-. ~. ::._-;': ;,' 1 SUBMITTAL SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH I SOUTH EXTENSION TOWN 00 ADDISON ELECTRICAL DUCT BANK SITE CON CONCRETE, INC. 3340 ROY ORR BLVD. GRANS PRAIAIRE, TX 75050 , .. I , o Oldcastle Precast'" DESIGN CRITERIA FOR UNDERGROUND PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES MATERIALS Glnm! Qescript!Pn -Comp"'_ S_9111 5,000 P.S.! -Cement, unless otheJWisa specified by til" project shall be TYPEIORm '. i -Reinllln:in!lSleei is Gtode 50willl yield S(Nngth 6O,OOOP.S. BATCH DESIGN: (1 cubic yard) SPECIF1CATIONS: -Cemen!' • Fly Ash, TW. C -Sand . ·1"Llm"'o,," -Water i . Pal! ",...vel • PSA232, SUPeR P (Ma.tellluilderoJSuPerpIHlidzer) ·pOZZotITH NCSS' Deformed and Plain Sleel Bars for concrete Reinforcement ••• -Specifications for Conc_ Aggmgatoo -Test Me!llod lorCompressive strength of Cylindrical Concrete SpeCImens -Method 10 Sieve Analysis for Fine and Coarse Agglll(jll\u ·Test Method tor .Iump of POftIand Cement COIlClIlle -Specifieation fur Portland Cement -Methcd of Making aOO Culing Conerete Test Specimens In the LabOllIIory ·Test Method of Air Conlent of Freshly-Mlxed Concrete by the P",..ure Me!I1od ..specification fur AIr-€nlrainment Admixtures for Concrete -Spo_llon for ChemicalA Utility SlrucllJreo .s~.c:ification for.Underground Precast Conerete Uillity Structure. -Spocil1cation fur Design of Con"",'. using Ultimate Slrenglh Melhod$ 600 lbo. 50 Lb•• 1286 Lbo. 1033 Lbo. 29.4 Gals. 689 Lbo. 117 Qz. 117 Qz. 14 Qz. ASTMA705 ASTMC33 ASTMC39 ASTMC13G ASTMC143 ASTMC150 ASTMC192 ASTMC231 ASTMC250 ASTMC494 ASTMCS57 ASTM C858 ACl318 LQA!!INGS: Design loading: ·AxIe Load: HS-2O-44 W I impact ( -Wheel Load: 16 Kips -Soil Weight 120 Pel. ·LIlIeraI Soi Pressure: 1. DlySpiI-4Il Pel. 2. Saturated Soil = 50 Pel. ·Lateral Live Load SulCharge: (Deplh of S.O Fl) 80 Paf. -Soil Cover: Min."" 2.0 Ft Max. 5.0 1'1. ·Assumed Water Table' 3.0 Ft. I I Note: Upon request, OIdcastle Precast will furnish copies of any raw-material certfficationslhal ana nsquinsd .\0' Prove compliance with -the above referenced specifications. I 'J 002t:: .l3(,~3SUI dH ) .J JS'~ Opening with Groove for Neck Extension f--------'t--ll '-lio ---------1 9'-11" ""2'-0" ~ I' 4-5l oOrckastle precasi "00 _~ ~.Ido_ld, T.... 76053 ""..." .'7..4!\J.'05>! r", 811.;.s;t;C07 00 00 00 00 SCALE: NONE 3-WAY-MH-3P flL£ tW.IE! 260UE£J-WAY-MH-JPJ.dwg _ IlKIE: Jon...,!)', 2003 '15"TOp Weight 13,775 Lbs. ltem# -1005120 54" Extension Weight -12,575 Lb., ltemU -1005100 6" Terminators (Typ.) Loctrtion (IS Req d. 15" Bottom . Weight -H,500 Lbs. ttemU -1005140 8'-9" X .10'-9" X 7'-0" 1.0. 3-Way Octagonal Manhole 3 Piece ooze 13r~3S~l dH -&---.-///in (Typical Plastic G·~ T""",lnalor a. Required SPECIFlCAnoNS: 1-------1I '-11"-------1 1. Concrete: Has Q Design r ~17'!------10'-9.. -----_l7'1_ Strength of 5,000 psi \ at 28 Days. ' ' 2. Steel Reinfon::em"~t; ASTM A-515, Grade 6Q. l' PVC Sleeve Floor 3. Loading: Designed for of 2) H20 Loading. Sump 4'. C.I. Castings: ASHI A48. Closs 30/35, (Typie Opening with Groove Neck Extension ," PVC Sleeve in Roor (Typicol of 4) 1. Concrete, Hog a Design Strength of 5,000 psi at 28 Days. 2. Steel Reinforcement: ASTM A-E!1S. Grode SO. 3. loading:, Designed for H20 loading. 4. C.I. Casting.: ASTM Ma, Closs 30/35. Sump for GENERAl.. NOTES: ' 1. Spec;01 Knockaub\, Pulling Irons and Terminators per Customer Specifications. PLAN VIEW -:--6". Terminator (Typical) SECnONA-A o 10'·9" X 10'·9" X 7'·0"'.0. OIde. tie precasi 4-Way Octagonal Manhole ALE _ 260UEE+-WAY-liH-:l!'...B.dwg 3 Piece ISSUE oorn; dcnucry. 2003 1100 ~~IIe.s (\0-\ use. Sote.f So ~or -" o NECKRING OIdcallie Precast fllE NIl4£: 260UAANECKRING-F.diOq ISSt£ DAre January. 2003 36" Cia. Neck Extension Weight -Se" Tebl. Item* .:. See Table 36" Diameter Neck Ring Extension _~CIIII'I Copyright C 2001-'-.... l.·d SPECJFlCA1l0IfS: 1•. Conerete: Ha. a Design strength r .'. of 5,000 psi at 28 Days. I. Galvanized 2. Steel Reinforcement: ASTM A-lB5. Bolt-on step (See Tobie) 3. Loading: Designed for' H20 Loading. 4. C.I. Castings: AS1M MS, Closs 3a/35~ PLANVIEW . A t SECTIONA·A *. •J2' Sealant . o NECKRING 36" Diameter OIdc.'1e Precast Neck Ring Extension ISSUE lJA1t: JanuarY. 2003 _.oIdaIIIIpIKatCGII Copyright ® 2001-....r-... OOZE L3r~3S~1 dH III D.. EAST JORDAN 26" 1-71 Imm) i ~ ,i. o o ru ('l II...i.J, (X I.iJ (J) a: ..J 0.. ::J: :I: 0.. ('l ru ('l ('l o o ru ('l ru u I.iJ Q rt IRON WORKS, INC. P.O BOX 439 EAST JORDAN, ML 49727 1-800-874-4100 ~ J 1/4" FAX 231-530-4458 r-[83mmJ -DRAWN DATE SMH 01/07/03 ~ APPROVED I DATE ,38" DlA. (965mm] ~ COVER I" . 125mmrNi-I" PRODUCT NO. . ~ D [25mm] ~~ 41600585 COVER BACK LCATALOG NO. JL'2ft LIFTING SLOT IMmm] V1600-5 SEE DETAIL \ ,(16) 1·~ VENT HOLES COVER SECTION REF. PRODUCT DRAWING 41600585 vs[ll.\mm 13/16" EST. WT. 1/2" (2Ilmm] (IJmm 7/8" COVER; 365 lBS 166kg [22mm] OPEN AREA N/A MAT'L SPEC. COVER-GRAY IRON ASTM A48 CL35 LOAD RATING COVER FACE '" MACHINED BEARING SURfACE HEAVY DUTY I I 1 1/8~ 1:29mm) LIFTING EYE DETAIL TWO PLACES .C..l I>.. Cl Cl N ('I) I.L.IJ, Il( w (J) a: ...J 0X >: 0V N ('I) ('I) o o N ('I) N U LIJ Q £!1ST JORDAN IRON WORKS, INC. P.O. BOX 439 EAST JORDAN, 1.41. 49727 1-800-874-4100 fAX 231-536-4458 DRAWN DATE JIJ/DAL 09/6/00 APPROVED DATE V7058-1 FRAME PRODUCT NO. 47058110 CATALOG NO. V7058-1 FRAME TOP VIEW REI'. PRODUCT DRAWING N/A 40' DIA Fr EST. WT. I [1016mmrl------.;,I 38 1/4" OIA --;2:;;;-·---[912mm) ~ fRAME: 338lBS 1541«J(4) I" DIA. LIFTING HOLES I r (4) 1 1/8" [29mm] OIA. (5Imm] liFTING HOlES .------',.-'" OPEN AREA &. N/A [152mm tJAT'L SPEC. 36' DIA .1 FRAME -GRAY IRON ~. ----[914mm' ASTM M8 C1351 ~g~~-..... 46' DIA I • [I 168mm'"--~ LOAD RATING FRAME SECTION TIAACHINED BEARING SURFACE I HEAVY DUTY --UTILITY DUCT TC 6 -500,000 psi modulus Type EB20 compiles with federal and military specifications by conforming to UL flB1A. Conrorms to NEMA TC 6 al'd ASTM 1"-512 I Rated for 90° C Cable 20' Lengths Bell End Type OBHM-SO (Direct Burial) SIZE 0.0. 1.0 , MIN. APPAOX. F=EET PRICE WAL.L WT/FT PER PACK PER 100 2 "P!75 2.255 .060 .337 2600 32.24 3 I 3.500 3.316 .092 .73<1 , 1750 69.20 4'4.50Q. 4.258 .121 -':£'8 '! 1140 108':'2<)1 -5 5.563 5.259 .152 1.646 760 167.~ -5 -6.6g,~ 6.261 .1B2 2.634 520 238.00 -Type EBHM-20 (Encasement Burial) rPART_~O. I SIZE __ 0.0.' -'--I-.O---:-~-~-i.--r-A-~-~-7F-OT-X-.-T--P-E~-E-r-A-C-K--r[--p-~-~-I~-~-o--'.J I. A77CA4~ t--;;-2.":::3:;:75;:----:I--.225'''5--+--;;;.060-.337~ 2800" 32.24 i I-ATfDA42 _ ::I . 3.500 -"'3~.3=78=-+-_.O:.:6::::1_+-_..:.~54_7:--+-.....;.:1760 4~.62 ; A77EA42 4 --J.~__-:4~:.""5~O~0i:_-_...,:-I--~_-;4;-::.3;;3;:;6+-t_~.70~e2;_+_~.OO~.:;.1_+_-..:.,1140 eo. 96 i A77FA4=? _ 5 5.563 5.357 .103 1.397=-_I-_-t7:::6:-=0_-+_~1~2~·2:..::.8:::5'---ii A77GA42 6 6625 6.375 .125 1.969 I 520 173.15 I UTILITY DUCT ASTM F-512 -500,000 psi modulus i Conforms to ASTM F.$12 -, Rated for 900 C Cable . 20' lengths. Bell End jType OB-100 HM (Direct Burial) PART-NO SIZE 0.0. A720.0..42 3 3.500 A72EA,421--A. 4.500 .! A72FA42 A7?GA42 _ . 6 PRICE WALL I.D MIN. APPROX. FEET WT/FT PER PA~K P~100 3.27~6:--+--'-:;.-1'-1:2:_+------;-'-:.i8-l5.3<--.._t-_~.17"6;:0: -_-+---:::;:8::0':.:3::5=--1 1.419 1140 126.29 5 --1!--=5:5=--=5"'3-+--:::5.20::-:5:- +-~=--+--=-=";'--4.210 .145 .179 2.165 760 195.72 L ii:';:.6~25iO-+=~6j.1~99~::::j=.:2:1::3: ;;;:~:::3:.:0:7::0t ::::=-=-'-~~;5;2;0--I---="'---2I7-4-".9~-5=--; : Note.: Content of thiS sheet sublect to change without notice. ~ CANTEX INC. P.O. Box 3<10 Minerat Wells. Taxas 7S0e8 9AO-325-33d4 FAX 940-325..4SLt --CONDUIT INSTALLATION GUIDELINES . 7,0 Direct burial: 7.1 Trench width: Trench width at !he ground level may vary depending on soil types. eQuloment used. DOSition of sorface structures. etc. Where comoactlng of the initial backftll is reaulred. \tie trench should be a minimum of 5 pioe diameters. In very wide trenches. subditclling should be considered to provide m3)dmum side 5UPoort for the conduit. Shoring or trench bol(es should be used for workman protection In loose soil or vety deep trenches. 7.2 Trench bottom: The trench bottom should be constructed 10 provide a firm. stable and uniform support for the conduil for the full lengths of the conduit. UnleSS specified. line and grade is not reQuired provided \tIal\tle conduit will conform to !he trench botlom and bending does not exceed the values given In Sec. 3.7. Large rocks and boulders. !ro~n lumps 01 soil. large lumps of clay. etc. Should be removed before tile conduil is installed. Rocky or uneven !reoch bottoms shoUld be bedded with loose backfill or sand to provide a soIL even cushion for lf1e condUIt. 7.3 Initial backfill: Initial backfill should be dry and free flowing and contain rock not to exceed 1" in diameter. Initial backfill ShOUld be applied in IIgf1t layers of 3" to f'j' and spread uniformly Tamping shOUld be done layer by layer of initial backfill UP 10 \tie sprlngllne of the conduit In multiple Conduit Installa~ons. the initial backlill should be worked carefully between the duels and under the haunches. Tamping should be done between the edges of the ditch over to \tie springlif1e of the conduit but no tamping should be done over the top of the conduit. Initial backfill should be placed loosely over the lOP of ttle conduit to adePth 01 S". AU compaction by either tampif'lg (I" flooding should be completed before the final backfill is eiaced. 7 d Final backfill: Alter placement and eomPllclion Of conduit embedment materials. the balance 01 backfill materials may be machine placed a!"ld should contain no large rocks or stones. frozen material. or other debris. Proper tompacllon procedures ShOUld be exerCised to provide reQuireo soli densitIes. B.O Conere•• E~sement= 8.1 tie and fasten all conduit to prevent ftoaNng. If concrete is reauired in the trench bottom. allow at le"st 2: freeboard between conduit and tie down eQuipment 8.2 Spacers. il used. ShOOld be spaced at the belOw intervals or less. according to the follOwing schedule: Conduit Size ASSEMSLYJNSTRUCTIONS. ..' ·.C:thei!~~ti~.I. ~.sSen;"IYOf t"~ ·NorthAme;i>.··· .;,~ canF'ipii Corporatiol1 jOint mearisquick al1d ,. c>.·econOniiealinstalla lions with a minimum of' • .i"JilkllledJabor and regardh~ss oftheweather .. /~:c6hditlons. .:" ;". ..' .' :.;",.;( •. ·T/Jref3.Simple Steps:.. ~:.JjC:lea('1! Wii/{a.ragorJjrusi) ((emove at! for-. '. /' eigllfnateri~lfrqlllthe.iliside of the belli from... /Uhe'surface Of,tl:!iiefast()m~ri9 gas~fitj~nd from .'.' !;~:.• fIj~;iri~ie'enq of/i]!f.pipe/! ' ., '.:.' •..••.. '" ;~t/2{Wbricafe!Apply:,! thin cpat of lubtic;ant.to ...• ,.i,ithebfJv/lled.end. ofthepipe. Lubricate up to the. ?stoPfhaik.·';' :,<' •... ..' . '. 1.:.. '3:.Push! Align t/Jebell and .male end of the ":,;pJpe.·T/1en push together for a tight; leakproof :,:}"iht'·.;':: .'.' ..... . . . . .• 'I\I·~r1:h~n1erican . PipeCqrporation I••,':': :.'.'; 3348 Industrial Drive . ,'Wichita Falls,TX 76306-3735 ; Phon~!(94!»'~55-4100FAX: (940) 855~7680 CASING SPACER -RACI r•• patented casing spacers for cased pipelines rael, the leaders in casing spacer technology,has been in business since 1977 and are ISO 9002 CERTIFIED. Their uniquely designed, engineered and P!ltented spacers are respected and their dependability has made them the number one choice of specifiers and installers world wide. rael Casing Spacers isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casings simply and cost effectively. Insulators are required to separate casing and carrier pipes with the following criteria. • Must ensure electrical insulation between the two pipes • permanently prevent bells from sliding or resting on casing pipe • Must fasten tightly on the carrier pipe to ensure no horizontal movement during insertion • Must be made of materials which do not conduct electricity and are permanently resistant to chemical corrosion • Must be resistant to both mechanical and thermal shocks and stresses particularly during installation rael SPACER ADVANTAGES: racI spacers meet the above requirements with the following advantages over the standard skid and strap application and other models of manufactured spacers. • Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene with NO METAL bolts or attachments required • Spacers are quickly and easily assembled by manually fitting elements one into the other Page 1 • Tooth insertion method allows on site adjustment to fit a wide range of pipe diameters and coatings • Spacers slide into casing with ease • Spacers maintain continual long term support for the carrier pipe and its contents • Spacers provide constant projections around the entire circumference of the carrier pipe. • Spacers provide long term corrosion protection • Spacers can be installed on coated or plain concrete, ductile iron, plastiC and steel pipe. The spacers are divided into four groups which address a wide range of pipe sizes and weights. Within each grouping there are varying support heights that allow the spacer to clear bell jOints, flanges, couplings, and other jointing methods. These heights range from .78 inches to 5.11 inches (20· 130 mm) SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: For applications with temperatures in excess of 60'C/140' F spacers are available in nylon. On request spacers can be manufactured in other ( types of plastiC material according to the mechanical and temperature requirements of the pipeline. The HOPE spacer is manufactured by injection molding. This gives it a high impact strength and a low coefficient of friction which exceeds industry standards. Each spacer element represents a flexible section that has a toothed male butt strap at one end and an appropriately toothed female slot on the other end. Absolutely no metallic parts are Involved in their assembly. This design allow~ for on site adjustments for any variances within the 0.0. range. Coupled with their flexibility they cover all types of pipe from 0.0. range 1.18 inches (30 mm) and upward. rae. SPACER OPTI SPACER ELEMENTS F AND G These spacers are engineered to be small to medium sized pipe and are support a maximum weight load of 1102 /500 kg per ring. F and G spacers are best sutted for pipe ranges 3.62 to 16.00 inches 6.06 7.55 154 192 2 1 6 1.8 (92 to 406 mm). For installation the Clamping 7.44 B.53 189 226 3 6 1.8 Tool Type 1 is used. ~,~~ ;9::5~ 217 267 3 1 .