1 .., ) ] PROJECT MANUAL FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND. BELT UNE ROAD RIGHT·TURN LANE AT NORTH DALLAS TOLLWAY .'"., FOR TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS I L .; · 1 1 ·..1 1, , U· , f i EKft Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. Engineering & Environmental Consultants Document No. 930755 EH&A lob No. 15224 I 1 PROJECT MANUAL FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND. BELT LINE ROAD RIGHT-TURN LANE AT NORTH DAlLAS TOlLWAY FOR TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared for: Town of Addison P. O. Box 144 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁯􀁮􀀬􀁔􀁥􀁾􀀠7SOOt \ ·1 Prepared by: Espey, Huston & Associated, Inc. 13800 Montfort, Suite 230 Dallas, T_ 75240 :,-. January 1995 Section AB Section IB Section PF Section CA Section PrB Section PyB Section MB Section BP Section OP Section SP Section T Appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS Advertisement for Bids Instructions to Bidders Proposal Form Contract Agreement Performance Bond Payment Bond Maintenance Bond Contractor's Affidavit of Bills Paid General Provisions Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas (separate dowment not furnished) Special Provisions Technical Specifications Sample of Texas Sales Tax Exemption Certificate EH&A 15224J930755 ii January 1995 SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS l!H&A IS224I9307SS AB-l I SECTION AD ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1. Sealed bids addressed to the Town of Addison, Texas, for Roadway Improvements, Eastbound Belt Line Road Right-Tum Lane at North Dallas Tollway, for the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called 'City" io accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents prepared by Espey, Huston &. Associates, Inc .• will be received at the office of Clyde Johnson, Purchasiog Manager, Fioance Buildiog, 53SO Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas until 1:30 p.m. on the 15th day ofFebruary 1995. Bids received by the appoioted time will be opened and read aloud. Any bids received after closiog time will be returned unopened. 2. The Contractor shall identify bis bid on the outside ofthe envelope by writiog the words TOWN OF ADDISON ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, EASTBOUND BELT LINE ROAD RIGHTTURN LANE AT NORTH DALLAS TOLLWAY. 3. Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state bank io an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bond io the same amount from a reliable surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety, or a Binder of Insumnce executed by a.urety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a surety or its authorized agent as a guarantee that the bidder will enter ioto a contract and execute a Performance Bond withio ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. 4. Plans, specifications and biddiog documents may be secured from Clyde Johnson, Purchasiog Manager, Fmance Building, 53SO Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas. S. The right is reserved by the Mayor and the City Council as the ioterest of the City may require to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality io bids =dYed. 6. The Bidder (Proposer) must supply all the ioformation required by the Proposal Form. 7. A Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, and MaiotellllllCe Bond will be required by the Owner; each Bond shall be io the amom of 100% of the total contract amol1lll. Bonds shall be issued by a .urety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety. 8. For information on bidding or to secure bid dooumenl&, call Clyde Johnson (214) 4SO-7090. For ioformation on the work to be performed, call John Baumgartner, City Engineer, (214) 4SO-2886. 9. 'l'hiII project consisl& of providing paving, drainqe, landscape, irrlplion and· other miscellanen1JB improvemenl& as shown on the plans and io accordaacc with the specifications. :.,: EH&A 152:14/93O'l55 AB-2 J......, 1995 I 10. DBI!IMBB Requirements: All bidders and proposers sball make good faith effOrts, "" defined in Appendix A of 49 CFR Part 23, RegulaliollS ofthe Office ofthe Secretary ofTranspotlalion, to SIIbcontract 15 􀁾􀀠of the dollar value of the prime contract to small bwime.... concerns owned and colllrOUed by sooislly and economically disadvancaged individuals (DBB). In the event that the bidder for this solicitation qualities as a DBE, the contract goal shall be deemed to have been met. Individuals who are rebuttshly presumed to be socislly and economically disadvancaged include women, African-Americans, HispuUC*, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, and Asian-Indian Americans. The apparent 8\lCCe8llfu) bidder (proposet) will be requiRd to submit information oonceming the DBB's that will participate in this oontract. The information will include the name and address for esch DBE, a description ofthe wort to be performed byesch _ed firm, and the doUar value ofthe contract (subcontract). Ifthe bidder fails fails to achieve the oontract goal as stated herein, it will be requiRd to provide documentation demonstrating that it made good faith effOrts in attempting to do so. A bid that fails to meet these requirements will be considered nonresponsive. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AB-3 .1 I SECTION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS EH&A 15224/930755 IB-l January 1m SEcrION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. PROJECT: RoadwaY Improvemenfl!. Eastbound Belt UPI! Road Right-Tum 111M at Ngrth Dallas Tollway in the Town of Addison. B. PROJECT DESCRlPI10N: This project consists of providing paving, drainage, landscaping, irrigation and other miscellaneous improvements as: shown on the plans and in accordance With the specifications. C. PROPOSALS: Proposals must be in accordance With these instructions in order to receive consideration. D. DOCUMENTS: Documents include the Bidding RequiIements, Oeneral Provisions, Special Provisions, Technical Specifications, DraWings plus Addenda wIrlch may be issued by the Consultant during the bidding period. Bidding Documents may be viewed andlor obtained under the terms and conditions set forth in the Advertisement for Bids, Section AB of this Project Manuul. E. EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND SITE: Bidders shaD cazefu1ly examine the Bidding Documents and the construction site to obtain first-band knowledge of the scope and the conditions ofthe Wini:. Each Contractor, Subcontractor and Sub-subcontractor, by submitting a proposal to perform any portion ofthe Wod:, represents and warrants that he has: examined the DraWings, Specifications (Project Manuul) and the site of the Wode, and from his own investigation has satisfied himself as to the scope, accessibility, nature and location ofthe Wode; the chancter ofthe equipment and other facilities needed for the perfomlllllCe of the Wod:; the character and extent of other _rk to be performed; the local conditions; labor availability, practices and jurisdictions and other circumstances that may affect the performance of the Wode. No additional compensation Will be allowed by the Owner for the fallure of such Contractor, Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor to inform himself as: to conditions affecting the Wod:. . F. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS: Ifany person contempiaUng submitting a bid for the proposed Coutract is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the DraWings, Specifications (Project Manuul) or other proposed Contnlct Documents, he may submit to the ConsullaJ)t, not later than seven (T) calendar days prior to the date set for opening bids, a written request for an inlerpretatinn or clarification. Bidders should act promplly and allow sufficient time for II reply to reach them before preparing their bids. Any inletptetat!on or clarification will be in the form of an Addendum duly issued. No alleged verbal intetprelalion or ruling Will bc! held bindiog upon the Owner. EJf&:A 15224193G755 IB-Z JIDUUY 1995 . I G. SUBSTITUTIONS: Conditions governing the submission ofsubstitutions for specific maIerials, products, equipment and processes are in the Special Provisions. Requests for substitutions must be received by the Consultant seven (7) calendar days prior to the estsblished bid dnte. H. ADDENDA: Interpretations, clarifications, additions, deletions and modifications to the Documents during the bidding period will be issued in the form of Addenda and a copy of such Addenda will be mailed or delivered to each person who has been issued a set of the Bidding Documenl$. Addenda will be a part of the Bidding Documenl$ and the Conlnlct Documenl$, and receipt of them shall be acknoWledged in the Bid Form. All such interpretations and supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the conlnlct documents which, if issued, will be sent by telegram, certified Or registered mail, or hand delivered to all prospective bidders (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes) not later than IhRe IhRe (3) calendar days prior to the dnte fixed for the opening of bids. If any bidder fails to acknowledge the receipt of such addenda in the space provided in the bid form, his bid will nevertheless be construed as though the receipt of such addenda had been acknowledged. I. COMPLETION TIME: A reasonable completion time has been established by the Owner and is indicated in the Proposal Form. J. PREPARATION OF BIDS: Prices quoted shall include all items of cost, expense, taxes, fees and charges incurred, or arising out of, the performance ofthe wode to be performed under the Contract. Bids shall be submitted in duplicate and shall be signed in ink. Any bid on other than the required form will be considered informal and may be %ejected. Erasures or other changes in a bid must be explained or DOted over the ini.tials ofthe bidder. Bids containing any cooditions, omissions, unexplained erasures and aiteratioDS, or irregolarities of any kind may be rejected as informal. The prices should be expno:&sed in words and 􀁦􀁩􀁾or they may be deemed informal and may be rejected. In case of discrepancy between the prices written in the bid and those given in the 􀁦􀁩􀁾􀀬􀀠the price in writing will be considered as the bid. Failure to submit all requested information will make a bid irregular and subject to %ejection. Bids shall be signed with name typed or printed below signatu%e, and, ifa partnership, give foll name of all partners. Where bidder is a corporation, bids must be signed with the legal name of the corporation foUowed by the name of the state of incorporation and the legal signatu%e of an officer authorized to bind the corporation to a contract. K. SUBMTITAL OF BIDS: Sealed proposals will be received at the time, dnte and place stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Proposals shall be made on unaltered Proposal Forms furnished by the Consallant. Submit proposal in an opaque, sealed envelope addnlssed to the Owner and plainly matIc on the outside of the envelope the project name, and the name and addresa of the bidder. The Bid Bnnd must be completed and signed by each bidder and submitted with the bid. Submit Bids by mail or in person prior to the time for receiving bids set forth in the Advertisement for Bids iuued by the City. IB-3 L. MODIFICATION AND WlTHDRAWAt OF BIDS: Prior to the time set for bid opeaing. bids may be Withdrawn or modified. Bids may be modified ollly on the official bid form and must be signed by a person lepily empowered to bind the bidder. No bidder sball modify, withdraw or caucel his bid or any part thereof fur thirty (30) caleodar days after the time agreed upon for the r:eceipt of bids. M. DISQUALIFICATION: The Owner reserves the right to disqualify proposals. befure or after the opeDiDg. upon evidellQe ofcollusion with intent to defraud or other illegal practices relating to this proposal upon the part of the bidder. N. SUBMISSION OF POST·BID INFORMATION: Upon notification of8CCq!tanCe. the selected bidder shall, within five (5) calendar days. submit the following: . ! 1. A designation ofthe portions ofthe Wod: proposed to be performed by the bidder with his own furce. 2. A list of names of the subconlnlctors or other persoDB or orgauizalions. including those who are to furnish materials and equipment fabricated to a speci8l design proposed for such portions of the Wod: as may be designated in the Bidding Docmnents or as may be requested by the Consllltant. The bidder will be required to establish to the satistllction ofthe Owner and the ConsIIltant the reliability and responsibility of the proposed Subcol1lnlctors and suppli!'lS to furniab and perfurm the Wod:. O. AWAIID: The Owner reserves the right to accept any or to reject any bids without compensation to bidders and to waive inegIIlarities and infurmalities. The Consllltant, in making his recommendation, will coDBider the fullowing elements: 1. Whether the bidder is a (:()l1InIctor with experieDce in the type of wed: involved. 2. Whether the bidder bas adequate plant, equipment and persoDDel. to perfurm the wotk properly and expeditiously. 3. Whether the bidder bas a suitable finaucial SWII8 and reputation for meeting obligations incident to wed: of the Idnd specified. P. EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT: The successfiJl bidder will be required to enter'into a contract with the Owner within len (10) caleodar days of notice by the Owner that his bi.d bas ',) been accepted. Failure to enter into contract within the established time IimiI without Proper justification shall be considered grounds for forfeiture ofthe bid bond. ! EH&A 152241930755 Q. CONSTRUcnON SCHEDULE: It is the Owner's deIIire to have the project completed and operatioaal in as short a time as possible. The number: of calendar days for completion of the project will begin with the dale specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Notice to Proceed will be issued in a manner to facllitate a smooth construction of Ihe project. The Contractor sball substantially complete construction on Ibis project wilhin 30 calendar days from the proposed dale of beginning. Substantial completion shall include all paving, drainage, utility, and pavement IIIIIrldng improvements. In 110 instance shall Ihe number: of calendar days for total completion of the contract work mellll1lftJd from the proposed dale of beginning Cltceed 40 calendar days. R. UQUIDATED DAMAGES: The time of completion is the eas ....... ofIbis contract. