, Comprehensive Signal & Communication Services September 23, 2004 Mr. Jim Pierce City of Addison Asst City Engineer 16801 W. Grove Drive PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 Re: Federal Highway Administration Interim Approval of the Automated Hom System Dear Mr. Pierce: Railroad Controls Limited is pleased to announce that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has just issued interim approval for the use of the Wayside Horn System (Automated Horn System.) Under the Federal Railroad Administration's Interim Final Rule on the Use of Locomotive Horns at HighwayRail Grade Crossings, if a Wayside Horn System (AHS) is considered a traffic control device by the FHWA, then it must also be included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The FHWA has determined the Wayside Horn System is a traffic control device, and has granted interim approval until it can be included in the MUTCD. The advantage of this inclusion is it will no longer be required that the Wayside Horn be installed on an Experimentation Basis outlined in section 1A 10 of the MUTCD. The FHWA also provides additional guidance for the installation of the Wayside Horn. If you would like additional information in this regard, please feel free to contact me at (817) 820-6347, or if you would like to view the FHWA document online please visit our website at www.railroadcontrols.com and click on the FHW,,\ approval link. Best regards, RAILROAD CONTROLS LIMITED /!/1iZ;z_Robert Albritton National Sales Manager 7471 Benbrook Parkway· Benbrook, TX 76126.817-820-6300· Fax 817-820-6340 Memorandum Electronic Mail Subject: INFORMATION: MUTCD -Interim Approval for Use ofthe Wayside Horn System Date: August 2, 2004 From: Regina S. McElroy IslRegina McElroy Director, Office of Transportation Operations Reply to Attn. of: H OTO-I To: A. George Ostensen, Associate Administrator for Safety Division Administrators Resource Center Directors Federal Lands Highway Division Offices Purpose: The purpose of this memorandum is to issue an Interim Approval for the optional use ofwayside horn system (WHS) at highway-rail grade crossings. Background Summary: The use oftrain horns provides an audible indication to road users of the approach of a train at a highway-rail grade crossing. Although this device provides a safety benefit to the road user, the community in close proximity to the railroad crossing can be subject to the sound impact of the train horn, which can occur any time ofthe day or night. To mitigate this problem, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Federal Highway Administration ((FHWA) Office of Safety have monitored over the past 10 years the development and implementation of a WHS. The WHS is located at the crossing and directed at oncoming motorists, which (1) simulates the sound and pattern of a train horn; (2) provides similar (or safer) response from road users, and (3) minimizes the audible impact on individuals located near the crossing (the WHS theory of operations is attached to this memo). Additionally, the FRA has documented an Interim Final Rule, entitled "Use ofLoccmotive Horns Highway-Rail Grade Crossings" (published in the Federal Register at 68 FR 70586 on December 18,2003), which provides the use of train horns at public crossings and the use ofthe WHS. Interim Approval for the WHS is hereby granted based on FRA's Interim Final Rule, as well as current deployments and evaluations. Provisions for the WHS: Option: The wayside horn system may be installed in accordance with part 222 oftitle 49 ofthe Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) to provide directional audible warning at highway-rail grade crossings equipped with active traffic control devices consisting of, at a minimum, flashing lights and gates. ) Standard: The wayside hom system for use at active highway-rail grade crossings shall conform to the FRA's requirements for the wayside hom prescribed in Part 222 of 49 CFR, Appendix E. As a minimum, the wayside hom system shall be installed for each roadway approach to the highway-rail grade crossing to provide audible warning. . Guidance: A diagnostic review should be conducted by a diagnostic team to determine the optimal placement ofthe wayside hom system and to ensure the correct and most effective use of the system. The diagnostic team should be composed ofrailroad personnel, public safety or law enforcement, engineering personnel from the public agency with the responsibility for the roadway that crosses the railroad, and other concerned parties. The highway agency or authority with jurisdiction should consider the inclusion ofremote health (i.e., status) monitoring capable of automatically notifYing maintenance personnel when anomalies have occurred within the system. The wayside hom system should should comply with the same lateral clearance and roadside safety features described in the MUTCD Section 8D.O I. When a wayside hom is mounted on a separate pole assembly, it should be installed no closer than 4.6m (15 ft) from the centerline of the nearest track. In addition, a wayside hom should be located where the device will have optimal results, and not obstruct the motorists' line of sight to the flashing-light signals. Conditions of Interim Approval: Jurisdictions wishing to install the WHS under this Interim Approval ofWHS must meet the following 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁩􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀺􀀠I. The use of WHS shall comply with provisions described in the above Provisions jor the WHS. 2. A written request shall be submitted to the Director ofthe Office ofTransportation Operations acknowledging the jurisdiction's agreement to comply with MUTCD Section IA.IO, item F. The request must also state the location(s) where the device will be used. 3. Jurisdictions shall be responsible to notif'y the FRA of installation of WHS as required in 49 CFR 222, and shall inform the FHWA ofsuch notification in their written request to FHWA for interim approvat Any questions concerning this Interim Approval should be directed to Ms. Guan Xu at guan.xu@fbwa.dot.govorby telephone at 202-366-5892. References: I. 49 CFR Part 222 2. Wayside Hom System Interim Approval Request from A. George Ostensen 3. 2003 MUTCD Section IA.I0 Attachments: Theory ofWHS Operations WHS Research Summary Theory ofWHS Operations The WHS system operates in conjunction with train operations. Under normal conditions at an active crossing, the train's locomotive will normally engage its horn approximately one-quarter ofa mile from the crossing. The horn will continue to sound severa! additional times until the train enters the crossing. The WHS focuses the sound ofthe horn to the road user, thereby eliminating the requirement that the locomotive sound its horn from such a far distance (currently trains typically sound their horns a quarter-mile from the crossing). The WHS is located at the crossing on a pole in close proximity to the Crossbuck. Once the train has approached the crossing where the train horn would begin to blow its horn, the WHS is engaged. The WHS emits a digitized horn sound that is directed in the path ofthe user. Based on the location and orientation of the WHS, significant sound abatement is created for the general area surrounding the crossing, and provides a warning to road users approaching the crossing. Additionally, a visual signal is placed along the rail corridor's right-of-way in advance ofthe crossing to notify the locomotive engineer that the WHS is operating. Pursuant to FRA's Interim Final Rule (49 CFR 222, Appendix E), the locomotive engineer has the right to engage the onboard train horn, when it is determined that it is in the best interest in safety (for both the road user and the train). WHS Research Summary The effectiveness of the WHS has been studied and documented over 10 years at active highway-rail grade crossings, and has shown substantial benefits to such grade crossings. The studies were conducted by agencies/organizations such as the FRA, Volpe Center; Northwestern University; City ofRichardson, Texas; Association ofAmerican Railroads; Iowa State University, and Texas Transportation Institute. Key conclusions of the studies include: • The studies showed significant reduction (more than 50 percent) in the number of motorists' violations ofthe crossing gates as compared compared to the baseline data collected with the train horns sounding. • The WHS was well accepted by both motorists and locomotive engineers. • The WHS gives equal or greater audible notification as compared to train horns. • The WHS provides a good balance between providing adequate advance notification to road users and minimizing community noise levels. • The WHS appears to continue to be an effective alternative to the locomotive horn. I 􀁒􀁴􀀬􀁊􀁾􀁾􀁁􀁉􀁾􀀠, if-It;;-oi'f City packs using train gates ',-, ContinudfrtymEageis wayside barns thattake the pJaceof the train 'W!ristJe andfucu:, the sound at the intersection, build barriers in the roadway medians to prevent motorists from golpg around the gate or install gates ori both sides ofthe rail in botl! directions. to,prevent motorists from goingaround RichardSon bas' 10 'railroad crossings where the ,quiet 'lOues couldbe implemented 'rhe city installed a wayside born in November2000 wbere the• Kansas City Southern Railroad crosses Custer 1'arkway. The quiet zone idea was so fresb back then that former Vice President Dan Quayle visited Richardson for a televisiOn DCWsspOt.' "At the time, we were cutting edge," MayorGaIy Slagelsaid. , But now that the new railroad rules are out, the cOuncil said ,the city should go with the more ec0nomical median ba.rtiers. The city also bas a test site for this techniCllie, in place at the Cotton Belt and custer Road since 1996. City transportation officials estimate it would cost between $120,000 and $300,000 to put in median barriers citywide, comparedwith$270,000to $360,000 for wayside borns. The gates in all directions, called quad gatlis, are fur more expensive, costing as muchas $150,000 each: The citybas $240,018 in acapital projects budget fur quiet zone construction. More moneY will probably be needed to finisb the project,' transportation director WalterRagsdale said. Robert Budzinski bas pushed fur a quiet zone near bis neighborhood, south of Centennial Boulevard. The city installed an experimental way.;ide hom, He collected signatures on a petition opposing v,"\YSidehoms after thetestsite was installed ,on Custer Parkway. His neighborhood bas three crossings that couldbequietzones. City tests showed that noise levels in the neighborhood deereased with the ""\YSide horn, but Mr.. Gates WiIh median barriers are being endorsed instead of ' WlIlTIing horns for Ricb.a:rdson train crossings. This gate is nearthe Bush Turnpike and Custer Road. Budzinski said that the decrease was not significant and that those who live closest to the horn experience morenoise. "fm vel)' happy the council bas made a decision not only to save moneY but to introduce quiet into 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁮􀁥􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁢􀁯􀁲􀁨􀁯􀁯􀁤􀁳􀀬􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁳􀁡􀁩􀁤􀀮􀀠The median barriers run between traffic lanes near the track. TheY mostbe at least six inches tall andlOOfeetlong, Mr. Ragsdale said this could pose a problem at three crossings. including the one that has a wayside hom now. Barriers that length would impede turns at Ahna Road and the Rush Thrnpike and into,alleys at two erossiitgs in the Canyon Creekneighborhood. , Mr. Ragsdale said a consultant v.lcm (AUS, is l 􀀨􀁾􀀡􀀺􀁩􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁤􀀠􀀡􀁲􀀺􀀮􀁤􀁣􀁭􀁾􀁲􀁨􀀠of 􀁒􀀼􀀱􀁩􀁬􀁮􀀺􀁊􀁾􀁤􀀠􀁃􀁏􀁬􀁜􀁉􀁦􀁩􀀩􀁉􀁾􀀠Umiltd US hl.....