~ . 1.8 9..~8 ..!~:~~.... "~~" 302 4 6 1.8 1~ •.~f: 1;LS.Q ~80 ....~~.3 4 1 6... ~:~ 5 6 7 4.57 l:i~ 151 2 6 ~.8 SPACER ELEMENTS M AND N The M and N spacer is designed for that middle pipe 0.0. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 2204 Ib./l000 kg per ring. The M and N spacers are best suited for the pipe range 14.09 to 30.8 inches (358 to 764 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 5 is used. MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE 5~6~. 7.06 8.03 179 2 .~,,~:.. ..,1...8.: 6 1.8 . .""8;Q7,,. 10.08 " ,.f,O:q~' 1~:q~ .~?:~::., . :: .~.?~.?~' . 256 306 . ,~. ~.. :.....:1.c~.:: 6 1.8 12.09 ." . :c.:l4.q.6 14,09 .1,7.05 :1j.g§ 2:Lb6' ';' 21,10 2.s ..~ "..:"2~i2-~.,·,:' :,~;':pq;q~:~~: ~t?1,~" 313.10 ,3~:~1;": ,:5~~.~~~~~ . _43._,;g _ , 51,.1,4 5.1,;18: ..;~. 'i3fl{? .',~!:,r:·.~ ."35.1 " :", <'2' 358 433 :3 ; _'~:~4?'4;_~:':'? ~,,5~~;'~, ," :;~~:C:" 536 637 4 ;J~~'~:'-"~ :':~::;:..~~q~{,':; ~',: ;:~::::~ 765 917 9 ..""~~:~y. ,~::"i996~ '10" 1Q~X...""" 1299 12 1300' . ::1452';' . ':i'2:" . .. ;'2._.. : 6~' '1.8' G :1..8 J3>. ~:f;~< 6 1,8 " .".E1.' ·.XSl 6 1.8 . 6· :'i:i':. :1 ~ '5 1.5 ':3'~ :":.:3".::£3:': SPACER ELEMENTS E AND H For large diameter pipe, heavier applications or LARGE DIAMETER PIPE long casings where maximum strength is required the Eand Helements are used. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 5925 Ib./2700 kg per ring and are best suited for the pipe range above 24 inches (609 mm). For installation, the Clamping Tool Type 2 is used for support heights up to 90 mm. Tool Type 4 is used for the E 130s. SPACER ELEMENTS SAND T (see next page) 0.0. range 1.18·6.46 inches (30· 164 mm) .. J5.?.l,.· 17.56 ·2:1·9~ .?.4.:~7.. , _,.~~:~I. 28.g .... ~...5.~. 3i.61 38.62 .--'~'5';§7 ... 5~.68 . ... 59.84.. 37.80 .._~l;gf ,,; 46.18 .,~:,~7 " .62;9~.. . .'(1,38, ~Q:~~. , .. ~~.9~ 1783 BO,~5." ~J!I .~05:1 .: 94.80 ~}3.39 2408 134.41 ' 2853 288ll , 32 Page 4 SPACER ELEMENTS SAND T These spacers are linked by a tongue and groove method. Sand T spacers are able to support a maximum weight load of 250 Ib./ll0 kg per ring. They are best suited for pipe ranges 1.18·4.13 inches (30· 150 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 3 is used. .. ~.86 4.17 4.725.35 5.67 Properties of rael Spacers SMALL DIAMETER PIPE 1.18 U;O 2.36 2.68 2.99 3.54 .~.2 3.2 5 5 6 6 0.98 0.98 1.5 1.5 .1.~ . 1.8 1.38 30 35 .1 1.69 38 43 1 2;~6 60 70 2 3.07 68 78 1 1 3.39 .}f? " ....~~ 2 4.13 90 105 3 4.45 . . -.-.. -.. 4.76 :5.51 6.14 6.46 .. ._---~~.-. 106 -121 1 2 120 '140 4 .. 136 156 2 2 144 164 1 3 ~_1~..__ "_ 2 1 MAXIMUM WEIGHT 250 LBS OR 1il) KGS PER RING 6 6 . 6 6 6 1.8 1.8 . 1.8 1.8 1.8 TECHNICAL DATA OVERVIEW OF SPACERS ._.t _.. _, .-. .. 91·109 116·132 .. 79 ·120 279·320 129 ·185 ," ... " 8.85 ·S.S5 84 84 129 129 180 3.34 3.34 5.11 5.1i '7.09 ". 224.8 224.8 . '1.18-6.46. 1.18-6.46 3.62·20.79 3.62.io.79 8.7:134.41 8.7:134.41 --.--~ _... 30-164 30-164 92·528 92·528 1431452 221·3414 221·3414 :5952 5952' ( 110 110 500 1000 250. 250 . 1102 1102 :1.204 5156 2700 2700 . 4t0140 .' ... .. --,. " -_. ·20 to 60 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE .•.3E)25 PSI ...... " :=.." •. ":.... "...."..•'•.".........,, ....:~TM!1.~..._. 2900 PSI 2.0 Nlmm' ASTM 0 638 800% 800% ......~.ASTM o..~•..' 65 65 ASTM 0 2240 .4·F ·20' C' •• -,., • -." -'" .<.;. >.940 KVjln"-h >3.?..K~(mm.. . ___ ...ASTM.~4.!l!.6.4.... .. 'ye~ ~. TYPICAL ROAD CROSSING -----\.,J ( JRWT -TRADING CORPORATION . 9018 Waddington Drive, Vernon, Be VlT 9E2 Tel: (250) 545-6045 Fax: (250) 545·6911 ~ -~-------------------------------Page 5 GATE VALVE -MUELLER 2360 10.8 IMuenef Ca.1 2"-12" MUELLER® A-2360 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES -M.J. x M.J. Rev. 12-01 o Catalog numberA~2360-20 Mechanical joint ends (with mechanical joint unassembJed accessories) A-2360-23 Mechanical joint ends (less mechanicaijoint accessories) A-2360-25 Mechanical joint ends (with transition gaskets) o Sizes-2u , 3'\ 41" 611 , 8", 10", 12" a Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements ofANSIIAWWA C509 Standard and is certiflCd to ANSIINSF 61 a Standard mechanical joint ends comply with ANSIIAWWA Cl11 a Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER®Pro~Gan:rrMF usion Epoxy Coated inferior and exterior surfaces o Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA e550 Standard and is eertified to ANSl/NSF 61 a Iron wedge. symmetrical & fu11y encapsulated witb molded rubber; no exposed iron o Non-rising stem (NRS) o Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & 1 lower O-rings) o 211 square wreneh nut (optional handwhee[ available}-open left or open right A·2360·20 M,J, accessories shipped unasscmblcd o 2"~12!' sizes-250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum work.i.ngpressure. 500 psig (3447 kPa) sfatic test pressure o UL Listed, FMApproved: ZOO psig (1379 kPal ~3"-12" sizes Options See pages 10.34 and 10.35 for more information on Resilient Wedge Gate Valve options a Position indicators 0 Stainless steel fasteners: Type 304, Type 316 o ASTIvI B98·C661001H04 stem 0 Handwheel Resilient wedge gate valve parts Cat.log Description Material Material standard Part No. G·16 Bonnet Bolts &. Nuts Carbon Steel ASTM A307 Grade B Zinc Plated 004. Sluf'fU1[! Bn;.;. Bolil &: Nuts Carbon Steel AS~~ A.3f.rl Grade a. Zinc Plated 0049 Stem 0 -rino:s (3 Rubber ASTMD2000 G-2OG Wrench Nut CaP Screw CarbonSlcel ASTM AJ07 Grode B Zinc Plated G-201 StuffUlR Box Seal Rubber ASTMD2000 0·202 Wrench Nut Cast Iron ASTM Al26 CLs G·203 Stem Bronze ASTMB138 v·2a< Hand Wbeel (not shown) Cas! Iron ASTM A126 CL.B G-205 Stem Nut Bronze ASTMBG2 G~206 Guide caD BearinRs Celcon G-2", Stuffing Box Cast iron iASTM A126 CL.B G·20S Anti·metlon Washers (2) Celcon G·209 Wedge, Cast Iron-ASTM A126 CLB ~:tl.~ber Encaosulated G-21 0" Bon... Cast lron ASTM AI26 CL.B 0·211·· Bonnet O-ring Rubber ASTM D2000 G~2J2·· Body Cast Iron 'ASTM A126 CL.B • Fully encapsulated in molded robber with no iron exposed .. Previous to 1999 these parts on 4"~12" valves were designed wilh a gasket instead of an O~ring and .0.·2,0"2 ('0:-2111 6;.41 .."" c.... 04'" G<210" .." (,;·211"' ..'" co.'tU" G."" (';·2110 s<. with additional bolt holes (2"-3" sizes retain gasket design affecting these parts). Confirm the type ofscal when ordering a replacement gasket or O-ring.. SEE PAGE 10.39 FOR ORDERING INSTRUCflONS 2"-12" MUELLER® A-2360 RESILIENT IMuall., Ca.1 10.9 WEDGE GATE VALVE -M.J. x M.J. Rev. 12-01 r N Q C j-DD-I A 00 I:L FF .1 Dimensions Dimension* Nominal size 2" 13" 4" 6" A 9.88 12.38 14.J9 18.00 FF 8.50 9.00 10.QO 11.50 !'... :2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 .J:! 4.62 7.50 9.12 11.12 o(number and siw orholes 4-7/8 4-7/8 4 .. 7/8 6-718 i:)O 3.50 4,00 5,00 6.50 o (bore 2.30 3.30 4.30 l2..}O 00 (bolt circle diameter) 5.00 6.19 7.50 :9.50 T\!msto open 8 11 14 120.5 Weight· 40 83 :120 1186 8" i 10" 12" 2l.S0 25.50 28.62 12,50 14.75 14.88 2.50 2.50 2.50 13.37 15.62 17.88 6-7/8 8-7/8 'ii-7/8 7,50 9.75 9.88 8.30 1030 12.30 11.75 14.00 16.25 26.5 33 :38.5 280 4051540 .. All dimensions arc in inches. All weigbts include accessories arc In pounds and are approximate. FIRE HYDRANT -MUELLER 423 SUPER CENTURION 0 MUELLER® SUPER CENTURION® (MUCIU. ta.1 9.1 FIRE HYDRANT Rev. 12·01 MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 250" 3-Way Fire Hydrant Features 0 ANTI-FRICTION WASHER helps assure easy turning operation for the life of the hydrant. 0 OIL FILLER PLUG permits quick eheek of oil leveL Lets: you add oU without removing bonnet. OIL RESERVOIR O-RING SEALS specifleations. seal oil in, water out. o STAINLES STEEL o O-RING SEALS AT BONNET, GROUND, AND SHOE FLANGES SAFETY STEM COUPLlNGfor better leak resistance, easier maintenance, pulls free. ifhydrant is hit by a vehiele preventing darnage to the stem and main valve. Coupling will not break into pieces o SEALED OIL RESERVOIR -O-ring that eould drop into lower barrel and affeet valve operation. TOp of lower stem IS sealed to prevent leakage. Provides positive lubrication of stem threads and below the top of the lower barrel so that a bearing surfaces each time the hydrant is tire cannot depress the stem and open the operated. Filled at the factory. main valve. Repair is easy and economical. o SAFETY FLANGE -breaks cleanly to help o FULL FLOW OPENINGS prevent barrel damage. yet is strong enough to withstand nonnal handling. Allows large radius hose and pumper openings eeonomical repair, adding ofe:<.tension produce low friction loss. section, rotation or changing ofupper barre) without digging or water shut-oU: o FIELD REPLACEABLE IIOSE AND PUMPER NOZZLES -O-ring o BRONZE UPPER VALVE PLATE scaled, Threaded in place and retained by conical design for smooth flow. stainless steel locks. Nozzles are easily replaced. o DRAIN VALVE FACINGS specially designed, (ong~Hfe o ELECTRO-GALVANIZED BOLTS facings provide effeelive sealing. AND NUTS -provide corrosion protection. o DUCTILE IRON CAP NUT retains main valve. Seats against eap o NON-KINKING CHAINS nut gasket lo prevent corrosion ofstem heavy-duty chains arc securely attached to Ibreads. Locked in place by a stainless the hydrant. Special chain loop permits free steel lock washer. Mueller HP Epoxy turning ofthe cap. coate<5'/, 24 Ii \~ F'i -. j .... TI 01 22'/,· Rends (1/16) Dimensions A R Weight 1.50 4.98 15 1.82 6.66 20 2.59 10.50 31 2.85 11.80 50 3.35 14.35 66 3.86 16.90 87 3.93 17.25 142 3.98 17.50 178 7.50 30.19 286 8.50 35.19 376 9_00 37.69 512 .. (Avoilab!e Soon lee List Pricesl .. iAvoil(lble Soon 500 U$! Prices) 11'/,· (1/32) Dimensions A R Weight 1.25 7.62 16 1.55 10.70 20 1.81 13.26 29 2.06 15.80 45 2.32 18.36 59 2.56 20.90 82 2.59 21.25 136 2.62 21.50 157 7.50 60.94 283 8.50 71.07 374 9.00 76.12 487 .. IAvtlilable Soon 5ee List Prkes) .. IAvoiloble Soon see liM Prices) Tyler pipe/Utiliti6<$ Division -P.O, Box 2027 -Tyier, TexO£ 75710. (903) 882·5511 4-4-2003 Union Foundry Compony. P.O.l.\ox 309. Anniston, AIobomo 36202. (256) 236~7601 SERVICE MATERIAL -MUELLER MUELLER® BR2B & BR2S SERIES BRONZE IMUGII.r Ca.1 4.5 SERVICE SADDLES -DOUBLE STRAP wm MUELLER'" Service Saddles for use on A·C, cast iron, ductile iron, and AWWA C900 PVC plastic pipe o Outlet tapped with either AWWA taper (C.C.) or AWWA LP. thread (F.I.P.T.) o For use on A·C pipe, cast iron or ductile iron pipe and cast iron O.D. PVC pipe o 200 psig (1379 kPa) maximum working pressure o Available in single and double strap designs o Brass body o Flattened silicon bronze straps (standard) o Optional 304L stainless steel straps o Rolled strap threads o O-ring sealed outlet o 3/4" thru 2" tap sizes (5/8" some styles) o Meets all applicable parts ofANSlfAWWA caoo o NSF 61 certified BR 2 B Series BR2 S Series MUELLER'" Service Saddles with AWWA taper thread Pipe 0.0. range Kind and '!ize of pipe with :~1>:'t~~~~:~;:~c.q I i st~~~:3f6~c':lrap IBas. Calalol!.. IBa.e Calalo Castor ! A-C ductile fron. ~!~~ ~ft.pping ~!~~ ~ft.pping Inch mm C900 PVC , ;;at;;j~g-l~';'b"l • catiilog' ,U';'botj plastic pipe 1518" 3/4" ,. 2" 518" 3f4" !1" 1"'f4" ~.'f2' !Z' 4" I t2B04' .62 075 !100 125 IS. 1200 BR2S0414CC 100 1125 ~ \l\)L 0" ! 100 ." BR2BO" OOL ! 015 1 100 ,,0 BR 2S' 100 10" BR2B: OOZ ; j BI":fi ! 015 I100 "0 1200 BR" II 100 12: ~ ~'" . ~ !~;, t1iI'" "0 1200 ~c IJ;:I!lc ilW! pipe, dmcsSQ..56paANSIMWWA ClSIIAlUI; OISI iron 0.0. rvc pIMIicpipe pet"A\VWA C9IXl. ,. Tlr.:ml5ide dillltU:Wti'lfAC pipe v.uies from nwwf~'n' h' I'NII'IlIfaCMt'r., 10 nnkt~1l ytn.I1Idec:1 ~le plllp<':rdmlfl~ I) lkIermlne lheO.D. flfll"" P'!'" al t1!~ p¢inl ofwSdle llI!illl11.,;l'lII; 2) From 1hc pipe O.!J.r.mg'lI:oIurn ll of1l\t abo.'C dm!1. ~~ saddle Ilw hlln piptcM. AIlgI! dOli inc!udcube dl.:tror.ined pip: 4iam~lcr These machines may be used with the service saddles illustrated on this page Machine I Service saddle tap size I 5/S" 3/4" 1" 1·1/2" 2" Lt::::::~!M 'x D-5TM X X x X TRU-CUTrM -X X --1iiiill".cUTrn X X x x X pl.-2m . Ji: X . . TO ORDER SPECIFY QUANTITY, OUTLET TAPPING SIZE AND CATALOG NUMBER 1-1/2" & 2" MUELLER® ORI-CORP® IMueUarCa.1 5.7 CORPORATION VALVES Rev. 4·01 MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: MUELLER'" 110'" Conductive Compression H-15013 Connection for CTS O.D. * Connection for CTS O.D.* tubing H-15023 P-15023 MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: A WWA J.P. thread OutIet: MUELLER 110 Conductive Compression Connection for CTS O.D.