RYCON, INC. MARSH LANE WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ADDISON, TEXAS 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PIPE-C909 PVC ULTRA BLUE PVC WATER PIPE II. PIPE-SDR-26 PIPE m. GATE VALVES IV. FIRE HYDRANTS V. VALVE BOXES VI. D. L FITTINGS VIL METER BOXES VIIL TAPPING SLEEVE IX. BRASS-CORP. STOP, CURB STOP, COUPLING, SADDLES X. CASINGSPACERS XL COMBINATION AIR VALVE XIL MISC.-FLANGE BOLT & GASKET SET, POLYWRAP, DETECTABLE TAPE, MEGALUGS, HYDRANT MARKERS, COPPER TUBING, DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE, BRASS VALVE 2 L PIPE-C909 ULTRA BLUE PVC WATER PIPE 3 ® oponor Uponor ETI Company Ultra-Blue ClOD Molecularly Oriented for HighStrength and SuperiorPerforIuance Ultra-Blue ClOD AWWA C909 Class 150PVC Molecularl.y 0J.ienred PressurePipe with omhonODs J J ..􀁾􀀠􀁎􀁯􀁮􀀭􀁃􀁯􀁲􀁲􀁯􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀮􀀠Ductile Iron Pipe O.D.s No transition gaskets or special fittings required Larger I.D. than Ductile Iron or Conventional PVC Superior flow capacity and less head loss Lighter Weight than Ductile Iron or Conventional PVC 43% lighter than C900-DR-18, safer and easier to handle, lower installed cost and more footage installed per day Higher Impact Strength Four limes regular PVC and no linings to crack or flake off Greater Cyclic and Hoop Strength Higher Design Basis Compared to Conventional PVC Pipe HDB of 7100 psi versus 4000 psi Superior Notch Resistance Resists splitting and crack propagation Pipe will not split from end to end One of the Safest and Easiest Pressure Pipes to 'lap Go with the flow... Go Ultra-Blue ClOD L. ,'oduction Ultra-Blue PVCO Pressure Pipe manufactured by Uponor ETl combines innovative engineering design with years of experience in PVC pipe manufacturing. The result is a higher performance, lighter weight, more cost effective pressure pipe for potable water and force main systems. PVCO stands for Molecular Oriented Poly(Viny\ Chloride) (PVC). The process of molecular orientation has long been used to strengthen many materials. Ultra-Blue is manufactured by a process that reorients the molecules of conventionally extruded pVC pipe. The pipe, approximately half the diameter and twice the wall thickness of the finished Ultra-Blue product, is placed inside a mold sized to the proper outside diameter of the finished product. The temperature of the pipe is raised to the appropriate level for expansion and internal pressure is applied. This internal pressure 􀁣􀁡􀁵􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀠the pipe to uniformly expand to the inside dimensions of the mold. The mold is designed So that during the process, the bell and gasket groove are also formed, producing a high quality bell. During the pipe expansion process, the molecular orientation is changed and the physical properties of the finished pipe .product are established. Improvements in design and physical properties include: • Greater Hoop Strength • Lighter Weight .• Greater Impact Strength • Larger Inside Diameter ,. Enhanced Cyclic Fatigue Resistance ,. Greater Flow Capacity Ultra-Blue meets all the requirements ofAWWA C909 Class 150 psi with a 2.5 to I safety factor. Mnnufactured with ductile iron pipe diameters, coventional ductile iron fittings can be used without the need for transition gaskets. I . Features Greater Hoop Strength The unique material structure of Ultra-Blue gives it a burst strength gteatly in excess of conventional PVC -ossure pipe with the same wall thickness. Long terr. jdrostatic pressure tests show Ultra-Blue has a Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB) of 7100 psi. Conventional PVC pressure pipe has an HDB of 4000 psi. With equivalent safety factors, the wall thickness of Ultra-Blue can be reduced to approximately half that of conventional PVC pipe and still maintain the same pressure rating. Lighter Weight Ultra-Blue is lighter weight than ductile iron and conventional PVC pipe. The table below compares the weight of Ultra-Blue, ductile iron and conventional PVC pipe. The difference results in easier handling and installation. AWWA C909 " Class ISO psi Nominal Pipe Size "' 6" ...-8" 10" 12" ____..L____.l...-______􀁌􀁾____' Greater Impact St.("ength mpact tests per ASTM D2444 demonstrate Ultra-Blue's uperior impact resistance when compared to conventional 'VC pressure pipe. Ultra-Blue has an impact strength three o four "'11es greater than conventional PVC pipe of the same la"s. 􀁓􀁄􀁒􀀱􀀸􀁾, OJ Approx. I UB Approx. I Wght. (Ibs.IfL) . Wght. (lbs.IfL) Wght. (lbs.IfL) 5.12 16.50 2.80 I 8.89 22.00 4.82 13.47 28.25 7.70 19.00 36.25 i 10AS I ! Stress Regression Line Ai; shown above, by orienting conventionally extruded PVC pipe, actual pressure capability is dramatically increased. . Non-Corrosive Ultra-Blue, because it is non-metallic, will not corrode . Performance . 􀁾􀀮􀀠Enhanced Cyclic Fatigue Resistance Abrupt pressure changes in a pipe line contribute to cyclic stresses and expansion and contraction of the pipe. Ultra-Blue's oriented configuration contributes to exceptional cyclic !t::....􀁾􀀭􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀾􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮..... 􀁾􀀻􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀭􀁾􀀡􀀡􀀧􀀭􀀢􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀢..' ! I fatigue resistance, which is much greater than conventional PVC pipe, Ultra-Blue allows four times !he number of cycles to failure, , compru:ed to conventional PVC pipe. • r---.--''''l''''-----..----, Larger Inside Diallleter Equals Superior Flow Capacity 􀁕􀁬􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁾􀁂􀁬􀁵􀁥􀀧􀁳􀀠high hoop strength results in equal pressure ratings, while being lighter weight than ductile iron or conventional PVC. Consequently, when Ultra-Blue is manufactured with a CI O. D., larger 1. D.s result, and cross sectional areas are increased by approximately 9%, Because it has the same smooth interior (C=150) as all PVC pressure pipes, and is supplied in the same 20 foot laying lengths, Ultra-Blue will supply approximately 9% greater flow capacity over ductile iron and conventional PVC pipes ofthe same pressure rating. DR18 -C,I,O,D, Ductile lron* mtra-Blue C.LO.D, O.D. 􀀧􀁉􀀱􀁏􀁤􀁣􀁲􀁥􀁊􀁳􀁾􀀠""Inn O.D, Wall I.D.Nominal PSIRaling O,D. Wall I.D. PipeSiu @73°F Nom. Thlckness Nom.Nom. Thickness Nom. Nom. 􀁾􀁾􀀠6,90 0.18 6.025 6.90 0.209 6.486.90 0.383 6.134-6" 150 9.05 0.18 8.175-S" 150 9.05 0.274 8.509_05 0,503 8.044 􀀱􀀰􀀧􀁾􀀠150 11.10 0.18 10.205 11.10 0.336 10.4311.10 0.617 9.866 13.20 0.20 12.26512" 150 13.20 MOO 12.4013.20 0,733 11.134 .Oll$dOil PC JSS dut:tile iron pipe. ifthickness cfl.wes Me Ufet4 waJllhicknesSts Increase and I.D. decreases lU:cordillgly --Basel!. Dn PC JSO duett/e iron pipe (puAWWA CIS] snd M41) and sublect tq tDlmmces •••]ncluding cemtnt mDrtar lining Installation The Sealing System The retained gasket is a combined lip and compression seal. which is locked inside !he bell groove. Making the seal an integral part of the pipe eliminates many of the disadvantages of separate sealing rings. The seal is positioned in 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠 bell by the pipe manufacturer. The unique design. with the reinforcing plastic element. is a one piece seal, which holds the sealing ring securely in position during transport and pipe ru;sembly. Backfilling and Testing Backfilling should be done immedia NO. 61 -Drinking Water System Components· Health Effects TIL STANDARD 12115 • Pipe and Couplings, Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) for Underground Fire Service FM CLASS #1612 -Approval Standard Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Underground Fire Protection Service Pipe DiInensiol1s & Weigbts SMItO.D. I [ :} , I lOlI 􀁾􀁶􀁾􀀠Nominal Pipe Size (nun), 􀁾􀀠(152) /8 (203) 10 (254) 12 (305) 􀁉􀁾􀁉􀀠ellis., (iv73u I" 150 150 150 ISO ISO Nomin.1 Bell O.D. in. (mm) 􀁾􀀮􀀴􀀰􀀠(213) 10.75 (273) 13.23 (336) 15.48 (393) Nominal BarrelO.D. in. (mm) 6.90 (175) 9.05 (230) 11.10 (282) 13.:20 (335) Min. wan Thiclmess (t) in. (mm) .209 (5.31) .274 (6.96) .336 (8.53) .400 (10.16) Nominal Barrel I.D. in. (mm) 6.48 (165) 8.50 (216) 10.43 (265) 12.40 (315) NooDnaISkJp Mark(v)" in. (mm) 5.75 (146) 6.50 (165) 1.25 (184) 1.15 (197) Approx. 􀁗􀁾􀀠2.8 4.8 1.1 10.05 Approx. Wgbt. LbsJJnt 56.0 %.0 154.0 210.0 'plus or mmus 111.. Warranty All products sold arc subject to the following warranty: Uponor ETI (ETIl warrants for a period of one year from date of delivery to the Original purchaser, that the product is free from defects in flIntc!'Ial, ,md workmanship. ETI makes no other warranty of any kind, express or implied, in fact or In law, including without limit'llion. the wmnmty of merchantability or the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, other than the limited warranty ,et ['orth "bove. Every claim under this warranty shall be deemed waived, unless in writing and received by ETf within thirty l.lOl DUYS of the date the defect to which each claim relates is discovered, or should have been discovered. LilIlitation or Liability It is expressly unDer,tood and agreed that the limit of ETI's liability shall be at ETI's sale option, repair or resupply of a like quantity of nondclcctivc product. and that ETI shall have no such liability except where the damage results solely from breach of ETI's warranty. II is also agreed that ETI shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential, or other damages for any alleged negligene". 11l'cac!l of warranty, strict liability, or any other theory. other than the limited liability set forth above. The' physical (or chemical) properties of ETI products represent typical average values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods, and arc "uhjec! to normal manufacturing variations. They are supplied as a technical service and are subject to change without nol icc. @) oponor Plants Missouri 800·341·0053 Uponor ETI Company CustQmer St'rvkc Centers Missouri 􀁾􀁏􀁏􀀭􀀺􀀻􀀴􀀱􀂷􀀰􀀰􀁓􀀳􀀠fax 57.;.474·1760 West Virginia 􀁾􀁏􀁏􀂷􀀶􀀲􀀴􀀮􀀳􀀱􀀱􀀱􀀠fax .104.412-0142 fax 573·474·1760 West Virginia 800·624·3111 fax 304·472·0742 Texas 936·􀀷􀀶􀀰􀂷􀀲􀀸􀁾􀀠fax 936·760·1357 1700 Broadway, Suite 1710 Denver, CO 80290 363·893·1101 Fax· 363-893-4140 www.uponoreti.com ----II. PIPE-SDR-26 PIPE .. _"---4 􀁌􀁏􀁃􀁁􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁎􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁄􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀮􀀻􀀧􀀭􀀷􀀭􀁾􀁾__ USFDISTRII1UTION A3331IMNG BLVD.. 75247 􀁔􀁅􀁌􀁅􀁐􀁉􀁩􀁾􀁅􀀠214-631'<;>410 P,O, BOX 569250 fACSWJlE 214'905{)768 DAllAS, IX 75356<1250 CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE THIS CERTIFIES THAT THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL(S): 2" THRU 12" CLASS 160 SDR26 PVC WATER PIPE AS FURNISHED BY U.S. FIL TERIDISTRIBUTION GROUP TO: PURCHASER r PROJECT:n ....ycon. nco Marsh Lane Wtr. Line Replacement Addi.son. Texas MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION(S): ASTM 02241 -POLY (VINYL CHLORIDE) (PVC) PLASTIC PIPE (SDR-PR) PVC NSF-PW -NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION ASTM 01784-(COMPOUNDS) CERTIFICATIONS FORWARDED: SUBSCRIBED, AND SWORN TO U.S, FIL TERIDISTRIBUTION GROUP BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF DATE .Tub" 1. 2002 BY__􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾_____ 􀁂􀁲􀁾􀁥􀀠Ell' NOTARY 􀁙􀁮􀁡􀁢􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠Mary Li. asey .....􀁾􀁾􀁾.........--.-"'-."""liPf{'f:. MARY LINDSEY 􀀡􀁜􀁾􀁽􀀪􀀠NOTARY PUBLIC 􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀨􀀡􀀠State of Texas 􀁾􀀧􀀺􀁾􀁏􀁦􀁾􀀠Comm. Exp. 01-2(>.2004 <.". ill GATE VALVES 5 , '. MUELLER® 2360 SERIESTM RESILIENT WEDGE IMueller Ca.) 10A..1GATE VALVE RE'/.3-97 MUELLER' 2·112"·12" Resilient Wedge Gate Valva Features o TWO ANTI -FRICl'lON o TRIPLE O-RING SEALS -WASHERS -polymer washers two above the !:rUSt colJar, one below. Uppermost(one above and one below the 􀁾􀁥􀁬􀀢􀀧􀁙􀁥􀁳􀀠􀁡􀁾􀀠dirt seal. Retain lubrication on thrust coUar thrust collar) fur!her reduce nnd isolate it from waterway and outside 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁛􀁡􀁭􀁩􀁮􀁮􀁾􀀠opcrnting torque in both the tioll. Top tWO can be replaced with valve fully openopening and closing directions, and under pre:'iSure. o STEM -machined fipm forged mangnnese bronze bar stock for strengthwhere it js needed most, at the thruSt collar'. o WEDGE --ca.,t iron, fully encapsulated in molded rubber complying with ASTM 02000. o MUELLER" PRO-GARD'" FUSION EPOXY COATING-of nominal 6 mils prolects all interior and exterior exposed Lron surf.ces .nd complies fully with AWWA 550 and is sertified to NSF 61. o MANUFACTUREDANDTESTED-in compliance with ANSI/AWWA CS09 Standard and is certified to ANSIINSF 61. Manufactured at facility with ISO 900 I ccrtilication and UL 262, FM 1120/l130. , o BI-DIRECl'lONAL FLOW o FLAT BOTTOM SURFACES-allow all 2360 series valves to stand upright tor ensc of handling and storage. o 250 PSIG MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE--hydrosta tica!ly IeSted .t5oo psig. Surpasses ANSl/AWWA C509 standards by 25% (UUFM 200 psig working pressure, 400 psig . hydrostotic pressure). o EXTENDED WEDGE GUlDESmolded as jlllrt of the wedge, fit into guide channels in the valve body and mllintjjn optimwn wedge aUgnmentwith the stem throughout the wedge'stravel, preventing the disc from tilt.ing downstream during operation. o GUlDE CAP BEARINGS protective guide cap bearings made of a polymer bearing material snap over ench robber Cllcapsulated 􀁾􀁩􀁤􀁥􀀮􀀠on !he wedge. providing a i>eanng _ i.rerCace between the wedge guideSand the body's interior guidechannels, protecting both ITom wear, . even after !hOWland< of cycles under sevCfC pressure and now conditions. o SMOOTH, OVERSIZED FLOW WAY -all Mueller2360 series RW V.lves h.ve a fuD, round, unobslfUCted •Row way which accommodates fullsized shell cutterS without interference and Which provides superior flaw charncteristics. o TEN YEAR UMlTIID WARRANTY -(see separateMueller Warr.mty document for tcrm...). o DUCTILE IRON BODY & BONNET-with aU interior and 􀁥􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁯􀁲􀀠exPO!led 􀁾􀁵􀁲􀁦􀁡􀁣􀁥􀁳􀀠protected by fusion epoxy coating. o FUSION EPOXY eOA TINO-protects all interior and exterior exposed uon 5urfaces.. Complies fully with AWWA CS50. o NON-RlSINO STEM -mode of stainless steel. o SOFT SEATED WEDGE --made of Ductile Jron with EPDM elastomer seal. o FLAT BOTTOM SURFACES-allow nil 2360 series valves (0 stand uprigh, for ease or handling nnd 5l0r.lge. o DOUBLE O-RING SEALS -above thrultt collar are<:l. o EYEBOLTS --for groote,convenience during handling. o 250 PSIO MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE-SIlO pSig (3447 k!'.)static leSt pressure. o TEN YEAR LiMITED WARRANTY -(sec ,opa"lIcMueller Warranty documenl for terms). o SMOOTH, OVERSlZED FLOW WAY -aU Mutllel' 2360 series RW ValvC5 have a fun, round. smooth. unobstructed. oveISized flow way which accommodOles full-sizod shell cutters without interference and which provide." 􀁾􀁵􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁡􀁲􀀠flow 􀁣􀁢􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁣􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁳􀁴􀁩􀁾􀀮􀀠 ... (Mueller Ca.I 􀀴􀀱􀁾􀀺12".. MUELLER® A-2360RESILIENrWEDGE 􀁾􀀠GATE VALVES WITH M.J.x FLENDS10.6 J (;atalog numberA-2360-16 mechanical joint x flanged ends (with mechanical joint unassembled accessories) A-2360-19 mechanical joint x flanged ends (less mechanical joint accessories) ] Sizes-4'" 6'\ 811 ,10",12" J Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSIJAWWA 009 Standard and is certified to ANSllNSF 61 J Flanged end dimensions and drilling comply with ANSI B16.1. class 125 J Mechanical joint end complies with ANSIJAWWA Clll Standard ] Iron body with nominal I 0 mils MUELLER® Pro-Gar<:IrM Fusion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces ] Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of . ANSJiAWWA 050 Standard and is certified to ANSllNSF 61 ] Iron wedge, symmettical & fully encapsulated with molded rubber; no exposed iron J Non-rising stern (NRS) J Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & I lower O-rings) J 2" square wrench nut (optional handwheel avaJlable)-open left or open right MJ. ruxessoriesJ 4"-12" sizes-250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum working pressure, shipped t1D4lSSe1l1bled 500 psig (3447 kPa) static test pressure J UL Listed, FM Approved -200 psig (1379 kPa)-A-2360-16 )ptions lee pages 10.Shnd 10.69 for more information on Resilient Wedge Gate Valve options ] Position indicators 0 Slainless steel fasteners: Type 304, Type 316 J ASTM B98-C661001H04 stem o Handwheel 1esilient wedge gate valve parts DescriptionCatalogPart No. 0·16 Bonnet 80lts & Nuts 041 Sruffing Box Bolts & Nuts 049 Stem 0 ·rin., (3) 0-200 Wrench Nut Cap Screw 0·201 SlUffing Box S ..I 0·202 Wrench Nut : Cast Iron 0·203 Slem ; Bronze 0-204 Hand Wheel (nol shown) cast Iron g-205 Stem Nut Bronte 0·206 Guide 010 Bearimls Celcon 3-207 Stuffing Box Cast iron 0-208 Anti-friction Washers (2) Celcon 􀁇􀁾􀀲􀀰􀀹􀀠Wedge. Rubber Encapsulated Cast Iron'" 􀁾􀀠"3onnct Ctl.St Iron 0-211 I Bonner O-ring Rubber ;.212" IBody Cast Iron Fully 􀁥􀁾􀁰􀁳􀁵􀁊􀁡􀁲􀁥􀁤􀀠in molded rubber with no iron exposed • Previous to 1999 there parts on 􀀴􀀢􀁾􀀡􀀲􀀢􀀠,,",Ives were de.«igned with.1 gasket lnste!ld oCan Q.ringand im .1ddiliOllaJ bolts. Contbm the type orst!.11 wbc:n ordllring .1 rcpl:uxment gasket or C.ring. Malerial Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Rubber Carbon Steel Rubber Material standard ASTM A307 Orade B. Zinc PllIIed ASTM A3\)10red. B. Zinc Plated ASTMD2000 ASTM A3010rede B. Zinc PI.ted 02000 AS1M A 126 CL.B AS1M 8138 AS1M AI26CL.B ASTM B62 ASTM AI26 CL.B ASTMAI26CL.B ASTM AI26CL.B ASTM D2000 ASTM A 126 CL.B .."" G.'" .."" 􀁇􀁾􀀧􀀠.."" C..,. """(1.110(1.111 G-2U'" ..,.. Q.'21r" 􀀻􀁾􀀠..." ..," 􀁾􀀠"!,' 􀀴􀀢􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀢􀀠􀁍􀁕􀁅􀁌􀁌􀁅􀁒􀁾􀀺􀁁􀁾􀀲􀀳􀀶􀀰􀀠RESILIENT WEDGE (Mueller Ca.1 10.7GATE VALVE DIMENSIONS 􀁾􀀠M.J. x FL. ENDS [ ".....................................REV.,...99 o A VY---t·1 Dimensions Dimension' Nominal size 4" 16" X 8" 10" 12" A 14,19 : 18,00 21.50 25,50 28,62 􀀮􀁾􀀠L 2,5{j 12.50 2.50 250 2.50 M 4.90 7,00 9,15 11.20 13.30 􀀬􀁾􀀠N 9,12 11.12 13,37 ' 15,62 17,88 o(number and size ofhl?les for MJ) 4-718" 6-718" 6--718" 18·-718" 8-718" FF 4.30 6.30 8.30 10,30 12.30 00 (bolt cin:!e diameter for MJ) ,7,50 9.50 11.75 114.00 16,25 ,'!TI' 19.00 [11.00 13.50 :16,00 .•'19,00 UU {boll circle diameter for FL1 i7,.?O '950 11.75 14.25 17,00 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠yy 19,50 !11,00 12.00 , 13,88 [M4 F'F'F (number and size: of holes for FL) '8--314" :8·-718" 8--7/8" [2-··[" 12-1" TUrns to open 1[4 :20,5 126.5 133 385._. Weight· 1115 1168 1275 1400 570 :-... •All dimensions 3.l'e In inches. AI! weights include ",ccessorles and are in approximme pounds. J -........... '*'-􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀬􀁾􀀠 tOA.6 IMuelier Ca.1 MUELLEW A..2360 RESILIENT WEDGE ..􀀱􀁱􀀺􀁄􀁾􀁕􀁉􀀺􀀺􀁴􀁾􀀠GATE VALVES WITH M.J. x M.J. ENDS l" o Catalog nurnberA·2J60·20 Mechanical joint ends (with mechanical joinl unassembled accessories) A·2J60·2J Mechanical joint ends (less mecllanica1 jeint accessories) o Sizes--2", 3", 4", 6",810.10'\ 12" o Meets Or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C509Slruldard o Standard mechanical joint ends comply with ANSl/AWWA CIII o Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER'" Pro·Gan:\TM Fusion 􀁾􀁰􀁯􀁸􀁹Coated interior and exterior 􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁦􀁡􀁣􀁥􀁾􀀠 'D Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSIIAWWA C550 Standard and Is certified to ANSl/NSF 61 o Iron wedge, symmetrical & fully encapsulated with molded rubber; no exposed iron o Non·rising .tern (NRS) o Triple a-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper 8< 1 lower a·rings) o 2" square wrench nut (optional handwheel available)-open left or open right o 2"·12" .izes-250 psig (1723 kPa) maxiroum working pressure, 500 psig (3447 kPa) static lest pressure J Options See pages 10.54 and 10.55 for more Information on Resilient Wedga Gate Valve optIons o Position indicators 0 Stainless steel fasteners: Type 304, Type 316 o ASTM B9S-C66100/H04 stem 0 Handwheel A·2360-20 Resilient wedge gate valve parts 􀁦􀁩􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁅􀀺􀀠COIaIog !Description IMaterial Material standard PartNo. 0-16 Bonnet Bolts &. Nuts I C3rbon Steel :ASTM A,307 G<3rle B ZInc PIOWld 0-41 Stuft'ioll Box Bolt,r; & Nut.'I ICarbon Steel ASTM /t:N1 Grade B. Zinc Plated 0-49 Stem 0 -finJtl! (3) IRubber ASTM02000 0-200 Wrench Nut CaP Screw iCarbon Steel ASTM A3Q7 Grode B. Zinc PL1tcd 0·201 SruiTlJur Box Seal Rubber AS'l'M D2000 0·202 Wrench Nul OIst Iron ASTM AI26 CL.D G-203 SI... Brnme ASTMBI38 G-204 HaM Wheel {Ilotshown) Out Iron ASThI AI 26 CL.B ·O·20S Stem Nut Bronze ASTM 862 10.206 Guide CaP 􀁂􀁥􀀺􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀧􀀠Cclcon : G·207 Stuffing Box Cast iron ASTM AI26 C,L,a G-208 Anti-friction Washers ('2) Ce!c:on G-209 Wedge. R􀁵􀁢􀁢􀁥􀁉􀀺􀀮􀁾􀁣􀁡􀁄􀁓􀁵􀁬 􀀡􀁕􀁥􀁴􀀮􀁉􀀠Clls{ Iron· ASTM A126 CL.B 0·210 Bonnet Cast iron ASTM AI26 CL.B Co ., I Bonn!.'!t (ia...ket Rubber ASTM02000 ,,.", Bod, . Cast Iron ASTM A126 C,L,a ,: .., ...., ..." ...,. M1. .... SEE PAGE 10.59 FOR ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS -...----􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀠MUELLERiil A·2360 RESILIENT WEDGE IMueller Co.11OA.7 GATE VALVE DlMENSlOOS· MJ. x MJ. ENDS"·""·""""'u.. .... Dimensions Dimension' Nominal size I 2" 13" !4" Is" If Is" X 10" 112" r A 9.88 I12.3S :14.19 ' 18.00 􀀲􀀱􀀮􀀵􀁾􀀠25.50 :28.62 K 8.50 :9.00 : 10.00 , It.SO 1250 14.7S 114.8&-12.50 12.50L 2.50 '2..50 2.111 250 12.50 :M 1.75 14,06 4.90 ,7.00 9.15 :11.20 113.30._, , .. .N 4.62 17.5,0 9.12 lU2 .. 13.37. 15.62 17..􀀸􀀡􀁌􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠o inumberund size arhale!'!) .....7/B ....,/R .. ....7/& 1>-7/'0 1>-7/& H 7/8 .. 8 118 .. -DO 3.50 ., 4,00 ,5.00 ",-' 6.50 7.5ll 9.75 9.88.. FF 2.30 :UG 4,30. 5JO 8.30 10.30 12.30 00 (boll circle diameter) 5.00 6.19 7.50 9.50 11.75 14.00 16.25 Tumsto onen is 11 Ii... .. 20.5 26.5 33 38.5 Weiclltit :40 83 : 120 186 280 436 546 "'All dimensions: are in inches. All wcightlt include acceS:ione., and: 3I'e in approximate pounds. , :. IV. FIRE HYDRANTS 6 -.......... ,.-------.. 􀁾􀀠 .. MUELLER® SUPERCENTURION® IMUElUer Ca.1 􀀼􀁬􀁖􀁉􀁃􀁗􀁾􀁕􀁉􀁬􀁟FIRE HYDRANT 􀁁􀁅􀁖􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀠MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 􀀲􀀵􀀰􀁾􀀠3-Way Fire Hydrant Features o HOLlJ..DOWN NUT-with integral weather seal. Design discoumg<' unauthorized remo".1o ANTI-FRICTIONWASHER-of the hold-down nut Of bronze operating nut Resilient wiper seat between hold-down nut andhelps assure easy turning operation operating nut prevents water entry to protect operating nut from freezing. W'iper seal material isfor the life ofthe hydrnnt. . resistant to ultra-violet ray deterioration. O-ring seal provides second levc' of protection... o OIL FILLER PLUGpermii, quick check of oil level. Lets you .dd oil without removing bonnet:. seal oil in. woter out. o STAINLESSTEEL SAFETY STEM COUPLlNGpull. free if hydrant is hit by a vehicle preventing damage to the stem and mwn valve, Coupling wiU not brenk into pieces that could drop into lnwer bnm:J and valve operation. Top of lower stem is below the top of the lower barre! so that a tire connor depress the stem and open the main valve. Repair is easy and economical. o SAFETY 􀁆􀁌􀁁􀁎􀁇􀁆􀁾breaks cleanly to help prevent barrel damlIge. yet i. strong enough to withstand normal handling. Allows economical repair, adding of extwrion section. rotation or changing of upper without digging or water shut-.2,5 S.IOIv' ."li,. IASThI A890 A-26 ' Salet. .... bolt ...." 'S,eel , A301 p,,,,,, 'A-27 􀁾􀀻􀀻􀁲􀁵􀀻􀀮􀀻􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀠,.... ,""'" _cl, Rub'" ICd'.,... A-i:&-'Sltl",. n",,, : c'" iron .B IASTMA27.'A-29 -􀁾􀁁􀀱􀀷􀀧􀀠'. __.A-l0 •CIe.i, ain . . ... A5..,' 1M ".m OR.S .,0..32 C",i",. IASTM A'Z6 CL.B 1M3 Su"" ,in IASTM Al1. A-)4 Dr.lin' p'".ie A-J> 􀁄􀁾􀀻􀀮􀀠IASTMA216 A-)6 -U,,,,,"' 􀀧􀁾􀁤􀀠A-J» am",. IASTM BS'" IA·31 Shoe bolt nnd not S • .,. IASTM ""111 PI""'" :A-)8 􀁾􀀠􀀡􀀢􀀻􀀱􀁲􀀮􀁈􀁾􀁤􀁨􀀧􀀠1-' :Rubbe, IASTM ,N 1",·)9 􀁾􀁵􀀬􀀠nn.21.53 and ANSI/AWWAC111/A21.1118'lh",24' diomele... ,hall b. manufacturer's ,,,mdards wiil1 weI/thickness equivalent fo Closs 56 ductile iren pipe. Theworking pressure rating ,holl be 350 PSI. Joint Dlmension$ in Inches SIn AOlo. COlo. 0 Dlo. r Oia. J Dill. K! OIa. K,Dla.