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the proposal and the contract, or Ihe ineJ:eased time granted by !he Owner, or as equitably increased by additioaal work or materials ordered after Ihe contract is aipeci, the sum per day given in the foUowing schedule shall be deducted from the monies due the Contractor: $250 per Calendar Day The sum of money Ihus deducted for such delay, failure or non-oompletloJl is DOt to be considered as a penalty, but shall be deemed, taken and treated as reasonable 1lqul.dsted damages, per calendar day !hat Ihe Contractor shall be in defiwlt after the time stipulated in the contract for completing Ihe wnrk. The said amounts are filled and agreed upon by and between Owner and Contractor because of the impracticability and extmne difficulty of tilting, and ascertaining the actu8I damaps the Owner in such event would austain; and said amounts are agreed to be the amounts of damages which the Owner would austain and which shall be t1!IlIined from the monies due, or !hat may become due, the Contractor under Ibis contract; and if said monies be insufficient to cover the amount owing, then the Contractor or his surety sball immediately pay any additioaal amounts due. Ifthe Contractor finds it impossible, for reasons beyond his control, to complete Ihe work within !he contract time as specified, !he Contractor may make a wriuen request for an exlellsion of time in IICI:Ordaoce with the GeoeraI Provisions. S. FORM OF CONTRACf: The contract for the construction of!he project will be drawn up by the Owner. A sample foml of acreement is inclnded in Ihe Contract Agreement Section. T. BONDS: A PerforDlllllCe BoDd, a Labor and Material Payment Bond and a MainteDance BoDd will be requirM by the o,mer. Sample forms have been inclnded in !he Performance BoDd, Payment BoDd and MaintenaMe Bond sections. U. BID SECURITY: Bida shall be IICI:Ompanied by a cashier's check or certified check 'upon a natioaal or state bank in an amount not less Ihan five percent (S 􀁾􀀩􀀠of the total maximum bid price payable wilhout reco\ll'Se to the Town of Addison, or a bid baDd in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee !hat the bidder will enter into a contract and execute PerfOmlance Bond within ten (10) calendar days after notice of award of contract to him. SUch checks or bid bonds will be teIIImed to all except the Ih!ee lowest bidders within three (3) dsys after the opening of bids, and !he remaining checks EH&:A IS224I!1307SS lB-S or bid bonds will be relumedpromptly after the 0w!Ier has made an lIWIII:d of contnct, or, if no award has been made within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the opening of bida, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter. so long as he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid. V. RESOLUTIONS: Ifthe bidder is a corporation, a copy ofthe resolution empowering the person submitting the bid to bind the bidder must be included with the bid. W. CONSTRUCTION STAKING: CoDStrUclion staking will oot be provided by the 0w!Ier. Benchmarks and horizontal con)rol are shown on the plans. X. FINAL PAYMENT: The geneml provisions for Fntal Payment shall be as stated in Item 1.51.4 of the North Central Texas Standard Specifications for Public Wodai Construction (1983 Edition) including all Amendments and Additions. Prior to final payment the ContraCtor shall provide the Owner with the foUowing items: 1. A Contractor's Affidavit ofBUls Paid in accordance with Section BP. 2. A Consent ofSurety Company Company to Final Payment. 3. A complete set of as-built plans which indicate all coDStrUclion variations from the original construction documents in accordance with Item 5 of the Special. Provisions. 4. A one (1) year Maintenance Bond in accordance with Section MD. Y. ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The Contractor shall meet the foUowing requirements of the adjacent property owners: 1. The Contractor shall construct the pavement adjacent to the Quorum I Shopping Center prior to constructing the pavement adjacent to the Mobil Station. 2. The Contractor shall coordinate with Mobil regarding closw:e oftheir driveway so that Mobil has suflici.ent time to adjust its delivery sd'edllles. It is anticipated that Mobil wiD fill their UJ1deraro1md storage tanb early on a Monday morning; after which, the Contractor shall complete removal and replacement of the driveway prinr to the end of work on the foUowing Thursday. The Contractor shall furnish a concrete mix for theI driveway that achieves a compressive strength of3,600 psi in 48 hours or less. No otherI closure of the Mobil driveway shall be allowed other than during the sawcut of the driveway pavement. 3. No storage of materials or employee parIdng shall be allowed in the Quorum I Shopping center paddDg lot without prior permission from the TrammeD Crow Company. . 4. The Contractor shall restore the 􀀡􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁾and irrigation system adjacent to the Mobil tract to a condition that equa18 or 􀁾their exiatin&: conditions. IB-6 S. 'The Contractor shall relocate the Town of Addison irrigation coalroller that services the median in Belt I..ine Road. 'The remainder of the existing irrigation system that services the landscaping adjacent to the Quorum I Shopping centet will be adjll5ted by othen in order to maintain water during construction to IaDdscaping aad trees that are to be preserved. 'The discooneeted portions of the existing irrigation system shall be removed by the Contnlctor. All new landscaping aad irrigation systems adjacell1 to the Quo!Ull1 I Shopping Center. including the retaining wall, shall be installed by others after the adjacent sidewalk: has been constructed by the Contractor. END OF SECTION m EII&A IS224I930155 IB-7 SECTION PF PROPOSAL FORM . I 􀁾􀀠"1 ! EH&:A 152241m755 PF·l S...,..". 1m · , BID FORM ______"19_ TO: The Honorable Mayor SlId City Council Town of Addison, Texas Gentlemen: The undersigned bidder, having examined the plans, specifications and contract documents, SlId the location of the proposed wort, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the wort, proposes to furnish all equipment and to pedorm lah!lr SlId wort necessary for completion of the wort described by SlId in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract for the following prices, to wit: Signed by: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No.1 ______ Addendum No.2 ______ Addendum No.3 _____ ',' : .,:. PF-2 JanWll)' 1995 I , BID SCHHQQLB A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND BELT LJNE ROAD RIGHT·TURN LANE AT DAlLAS NORm TOLLWAY Item No. Est. 􀁾􀀠Unit De!lcriptiop Unit r.dIa AmOIlllt 1 1 L.S. Mobilization. bonds aDd insurance, complete in place. pet lump sum $ $ ,. I I Dollars Cents 2 560 L.P. Remove and dispose of existing collCl'llle curb and/or curb and gutter, complete in place, pet linear foot $ $ Dollars Ceots 3 285 S.Y. Remove and dispose of existing concrete sidewalk and retaining wall, complete in place. pet square yard $ $ :" i Do1lars Ceots ! 4 790 S.Y. Furnish, pu-and compact cemem treated base (6"), complele in pu-, pet square yard $ $ Do1lars ..: Cents , . ) PF-3 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND BELT LINE ROAD RIGHT-TURN LANE ., 􀀢􀁾􀁉􀀠Item .li2... 5 6 7 Est. Q!lmb 135 710 2,450 8 1 Unit S.Y. S.Y. S.F. L.S. AT DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY Description Remove and dispose of mstin& concrete driveway pa_. complete, per SIJWIle yard Furnish and place 8"-3000 psi reinforced concrete pavement, complete in place, per SIJWIle yard Furnish and place 4'·3000 psi reinforced concrete sidewalk, complete in place. per SIJWIle foot Furnish and place barricadin&. sigDin, and traffic bandlin,. complete in place, per lump sum Unit 􀁾􀀠$ Dollars Ccntos $ Dollars Cents $ Dollars Cents $'---Amount $ $ $ $_-EH&A 152241930755 PF-4 Januazy 1995 BID SCHEQULB A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND BELT LlNE ROAD RIGHT-TURN LANE AT DALLAS NORTH TOlLWAY Item Est. Unit No. l2!!!!!. Unit Descriptiog Price Amount 9 520 L.F. Furnish and place 6"-3000 psi cooorete integral curb, complete in place, per linear foot $ $ Dollars Cents 10 670 C.y. Unclassified street excavaliOl1, including hauling and disposal, complete in place, per cubic yard $ $ DoUars Cents 11 615 L.F. Furnish sawed breakout groove, complete in place, per linear foot $ $ DoUm CenIII 12 1 EA. Remove and dispose of existing curb inlet, complete in place. pereacll $ $ ! Dollars . :, Cents EH&A 15224/930755 PF-5 ,· .. . ) I Item .l!Q.,... &to 􀁾􀀠BID SCHEJ?lJLB A TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND BELT UNE ROAD RIGHT-TURN LANE AT DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY Unit Unit Description l'!I:i&l:l Amount 13 1 EA. Furnish and install 14' recessed COJICrete curb inlet. complete in place. per each $ $ Dollars Cents 14 7 L.F. Furnish and install 21" reinforced co.acrete pipe (Rep). including co.acrete collar. completto in place. per linear fool $ $ Dollars cents 15 90 EA. Furnish and place 6"x6" reflective jiggle bats, complete in place, per each $ $ Dollars Cents .. \ 16 1 SA. Relocate exisIini sips. complete in place. per each $ Dollars Cents $ " ;. PF-6 January 1995 Rm SCHRIIGLE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS EASTBOUND BELT LINE ROAD RIGHI'-TURN LANE AT DAlLAS NORTH TOLLWAY '. ,I Item Est. Unit No. 􀁾􀀠llllI1 Descrjptjou Amouut􀁾􀀠17 5 EA. Adjust top of existing water valves, complete in place, per each $ $ , . ! Dollars Cents 18 1 EA. Relocate existing fire hydnmt, complete in place, per each $ $ DoIlIllS Ceots 19 2 EA. Furnish and place right tom traffic movemeot pavemeot markings, complete in place, per each $ $ Dollars Ceuts i ! 20 3 EA. Furnish and place coucnlle sidewalk barner-free ramp, complete in place, per each $ $ , Dollars ..:.Cents EH&A 152241930755 PF-7 Jan..., 1995 . I BID SCJ!JID!1!J! A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS BASTBOl.lND BELT LINE ROAD RIGIIT-TURN LANE AT DAlLAS NORTH TOLLWAY Item No. Est. Qmm. llDit De§cription Unit 􀁾􀀠Amount : 21 I L.S. All irrigation removal, repLacement, ami relocation work, complete in place, per lump sum $ $ Dollazs CenlB 22 I L.S. All landscape improvements i.nclllllina removal of existing trees ami shrubs, complete in place, per lump S1IIII. $ $ Dollars Cents TOTAL AMOUNT BID FOR BID SCHEDULE A, ITEMS 1 THROUGH 22, INCLUSIVE $ ., , I The substantial complelion lime for this Contract is 30 calendar days. this Contnlct is 40 calendar days. The total completion time for BH&A 152241930755 PF-8 NOTES: 1. All items, labor, materials, equipment, facilities, incidentals and worlc requited for construction of the project are to be provided and installed by the Contractor as part of the project and payment for the cost of such shall be included in the price bid for the construction of the project. 2. Prices must be shown in words and figures for each item listed in this proposal. In the event of disctepancy, the words shall control. 3. Materials, which are "tax exempt,' are those items which are physically incorpoxated into the facilities coDStructed for the OWNER, as set forth in the Special Provisions. Materials include, but are not limited to purchased items such as conctele, and roadbase, etc. . Services, which are "not tax exempt,· are those items which are used by the Contractor but are not physically incorpoxated into the OWNER's facility and/or items which are consumed by construction, as set forth in the :lpecial Provisions. Services include, but are not limited to, items such as supplies, tools, si:ill and labor, the purchase, rental or lease ofequipment, etc. EH&A 152241930755 PP·9 Ianuaty 1995 If BIDDER is: An Individual By ___________________________________________________ (Seal) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business address: Phone No. A Partnership By ________________________􀁾 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭(Seal) (Firm Name) (General ParIneI') doing business as Business address: Phone No. EH&A 15224I!1307SS PF-lO J",wory 1995 A Corporation By __________________________􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭(Corporation Name) (State of Incorporation) By ______________________􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭� �􀀭􀀭􀀭(Name of Person Authorized to Sign) (Title) (Corporate Seal) AUeH ________________________􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭(Secretary) Business address: PhoneNo. ______________________________________________________ A Joint Venture By ___________________________________________________ (Name) (Address) By ________________________􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭� �􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭(Name) (Address) (Each joint venturer must sign. The IIIIIIIJIeI" of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the IIIIIIIJIeI" indicated above.) EH&A 152241930755 PF-ll J...\wy 1995 SECTIONCA CONTRACT AGREEMENT EH&A 1522419307SS CAM! ]enWU)' 1995 _'oj SECTION CA AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS nus AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of , 19_, by and between the Town of Addison, of the Collllty of Da.Ua.s and State of Texas, acting through its Mayor, thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the FU'IIt Part, hemnatlcr tenned the OWNER, and , of the City of , County of _____, State of ,Party of the Secolld Part, hereinafter tenned CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the paymem and agreemem heteinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby apeea with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Roadway Improvements, Eastbound Belt Une Road Right-Turn Lane at DaUas North Tollway and all extm work in connection theitewith, UDder the terms as stated in the General and Specific Provisions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies. machinery, equipmem, tools, superinte&dence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, IDstructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specificalions and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the e&dorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. thereon, togethCl!' with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Provisions, all ofwhich are made a part heRof and coUectively evideuce and coDBlitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby apeea to commeoce work within five (S) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, to substantially complete the work within 30 calendar days after he commences work, and to totally complete the work in 40 calendar days after he commenceS commenceS work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the Genend Provisions. The OWNER apeea to pay the CONTRACTOR $ in current fo&ds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. E.H8GA 1522419:lO755 CA-2 January 1995 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day tim above written. TOWN OF ADDISON A'ITEST: (OWNER) By: City Secretary Party of the Second Pan (CONTRACTOR) A'ITEST: By: The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I, ____________, certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that ____________"who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the of said corporation; that said (official title) Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporst4 powers. Signed: Corporst4 Seal EH&A 152241930755 CA-3 January 1995 SECTION PcB PERFORMANCE BOND EH&A JS22419307SS PcB-I January 1995 SECTION FrB PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Date Bond Executed: PRINCIPAL: SURETY: PENAL SUM OF BOND (express in words and figures): _____________ DATE OF CONTRACT: KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the PRINCIPAL and SURETY above named, are held firmly bound unto the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called the OWNER, in the penal sum of the amount stated above, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, We bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDmONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, wh_ the PRINCIPAL entered into a certain Contract with the OWNER, numbered and dated as shown above and attached hereto; . NOW THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shaU well and truly perform and fulfill aU the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements ofsaid Contract during the origi.oal tenn ofsaid Contract and any extension thereofthat may be granted by the OWNER, with or without notice to the SURJITY, and during the life of any guaranty required under the Contract, and shaU also well and truly perform and fulfill aU the undertskings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any and aU duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modific8llons of said SURETY being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void, otherwise in full force and virtoe. '.', FrB-2 ____________ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their several seals on the d8te indicated above. the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. SEAL CONTRACTOR By: 􀁾􀁳􀀠Address: SEAL ATrE'SI': SURETY By: Address: Title: (Surety to Attach Power-of Attorney) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, , certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as PRINCIPAL in the within bond that.who signed the said bond oil behalf of the PRINCIPAL. is the of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. (Corporate Seal) I· ; " :, ERII:A 1522<11930755 PrB-3 Jan..., 