􀁉􀀶􀀡􀁾􀀧􀀬􀁴􀁬􀀱􀀠 Evaluation of the Automated Wayside Hom System in Mundelein, Illinois Final Report Northwestern University Center for Public Safety 405 Church Street Evanston, IL January 2003 Evaluation of the Automated Wayside Horn System in Mundelein, Ulinois Final Report Executive Summary Highway-Rail Crossing Safety and Train Horns At highway-rail grade crossings, the train hom serves to warn motorists of a train's inunediate approach. The hom advises motorists, and other crossing users such as bicyclists and pedestrians, that entering on or crossing the tracks would place them in imminent danger. However, because ofthe loudness and the wide angle of sound radiation, the hom can be an intrusive nuisance, especially in residential areas near the tracks. As a result, an automated wayside hom system (A WHS) has been developed to provide an appropriate warning for those using the crossing, while not annoying those living near the tracks. A study was carried out in Mundelein, Illinois, that compared the train hom with the A WHS. This report compares motorists' driving behavior at highway-rail crossings and the sound levels ofthe two types ofhorns. The results from the evaluation show a significant 70% decrease in violations ofhighway-rail crossing law with the A WHS. Noise levels in areas near the tracks decreased by up to 85%. Reducing the number of collisions between vehicles and trains has remained a priority in highway safety. During the past 10 years, collisions nationally have decreased from 4,684 in 1992 to 3,064 in 2001 (Federal Railroad Administration). During this same period, all collisions with trains in Illinois remained fairly constant with an average of232 per year. Even though there has been a general decrease nationally, these collisions remain the most severe type in terms ofproducing injuries and fatalities. Crossing gates have the best record at reducing collisions, but a study done in Florida showed that even with crossing gates, a train hom still is needed The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has proposed rules to require that horns be used at all crossings with few exceptions that are expensive to implement. The problem remains that the train hom, which, in Mundelein, starts sounding approximately 17 seconds before the . train reaches the crossing, creates very high sound levels in adjoining areas. As a result ofthe need to alert motorists and at the same time reduce the effect of sound on adjoining areas, Mundelein experimented with the use ofthe A WHS. The study reports the results ofthe evaluation ofthe A WHS. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Hom Evaluation -Final Report 1 Conduct ofthe Study Five tasks were undertaken: site preparation, before and after motorist violation studies, before and after sound studies, quality·of·life studies, and surveys of engineers and residents. At each of the three sites used for studying motorist behavior, utility poles were erected, and cameras and recording equipment installed. The recorders activated when the warning signals activated, thereby recording what motorists did during the period the gates were descending and down before the train arrived. Drivers are considered to be taking risks (and violating the Jaw) when they attempt to cross the tracks after the crossing gates start to descend. This action was measured by viewing videotapes made at each crossing during the period the gates were activated. Data were taken during the period train horns were in use, then after a period of adaptation, when the wayside horn was in use. The violations were divided into two classes: Technical violation where the driver crosses the tracks after the the gates start to descend but before the gate has been lowered sufficiently to block the vehicle's passage, labeled a "Type I" violation, and Deliberate violation in which the driver either drives through or around the lowered gate. These are "Type 2" violations. Loudness and sound characteristics were measured on approaches to several crossings with train horns in use and then after the wayside horns were activated. A comprehensive assessment of these measures is contained in a separate report; this final report just summarizes the fmdings. Measures of quality·of-life derived from two sources: sound studies in residential yards and a survey ofthe residents. The project team measured sound levels over 24·hour periods at nine locations throughout Mundelein. These measures were made dnring the period when train horns were used and again after the wayside horns were placed in service. Comparisons included the average sound level in one-second periods, during the time that horns were sounded, and a sound exposure level. The latter takes into account duration and allows direct comparison of sounds between different locations and over different periods. In addition, surveys were sent to a sample ofresidents in Mundelein. The survey asked residents how they viewed the new hom system compared to the train horns. Several questions also were directed toward the residents' views of changes in crossing safety. Finally, a survey was distributed to engineers from both the freight railroad (Canadian National) and commuter rei! (Metre). This survey was modeled after the one nsed in Ames, Iowa, for a Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 2 similar evaluation. Itasked the engineers how they perceived the crossing safety before and after the wayside horns were activated. Evaluation of Changes in Crossing Violations From the period September 8 through December 20, 2001, 10,392 gate activations were recorded on videotape at three crossings. During the second period of observations, April 12 through July 16, 2002, 9,112 activations were recorded. Each period averaged 36 closings per day or 3.5 per 1,000 crossing vehicles. The largest percentage of closings, 17%, occurred from 6:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. A total of 367 violations were counted during the period when train horns were in use. Only 97 violations were recorded once the wayside horns were in operation. The average violation rate when train horns were in use was 3.53 per 100 gate closings. This decreased 68% to 1.12 per 100 closings with the A WHS. The decrease is statistically significant. Type 1 violations (driving under a descending gate) occurred 358 times in the before period and 93 in the after period. A combined total of 13 drivers in both periods went around a gate. With few exceptions, most of the Type 1 violations occurred within the first two seconds after the gates began their descent. Ofthe Type 1 violations recorded when train horns were in use, more than 90% occurred between 6:01 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Between 12:01 and 3:00 p.m., 30% of all violations occurred. The largest percentage occurred on Hawley Street. Part of the problem stems from multiple gate activations when Metra commuter trains stop at the Mundelein station near Hawley Street. A total of 13 instances were recorded where motorists drove around the gates. Nine occurred during the time the train hom was in use, and four occurred when the A WHS was operating. The decrease is not statistically significant. Approximately one-half ofthe violations happened when a train arrived during the 60-second recording interval. In one case, a driver cleared the tracks just 6 seconds before a freight train arrived. On the average, 17 17 seconds separated the vehicle from the train. At 50 mph, a train would just have passed the whistle post; therefore, the motorist driving around the gates generally might not yet have heard a train hom iftrain horns were being used. As with Type 1 violations, a large percentage ofType 2 violations occurred in conjunction with Metra commuter operations. One problem uncovered with the gate operations was gate closure without a train present. Often, this is referred to as a "false activation." These activations comprised approximately 13% of all closings. Metra stops at the Mundelein station and switching operations accounted for a majority ofthese activations. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 3 Finally, an unusual situation was videotaped during the spring of2002 in which drivers stopped on the tracks in an apparent response to the wayside hom sounding without prior warning. This happened on 12 occasions. When the drivers went forward, they generally cleared the tracks after the gates had closed just behind them. In other words, in most cases, the drivers occupied the tracks for 12 or more seconds. In one case, a driver backed up, just clearing the descending gate. Survey of Residents and Engineers Two sets ofsurveys were distributed to examine opinions of both the wayside hom and its perceived safety effectiveness. The respective surveys were administered to more than 1,250 Mundelein residents and to railroad engineers for both the Canadian National Railroad and Metra Commuter Rail. Residential survey. The 229 residents who responded to the residential survey, by a substantial majority, found the wayside hom much less annoying than the train horns. The exception was persons who lived close to and and in a direct line with the wayside hom. More than 15% of respondents found the wayside hom annoying, and a slightly greater percentage responded that "occasionally" the horns interfered with their activities. When compared to the train hom, 88% found the wayside horns either less loud or not even noticeable. A similar percentage also found them less annoying. When asked about safety, approximately 9% suggested that they were less safe. The same percentage believed that motorists would be more likely to violate crossing laws. On the other hand, the remainder ofthe respondents believed that the crossings were as safe or safer with the wayside hom than they had been with train horns. Engineer survey. Both Metra and Canadian National engineers also responded to surveys. One Canadian National and one Metra engineer believed that the crossing was less safe. Neither gave a reason for selecting that answer. However, both also did not like the method of notifying the engineer when the horns were not working. The remaining engineers believed the crossings to be as safe as or safer than when they used the train hom. Analysis of the Sounds from Train and Wayside Horns The key element ofthe evaluation addressed the differences between the train hom and the wayside hom as it might affect safety of the highway-rail crossing. For the village residents, it was ofequal importance to compare how the two horns affected their lives. The fmdings are discussed in greater detail in a separate report produced as part of the project. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Hom Evaluation -Final Report 4 In terms ofoutcomes, the sound level ofthe wayside born was equal to or exceeded that oftbe train born for a driver approacbing a bigbway-rail crossing. The exception was wben the train reached the crossing, where the train hom was louder. Tbis finding beld for a motorist approacbing the crossing, wbether at the last point wbere tbe motorist could stop safely or at the sign warning the motorist ofthe approacbing crossing. The two boms bad similar frequency components and were of equal loudness at different frequenCies. Perbaps the greatest difference was that the wayside born is produced electronically and the train hom by air passing through tuned horns. As a result, the sound of the wayside hom had a certain artificiality. Tbe wayside hom bad a significant impact on the quality-of-life in areas near the crossings. At the highest decibel levels, the wayside born covered 85% less land area than tbe train-mounted borns. Even at lower levels, more than 65% less area was affected. Tbe residential survey clearly bore out the findings from sound measurements. On the other hand, some persons were affected more than before. Some ofthis occurred because the pattern oftbe sound dispersion changed. Volume levels were elongated along the roadway so that some persons heard a louder hom than before. More importantly, because the horns were ofconstant volume and lasted longer than the train hom, this increased their apparent loudness. Summary and Otber Issues This evaluation of the automated wayside hom system (A WHS) compared the new system to the train hom. It examined three elements for differences: I. Motorist violations of the law governing gated highway-mil crossings along with perceptions of its safety from drivers and railroad train engineers. 