia Into DOT-approved arums for diSposal. Absorb remaining ·liQuid onto Inert absorbent ana place In DOT-approved drums for disposal.Wash area with water. Collect washings and place In DOT-approved drums. Keep spill and washingsfrom entering sewer or waterways. . USE SOLUTION: As for concentrate DISPOSALINFORMATlON: CONCENTRATE: (1) Transfer to reclaiming center for recycl!ng or reuse, If pOSSible. (2) Transfer to licensed waste treatment or disposal site for disposition under applicable local, state ana regional regulations. SPENT SOLUTION AND RINSES: Oispose 􀁾􀁲􀀠(1) or (2) above, or phosphates (and fluorides, if present) may be removed by lime treatment; heavy metals (if pre5ent) precIpitated by pH adjustl'T'lent to Sl.5 -10.5; the pH of the separated water should then be reodjusted to pH 7.0 -8.0. The clarified water moy be released to sewer if local regulations 􀁾􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁴􀀮􀀠 SECTION VIII -SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION' 􀁒􀁅􀁓􀁐􀁉􀁒􀁁􀁔􀁏􀁾􀁙􀀠PROTECTION: For ml st cond itions, a N roSH-approved resp I r ator for mists Is advlsea. If respirators are used, a formal training ana screening program must be inltlatea. See 29 CFR 1910-13ll. : VENTILATION: Maintain sufficient mechanical vent 11 at i on to keeD Dartlculate concentration below TLV PROTECT;VE EOUIPMENT: CHEMICAL FACE SHIELD OR 􀁇􀁏􀁇􀁇􀁌􀁅􀁓􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀠GLOVES -X-. BOOTS -A-APRON 􀁾PROTECTIVE SUIT -.Hot GLOVES. BOOTS. APRON AND SUIT MADE FROM: Add resistant moteriql (e.g. Neoprene) normally required RECOMMENDED PERSONAL HYGIENE: Wash hands and face with soap and water before smoki nfi or eat ing. Immediately remove contaminated clothing. Launder before reuse. Do not launder at orne. Discard contaminated shoes. SECTION IX -OTHER INFORMATION: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS -STORAGE AND HANDLING: Store In dry protected area. MIXING: Add slowly to water while mixing. Make additions to in-use tanks slowly and cautiously. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF CONTAMINATED EQUIPMENT: 􀀢􀁋􀁾􀀠P eve pressure. I"over openings 􀀬􀁾􀁯􀀠avo!!!. 􀁳􀁰􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠Ing.Flush exterior and interior with water. Collect flushings for disposal. Use appropriate protective equipment for eyes, skin and inhalation. .-DATE PREPARED: DATE REVIEWED: t&-;/APPROVEO: JD 7/88 O.C. DEPT. I CWQ., R&D DEPT.I 􀁾􀀠SAFETY & ENVIRON. nu TMSOS 􀀢􀁾􀀸􀀶􀀠 ," " " '.' , ,'.' BULLETIN 􀀧􀁾􀀨􀀧􀁊􀁉􀀠TEMPORARY \ TURCO PRODUCTS, INC .• 7300 BOlSA AVENUE, WESTMINSTER, CALIFORNIA 92684,3600 • 714/890·3600 \. TliRCOAT ® 5440-L LIQUID NONCHROMATED POST PHOSPHATING SEAL DESCRIPTION: TURCOA T ®5440-L is a concentrated liquid product developed to impart an inhibitive seal on ferrous and nonferrous parts after phosphating. TURCOA T 5440-L is recommended for sealing iron phosphated, zinc phosphated and manganese phosphated aJ;ticles and can be applied by conventional spray or dip systems. FEATURES: TURCOA T 5440-L offers these features: I. ·Completely soluble in water -leoves no powdery residue. 2. Nonchromated. 3. Nonflommable in concentrated or when diluted for use. 4. Sealed surface is compatible with conventional, high solids and powder points. 5. Concentration easily controlled by simple titration. 6. May be automated with time sequenced proportioning pump to maintain uniform concentration and cansistant perfor"1ance. USE INSTRUCTIONS: TANKS: Tonks and associated equipment may be fabricated from mild steel or stainless steel. Stainless steel is preferred. ' . MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Add TURCOA T 5440-L @􀁾􀀠to t gal per 100 gallons of water. Mix well. Operating pH is from 3.0 to 5.0 with a contact time of 30 seconds to 1 minute at 80°F to 180°F. Adjust pH with small amounts of phosphoric: acid. For optimum results, tanks should be drained doily and recharged with a fresh solution of TURCOAT 5440-L water solu fion. Do not rinse TURCOAT 5440-L solution from ports. DRYING: Ports may be air dried if necessary. For optimum results, forced drying, using conventionol methods, at a maximum temperature of 375°F has been found to be most effective. CONTROL: Your TURCO Territory Manager will supply you with a TURCO Test Kit and instruct your personnel in its use. A loborotory test proce.dure is available upon request. DISPOSAL INFORMATION: \ \.' 􀀬􀁄􀁜􀁩􀁾􀁰􀁯􀁳􀁥􀀠of spent solution per local, stote ond regionOi regulations. Refer to your TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for additional disposal information•., CAUTION! TURCOA T®5440-L contains molybdic salts. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not take Internally. Use with adequate (equivalent to outdoor) ventilation. Protective clothing, such as a chemical face shield or goggles and gloves, mode from acid resistant neoprene should be worn when using this material. Store and transport product in dosed containers at temperatures of 30°F to 130°F. Before using this product refer to container label and TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for additional precautionary, handling and first aid information. NOTICE: The above information and recommendatIons concerning this product are based upon our laboratory tests and field use experience. However, since conditions of actual use are beyond oUr control, any recommendations or suggestions are made without warranty, express or implied. Manufacturer's and seller's sole obligation sholl be to replace that portion of the product shown to be defective. Neither shall be liable for any loss,damage, or injury,direct or consequentiol, arising out of the use of this product. Temp. 3/88 i TURCO PRODUCTS, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 5440-3 dgSECTION' -PRODUCT NAME: Turcoat 5440-L Manufacturer's Name: TURCO PRODUCTS. INC. Address: 7300 Balsa Ave., Westminster, CA 92684·3600 􀁾􀀠Ejnergency Telephone No.: (614) 381·6200 Info. Tel. No. (714) 89()'360D SECTION II -HAZARDOUS INFORMATION' t , ' CEIlCLA , RGRAG,A.$. ACG1H OSHAi; COMPONENTS RQ , Was Ie ! TWA I%.WT.I.\ Number , TLVNQ.SPILL Ibs. Sodium molybdate Monosodium phosphate* 7631950 7758807 NtLstd NtLstd NtLstc 5mg(Mo)m' Ntlstd NtEsteb. mg(Mo)m' NtEstab. 1 10 ·listed for possible irritating properties only ! I ! CARCINOGENS (As dalined in 29CFR 19T0..12oo) NTP tARe OSHAI Contains no components defined to Ibe carcinogens ! Not listed Not listed Not regulated PROPER SHIPPING NAME; HAZARO CLASS; HA.Z:ARO 1.0, No.: Not a DOT hazardous material Not regulated None SECTION III -PHYSICAL DATA: BOllING POINT. -F: 220' , SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.095 VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): ZOmm VOLATILE. V. BY VOL: S8 VAPOR DENSITY (A!R", 1): APPEARANCE ANO ODOR: Less than 1 : eVAPoAAnON RATE (81.1. Ac. =: 1): Less tnan l : CleaT', water white liquid, low odor SOlUB!LtTV IN WATER: pH 5 Complete SECTION IV -FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: FLASH POINT AND METHOD USED: Not applicable -Nonflammable EXTINGUISHING MEOlA: Not aPD! lcable , SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEOURE AND PRECAUTIONS: Use self-contained respiratory protection. UNUSUAL FiRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None SECTION V -HEALTH, EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID INFORMATION' EFFECTS OF OVER EXPOSURE: EYES: • Contact with eves may cause moderate to severe irritAtion SKIN: . Mav cause moderate to severe Irritation.I INHALATION: ! Inhalation of mist from solution may cause moderate to severe Irritation of respiratory tract. INGESTION: Moderate to severe Irritation of gastrointestinal tract. MED1CAL CONDITIONS WHlCH MAY 8E AGGRAVATED: None known N-131A ., .. _. i --FIRST AID: EYES: Flush eyes with iarge volumes of water for at least 15 minutes. If Irritation persists, obtain medical attention. , SKIN: Flush affec ted 'area with clean coo I water .. Wash wi th soap and water. Rinse thoroughl y. irritation persists or'bllsterlng occurs, obtain medical attention. If IINHALATION: Remove to fresh aIr. If breathing Is dIfficult, administer oxygen. Obtain medIcal 'attention If Irritation persists. INGESTION: Do not induce vom i tiii9;;;.'-'-;I:;;f--:vC:I-=C:Ct j7Cm-;"j""S"'c--:o--:ns""c"'l-o-us-,--;";'difiite by g I v Ing large vo Iurnes of mil k or 􀁷􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁜􀀠Obtain Immediate medical attention. Never attempt to give anything by mouth to an unconscio'us!, person. PRIMARY HOtlTl:S OF 􀁅􀁎􀁔􀁃􀀺􀁒􀁙􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀽􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁃 􀀺􀁈􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁌􀁁􀁾􀁔􀀧􀀮􀀡􀀺􀁉􀁏􀀺􀀢􀁎􀁾􀀽􀁘􀀽􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀭􀁓􀁾􀁋􀁉􀁾􀁎􀀧􀀺􀁃􀁾􀁏􀀢􀁎􀀬􀁔􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁁􀀺􀀬􀀺􀀺􀁃􀁾􀁔􀀽􀁘􀀽􀀽􀁟􀀮􀀺􀁏􀀺􀀮􀀺􀁔􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁈􀁅􀁾􀁒􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀬􀀬􀀭_________---, SECTION VI -REACTIVITY DATE: ......... _-----------------STABILITY; STABLE UNSTABLE HAZARDOUS POL YMERIZA TIO:.:N.:..W:,:.':.:.l:.:L:,:.NO:.:T:.:O:.:C:.:C:.:.U:.;.R_________---, CONDITIONS TO AVOiD: 􀁾􀁬􀀡􀁗􀁾... Wlth strong acid, strong callstic, strong oxidizing aoents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: None SECTION VII -SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURE: SPILLOHRELEASEPROCEOUR'" CONCENTRATE, Confine sDlll. Stop .leak at source If this can be done safely,Ventilate area. Pump liquid into drums for disposal. Absorb remaining liquid onto Inert absorbent and place in sealable containers for aJsposal. Wash area with water. Residual amounts m2Y bE, 􀁦􀁬􀁵􀁳􀁨􀁾􀁤􀀠to sewer if local regulations permit, USE SOLUTION: As for concentrate DISPOSAL INFORMATION: CONCENTRATE:(1) Transfer to reclaiming center for recycling or reuse, If pOSSible. (2) Transfer to licensed disposal Site for disposition under applicable local, state and regional regulations. SPENT SOLUTION AND RINSES: Dispose per (l). or (2) above, or spent solution and rinses can be neutralize: end floatable soli separated. Residua! QrganJc motter moy be removed by oxidation cndlor corbon treatment. If reqUired, phosphate may he removed by treatment with lIme. Clorlfied water may be released to sewer If locol regulations permit. SECTION VIII -:-. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION: : RESPIRATORVPROTECTION: For ml s t condit Ions, a NIOSH-apprOVed resp i rator for dusts and mists Is Iadvised, If respirators are used, a formal training and screening program must be Initiated. See I 29 CFR 1910-134. : PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT; CHEMICAL FACE SHIELD OR GOGGLES:..X-GLOVES L-. BOOTS X ..APRON X . PRQTECTIIlE.SUIT Not .nO,t. -;rnnJy reQu!l"eOEu' adVISed n:""c..mffli 0 : GLOVES, 800TS, APRON AND SUIT MADE FROM: 􀁎􀁥􀁯􀁰􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁾􀀠or other 􀁩􀁭􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁶􀁫􀁾􀀡􀁊􀀤􀀠moteriol 􀁣􀁶􀁯􀁬􀁤􀁊􀁾􀀡􀁏􀁬􀁯􀁮􀁧􀁥􀁤􀀭􀁯􀁲􀀠repeated sl(m contact. : RECOMMENDED PERSONAL HYGIENE: Wash hands and 'face with soap and water before smoking or eating, Immediately remove all contaminated clothing, Launder before reuse. Do not launder at home. SECTION IX ,... OTHER INFORMATION: ISPECIAL PRECAUTIONS STORAGE AND HANDLING: Istore In dry protected area. MIXING; -----------------------------'------! Use care to avoid splaShing and any skin or eye contact. i REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF CONTAMINATED EOUIPMENT: Relieve any pressure. Cover openings to aVOId spur tJ ng j Flush Interior and exterior with water. Collect flushings for disposal. Use approprIate protec-,tlve equloment for e es, skin and inhalation. I OATHREPARED: 12/9/67 DATE REVIEWED: APPROVED: J PJ O.C. DEPT.I 􀁾􀁤􀀠R • D OE?'r.1 );1a.d SAFETY .