1995 SECTION PyB PAYMENT BOND I!H&A 152241930755 PyB-l l...twy 1519S SECTION PyB PAYMENT BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Dale Bond Executed: PRINCIPAL: SURETY: PENAL SUM OF BOND (expte6S in words and figures): DATE OF CONTRACT: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the PRINCIPAL and SURETY above named, aJ:e held fumly bound unto the Town of Addison, Texas, hemnafter called the OWNER, in the penal sum of the amount stated above, fur the payment of which sum weD and truly to be made, we bind ourSelves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, fumly by these presents. THE CONDmONS OF THIS OBUGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas the PRINCIPAL entered i1!IO a certain Contract with the OWNER, numbered and dated as shown above and attached hereto; NOW THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided fur in said Contract, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which moditicalions to the SURETY being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in fuIi. furce and virtue. EH&:A 152241930755 PyB-2 -------------------IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this inBtI'ument under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate sea! of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. SEAL CONTRACTOR By: WlTNESS _____________ AddIess: SEAL ATIEST: SURETY By: Address: Title: (Sw:ety to Attach Power of Attorney) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, , certify that I am the seereIary of the corporation named as PRINCIPAL in the within bond that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, is the of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sea!ed and attested for and in behalf ofsaid corporation by authority of its govemin& body. (Corporate Seal) I!H&A 152241930755 PyB-3 SECTIONMB MAINTENANCE BOND EH&A 15224/930755 MB-l SECTION MB MAINTENANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAlLAS Tha1 _______________as principal and ________ _____________, a corpomtion organized under the laws of ______ and as sureties, said sureties being authorized to do business in the State of Texas, do hereby expressly acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the ToWll of Addison, a municipal corpomtion, chartered by virtue of a Special Act of Legislalure of the State of Texas, as Addison, Dallas County, Texas, the sum of ($ ) for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made unto said Town of Addison and its successors, said principal and sureties do hereby hind themselves, their assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, tha1 whereas said has this day entered into a written contmct with the said Town of Addison to build and construct the MB-2 Jan""'Y 1995 which contract and the Plans and Specifications therein mentioned adopted by the Town of Addison, are het:eby expressly made a part herec>f as though the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the Plans, Specifications and Contract it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair the work: herein conttacted to be done and performed for a period of ope m year from the date of acceptance, and to do all necessary bacldilling tha! may arise on account of sunken COnditioDS in ditches, or otherwise, and to do and perform all necessary work: and repair any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper joining of the same, Dr on account of any breaking of the same caused by the said Contractor in laying Dr building the same, or on account of any defect arising in any of said part of said work: laid or constructed by the said Contractor, or on account of improper excavation or bacldilling; it being understood thal the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective materials, work: or labor performed by the said Contractor; and in case the said Contractor shall fail to do, it is agreed thal the City may do said work: and supply such materials, and charge the same against the said Contractor and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidated damages mentioned in said contract fur each day's failure on its part to comply with the terms of the said provisioDS of said contract; NOW THEREFORE, ifthe said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain said work: and keep the same in repair for the said maintellllDCe period of one (1) year. as provided. then these presents shall be null and void and have no further effect; but ifdefault shall be made by the said Contractor in the perfurmance of its contract to so maintain and repair said work:, then these presents shall have full furce and effect, and said Town ofAddison shall have and recover from the Contractor and its sureties damages in the premises, as provided, and it is further understood and agreed thal this obligation shall be a continuing ODe against the principal and sureties hereon and that successive recoveries may be had hereon fur successive branches until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood thal the obligation herein to maintain said work: shall continue throughout said mainteDance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or in any manner affected from any cause during said time. MB-3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said _._________ bas caused these presents to be executed by and the said has hereunto set his hand this the __ day of _____• 19_SURETY PRINCIPAL By: _______________􀁾___ By: Attorney in Fact ATTEST By: sui:ety Agency and Address NOTE: Date of Maintenance Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. EH&A IS224!9307SS SECTIONGP GENERAL PROVISIONS GP-! SanUOl)' 19!1S GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The General Provisions of the Contract shall be as stated in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council of Governments (1983), under Part I, "General Provisions, • Items 1.0 through 1.63 inclusive, as amended or supplemented and except as modified by the Special Provisions. EH&:A 152241930755 GP·2 January 1995 I SECTION SP , SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I EH&A 152241930755 SP·l l...uary 1995 SECTION SP SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. OWNER The Town of Addison, herein referred to as Owner, party of the First Part of these Contract Documents. 2. ENGINEER Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., Engineer of the Owner, or other representative as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular position. 3. FORMS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Forms of Proposal, Contract, Bonds and Plans may be obtained from the office of Mr. Clyde Johnson, Purchasing Agent, Finance Bui.l.diDg, 5350 Beltline Road, Addison, Texas. 4. COPIES OF PLANS FURNISHED Three (3) sets of Plans shall be furnished to the Contractor, at no charge, for construction purposes. Additional copies may be obtained at cost of reproduction upon request. 5. PRODUCT RECORD DOCUMENTS Maintenance of Documents. The Contractor shall maintain at the job site one record copy of the Contract Drawings, Specifications, Shop Drawings, Change Orders, other modification to the Contract, field test records and other documents submitted by Contractor in compliance with with specification requirements. These documents shall be maintained at the job site apart from documents used for construction. These documents are not be used for construction purposes. The documents shall be maintained in clean, legible condition. The documents shall be made available at all times for inspection by the Owner. Recording. Each document shall be labeled Project Record Copy in 2·inch high printed letterS. The record documents shall be kept cw::rent. No work shall be covered until required information has been recorded. Contract Drawings. The appropriate drawing shall be legibly marked to record, 'Where applicable: Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities and appurtenances 􀁲􀁥􀁦􀁾􀀠to permanent surface improvements. . ,', EH&A 151241930755 sp·z ]anuazy 1995 Field changes of dime1lSion and detail made during construction process. Changes made by Change Order or Supplemental Agreement. Details not On original Contract Drawings. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. Changes made by Change Order or Supplemental Agreement. Other matters not originally specified. Slum Drawings. 'The Contractur shall maintain the Shop Drawings as record draWings and legibly annotate shop drawings to record changes made after review. A red felt-tip marting pen shall he used for all recording. Submjttal. At the completion ofthe project, the Contractor shall deliver record drawings to the Owner. 'The transmjttal letter shall he accompanied, in duplicate, with: Date, project title and number. Contractor's name and address. Title and number of each record document. Certification that each document as submjUed is complete and accurate. Signsture of Contractor or his authorized representative. 6. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL 'The Contractor shall provide horizontal and vertical survey control for this project. 7. PERMITS. I.ICJ3NSES, AND REGULATIONS Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the Work shall he secured and paid for by the Contractor. Permits, licenses and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall he secured and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise specified. If the Contractor observes that the Drawings and Specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Eogineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall he adjusted as provided in the Contract for changes in WorK:: The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and lneal laws, rules and regulatiollS of ev8J'J kind and nature applicable to the performance of its Work hereunder, and shall hold the OWner -" harmless therefrom. EH&A IS224I!1307SS SP-3 ll111U41)' 1995 8. REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS Where reference is made to specifications compiled by others, such are hereby made a part of th_ Specifications. 9. REVlEW OF WORK The Owner shall have the right to review the Wod: while such Wod: is in progress to ascertain that the Wod: is beina accomplished in compliance with the staDda!:ds and requirements set forth in the Contract Documents. It is also contemplated that similar review will be conducted by gove.mmentaJ inspectol1l. Notwithstandin& such review, the Contractor will be held responsible for the finished Wod:, and any acc<:ptance of the Wod: by the Owner or governmental agencies will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for the Wod:. The Owner reserves the right to place fulI·time construction observers at the site of the Wod:. The Owner and his t:epresentatives shall at all times have access to the Wod: whenever it is in preparation or progress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access, and for review. Ifthe Specifications, the the Owner's instructions, laws, ordinBllC"", or any public authority require any Wod: to be specially tested, the Contractor shall Jive the Owner timely ootice of its readiness for testing, and ifthe testing is by an authority other than the Owner, ofthe date fixed for such testing. Tests by the Owner shall be made promptly, and where practicable at the source of supply. Re-examination of any Wod: may be ordered by the Owner, and, if so ordered, the Wod: must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such Wod: is found to be in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the cost of re-examination and replacement. If such Wod: is oot in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay such cost. 10. SCopE OF WORK: The Wod: for this Project consists of fumishi.n,c all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to construct, in aecordaDce with the Plans and Specifications, the propose:d roadway improvements, Eastbound Belt Line Road Right-Tum Lane at Dallas North 􀁔􀁯􀁯􀁕􀁷􀁡􀁹􀁾􀀠11. PROPERTY LINES AND MONUMENTS All property comers, control monumentat:ions, construction and survey stalrea and marlcs"shaIl be carefiI.Ily preserved by the Contractor, and in case of careless destruction or remoVal by Contractor or his employees, such stakes or marlcs shall be replaced at the Contractor's ellpense as required by the Owner. EH&A 15224J9307S5 SP-4 12. DlSCBEPANCI'fS If the Contractor, in the course of the Wort, finds any discrepancy between the Contract DocumenlS and the physical conditions of the locality, or any errors or omissions in drawings or in the layout 88 given by survey poinlS and instructions, or if it appears that any Plan, Specificali.on or other Contract Document is or may be not in compliance with any building code or other requirement of any governmental body. he shall immediately inform the Owner in writing, and the Owner shall promptly verify the same. Any wort done after such discovery, until authorized, will be done nt the Contractor's risk. 13. TIME AI T OTIED FOR COMPLETION All items of Wort included under thae contracts shall be completed within the time stlpolnted hi the Proposal. The time shall commence on the date specified in the Notice to Prooeed. The Nolice to Prooeed shall consist of a wriuen request by the Owner for the Contractor to proceed with construction of the Project. 14. EXJSTINO STRUCTURES The Plans show the locaIi.on of all known IIIll"flIce and sublllll"fllce structures. However, the Owner assumeS no responsibility for failure to show any or all of thae structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact locaIi.on. It is mutually acreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensalion or extra wort or for increasing the pay qwmlilies in any manner whatsoever. unless the obstIuctlon encountered is such lIS to necessitate changes in the lines or grades, or require the building of special worlc, provisions for which are not made in the Plans and Proposal, in Which case the provisions in thae Specificali.ons for extra worlc shall apply. 15. EXISTING UTILITIES AND SERVICE LINES The Contractor shall contact all the utility companies Which have fBcililies in the vicinity of the proposed improvements to confirm the horizontal and verlical locaIi.ons of their respective fBcililies prior to commencing worlc. Where a conflict with the proposed improvemenlS is encountered, the Contractor shall noIify the Engi,...,.". immediately prior to proceeding with tile worlc. . The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all existing utilities or service lines crossed or exposed by his construclion opendion. Where existing utililies or service lines are cut, broken or damaged, the Contractor shall replace the utilities or service lines with the same type oforiainal constractinn, or better, nt his own cost and expense. All rep1acement, J:iacldin and compaction shall be accomplished in strict accordance with the requirements of the QWDer of the utility or service line. SP-S 16. PQBUC UTILlT1F.S AND OTHER PROPERTY TO BE CHANGED In case it is aecesaary 10 change or move the property of any owner or of a public utility, such property . shall DOt be moved or interfered with Wltil authorized by the utility company and approved by the Owner. The right is leSer\'ed 10 the owner of public utilities 10 enter upon the limits of the Project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs of this contract. 17. UGHTS AND POWER The ColltraClOr shall provide, at his own expense, temporary lighting and power fiwilities required for the proper execution of the Work. 18. PERMITS AND RIGHTS·OE·WAY The Owner will provide rights-of-way for the purpose of coDStructi.on without cost 10 the Contractor by securing permits in areas of public dedication or by obtaining easements IlCrOIIS privately-oWlled property. It sball be the respoasibility ofthe ColltraClOr, prior 10 the initiation of construction on easements through private property, 10 inform the property owner of his intent 10 begin construction. Before beginning coDStructi.on in areas of public dedicaIi.on, the Contractor sball inform the agency having jurisdictinn in the __ forty-eight (48) hours prior 10 initiation ofthe Work. The Contractor shall obcain a right-of-way permit from the Town of Addison. 19. PBECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE The successful Conlractor(s) and Owner sball meet at the call of the Owner on this Project. Prior to the meeting, the Contractor(s) shall prepare achedules showiq the sequencing and progress of their work and its effect on others. These achedules shall be delivered to the Owner in advance of the meeting for his review. The geaeral namre of the work, materials used, and methods of construction as well as the schedules will be discuased at the meeting. A fins.I composite "".hedule will be prepared during this confem1ce to allow an orderly sequence of project construction. 20. ADDENDA Bidden desiring tIirIIl« information, or iDterpn:Wion of the Plans and Specifications, must make written request for such information 10 the Engineer (prior to forty-eight (48) hours before the Bid opelliDg). ADswers to all such requests will be pven in writing 10 all Bidders in addendum form and all addenda will be bound with and made a part ofthe Contract Docutneots. No other explanation or iDterpn:Wion will be coDliidaed official or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissioll.S from, the Plans, Speclficatiou or Contract DocumenfS, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall at once DOUty the Engine« in writing in order that a written addendum may be sent 10 all Bidders. EH&:A 152241930755 SP-6 Jon""'Y 1995 21. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall IlI.8ke the necessary arrangements with the Town of Addison for securing and transpQrti.Dg all water required in the construction, inoluding water required for mixing of ooocrete, sprinkling, testing or f1usbiog. Water required for construction shall be paid for by the Colllraclor at the Town of Addison prevailiog rata. There will be 00 separate pay item for connection iota the existing water system and quantity of water required for construction pw:poses. 22. EXCAVATION The Contractor shall exercise precautions to insure that dmioage from adja'ceot properties is DOt blcx:ked by his excavations. 23. CONTRACTOR's BID The Contractor'. Bid shall be on a UM Prict basis for construction of the Project as shown on the Plans and described in the Specifioatioos. 24. OWNER'S STATUS The Owner shall perform techoioal review of the Work. He sball also have authority to reject all Work and materials which do not conform to the Cootrai:t and to decide questions whicb arise in the execution of the Work. 25. OWNER'S DECISIONS The Owner shall, within a reasonable time after their presentation to him, make decisioos in writiq 00 all claims of the Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the Work or the interpretation of the Cootrai:t Documents. 26. LANDS FOR WORK The Owner shall provide as indicated on the Plans for Ibis Project, the laods upon which the Work IIDder Ibis Contract is to be doae, ri&ht-of.way for access to same, and sucb other IaJids whicb are desigoated on the Plans or in the. 8pecificatioos for the use of the Colllraclor. Such laods and ri&hI8-of-way shall be adequate for the perfonoance of the Contract. Sbould the Contractor be delayed as the result of lack ofaccess, Ibis shall be cause for an extension oftime but oot for additions! cost. The CoIIIracIor shall provide at his own expense and without liability to the Owner any additions! land and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities. EH&:A 152241930755 SP·' lanuary 1995 27. ClEANING UP The Contmctor sbaI.I remove at hiB own expeDBO all lemponuy 5Iluctl.Ue9, rubbish and waste materials resulting from hiB operatiou. Th_ requirements shall not apply to property used for per!IIlUICI!t disposal of rubbish or WIlSie materials in accordance with permission of such disposal granted to the Contmctor by the Owner thereof. 28. liQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY BY CONTRACIOR The time of completion is of the essence in this contract. For each calendar day that any Work shall remain incompleled after the time specified in paragmph 38, liquidated damages shall be deducted from the monies due the Contractor in the amount of $2SO.00 per day. 29. USE OF EXPLOSIVES Use of explosives will not be allowed. 30. PROJECT MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain, and keep in good repair, the improvements covered by these Plans and Specifications during the life of hiB contract. 31. DISposAL OF WASTE AND SURPLUS EXCAVATION All asphalt, concrete, rock or excavated material, or other debris removed from the sile as a preliminary to the construction shall be removed from the property. Any required disposal permits sbaI.I be the sole r:espoasibility of the Contmctor. 32. REMOVALS. ADJUSTMENTS AND REPLACEMENTS Existing pavements, driveways, curbs, gutlen, sidwalks, etc., to be removed to facilitate the construction of the improvements shall be broken up and disposed of. Care sbaI.I be exercised to leave a neat, uniform edge or joint at the excavation limits or sections removed where 01lly portions are to be removed. The Owner will designate the limits to be removed. 􀁾􀀠pavements, driveways, curbs, gutten, sidewalks, etc., sbaII be replaced, then said replacements , shall be to the standard of the previously removed portion or better. Existing 5Iluctl.Ue9 such as manholes, inlets, c1ea:oouts, valve boxes, etc. which are not the property ofa private firm or company, or an individual required to move their own property, shall be adjusted, altered or reset to the requirement elevation and alignment. New m8terlaIs and workmanship necessary sbaI.I conform to the requirements of these Specifications coyerlng the particular Work. Salvaaed materials in good condition may be used in rebuilding such structures, provided the materials are thoroughly c1Cl1U1ed berore their use. EH&A 1522<119lO755 SP-8 JIIIlWll)' 1995 All private obstruction which are indicatm on Ihe Plans to be moved, will be removed and replaced, or moved to new permanent locations by Ihe Contractor, without additional payment to Ihe Contractor. Any such additional item which Ihe Contractor moves or causes to be moved for his own convenience shall be at hi. own expense. 33. TOWN OF ADDISON APPROVAL This project is subject to fina) approval and acceptance by Town of Addison. 34. TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible for providing trsffic control duringlhe construction of this Project consistent wilh Ihe provisions set forlh in Ihe "1980 Texas Manual on UDlform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Hipways" issued under Ihe aulhority of !he "State of Texas UDlform Act RelUlating Traffic on Hip_ys·, codified as Article 6701d Vernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27. 29. 30 and 31. The Contractor will not remove any reJUlatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign, or olher sign which has been erected by Ihe City. If it is determined Ihat a sign muat be removed to permit required construction, Ihe Contractor shall contact Ihe ToWll of Addison to remove Ihe sign. In Ihe case of reJUIatory signs, Ihe Contractor muat replace Ihe permanent sign wilh a temporary sign meeting Ihe requirements of Ihe above-referenced manual, and such a temporary sign muat be installed prior to Ihe removal of Ihe existing sign. 35. CERTIFICATION The Contractor shall submit a manufacturer's certification Ihat Ihe material was manufactured and tested in accordaDce wilh Ihe referenced Speclficalions and a report of test results. The certification shall be submitted prior to material shipment. 36. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK Final acoeptaIlce of Ihe Worlc is subject to fina) testing and approval of Ihe Worlc by Ihe Town of Addison. 37. WORKAREA Contractor shall restrict his construction activity to Ihe project site. 38. CONTRACT TIME It is Ihe Owner's desire to have Ihe project completed and operational in as short a time as possible. The number number of calendar days for substantial completion and total completion of Ihe project will begin wilh Ihe date specified in Ihe Notice to Proceed. In no instance shall Ihe number of calendar days for Ihe substantial completion ofIhe Work measured from Ihe proposed -i-date of beginning exceed 30 calendar days. In no instance shall Ihe number of calendar days for Ihe total completion of Ihe Work measured from Ihe proposed date of beginDlng exceed 40 calendar days. EH&A 152241930755 SP-9 JIIn""'Y 1995 39. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RIW! PAID The Contractor shall be requked to execute die form provided ill Section DP prior to the acceptance of the project. 40. PAY ITEMS Pay items provided are ilItellded to be all-inclusive of the work required on this project. Work requked by the p1aas or specifications but DOt provided with a specific pay item shall be considered ilIcidenta1 to other items of work. 41. SAMP[.FS AND TESTS OF MATERIALS i ! Modify the General Provisions, Section GP 5.16,!iwpp!et And T...,., of MatgWs. "The Contractor shall designate and pay a recopized testiq laboratory to perform all testing and concrete design for thls project. Such desipation shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. All testing services that the Contractor is requked to provide will DOt be paid for separately, but shall be considered subsidiary to other items ofwork • •All samples and tests shall be "",formed ill aeoordanoe with the Standard Specifications for Public Works COIIBtruction, North Central Texas Council ofGovernments (1983) as amended or supplemented. " 42. CONSTRUCTION STAKING Construction staking will not be provided by the Owner. 43. COMPIJANCE wrm GENERAL Rill fB AND LAWS ·Conlraclor shall filmiliarize himself with the nabmI and extem of the specifications, site cooditioDS, tmftic and safety requimnents, ,nd C!!!!!piy wjtb all I'edenl, state and local laws, ordinanc:es, nlIes and replations. Contractor shall dctermiDe how 4'ODlpiiance with requirementli, laws, nlIes, and regnlatiollS will affect his cost, propess or performance of the 􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀠. 44. COMPLIANCE wrm IMMIGRATION LAWS "Contqctpr sh,1I !eke aU steps necesspry to euure that .all of the Contractor·, employees are authodw to work ill die United Slates as mmjm! by die Immimlion Reform Ind ecntti?! Act of 1986." EH&A 1522A/930755 SP-I0 4S. RESOLtmON OF PISPlITES The parties hereby coveaant and agree that in the event of any controversy, dispute, or claim, of whatever nature arising out of, in colllleClion with or in relation to the inter:pretation, performance or bzach of this qreement, including but not limited to any claims based on contract, tort or statute, before filing a lawsuit, the parties agree to submit the matter to Ahemative Dispute Reaolution pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas. The parties shall select a third party arbitrator or mediator from the current list of neutrals on tile with the Alternative Dispute ReaoluUon A.dministr:ator ofthe Da1las County District Courts. All fonns ofAhemative Dispute ReaoluUon may be 1I8Cd except binding arbillation. The proceedings sbaIl be conducted in accordance with the laM of the State of Texas. 46. DBWMBE REOUIREMENTS All bidders and proposers sbaIllllllke good faith efforts, as defined in Appendix A of 49 CPR Part 23, R.eauJatioDS ofthe Office of the Secretary ofTransportation, to subcoatract IS'; ofthe doUar value of the prime coatract to small business COI1Cel'llll owued and controlled by aocially and economically disadVll1lt8jed individuals (DBE). In the event that the bidder for this solicitation qualifie& as a DBE, the coatract ioaJ sbaIl be deemed to have been met. Individuals who are rebuttably presumed to be aociaIly and economically disadvantlljled include women, African-Americans. Hispanics, Native AmeriCIIIIB, Asian-Pllcific Americans, and Asian-Indian Americans. The apparent sw:a:&llful bidder (propose;r) wiD be l'I'lqIIired to submit iIlfonnation concernillg the DBE's that wiD participate in this coatract. The information wiD include the name and address for each DBE, a description of the work to be perfunned by each named firm, and the doHa.r value of the coatract (8ubooatract). If the bidder fiIiI.s to achieve the contract goal as stated herein, it wiD be l'I'lqIIired to provide documentation demonstrating that it made good faith efforts inlll:leUlptilij: to do so. A A bid that fiIiI.s to meet these requirements wiD be considered nonresponsive. SP·Il I...uar:y 1995 SBCTIONT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS T-l luua:y 1995 SECTIONT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I. GENERAL All materials and coDlllrUction methods for this project sbaIl be in conformance with Town of Addison standards and specifications and the North CenIr8l Texas CouncH of Oovemmenls "Standard SpecificatiollS for Public Works CoDlIIrUction' (1983), as amended or supplemented. Where confticts exist, Town of Addison standards and speclficatiOIlS shsll govern. II. SuppI BMRNTAL STANDARDS All materials and coDlllrUction methods for the traftic signal installation and relocation work shsll be in conformance with Town of Addison standards and specifications and the Texas Department of TllIIISpOrtation -1982 Standard SpecificatiollS for CODlllrUction of Inghways, Streets and Bridges. Where conflict exists, Town of Addison standards and specifications sbaIl govern. ill. Spppr BMBNTAL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION spECIFICATIONS A. Demolition. B. Earthwork. C. Tree Protection. D. Jrrigstion System. E. J andscaping. F. Lawns and Grasses. IV. CEMENT TREATED BASE See attached Section CI"B. V. SOlID CONCREIE INTERLOCKING RETAINING WAUl UNITS See attached Section RWU. END OF SECTION T-2 SUPPLEMENTAL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS DEMOLITION Gegeral 1. Desi:ription: Provide demolition, salvage and protection of existing structures and trees as shown on Drawings or specified. 1. Related work specified elsewhere: A. Tree Protection B. Earthwork 3. Notification of Owners of Utility Lines and Equipment: Notify any corporation, company, individual or local authority owning conduits, wires, pipes or equipment on site affected by Demolition work. Remove such items and pay fees or costs in conjunction. Cap lines in accordance with instructions of governing authorities. This is to include existing irrigation lines and related wiring. 4. Protections: Protect existing surfaces of building equipment or other materials scheduled to remain. Protect trees and other vegetation. 5. Examination of Site: Before submitting proposal, visit and examine site to ascertain actual nature and scope of demolition and salvage work. Claims for ex.tra compensation on account ofadditional labor, materials or equipment required for difficulties encountered in demolition and salvage work will not be recognized. Exeeptiop 1. Demolition Operations: A. Prior to demolition operations, disconnect and cap off irrigation and utility service lines not required for new construction in accordance with requirements CI( governing authorities, applicable ordinances and regulations. If Owner deems , necessary. ball and burlap predetermined plant material and relocate to Owner approved site. B. Erect necessary barricades and protective measures as required. Verify that tree protection devices are in place. C. Execute demolition ofsurfaces in a careful and olderly manner with least possible. disturbance or damage to adjoining surfaces. D. Materials and debris resulting from demolition operations will be fllmoved from the site. ' Demolition Specifications • page 1 of 2 E. Remove pavements, structures, utilities, and the like to the depth of their structure. F. Leave construction areas clean and ready for other trades. G. Remf;>ve pavements sub-base to the depth of the base material. H. Do not remove or damage trees or other vegetation unless noted to be removed. Salvage: Salvage items discussed in preconstruction meeting. Clean and deliver to Town of Addison. If Owner deems necessary, have predetermined plant material professionally balled and burlapped by reputable and Owner approved company and relocated to Owner approved site. Here these items are to be professionally planted, staked, mulched, and deep-watered. A wrinen Lener of Guarantee of one year shall accompany all such material. Final Grading: Refer to Earthwork for fmal grading requirements. End of Section Demolition Specifications -page 2 of 2 EARTHWORK General 1. Description: Provide complete topsoil stripping and stockpiling, earth excavation, filling, grading. trenching, and backfilling. 2. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: A. Tree Protection B. Lawns C. Landscaping 3. Submittals: Submit adequate samples of each proposed backfill to the site for Owner's review and approval. 4. Job Conditions: A. Protections: 1. Protect reference points, bench marks and monuments from damage or discoloration. Replace or repair immediately points damaged, destroyed or dislocated. 2. Protect and maintain conduits, drains, inlets, sewers, pipes and wires that remain on property. 3. Do not leave temporary wood in concrete or fill. 4. Cover holes and trenches when work is not in progress. Fence or barrica4e changes of plane more than 45 degrees horizontally and more than 3 feet, vertically. 5. Provide dewatering and drainage to keep excavations free of water. 6. Protect adjacent surfaces and improvements outside grading limits. Repair any damage immediately. B. Coordination: If applicable, coordinate backfill operations with instaliation of subsurface drainage systems. C. Soil Classification: Excavated materials are not classified as 􀁴􀁯􀁾􀀻􀀠Excavation Earthwork Specifications -page I of 4 includes all material encountered at site including rock rubble and debris. Materials 1. Select Fill: Cohesive fill with liquid limit of less than 35 percent and plasticity index ranging from 5 to IS. Select fill shall be free of any lumps or stones larger than 1 \/, inches diameter. 2. Imported Topsoil: A. Friable, dark loamy soil, fertile, free from rubble, stones, clay lumps, extraneous material, plant roots and reasonably free of weeds. Topsoil containing Nutgrass or Oallisgrass will be rejected. B. Physical properties as follows: Clay -Between 7 -27 percent. Silt -Between 28 -50 percent. Sand -Less than 52 percent. 3. Site Topsoil: A. Suitable topsoil material is excavated from on site. B. Suitable soil is defined as dark brown sandy clay loam or dark brown blackland topsoil free of rocks greater than I" in diameter, weeds, roots and other objectional materials. Suitable soil will be determined by the Architect/Owner. 4. Subsoil Material: Soil excavated from construction areas free of rocks (larger than 2 Y, inches) and construction debris. 5. Stock Piles: Topsoil and excess subsoil material cut from construction areas which is suitable for backfilling shall be stockpiled in separate piles as directed by ArchitecU:0wner. Location of stock piles shall be subjecno approval of Owner. 6. Surplus Materials: Remove from site any excess materials and excavated materials: unsuitable for use as fill and backfill. Materials containing rubbish or debris shall be i=ediately removed and legally disposed of off-site. Execution :.-".1. Preparation: A. Remove abandoned, inactive utilities to point not less than 3 feet below finish grade. Plug or cap remaining lines in manner acceptable to utility company .. Earthwork Specifications -page 2 of 4 B.' Report encounter of active utilities not indicated by the Contract Documents to Architect/Owner. Disposition shall be as directed with adjustment in Contract amount. Extra payment will not be authorized for work that could have been foreseen by careful examination of site. C. Notify respective utility companies ofdamage caused to active utilities and protect active utilities pending instruction for disposition. D. Strip and stockpile site topsoil and subsoil material for future use. E. If applicable, verify that drainage system is complete. F: Verify that waterproofing is complete. 1. Bacld1lJingIFilling: A. General: I. Before ftlUng, clean area debris, large rocks, formwork and loose material. Area to be filled shall be approved by Architect/Owner before filling is started. 2. Prior to filling under pavements proof-roll subgrade with a rubber tired roller of sufficient weight. Weak areas or areas where excessive pumping is noted shall be removed and replaced with Select Fill. Once the subgrade is uniformly stable, compact the area as noted herein. 3. Brace retaining walls and grade beams while placing fill or backfill material. B. Select Fill: I. Place under pavements in a uniform thickness. 2. Place in maximum 􀀸􀁾􀀠lifts compacted to approximately 90010 of Standard: Proctory density at :1:3% of optimum moisture content. . C. Backfill -Site: I. Prior to placing backfill, scarify surface of ground to a depth 'of 4 inches. Moisture content of loosened material shall be such that first Iarer of fill will readily bond to surface. Do not place fill on subgrade that is muddy·; . frozen or contains frost. 2. Place in 8 inch maximum lifts and compact to approximatelySS percent of Earthwork Specifications -page 3 of 4 Standard Proctor density. D. Backfill -Under Pavements: Follow procedures noted In C. above, except compact lifts to 90% of Standard Proctor density. 3. Finish Grading: A. Grade uniformly with rounded surfaces at tops and bottoms of abrupt changes in plane. Hand-grade steep slopes and areas that are inaccessible for machine work and areas around existing trees. DO NOT cut or fill around trees unless approved by the Architect and Owner. B. Protect graded areas from undue erosion. Repair and regrade if required. Refill and compact where settlement occurs. C. Grade areas to elevations and slopes indicated without depressions causing pocketing of surface water or humps, producing localized runoff and gullying. Ponding of water on-site is not allowed. Finish surfaces to be not more than 0.10 foot above or below established grade as follows: 1. Lawn Areas • Provide a minimum of 6" of Imported Topsoil or Site Topsoil over the lawn. If rock is encountered, overexcavate to a dept the one (1) foot and backfill with Topsoil. 2. In areas where fill will exceed 6" (except where Select Fill is called for), place Imported Topsoil or Site Topsoil to a minimum 􀁤􀁥􀁰􀁾of two (2) feet. If more than two (2) feet of till is required, Subsoil Material may be used to within two (2) feet of finish grade. 3. Planting Beds -Grade these areas to a subgrade of 6" below finish grade. Complete final backtil1 with prepared soil mix as provided in the landscaping section. 4. Cleanup: Remove excess materials from site promptly to prevent large accumulations. Store reusable material neatly in designated locations. Upon completion ofthe project any' remaining surplus materials must be removed and legally disposed of off site. End of Section Earthwork Specifications· page 4 of 4 TREE PROTECTION General 1. Description: Provide protection of existing trees scheduled to remain. 2. Site Conditions: Existing trees are to be field located and displayed on the drawings. 3. Protection: Protect trees by barricading each tree within ten feet of construction. 4. Guarantee: Guarantee existing trees against damage until final acceptance of the project. Repair any damage which, in the opinion of the Owner. can be satisfactorily corrected. S. Defmitions: A. DisturbancelDamage: Physicai or visuai change to the trees which. in the opinion of the Owner. is detrimentai to the trees being protected. Such disturbance may be caused by equipment, materiai or personnel. B. Violation: Damage to trees caused by any construction or delivery vehicle, construction materiai storage, or disposai of solid or liquid debris shail be considered a violation. The Contractor's representative will report the observed violation to the Owner verbaily, if possible, and in writing within 7 days of a violation. The written notice shail include the date, the approximate time, the generai location and type of violation. Ex!!Cutiog 1. Tree Protedion: A. Barricading fencing materiai shail be Plastic Snow fence with 6 foot tail.steel T post. B. Install prior to any mobilization on the site. C. Barricade: Install barricades around trees eight (8) feet and farther from construction. Place barricades at drip line or as directed by the Owner. 2. Maintenance: Maintain tree protection in a newly installed condition throll$h fmai acceptance. 3. Penalty: If any tree is damaged and in the opinion ofthe Owner cannot be satisfactorily repaired, then a fine of $100 per caiiper inch will be assessed against the.. Contractor. Tree Protection Specifications • page 1 of 2 Caliper measurements will be taken as follows: Up to and including 4" caliper will be measured 6" above ground level; and calipers over 4" will be measured 4' above ground level. End of Section Tree Protection Specifications· page 2 of 2 IRRIGATION SYSTEM General 1. Description: Provide complete landscape irrigation system as shown on Drawings .and described herein. 2. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: A. Landscaping B. Lawns and Grasses 3. Quality Assurance: A. Materials: 1. Procedure: Comply with the Town of Addison's specifications. 2. Time: To be considered, submit substitution request in writing 7 days prior to bid opening. 3. Required Submittal Material: a. Sample proposed sprinkler. b. Manufacturer's data of sprinkler. discharge rates (GPM). minimum allowable operating pressure, maximum allowable spacing and distance of throw. c. Detailed pressure loss computations for following zones: largest demand and fariherest from sources(s). d. Ifproposed substitute requires a change in head and piping layout as designed, submit detailed drawings showing design changes and proposed layout "j i 4. Approval: Approval of proposed substitute will not relieve responsibility· • for providing a system that will operate according to intent of onginaily designed system. B.Contractor: System installation mnst be supervised by Licensed Irrigator, licensed by the State of Texas, and who has performed with a minimum of 5 "continuous years of experience installing systems of this size and complexity. C. Assembly Procedures: Do not alter design hydraulics by instailing additional tees or elbows unless approved by Architect/Owner. Irrigation System Specifications -page 1 of 11 O. Testing: Perform required testing under observation of Architect and/or Owner. Give 24 hours notice that such tests are to be conducted. E. Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings: Exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing of PVC pipe and fittings. Transport PVC pipe in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged and, if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. 4. Referenced Standards: American Socjety for Testjna and Materials (ASTM. latest esJjtjoo) ASTM02241 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe (SOR-PR) ASTM02287 Flexible Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) tubing ASTM-02464 Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. ASTM -02466 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. ASTM-02564 Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. ASTM-02855 Standard Recommended Practice Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. 5. Submittals: A. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturer's specifications and literature. B. Water Pressure: Prior to starting construction, determine static water pressure. Confirm findings to Architect/Owner in writing. C. Project Record Documents: 1. Locate by written dimensions, routing of mainline piping, remon contr.l?l valves, gate valves, water meters, quick coupling valves, and other related equipment as directed by the ArchitectlOwner. Located mainlines. by single dimensions from permanent site features provided they run parallel to these elements. Locate valves, intermediate electrical connections, if approved, and quick couplers by two dimensions at 90 degrees to each other provided they are within 20 feet ofa permanent site feature. Valves, electrical connections and quick couplers beyond 20 feet must be located by triangulation using three dimensions from building comers, walle intersections or or similar junctures. 2. When dimensioning is complete, transpose work to mylar reproducible tracillgs. Tracings will be provided by Architect/Owner. Mark tracings "Re'.,:ord Prints". Irrigation System Specifications -page 2 of 11 Date and sign Drawings. 3. Submit completed tracings to Architect/Owner prior to final acceptance. 4. Controller Charts: a. After as-builts drawings have been submitted and approved, complete one controller chart for each controller supplied. b. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. c. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actual as-built system. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. d. The chart shall be a black line or blue line ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage of each station. e. When completed and approved, the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils. S. Operation and Maintenance Manuals Data: a. Provide 3 manuals neatly bound in a hard back three ring binder. b. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number, list of equipment with name and addresses of local manufacturer's representative. c. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment installed under this contract. d. A Letter of Guarantee for a period one (1) year from date of acceptance. e. Complete operating and maintenance instruction on all major equipment. D. Equipment to be Furnished: 1. Two (2) sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. 2. Two (2) keys for each automatic controller. 3. One (1) quite coupler key with swivel attached for every three (3) or fraction, thereof of quick coupling valves installed. ' 4. Provide equipment at the conclusion of the project prior to final review. 6. Coordinadou: A. Coordinate water meter installation with local water department. B. Sleeves under paving and routed through walls to be installed by Contractor. Verify locations and include on as-builts. Irrigation System Specifications -page 3 of II C. Coordinate installation of irrigation system with work of other trades. Coordinate with Landscape Contractor to ensure plant material is uniformly watered in accordance with intent. D. Coordinate to ensure that electrical power source is in place. Electrical service is the responsibility of the Contractor and must conform to national code standards. 7. Warranty and Maintenance: A. Fully warranty materials and workmanship for one year after fina] acceptance. B. Provide maintenance of system, including cleaning and adjustment of heads, raising and lowering of heads to compensate for settling, for one year after acceptance. C. Limit warranty to repair and replacement of defective materials and workmanship; and repair of backfill settlement. D. Extend to Owner any warranties and guarantees provided by manufacturer to Contractor of equipment provided. Manufactuter's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. E. Duplicate the following warranty statement and submit it bound within the Operation and Maintenance manuals. GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinlder irrigation system we have fumished and installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in materi.aI or workmanship which may develop during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing ofsuch defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We shall maKe such repairs or replacements within three (3) days time after receipt of written notice from the' Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT: LOCATION: SIGNED: Irrigation System Specifications' page 4 of 11 ADDRESS: PHONE: DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: ________ Products 1. Definitions: A. Mainline: Piping from lter source to operating valves. Pipe leading to quick coupling valves (QCV) is considered mainline. B. Lateral: Piping from remote control valves to irrigation heads. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Materials: A. Polyvinyl chloride Pipe (PVC): Manufactured in accordance with standards noted below. , 1 , I. Marking and Identifications: Permanently marked with SDR number, schedule, ASTM standard number, and the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal. Provide pipe free of blisters, internal striations, cracks, or other defects. 2. PVC Pipe and Fittings: Schedule 40, NO EXCEPTIONS. B. Flexible PVC Pipe: As manufactured by Spears, Inc., from virgin PVC material and tested at 200 psi static pressure for two hours with a guide burst rating· of 400 psi min. C. PVC Pipe Connection Materials: I. For slip fittings, use primer and adhesive solvent. Cans of primers and solvents to have labels intact and stamped with date of manufaCture. Cans dated over two years old will not be permitted. Thinning of primer or solvent will not be permitted. 2. For threaded fittings, PVC to PVC, or PVC to copper, use Teflon paste." 3. For flexible PVC, use only solvents made for flexible pipe, such as, IPS795 solvent. Irrigation System Specifications -page 5 of 11 3. Copper Pipe Materials: A. Copper Tubing: Hard, straight lengths of Type "M" only. Provide pipe free of internal striations, cracks, or other defects. Copper tube of foreign extrusion or irrigation tubing (thin wall) will be rejected. B. Copper Tube Fittings: Cast brass or wrought copper, seat-solder type. C. Pipe Connection Materials: Threaded fittings, copper to copper, copper to brass, copper to PVC: Teflon paste. 4. Miscellaneous Materials; A. Wire: Type UF with 4/64 inches insulation, Underwriters laboratory (Ut) approved for direct underground burial in National Electrical Code Class II Circuit (30 volts AC or less). Size according to controller manufacrurer's recommendations and consideration of length of run, but no smaller than #14. B. Nipples: 1. Nipples for lawn and shrub heads: Threaded polyethylene, nominal 1/2 inch by 6 inches. 2. Nipples for swing joints: Schedule 80 PVC, Type I, Grade \. Utilize Marlex elbow at point of connection to rotary or impact head. C. Washed Pea Gravel: Graded 'I. --1W'. 5. Material List: Manufacturer Model No. Description Toro 570C4P 4" pop-up lawn head 570S Shrub head on copper riser 57OC-12P 12" pop-up shrub head Hunter pop Rotary head Weathermatic 11024-FCR Conmmination resistant electric valve lrri-Trol MC Plus Series Automatic Controller with pedestal where required Buckner 30A Quick coupler valve Spears Ball valve (Female Thread) Miniclick Temperature sensor (1 required for each controller) Buckner 30AC & 20 y." Coupler key & swivel Ametek, DFW, Carson Plastic Valve boxes with locking Industries or approved equal covers and extensions. as require.d Irrigation System Specifications -page 6 of II Elec;gtjog 1. Inspection: A. Examine areas and conditions under which irrigation sprinkler system is to be installed. B. Verify existing sleeves installed by others. C. Notify Architect/Owner in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of Work. Do not proceed until conditions are satisfactory. D. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operations or neglect. The Contractor shall arrange to have lIll utilities located prior to beginning any work. 2. Installation: Follow Town of Addison's Irrigation Specifications in conjunction with the following guidelines. A. General: I . Compliance: Complete installation in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations which shall be considered part of these specifications. 2. Staking: Stake location of each bead for approval of Architect/Owner before proceeding. Do not exceed manufacturer's maximum spacing limits. 3. Piping Layout: Piping layout is diagrammatic. Route piping around trees and shrubs to avoid damage to plantings. Do not dig within balls of newly planted trees and shrubs. 4. Discrepancies: a. Point out any discrepancy between Drawings and field conditions " that may affcct uniform coverage. Do not proceed until any design .' change made nccessary by such discrepancy is approved. b. Should changes create extra cost, approval for extra compensation . shall be obtained in writing before commencing work. '.' c. Should change create a cost savings, a written reduction in contract price must be approved in writing before commencing work. B. Excavations: Excavations are unclassified and include earth, loose rOck, or. combination, in wet or dry state. Backfill trenches with material, as per Addison's specifications. Ensure a minimum of 6 inches of rock-free soil surrounding pipe. Irrigation System Specifications -page 7 of 11 " C. Water Tap; The Owner will provide water taps in approximate locations noted on the drawings. Coordinate tap installation so as not to delay system installation. D. Water Meter and Backflow Prevention; I. Install type and size indicated on Drawings and in materials list per Town's specifications. 2, Install in meter box per local codes and Town's specifications. 3. Install 1.0 cu. ft. washed pea gravel in bottom of box. E. Pipe Installation: I. Mainline and Lateral Piping: Install in 4 incb. wide trenches with minimtun of 12 inches of cover over pipe, but no more than 18 inches of cover. 2. Trenching: Provide firm, uniform bearing for entire length of pipe to prevent uneven settlement. Wedging or blocking of pipe is not permitted. Remove foreign matter from inside of pipes before welding. Keep inside of piping clean during and after layout of pipes. 3. Backfill: Hand-tamp and water-jet to prevent settling. Hand rake trenches and adjoining areas to leave grade in condition equal to before installation. F. PVC. Pipe and Fittings Assembly: I. General: Remove extraneous material including burrs from inside and outside edges of new cuts. 2. Primer: Follow manufacturer's procedures for use. 3. Solvent: Follow manufacturer's procedures to make 􀁳􀁯􀁬􀁶􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀭􀁷􀁥􀀱􀁤􀁾joints. 4. Threaded Joints: Use Teflon-paste. G. Copper Pipe and Fittings Assembly: 1. Clean pipe and fittings thoroughly and buff' connections with wire brush to remove residue from pipe. 2. Flux pipe and fitting and solder connection using 50·50 soft sOlid core' , solder. " H. Remote Control Valves and Gate Valves: Irrigation System Specifications· page 8 of II l. Provide type in accordance with materials list from Town's specilications and size according to Drawings. 2. Provide valves in an level position in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. 3. Install valves in rectangular plastic valve box, centered over valve, Y. inch above finish grade. Provide valve box extensions as required. 4. Provide 0.5 c. ft. washed pea gravel in bottom of valve box. I. Heads: I. General: Provide in accordance with materials list, with nozzling as shown on Drawings. Change nozzle degree and trajectory if wind conditions affect coverage. Notify Architect/Owner ofchanges. Install heads adjacent to walks and curbs 2 inches clear ofpaving to allow for edging equipment. 2. Shrub Heads: Provide spray nozzles on copper tube risers attached to lateral piping with Poly nipples, sufficiently high to water over plantings , and plants when they have reached their ultimate growth, or as directed by Architect/Owner. Firmly tamp soil around copper riser and leave plumb. 3. Lawn Heads: Attach heads to lateral piping with polyethylene nipples. Firmly tamp soil around base plate and leave head plumb. 4. High-Pops: Attach to lateral piping with polyethylene nipple. Use bottom connection only unless otherwise directed by Architect/Owner. Provide, strainer in each head. If conditions warrant, funny pipe installations are permissible with Owner approval. S. . Rotary Heads: Install on swing joints using Schedule 80 nipples, threaded fittings and a Marlex elbow at point of head connections. Polyethylene nipples are allowed in areas not to be tractor mowed. J. Quick Coupling Valves (QVC): Provide in accordance with materials list and install on swing joints using Schedule 80 nipples. K. Wiring: 1. Provide wire from controller to remote control valves. Conduit· is not required for U.F. wire. unless ,otherwise noted .. Tuck wire under mainline' piping. 2. Make wire connections with direct burial King splices 􀁡􀁣􀁣􀁾􀁲􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠to Irrigation System Specifications -page 9 of 11 manufacturer's 1nstallation procedures. 3. Provide a separate lead wire with red insulation from controller to each remote control valve. Provide a common neutral wire with white insulation from controller to valves served by a particular controller. 4. Provide 24 inch long expansion coil for each wire at valves and a 6 inch expansion loop at places of directional change. L. Controller: I. Provide according to Owner's recommendations. 2. Locate with approval of Owner. Mount on wall or pedestal, as determined by Owner. 3. Breaker box with 115V power supply will be supplied to controller by other trades. Complete connection in rigid metal conduit in accordance with applicable electrical codes using watertight fittings. 4. If approved, securely fasten conduit permanently to wall in manner appropriate for wall material. 5. Connect one valve per zone. Sequence zones in logical progression. M. Temperature Sensor: Provide securely mounted on bottom of controller. 3. Testing: Test laterals and mains for a period of of one hour in the presence of the Architect/Owner. If leaks or pressure drops occur, correct defect and repeat test. 4. Final Adjustment: A. Make final adjustments of irrigation system prior to Architect/Owner final' inspection. B. Flush system by removing nomes from heads on ends of lines and operating system. C. If needed, adjust each section for operating pressure and balance to other ,sections by use of flow adjustment on top of each valve. ./: D. Adjust no:zzling for proper operation, alignment and coverage. Prevalling wind conditions or slopes may indicate that arc ofangle or trajectory ofspray shouldbe other than as shown on Drawings. Change nomes to provide correct coverage. Irrigation System Specifications -page 10 of 11 NotifY ArchitectlOMler of changes. E, Carefully check zones verifYing plantings are unifonnly watered: s. Cleanup: Keep site clean of unused materials and debris, Leave site in broom clean condition daily. End of Section Irrigation System Specifications· page 11 of 11 LANDSCAPING Gepeol 1. Description: Provide complete landscaping as specified and described herein. 2. Related Work Specified Eisewbere: A. Irrigation System B. Lawns and Grasses C. Earthwork 3. QuaHty Assuonee: A. Comply with applicable Federal, State, County, and Town regulations governing landscape materials and work. B. Architect/Owner reserves the right to review materials at growing site. C. Observation at growing site does not preclude right of rejection at job site. Plants damaged in transit or at job site shall be rejected. D. Personnel: Employ only qualified personnel familiar with required work. 4. Referenced Standards: A. American Standard for Nursery Stock, Edition approved May 2, 1986 by American National Standards Institute, Inc. (Z60.l -1990) -plant materials. B. Hartus Third, 1976· Cornell University -plant nomenclature. C. ASTM: American Standard Testing Material -sharp sand 5. Submittals: A. Samples: Provide representative quantities ofsandy loam, sharp sand, bark mulch, soil amendment, and soil saver. Samples shall be approved by Architect/Owner before use on project. :,-". B. Submit three representative samples of each variety of ornamental trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants for Architect/Owner approval. When approved. tag, install and maintain as representative samples for final installed plant materials. Landscaping Specifications -page 1 of 7 C. File Certificates of Inspection of plant material by State, County and Federal authorities with Architect/Owner, if required. 6. Product Delivery, Storage and Handling: A. Preparation: 1. Balled and Burlapped (B&B) Plants: Dig and prepare shipment in a manner that will not damage roots, branches, shape, and future development. Allow to properly cure prior to transporting. 2. Container Grown Plants: Deliver plants in container sufficiently rigid to hold ball shape and protect root mass. B. Delivery: I. Deliver packaged materials in sealed containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at site. 2. Deliver only plant materials that can be planted in one day unless adequate storage and watering facilities are available on job site. . 3. Protect root balls by heeling in with saw dust if not planted within 24 hours of delivery. 4. Protect during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. Keep plants moist at all times. Cover all materials during transpOrt. 5. Notify Architect/Owner of delivery schedule 48 hours in advance so plant material may be observed upon arrival at job site. 6. Remove rejected plant material immediately from site. 7. Do not lift, move, adjust to plumb, or otherwise manipulate plants by trunk. or stems to avoid damage or stress. 7. Job Conditiollll: A. Planting Restrictions: Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in',. accordance with locally accepted practice. B. Protection: Landscaping Specifications -page 2 of 7 I 1. Do not move equipment over existing or newly placed srrucrures without approval of Architect/Owner. 2. Provide board-roading as required to protect paving. 3. Protect other improvements from damage, with protection boards, ramps and protective sheeting. C. Utilities; I. Determine locations of underground utilities and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible damage. Hand excavate, if required, to minimize possibility of damage to underground utilities. 2. Coordinate work with irrigation contractor to prevent damage to underground sprinkler system. D. Grades: Refer to Earthwork section for planting bed depths. 8. Warranty: A. Warranty plants and trees for one year after final acceptance. Replace dead materials and materials not in vigorous, thriving condition as soon as weather permits and on notification by Architect/Owner. Replace plants, including trees, which in opinion of Architect/Owner have partially died thereby damaging shape, size, or symmetry. B. Replace plants and trees with same kind and size as originally planted, at no cost . to Owner. Provide one year warranty on replacement plants. Trees should be replaced at start of next planting or digging season. In such cases, remove dead trees immediately. Protect irrigation system and other piping conduit or other work during replacement Repair any damage immediately. . C. Warranty excludes replacement of plants after final acceptance because ofinjury ': by storm, drought, drowning, hail, freeze, insects or diseases. D. At end of warranty period, staking and guying materials shall be removeQ from the site by the Contractor at no additional costs. 9. MainteaRnce: A. Water: Will be available on site. Provide necessary hoses and other watering .• equipment required to complete work. B. Maintain plantings and trees by watering, cultivating, weeding, spraying, cleaning Landscaping Specifications -page 3 of 7 and replacing as necessary to keep landscape in a vigorous, healthy condition and rake bed areas as required until final acceptance. C. Coordinate watering schedules with irrigation contractor during installation and until final acceptance. Provide supplemental deep root watering to newly installed trees. Products 1. Plants: A. General: Equal to well-formed No. I grade nursery stock. Listed plant heights are from tops of root balls to nominal tops of plants. B. Shrubs and Ground Covers: Nursery grown, healthy, vigorous, of normal habit of growth for species, free from disease, insect eggs and larvae. Specified sizes are before pruning and measured with branches in normal position. Plants shall be well rooted and established in the container. C. Ornamental and Shade Trees: Healthy, vigorous, full-branched, well-shaped, symmetrical, trunk diameter and height requirements as specified. Balls shall be firm, neat, slightly tapered and well-burlapped. Trees with loose or broken balls at time of planting shall be rejected. Trees will be individually approved by Architect/Owner. Root balls shall be 9 inches in diameter for each inch caliper, measured 6 inches above root ball for up to 3 inch caliper, and 12 inches above root ball for trees larger than 3 inch caliper. Trees shall be free of scrapes, bark abrasions, split branches, mistletoe or other parasitic growth. 