• 3 3.96 2.50 4.84 4.94 4.06 6.19 7.62 7.69 4 4.80 2.50 5.92 6.02 4.90 7.50 9.06 9.12 6 6.90 2.50 8.02 8.12 7.00 9.50 11.06 11.12 8 9.OS 2.50 10.17 10.27 9.15 11.75 13.31 13.37 10 11.10 2.50 12.22 12.34 11.20 14.00 15.62 15.62 12 13.20 2.50 14.32 14.44 13.30 16.25 17.88 17.88 14 15.30 3.50 16.40 16.54 15.44 18.75 20.31 20.25 16 17.40 3.50 18.50 18.64 17.54 21.00 22.56 22.50 18 19.50 3.50 20.60 20.74 19.64 23.25 24.83 24.75 ) 20 21.60 3.50 22.70 22.114 21.74 25.50 27.08 27.00 24 25.00 3.50 26.90 27.04 27.04 25.94 30.00 31.58 31.50 BENDS //' /'> 􀁃􀁁􀁾􀀠.R T 􀀹􀀰􀁾􀀠Bond. (1/4) 45' Bend.(1!8) 5·600 5·605 SilO Dlmonsion, Weight' DI..,.rts'onJ: Wots,hta T A R A R 3 .34 4.5 4 20 2.00 3.62 16 4 .35 5.0 4.5 26 2.49 4.81 22 6 .37 6.5 6 48 3.50 7.25 38 8 .39 7.5 7 68 4.00 8.44 59 10 .41 9.5 9 107 5.01 10.88 81 12 .43 10.5 10 141 5.98 13.25 111 14 .51 12.0 11.5 220 5.50 12.06 164 16 .52 13.0 12.5 264 5.98 13.25 202 18 .59 15.5 14.0 410 7.5 14.5 289 20 .60 17.0 15.5 505 8.0 16.88 348 24 .62 20.0 18.5 695 9.0 18.12 475 "lS" '''ru 24" not included in A'NWA (153 05 of August. 1992Tyler PI,. Subsidiary of ".􀁾􀀠Tyler Corporation 􀁾􀁉􀀠BoftL M S T XOla. 􀁾􀁩􀁬•• No, .59 .62 .38 .34 '/.. %x3 4 .60 .75 .41 .35 'k 'l. x 3\\ 4 .63 .S8 .43 .37 % 0/. ,,3\\ 6 .66 1.00 .45 .39 'I. 'I. x 3'/, 6 .70 1.00 .47 .41 'l. 0/,,, 3Y: 8 .73 1.00 .49 .43 'I. 􀀧􀁾􀁸􀀠3'/' 8 .79 1.25 .56 .51 % o/.. x4 10 .85 1.31 .57 .52 'I. 't.x4 12 1.00 1.38 .63 .59 l\ o/.x4 12 1.02 1.44 .69 .60 '/, %x4 14 1.02 1.56 .75 .62 '/.. o/.x4Y: 16 R 􀁜􀁾!1m . T \---I ill 22)1,􀁾􀀠Bends (1/16) 􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀧􀀠(1/32) 5·609 5·611 armonllon' 􀁗􀁯􀁬􀁧􀁨􀁾􀀮􀀠Dlmena!ons W.tghfs A A 1.50 4.98 15 1.25 7.62 15 1.82 6.66 21 1.55 10.7 20 2.59 10.5 37 1.81 13.26 33 2.85 11.8 51 2.06 15.8 48 3.35 14.35 67 2.32 18.36 61 3.86 16.9 80 2.56 20.9 79 3.93 17.25 148 2.59 21.25 131 3.98 17.5 179 2.62 21.5 159 7.5 30.19 292 7.5 60.94 292 8.5 35.19 364 8.5 71.07 377 9.0 37.69 460 9.0 76.12 457 9·10·92 Tyler fiipe/Utililies Divi$ion· P.O, Gox 2027 .. Tyler, TC1'05 75710 -1903J 882-55)1 .. FAX (903) 882·7043 . 􀁾... 1'yIerPlpe----------------:....::......--".. 􀁾Subsidiary of MECHANICAL JOINT SSB-DUCTILE IRON ",--Tyler Corporation. CLASS 350 FlnlNOS GLANDS 'Itl' Ml x flanp Bend (114)BENDS q , JPl5·'00 F Dlm4fndons W.lgh.. Gland. T A R F 5·690 3 .3A A.5 4 5.5 20 $I:r.. W.lght'" .,,. W4Ig"'''' 4 .35 5.0 4.5 6.5 26 3 3 11 12 6 .37 6.5 6 8.0 48 4 4 14 16 8 .39 7.5 7 '.0 U 6 6 16 20 10 .41 9.5 9 11.0 107 8 8 18 25 1012 .43 10.5 10 12.6 141 10 20 31 lA .51 12.0 11.5 14.0 227 24 39 16 .52 13.0 12.5 15.0 280 .18" thru 24" notinciuded in AWWA C153 o. 01 Ave"st. 1992 90' Swivel x MJ Hydrant Ell"'Ill .. ,. E F D 5-<'98 Size Deminsion$ TAB C D E F r I -_.... 􀁾􀀠..-􀀭􀁾􀁬􀀭􀀭􀀺􀁬􀀠􀁾􀀴􀀮􀁴􀁪􀀽􀁌􀀠,R )I' -1----/'/I 􀁾􀁟􀀠":__􀁾•• ______ ..􀁾􀀧􀀠) 1J 6 .37 10.5 15.5 7.10 11.2 6.90 8.02 -with gkmd$ A ,0' Ml XPE Send (I 14) 45° MJ "PE aend (1/8) 22%· Ml x PE lIend (1/hl) Ill!.' MJ "PI Bend (1/32) *5·603 '5·607 '5-610 *5-412 --::;'7-:7"'--=51,. Olm.nsfilnl W.I,hh tUm_n.atonl W.lghh Dim_haloN W.lght. Dlm.nslons w.lllits T A Y A Y 􀁾􀀠A Y R A 􀁾 y• 3 .34 4.5 10.0 4.0 20 2.0 7.5 3.62 16 1.50 7.00 4.96 16 1.25 6.75 7.62 16 4 .35 5.0 10.5 4.5 25 2.5 8.0 4.81 22 1.82 7.32 6.66 20 1.55 7.05 10.70 19 6 .37 6.5 12.0 6.0 45 3.5 9.0 7.25 37 2.56 8.08 10.50 3S 1.80 7.30 13.25 22 . 46 8 .39 7.5 13.0 7.0 65 4.0 9.5 8.44 56 2.84 8.34 11.80 49 2.05 7.55 15.80 10 .41 9.5 15.0 9.0 109 5.0 10.5 10.68 83 3.35 8.85 14.35 66 2.31 7.81 HI.36 60 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀠12 .43 10.5 16.0 10.0 135 6.0 11.5 13.25 108 3.86 '.36 16.90 79 2.56 8.06 20.90 78 14 .51 12.0 20.0 11.5 220 5.5 13.5 12.06 165 3.93 11.93 17.25 152 2.59 10.59 21.25 133 16 .52 13.0 21.0 12.5 254 6.0 14.0 13.25 206 3.98 11.98 17.50 181 2.62 10.62 21.50 161 18 .59 15.5 23.5 14.0 405 6.0 15.5 14.50 290 7.50 15.50 30.19 290 7.50 15.5 60.94 2118 20 .60 17.0 25.0 15.5 465 7.5 16.5 16.88 340 8.50 16.50 35.19 345 8.50 16.5 71.07 360 24 .62 20.0 26.0 16.5 710 9.0 17.0 18.12 460 9.00 17.00 37.69 445 9.00 17.0 76.12 1018" thru 24" not included in AWWA C153 0$ of Augu$l', 1992 5·20 Tyler ?rpe!Ulilitic$ Divisioo • P.O, Sox 2027 '" Tylet. Texas 75710" !903} a82-5511 • FAX {90ll 882·7043 9·10·n MECHANICAL JOINT SSB·DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 FlnlNGS TEES To I F 'J, : 􀁾􀀠"" J, I _L+___-H -H􀁴􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀻􀀪􀀽􀁾+ T MJ r.... MJ. FEr.... 5·620 5·623 Sll. Olm.nsion. T T' H J' J' 􀁾􀀠.􀁾.. ;.-3 .34 .34 3.5 3.5 5.5 􀁾􀀠, 4.3 .35 .34 3.5 ... 6.5 4 .35 .35 4 4 6.5 6x3 .37 .34 3.5 5 8 6X4 .37 .35 4 5 8 6 .37 .37 5 5 8 8x3 .39 .34 4 6.5 9 8x4 .39 .35 4.5 6.5 9 8x6 .39 .37 5.5 6.5 9 8 .39 .39 6.5 6.5 9 12 .43 .43 8.75 8.75 12 14.6 .51 .44 6.5 10.5 14 14x8 .51 .45 7.5 10.5 14 14.10 .51 .46 8.5 10.5 14 14x12 .5\ .47 9.5 10.5 14 'f)IerPipe Subsidiary of ".􀁾􀀠Tyler Corporation ...-1 CROSS T, I : 'I!.'i 􀀮􀁾􀀠,1-,--. ... ,I--"H 􀁈􀀭􀁾􀀠bot: '" "" Ii) I '-;'''tI ' MJ x Swivel Te.; Cross 5·625 5-631 W.'gbtl 􀁾􀀮􀀠, , TIre:' : .,:J, _-r T 1i-l !"'" "" 􀀭􀁾􀀭-H Tt-H,+ -J' 5-623 5-62st 5-6:11 24 26 29 32 34 38 35 38 42 40 43 54 51 54 60 10.5 60 64 77 72 67 68 71 72 81 11.5 80 83 89 94 11.5 90 94 116 108 83 61 83 89 93 13.0 93 107 113 106 13.0 111 115 129 131 120 130 144 98 106 104 115 114 14.25 115 120 128 12' 14.25 123 146 146 149 140 153 174 181 10x3 AI IOx4 .41 10x6 .41 10x8 .41 10 .41 􀀭􀁾􀀬􀀭􀀮􀀠12.3 .43 12x4 .43 12><6 .43 12x8 '.43 12.10 .43 .34 .35 .37 .39 AI .34 .35 .37 .39 .41 4 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 4 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.7S 8.75 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 178 198 214 10.0 183 205 211 210 206 227 231 22' 244 255 235 276 269 14 .51 .51 10.5 10.5 14 16x6 .52 .45 6.5 11.5 15 16,,8 .52 .46 7.5 11.5 15 16x10 .52 .047 8.5 11.5 15 16x12 .52 .48 9.5 11.5 15 16x14 .52 .51 10.5 11.5 15 16 .52 .52 11.5 11.5 15 uMad. 10 􀁯􀁲􀁤􀁾􀁲􀀠only, Not r.turnable. 9·10·91 T)'faf 􀁐􀁬􀁰􀁥􀀯􀁕􀁬􀁩􀀡􀁩􀁉􀁩􀁾􀁵􀀠Di"ision • P,O. Sox 2027. Tyler, Texas 75710.19031882-5511 • FAX (903) 982-7043 5·21 17.0 281 229 248 265 281 302 213 260 287 312 248 34.& 250 264 286 310 317 323 348 374 363 410 11ndud., ,wi......1g;cnd -----I MECHANICAL JOINT SSB.DUCTILE IRON TrIer Pipe .. Subsidiary of ".􀁾􀀠Tyler Corporation ...--1CLASS 35D FITTINGS REDUCERS 􀁲􀀭􀁌􀁾􀀠I L ':-!'1'" I!.. ,. -, 'I ' \ t " 􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠""i􀁾􀀠T . r.I-' To T 1. MJxMJ MJSEB MJLEB , PExPE 5·635 5·63{, 5·637 5·638 SI,. Olm.lI.ron. Wefght. >'\ r-Z_ T I A_ WYES $"" 5·636 ...., $.... T 1" L L L L 5-<3$ 5·636 5-<31 '-"II Walght. 4x3 .35 .34 4 • 9.5 9.5 15.0 18 17 18 14 T l' 6x3 .37 • 34 5 • 10.5 10.5 16.0 21 21 21 18 .34 36 6x4 .37 .35 4. 9.5 9.5 15.0 27 26 22 22 .34 40 8x4 .39 .35 5. 10.5 10.5 16.0 36 34 29 30 .35 45 8x6 .39 .!'fl 4 . 9.5 9.5 15.0 . ":'40 37 32 31' 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ¢ . *5-628 􀀭􀁾􀀬􀀠Six_ Dlm4h1tlOna A Y--" 3 2.0 8.5 .34 4x3 1.0 9.0 .35 4 2.5 9.5 .35 6x4 1.5 11.0 • !'fl 6 3.0 13.0 • !'fl .35 67 10x4 .41 .35 7 • 12.5 12.5 18.0 !;'., 47 46 ,:.48 .48 .37 93 ;42IOx6 .41 .37 5. 10.5 10.5 16.00 ': ' 47 48 42 .39 .35 93 10xB .41 .39 4 • 9.5 9.5 15.0 54 52 􀀮􀁾􀀴􀁳􀀠44 .39 .!'fl 113 12x4 .43 .35 9. 14.5 14.5 20.0 67 61 52 54 .39 136 12,,6 .43 .37 7. 12.5 12.5 18.0 18.0 67 58 53 56 8x4 0.5 13.0 8x6 2.0 14.5 8 3.5 16.0 .39 IOx4 0 15.0 .41 10x6 1.0 16.0 .41 .35 118 12x8 .43 .39 5. 10.5 10.5 16.0 64 62 55 58 .31 136 12x1O .43 .41 4. 9.5 9.5 15.0 78 62 57 60 .39 170 14x6 .51 ,44 9. 17.0 14.5 22.5 108 107 112 109 .41 199 14x8 .51 .45 7. 15.0 12.5 20.5 104 107 108 101 .43 .35 150 14xl0 .51 .46 5. 13.0 10.5 18.5 100 102 100 96 .43 .37 184 14,,12 .51 .47 4. 12.0 9.5 17.5 100 101 100 85 .43 .39 188 16x6 .52 .45 11. 19.0 16.5 24.5 136 132 144 12B .43 .41 223 16x8 .52 .46 9. 17.0 14.5 22.5 132 128 136 112 .43 .43 272 16xl0 .52 .41 1. 15.0 12.5 20.5 128 124 128 123 .51 .44 256 16xl2 .52 .48 5. 13.0 la.5 18.5 125 123 !1I9 113 10x8 2.5 17.0 .41 10 . 3.5 19.0 .41 12x4 0 16.5 12x6 1.5 18.5 12xB 1.5 lB.S 12xl0 3.0 20.0 12 4,5 22.5 14x6 0 19.5 14xB 1.5 21.0 14xl0 3.0 22.5 .51 ..45 286 16x14 .52 .51 4 . 12.0 12.0 20.0 140 139 ;13B 133 .51 .46 322 18x8 .59 .45 14. 22.0 19.5 27.5 194 190 .195 170 .51 .47 387 18x10 .59 .47 12. 20.0 17.5 25.5 196 180 ,illlS 175 .51 .51 465 18x12 .59 .49 10. 10. 18.0 15.5 23.5 185 170 '190 181 .52 .45 300 18x14 .59 .56 8. 16.0 16.0 24.0 190 181 1200 185 .52 ."6 327 190 18818x16 • 59 .57 7 • 15.0 15.0 23.0 196 180 .52 .47 375 210 11lS .52 ."8 465 20x12 • 60 .49 12 • 20.0 17.5 25.5 210 200 20xl0 .60 . 47 14• 22.0 19.0 27.5 225 210 210 195 .52 .51 492 20x14 .60 .56 10• IS.O 18.0 26.0 208 198 205 195 .52 .52 575 20,,16 .60 .57 8. 16.0 16.0 24.0 225 215 222 212 24x18 .60 .59 1. 15.0 15.0 23.0 233 220 225 210 24xl0 ... ... ... ... 225 ... i ... ... 24xl2 .62 .49 16. 24.0 21.5 29.5 310 300 :210 290 24x14 .62 .56 14. 22.0 22.0 30.0 315 325 iUS 310 24Xl6 .62 . 57 12 . 20.0 20.0 2S.0 324 319 1310 304 􀀬􀁾􀀠24x18 .62 .59 10. lS.O 18.0 26.0 312 310 ,315 304 24x20 .62 .60 8. 16.0 16.0 24.0 315 305 1307 304 ·18" tn,u 24" not induded in AWWA <:153 as of Augu:it, 199'2 , 5·23Tyler Plpc/Ulilitil,'!$ Di."i$icn • P.O. Bctl' 2027. Tylt,lr, Texcs 75710 • (903) 􀀸􀀸􀀲􀁾􀀵􀀵􀁩􀀠1 • FAX. 􀀱􀀹􀀰􀀳􀀱􀀸􀀸􀀲􀁾􀀷􀀰􀀮􀁩􀀳􀀠14x12 4.5 24.0 14 6.0 25.0 16x6 0 21.0 16x8 0.5 22.5 16x10 2.0 24.0 16x12 3.5 25.0 16x14 5.0 26.5 16 6.5 28.0 9·10·92 -."::-'􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation PLUGS & CAPS '" 3'Q2" 􀀱􀀴􀀧􀁾􀀲􀀴􀁮􀀠MJ Plug Solid 5·650 Topt 5·652 , 3'!.12" JA'!.24" MJCap Solid 5·65<1 Tapt5'65S SIn Olman.lont. Weight. Max. 5-650 & 5-65<1& T Top ....2 5455 .46 3 6 7 .46 4 10 10 ..46 4 18 17 ..46 4 26 2S .56 4 36 35 3 " 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 -18" thru 2411 ,56 4 46 44 .62 4 85 79 .62 " 93 100 .65 4 130 122 .66 4 153 202 .68 4 202 214 MECHANICAL JOINT SSB.DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 FITTINGS SLEEVES T T "".', ", '" '" .. + ,L I 1 !--L, Shart 5'0445 long 5·644L stx. tUm"mlon. Werghts T L' L' 5-4oU5 5'-L 3 .34 7.5 12 13 21 4 .35 7.5 12 17 2S 6 .37 7.5 12 28 39 8 .39 7.5 12 38 53 10 .41 7.5 12 49 64 12 .43 7.5 12 14 .56 9.5 15 16 .57 9.5 15 18 .68 9.5 15 20 .69 9.5 15 56 82 111 141 137 172 200 270 24 .75 9.5 15 370 oot induded in AWWA e153 05 ol August, 1992 ADAPTERSTAPPED TEE ,r-Ll I -t l I T t--L''I MJxFE FExPEMJ Tapped Teo 5·658 5·6615·642 Size Dlm_nllan. WeightsSize DlmCHufonl Weight, T L' L' 5-6581 L Max. Tap ."'1 3 4 6 8 10 .34 6 2".35 6 3 .37 6 -4 .39 6 4 .41 6 " 3 .34 6 1219 4 .35 6 1223 6 .37 6 1237 8 .39 6 1253 10 .41 6 1271 18 24 36 52 67 18 24 33 52 69 12 .43 6 12 eo 8812 .43 6 4 82 14 .51 6 12 127 12714 .51 6 127 16 .52 6 12 166 149 5·2" Tyler Pipe/Uliliiies Division· P.O. Box 2027. Tyler, Texas 757iO. (903) 882·5511 • FAX (903) 882*7043 9·10·92 16 .52 6 " 4 164 1JterPipe DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON Subsidiary of "..􀁾􀀠FLANGED FITTINGS Tyler Corporation .--1 "REDUCING BASE BENDS "FLANGES L-􀁹􀁾􀀠r'---0 ------.J '--0 ._J Under 12" BUnd FlongeFlong_lor Steel Pipe 5·750 x u RedUcing Flange L lar St..1Pipe 5-752 􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁌􀁳􀁾􀀠s--l L-0---': lIo.e Under Base Under 12" and lorger Blind Flange large End Small End 5-702 lE 5·702 SE Flan,e far CI Pipe 5·751 Blind Reducing Flange lor CI Pipe 5·753 Flange. Sin Dfm.n.ions WI. 􀀵􀂷􀀷􀀵􀁾X S u SI.. Olm.nllona WI. 􀁾􀁸􀀳􀀠5.5 6 . 5 45 y0 Q x ,5·750 $·151 􀀵􀂷􀀷􀁾6"4 7 7 .62 75 2 6 .62 1 􀁾􀀠48x4 8.38 9 .88 115 2'/, 7 .69 1.13 6 78d 8.38 9 .88 130 3 7.5 .75 1.8 1.19 7 7 8IOx6 9.75 9 .88 170 A 9 .9. 1.89 1.31 12 12 1.4IOd 9.75 9 .88 195 6 11 1.00 2.1 1.56 17 17 2512,,6 11.25 11 1 230 8 13.5 1.12 2.31 1.75 25 28 40 12x8 11.25 11 255 10 16 1.1'1 2.52 1.94 35 38 60 12xl0 11.25 11 285 12 19 1.25 2.73 2.19 55 58 80 ') 'Not included in AWWA CliO 14 21 1,38 2.875 2.25 75 110 14 23.5 1.« 3.188 2.5 95 lA5 18 25 1.56 3.125 2.69 105 190'FLANGE FLANGE AND FLARE 20 27.5 1.69 3.5 2.88 135 250 24 32 1.88 3.687 3.25 160 370 30 38.75 2.12 4.875 255 sapXi 36 46 2.38 390 6ao 􀁎􀁏􀁔􀁅􀁾􀀠AU flange. cQnform to ANSi/AWWA 􀁃􀁬􀀱􀀵􀀯􀁁􀀲􀀱􀀮􀀱􀁓􀀻􀁾􀀶􀀳􀀠Standard•• .•. -L' "'TRUE WYE • FLANGE SLUDGE SHOE . ",."." X " rL"-D--J v ljI. F1ang. ond Flar_ 900 Bond FIGng_ and Flare Pi.... X..5·7665·7&5 LL s;..,. Oim..n.lonl WI. Sh. Dlm.ntiotls WI. D X Y 􀀵􀁾􀀷􀀶􀀵􀀠D 5·766 D 3 7.5 5.5 6.5 25 3 7.5 8 20 4 9 6.5 9.5 .0 '1 8 30 True Wye Flang" Slud,. Sho"• 5·7686 11 8 12 70 6 II 8 40 5·761 Siu Olnt.nllonl WI. 􀁄􀁬􀁲􀁍􀁮􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁴􀁴􀀧􀀠WI.8 13.5 9 13 110 8 13.5 10 70 St"" St_m Btonch., X Y 0 x y10 16 11 15 175 10 16 10 95 12 19 12 16 2A5 12 19 12 155 4 4 6.5 3 50 3 5.75 12 6 25 6 8 3.5 75 1 12 6 35􀁉􀁾􀀠21 14 22 4SO 14 21 12 225 •6 " 6 8 3.5 80 6 7.87 12 6 4516 23.5 15 23 545 16 23.5 16 330 16 25 16.5 24.5 675 18 25 16 355 8 6 9 A.5 120 8 10.12 12 6 &5 460 8 8 9 4.5 125 10 12.25 12 6 8520 27.5 18 26 860 20 27.5 18 12 15.25 12 6 12024 32 22 30 1195 24 32 18 635 "'Not Includ.clln AWWA CliO. 'Not included in AWWA (110 ANSI/AWWA CIlO/All.IO. ANSI/AWWA Cl I 1/A21.1 I 9'10-92 Tyler Pipe/Ulilities Division· P.O. Box 20'27 • Tyler, Texm 75710 • (903) 882·5511 • FAX (903) a82-7043 5·55 Vll. METER BOXES 9 '._,_..-_.._--.._----------------􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠....•. -';<6'1''2='''''&'''',;* ...:"; # 548 Series Galvanized Meter Boxes with 24" dia. corrugated cans Part no. Height Weight # 548 A 18" .. .. 80 1bs # 548 B 24" 85 1bs 􀁾􀀠" 548 C 30" 90 1bs # 548 D 36" 95 1bs 􀁾􀀠" 548 E 42" 100 1bs # 548 F 48" 105 1bs # 548 G 54" 110 1bs # 548 H 60" 115 1bs # 55 Series Galvanized Meter Boxes with 28" dia, corrugated cans He; ghtPart no. x 18"# 55 A 18"# 55 A1S 􀁾􀀠18"rr 55 A2S 24"# 55 B 30"# 55 C 36"# 55 D 42"# 55 E 48"# 55 F Weight 125 1bs 125 1bs 125 1bs 130 1bs 135 1bs 140 1bs 145 1bs 150 1bs # 55 A1S 18 ga. can -Dallas std 57 vm TAPPING SLEEVE 10 IMueller Ca.I 1.4-99 FOR CENTRIFUGAL C.I., D.I., & PVC PIPE . .'2.2 􀁾􀁾􀁃􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁌JOINT 􀁔􀁁􀁐􀁐􀁉􀁎􀁇􀀺􀁓􀀧􀁌􀁅􀁾􀁖􀁾􀁪􀁾􀁾• Catalog numberH-615 Mechanical Joint Tapping Sleeve Sizes--4" -24" main and outlet (see chart below for available size combinations) Outlet flange dimensions and drilling comply with ANSI B16.1. class 125 and with MSS SP-60. Cenified to ANSIINSF 61. Iron body with 314" NPT test plug. 4"-12" s;zes---250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum working pressure. 14" -24" sizes--150 psig (1034 kPa) maximum working pressure. H-615 .",'.'.J .pping Sleeve pipe information lominal ,0.0. range of sleeve Class and type of pipe End Gasket ,j:ze of main part . numbersInch Imm Cast iron ciasses loo. 150.100 and A· all cl::xsses ductile iron -CJSt iron 0.0. PVC plastic pipe . !•.74"-4.86" , 120.5-123.3 195&24classes 150 and 200 I 4.87"·5.32 1123.8-135.0 C3.5t iron classes 8. C. and 0 -A-C ClllSSeS 100 and 150 195653 Cast iron classes 100. 150.200. and A • aU clnsses ductile iron -cast iron D.O. PVC plastic pipe 6.84"·6.96" 1173.8-116.7 195825cI;lSses 150 and 200 6.97"·7.-10" 1177.1-187.9 ," C.lS( iron classes B. C. and 0 -A-C classes 100 and 150 195654 C;lSt iron cia.sses 100. 150.200. A and B 􀁾􀀠ail cktsses ductile iron 􀁾􀀠C.lSt iron 0.0. PVC plastic pipe 8.99--9. 1I " ;22SA-23 1.3 195826, cmses 150 .lnd :200 9.12".9.61" :231.7 Conductive Compression Conductive Compression Connection for CIS 0.0. tubing*H·15013 Connection for CIS 0.0. tubing* H.15023 ;,\2" 􀁲􀁬􀁬􀀭􀁟􀁉􀁉􀀲􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀱􀀲􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀠) 􀁾I-In" MUELLER ORI-CORP MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve _ fr.)Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER Inlet: AWWAIP. thread "CC") thread Outlet: MUELLER Pack Joint Outlet: MUELLER Pack Joint Connection for CIS 0.0. Connection for CIS 0.0. tubing* tubing*P·15013 P·15023 11-112" 12" 11•112" 12" •• MUELLER ORI-CORP MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper Inlet: AWWAI.P. thread (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: F.r.P. thread Outlet: F.l.P. thread 1"3 H·15014 H·15015 11• 112" * 12"1 11.112" t 21" * MUELLER ORI-CORP MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper Inlet: AWWAIP. thread (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: M.LP. thread Outlet: M.lP. thread H·9968 H-9969 􀀬􀀬􀁾:.s., -: :'1" "11.112" 1-11-112" 12"" I· ,. See charts on pages 5.10-5 . .13 for rubing and pipe (har may be used on these connections. "'* For use with Sl!rvicc Saddle only---caonol be machine insel1ed. :j: Requires minimum ordering quanticy. Comuct MUELLER 􀁃􀁵􀁳􀁴􀁯􀁭􀁥􀁾􀀠Service: CemCf for minimum tmler requirements :lnd avaU:lbilitjl. 1/211 -211 GROUND KEY 􀁄􀁅􀁓􀁉􀁃􀀺􀁩􀁾510 (Mueller CD.I • CORPORATION VALVES Ground Key Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: FLP. thread Ground Key Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA I.P. thread Outlet: FLP. thread 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠H-10045 H-10046 1117: 3/4"1Ground Key'Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: LP. thread copper flare connection -this connection thread is one size larger than theH-15002 copper tubing to be flared '3/4' 11' ,H14't l!-ln' 12' Ground Key Corporation Valve Ground Key Corporation Valve 'S)Inlet: AWWA taper Inlet: AWWA LP. thread 􀀬􀁾􀀠(MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: M.I.P. thread Outlet: M.l.P. thread H-10013H-9996 k 􀁾􀀠3/4" , I" jl-ll2"t 12" II' Ground Key Corporation Valve Ground Key COIpOration Valve􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁪􀁵􀁩􀁪􀁾􀁩􀁾􀀧􀀠􀁾I' . Inlet: AWWA taper􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀧􀁜􀀢􀁩􀁉􀀱􀀧􀀺􀀡􀁦􀁬􀀠Inlet: AWWA LP. thread(MUELLER"CC) thread Outlet: Increasing I.p. thread a-Outlet: Increasing I.P. thread (outlet is one size larger than (outlet is one size larger than inlet)H-10003 inlet) H-9979 J 1314' 11" 11·112"; 12" t I' !II2' 15/B" (314" outlet) 1314" !1" 11-112' 12' Ground Key Corporation Valve Ground Key Corporation Valve : .. :';") Inlet: AWWA taper Inlet: AWWA LP. thread (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: MUELLER Coupling Outlet: MUELLER Coupling threadH-9971 H-9976thread : 􀀱􀀱􀀲􀁾􀀠i518" (314' outlel) 13/-1" 11" 11-114" i 􀁬􀁾􀁉􀁦􀀱􀀢􀀠h." II" i1-111"P" " e!::" 􀀺􀀲􀁾􀀠:I: Requites minimum ordering quantity. Contacl MUELLER Customer Servlec Cerner for minimum order requireltll."nts and .wuilabiliiy. NOTE: Size;; shown above represent nominal size of inlet :md nUIIct conncellonl>. MUELLER"'Corporation Valves are manufactured and tested in accordance with ANSIIAWWA C800. IMueller Co.l GROUND KEYANGlE METER VALVES80.10 &SERVICE VALVES -3/4"-.211<.REV.4-99 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve MUELLER llO® Conductive Compression Connection for CTS O.D.* tubing x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing H-14277 X CamIOvsize 1·112 2tt 1-112.2Metersiu l-lll Pioesize 1·112 2 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve Copper flare nut x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing H-14276 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve MUELLER® Pack Joint . Connection for CTS O.D. *tubing x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing P-14277 .P.'ip.'e'.iz.e C4talOI! size 1􀁾􀀠112 :2tt Melersize 􀁬􀁾􀁬􀁮􀀠:I-lfl.. 2 ........I•.I.Il..........:2............ 􀁾􀀠 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve EI.F. x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing H-14286 􀁾􀀠dze 􀁾􀁾􀀠le TubinP size I·III 2tt 1-112 1-112.2 1-112 2 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve MUELLER Solid Tee Head ELP. x ELP. Roundway Meter Stop 1800 turn check -lock wing ELF. x ELP. 3600 turn -lock wing H·10281 H·14285 ICamlogslu ICatalog size lin ':J. " • ", ,'. " " . 1 I • 1 I' , • 6.8 (Mueller ta.l. SERVICE FITIINGS WITH MUELLER 110® COMPRESSION CONNECTION Straight three part union Straight coupling MUELLER llO®Conductive MUELLER 110 Conductive Compression Connection for Compression Connection for CTS 0.0.* tubing-both ends CTS 0.0.* tubing xF.I.P. 􀁩􀁾􀀠thread 􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀮􀁊H·15403 H·15451 112' ,3/4' I' 11'<3/4' 11.114" 11.1I4'xl' 11.112' 12' 3/4' Straight co.upling Straight coupling MUELLER liO CompressionMUELLER 110 Conductive Connection for IPS PE* pipe Compression Connection for x M.LP. threadCTS 0.0* tubing x M.I.P. thread H·15429 Straight three part union Straight three part union MUELLER 110 Conductive MUELLER 110<1> Compression Compression Connection for Connection for IPS PE* CTS 0.0.* tubing x 110 pipe-both ends Compression Connection for H-15409 .' ",';j)"'"H·15404 IPS PE*pipe .,' .. II'X3/4' Straight coupling . r 0' MUELLER 110 Compression '(]I'.I. I , Connection for IPS PE* pipe I • xF.LP. thread H-15454 II' .) ....)'" MUELLER® BR2B & BR2S SERIES BRONZE SERVICE SADDLES· DOUBLE STRAP AEV....99 , I. .LLER® Service Saddles.tor use on A-C, cast iron, ductile iron, and AWWA C900 PVC plastic pipe 􀁾􀀠0 Outlet tapped with either AW'jIA taper (C.C.) or AWWA J.P. tbread (FJ.P.T.) , 0 For use on A-C pipe. cast iron or ductile iron pipe and cast iron 0.0. PVC pipe o 200 psig (1319 kPa) maximum working pressure o Available in single and double strap designs o Brass body%0 Flattened silicon bronze straps (standard) ;. 0 Optional 3Q4L stainless steel straps o Rolled strap threads o O-ring sealed outlet o 3/4" thru 2" tap sizes0, 0 Meets all applicable parts of ANSlJAWWA CgOO 􀀬􀁾􀀠0 NSF 61 certified range Kind and Inch nun A·C Castor , ductile iron, , COOOPVC . plas1lc pipe BR2SSeries Size of tapping (add Ie ·B...• Ie MUELLER® Service Saddles with AWWA iron pipe thread Pipe 0.0. range Kind and size 01 i Castor ductile tron,mm A·CInch C900PVC 􀁰􀁬􀁡􀁳􀁾􀀮􀁰􀁬􀁰􀁥􀀠􀁾􀀠) • A·C pipe. classes 15(}"200 per ASTM. C296;md A WWA 􀁃􀀴􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀭􀁡􀁣􀁴􀁵􀁡􀁩􀀠0.0. of pipe being used must fall within the pipe 0,0. range listed in the: preceeding chi.U:ts. Centrifugally cas' pipe. clllsses SO-250per ANSIIAWWA C1Q21A21.2; ANSIIA WWAC106lA21.6; ANSIIAWWA CIOSlA21.8. and Feder.ll specification WW-P-421. Ductile iron pipe. classes 􀀵􀀰􀁾􀀵􀀶􀀠per ANSUAWWAC151fA21.51; Cast iron 0.0. PVC plastic pipe per A WWA e900. These machines may be used with the service saddles illustrated on this page Machine I Service saddle tap size 112" 314" I l' 1-112" 2" ".M " >,< O·5TM '. X X X X TRU-ClITTM -X IX IMEGA·CU'fl'M X X X ,x 'x PL·2T'M -,x IX - , L X. CASING SPACERS 12 ... 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭rael patented casing spacers [or cased pipelines 48" Ductile lion through steel casing rtKI, the leaders in casing spacer technology, has been in business since 1952 and are ISO 9002 CERTIFIED. Their uniquely designed, engineered and patented spacers are respected and their dependability has made them the number one choice of specifiers and installers world wide. 