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Our team has been assembled to address the specific issues of converting the traditional diamond interchange to a SPUI. Carter &Burgess is strong in the design and construction of complex urban highways and structures. Key members of the design team each had significant roles in the design of Section M of North Central Expressway including the complex bridges and cantilevered frontage roads, retaining walls and multi-stage traffic control sequences. These same key designers recently completed the design of the IH 35E/SH 190 (President George Bush Turnpike) interchange in Carrollton. This hands-on experience is critical to success for design of such a tightly restricted and high-volume location as Belt Line Road over the Dallas North Tollway. This type of interchange is used in many locations throughout the country and it will be the first in North Texas. As such, we believe it is important that the Town of Addison select a consultant team that has not only strong urban highway design experience, but one that is equally strong in the planning and design of the SPUI interchange and particularly those with frontage roads and U-turns. We offer such a team with our partner Lee Engineering. Lee Engineering is presently analyzing the four-phase SPUI (the fourth phase is the frontage road movement) in a research project for the Arizona Department of Transportation. This research will survey SPUl's and analyze accident patterns to recommend design modifications and improvements. Bruce Russell, P.E, will be Project Manager. He was Project Manager for the design of Section M. His design team includes Tony Kimmey, P.E, for roadway and Art Hunter, P.E, for structures. Both were responsible for similar duties on Section M. Tony Kimmey was Project Manager for the IH 35E/SH 190 (PGBT) interchange and Bruce and Art had significant roles. Jim Lee, P.E, Ph.D., will be responsible for Alternatives Analysis. He will lead a multi-disciplinary team to evaluate various alternatives and determine how each best matches up with the goals set for the project. The SPUI is very effective at moving vehicles through interchanges. However, frontage roads and U-turns can detract from this performance and pedestrian movements add a special challenge. Mr. Lee's team will address these seemingly competing issues to determine an appropriate alternative. We have included Quality Counts, a DBE firm, as a subconsultant to fulfill goals for DBE participation for DART LAP-CMS funds. We commit to meet these goals. Corter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Consultants, Inc. Nixon & Laird Architects/Engineers, P.c. Nixon & Laird Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Nevada, Inc. We look forward to your favorable review of our qualifications and the opportunity to further discuss our proposal with you. Please contact us for additional information. Sincerely, Carter &Burgess, Inc. Bruce S. Russell, P.E. Vice President Carter::Burgess I . i :' • ADDIsoN Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section 1 Introductory Letter 1 Section 2 Project Team 2 Section 3 Project Team Experience 4 Section 4 Key Personnel 12 Section 5 Project Approach 16 Appendix Resumes Carter1:JBurgess Ir 􀁾ADDIsoN Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Section 2 Project Team The Town ofAddison continues to be one ofthe fastest growing areas within the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. With that exciting growth comes the tough challenge ofmeeting the transportation needs ofits citizens and the business community. Carter& Burgess has teamed with Lee Engineering for the planning and design ofthe proposed improvements to Belt Line Road at the Dallas North Tollway. This project will require a team well-experienced not only with complex highway design and construction, but one with practical knoweldge ofthe SPill-type interchanges. Our Team brings that experience. Carter& Burgess is the region's leading highway design firm having recently completed the complex SectionMofNorth Central Expressway and the IH 35E/SH 190 (President George Bush Turnpike) Interchange. Lee Engineering is presently analyzing SPill interchanges for the ArizonaOOTwithspecial emphasis on the SPill with frontage roads. Carter&Burgess and Lee Engineering 􀁾􀁶􀁥 􀁷􀁯􀁲􀁫􀁾 together on 􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁾􀁣 􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁥􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁉� �􀀮􀁧􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁪􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁳 throughout the region including DART and various private clients. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) It is our understanding that the DBE goal for this project is 15%where DART-LAP/CMS monies are used. We will include Quality Counts, Inc. on this project to meet this goal. Wehave an established, successful working relationship with Quality Counts. Carter & Burgess, Inc. Founded in 1939, Carter& Burgess has been in business in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex for 62 years. With a staffofover 2,800 professionals including engineers, architects, planners, landscape architects, and environmental scientists, we are truly a multidisciplinary firm. In 2001, the firm was rankedNumber 30 in EngineeringNews RecordsTop 500 Design Firms, and Number 16 among the Top Transportation Firms in the Nation. Carter&Burgess maintains one ofthe largest staffs oftransportation professionals in Texas, with morethan 200 employees experienced in all facets oftransportation planning and engineering. The Carter and Burgess Dallas Transportation Division is a group of professionals who specialize in the areas of schematic design/planning, roadway design, structural engineering, hydraulic design, traffic engineering and environmental studies. Our transportation team includes senior engineers who have previously worked with all levels oflocal, state and federal agencies, including the Town ofAddison. As prime consultant, Carter & Burgess will provide direction and oversight for the project and lead in the production of key work tasks. Mr. Bruce Russell, PE. will be the primary point ofcontact for the Town ofAddison, and will lead the coordination with other State and local agencies, as required. 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁂􀁵􀁲􀁧􀁥􀁳􀁳 2 • ADDIsoN Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Lee Engineering, LLC Lee Engineering, LLC, is a civil engineering firm dedicated to providing traffic engineering and transportation planning services to federal, state and local agencies, private clients and other design professionals. Founded in 1988, Lee Engineering has built areputation onthe abilityto integrate transportation planning and traffic engineering expertise with technical know-how to produce powerful, customized decision making tools. TheLee Engineering staffis multi-disciplinaI)', with expertise in traffic engineering, transportation planning, geographic information systems, and transportation research. These skills enable Lee Engineeringto provide customized products tailored specifically to meet the clients' needs. They will be providing services out oftheir local office, located at 17440 Dallas Parkway, Suite 204, Dallas, Texas 75287. Quality Counts, Inc. (DBE) Quality Counts, Inc. specializes in traffic engineering, data collection and traffic analysis. QualityCounts capabilities include conducting 24-hour and peak hourturning movement counts, vehicle classification and occupancy studies, data collection for radar studies, travel time studies, field inventory studies, traveler information surveys, and a variety ofaspects associated with parking studies. Established inApril, 1986 with the primaI)' goal ofproviding professional services through through responsding to client needs in atimely, economical, efficient, and courteous manner. Since thattime Quality Counts has performedwork for both public and private clients throughout Texas and Oklahoma. They will be providing services out oftheir local office, located at 9951 Tanglevine Drive, Dallas, Texas 75238. Location of Office Where Work Will Be Performed Carter& Burgess will be providing services out ofour local Dallas office located at 7950 ElmbrookDrive, Dallas, Texas 75247. 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀧􀀺􀁾􀁂􀁵􀁲􀁧􀁥􀀵􀀵 3 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Section 3 Project Team Experience Carter &. Burgess, Inc. The Carter & Burgess Team has participated in the design ofmany similar projects. We have chosen the following projects to illustrate our specific experience with the major issues that will be facing the Town ofAddison during the reconstruction ofthe Belt Line RoacllDallas Parkway intersection: reconstruction ofan intersection within a constrained right-of-way; maintenance oftraffic on an urban arterial that is critical to local access and circulation; and multi-jurisdictional coordination. US 75 North Central Expressway Reconstruction -Section IVI Dallas, Texas Originally designed for 75,000 vehicles per day, North Central Expressway was one ofthe nations most congested freeways. The Texas DOT established concepts for anew freeway with significant urban design features. Capacity was increased on the 9.3-mile corridor from 4 up to 10 lanes. By 1990, the congested corridor carried over 500,000 vehicles each day. Carter & Burgess was responsible for the widening ofa two-mile segment. Design elements included geometric design, paving, grading, drainage, utilities, bridges and retaining walls. The large volume ofdaily and seasonal traffic was a critical concern for construction staging and sequencing. Constructability issues influenced design elements including shallow depth concrete box bridges to minimize excavation and temporary bridges to maintain traffic on cross streets. The traffic control plans involved two main traffic moves and 17 unique stages ofconstruction. Construction phasing and traffic maintenance placed special emphasis on constructability and the use of structure types that could be built with minimum traffic disruption. Constrained ROWand intricate intertwining of 15 access lanes, ramps and main lanes produced complicated curved and skewed bridge geometrics. Bridge types included CarferBurgess 4 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway post-tensioned, cast-in-place concrete box girders and precast concrete box girders. Existing and proposed underground utilities, drainage tunnels and conduits created potential conflicts between utility lines, structure columns and foundations. Buildings and retaining wall foundations posed similar conflicts, requiring close attention to existing features, bridge layouts and column locations. The reconstructed $114 million expressway was completed under budget and a year ahead ofschedule and was the recipientofthe National CEC Engineering Excellence Grand Award for Transportation projects as well as the State CEC Eminent Conceptor Award for Engineering Excellence. Project Cost: $114,000,000 Completion Date: 1999 Key Team Members: Bruce Russell, Tony Kimmey, Art Hunter Client: Charles Tucker, P.E., Texas Department of Transportation, ph. 214-320-6100 University Boulevard Single Point Urban Interchange Denver, Colorado Carter & Burgess performed an analysis ofthe University Boulevard Interchange with 1-25 as part ofthe Southeast Corridor PE I EIS:-Asingle point urban 􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁨􀁡􀁮􀁧􀁥 􀁷􀁡􀁳􀁾 􀀮􀁊􀁒􀁑􀁐􀁾􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁓􀀺􀁊􀀲􀀱􀁱􀁑􀁳􀀺􀀮􀁴􀁨􀁥 ..existingJightf.!9yerieafin the constrained right-of....""ay. An c,,_', ,:.'