* tubing MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA I.P. thread Outlet: MUELLER Pack Joint Connection for CTS O.D. * tubing P-15013 Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER "CC") thread Outlet: MUELLER Pack Joint 11-112" L:.11-:;:II2:;."______···...LI2:;."______........Jml MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER "CC") thread H-15014 Outlet: F.LP. thread 11• 1/2"1 I," 1 MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA taper (MUELLER "CC") thread H-9968 Outlet: M.LP. thread 11-112" H-15015 11-112"1 11•112" 1 11•112" 2" .. H-9969 MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: A WWA LP. thread Outlet: F.LP. thread 12"t MUELLER ORI-CORP Corporation Valve Inlet: AWWA LP. thread Outlet: M.I.P. thread 12"•• ·See charts on pages 5.10·5.13 for tubing and pipe that may be used on these connections . •• For use with SCr.'iee Saddle: only--cannot be machine: inserted. ~ Requires minimum ordering quanti!}'. Coniac1 MUELLER Cuslomcr Service Center for minimum order requirements and availability. NOTE; Siu::s shown above represent nominal size of inlet and outlet connections. MUELLER~ Corporation Valves are manufactured and tested in accordance with ANSIIAWWA C800. 16.8 [Mueller CD.I ENGINEERING INFORMATION Rev. 4-99 COPPER TUBING DATA Copper tubing -standard dimensions, weights and tolerances Outside diameter Wall thlckn••• : Theoretical "'~ i.;;. weight c~ .. " oJ, w~= .Il 0. " Tolerance '3 ~ E ';;joe 8 0 0 •• )f +1 .!!! ~ .,~ .. " 0 0 ~ " " ;;; ~ 0 'E '" ~ a 1i " ~ .i!! ;" .. ;; " c 1ii g c e 0 ~ '" ~ ~ " .!! ~ • E Safely " a c .S .5~& '"i~ 1ii " oS e '3 c ~ 'il " ~ E ~ ~ .. E 0 " ~ .. factor ~ ~ c .!!! E'm~ U'~f .. l'! 0 .!!! ;; 1;; " c 0 {!. °c'1;; 8 0 {< 1ii ~ f ,., ., of8 ~ z .. « Q z z,_"O <,5~ « z (.) E In .. '" .!! inches inch inches inch Inch Inch Inch inches sq. in. SQ. In.; lb•. per~ lb•. psi psi psi feer cent ••t .. -114 .250 .002 -.030 .0025 .190 .028 .021 .081 7i 630 83115 1593 1038 -318 .375 .002 . .032 .0025 .311 .075 .034 ,134 7 1020 5995 1099t 749 -, 112 .500 .002 -.032 .0025 .435 .149: .047 .182 7 1410 4530 009 555 318: · .500 .0025 .001 .049 .004 0402; .127 1 .059 .259 7 2070 5848 1275t 855 f----. 5/8 .525 .0025 -.035 .003 .555 .242: .065 .252 7 1950 3974 704 497 1/2 -.625 .0025 .001 .1149 .004 .527 .218 .089 .344 7 2670 5521 1004 690 .... 51B · .750 .0025 .001 .049 .004 .652 .334 .108: .418 7 3240 4622 827 578 314 .875 .003 .001 .065 ~ .436 .165' .641 7 4950 5239 948 655 1 · 1.125 .0035 .0015 .065 .0045 .995 .778 .216 839 7 6480 4101 727 513 1·114 -1.375 .004 .0015 .065 .01145 1.245 1.217 .267 1.04 7 8010 3386 590 421 1-112 -1.625 .0045 .002 .072 .005 1.481 1.723 .351 1.36 7 10530 3155 551 394 21 -2.125 .005 .002 .083 .007 1.959 3.014 .532 2.06 7 15950 2786 484 348 The above information was otalned from Ihe following specification standards: AS™ 868-1971, ASTM SSB-1971.ASTM 8-251-1971, anciANS! H23.1·1970. The bursting pressures and the hydrostatic test pressures have been figured using the nomInal dimensions or the tubing and the appropriate rormula listed below: P =SX(D'-d') P= 2tS .33/1dl + 1.333Dz D -0,8t Where S ~ 30,000 psi (ultimate tensile) Where P = Hydrostatic pressure (psi) P = Bursting pressure (psi) t = Wall thickness (in) D =Outside diameter (in) D= Outside diameter (in) d = Inside diameter (in) S =Allowable stress ofthe material = 6000 psi t This pressure listed to conform with formula. However, the tube need not be tested at a hydrostatic pressure over 1000 psi unless specified. .. Calculated from Clavarino's formula. u, Calculated from fonnula for thin hoJlow cylinders. See specifications ASlM BSS.1962. 80.10 IMueiler to.1 GROUND KEY ANGLE METER VALVES & ! SERVICE VALVES -3/411_211 Rev. 4·99 \ Ground Key Angle Meter Valve """ Ground Key Angle Meter Valve . MUELLER 110" Conductive ' MUELLER" Pack Joint Compression Connection for CTS Connection for CTS O.D.* tubing O.D.* tubing x meter flange x meter flange t 1800 tum check -lock wing 1800 tum check -lock wing H-14277 P-14277 Clltalo size 1-112 2 I.;:M:':""'t"';''''''·ze'-__--tl,,11'f;;2____-t!;=I•.!L112.~2____j 1-112 2 Ground Key Angle Meter Copper flare nut x meter flange 1800 tum check -lock wing H-14286 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve ELP. x meter flange 1800 tum check -lock wing H-14276 Calalo size J-112 2t H-14285 Ground Key Angle Meter Valve ELF. x FJ.P. 1800 tum check -lock wing Melersize H-10281 ICatalog size 1·112 2 t I-t/2 1-112.2 1-112 2 MUELLER Solid Tee Head Roundway Meter Stop ELP. x F.I.P. 3600 tum -lock wing 13/4 ·Soo charts on pages 80.15 and 8D.16 for tubing and pipe that can be used with this connection. ttTltcsc valves have meier flanges double drifted (0 fit either l-U2" or 2" meters, MUELLER Valves and Couplings are manufactured and tested in accordance with ANSIIAWWA C800. c SEWER PIPE -SDR26 HEAVY WALL North American Pipe Corporation Ph: (940) 855-4100 ---____________ FAX: (940) 855-7680 3348 Industrial Drive, Wichita Falls, Texas 76306·3735 THE PIPE The SOR 26 sewer pipe meets the requirements of ASTM 0-3034 for heavy wall pipe and has a stiffness value that is a minimum of 2-1/2 times greater than SOR 35 pipe. Field tested for a number of years, SOR 26 has performed with outstanding results. PIPE DIMENSIONS Size (inches) Avg. 0.0. Avg. 1.0. Min. Wall WI. Per Foot 20' WI. Per Foot 13' Feet Per Unit 20' Feet Per Unit 13' 4 4.215 3.871 .162 1.392 1.406 960' 624' 6 6.275 5.764 .241 3.092 3.128 660' 429' 8 , 8.400 7.715 .323 5.554 5.621 600' 390' 10 10.500 9.644 .404 8.700 8.815 220' 143' 12 12.500 11.480 .481 12.357 12.532 160' 104' 15 15.300 14.053 .588 18.603 18.926 120' 78' LOCKED-IN Rieber GASKET JOINT North American Pipe's locked·in Rieber gasket provides a superior joint design and a tightly sealed system. A spej:;ial feature of the Rieber joint is its cavity mottled, steel reinforced, locked-in gasket which is installed in the factory during production. Before each pipe's belling process begins, the rubber compression gasket is inserted directly onto the bell-forming mandrel. The pipe section is then heated, formed and cooled as normal. As a result, the bell is actually molded around the gasket, This forms a permanent and steadfast joint that is an integral part of the pipe, and virtually eliminates fishmouthing. Steel reinforcement provides joint rigidity and holds the gasket securely in place while still retaining the flexibility necessary for pipe contraction and expansion. With locked-in Rieber joints, there's no problem with lost or misplaced gaskets or problems with improper gasket insertion. North American Pipe Corporation SHORT FORM SPECIFICATIONS PVC Sewer Main D-3034 SDR 26 SCOPE These specifications designate the requirements for North American Pipe Corporation PSM sewer pipe with a dimensional ratio (OR) of 26, and meeting the requirements of ASTM 03034. The pipe will have a permanently installed reinforced rubber ring gasket in an integral bell joint. The tests outlined herin are to be conducted with a pipe temperature of 73.4"F (±3"F) PIPE Provisions shall be made for contraction and expansion at each joint by a reinforced rubber ring gasket seated in a belled end of the main. This belled end shall consist of an integral wall section with a recessed groove containing permanently installed rubber ring gasket. MATERIAL The pipe shall be extruded from PVC meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-8 as defined in ASTM 01784, PVC Compounds. FLATTENING There shall be no evidence of splitting, cracking or breaking when the pipe is tested in the following manner: Flatten a specimen ofpipe six inches long between parallel plates until the distance between the plates is forty percent ofthe outside diameter of the pips. The rate ofloading shall be uniform and such that the compression is completed within two to five minutes. DROP IMPACT TEST No shattering or splitting shall result when the following energy Is impacted to a six inch long section of pipe, in accordance with ASTM method 0 2444 Pipe Size Impact Strength (In Inches) (Foot Pounds) 4 150 6-8 210 10 -15 220 PIPE STIFFNESS Pipe shall have the following minimum pipe stiffness, at 5% deflection: Pipe Size Stiffness 4" -15" 115 ACETONE IMMERSION TEST When tested in accordance with ASTM 0 2152, a sample one inch long shall show no visible flaking or cracking alter twenty minutes of immersion in a sealed container of anhydrous acetone (99.5% pure). JOINT TIGHTNESS Joints shall conform to ASTM 0 3212. The completed joint shall create a hydraulic seal capable of withstanding an internal hydrostatic pressure of 10.8 psi for one hour without leakage. .-.ASSEMaLY INSTRUCTIONS c' Thifease;ofassembly of the Nprtli Amerl· . "'can f'lpe ~orporatlon Joinpneansqulckand ' i .economlca.11rislli!/lations with'li! minimum of, '••. :.skllled lalJorand regardless of the weather ,>coriditiOns. > ' , , ' "":;;cThreeSimPleSteps: . ·},1•. Cleanf.Wi/h:a rag or brush remoVe all for, . ::eigo'milterla(fiomthe Inside ofthe'bell;fiom ..•. ...; ihe.5uftaoiiofihe eiastomeric gasket, and from the male sndof the pipe.· . . . .. .. .2; Lubricate/Applya thin coat 'of lubricant to '. . i' •.,:~z:.=~?nd Ofth,e pip()' Lu~ricate up to/he . , .3.: Pusht.Alignthe belland male end of the' . ;' plpi!J,Tllen push together for a tignt, leakproof joint.:" .: i. . North American ......'.PipeCorporation . .... .' .'. . 3348. I ndustrial Drive Wichita Falls, TX 76306·3735 Phone: (940) 855·4100 FAX: (940) 855-7680 SEWER CASTING -MANHOLE 400-24 UlUlu) ..0..0 ..0 It .-.-., , (Y) <::!" r--. co ...... 0'\ ...... N (Y') ~ ~ <.!) .C....l. z: 1...... 1..1.1 -l 0:: U") -10> l' '" -.{ IJ O.> r-.J > -I S0 u ~ Ol .,C.. -I.. ~ " <::!" 0:: N 0.> 0 0 0 ..c: <::!" C ttl ;:;;: .1 """ I ., i SEWER FITTING -MULTI FITTING MULTI FITTINGS EnginBsradThugh" CORROSION TOUGH High molecular weight PVC used in Multi Trench Tough fittings will neilher rusl nor corrode in aggressive soils. They will not deteriorate when in contact with commonly found chemicals present in effluent or in Ihe ground, This eliminates Ihe need for costly sacrificial anodes and expensive protective coatings often used with meUlI and concrete fitlings, For more information on the excellent chemical resistance of PVC, please refer to our Chemical Resistance Guide. JOINT TOUGH Designed With The Environment in Mind Multi's molded Trnnch Tough gaskeled sewer fittings are designed to meet tile demands of the nexl century, The unique •h,!.".l.,..•,•'' ~. .~:..•,•;• .. •"..:.'.',~..'• '.·.,.,',·:.~, ,'t~~!;~i::t~:·pat~nte~1;o.,~_rlt Design design began w~h the development of an I:" :',:'.,}.:":-;,,: ;:,.g; .;.. ~."; :.'r :~-'.>' . .,.. ,., ,', .One piece crimped engineered gasketing system, [;;,:, : /:~., .;. . .. ' -./design with locked· in ~~;~n~:~~~E~:ia~:~:~: i··",,,..,.,,. cr ~ "of""~ optimally designed for adurometer rating "_ ~ of 45 which ensures a water-tightjoint I(~;~;';': . ,'''C __ ·r~ every time. r ' , .,: -y--' ~ The patented locked.in design gives a35% ~i~;'+,~ :,,(""'" .;,'15" Chamfer ... ' Pipe compression ratio for the sealing area. This f:.:t? ,.;, .:;:: .-' .. 'i:"q,:·~ is one of the highest gasket sealing surface l.s: ;-.,~ ii, areas available in the markettoday. The patented locked-in design eliminates the possibility of displacement or "fish moulhing" of the gasket during spigot 1. : insertion. 'Pipei ," The Tightest Joint in the Industry As an added quality control assurance, Multi has third party tested the gasketed seal to 15 psi positive pressure and 10.8 psi vacuum pressure, Both of these tests are conducted with thejoint in straight alignment, dellected 5", and load deflected 5%. All Multi gasketed sewer fittings are capable of hendling a 15 psi internal pressure providing one of the tlghlestjoinlS in the industry, The pressure rating of the gasketedjoint adds asafety factor and may allow pipe and fittings to he used in a common trench with potable water lines. These watertight assemblies protect underground water systems against contamination, prevent the deterioration of surface structures such as roads and reduce the overall costs of sewage treatment Infiltration and exfiltration are reduced well below the stringent 50 U,$,gal.nn,dia.lmi lelday allowed for PVC pipe and fitlings, Pressure (psi) Time 10 min, (minutes) .. la,8pst 10min, '10,8 psi 10min Alb: h iLZZSQ ,.SJQiia;Ji4J.'!$J*""£!k!