􀁾􀀠.. \ •GIl Casing Spacers isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casings simply and cost effectively. Insulators are required to separate casing and carrier pipes with the following criteria. • Must ensure electrical insulation between the two pipes • Permanently prevent bells from sliding or resting on casing pipe • Must fasten tightly on the carrier pipe to ensure no horizontal movement during insertion • Must be made of materials which do not conduct electricity and are permanently resistant to chemical corrosion • Must be resistant to both mechanical and thermal shocks and stresses, particularly during installation installation 9tIO ft. 20' CSOS PVC through steel ""singPage 1 •rael SPACER ADVANTAGES: rael spacers meet the above requirements with the following advantages over the standard skid and strap application and other models of manufactured spacers. • Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene with NO METAL 􀁾􀁉􀁴􀁳􀀠or attachments required • Spacers are quickly and easily assembled by manually fitting elements one into the other • Tooth insertion method allows on site adjustment to fit a wide range of pipe diameters and coatings • Spacers slide into casing with ease • • Spacers maintain continual long term support for the carrier pipe and its contents • Spacers provide constant projections around the entire circumference of the carrier pipe. • Spacers provide long term corrosion protection • Spacers can ba installed on coated or plain concrete, ductile iron, plastiC, ribbed, and steel pipe. The spacers are divided into four groups which address a wide range of pipe sizes and weights. Within each grouping there are varying support heights that allow the spacer to clear beli joints, flanges, couplings, and other jointing methods. These heights range from .78 inches to 5.11 inches (20 -130 mm) SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: For applications with continued o!'or,ating temperatures in excess of 60'C/140' F, spacers are , 3ble in nylon. ') On request. spacers can be manufactured in other types of , plastic material according to the mechanical and temperature requirements of the pipeline. The HDPE spacer is manufactured by injection molding. This gives it a high impact strength and a low coefficient of friction which exceeds industry standards. Each spacer element represents. a fiexible section that has a toothed male butt strap at one end and an appropriately toothed female slot on the other end. Absolutely no metallic parts are involved in their assembly. This design allows for on site adjustments for any variances witbin the 0.0. range. Coupled with their flexibility they cover all . types of pipe from 0.0. range 1.1.8 inches (30 mm) and upward. ) • Pe:.ot> ? • Spacing The spacing of the rings must ensure that the carrier pipe Is fully supported throughout its length. To ensure against the effects of differential loading at the entrance and exit points of the casing, two rings are used at the beginning and end of each casing, regardless of pipe size or length. Where mechanically joined pipes, flanges, couplings or bells are involved rings should be installed wrthin 1 foot ,1.,3 m) on each side of the bell and one in the centre of the pipe, when 18 to 20 foot lengths are used. Selection Guidelines The selection of spacer type depends on the following dimensions; • exact carrier pipe 0.0. • exact bell, flange or coupling 0.0. • exact casing pipe 1.0. • clearance desired between casing and carrier pipe • length of application and linear weight of filled carrier pipe With the above information and using the charts on pages 5 and 6, the type and number of spacer elements required for each ring and how far they will be spaced can be determined. 36" Concrete Pressure Pipe through steel casing Instructions For Ring Assembly • In cases where the carrier pipe is plastic, the contact zone between the pipe and spacer shall be taped to ensure a textured contact area. It is recommended to use tape on all types of pipe. Double backed tape should be either self amalgamating or bituminous. • Insert the male butt strap three teeth into the slotted female end of the next element. Continue until you have formed a chain of the required number of elements. • To complete the ring, wrap the spacer loosely around the pipe and complete the last linking by hand. • Pull each of the butt straps together by hand until the spacer is tightened uniformly on the pipe. • The TInal tightening is done using the speCial clamping tool for the spacer type. • The miOimum and maximum operating temperatures are -4 to 140°F or -20 to 60·C. ..__._--_. ract spacer assembly and insertion Specification suggestions for casing spacers Casing spacers shall be used to install carrier pipe inside the encasement pipe. To provide support around the periphery of the pipe should the pipe twist as it is pushed through the casing. The spacers shall be of a projection type that has a minimum number of projections around the circumference totalling the number of diameter inches. For example, 8" minimum of 18 projections. Casing spacers shall use double backed tape to fasten tightly onto the carrier pipe so that the spacers do not move during Installation. Installation instructions shall be provided with each shipment. Casing spacers shall have a span of 10 feet to 6-1/2 feet dependent on the total load antiCipated with the pipe full of liquid. On sewer pipe, the maximum span should be 6-1/2 feet to prevent sagging of the carrier pipe. The maximum load Shall not exceed the load limits per spacer listed in the brochure. These values in the brochure include conservative safety factors for class spacer used. Spacers shall have minimum height that clears the pipe bell or as otherwise indicated on plans. Casing spacers shall be prOjection type totally non-metallic spacers constructed of preformed sections of high·denslty polyethylene. Spacers shall be ISO 9002 certified for strength and quality. Projection type spacers shall be RACI type spacers by Raci Spacers North America Inc. (SpeCification suggestion available in electronic form; e-mail or dIsc) TYPICAL ROAD CROSSING 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀮􀀯􀀠􀁛􀁟􀀱􀁴􀁧􀀡􀁾􀁴􀁭􀁡􀁊􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁦􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀻􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁨􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁽􀁬􀁩􀀡􀀱􀁴􀁩􀁪􀁬􀁷􀀮􀀱􀀡􀁬􀀠􀁭􀁾􀀠shall have a minimum of 8 projections and 18" pipe shall have a 48" Ductile Iron tflrough 66" easing .J rael SPACER OPTIONS: Spacer elements Sand T These spacers are linked by a tongue and groove method. Sand T spacers are able to support a maximum weight load of 250 Ib.j110 kg. per ring. They are best suited for pipe ranges 1.18 -4.13 inches (30 -105 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 3 is used -0.0. range 1.18·6.46 inches (30 ·164 mm) Spacer elements F and G These spacers are engineered to be used on small to medium sized pipe and are able to support a maximum weight load of 1102 Ib./500 kg. per ring. F and G spacers are best suited for pipe ranges 3.62 to 17.56 inches (92 to 406 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 1 is used. Channel Lock tool also available. Spacer elements P and Q Special The P and Qspacer is designed for that middle pipe 0.0. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 1213 Ibs. I 550 kg. per ring. The P and Qspacers are best suited for the pipe range 6.00 to 12.00 inches (152 mm to 305 mm). For 0.0. Ranges above 12" contact your distributor. For installation the Clamping Tool Type 6 is used. 'MAXIMUM LOAD MUST SPACER TABLE: SMALL TO MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE *MAXIMUM LOAD MUST NOT .1:102 LBS OR 500 KGS PER RING I I 􀁾􀀠[ t \ It 􀁾􀀠tI n d 396 421 4 1 *6-10 1.8-3.0 ).15.59 16.57 1.8-3,016.61 19.86 422 505 : 5 : -6-10 19.92 23.23 506 590 6 13.31 15.55 338 395 4 1.8-3.0 *MAXIMUM LOAD MUST NOT EXCEED :1213 LBS OR 550 KGS PER RING 1 are able to support a maximum weight load of f ; Ib./2700 kg. per ring and are best suited fa, (he pipe range above 24 inches (609 mm). For installation, the Clamping Tool Type 2 is used for support heights up to 90 mm. Tool Type 4 is used for the E 130s. NOTICE Distance between spacers must be calculated so the maximum load per spacer ring does not exceed the max. load carrying capacity for the type used. (S&T 250 Ib/ll0 kg, F&G 1102 Ib/500 kg, P&Q 1213 Ib/550 kg, M&N 2204 Ib/l000kg, E&H 5952 2110 2430 2860 '3414 􀁾􀀠27 1.9 0.6 1.9 0.6 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭5952LB5 OR. Maximum load per spacer is calculated based on 2700 KGS PER RING the weight of the pipe filled with liquid divided by the number of spacer rings installed. The maximum distance of 10 feet/3 meters shall not be exceeded due to the danger of the pipe sagging between the spacers support points unless the pipe manufacturer states differently. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SPECIRCALLY DESIGNED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE FOR RACI SPACERS 3625 PSI 25 Njmm2 ASTM ASTM D 638 2900 PSI 20 N/mm2 ASTM D 638 ) 800% 800% ASTM D 638 65 65 ASTM D 2240 -4. F -20· C >940 Kvjinch >37 Kv/mm ASTM 149/64 yes yes Spacer elements M and N The M and N spacer is designed for that middle pipe 0.0. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 2204 Ib./l000 kg. per ring. The M and N spacers are best suited for the pipe range 13.31 to 29.88 inches (358 to 764 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 5 is used. Channel Lock tool also available. Spacer elements E and H For large diameter pipe, heavier applications or long casings where maximum strength is required the E and H elements are used. They , Ib/2700 kg) . /spacer ring. 'MAXIMUM LOAD MUST NOT EXCEED 2204 LBS OR :1000 KGS PER RING EIH SPACER TABLE: LARGE DIAMETER PIPE MIN SPACER TABLE: MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE 0,;.. 'MAXIMUM LOAD MUST NOT ----------------------._-..---_._.'-􀀭􀁾g-----,􀁾􀀠--􀁾􀀠-=Public Works Marketing, Inc, Wrap Around End Seal Carrier o.n 􀁾􀀠I[§J 1,1,1,1,1,1 rfJ s.s. Worm Gear 0) 118" Neoprene t Casing O.D, p,o, Box 38174 Dallas, Texas 75238'() 174 Phone: SOIl·517·0395 Fax: 214·343·7105 Email: PWM12@aoLcolll ""'1' •. ,;. XL COMBINATION AIR VALVE l3 􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭 \, ':_ -􀀬􀀮􀁊􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀠". -.,' '. COMBINAflON AIR VAlves SIB]!!; ,]1.JDC STANDARD COMBINATION SINGLE BODY MANUFACTURED TO AWWA C-512 STANDARDS /50 FLANGE CONNECTIONS AVA/LABLE SERlE.S 1800 CUSTOM COMBJNAT10N bUPlU BODY ...:", 1.J.10). WRIGHT BLVD. SCHAU."tIJURG. Il h!)I')j·.J,:i99..... .... ,.... ,-,,,,, SINGLE BODY Double Orifice 1-THROUGHti" STYLS: BUILT FOR :too PSI SERVICE SPECIFY IF OPERATING PRESSURES BELOW 50 P.S.f. MATERIALS USED IN BOTH STYLE COMBINATION AIR VAlVES '(i, Body. Cover. Lever Frame, , , , .. , , Cast Iron Float , ................... Stainless Steel Seat, ......................... Buiia-N Lever Frame 0" & 2" size)......... "'5eiiiii Leverage Mechanism (8" size) ................. Stainless Steel All OTHER INTERNAL PARTS STAINLESS STEEL OR BONZE 8" STYLE TO SIZE AIR VALVES FOR PIPEUNE SERVICE USE APeO AIR VALVE COMPUTER orAPSUDE COMPUTER SOFTWARE I I Height 10" · Height 12 1/4" · Height 15 112" Height 17 1/8" Height 27 114" Height 25 3/4" Width 7" · Width 8" · Width 10" Width 11" Width 13" Width 17 112" Length 11" · Length 14" • Length 16" Length 18" . Length 18 3/a" Length 22 114" Weight 35 Ibe. · Weight 75 lbs. • Weight 100 lb•. Weight 170 lb•. ' Weight 205 Ibs. Weight 300 lb•. 􀁾1" PIPe l'H1\&./) ...!!!!! 􀀲􀁾􀀠PIp( TliRfAD ....!!!!! 3:" PIPE Thl1fAO ..2!!:€! 4" PIPE Y'HRt:AO INlET INW INW ourur OUl1.!!l" 0,""" ourur 125 & 250 LB. flANGE 125 & 250 LB. flANGE 125 & 250 1.6. FlANGEs 125 & 250 lB. FlANGES OUTI.ETOFTIONS Olffi.ET OPnONS X 􀁾􀀠PLAIN WITH HOOD .. PLAIN WITH HOOD .. EXCEPT POPPET ALSO AVAILABLE ALSO AVAILABLE • THREADED [,Is SHOWN) HEIGHT FlANGED 161/2" HEIGHT FLANGED IS" • FLANGEO • ftANGEO SINGLE BODY SPECIFICATIONS Combination Air Valve sizes 1" through 8", (single body. double orifice) allows large volumes of air to escape out the large orifice when filling a pipeline and closes when liquid enters the valve. When the valve is closed and pressurized. the small air release orifice will open to allow small pockets of air to escape automaticaUy and Independently of the large orifice. The large'orifice shan also allow large volumes of air to enter during pipeline drainage to break the vacuum. The body inlet must be baffled to'protect the float from direct forces of rushing air and water to prevent premature valve shut-off. The Buna-N seat must be fastened to the valve cover without distortion for drop tight shut-off. The floats shall be heavy stainless steel. The plug or float shall be center guided through hex bushings for positive shut-off. valve exterior to be painted wfth Red Oxide Primer Paint as accepted by the FDA for use in Potable Water. All materials of construction shall be certified in writing to conform to AS.T.M. specifications as foUows: Body & Cover Cast iron Root Stainless steel Needle & seat 􀁂􀁵􀁮􀁡􀁾􀁎􀀠Plug Bronze Leverage frame Delrin/Cast iron ASTM A126 OR.B ASTMA240 ASTM B124 ASTM D2133/ASTM A126 OR.B Valve to be APeO Model (Engineer to Name) Combination Air Valve as manufactured by Valve & Primer Corporation. Schaumburg, minois. USA "J (HERE ARE BASICALLY TWO TYPES OF AIR VALVES: TYPE 1. AIRNACUUM VALVES with 􀁾􀀮􀀠, -,.' ,,' 􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠-.. .. 3, -I, -': .. /'li/, /! 2: 00 NOT EXCEED 2 PSI WHEN EXIfAUSTING AIR //V V/!j I 1 V V V ""....,/0,5 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 AIR FLOW THROUGH VALVE IN STANDARD CUBIC FEET OF FREE AIR PER SECOND (SCFS) -. :-,'.--. ..." " . '-'. XU. MISC.-FLANGE BOLT & GASKET SET, POLYWRAP, DETECTABLE TAPE, MEGALUGS, HYDRANT MARKERS, COPPER TUBING, DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE, BRASS VALVE 14 􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭B·Rite 1h. Right Gasko, Wor1.,S B-Tite Bolt Sefs lM:! Fit -Bull Sirong Tough PrrxJucrs for TO\19h Jabs 3320 Stuart Dr. Ft Worth, TX 76110 817-921-6501 817-921-2782 fax BOLTING SPECIFICATIONS -PLAIN FINISH Standard Bolt and Nut Sets, Capscrew Sets and Flange Paks contain Hex Head Machine Bolts and Hex Head Capscrews IIAIW ASTM A307 Gr. A. Their dimensional specifications are IIAfW ASTM A563 Gr. A. All Bolts, Screws and Nuts have National Coarse threads, C 1.2A fit. BOLTING SPECIFICAnONS -STAlNLESS STEEL 80ft and Nut Sets contain Hex Head Machine Bolts VA/VII ASTM F593 Gr. 18·8. Their dimensional specifications are IIAJW ANSIIASME 818.2.1. Finished Hex Pattern Nuts are 1IA/V11 ASTM F594 Gr. 18-8. All Bolls and Nuts have National Coarse threads, C 1.2A fit BOLTING SPECIFICATIONS -87 Alloy Stud Bolt ar.ld Heavy Hex Head Bolt material is I/A/VII ASTM A 193 Gr. 87_ Threading is ASME 81.1 class 2A National Coarse threads for bolts up to 1 inch and 8 thread series for bolts above 1 inch. Nut material is IIAlW ASTM A 194 Gr. 2H. Heavy Nuts IIAlW ASME B18.2.2 have Cl.2B course series threads for nuts up to 1 inch and 8 thread series for nuts above 1 inch. Standard Bolting Material provided wiJl generally be of an import manufacturer. Domestic materia! available on request. GASKET SPECIFICAnONS Flange Gaskets dimensional requirements are I/AlW ANSi/ASME 916.21. For physical characteristics please reference the attachment. POLYWRAP (Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe) Allpolywrap supplied by Standard Hardware, Inc., will meet or exceed the following specifics: AWWAC105 ASTM D1248-84 Thickness: 8 mil (tolerance +1-10%) Material: Linear Low Density, Type I, Class C-Black, Grade E-1, Manufactured from 100% virgin resin. Colors & Clear =: same specifications. Tensile Strength: 1200 PSI (8.3 MP) minimum . Elongation: 300% minimum Dielectric Strength: (raw material) Volume resistivity ohm*cm= minimum Dielectric Strength: (fmished film) 800V/mil (31.5V/um) thickness minimum .", . Detectable Underground Utility Marking Tape Specifications, Test Data, Approvals and Color Code I. SPECIFICATIONS Consists ofa minimum S.O mil (0.005') overall thickness, with no less !:han " 3S gauge (0.00035') solid aluminum foil. core. The foil must be visible from BOTH sides. The layerS shall be laminated together with the extrusion lamination process. not adhesives. Further, there shall be NO inks or printing eII.'tending to the edges of the tape. The adhesive will NOT contain any dilutants. pigmentS, or contaminants and is specially formulated to re:sist 􀁤􀀬􀀬􀀡􀁾􀁲􀁡􀁤􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠by elements normally encountered in the soil. All printing shall be encased to avoid ink rub-off. ' II. TEST DATA PROPERTY METHOD YAL!fE lhlckness ASTMD2103 5.0 mils Tensile strength ASTMD8S2 25 Ibs {mch (.5S00 PSI) Elongation ASTM D882·83 <$0% at break Printability ASTMD2S7& >50 􀁤􀁾􀀧􀁉􀀱􀁥􀁳􀀱􀁣􀁭􀀲􀀠Flcribility ASTMD671411 pliable: hand Inks Mfg. specs. hear !,ct Mylex Message repeat Mfg. specs. every :W incheS Foil Mfg. specs. doadsoft/annealled Top layer Mfg. specs. virgin PET Bottom Jayer Mfg. specs. virgin LDPE Adhesives Mfg. specs. >30%. solid l.5#1R Bond strength Boiling fi'o .5 hours wlO peel @lOOoC Colors APWACode see below IIL APPROVALS A. Department ofTransportarlon, Materials Transportation Bureau, Olli"" ofPipeline Safety. USAS code for pressure piping B31.8, paragraph 192.321 (.l B. National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DC, Special Sludy Prevention of Damage to Pipelines. Adopted Iune 7. 1914. Report NTSB·PSS-73·l. C. American Petroleum Institute (API). Recommended practice fur !l1llrking buried liquid petrolcum pipelines-API RP 1109. D. G=ral Services Administration, Washington, DC, Public Building:; Service Guide Specification for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment-PBS 4-150J, Arnendmcnt2. page 1 501-14, paragraph 18, subparagraph 13.1. clause 18.1.1. E. Rural Electrification Authority·(REA). U,S. Depe. ofAgriculture, Washington, DC. National Electric.'ll Saillty Code fur Underground Construction for J:1'mote and immediate hazards. IV. COLOR CODE Safety Red-Electric power, distribution and transmission and municipal electric systems. High VISibility Safety Yellow-Gas and oil distribution and transmission, t" t'· Series 2000PV MECHANICALJOINT RESTRAINT GLAND FOR USE WITH C-905 PVC PIPE The large Diameter 20001'V Is • mechanical joint restraint for use with C-90S PVC 'pipe with nominal size diameters from 14 through 24 inches. NOMINAL PVC PIPE SERIES PIPE PRESSURE SAFETY SIZE NUMBER ClASS RATING FACTOR " 2014PV DR25 2014PV ORIS 18 2016PV 􀁄􀁒􀁾􀀵􀀠20H,PV OR18 18 2018PV DR25 20,SPV Dfi1B 20 2020PV DR25 2020PV DRiB 2. l2C24PV DR25 2024PV OR18 165 Full Pipe Capadly 235 Ft!l! Pipe CapaCity Since the lorgc diametcr 2000l'V i. u:;ed 165 Full PEpe Capacity with only One pipe diameter, there arc no 􀁳􀁰􀁡􀁣􀁾􀁲􀁳􀀠􀁾􀁳􀀠235 Full Pfpe Capacity used with [bt: 􀀴􀀢􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀢􀀠2tlOOPV serit!S. 165 FuU PI"" Cap.oiIy 235 2.5:1 The large diameter 2000PV ='trnints have 165 Pw'Plpac._ bc..'Cn tested to pres.'iures t:xceeding the minimum 23S 2.5: 1 quick bUfl!t prc",sure requirement' for tbe pipe HIS Full PIpe Capacity shown in the table. and have the s-.une pres,'iure 235 2.5: 1 ratings as the pipe. Al'PLICATION VERSATILITY Other EBAA Products for Use on PVC Pipe Series 2000SV This series is a split restraint 􀁾􀀢􀁹􀁬􀁩􀁴􀁥􀁭􀀠for the mecha.nic..--ru joint. This split rcstrnint .dlows tnr tht: repair of existing Vir.c!i. Series 2100 The Megllfl'Ulgc" flange ad:.pter iii a 􀁦􀁩􀁤􀁤􀀭􀁡􀁤􀁡􀁰􀁴􀀻􀁾􀁢􀁬􀁣􀀮􀀠restrained flanging 􀁾􀁹􀀺􀁩􀁴􀁥􀁭􀀮􀀠11)c MegarL'mgc atia.ptcr has a rcstrnint ring ;tnu ;t gasket ring to give the maximum ammmt of flexibility during and after instuJhltion, It is 􀁡􀁶􀀺􀁴􀁩􀁬􀁾􀁬􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀠for use "n PVC pipe in the 3" through 24" 􀀡􀀺􀁩􀁢􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀮􀀠TI can also be used on ductile iron in aU ::;izcs and on steel in some sizes. Series 2500 This series is It split, se:t'l"ated restraint for C-907 PVC fitting bells. The ""sembly ,uld com· ponents art: simi1nr to the 1600 Series. AV'.ul.ablc in 4",6" anti H" si;{.t'$. Series 2800 TItis series .is a solid ring harness for use on C·905 PVC pipe bells. It is composed of a wedge action restr.lint ring that L'i assembled on the spigotl and a belt ring that is positioned behind the pipe bell. All of the components are mn.de of ductile iron. Awilable in 14' through 24" sizes. EBAA-Seal'· Gasket Tins i..'i an improved 􀁭􀁥􀁣􀁨􀁡􀁮􀁩􀁾􀀠cal joint g."ket designed til combine the 􀁣􀁾􀁣􀀠of assembly of the mechanical jutOt with the scaling cap.tbiHtit:s of the rnlSh.on joint. The EBAi\..$eal 􀁧􀀺􀀱􀀢􀁫􀁾􀁴􀀠can 􀁨􀁾􀀠split .Uld used with the 2000SV to repair c.."ci:;ring me· cl1nnical jdillt probkllL'i. Avnilable in 4" 4" through 48" sjzcs. -...􀁾.... 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀠-2000 I'V JOINT RESTRAINT FOR PVC I'II'E Sample Specification· Ustings and 􀁁􀁰􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁡􀁾􀀠Mct..'hanicid joint 􀁲􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀾􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁪􀁮􀁲􀀠shall h,: incorpnr,ltcd Sizc,:-; 1" through 12" (we lisred by Um.lcrwrir, Inc,. category UJKJI "t'itling.'\, Rdclim:r lllt.."chllnism NilaU (;unsist ofa plurJ.lity "rindlvklually' Type." with it ddlc:.:ctiClIl angle of five d(.."grccs when "elUatcd gripping :mrf:lCC5 to m:odmi;;:e resfr.dnt 􀁴􀀮􀀮􀀧􀀨􀁾􀀠 tllicd on \!I.-listcd, <:la:>:> t50 PVC: pre.'isure pipe :.U1d a l11.·H.'Stcd .tPP1.lrtcruulec. The listing number iN f!X2H:'I6. Sizes 4'" through 12" af<.: appmveu by r"l'tctory MUlU:l1 pahillty, Wands 􀁎􀁨􀁾􀁴􀁕􀀠be matUl(aclured ofductile iton 􀁴􀀺􀁵􀁮􀀡􀁨􀁮􀁮􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠wASTMA53lHiO. fur U.'iC on appmvctl DRlB PVC pipe ;tllu mechanica.l'11l(.' 􀁾􀁉􀁡􀁮􀁤􀀠I)h:lll he sudl 1hat it L"iUl replace the j<)im appurtenanct!."i. 'nrc 200(WV 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀢􀁴􀁲􀀺􀁵􀁬􀁬􀁴􀀠cx.cel'tls:It:!mlardi....cu med'tMlicul f!lim 􀁾􀁦􀀺􀁕􀀱􀀨􀁪􀀠anti t . .'atcnfs: 45&1ol12. The rcstr.tining ghmus .'ih:tll Imvt· a prl!s:mre 􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁾􀀠􀁬􀁩􀀶􀀲􀀷􀀷􀀷􀀧􀁾􀀬􀀠489690,.50 7117,). ing equo[ tIl th.u (If the pipc un which it I:> \lsed. 'l1lC rcstr.lining 􀁾􀁉􀁡􀁮􀁵􀁳gila!! havC' been It.i>lCUU> 􀁉􀁉􀁎􀁉􀁾􀁮􀂷􀁬􀀮􀀿􀂷􀀠Special Notes92. be listctl by t Im.Jcrwriters I.:tbor.ttnr!t."!i. :Jlld be :tpproved b)' Fat.1nfj' M\ttual. The 􀁲􀁣􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁩􀁮􀁴􀀠shall he Fur te:>c pres...urcl" .;il)(lVC the rolled 􀁰􀁮􀀺􀀧􀀡􀀧􀁬􀁾􀁭􀁲􀁣􀀡􀁬􀁬􀀬􀀠conthe ImAA irun Series 20nUt)V (ir appruvetl t·tlu.ndool sample of tluee marl:;"", .ru.n be selected for _ purpo.... In IIWlrdance wilb 􀁁􀁓􀀱􀀧􀁍􀁄􀀴􀁾􀀸􀀰􀀬􀀠center !he 􀁾boise down ova !he 0Jl<'l end of. h<>Uow me!al cylindcrB em (l in.) high. 7.6 em (3 in.) J.D., 8.9 em (3.5 in.) 0.0. Apply aload to !he lop of the marl= lhrougb.. 2.5 cm(l in.) diameter by 2.5 cm (1 in.) high me!al plug =tered on !he lop oithe aw:!:er. Rate ofloading.ru.n be 0.5 em (0..2 ill.) p::rminute. fmure.ru.n eoMitu!e either b!eobie or signili=t d..{OI!IllIlioll .rthe marl= at rwy loed 00""" than 909l:g (2000 lb•.). 2. RESISTANCE TO LENS CRAt.."XJNG (Note: On _ color 1IllilS, the l1!d I""" may not be glass ""vered end ifso should not be $1lbjeeted to impact tfflJtvl'f! Cycling Subject """pi.. to 3 cycles of W"C (14O"F) fot 4 ho"", funowed by 1"C (200F) for 4 hours. 1'l!crc shall be no """lcing or delamination following temperature cycling. D. Toltrrancl!s In either the impact or ilure of21= sIulll 􀁯􀁾􀁷􀀮􀁯􀀮r""""'ple of 10 additionall..,.... Failure of more than I I""" of lb. ''''''''''Ple.ru.n be co", .. for rejocuon of !helot J. BOND STRENGTH TEST S4nd bIOS! +/-1"C (73.4'.1+3.6'F) for at l...t 4 hours before testing. Mi." the spe.:iJied adhesive until the mi=31\0'"''' DO streaks. PI= adheoiVe on the cenu:r of the bottom surf""" of !he marie... and spreod • layer of adhesive OIl the sandblasted surface of the test plug. Press plug firmly in the cen(ct of the fIl.iIfW with a lwi,"ting motion. With. squared o:ilool remove rwy adhesive which cxl!\lde:l from under the plug. AJkr 14 hours cure .113'+1. 2"C (73..·+1. 􀀳􀀮􀀶􀀢􀁆􀀩􀁾bond stu:n&th 􀁾􀀮tensile te.ting machine adju.sted to traVel at 0.5 cm(0.2 in,) phen .tJaJ1 contain one or two glas., cover«! prismatic ,.troreflo.:!ive JlIce3 as required to ",11",,( inl:id<:nt light from a :ringle or oP1''ation iUlgksball 􀁭􀁾!he llIlglc at the r.O""tor between the illumination axis IIIld the 􀁯􀁾􀁁􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮axis: Coefficient ofLuminous Intensity (cn.) shall mean the ratio of the luminous i.n=ity o(lbe retrore&.:tor in the direction of oOs<:"\'.uon to the iIlllllli.arulcc at !he rctrorcOe:;tor on a plane !'efP<'lldloular to the dire<:tiOll of the lncide:lt light. For llll!IX=, ClL is ex?resscl in milliCJll1delas per ineld.:nt lux (mcdJbc). 1M equival<:ut En&Iisb. tenn i$ Specific lDhmsity ($1) exp!1e:!Sed in candles per foot ."mlle (cdllt c). ]. OPTiC.l. Pfi.ilFO/I.