2. Soil Preparation Materials: A. Sandy Loam: I. Friable, fertile, dark, loamy soil, free of clay lumps, subsoil, stones, and other extraneous material and reasonably free ofweeds and foreign grasses' .. Loam containing Dallisgrass or Nutgrass shall be rejected. 2. Physical properties as follows: Clay -between 7 -27 percent Silt -between 15 -35 percent Sand -less than 52 percent ".-".3. Organic matter shall be 4-12% of total dry weight. B. Sharp Sand: Clean, washed sand, (fine aggregate) ASTM C-33. Landscaping Specifications -page 4 of 7 C. Organic Soil Amendment: Commercial grade decomposed compost similar to Back-To-Earth products. . D. Commercial Fertilizer: 10-20-10 or similar analysis. Nitrogen source to be a minimum 50% slow release organic Nitrogen (SCU or UF) with minimum 8% sulphur and 4% iron, plus micronutrients. 3. Miscellaneous Materials: A. Steel Edging: W' x 4" Ryerson or approved equal. B. Mulch: Shredded hardwood bark. C. Guying materials for Trees: I. Wire: 12 gauge, single strand, galvanized wire. 2. Rubber hose: 2 ply, fiber reinforced hose, minimum !Ii inch inside diameter. Color: Black D. Soil Saver: Jute mesh, 4 foot wide rolls. E. Wrapping Material: Waterproof crepe tree wrapping paper. Encution 1. Inspection: Examine subgrade upon which work is to be performed and verify conditions under which work is to be performed. Notify Architect/Owner of unsatisfactorY conditions. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Owner.. 2. Tree Planting: A. Stake tree locations for approvai by Owner. B. Tree Pit Excavation: Excavated soil may be used for backfill provided it is: approved by Owner. Backfill must be free of subsoils, rock, caliche, and other extraneous material. If backfill is not acceptable, use sandy loam. C. Shade Trees: I. Plant in pits 2 foot greater in diameter than root balls. 2. Backfill to depths of root with 5 parts excavated soil or sandy loam and I part organic amendment. Remove excess excavated soil from site. Landscaping Specifications -page 5 of 7 Carefully settle by watering to prevent air pockets. 3. Note that !fee uplights may be installed adjacent to trees. Take care not to disturb units or conduit. 4. Coordinate required depth with Owner in areas of paver installation. Remove any twine around trunks of B & B plant material and cut off the top % of any wire baskets. D. Ornamental Tre.es: L Plant in pitS 12 inches greater in diameter than tree ball, backfill with 5 parts excavated soil or sandy loam and I part organic amendment. Remove excess excavated soil from site. Carefully settle by watering to prevent air pockets. . 2. Determine direction ofstaking and rotate plants in pit to take advantage of optimum stem orientation. Remove any twine around trunks of B & B plant material and cut off the top Va of any wire baskets. 3. Tree Saucers: Form a 4 inch high saucer around each new tree including ornamentals for deep watering. Contractor is responsible for deep watering until finaI acceptance. 4. Tree Guying: A. Guy trees immediately following planting operation. Take precautions during guying operation to prevent damage or injury to branches. Orient guy wires within each cluster or row of trees in same direction B. Utilize 6 foot T-pos! and drive into ground sufficient depth to assure rigidity. Loop wire through hoSe and route both around crotch of major branch. Securely fasten loose ends at T -post by twisting together. Tighten wires to taught condition by inserting screw driver between wires at midpoint and rotating. Allow no wire to rub against branches or trunk. . S. PnmiDg of New Trees: Prune trees to preserve natural character of plant in a manner: appropriate to its particular requirements in the landscape design as directed by Architect/Owner. In general. never remove greater than one-third of wood by thinning. Do not cut back terminal branches. Remove sucker growth and broken or badly bruised branches. Thin field collected trees heavier than nursery grown plants. 6. Tree Wrapping: Wrap nursery grown trees. Extend wrapping from ground to a poini'. immediately below lowest branch of each tree or as directed. Securely fasten in place with tacks or staples, so wrapping will remain in place 2 years. Landscaping Specifications -page 6 of 7 7. Steel Edging: Provide steel edging at interface of planted areas and lawn areas unless indicated otherwise. Set edging as indicated in true lines as designed with top of edging two (2) inches above finish grade on lawn side. 8. Prepared Soil: Provide six (6) inches of thoroughly mixed prepared soil for shrubs, ground cover and seasonal color as follows: 1 part sandy loam I part peat moss 1 part sharp sand Add 4 pound commercial fertilizer per 100 SF of bed area and mix thoroughly. Rotor till to a minimum depth of 6"·8". 9. Shrub and Groundcover Planting: Place plants in position on bed areas before cans have been removed. Obtain approval from ArchitectlOwner. ArchitectlOwner reserves the rights to interchange or shift locations of plants prior to planting. Do not remove burlap from B & B plants. Plant where located, setting plants with tops ofballs even with tops of beds and compact soil carefully around each plant ball. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets. Carefully prune plants to remove dead or broken branches and hand·rake bed areas to smooth even surfaces. 10. Pocket Planting: A. Plants having a spacing of 3 feet on center or greater can be pocket planted. Excavate pit 12 inches larger than diameter of container. Backfill with prepared soil. B. Remove all vegetative growth including root systems from unexcavated areas between plant pits. Cultivate to a depth of six (6) inches. Rake smooth. C. Top dress entire area as specified. 11. Jute Mesh: Install soil saver on slopes greater than 3:1 ratio in accordance with manufacturer's directions. 12. Top Dressing: After planting has been completed and approved by Architectlpwner, top dress bed areas with shredded hardwood bark mulch to a minimum of 2 inches deep. Delay this operation until near final acceptance. 13. Cleanup: Keep premises neat and orderly including organization of storage areas.', Remove trash and debris from excavated planting areas, preparing beds, or planting plants from site daily as work progresses. Keep paved areas clean by sweeping or hosing. Landscaping Specifications· page 7 of 7 . i LAWNS AND GRASSES General 1. Description: Provide topsoil, fine grading, fertilizer, sodding and hydromulching ofeither Bermuda grass or Ryegrass followed by a subsequent Bermuda application. Grass varieties are to preapproved by Owner. 2. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: A. Irrigation System B. Landscaping C. Earthwork 3. Product Delivery, Storage and Handling: A. Deliver fertilizer, as specified, to site in original, sealed containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis . B. Store fertilizer in weatherproof location. 4. Quality Assuranee: A. Water: Water will be available on site. Provide necessary hoses and other watering equipment required to complete work. B. Maintenance: Until final acceptance and until an approved stand of grass is achieved, maintain plantings by watering, cultivating, mowing, weeding, spraying, cleaning and replacing as necessary to keep plants in a vigorous, healthy condition. 1. Watering: As necessary to keep top 2 inches of soil moist. 􀁃􀁾􀁲􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠􀀠with Irrigation Contractor. 2. Mowing: Mow newly planted grass areas weeldy after initial growth •. reaches 2 Yo inches. 3. Weeding: Remove weeds and foreign grass over plant areas at least olice a week. Herbicides may be used only when approved by Architect/Owner. 5. Condition of Surfaces: Lawn areas wiU be graded with a minimum of 6 inches of". topsoil as provided in Earthwork section. Ifin the opinion oftbe Architect/Owner the soil is compacted, rotor till to a depth of 4 inches. Lawns and Grasses Specifications -page 1 of 4 6. Acceptance: The work will be accepted when a completed, undamaged stand of grass is achieved as approved by Owner. 7. Seeding Schedules: Bermuda grass, complete between May 1 and September 15. 8. Sodding Schedules: A. Sodding operations can be performed year round weather permitting. Do not install sod on frozen ground or if forecast calls for freezing conditions. B. Do not place sod without prior approval from Owner. Material!! 1. Grasses: A. Seed: Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon): Extra fancy, hulled and treated lawn type seed with purity of 95% or better and gemination of 85% or better and per requirements of Texas Seed Law. Weed content less than \12%. No noKious weeds. B. Sod: Kentucky (KY-31) Fescue and Common Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon). Free of foreign weeds and grasses. Cut sod with a full ¥. inch heavy clay soil covering roots. Do not cut sod more than 48 hours prior to planting. 2. Fertilizer: A. Provide a complete fertilizer, part of elements of which are derived from organic " sources and shall include trace elements. Fillers to be sulphur and iron sulphate. 1. First Application: 10-10-10 or similar analysis with minimum 8% sulphur and 4% iron, plus micronutrients. 2. Second Application: 20-5-10 or similar analysis. Nitrogen source to be a " minimum 50% slow release organic Nitrogen (SCU or UF) plus minimum 8% sulphur and 4% iron plus micronutrients. . 3. Mulch Fiber: Virgin wood fiber for hydromulch -Weyerhauser or Conweb With green color additive. 4. Tackifler: Natural, non-asphaltic vegetable gum with gelling and hardening agents. 5. Sharp Sand: Clean, washed sand (fine aggregate) -ASlM C-33. Lawns and Grasses Specifications -page 2 of 4 Execution 1. Preparation: Grading: Verify that lawn areas have been graded' as provided in Earthwork. 2. Final GradinglSeed Bed Preparation: A. Loosen areas to be grassed and fine rake to break up lumps and produce a smooth. even grade, free from unsightly variations, ridges or depressions. B. Remove and dispose of stones one (I) inch or larger, sticks, roots, other debris and grass stubble exposed during this operation. C. Do not vary final grades more than 0.1 foot from finish elevations. D. Receive approval of fine grading from Owner prior to grass planting. 3. Fertilizing: A. First Application: Distribute 10-10-10· fertilizer uniformly at rate of IS pounds per 1,000 square feet after initial germination. B. Second Application: Repeat fertilization with 20-5·10 commercial fertilizer after first two cuttings at rate of 15 pounds per 1,000 square feet. C. Water: Immediately water in fertilizer after each application. 4. Grass Planting: A. Sodding: After final grading, place sod so edges are touching. Lay across any changes in elevation. Lightly top dress with sharp sand to fill voids and grade smooth. Roll to eliminate undulations. . B. Hydromulching: 1. At time of seeding, soil to be moist but not muddy and wind velocity shall not exceed 10 miles per hour. Add water if required to moisten soil. 2. Hydromulch Bermuda grass seed evenly at a rate of two (2) pounds per 1,000 square feet with woud cellulose fiber at a rate of fifty (50) pounds per 1,000 square feet. . . 3. Add tackifier to mix for slopes 4:1 or greater at a rate of one (1) pound per bag of mulch. Lawns and Grasses Specifications' page 3 of 4 5. PerformaDce: A. Establish a dense . lawn of permanent grasses, free from lwnps and depressions. B. Reshoot any area failing to show uniform cover. Such replacement shall continue until a dense lawn is established. Scattered bare spots will not be allowed. C. Mow and edge lawn a minimwn of three times, each time after lawn has reached a height of 2V. -3 inches. Mow to a height of 2 inches. 6. Grade Maintenance and Erosion Damage: A. Maintain original grades of lawn areas after commencement of planting and during maintenance period. B. Provide surface repair to ruts, ridges, tracks. Replant areas required for final acceptance. 7. Acceptance: The work will be accepted when a completed, undamaged stand of grass is achieved, as approved by Architect/Owner. 8. Clean Up: Keep premises neat and orderly including organizatiOD of storage areas. Remove trash and debris resulting from lawn preparation from site daily as work progresses. Leave paved areas in a broom clean condition by sweeping or hosing. LaWlIS and Grasses Specifications -page 4 of 4 SECTION ern CEMENT TREATED BASE :.-". 152251940233 ern-I 03/94 SECTION CTB CEMENT TREATED BASE (.0 GENERAL 1. I Description Cement Treated Base (CTB) sbalI COIISist of aggregate, cement and water wtifonnly mixed in a central plant, transported to the project, spread, compacted, shaped, finished, and cured in accordance with these specifications. It sbalI coofonn to the Lines, grades. thicknesses and typical cross-seclion shown on the plaos. 2.0 MATERIALS 2.1 Cement Cement sbalI comply with the latest specifications for Portland cement-ASTM C ISO (Type I) or Portland-ASTM C S9S (Type IP). ' 2.2 Water Water shaiI be free from substances deleterious to the hardening of the Cement TnIIIted Base. 2.3 Aggregate The aggregate may be any granular material or combinations of aggregates that will, wben mixed with adequate amGlIIlls of cement and water, produce IabonltOry mix design Unconfined Compression Test strengths as specified in patagnlph 2.S in accordance with ASTM D 1633 Method 'A'. The preceding tests will utilize the Moisture-Density Relation as determined by ASTM D-SS8; AASHTO T -134. The aggregate size sbalI meet the requirements of Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation -1982 Standard Specifications of Highways. Streets and Bridgea. 'Item 274.2(3) Cement Stabilized Base -Base Materials.• 2.4 LabonltOry Mix Design Test results shall be submitted by the supplier of the CTB material to the Engineerl Architect for approval. 2.S Strength Requirements The IIIlconfined compressive strengths required for the CTB material will be as folloWs: 2.5.1 Clasa A CTB; 400 pa.i -seven daya 3.0 EQUIPMENT 3.1 Description Cement Treated Base may be coJlSlrllCled with auy combination of machines or equipment that will produce the results meeting these specifications. 1522$1940233 CTB-2 4.0 CONSTRUcnON METHODS 4.1 Preparation Before other construction operations are begun, the area to be paved sbaU be gmded and shaped as requUed to receive the Cement Treated Base in conformance with the grades, lines. thicknesses and typical cross-section shown on the plans. Unsuitable subgrade soil or material sbaII be removed and replaced with acceptable soil. The subgrade sbaII be fum and able to support without displacement of the CODStnIction equipment and the compaction hereinafter specified. Soft or yielding subgrade sbaII be conected and made stable before construction proceeds. 4.2 Central Mixing Plant The aggregate, ""ment and water sbaII be mixed in a pug mill IS approved by the Engineerl Arcbitect. The plant sbaII be equipped with feed and metering devices that will add the aggregate, cement and water into the mixer in the specified quantities to produce a mixture that will meet or exceed the mix desip criteria IS stated above. The auregate and ""meat sbaII be mixed sufficiently to prevent ""ment balls from forming when the mix water ill added. The mixing time sbaII be sufficient to assure an intimate, uniform mixture ofaggregate, ""ment and water. The percentage of moisture in the aggregate. at the time of ""ment appUcation sbaII be the amount that .......,.. a uniform and intimate mixture of aggregate and _tduring mixing operations. It sbaII not exceed the specified moisture content requUed for adequate compaction. Free aceess to the plant sbaII be provided to the Engineer/Architect, bis inspector and bis designated Commercial Testing Uboratory for construction quality control. The mixture sbaII be bauled to the paving area in trucks baving beds cleaned of deleterious material. 