&b :z ada JM214¥;tZZz i.J MULil FITTINGS EnglneeredTouvh" TRENCH TOUGWMSDR35 GASKETED SEWER FITTINGS All Gaskel1ld Sewer Fillings 4' through 15" shall be molded and comply with ASTM Fl JJ6 and 03034 standards. All fillings shall be manufactured from ahigh molecutar weight compound having aminimum cell classification of 12454 or 13343 per ASTM 01784. All molded Wyes. T-Wyes and Tees must be aminimum of, SOR26 thickness where the brancl1 connects to the body of the fitting. In addition, all outiets 4' through 6' service branches and bells must have aminimum of aSDR26 thickness. Malerials used for gaskets must conform 10 the requirements of ASTM F477 or F913. All fittings musl be manufaClJJred with a locked·in gasket having adurometer rating of 45. These fittings must be third party certir",d 10 CSA 6182.1 andlor eSA 6182.2. Approved product: Multi Trench Tough SDR35 Sewer Fitting TRENCH TOUGWMSDR35 FABRICATED GASKETED SEWER FITTINGS All fabricated Gasketed Sewer Fittings 18' through 40" shall be made from segmertts of third party certmed SDR35 pipe that exceeds the requirements of ASTM F619. The fittings shall consist of butt fused or welded pipe and solvent cemented service branches. All 4' through 6' service branches must be aminimum of SORZ6 wall thickness. The fittings must conform to ASTM F1336 and F619 standards. All fillings shall be third party certified to CSA B18Z.1 andlor CSA B182.2 Approved product: Multi Trench Tough SDR35 Sewer Fitting Multi Trench Tough SDR35 Gasketed Sevver Fittings meet these standards: ASTM F1JJ6. F61S CSAG182.1 !ArM(] 00"" CSA 8182.2 file Number: 1515 TRENCH TOUGWM SDR26 HEAVY WALL SEWER FITTINGS All heav)' well SDR26 gasketed sewer fittings shall conform to ASTM F1336 and 03034 and shall be manufactured from ahigh molecular weight compound having aminimum cell classification of 12454 or 13343 as prescribed in ASTM 01184. All molded Wyes. T-Wyes and Tees must be aminimum of aSDR24 thickness for body of the fitting, in addition. all outlets 4" through 6" service brancl1es. bells and bodies must have aminimum of aSDR24 thickness. Materials used for gaskets must conform to the rBquirements of ASTM F913 or ASTM F471. All fittings must have alocked·in grey color coded gasket Approved product: Multi Trench Tough SDR26 Heavy Wall Sewer Fitting Multi Trench Tough SDR26 Heavy Wall Sewer Fittings 4~~ meet these standards: ASIMfl136 ASTM03IlJ4 TRENCH TOUGW'M ClOD SEWER FITTINGS FOR C900 PIPE 4" to 8-ciao gasketed sewer tees. couplings, elbows. plugs and reducers shall conform to AWWA C901 and be third party cel1ified to CSA B137.2, They shail be UL listed and FM approved. Ail other configurations must have aminimum OR18 wailihidmess. DR18 rntings shall be made from acompound wiIh aminimum cell classiflCalion of 12454 per ASTM D1184. The compound must have a minimum Hydrostatic Desiyn Basis of4,000 psi and must be listed with the National Sanitation Fotmdation. 'Fabricated ClOD fittings shall be made from segments ofDR16 AWWA C900 or C90S pipe bonded together and over-wrapped with fibreglass-reinforced polyester. The The pipe stock used to manufacture lhe filtings must be third party certified to eSA 6131,3 and conform to AWWA C9001C905. Approved product: Multi Trench Tough ClOD Sewer Fitting Multi Trench Tough ClOD Sewer Fittings meet these standards: A NSF·61 @. AWWA O)IjJ i))mpOI.l!'I(\ "stili! by ~'Iot Hfttkmtl S;!nlWlQrt Foundatlim (or pol.hie wa\ff'5ervlee 'llIb«le!:no1~lyrnrd~'\klIu ~'ItlIwtparf!T'(tt SEWER CASTING -CLEANOUT 404 I I I I [ # 339 Sanitary Cleanout Boot BASE 92 lbs. LID 81bs. SET 100 lbs. # 404 Lateral Cleanout With Gasket, two Bolts BASE 11 lbs. LID 4 lbs. SET 15 lbs. lIm-·-----"'-'._-'" I+t 45 " i "t, " l SUBMITTAL \ . ,, SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH I SOUTH EXTENSION TOWN OF ADDISON PREPARED FOR: SITE CONCRETE INC. P.O. BOX 154489 IRVING, TX 75015 NFERGUSON~ ..", Wute1Works 10077 W UNIVERSITY DR. MCKINNEY, TX 75050 972·434-2600 ( ) SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH I SOUTH EXTENSION TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. WATER PIPE 2. CASING SPACER 3. GATE VALVE 4. FIRE HYDRANT 5. JOINT RESTRAINT 6. MECHANICAL FITTING 7. SERVICE MATERIAL 8. SEWER PIPE 9. SEWER FITTING 10. CLEANOUT CASTING 11. MANHOLE CASTING WATER PIPE -DR18 CL150 I North American Pipe Corporation Ph: (940) 855-4100 __________ 3348 Industrial Drive, Wichita Falls, Texas 76306-3735 FAX: (940) 855-7680 NORTH AMERICAN PIPE PVC WATER PIPE -Class 100, 150, and ••.is manufactured to meet the needs of modern municipal water !'I16Ir1bution systems, fire prevention systems, and various Industrial applications. "The pipe confonns to AWWA Standard C-900 and is listed by the Underwriter's Laboratories for use as water mains and fire prevention systems, and is listed by the NSF International and approved by Factory Mutual (FM) • D .. It is manufactured to cast iron size O.D. making the pipe compatible with traditional piping materials used in municipal water systems . .. Each length of pipe is pressure tested at four (4) times its rated pressure • .. The North American Pipe Corporation Joint is the latest development in gasketed integral-bell PVC pipe. It will far surpass any other gasketed coupling system in the elimination of gasket roll-out (fishmouthing) during Installation. NSF-51 PRESSURE RATING AT 73.4·F North American Pipe Corporation Class 100 Water Pipe is designed to operate at a service pressure of 100 psi. Each length, including the integral bell is hydrostatically tested at 400 psi. Class 150 Water Pipe is designed to operate at a service pressure of 150 psi. Each length, including the integral bell, is hydrastatieally tested at 600 psi. Class 200 Water Pipe is designed to operate at . a service pressure of 200 psi. Each length. including the integral hell, is hydrostatically tested at 800 psi. Class 100, 150, and 200 C-9OO all have a surge allowance. Internal pressure and external loading criteria are outlined in AWWA C-900, Appendix A. Size (Inches) Inside Diameter Bell 0.0. Feet Per Unit , . ,--' _ -....:.,., .. ,:: "':'"-:"':;-::-~''':'_ . :.----:'-:o::..".!,~.'=<-.;:':.,_'::::..:;".:-"~' "':-S:;';'''{'.:-'f.,,::,:''',\;'::::~:·::;'":):;·':"':',;r~::-·: C":' --', ',,:."0;:;-::;:"'" :~",.. North Americ;an PiJJ~.Corpo"Cft;(.)n·· . . .. .... ..... ··sHclilT#ORM~SPECIFICATIONS. For Class 100i150, and200 integralSeli Gasketed .PVC Pipe . Meeting AWWA StandardC-gOOandwlthReinforced Gaskets. , '-, ---, --"',;-..., -,,, . ., '1 :: ." STANDARDS AWWA C-900 -polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe 4" through 12" for water. AWWA C-111 -standard for rubber gasket joints for cast iron pipe and fittings. ASTM 0-1784 -Specifications for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compounds. ASTM 0-3139 -Joints for plastic pressure pipe using elastomeric seals. ASTM F-477 -Specifications for elastomerlc seals. UNI-S-1 -Thermoplastic pipe joints, pressure and non-pressure applications. UNI-S-3 -Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pressure pipe (complying with AWWA standard C-900). UNI-B-8 -direct tapping of PVC pressure water pipe. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification outlines requirements for rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe for water main systems and other pressure pipe applications. When used for potable water systems the pipe shall meet the ANSII NSF Standard 61 -Drinking Water System Compo· nents -Health Effects, which is indicated by the foJ/owing logo: I I . NSF-61 . 2_ MATERIAL 2.1 The pipe shall be extruded from PVC meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-8 as defined in ASTM 0 1784, PVC Compounds. The PVC shail also be approved by NSF International for use in potable water pipe. 3. PIPE 3.1 The pipe shall be manufactured to cast iron size (C.I.) outside dimensions with DR's and tolerances in compliance with AWWA Standard C-900. PVC Pressure Pipe, 4" through 12" for water. The pipe shall be approved by the Underwriter'S Laboratories (UL) for use in underground fire protection service. Laying length shall be 20' ±1" for ail sizes, except that up to 15% oftha footage may be in random lengths of not less than 10'. 3.2 The pipe shail have an integral bell end and the gasket seal shall be reinforced with a steel band or other rigid material. The joint shall be in compliance with requirements of ASTM D 3139, Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using FleXible Elastomeric Seals. The spigot end of the pipe is cut square and has a smooth bevel of 15" to a depth of approXimately 1/2 olthe wall thickness. 3.3 The pipe marking shall include: (A). Nominal size and 0.0. base (e.g., 8" C.I.). (8). Material code designation (PVC 1120). (C). Dimension ratio number, (DR 14 or 18). (0). AWWApressure class (150 or 200). (E). AWWA designation number (AWWA C 900). (Fl. Manufacturer's name or trademark and production code. (G). Seal of the testing agency that verified the suitability of the pipe material for potable water setvice. 4. TEST REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Each length of pipe (standard or random). including the integral bell, shall be pressure tested to four times the rated pressure for a minimum of five seconds. 4.2 Pipe shall meet ail additional test requirements as described in AWWA c-eoo. 5. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 5.1 Criteria for design and installatin of PVC Waler Pipe shall be in accordance with the general requirements set fourth in AWWA c-eoo, Appendix A. Additional guidelines, covering thrust blocking, tapping, curved instailation, testing, etc., are outlined in UNI·8ELL Starr dard for Installation of PVC Plastic Pressure Pipe for Municipal Water Main Distribulion Systems, UNI-B-3. ,/i'ASSEMBLY'INSTRUCTIONS.. '.' .;·~Iti~:~~sii.of.·a~~~J)1bIY··Pf·th~North.Ame~i:" :.<6al1 F'ipeCorIl6tatio~ joint meaTis quick and .. ' " :'-iec,oilomicallnstallations ""Ith a minimum of /\skiliedJabor and regardless of the weather·. ~}::,~f.;~~i!'~7t;,.~;~tmpliJSteps: . : . ;~.•'1J:¢lllaP( Wit~'a;ri;g,or~tI.!s/J {empire all tor-'" ;"'j~'~igl)~mai§i'iat'fr9mth(j:ilisid~' of tli~·/jet"froin.•',.,. ,4;;' ifie.surraceol il1elllastqmetic gas~<'lt;aiu:J. ftom.· .". 72.'·itfJ.~_hjl.lf~:ehr'1qftiJriplpe;\";f"::~1.: .•'...' /;~'2.;Li!b(i.cater:AppfYI.l th!ncoat af.lubticant to '. i)thebe.'.: . 3348 Industrial Drive •. . . 1;<:.,JNii::tUta Falls,tx 76306-37:35 . ~.ehon!::(94p)'~.55~4100FAX! (940) 855-7680 CASING SPACER -RACI .... patented casing spacers for cased pipelines raa, the leaders in casing spacer technology, .has been in business since 1977 and are ISO 9002 CERTIFIED. Their uniquely designed, engineered and patented spacers are respected and their dependability has made them the number one choice of specifiers and 'Installers world wide. raa Casing Spacers isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casings simply and cost effectively. Insulators are required to separate casing and carrier pipes with the following criteria. • Must ensure electrical insulation between the two pipes • permanently prevent bells from sliding or resting on casing pipe • Must fasten tightly on the carrier pipe to ensure no horizontal movement during insertion • Must be made of materials which do not conduct electricity and are permanently resistant to chemical corrosion • Must be resistant to both mechanical and thermal shocks and stresses particularly during installation rael SPACER ADVANTAGES: rae. spacers meet the above requirements with with the following advantages over the standard skid and strap application and other models of manufactured spacers. • Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene with NO METAL bolts or attachments required • Spacers are quickly and easily assembled by manually frtting elements one into the other Page 1 • Tooth insertion method allows on site adjustment to fit a Wide range of pipe diameters and coatings • Spacers slide into casing with ease • Spacers maintain continual long term support for the carrier pipe and its contents • Spacers provide constant projections around the entire circumference of the carrier pipe. • Spacers provide long term corrosion protection • Spacers can be installed on coated or plain concrete, ductile iron, plastiC and steel pipe. The spacers are divided into four groups which address a wide range of pipe sizes and weights. Within each grouping there are varying support heights that allow the spacer to clear bell joints, flanges, couplings, and other jointing methods. These heights range from .78 inches to 5.11 inches (20 -130 mm) SPECIAL APPUCATIONS: For applications with temperatures in excess of 60'C/140' F spacers are available in nylon. On request spacers can be manufactured in other ( types of plastic material according to the mechanical and temperature requirements of the pipeline. The HDPE spacer is manufactured by injection molding. This gives it a high impact strength and a low coefficient of friction which exceeds Industry standards. Each spacer element represents a flexible section that has a toothed male butt strap at one end and an appropriately toothed female slot on the other end. Absolutely no metallic parts are involved In their assembly. This design allows for on site adjustments for any variances within the 0.0. range. Coupled with their flexibility they cover all types of pipe from 0.0. range 1.18 inches (30 mm) and upward. rael' SPACER n","r.n,... SPACER ELEMENTS F AND G These spacers are engineered to be small to medium sized pipe and are support a maximum weight load of 1102 /500 kg per ring. F and G spacers are best 4.57 5.94 116 151 2 1.8 suited for pipe ranges 3.62 to 16.00 inches (92 to 406 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 1 is used. SPACER ELEMENTS M AND N The M and N spacer is designed for that middle pipe 0.0. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 2204 Ib./l000 kg per ring. The M and N spacers are best suited for 1he pipe range 14.09 to 30.8 inches (358 to 764 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 5 is used. SPACER ELEMENTS E AND H For large diameter pipe, heavier applications or long casings where maximum strength is required the E and H elements are used. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 5925 Ib./2700 kg per ring and are best suited for the pipe range above 24 inches (609 mm). For installation, the Clamping Tool Type 2 is used for support heights up up to 90 mm. Tool Type 4 is used for the E 130s. SPACER ELEMENTS SAND T (see next page) 0.0. range 1.18 " 6.46 inches (30· 164 mm) 6.06 7.56 154 192 7.~ . ~.53 189 226 ~.5.~ .19.,51 .....2.~!.,.. .. fliT.. 9.8B .~.?~ . 302 11..02 13.5.9 280... 343 12,36 2 1 6. 1.B 3 6 1.B 3 1 6 1.8 4 6 l.B 4 1 6,. 1.8 5 6 1.8 6 MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE .... ,5§1... .. .},O., ",", 7.05 8.03 10.08 .. ,.~q.O:l:· 12,95 17,Q5 , , .. ?;!.;~_',:::;. i _.~.. ::~¥;~~: " 25.08 536 :ji:iiq8', ..:+,§,i8" "·.1: ,"' 2 .1' .•• ~. 3 LARGE DIAMETER PIPE 24.57 ?B,g .. 31.6~." 37.80 ~5.12_. 41:97 38.62 ~~;~ ··'~5.67. .~4..?! Ji~..~~... ~.~ ]~,~ .. 70.20 83.98 SQ5 ~?:n .~~§~ 94.80 113.39 .. 2408 2880. Xl 112.32 134.41 2853 ·3414 32 Page 4 SPACER ELEMENTS SAND T These spacers are linked by a tongue and groove method. Sand T spacers are able to support a maximum weight load of 250 Ib.jll0 kg per ring. They are best suited for pipe ranges 1.18·4.13 inches (30 • 150 mm). For installation the ~,16 Clamping Tool Type 3 is used. LSO 2.36; 2.68 2.99 3.54 .~.~~" .. __4.17 ..'l..!2 . 5.35 5.67 Properties of rae. Spacers SMAU DIAMETER PIPE ~.3,~ 1.69 2.7.6 ~O7 .. 3:~.9 4.13 : 4:~::l~_ " . 4.76 .. . 5.51 6.14 6.46 }O 38 60 6a. 76 90 "-. ,9-8. 106 35 43 70 78 86 105 113 121 , ... ·.!"O r '140 136 i.-" 156 144 164 TECHNICAL DATA OVERVIEW OF SPACERS 116 ·132 79 ·120 .. 3.34 .. 5.11 5.11 7.09···· 84 84 129 129 :1::1&6.46 1.1&6.48 3.62·20.79 3.62-20.79 -30·164. 3().164 92·528 92-528 143-1452 250 .250 .. 1102 1102 : '2204 ..·2204' 110 110 500 500 1000 1000 4to 140. . ..., .. ..." ..... -20 to 60 ...L '2 1 3 2 1 1 2 l' 2 , ! 3.2 0,98 3.2 0.98 5 1.5 5 1:? 6 .. l.~ ." 6 1.8 S .1,8 6 1.8 " 6 :1:,8 6 La 6 1.8 279·320 ·8.85 8.85 224.8 224.8 8.7·1:34:4i . ,,-..-. __... 221-3414 221·3414 :5952 5952 . I \ 2700 2700 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE __ ",_._,., •• ___,_ ._, H"""" ., ._3~25 PSI ..•...~. 2.5.Njrrll11'............ _.. ._.~.... :~.STM .!Y.!l~8....... ' 2900 PSI 20 ,~/rr:m~ ASTM 0638 800% 80~ ASTi)II 638.. ' 65 65 ASTM 02240 -4' F ....•~ ...•....-2~.'S..: . _.. .......,... >940 Kv/i~:~,._., TYPICAL ROAD CROSSING ---~"-..../WT JRWT· TRADING CORPORATION 901B Waddington Drive, Vernon, Be VlT 9E2 Tel: (250) 545-6045 Fax: (250) 545·6911 ~lIJI1j,iOlRJliI/lJf _______________________________ Page 5 GATE VALVE -MUELLER 2360 10.8 IMueller Ca.1 211_1211 MUELLER® A-2360 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES -M.J. x M.J. Rev. 12-01 o Catalog numberA~2360-20 Mechanical joint ends (with mechanical joint unasscmbled accessories) A-2360-23 Mecilanicaijoint ends (less mechanical joint accessories) A·2360-2S Mechanical joint ends (with transition gaskets) o Sizes-21 \ 3", 4", 6", 8",10",1211 o Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements ofANSIIAWWA C509 Standard and is certified'" ANSlINSF 61 o Standard mechanical joint ends comply with ANSIIAWWA Cl I I o Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUBLLER«iPro-Gard™F usion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces o EpOxy coating meets or exceeds aU applicable requirements of ANSII A WWA C550 Standard and is certified toANSlINSF 61 o Iron wedge, symmetrical & fully encapsulated with molded rubber, no exposed iron o Non~rising stem (NRS) o Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & I lower O-rings) a 2\1 square wrench nut (optional handwheel available}--opcn left or open right A-2360-20 M.J. accessQries shipped unassembled o 2"_1211 sizes-250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum working pressure, 500 psig(3447 kPa) static test pressure o ULListed. FMApproved: 200 psig (1379 kPa)-3"-12" sizes Options See pages 10_34 and 10_35 for more information on Resilient Wedge Gate Valve options o Position indicators a Stainless steel fasteners: Type 304, Type 316 o ASTM B98-C66I oolH04 stem o Handwheel Resilient wedge gate valve parts catalogl Description IMaterial Material standard Part No. • .9.16 }3onoot Bolts & Nul.$ C~onSteel ASTM A307 Gnide B Zinc Plated 0-41 Stuff"llln Box. BoilS & Nuts Carbon S!¢el ASTM A307 Grade B Zinc Plated ~49 'S"m 0 -ri"gs (3) Rub~ t-STM D2000 0-200 JWrench Nut Qlp Screw c::s.roon Sleet A$TM AJ07 Grnde B Zinc PlMed 0·201 l~tuffmgBo"Seal Rubber ASTMD2000 0-202 Wrench Nut 'Cast Iron ASTM AI26 CI,..B 0-203 St~gl. BrottZe ASTMB138 G·204 Hand Wheel (not show!!) gts! 1r~m ASTM AI26 CL.B G-20S SlemNul B= ASTMB62 f'l,206 Guide Cap BearioRS Cclcon G-207 StuffimrBo:o.; Cestiron ASTMAI26CLB o-m Anti·friction Washers (2). CelcoD G-209 Wedg.e. Cast Iron· ASTM Al26 CL.B Rubber Encapsulated (l·2lfr.... .Bo.~net Cast Iron A;~ AI26 CL.B G·211·· Bonnet Q..rin~ Rubber ASTM 02000 G·212" Body Cast Iron ASTM A126 Cl...B • Fully encapsulated in molded rubber with no iron exposed •• Previous to 1999 these parts on 4"-12" valves were designed with a gasket instead ofan O-rin& and with additio.nai bolt holes (2"-3" sizes retain gasket design affecting these parts). Confinn the type Ofllcal wben ordering a replacement gas1 10·'201 M,. 0-'" (';4la" .." (l..:t11" G·2(lS C-21l" 0,.20' ..". G·.1I SEE PAGE 10.39 FOR ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 211-1211 IVIUELLER® A-2360 RESILIENT (Musil., Ca.1 10.9 WEDGE GATE VALVE -M.J. xM.J. I N Q C j-DD----.j \:L FF Dimensions A 00 .1 Dimension~ Nominal size 2" 3" 4" 6" A 9.88 12.38 14.19 18.00 FF 8.50 9.00 10.00 1!.SO L i2.50 2.50 i2.50 2.50 N 4.62 7.50 19.12 11,12 o (number and size ofhQles) 4-7/8 4-7/8 14-718 6-7/8 DD 3.50 4.00 5.00 i6.50 Q(I>o«) 2.30 3.30 4,30 16.30 00 (bolt cirele diameter) 5.00 ,6.19 ~"------_.19.50 ~umsloopen 8 -111 ---"14 '20.5 "-~"-Weigh~" 40 i53 i20 1186 8" 10" :12" 21.50 25.50 28.62 1250 14.75 14.88 2.50 2.50 2.50 13.37 IS.y2 17.88 6-7/8 8-7/8 IH/8 1.50 9.75 9.88 8.30 10.30 12.30 11.75 14.00 , l6.25 ..26.5 ;33 138.5 280 405 1540 '" All dimensions ate in inches. All weigbts include accessories are in pounds and 8rc approximate. FIRE HYDRANT -MUELLER 423 SUPER CENTURION 0 MUELLER® SUPER CENTURION® [Mueller Cu.1 9.1 FIRE HYDRANT MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 250'· 3-Way Fire Hydrant Features 0 ANTI-FRICTION WASHER helps assure easy turning operation for the life of the hydrant. 0 OIL FILLER PLUG permits quiek check ofoil level. Lets you add oU without removing bonnet. OIL RESERVOIR O-RING SEALS specifications. seal oil in, water out. o DO-ruNG SEALS AT BONNET, STAINLES STEEL GROUND, AND SHOE FLANGES SAFETY STEM COUPLING-for better leak resistance, easier maintenance. pulls free lfhydrant is hit by a vehicle preventing damage to the stem and main valve. Coupling will not break intO' pieees o SEALED OIL RESERVOIR -O-ring that could drop into lower barrel and affect valve operation. Top of lower stem is sealed to pre. ...ent leakage, Provides below the top of the lower barrel so that a positive lubrication of stem threads and tire canoot depress the stem and open the bearing surfaees eaeh time the hydrant is main valve. Repair is easy and economicaL operated. Filled at the factory. o SAFETY FLANGE -breaks cleanly to help o FULL FLOW OPENINGS prevent barrel damage, yet is strong enough to withstand nonnal handling. Allows large radius hose and pumpcr openings economical repair, adding ofextension produce low friction loss. section, rotation or changing ofupper barrel without digging or water shut-off. o FIELD REPLACEABLE HOSE AND PUMPER NOZZLES -O-ring o BRONZE UPPER VALVE PLATE sealed. llireadcd in place and retained by conical design for smooth flow. stainless steel locks. Nozzles are easUy replaced. o DRAIN VALVE FACINGS specially designed, long-life a ELECTRO-GALVANIZED BOLTS faeings provide effective sealing, AND NUTS -provide corrosion protec[ion. a DUCTILE IRON CAP NUT retains main valve. Seats against cap o NON-KINKING CHAINS nut gasket to prevent corrosion ofstem heavy-duty chains are securely attached to threads. Loeked in plaee by a stainless the hydrant. Speciai chain loop permits free sleellock washer. Mueller HP Epoxy turning ofthe cap. coated for durability. a BRONZE SEAT SEAT ruNG -threaded into a 250 PSIG -3-way hydrant: drain ring and O-ring sealed. Seat ring is 250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum easUy removed or installed from above working pressure, 500 psig (3447 kPa) ground. Each time main valve is opened or o SHOE DESIGNED FOR MAXIMUM FLOW AND EASY CONNECTION wilh its smooth transitional contours, extended neck and integral anti-rotation pads, aiiowing use of standard tee-head bolts. The inside ofthe shoe is eovcred with MUELLER Hpll Epoxy Coating, This tln~nnosetting epoxy fonTIS a tough corrosion-resistant barrier to chemicals, physical impact and electrical currents. 0 HOLD-DOWN NUT -with integral weather seaL Design diseourages unauthorized removal of the hold~down nut or bronze operating nut. Resilient wiper seal between hold~down nut and operating nut prevents water entry to protect operating nut from freezing. Wiper seal material is resistant to ultra-violet ray deterioration. O-ring seal provides second level ofprotection. o MEETS OR EXCEEDS all applieable requirements of ANSl/AWWA C502 Standard and UL246 and FM l510 elosed, double drain valves force-flush both drain valve openings to keep them open for effective barrel drainage. Bronze drain valves are intcgral parts ofmain valve assembly. o REVERSIBLE, COMPRESSION TYPE MAIN VALVE -closes with pressure for positive seal. Rubber material has long service life, yet is reversible providing a convenient spare in place. Manufactured under one or more of the following: U.S. Patent No. 4,717,178; 4,842,246. 9.4 (Mueller to.1 MUELLER® SUPER CENTURION® FIRE HYDRANT o Super Centurion 250'''3-way cafalog numbers (approved to UL 262, FM 112011130, ANSJlAWWA C50Z Stalldards)A-4214-1I2" main valve opening three way (two hose nozzles and one pumper nozzle) A--423 5~ 1/4" main valve opening three way (two hose nozzles and one pumper nOlzle) Super Centurion 200~ 2~way catalog numbers (approved to ANSI/AWWA C502 Standards) A-420 4-11211 main valve opening two way (twu hose nozzles) A-422 5-t/411 main valve opening two way (two hose nozzles) A-425 5~1I4" main valve opening two way (two pumper nozzles) Super Centurion 200""1-way catalog number (approved to ANSIIAWWA C502 Stalldords)A-424 4_112>1 main valve opening one way (one pumper nozzle) o 10 year limited warranty on material and workmanship Q Meets all applicable parts ofANSlJAWWA C502 Standard Q Post type dty barrel design o Dry top design with O-ring sealed oil reservoir o Traffie feature with stainless steel safety stem coupling o Compression-type main valve closes closes with pressure for positive seal; it is made ofrubber and is convenienlly reversible providing a spare for [ong serviee life o Operating nut available in wide variety of shapes and sizes-open left or right o Field reptal.,"Cable hose and pumper nozzles o Hose and pumper nozzles have large radius, full flow openiIlgs for low friction loss o Contoured shoe is designed for fult flow Q Dual bronze drain vaives provide effective barrel drainage a 250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum working pressure, 500 psi& (3447 kPa) static test pressure for 3-way hydrants; 200 psig (1379 kPa) maximum working pressure, 400 psig (2758 kPa) static test pressure for 2-way and I-way hydrants Dimensions Mechanical Joint I ' standard and O~150 ~Y:i:1,! Flange ANSI 125/150 or PN 10115 Drilling Slip-on Non-rotating bolt design: cast~in pads eliminate need for anli-rotation bolts. Front view detar! of Mechanical joint (Standard only) T Vertical Flange· .. 4" Vertical shoe available for A-420 and A·421 hydrants. SEE PAGE 9,24 FOR ORDERING ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL .JOINT RESTRAINT -STAR 4000 PVC Stargrip®series 4000 Mechanical Joint Wedge Action Restraint for PVC Pipe, Patent #5,071,175 TECHNICAL INFORMATION T-HEAD BOLT & NUT DETAILS Range ofTorque Pipe Slze (In.) Batt Size (In.) (ft-lbs) 3 5/6 45-80 4-24 3/4 75-90 3f)-36 1 100-120 42-4B 1 11. 120-15() These torque ranges are requIrements of AWWA C60Q. Siandardi<;!ed pressure Ratings for the ordinary water WOlks Wilh Transient surges only_ Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERlES 4000 Relalner, ANSlfASSA C900 ANSIIAWWA C90S ClOD ClOD ASTM02241 IPS 00 DR14 200 PSI DR 18 235 PSI SDR 17 250?S!' DR 18 150PSI DR" 200 PSI SOR 21 200 psI' DR 25 100 PSI OR 25 165PSI SOR25 165P511 DR 32.5 125 PSI ~m::-n --~---r ¢D NOM. SIZe. egOD Pipe: OD IPS Pipe: 00 .. Dimension C is after assembly on pipe. All dimensions In inches. Tel: (800) 999-3009, (281) 558-3000, Fax: (281) 558-9000 Page 7 c PVC Stargrip®series 4000 Mechanical Joint Wedge Action Restraint for PVC Pipe, Patent #5,071,175 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS I. llte robber gasket seals more cITceliveJy if the surfaces with which it comes in centad arc: thoroughly cleaned just before assembly Io remove an loose rust or foreign material. Lubrication and additional cleaning should be provided by hrusiljng both the gasket and the plain 2. After insertion of the pipe into tlte bell of the fitting. limll)' press dlC gasket into tbe gasket recess. During this process the joint should be kept straight :;, Slide the PVC Stargrip toward the lvU bell wiln the gland lip against the gasket. Insert T~bolts and hand tighten nuts, rMPORTANT: Make deflection aUer joint is assembled bUl before tightening T-bolts. end with soapy water or pipe lubricant. Slide the PVC Stargrip 011 the plain end, followed by the MJ gasket. 