\ ENVIRON. 􀁔􀁍􀁓􀁏􀁓􀀮􀁴􀁾􀀠 TEXAS TIER TWO COVER SHEET Budget7C790,Fund135 EMERGENCY AND HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL INVENTORY Specific Information by Chemical Important: Please read the attached instructions first, then complete \ form with typewriter or printer only. Mail to; Hazard Communication Branch, Texas Department of Health, 1100 Yest 49th St., Austin, Texas 78756. 􀁾􀀠, ,Reporting Period from January 1 to December 31, 19 􀁾􀀬􀀿􀀬􀀠Page _,_ of.2... \ ·For Texas Department of Health Use Only: Date Received: Remittance No.: State Information: Submitted for: SARA, Sec. 311? 􀁾􀁳􀁥􀁣􀀮􀀠312? vi Tex. Haz. Comm. Act? 􀁾􀀠County(ies>_______􀁾____________________ Number of Chemicals in List Payment Attached $ _____ Check No. Check Date _____ Facility Identification: Name LOGIC DESIGN METALS, INC. Street Address 4805 ARAPAHO RD. City ADDISON State TX Zip 75248 SIC Code 􀀬􀀩􀁃􀀱􀁉􀀱􀀨􀁾􀀠Dun & Bradstreet Number Owner/Operator Name: Name COMMERCIAL TECHNOLOGIES Phone (214 > 934-8797 Mail Address 13636 NEUTRON RD! DALLAS, TX. 75234 Emergency Contact: . Name KEN WILEMON Title PRESIDENT Phone (214) 239-1;-;3"6"71-----24 Hr. Phone ( 214) 887-7556 Name KEN FULTZ Title PRODUCTION CONTROL Phone ( 214 >--'2::.;:3"'9_-::.13"'6::,:1:...-______ 24 Hr. Phone ( 214) 242-6888 CERTIFICATION: (Read and sign after completing all sections) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those fnd viduals es onsfble for obtaining the information, I believe that th submitt 􀁾􀀠-information is true, accurate, and complete. KEN WIlEMON Name & official title of ownerl operator OR authorized representative Signature Date signed OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: I have attached a site plan. I have attached a list of site coordinate abbreviations. TEXAS TIER TWO CONTINUATION SHEET 1-89 Reporting Period from January 1 to December 31, 19 88, Page 2 of 3 Facility Identification: Name Logic Desian Metals Street Address 4805 Aranaho Road City Addison State._-'T..:.,:X_____ Zip 7S001 \ CHEKICAL DESCRIPTION: CAS 78 93.-1 Trade Secret to EPA? , .\ . Chem. Name -,--M",e-"-t,-,-hY.L..l,--,e...􀁴􀀢􀀬􀁨􀀮􀀮􀁌􀁹􀀮􀁬􀀮􀁬􀀭􀀬􀁫􀀢􀀢􀁥􀀢􀀢� �􀁴􀀢􀀬􀁯􀀢􀀬􀁮􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁥􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀁾________________ ** Check: Pure X Hix Solid Liquid X Gas ** Check: Fire X Pressure Reactivi ty Immediate (acute) X Delayed (chronic) X Codes: Hax.-oaily Amt. 01 Avg. Daily Amt. 01 No. of Days 􀁏􀁮􀀭􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁾􀀠3n5 Storage Code Locations or York Areas in Facility (Non-Confidential)1 \) JL JL JL Outside main building -see area labeled MEK on attached 2) __ __ __ 􀁾􀁳􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁴􀂣􀁥􀁾􀁐􀁌􀀱􀁾􀁡􀀬􀀭􀀬􀀭􀁮􀁾􀀮_______________________ 3) ____ __ 4) ____ __ 5) ____ __ 6) ____ .__ CHEKICAL DESCRIPTION: CAS 78 93 3 Trade Secret to EPA? Chem. Name Sherwin Williams coati nos -tOTUene, methyl ethyl ketone, cyclohexanone, xylene, n-butyl acetate,·lead chromate, molybdate oranoe ! ** Check: Pure __ Hix 1-Solid __ Liquid 􀁾􀀠Gas __ ,** Check: Fire Jt Pressure Reactivity Immediate (acute) X Delayed (chronic) X Codes: Hax.-oaily Amt. 02' Avg. Daily Amt. 􀁏􀁾􀀠No. of Days On-site-3F5 Storage Code Locations or Vork Areas in Facility (Non-Confidential)-:--1) 􀁾􀀠Jl Jl Paint Shop -see area labeled PIon attached site 􀁾􀁬􀁡􀁮􀀠2) F 1 4 Barn -see area labeled P2 on attached site plan 3) == = 4) ____ __ 5) ____ __ 6) CHEMICAL-oESCRIPTION: CAS 180 94 1 Trade Secret to EPA? Chem. Name Retarder thi nner -cycl ohexanOii'e, X:yl ene, n-butyl acetate ** Check: Pure Hix X Solid Liquid X Gas ** Check: Fire X Pressure Reactivity Immediate (acute) X Delayed (chronic) X Codes: Hax.-oaily Amt.. 02--Avg. Daily Amt. 02 No. of Days On-site 􀀳􀁦􀁩􀁾􀀠Storage Code Locations or Vork Areas in FaciIi ty (Non-Confidential)-:--I) D 1 4 Paint Shoo -see area labeled R1 on attached site olan 2) [) l! 􀁾􀀠Barn -see area labeled T1 on attached site hlan 3) === .4) 5) ____ __ 6) CHEMICAL-oESCRIPTION: CAS ____-'l""O.!'-n 97..B. Trade Secret to EPA? Chem. Name Butane/propane fuel ** Check: Pure Mix X Solid . LiqUid X Gas -.J. ** Check: Fire.x.. Pressure X Reac tivi ty Immediate (acute) X Delayed (chronic) Codes: Max.-oaily Amt. 02 Avg. Daily Amt. O? No. of Days On-site 􀀳􀁨􀁾􀀠Storage Code Locations or Vork Areas in Facility (Non-Confidential)-:--\) A 2 4 Outside -see area labeled B on attached site olan 2) 􀁾􀀠2' 􀁾􀀠Forklift trucks -ubiquitous=== 3)4) ____ __ 5) ____ __ 6) ____ __ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'. TEXAS TIER TWO CONTINUATION SHEET 1-89 Reporting Period from January 1 to December 31, 19 88, Page 3 of 3 Facility Identification: Name Logi c Des; gn Metals Street Address Ci ty 4805 Arapaho Road Add; son State ,-'-TX:.:......__ Zip 75nOl '\ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: CAS 7440 K,..L Trade Secret to EPA? ! ,\' Chern. Name ""A"",r",q"o",nCLi""C",ar"",b""o""n,-",O..!.i""OX",1!.!·􀁤􀁾􀁥􀀽􀀽􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽___􀁾􀁾􀁾_________ ** Check: Pure __ Hix JL Solid __ Liquid __ Gas 1-** Check: Fire Pressure 􀁾􀀠Reactivity Immediate (acute) __ Delayed (chronic) __ Codes: Max. Daily Amt. Avg. Daily Amt. 1DL-No. of Days On-site 􀀳􀁾􀁮􀀠Storage Code Locations or York Areas in Facility (Non-Confidential): 1) JL 􀁾􀁾􀀠Majn Building -see area labeled Weldinq on attached site olan 2) ____ __ 3) ___ __ 4) __ _ 5) __ _ 6) CHEHICAL-oESCRIPTION: CAS Trade Secret to EPA? Chern. Name ** Check: Pure Mix Solid Liquid Gas , ** Check: Fire Pressure _ Reactivity _ Immediate (acute) __ Delayed (chronic) _ Codes: Max. Daily Amt. Avg. Daily Amt. No. of Days On-site Storage Code Locations or York Areas in Facili ty (Non-Confidential)-:-1) __ _ 2) ___ _ 3) __ _ 4) ___ __ 5) __ __ 6) ___ _ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: CAS Trade Secret to EPA? Chern. Name ** Check: Pure __ Hix __ Solid __ Liquid __ Gas __ ** Check: Pire Pressure _ Reactivity __ 􀁉􀁭􀁾􀁥􀁤􀁩􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠(acute) __ Delayed (chronic) __ Codes: Max. Daily Amt. Avg. Daily Amt. No. of Days On-site Storage Code Locations-Dr York Areas in Facility 􀀨􀁎􀁯􀁮􀁾􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁦􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁡􀁬􀀩􀀭􀀺􀀭1) ___ _ 2) ____ _ 3) ____ __ 4) ____ __ 5) ___ __ 6) ____ __ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: CAS Trade Secret to EPA?Chern. Name _________________________􀁾_____ ** Check: Pure Mix, Solid Liquid Gas (, ** Check, Fire Pressure Reactivity Immediate (acute) Delayed (chronic) Codes: Max.-oaily Amt. --Avg. Daily Amt. --No. of Days On-site-Storage Code Locations or York Areas in Facility (Non-Confidential)-:--1) ____ __ 2) ___ __ 3) ___ __ 4) ____ __ 5) ___ __ 6) ____ __ >0\1 0::0 -f1> ::c-< .(J) ,. I> r r VI -0 O l: " '" '" :0-VI ,-l 􀁾􀀠'-:t II<:1 M ZO" 0;00po n 􀀭􀁬􀁾􀁦􀁔􀁬􀀠a X is''''(f)-r. • 71001::1 %CfTlOO 0DRIVEWAY ::ur<::u -f-frfTI-f fTI/" TRANSF. XC::U-.. fTlrfTI O C 000 ON POLE ::UOO% z -!!! 0 0 fTII : 12 • 3: zo:t:"T'1 ::u"TI -(f):s fTI o_-f; -f ;:0% Xl> 6fTl3:(f) l> l>CO% 0 r -frOm "TI 􀁾􀀠-1>3:c:: 1= 14' \1 \1 􀁾􀁏􀀭􀁦􀁭􀀭;:0%-r o·);>05ig 0 . <%-f%(f) »"". -Gl " -% m 0-f £,or "TI 0 m fTl ;:0 r l> f1l % G1 G1 fTl •• 􀁍􀁾􀁋􀀠G1 "FINISHED -::u 0'1-% ., 1/0 2 AC ,SPOT RC%WELDING PRODU C T S 51' 0 RAG E ;0 .... 'Gl •o N......'<'. I 􀁾􀁾􀁂􀁨􀁎􀁾􀁌􀀮􀀮􀁔􀀠f 4889-3,4 Manufacturer'S Name: TURCO PRODUCTS. INC. Address: 7300 Bol.. A •••• Westminster. CA 9268<1-3600 Emergency Telephone No,: (61") 387-6200 Inlo. T.1. No. (71")891).3600 "-. SECTION II -HAZARDOUS INFORMATION' . \ CAS. CERCLA RCRA ACGIH OSHACOI.1PONENTS RQ W&$te V.,WT.Number SPiLL Ib:s. No. TLV TWA sd. 􀀭􀁾􀀠sodium metasilicate 6834-92:"'0 Nt. .Latd D002 Nt. Estab. Nt. Estab. Sodiwn gluconate 527-07-1 Nt. Latd NtLstd Nt. Estab. Nt. Estab. C 12-16 Alcohols, ethoxylated propoxylated 68213-24-1 Nt. Lstd NtLstd Nt. Estab. Nt. Estab. Nony1phenoxypoly(ethy1eneoxy ethanol . 9016-45-9 Nt. Lstd NtLstd Nt. Estab • Nt. Estab. This MSDS complies with the Wor er and Communi tyRighto-Know Act of Pen! • and New J CARCINOGENS (A. 􀁃􀁯􀀮􀁦􀁪􀁮􀁾􀀠in 29CFR 191(}'12OO) NTP IARC ·OSHA ContaIns no components defIned to be carc!nogens Not listed Not l1sted Not regulated PROPER SHIPPING NAME: HAZARO CLASS; HAZARO 1.0. No,; Not a DOT hazardous materIal Not regulated None . 30 :',; :􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀺􀀠. ',' " ," . "J r---...·'·\ -('I,r-: -i".• ·1 .... 2! '.r 9<."t; ';>0 (t1 f"'" !-? "..; ,{ 􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀺􀀠0' 0 (I' Y. "(} ), .., '" 􀀺􀁾􀀠" " ,'""􀀬􀁾􀀠....,: ..... .," \, '-'\ 􀁾􀀮􀀠􀀨􀁛􀁾􀀠" ,', " , , :--, 􀀬􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀠;.:t ." .. ',"t "i,',;' '.', 􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀠f,'>i't.p [, . " , 􀁾􀀠• I, 11;.; ," I , • >;,' , , ' •• j 1 I I, . 'i, • r.' { j \J. :.j ,, . -r " .i', } . :f':' !: I • I •ti.. .;'. '. ..: " · ';,." .,, " , 'I' " ::, .•j' , ·􀁾,,: :􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀠" .i-.:..'t.• :,·,I)t.. ,< r, ",' , · ..􀁾􀀠t, ·􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠't " • • 􀁾􀀮􀀠"',' 49-20 H.\Z.\RDO"t"$ C'Hl:>lUCAt;ii D.r..'I!J. ...ned initiating 􀁥􀁸􀁰􀁬􀀢􀀢􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀩􀀠are comparatively oonsitive to fri.,.. lion, impaet (blows), shock, and hest. Primary higil eocplosives differ widely in propetti(Oj!, and it i. not to be infen<'tl that th...., llst.ed are equally 􀁨􀁡􀁾􀁡􀁲􀁤􀀨􀀩􀁬􀁬􀀢􀀠Se<»ndorylliqh ""pl.,.""" gen",a.\lyrequire initiation by a 􀁰􀁾IlXpJosive. Hsmrd Identification System. The WalXWnd-A :\0. 10J..\J," th. diagrnn' 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁬􀀧􀁩􀁾􀀠planning guidenc. to lire dspm1ment. for sare tactical proce.lures in emergency operatio".. 􀁾􀁩􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀠on-tht'""pot information 10,areguard the 􀁉􀁩􀁶􀁾.. of fire lighting pe"",,,nel "nd Ih" otboN who mit>" be expo,"ed, and provid"" pl.lIt. d..ig!l 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁧􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀢􀀬􀀠lila,,! J,rolt'elion and "fcty ill'roolH!!») with tl mCU1lf' of id(>l)1ifying hazardous mat.e-ri-:lb: and 􀁡􀁮􀀭􀁾􀀠ill which 􀁤􀁵􀁾􀁹􀀠am l3tored. 0;1._••• VlAyUhab Chlatf1tt The;m ideutmu tht-"health," "l!ammability" and ".".. activifiY'" IlllBtability And _ler reIIiltivity) af a chemieal utI indica!al the arder of JI,wenty "r each hataro by USIl of ""e nfnile numeral grsdings, from r"ur (·1), indlcatmg the severe hazard or ""'rerne dansSl\ ro ""TO (Oi. indicating nn .-peciol 􀁾􀁲􀁤􀀮􀀠In lobe di"lllOlld-ehapea iliaF.tam "health" liru!ard ilIldentilled .. t tbe left., ':!I.!!mrn8hility" at the top, ""d 􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀬􀁥􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁩􀁾􀁹􀀢􀀠at Lh" right.. .,-. 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁔􀁏􀁒􀀧􀁙􀀧􀀠4'1-21 1'h&bottom space is primllrily used to identify UIll1llllal.noaetivity with ..ater, A W with .. line throng!> its <:enter -\\' alerls fire fighting personnel to the polIIlibla hazard in """ or water, Thill oottom apace may be also .,..,d to idet.t-ify .. 