\I,4NCII A. Cocffiei. retrotefleeting SUIf""" ,ball be not 1... than sho'Wll in rable I wilon the inl:ident light is parallel to the bas<: o( the marlcers. Failure of more trisn 10% of the rctrorcfl""Ung roc", .hall be c:!!.use for rejection o(thelol. TABLE I COEmCIF.NT OF tuMJ:IOUS rl-o'TENSITY (SPECIF1C INTENSITY) lI.£QUllU':ME."'1'S 􀁾􀀧􀁵􀁩􀁯􀁯􀀠Hcri'!.ootoU tntr.1.ncS 􀁃􀁾􀀧􀁬􀁥􀁴􀀧􀀡􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠of't..um1.oous lnttnsity Sp«ilic !ntcmity .""1>1' 􀀬􀁾. mcdilu, OIlitt (&'l'-) (do!>"",) l\'hiU ¥cUtlW Rod Grec:l B!ut; Iliblte Y cHow Rod 0-.. au.. 01 o ')7' 167 70 93 23 3.0 U o.n 1.0 0.Z8 0.1 10 III 07 28 37 10 l.l 0.7 0.3 M 0.11 B. Abrosi(.lll Resi:rtance S.led at random lour 'ctrordla:tivo fa= previously 􀁲􀀮􀁡􀁾􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀠the spo:ific intensity requir=!l!. P!Ju:e on "",I>. rctroroll«tiv< r""".1 5 +1·0.1 em (1.0 +/. 0.2 in.) diam<"'" pad orNo. 3 ='"stc:l wool confonni.ns to Federal Speciticotion Fl'·W.] S25A. Apply • load 0(22.7 +1· Q,lkg (50 +1· 0.5 lb!.) ond rub the entire;;urtlu:e 100 􀁴􀁩􀁭􀁥􀁾􀀬􀀠PhOIOIlllith procedure 2C. Failure shall constitute loss in ",!lex of greo.tet than lS% oforigin;ll val..,. The failure or m"'< Qld" one retro,"Il¢;'ive f= sh.1U 1:<: c.o= for rejc:tion of the lot (Note: On two 􀁾􀁯􀁬􀁯􀁲􀀺􀁭􀁩􀁴􀀺􀀡􀀠!he red 1= may no! he 􀀬􀁯􀁶􀀢􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀠with 􀁾􀀡􀀢􀀭􀀼􀀻􀀮􀀼􀀠and if,,,, sn,mlJ nOt 1:<: 􀀺􀀬􀁢􀁲􀀮􀁾􀁊􀀮􀀩􀀠.,,<',''". ,..: :.< . Continued .. 􀀨􀁾MUELLER BRASS CO. PORTHURON,MICHIGAN48060 Date _________ Contractor _____________Customer Street 􀁎􀁯􀁾􀀠____􀁾____--___ Address ______________ City & State ______ -_____ Contract No. Order No. Job Description Attention ______________ Location PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE Mueller Brass products are manufactured in conformance to the latest revisions of the following recognized industry standards. o WRO, COPPER AND COPPER ALLOY SOLDER JOINT PRESSURE FITTINGS -To ANSI B16.22. o CAST COPPER ALLOY SOLDER JOINT PRESSURE FITTINGS -To ANSI B16.18. o CAST COPPER ALLOY FITTINGS FOR FLARED COPPER TUBES -To ANSI B16.26. f STREAMLINE COPPER WATER TU8E -TYPES K. L & M -To ASTM B88 and WWT-799. o REFRIGERATION FLARE-TYPE FITTINGS-To SAEJ513, and Military Standards MS-16993. MS-35867 thru M5--35873 inclusive, MS-35919 and MS-35926. o STREAMLINE COPPER REFRIGERATION SERVICE TUBE -To ASTM 8280, and WWT-77S. o STREAMLINE NITROGENIZED ACR HARD DRAWN COPPER TUBE -To ASTM 888 -Type L, in accordance with ASTM B280. o OXYGEN SERVICE TUBE -To ASTM 888, Types K and L -hard drawn lengths only -in accordance to CDA cleanliness specifications and NFPA 56F, Seamless Copper Tube cleaned for Oxygen Gas Service. o WROT COPPER AND COPPER ALLOY SOLDER JOINT DRAINAGE FITTINGS -DWV -To ANSI B16.29. o CAST COPPER ALLOY SOLDER JOINT DRAINAGE FITTINGS DWV -To ANSI 816.23. o STREAMLINE COPPER DRAINAGE TU8E -DWV -To ASTM B306. o COPPER PIPE -To ASTM B42. o REO BRASS PIPE -To ASTM B43 -Can be supplied in hard temper. Yours truly. MUELLER BRASS CO. By ,enes 007 W'. 2", 007DCDA 2" ?ouble 􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁣􀁫􀁶􀁡􀁬􀁾􀀠assemblies Backflow preventers designed to protect potable water supplies in accordance with national plumbing codes for non-health hazatd cross connections and continuous pressure applications. PrOvides protection against back siphonage and backpressure backflow. Specifications • All sizes supplied with resilient seated shutoffs • Sizes: l1' -I" (15-25 mm) have tee handle shutoffs. , 1'I," -2" (.32-50 mm) have lever handle shutoffs. • For supply pressures up to 175 psi (j2.1 bars). • Water temperature: sizes Yz" -2" (13-50 mm) from 33°F to IBO'F (.55'C to Bl'C). F{ow Charts see page 37, 38. Di17lensionslVVgts_ Features • Line sized construction for reduced fouling o Replaceable seats and sea! discs 007M3QT%" o No screws in the watelWay for reliable operation • captured splings for safety o Top entry. single cover for access ease o Top mounted les! cocks to simplify testing For additional information. ""iuest ES-007. For WltlsBox Enclosures, ""iuesl ES-ES-WB and ES-WB-T. Options add Suffix: PC -with Internal polymer coating 5 -with bronze sttainer L1' -without shutoff valves LH -with locking handle ball valves (open position) SH -with stainless steel ball valve handles U .. union connections HC -with fire hydrant connectIons (female hose swivel X male NST) add Prefix: 5S -with 316 stainless steel backllow preventer and ball valve shutoffs, Size (DI'I) In. mm in. M mm In. 1'1 mm 'N,in. mm B \0\ 15 * 20 1 25 1114 32 1\0\ 40 2 50 2*3¥t.6 3% 4'l\, 4% 50/" 70 81 95 113 124 151 2V. 2% 3 3\1 4 5 57 70 76 89 102 127 10 254 10 254 12 305 20 50822* 57B 2B 711 STRAINER DIMENSIONS •Dlmens,ons ""iuired for screen removal. P Weight Model No§ Order Size (01'1) A e C D in. mm In. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm Ibs. kg. 007QT 62131 --4111 2.0111 15 10 250 3% 79 2% 60 % 19 --5 2,3007M3QT 62020 % 20 1114 282 4 100 3% 79 􀁾􀀠22 007M1QT 62306 13V. 337 5).1 130 31<& 98 1% 321 25 --12 5.4 007M2QT 62681 1% 32 16% 416 5 127 3Y! 89 1111 38 --23 10.4 007M2QT 62436 -27 12.2 007M1QT .........-62427 lY! 40 , 16% 425 5 127 3111 89 lY! 38 19111 495 6% 159 3% 95 2\1 64 --25% 11,7 007QT-S 62132 2 50 -5Y! 2.5Y! 15 10 250 6 150 2% 60 % 19 --6% 3,1007M3QT·S 62021 % 20 llVe 282 6J.i 156 3J.i 79 % 22 --14 6,5007M1QT-S 62308 1 25 1314 337 W-197 3',oi 98 W. 32 007M2QT-S 62450 160/, 416 7 178 3111 89 111 38 --26 11.71'A 32 --3511 16.0007M2QT-S 62616 1111 40 160/4 425 7 178 3\1 89 1\1 38 00-' "QT-S 62428 19111 495 8lIi 222 30/4 95 2\1 64 --33\1 15.2 'Ol )AOSY:j: 62665 2 50 2 50 35Va 892 11 279 12% 311 2V. 57 i ! 12\14 311 97 44 ,§-Contacl your local Watts Agent or call Cuslomer Service (978) 689·6060 for olher models ond order numbers or re(er to PL·WR. For Union Models refer to ES·OO7. * . mode/!; come with CFMIGPM melers. For GPM codes see price list. 'B dimension is from Ihe lowesl parl of the valve (the unmachined relief port) to the highest part of the gate/ball valve shUloff. watts regulator. backflow products division Pilimbin & Heatin Valves tIammond plumbing and heating valves are designed for the end user. To the wholesalers, engineers and con.ractors this means you are buying, specifying and installing valves that have become the mainstay in the plumbing-heating-cooling industry. Every valve made by Hammond sees service before it goes into the jobbecause 1t passes rigorous quality checks before it leaves the factory. , GATE VALVES Features Features • 125WSP·2OQ • 125 WSP· 200 WOG (to 3,53'F) 􀁗􀁏􀁇􀀨􀁴􀁯􀁾􀀳􀀧􀁆􀀩􀀠Rating Rating resJure Pipe witlJ. CastIron 0.Do5 Non-Col"["oding Ductile Iron Pipe O.D.s No transition gaskets or special fittings required Larger I.D. than Ductile Iron Or Conventional PVC Superior flow capacity and less head loss Lighter Weight than Ductile Iron Or Conventional PVC 43% lighter man C900-DR-lS, safer and easier to handle. lower installed cost and more foolage installed per day Higher Impact Strength Four limes regular PVC and no linings to crack or flake off Greater Cyclic and Hoop Strength Higher Design Basis Compared to Conventional PVC Pipe HDB of7100 psi versus 4000 psi Superior Notch Resistance Resists splitting and crack propagation Pipe will not split from end to end One of the Safest and Easiest Pressure Pipes to Tap Go with the flow... Go "(Jltra-Blue ClOD i 1 odllction •Ultra-Blue PVCO Pressure Pipe manufactured by Uponor ETl combines innovative engineering design with years of experience in PVC pipe manufacturing. The result is a higher performance, lighter weight, more cost effective pressure pipe for potable water and force main systems. PVCO stands for Molecular Oriented Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC). The process of molecular orientation has long been used to strengthen many materials. Ultra-Blue is manufactured by a process that reorients the molecules of conventionally extruded PVCpipe. The pipe, approximately half the diameter and twice the wall thickness of the finished Ultra-Blue product, is placed inside a mold sized to the proper outside diameter of the finished product. The temperature of the pipe is raised to the appropriate level for expansion and internal pressure is applied. This internal pressure 􀁣􀁡􀁵􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀠the pipe to uniformly expand to the inside dimensions of the mold. The mold is designed so that during the process, the bell and gasket groove are also formed, producing a high quality bell. During the pipe expansion process, the molecular orientation is changed and the physical properties of the finished pipe product are established. Improvements in design and physical properties include: • Greater Hoop Strength • Lighter Weight , • Greater IInpact Strength • Larger Inside Diallleter • Enhanced Cyclic Fatigue Resistance • Greater Flow Capacity Ultra-Blue meets alI the requirements of AWWA C909 Class 150 psi with a 2.5 to 1 safety factor. Manufactured with ductile iron pipe diameters, coventional ductile iron fittings can be used without the need for transition gaskets. Features Greater Hoop Strength Stress Regression Line The unique material structure of Ultra-Blue gives it a As shown above, by orienting conventionally extruded PVC burst strength gr:eatly in excess of conventional pipe, actual pressure capability is dramatically increased. PVC 􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁥􀀠pipe with the same wall thickness. Long terr. 'drostatic pressure tests show Ultra-Blue has a Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB) of 7100 psi. Conventional PVC pressure pipe has an HDB of 4000 psi. With equivalent safety factors, the wall thickness of Ultra-Blue can be reduced to approximately half that of conventional PVC pipe and still maintain the sume pressure rating. Lighter Weight Ultra-Blue is lighter weight than ductile iron and conventional PVC pipe. The table below compares the weight of Ultra-Blue, ductile iron and conventional PVC pipe. The difference results in easier handling and installation. AWWA C909 -Class 150 psi Non-Corrosive Ultra-Blue, because it is non-metallic. will not corrode. 􀀮􀁾􀀢􀀭Nominal SDR18Approx. DI Approx. UBApprox. : Pipe Size Wght. (lbsJlt) Wghl (lbsJlt) Wght. (lbsJlt) , --:;0 (1' 5.12 1650 2.80 􀁾􀀸􀀢􀀠8.89 22.00 4.82 10" 13.47 28.25 I 7.70 12" 19.00 36.25 10.45 J-reater Impact Strength mpact tests per ASTM D2444 demonstrate Ultra-Blue's uperior impact resistance when compared to conventional 'vc pressure pipe. Ultra-Blue has an impact strength three o four times greater than conventional PVC pipe of the same lass. , ( I· I I 'I o conventional PVc. Consequently, when Ultra-Blue is manufactured with a CI O. D., larger I. D.s result, and cross sectional areas are increased by approximately 9%. Because it h needed most, at the thrust collar, o WEDGE --ca..t iron, fully encapsulated in molded rubber complying with ASTM 02000. o MUELLER'" PRo-GARDTM FUSION EPOXY eOATING-of nomina16 mils protects aU interior and exterior exposed iron surfaces nnd complies fully witb AWWA 550 and i. senified '" NSF 61. o MANUFACTURED AND TESTED -in oompliance with ANSI/AWWA C509 StilI1dard llI1d is cardfied to ANSI/NSF 61. MllI1ufnctured at facility with [SO 900 1 cenificntion and UL 262, FM 1I20/l130. OBI-DIRECTIONAL FLOW o FLAT BOrrOM SURFACES allow all 2360 series valves (0 .!'itlnd upright tor C:lSC of handling and srorage. 0250 PSIG MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE-hydrostalicnlly tesled at 500 psig. Surpasses ANSI/AWWA 􀁃􀀵􀀰􀀹􀁳􀁾􀁳􀁢􀁹􀀲􀀵􀀥􀀨􀁕􀁾􀀲􀁯􀁯􀀠psig working pressure, 400 psig . hydrostatic pressure). o EXTENDED WEDGE GUlDESmolded as pnn of the wedge, fit into guide channels in the valve body llnd maintain optimum wedge alignment 􀁾􀀠with the stem throughout the wedll"'s trnvcl. preventing the disc from tii.... ing downstream during operation. o GUIDE CAP BEARlNGS protective guide: QP 􀁢􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁬􀁮􀁾􀀠made of a polymer benring material snap over each rubber encapsulated guide on the wedge, providing a bearinginrenace between the wedJe guideSand the OOdy's inrerior gUIde . channels, protecting betll from wear, . even after thousands of cycles under severe pressure and flow conditions. o SMOOTH, OVERSIZED FLOW WAY -all Mueller 2360 selies flW. Valves have duD, round, uoobstructcd ,flow way which accommodates fullsized shell cutters without interference and which provides superior flow characteristics. o TEN YEAR UMITED WARRANTY -(see separateMuellcrWaJr.ll!ty document for terms). MUELLER" 14"·24" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Features o DUC!1LE IRON BODY & BONNET-· with un interior and exterior ¢xposed surfaces protccted by fusion epoxy cooring. o FUSION EPOXY eOATINGprotects all interior and exterior exposedlrtln surfaces. Complies fully with AWWA C550. o NON-RISING STEM -mo:de of stainless seeel. o SOFT 􀁓􀁅􀀮􀁾TED WEDGE --made of Ductile Iron wtlh EPDM elwaomer seal. o FLAT BOrrOM SURFACES allow .11 2360 series v.lves to 'rand uprighTfor ease of handling and storage. o DOUBLE O-RING SEALS -above thru5it coUar area. o EYEBOLTS -for gro.terconvenience during handling. o 250 PSIG MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSIJRE-500 pslg (3447 kPal slatic test pressure. o TEN YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY -(sec separntcMueller Warranty document for terms). o SMOOTH, OVERSIZED FLOW WAY -all Mueller 2360 series R W Valves have a full. round, smooth. unobstructed. oversized flow waywhich accommodates full·sized ,hel! cutter.; without interference and which provide.<; superior flow charneteristics. IMueller Ca.1 􀀴􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀲􀁮􀁍􀁕􀁅􀁌􀁌􀁅􀁒􀂮􀀠A-2360RESILlENTJIVEDGE 􀂷􀀻􀁴􀀻􀁩􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁉􀁏􀁾􀀶􀀠... ". : GATE VALVES WITH M.J.x FLENDS ·.:C,EV.4-99 ] <-.wog numberA-2360-16 mechanical joint x flanged ends (with mechanical joint unassembled accessories) A-2360-19 mechanical joint x flanged ends (less mechanical joint accessories) ] Sizes-4", 6'" 8".10",12'1 ] Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSUAWWA C509 Standard and is certified to ANSUNSF 61 ] Flanged end dimensions and drilling comply with ANSI B16.1, class 125 ] Mechanical joint end complies with ANSUAWWA Cll1 Standard ] lron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER® Pro-Gard1M Fusion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces ] Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of . ANSUAWWAC550 Standard and is certified to ANSIINSF 61 ] lron wedge, symmetrical & fuily encapsulated with molded rubber; no exposed iron J Non-rising stem (NRS) J Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & 1 lower O-rings) ] 2" square wrench nut (optional handwhee1 availab1e)-- Carbon Steel :ASTM A307 Grode B. Zinc PI:a:rcd 0-19 Stt:rn Q -rinKS (3) Rubber iASTM 02000. 0·200 WrenclJ Nut Cap Serew Carbon Steel ASTM A307 (imde B. Zinc PI:ned 0·201 Stutrl!'lt Box Seal R,bbet AS,!¥.02000 0·202 Wrench Nut Costlroo ASTM AI.26 a..B 0·203 Slt iron ASTM AI26 a..a 0-208 Ami·friction Washers (2) Cck:oo !!0-209 Wedge. :Cast Cast Iron· ASTM AI26 a..a 􀁾􀀰􀀧􀀲􀁉􀁮􀀠Rubber.J!nettoswoted Bonnet Cast Iron ASTM AI26 CLB 􀁾􀁣􀀺􀀠"II} !Bonner Gru;kct Rubber ASTMDZOOO ..II , , Body Cost Iron ASTM AI26 a.,B I SEE PAGE 10.59 FOR ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS .-............. -􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀠 MLiELLEW A-2360 RESI LI ENT WEDGE IMueller co.11 OA.7GATE VALVE DIMENSIONS -MJ. x MJ. ENOS'",a>M__"a. 4-95 o A t 00 DImensIons Dimension' Nominal size 2" 13" 4" Is" :r 8" X 10" 1211 I A 9.88 12.38 14.L9 18.00 21.50 25.50 28.62 K 8.50 9.00 10.00 L1.50 12.50 14.75 14.8f1.. L 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 250 250.. M 2.75 4.06 4.90 7.00 9.15 11.20 Il.lO -.. ... N 4.62 '7.5.Q 9.IL. 11.12 . Il.l7 15.62 􀀱􀀷􀀮􀁾􀀸􀀠o (number und size of hole.";) 4-7/8 4-7/8 4-7/8 6-7/8. 6-7/8 8-7/8 .... 8-7/8 .DO l.50 4.00 5.00 .. _. 650 7.50 9.75 9.88.. FF 2.30 l.lO 4.l0 6.l0 8.30 lO.30 12.30 . ... 00 (boll circle diameter) 5.00 6.19 7.50 950 11.75 14.00 16.25... . Tums 10 open 8 " 14 205 26.5 II l8.5.. Weight'" 40 8l 120 186 280 416 546 "All dimen5ions an: in inches. All weighl" include ac.cessurie.'i ilIld are in 3ppruximalC pounds. "', .•.. ;". IV. FIRE HYDRANTS 6 -,...... ,,-MliELLER® SliPERCENTURION® IMueller Ca.1 9.1􀀮􀁴􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀴􀁾FIRE HYDRANT REV•..,. MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 􀀲􀀵􀀰􀁾􀀠3-Way Fire Hydrant Features o HOLD·DOWN NUT-with integral wenther seal. Design discourages unauthorized removalo ANTI-IIRICTION WASHER-of the hold-down nut or bronze operating nut. Resilient wiper seal berween hold-down nu. andhelps assure easy turning operation operating nUl preventS water entry to protect operating nut from freezing. Wiper Seal material isfor the life of me hydront. re:;:l.sroot to 􀁵􀁬􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁾􀁶􀁩􀁯􀁬􀁥􀁴􀀠rt:ry deterioration. O-nng seal provides second level ofprotection. " o OIL FILLER PLUGpelJlliis quicl< check ofoil o MEETS OR EXCEEDSlevel. Lets you add oil all applicable requirements of without removing bonner.. ANSUAWWA C502 Slm_ and UL 246 lind FM 1510 o OIL RESERVOIR O-RING SRALS􀁳􀁰􀁾􀁩􀁦􀁩􀁣􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀤􀀮􀀠seal oil in. water out. o STAINLESSTEEL SAFETY STEM COUPLING-o O-RING SEALS AT BONNET,pulls free ifhydrant is hit by n vehicle GROUND, AND SHOE FLANGES-preventing damage fO me stem ll1Id main for betler le:lk resistlnce, easier vnlve, Coupling will not break into pieces maintenance. that could drop into lower barrel and valve operation. Top of' lower Stem is below the top ofthe lower barrel so thaI a o SEALED OIL RESERVOIR-O-ringtire cannot depress the stem and open (he sealed to prevent leakage. Providesmain valve. Repair is easy and eoonomieal. positive lubrication of stem threads and bearing surfaces eacb lime the hydrant is o SAFETY 􀁆􀁌􀁁􀁎􀁇􀁆􀁾breaks cl.."ly to help operated. Filled al the ""'tory.pr.:vent barrel stronS enough 10 withstllltd Allows economical repair. o I<1JLL FLOW OPENlNGSsection. rotation or 􀁣􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁦􀁦􀀮􀀠large radius hose and pumper openingswilhout digging or" produce low friction loss. o BRONZEUPPERVALVEPLATE··o FIELD REPLACEABLE HOSE AND conical. design for smooth flow. PUMPER NOZZLES-O·ring liCaIed. Threaded in plnce and reEained by stainless steel locks. Nozzles are easily replaced.o DRAIN VALVE FACINGSspeciolly designed, long·Ufe ' ,/( ...._._., , !I:' . ,6Y2 ; , ! !,􀁬􀁾􀁳􀀠; , "ll--a----l I I . ··.. IO/4·----l BOTTOM 􀁾􀀵􀀳􀀱􀀴􀁊􀀠 􀀧􀁲􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀠􀁾􀀺, 􀁾􀀬􀀠I 􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀭􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀠II.: : '4 i I. ' . , , ! , ! I,, !,,, 58 AND 59 EXTENSION Height Item lrtcroos. , -g;r>-, =-5'1. LOCK LID Wt. 18 60 EXTENSION . Height WI. jtum Ilter_,.:,." Wf. 58 14 25 60 24 35 59 18 30 Thes. sJ(htrt.ions also, fit SoOrl•• &1160 th,.....pl.... vol.,o bOX9'BOX COMPLETE TOP 6·2 Tyler Pipe/Utilities. Division. P.O. Sox 2027 Tyler. Texos 75710" (903) 882-5511 • fAX (903r 882-7043 9-10-92t ....􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀠,", ,ft -'. " ',;". VI. D. I. FITTINGS 8 • • • • 0 . MECHANICAL JOINT SSB-DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 FITTINGS Sample Spedlication 3" through 16" Mechanical Joint Ductile Iron Finings sholl be produced in slTid accordance with all applicable terms and provisions of ANS/AWWA CI53/A21.53 and ANSI! AWWACll1/A21.l118'thru24" diameters shall be manufacturer', slandards with wall thickness equivalent to do" 56 ductile iron pipe. The working pressure rating shall be 350 PSt Joint Dimensions in Inches Sla A Dltt. B C􀁄􀁴􀁡􀁾􀀠3 .34 4.5 4 20 2.00 3.62 4 .35 5.0 4.5 26 2.49 4.81 6 .37 6.5 6 48 3.50 7.25 8 .39 7.5 7 68 4.00 8.M 10 .41 9.5 9 107 5.01 10.88 12 .43 10.5 10 141 5.98 13.25 14 .51 12.0 11.5 220 5.50 12.06 16 .52 13.0 12.5 264 5.98 13.25 IB .59 15.5 14.0 410 7.5 14.5 20 .60 17.0 15.5 505 B.O 16.88 24 .62 20.0 18.5 695 9.0 18.12 475 9.0 37.69 460 9.0 76.12 457 􀀧􀁈􀁾􀁉􀀧􀀠thru 24(1 not induded in AWWA e153 as of AtJgust. 1992 16 22 38 59 81 111 164 202 289 348 Tyler PI... Subsidiary of .,.􀁾􀀠Tyler Corporation 􀁾􀁉􀀠BoltM S T XO!Q. .59 .62 .38 .34 .60 .75 .41 .35 .63 .BB .43 .37 .66 1.00 .45 .39 .70 1.00 .47 .41 .73 1.00 .49 .43 .79 1.25 .56 .51 .85 1.31 .57 .52 1.00 1.38 .68 .59 1.02 I.M .69 .60 1.02 1.56 .75 .62 􀀲􀀲􀁾􀀬􀂷􀀠Bands (1/10) 5·609 1.50 4.98 15 1.25 7.62 15 1.82 6.66 21 1.55 10.7 20 2.59 10.5 37 l.Bl 13.26 33 2.85 11.8 51 2.06 15.8 48 3.35 14.35 67 2.32 18.36 61 3.86 16.9 80 2.56 20.9 79 3.93 17.25 148 2.59 21.25 131 3.98 17.5 179 2.62 21.5 159 7.5 30.19 292 7.5 60.94 292 8.5 35.19 364 8.5 71.07 377 Sb:. No. \'. 't.x3 4 '/. 􀀢􀀯􀁾􀀠x 3Y2 4 % \'. x 3% 6 '/. 􀀧􀁫􀁸􀀳􀁾􀀠6 'I. 'i'.x3l\ 8 '/. %" 3'b 8 '4 lI'kx4 ,10 'I. 'AX4 12 0/, x 4 12'"'!. 0/. x.4 14 􀁾􀀬􀀠􀁾􀀠􀀩􀀨􀂷􀁈􀁾􀀠16 "" 􀁜􀁾􀀮􀀠--I i ar! 􀀱􀀱􀁾􀂷􀀠(1/32) 5·611 nOlo. FOld. 4.94 4.06 6.62 4.90 B.12 7.00 10.27 9.15 12.34 11.20 I4.M· 13.30 16.54 15.M 18.64 17.54 20.74 19.64 22.84 21.14 27.04 25.94 J Dla. K,Dia. 6.19 7.62 7.50 9.06 9.50 11.06 11.75 13.31 14.00 15.62 16.25 17.88 18.75 20.31 21.00 22.56 23.25 24.83 25.50 27.08 30.00 31.58 45· Bands(1/8) 5·605 􀁋􀀬􀁄􀁦􀁡􀁾􀀠7.69 9.12 IL12 13.37 15.62 17.88 20.25 22.50 24.75 27.00 31.50 3 3.96 4 4.80 6 6.90 8 9.05 10 11.10 12 13.20 14 15.30 16 17.40 18 19.50 20 21.60 24 25.80 BENDS 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.B4 5.92 8.02 10.17 12.22 14.32 16.40 18.50 20.60 22.70 26.90 9·10·92 Tyler Pipa/Ulililies OJ...􀁩􀁾􀁪􀁯􀁮􀀠• P.O, 130)( 2027. Tyler, Texas 7571 O. (9031882-5511 • FAX t903) 882·7043 5·19 r 90· Bends (1/4) 5·600 􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀠Six:. Dlmonslonl Wei9.hh Dlm.n.lan_ Wolghts-Dhnol1llonl Wolght. Dlm.n.to". w.rlJhfl T A A A A , ..' 􀁾􀀢􀁰􀁥􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭...􀁾Subsidiary of MECHANICAL JOINT SSB.DUCTILE IRON .,---Tyler Corporation. CLASS 350 FlnlNGS GLANDS 90· MJ x "Dngellend (1/4)BENDS 􀁾􀀭IP5·600 F 􀁾􀁟..?Im.n.loft' W.'eb'l ... W.llhrs-=D;::lm::.:.;;nll::::.::::n.:....,_;::.WO.:.:'..:9h:::b:......._......::D.::;'􀀽􀀢􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀧􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁮􀀮􀀻􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮 􀀮􀀭􀀺􀀭􀁟􀁗􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀁯􀁉􀀺􀀺􀀹􀀢􀀧􀁨􀀺􀀮􀀻􀀺􀀧􀀮􀁾􀁟􀀭􀀽􀁏􀀺􀀧􀁭􀀮􀁮􀁳􀁦􀁯􀁮􀀮􀀠__T__􀁾􀁁__􀁹􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁾_____􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁟􀁙􀁾􀁾􀀮_____􀀭􀁏􀁁􀀺􀁟􀁾􀁹􀁟􀁾•._____􀁾􀁁􀁾􀀠y R --I---F 3 .01 6 8 10 12 14 16 r A F• .34 4.5 4 5.5 .35 5.0 .01.5 6.5 .37 6.5 6 B.O .3' 7.5 7 9.0 .41 9.5 9 11.0 .43 10.5 10 12.0 .51 12.0 11.5 14.0 .52 13.0 12.5 15.0 20 26 4B 68 107 141 227 280 T .37 Glands 5-690 51%• Wel,ht· .... WeI.ht3 4 6 8 10 3 .01 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 16 20 25 31 24 39 ·18ij tltrtJ 2,411 !'lot included in AWWA C153 a, of August, 1992 90· Swivel X MJ Hydrant Ell 5·698 Oeminsions ABC 0 E F ER .:>' 10.5 15.5 7.10 11.2 6.90 8,026.0:.-85 r---j A q. q. I r I )!l A I,/........",,"""""''''''1L_ ..._ _. 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀢􀀠____ )' C---y -.. -J 6 􀁾􀁷􀁩􀁲􀁨􀀠glands 90· MJ X PE Bend (1/4) *5·603 3 .34 4.5 10.0 4.'0 20 4 .35 5.0 10.5 4.5 25 6 .37 6.5 12.0 6.0 45 8 .39 7.5 13.0 1.0 65 10 .41 9.5 15.0 9.0 109 12 .43 10.5 16.0 10.0 135 14.51 12.020.0 11.5 220 16 .52 13.0 21.0 12.5 254 18 .59 15.5 23.5 14.0 405 45· MJ x PE Send (1/81 2.2l1." MJ x PE Bend (1/16) llY.· MJ x PE !lend (1132) '5·607 '5·610 *5·612 2.0 7.5 2.5 8.0 3.5 9.0 4.0 9.5 5.0 10.5 6.0 11.5 5.513.5 6.0 14.0 6.0 15.5 3.62 16 1.50 7.00 4.98 16 1.25 6.75 7.62 16 4.81 22 1.82 1.32 6.66 20 1.55 1.05 10.70 19 7.25 37 2.58 8.0B 10.50 35 LBO 1.30 13.26 32 8.44 56 2.84 8.34 11.80 49 2.05 1.55 16.80 . 46 I0.88:.....::8:::3__􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀳􀁾􀀮􀀳􀀺􀀺􀀵􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀸􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀸􀀺􀀻􀀵􀁾􀀱􀀴􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀳􀀺􀀺􀀵􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀶􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀶__..::2:::.3:-1_..:7.:;.B:,.:I_l;,;8 c;;.3:.:6--".6O 13.25 108 3.86 9.36 16.