__ 􀀮􀀬􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀧􀁟􀀧􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁟􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀮􀀢􀀮􀁟􀀢􀀬 •. 􀀾􀀢􀀬􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀢􀀬􀀯􀀢 􀀧􀁾__ 􀁾􀀼􀀧􀁟􀀧􀁾􀁟􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀬􀂷􀀧􀁲 ."._--',' '" .-.'," .-.'.' .' .' "'.,-',_ ',._,"·W" .'.' _, ',_.' '_," .,' .".' ", .•. .' ," .' ."," . .' '. _,',' .'.' ', . .' .'.'.' .' .. LRT station was proposedjust north ofthe interchange as part ofthe project's new LRT system. Existing traffic volume data was collected for the interchange and at adjacent intersections along University Boulevard. Future traffic volumes were projected for the area using the Denver Regional Council ofGovernments planning model for two analysis years -Opening Day and 2020. Station traffic was also considered in the build scenarios. Basic capacity analyses were performed for each intersection using methodologies from the current Highway Capacity Manual, and a full microscopic simulation ofthe interchange and adjacent intersections was undertaken using CORSIM to more accurately model queue lengths. The CORSIM model was calibrated to existing volume, speed, and queue conditions. The future signal timings and offsets were developed using Signal97 and Transyt-7F, and these data were used in the future CORSIM runs. The results ofthe analyses indicated that the Single Point Urban interchange would provide for adequate traffic operations in future years. Problems were identified at several local intersections due to station traffic, and mitigation Carfer·····!Burgess 5 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway measures, such as supplemental tum lanes and modifications to signal timing, were added to the design. Project Cost: $ 14,355 Completion Date: 2001 Key Team Members: Paul Brown Client: City and County of Denver, Cathy Ewing, ph. 720-865-4006 Carfer:;:Burgess 6 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway IH 35E/SH 190 (President George Bush Turnpike) Interchange Carrollton, Texas Carter& Burgess designed and prepared plans, specifications and cost estimates for a new multi-level, directional interchange, adjacent roadways and drainage improvements. The first phase ofthe project is to be constructed by TxDOT and the second phase by the North Texas Tollway Authority. The new interchange links the President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT), a new, fully-access controlled corridor serving northern Dallas and southern Collin and Denton counties, with the established 1H 35E corridor. Key project elements include design scheduling, interchange schematic design, horizontal and vertical alignments, impacts on area traffic during construction, layout and design of bridge and wall structures, drainage studies ofFurneaux Creek and the Elm Fork ofthe Trinity River, preparation ofplans, specifications and estimates, and coordination with the City of Carrollton, NTTA, TxDOT, CaE, FEMAand FHWA. Project Cost: $ 112,000,000 Completion Date: 200 I Key Team Members: Bruce Russell, Tony Kimmey Client: (Phase One) Charles Tucker, PE., Texas Department ofTransportation, ph. 214-320-6100 (Phase Two) Jerry Hiebert, North Texas Tollway Authority, ph. 214-461-2029 East Flagstaff Traffic Interchange Design Concept Report Flagstaff, Arizona This project involved the reconstruction ofan interchange between a five-lane major arterial and a four-lane roadway (B-40) that connects to 1-40. This interchange is the easterly connection ofFlagstaff, Arizona to 1-40 and is in close proximity to a regional shopping mall. The recommended alternative involved the construction ofa spur with B-40 serving as the crossroad and the major arterial serving as the mainline. Geometric design was taken to the 30% level to assure proper geometry complicated by the curvelinear crossroad and mainline geometry. One specific design feature included creating a frontage road downstream from the crossroad to provide local business access. The accompanying figure depicts this project. Carter:Burgess 7 ("'·7-j! Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Project Cost: $ 14,000,000 Completion Date: July 2001 Key Team Members: Paul Black Client: Arizona Department ofTransportation, George Wallace, ph. 602-712-7467 Lee Engineering, LLC Four Phase SPUI Research Project Phoenix, Arizona Considerable research has been performed over the past 10 years on the operational characteristics ofthe Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI), although little research has been performed relative to the accident history ofthis interchange form. The little safety research available indicates that there is no significant difference between the SPUI and the diamond interchange with respect to safety. However, when compared to the diamond interchange, the SPUI does seem to be more prone to rear-end and sideswipe accidents, but it seems less prone to right angle accidents. The four phase single point urban interchange (4<1>S PUI) is an even more uncommon configuration, though several have been constructed recently in the Phoenix area. This is the SPUI with a continuous frontage road through movement, the fourth phase. The addition ofthe frontage road through movements add significantly to the size ofthe conflict area. The stop bar to stop bar 􀁳􀁥􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁵􀀭􀁾􀁬􀁑􀀡􀀡􀁋􀀡􀁨􀁴􀀺􀀺 􀀹􀁲􀁑􀁾􀀿􀁲􀁑􀀼􀀺􀁬􀁾􀀼􀀺􀁬􀁦􀀬􀁬􀁾􀀼􀁾􀁾􀁩􀀡􀀡􀁾􀀮 excess 􀀰􀁦􀀺􀀳􀁾􀁑􀁦􀁥􀁾􀁴􀀮 Several ofthese interchanges have recently become operational, ---and the"re have been reports of challenges associated with the opening of these interchanges. The selection ofthe 4<1>SPUI over the other interchange forms was based largely on calculated operational efficiencies, assumed cycle length, assumed easier coordination with adjacent City signals, and anticipated construction and right-of-way cost savings. The objectives ofthe research project being conducted by Lee Engineering are to: evaluate the 4<1>SPUI based on available accident data and conflict analysis techniques, right-of-way and construction costs, and operating efficiency; compare the performance ofthe 4<1>SPUI, and the conventional diamond interchange; evaluate current 4<1>SPUI and diamond interchange design assumptions and operation, and recommend design and/or operational changes to enhance performance; and evaluate the interchange form selection (predesign) process and recommend changes where appropriate. Project Cost: $ 137,000 Completion Date: Ongoing Key Team Members: Jim Lee, Jody Short Client: Arizona Department OfTransportation, Frank McCullagh, ph. 602-7123132 Carter::;Burgess 9 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Dallas County CMAQ Dallas, Texas This project involved signal coordination analysis, intersection analysis, preliminary signal timing optimization, and preparation ofPS&E for 38signals in Dallas County. Project Cost: $ 500,000 Completion Date: Ongoing Key Team Members: Jody Short Client: Dallas County, Jack Loggins, ph. 214-747-6336 TxDOT Fort Worth District Signal Design Fort Worth, Texas Prepared signal design plans for approximately 160 locations in the cities ofBedford, Cleburne, Colleyville, Euless, Fort Worth, Grapevine, Haltom City, Hurst, Jacksboro, Lake Worth, Mineral Wells, North Richland Hills, River Oaks, Stephenville, and Weatherford, Texas. Submittals included complete PS&E with specifications, notes and estimates in TxDOT text file format. Project Cost: Varies Per City Completion Date: 2001 Key Team Members: Jody Short Client: Texas Department ofTransportation, Roy Parikh, ph. 817-370-6617 FM 1709 Signal Timing Southlake, Texas This project required the development ofcoordinated traffic signal plans for eleven signals on FM 1709. Tasks included data collection of24-hour and peak period turning movement counts, before and after travel time runs (25% travel time saving), intersection analysis, AM, PM, and off-peak timing plan generation using Synchro and PASSER II, and in-field fme tuning for a 16-intersection arterial. Synchro was utilized as an interface to PASSER II. Signal timing plans have been updated on this arterial three times in the last three years because ofthe rapid development in the area and significant increase in traffic volumes. Aspread spectrum radio close loop system was also designed for this arterial. Assisted TxDOT in implementing and fine tuning of signals. Timing plans were provided for future signals within the system. Project Cost: $ 22,000 Completion Date: 1998 Key Team Members: Jody Short Client: City ofSouthlake, Charlie Thomas, ph. 817-481-5581 Carter::Burgess 10 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt line Road and Dallas Parkway Grand Avenue Signal Timing Study Phoenix, Arizona The purpose ofthis study was to analyze the existing traffic signal phasing and timings of26 traffic signals (three groups) along Grand Avenue between 51 st Avenue and Loop 303, and to propose and test recommended new phasing, revised intersection signal timings, and new/revised system timings for these signals. Developed and coordinated signal timing plans for each intersection using Synchro. Travel time/delay runs were conducted to determine the effectiveness ofthe intersection and system timings. Accident analysis for each ofthe six-approach intersections were performed 12 months following the final implementation ofthe signal