􀁲􀀱􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁡􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀠'b.llzard by tbe symbOl ;jIi,. OxidWug .hemicals a", identllied in the: bottom .3PllCO by OXY. To supplement. the Bpl!.tial arzaogement, NFPA No. 7()L\J teI!OlIlIlllmds tbe USIl of colored 􀁢􀀮􀁣􀁫􀁾􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁳􀀠or eoInred uumhol1l to identify the lliard ea.te",ties -blue 10r "heallh,." red for '':fi&lIlIDlIbiIity;' yellow for 􀀢􀁲􀁥􀀦􀁥􀁴􀁍􀁾􀁹􀀮􀀢􀀧􀀠E1tampl. of spatbJ amngenmnt aDd Q(I10r llobemes !I.ta ellowing pa!"1lgl'aphs summarize the rnElallings of !.be numbers in each ha.ord elitegoT,)' and explain ",hat a number should lllU lire lighting Pe<60Dlli1.\ about pxoteetiug th emselWJ aDd how to fip;ht tires whe", the huaro exists. HIIJ!Ll 4 A few 'Whiffs 1)f4h1!: g.u mvs,Po1 eonhl CI'luSede:o.tb: ort:1:lepB, 􀁾􀁐􀀺􀀮􀁏􀀡􀀢􀀠q:r liquid oouId be _I... _blIt!ng the lire JigjIre.... ""rinol full pro_clothiog ",hlill is ueoi§n.od lor heat. 􀁆􀀧􀁾􀁲􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠,1>1lIlkaJa baving. 1W>I1h" 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁴􀀠the sp,dli. b.utall!tu., :nib""," IWY"" boot!> and .......""md I.egs, .,..". and "",at .bcnild bo proVIded. No sldn l!1lrl.", ehould be ..... posed. a MataUoh I>o=doua to Iw.UIl, bat .,.,.. ""'" be lII1turo li:eal1 wi!h so1l-. o M • ...w. "hJcl, an __Ii«! ""ndltl "''' be igJIite!l;i". be in,lf«tive on 1hse li1tuid> t>e,.bi,h fom> """"'" 1\.......lW 'u.breddelIY_..1111 alJl' .,..";'1 that ;guiles 􀁬􀀤􀁰􀁏􀁮􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀮􀁲􀀠At. nar.msl 􀁾􀁭􀁰􀁥􀁲􀀶􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁥􀁩􀁬􀀠in a Liquids"..l:m:h mun be """"""",1), w..ted before i,Ioilion will OOClll" IIlld eolro3 tba. telIdilr gjYe oil ft.""""ble VApolll. 'hl««'Pili)' tllIqbo ...0 to ...!iur;oleh the lire btca_ ,h. "",t.,lo! tall tie cooleluI be prol1""ed b..tore 19niu"" ..., <>co"'. lI',it", lDBY 􀁾􀁡􀀮􀁵􀁳􀁥􀀠fMtJUn,g of Jil\u.ids with ibis fit1.'rnmaoility "'tios nnrnbe if it geb; bel(JH' the ;urface or the liquid and tUJ"nS. m steam. 􀁈􀀼􀁊􀀧􀁗􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁥􀀺􀁲􀀠􀁴􀁰􀁴􀁥􀀺􀀢􀁾􀀠gently applied i.o the Slurtaro '«ill cause .. frothing W'iicl: wiD 􀁥􀁘􀁕􀀮􀁄􀁾􀁨􀀠􀁴􀀡􀀺􀁵􀁾􀀠a re:. 􀁾􀁅􀂫􀁴􀀠,cotnbUslible 􀁾􀀱􀁩􀁤􀁳􀀠br."o .. ftarruna'biLity J&tins: 011. o .\l..eriaJ. th,l ,..;n n., bum. 􀁊􀁬􀁟􀁬􀁩􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁹􀀠4 lfaiedslB ...hicl, in the1ll3e"lves an::: l"'eerliJy capable of detClnatiofl or oJ' expio:irl\'e decnmpositioli oz 􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁡􀁾􀀠 􀁴􀁥􀁄􀁬􀁾􀀱􀀮􀁵􀀮􀀺􀁲􀁷􀀾􀀠JlIla 􀁾inrb;acies ll't&terials: whkh tltl;:ltive 10 meC!ha:nim or lord·zed t'hemHl.l shock. Ita ehc=:cUC'aJ with tb1s l:.uJlern TOting is in ..!In advsnlliJ O't' :JDSEBive :5.:re.J the are.a tihould be f!'V2tl.mteiL :3 ;U.t.riab wlneh in 􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁾""" <"d uno adP""""'" or ,..h;cli ",..t _losi'rtJ.y wi\h ""W lIi\holll reqoiring hoot or ..nlln."""'t. F'tn figbtins lho\Ild be done from un up1O:s.iQ;u••􀁲􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀮􀀠kx.-atioJ1.. 2 lIau.riels wldd> :in themselves are 􀁾􀁬􀁲lID$Iab!. .,..'l -ruJ.y 􀁾";QIOlli d:l!mIcal cha:toge but do not iletoll8l.. !","oo.. lDJltemls ...hig should be dono from 􀁾􀀠pro-, """ted loaxtlo!t. ' ......--:-f.49-23EXPL.,\XA"l"OOY r.i:U'iil' 􀁾􀀨􀁢􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁵􀁯􀁯􀀺􀀮􀀠1 􀁾􀁢􀀧􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁯􀁬􀀼"hirn il\ I'''''''''''''' "'" """"alit IlI.Ole but "hi,," ""'Y. became tmsutblo 􀁾􀁴􀀠elevated te.mpirattlJ'l:ij 311d 􀁰􀁾or whU:h rear }1;'2ti with "'alS with $Ome relesse IDl 􀁥􀁄􀁾􀁾􀀠MIt llOl "Violently. CaullOlt must b£ UlO AT ASliLl\ND CHEMlC/>.L o:M'ANt .ReactiveFlamabllityHealth ..􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀫􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀫􀁟� �􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁦􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭, \ o. \ Dict;yl Pht:hacate 0 1 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁲􀁬􀁇􀁟􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀮􀁟􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀬􀀮􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀻..r ----------------------------------_________􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺� �􀀺􀁟􀁂􀂣􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁅_________1􀁾􀁟􀀮􀁩􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭__.:..___􀁾____ 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀠􀀻􀀽􀁾.fw--􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁦􀀮􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭__________.... _______......-.....-___􀁾______..... _ --...-----.....---------------r-w --.....---------Glycol Ether EE 1\ootate ., 2 2 + 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭230 i..._----------_...._-1--------􀁾.....----...---... Diaoatone Alcohol 'A.F 120 I-----------r-----􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭l'Hi Sol 15 15 (sarra as xYlene) 2 3 o ..._-----_...._....,------_..._----------_... ----------------------t----------I t>'.ethyl lsol:.utyl .Ketone ' ---. 2 3 o .-...----....--.... ....􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾.....-----... ----_<#".....--_.. _....------...._------------_.. I'1 3 o) _..._------------_._---......._-------_....--------------/--,----_.... _L N. Butyl Acetate 1:; o ...-----':"'-....-----....--------............------------,------------1-----------....2 TriclO1: 2 1 o 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭....-----.......-----------...... 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭---,- ----,--2 :; 0 -------1-----------􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀠1 1 0 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀭􀂷􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀭􀁾􀁟􀀯􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭------3 o5 -----..........--------------,------....... -------_...._-􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭I> 111 Triclor : 2 1 0•--------...-....-_............-_.__._----'--.-------....-----.... _........-----_...... ---------7 Perchlo:r:ethylene 2 0 0 􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭----------------a Ethyl .l\cetate 99% ,1 􀁾􀀢􀀠0 -----------------------------_...._---_...._------......----,g Mathyl ISO .Mineral. S.P:i,rl.ts .._-,.;."...--------...._-------_...._------------_......_-.. o--------:...I) ---:------2 41 􀂷􀁾􀁵􀁮􀁥􀀠. 2 :3 I) 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭-------- --42 • 1 3 o ..--.---...-------....􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠...._________1-__........___________......._._____•.J, date this :ts nl.'ll1'ibel;s tor these hazardous materials. 35 Hi-Sol *10 (llarra as :XYlene) 2 3 -------------------------.... -----....._-------_...._--.. ------36 Acetone 1:3 -..._-'------_..--_-.-_...._-----------...._--.......-----􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭37 Methylene Chloriile 2 0 -------------------------------f----------. 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭38 􀁾􀀱􀀮􀁥􀀺􀁮􀁡􀀠2:3 ----_........----_...._--_......._------------􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭...... ------- ASHlAND CHEMICAL COMPANY CLOSURE REPORT 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀠􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀠 : AuSTIN I!:XA) INTER·OFFICE THRU: Director, Public Health' Region 5 THRU: Associate Commissioner,Eor Community and Rural Health THRU: Associate Commissioner for Environmental and Consumer Health Protection 􀁾􀁥􀁸􀀠R. Hunt, 􀁾􀀮􀁅􀀮􀀠THRU: Bureau of Solid Waste Hansgement Public Healthl Region'S ___ TO TO: L .. D. Griffith, P.E., Director fROM 􀁟􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀽􀁣􀀺􀁣􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀽􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠Su rveillance &.Enforcement Div.! \ ' j 􀁂􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁯􀁬􀁩􀁦􀁥􀀠Corboration-TDH 􀀣􀁾􀀶􀁾􀀵􀁌􀀵􀁾􀀱􀀳􀁌􀀭______ ____ _____ J. Mueller,. A_T_TN : H_a_n_s P.E.SUBJECT Murdock Lead Company·-TDR #65585 Ashland 􀁃􀁨􀁥􀁭􀁩􀁾􀁬􀀠Co. ,-TDR #65347 U.S. Plating'l Inc. -,TOR #65119 The above s\lbject sites are all listed as "IS" inspections for this year. They sHould be' removed from the list for the following reasons: I , 1. BESTOLtFE CORPORATION and MURDOCK LEAD COMPANY: I . 􀁂􀁥􀁳􀁴􀁯􀁬􀁾􀁦􀁥􀀠and i Murdock are each registered by TDWR and have been for a 􀁾􀁮􀁵􀁭􀁢􀁥􀁲􀀠:of years (TDWR #'s 33979 and 34383, respectively). Bestol fe, according to TDWR personnel manufactures oil field, joint 􀁾􀁯􀁭􀁰􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁳􀀠and MurdoCk manufactures lead shot. 􀁾􀁯􀁴􀁨􀀠of these 􀁣􀁯􀁭􀁰􀁡􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀠were formerly owned by RSR Corporation and now by MurmerJ Inc.,: who bought all of RSR's holding in Dallas. These facilillies have not been inspected by this office. However, from the 􀁤􀁥􀁾􀁣􀁲􀁩􀁰􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠of the nature of their b'usiness and from the fact that T?WR has.dealt closely with RSR over the past several years, it is felt tnat an inspection by this Department is unnecessary and 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁰􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁰􀁲􀁩􀀧􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀮􀀠2. ASHLANJ CHEMICAL COMPANY, I ' This facility is closed. When in operation, it was' under TDWR surved lance TDWR #31384. It closed, in August 1983 and was so cer*ified by a professional engineer in a statement to TDWR. A copy of that correspondence: is attached. No action is necessary other 􀁾􀁨􀁡􀁮􀀠removal as an existing facility. 3. U.S. pJATING: This flcHity has been unde; survei llance and is under enforcement shion by TDWR. Their TDWR number is #31539. According to the 􀁤􀁥􀁾􀁣􀁲􀁩􀁰􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠of activities given by TDWR District office employee"I ,this office fe,els that the facility most closely fits that of an industrial type operation. Thus, it should remain under TDWR jurisdiction and removed from this Department' s 1ist of facilities. I Approved By: I 􀁣􀁰􀁣􀁤􀀲􀁾􀀯􀀿􀁅􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀨L. D. Thurmaq, P.E. Regional Engineer I, LDT/RHH/pgb TE August 15, 1984 __DA _,____􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮___Attachments FORM NO. "G·2·A .Joe .P. Hili. P.E. I!IJJ CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, INC. ONE LEMMON PARK EAST . SUITE 221 3627 HOWELL . DALLAS TEXAS . 