2. The nature ofthe sound heard by tbe motorist and tbe potential effects ofany differences on safety at the highway-rail crossing. 3. Quality-of-life for residents as measured both by sound levels, and how the residents perceived the loudness and annoyance ofthe two warning devices. With the introduction ofthe AWHS, motorists' violations of the crossing gates decreased 68%. This difference had less than a O.()()OI likelihood ofoccurring by chance. The largest change came from Type 1 violations or driving under the closing gates. Because so few motorists drove around the gates during the period the train horns were in use, the decreases occurring during the after period could not be said to be statistically significant. In responses to the surveys, both engineers and residents indicated that they believed the wayside hom cteated a safer crossing environment for motorists. Because there were no other known cbanges to the operation of the roadways, the wayside hom is the most likely factor in the reduction of violations. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Hom Evaluation -Final Report 5 The sound studies showed that, in terms of nature and quality of sound, what the motorist heard from the wayside hom was generally no different from what he or she heard from the train hom. However, there were two differences in sound delivery. The first was that the train hom provides a sense ofmovement because it gradually increases in volume. The wayside hom starts and remains at a constant volume. The second difference was that the wayside hom sounds when the crossing warning lights first activate while the train horn is usually not heard until the gates are fully descended. Residential quality-of-life, as measured by the noise levels in the crossing areas, improved significantly with the AWHS. At allievels, from 70 to 90 decibels, the reductions in area covered by a given decibel level, ranged between 65% and 85%. When residents living near the crossings were surveyed about the wayside horns as compared to the train horns, more than 80% ofthe respondents indicated that their quality-of-life had improved. Finally, in referring to Type 2 violations (driving around the closed gates), none occurred at Allanson Road. At this crossing, there is a 6-inch raised concrete median that extends approximately 40 feet back from the tracks. While this does not quite meet the proposed FRA standards, it appears to have been sufficient in preventing drivers from going around the gates. Except for the two drivers on Maple who drove around the queue waiting for malfunctioning gates, all ofthe drivers who went around the gates were the first vehicles in line. Restricting the driver's ability to pull out around the gates for between 30 and 40 feet back from the gate, along with the presence ofthe wayside horn, prohably would eliminate almost all Type 2 violations. The conclusion then drawn from this study is that the wayside hom significantly reduces highway-rail crossing violations. It accomplishes this task while improving the quality-of-Iife for nearby residents. Northwestern University Centerfor Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 6 RCLRailroad Con'rols Limited Comprehensive Signal & Communication Services January 24, 2003 Mr, Jim Pierce Asst City Engineer City of Addison 16801 W, Grove Drive PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 Re: Automated Horn System Press Releases from Mundelein, IL Dear Mr. Pierce: In an effort to keep you updated as to the continued progress of the Automated Horn System (AHS) in eliminating noise pollution in neighborhoods located near railroad tracks while improving the safety at railroad crossings, Railroad Controls Lintited is pleased to provide you with copies of press releases from Congressman Mark Kirk, 10"' District, IUinois, Lake County and the Village of Mundelein regarding the results of Noriliwestern University Center of Publie Safety's evaluation of the AHS. AJso included are the executive summaries from the report "Evaluation of the Automated Wayside Horn System in Mundelein, Illinois". The scope of the study was to determine the reduction in noise pollution to neighborhoods located adjacent to the railroad traeks and to evaluate the overall safety at the crossings once the AHS was installed. The report concluded that the AHS reduced noise pollution by 80"/0 and decreased highway violations by 70%, The findings of this report indicate that the AHS improved railroad crossing safety while decreasing noise pollution created by trains sounding their horns. Congressman Kirk plans to deliver the findings of this report personally to Federal Railroad Administrator Allan Rutter in Washington DC If you have any more questions or would like to obtain information on the AHS please visit our web site at www.railroadcontrols.eomlahsor contact Kurt Anderson or myself at (& 17) &20-6347. Best regards, /fJ;) Robert AJbritton National Sales Manager Railroad Controls Limited Ene. 7471 Benbrook Parkway. Benbrook, IT 76126.817-820-6300. Fax 817-820-6340 • MARK STEVEN KIRK lOrn DtSTfUCT, IlUNOIS WASHINGTON Orncf: 1531 lO!' dB increase would have been expected. On the other hand, the wayside hom is very directional with most ofthe sO\ll1d energy occurring along the primary speaker axis. Outside that axis, the drop-off in SO\ll1d is rapid. This is evident in the plot of contours based on sO\ll1d readings from the wayside horns. The 90 dB reading for the wayside hom cover 0.02 mil, approximately 14 acres or 93% less area than the train hom. The decrease in area covered at 70 dB was somewhat less. Concluding Comments Use ofthe wayside hom, from an analysis ofso\ll1d, is no different from the train hom. It is of equal loudness and covers the same :frequency spectra. Given its directiouality, the wayside horn may be more likely to be heard by the motorist and less likely by the residents. For those people living in Mundelein, the wayside hom has generated a significant improvement in quality of life in terms ofa substantial reduction of noise pollution. Train Homs,'Wayside Horns, and Motorists. The sO\ll1d levels at various frequencies from the wayside horn Closely match the train horn. While the wayside hom sounds similar to the train horn, the operation ofeach is different. With few exceptions, motorists approaching a gated highway-rail crossing always are alerted to the presence of a train prior to when the train horn sO\ll1ds. The bells, flashing lights, and descending gates serve this function. The train horn normally is not heard until 3 to 5 seconds after the gates fully descend. On the other hand, the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Mundelein Sound Final Report 5 motorist approaching a crossing with a wayside hom immediately hears the hom when the signals activate. One problem is that because the wayside horns sounds at the same time the signals start to operate, the motorist has no warning for the loud noise. As a re:ruJ.t, the wayside hom has startled and confused people. On at least 12 occasions, motorists stopped on the tracks and proceeded only after the gates had begun to descend. Residential Sound. Implementation ofwayside horns has made a significant difference in the residential quality of life from when the train-mounted horns were used. Some residents who· were located several hundred feet from the tracks were hearing sounds above 90 decibels (similar to a jackhammer at 5 feet) at all times ofday and night. Because ofthe relatively low background noise level, the train horns were ofthe magnitude of 8 to 16 times louder than the ....... --backgroumL.Moreoller•.the.loud sounds were not limited to a relatively small area. The 85 dB 􀁃􀁾􀁾􀁌􀀡􀁏􀀡example, covered approximately 0.71 square miles ofthe village. ___Once the wayside hof.!1! were installed, sound coverage, especially at higher volumes, decreaSed .by.a.factoLof 10. Those benefiting the most lived at angles of45° or more from the wayside hom. The problem that has arisen, ofcourse, is that not everyone benefited. In a few cases, the volume recorded actually has increased. More importantly for a larger number ofpersons the sound exposure level also has remained approximately constant, or, perhaps, even increased. If the wayside hom more closely rllirnicked the train hom, this would reduce the length ofits use as well as gradually increasing in volume. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Mundelein Sound Final Report 6 .' Evaluation of the' Automated Wayside Horn System in Mundelein, Illinois Final Report Northwestern University Center for Public Safety 405 Church Street Evanston,IL January 2003 Evaluation ofthe Automated Wayside Horn System in Mundelein, Illinois Final Report Executive Summary Highway-Rail Crossing Safety and Train Horns At highway-rail grade crossings, the train hom serves to warn motorists ofa train's immediate approach. The hom advises motorists, and other crossing users such as bicyclists and pedestrians, that entering on or crossing the tracks would place them in imminent danger. However,. because ofthe loudness and the wide angle ofsound radiation, the hom can be an intmsive nuisance, especially in residential areas near the tracks. As a result, an automated wayside hom system (AWHS) has been developed to provide an appropriate warning for those using the crossing, while not annoying those living near the tracks. A study was carried out in Mundelein, Illinois, that compared the train hom with the A WHS. This report compares motorists' driving behavior at highway-rail crossings and the sound levels ofthe two types ofhorns. The results from the evaluation show a significant 70% decrease in violations ofhighway-rail crossing law with the A WHS. Noise levels in areas near the tracks decreased by up to 85%. Reducing the number ofcollisions between vehicles and trains has remained a priority in highway safety. During the past 10 years, collisions nationally have decreased from 4,684 in 1992 to 3,064 in 2001 (Federal Railroad Administration). During this same period, all collisions with trains in Illinois remained fairly constant with an average of232 per year. Even though there has been a general decrease nationally, these collisions remain the most severe type in terms ofproducing injuries and fatalities. Crossing gates have the best record at reducing collisions, but a study done in Florida showed that even with crossing gates, a train hom still is needed. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has proposed rules to require that norns be used at all crossings with few exceptions that are expensive to implement. The problem remains that the train horn, which, in Mundelein, stsrts stsrts soUnding approximately 17 seconds before the train reaches the crossing, creates very high sound levels in adjoining areas. As a result of the need to alert motorists and at the same time reduce the effect ofsound on adjoining areas, Mundelein experimented with the use ofthe A WHS. The study reports the results ofthe evaluation ofthe A WHS. Northwestern University Center Jar Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 1 '. Conduct ofthe Study Five tasks were undertaken: site preparation, before and after motorist violation studies, before and after sound studies, quality-of-life studies, and surveys ofengineers and residents. At each ofthe three sites used for studying motorist behavior, utility poles were erected, and cameras and recording equipment installed. The recorders activated when the warning signals activated, thereby recording what motorists did during the period the gates were descending and down before the train arrived. Drivers are considered to be taking risks (and violating the law) when they attempt to cross the tracks after the crossing gates start to descend. This action was measured by viewing videotapes made at each crossing during the period the gates were activated. Data were taken during the period train horns were in use, then after a peri<.>d ofadaptatioo.-when-the-wayside..bom was in use. The violations were divided into tWo classes: Technical violation where the driver crosses the ..􀁾􀁴􀁴􀀺􀁬􀁩􀀮􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁲􀁴􀀮to descend but before the gate has beeillowered sufficiently to block the vehicle's passage, labeled a "Type 1 n violation, and . Deliberate violation in which the driver either drives through or around the lowered gate. These are "Type 2" violations. Loudness and sound characteristics were measured on approaches to several crossings with train homs in use and then after the wayside horns were a!)tjyated. A comprehensive assessment of these measures is contained in a separate report; this final report just summarizes the findings. Measures of quality oflife derived from tWo sources: sound studies in residential yards and a survey ofthe residents. The project team measured sound levels over 􀀲􀀴􀀭􀁨􀁯􀁵􀁲􀁾􀁰􀁥􀁮􀁯􀀨􀁦􀁳􀀭at nine locations throughout Mundelein. These measures were made..dnring the. period when train horns were used and again after the wayside horns.wereplaced in service. Comparisons included the average sound level in one-second periods, during the tinie fuatIioms were sounded, and a sound exposure level. The latter takes into account duration and allows direct comparison ofsounds between different locations and over different periods. In addition, surveys were sent to a sample ofresidents in Mundelein. The survey asked residents how they viewed the new horn systam compared to the train horns, Several questions also were directed toward the residents' views ofchanges in 􀁾􀁯􀁳􀁳􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠safety. Finally, a survey was distributed to engineers from both the freight railroad (Canadian National) and commuter rail (Metra). This survey was modeled after the one used in Ames, Iowa, for a Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 2 .' similar evaluation. It asked the engineers how they perceived the crossing safety before and after the wayside horns were activated. Evaluation of Cbanges in Crossing Violations From the period September 8 through December 20, 2001,10,392 gate activations were recorded on videotape at three crossings. During the second period ofobservations, April 12 through July 16, 2002, 9,112 activations were recorded. Each period averaged 36 closings per day or 3.5 per 1,000 crossing vehicles. The largest percentage ofclosings, 17%, occurred from 6:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. A total of 367 violations were counted during the period when train horns were in use. Only 97 violations were recorded once the wayside horns were in operation. The average violation rate when train horns were in use was 3.53 per 100 gate closings. TIris decreased 68% to 1.12 per 100 closings with the A WHS. The decrease is statistically significant. Type 1 violationS .(driving under a descending gate) occurred 358 times in the before period and 93 in the after period. A combined total of 13 drivers in both periods went around a gate. With few exceptions, most ofthe Type 1 violations occurred within the first two seconds after the gates began their descent. Ofthe Type 1 violations recorded when train horns were in use, more than 90% occurred between 6:01 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Between 12:01 and 3:00 p.m., 30% ofall violations occurred. The largest percentage occurred on Hawley Street. Part ofthe problem stems from mUltiple gate activations when Metra commuter trains stop at the Mundelein station near Hawley St. A total ofthirteen instances were recorded where motorists drove around the gates. Nine occurred during the time the train hom was in use, and four occurred when the A WHS was operating. The decrease is not statistically significant. Approximately one-half the violations happened when a train arrived during the 60-second recording interval. In one case, a driver cleared the tracks just 6 seconds befQre a freight train arrived. On the average, 17 seconds separated the vehicle from the train. At 50 mph, a train would just have passed the whistle post; therefore, the motorist driving around the gates generally might not yet have heard a train hom if train horns were being used. As with Type 1 violations, a large percentage ofType 2 violations occurred in conjunction with Metra commuter operations. One problem uncovered with the gate operations was gate closure without a train present. Often, this is referred to as a "falseactivation." These activations comprised approximately 13% ofall closings. Metra stops at the Mundelein station and switching operations accounted for a majority ofthese activations. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 3 Finally, an unusual situation was videotaped during the spring of2002 in which drivers stopped on the tracks in an apparent response to the wayside hom sounding without prior warning. This happened on 12 occasions. When the drivers went forward, they generally cleared the tracks after the gates had closed just behind them. In other words, in most cases, the drivers occupied the tracks for 12 or more seconds. In one case, a driver backed up, just clearing the descending gate; Survey of Residents and Engineers Two sets of surveys were distributed to examine opinions ofboth the wayside hom and its perceived safety effectiveness. The respective surveys were administered to more than 1,250 Mundelein residents and to railroad engineers for both the Canadian National Railroad and Metra Conunuter RaiL Residential survey. The 229 residents who responded to the residential survey, by a substantial 􀁭􀁾􀁪􀁯􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀬􀀠found the wayside hom much less annoying than the train horns. The exception was persons who lived close to and in a direct line with the wayside hom. More than 15% of respondents found the wayside hom annoying, and a slightly greater percentage responded that "occasionally" the horns interfered with their activities. When compared to the train hom, 88% found the wayside horns either less loud or not even noticeable. A similar percentage also found them less annoying. When asked about safety, approximately 9"10 suggested that they were less safe. The same percentage believed that motorists would be more likely to violate crossing laws. On the other hand, the remainder ofthe respondents believed that the crossings were as safe or safer with the wayside hom than they had been with train horns. Engineer survey. Both Metra and Canadian National engineers also responded to surveys. One Canadian National and one Metra engineer believed that the crossing was less safe. Neither gave . a reason for selecting that answer. However, both also did not like the method of notifying the _ engineer when the horns were not working. The remaining engineers believed the crossings to be as safe as or safer than when they used the train hom. Analysis of the Sounds from Train and Wayside Horns The key element ofthe evaluation addressed the difrerences between the train hom and the wayside horn as it might affect safety ofthe highway-rail crossing. For the village residents, it was ofequal in'iportauce to compare how the two horns affected their lives. The findings are discussed in greater detail in a separate report produced as part ofthe project. Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report. 4 In terms ofoutcomes, the sound level ofthe wayside hom was equal to or exceeded that ofthe train hom for a driver approaching a highway-rail crossing. The exception was when the train reached the crossing, where the train hom was louder. This finding held for a motorist approaching the crossing, whether at the last point where the motorist could stop safely or at the sign warning the motorist ofthe approaching crossing. The two horns had similar frequency· components and were ofequal loudness at different frequencies. Perhaps the .greatest difference was that the wayside hom is produced electronically and the train hom by airpassing through tuned horns. As a result, the sound ofthe wayside hom had a certain artificiality. The wayside hom had a significant impact on the quality oflife in areas near the crossings. At the highest decibel levels, the wayside hom covered 85% less land area than the train-mounted horns. Even at lower levels, more than 65% less area was affected. The residential survey clearly bore out the findings from sound measurements. On the other hand, some persons were affected more than before. Some ofthis occurred because the pattern ofthe sound dispersi=-____..____ changed. Volume levels were elongated along the roadway so that some persons heard a louder hom than before. More importantly, because the horns were ofconstant volume and lasted' . .longer than the train hom, this increased their apparently noise. Summary and Other Issues This evaluation ofthe automated wayside hom system (AWHS) compared the new system to the train hom. It examined three elements for differences: 1. Motorist violations ofthe law governing gated highway-rail crossings along with perceptions of its safety from drivers and railroad train engineers. ....-. 2. The nature of the sound heard by the motorist and the potential effects of any differences on safety at the highway-rail crossing. . ....__..__....__. 3. Quality oflife. for residents as measured both by sound levels, and how the residents percei ved the loudness and annoyance ofthe two waming devices. With the introduction ofthe A WHS, motorists' violations ofthe crossing gates decreased 68%. This difference had less than a 0.000 I likelihood ofoccurring by chance. The largest change came from Type I violations or driving under the closing gates. Because so few motorists drove around the gates during the period the train horns were in use, the decreases occurring during the after period could not be said to be statistically significant. In responses to the surveys, both engineers and residents indicated that they believed the wayside hom created a safer crossing environment for motorists. Because there were no other known changes to the operation ofthe roadways, the wayside hom is the most likely factor in the reduction ofviolations Northwestern Untversity Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 5 The sound studies showed that, in tenns ofnature and quality ofsound, what the motorist heard from the wayside hom was generally no different from what he or she heard from the train horn. However, there were two differences in sound delivery. The first was that the train hom provides a sense ofmovement because it gradnaUy increases in volume. The wayside hom starts and remains at a constant volmne, The second difference was that the wayside horn sounds when the crossing warning lights first activate while the train hom is usually not heard until the gates are fully descended. Residential quality oflife, as measured by the noise levels in the crossing areas, improved significantly with the A WHS. At all levels, from 70 to 90 decibels, the reductions in area covered by a given decibel level, ranged between 65% and 85%. When residents living near the crossings were surveyed about the wayside horns as compared to the train horns, more than 80% ofthe respondents indicated that their quality oflife had improved. improved. Finally, in referring to Type 2 violations (driving around the closed gates), none occurred at Allanson Road. At this crossing, there 1S-a'6-mch-raised concrete median that exten_ds approximately 40 feet back frolI\t!1e tracks. While this does not_quite meet the proposed FRA standards, it appears to have been sufficientinpreventing drivers from going around the gates. Except for the tWo drivers on Maple who drove around the queue waiting for malfunctioning gates, all ofthe drivers who went around the gates were the first vehiCles in line. Restricting the drivers ability to pull out around the gates for between 30 and 40 feet back from the gate, along with the presence ofthe wayside hom, probably would eliminate almost all Type 2 violations. The conclusion then drawn from this study is that the wayside horn significantly reduces highway-rail crossing violations. It accomplishes this task while improving the quality oflife for nearby residents.