timings. Project Cost: $ 75,335 Completion Date: 1999 Key Team Members: Jim Lee Client: Arizona Department ofTransportation/AZTech, Joe Spadafino, ph. 602712-7545 Lemmon/Mockingbirdllnwo od Mobility Improvements -Phase I Dallas, Texas Lee Engineering served as asubconsultant to identifY and evaluate street and intersection improvements in the Lemmon, Mockingbird, and Inwood corridors near Love Field. TRAF-NETSIM and PASSER II were used extensively to assist in the identification oftraffic operations problems and potential solutions that could be expected given the implementation ofthe proposed improvements. Provided data collection including existing traffic signal timing data, turning movement counts, existing and future link traffic volumes, bus route information, and proposed roadway improvements. Other tasks included optimization ofsignal timing, prepared metric schematic drawings of proposed improvements, prepared environmental report, developed construction cost estimates, and provided air quality and noise assessments utilizing Caline3/Mobile5A and Stamina2.0. Project Cost: $ 90,000 Completion Date: Ongoing Key Team Members: Jody Short Client: DART, Keith Smith, ph. 214-749-3278 Carfer:Burgess 11 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Section 4 Key Personnel The Carter & Burgess Team provides the Town of Addison with strong, experienced project leadership and transportation engineering expertise in our Project Manager, Bruce Russell, P.E. and our assigned staff. Our Team offers the Town ofAddison a group oftransportation, planning and environmental professionals who have extensive experience in all the design tasks anticipated for this contract. Supporting these key individuals is the largest planning and design staffin North Texas. The following paragraphs provide briefsummaries ofthe relevant experience ofour key personnel. All ofthe stafflisted on the Project Organization Chart will be available to begin work on the project immediately upon notice to proceed. Additional infonnation concerning education, licensing, and relevant project experience for the identified persons is provided in the detailed resumes included at the end ofthis proposal. Project Manager Bruce Russell, P.E. will serve as Project Manager for this project. Mr. Russell has more than 25 years ofexperience in the design and management ofmajor highway, arterial and thoroughfare projects. He will be the Town ofAddison's single point of contact and will be available throughout the project duration. His experience includes general transportation and thoroughfare planning, schematic development, preliminary engineering design, construction sequencing and staging plans, analysis oftraffic pattern impacts, pavement condition and traffic signal inventories, circulation studies, environmental anlaysis, sign inventories, high accident location analyses fonnulation of capital improvements programs, and preparation ofplans, specifications and estimates. His relevant project experience includes: US 75 North Central Expressway-Section Min Dallas, IH 35E/SH 190 Interchange in Carrollton, and DART Southeast Corridor in Dallas. Project Team Jim Lee, P.E., Ph.D., will be responsible for leading the Alternatives Analyses for this project. He is the President and founder ofLee Engineering, LLC. Mr. Lee has over 30 years ofexperience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. He is currently managing a research project of the Four Phase SPUI for the Arizona Department ofTransportation examining the operational efficiencies, cost, and accident experience at four phase single point urban interchanges. He has served as project manager on several signal system projects including the City ofLubbock signal system feasibility study, City ofPhoenLx signal system feasibility study, Town ofGilbert signal system design, City of Lakewood signal system expansion study, and City of Albuquerque ATMS project. He has served as a District Traffic Engineer for the State ofOklahoma as well as City Traffic Engineer for Amarillo and Beaumont, Texas. Carter:;Burgess 12 Legend (1) Carter&Burgess, Inc. (2) Lee Engineering, LLC (3) Quality Counts, Inc. (DBE) Jim Lee, P.E., Ph.D. (2) -SPUI Design Alternatives • Tony Kimmey, P.E. (1) • Paul Brown, P.E. (1) • Paul Black, P.E. (1) -Structural Alternatives • Art Hunter,P.E. (1) -TrafficAnalysis • Jody Short, P. E. (2) -Aesthetic Design • Larry O'Flinn, ASLA (1) -Data Collection • Linda Larkins (3) Single Point Urban at Belt Line Road and Dal Bruce Russell, P.E. (1) Tony Kimmey, P.E. (1) -Roadway Design • Tony Kimmey, P. E. (1) -Drainage and Utilities • Alex Martinez, P.E. (1) -Structural Design • Art Hunter, P.E. (1) -Traffic Design • Jody Short, P. E. (2) -Surveys and Right of Way • Gordon Perry, RPt-$ (1) 'B,ll 􀁾􀁊􀁥􀁙􀁜 I2rcs Tony Kimmey, P.E. will be leading the Engineering Design, Roadway Design, and SPUI Design Alternatives for this project. He has 16 years ofroadway planning and design experience with a focus on projects in the North Texas area for the past 12 years. This experience includes schemaitc development, preliminary and final design, coordination ofconstruction document preparation, develop ofproject construction cost estimates, performance of quality assurance/quality control functions, and construction management. Over the last five years he has been project manager and lead engineer for the design ofseveral projects in the Metroplex that involved significant and complex highway construction, including: SectionMportion ofNorth Central Expressway in Dallas; the IH 35E/SH 190 Interchange in Carrollton; and Dallas North Tollway Extension in Dallas. 13 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Alex Martinez, P.E., will be responsible for Drainage and Utilities. Mr. Martinez has more than 17 years ofexperience in management, design and construction ofcivil engineering projects. Mr. Martinez has extensive experience in the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for paving, drainage, water, sanitary sewer and erosion control projects. His project experience includes roadway work with both municipalities and governmental agencies such as the City ofDallas, City of Carrollton, City ofMesquite, City ofDenton, City ofFanners Branch, Town ofHighland Park and the CityofUniversity Park, as well as the Texas Department ofTransportation (TxDOT). Paul Brown, P.E., will assist in the SPUI Design Alternatives efforts. Mr. Brown has more than 12 years ofexperience in traffic engineering and transportation planning seIVices. His traffic engineering responsibilities include project management along with traffic analyses, parking parking studies, trip generation and distribution evaluations. Mr. Brown's transportation efforts involve close work with railroads to determine the commuter capabilities ofexisting freight lines. He also provides commuter demand analyses and conceptual station plans. Mr. Brown also presents project information before government agencies and other public forums. Paul Black, P.E., will also assist in the SPUI Design Alternatives efforts. Mr. Black brings over 28 years ofdiverse experience in all phases oftransportation projects. For over 14 years, Mr. Black was a civil engineer with the Arizona Department of Transportation. He seIVed as project engineer for a wide variety oftransportation projects including the design ofInterstate 10 between 99th Avenue and 59thAvenue and for the design ofLoop 202 from 24th Street to 40th Street. Whether the task is reconstructing two-lane highways to four-lane divided highways, the design ofall new freeway and interchange work or rural highway design and earthwork, Mr. Black's adaptable, common sense approach combined with the dedication to thoroughly know the client's needs and thejob up-front provides the broadbased expertise that provides Carter&Burgess customized experience in transportation design in the Southwest. Art Hunter, P.E., will be resonsilble for Structural Alternatives. Mr. Hunter has more than 21 years of experience in the design of transportation and civil work structures. His experience includes structural analysis and design, preparation ofplans and specifications, economic anlysis and reports, and administratio ofconstruction contracts. His experience with new bridge design includes pedestrian, highway, railroad and transit projects. He has designed both simple and continuous span concrete and steel bridges. His projects have involved blending seemingly incopatible criteria as construction phasing, aesthetics, complex geometrics into functional, economical and award winning projects. Some ofhis relevant project experience includes: US 75 North Central Expressway-SectionMin Dallas; Renner Road in Richardson, and the post-tensioned elevated intersections ofthe Dallas North Tollway at LBJ Freeway. Jody Short, P.E., will be resonsible for Traffic Analyses. He has over 13 years of experience on a variety ofprojects in transportation and traffic engineering. He has seIVed as project manager and project engineer on numerous traffic engineering design! Carter:Burgess 14 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway studies projects including the operational analysis ofproposed roadway facilities and the preparation ofPS&E for signals and signing. He has conducted operational analyses for alternative interchange configurations at the intersection ofPark Boulevard and Preston Road in Plano, Midway at Arapaho in Addison, and several interchanges along SH 121 between Lewisville and the Dallas North Tollway. He is currently serving as project manager on Lee Engineering's TxDOT Fort Worth District On-Call Traffic Engineering Services contract. Assignments include various traffic analyses, signal design, signal timing and signing design. He also served as project manager on the Dallas CountyCMAQ projects which included PS&E for 38 signals including signing and pavement markings, intersection capacity and level of service analysis, and traffic control system analysis and design. Mr. Short has completed over 15 signal timing projects including projects from the State ofTexas'Traffic Light Synchronization (TLS) Program. Larry O'Flinn will contribute to the Aesthetic Design plans for the project. Mr. O'Flinn has over 23 years ofexperience in all aspects of planning and landscape architecture with emphasis on site-specific development projects. His experience ranges from initial program development to detailed site design to construction documents and construction management. Recent project experience involves landscape/streetscap