75204 1214) 529-0220 August 22, 1983 \ \., Mr. David L. Anderson Environmental Engineer Ashland Chemical Company P. O. Box 2219 Columbus, Ohio 43216 Re, Underground Product Receing Tank 􀁒􀁥􀁭􀁯􀁶􀁡􀁾􀀬􀀠Ashland Chemical, Quorum Drive at Arapano, Addison, Texas Dear Mr. Anderson, At your request I observed the removal of the oil-fuel-water separator tank from the above referenced site. The tank was washed out internally and was clean upon removal. Also, the outside surface of the tank and, subsequently, the excavation, were free of chemical and/or petroleum residue upon removal . . On June 6, 1983, the excavation at the oil-fuel-water separator tank was clear and, subsequently" filled immediately. I, therefore, submit this letter and closure statement in that the state approved "Closure Plan" was followed as specified. This is to certify that the tank removal has been accomplished according to the "Closure Plan" submitted to and approved by TDWR Application No. 10130 -Registration NO;-31384. Should you have any further questions, please call. Sincerely yours, JPH,nah 31384...91 strati on No. App1 ication No. (Dept:use On lyT---Ashland Chemlcal CompanyFaeil ity Name \County of ; I".1 Rodney G. Parsons being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am Vice-President & General 11ana:Jer of IC&S Div. of Ashland Chemical COlilpany, ---flt Ie (Owner or lln ncipal OtficerT----􀁆􀁡􀁣􀁬􀁉􀀱􀁴􀁹􀁜􀁬􀁗􀁲􀁬􀁥􀁲􀀭􀀭􀁾.4904 Arapaho Road, Addi saonna' 􀁁􀁾􀁥􀁡􀁴􀁡􀀺􀁳􀁳􀀠___ ______ ___􀁾􀀮􀁟􀀮􀁟􀀠This affidavit is being executed for the purpose of notifying the Executive Director of the TexastDepartment of Water Resources that the named facility does not 􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁾􀁲􀁥􀀠a hazardous waste permit because:. Check appropriate box(es): L:K7 No hazardous waste is stored, processed or disposed on-site c::J The facility qualifies for the "Accumulation Time" storage exclusion of Texas Administrative Code, Section 335.69 The facility qualifies for the "Small Quantity Generator" exclusion of Texas Administrative Code, Section 335.2{e) The facility qualifies for the "Elementary Neutralization Unit" exclusion of Texas Administrative Code, Section 335.2{f) , d The facility qualifies for the "Wastewater Treatment Unit" exclusion of Texas Administrative Code, Section 335.2(f) Other (Explain with an attachment and reference TDWR rule),·.a\}.4 􀁊􀀿􀂷􀁾􀀮􀁶j..IJfJ u:=:z 9n a tur e < Sworn to before me this day 􀁏􀁦􀁑􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀤􀀭􀁲􀁉􀀭􀀧􀀠􀀱􀀹􀀸􀁾􀀮 􀁾􀁡􀀡􀀲􀀠 􀁾􀀬􀀮, ' -Alii/and ' '--􀁾􀀠􀀯􀁾􀁤Chemical Compan'l ') /􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀭..-.--.... p. O. BOX 2219. COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216· (614) 889·3333 􀁅􀁾􀁇􀁬􀁎􀁅􀁅􀁒􀁉􀁎􀁇􀀠DEPARTMENT R. O. Spooner 􀁉􀀿􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁣􀀮􀁴􀁯􀁲􀀠of Engineering CERTIFIED MAIL August 30, 1983 Mr. Charles E. Nemir Executive Director Texas Dept. Of Water Resources P. O. Box 13087 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Attn: Mr. James Feeley Subject: Closure Of Registration 􀁎􀁾􀀠Ashland Chemical Company, 􀁾Road Addison, Texas Dear Mr. Nemir: Attached please find'a l;"tter from an independent professional engineer and a signed Affidavit of Exclusion. The attachments plus this letter serve as the certification that the facility (31384) has been closed in accordance with the approved closure plan. It is our understanding that the agency must inspect the facility. We request that an inspection date during the week of September 12-16 be scheduled if possible. Please contact Mr. Ken Bartels (214/840-0206) at our new facility to agree upon an inspection date. Please call if you have any questions (614/889-3915). Very truly yours, David L. Anderson (Ie. j)-'iEnvironmental Engineer 9!?:jY3Attachment 􀁾􀀬􀀠'') , > /'J': -' 􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀩􀀠(' . ::::;., -.::;, 􀀮􀀻􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠I, 0",, J !::...J , \ ' \ APPENDIXF RECORD OF COMMUNICATIONS 􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾 -============ 1'IiRRA-MAR · .... =-=='='..=.=1 [aECORO OF 􀁃􀁏􀁍􀀽􀁍􀀽􀁕􀀽􀁎􀁾􀁉􀁃􀁟􀁁􀁟􀁔􀀽􀁉􀁏􀀽􀁎􀁾􀀽􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀽􀀽􀁔􀀽􀁅􀁾􀁒􀀽􀁒􀁟􀁁􀀽􀀮􀁍􀁾􀁁􀁒􀀽􀀧􀀽􀁉􀁎􀁟􀁃􀀽􀀮􀀽􀀮􀁾􀀽􀁊􀀠Type:, \ ' Outgoing Date· 4·26·93 \, Person: Mr, 8ruce Mueller Time: 13:00 Ccrmpany: Town of Addison/Fire Prevention Phan£: Address: City: State/Zip: Fax: DART Suhjtd: Fires, Hazardous Material Spills File: DN93·012·006 Task Order 061 􀁾􀀮􀀠Ccrmmmls: " 􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭IMr. Mueller stated that there was a pipeline fire along the R.O.W. near Dallas Parkway in 1985. Incidents of fire and spills at the Addison Airport and possible solicontamination associated Ashland Chemicals, on what Is Site-Oj today. I E'US'ON, ACnON "'IJI'IT!':!) 4800 and 4900 Block of Bel tline Road NE of Warming Hut ! \ ' \ N of Sally's Restuarant S of Warming Hut 15100 to 15200 Block of Addison Road W of Payless, Outside Storage Building N of Payless, Main Building S of Payless, on side of Beltlin Road W of Trailor Construction NW Corner of Payless Outside Storage 4803 Arapaho Road Between 4803 and 4805 Arapaho Road 4901 Arapaho Road (S of Buhding) 4900 Block of Mildred 8351526 8351451 8351530 and 8351529 751/7132/10 813/1141/15 No Number Recorded 150/9394/10 8751159 15 8751158 15 No Number No Number Nq Number 8351118 15 AND 8351290 15 Please contact me if you need any additional information. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, K. C. Moore Environmental Specialist TERRA-MAR ConsuJtlng Engineers. Geotechnfcal. Environmental. Construction MaterIaJs Testing = DALLAS. FORT WORTH. HOUSTON ! \ ' " \ June 4,1993 Project No. DN93-012-006T T U Electric 1506 Commerce Drive Dallas,Texas 75201 ATTN: Quentin Vennum,Sr. Representative REFERENCE: PCB Containing Transformers Dear Mr. Vennum: A request for verification of the PCB status of utility owned pole-mounted electrical equipment was sent on April 30, but a reply has not been received. Please consider this a second request. If you have already sent a reply to the first request, disregard this letter. Locations of equipment: 15100 and 15200 Block of Addison Road 4800 and 4900 Block of Beltline Road 15100 to 15500 Block of Quorum Road 15500 Block of Julian Road Mapsco: 14-C and 4-Y The following transformer numbers were noted: Pad-mounted 4900 Block of Beltline Road NE Comer of Container Store 8524164 225 DA1 15100 Block of Quorum Road 2679 Lombardy.. 􀁄􀁡􀁦􀁩􀁡􀁳􀁾􀀠Texas 75220 Phone: 􀀲􀀱􀀴􀁾􀀳􀀵􀀲􀂷􀀸􀀳􀀵􀀲􀀠 BERRA-MAR NE Corner of Office Depot ,I \ ' ..\ 15300 Block ofAddison Road NE Corner of 7-11 NW Side of 7-11 Pole-Mounted 4800 and 4900 Block of Beltline Road NE of Warming Hut N of Sally's Restaurant S of Warming Hut 15100 to 15200 Block of Addison Road W of Payless, Outside Storage Building N of Payless, Main Building : S of Payless, on side of Beltline Road W of Traylor Construction NW Corner of Payless Outside Storage 4803 Arapaho Road Between 4803 and 4805 Arapaho Road 8224043 225 D2 8551333 112 8351126 15 􀀸􀀳􀁾􀀱􀀵􀀲􀀶􀀠8351451 8351530 and 8351529 751/7132/10 813/1141/15 No Number Recorded 150/9394/10 8751159 15 8751158 15 No Number No Number 4901 Arapaho Road (S of Building) No Number ! \ . 4900 Block of Mildred 8351118 . \ 15 AND 8351290 15 Please contact me ifyou need any additional information. Thank you for your help. 􀀺􀁾􀀴􀀴􀀠Gary W. Grubbs Environmental Specialist ------.RECEiVED JUN f :, 􀁦􀁓􀁓􀁾􀀠 -. -! , ' TUELECTRIC \ June 10, 1993 Mr. K.C. Moore Terra-Mar Consulting Engineers 2679 Lombardy Lane Dallas, Texas 75220 RE: Transformers located at the following sites; 15100 & 15200 Block of Addison Road, 4800 & 4900 Block of Beltline Road, 15100 to 15500 Block of Quorum Road, & 15500 Block of Julian Road. Dear Mr. Moore: You have made an inquiry in your letter of April 30, 1993, regarding transformers listed above. According to our records the following transformers are Non-PCB (less than 50 ppm PCB) : Com12an:.: Nllmber kVA Coml2any Number kVA 8524164 T-225 8224043 T-225 8551333 T-112 8351126 T-15 8351526 T-25 8::}51451 T-15 8351530 T-25 8351529 T-25 "8131141 T-15 9151199 T-50 8327990 T-l00 9151198 T-50 8751158 T-15 8751159 T-15 8851174 T-37 .5 8251207 T-37.5 8251244 T-l00 8150584 T-l00 8951045 T-75 8351532 T-25 8351511 T-75 8251204 T-37.5 8251227 T-15 835i290 T-15 8351118 T-15 In accordance with applicable federal regulations, the following transformers are classified as PCB-Contaminated (50-500 ppm) and therefore are not considered to be PCB units: Company Number kVA 7517132 T-l0 15093.94 T-l0 lOIS Hutton Dr. Carrollton, Texas 15006 Please be assured that TU Electric has and will comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding such transformers. Xf you are aware of any special or unique circumstances at this location, please bring them to my attention. ;If \ you desire any additional actions on this matter or actions bejl,ond applicable laws and regulations by TU Electric, please con'tact Doug Thompson at 323-8901 so that we can discuss details which may include payment for the associated costs. Sincerely, JJdZ<-,clJb(pS -Doug Thompson Operations Supervisor DT:dsn COWLES & THOMPSON 114 e.1.0UiS1ANA ST" SUITE 200 A PROFESSIONAl COlI;PORATlON McKINNEY, TEXAS 750611-4463 TelEPHONE (972.642·6000 AiTORNEYS AT LAW l00W. ADAMS AVE., SUITE32t eo1 MAIN STREET, SUITE 4000 p.O. BoX 786 DALLAS. TEXAS 7620.2·3793 􀁔􀁅􀁍􀁐􀁌􀁾􀀠TEKAS 76603H07Q5 T£I.EPHONE 12141 672-2000 TELEPHONE j264. 77'-290() 81M bSRAELOFF (214) 672·2131 SISRAElOCTPCI.AW.COM METRO 19721 263-0006 fAX t2141 672·2020 ONE AMERICAN C£HTER, SUITE 717 909 E.S.E. lOOP 323 mER. TEXAS 76701-9684 CHARLES SORRELLS TEU:PHONE ttJ031679·7600 (1926-1992) December 10, 1997 George C. Chapman, Esq. Via CMRRR P 439 723 044 and Thompson & Knight Telecopy (214) 969-1751 3300 First City Center 1700 Pacific Avenue Dallas, Texas 75201 BE: Cause No. 97·6265 A.B.P. Investments #111, UtI., et al vs. Dallas Area Rapid Tronsit and The Town ofAddison Our File No. 3195-51477 Dear Mr. Chapman: Enclosed for your file·are copies of The Town of Addison's Objections and Answers to Plaintiff ABP Investments, #III, Ltd.'s First and Second Sets of Interrogatories, The Town of Addison's Responses to Plaintiffs' First Request for Admissions, and The Town of Addison's Response to Plaintiffs' First Request for Production. Enclosures SI/dj cc: David C. Schulze (via U.S. mail) Ms. Angela Thompson, Clerk, 193rd me (w/o encl.) DOC #: 557574 bee: Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. .. Mr. Ron Whitehead DOC #: 557574 CAUSE NO. 97-06265 A.B.P.INVESTMENTS #III, LTD., A § TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, § JOSEPH H. JONES, BETH § 􀁂􀁾􀁅􀁂􀁅􀁒􀁒􀁙􀀬􀀠§ 􀁃􀁁􀁒􀁏􀁌􀁙􀁎􀁐􀁾􀁓􀀠§ SHIMER MERRITT, AND SAMUEL § THOMAS 􀁐􀁾􀁓􀀬CO-TRUSTEES § OF THE MARY COFFIELD TRUST, § THE ANNETTE COFFIELD TRUST, § THE EVELYN C. JONES TRUST, § THE BETH 􀁂􀁾􀁅􀁂􀁅􀁒􀁒􀁙TRUST, § THE CORINNE SHIMER TRUST § AND A. BEN PINNELL, JR. § § PLAINTIFFS § § VS. § § DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT § AND THE TOWN OF ADDISON, § § DEFENDANTS. § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DALLASCOUNTY,TEXAS 193RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT THE TOWN OF ADDISON'S OmCTlONS AND ANSWERS TO PLAINTIFF ABP INVESTMENTS. #III. LTD.'S FIRST AND SECOND SETS OF INTERROGATORIES TO: Plaintiffs, ABP Investments #ill, Ltd. by and through its attorney of record George C. Chapman, Thompson & Knight, 3300 First City Center, 1700 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75201. Pursuant to Rule 168 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, the Town of Addison submits the following objections and answers to Plaintiff ABP Investments #ill, Ltd.s' First and Second sets of Interrogatories. THE TOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERS TO PLAINTIFF ABPlNVES1MENTSnn, LlD.'S FIRST AND SECOND SETS OF IN1ERROOATORIES -Paget DOC I/: 554630 Respectfully submitted, COWLES & THOMPSON 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) 672-2131 FAX (214) 672-2020 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 'i'!1J a.,J I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument has been mailed, 1\ certified mail-return receipt requested, to George C. Chapman, Thompson & Knight, 3300 First City Center, 1700 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75201 on this 10 day of December, 1997. THETOWN OFADDISON'SANSWERSTO PLAIN'I'IFFAlIPINVESTMENTSIIII. Lm.'s FIRST AND SECONDSEISOFINTERROGATORIli'8 -I'a&<% DOC II: SS463Q Obiections Addison objects to the Definitions and Instructions preceding plaintiff's interrogatories to the extent that they would enlarge on the obligations imposed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Addison will object or respond to all interrogatories in accordance with the Texas Rules unless otherwise directed by the Court. Addison objects to the definition of "Document" as overbroad, unintelligible and unnecessary. Addison will identify or produce documents as such term is commonly understood unless the context or question calls for something else. Addison objects to the definitions of "identify" as overbroad, abusive and harassing and because they would cause the number of questions to exceed the limits on interrogatories imposed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Addison will identify persons, documents and other matters in a manner sufficient for identification but objects to providing the additional matters requested in such definitions. Addison objects to all interrogatories to the extent that they would call for the production of matters that are privileged or exempt from discovery under the attorney-client, work-product or party communications privileges, the governmental function/deliberative process privilege or the prOVisions of Rule 166b of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. 