<)0 79 2.56 8.06 20.<)0 18 12.06 165 3.93 11.93 17.25 152 2.5910.5921.25 133 13.25 206 3.98 11.98 17.50 181 2.62 10.62 21.50 161 14.50 290 7.50 15.50 30.19 290 7.50 15.5 60.94 288 ...,::.20:...;,.60"'-.:.:11"'.O;...::2c;;5.:.:0_';..:5.;,;.5:.....46=5__..;7"'.5:....;1.::.:6."S._1;...6"".8.:.8-.;,34..;0:....._...:.;8."'50:...;.1..;6.:.:50:.... ;35.:..:.:,I''-.:.345:..:.-__8:.:.:..S.0 16.5 11.01 360 24 .62 20.0 2B.O 18.5 710 9.0 17.0 lB.12 460 9.00 17.00 37.69 445 9.00 '7.0 76.12 ... •18" thru 24" nut included in A'WWA C153 (IS of August, 1992 5·20 Tylor Pipe/Utilities Division· P.O. Sox 2Q27· Tyler, Tex0175710· {903j8S2-5S11 • FAX {9031 882·7043 9·10·92 MECHANICAL JOINT SSB·DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 FITTINGS TEES ""􀁔􀁯􀁾􀁐􀀠ITo i!>'" J. I 􀁾J_+-__, f.-HT"T"'"HL'+' t} T Tyler Pipe Subsidiary 01 P'􀁾􀀠Tyler Corporation .--1 , CROSS; i ir:::, 􀀱􀁬􀁉􀁔􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀠' "! J> I--r , To-l ..,. "'" -,-H,I--H -+ i1 I ,To '1 I;"j 1"'J, i "" +-4-:'-'Ii H-"":1\ l' : 'T, , 􀁍􀁊􀁔􀁑􀁾􀀠MJ x Swlv..1􀁔􀁾.. Cross 5·620 5-625 5·631 Size 6 .37 .37 8.3 .39 .34 8x4 􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠8x6 .39 .37 8 .39 .39 W.lght, $·423 5-626t 5-63. 26 29 3" 3a 38 42 43 54 5" 60 10.5 60 64 77 72 67 68 71 72 81 11.5 80 83 89 94 11.5 90 9" 116 108 81 89 93 107 113 106 115 129 131 130 144 106 115 114 120 128 129 146 149 140 174 181 198 214 205 211 210 227 231 244 255 276 269 302 344 213 248 250 260 264 287 286 312 310 348 363 374 410 11nclud., )wMtI glond 9·10·92 Tyler PipelUtilitie:. Division. P.O. Box 2027. Tyler, 􀁔􀁥􀁸􀁯􀁾􀀠75710· {9Q3) a82-551 i • fAX (903) 882·7043 5·21 • • 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀧􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀼􀁾􀁾􀀵􀁾􀀠",-',';: TylerPipe. Subsidiary of ".􀁾􀀠Tyler Corporation 􀁾􀁉􀀠􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀠L :rl---i MECHANICAL JOINT SSB·DUCTILE IRON CLASS 350 FITTINGS f---y , A WYES *S-628 Slza Olmantlonl A. y T 3 2.0 8.S .34 4x3 1.0 9.0 .35 4 2.S 9.5 .35 6,,4 1.5 11.0 .37 6 3.0 13.0 .37 1x4 0.5 13.0 .39 8x6 2,0 14.5 .39 8 3.5 16.0 .39 • 10x4 0 15.0 .41 IOx6 1.0 1&.0 .41 10x8 2.S 17.0 .41 10 ' 3.5 19.0 .41 12x4 0 16.5 .43 REDUCERS @T T, 􀁾􀀠T t " , , I ' 1 t. . MJxMJ MJSEB MJLEB . 5·635 5·636 5·637 $1%. Dlm.ntlen. .-635 '·636 ....,. '·631T l' l L l L 5·634 5·636 .·637 Waigh.. 4x3 .35 .34 4. 9.5 9.5 IS.0 18 17 18 14 l' 6,,3 .37 .34 5. 10.5 10.5 16.0 21 21 21 18 .34 36 6x4 .37 .35 4. 9.5 9.5 15.0 27 26 ,22 22 .34 40 8x4 •39 .35 5 • 10.5 10.5 16.0 36 34 29 30 ".35 45 8x6 .39 .37 4. 9.5 9.5 15.0 ':'40 37 "32 31 .35 67 10x4 .41 .35 7. 12.5 12.5 18.0 : •.' 47 46 ,d40 40 .37 93 IOx6 .41 .37 5. 10.5 10.5 16.0 i': 47 48 '·;"42 42 .35 93 10x8 .41 .39 4. 9.5 9.5 15.0 54 52 52 􀀺􀁬􀁾􀀵􀀠M .37 113 12.4 .43 .35 9. 14.5 14.5 20.0 67 61 :52 54 .39 136 12,,6 .43 .37 7. 12.S 12.5 18.0 67 58 ;53 56 ,35 118 12x8 ,43 .39 5. 10.5 10.5 16.0 64 62 55 58 .37 136 12.10 . 43 .41 4 • 9.5 9.5 15.0 78 62 57 60 .39 170 14x6 .51 .44 9 . 17.0 14.5 22.5 lOa 107 112 109 .41 199 14x8 .51 .45 7. 15.0 11.5 2O.S 104 107 108 101 .35 150 14xl0 .51 .46 5. 13.0 10.5 18.5 100 102 100 96 I '. ..L I +.f PE" PE 5·638 W.lghff 5_ 12,,6 1.5 18.5 .43 .37 la6 14x12 .51 • 47 4 . 12.0 9.5 17.5 100 101 100 85 12x8 1.5 18.5 .43 .39 188 16x6 .52 .45 11. 19.0 16.5 24.5 136 132 1M 128 12,,10 3.0 20.0 .43 .41 223 16"S .52 • 46 9 • 17.0 14.5 22.5 132 128 136 112 12 4.5 n.5 .A3 .43 272 16.10 ,52 .47 7. 15.0 12.5 20.5 128 124 128 123 14x6 0 19.5 •51 .44 256 16x12 .52 .48 5 • 13.0 10.5 18.5 125 123 1119 113 14xS 1.5 21.0 .51 .45 286 ;13816.14 .52 .51 4. 12.0 12.0 20.0 140 139 133 1'1,,10 3.0 22.5 .51 .46 322 18,,8 .59 .45 14. 22.0 19.5 27.S 194 190 ,195 170 14x12 4.5 24.0 .51 .47 387 18xl0 .59 .47 12. 20.0 17.5 25.5 196 ISO i185 175 14 6.0 25.0 .51 .51 465 18xl1 .59 .49 10. 18.0 15.5 23.5 185 170 :190 181 16x6 0 21.0 .52 .45 300 18x14 .59 .56 8. 16.0 16.0 24.0 190 181 ,200 185 16,,8 0.5 22.5 .52 .46 327 18x16 .59 .57 7 • 15.0 15.0 23.0 196 180 188 16xl0 2.0 24.0 •52 .47 375 􀀱􀁾􀀹􀀰􀀠20xl0 .60 .47 14. 22.0 19.0 27.5 225 210 210 185 16x12 3.5 25.0 .52 .48 465 2Ox12 ,60 .49 12. 20.0 17.S 25.5 210 2011 210 195 16,,14 5.0 26.5 .52 .51 492 20:<14 . 60 .56 10 • 18.0 18.0 26.0 208 198 1205 195 16 6.5 28.0 .52 .52 575 20:<16 .60 .57 8. 16.0 16.0 24.0 225 215 ;222 212 24,,18 24xl0 24x12 24x14 24x16 .60 .62 .62 .6'1 .59 .49 .56 . 57 7. ... 16. 14. 12 . 15.0 ... 24.0 22.0 20.0 15.0 ... 21.5 22.0 20.0 23.0 ... 29.5 30.0 28.0 233 225 310 315 324 220 ... 300 325 319 "225 i ... ,210 335 310 210 ." m 310 304 24x18 24:<20 .62 .62 .59 .60 10. 8. lS.0 16.0 18.0 16.0 26.0 24.0 312 315 310 305 315 307 304 304 9·1(}92 "18'" furu 24:" nol included in AWWA (153 05 of August, 1992 Tyler Pipe/Utilities. Div;sien • PO, Box 2027. Tyler, 10xo$ 75710· (903} 882-551 \ • FAX (903) S62-70,43 ! , 5·23 􀁾􀁾􀁰􀁥􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾.. Subsidiary of MECHANICAL JOINT SSB.DUCTILE IRON Tyler Corporotion PLUGS & CAPS "" 􀀳􀀧􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀢􀀠􀀱􀀴􀀧􀁾􀀲􀀴􀀢􀀠MJPlug Solid 5·650 Tap15.652 $Ix. elm.nllona Weight. T Max. Top 5·650& 5-652 5-654& 5-655 3 .46 4 .46 6 .46 a .46 10 .56 12 .56 14 .62 16 .62 18 .65 20 .66 24 .68 3'!-12" 􀀱􀀴􀀯􀁾􀀲􀀴􀀢􀀠MJCop Solid 5·654 Tapt5.655 3 6 7 4 10 10 4 18 17 4 26 25 4 36 35 4 46 44 4 85 79 4 '13 100 4 130 122 .. 153 202 4 202 214 "IS" thru 24" nol iru:lud.d in AWWA C153 •• 01 Aug.,t. 1992 TAPPED TEE I f MJ Topped T .." 5·642 SID 01me",lcm, Weight. T L Max. Tllp " 3 .34 6 2\1, 19 .35 6 3 23 6 .37 6 4 37 8 .39 Ii 4 53 10 .41 6 4 71 12 .43 6 4 82 14 .51 6 A 127 16 .52 6 " 164 CLASS 350 FITTINGS SLEEVES J Tl I 1 -I • L .. t,,· . <", ',' [-.1f'M:"*"""'flI.. . . -11-1-1_1_ _ I i--L,---I Short Long 5-6445 5·644L 51%e Dlmendon. W •• ... IMuelletCc.1• 􀁍􀁅􀁃􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁌JOINT 􀁔􀁁􀁐􀁐􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁾2 2 FOR CENTRIFUGAL C.I., 0.1., & PVC PIPE··· .....􀁾􀀯􀀬􀀠4-99-Catalog numberH-615 Mechanical Joint Tapping Sleeve Sizes--4"-24" main and oudet (see chart below for available size combinations) Outlet flange dimensions and drilling comply with ANSI B16.1, class 125 and with MSS SP-60 . • Certified 10 ANSIINSF 6L i Iron body with 314" NIT test plug. : 4"-l2'; sizes---250 pslg (1723 kPal maximum working pressure. I 14" -24" sl=--150 psig (1034 kPal maximum working pressure. H·615 ::')..',J .pping Sleeve pipe information lominal ize 01 main • 0,0. range of sleeve lnel! Imm !Class and type 01 pipe I End Gasket part .. -numbers " 4.74"-4.86" 120.5-123.3 Ca.u iron classes tOO. 1S0.200:md A 􀁾􀀠all cwses ductile iron -cast iron 0.0. PVC plastic pipe ,cl.a<;ses [SO and 200 195824 4.87"·5.32 J23.8-135.0 Cast iron classes 8. C. and D 􀁾􀀠A-C clllSSes 100 and ISO 195653 " 6.84"·6.96" 173.8-176.7 ellSt iron cinsses 100. 150. 􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀺􀁾A·.:J.ll classes ductile iron -cast iron O.D. PVC pklstic pipe 􀁾􀀸􀀲􀀵􀀠classes 150 and 200 6.9T'-7.'􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀁾􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀩 ,izes available lominal ;ize of nain iOutlet size 4" i6!! I IS" 110" 112" 114" 116" 118" 20" 124" I" ," \" 0" 2"-X IX ,X Ix X i,x IX ,x,x :. x IX ,X ,1, I' Ix Ix :. 1Ix --. -----· · · --1· · -· :--. -J J" 6" • jx Ix Ix x x Ix Ix Ix Ix x x I' Ix · I: I· I-" :0IX Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix 1Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix 1Ix x .. 􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠-.. . . 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀠. ;. IX. BRASS-CORP. STOP, CURB STOP, COUPLING, SADDLES .'-," ." .' 11 5.6 .[Mueller Ca.1 􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀯􀀲􀀢􀀠&2" MUELLER® 􀁏􀁒􀁉􀁾􀁃􀁏􀁒􀁐􀂮􀀠lEV • .;.99 CORPORATION VALVES MUELLER® ORI-CORp® Corporation Valve 􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀻􀁯􀁾􀂮􀁖􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁃􀁏􀁒􀁐􀂮􀀠6) Inlet: A WWA taper Inlet: A WWA LP. thread. (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: MUELLER® llO® Outlet: MUELLER® llO® Conductive Compression Conductive Compression Connection for CTS O.D. tubing*H·15013 Connection for CTS O.D. tubing* H.15023 ;'l2" 􀁲􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁟􀁬􀁾􀁮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾:2" •• .-MUELLER ORI-CORP MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Corporation Valve 􀁾􀀢􀀩,>' -Inlet: AWWAtaper(MUELLER Inlet: AWWALP. thread "CC") thread Outlet: MUELLER Pack loint Outlet: MUELLER Pack Joint Connection for CTS O.D. Connection for CTS O.D, tubing* tubing*P·15013 P·15023 2" 12" ••1II-In-II-In.. MUELLER ORr-CORP MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper Inlet: AWWA LP. thread (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: ELP. thread Outlet: ELP. thread f) H·15014 H·15015 II'ln"t 2"+ 11-112" + 12":11MUELLER MUELLER ORI-CORP MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA raper Inlet; AWWALP. thread (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: M.I.P, thread Outlet: M,LP, thread H-9968 H·9969 􀀬􀁾􀁾...:: 12" ...II-In" 11' II-In" I, .. See ch and avaiJ:lbiliLY. NOTE: Sizes shown l1buve represent I10mirutl si;.:c or inlet and outlet connection!';. MUELLER"'Corporation Valves are manufactured and tested in accordance with ANSI/AWWA caoo. 8010 IMueller ta.IGROUND KEY ANGLE METER VALVES REV,+99 • ' &SERVICE VALVES -", 3/411.2" 􀀮􀁲􀁾................................'" Ground Key Angle Meter Valve Ground Key Angle Meter Valve MUELLER 110® Conductive MUELLER® Pack loint Compression Connection for crs -Connection for crs O.D.* tubing0.0.* tubing x meter flange x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing 1800 tum check -lock wing H-14277 p·142nX C3tolio!!size 1-112 :2tt Meter size 1-112 1-112,2 Pine size 1-112 12 C3:tafog size 1-112 2tt Meter size 1-112 1-112.2 Pipe size 1-112 2 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve Copper flare nut x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing H-14276 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 GroWld Key Angle Meter Valve F.I.P. x meter flange 1800 turn check -lock wing H·14286 , , .1·, _"_"'. " -.... . c£!!;' ize Met, .e 􀁔􀁵􀁢􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠size 1-112 2tt 1-112 1-112. 2 1-112 2 CatalOg size 1-112 2tt Meter size :1-112 1-112.2 Pipe size 11-112 2 MUELLER Solid Tee Head ELP. x Fl.P. Ground Key Angle Meter Valve Roundway Meter Stop 1800 turn check -lock wing F.F.I.P. x F.I.P. 3600 tum -lock wing H·10281 H·14285 iCat:1log size ICltalogsize .. SI!C 􀁣􀀻􀁨􀁡􀀮􀁲􀁴􀁾􀀠on CHll!C:S 80. [5 and 8D.16 for !ubitll! and Dine that c:m bl! UScu with thiS I.:'Qoncc[ion. 6.8 [Mueller eo.l. SERVICE FIITINGS WITH I' MUELLER 11 f1> COMPRESSION CONNECTION Straight coupling MUELLER 110 Compression Connection for IPS PE* pipe x M.I.P. thread Straight tlrree part union Straight coupling MUELLER 1l0®Conductive MUELLER 110 Conductive Compression Connection for Compression Connection for CTS O.D.* tubing-both ends CTS O.D.*tubing x F.I.E 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠tlrread;..J H-15403 H-15451 i112" 13/4' I'" 1":<3/4" 11-1I4" 11-114".," ;1-112" 12"1 Straight coupling 􀀮􀁾...."'.'MUELLER 110 Conductive . '.􀁾􀀠Compression Connection for CTS O.D.* tubing x M.I.E thread H-15429 : 1" Straight three part union Straight tlrree part union MUELLER 110 Conductive MUELLER 110® Compression Compression Connection for Connection for IPS PE* CTS O.D.* tubing x 110 pipe-botb ends Compression Connection forH-15409H-15404 IPS PE* pipe I,' 1'"X3/4" Straight coupling MUELLER 110 Compression Connection for IPS PE* pipe x ELP. tlrread H-15454 MUELLER® BR2B &BR2S SERIES BRONZE SERVICE SADDLES -DOUBLE STRAP flE.V.4-99 "I, 􀁾􀁌􀁌􀁅􀁒􀂮􀀠Service Saddles for use on A-C, cast iron, ductile iron, and AWWA C900 PVC plastic pipe:y 0 Outlet tapped with either A W'jIA taper (C.C.) or AWWA IP. thread (F.I.P.T.) ;" 0 For use on A-C pipe, cast iron or ductile iron pipe and cast iron 0.0. PVC pipe o 200 psig (1379 Id'a) maximum working pressure o Available in single and double strap designs o Brass body D0 Flattened silicon bronze straps (standard) ;' 0 Optional 304L stainless steel straps o Rolled strap threads o a-ring sealed outlet o 3/4" thru 2" tap sizes :-.0 Meets all applicable parts of ANSTIAWWA C800 ':J 0 NSF 61 certified SR 2 S Series SR2 SSeriesMUELLER® Service Saddles with AWWA taper thread Pipe O.D. range of pipe • castor ductile Iron,A-CmmInch C900PVC plasl!c pipe MUELLER® Service Saddles with AWWA iron Pipe O.D. range Inch mm Kind and 􀁳􀁩􀁾of A-C Base Catalog Castor Number 􀁉􀀭􀁓􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀽􀁡􀁰􀁪􀀻􀀻􀁊􀀭􀁬􀁩􀁾􀀻􀀻􀁢􀁾􀀻ductile iron,C900PVC plastic plastic pipe 􀁾􀀠) • Awe pipe. classes 􀀱􀀮􀀵􀀰􀁾􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀠perASTM 096 OUld AWWA C400-actuaJ O.D. of pipe being Ilsed must full within the pipe 0,0, mnge listed in mepreeeemngcbarts. Centrifugally cos, pipe. classes 50-150per ANSYAWWA CI02lA21.2; ANSUAWWA CI06IA21.6; ANSUAWWA CI06lA2L8, and Federal spedficano. WW-P42t. Ductile im. pipe. cl:lsses 5{)'56 per ANSYAWWACI5IlA21.5I ; CllS' im. 0.0. pvC plastic pipe per AWWA C900. These machines may be used with the service saddles illustrated on this page Machine Service saddle lap size ) . 3/4" I 1" I 􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀲􀀢􀀠2"112" >" " " . X[).:!Th' X :XX .. xTRU-ClJTTh< X xMEGA.cI)Tru ,x x x x .....x :x Pt·21'M : , ...._._ .•..._.__...•_ -____ 􀀧􀀮􀁟􀀬􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀻.......'_..'_...__ ... ........ :: I , ",,' X. CASING SPACERS 12 rael patented casing spacers 􀀬􀁾􀁯􀁲􀀠cased pipelines rael, the leaders in casing spacer technology, has been in business since 1952 and are ISO 9002 CERTIRED. Their uniquely designed, engineered and patented spacers are respected and their dependability has made them the number one choice of specifiers and installers world wide. '; ..... Casing Spacers Isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casings Simply and cost effectively. Insulators are required to separate caSing and carrier pipes with the following criteria. • Must ensure electrical insulation between the two pipes • Permanently prevent bells from sliding or resting on casing pipe • Must fasten tightly on the carrier pipe to ensure no horizontal movement during insertion • Must be made of materials which do not conduct electricity and are permanently resistant to chemical corrosion • Must be resistant to both mechanical and thermal shocks and stresses, particularly during Installation 960 ft. 20" e90S PVC through steel casingpage 1 •rael SPACER ADVANTAGES: racI spacers meet the above requirements with the following advantages over the standard skid and strap application and other models of manufactured spacers. • Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene with NO METAL b?lts or attachments required • Spacers are quickly and easily assembled by manually fitting elements one into the other • Tooth insertion method allows on site adjustment to fit a wide range of pipe diameters and coatings • Spacers slide into casing with e?se • • Spacers maintain continual long term support for the carrier pipe and its contents • Spacers provide constant projections around the entire circumference of the carrier pipe. • Spacers provide long term corrosion protection • Spacers can be installed on coated or plain concrete, ductile iron, plastic, ribbed, and steel pipe. The spacers are divided into four groups which address a wide range of pipe sizes and weights. Within each grouping there are varying support heights that allow the spacer to clear bell joints, flanges, couplings, and other jointing methods. These heights range from .78 inches to 5.11 inches (20 • 130 mm) ' •. ·'.1 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: For applications with continued ope(ating temperatures in excess of 60'C/140' F, spacers are able in nylon. ') On request, spacers can be manufactured in other types of 􀁾􀀠plastic material according to the mechanical and temperature requirements of the pipeline. The HOPE spacer is manufactured by injection molding. This gives it a high impact strength and a low coefficient of friction which exceeds industry standards. Each spacer element represents a flexible section that has a toothed male butt strap at one end and an appropriately toothed female slot on the other end. Absolutely no metallic parts are involved in their assembly. This design allows for on site adjustments for any variances witbin the O.D. range. Coupled with their flexibility they cover all 'types of pipe from O.D. range 1..18 inches (30 mm) and upward. ) • 􀁐􀁾􀁡􀁰􀀠, .. ' .". ...., ..... • Spacing The spacing of the rings must ensure that the carrier pipe is fully supported throughout its length. To ensure against the effects of differential loading at the entrance and exit points of the casing, two rings are used at the beginning and end of each casing, regardless of pipe size or length. Where mechanically joined pipes, flanges, couplings or bells are involved rings should be installed within 1 foot '\3 m) on each side of the bell and one in the centre of the pipe, when 18 to 20 foot lengths are used. Selection Guidelines The selection of spacer type depends on the following dimensions: • exact carrier pipe O.D. • exact bell, flange or coupling 0.0. • exact casing pipe I.D. • clearance desired between casing and carrier pipe • length of application and linear weight of filled carrier pipe With the above information and using the charts on pages 5 and 6, the type and number of spacer elements required for each ring and how far they will be spaced can be determined. Instructions For Ring Assembly • In cases where the carrier pipe is plastic, the contact zone between the pipe and spacer shall be taped to ensure a textured contact area. It is recommended to use tape on all types of pipe. Double backed tape should be either self amalgamating or bituminous. .• Insert the male butt strap three teeth into the slotted female end of the next element. Continue until you have J formed a chain of the required number of elements. • To complete the ring. wrap the spacer loosely around the pipe and complete the last linking by hand. • Pull each of the butt straps together by hand until the spacer is tightened uniformly on the pipe. • The final tightening is done using the special clamping tool for the spacer type. • The minimum and maximum operating temperatures are ·4 to 140°F or -20 to 60°C. 36" Concrete Pressure Pipe throug1l steel casing ract spacer assembly and insertion Specification suggestions for casing spacers Casing spacers shall be used to install carrier pipe inside the encasement pipe. To provide support around the periphery of the pipe should the pipe twist as it is pushed through the casing. The spacers shall be of a projection type that has a minimum number of projections around the circumference totalling the number of diameter inches. For example, 8" minimum of 18 projections. Casing spacers shall use double backed tape to fasten tightly onto the carrier pipe so that the spacers do not move during installation. Installation instructions shall be provided with each shipment. Casing spacers shall have a span of 10 feet to 6-1/2 feet dependent on the total load anticipated with the pipe full of liquid. On sewer pipe, the maximum span should be 6-1/2 feet to prevent sagging of the carrier pipe. The maximum load shall not exceed the load limits per spacer listed in the brochure. These values In the brochure include conservative safety factors for class spacer used. Spacers shall have minimum height that clears the pipe bell or as otherwise indicated on plans. Casing spacers shall be projection type totally non-metallic spacers constructed of preformed sections of high-density polyethylene. Spacers shall be ISO 9002 certified for strength and quality. Projection type spacers shall be RACI type spacers by Raci Spacers North America Inc. {Specification suggestion available in electronic form; e-mail or dlsc} TYPICAL ROAD CROSSING shall have a minimum of 8 projections and 18" pipe shall have a 48" Ductile I,,,. thr"ugb 66" """'''' rael SPACER OPTIONS: Spacer elements Sand T These spacers are linked by a tongue and groove method. Sand T spacers are able to support a maximum weight load of 250 Ib./ll0 kg. per ring. They are best suited for pipe ranges 1.18 -4.13 inches (30 . 105 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 3 is used -0.0. range 1.18 . 6.46 inches (30 -164 mm) Spacer elements F and G These spacers are engineered to be used on small to medium sized pipe and are able to support a maximum weight load of 1102 Ib./500 kg. per ring. F and G spacers are best suited for pipe ranges 3.62 to 17.56 inches (92 to 406 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 1 is used. Channel Lock tool also available. Spacer elements P and Q Special The P and Q spacer is designed for that middle pipe 0.0. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 1213 Ibs. I 550 kg. per ring. The P and Q spacers are best suited for the pipe range 6.00 to 12.00 inches (152 mm to 305 mm). For 0.0. Ranges above 12" contact your distributor. For installation the Clamping Tool Type 6 is used. /.ISPACER TABLE: SMALL TO MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE 500 KGS PER RING P/Q SPACER TABLE: MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE 7.95 $,94; . .ja.98 9.92.. 9.96 13.27 13.31 15.55 4 15.59 396 421 4 1 16.61 422 505 5 19,92 506 6 -4.9 "'MAXIMUM LOAD MUST NOT EXCEED 1.21.3 LBS OR 550 KGS PER RING \ 1 It 􀁾􀀠tI n d , 􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀠\'\Spacer elements M and N lJ The M and N spacer is designed for that middle pipe O.D. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 2204 Ib./l000 kg. per ring. The M and N spacers are best suited for the pipe range 13.31 to 29.88 inches (358 to 764 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 5 is used. Channel Lock tool also available. Spacer elements E and H For large diameter pipe, heavier applications or long casings where maximum strength is required the E and H elements are used. They are able to support a maximum weight load of !' "j Ib./2700 kg. per ring and are best suited fo, ,ne pipe range above 24 inches (609 mm). For installation, the Clamping Tool Type 2 is used for support heights up to 90 mm. Tool Type 4 is used for the E 130s. NOTICE Distance between spacers must be calculated so the maximum load per spacer ring does not exceed the max. load carrying capacity for the type used. (S&T 250 Ib/ll0 kg, F&G 1102 Ib/500 kg, P&Q 1213 Ib/550 kg, M&N 2204 Ib/l000kg, E&H 5952 Ib/2700 kg) • j spacer ring. Maximum load per spacer is calculated based on the weight of the pipe filled with liquid divided by the M/N SPACER TABLE: MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE ::" ,. *MAXIMUM LOAD MUST NOT EXCEED 2204 LBS OR :1000 KGS PER RING E/H SPACER TABLE: LARGE DIAMETER PIPE '. ..1 􀂷􀀢􀁾􀀶􀀳􀀰􀀮􀁟􀀢􀀮􀁩􀀠6 730 I 7 630 "8 930 9 􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁌􀁩􀁯􀀳􀁃􀁦􀀧􀀧􀀡􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀠--:10" "1159--11 􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀽􀁾􀀮􀀠":13·· : ."-·--1"";"; 15 17 2110 20 "2430 0.6 , 2860.: NOT EXCEED 5952 LBS OR 2700 KGS PER RING number of spacer rings installed. The maximum distance of 10 feetj3 meters shall not be exceeded due to the danger of the pipe sagging between the spacers support pointa unless the pipe manufacturer states differently. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SPECIRCAllY DESIGNED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE FOR RACI SPACERS 3625 PSI 2900 PSI ) 800% 65 -4' F >940 K'I/inch yes 25 N/mm' ASTM D 638 20 N/mm' A5TM D 638 800% ASTM D 638 65 ASTM D 2240 -20' C >37 Kv/mm ASTM H9/64 yes -------------------------------Public Wor] t '1111}-111lf1 Trt h!}f,'J SINGLE BODY Double Orifice MATERIALS USED IN BOTH STYLE COMBINATION AIR VALVES 􀁔􀁬􀁾􀀬􀀠1" THROUGH 6" :sTY1.E SPECIFY IF OP'ERATtNG PRESSURES "LOW so P.s.I. Body. Cover. Lever Frame ...