e and linear parks along roadways, which integrate landscaping, signage, and street and pedestrian lighting into the roadway construction project. Linda Larkins will provide Data Collection services. Ms. Larkins established Quality Counts in 1986 and has over 13 years experience in data collection for traffic engineering studies. She has conducted numerous speed studies using a radar gun and tube counters, turning movement counts for traffic signal warrant analyses and intersection analyses, field and inventory studies, 24-hour approach counts, vehicle and classification counts, travel time studies, parking studies, and traveler information surveys. Gordon Perry, RPLS, will be responsible for the Survey and Right ofWay tasks for this project. Mr. Perry has over 16 years ofsurveying experience with a focus on projects in the North Texas area over the past 10 years. He has significant experience in the key areas ofutilizing GPS surveying techniques in both "Static" and "Real Time Kinematic" (RTK) modes for creating project control networks; researching public records for documentation ofproperty ownership; collecting field monumentation of existing property boundaries; resolving conflicts between field and recorded property boundaries; preparing parcel plats, legal descriptions and right-of-way maps; and setting monumentation for new right-of-way acquisition. Phil Deaton, P.E., will serve as Principal-In-Charge. Mr. Deaton has over 30 years ofexperience in the planning, design, construction and management ofmajor civil and multidiscipline projects, with an emphasis on hydraulic and hydrologic analyses. He will oversee the project and make sure the full resources ofthe firm are available. He is Principal in charge ofthe Dallas office and oversees day-to-day activities. He joined the firm in 1984 and is a Senior Vice President. Carter;;;Burgess 15 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Section 5 Project Approach The conversion ofthe Belt Line Road interchange at the Dallas North Tollway to a single point urban interchange is a challenging assignment. The Carter & Burgess approach to this assignment is based on three fundamental points. First, the team must have a good understanding ofthe operational characteristics ofSPUI interchanges and how they actually function. Team member, Lee Engineering, is presently performing research for the Arizona Department ofTransportation on the SPUI with a particular emphasis on those types with frontage roads,just like the Belt Line Road interchange. We have included at the end ofthis section an excerpt from that study that elaborates on the design and operational issues ofthe four phase SPUr. Second, the team must be able to translate the operational features into a design that can be constructed. Carter & Burgess has recently prepared designs for converting a cloverleaf interchange to a SPUI for University Avenue at 1-25 in Denver and for a new SPUI at 1-40 in Flagstaff, Arizona. And third, the team must understand complex highway construction that is necessary along the heavily traveled Belt Line Road and Dallas North Tollway. Carter& Burgess was responsible for design ofSectionMofNorth Central Expressway including design and construction techniques similar to what may be expected at this location. Project Manager Bruce Russell was responsible for that design. Design leader Tony Kimmey was responsible for retaining wall designs and structural designer Art Hunter was lead structures engineer for that project. All will bring that relevant experience to this assignment. Management Approach Bruce Russell will be Project Manager directly responsibIe to Addison for the project. He has organized the team in two functional areas. First is the Alternatives Analysis phase. In this phase, led by Mr. Jim Lee, P.E., Ph. D., functional and operational alternatives will be developed and evaluated. This This work will include those alternatives previously studied and new alternatives to address the overall goals for the interchange. The alternatives analysis team includes engineers with experience in design ofurban interchanges, structural engineers to evaluate the design and construction implications ofvarious alternatives, and traffic engineers to evaluate how progression along Belt Line Road and the frontage roads is affected. During this phase aesthetic enhancements for the interchange and for Belt Line Road enhancements will be evaluated. The second team is the engineering design teanl1ed by Tony Kimmey, PE. Mr. Kimmey was responsible for designs for North Central Expressway and was recently Project Manager for the IH 35E/SH 190 interchange, a $93 million construction project. This design team will include members from the alternative evaluation teanl and additional designers. Carter······Burgess 16 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway We anticipate that there will be extensive coordination with the property and business owners in the area. Project Manager Bruce Russell will be responsible for representing the team in public involvement. Key Issues Successful projects are measured by how well the team understands and can address key issues. This team has identified the following as key issues. Amore robust examination ofthe issues related to the four phase SPUI may be found in the Lee Engineering research excerpt at the end ofthis section. Operations. SPUI interchanges are very efficient at handling large volumes oftraffic, especially large left-tum movements like at Belt Line Road. This efficiency comes from reducing conflict points and in efficiently managing signal green time. At Belt Line Road there are frontage roads (through movements) that lengthen the signal cycle. Uturns and pedestrian movements introduce additional conflict points. All these factors affect SPUI operations. The effects must be evaluated versus the expected operational gains and cost ofthe conversion ofthe interchange. Pedestrian Movements. By their very nature, SPUI interchanges are designed to maximize the movement ofvehicles. The interchanges typically have wide areas that pedestrians must cross. Vehicles approach from far reaches ofthe interchange and pedestrians may find it hard to judge speed and direction. It is not uncommon that pedestrians take significantly longer time to cross a SPUI. Driver Expectations. Most interchanges that drivers in North Texas encounter are typical diamond interchanges and include U-turns, commonly known as "Texas Uturns." Left turns in these types ofinterchanges occur on the right ofthe opposing left tum movement. In the SPUI interchange these movements occur without conflict and to the left ofthe opposing left tum, much like a standard four-leg intersection. Only drivers don't expect that kind ofmovement at a freeway-like interchange as Belt Line Road. For this reason, engineering designers must anticipate that driver confusion may be greater. Aesthetic Treatment. Belt Line Road is a major thoroughfare inAddison and Dallas. Modifications to the interchange must be sympathetic to and incorporate aesthetic treatments planned for adjacent areas. Business Impacts. Businesses adjacent to the interchange will be sensitive to changes in traffic patterns, right-of-way and construction impacts. The design team must be capable ofpresenting the benefits and disbenefits ofthe various alternatives. Agency Coordination. This interchange lies in Dallas, affects businesses inAddison and Dallas, impacts the Dallas North Tollway, and is along a regional road, Belt Line Road, developed by Dallas County. Funding includes DART LAPfunds. Each agency has an interest in what happens to "their" asset. Carter::Burgess 17 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Technical Approach We have reviewed the concepts previously produced for this interchange. Each has its own merits; however, we believe that a thorough review ofthese concepts must be made to ensure that the many long-range planning goals for this partofAddison will be met and enhanced by these modifications. The single point urban interchange is avery effective design to enhance the movement ofvehicles through an intersection or interchange. This increased efficiency comes at the expense ofother movements including pedestrian movements. Including frontage road movements requires additional green time. Including u-turn movements adds potential conflict points. And the novelty ofthis interchange compared to the traditional diamond interchanges throughout the region can cause drive confusion, particularly with left tum movements. We believe a thorough review ofthe alternatives developed to date is warranted. The alternatives should include evaluation ofadditional criteria including pedestrian movement and potential aesthetic enhancements in conjunction with on-going planning efforts for the corridor. The first phase ofthe project will be an alternatives analysis phase. In this phase the team will develop alternatives for the interchange, looking at roadway designs related to turning radii, U-turns and frontage road arrangements. During this phase the team will work with the city to ensure that adjacent property owners concerns are understood and addressed. Participating agencies concerns must also be addressed. Alternatives will be evaluated and ranked on criteriajointiy developed with the city and the project team. Once the selected alternative is determined, the team will then develop detailed design plans for the proposed improvements. Because so much ofthe widened structure will overhang the Dallas North Tollway, the designs must be coordinated with the North Texas Tollway Authority. Typically, portions ofthe bridge superstructure would be cast-in-place construction; however, because ofrestricted space and large traffic volumes; such construction techniques may not be feasible. Precast beams may be more appropriate. In this case, larger parts ofa bridge structure may be have to be constructed to achieve the additional room for the large left tum radii found in spur's. Understanding of Four-Phase SPUI Design and Operations The following is an excerpt from a recent study performed by Lee Engineering ofthe four-phase SPUr. This excerpt forms the basis oftheir study ofthis type ofSPUI presently being conducted for the Arizona DOT. Because this is an excerpt, references as noted in the text are not included. However, most issues noted in this overview apply to the Belt Line Road SPUI analysis. Carfer::Burgess 18 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway The single-point urban interchange (SPUI) has been the subjectofintensive study during the past 15 years. Major studies (1, 2, 3, 4) have been conducted for several state departments oftransportation (DOTs), including Arizona DOT, Texas DOT, Virginia DOT, and Michigan DOT. Amajor study (5) was also conducted for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), acting on behalfoftheAmericanAssociation ofState Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The findings from these studies have primarily focused on the spur but have also offered comparisons ofit to other intersection and interchange forms (e.g., hightype at-grade intersection (AGI) and tight-urban diamond interchange (TUOl)). These studies have also focused on SPUls that are not associated with frontage road systems along the major roadway. This latter focus was dictated primarily by the fact that few such frontage-road SPUls existed at the time ofthe studies. 