'IlIETOWNOFADDISON'SANSWIiJ!STOI'LAINTIFIIABPINVES'IMENTSIIll,Lm.'SFIRSTANDSECONDSETSOFINTElUlOOATORIE8 -l'lIge 3 DOC It. 554630 INTERROGATORY NO.1: State the name, address, telephone number and occupation of each and every expert witness who you may call to testify at the trial of this cause of action or whose mental impressions and opinions were reviewed by an expert who you may call to testify. ANSWER: Experts have not yet been determined. INTERROGATORY NO.2: State the name, address and telephone number of any persons having knowledge of relevant facts known to you or your attorney, and your understanding as to the relevant facts or knowledge of which each person is aware. ANSWER: Object to the request for "your understanding as to the relevant facts or knowledge of which each person is aware" as overbroad and as calling for the creation and/or production of privileged party communications, work-product and/or attorney-client communications. Addison will state the general types or categories of information each person is believed to possess but objects to the remainder of such request. Plaintiffs: Mr. Pinnell and the other plaintiffs are expected to have knowledge of all matters in dispute. Other Parties: DART personnel, identies unknown -Transit Station planning, land acquisition, dealings with Mr. Pinnell and Addison. See responses of DART. 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERS TO PLAINTIFF ASP1NVESlMENTS1IIT, L1D.'S FIRST AND SECOND SETS OF IN1ERROGATORIES -Page. DOC" 554630 Addison Personnel: Ron Whitehead -Arapaho Road planning, land acquisition, dealings with Mr. Pinnell and DART lohn Baumgartner -Arapaho Road planning, land acquisition, dealings with Mr. Pinnell Lynn Chandler -buildings and permits Carmen Moran -buildings and permits, city records Clyde Johnson -purchasing and contracts James C. Pierce, Jr. -public works and engineering Dave Nighswonger, former employee now with Farmer's Branch -public works and engineering Intermediaries: Pat Hagerty, C;unpbe1l Co. Mack Turner, DART Appraisers: Ernest Glenn Silva Hanford/Healy Appraisal Company One Lincoln Centre 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 450 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 701-5500 L. Randall Denton L. R. Denton & Co. 14800 Quorum Drive, Suite 330 Dallas, TX 75240 (214) 960-1640 (last known address) THE TOWN OF ADDiSON'SANSWERSTO PLAlNTIFF ABPINVF3TMllNTSI\ll, LTD.'SmISI' AND SIlCONDBETSOFINTIlRROOATOIUES -1'11&.5 DOC tr. 55463{) Dennis W. Gruelle Appraisal Consultation Group 3003 Carlislt Street, Suite 112 Dallas, TX 75204 (214) 979-0060 Robert Porcher David Bolton Engineers and Contractors Kenneth A. Roberts Huitt-Zollars 3131 McKinney Ave. Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75204 (214) 871-3311 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. -transportation planning Others All persons identified by DART All persons identified by Plaintiffs All persons identified in documents produced in discovery by any party INTERROGATORY NO.3: As to each expert witness previously identified by you, if applicable, state the subject matter on which the expert is expected to testify, the mental impressions and opinions held by the expert, and the facts known to the expert which relate to or form the basis of the mental impressions and opinions held by the expert. ANSWER: Not applicable. 1HETOWNOFADDISON'SANSWllRSTOI'LAINTIl'FAIIPlNVESTMIlNTSlllI,LID.'SFlRSTANDSECQNDSEl'SOFINTERROGATORIES -Page 6 DOC #: SS4630 INTERROGATORY NO.4: State why you initially planned to take only part of the Property in connection with the public project and state when and why you ultimately decided to join DART to condemn the entire Property, and describe what part ofthe public project changed, ifany, that required a total taking instead of a partial taking. ANSWER: Object to the extent that this interrogatory seeks information outside of the ordinances and resolutions at issue, as such information is privileged under the privilege for governmental function/deliberative processes and/or the attorney-client privilege. Addison Resolution No. R95-060 (June 27, 1995) and other resolutions relative to the project state in pertinent part that "it is hereby determined that public necessity requires that the Town of Addison should acquire the PROPERTY INTEREST under, over, and across the PROPERTY necessary for the PROJECT." Addison Resolution NQ. R95-103 (November 14, 1995) states in pertinent part that: "in the best interest of the tax payers of the Town and of DART, it is more economical for the Town and DART to jointly acquire the respective properties. " Factual information available to Addison at the time such resolutions were adopted will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO.5: Describe all conversations any of your representatives had with Ben Pinnell regarding the condemnation and valuation of the Property and any negotiations for the sale of the Property to you. 'IBETOWNOFADDISON'SANSWERSTOPLAINTIWABPINVES1MENT8I1l1,LID.'SFlRSTANDSECONDSETSOFINTElUl.OGATORIES -Poop? DOC #: 554630 ANSWER: Object as overbroad, incapable of complete response in an interrogatory format, and as calling for the creation and/or production of work product or party communications. Addison does not have sufficient information to describe all such conversations. Mr. Pinnell had numerous discussions with Addison town officials including Ron Whitehead and John Baumgartner, and with intermediaries including Mack Turner and Pat Haggerty. The discussions resulted in an understanding that the parties were having difficulty agreeing on damages. All formal offers were in writing. INTERROGATORY NO, 6: State why you refused to honor the oral agreement Mack Turner reached with Plaintiffs regarding the transfer of the Property that was to be consummated by April, 1996 and who decided that the agreement between your agent, Mack Turner, and Ben Pinnell would not be consummated. If you contenq there was no oral agreement, state all facts that support that contention. ANSWER: Object as argumentative, compound and assuming facts not in evidence. Such matter is also irrelevant to any claim or defense asserted in this case and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Addison further objects that such information is privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege. The request for "facts" evidencing the non-existence of an event, i.e. that "there was no oral agreement" is an oxymoron and incapable of meaningful response. Addison denies that Mr. Turner could make or made any binding oral agreement on its behalf regarding a transfer of real property. Any agreement for the transfer of real property 1lIETOWN OF ADDISON'SANSWERSTO l'LAINIlJ!FABPINVESTMENTSnn, LID.'SFIllSTANDSECONllSETSOFIN'TERROGATORIES -1'q.8 DOC II: 53463Q would have to be in writing and would have to be approved by the city council but no approval was issued. INTERROGATORY NO.7: Please identify by name, address, telephone number and professional license number (if applicable), each and every engineer engaged or retained by Petitioner to perform any planning, design or construction services in connection with the public project involved within' Iz mile of the subject property. ANSWER; The answer to this interrogatory may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular the engineering and construction files and drawings, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. INTERROGATORY NO.8: Please describe in detail each and every design change or modification regarding routing, grade, width, length and right-of-way requirements within 1 mile of the subject property, and explain, with specificity, how each design change or modification deviated or differed from the initial design of the public project which is the subject of this eminent domain proceeding. ANSWER; The answer to this interrogatory may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular the engineering and construction files, drawings, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. TIlE TOWN OF ADDISON'SANSWERSTO I'LAINTIFl'ABP INVESTMENTS nn, L11>.'SFIRST AND SECONDSETS OFIN'lERROGATORIES -1'>&.9 DOC It. 5546)0 INTERROGATORY NO, 9: Please state the anticipated or projected dates of completion of the entire public project which is the subject of this proceeding, and state the number of occasions such anticipated or projected completion dates have been revised by referencing each such anticipated or projected completion dates in chronological order. ANSWER: The answer to this interrogatory may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular the engineering and construction files, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. INTERROGATORY NO. 10: State the dates of every public hearing held by you or a commission, committee, or council of yours relating to the public project for which the Property was condemned. ANSWER: The answer to this interrogatory may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular the city council minutes and resolutions and related materials, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. INTERROGATORY NO, 11: Describe the date, place, and time, any of your representatives discussed or negotiated with every other property owner within I mile of the Property, the acquisition or purchase price of any other property taken for the public project at issue in this lawsuit. TIlE TOW/! OF ADDISON'S ANSWFRSTO PUINTIFF ABI'INVES1MI!N1'SIIII, L1D.'S FIRST AND SECOND SETS OF INTERROGATORIES -I'ap 10 DOC II: SS4630 ANSWER; Object to such request as overbroad, incapable of complete response in an interrogatory fonnat, as calling for the creation and/or production of work product or party communications, irrelevant, because it is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and because it constitutes an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. INTERROGATORY