4. While tightening T-bolts, i1 is 5. Hand tigill.CO the Torquc~ Contittuc tightening in an essential that the g.land be brought limiting rwist..olT Bolls in a alternative manner until all of the clockwise direction ulltil all wedges Tor{jue-limitlng twist-oIT Bolt mainiainlng approximatel), the are io firm contact with Ute pipe up toward the bel! flange evenly. bends have boon twisted off. Never same distance: between the gland surface. turn Ii liingle boll over 180 degrees and the face of the flange at all IMPORTANT: When installing wilhout alternating 10 another sizes 4" through 12" on IPS bolt. If removal is necessary, poinL~ around the socl::cL AU T· bollS should be llg,htcned unlil they PVC or Steel Pipe, the spacer utilize the I If4" hex head arc in within the torque range as washers must be removed rrom provided. If reilSSembly is required, lisled in table. the torque Umiting bolts. assemble the joint in the same manner as above and lighten the wedge boll to 90 n, lb. Note: if effective scaling is not attained at the maximum torque indicated, then the joint should be disassembled, thQroughly cleaned. and ratSsembled. Overstressing the bolts to compensate for poor installation practice is not acceptable. SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS ,Restrainer mechanism shall be integrated into the design ofthe follower gland. As the meehanism is activated, multiple wedging aetion i 'shall be imparted against the pipe increasing its resistanee as internal pressure inereases. After burial ofthe restraining mechanism, ' joint flexibility shall be maintaincd. The aetuating bolt shall be threaded into the restraining wedge and have a 1-1/4" across the flats hex head. The actuating bolt system shall have a torque-limiting head designed to break off at preset torque levels, thus insuring proper action of the restraining deviee. After removal ofthe torque-limiting head, a I 114" hex head shall remain to fucilitate the removal and re-assembly ofthe gland. Glands , shan be manufactured ofhigh srrenghth ductilc iron in accordance withAS1MA536 Grade 65-45-12 requirements. Wedge mechanisms: shall he heat-treated ductile iron, hardened to at least310 BHN hardness. Applicable dimensions conforming to ANSJIAWWA C1111A21.!1, C II 01A21.1 0 and C 153/121.53 and shall be incorporated into the !design so that the device facilitates use with standard mechanical joint sockets. : The restraining mechanism shall have a pressure rating equal to that of the pipe on which it is lIsed and shall have a safety factor of at least 2: I. The restraining gland shall be listed by Undef\\iriters Laboratories Inc., be approved by Factory Mutual Research, and confonn to the requirements ofASTM F 1614, and UNI-B-13-94. The restraining device forC900 PVC and IPS PVC Pipe shall be Star Pipe Produets PVC Stargrip Series 4000 or equal. Page 8 Tel: (800) 999-3009, (281) 558-3000, Fax: (281) 558-9000 MECHANICAL FITTING -TYLER C153 MECHANICAL JOINT C153 DUCTILE IRON Tyler/Union COMPACT FITIINGS Sizes 3" thru 12" UL listed For Fire Main Equipment SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS Mechanical Joint watermoin fittings with accessories, 211 through 36" ,hall be produced in the USA of Ductile Iron in accordance with and Cm1ee5t 3a/lAl a2p1p.5li3c aAblNe StIe!rAmW, WanAd Cprollvlis /i oAn2s1 0.11 1s ta(cnudrarerdnst rAevNiS'ioI/n AsW). WA Dudil. Iron Mechanical Joint Finings 3" throush 24" ,hall b. rated for 350 PSI working pressure. 30" through 36" 'holl be rated Fer 250 p,i working pressure NOTE· EXCEPTIONS: Mechanical Joint FiftinS' with flanged bronche, are rated for water pressure of 250 PSI. NOTE: Fillings are CEMENT LINED and secl coated in accordance with ANSI/AWWA Cl 04/A21.4; also available double cement·lined, bare or epoxy coated. JOINT DIMENSIONS IN INCHES BOLTS I~~~l~~~i~~~l , Size ADio. B CDia. ODic. FDio. J Di•• 1\1 DiQ. K'Dia. l M S T X Si2:e No. 3 3.96 2.50 4.84 4 4.80 2.50 5.92 6 6.90 2.50 8.02 8 9.05 2.50 10.17 10 11.10 2.50 12.22 12 12 13.20 2.50 14.32 14 15.30 3.50 16.40 16 17.40 3.50 18.50 18 19.50 3.50 20.60 20 21.60 3.50 22.70 24 25.80 3.50 26.90 30 32.00 4.00 33.29 36 38.30 4.00 39.59 BENDS .R /' " 90· Bends (1/4) 4.94 4.06 6.19 7.62 7.69 .58 .62 .39 .33 '/",3 4 6.02 4.90 7.50 9.06 9.12 .60 .75 .39 .34 '/s '/",3 1/, 4 8.12 10.27 7.00 9.15 9.50 11.75 11.06 13.31 11.12 13.37 .63 .66 .88 1.00 .43 .45 .36 .38 'I, ,/, '/",3 1/, '/",3'/, 6 6 12.34 14.44 16.54 18.64 11.20 13.30 15.44 17.54 14.00 16.25 18.75 21.00 15.62 17.88 20.31 22.56 15.62 17.88 20.25 22.50 .70 .73 .79 .85 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.31 .47 .49 .56 .57 .40 .42 .47 .50 '/a ,/, ,/, ,/, '/",3'/, 8 '/",3';' 8 '/",4 10 ';'x4 12 20.74 19.64 23.25 24.83 24.75 1.00 1.38 .68 .54 'I, '/",4 12 22.84 21.74 25.50 27.08 27.08 1.02 1.44 .69 .57 'I, '/",4 14 27.04 25.94 30.00 31.58 31.50 1.02 1.56 .75 .61 '/, '/",4'/, 16 33.46 32.17 36.88 39.12 39.12 1.31 2.00 .82 .66 1'/, 1><5'/, 20 39.76 38.47 43.75 46.00 46.00 1.45 2.00 1.00 .74 1'/, 1.5'/, 24 .R \ 45· Bends (1/8) 22 1/,. Sends (1/16) 11'I,· · (1/32) Dimensillns Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Size T A R Wei~~r A R Weight A R Weight A R Weight 3 .34 4.5 4.0 19 2.00 3.62 17 1.50 4.98 15 1.25 7.62 16 4 .35 S.O 4.5 26 2.49 4.81 22 1.82 6.66 20 1.55 10.70 20 6 .37 6.5 6.0 49 3.50 7.25 39 2.59 10.50 31 1.81 13.26 29 8 .39 7.5 7.0 64 4.00 8.44 56 2.85 11.80 50 2.06 15.80 45 10 .41 9.5 9.0 102 5.01 10.88 78 3.35 14.35 66 2.32 18.36 59 12 .43 10.5 10.0 129 5.98 13.25 102 3.86 16.90 87 2.56 20.90 82 14 .51 12.0 11.5 214 5.50 12.06 155 3.93 17.25 142 2.59 21.25 136 16 .52 13.0 12.5 273 5.98 13.25 204 3.98 17.50 178 2.62 21.50 157 18 .59 15.5 14.0 411 7.50 14.50 292 7.50 30.19 286 7.50 60.94 283 20 .60 17.0 15.5 519 8.00 16.88 372 B.50 35.19 376 8.50 71.07 374 24 .62 20.0 18.5 721 9.00 18.12 490 9.00 37.69 512 9.00 76.12 487 30 • {Available Scan IU ltd PrIces) '" (Avoilable Soon $00 list Prices) '" {Available Soon see list Prices] • [Av(liloble Soon see List Prices) 36 .. (Avoilable Scoo see list Prices) '" [Available Scon see !..ist Price51 '" {Available Socm see list Prices} .. (AvClilable Socm see list Prices) Tyler Pipe/Ulililies Division. P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (9031 882-5511 4'4·2003 Union foundry Company. P.O. 80x 309. Anniston, Alabama 36202· (256] 236·7601 SERVICE MATERIAL -MUELLER MUELLER@BR2B &BR2S SERIES BRONZE IMuIII.r ca.1 4.5 SERVICE SADDLES -DOUBLE STRAP we MUELLER® Service Saddles for use on A.C, cast iron, ductile iron, and AWWA C900 PVC plastic pipe (] Outlet tapped with either AWWA taper (C.C.) or AWWA l.P. thread (FJ.PT.) (] (] 200 psig (1379 kPa) maximum working pressure (] Available in single and double strap designs (] Brass body (] Flattened silicon bronze straps (standard) (] Optional 304L stainless steel straps lJ Rolled strap threads o O-ring sealed outlet lJ 3/4" thru 2" tap sizes (5/8" some styles) o Meets all applicable parts ofANSJlAWWA C800 (] NSF 61 certified BR 2 B Series BR2 S Series MUELLER® Service Saddles with AWWA taper thread For use onA-C pipe, cast iron or ductile iron pipe and cast iron 0.0. PVC pipe Pipe 0.0. range Kind • 1of pipe with AWWA taper t~r':.~~'C.C.) Inch 8.99"·9, ' i'1.04"-1 ,12" 13,14"-1 , I, mm A-C MIIt=1 I t=~® : Base Gatalo! :Ba•• Calalo Castor jNumber duclllefmn, egOO PVC plastic pipe ! ! 516'! 3(4" 1" , 2" Ii ._7..-4""--IBR'BO'" '-." ~ I"''' BR' B 110' I"". ~'BBI4' 'BR2B~ lOa '" 100 '" ISO 'ao BR"0474CC " I Biff,.."" '''' "'" IIR2S0',.,CC )5. '00 SR Z S IItl4 CC 15U IiOR 2S 13140 BR2S1732CC '" Pipe 0.0. range Kind and size of plpel , with AWWA I,if~~~" {f.1. P.T.)· Inch mm A-C eMt or ductlle Iron, C1iaD PVC pIpe Base Catalog Number ' Size of' "'" ~~:t~'.:"O"'O,! numberl 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 654".7A,. :::::: i, 1i4'~==~~~"D~I'"'~""~0P"E3=~,,00~:"aill='''t~~;-~''±!S~ O41"ileP~~1~00~'I25!lSO! t!2OO~ I=l' I foij." 100 I'" "0 I 200 I .. I'0" oR>. 1104" '" ~ '" '''f'1200 I·'2S 1I041P ." '.0 I'" '" 1Bi) 200 : 14".14'''"~ ~ ~ 'I , '~!p OJ, IBR" mlP '175 100 ~ •A-C pipe'. daso;cs J50-100 [>er ASTM C29~ illJd AW\\'A 0100-nehll\1O 0, (ifpipe bring U$al1'l'lllSl: fall wilhin theplpeO.D.rnngt Ii:I1t<.Hn lhe prea:o:!illgclwtt. QnlriIUgi!ly~ p!pe. cl~ :5Q.2rop;t ANSlfAWWA crw A2I.'2;ANSIfAWWA Cl{l6lA11 »: ANS1.'AWWA C10SfA21.8, and FMm ~rK:atian W',Y·P-:I: .'! "'~ .c-~-..".... ~o" (I)~c. ci ci Tolerance •c E 0 z +•"1 C ~ •g •c 'E 0 z +1•c" ~• ~ 1: ••c .c. c ~ ~ C Salety factor 018 inches inch inches Inch inch inch inch inches sq. In. sq. in. lb•. teer eel per~ cent lb•. psi psi psi -1/4 .250 .002 -.030 .0025 .190 .028 .021 .081 7 630 8305 1593 1038 -318 .375 .002 .032 .0025 .311 .076 .034 .134 7 1020 5995 1099t 749 -1/2 .500 .002 -.032 .0025 .436 .149 .047 .182 7 1410 4530 809 566 318 -.500 .0025 .001 .049 .004 .402 .127 .069 .269 7 2070 6B4B 1276t 856 51B .625 .0025 -.035 .003 .555 .242 .065 .252 7 1950 3974 704 497 1/2 -.625 .0025 .001 .049 .004 .527 .218 .089 .344 7 2670 5521 1004 690 51B -.750 .0025 .001 .049 .004 .652 .334 .108 .418 7 3240 4622 827 578 314 -.875 .003 .001 .065 .0045 .745 ,436 .165 .641 7 4950 5239 948 655 1 -1.125 .0035 .0015 .065 .0045 .995 .77B .216 .B39 7 64BO 4101 727 513 1-1/4 1.375 .004 .0015 .065 .0045 1.245 1.217 .267 1.04 7 B010 3366 590 421 1-1/2 -1.625 .0045 .002 .072 .005 1.481 1.723 .351 1.36 7 10530 3155 551 394 2 -2.125 .005 .002 .OB3 .007 1.959 3.014 .532 2.06 7 15960 2786 484 34B The above inrormation was otained from the following specification standards: ASTM 868-19,71, ASTM 888-1971, ASTN 8-251-1971, and ANSI H23.1-1970. The bursting pressures and the hydrostatic test pressures have been figured using the nominal dimensions of the tubing and the appropriate formula listed below: p =S X (D' -d') p= 21S .334d2 + 1.33302 D -0.81 Where S = 30,000 psi (ultimate tensile) Where P = Hydrostatic pressure (psi) P = Bursting pressure (psi) t ~ Wall thiekness (in) D = Outside diameter (in) D= Outside diameter (in) d ~ Inside diameter (in) S ~ Allowable stress ofthe material ~ 6000 psi t This pressure listed to conform with formula. However, the tube need not be tested at a hydrostatic pressure over 1000 psi unless specified. ~ Calculated from Clavarino's formula. .. Calculated from formula for thin hollow cylinders. See specifications ASH' 888-1962. i CarnIc size 1-112 2 1'."",,,,('''''''''1·'''''-__-+'.1'''12'--____''''1:.;-''''12''''.z'--___...JI Pi I! SIZC 1-112 2 80.10 IMuml., Ca.1 GROUND KEY ANGLE METER VALVES & SERVICE VALVES -3/4"_211 ReI.'. 4-99 Gronnd Key Angle Meter Valve Ground Key Angle Meter Valve MUELLER 110" Conductive MUELLER" Pack Joint .', ',' ' " " ',: :",ThreeSimple Steps: ' . , " 1.cieanlWIth'il rag or brush remove all for, ; .:. eign'maierial from the Ins/de. ofthebell, .from, . ',ihe'suriiiCe'ot Ih~ eiastomeric gasket, and froin ' . .' th"m~le end of the pipe.. . .' . . . .. ' '"' 2.' ~ljbrlcatelApply a thin cOat of lubricant to " ';the beveled end ofthe pipe; Lubricate up to the' .. :',," stop·mark.:'·'· '. . .. ,:3;; Pus.hll\lign ihl!bell and male end of tM "plpe.Then push together for a tignt, leakproof . "joint,:;, '. North American 'Pipe Corporation 3348.1ndustrial Drive., . . . .... Wichita F.alls, TX 76306·3735 . , Phone: (940) 8554100 FAX: (940) 855-7680 SEWER CASTING -MANHOLE 400-24 M ' ...... NM (!) Cl Z I............ W -l 0::: (/) >(J) >o U <:Xl en .,s..:.:.: 0::: SEWER FITTING -MULTI FITTING ii%lJ&JQ444Q&WWLJ u.s LiJiJai¥ Ud JXk4nmmiJ kiW&ua: Qut i.MIHLU;g z. L~ .sma 2.iRlWM £ Xi & TRENCH TOUGHT" GASKETED SEWER FITTINGS MULTIFlmNGS Engineered Tougb'"' CORROSION TOUGH High molecular weight PVC use COI\.t:;, . '3"EAl~ Capital Prof Services Streets & Alleys Admin. Salaries Sub-total Mel's Electric $X~ (F;~~7,~J, l'~"'''''''')/DGNO Railroad 504,988 . ~l' O\11~~A Sub-total $824,688 *'" .,9 dJ>I--' Total Expenditures $3,449,422 VJ Assets 2000 Bond Sale $ 300,000 ./-02002 Bond Sale 2,300,000 Inwood/Quorum 300,000 -0-l331"-_ r\ltb-I? ~EC.. fi-. ~Ntll"'B.f/Uo t>so;''-QG-MO ovr'ffUtJO 44) ;ztwtj-BO/V1J .$I'r I-e-I/fI/,4/..U> V'I-reP t-(II-€ I~ lJ \II [2t~ M\?;.U~E; %>"" ()\[~~: 0"-e."\ I..J.f ftJZtJ V"'17 L4TE L..!vA."t'",,,,&-Ctt- h~ ~:~R~Y 2to~ DC::rt-Lo (O~~Ac..1 Qf2"'~Wj /A:!~uII.,O fj1/j)'ieT Pc;PIC(T{1'6 "F 1I{2/~.J,-) e:1<-plc>~ PI \k t\l'l~ Tf2'\ tv5F -e4. Ff20t>, R/R S!/{.-vIlL, L-I"'€ m.., "If;0%: IlFW'" P"IW ~~l~~ -?fJb ~-->.--"';" i?Jk1~~ 1ft' It-----J.,,"" TfYt 1<5 F /(8SG ~. !IFIF·ree'''--~LX'? 1T14 .:L.-~.Plty"'e"'fI ~ F/20 "'1 .2 (Co eotvP .sA-~) ViV/ILf) Ali!T tJt P WI'flS7 1) 1lE L 0 CA J1i;l;> L-\ M: i 1e.'" • 7J{ls '0CL cC-i6e .z",04-1/'1//fUoVl7TfJ1) 8A 2 COO Bo""P FC/"-"1Is dvT "HL-L-Be ~"-,,,,-r>T~F6il? {~f'0"'1 2(704-J30'l£} SI;fe) (/-v//-LIf {gz.. «: IS I2e ""u> se-0 WJ /-.0 (A. 7fQ) q..-e t7'e"1 • ""4--HAte Il BA-~ IPJ= 11674-K p,e~T CC.OJ e.,P oc--, --"'~'-'~,-.--.-. -;:-.;r-""".-"~' -..•-~-~--... ----'--:c;~.-.~.-.:--" -."--..."---~~--: ~'"'-""-"--'_:--~:..