9.1.1 Objective The objective ofthis section is to document a critical review ofthe literature on the topic ofSPUls with frontage road service. This review identifies a range ofissues related to this type ofSPUI application. To provide proper context for the discussion, the review also includes discussion ofthe TUDI with frontage service (the present Belt Line Road interchange). Such context is also provided through discussion ofthe SPUl without frontage road service; however, this type ofinterchange is not the focus ofthis discussion. 9.1.2 Definitions 4-Phase SPUI. In a 1991 report, Messer et ai. (5) found that there were 36 operational SPUls ofwhich 25 (69%) did not have frontage roads. The 11 SPUls found to have frontage roads were noted to fall into one of two categories: 1. Frontage roads combined with on/offramp terminals, or 2. Frontage roads offset from the on/offramp terminals. These two interchange forms are also shown in Figure 9-1. The second category was found at only three (8%) ofthe SPUls. In contrast, eight (22%) of the SPUls had the frontage roads combined with the on/off ramp terminals. The SPill where the frontage roads are combined with the on/offramp terminals usesNEMA8-phase control and operates with four basic phases, one typical phasing arrangement is shown in Figure 9-2. This type of SPUI/frontage road design is referred to herein as the 4SPUIs observed by Messer et al. (5) had the overpass design. Carter):Burgess 21 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Figure 9-3. Overpass SPUI. Those SPUIs that have the major road through movement passing under the ramp/cross-road intersection are called underpass SPUIs. This type ofSPUI is shown in Figure 9-4. The advantage ofthe underpass SPUI (relative to the overpass SPUI) is that the intersection conflict area is relatively open, well lit, and resembles that ofother high-type at-grade intersections. Dorothy et ai. (4) noted these advantages in a recent observational study of SPUIs in six states. The disadvantage of the underpass design is that requires a more compheated (i.e., expensive) bridge structure, the parapet walls associated with the bridge railing tend to block sight lines for ramp traffic, and the open conflict area appears unnecessarily expansive (and possibly more intimidating) than that found at the overpass SPUIs. 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀺􀀧􀁾􀁂􀁵􀁲􀁧􀁥� �􀁳 22 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Figure 9-4. Underpass SPUI. Issue 2. There appear to be significant operational, safety, and cost impacts associated with the choice ofoverpass versus underpass SPUI design. These significance ofthese issues may be heightened when combined withfrontage road systems. 9.2 Interchange Geometry 9.2.1 Left-Turn Path Geometry Messer et al. (5) found that the geometry ofthe cross road and off-ramp left-tum paths tends to have one oftwo designs: 1. Simple radius, or 2. Three-centered compound. Carter:c:Burgess 23 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway For the off-ramp, the left-tum path begins at the point ofcurvature (PC) on the off-ramp tangent. The ramp geometry then curves in accordance with one ofthe two aforementioned curve designs until it reaches the cross road. Thereafter, it is effectively traced through the intersection conflict area by skip-stripe lane lines until it comes tangent with the cross road alignment (PT). The cross-road left-tum path follows a similar arrangement; however, it starts on the cross road with skip-stripe lane lines and ends on the on-ramp as part ofthe on-ramp geometry. The simple radius design at a4SPUI was shown previously in Figure 9-1 a. The three-centered compound curve is shown in Figure 9-5. Figure 9-5. Use ofcompound curve left-turn paths at a 4SPUI. Scala: ,. 0= 100' Tum paths with compound curvature are often considered because they can minimize interchange cost by allowing for a reduced bridge length. Bridge length is ofparticular concern for the 4SPUI as it tends to be associated with U-turn lanes which, in and ofthemselves, dictate an increase in bridge size. The impact ofthese U-turn lanes on bridge length can be visualized by examination ofFigures 9-1aand 9-5. Other issues related to U-turn lanes at 4SPUls are discussed in the next section. In spite oftheir potential cost savings, the compound curve design used at SPUIs is generally contrary to the curve design procedures recommended in Chapter 3 oftheAASHTO document, A Policy on Geometric Design ofHighways and Streets (6) (Green Book). More importantly, it is contrary to driver expectancy during curve driving as it requires significant Carfer:c;Burgess 24 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt line Road and Dallas Parkway and unusual steering input to track the various radii along the path. Observation of driver behavior at the 4SPUI shown in Figure 9-5 confirmed these problems as drivers were noted to make dangerous deviations from the path (to the extent that they would be traveling in the oncoming traffic lanes). Issue 3. Compound curvature in the left-turn paths may not be as scife or efficient as would paths consisting ofa simple radius. The potential need (as perceived by designers) for compound curvature may be increased when U-turn lanes are provided. 9.2.2 U-Turn Lanes The SPUI shown in Figures 9-1 a and 9-5 also illustrate the provision of U-turn lanes at a 4SPUI geometry. It should be noted that the U-turn lanes that are shown in these figures are consistent with TUDI design when used in a frontage road system. Such systems tend to be associated with significant U-turn volumes, especially when commercial developments are found along the frontage road system. Messer et al. (5) found that about 19 percent ofthe SPUIs had U-turn lanes. In each case, the lanes were used where one-way frontage roads existed. The advantage ofU-turn lanes is that they remove U-turning traffic from the signalized traffic streams and thereby reduce delay to the U-turn movements as well as other signalized movements. The disadvantage ofthese lanes is that they increase the cost ofthe bridge structure by increasing its total length. Issue 4. The cost-effectiveness ofU-turn lanes at 4SPUls, in terms ofthe added cost ofthe bridge structure relative to the operational benefits they provide, is not well known. Another disadvantage ofU-turn lanes may be the increased potential for conflict at the point where the U-turn lane traffic merges with the onramp/frontage road traffic. This problem stems from the acute angle between the U-turn lane and the cross-road left-turn path feeding the subject on-ramp. This angle is so acute that it requires U-turn drivers to make a 125 degree head rotation in order to verify the safety ofthe merge maneuver. Such a rotation is quite difficult and observations are that it is often omitted, thereby leading to frequent conflicts. This problem may partially explain why Garber and Smith (3) found that there are significantly more crashes on SPill on-ramps than TUDI on-ramps. Issue 5. U-turn lanes thatfollow the designs shown in Figures 9-1a and 9-5 may increase crash potential at 4SPUIs because ofacute merge angles. It may be possible that design modifications can improve this situation. 25 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway 9.2.3 Conflict Area The size ofthe conflict area at a SPUI is quite large relative to the AGI and TUDI design alternatives. This large size has several disadvantages associated with it including poor driver guidance and relatively long change intervals (discussed in Section 9.3). These disadvantages tend to become more problematic as the size ofthe conflict area increases. At the 4SPUI, the addition ofthe frontage road through movement increases the dimension ofthe conflict area. This increase in width ranges from 50 to 150 ft and is approximately equivalent to the width ofthe cross section ofthe frontage road through traffic lanes. The size ofthis conflict area can be visualized by comparison ofboth Figures 9-1 and 94. With regard to driver guidance, Dorothy et al. (4) report that the larger clearance distances caused several problems. Specifically, drivers were observed to stop for the wrong (but visible) signal indication. They were also observed to get lost within the conflict area. Messer et at. (5) observed cross road drivers occasionally traveling through the interchange in the through lane only to make a sharp left tum at the far-side ofthe conflict area (much as would be done for a left-tum at a TUoI). Other observations also indicate that frontage road drivers sometimes tum left from the through lanes rather than the left-tum lanes. Issue 6. The large size of the 4SPUI conflict area may increase driver confilsion regarding the appropriate travel path. It is possible that efforts to reduce the size of the conflict area (perhaps through channelization) may improve driver guidance. 