4.3 Placemeat and Compaction The mixture sbaII be placed on a moistened subgrade in a uniform layer by any approved method ofspreading that will deposit the requUed quantity per lineal foot. without segregation, to produce a uniformly compacted base conforming to the grade and cross-section. Not more than 30 minutes sbaII sbaII elapse betweea placement of CTB in adjacent lanes at any location ex.cept at longitudinal and llaDSVenie construction joints. No CTB mixture sbaII be placed when the subgrade is frozen or when the air t.emperatuR, is 1_ than 40· F in the shade. The Engineerl Arcbitect may allow placement when the temperature ill 3S· F and clearly rising. . Compaction sbaII start IS soon as possible after spreading. The elapsed time between the addition of water to the CTB mixture and the start of compaction sbaII not exceed 60 minutes under normal conditions. The Engineerl Architect may alter tbia time if CIlVi.romDental conditions. such as temperature. humidity or wind conditions would justify 8IICh a change. Laboratory tesIII may be requUed to verify changes in compaction time limits. ,.'. 152251940233 CTB-3 At the start of compaction, the percentage of moisture in the IDiXture shall 001. be more thaD oae percentage point below or two percentage points above the specified optimum moisture conteDt. IIld shall be less thaD that quantity which will cause the CelDOUt Treated Base mixture to become UDStahle during compaction IIld fioishing. The specified optimum moisture CODleDt IIld density shall be determined in the field by a Moisture-Density Test, AASHTO T 134 or ASTM 0 558, on representative sampl ... of Cement Treated Base mixture obtained from the area prior to compaction. Prior to compaction, the mixture shall be in a loose conditiOll for its full depth. The loose mixture shall thea be compacted Wliformly to the specified density. During compaction operalioQS, initial shaping may be required to obI.ai.n Wliform compaction IUld required grade IIld cross __tion. 4.4 Finishing When initial compaction is completed, the surface of the Cement Treated Base shall be shaped to the required liues, grad... IIld cross-seclion. The moisture couteDt of the surface malerial shall be maintained at 001 less thaD its specified optimum moisture couteDt duriog fioishing operatioos. If Illy reshaping of the surface is De'"'"sary, it shall be lillhtly scarified to remove Illy compaction pllll .... seal... or smooth surfas:es left by equipment. Final compaction shall theu be coutinued until Wliform IUld adequate density is obtained. The CTB shall be Wliformly compacted to a minimum of 96" of ma.jmllm density. Compaction IUld fioishinll shall be done in such a IIIIIIIlIer as to produce, in ooIlonllet thaD two bours, a smooth. deose surface free of compaction pllllea. cracks. ridges, or loose material. 4.5 Cutting After the CTB bas beeu fioished as specified herein. it shall be protected against drying for seven days by the application of a bituminous prime coat. or other acceptable methods. The fioished CTB shall be kept continually moist until the curinll material bas beeu placed. The curinll material shall be applied as 80011 as possible, but 001 later thaD at the end of each day's COIISttUCtioa. 4.5.1 Curinll, Bituminous Prime Coat At the time the bituminous prime coat is applied. the Cement Treated Base surface shall be . dense. shall be free of all loose IIld exlrlUleous material IUld shall contain sufficient moisture to preveut excessive penetration of the bituminous material. The bituminous prime coat specified shall be Wliformly applied to the surface ofthe completed Cement Treated Base at the rate of approximalely 0.1 lIallons per square yard with approved beatinll aDd distributing equipment. The _ rate and temperature of application for complete coverage wilbout excessive runoff will be approved by the Engineer/AtclIitect. '.;. IS22S1940233 03/94 Should it be necessary for cooslJuction equipment or other traffic to use the bituminous-rovered SIIlfaee before the bituminous prime coal bas cured sufficiently to prevent "piclc-llpll", sufficient gnmular cover shaIJ be applied before such use. The curing material shaIJ be maintained by the contractor during the seven day protection period so that all of the Cement Treated Base will be covered effectively during this period. Finished portions of Cement Treated Base that are traveled on by equipment used in coDSlJucting an adjoining section shaIJ be protected in such a DlIUUIer as to prevent equipment from marring or damaging completed work. Cement Treated Base shaIJ be protected for three day. after its consIJuclioa and until it bas hardened. 4.S.2 , Curing. Other Methods If curing is achieved by methods other than Bituminous Prime Coat, the Engineerl Architect must approve and curing must be performed in accordance with manufacturer'. recommendations. 4.6 Construction Ioints At the end ofeach day's cooslJuction a transverse cooslJuction joint shaIJ be formed by cutting bacIc into the completed work to form a full depth vertical face. Cement Treated Base fur large. wide areas shall be built in a seri.. of parallel Iaries of convenient length and width meeting the approval of the Eng;..-r/Architect. Longitudinal joints shaIJ be formed at the edge ofeach day's coDSlJuction by cutting back into the completed work to form a full depth vertical face Cree of loose or shattered material •• 4.7 TIllffic Completed portions of Cement Treated Base may be opened immediately to light traffic and to coDSlJuction equipment provided the curing material or SIIlfaee is not impaired as specified in 4.5. The section may be opened to all traffic after the three day curing period provided the Cement Treated Base bas hardened sufficiently to prevent marring or distorting of the SIIlfaee by equipment or traffic. 4.8 Maintenance The contractor shaIJ be required within the limits of hi. ,contract to maintain the Cement Treated Base in good condition wtil all work bas been completed and accepted. Mainleaance shaIJ include immediate repairs ofany defects that may occur. This work shaIJ be doDe by the contractor at hi. own expense and repeated as often as may be necessary to keep, the area continuously intact. Faulty work shall be comcted. Any low areas shaIJ be remedied by replacing the material for the full depth of treatment ri!ther than by adding a thin layer of Cement Treated Base to the completed work. cra·S 5.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM To insure that the construction pbase of the Cement Treated Base is in accordance with the provisions of these specifications. the following quality control Iestini program will be performed by a !eSting laboratory relained by the CooltllCtor and approved by the Engineer/Architect. 5.1 Establish the field moisture density curve in accordance with ASTM D 558 or AASHTO T 134 (Standard Compactive Effort). The results of this !eSt performed on repre&elltative samples of CIB obtained from the area being processed at a time of abow midway through the initial compaction pbase will establish the optimum moisture COoteDt to be incorponled at the central milling plant and the maximum density will serve as a basil! for establishiDg the density for acceptaDce. 5.2 The Field-Density of the compacted CIB mixture shall be determined by any of the follOwing: (1) Nuclear Method ASTM D 2922. (2) Sand Cone Method ASTM D 1556. (3) Water Balloon Method ASTM D 2167. 5.3 Where strength of Cement Treated Base material is specified. compliance sbaIl be determined by !eSting a set of three unconfined cylinders molded from a representative sample of uncompacted Cement Treated Base material taken within one bour from the addition of mixing water to the Cement Treated Base material. Strengths of Cement Treated Base material sbaIl be determined by compressive tests at seven (7) days in accordance with ASTM D 1833. PlIfIlIII'IIPb S. 'Test Specimens.· Puagrapb 5.1.1. Method A specifies mold size. Specimens will be molded in accordance with ASTM D 558 Method B. 5.4 Visual iDspection of loose and compacted thickness of the CIB layer will be included in the report as well as observations on surflIce scaliDg. construction joints and curing. 6.0 MEASUREMENTS AND BASIS OF PAYMENT 6.1 Measurements This work will be measured in square yards of completed and accepted Cement Treated .Base course. 6.2 Basis of Payment This work will be paid for at the conltllCt U.Dit price per square yard of completed and accepted . Cement Treated Base course. CooltllCt U.Dit prices will be fUll payment for l\unishiog all maIeriaIs, equipment. tOOls. labor, and incidentals necessary to complete the wort and to carry oUI the mainteoa""" provisioas in these specificatiOllll. No allowances will be made for any materials used or work dODe outside the lines established '. by the Engineer/Architect lIDless approved in writing prior to the work. END OF SECTION 03/94 SECITONRWU SOLID CONCRETE INTERLOCKING RETAINING WALL UNITS RWU-l 03194 SECTIONRWU SOLID CONCRETE INTERLOCKING RETAINING WALL UNITS PART I • GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and place compacted base footing. B. Furnish and install interlocking concrete retaining wall units in the quality, shape, thickness and color as specified. C. Furnish and install all accessory itelllS as required by the contract documents. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Preparation of sub·base. B. Furnish and install base course materials. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's product data. B. Documentation of installer's experience. C. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer. Company specializing in the manufacturing of solid concrete interlocking retaining wall units for a period of one year. B. Installer. Company specializing in the installation of solid concrete interlocking retaining wail units with one year documented experience (and approved by the manufacturer). 1.5 MOCK-UPS A. Provide mock-up of wall units. B. Size of mock-up shall be determined based on extent of pattern to be adequately shown. RWU-2 1.6 DEUVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Deliver wall units on pallets and bound in such a manner that no damage occurs during shipping, handling, unloading, and storage. 1.7 PROJECf CONDmONS Install wall unlts only under conditions stipulated in manufacturer's instructions. 1.8 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING. Coordinate installation of wall units with other work shown on the drawings. 1.9 WARRANTY A. Installation. Installer shall provide a one-year written guatantee. B. Wall Unlts. Manufacturer shalf provide a one-year written guarantee. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER Pavestone Co., 3215 Wm. D. Tate Avenue, (Highway 121). Grapevine, Texas 76051, or approved equal. A. Style: Wallstone. B. Thickness: 4" x 12" x 16" (unsplit). 4" x 12" x 8" (split). C. Color: Oaks Blend. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Wall Units. 1. Cememious Materials. Portland Cemems shall conform to· ASTM Specificatinn C-150. 2. Aggregates. Aggregates shall conform to ASTM Specifications C-33 for Normal Weight Concrete Aggregate (no expanded shale or Iigbtweight Iigbtweight aggregates) except that grading requirements sball not necessarily apply. 3. Other Materials. Coloring pigments, air entraining agents, integral water repellents, finely ground silica, etc., shall conform to ASTM :standards . wbere applicable, or shall be previously established as suitable for use in concrete. IS223/940233 RWU-3 B. Compacted Base Footings. The first course of wall units may be installed on a level. compacted layer of crushed limestone, gravel, or caliche (112' to 3/4' size). 2.3 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS A. Compressive Strength. At the time of delivery to the work site, the average compressive strength shall not be less than 4000 psi with DO individual unit strength less than 3,600 psi, with testing procedures in accordance with ASTM Standard C-I40. . B. Absorption. The average absorption shall not be greater than 7\\\ with no individual unit absorption greater than 10\\\. C. Proven Field Performance. Satisfying field performance is indicated when units similar in composition, and made with the same manufacturing equipment as those to be supplied to the Owner, do DOt exhibit Objectional deterioration after at least one year. 2.4 VISUAL INSPECTION A. All units shall be sound and free of defects that would interfere with the proper placing of unit or impair the strength of permanence of the construction. B. Minor cracks incidental to the usual methods of manufacture, or chipping resulting from customary methods of handling in shipment and del ivery. shall not be deemed grounds fur rejection. 2.S SAMPLING AND TESTING A. The Owner or his authorized representatives shall be accorded proper facilities to inspect and sample the units at the place of manufacture from lots ready fur delivery. B. Sample and test units in accordance with ASTM Method C-I40. 2.6 REJECTION ., In the event the sh ipment fails to conform to the specified requirements, the manufact1lrer may sort it, and new test units shall be selected at random by the Owner from .the 'retlined lot and tested at the expense of the manufacturer. If the secood set of test units .fails to confurm to the specified requirements, the entire lot shall be rejected. 2.7 EXPENSE OF TESTS . ;.!/" The expense of inspection and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. . . \ l52251940233 RWU-4 03194 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. A suitable base shall be prepared as specified in related sectioDS of this specification. B. Excavate to a depth of 6" to 12" to firm, native undisturbed soil. C. Excavate behind the wall to provide an area for the drainage bed and proper space to compact the back:fill. 3.2 FOOTINGS A. Contractor shall inspect and approve the finished sub-base prior to placement of the compacted base. B. If unusual soil conditions are encountered, contact the ArchitectJEngineer before I, proceeding. 3.3 DRAINAGE A. During construction of the wall, provide 3/8" opening at 24" o.c. in the joints of the bottom two courses. B. CODStruct a drainage bed 12" in width and filled with 112" to 3/4" washed gravel. C. Compact the washed gravel in 12" layers. 3.4 PLACEMENT A. The wall units shall be placed in a pattern approved by the Town of Addison. '. ; • B. The wall units shall be placed in such a manner that the desired wall unit pattern and joints between the Stones are maintained. C. Place the the first course of blocks on the prepared footing. D. Place Liquid Nail or approved equal adhesive to attach coping stones te the underlining of blocks. END OF SECTION RWU-S APPENDIX EH&A 15224/930755 January 1995 --I ..//tl 1:;:"'".." ,I . /TOAI SAL" TAX IXllimON CIRTJ"CATI I • .-.... .. --... I f, _ w. ...... ...... ....... .. ' ...... '-__II III ......._ w ..... III ....... ,_. , Ud" TIIII ...,.....'.1a ..... _.. • , 0_11"1 III __ • ...... d ... ____ ..., • 􀁾􀀠" I , 􀁾􀀠 l '.If .......,. lied. .. _ 'I", Inl'TAl II"'" USI IT ..InCA&. sUiOtytstOil 0' • I ....1 .... ilia It II • mlnllm.............iJllOtlIIi Cwdfllaq ....... ., ..... ItII'III ..... '11--.,." _.f........ will 􀁾􀀠UIIII In • ..... ...... .... .. f III ... anlflaat . ..._ ....."'wlll'Joft "'"... fIftIIII_..... _ ....,.".." 􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁉􀁬􀁏􀁾􀁔􀁩􀀺􀀢􀁦􀁴􀁉􀁡􀀠.d. ,. _ ............_. _.,.... • _.&'11 f71Ia cu.f'''1CI&t'6 DOD NOt' 116QUIU A NUII.a m ..VA"'D. _ ............. rw........... 1.0. ..___..... ----..CMttItlI............. 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