~ '. :~:: ,< -,,+>0,:i::-':\;:~'-~-;-'~~~;;i~' ., ---' -!!I = J i = ~~.~~ODa$Jgn(streuts~~_."C "_",,,.-.. ~~~~ c ..~•••••••••~~~~~.~h\,!'!f.. .••c~~.~••. iHNTQJ.andR8!)o Archttectun!o S87 291: r...--.·. ~.'--'-~~~~-'-"""""=~::1 s.nsferll~!lg ~~~~~~~.__......__..',,,, ,'.-'='-0.-~..4'51~a.ooo~: ~~~Yi"",,~ •...•.••.•. : •.•".•."............ @I, .. ~,. ~:~,~':1~~~t:!l,~"" $173,202' ~nIQr:!_eacJf!£~l~COm~!'!Yp"rce!!I3,__ .___ = .........~...... ~'~t;l·.. ~,~Jo/'gt~~~~~'''n. ' --,-.-.-.__..._-__ ... _.-.-" ..~l!,~L." ~~~.,~~ .~~l,~=_. .~.. ~~::~-~~V,~,,'--.~~,~i ~~'!,,~ellf!-~j"!lM( ~~-:-~_c~~J1~ ~,~~c~ --~~' 'J~l:t~L~~~I_ -~,~{ ~~.~.~~~~lc~O '~!~"-' ~.!•.~~lo~~.~~-t~!.~.1. _~~~r ~~~J!~J~-t?fil!g. ot"~~_~::~:~~~,J~~~1.~, .~y~!g.~~~!~.l)all~s. ~td. J'~T'J~~ I!u:~~-m_!!?:' Au~~~_~~,.,_, S1:~.qoo-_ '.~~~ ....... ==~ .......==.~~.-.....-..... •~~, ~~,~~~.s,~b1S4~ _.~!~'t~, ,~Itty,!~~~!-~~~.~o..-",-. ~?~~..~~~~~~I~~~kn~~~-;~ .....~.•. .._••_ ..•~ .•_.~.:'~,_~.• c· ~~~___ .~.w..."".".~==_._..m ......;. = .~'~~~~~:~_,'''''.,. .. ~IaI number of days .Total bid Total numberof days tiD t,'lS"O.£jO \301 3f ~ ;100:,DO . 11>0 . BidF01ll1 si8!1e~ ~~V RefeIellces /' .' 04-24 SpooIrnm Iights.Addcndum I BidFonn -:-: rV\l \)wJYy M~ocv0s '.. ( , ~ Cp~t ~cs--P17~-=6--. Z· PO+ ~&E11~ A Clr(~ Cn~-tt'tP .. TO s.-rU\:>~ "'(~ ~,()W 7. ,,, -:-:. t.t. L16-+krf ~&-rzN 5!~M ,.. VlLlt;-"'l -f~,y\'~ C~ r:; 4v~(~c; "_ (,~ Lt;e ~ A lcc:kt:-f:... IT "_ ~ T)v ~a t~r~. r. -r1t).J~E-J.,. /ocfL D-r ~ t?~ PM-k .. . [;v\l -C!.A~ .:c;;'::; PlA.tJ DE" . .~ ~ ~ Av-0 t::tl;tA\ ( ~ I j •• ," ' ' i . i ," I r:' .:; ,, ;;:. , ! ; ~ .. DATE SUBMITTED: June 11, 2004 FOR COUNCIL MEETING: June 22, 2004 Council Agenda Item: SUMMARY: This item is for the award ofcontract to MelsElectric, L.P., in the amount of $319,700.00, to furnish and install steel street and pedestrian light poles, and luminaries on the Spectrum Drive Construction Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,100,000 Cost: $319,700.00 Source ofFunds: Funds are available from the FY 2002 General Obligation Bond Program (Spectrum Drive), and residual funds from Inwood/S. Quorum and Addison Road Widening Projects. BACKGROUND: Construction of Spectrum Drive North/South improvements is currently underway. The portion of Spectrum Drive, from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway, is a continuation of the second phase ofthe Addison Circle project. Spectrum Drive is also being extended south, from the DART railroad right-of-way to Arapaho Road. The design ofa Quiet Zone at the railroad crossing and streetscape improvements are also included in the project. The contractor, Site Concrete, Inc., has completed the majority ofthe roadway construction and will perform the installation ofconcrete foundations and associated electrical items for the installation ofstreet and pedestrian light poles. However, the Town worked with a lighting consultant to develop a new design for street and pedestrian lights (see attached drawing) that are scheduled for implementation on Spectrum Drive and subsequently on Addison Road and Arapaho Road. The new light poles will provide an enhanced aesthetic look within the proposed streetscape design and optimum lighting coverage within the entire street right-of-way. Attached is a bid tabulation for this project. Bidders were given the opportunity to bid on both aluminum and steel poles for the street and pedestrian lights. Mels Electric, L.P. submitted the lowest bid for steel poles, in the amount of$319,700.00, and 130 calendar days for delivery and installation. Due the exclusive nature ofthis project, the Town only received two bids for consideration. Accordingly, the Town has already approved a change order with the principal contractor on Spectrum Drive for the deduction ofcosts for installing standard "shoe-box" type poles. The amount of the change order directly related to the street and pedestrian lights is approximately $130,787. As a result, the affect ofthis bid for new light poles results in a net increase to the total project cost of $188,913. Upon completion ofthe light pole foundations by Site Concrete, Inc., the new poles will be installed in place and electrical connections finalized by Mels Electric, L.P. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mels Electric, L.P., for furnishing steel street and pedestrian light poles, and luminaries, in the amount of$319,700.oo. Addendum No.1 The contractor is required to submit a bid for the aluminum type street light and pedestrian light, as specified in the original contract documents. In addition, the contractor shall also submit a bid for steel type street and pedestrian lights, with identical outside appearance, dimensions, fixtures, and electrical components. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, for either the aluminum or steel type lights. The contractor shall also submit a delivery schedule and indicate the total number of calendar days required to complete delivery and installation ofall lights. In addition, the contractor shall submit design specifications for the proposed steel type street and pedestrian lights with the bid, and shall be subject to approval by the Town ofAddison. ~~~® Public Works I Engineering 16801 Ws.tgrove. P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 DATE loldlo:-I I JOB NO. ATTENTION OAcI.\.(O ~;:::-L.\f1-...7 RE: S rr.7t2JJ r..4 ~&IlL7.\' Telephone: 1972) 450-2871 • Fax: 19721450·2837 TO D\'>J lD r-.I QPZS cI () !-laITy~ 3\31 M~kJNN~ Fl-ft,c:o D~U\8 7'1. '1,?04 GENTLEMAN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached o Under separate cover via ______ the following items: o Shop Drawings 0 Prints [l;rlSfans 0 Samples 0 Specifications o Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 ______I COPIES \ DATE \ 1'0\ 04 NO. Si?~c7euM ~8UI DESCRIPTION ..-. L-'.5. , I : ......~----_ ...... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval 0 Approved as submitted o Resubmit ____copies for approval o For your use o Approved as noted o Submit copies for distribution o As requested o Returned for corrections o Return corrected prints o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE __________ 19.__ o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ____________ COPY TO __________ SIGNED:L4~~~~~~~~---/L-.-/If enclosures are are not as noted, please notif,y us at once. 09/16/2004 13:08 FAX 214 565 1081 lIELS ELECTRIC III 001/001 , , " 'S~ember-l6; 200'4. " . " , , Town:9fAddison S~ve:Chutohiri . " J;>:O, Box 9010 ' A. dt.i ftlon;TX·7S00. 1.9.0tO , ~eference: :~eOrder Proposal for S~trum Lights . ~. Dl:iar Mr, Chutchin, . , . , ' .. " , . Our:proposah~ add the ~du¢iors ~or the,stieetlights is a lump sWnOf$13,I~OO, This price include!>,the engi,l).eering, se'ttin~ 1l101lk~up.light, circuit breakers and anY.~re.~laneous items to make installation 'Ilompletll: ~S>doeS riot include bonding, landscaping'f~moval 'Of replacement, utility <:ompany chargt:;$,ortllXes;,' ...'. . .. ..:. '. . . . '"'" Ifyou.feel this is acceptllble ~emettt for 1;I1e S~trum lights projecii pIOOse:hav~ j:bis proposal signed andrmumedpipinptly. .' .. ,<,:, :" ' "".' ". , , '" Thank you,fut )'t!ur as6J:sfi.l.l 'li:~ it;!getnng this issue resolved, , Sincerely; , " . . .. .' .' . " , . ", , ,~. -, '. ... , ... ... ',. , Da~ Perkins' .;'. , MeI& Electilc; L.P, ' , . ., .,c¥:f-#;r ~~Ilip.b¥ . . . " . :aireI:aireI:tor ofP\Jbiic Wotks', .: '" , , , , '. ) '8't 0 <5~~JTH .J.\~~R~ ~T.' DALLA'S, "l"irxAa 7521 5' .,PHONE! £14.56-5.1074 FA*! 214.565,1 Oal 1 Steve Chutchian From: Randy Moravec Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11 :42 AM To: Carolyn Burgett Cc: -Steve ChutChian Subject: Spectrum Olive Charges Carolyn, You may have caught this, but fund 46 had another charge for Spectrum in the engineering account during the third quarter. As you know, all Spectrum related charges must now be applied against the project funds in fund 44, Please perform the following AJE: 44·000·56570-05301 $4,369.00 46-000·56570·05301 $4,369.00 Through copy of this email I am asking Steve to make sure that all payroll and accounts payable associated wHh Spectrum now be charged to fund 44. THANKS!!! Randy 1 FJDRREEF DB Real Estate 1/1 Rea! Estate Investment Managers A Member of the Deutsche Bank Group 15455 N. Dallas Parkway Suite 175 Addison, Texas 75001 June 1,2004 Tel 214323 2000 Fax 2143232005 wvvw.rreef.com Bryan Piper Site Concrete, Inc. 3340 Roy Orr Blvd. Grand Prairie, TX 75050-4207 RE: Service Road Town of Addison Dear Bryan, Attached are copies ofour irrigation invoices from the Town of Addison. I am also attaching copies of last year's May invoices for your reference. The May 2004 invoices more than double the bills from last year, and we know that this is due to the break in the lines during the construction for the culverts next to the service road that you are doing for the Town of Addison. Please issue us a check for both accounts at your earliest convenience. Total due to RREEF Millennium I, LP from your company is $903.47. Sincerely, cc; Luke A. Jalbert, Town ofAddison TOWN OF ADDISON UTILITIES Mail. To: P. O. Box 9009 Addison, Texas 75001-9009 OeJiverTo: 5350 Belt Line Road Dallas, Texas 75254 Questions About Your Statement Call: 972451).7081 Service Info: I'CUSTOMER NUMBER ,,-~---TS"'ER=I/J;;-;C;-'=E-:AO=D:-;;Rc~ES"S~ ---------------~-----·~i 0000333702 _ ''::~~~~DALLAS PKWY ..__..________..ll_____ IBiliingDate Info: .___________=======-_ : PREV, READING CAre ICIJRRENT REAOING DA.TE ---~:j:i:'clUC7.N:;;Gc;D'~AT"E~-----------··-----I'DUE DATE ! 04"m104 ----+1-----::c05l::-:1:-:3:-::/04:-:-----I 05121iii4-:--~_=_ [Reading History: ------.~.METER SERIAl. NUMBER. Co-P;;;RE"'","'",,"'S"R"'EAc;O"',"'NG'---Ir-------;C"U;;;RR;;;E;;;N"'T"'REAO=I'"NG~---I CURRENT USAGE I 2626329 130462 133583 312100 RECEIVED Rn EEE I.'I MAY 20 1004 ~ ______ 11 , .---+ I -------""70-,-6/,-10/0=-4------ESTIMATE: REASON , .. I AVE:RA6EOAILYU$AG ~ 10067.7419 i 3100 i _LI __ . 'RDPERTY: 'Er-lDOR: \" ':::=--:cc-:-----------.. -------~-.----------------------------------_.---fj, Billing History: I TRANSACTIO'N coorrr--.. ~~ "'---------CHARGE.S ---=~~------T-/--MioUNT-~-J FOR AN EXPl.ANAilON Of' i PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD \ WATER IRRIGATION LARGE $746_32 I seE REVERSE, 00 NOT SEND I PAYMENTt AMOUNT , DUE BEING PAID BY \. AUTOMATIC BILL PAYMENT_ ! ~V,NO: PROJECT: JOB CODE: INV.DATE: ACCOUNT: 5331 $0.00 7012 WATER BillS PP'UDATE: $745.32 lj 3.B75000 !I 3_B75000 II 3.B75000 ESC.: 1\ !I Ii if BILL PAYABLE ON RECEIPT Ii,' MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE 'to TOYVN OF ADDISON: \ PLEASE MAKE PAYMENT I TO OUR OFfiCE BY 5:00 P.M ON OR BEfORE THE DUE OATE. AFTER THE DUEOATEAPENALTY \ CHARGE WlLl BE ADDEO ,,. fAILURE TO PAY THE PASi DUE Sl\Nodh) l3 Landocapiilg/lll'igation (Notth) E!I Sldewalk. (North) E!I E_leal (Nolin) r.::r P ...... IOI1•• (North) str!pI~lgnage ( North) 311r= Final Cleon.uplWalk.Thl\l Spectrum Dtive Start Oote./tln 12' 04 25 "".ys 4eaay. 58dayo 30 5 10 30,,"11)'& 4edays 191da)"S Ta.k Summaty .,...---... Rolled I1l> Prog..... ProjOGl; Speclrurn dr. CriticaIT••k Relied Up Task ~"l'"ti"!i.£:~:"'"~"~V'''~ '~'''i'!':'L'.'"':'\'i'W':!: Spft! g 0 ....: ..... 3129104 ProgleM Rol1ed Up Critical Task t~~~~OOWt5~~,%?;¥]J Elltema( Tasks _~\!t_"'i'iij ~ Milestone Rolla. Up Milesll,"" 0 PRljecl SummaI)' ..... ~ Page 2 'i LU 11od Up Mi1eolone (> P(oject Summary ltiliffr£U,1f;ll4:.1fjl a a "'r Page 3 - Jan 12' 04 t~Sculh IiIiI!I North i ~North ";"glC!l~:~Il.."-<~i~Z'"~f'.l':t'r'5l';,-"1':~'''&'~>I-;mI:''~'-. ';:'Jj'>~'1'','i '_.'?~1:.i~rqf,r.~ North Q··,".(.~"l"f"'f~~'F~-IiC}:Hl~t'l't''O'J''i~f~$3'~':''b','',-,''_'~.m~;~'l l-".>un fl/I .pP8"'MI~ idOl"lliaDI or .ifoIl)Q.Q.r '»G"Cill'Onl. Gao/so/mical Englt16fHlng • Construction Materials T8sting • Environmanlal E"ginesn'ng • Consulting I;\A TESTING. INC. '1209 WI,consin Sf.. Suite 100 {)anO$. Te OAyDENSll"'f pc, . lNJllA¢1'1 1!100~rVll£ II lit "I.AC~ Qliy OE"'SlTV PC' PE~C£~ tC)MPAtTlON COMMENT' 8 02103104 FG·6.0 2 23.0 96,5 25,5 93 97 1-A I 9 02103104 FG-5.5 2 23.0 98,S 25.6 94 97 1-A 02103104 FG-5.0 2 23.0 e6,5 24.8 94 97 1·A 02103104 FG·A.5 2 23,0 96.5 25,7 94 97 1-A 12 02103104 FG-4.0 2 23.0 96.5 25.1 as 99 1-A 13 02103104 FO·3.S 2 23,Q 91>,5 25.4 94 98 '·A 14 0:2103104 fG·3.0 2 23,0 96.5 25,6 QS 98 I-A TEST IOOATION 8 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION H+50 9 FRANCKISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+50 10 FRANCHise CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+60 11 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+50 12 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 1,.50 13 FRANCHISE! CONDUIT I.INE AAT STATION 11+50 14 FRANCHise CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 11+50 ! ce: TOWN OF ADDISON; HUITI-ZOLLAAS CONSUlTING ENGINEERS I.n.!. • A. IN PLAce peRCENT "'O'STURE AND peRCENT COMPACTION COMP,YWITH SPECIFICAnONS 2. NATURA~SUaGRApE I, peActaNT COMPACTIOIIt Does Nor COMFtYWIIH SPECIFICATIONS Rbapoctfl.lUv $ubMil(l!Jd S. lIME STABILlZeO C. PSRCEN't IN PlAce r-tOI$TURE OO~S NOT eo~pl..'{WITH BPEClflCAnONS >1, CFMENT' 'Jli~UFn O. RF,:T#iiST ,/1;1 PHA TJ;FlTtNr;, INC OJr IHtnllllbl.tn' repel'll oro I« lila ••ell.lV14 \11' 01\1\. CROrrll~:1I~.lt ~UII\l\OIod ~~;"Il!' "1'1 lilt 1'1 P\jl OlIIcoj al'ld 'neil (101 Up I~Drvclllr.B{\ allO/elf a.