-----Northwestern University Center for Public Safety Wayside Horn Evaluation -Final Report 6 􀁾􀁉􀁌La keCounty 􀁾􀁾􀀠For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 21, 2003 Contact: Joe Chekouras, Communications Specialist (847) 377-2155 jchekouras@co.lake.il.us Residents' Quality of Life Improved Thanks to Federal, State and Local Cooperation MUNDELEIN. IL -Thanks to intergovernmental cooperation between federal. state and local government officials and partnerships with private corporations, the Mundelein area received a reprieve fromthe disturbing noise of train horns that can be heard up totwo miles from railroad tracks. With six railroad crossings in Mundelein, two in neighboring Libertyville and one in Vernon Hills, and proposed Federal regulations requiring trains to signal at the crossings, residents frequently found their quality of life affected by the unwanted noise. In an effort to minimize the disturhance for residents and downtown businesses, the Village of Mundelein partnered with the Federal Railroad Administration, lllinois Commerce Commission, lllinois Department of Transportation, Lake County Division of Transportation, Metra, Railroad Controls Ltd., Villages of libertyville and Vernon Hills and Canadian National. This task force worked towards the implementation of an Automated Hom System at each of the village's six railroad crossings. The system was activated on April 12, 2002, and the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety began studying the safety and quality of life benefits of the horn system. -MORE Quality of Life Improvt:u Thanks to Intergovernmental ......()operation -2 of 3 The Automated Hom System refers to a stationary warning device mounted on a pole to sound an audible warning at the time an approaching train triggers activation of the railroadhighway crossing device. Results of the Northwestern University study, as announced at a news conference on Tuesday, January 21s" demonstrate the quality of life benefits the hom system brings to Mundelein. A survey of residents, conducted as part of the study, shows that more than 80% of residents feel their quality of life has improved as a result of the new hom system. Comments on the survey and letters to Mundelein officials express residents' gratitude and support for the automated hom system. One resident wrote to officials, " ...for the past ten years the n9ise has been unbearable. I am no longer awakened by the deafening sound of the trains ..... The Northwestern University study, which used video and sound recording devices to measure noise .levels, show that noise levels decreased by up to 80% near the tracks and the area recording noise levels of approximately 90 decibels decreased by 87% from approximately 120 acres to 13 acres. According to the conclusion from the Northwestern study, " ...the wayside hom significantly reduces highway-rail crossing violations. It accomplishes this task while improving the quality of life for nearby 􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁳􀀺􀁾􀀠Funding for the study came from a $150,000 grant obtained by the Village of Mundelein through the Federal Unified Worlc Program. A 20% funding match was shared by Lake County, Metra, Railroad Controls, Ltd., Villages of Libertyville, Mundelein and Vernon Hills and Canadian National. -MORE Quality of Life Improved Thanks to Intergovernmental Cooperation -3 of 3 ''This project would not have enjoyed such success without the partnerships, both monetarily and through time and labor, that our task force members put into it," said Village of Mundelein Administrator Ken Marabella, who chaired the task force. "We in Mundelein are thankful that so many levels of govemment and private businesses were able to come together to make this project work. It's a tremendous benefit to the people of Mundelein." Federal, state, county and village officials worked with the railroad companies and other private corporations for both the installation and study of the Automated Hom System. -### 􀁾􀁾LakeCounty 􀁾􀁾􀀠For Inunediate Release Tuesday, January 21,2003 Contact: Joe Chekouras, Communications Specialist (847) 377-2155 jchekouras@co.lake.il.us Automated Horn System Improves Safety at Railroad Crossings MUNDELEIN, IL -A study by the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety demonstrates the safety benefits of the automated wayside horn system being utilized at six . railroad crnssings that traverse the Village of Mundelein and at two crossings in neighboring Libertyville and one in Vernon Hills. As a pilot program, the study has national implications on proposed future Federal law and has attracted interest from corrununities across the country. Per proposed Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) law, trains would be required to audibly signal at all railroad crossings, resulting in a significant noise disturbance and a diminished quality of life for residencies and businesses. The Village of Mundelein, in an effort to reduce noise from passing trains, installed automated horns at its railroad crossings. Standard crossing gates represent an effective means of preventing crashes at railroad crossings, resulting in a 60% decrease in vehicle-train collisions over the past two deca(\es. Accidents continue to occur, however, because drivers ignore warnings, underestimate the speed of approaching trains and drive ·arnund closed gates. -MORE Automated Horn System Improves Safety -2 of 3 In two separate studies, the Federal Railroad Administration found that when trains sounded their horns at crossings, cmshes decreased compared to when there is no audible waming. The Swift Rail Act of 1994 requires trains to sound their horns at crossings unless communities utilize four-quadmnt gates, median barriers extending from tracks or camera systems to picture and ticket violators. The FRA's administrative rules are still pending. Because these physical barriers and camera systems can cost up to $200,000 per crossing, trains horus continue to sound in most communities, causing a deterioration in quality of life for residents and businesses residing up to two miles from crossings. As an alternative, wayside horns cost approximately $50,000 per crossing and significantly decrease noise disturbances. According to the Northwestern study. crossing violations decreased by 70% after the . automated hom signals went into place. The study recorded 367 violations when train horns were in use and only 97 once wayside horns went into opemtion. The study utilized mounted camems to record train, vehicle and pedestrian traffic at Maple Avenue (Illinois Route 176), Hawley Street and Allanson Road During the before period of the study, taped from September 8 -December 20, 2001, researchers taped 10,392 gate activations at the three crossings. After the wayside horns went into operation, researchers taped . 9,112 gate activations from April 12:';'July 16,2002. A task force of national, state and local government agencies and private corporations studied and partially funded the automated hom system installation and Northwestern University study. -MORE Automated Hom System Improves Safety -3 of 3 The Federal Railroad Administration, Illinois Commerce Commission, nlinois Department of Transportation, Lake County Division of Transportation, Metra, Railroad Controls Ltd., Volpe National Transportation System Center, Villages of Libertyville, Mundelein and Vernon Hills and Canadian National comprised the task force. According to Mundelein Village Administrator Ken Marabella, who chaired of the task force, ''This project clearly shows that cooperative partnerships at all levels of government and the private sector can effectively come together and successfully address important safety and quality of life issues." -m AHSTMBeL Automated Horn System R:lilro:ul (:onlmls 􀁲􀁪􀁭􀁩􀁬􀁾􀁬􀁬􀀠Improve the Quality of Life In Your Community What is AHSTM ? AHS"". the Automated Hom System, is an innovative railroad signaling device that significantly improves safety for motorists and pedestrians at railroad-highway grade crossings while dramatically reducing the amount of noise pollution created by train horns along rail corridors in populated areas, Reduces Noise by 98% Sound Level Trnin Hom AIlS Hom Percent 98% (dBA) Area{ae..,) Areat"..,) Redl!ction >70 165 31 17I 5 31 1 VJ Frequency (1/3 Octave Band Center Band, Hl:) A Union Pacific mainline track was located:1000' to the west of the test site. Several trains passed during several hours of testing,.,.blowing the hom at grade crossings. The subjective resemblance to the wayside hom is remarkably similar. Radiation Patterns The physical characteristics of this warning device limit efficient radiation at frequencies below 500 Hz. Figure 1 infers that radiation is most efficient at frequencies around 1000 Hz. The wavelength of 1000' is approximately l' and has directional tendencies. This is beneficial for limiting side radiation and minimizing community intrusions. Mike Fann & Associates 1701 W. NW Hwy. Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 442-8485 email:mfann@airmail.net 6 Figure 2 shows the change in levels with orientation at 200'. The shape is symmetric in front of the hom. Site background noise causes the symmetry deviation on the back side. The lower levels were not consistently 10 dB above the highway noise on the site. RCL Hom Radiation Patterns Sound Levels (dBAl at 200' Distance Figure 2 Table 2 lists the change in noise level with centerline orientation. The change is 3 dB, 22.5° either side of centerline. It progressively reduces another -3 dB with successive 22.50 increment, up to 90· and then is fairly constant in level behind the hom. Noise Reductions with Changes in Orientation for Hom centerline Table 2 Orientation 22.5· 45· 67.5· 90· 112.5· 135· 157.5· 180· 202.5° 225· 247.5· 270· 292.5" 315· 337.5" NOise Reduction 3 dBA 6.6 dBA 10.2 dBA 14.8 dBA 13.7 dBA 16 dBA 16.8 dBA 13.1 dBA 12.9 dBA 14.8 dBA 13.6 dBA 14.1 dBA 9.3 dBA 6.2 dBA 2.7 dBA The hom level is substantially quieter on the back side. Levels reduce approximately 15 dB and are more omnidirectional. Mike Fann & Associates 1701 W. NW Hwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 442-8485 email:mfann@airmail.net 7 Approaching Motorist Warning Detectability An approaching motorist will hear the waming if there is sufficient amplitude based on car interior noise and the motorist's attention level. The FRA publication, "Railroad Hom Systems Research" presents a methodology for making this determination. The concept of tonal detection as a function of background noise level has been studied for many years. H. Fletcher published the concept of critical bandwidth in 1940.3 Critical bandwidth recognizes that the human ear acts like a filter to hear a specific tone. Only a limited bandwidth of background noise tends to mask or cover up that tone. Sanford Fidel! made the concept more applicable to wayside homs in his publication, "Effectiveness of Audible Warning Devices on Emergency Vehicles"' He pointed out like Fletcher before, that audibility occurs with sufficient hom signal at only one tone (one 1/3 octave band). Other worn in detection theory led to Figure 4 on page 24 of "Railroad Hom System Research". Figure 3 below is a reproduction. Horn Detection Probability vs SIN Figure 3 15.00 ...