9.3 Interchange Operations 9.3.1 Change Interval, Lost Time, and Capacity Traffic movements at the SPUI are generally recognized by the profession to require more lengthy change intervals (i.e., yellow warning plus all-red clearance) than corresponding movements atAGls or TUDls. This trend is a result ofthe larger conflict area associated with the SPUI relative to theAGI and TUDI designs. Aconsequence oflarger change intervals is reduced capacity because much ofthe change interval represents time that is unavailable to serve vehicles (i.e., lost time). The 4SPUI is particularly sensitive to the impact ofchange interval requirements. This sensitivity stems from the greater size ofthe conflict area. Carter;;Burgess 26 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Bonneson (7) examined the change intervals and lost times for typical four typical intersection and interchange scenarios. The results ofthis examination are summarized in Table 9-1. Table 9-1. Signal Change Interval Duration. Major/Frontage Cross Road Cycle Scenario Road Total (s) Left Through Left Through At-Grade Intersection (AGl) 7.2 6.1 7.2 6.1 26.6 Small SPUI without Frontage 7.9 na 80 7.7 23.6 Roads Large spur without Frontage 8.6 na 8.9 8.3 25.8 Roads Large spur with Frontage 9.7 6.4 9.0 9.3 34.4 Roads Note: Based on an 85th percentile approach speed of45 mph. Large SPUI has stop bar to stop bar separation of270 ft. na -not applicable It should be noted that all change interval times were computed using the methodology proposed by the Institute ofTransportation Engineers (ITE) as a recommended practice. This methodology is described in Reference 8. It should also be noted that this methodology yields left-tum change intervals that are somewhat longer than those found at most signalized intersections. However, this methodology was used as it represents the only formally recommended method for determining change intervals. The data in Table 9-1 indicate that the change interval duration is generally larger for the SPUI than for the AGI (in this instance, the TUDI would have similar change interval durations). More importantly, the Large SPUI with Frontage Roads (i.e, 4SPUI) has the largest change intervals (due to the large size ofthe conflict area). This finding, plus the fact that the fourth-phase adds another interval of lost time, leads to the logical conclusion that the 4SPUI has significant lost time relative to other intersection or interchange forms. In fact, the amount oflost time is so significant that some engineers (5, 9, 10) have questioned whether the 4SPUI is more efficient than other geometric alternatives. Messer et al. (5) indicate that at least one agency has found that using lagging offramp left-turns has the potential to reduce the size ofthe change interval for some phases. 27 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Issue 7. The number and duration ofthe change intervals associated with the 4epSPUImay restrict its capacity such that its benefit (relative to the TUDI) may be limited to right-of-way savings only. An examination offactors affecting change interval length andresulting lost time is needed to mitigate this problem, ifpossible. 9.3.2 Signal Coordination Arecent survey by Garber and Smith (3) indicated that a large percentage of engineers believe that the SPUI is much easier to coordinate with adjacent signalized intersections on the cross road (relative to the TOOl). The justification for this claim is that the SPUI has only one signalized junction whereas the TUDI has two, closely-spaced junctions. On the other hand, Dorothy et al. (4) report that the long cycle length associated with the SPUI (relative to adjacent intersections) tends to make coordination difficult. This problem may be particularly acute for the 4epSPUI as its lengthy change intervals and fourth phase tend to make cycle lengths extremely long (even when compared to other SPUls). Issue 8. The long cycle length associated with some 4epSPUIs tends to make it difficult to coordinate with adjacent signalized intersections. ivlethods are neededfor improving the coordination capability of the 4epSPUI given its propensity for lengthy change intervals. 9.3.3 Positive Guidance As alluded to in a previous section, the 4epSPUI conflict area can be significant. This relatively open expanse ofpavement has been found to be confusing to motorists which sometimes leads to erratic maneuvers (4, 5). Messer et al. (5) suggest that overhead advance signing and recurrent pavement markings (i.e., lane use arrows) on the interchange approach appear to have had some success at 4epSPUIs. Both Dorothy et al (4) and Messer et al. (5) indicate that signal head position and lens visibility are key sources ofpositive guidance for the SPUI driver. The signing and marking treatments used at one 4epSPUI are shown in Figure 9-6. 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀺􀁾􀁂􀁬􀁕􀁲􀁧􀁥􀁳􀁳 28 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Figure 9-6. Overhead advance signing and pavement markings used at one 􀀴􀁾􀁓􀁐􀁕􀁉􀀮 Issue 9. It is possible that driver guidance through the 􀀴􀁾􀁓􀁐􀁕􀁉 could be enhanced and erratic maneuvers reduced through the use ofeffective overhead advance signing andrecurrent lane use pavement markings. The optimum positioning of signal heads and the use ofprogrammable and/or directional lenses may also improve driver guidance. 9.3.4 Pedestrian Considerations At the 􀀴􀁾􀁓􀁐􀁕􀁉􀀬 pedestrians crossing the cross road can easily be accommodated by serving them concurrently with the adjacent frontage road phase. However, the excessive width ofthe cross road in the vicinity ofthe spur generally results in an excessively long pedestrian crossing phases. Although the pedestrian phase may be actuated and not called each cycle, when it is called it can be disruptive to traffic progression for several cycles thereafter. In addition, the long pedestrian phase tends to greatly exceed that needed for the frontage road phase. As a result, pedestrian service is very inefficient at the 􀀴􀁾􀁓􀁐􀁕􀁉􀀮 In fact, Messer et al. (5) report that only one ofseven 􀀴􀁾􀁓􀁐􀁕􀁉􀁳 that they observed had pedestrian service across the cross road. 29 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Issue 10. Provision ofpedestrian service in the 4 40 􀁾 35 cw 30 􀁾 w25 􀁾 20 15 10 J...--+-----+-----+------i-_---J 2440 3660 4880 6100 TOTAL INTERCHANGE VOLUME -SPUI .. DIAMOND Issue 11. There is evidence that the SPUI signal phase sequence may be more flexible (i.e., efficient over a wide range of volume patterns) than the TUDI phase sequence (i.e., 3-phase or 4-phase). This attribute should make the SPUI better able to provide good servicefor a wide range oftraffic volumes (as would resultfrom normalfluctuations occurring during the day). It should also increase the SPUIs effectiveness relative to the costs ofsignal timing maintenance. At present, it is not known whether this flexibility extends to the 4iPSPUf. 30 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway n Carter;gBurgess Resumes 32 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education B.S., Civil Engineering, 1975, TexasA&M University Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, 1984, TX, 55389 Years with Carter & Burgess: 17 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience Mr. Russell has more than 25 years ofexperience in the design and management ofmajor highway, arterial and thoroughfare projects. His experience includes general transportation and thoroughfare planning, schemaitc development, preliminaryengineering design, construction sequencing and staging plans, analysis oftraffic pattern impacts, pavement condition and traffic signal inventories, circulation studies, environmental anlaysis, sign inventories, high accident location analyses fonnulation ofcapital improvements programs, and preparation ofplans, specifications and estimates. Relevant project experience includes: • US 75 (North Central Expressway) Section M, Dallas, TX; Project Manager. Managed this $114 million urban freeway reconstruction project consisting of 1.9 miles offreeway widening from 4 to 8lanes including geometrics, paving, grading, drainage, utilities, bridges and retaining walls. Project entailed depressing mainlanes and reconstructing cross-street bridges. Recipient ofCEC National Grand Award for Engineering Excellence. • IH 35E ISH 190 (President George Bush Turnpike Interchange), Carrollton, TX; Project Director. Designed and prepared plans, specifications and cost estimates for the interchange, adjacent roadways and drainage improvements. The turnpike is a new, full-access controlled corridor serving northern Dallas and southern Collin and Denton counties. Key project elements include design scheduling, interchange schematic design, horizontal and vertical alignments, drainage studies ofFurneaw( Creek and the Elm Fork ofthe Trinity River, stonn water pollution prevention, and impacts on traffic. • IH 35EIFM 407 Interchange, Lewisville, TX; Project Director. Provided planning, environmental studies, schematic layouts and PS&E for the reconstruction ofthe interchange. This project involved reconfiguring the current interchange layout ofFM 407 passing over IH 35E to taking IH 35E over an at-grade extension ofFM 407. Challenges for this project include detouring along IH 35E to provide 6 mainlanes and 4 frontage road lanes during construction and detouring access to IH 35E during the removal ofthe existing bridge. • SH 121 Bypass (I-35E to Denton Tap Road), Lewisville, TX; Project Manager. Major interchange project including two miles offrontage road improvements along 1-35E and SH 121 and the first phase ofa three-level diamond interchange with direct connecting ramps to the interstate. The project reconstructed about I-mile ofinterstate highway and replaced the 540-foot Timber Creek ReliefStructure. 