•••.. Cast Iron Float .................... Stainless Steel Seat .......................... Buna-N Lever Frame (1" & 2" size)....•..... Delrin Leverage Mechanism (B" size) ................. Stainless Steel ALL OlHER INTERNAL PARTS STAINLESS STEEL OR BONZE 8" STYLE TO SIZE AIR VALVES FOR PIPEUNE SERVICE USE APCO AIR VALVE COMPUTER orAPSUDE COMPUTER SOFTWARE Height 12 1/4" Height 15 1/2" • Height 17 1/8" Height 27 1/4" Height 25 3/4" Width 8" Width 10' · Width "" Width 13" Width 17 1/2" Length 14" Length 16" • Length lB" Length 18 3IB" Length 22 1/4" Weight 75 Ibs. Weight 100 Ibs. · Weight 170 Ibs. . Weight 205 Ibs. Weight 300 Ibs. ..!!!:!.! 1" PIPE THRtAO ....!!!!!! 2'" PIPE THAEM ..!!!!::!! 􀀳􀁾􀀠PIPE WREAO .J!t!.!! 4" PIPE 1'HAEAO I."" I.'" OUlUT Otm.Ef OUlUT 0U1UT 125 &: 250 L6. FlANGE 125 & 2511l./l. lUNG' 125 & 250 LB. lUNGES 125 & 250 L6. FWiGES OUTLET OFTIONS otm.E1' OPTIONS X • PLAIN WITH HOOD .. PlAIN' WTTH HOOO• EXCEPT POPPET ALSO AVAIlABLE ALSO AVAilABle: -THREAOED li>S SHOWN) HEIGHT 􀁆􀁉􀀮􀀮􀁁􀁯􀁾􀁇􀁅􀁏􀀠16112" HEIGHT FlANGeD 19" • flANGED • FLANGED SINGLE BODY SPECIFICATIONS Combination Air Valve sizes , .. through S", (single body. double orifice) allows large volumes of air to escape out the large onfice when filling a pipeline and closes when liquid enters the valve. When the wive is closed and pressurized. the small air release orifice will open to allow small pockets of air to escape automatically and independently of the large orifice. The large orifice shall also allow large volumes of air to enter during pipeline drainage to break the vacuum. The body inlet must be baffled to'protect the float from direct forces of rushing air and water to prevent premature valve shut-off. The Buna-N seat must be fastened to the valve cover without distortion for drop tight shut-off, The floats shall be heavy stainless steel. steel. The plug or float shall be center guided through hex bushings for positive 􀁳􀁨􀁵􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁦􀁦􀀮􀀠Valve exterior to be painted with Red Oxide Primer Paint as accepted by the FDA for use in Potabfe Water. All materials of construction shall be certified in writing to confonn to AS.T.M. Specifications as follows: . Body & Cover c.stlron ASTM A126 GR.B Float Stainless steel ASTM A21l0 Needle & seat 8una-N Plug Bronze ASTM B124 leverage frame Delon/Cast iron ASTM D21331ASTM A126 GRB Valve to be APCO Model (Engineer to Name) Combination Air Valve as manufactured by Valve & Primer Corporation. Schaumburg,lIlinois. UBA .,) (HEREAREBASICALLY TWO TYPES OFAIR VALVES: TYPE 1. AIRJVACUUM VALVES withQ) LARGE ORIFICE to vent large volumes of air for efficient filling and draining of pipelines. This protects against vacuum and water column separation or pipeline collapse, TYPE 2. AIR RELEASE VALVES with @SMALL ORIFICE for continuous venting of air pockets as they accumulate in a pressurized pipeline. When the above lypes are combined, the result is a COMBINATION AlR VALVE. The Combination Alr Valve is available in a SINGLE BODY DOUBLE ORIFICE shown here, or in a DUPLEX arrangement (see Back Page). The single body is most popular due to its smaller overall size and resulting space saving inside a valve vault It is available in 1" to B" sizes. HOW IT WORKS: Sizes 1" through 6" incorporate a poppet (or plug) which rests freely inside the lever frame. The center stem of the poppet has a SMALL ORiRCE through it When water enters the main valve body it raises the float and float arm which puts the needle, attached to the arm, in contact with the poppet stem while lifting the poppet to the shut-off position against the LARGE ORIRCE. As air accumulates inside the main valve body the water is displaced. The float arm falls away from the poppet stem to expose the smali orifice and the pocket at air is vented. Water re-enters the main valve body lifting the float arm back to the shut-off position and the cycle repeats as air accumulates. As long as the main valve body is under pressure, the poppet stays closed because the pressure differential across the large orifice is more than the poppet can overcome. It, however, a negative pressure occurs inside the main valve body. the poppet will drop open to allow air in and prevent a vacuum from torming in the pipeline. Size B" functions in the same manner, but. instead of a poppet. a fioat is used tor shutting off the large orifice and a separate internal float operated lever mechanism is incorporated with a smali orifice tor venting smalier pockets of air when the system is pressunzed. Every Combination Air Valve is hydrostatically seat and shell tested betore IT leaves our faCtory to insure quali1y performance in the field. 􀁲􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁔􀁙􀁾􀁐􀀻􀁴􀁃􀀻􀁁􀀻� �􀁾􀁐􀀻􀁉􀀺􀁐􀀺􀁅􀁌􀀺􀁉􀁾􀁎􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁈􀁾􀁏􀁗􀁴􀁎􀁇􀀠ITS HYDRAULICGRADIENT APl:lJ ....• AlRNACUUM VALVE AP!:tJ AlRNACUUM VALVE 􀀮􀀧􀁓􀁃􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀮􀀠AlR RElEASE VALVE 􀁡􀁴􀁰􀁥􀁵􀁬􀁴􀁳􀁡􀀮􀀧􀀱􀁤􀀤􀁨􀁡 􀁬􀁪􀀩􀁾􀁩􀁴􀀧􀁬􀁱􀁭􀁤􀁩􀁥􀁦􀁬􀁴􀁮􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁥􀁦􀀡􀁤􀁭􀀠• lina where no 􀁾iVJ'\(KI(\t c' air Is Mticipated COMBINATION AJR VALVE Inft1t 􀁁􀁴􀁒􀁎􀁁􀁃􀁕􀁕􀁍􀁖􀁁􀁊􀀮􀀮􀁖􀁅􀁯􀁮􀁰􀁵􀁭􀁰􀁾􀁾􀁣􀀺􀁦􀁬􀁥􀁤􀀨􀁜􀁉� �􀀺􀁍􀁉􀀻􀁻􀁮􀁯􀁴􀁾􀁲􀁯􀀮􀀭􀁰􀁵􀁭􀁰􀁳􀁷􀁩􀀱􀁨􀁰􀁡􀁡􀁬􀁴􀁍􀁴􀁾􀀡􀁴􀁯􀁑􀁤􀀩􀁉􀀩􀁴􀁾􀁃􀁏􀁎􀂭"T.uJI '!"ROU.£O AlRlVACtJUMVAUfE wham • dIsd'Wge gIIlIJ \I'aJw is!W;ll'mllltf eIowd dl.lring pump sIIItt-cp to duveIop heacL NOTE:: INSTAWNG 􀁾fJiN'T'E'.HVAl..S IN LARGm SIZE PlPEUHES PROVIDESAN EXCS.l.ENT POIHTlU INSnU.1.AlRVAtVES. • HYDRAUUCALlY CO!IJROLLED AlRNACUUM VALVE ORIFICE SIZES for 300 psi working pressu re DISCHARGE CAPACITIES FOR COMBINATION AIR VALVE CtsRVES SHOWN ARE ACTUAl. FUlw CAPAcmES f{'f 14.7 PSI BAROMETRIC PRESSURE AND 700 F TEMPERATURE SASE. ON ACTuAl TEST. THESE AGURES ARE NOT ONlY THE FUlW CAPACmES ACROSS THE oroncE aUf FlOW ACROSS THE EHnIlE VAUIE. IN mE 1EST SEr-UP. APPROACH VELOCITY m THE VAlliE IS NEGUGISUii 'rnEREFORE AC'ruAl CAPACfTY EXCEEOS THE VALUES SHOWN ON CHARi. 0 @TEST CONOUCTEO av: PHIWP PEIROl.£UM COMPANY ENG1N££fUNG OEPAmMENT 􀁾􀀠'T'£ST OMSION EDMOND PLANT OCTOBER 1. 1961. MODEL LARGE SMALL I" P r. 􀁾􀀠• ORIFICE ORIFICE VA LVI i SIZE AND MODEL 10_ 43C 5C i47C I49 lSOC 1􀁾􀀠iiC 143C 1" 5/64" ·.",,1 c'.,:., h ,Ad. Ji::"L' .::i!􀁩􀁾􀀻􀀠􀁟􀁣􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀬􀁾􀁩􀀠'/, '.':" -. ':<'1 1',-,;;P iWllai :.< "1 :',.: 145C 2" 3/32" 􀀺􀁽􀁾􀀺􀀻􀀼􀀺􀁩􀁾􀀠. 􀀱􀁾􀁾􀁏􀁩􀁾􀀺􀀠:';;:: ;.'1 : .: 􀁾􀀧􀀱􀀻􀀱􀀠I .. j 1;:1 :, .. I I.. '''','2 ,." 14 .. 􀀬􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀠' .. 147C 3" 3/32" .:) :.. _.. ;;; li'1Y"'x 􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀠II 􀀮􀁾􀁆􀁊􀀣􀁊􀀠". ' If/1:;'1'", ./;' 􀀬􀀬􀁾. " .' 49C 4" 3132" , , '. 1'. 'AIR I I y: /1I /DO 150C 6" 1/8" 151C 8" 5/32" //////V 1 V ../' I---!-.//" 3 4 u U IU ;0 100 2( 3C AIR FLOW THROUGH VALVE IN STANDARD CUBIC FEET OF FREE AIR PER SECOND (SCFS) xn. MISC.-FLANGE BOLT & GASKET SET, POL¥WRAP, DETECTABLE TAPE, MEGALUGS, HYDRANT MARKERS, COPPER TUBING, DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE, BRASS VALVE 14 B-Rite 1h. Right Ga$k., Works B·nte Bolt 􀁓􀁥􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠Illal Fit . Bull Strong Tough Prntlucrs (Of Tough JobS 3320 Stuart Dr. Ft. Worth. TX 76110 817-921..Q501 817-921-2782 fax BOLTING SPECIFICATIONS -PLAIN FINISH Standard Bolt and Nut Sets, Capscrew Sets and Flange Paks contain Hex Head Machine Bolts and Hex Head Capscrews IIAJW ASTM A307 Gr. A. Their dimensional specifications are lIAJW ASTM A563 Gr. A. All Bolts, Screws and Nuts have National Coarse threads, C 1.2A fit eoL.TING SPECIFICATIONS -STAINLESS STEEL Boft and Nut Sets contain Hex Head Machine Bolts IIAJW ASTM F593 Gr. 18-8. Their dimensional specifications are liNN ANSIIASME 818.2.1. Finished Hex Pattem Nuts are lIAIW ASTM F594 Gr. 18-8. All Bolts and Nuts have National Coarse threads, C 1.2A fit. eOLTING SPECIFICATIONS -B7 Alloy Stud Bolt. and Heavy Hex Head Bolt material is I/AJW ASTM A 193 Gr. B7. Threading is ASME 81.1 class 2A National Coarse threads for bolts up to 1 inch and 8 thread series for bolts above 1 inch. Nut material is I/AJW ASTM A 194 Gr. 2H. Heavy Nuts I/AIW ASME 818.2.2 have C1.28 course series threads for nuts up to 1 inch and 8 thread series for nuts above 1 inch. Standard Bolting Material provided will generally be of an import manufacturer. Domestic material available on request GASKET SPECIFICATIONS Flange Gaskets dimensional requirements are I/AIW ANSIIASME 816.21. For phySical characteristics please reference the attachment. POLYWRAP (Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe) All po/ywrap supplied h}l Standard Hardware, Inc., will meet or exceed the following specifics: AWWACI05 ASTM D1248-84 Thickness: 8 mil (tolerance 􀀫􀀯􀁾􀀠10%) Material: Linear Low Density, Type I, Class C-Black, Grade. E-l, ManufaCtured from 100% virgin resin. Colors & Clear = same specifications. Tensile Strength: 1200 PSI (8.3 MP) minimum . Elongation: 300% minimum Dielectric Strength: (raw material) Volume resistivity ohm*cm= minimum Dielectric Strength: (finished film) 800V/mil (31.5V/um) thickness minimum Detectable Underground Utility Marking Tape Specifications, Test Data, Approvals and Color Code r. SPECIFICATIONS . Consists ofa minimum 5.0 mil (0.005" overall thickness, with no less than 􀁾􀀬􀀠35 gauge (0.00035') solid aluminum foil. core. The foil must be visible from BOTH sides. The layerS shall be laminated together with the extrusion lamination process, not adhesives. Further, there shall be NO inks or printing e:-,:tending to the edges of the tape. The adhesive will NOT contain any dilutants, pigments. at" contarnirumts and is specially fonnulated (0 resist df:!o;radation by olements normally encountered in the soil. All printing shall be encased to avoid ink rub-off. " H. TEST DATA PROPERTY METHOD VALVE 'Thickness ASTMD2I03 5.0 mils Tensile strength ASTMD882 251b$ fioch (5500 PSI) Elongation ASTMD882-8S <.50% at break Printability ASTMD2578 >.50 dynes/em' Flexibility ASTM D671-81 pliable: hand Inks Mfg. .specs. heat 􀁾􀀧􀁴􀀮􀀧􀁴􀀠Mylex Message repeat Mfg. specs. every:.'0'mehes. Foil Mfg. specs. deads, ,ft/annealled Top layer M£Z. specs. virgin PET Bottom layer Mfg. specs. virgin I...DPE Adhesives Mfg. specs. >30%. solid 1 • .:5I#/R Bond Strength BoilingIi'o 5 houl'S w/O peel @lOOoe Colors APWA Code see 􀁢􀁾􀁬􀁯􀁷􀀠 III. APPROVALS A. Department ofTransportation, Materials Transportation Bureau, Ollie<: of Pipelioe SaiCty. USAS code for pressure piping B3l.8, paragraph 192.321 (r). B. National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DC, Special Sludy Prevention of Damage to Pipelioes. Adopted Iune 7. 1974. Report NTSB-PSS-7:l·{. C. American Petroleum Institute (API). Recommended practice for marking buried liquid petroleum pipelines-API RP 1109. D. General Servi= Admioistration, Washington, DC, Public Buildings Service Guide SpecifiClUion for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment-PBS 4-1501, Amendrnc.nt2, page I 501-14, paragraph 18. subparagraph 18.1, clause IS.U. E. Rural. Electrification Authority (REA), D,S. Dept. ofAgriculture. \"\LShingroo, DC, National Electric.'1.1 Safety Code for Underground Construction fur remote and immediate ha:zards. IV. COLOR CODE Safety Red-Electric power, distribution and transmission and municipal electric systems. High VISibility Safety Yellow-Gas and oil distribution and transmission, d:mgerous materials, product and steam. Safety Alert Oral1ge-Telephone and telegraph systems, police and fire communications and cable television. . Safety PreC:lutiOI1 Blue-Water systems and slurry pipelioes. Safety Green-Sanitary and stOrm sewer systems. Safety Brown-Force mains, reclaimed water lines and effluent re-use lioes. Alert Purple-Rcclaimed non·porable wllter lines. .dagnaTec® The standard detectable product used for location and early warning protection for underground lines. • Multi·layer conslrudion offers permonence of message, strenglh ond locutobility. • tlo ink extends to the edge of the lope providing the s1roogesl bond between loyers to prevent delamination. • Bold block leiters include. message and inslallution ·recammendations. . • Sliver foil sbows through on the front and tbe bock for excellent dig·in visibility. Use widesllape possible and bury as dose /0 the surface as practical • WATER UTILITY TAPE -MAGNATEC STOCK 􀁍􀀬􀁾􀁴􀀢􀀨􀀮􀁆􀁾􀀺􀀬􀀮􀀠1I!!i>""'Io:WJdth&@ii9thJ..fiMt j 􀂥􀁜􀀱􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁡􀁧􀀢􀁩􀁩􀂥􀁾􀀪􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁃􀁯􀁬􀁯􀁲.􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀤􀁮􀁡􀁶􀁟􀁷􀁴􀀮􀁾􀁊􀀺􀁐􀁫􀁧􀀮􀀠Q!Y:...E!>g, 􀁌􀁢􀁓􀀮􀁝􀁩􀁾􀂧􀁭􀀠3·. 2' x 1000' CAUTION WATER UNE saow Blue/silver 5.0 6 30.5 .. " ., 3H}22 3" x 1000' CAUTION WATER UNE BELOW Bluelsiiver 7,0 4 30.5 31·024 6' x 1000' CAUTION WATER UNE BELOW Slueisilver 14.0 2 30.5 f,'i") !W 31-016 3' x 1000' CAUTION POTABLE WATER UNE BELOW Bluelsilver 7.0 4 30.5 􀁾􀀠31-052 2' x 1000' CAUTION SEWER UNE BELOW Green/silver 5.0 6 30,5 31,053 3' x 1000' CAUTION SEWER UNE BELOW Green/silver 7.0 4 30,5 31-055 6" x 1000' CAUTION SEWER UNE BELOW Green/silver 14.0 2 30.5 !W 31-031 3" x 1000' CAUTION STORM DRAIN BELOW Green/silver 7.0 4 30,5 ,W 31-042 2' x 1000' CAUTION FORCE MAIN BELOW Green/silver 5,0 6 30.5 ;IV 31-043 3' x 1000' CAUTION FORCE MAIN BELOW Green/.ilver 7.0 4 30,5 ;IV 31·122 2' x 1000' CAUTION FORCE MAIN BELOW Tan/silver 5.0 6 30.5 ;IV 31·123 3' x 1000' CAUTION FORCE MAIN WATER Tan/silver 7,0 4 30,5 ;IV 31-099 2' x 1000' CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER UNE BELOW Purplelsilver 5.0 6 30.5 31-100 3" x 1000' CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER Purplelsilver 7,0 4 30,5 BELOW DO NOT DRINK 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠,GAS UTILITY TAPE ".;MAGNATEC STOCK Item NQ, Width x Length Message Color Indv. Wt Pkg. Qty, Pkg. Lbs, 31·140 2" x 1000' CAUTION GAS LINE BELOW Yellow/silver 5.0 6 30.5 31-141 3' x 1000' CAUTION GAS UNE BELOW Yellow/silver 7,0 4 30,5 31-143 lr X 1000' CAUTION GAS LINE BELOW Yellow/silver 14,0 2 30.5 31·087 2-x 1000' CAUTION Oil LINE BELOW Orange/silver 5.0 6 30,5 !. CK 􀁉􀁴􀁩􀁩􀁭􀁊􀀮􀁪􀁯􀀻􀀺􀀬􀁾􀀠􀁗􀁪􀁤􀁩􀁬􀁩􀀺􀁆􀁌􀀮􀁮􀁧􀁩􀁨􀀢􀀺􀀢􀀺􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀧􀀠,:':<'􀁾􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁡􀁧 􀁥􀀺􀁾􀀭, ",_._-_. " 'Color' 􀀧􀁊􀁾􀀮􀀡􀁩􀁙􀁊􀁙􀁴􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁧􀀺􀁾􀁑􀀡􀁹􀀺􀀧􀀮􀀡􀀧􀁾􀁌􀁩􀁩􀁓􀁾􀂷􀂷􀂷􀀠i·;::tf,:':􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁌􀁩􀁬􀀠31-106 2" x 1000' CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BELOW Red/silver 5.0 6 30,5 3,.,07 3' x 1000' CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BELOW Red/silver 7,0 4 30,5 31-109 6" x 1000' CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BELOW Red/silver 14.0 2 30,5 ---="'-.".. Series 2000PV MECHANICAL JOINT RESTIWNT GLAND FOR {fSEWIl'H C-900 OR IPS OD PVC PIPE Approved 2000PV ma(;hanical joint fesir:.llnl$ can1J9usad Cfl colh C·9008nd IPS OD PVCptpe. A spacer/s provided undarfJaCh rorquelimifing 4CfOwto acccmmo· dalill/to dlHerent Qhlrrn1I8(S, 'I11e 20001'V mechanic:!l joint resr.rJint is the: fhstc!it and nlO!it 􀁣􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁯􀁭􀁩􀁾􀀠c:l1 method of .-':str:lil1ing PVC pipe tu mechanical joints. Nuw the need lbr custly cuocrete thrust block., ,md cnrrodihlc :m..'C1 ric rods is e!iminuted. Ir (.';Ul he uscd in srf"Jigh£ alignment or at the pre·set detkerion recommended ror the lllcchunic;ll joint. The 2000PV was the frrst PVC joint restr:lint to be tested to UNl-B13. Underwriters 􀁌􀁾􀁢􀁯􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁯􀁲􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀬􀀠and Factory Mutual. MecL' all ofthe requil-.:ment, of UNl·jj.13 "Recommended Standard l'error1l1l1nce Spedfication jlllJoint Rcstr.1ill[ Devices foc use with 􀁉􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁹􀁶􀁩􀁯􀁹􀁬􀀠Chloride (PVC) pipe." UJAistecJ in the fOUl thmugh lwdve inch slzt:S fur juining UL·list<-d ductile iroll tluing:; [() UI...Ibrcd, Cfnb1i ISO PVC pressure pipe. The mllximulll :tll()Wllhle joint tictle<.:(ioll is tlve 􀁵􀁣􀁧􀁲􀁣􀁣􀁾􀀮􀀠Factury Munl:11 ap(1t'ovetl tbr U!lie on DRill PVC pipe in Ibur through twelve inch 􀁾􀁩􀁚􀀼􀀮􀀧􀁓􀀮􀀠' For 1"513'3.1IOn on IPS PVC PIpe remove 5pilctlfS and replace screws, lnslall f.'l8t inslructlons. ,. For InsrnUa110n cn C.gOO pVC Pipe use as teCelved and inslaH POI' Instructions. T C·9oo pvc PIP!; 􀁾􀀠REMOvEY 􀁾􀁓􀁐􀁁􀁃􀁅􀁒􀁓􀀠􀁾􀀠IPS pvc p,pE ') IPS pvC PIPE The fast9St and most economfctll method of teS1lainlng PVC pipe to mecharucaIfaJnr$. eJiminatescosHyecncrsfa thtu$tbIa(:ks 8m! corrodibttt stMf tia rods. The: pressure: rating for the 2000PV joint restrnint is the srandanli..,d pressure "'ting afthc PVC pipe on which it is used. 2000PV jOint restr.1inrs can be used on both C-9QO and IPS OD PVC pipe, 3" through 12". STANDAROlZED PRESSUFtS RATINGS FOR ORD1NAFrfWATER' WORKS WITH TRANSlENTSURGE& ONLY. RATINGS ARE FOa PVC P1PEAND 200U PV. ANSIIAw\VA C!lOO ASTMD2241 Ciao IPS 00 OR 14 200 PSI SDR 11 250 PSI OR1S 150 PSI SOR2t 200 PSI OR 25 100PSl SOR26 160 PSI RATtNGS FOR FEAK PRESSURES usen IN SE.WAGE FORCE MAINS AND OTHER 'NsrALLATlONS DESIGNED FOR C.VCUC SURGES OF1·MllUON CYCLES. RATINGS ARE FOR PVC PIP'" AND 2000 pv. ANSUAWWA egaa ClOD OR 14 2.00 PSI OR IS 150 PSI OA2s 100 PSI ASTM 02241 lPSOD SOR 11 200 PSI SOA21 HiO PSI SOA26 !2SPS! ._"""'.."...,. .... -'fUr .'. Series 2000PV MECHAl'l1CAL]OINT RESTRAINr GLAND FOR USE WITH C-905 PVC PIPE The large Diameter 20nOl'V is • mech:mical joint rcstr:lint for u'"' with (>905 PVC .pipe with nominal :;izc diametets from 14 th rough 24 inches. NOMINAL PVC P1PE SERrES P1PE PRESSURE SAFETY SIZE NUMBER CLASS RATtNG FACTOR 14 2014PV Dfl25 165 Full Pipe Capacity 2014PV DR1B 235 Full Pipe CapBaty ,ince the lal'gc diameter 2()()OI'V is used 16 2016PV DR25 165 FuU Pipe CapaQty with only one pipe diameter, there arc no spacers as 2016PV OR18 235 Foil PIpe capaGlly used with the 􀀴􀀢􀁾12" 2000PV series. 18 201SPV DR25 la5 Full PIpe-Capacity 201SPV DRtS 235 2.5: 1 The large diameter 2000I'V restrnims have 2. 2020PV Dfl25 165 Futl Pipe C'pacl\y been tcsted to pres.\-ures: exceeding the minimum 2020PV DRl8 235 2,05: t quick burst pressure requirement.'{ for the pipe 24 2024PV Dfl25 leo Full PIpe Capacity shown ill dIe table, and have the snmc pressure 2024PV DA1B 235 2,5: 1 rntings as dlC pipe. APPLICATION VEnSATILITY Other EBAA Products for Use on PVC Pipe Series 2000SV Series 2100 Series 2800 This series is a split restrrunt The MegafhU1\lc" flange aru'prer TItis series 1S a solid ring 􀁾􀀱􀀧􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁭􀀠for the mechruucal joiu[. 􀁪􀁾􀀠a fit:kl-ad;tptolble. restraineu harness for use on C-905 PVC Tills split restraint nllows fbr tht: fl:mging system. 111C Megatlangc pipe bells, It is composed oh repair of existing villves, fi[tlngs. adaptt:r has a i'e$trnint ring :mu it wedge .Iction restr.tint ring that and hydrnnts where it is advisga..'iket ring to give the maximum L< .""embled on the spigot, and able to restr.lin mechantcd joints amount of flc..."'dbflity during and • bell ring that is positioned on afsting PVC pipe systt:ms, after in.'n.nllarion. It is available behind the pipe bell. All of the The instaI1ation j5 simple anti it is for use. on PVC pipe: in the 3" components: are motde ofductile availahle in the 4" through 12" througb 24" si:t.es. h can .llsa be iron. Available in 14" through sizes. u.:sed C)n ductile iron in aH sizes 24" sizes, and on steel in some !li7.cS. Series 􀀱􀀶􀁾􀁏􀀠Series 􀀲􀀵􀁾􀁏􀀠 JillAA.Sea['· Gasket This series is :l split? serrated This serics is a spUt, serrated ThL, is an improved mecltan!· restraint for C-900 I'VC pipe restraint for C-907 PVC tltting eal joint lI.,;ket designed to hells. It is composed of" bells. The assemhly ,uld comcombine the eOC;UOri.cs, Jl\c.• c:ltegory 􀁕􀁊􀁋􀁬􀁾􀀠"t:ining.,\. Reminer mech.mism shall CUIlS)Sl (if a pIUr::llh}' elf individually· 'l'ypc." with ; sll:tU he 1l1,1I1UI:tCtul'eu of ductile iron Sizes 4" thmugh 12" llfC approved by r.,lctory MumaJconfOrlllilllt to i\STM AS3(l-HU. (i.lf USc nn appnwed DRift PV(: pipe :tnd lneehani.cn.JThe gland shan he such thnr it t..':lll rcpl:lcc the john appurtenances. Thc 200OJ)V rescr:till( acecds:!it:rOt.l:trdizt.:d mt.:chmlic:!1 joint 􀁾􀁉􀁡􀁮􀁤􀀠and L':!.ll be ust.-u aU r<."quircmcnts of IJNl..􀁬􀁾􀁩􀀳􀂷􀀹􀀲􀀮􀀠Wtli t the stamJartli:t.ctlIlH:chankJ.1 joint heU (.'Onf()ml· 􀁩􀁬􀀱􀁾􀀠w ANSl/AWWA CIlI/A2L t I ilnd I\NSl/AWWA CJS;i/A21.53 of lah."St rc:vb1.on. 1wist off nuts. si1.ed Patent Information :iame 􀀱􀁌􀀧􀁾􀀠tee·hc:td hults. shall he.: u:-;t:d tu 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀢􀁉􀁦􀀧􀁃􀀠pl"npct' 'J11(.;' 􀁰􀁦􀁕􀁴􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁉􀁃􀁛􀁾􀀠[u'cse!1ced herein arc covered by:tt.:tu:ttilig of rcNtr:tininH dcvict:!'I. one or IllOt'C of the folluwing patcnts: 4'5H6112. The restrnining ;!llIllds :ihall hllvc a pressurc 􀁲􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁵􀁾􀀠-j·627774. ,lH9690J. 5fl71 175. inA cqu:!lln that uf the pipt: on whidl it is \L<;CU. The re.'itr.tiniutt Alands 􀁾􀁉􀁬􀀺􀁤􀁬􀀠huve been u..>sled 10 1􀁊􀁎􀀱􀁾􀁮􀂷i j-Special Notes92. he Uti[<''1.1 by llnderwnu.·rs: J.3borntorlcs. and ht.' 04Pi)t1)ved hy 1::tc!C)f)' MuulIIl. The rcs:tmitn :til;lU he Fur rC:it prcs:mrcs :Ibovc rhc r:ucd Pn.:::IMlrt."!I, con· the I\HAi\ 10m Series 2nmwv (ir :tpprov...:d l'qUal, suIt the: 􀁣􀁬􀁬􀁨􀁾􀁮􀁣􀁴􀀺􀁲􀁩􀁴􀀱􀁧􀀠d epartment of EHAA Iron. Jnc. Ihr rc<.:onmu!mlmlolls. PVC PIPE 00Dunensional Data <;100 IPSASTM nO 0>' NOOF PWl'TH HUTS PIPe: SHIPPING A_AK, ""''' SEHIES C 0 F J M X WECOes eOt.TS P TWIS"I"EO OFF sIZe WEIGHT c.oo 011.&5 2003PV 4.84 1.55 3.S0 S.19 0.50 314 4 4 9.8 a.6 7,69 3 7.0 3.5 2004PV 5.92 1.S8 4.90 7.50 0.50 7/8 4 4 10.5 9.5 9.13 4 a.a 4.8 4.5 200apV 8.02 1.S8 7.00 9.50 0.50 7/8 S 6 13.0 12.1 11.13 a 12.1 6.9 6.625 2008PV 10.17 1.68 9.15 11.75 0.62 7/8 6 6 14.5 13.6 13.38 8 16.3 9.05 8.625 2010PV 12.22 2.10 11.20 14.00 0.62 7/8 8 8 17.0 16.0 15.63 10 26.0 11.1 10.75 2O'2PV 14.32 2.10 13.30 16.25 0.75 7/8 8 8 '9.0 18.1 17.88 12 31.4 13.2 12.75 2014PV 16.40 2.25 15.49 18.75 0.875 7/8 10 10 21.7 20.85 20.38 47.S 15.3I. 2016PV 18.50 2.25 17.58 21.00 0.875 711l 12 12 23.8 22.95 22.63 16 52.8 17.4 2018PV 20.60 2.25 19,68 23.25 '.125 7/8 12 12 25.9 25.05 24.88 18 6'.8 19.5 2020PV 22.70 2.25 21.79 25.50 1.250 7/8 14 I. 28.0 27.15 27.13 20 70.9 21.6 2024PV 26.90 2.75 25.99 30.00 1.420 7/8 16 16 32.3 31.45 31.63 24 92.9 25.8 203QPV CALL FOR AVAILABILITY 30 32.0 2036PV CALL FOR AVAILABILITY 36 38.3 SECTIONA·A o SPACER c SECTION s.) J F. II A AIR 0 N S A I. r: S, 1 N C. 􀁉􀁾􀀠0. IlOX H'i? llt\'I..!"fLANIJ.TEXAS 76·i-1H I f.SI\ HI7/629 1731 HOO 143.1 1716 FAX 11171 (,29 H931 Hydrant Spotters Fire-Lite markers are blue. Bright, unmistakable blue. These reasonably priced When seconds count, count on Stimsonite') Instantly spot hydrants from as far as 1000 feet! The Fire-Ute Hydrant Spotter guidance. Sut only pavement marker helps fire departments immediately locate their city's fire hydrants-saving crucial lime on every alarm response_ Inexpensive Placed on the roadway directly across from each hydrant, on either the center line or the right hand lane line. the Mlliant blue reflective marker signals hydrant location irom up to 1000 feet away. The raised marker is the same markers offer greater cost-effeeliveness than other hydrant marking systems, Fire department personnel can install them when not busy with other duties. Easy to install Stimsonite's high strength adhesives. Pressure-sensitive adhesive pads are also available. Spotlight your hydrants with Stimsonile Fire-Lite Hydrant Spotters. For information or a quole, type that your state highway Each Fire-Lite takes only a couple contact your Fire-Lite distributor, department approves for traffic of minutes to instali using Or call or write S;;:nsonite loday. Distributed by: [STiMSONI7EJ Stimsonite Corporation 7542 N. Natchez Ave., Niles, IL 60648·3804 (708) 647·7717 FAX (708) 647·1205 ., )'" ••.• ,'--.,!•• 􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀭􀀬􀀠.• --•-----------------􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠. ---.. A rnndom let ofrettw:tlecloo! shall be 􀁾Specific inte:lsity shall be 􀁾at 􀀳􀀰􀁟􀁾􀀠m (loo ree')!e$I