--------------, :::r III..,--10.00.\-_-__-__-__-_..... 10.00 ........ 5.00 ............................... -5.00 ...... 000 0 000 0 m m N M 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠w m m m 000 0 dod 0 0 ci Hom Detection Probability 1--+-0.9 Perceived Train Probability -0-0.5 --0.1] 'H. Fletcher, Auditory Pattems, Revs. ofMod. Phys., 12:47-65 (1940). • Potter, Re., Fidel], S.A, Myles, M.M., and Keast, D.N. Effectiveness oJAudible Warning Devices on Emergency Vehicles. Report No. DQT-TSC.QST-77-38, August 1977. Mike Fann & ASSOCiates 1701 W. NW Hwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817)442-8485 email:mfann@airmaiLnet 8 Perceived train probability is defined as the motorist's expectation of a train. The motorist's previous driving. experience may formulate an expectancy that he will see a train. This is similar, if not the same as the probability that the driver will actively look and listen for a train. The lower curve shows the expected result if the motorist looks and listens for a train, 9 out of 10 times. The results are similar to lab detectability tests when the subject expects a tone. Lab detection subjects routinely identify tones that are lower in level than the background noise. Figure 3 forecasts that this driver would hear the waming half the time if the hom signal inside the car were 5 dB less than the background noise. This is a -5 SIN (signal to noise). He would hear it 95% of the time if the hom signal were only 1 dB above the background noise level. A preoccupied driver would actively look and listen for the train less often. Even so, they would hear the waming 50% of the time, with a +0 SIN (anyone 1/3 octave band), if they only anticipate the train half the time. Table 3 is a sample calculation of the hom SIN value. It is the same format used in Appendix E of "Railroad Hom Systems Research". The first tabular line item is the hom level from testing on May 3, 2000. Item 2 is the level at 358'. The calculation uses the classical change in distance of 6 dB with each doubling of distance. This distance is suggested as the necessary warning distance for a car traveling 40 mph (Table 12, page 34)' for a wayside hom application. The car insertion loss is a measure of the car shell noise reduction characteristics. The values in item 3 are from Figure C-11 of Appendix C1 and are an average of seven vehicles tested. Item 4 determines the hom level inside the car by subtracting the car insertion loss from the outside hom level. The car interior noise is also an average of seven tested vehicles (Figure C-2)' . It is a classic shape with higher amplitudes at lower frequencies and a gradual reduction in amplitude with increased frequencies. Vehicle speed for interior noise is 30 mph with no ventilation fan operating. Example Calculation of Motorist Horn SIN Values Table 3 1.) SJlectrum values from 513100 testin Freq Hz 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 160 @100' 63 59 60 69 83 75 86 89 91 91 86 91 83 dBl 3150 4000 5000 81 73 55 2.) Calculating the horn level at 358' uses the levels at 100' and adjusts them for distance. This adjustment is 20"og(100/358)=-11 Subtracting 11 dBL from item 1 ) Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 @440' 52 dBl 48 49 58 72 64 75 78 80 80 75 80 72 70 62 44 3.) Car Insertion loss' These values will be subtracted in the next line from item 2.) Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 SOD 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Il 18 dBl 20 18 18 22 26 29 29 27 30 34 32 34 34 34 35 Mike Fann & Associates 1701 W. NW Hwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 442-8485 email:mfann@airmail.net 9 4.)Homlevel inside the car. Item 2)-item 3) Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 interior hom 34 dBL 28 31 40 50 38 46 49 53 50 41 48 38 36 28 9 5.) Average interior car noise F,'!eq 􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀠Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Interior noise 61 dBL 59 58 56 53 51 47 45 44 42 40 36 34 31 30 26 Comparison of the horn interior level with the car noise shows a positive signal to noise in seven consecutive bands from 800 Hz -3150 Hz. Figure 3 shows that a 11.3 dB signal to noise in the 2000 Hz, one third octave band assures that 99.9% of the drivers hear the warning with only a 50% train expectancy. Even with this conservative assumption that the driver only looks for the train one half the time, 99.9% of motorists should hear the warning. Stationary Motorist at Gated Crossing Audibility At a gated crossing with constant warning time control, the wayside hom activates at the same time the gates start to close. Gate closure begins 25 seconds prior to train arrival and takes 5 seconds to close fully. Gates are down 20 seconds prior to train arrival. In this situation, the wayside hom is not the primary warning device, but is a secondary confirmation of train arrival. Hom audibility requires less volume because the car is at rest and closer to the hom location. The first car is 16' from the hom instead of 358' away traveling 40 mph. The fourth car in line is 61' away. This calculation, in contrast to the last example, begins with the SIN necessary in anyone third octave band and works backward to determine the necessary exterior hom levels. Item 1 is the average interior car noise at 30 mph. This includes tire noise which is too high for a stationary car. However, it is used for consistency. Example Calculation of Necessary Hom Volume for Stationary Motorist Table 4 1.) From Figure C-2 the avera e interior noise level is Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 interior 61 59 58 56 53 51 47 45 44 42 40 36 34 31 30 26 Mike Fann & Associates 1701 W. NW Hwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 442-8485 email:mfann@airmail.nel10 interior 68 66 65 63 I 60 I 58 I 54 I 52 I 51 49 47 43 41 38 37 33 3.) Car insertion loss These values Will be added in the next line to item 2.) to obtain exterior hom level requirements Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250. 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 IL 18 20 18 18 22 26 29 29 27 30 34 32 34 34 34 35 4.) AddinQ 3.) + 2 . determines the exterior hom requirements for the fourth car in line at 61' distance. Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 @61' 86 86 83 81 82 84 83 81 78 79 81 75 75 72 71 68 5.) Hom level needed at laO', adjusts for distance correction. Adjustment is 20*log(611100}= -4.3 dB Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 @100' 81 82 78 77 78 79 79 77 74 75 77 71 70 68 67 64 6.) 5/3100 testing at 100' Freq Hz 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 @100' 63 59 60 69 83 75 86 89 91 91 86 91 83 81 73 55 Wayside volume headroom Item 2 calculates the necessary hom signal inside the car by adding 7 dB to each of the interior car noise levels. Figure 3 shows that this increase is sufficient to alert 99% of the drivers who listen 9 out of 10 times. Item 4 calculates the necessary hom level outside the car and Item 5 calculates the corresponding reference distance at 100' from the hom. This is compared to the maximum levels tested on 5/3100. Item 7 shows that the maximum levels are 19.6 dB higher than they need to be for alerting the fourth driver in line. This is good news to residents immediately. at the crossing. At gated crossings with constant warning time control, a volume of 78 dBA@100' (98 dBA -19.6 dBA) is sufficient. This 78 dBA reference level produces 83 dB outside the carbecause the fourth car is closer at 61'. The lower volume maximizes community compatibility without sacrificing warning effectiveness. Mike Fann & ASSOCiates 1701 W. NW Hwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 442-8485 email:mfann@airmail.net 11 Train Horn Comparisons With the gates down, the wayside hom is as effective as the more distant train hom. Table 4 demonstrates that 83 d8A outside the car is sufficient warning. This is achieved with a wayside hom reference of 78 dBA at 100'. Table 5 shows the corresponding train distance from the crossing, with the gates fully closed, 20 seconds prior to train arrival. It also shows the train hom level outside the cars for different volume train horns. Train Horn Levels at Fourth Car: 20 Seconds Before Crossing Table 5 Train speed 20 mph 22 mph 24 mph 26 mph 28 mph 30 mph Train Distance to Crossing 587' 645' 704' 763' 821' 880' 96 dBA train hom 81 dBA 80 79 78 78 77 104dBA train hom 89dBA 88 87 86 86 85 108dBA train hom 93dBA 92 91 90 90 89 111dBA train hom 96dBA 95 94 93 93 92 Wayside Hom 82dBA 82 82 82 82 82 The wayside hom is as good as the FRA required train hom certification (96 dBA @100'). Although the lower wayside horn level is sufficient, higher level adjustment can match and exceed the higher train hom inventory. Wayside Hom Reference Volume (100') Necessary to Match Train Hom Volume Levels 20 Seconds Before Crossing Table 6 Train Hom Level (100') Wayside Hom (100') 96dBA 77dBA 104 dBA 85dBA 108dBA 89dBA 111 dBA 92dBA Table 6 presents corresponding wayside hom volumes that match the level produced by different volume train horns, 20 seconds before train. arrival. The wayside hom achieves the same result at a lower volume because the 􀁦􀁯􀁵􀁾.. car is only 61' away from the hom instead of the 587' comparative distance from the train hom traveling 20 mph. Conclusions Wayside hom applications have had favorable community responses at several installations. The maximum hom levels demonstrated on May 3,2000 are 6-10 dB louder than previous installations. Although unnecessary, this increased volume is available, if desired. The focused radiation patterns maximize residential compatibility. This system is a good balance between adequate warning of motorists and minimizing community noise levels. . Mike Fann & Associates 1701 W. NW Hwy, Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 442-8485 email:mfann@airmail.net12 A SAFETY EVALUATION OF THE RCL AUTOMATED HORN SYSTEM A Report from the Texas Transportation Institute by Stephen S. Roop, Ph.D. Texas Transportation Institute Rail Research Texas A&M University System College Station, TX 77843-3135 May, 2000 List of Tables Table 1. Wayside Hom Temporal Sequence .............................................................................. 3 Table 2. Frequency ofFalse Activations and Violations for Two Warning Devices ..................... 6 Table 3. Frequency of Violations for AHS in 2000 Relative to Locomotive Hom in 1995 ........... 7 Table 4. Frequency ofViolations for AHS in 2000 Relative to AHS in 2000 ............................... 7 Texas Transportation Institute 11 Rail Research Center Table of Contents Background ......................................................................, ....................................................... 1 Problem Statement ...................... ............................... , ............................................................. 