NO. 12; Describe all conversations Mack Turner had with representatives of DART or The Town of Addison concerning Ben Pinnell, Ben Pinnell's tenants, and the condemnation and purchase of the Property. ANSWER; Object to this request as overbroad, incapable of complete response in an interrogatory fonnat, as calling for the creation and/or production of work product or party communications, irrelevant, and not reasonably. calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Addison does not have information sufficient to answer this request. The infonnation that is available may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular files relating to property acquisition from other owners and DART's answers, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. INTERROGATORY NO. 13; On what specific date or dates was the property involved in this lawsuit inspected or examined by each person or expert making the determinations of the feasibility of the proposed 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERS TO PLAINTIFF ASP INVES1MENTS lID, L 11>.'S F1RST AND SECOND SETS OFIN'lERROGATORIES -Pagen DOC.!: 554630 public project or other evaluations for condemnation purposes and identify who examined the property on each specific date? ANSWER: Addison does not have information sufficient to answer this request. The information that is available may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular the transportation plan, the engineering and construction records and the appralsals of the project property, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. INTERROGATORY NO. 14: Identify every written appraisal you received concerning the Property by stating the appraiser, the date it was prepared, the date you requested it, who you requested it from, the date it was furnished to you, and whether an offer to purchase the Property was ever made based upon the appraisal and if so, how much was the offer. when was the offer made, by whom, and state what you contend Plaintiffs' response was. ANSWER: All appraisals, purchase offers and responses will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO, IS: If no offers were made based on the appraisals listed above in response to the previous interrogatory, state why not. ANSWER: Object to this request as being an oxymoron and seeking facts relative to a non-event or the absence of an event. Object to the extent this request would call for the disclosure of THE TOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERsTO PLAiN11FF AIIP INVESTMENTSnD, LTD.'S FIRST AND SECOND SEl'S OF IN'IERl!.OGATORlES -Pqell DOC It. 55%30 material privileged under the governmental function/deloberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. All written purchase offers and responses will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 16: Describe in detail all contacts, written or oral, with Moses and Cline, the property owners immediately to the east of the Property, regarding the public works project, the condemnation, and/or offers to purchase their property, including the dates of each communication, the representative who made the communication, and the conversations which occurred. ANSWER: Object. See No. 11. INTERROGATORY NO. 17: Describe all contacts, written or oral, you or your agents have had with the Plaintiffs' tenants stating the date and purpose of the contact, the person who made the contact, the persons contacted, and the conversations which occurred. ANSWER: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, as calling for the creation and/or production of work-product or party communications, and as an improper "fishing expedition" not tailored to any specific event or transaction at issue. If plaintiff will identify the tenant(s) or event(s) at issue, Addison will attempt to respond. TlIETOWNOFADDISON'SANSWERSTOPLAlN'l'IFFABPlNVES"I"MIi:.nII,Lm.'SFl.RSTANDSECONDSETSOFINTERROGATORIES -Paael3 DOC #: 554630 INTERROGATORY NO. 18: If any of your agents, employees, representatives, expert witnesses, consultants or attorneys had any contact or conversation with any of the Plaintiffs' agents, representatives, employees or attorneys regarding the condemnation of the Property, please state: (a) the date of the contact; (b) the parties involved; (c) what statements were made by whom; and (d) the purpose for the contact. ANSWER: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, incapable of complete answer in an interrogatory, irrelevant, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, as requiring the creation and production of work-product or party communications and/or information privileged under the governmental functioilfdecisionmaking process privilege, and because it is an improper "fishing expedition" not tailored to any specific event or transaction at issue. Any written correspondence will be produced in connection with document discovery. INTERROGATQRY NO. 19: State all reasons that you rely upon to explain the delay between the time you decided to condemn any part of the Property and (I) the filing of the Statement in Condemnation, and (2) the scheduling of the Commissioners' Hearing. ANSWER: Object as argumentative, assuming facts not in evidence and oxymoronic to the extent it seeks facts relative to a non-event or the non-happening of an event, irrelevant and not 'l1lETOWN OF ADDISON'SAl'/SWERSTO PLAINTIFF AlII'INVIlS'I1IIENTSIIlI. LTD.'S FIRST AND SECOND SErS OF IN'IERROGATORlFS -Page 14 ooc #: SS4630 reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Object to the extent that ibis inquiry seeks information privileged under the governmental functionldecisionmaking process privilege. Addison denies that the time between its decision to condemn and its statement in condemnation was unreasonable or constituted a delay beyond that required by the investigation and acquisition process. The facts available to Addison at the times in question will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 20: State the names and positions of each of your employees, contractors, or representatives who ever discussed the Property, the public project at issue, or plans to "tear down" improvements on the Property, with employees or representatives of TU Electric, Southwestern Bell Telephone, Lone Star Gas, or any other utility provider. ANSWER: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time and scope, argumentative and assuming facts not in evidence. Addison has insufficient information to answer this request. The information that is available will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 21: State the substance of any conversations the persons described in the previous interrogatory had with the representatives of the utility companies and state the names of the utility company employees or representatives with whom your representatives spoke. mE TOWN OF ADDISON'SANSWERSTO PLAINTIFF ABPINVESTMIl.'ITSIIII, LID.'SFIRST AND SECOND SETS OFINTERlIOGATOIUES -PagelS DOC" SS4Ii30 ANSWER: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time and scope, argumentative and assuming facts not in evidence. Addison has insufficient information to answer this request. The information that is available will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 22: Identify all offers made to acquire the Property by either DART or The Town of Addison, stating the dates of the offers, the amounts of the offers, who relayed the offers and what response was received, and identify which appraisal report each offer was based upon. ANSWER: All offers, responses and appraisals in Addison's possession will be produced in connection with document production. See also the response of DART. INTERROGATORY NO. 􀀲􀁾􀀺􀀠Describe all communications between DART andlor its representatives and Addison andlor its representatives regarding: (1) Notice to the Property owners of plans to condemn the Property; (2) Efforts to negotiate with the Property owners to acquire the Property; (3) Offers made to acquire the the Property and the reasons or bases for the offers made; (4) Any counter-offers made by the Property owners; (5) The dates any offers or counter-offers regarding the Property were rejected by Dart and/or The Town of Addison, and the reasons for the rejection and who decided to reject such offers. 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON'SANSWERS TO PLAINTJli1i'ABPINVES'\'MENTSIIU,UD.'SFIllSTAND SECOND SE1'SOF IN'lERROGATOIUES -I'a&e 16 DOC" 554630 ANSWER: Addison has insufficient information to answer this request. See response of DART. INTERROGATORY NO. 24: State all reasons why acquiring the Property constituted a "public necessity" as is required by the Texas Constitution, both as to the initially proposed partial taking and the actual total taking, include in your answer when it became a public necessity and describe any contacts between DART and Addison regarding the public necessity of the project, and describe public discussions or hearings, giving the date and forum, where the issue of the public necessity of this project was entertained. ANSWER: Object as irrelevant to any claim or defense in this case and not likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. This issue is moot as plaintiffs have withdrawn the condemnation award for the 􀁾􀁣􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁯􀁮􀀠of the property. Object to the extent that this inquiry seeks information privileged under the governmental function/deliberative pricess privilege and/or attorney-client privilege. See response to Interrogatory no. 4. INTERROGATORY NO. 25: If there were any environmental regulations or concerns that contributed to any delays in condemning the Property please state when those concerns developed, who identified them, and how they manifested themselves, and when and how the concerns were ultimately resolved. ANSWER: Object as irrelevant to any claim or defense in this case and not likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. This issue is moot as plaintiffs have withdrawn the THE TOWN OF ADDISON'SANSWERS TO PLAINTIFF ASP INVES'IMENTSIID, LTD.'S FIRSTAND SECOND SETS OFlNTERROGATORlES -Paae 17 DOC #: 554630 condemnation award for the acquisiton of the property. Object to the extent that this inquiry seeks information privileged under the governmental function/deliberative pricess privilege and/or attorney-client privilege. See response to Interrogatory no. 4. Documents evidencing the results of environmental investigations of the subject property will be produced in counection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 26: Identify all communications between DART and The Town of Addison concerning the apportionment of the costs of condemning the Property and zoning issues related to the Property. ANSWER: Object to the extent such inquiry would include non-public communictions relative to the condemnation suit as such communications would be privileged under the party communication, attorney-client, work-product and/or the governmental function/deliberative process privilege. The agreement 􀁢􀁥􀁴􀁷􀁾􀁮􀀠Addison and DART for the acquisition will be produced in counection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 27: Who gave Rick Livingston, an employee of Lone Star Gas, orders or instructions to enter Plaintiffs' Property on the afternoon of July 8, 1997, to excavate the Property, and for what purpose was the digging taking place? ANSWER: Object as argumentative, assuming facts not in evidence, irrelevant to any claim asserted in this case, and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. 