  • t=:; spacing between 00= =Iaand t=-"'PfCr =k:rshall be 5_33 an (2.1 in). rece-ptar diame!et and sourc: di_shall """" be 2.54 ¢ll1 (1.0 in). Othc: te:!t di_15.2 m(50 fm) snd above may be UllCd provided that 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁾... 􀁾􀀠requ.it=ents "'" met. (&:e ASTM E&09, 􀁾Photomotric Cbarncl<:ristics ofRetroretl."...,.,). 3. -COLOR _Color.m.n conform to the ""lor lI'quirement3 ofASTM 04280. Test method i. provided in ASTM 4280 i.ir"'luired. PHYSICAL PRorE!,;TlES 1_ FLEXURAL STRENGTH flEQUlllEMEhTS _ MarI:<:s conditioned to 23....1-2"C (73.4°./+3.6°F) shall Slllll>Ort ,load of 909 kg (2000 lb •. ) .. II!)Iltied in the following!IlllO.n.... _ Tn w:ordance wid:! ASTM 1)4280, =Ier tile Illlll"kc' bose down over the open end of. hollow metal cyIi.cdcr 1.5 em (1 in.) high, 7.6 em (3 in.) !.D., 8.9 em (3.5 in.) 0.0. Apply aloed to tile top ruth<: marI:e:r throlJih 􀀮􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀠cm(l in) diameter by 2.S c:n (I in.) high metal pllJ!! =tered on the top ofthe mari:.er. Rate ofloaditlg shall be 0.5 em (0.2 in.) pet minute. F.illure shall eonrubili: either 􀁾or :oigniliCOllI d<:fotmatioll .fthe nwXer at lilly load ofI .... than 909 kg (2000 lb•.). 1. RESJST.4NCE TO LENS ClUCXJNG (Note: On two color unilS, the red I ..... ma.y not be glass 􀁣􀁯􀁾and ifso mould llOt be subj""ted to impact 1eSt.) tI. Sampling ArandDm sample of1DIIIi;= to provid<: !0 lenses for ...:ll test (20 lQW) shall be ",*"ted from eoch lot. B. 1mpacl r<1ting C""dition the mari:.ers in 4 convection oven at S4"C (130"1') Cor one hour. &t the lDIIIi;er on a st.:clfixture dl!signed to hold the reflecting face horizonf1ll IIIld SCI the fixture in & solid tlIIrf:o:e sw:l! as a """"",I<; floor. While at the elevated ttmpenrure, iJnpaJ:t the rellective ra.c by aIlowitljj & 190 gIll (0042 lb.) dart fitted with • 0.64 0.64 Ql (O,25m.) radius sphcricol head 10 drop 45.7 em. (18 in.) 􀁾􀁣􀁵􀁬􀁡􀁲􀁬􀁹onto the eenr.:rofthe reflective t!IIrface. Cracks in the imps<:! ...... shall be. 􀁾􀁬􀁹,""""""iric in 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀮􀀠There shall he no ltlOl'e than twO mdia! cracks longer than Mol em (0.2S in.􀁾􀀠There shall he no nullal =clcs extending to the edge of the g!as3. , c. r....l"Iralll,.. Cycling SUbjes:t samples 10 3 "cles ai6D"C (l4O"F) for 4 Mut3 follo....'ed by 1"C (:looF) for 4 hours. There shall he no =cldng or delamination following tcmpc:rarure cycling. D. 􀁔􀀮􀀬􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁭􀁮􀁃􀀧 􀁾􀁳􀀠In either the impw;t or temp.e sample ,ball be cause for rejection of the lot. Fsilure 00 l.:nseo W1l1 u.:=sit.uc a rewnple of 10 a.d4itionallenses. Failure of more Ulan I lens of !he resa:mple shall be c'''''"' Cor rejoclion of the lot. J. BOND STRENGTH TEST Sand billS! ead on.1 em (2 in.) dlamele!' by 5.7 Ql (2·114 in.) IOU!! SI1ing motion. With a "'I_cd e::d IQal remOVe any adhesive wbien.XIr'tIdd {rom under the plug. After 􀁾􀀴􀀠hoW'S cur. at 23'+/· 2"C (i3A'+/. 3.6"1') =ure bond stren;th 􀁾A lmsile 1c:lting macl>in. adjusted to travel at 0.5 tting CODlp<>urui The sboU :!hall cootain one Cf two j\la&' covtting Wld sc:!eoted for >ll'eng'.h, reoilienee, aOO 3dhcsion adequate to p!lSS physical requirements as outlinocl b<:!ow. . . C. Svrfoct . Thin lllJ,,,,npered glJIss shall b<: bonded 00 !hi! prismatic retroreflective f"""" to provide an =e:nely lwd d\lr.lble abrasion rc:sist.l!lt sudi=. The lit"" covered by the glass shall not be 1"",,!han 19.35 sq. om (loo sq. in.). The outer:surt1lce Qfthe ,hell shall"" smooth eX""Pt (or 􀁰􀁾ofidentifleruion. The ba:!e of the marl:a shall be sub,tantially free from gloss and mbS1ance5 thai may reduce it, bond to adhesive. OPTIC.AI, l!EQ1;mtMl'KTS 1. DEr/NITIONS _. 'C.C Horizontal eolrnnce angle shall meon the angle in the horizontal plane bo\Wee:l the direction of incide:!t light and the norm:.i ;;" . the 􀁬􀁥􀁡􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁥"fthe marker. -. ObservatiOJl iIIlgle.shall m= th.: angle at lb..: reflector belwee:n the illumination axis and the obs<:rvation oxi3: Coefficient ,fLuminous Intensity (CU.) ohall mean the ratio of the luminous intdSily oflb.e retrorc&clor in the directiOll of obSC:-Va(ioQ to the illuminance at the retrordlector on a plane 􀁾􀁣􀁵􀁬... to the direction o( the incide:lt light. For nuui;=, elL is c"Presstd in millicandelas per incid<:lt lux (medllx). The cquival 38 --351> 16.0007M2QT·S 62616 1'h 40 !00"'· 'IT-5 62428 2 50 --33'h 15.219'11 495 8% 222 3% 95 2'11 64 12V. 311 97 44'Ot jAOSV* 62665 2 50 35% 892 11 279 12V. 311 2V. 57I §. Contact your local Walls Agent or call Customer ServICe (978) 689-6066 (or other models Dnd order numbers or refer to PL·WR. For Umon Models refer to £5-007. * . models come with CFM/GPM meters. For GPM codes see price list. 'B dimension is (rom the lowest part of the volve (the unmachined relief part) to the highest port of/he gate/ball valve shutoff. watts regulator· backflow products division Plum & Valves "lammond plumbing and heating valves are designed for the end user. To the wholesalers. engineers and con.factors this means you are buying. specifying and installing valves that have become the mainstay in the plumbing-heating-cooling industry. Every valve made by Hammond sees service before it goes into the jobbecause 1t passes rigorous quality checks before it leaves the factory. GATE VALVES Features Features • 125WSP-2oo WOG (10 353·F) WOG (to 353·F) Rating Rating .. Bt'QtI.Ze Body • B"""",Body .. Threaded Ends • SollkrEnds .. Threaded Bonnet .. 'I'hn:aded Bonnet • 125 WSP -200 • Nw.Rlslrq; Stem • Non-:R.islng Stem .. SoUdWedge• SolIdWq. • InlegralSeat .. Integral Sut .. Iron Handwheel .. lronHandwbecl .. Sizes 1/4" thru 3" .. Sizes 3/8" thru 3" . 667 . 668 Features Features • 200 WOG Raling • 200 WOO Rating .. Bra55Body .. BnssBody " Solder Ends: .. Thruded Bonnet • 'I1lre.adedEnds " 'l'hreadedBonnet .. 􀁎􀁯􀁯􀁾􀁒􀁉􀁳􀁩􀁮􀁧Stem • Non-RIsing Stem .. SoUdWulge • Solid Wedge • Integral Sett .. Iron HandwheeJ • InlegralSeat • rron H.ndwheel .. Sizes 3/8" thru 3"• SJzes 114" thru 4" 667-20 668-20 Features Features Features Features ·2ooWOG ·2ooWOG • 150WOG • 150WOG Rating Rating Rating Rating • Drainable Brass • Drainable Brass • BrllSS Body .. BrassBody Body Body .. Threaded Ends • SoId5'>5' ..••..... 􀁾􀀰􀀠w ", IONAl € ....... ,,"'...,,' THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR BIDDING, CONSTRUCTION AND PERMIT PURPOSES. QRUBA Date: 2//'1/OZ j:\ckric3lladlfuon\i999-I23 mmh wIlrrwsh lane\spccs\teeh-sp\ind Cl.doc SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS J AB-J SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS L Sealed bids addressed to the Town ofAddison, Texas, for Marsh Lane Water Line in the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called "City" in accordance with specifications and contract documents prepared by Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. will be received at the office of Bryan Langley, Assistant Finance Director, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas until 2:00 p.m. on _-:--:--"._-:--:--:c" 2002. Bids received by the appointed time will be opened and read aloud. Any bids received after closing time will be returned unopened. 2. The Contractor shaH identify his bid on the outside of the envelope by writing the words MARSH LANE WATER LINE, Bid No. 02·30. 3. Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certifled check upon a national or state bank in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety and be listed on the current U.S. Treasury Listing of Approved Sureties, or a Binder of Insurance executed by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a surety or its authorized agent as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute a Performance Bond within ten (10) days after notice of award ofcontract to him. 4. Plans, speciflcations and bidding documents may be secured from Bryan Langley, Assistant Finance Director, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas. No fee or deposit for documents. 5. The right is reserved by the Mayor and the City Council as the interests of the City may require to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. 6. The Bidder (proposer) must supply all the information required by the Proposal Form. 7. A Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Maintenance Bond will be required by the Owner; each Bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the total contract amount. Bonds shall be issued by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety and be listed on the current U.S. Treasury Listing of Approved Sureties. 8. For information on bidding or to secure bid documents, call Bryan Langley (972) 450-7090. For information on the work to be performed, call Steve Chutchian, Town of Addison (972) 450·2886 or John Birkhoff of Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. (214) 361-7900. 9. The project consists offurnishing and installing perimeter fencing in accordance with the specifications. 10. Estimated quantities for major items include the following: Description Quantity 8" Water Line 2,400 L.F. 10" Reinforced Concrete Pavement Replacement 5,000 S.Y. 11. No Pre·Bid Conference will be held. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AB-2 SECTION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS !B-1 SECTION m INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. PROJECT: Marsh Lane Water Line in the Town of Addison. B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of furnishing and installing 2,400 linear feet of 8-inch waterline in accordance with the specifications. C. PROPOSALS: Proposals must be in accordance with these instructions in order to receive consideration. D. DOCUMENTS: Documents include the Bidding Requirements, General Provisions, Special provisions, Technical Specifications, Drawings plus Addenda which may be issued by the Consultant during the bidding period. Bidding Documents may be viewed andlor obtained under the terms and conditions set forth in the Advertisement for Bids, Section AB ofthis Project ManuaL E. EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND SITE: Bidders shall carefully examine the Bidding Documents and the construction site to obtain first-band knowledge of the scope and the conditions of the Work. Each Contractor, Subcontractor and Sub-subcontractor, by submitting a proposal to perform any portion of the Work, represents and warrants that he has examined the Drawings, Specifications (Project Manual) and the site of the work, and from his own investigation has satisfied himself as to the scope, accessibility, nature and location of the Work; the character of the equipment and other facilities needed of the performance of the Work; the character and extent of other work to be performed; the local conditions; labor availability, practices and jurisdictions and other circumstances that may affect the performance of the Work. No additional compensation will be allowed by the Owner for the failure of such Contractor, Subcontractor of Sub-subcontractor to inform himself as to conditions affecting the Work. F. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS: If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed Contract is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the Drawings, Specifications (Project Manual) or other proposed Contract Documents, he may submit to the Consultant, not latcr than four (4) calendar days prior to the date date set for opening bids, a written request for an interpretation or clarification. Bidders should act promptly and allow sufficient time for a reply to reach them before preparing their bids. Any interpretation or clarification will be in the form of an Addendum duly issued. No alleged verbal interpretation or ruling will be held binding upon the Owner. G. SUBSTITUTIONS: Conditions governing the submission of substitutions for specific materials, products, equipment and processes are in the Special Provisions. Request for substitutions must be received by the Consultant seven (7) calendar days prior to the established bid date. H. ADDENDA: Interpretations, clarifications, additions, deletions and modifications to the Documents during the bidding period will be issued in the form of Addenda and a copy of such Addenda will be mailed, faxed or made available for pickup to each person who has been issued a set of the Bidding Documents. Addenda will be a part of the Bidding Documents and the Contract Documents, and receipt of them shaH be acknowledged in the Bid Form. All such interpretations and supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the contract documents which, if issued, will be sent by U. S. Mail, facsimile, or available-for pickup to all prospective bidders (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes) not later than three (3) calendar days prior to the date fIxed for the opening of bids. If any bidder fails to acknowledge the receipt of such addenda in the space provided in the bid form, his bid will nevertheless be construed as though the receipt of such addenda has been acknowledged. ffi-2 [ COMPLETION TIME: A reasonable completion time has been established by the Owner and is indicated in the Proposal Form. J. PREPARATION OF BIDS: Prices quoted shall include all items ofcost, expenses, taxes, fees and charges incurred, or arising out of, the performance of the work to be performed under the Contract. Bids shall be signed in ink. Any bid on other than the required form will be considered informal and may be rejected. Erasures or other changes in a bid must be explained or noted over the initials of the bidder. Bids containing any conditions, omissions, unexplained erasures and alterations, or irregularities of any kind may be rejected as informal. The prices should be expressed in words and figures Or they may be deemed informal and may be rejected. In case of discrepancy between the prices written in the bid and those given in the figures, the price in writing will be considered as the bid. Failure to submit all requested information will make a bid irregnlar and subject to rejection. Bids shall be signed with name typed or printed below signature, and, if a partnership, give full name of all partners. When bidder is a corporation, bids must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the state of incorporation and the legal signature of an officer authorized to bind the corporation to a contract. K. SUBMITTAL OF BIDS; Sealed proposal will be received at the time, date and place stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Proposals shall be made on unaltered Proposal Forms furnished by the Consultant. Submit proposal in an opaque, sealed envelope addressed to the Owner and plainly mark on the outside of the envelope the project name, and the name and address of the bidder. The Bid Bond must be completed and signed by each bidder and submitted with the bid. Submit Bids by mail Or in person prior to the time for receiving bids set forth in the Advertisement for Bids issued by the City. L. MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS: Prior to the time set for bid opening, bids may be withdrawn or modified. Bids may be modified only on the official bid form and must be signed by a person legally empowered to bind the bidder. No bidder shall modify, withdraw or cancel his bid or any part thereof for thirty (30) calendar days after the time agreed upon for the receipt ofbids. M. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be disqualified and their proposal not considered for any of the following specific reasons: I) Reason for believing collusion exists among the bidders. 2) Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for the work contemplated. 3) The Bidder or his surety being currently in any litigation against the Owner, or where such litigation is contemplated or imminent, in the sole opinion of Owner. 4) The bidder being in arrears on any existing contract or having defaulted on a previous contract. 5) Lack of competency, responsibility or financial capability as revealed by the bid questionnaires, financial statement, etc. 6) Uncompleted work which in the judgement of the Owner shall prevent or hinder the prompt completion ofadditional work if awarded. 7) Failure of bidder to use Owner's form of bid bond in submitting his bid, or submission of a cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank not located in the Owner's jurisdiction area. 8) Unbalanced value ofany bid items. !B-3 N. SUBMISSION OF POST-BID INFORMATION: Upon notification of acceptance, the selected bidder shall, within five (5) calendar days, submit the following: 1) A designation ofthe portions of the Work proposed to be performed by the bidder with his own force. 2) A list of names of the subcontractors or other persons or organizations, including those who are to furnish materials and equipment fabricated to a special design proposed for such portions of the Work as may be designated in the Bidding Documents or as may be requested by the Consultant. 3) The bidder will be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Consultant the reliability and responsibility of themselves and proposed Subcontractors and suppliers to furnish and perform the Work. Bidder to provide experience record, including contact references (names and telephone) and dollar size ofproject. O. AWARD: The Owner reserves the right to accept any or to reject any bids without compensation to bidders and to waive irregnlarities and formalities. p, EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract with the Owner within ten (10) calendar days of notice by the Owner that his bid has been accepted. Failure to enter into contract within the established time limit without proper justification shall be considered grounds for forfeiture ofthe bid bond. Q. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: It is the Owner's desire to have the project completed and operational in as short a time as possible. The number of calendar days for completion of the project will begin with the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Notice to Proceed will be issued in a manner to fucilitate a smooth construction of the project. In no instance shall the number of calendar days for completion of the work measured from the proposed date ofbeginning exceed Ninety (90) calendar days. R. UQUIDATED DAMAGES: The time ofcompletion is the essence of this contract. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the proposal and the contract, or the increased time granted by the Owner, or as equitably increased by additional work or materials ordered after the contract is signed, the sum per day given in the following schedule shall be deducted from the monies due the Contractor: $240.00 per Calendar Day The sum of money thus deducted for such delay, failure or non-completion is not to be considered as a penalty, but shall be deemed, taken and treated as reasonable liquidated damages, per calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated in the contract for completing the work. The said amounts are fixed and agreed upon by an between Owner and Contractor because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages the Owner in such event would sustain; and said amounts are agreed to be the amounts of damages which the Owner would sustain and which shall be retained from the monies due, or that may become due, the Contractor under this contract; and ifsaid monies be insufficient to cover the amount owing, then the Contractor or his surety shall immediately pay any additional amounts due. If the contractor finds it impossible, for reasons beyond his control, to complete the work within the contract time as specified, the Contractor may make a written request for an extension of time in accordance with the General Provisions. S. FORM OF CONTRACT: The contract for the construction of the project will be drawn up by the Owner. A sample form of agreement is included in the Contract Agreement Section. IB-4 T. BONDS: A Perfonnance Bond, a Labor and Material Payment Bond and a Maintenance Bond each in the amount of 100% of the contract will be required by the Owner. Sample fonns have been included in the Perfonnance Bond, Payment Bond and Maintenance Bond sections. U. BID SECURITY: Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state band in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute Perfonnance Bond within ten (10) calendar days after notice of award of contract to him. Such checks Or bid bonds will be returned to all except the three lowest bidders within three (3) days after the opening of bids, and the remaining checks or bid bonds will be returned promptly after the Owner has made an award of contract, or, if no award has been made within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the opening ofbids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as he has not been notified ofthe acceptance ofhis bid. V. RESOLUTIONS: If the bidder is a corporation, a copy of the resolution empowering the person submitting the bid to bind the bidder must be included with the bid. W. CONSTRUCTION STAKING: Benchmarks and horizontal control are shown on the plans. X. FINAL PAYMENT: The general provisions for Final Payment shall be as stated in Item 1.51.4 of the North Central Texas Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (1983 Edition) including all Amendments and Additions. Prior to final payment the Contractor shall provide the Owner with the following items: 1) A Contractor's Affidavit ofBms Paid in accordance with Section BP. 2) A Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment. 3) A complete set of Record Drawings which indicate all construction variations from the original construction documents. 4) A two (2) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract in accordance with Section MB. END OF SECfION m IB·5 SECTION PF PROPOSAL FORM PF-l BID FORM ,2002 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council Town of Addison, Texas Gentlemen: The undersigned bidder, having examined the plans, specifications and contract documents, and the location of the proposed work, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, proposes to furnish all equipment and to perform labor and work necessary for completion of the work described by and in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract for the following prices, to wit: Signed by: ____________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: The Bidder acknowledges receipt ofthe following addenda: Addendum No. 1 Addendum No.2 Addendum No.3 PF-2 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Marsh Lane Water Line BID SCHEDULE Item Estimated No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Furnish and Insta1l8-Inch PVC Waterline, I 2,015 L.F. including DIP Fittings by Open Cut complete inplace, the sum of t--;____________Dollars and ___􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁟􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾Cents er Linear Foot Furnish and Insta1l8-Inch PVC Waterline by 2 390, L.F. other than Open Cut ,complete in place, the sum of f--:-____________________--,-Dollars and 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠Cents per Linear Foot -,Furnish and Install 6 Inch PVC Waterline 3 85 L.F. including DIP Fittings by Open Cut complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot Furnish and Insta1l2-Inch Service Connection, 4 15 Ea. including All Fittings at Water Main complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each Furnish and Install New Meter With Box and 5 18 Ea. Service Connection complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each I Price in Figures Extended Amount PF-3 Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Furnish and Install 8-Inch Resilient Seated Gate 6 6 Ea. Valve i complete in place, the sum of 1 . Dollars and Cents per Each Furnish and Install 6-Inch Resilient Seated Gate 7 7 1 Ea. Valve 'complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each ! 