3 Study Objective ..................................................................................... .................................... 4 Evaluation ofAHS at the Tenth Street Crossing .......................................................................... 5 Results ............................. .......................................................................................................... 5 Conclusions & Discussion ................................................................. ...... ' ........, ........................ 7 Texas Transportation Institute Rail Research Center Background Safety at highway-rail intersections (HRI's) has been dramatically improved since the 1970's through concerted public and private efforts. According to the Bureau ofTransportation Statistics (BTS) accidents, injuries, and fatalities decreased between 1975 and 1995, by 38%, 49"10, and 36%, respectively, even in light ofincreased traffic on both roads and rail. Ton-miles of freight increased by approximately 57% during the same period (BTS). This feat was accomplished through a multi-pronged attack on both grade crossings and drivers. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that between 1974 and 1995, the investment of over $3 billion in grade crossing safety for nearly 30,000 projects helped save almost 9,000 lives and prevent nearly 40,000 accidents. Federal funding, including the Section 130 Program, allowed most states to install active warning devices at high-priority crossings at a fairly steady rate. Coupled with public awareness programs like Operation Lifesaver, this one-two punch has proven that cost-effective safety gains can be made at HRI's. Importantly, the improved safety record at HRI's has been achieved largely without much i!U1ovation in the presentation ofwarning systems themselves. Standard lights and gates remain the front line in safety, augmented by advanced warning signs, pavement markings, and the locomotive hom. This last element in the warning system arsenal, the locomotive horn, has been shown to be effective by its selective omission. In a rather unique and unintended demonstration ofwarning system efficacy, "whistle bans" in some communities have resulted in increases in accidents. In 1984, Florida imposed a whistle ban between the hours of 10pm and 6am on the Florida East Coast Railroad in cities along its operating corridor. In a subsequent study ofthe effects ofthe ban, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) reported that accidents increased by 84 percent across the 2,000 impacted intersections. In spite ofincreased accidents, however, Florida counties choose to maintain the whistle ban. The central issue regarding whistle hans revolves around the intrusive and very disruptive impact oflocomotive horns on the surrounding community. Federal regulations (CFR 49 Part 229.129) ensure that the volume ofthe hom is sufficient to reach motorists on roadways perpendicular to the trains and well enough in advance ofthe intersection to be able to respond safely to the train (i.e., stop). Herein lies the dilemma: to reach motorists at the proper angle to the HRI with enough time to provide foz: adequate stopping distance, the hom has to be loud. The intensity of the hom allows the sound to reach far beyond a desirable range, impacting everyone, whether in a vehicle or not. Community critics suggest that the locomotive hom works too well and alerts everyone, day or night, proximate to the intersection or not. The FRA and the railroads see the locomotive hom as an effective means ofalerting motorists to the immediate presence ofa train and consider the safety benefits gained worth the intrusive noise. Tex.tJ.> Transportation lnstituk 1 Rail Research Center Federal regulations require the train horn to be 96 db at a centerline point 100 feet in front ofthe locomotive, and four feet above the track. This intensity is judged to be sufficient enough to reach down intersecting roadways, penetrate any barrier presented by the automobile itself, overcome other internal or external environmental auditory competitors, and alert the driver of the train's approach. Most ofthe time it seems to work, although as vehicles become better insulated, the challenge of alerting motorists increases. Unfortunately, reaching other people who happen to be in the vicinity seems far easier. An innovative solution to this problem supported by some is a stationary horn mounted at the grade crossing. The stationary horn or automated horn system (AHS) is sounded in place ofthe train horn. Activated by the same mechanisms that trigger the active warning system, the AHS is designed to direct sound down the roadway rather than down the track. In this way, horns with less overall intensity may be able to deliver a more effective warning to vehicle operators approaching an HRI. The Gering, Nebraska Study A recent study ofthe automated horn system in operation in Gering, Nebraska, suggests that the AHS is effective in warning motorists (Volpe, 1998). In fact, with the AHS in place, motorist violations were shown to initially decrease over the rate seen with standard locomotive horn warnings. The Volpe report also examined the community response to the AHS relative to locomotive horns, performed some acoustic analyses, and observed driver behavior at the intersections where the AHS was installed. The results ofthe study suggest that the AHS was an effective substitute for the locomotive horn in warning motorists. The AHS evaluated in Gering in 1995 consisted ofa Federal Signal Selectone horn (model 302GCX), a tone module (Federal Signal Universal Tone Module 13) containing the sound recording of an air horn and a control board which received the signal from the track circuitry and activated the horn. Mounted on the top ofthe horn case was a Federal Signal strobe light (model 131 ST) that provided a visual confirmation for the locomotive engineer that the wayside horn was appropriately sounding. A detector installed inside the horn case activated the strobe light ifthe horn emitted a signal ofat least 80 dB. Ifthe wayside horn was less than 80 dB, the strobe light remained offand the engineer was instructed to manually blow the train horn. The system was subsequently enhanced with a digital recording which more closely resembles the 3 -tone sound of a locomotive horn. This enhancement was prior to the data collection period in March and April, 2000. The activation ofthe wayside horn was tied to the same circuitry that activated the crossing gates, flashing lights, and crossing bells. Gate descent began approximately two seconds after activation Texas Transportation Institute 2 Rail Research Center of the flashing lights, bells and wayside hom When the track circuitry activated the AHS, the system repeated the sequence shown in Table I until the train reached the grade crossing. When the train reached the grade crossing the wayside horn sounded for five seconds. The system was designed to produce a sound pressure level of 114 dB at 10 feet and 98.9 dB at 50 feet. Table 1. Wayside Hom Temporal Sequence Sequence 2 3 4 Duration On (s) 3.0 3.0 15 3.0 Duration Off (s) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 (from Volpe, 1997) In the Volpe report, motorist violations at grade crossings were described as Type I or Type 2 violations. Type I violations were defined as those where the motorist is observed to drive through the grade crossing after gate descent is initiated, but before the gates were completely down. Type 2 violations were those where the driver proceeded through the crossing after the gates were completely down. In Gering, Type I violations were reduced by a statistically significant amount with the AHS over the rate observed with a standard locomotive hom. There were no clear differences between the locomotive horn and the AHS relative to Type 2 violations, perhaps in part since motorists are less likely to commit Type 2 violations in any event. Problem Statement "Whistle-bans," because ofthe negative safety ramifications, present a problem for railroads and any public agency responsible for the well-being ofthe traveling public. Currently, the Federal Railroad Administration, through its rule-making process, has plans to recommend five safety measures that "fully" compensate for locomotive horns and may therefore be substituted under whistle-ban conditions. These supplementary safety measures (SSMs) are: four -quadrant gates photographic enforcement systems Texas Transportation InstiJute 3 Rail Research Center median barriers I-way streets temporary closure (e.g., nighttime closure) Further, under the proposed rule, alternative safety measures (ASMs) may be employed in combination with SSMs to "fully compensate for the absence ofthe audible warning provided by the locomotive hom." The ASMs include: variations of SSMs variations of SSMs long-tern programmatic law enforcement efforts and initiatives, and targeted public awareness efforts and initiatives Thus, under the condition of a local ordinance banning locomotive horns, it is proposed that one or more ofthese sanctioned measures may be employed to compensate for the loss ofthe auditory warning. There are no plans to include the AHS as one ofthese measures due to lingering reservations about the long-term effectiveness of the system. The principal issue, therefore, seems to focus on the credibility of the AHS warning for motorists -do motorists learn that the AHS is just a device and not really a train and thus become more likely to disregard it, with a corresponding increase in the likelihood of accidents? It is not suggested by proponents ofthe AHS that it is necessarily superior to the locomotive hom as a warning to motorists, but rather that evidence to date strongly indicates that the system is as effective as a locomotive hom system in alerting motorists to the potential hazard at an HRl and therefore should be included among the array offully compensatory systems listed above. Study Objective The objective ofthis evaluation is to revisit the AHS installation at the Tenth Street location in Gering to assess the level of driver compliance with the warning system after approximately six years of operation. Initial AHS implementation was in July of 1994. The original posttest period was from May 24, 1995 to October 22, 1995. Data for this follow up evaluation was collected for 16 days from March 25,2000 to April 9, 2000. TTl was engaged by RCL to examine the data collected at the site and report on the observed rate of driver compliance (Type 1 and Type 2 violations) with the AHS stilI in place. Evaluation of AHS at the Tenth Street Crossing Texas Transportation Institute 4 Rail Research Center RCL used equipment provided by Transit Surveillance Systems, Inc. to video traffic in both directions at the Tenth Street crossing. Each activation ofthe track circuit mechanism controlling the warning system (lights, gates, and AHS) also activated the digital video system and recorded the warning system behavior (lights and gates) as well as the behavior ofmotorists in both lanes oftraffic on the approach to the crossing. The recording system continued in operation until the train had fully occupied the HRL The collected digital video was stored on a computer for later analysis. The collected data was delivered to TTl for processing and analysis in early May, 2000. TTl evaluated the behavior ofmotorists under the condition ofextended exposure to the AHS at the Tenth Street crossing in Gering, Nebraska by recording Type 1 and Type 2 violations ofthe warning systems. The motorists in the vicinity ofthe Tenth Street crossing have been exposed to the AHS for over five years and thus the question ofcentral importance to this evaluation is, "Do motorists, after extended exposure to the AHS, continue to heed the warning systems at the