11IETOWNOFADDISON'SANSWERSTOPLAINTIFFAIlPINVES'IMENTSIIII,Lm .'SFlRSTANDSECONDSEI'SOFINTElUU)GATORIES -Pacon DOC #: 554630 Addison has made diligent inquiry but has not been able to ascertain the answer to this request. INTERROGATORY NO. 28: State every date on which DART or The Town of Addison passed any resolutions approving or authorizing the condemnation of the Property, and state the resolutions verbatim, or in lieu thereof attach copies. ANSWER: All relevant resolutions will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 29: State the names and addresses of every appraiser retained to assist in determining the fair market value of the Property, furnishing the dates they were retained and the dates of any written agreement regarding the appraisers being retained. ANSWER: All documents containing such information that are in Addison's possession will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 30: State the names, tiUes, and addresses of all persons who negotiated with the Property owners or lessees of the Property and state: (1) The persons contacted and the dates of the contacts; (2) What offers were actually made; TIlETOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERS TO l'LAIN11FF AlIPINVES1MENTS lID, LTD.'S FIRST AND SECOND 8El'SOFlNT£IlROGATORIES -l'a&.19 DOC #: 554630 (3) Which appraisal reports any individual offers were based upon; and (4) How any such offers were responded to. ANSWER: Object as overbroad, compound, incapable of complete response in an interrogatory, requiring the creation and/or production of work-product or party communications, abusive and harassing. Addison has insufficient information to answer this request. Any communications reflected in written form will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 31; Slate in detail all reasons for: (1) Filing the Original Petition in Condemnation and not serving a copy on the Property owners; (2) Having Commissioners appointed to hear the condemnation matter without giving the Property owners an opportunity to recommend potential commissioners as is required by the Texas Property Code; and (3) Requesting the appraiser, Glenn Silva, who testified for you at the Commissioners' Hearing in the condemnation case, to prepare only a short form or "limited, restricted" appraisal, to not include rent comparables in his report, and to not include the retention letter agreement you sent to him in the report; (4) Not retaining Glenn Silva to appraise the subject property until late June or early July of 1997; (5) Not furnishing to plaintiffs or their attorneys Glenn Silva's appraisal report 10 days prior to the Commissioner's Hearing as specified in the Texas Property THE TOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERS TO PLAlNTIFFABPINVESTMENTS#IU, LTD.'SFlRSTANDSECONDSETSOFIN17i.RI !OGATORIES -1'11&.20 DOC #: SS46l0 Code; (6) David Schultz having a verbal agreement that Glenn Silva could furnish an appraisal report of the subject property on August 6, 1997; (7) Your requesting from Glenn Silva an appraisal report of the type to be used by you for internal decision making; (8) Glenn Silva's not bringing to the Commissioner's Hearing the additional information in his work file, such as rent comparnbles, which was referred to in his appraisal report; and (9) David Schultz furnishing to the Commissioners only selected portions of the appraisal report of Glenn Silva. ANSWER: Object as argumentative, assuming facts not in evidence, compound, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, abusive and harassing. Object to the extent such inquiry would include non-public communictions relative to the condemnation suit as such communications would be privileged under the party communication, attorney-client, work-product and/or the governmental function/deliberative process privilege. See also the response of DART. INTERROGATORY NO. 32: IfDART or The Town of Addison gave consideration to the potential adverse effects on the Property, its owners or tenants, of any of the following, state the name and address and title of the person who gave such consideration, what consideration was given, what action was taken after such consideration, and the reasons for ta1dng such. action: (I) Providing private or public notice of intent to condemn the Property; TBETOWNOFADDlSON'SANSWERllTOPLAINTIFFABPINVI!STM I!NTSII1I,LID.'SFlRSTANDSECONDSETSOFIN'I'ERROOATORIES -Pqell DOC It. 554630 (2) Prematurely announcing plans to condemn; (3) Delaying actual condemnation for an unreasonable time period after giving notice of intent to condemn; (4) The effect notice of condemnation would have on the Property, its owners, and its lessees before condemnation; (5) Deciding first to condemn only part of the Property and then later condemning all of the Property instead; and (6) Southland relying on written and oral statements regarding the timing of either defendant's plans to condemn the subject property; (7) Making public threats to condemn the subject property for over 3 years prior to filing a condemnation suit; (8) The rental value of the leased premises deteriorating while the subject property was under threat of condemnation; and (9) By giving notice to condemn part of the subject property and without doing so, then giving notice of intent to condemn all of the subject property, plaintiffs would incur the cost of 2 separate appraisal reports. ANSWER: Object as argumentative, assuming facts not in evidence, compound, irrelevant, moot, calling for party-communication, work product and/or attorney-client communications, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, abusive and harassing. Object as calling for production of information protected by the governmental function/deliberative process privilege. See also the response of DART. 1lIETOWNOFADDlSON'SANSWERSTOPLAINTIFFABPINVES1MENTS#Ill.LTD.'SFlRSTANllSECONDSETSOFIN'IERIIOGATORIES _Pqe21 INTERROGATORY NO. 33: Describe all actions taken by you or your agents or representatives before depositing the Commissioners' Award into the registry of the Court in the separate condemnation action that were inconsistent with the owners and lessees' Property rights. ANSWER: Object as argumentative, assuming facts not in evidence, vague and ambiguous, irrelevant to any claim in this case, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, abusive and harassing. Addison is unaware of any actions taken inconsistently with the owners' and lessees' Property rights. INTERROGATORY NO. 34: How much did DART· and/or The Town of Addison spend on the environmental study done in conjunction with the project for which the Property was condemned? ANSWER: The answer to this interrogatory may be derived from the records being made available in response to plaintiffs' document request, in particular the agreements with DART and records regarding environmental investigations, and the burden of deriving the answer is substantially the same for plaintiffs as for Addison. See also DART's response. 11IETOWN OF ADDlSON'UNSWEllSTO PLAINTIFF AlIP lNVI!SI'MENTSmI, LID.'S FIRSTAJ'II) SECOND SETS OFINTI!Rl!.OGATORlES -1'qe23 l)OC" 554630 INTERROGATORY NO. 35: When did DART and The Town of Addison agree that a total taking of the Property would be necessary and when did they agree on how the responsibilities and costs for condemning the Property would be divided among them? ANSWER: Object as irrelevant and not likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidece. Object to the extent that this interrogatory seeks information outside of the ordinances and resolutions at issue, as such information is privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. Addison Resolution No. R95-103 (November 14, 1995) states in pertinent part that: "in the best interest of the tax payers of the Town and of DART, it is more economical for the Town and DART to jointly acquire the respective properties." See also the agreement between Addison and DART, which will be produced in connection with document production. INTERROGATORY NO. 36: Please describe in detail all involvement of the Town of Addison in delaying the Arapaho Road project in order to accommodate toll road authorities, or in order to reduce competition, by stating: (a) The name, address and title of the persons involved; (b) The conversations that occurred, stating who said what to whom; (c) The dates of such conversations; (d) The goal in permitting such delays; and TllETOWN OF AilDiSON'SANSWERSTO I'LAINTJJIFABPINVES1MENTSIlII, LTD.'SFIRST AND SECOND SE'IS OFINTEIlROOATOlUES -Pag_:l4 DOCI/: 554630 (e) If there are notes, records, or memoranda referring to such involvement, please copy the contents verbatim, or in lieu thereof, attach copies. ANSWER: Object as argumentative, assuming facts not in evidence, compound, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery ofadmissible evidence, abusive and harassing. Object to the extent that this request inquires into matters privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or attorney-client privilege. 1lJETOWN OF ADDISON'S ANSWERS TO l'LAlN'I1W ABPINVFSI1IIENTSlUI, Lro;SFIRST AND SECONDSETS OF INTI!RROGATORIES -Pqe15 DOC II: S54&e l' DOC I: SS462S RESPONSE: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 32; All notes, records or memoranda dealing with offers made to acquire the Property before filing the Statement in Condemnation and after filing the Statement in Condemnation. RESPONSE: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent it seeks non-public information. Such materials are privileged under the governmental functionldeiiberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. Addison will produce copies of all offers made to plaintiffs relative to the property but objects to a wholesale production of every note, record, memo or other document relating in any way to such offers at any time. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 33: All requests for appraisal reports to your appraisers concerning the Property. RESPONSE; Will produce appraisal requests, if any, for the past 5 years. Object to further requests for the reasons set forth in the response to No. 26. mE TOWN OF ADDISON'S IlESI'ONSES TO 1'I:AJI\ITIFF5' mIST REQUEST roa PRODUCTION -"017 DOC If: SS4625 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 34 All notes, records or memoranda dealing with offers made to acquire the property owned by Moses and Cline located immediately to the east of the Property, including all appraisal reports concerning the property owned by Moses and Cline. RESPONSE; See response to No. 20. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3S; All requests for appraisal reports to your appraisers concerning the property owned by Moses and Cline located immediately to the east of the Property. See response to No. 20 and 34. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 36: All documents not previously produced that relate to the decision to condemn all or a portion of the Property. RESPONSE; Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent it seeks non-public information. Such materials are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESI'ONSES TO PI..AIJIITIFI!S' FCRST IlEQIJEST FOR I'ROOUCnoN -"",ell DOC I: lS4625 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 37: All agreements and correspondence between The Town of Addison and DART related to the following: (1) The condemnation of the Property; (2) The responsibility for retaining appraisers; (3) The responsibility for negotiating with the Property owners and lessees; (4) The type of appraisal to be requested; (5) Instructions to the appraisers regarding the type of appraisal to be done, its due date, how the appraisal should be done, including what to include in or exclude from the appraisal; and (6) Bearing the costs and expenses associated with the condemnation of the Property. RESPONSE: Object to the extent the request would include communications relative to litigation, as such matters would be privilegect under the party communications, work product and/or attorney-client privileges. Object to the extent it seeks non-pUblic information. Such materials are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. Addison will produce the agreement between Addison and DART for the acquisition of the property but objects to the wholesale production of all correspondence relating in any way to each item listed. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 38: All documents reflecting actual offers made to the Property owners or lessees and any responses from the owners or lessees concerning the acquisition of the Property by you. TIlE TOWN Ol' ADDISON'S RESPONSES TO 1'LI.IN1lFFS' FIRST IlEQUI!ST FOR PRODIlCTION -...... 1' DOC It: 5S4625 RFSPQNSE; Will produce, if any. REQUFS'r FOR PRODUCTION NO. 39: All documents concerning your detennination of the record owners and leaseholders of the Property. RFSPONSE; Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent such inquiry would require the production of communications or work-product prepared in connection with the condemnation action, as such materials are privileged under the party communication, work-product and/or attorney-cli.ent privileges. Object as to non-public information relative to Addison's adoption of resolutions regarding the subject property as such materials are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. REQUFS'r FOR PRODUCTION NO. 40; All documents, including photos, reports, comparable sales, retention letters, correspondence, and other information provided to any appraiser or received from any appraiser but not provided to the Property owners before the Commissioners' hearing. RESPONSE; Will produce, if any. 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON'S IIESI'Ol'ISES TO l'LAIl'!'l1FFS'mtBT REQVEST FOa fIlODUCTlOl'l -I'Ic< 21 DOC I/: 554625 RE9UFST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 41: All coaespondence, notes, or memoranda regarding selection of the individual commissioners to hear the condemnation case, the appointment of the commissioners, and scheduling the commissioners' hearing in the condemnation case, Cause No. 97-OO352-D. REsPONSE; Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object. Any non-public decisionmaking or discussion of such matters by Addison would be privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorneyclient privilege. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 42: All correspondence, notes, documents, or memoranda regarding changing the decision to take only part of the Property and instead to take all of the Property through eminent domain proceedings. RESPONSE: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object. Such materials are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. 11IE TOWN 01' ADDISON'S IlESl'ONSES TO I'LAIN'I'II!FS' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUC110N -I'\tce 11 DOC It; SS4<\2S REQUFST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 43; IfDART or The Town of Addison gave consideration to the potential adverse effects on the Property of: (I) Providing private or public notice of intent to condemn the Property; (2) Prematurely announcing plans to condemn; (3) Delaying actual condemnation for an unreasonable time period after giving notice of intent to condemn; (4) The effect notice of condemnation would have on the Property, its owners, and its lessees before condemnation; (5) Deciding first to condemn only part of the Property and then later condemning all of the Property instead; (6) Southland closing the convenience store located on the Property as a result of the threatened condemnation; (7) Lessees not being able to obtain utility service because utility companies refused to service buildings that are "going to be tom down" by DART or The Town of Addison; (8) Southland relyhtg on written and oral statements regarding the timing of either defendant's plans to condemn the subject property; (9) Making public threats to condemn the subject property for over 3 years prior to filing a condemnation suit; (10) The rental value of the leased premises deteriorating while the subject property was under threat of condemnation; and (11) By giving notice to condemn part of the subject property and without doing so, then giving notice of intent to condemn all of the subject property, plaintiffs would incur the cost of 2 separate appraisal reports. Produce all documents related to those considerations, mE TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESI'QNSES TO PLAII'i'TIfFS' FIRST REQUEST FOR PIl0DUCTION -....n DOC f: 5S462S Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent such inquiry would require the production of communications or work-product prepared in connection with the condemnation action, as such materiais are privileged onder the party communication, work-product and/or attorney-client privileges. Object. Such materiais are privileged under the governmental function/deliberat ive process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 44: All correspondence between you and any expert witnesses in this case or in the condemnation matter Cause No. 97-003S2-D. RESPONSE: Object to the extent of communications with consulting experts, if any. Will produce all other documents, if any. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 45: All documents relating to the environmental study done in conjunction with the project for which the Property was condemned, including all documents relating to the date the study was requested and the cost of the study. TIlE 10WN OF A!)DJ8()N'S IlESI'ONSES 10 l'LAlNTIFFS' FIIIST REQUEST FOR PRODIJCTION -..... 23 DOC I: S546ll RF1)PONSE: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent such inquiry would require the production of communications or work-product prepared in connection with the condemnation action, as such materials are privileged under the party communication, work-product and/or attorney-client privileges. Object. Such materials are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. Addison will produce the environmental study and any supplements relative to the plaintiffs' property but objects to a wholesale production of any and all environmental documents relating in any way to the project. REQUEST FOR PRODUCnON NO. 46: All documents regarding when DART and The Town of Addison decided to condemn the Property together, and when they agreed to share the the costs of condemning the Property. RESPONSE: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent such inquiry would require the production of communications or work-product prepared in connection with the condemnation action, as such materials are privileged under the party communication, work-product and/or attorney-client privileges. THE TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESPONSES TO PLAINTIFFS' mIST REQUEST FOR PRODtiCnON -Poco lot DOC I: 554625 Object. Such materials are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. Addison will produce the agreement with DART but objects to a wholesale production of every document directly or indirectly regarding such decision. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 47; All plans, drawings, and reports submitted to the Addison Planning and Zoning Commission relating to the public project for which the Property was condemned. RESPONSE; Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO, 48; All resolutions of DART and/or Addison regarding: (1) A partial taking of the Property; (2) A total taking of the Property; (3) The taking of the Property constituting a public necessity; (4) Negotiating or settling with Plaintiffs; (5) Negotiating or settling with Moses and Cline; (6) Rejecting Plaintiffs settlement offers; (7) Making offers based on appraisal reports obtained. mE TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESPONSES TO PLAIN"I1WS' FIRBI' REQVEST FOR fRODVCnON -.... Z5 DOC f: SS4625 RFSpONSE; Will produce, if any. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 49: All notes, memoranda, correspondence, reports, or other communications exchanged between you and any appraiser you have ever retained to render an opinion as to the fair market value of the Property. RF.5PONSE: Object to the extent this request would include consulting experts if any. Aside from consulting experts, will produce, if any. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. SO; All notes, records, cotrespondence, tapes, tape recordings, and memoranda-relating to delays of the Arapaho Road project for DART, the toll road authorities, the Texas Tornpike Authority, or any turnpike, or toll road authority, which is an agency of the State of Texas. RF$PONSE: Object as overbroad, unlimited in time or scope, irrelevant, moot, not reasonably likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as an improper "fishing expedition" as to matters for which no claim has been identified. Object to the extent such inquiry would require the production of communications or work-product prepared in connection with the condemnation action, as such materials are privileged under the party communication, work-product and/or attorney-client privileges. TI!E TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESPONSES TO I'LAINTIFFS' I'lIISI' REQl.1EST fOlll'RODVCTION -.... 􀁾􀀠􀁏􀁏􀁃􀁉􀁴􀀧􀁾􀀠 Object to the extent the request would include materials that are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attorney-client privilege. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. S1; All notes, correspondence, records, tapes, tape recordings, and memoranda relating to any involvement by the Town of Addison, its employees, agents, and representatives delaying the Arapaho Road project so that the authorities involved in building the tunnel for traffic going under the airport would not have competition when they opened. RESPONSE: See response to No. 50. 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESPONSES TO 􀁾􀀧􀁦􀀱􀁉􀁉􀁓􀁔REQUEST FOR PRODUCll0N -.... r7 DOC I: 5S462S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 52: Any tapes, tape recordings, or notes or memoranda made from a tape or recording of comments made by Carmen Moran at the Planning & Zoning hearing on October 23, 1997. RESPONSE: Object to the extent the request would include materials that are privileged under the governmental function/deliberative process privilege and/or the attomey-client privilege. Any non-privileged responsive items will be produced. TIlE TOWN OF ADDISON'S RESPONSES TO PLAINI1FFS' FIRST REQUEST FOR I'IIODUCTION -Poce 21 DOC I: $5402$