8 7 Ea. Furnish and Install Standard Fire Hydrant :complete in place, the sum of I Dollars and Cents per Each iFurnish and Insta1l2-Inch Copper Waterline, 9 160 L.F. I including All Fittings by Open Cut ! complete in place, the sum of Dollars and 􀁾􀁲Linear Foot For Cutting and Plugging Existing 8-Inch 10 4 Ea. Waterline complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each 11 4 Ea. For Connecting to Existing 8-Inch Waterline complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each PF-4 Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount 12 5,000 Lbs. Furnishing and Installing Ductile Iron Fittings complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Pound iFor Removing Existing 6-Inch Sanitary Sewer and Replacing with 6-Inch ASTM 2241 PVC 13 36 L.F. iwith Embedment complete in place, the sum of i Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot For Connecting to Existing 6-Inch Sanitary 14 4 Ea. Sewer complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each For Removing Existing 8-Inch Reinforced 15 600 S.Y. Concrete Pavement complete in place, the sum of i Dollars and Cents per Square Yard For Furnishing and Placing 10-Inch Reinforced 16 600 S.Y. Concrete Pavement complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Square Yard For Removing and Replacing Existing 8-Inch 17 325 S.Y. Reinforced Concrete Driveway complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Square Yard PF-5 Item Estimated I Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount For Removing and Replacing Existing Hot Mix 18 50 Ton Asphaltic Concrete I complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Ton For Removing and Replacing Existing 4-Inch 19 275 S,Y. Reinforce Concrete Walk complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Square Yard IFurnishing and Placing 1-II2-Inch Hot Mix 20 150 Ton Asphalt Overlay complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Ton For Removing and Replacing Existing 6-Inch 21 352 L.F, Monolithic Curb complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot ! For Removing and Replacing Existing 6-Inch 22 632 L.F. Curb and Gutter complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot 23 ·3,262 L.F. Full Depth Saw Cut complete in place, the sum of Dollars and ICents per Linear Foot I PF-6 Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount 24 0.25 Ac. Furnish, Place Maintain and Establish Solid Sod complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Acre For Removing Existing Trees and Replace with 25 3 Ea. 3-Inch Bradford Pear Trees complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each For Removing and Delivering to Town Service 26 5 Ea. Center Existing Fire Hydrant and Valve complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each Furnish and Install 12-Inch High Density 27 9 L.F. Polyethylene Drainage Pipe ! complete in place, the sum of Dollars i and Cents per Linear Foot For Connecting 12-Inch High Density Polyethylene Drainage Pipe to Existing Grate 28 I Ea. Inlet complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Each PF-7 Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount For Connecting 12-Inch High Density Polyethylene Drainage Pipe to Existing 18-Inch 29 1 L.F. Corrugated Metal Pipe with Concrete Collar complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot 30 1 L.S. Barricades, Signs and Traffic Handling complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Lump Sum 31 600 L.F. Temporary Sediment Control Fencing complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot 32 2,486 L.F. Furnish and Install Trench Safety System complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Linear Foot 33 I L.S. Furnish Trench Safety Plan complete in place, the sum of Dollars and Cents per Lump Sum TOTAL AMOUNT BID {Items 1 Through 33} PF-8 NOTES: 1. An items, labor, materials, equipment, facilities, incidentals and work required for construction of the project are to be provided and installed by the Contractor as part of the project and payment for the cost ofsuch shall be included in the price bid for the construction of the project. 2. Prices must be shown in words and figures for each item listed in the Proposal. In the event of discrepancy, the words shall control. 3, Materials, which are "tax exempt", are those items which are physically incorporated into the facilities constructed for the OWNER, as set forth in the Special Provisions. Materials include, but are not limited to purchased items such as concrete, and roadbase, etc . . Services, which are "not tax exempt", are those items which are used by the Contractor but are not physically incorporated into the OWNER's facility andlor items which are consumed by construction, as set forth in the Special Provisions. Services include, but are not limited to, items such as supplies, tools, skin and lahor, the purchase, rental or lease ofequipment, etc. Name ofPerson Signing Bid Signature ofPerson Signing Bid Address Telephone No. Fax No. T.I.N. (Tax Identification or Employer's Number) i. , PP·9 If BIDDER is: An Individual By (Seal) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business address: Phone No. j:\clerical\:iddison\I999-123 􀁲􀁭􀁲􀁳􀁾􀀠wl\marsh lanclspces\tcch-sp\pf-3.doc PF-IO A Partnership By (Seal) (Firm Name) (General Partner) doing business as Business address: Phone No. PF-Il A Corporation By (Corporation Name) (State of Incorporation) By (Name ofPerson Authorized to Sign) (Title) (Corporate Seal) Attest (Secretary) Business address: Phone No. j:lclericl\a.ddi$on\I999-121 =h wflmanh lntractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the Owner; 1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so that the Owner will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and, 2) no later than seven days after receipt by the CQutractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate ofcoverage ends during the duration of the project; F. The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter . . G. The Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the O>ntractor knew or should have known, of any changes that materially affects the provisions of coverage of any person providing services on the project. H. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the TWCC, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. 1. The O>ntractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project to: I) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Codes 401.011 (44) for all its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 2) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 3) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration ofthe project; 4) obtain from each person with whom it contracts, and provide to the O>ntractor; a) a certificate ofcoverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and, b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension ofthe coverage period, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; 6) notify the Owner in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within lO-days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and SP-9 7) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (1) -(7) with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. J. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the Owner that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the TWCC's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties or other civil actions. K. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the Owner to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice ofbreach from the Owner. The following is the form of notice of workers' compensation coverage prescribed by the TWCC. Pursuant to Section 110.110 (d) (7), this notice must be printed with a title in at least 30-point bold type, and text in at least 19-point nominal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling or delivering equipment or materials, or providing laber or transportation or otber services related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee. "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission ((TWCC) at (512) 4403789 to receive further information on the legal requirements for coverage, to veritY whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." SP.22 RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES The parties hereby covenant and agree that in the event of any controversy, dispute, or claim of whatever nature arising out of, in cOrulection with or in relation to the interpretation, perfonnance or breach of this agreement, including but not limited to any claims based on contract, tort or statute before filing a lawsuit the parties agree to submit the matter to Alternative Dispute Resolution pursuant to the laws ofthe State of Texas. The parties shall select a third party arbitrator or mediator from the current list of neutrals on file with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Administrator of the Dallas County District Courts. All forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution may be used except binding arbitration. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the laws ofthe State ofTexas. SP.23 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY It is the policy of the Town of Addison to afford all people an equal opportunity to bid on any contract being let by the Town. The Town ofAddison has a policy that prohibits discrimination against any person because ofrace, color, sex, or national origin, in the award or perfonnance of any contract. The Town ofAddison will require its employees, agents, and contractors to adhere to this policy. SP-IO SP.24 COMPLIANCE WITH IMMIGRATION LAWS Contractor shall take all steps necessary to ensure that all of the contractor's employees are authorized to work in the United Stages as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. SP.25 COMPLIANCE WITH GENERAL RULES AND LAWS Contractor shall familiarize himself with the nature and extent of the specifications, site conditions, traffic and safety requirements, and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Contractor shall determine how compliance with requirements, laws, rules, and regulations will affect his cost, progress, or performance ofthe Work and include that cost in his bid. SP .26 SHQP DRAWING Contractor shalr furnish a minimum of four and a maximum of six copies of shop drawings for review by the City. Acceptable submittals will be returned as follows: Two (2) Town ofAddison One (1) -Contractor One (I) -Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. Maximum size ofsubmittal shall be 11 x 17 inch. No fax copies are acceptable. All copies shall be from clear legible origina\. Shop drawings shall include all items to be installed in the project, including: • Pipe • Plantings • Valves • Irrigation • Fire Hydrants • Mix Designs • Fittings SP.27 BARRICADES. W ARNlliG SIGNS. DETOURS AND SEQUENCE OF WORK A. Throughout the construction operations, streets and intersections will remain open to traffic by constructing the work in stages. All streets, driveways, adjacent business and alleys shan remain open to traffic as far as is practicable. B. General Construction: The Contractor shall plan his work sequence in a manner that will cause minimum interference with traffic during construction operations. Before beginning work on this project, the Contractor shall submit, for approval by the Owner, a plan of construction operations outlining in detail a sequence ofwork to be followed; setting out the method ofhandling traffic on streets, roads and driveways along, across and adjacent to the work. If at any time during the construction, the Contractor's proposed plan of operation for handling traffic does not provide for safe comfortable movement, the Contractor shall immediately change his operations to correct the unsatisfactory conditions. Ditches across the traffic lanes will be kept covered with a portable traffic-bearing surface at all times unless work in the ditch is in progress. Only one lane of traffic may be closed at a time when work is in progress in a ditch. C. Safety: The Contractor shall provide, construct and maintain barricades and signs at locations set out in the plans and in the Special Provisions in accordance with the Texas Manual on "Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways". In addition, he shall provide and maintain such other barricades and signs as deemed necessary by the Owner, and provide and maintain, between sunset and sunrise, a sufficient number of lights at barricades and points of danger for the protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. SP-ll Barricades shall be placed in such a manner as not to interfere with the sight distance of drivers entering the street from side streets. The Contractor shall keep traveled surfaces used in his hauling operation clear and free of dirt or other material. The Contractor shall provide and maintain qualified flagmen at such points and for such Periods of time as may be reqUired to provide for the safety and convenience of public travel and Contractor's personnel. SP.28 CONSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC ROADS AND PRIVATE DRIVES No public road shall be entirely closed overnight. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to build and maintain all weather bypasses and detours. if necessary, and to properly light, barricade and mark all bypasses and detours that might be required on and across the roads involved in the work included in this contract. No interference with traffic flow on city streets shall be permitted during the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. The Contractor shall make every effort to complete construction and allow immediate access to adjacent property at driveway entrances located along the roadways. Owners or tenants of improvements where access andlor entrance drives are located shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time the construction will be started at their driveways or entrances and informed as to the length of time driveways will be closed. Contractor shall at all times maintain at least one point of access into all properties. unless obtaining written permission from property owner to do otherwise with such written permission being provided to the Town's inspector. The Contractor shall be responsible for all road and entrance reconstruction and repairs and maintenance of same for a period of one year from the date of such reconstruction. In the event the repairs and maintenance are not made immediately to the satisfaction of the Owner. and it becomes necessary for the Town to make such repairs, the Contractor shall reimburse the Town for the cost of such repairs. The Contractor shall, at all times, keep a sufficient width ofthe roadway clear of dirt and other material to allow the free flow of traffic. The Contractor shall assume any and all responsibility for damage, personal or otherwise, that may be caused by the construction along roads and private drives. SP.29 EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEMS The work performed under this section of the specifications consists ofproviding trench safety systems consisting of shoring, sheeting, trench shield, andlor laid back slopes to meet the trench safety requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.), as required for this project and specified herein. A. General Trench safety systems shall be provided by the Contractor as provided in Subpart P • Excavation, Trenching and Shoring, Part 1926 of the Code of Federal Regulations which describes safety and health regulations as administered by the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.). The standards specified by the O.S.H.A. Regulations shall be the minimum allowed on this project. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to design and install adequate trench safety systems for all trenches excavated on this project. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner for review, prior to beginning construction activity, a Trench Safety Plan for the entire project. The trench safety plan must be prepared and sealed by a SP-12 Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas. In addition, all trench safety systems utilized in this project must be designed by a Professional Engineer registered in the Slate of Texas. The Contractor shall be totally responsible for the safety of all persons involved in the construction ofthis project. B. Core Borings Any core borings and soil data furnished by the Owner are for the convenience of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for any additional soil or geotechnical information required. The Contractor shall be responsible for properly designed trench safety systems to be utilized for any type of subsurface condition found on this project. The furnishing of soil information by the Owner in no way relieves the Contractor of this obligation. If no core borings or soil data are furnished by the Owner, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain whatever geotechnical information required for preparation of trench safety systems. C. Inspections In addition to the inspections of the trench and trench safety systems required of the Contractor by the O.S.H.A. Regulations, the Owner may further'inspect the work. The Owner shall have the right to reject any trench safety systems which he finds to be inadequate, and the Contractor shall immediately improve the system to comply with this specification. D. Measurement and Payment Measurement and payment of Trench Safety Systems shall be based on the actual linear footage of the pipe installed on the project. The payment shall be full compensation for all planning, engineering, materials, equipment, fabrications, installation, recovery and all incidental work required. All excavation and backfill in addition to that specified elsewhere in these specifications shaH be considered subsidiary to this bid item. SP.30 SPRINKLER REPAIR The Contractor is responsible for the repair or replacement of any sprinkler damage caused by his construction. This repair is subsidiary to the contract unless there is a specific item fur sprinkler repair. All repairs or replacements shall be completed by irrigator licensed in the State of Texas, paid for by the Contractor. SP.31 PROJECT VIDEO Prior to start of construction, Contractor shall color videotape construction area and property adjacent to construction. The Contractor shall furnish the Owner a copy of the tape in VHS format prior to commencement ofproject. This shall be subsidiary to project. SP.32 WATERLINE PIPE The following waterline pipe is acceptable for this project in accordance with the assigned NCTCOG Standard Specification item number and ASTM designation: • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe NCTCOG Item 2.12.20 -AWWA Standard C909. • Fittings for PVC Water Pipe shall be Ductile Iron (poly Wrapped) NCTCOG Item 2.12.8 -A WWA Standard ClIO. SP.33 RESILIENT SEATED GATE VALVES Gate valves shall be in accordance with AWWA Standard C509 and C509a. SP-13 i: · , · 􀁾􀀠" · ,i ·..I i · i , i I f® CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR MARSH LANE W A TE"R LINE SHEET DESCRIPTIQN SHEET NO. MARSH LANE WATER LINE STA. 0+00 TO 5+00 1 MARSH LANE WATER LINE STA. 5+00 TO 10+00 2 MARSH LANE WATER LINE STA. 10+00 TO 15+00 3 MARSH LANE WATER LINE STA. 15+00 TO 20+00 4 MARSH LANE WATER LINE STA. 20+00 TO 23+70.59/5 ADDISON ROAD STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY COUNCIL GENERAL NOTES &: DETAILS 6 R. SCOTT WHEElER. MAYOR DETAILS 7 DIANE I.Wl.ORY. MAYOR PRO 1EM DETAILS aGLYNDA lURNER BOB BARRETT FRANK R. KLEIN FREDRIC M. SILVER CATHY WAYS 􀁾􀀠CITY MANAGER RON WHrrEHEAD H ,PRELIMINARY (2 ('VI eU dJ (U>/tt 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀡􀀳􀀠CITY ENGINEER/:;: DIRECTQB QE eUI:!LIC WQRKS BIRKHOFF. HENDRICKS & CONWAY. LLP• JZer",,eUd 01'" ?>!.>/t?L.. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 􀁾􀀠MICHAEl MURPHY. P.E. 00110&. Texes FEBRUARY, 2002 􀁾􀀠CITY SECRETARY $ CARMEN MORAN􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠ll! "'"...... \ 􀁾􀀠"'... t c 􀁾r'\ 􀁾􀀠! ......... 􀁾􀀠c n__..􀁾􀀠WATER 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁲􀁜􀀠􀁾􀁾/􀁾􀁾..􀁜􀁾􀁾..... !' I """'" ... 􀁾􀀠\ 􀁾􀀠""'" ... /I -, "" -UMXIII 1L.atmI: JlHm' "'" 􀀭􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠LOCATIQN MAe SHEET INDEX 􀁾􀀠. i 0'1 H 102Jz8028 ( tOO96..J2t;O STA. 2+50 FURNISH ... INSTAlL" 1 -2'"0lfllD 􀁦􀀭􀁲􀁾􀁒􀁗􀁁􀀱􀁆􀁬􀁲􀀧􀀠INSTAL!. NEW Um;R wtIH BIJX .t S£JMCE txWNfClltJN. 1--------,·...---------.·'""---------.. s.s.---------.. =--F=:'========j, 􀁾EX1Sl7J'((; ,y-8IlAIJF()Ii'f) P£M lPFES MlH 􀁊􀁾􀀠lJRACfl:JRO PEAR mas. 2. REPf.ACE COM;.RCTE ctm8 AM) ctIlTER 􀁾􀀠.m. 2+9$ 10 S1A. 5HJO Alt:WG (W(IJIi()OK APNmfOffS PARKlI'IC lbT. ..1 CfJHTRACroR T/) PRt»'ECT tNU:rS AN!) CURS AlONe JIAGSH t.m£. 4. 􀁾􀀷􀁅􀁓ARE PRai£CT SP£CJF!C AN!) NOT STATE PwltkEWrn 􀁎􀁬􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀠£ 1()(J94.2947 5l& 2+t.B.8 ,RJRMSH ... INSTAll.1 -rouno t -2· t:fJPI'(R lW!7i' INS1At.l NlW iIU£R M1H SW .. SE1rt1CE CONNl;-Cl1ON. N 10067..!J2U £ JIJ09.I..2591 STA. 2+50 FVRNISH .. MrAiL" 1 -2" t'JUTl£f ,-􀀲􀀢􀁾WAItR INSTAl..L (4 EA.) NEW UElFH'S I+flH 60XfS .t SERW:£ CONN!ClIONs:. OAKBROOK APARTMENTS (TARRAGON BROOKS L.P.) VOL. 99101. PG. 5374 CONTRACTOR 10 F1£lJ) io!'RlFY L0CA17ON OF EXlsnNC UTlll7l£S U/N. 48 HOUf($ PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRVCTlON. C!'OO • , '" ..."""."'-Ioaw-": . sou: 􀁾􀀠fro CP I CP 50 Pi( N«. S8 WAll!? SfIMCES '"! II 10JS8.J.J88 E 'OOIJ.I780 l(JCl,7l(JN PIlOP. 2" SlIMCE {LFJ 5JA 2+>18.6 NT. STA. 2+50.1} "r.. f*J srA <1+15.3 I.T. J5.5 H '.2 IlIRHISH rl IN!ifAll: 􀁾2· f.XIlUT. N(If 􀁚􀁾􀀠HJCH fJQiSlfr FOl 'fElH'fUN£ WAnH R'E MQIIEJlR a:tt f:OfNB:f 10 ll'1STN; &4/Vf l.M AT E:N:H IWER 􀁾(,fX"Af1ON. 1r)Jf'H TO ff/IiNISH 􀁾􀁩􀀧􀁄􀁩􀀧􀀠JlFJEfi .. /. YETERS Rf:t1IJlHm x TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS MARSH lANE WATER UNE STA. 0+00 TO H.IIAC. R[},((JVAL ANO R(PI.ACE1JENT CONC/?M PA won; CClH8 d'-WAlK Rf],(OVAl AND R(l'LACEJ,I£}ff 1-1/2-lNCHES HIIA.C. tMRlAy . , 1 l . I I 565 I I 560 555 550 545 540 535 530 525! 1 6-9fT «NO B /...F.. fr P.V.C 1(41f}i' UN£ I -STl). FJIfC H>1'JIWff Rf!f.K)'(£'" 0!l..MR TO roMfS S!1MCC aNTER EXIST. f1IM: f.IY1.JIIANT 􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭� �􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠... 􀁾􀀶􀂷􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠Ii 􀁾􀀠..!"c X :$ !U 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀬􀀬􀀧􀀢'.',",,",,",': ! I I i, , I I I I i 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠MARSH LANE s" .lV.h 'N + i.6l' .IJ I. ,," 'PROx. SlO' SOOIH W IHrEJIS[CJlOH: Of w.RSH lH.. ,\:: SPRING VAU,£'!' RD. , , El..EV. 5&:&.08 ADDISON RD. IMPROVEMENTS PROP. 12" ADS STORM SEWER TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS MARSH lANE WATER UNE PlAN -PROFlLE STA. 20+00 TO STA. 􀀲􀀳􀀫􀀷􀀰􀀮􀀵􀁾􀀠BlRKHOFF. LLP. GENERAL NOTES (NOTES N'PtY TO AU. SIiEElS) L 􀁾EFFQRT I«S BEZN IIIlE ID SIKJW 'INE UXA1'XJN OF N.l ItN01ffI tMJOi'{'.H(i()N VJV1l(S AM} 5l7M.:f lIES. 􀁾1HI ()fMR 􀁾􀀠NO M:S/'OI6J8llJTY roe FNf.1JRf.' TO SH'JtT,fJ(( an N.l 9lS1IlG 􀁾􀀠CH SVRFACE lJTlJlIES OR tmIlY LI>a ()6 ll'J SH7W THDIIN 1I{l}8 £JW:l tOCAOON; THE CUflRA(;l()II SH4IJ. Be IifSI'fJNSI4U' IfJR TJ£ PIlf1l£C1}()N OF .All. £»STW(; /Jl1lI11lS, SOMa lJN£S (If P£ t.INmJ) Al!.UWI.iM /IfflH 2-1 NCR SfflS OF R£1) AM} tr;Hf! R01IClM r« .1 N:aPTAIiI.I f1R£ /MJIWOS N IlJlJfSOH ANt' JnIllJ.£R. aOJ;; I.M} IlfAIUNXIS. .f, ---f1R£ H'fDHN{f PNHr RtlSl NO JKYi(HeilIIY f)UTY Q.()SS fC1fl!S( GR'!IJI J8U-6 -----lNIJI!I.. SAl1N M8TF -------------POtr tIl£11W(!' o 0 CLASS B-1 EMBEDMENT P.V.C. I'1l'E OII1.y sro. P,V.C. WATER lJIf!(I!II[l{l "''''' t D£P1H (Y /liOICIf til1,fW lflI£' -,r _ lOR IT' PIPf.' .t SIIM1ER -,rNtH. mr; 􀁊􀀱􀀩􀁾􀀠IV t;O-IfP( -G· JtIfN, ffKI 􀁾􀁾P6't k lAJ{(;U ;. 1WJ/I(A/!1i'ODIIfII)lH m SfWJ. 8£ ; •• PUIS aa 􀀱􀁬􀁬􀁎􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀠􀁊􀀶􀁾􀀠It). AM} 􀁊􀀶􀁾J'f.US aD. fCN PIP( > JIi" ta fiRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION HO SCIL£ CLASS G EMBEDMENT CIlHCAEIl: ENCASElIENT 􀁾􀀠,. r,1I"MJ., MJ.8 TOWN OF" ADDISON, TEXAS DETAILS J.W.e. S.J. &: F.