Tenth Street crossing at a rate which is at least as compliant as with the locomotive hom and thus may be considered as a fully compensatory system?" The collected digital video data was scored by trained observers at TTl's facility in College Station, Texas. Rated violations were verified by both a second and third observer to ensure the accuracy of scoring. Appropriate statistics were used to assess the rate of violations at the target crossing during the post-posttest phase relative to that recorded during pre and post test by Volpe researchers. Results TTl evaluated 826 digital video records from the Tenth Street HRI in Gering, Nebraska. Of these, 815 observations were included in the analysis. Eleven activations ofthe recording equipment were omitted and scored as "false activations" due to no observed train activity at the intersection. The intersection tallied approximately 50 trains per day throughout the data collection period. Volpe's 1997 report defines a Type 1 violation as, "vehicle went through the grade crossing during gate descent" and a Type 2 violation as, "vehicle went through the grade crossing after gate descent." These criteria were applied to the current evaluation to ensure consistency and allow meaningful conclusions to be drawn from the results. The 1997 Volpe study ofthe AHS in Gering, Nebraska showed that Type 1 violations decreased following the introduction ofthe system at two roadways. Type 2 violations were not statistically different between the two systems (i.e., locomotive hom and AHS). It should be noted that Texas Transportatiolllllstitute 5 Rail Research Center Volpe pooled the data from two intersections, the Tenth Street crossing and the Country Club Road, to derive the following table (Table 14, page 40, Volpe, 1997), which is reproduced here for comparative purposes. The Volpe report also evaluates "time to collision," which measures how far away the train is from the grade crossing when the motor vehicle is in the intersection. They found no significant difference in this measure between the two systems and, therefore, we are not reconsidering this measure in the current evaluation. The Volpe report also examines the frequency offalse activations between the two systems, which is a function oftrack circuitry and not warning system and thus is omitted from the current evaluation as well. Table 2. Frequency of False Activations and 􀁖􀁩􀁯􀁬􀁡􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀠for Two Warning Devices Actual Frequency Frequency/IOOO Trains Chi-square Significance Value Level* Train Wayside Train Wayside False Activations 53 41 21 10 10.50 .0012 Type 1 Violations 48 35 19 9 11.22 .0008 Type 2 Violations 4 18 2 5 3.31 .0688 * Critical Value at 1 degree offreedom = 3.84 (from Volpe, 1997, Table 14, page 40) The data presented above, specifically for Type 1 violations, shows the effectiveness of the AHS relative to the locomotive horn across a combined 6,481 train events. The differences observed suggest that, at least initially, the AHS may be more effective in alerting motorists ofoncoming trains. The lack ofstatistical difference between the two systems for Type 2 violations suggests that the two systems perform equally well. Table 3, below, presents data from the current post-posttest period relative to the pretest data collected by Volpe. This allows an indirect comparison ofthe AHS after a lengthy operational period with the baseline violation rate seen at the Tenth Street site in 1995. The results show that, while Type 1 violations with the AHS have risen over the rate seen following system implementation, they remain approximately on par with the rates seen with the locomotive hom. The statistical analysis indicates no significant difference. Table 3. Frequency of Violations for AHS in 2000 Relative to Locomotive Horn in 1995 Texas Transpottotion Institute 6 RIlil Research Center Actual Frequency Frequency/lOOO Trains Chi-square Significance Value Level* Train Wayside Train Wayside Type 1 Violations 48 15 19 18.4 .0062 .96 Type 2 Violations 4 0 2 0 1.28 .27 * Critical Value at 1 degree offreedom =3.84 A comparison ofthe AHS in 2000 with the same system in 1995 (Table 4) shows that Type 1 violations are higher now than were observed in the original posttest period. It must be reemphasized that this increase in Type 1 violations is an increase in the frequency over the depressed rate observed after system implementation and not an overall increase. Table 4. Frequency ofViolations for AHS in 2000 Relative to AHS in 2000 Actual Frequency Frequency/1000 Trains Chi-square Value Significance Level* Wayside 1995 Wayside 2000 Wayside 1995 Wayside 2000 Type 1 Violations 35 15 9 18.4 5.83 .015 Type 2 Violations 18 o 5 o 3.74 .06 * Critical Value at 1 degree offreedom = 3.84 Conclusions & Discussion TTl's evaluation ofthe AHS data at the Tenth Street highway-rail intersection from March and April, 2000 in Gering, Nebraska suggests the following conclusions: 1. The AHS appears to be, after almost 5 years ofoperation, an effective alternative to the locomotive horn at the Tenth Street crossing in Gering, Nebraska, with a violation rate no greater than that observed during pretest monitoring. Texas TransportatWn Institute 7 Rail Research Center 2. The observed reduction in Type 2 violations at this site may even indicate that the AHS is a higher fidelity warning system than the locomotive horn, although examining only one site makes broad generalizations difficult. Speculation regarding the initial drop in Type 1 violations following system implementation in 1995 carmot be substantiated without further study ofthe phenomenon, but it may be due to the greater "delivered" decibel level found with the AHS. An understanding ofthe affects ofdistance and physical obstructions on auditory intensity may help explain the effect. With distance, the diminished auditory intensity ofa locomotive horn is a cue to the motorist, signaling the relative remoteness ofthe train. For very low intensities at grade crossings, this remoteness translates into time and thus a perceived safety margin for drivers. As the intensity increases, the perception of closeness ofthe source and "less time" for traversing an HRI heightens motorist vigilance. This intuitively obvious relationship helps explain the effectiveness of the train horn as a warning mechanism. The distance-intensity effect may also explain why this warning strategy may break down from time to time, not always serving the motorist well, as environmental obstructions alter the locomotive horn intensity and thus may alter the motorist's perception ofsource distance and safety margin. Better insulated vehicles, loud stereos, buildings, trees, and other obstructions may contribute to the non-linearity ofthe distance-intensity cue provided by the horn. In Gering, Nebraska, after installation ofthe AHS, motorists were alerted to train presence by a higher intensity horn, accompanied by an understandable perception ofsource proximity. The observed behavior, perhaps, indicates that motorist's perception ofthe closeness ofthe source led to safer driving at the HRI and a significant reduction in Type 1 violations. It could be further speculated that as motorists became experienced with the AHS, they learn that the distance-intensity cue is now a different type discriminator; one clearly associated with train presence, but no longer a good indicator oftrain distance. This uncertainty leads more motorists to stop rather than risk traversing the HRI. In fact, this cue to train distance has been replaced by activation ofthe warning system itself, which motorists learn precedes the train by a fun 20 to 30 seconds. Motorists witnessing system activation may therefore be the only drivers likely to risk a hurried crossing ofthe HRI-not unlike motorist behavior at most active HRIs. The fuct that Type 1 violations at the Tenth Street crossing rebounded over time to locomotive horn levels is not seen by the author as indicative ofa system weakness, but rather as confirmation that the AHS is an effective alternative to locomotive horn systems. Were the Type 1 violations in March and April, 2000 significantly higher than pretest locomotive horn levels in 1995, serious reservations concerning system effectiveness would have to be stated. This is particularly true Texas Transportation Institute 8 Rail Research Center given the high level offalse activations seen at this busy site, both in 1995 and again in the spring of20oo where motorists could be expected to have questions about the reliability ofthe warning they receive, In summary, the AHS at the Tenth Street crossing in Gering continues to be effective as an alternative to the more disruptive locomotive hom. The system has been in place for almost six years at a site that is very heavily traveled (50 trains per day), It appears the measures of effectiveness, i.e" Type I and Type 2 violations, employed to assess every other SSM and ASM, indicate that the Automated Hom System is an effective alternative to the locomotive hom in warning motorists of the proximity ofa train, Ancillary questions posed by some concerning factors beyond bottom-line system effectiveness, such as Doppler effect cues or hom directionality and intensity, seem to be holding the AHS to a standard different than that applied to other SSMs and thus appears unwarranted given the performance ofthe system in Gering. Texas Transportation InstitJlte 9 Rail Research Center IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN YOUR COMMUNITY Railroad Controls Limited is proud to offer an innovative railroad signaling device that significantly improves safety for motorists and pedestrians at railroad-highway grade crossings while dramatically reducing the amount of noise pollution created by train horns along rail corridors in populated areas. This product is called 􀁁􀁈􀁓􀁾􀀬􀀠the Automated Horn System. WHAT IS AHS™? AHS" is a stationary horn system, which is actuated by the rail roadhighway grade crossing signal warning system. AHS'" is mounted at the crossing, rather than on the locomotive, in order to deliver a longer, louder, more consistent audible warning to motorists and pedestrians while eliminating noise pollution in neighborhoods for more than one-half (1/2) mile along the rail corridor. 140 120 "0 {l100 (j) 80 􀁾􀀠fI) 60 􀁾􀀠<:.> 40« 20 0 >80 >85 >90 >95 Decibels riiiTrairi Rorns .AHSI THE TECHNOLOGY AHS'" is designed to sound like a train horn. The tone modules in the AHS'" horns were digitally recorded from an actual locomotive horn. Upon receipt of the signal from the railroad's track circuit warning system AHS· mimics the train horn warning by cycling through the standard railroad whistle pattern. This pattern continues to be repeated until the train reaches the crossing. Once the train has entered the crossing AHS'· stops sounding its horn. TRAIN OPERATIONS When a train activates the crossing signal system, AHS" activates its horns. When the internal fail safe detector determines the horns are working properly, it actuates th(, .J interconnected confirmation 􀁳􀁩􀁧􀁮􀁡􀁬􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀠When the locomotive engineer sees the appropriate confirmation signal he will not be required to sound his horn unless he detects an unsafe condition at the grade crossing. Coordination with the railroad operating company is essential since AHS'" is directly connected to the railroad's crossing signal-warning system. Additionally, the railroad operating company must issue instructions to their train crews regarding the sounding or non· sounding of the train's hom. Ames, Iowa Study of Residents Impact on Quality of Life 􀁾􀀠􀀢􀀧􀀬􀁾􀀬􀁾ft I 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠o 􀁾􀀠z Z rlllll Train Horns • AHS] ",fHAT THE AMES, IOWA RESIDENTS SAY:,