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀺􀁾􀁂􀁵􀁲􀁧􀁥􀁳􀁳 Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education B.S., Civil Engineering, 1983, TexasA&M University Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, 1990, TX, 67156 Years with Carter & Burgess: 8 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience Mr. Kimmey has more than 16 years ofroadway planning and design experience with a focus on TxDOT projects in the North Texas area for the past 12 years. Throughout his career in transportation engineering, he has performed numerous projects involving route studies and PS&E and has managed highway planning and design projects that involved reconstruction in both mral and urban areas. He has gained valuable experience in almost every aspect ofhighway project development including schematic development, environmental analysis, preliminary and final design, coordination ofconstruction document preparation, development ofproject construction cost estimates, performance ofquality assurance/quality control functions, and constmction management. Relevant project experience includes: • IH 35E/SH 190 (President George Bush Turnpike Interchange) Interchange, Carrollton, TX; Project Manager. Provided plans, specifications and cost estimates for construction offull4-level interchange at IH 35E and proposed SH 190 including adjacent roadways and drainage improvements; which will be constmcted in 2 separate phases. Key project elements include design scheduling, interchange schematic design, horizontal and vertical alignments, drainage studies ofFurneaLL'<. Creek and the Elm Fork ofthe Trinity River, storm water pollution prevention, and impacts on traffic. Project challenges included hydraulic analysis ofFumeaux Creek and the Elm Fork ofthe Trinity River, major detouring at IH 35E traffic during construction, scheduling and coordination with the City ofCarrollton, the Corps of Engineers, FEMA, FHWAand the Texas Turnpike Authority. • US 75 (l\forth Central Expressway) Section M, Dallas, TX; Project Engineer. Designed horizontal and vertical geometry and approximately 5 miles ofretaining walls for the middle section of North Central Expressway, from Southwestern Boulevard to Walnut Hill Lane. The project involved providing plans, specifications and cost estimates for 1.9 miles offreeway reconstruction to widen the existing freeway from four to eight lanes. The project included the design ofthe interchange at Northwest Highway and the preparation ofthe traffic control and construction phasing plans. • North Dallas Tollway Extension, Section 8, Dallas, TX; Project Engineer. Coordinated the completion ofPS&E for the 2-mile extension ofthe existing six-lane urban tollroad from Frankford Drive in Dallas to FM 544 in Plano. Project included a fully directional interchange with SH 190. Carter::Burgess Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education PhD., Civil Engineering, 1979, University ofOklahoma M.Eng., Civil Engineering, 1969, Pennsylvania State University B.S., Civil Engineering, 1967, University ofNew Mexico Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, TX Years with Lee Engineering: 13 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience Mr. Lee has over 30 years ofexperience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. He is currently managing a research project ofthe Four Phase SPUI for the Arizona Department of Transportation examining the operational efficiencies, cost, and accident experience at four phase single point urban interchanges. He has served as project manager on several signal system projects including the City ofLubbock signal system feasibility study, CityofPhoenix signal system feasibility study, Town ofGilbert signal system design, City ofLakewood signal system expansion study, and City ofAlbuquerque ATMS project. He has served as a District Traffic Engineer for the State of Oklahoma as well as City Traffic Engineer for Amarillo and Beaumont, Texas. Relevant project experience includes: • Four Phase Single Point Urban Interchange; Phoenix, Arizona. Project involves examining the operational efficiencies, cost, and accident experience at four phase single point urban interchanges. • Comprehensive Plan; Plano, Texas. As project manager, worked with city staff, an 18-member citizens' committee and two other consulting firms to prepare a new comprehensive plan for a city of 110,000 people in the Dallas metropolitan area, which is projected to be 350,000 people by 20 1O. Utilized the MICROTRIPS transportation planning model to test various thoroughfare plans. • Phoenix Signal System Economic/Feasibility Study. Project principal for a study to recommend a central computerized signal system to replace the City's 20 year old UTCS system. • Shea Boulevard Study. Project principal on corridor study to determine relationship between possible future land uses and associated transportation requirements. Land use trending projected using ARC/INFO GIS. Traffic projections developed using a regional TRANPLAN model. Coordinated work with aTechnical Advisory Committee and a Citizens Advisory Committee. • GIS System Development -Project manager for development, use and integration ofthe Clark County (NY) geographical information system into the transportation planning program ofthe Regional Transportation Commission. Carter: Burgess fit A-I 0 W N 0 f N LARRYO'FLrNN,ASLA rtDDISO Aesthetl.c DeS.lgn Carter & Burgess, Inc. Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education B.S., Landscape Architecture, 1977, TexasA&M University Professional Registration Registered Landscape Architect, 1977, TX, 696 Years with Carter & Burgess: 16 Office Location: Fort Worth Professional Experience Mr. O'Flinn has over 23 years ofexperience in all aspects of planning and landscape architecture with emphasis on site-specific development projects. His experience ranges from initial program development to detailed site design to construction documents and constmction management. Relevant project experience includes: • Addison Town Park, Addison, TX; LandscapeArchitect. Responsible for the revitalization of Town Park. Worked closely with town staffto sensitively phase in new materials and new park improvements. Restoration efforts included the removal and replacement ofthe pedestrian perimeter walkways, reconfiguration ofthe playground area, perimeter fence removal/restoration, and a pedestrian safety lighting program. Redesign and construction efforts were carefully executed to preserve the mature existing plant material and the original masonry. • Renner Road Improvements Landscape Study, Richardson, TX; Project Director. Design and coordination ofall landscape architectural treatments for 3.5 miles ofmajor thoroughfares including roadway routing, tree preservation, lake design, interface ofroadways with two major creeks, street lighting, medians and 40-foot parkway. • Renner Road West Phase II, Richardson, TX; Landscape Architect. Road alignment studies linear park system design, landscape, signage, street and pedestrian lighting for 3 miles ofproposed 6-lane thoroughfare west ofU.S. 75. • Renner Road West Phase III & Prairie Creek Detention Area, Richardson, TX; Landscape Architect. This project involved the design oftwin 800-foot long bridge stmctures to carry Renner Road over the Rowlett Creek floodway in northeastern Richardson. Each bridge accommodates two lanes oftraffic, as well as an 8-foot wide bicycle/pedestrian way. • Les Lacs Linear Park Phase I, Addison, TX; Landscape Architect. Phase I along Marsh Lane, Beltway Drive and the south easement park: trail system, landscape, irrigation and grading. • Les Lacs Linear Park Phase II 14.5-Acre Tract, Addison, TX; Landscape Architect. Provided design services for second phase ofLes Lacs Linear Park System including design ofplayground, trail system, picnic pavilion, volleyball and basketball courts, security lighting, pond improvements, tree planting, parking lot and irrigation. Carter:Burgess Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education B.S., Civil Engineering, 1982, TexasA&M University A.A., Basic Studies, 1980, Laredo Junior College Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, TX, 64169 Years with Carter & Burgess: 4 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience Mr. Martinez has more than 17 years ofexperience in management, design and constmction ofcivil engineering projects. Mr. Martinez has extensive experience in the preparationofplans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for paving, drainage, water, sanitary sewer and erosion control projects. His project experience includes roadway work with both municipalities and governmental agencies such as the City of Dallas, City ofCarrollton, City of Mesquite, City of Denton, City ofFarmers Branch, Town ofHighland Park and the City ofUniversity Park, as well as the Texas Department ofTransportation (TxDOT). Relevant project experience includes: • Chaparral Road, Allen, TX; Project Manager. Provided Provided alignment study, hydraulic study and plan preparation for extension ofChaparral Road for 1,500 LF including a250 foot bridge across Cottonwood Creek. • Denton Drive Water Utilities, Dallas, TX; Civil Engineer. Provided design and utility coordination of26,400-linear feet of8-inch to 54-inch water mains and 3,1OO-linear feet of8-inch to 12-inch sanitary sewer mains in advance ofpaving improvements to Denton Drive from Mockingbird Land to Webb Chapel extension. • Eagle Drive &Collins Street Drainage Improvements, Denton, TX; Project Manager. Drainage study and PS&E for reliefstorm sewer system along Maple, Myrtle, Eagle and Collins Street. • Eagle Drive&Collins Street Phase I, Denton, TX; Project Manager. Performed drainage and traffic analysis to determine scope ofwork for Phase II ofproject. • Josey Lane (Frankford Road to Peters Colony Road), Carrollton, TX; Project Manager. Provided plans and contract documents for reconstruction ofJosey Lane from Frankford Road to Peters Colony Road. Included paving and drainage improvements, bridge improvements and utility replacements. • Josey Lane (Valwood Parkway to Fyke Road), Farmers Branch, TX; Project Manager. Prepared plans, specifications and estimates for total reconstruction ofJosey Lane, including paving, drainage, water and sewer utilities. Carter;:Burgess Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education B.S., Civil Engineering, 1990, Polytechnic University M.S. Course Work, 1996, Polytechnic University 1997 Highway Capacity Manual Update, 1999, McTrans Center Professional Registrations Registered Professional Engineer, NY, 073057 Years with Carter & Burgess: 3 Office Location: Denver Professional Experience Mr. Brown has more than 12 years ofexperience in traffic engineering and transportation planning services. His traffic engineering responsibilities include project management along with traffic analyses, parking studies, trip generation and distribution evaluations. Mr. Brown's transportation efforts involve close work with railroads to determine the commuter capabilities ofexisting freight lines. He also provides commuter demand analyses and conceptual station plans. Mr. Brown also presents prqject information before government agencies and other public forums. Relevant project experience includes: • Southeast Corridor DesignlBuild Program, Denver, CO; Senior Traffic Engineer. Worked closely with area municipalities to develop Method ofHandling Traffic section ofthe design-build RFP. Tasks included evaluating impacts ofpotential roadway closures, conducting workshops with municipal representatives to determine needs and desires and drafting related RFP text. • Southeast Corridor Project, PE/EIS, Denver, CO; Senior Traffic Engineer. Managed traffic data collection effort for the entire 20-mile corridor. Supervised existing &future year traffic analyses for the expressway, interchanges and potential light rail stations throughout the corridor. Conducted microscopic simulation (CORSIM) for one interchange/station area, including redesign ofa cloverleafinterchange as asingle-point urban interchange. • South Third Street Corridor Study, Missoula, MT; Senior Traffic Engineer. Managed traffic analyses for this one-mile corridor on the south side ofMissoula. Work elements included capacity, signal warrant and crash analyses. Results ofthese analyses were used to help the project team determine the appropriate roadway cross-section throughout the corridor. • Inter-Regional Corridor Alternative Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT; Commuter Rail Planner. Responsible for investigation, analysis, and concept development for commuter rail options in the 120 mile Provo-Salt Lake City-Ogden corridor in Utah. Carter:::Burgess Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education B.S., Civil Engineering, 1972, Arizona State University Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, 1976,AZ, 10768 Years with Carter & Burgess: 2 Office Location: Phoenix Professional Experience Mr. Black brings over 28 years ofdiverse experience in all phases oftransportation projects. For over 14 years, Mr. Black was a civil engineer with the Arizona Department ofTransportation. He served as project engineer for a wide variety oftransportation projects including the design of Interstate 10 between 99th Avenue and 59th Avenue and for the design of Loop 202 from 24th Street to 40th Street. Relevant project experience includes: • East FlagstaffTI Design Concept Report (ADOT). Project involved the reconstruction ofan interchange between a five-lane major arterial and a four-lane roadway (B-40) that connects to 1-40. This interchange is the easterly connection ofFlagstaff, Arizona to 1-40 and is in close proximity to the regional shopping mall. The recommended alternative involved the construction ofa SPUI with B-40 serving as the crossroad and the major arterial serving as mainline. Geometric 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁤􀀭􀁥􀀭􀁳􀁩􀁾􀁧􀁩􀀱􀁗􀁡􀁳 taken to the 30% level to assure proper geometry complicated by curvilinear crossroad and mainline geometry. One specific design feature included creating afrontage road downstream from the crossroad to provide local business access. • Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) (24tl1 Street to 4001 Street)(ADOT). Project involved the design oftwo miles ofelevated eight-lane divided freeway in central Phoenix metropolitan area. Freeway typical section included three lanes in each direction plus HOV lanes and a concrete median barrier. Interchanges included the east halfofa single point urban interchange (SPUI) at 2401 Street and a full SPUI at32nd Street and a halfdiamond interchange at 4001 Street. Freeway profile was rolling elevated and included a structure over a relocated irrigation canal east of32nd Street. 􀁔􀁨􀁥􀁳􀁥􀁾􀁑􀁓􀁒􀁕􀁬􀁳􀀮􀀮 were the first to be designed by ADOT. The design ofthe east halfofthe interchange at 2401 Street involved the coordination with another consultant to insure proper geometry fit. The design ofthe 32nd Street SPUI was complicated by a skewed intersection, about 25 degrees, and tight right-of-way on the south side ofthe freeway. Ramp geometry near the crossroad involved compound curves with large radii near the crossroad and small radii away from the crossroad to keep the ramp as close as possible to the mainline freeway. The skew ofthe crossroad made ramp geometry asymmetrical and more difficult to design. Carter';Burgess Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education M.S., Civil Engineering, 1989 B.S., Civil Engineering, 1978 Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, 1983,TX, 53138 Years with Carter & Burgess: 13 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience Mr. Hunter has more than 21 years ofexperience in the design oftransportation nd civil work structures. His experience includes structural analysis and design, preparation of plans and specifications, economic anlysis and reports, and administratio ofconstruction contracts. His experience with new bridge design includes pedestrian, highway, railroad and transit projects. He has designed both simple and continuous span concrete and steel bridges. His projects have involved blending seemingly incopatible criteria as construction phasing, aesthetics, complex geometrics into functional, economical and award winning projects. Relevant project experience includes: • US 75 (North Central Expressway) Section M, Dallas, TX; Structural Engineer. Supervised design ofseven ramp bridges with spans ono to 125 feet, cantilevered frontage roads and four bridges of precast, prestressed and post-tensioned concrete box beams mixed in the same superstructure cross-section. Recipient of CEC National Grand Award for Engineering Excellence. • IH 35E/SH 190 (President George Bush Turnpike Interchange), Carrollton, TX; Structural Engineer. Supervised design ofabout 3,300 feet ofdual main-lane bridges. Width varied from 70 to 118 feet. AASHTO Type IV prestressed beam and steel plate girder spans range from 90 to 145 feet. The two and three column concrete bents consist of4-by-8-feet columns, spaced about 50 feet on center supported on drilled shaft foundation. Design features include complex geometry, ramp transitions, bridge design, quality control, fmal plans, specifications and estimates. • Renner Road East Phase V, Richardson, TX; Structural Engineer. Provided plans, specifications and estimates for the westbound lanes, including the bridge over Rowlett Creek. The 800-foot bridge includes 400-foot continuous slab units, notched end precast prestressed concrete box beams with slope facia on exterior beams, and hammer head piers with inverted-T cap. • Dallas North Tollway Extension, Dallas, TX; Structural Engineer. Design of4,800 linear feet of bridge structures including design ofsimple span, notched end, prestressed concrete beam and two continuous 3-span steel plate girder bridges (115, 158, and 112 feet spans). Carter:Burgess Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education -M.S., Civil Engineering, 1989 B.S., Civil Engineering, 1978 Professional Registration Registered Professional Engineer, TX Years with Lee Engineering: 4 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience He has over 13 years ofexperience on a variety ofprojects in transportation and traffic engineering. He has served as project manager and project engineer on numerous traffic engineering design/studies projects including the operational analysis ofproposed roadway facilities and the preparation ofPS&E for signals and signing. He has conducted operational analyses for altemative interchange configurations at the intersection ofPark Boulevard and Preston Road in Plano, Midway at Arapaho inAddison, and several interchanges along SH 121 between Lewisville and the Dallas North Tol1way. Relevant project experience includes: • Dallas County CMAQ. Traffic Signal Designs in Balch Springs, Dallas, Garland, Mesquite, and Richardson. • TxDOT Fort Worth District Signal Design plan preparation for approximately 160 locations in Bedford, Clebume, Colleyville, Euless, Fort Worth, Grapevine, Haltom City, Hurst, Jacksboro, Lake Worth, Mineral Wel1s, North Richland Hills, River Oaks, Stephenville, and Weatherford, Texas. Submittals included complete PS&E with specifications, notes and estimates in TxDOT text file format. • FM 1709 Traffic Signal System Evaluation in Southlake, Texas including the development and maintenance ofcoordinated signal timing plans for theAM, Noon, andPMpeak hours; identification ofpotential ulture locations for traffic signals; and recommended changes to lane configurations. • Operational Analysis at the intersection ofMidway and Arapaho in Addison. • Traffic Light Synchronization studies in Dallas, Brownwood, Wichita Falls, Fort Worth, and North Richland Hills, Texas. • Operational Analysis of Proposed Preston Road Overpass at Park Blvd. using CORSIM to quantifY benefits in Plano, Texas. Carter":Burgess ---ADDIsoN GORDON PERRY, RPLS Survey and Right ofWay Carter & Burgess, Inc. Single Point Urban Interchange at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway Education A.S., Surveying, 1983, Lansing Community College Professional Registration Registered Professional Land Surveyor, 1996, TX, 5185 Years with Carter & Burgess: 6 Office Location: Dallas Professional Experience Mr. Perry has more than 16 years ofexperience in land surveying across the State ofTexas. He has performed surveying services for a wide range ofprojects with a 􀁦􀁾􀁣􀁵􀁳 on aerial mapping and land acquisition projects over the past 10 years. His leadership and hands-on experience in all aspects ofa project ensures the overall quality and correctness ofthe project deliverables. He has significant experience in creating aerial mapping control networks, researching ownership documentation, collecting boundary evidence, boundary analysis, preparation ofboundary surveys, legal descriptions, parcel plats and right-of-way maps. Mr. Perry also specializes in in the utilization ofGlobal Positioning Systems (GPS) techniques in both "Static" and "Real Time Kinematic" (RTK) modes for creating gedetic networks, project control networks, locating boundary evidence, establishing property boundaries, and topographic surveying. Relevant project experience includes: • Texas Department ofTransportation aerial mapping projects by GPS: US Highway 67, Dallas County, project length 13 miles. Project Manager. US Highway 175, Dallas County, project length 15 miles. Project Manager. IH 35E, Dallas County, project length 6 miles. Project Manager. Plano Hike and Bike Trail, Collin County,S miles. Project Manager. • Texas Department ofTransportation Control Networks /Right-of-Way Mapping projects: State Highway 114, Denton, County. Establishment ofthe survey control network by GPS for the location and mapping ofthe existing and proposed right-of-way. The creation ofparcel plats and legal descriptions for acquisition parcels. Project length 7 miles. Interstate 30, Dallas, County. Establishment ofthe survey control network for the location and mapping ofthe existing and proposed right-of-way. The creation ofparcel plats and legal descriptions for acquisition parcels. Project length 13 miles. State Highway 77, Denton, County. Establishment ofthe survey control network for the location and mapping ofthe existing and proposed right-of-way. The creation of parcel plats and legal descriptions for acquisition parcels. Project length 5 miles. Carter:;:Burgess