~liial./iao bt.ll/)! ~Ih o(!('ilu (!O~MIIQ'" AlPI", The 11»& ofou' 1'101'1'10 atlIlIU11\HII~' I$IIJII ,Ie&ld: (,110('.11'1"1011 '"plWAl Tilt filame Ol\d ro~ru apply Olli')' 10 tria IDrn(lI~~ lOI!!i!D flI'HjNU Ol)s-!tYlId, Ino. ~'.I1UII/lClUliV' 0111\6 ~11~!~m: (II *PP'ilIaf\iy JJcn\Kd til iiIW:( ,ntWnal'\l. GIlO/OChl!icol "nQinoorifl!1 • Conslruction Malsri.'. T.slin~ • eM/ronm.nrol Enpif1e.rin~ • Consullin~ REPORT OF FIELD COMPACTION TESTS.I:\A Tl!Sr/NG. INC. 2201' WIsconsin St" Suite IO/J Dallas, Texas 75229 912/{j2l).{j9 I I -972/26J-4~J7 (Metro) TESTED FOR: SITE CONCRETE, INC GRANO PRAIRIE, TEXAS DATE: 02103104 REVISED: 2113104 PROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION ,A,!)1)!90~1. TEXAS OUR REPORT NO.: 04007....B TeST DATA: TEST NO. OA,e ~DEPTH SOILiO NUMBeR OPTJilUM t,iOI'~E " MAXiMI,IUUB ORVDENG!'I'Y pe' INPUICE MOiS..T uae: lNP\.lt£ Oltf O£NSITY Pc,< PERCellT CQup,,-crlQw COMIAE/.W 15 02103/04 FG-2.' 2 23.0 96.S 25.7 94 97 1·A 16 02103104 FG-2.0 2 23,0 96.5 25.1 95 BlI l-A 11 02103104 FG-I,S 2 23.0 96.5 24,6 94 9B l-A 18 02103/04 FG-1,a 2 I 23.0 965 25.6 95 98 1-A 19 02/03/04 FG-O.5 :2 23.0 96,5 25.3 94 97 1-A 20 02103104 FG 2 23.0 96.5 25.6 94 97 l-A TEST LOCATION· 15 FRANCHISE CONDUIT UNE Ii AT STATION 11+50 16 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+50 17 FRANCHISe CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11.50 18 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+50 19 FRANCHISE! CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 11~5O 20 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+60 cc: TOWN OF ADDISON: HUITI·ZOLLARS CONSU~TING ENGINEERS 1. Flu. , A. IN PLACE PlrnCENT MOISWn! ANa PERCENT CO~'ACTION COMPLY WITH speCIFICATIONS 2. NATUML suac~.p. B. PERCENT COMPAC1'ION OOE$ NOT COMPLY WITH SPECIFICATIONS .',,"llulY .",mlrt!i Sf.. Sulfe 100 . Dal/W. raxa> 75229 972/620-891'. 972/U3·49J7 (Metro) FAX: 972l41l\.8023 TESTEOFOR! SITe CONCRETE. INC. OATE: 02103104 GRANO PRAIRIE. TEXAS REVISED! 2113104 PROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE OUR REPORT NO,: 04001-58 NORTHISOUTH EXTENSION ADDISON, TEXAS TI'::STDATA: ! I i , I T~S'r , NO. DAn: ~OEPT SO,1. '0 NUMS.fI Or~IJM . MOISTUpe ~ IMlCIMUIo4 LAP ..tlRYOE"IS1'TY rei' WPI.ACE MOlSruRE " IN PLACE DAY DEliSllY f'CF ?£RCEtVT COfl.PACTIOI1 COMM~NT' ! 3S 02103104 FG·13.0 2 23.0 96.5 24.5 93 97 1-1\ 36 02/03104 FG-12.5 2 23.Q 96.S 24,2 95 98 l·A i 37 0211)3/04 FG·12.0 ;1 2.:\.0 965 243 9S 95 '·A 38 02103104 FG·'1.5 2. 23.0 as.5 24.3 94 f!7 1·A ! 39 02/Q3104 FG·l1.0 2 23.0 95.5 2.4.3 93 97 '·A 40 02103104 FG·10.5 2. 23.0 9a.5 24.5 94 97 I·A 41 0211)3104 FG·l0.0 2. 23.0 96.5 23.8 93 97 ,.,<\ TEST LOCATION' 35 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT SUmON 10+80 , ! 36 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 10_ao 37 . FRANCHISE CONDUIT ~INE A AT STATION 1Q+80 38 FRANCHISE cONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 10+811 39 40 FRANCHISE CONDUIT I.INE "AT STATION 10+80 .. FRANCHISE CONDUIT I.INE AAT STATION 10+8Q 41 FRANCHIS!! CONDUITlINE A AT STATION 10+80 ce: TOWN OF ADDISON; HUITT"ZOl.LARS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1. FIL~ • A. IN PLACE PERCe.!Y MOISTURE ANO P€RCENT COMPACTION COMP~ 'i WITH S]PSCIF1Co\"!10NS 2, NATU~LSUSGR'OE P. PE~ceNr COMPACTiON GOES NOT COM~~'(WITt! SPEClFICATtONS R&&pedtlll!1Suumatod ,. L1"1E STA6ILflEO C. PERcENT !NPlJ\Ce: MOISTURE ooes NOl COMPLY' Wt'tH Sf'eC1F1CAnONS 4, C£MENTTRe,o.TEO P. ltE.rE,sr ALPHA TtS'tING, INC. (MiDnma(ltll.,.~ fJI~ .~101V. n'Ciu.i~1 ua. af1hl ~8(11 {'!'i«IUI!' dtJ1fll'1'lad 11I~14f1\' 0/\ m !nellr o!!ieol ~M ~tlri l»1bi.rep(~dl(M$ .(ldiol diWibu\~OICOPI"'1Iil npl'&U tr.j:I;l'9~ (ri A\.~ Yl'it ~.u ot.olfftllllM 11141... "'U1U~11I\4\il11lCol"c II\K'WTf«e d b b 0.. a::: co VOL.98001 PC.00033 '" '" 0 F '" I Dr 15851 DALLAS NORTH POST SER'<1CES. INC. ~I ~ g: ~ PARKWAY ADDITION VOl.9B060 PG.OJ404 ,iii: I VOL.B5021 PC.ISB6 UJ '" '-" 0.. :":" 0 '(f) 'N" c Co I UTAH STATE RETIREMENT Y...... 0 \0 INVESTMEN T FUND <.... 0 b z ... <> Cl ~I ~~ P , VDL.96003 PC.196B -;; -;; y\ o 0 gg <> z V> ~ \ S~ 0'" -;; "\. l~1 ""Q. I ~~ \~. 10' TEXAS POWER ole I ~:'l I 0· ~" 1-$1 LVIOGLH.T8 5C02O1. EPAGS.E1M68E6N T COURSE ,Ll L2 L3 LINE TABLE BEARING DISTANCE S 00' 08' 23-W N 44' 30' 38-W S 89'09"39-£ 20.00' 28.46' 20. DO' I I I Ij I I 5/6" IRF WITH 1/2" IRF WITH HU!1T-ZOLlARS ~Ell do POWElL YEllOW CAP N 89'04'S4"W 5.00'" /\IY--------r 1-------_.---'""Al"'··· 3 OF 3 j r .",;.. This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~_~~._~. a__ _____ Eric J. Yahaudy, Registered Professional Land Sur\'l!yor. Texas No. 4862 LEGENO IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zoliors )llliiow plastic cop IRF = iron Rod Found o 50 100 III• • •.•~• •• I SCALE:l"=50' SASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as coiled for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 0001S, Deed Records, Dallas County. Texas. . . SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared F'or: TOWN OF' ADDISON HUrrr~· 16801 We.tgro'lll Dr•• Addison, TX 75001 . RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT HuItt-ZcIarI, Inc. Dalu EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.5 3131 t.Ic:Kmey A_SuIte eoo & SIDEWALK EASEMENT DoIu. T_75204-_ OYltlER: POST SERVlC£S. INC. Phono (214) 87Kl311 Fill (214) f7i-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/0S/2OO2 After Recordim: Return To: Angela K. Washington STATE OF TEXAS § Cowles & Thompson § 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 COUNTY OF DALLAS § Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: _______----",2003 GRANTOR: Utah State Retirement Investment Fund GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) an.d Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a retirement investment fund organized and existing under the laws of the State of Utah for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED -Page 1 Parcel 4-Spectrum Drive Doc;umemil: 1031479 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this insti:ument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter ofthe Town ofAddison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue ofGrantee's nse ofthe Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. Utah State Retirement Investment Fund By: Print Name: Print Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared ____________ on behalf of a _.,,--:--:-__.,.-_-;-..,--: and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the nses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public, State ofTexas Print Name: My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED -Page 2 Parcel 4-Spectrum Drive EXIUBITA SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIUBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 4 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of the final plat of 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 85021, Page 1686 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of a tract of land described in instnunent to the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund as recorded in Volume 96003, Page 1968 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, said point being on the platted southerly right-of-way line ofAirport Parkway (55 foot right-of-way at this point as per said plat) from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Powell & Powell" cap for the southwest comer of said addition, bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance 0[360.13 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 45 degrees 29 minutes 22 seconds West departing said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 28.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on the westerly line of said addition; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East along the westerly line of said addition a distance of20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 ,.. HARRIS ADDITION POINT OF EXHmITB VOl.76m7 PG.l0S7 BEGINNING ~ offecl this '1'-" tract. lOT 1 SlOCK A 1/2" IRf 3:i 'G' o~: 'zG '"."z AIRPORT PARKWAY Ii t;'" '" in x bw B on l!> ~ S/B-las S' R.O.W. OEOICATION ElY PLAT VCl.98oo1 PG.oo033 I·./e~ I PARCEL 4 1 'IRS ~ 0.0046 AC. 1 69.65' R.O.W. I I ~'\ ~ 1 -0:: 10 \,) ~ '" w00 QUORUM EAST :g:::E ;., ADDITION CL' => ci I b, '0 ~ to VOL9BOOI PG.00033 of!: '" 15851 DALLAS NORTH o::u 1 PARKWAY ADDITION POST S£R\1CES. INC. CLW VOl.9SOtiO PG.03404 '-'CL f" I VOL.8502\ PG.16B6 ~ ~ r \0'\\ \,\0. ~ o '\. \}\ . p..'O G· LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll S 89' 09' 39" E 20.00' L2 S 45'29'22"W 28.11' L3 N 00' 08' 23" E 20.00' II) !'"" !XI P z:;! gfilS U) -0 ;"ii'la,;. ag ~m ~~ > NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record thai may I UTAH STATE REnREMENT INVESTMENT FUND I VOl.96oo3 PG.1968 10' TEXAS POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT VOl.8S021 PC.16BS 1/2-IRF WiTH powru. &: POWELL CAP LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found I' ~ _. I ' .-.... -~ ,.. This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November S, 2002 and that the metes and bounds .hown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~J.-~~~eredProf;;-;sionol Land Surveyor. Texas No. 4862 . 0 ·50 100 ~~..YII':J. I SCALE:l "=50' 8ASIS OF 8EARINGS; The monuments fOl..Jnd as coiled for on the omended plot of Addison Circle Phose II. on addition to the Town of Addison. Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153. Page 00015, Deed Record •• Dallas County. Texas. HUnTill.lAR5 SPECTRUM DRIVE HuItt-z_ .. Inc. 0&Iu RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3l3l1oIcKmey A ......... SUI1e 600 oaJu, Te,... 75204-24119 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Phone (214) B71-33Il Fax (214) 8:11-0757 Prepared For: TOWN Of ADDISON 16801 WestOl'ove Dr., AddIson, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.4 OWNER: UTAH STATE RETIREMENT INV. ruND AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/l00 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose ofconstructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above aJ}y buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singUlar the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____day of________• 2003 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By Gen--:e-ral.....-;:P~artn-;-e-r-o-;f;-:;G:;-a-y·lo-r..,d-;Pr:-o-p-e~rt::-ie-s...,.L;-";:.P:--. By ____________ PrintName ________~--------------Title _____________________ Sidewalk Easement -Pano:eJ 3A Spectrum Drive Page I Document f~ !o~1474 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned .notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day 2003, personally appeared __________ on behalf of a __-:--,-____--~-and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal ofoffice the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement ~ Partel3A Spertrum Drive Pagel OocW'l'll'lntj': 10)1474 EXHIDITA SPECTRUM DRIVE . SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract ofland described as Tract 4 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract ofland described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract of land to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 ofthe Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 535.93 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties,' L.P. tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 535.93 feet to a point for a corner on the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0615 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page20f3 J:1Survey13220101Iwp1SPEC_DR_,w)A.doc ••••• I 15851 DALLAS NORTH I ' QUORUM EAST ADDITION a"l EXHIBITB PARKWAY ADDITION <"VOL85021 PC.1686 VOL.98001 PG.00033 1/2' IRf WITH {!l:> ~§ 0<> g POST SERVICES. INC. ~U"Rm i VOL.98060 PG.03404 PlAS11C CAl' BEARS iii 0> N 8lr05'45"'W-2.00· e~ S 89'05'4,S"E 5.00' L 1 111\ '/fl' IR' WITH I1\ Y£U,OW HUIIT-%OUARS (FUTURE STREET R-l) PlASTlC GAP I LINE TABLE COURSE BE~RING DIST~CE Ll S 89' 05' 45"E 34.50' L2 N 89' 04' 47"W 34.50' NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easement. and other matters of record thot may affect this tract. (TRACT 4 REM.) GA'lLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL97211 PG.01264 s/e" IRf WITH ~. ",,,,. HUIiT-ZOlL.ARS Y£ll.OW PI.ASTIC CAP \l-~ (0. This is to certify that· the above· survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 end thot the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. L __ (3.371 AC.) THE STAU8ACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.0290J Hultt-Zoliers o ·100 200 Ir•••~ I SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found os coiled for on the amended plot of Addison Circle 5___~~--!: ~4 ------Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, T8)(os. as recorded In Volume Eric J. ~~UdY, Registered Professional Land 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Dollos Coun ty, T exos • HUnT~ HuIlt-ZO31I3..1. .t.. IIcnKc.i l ney A__eoo 0aIa0 DaJao, T_ 75204-_ Phone (214) 1171-3311 Fu (214) m-0751 SPECTRUM DRIVE ... I Prepored For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrow Dr.. Addison, lX 75001 RIGHT-Or-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.3 & SIDEWAll< EASEMENT OWNER: GA"tLORD PROPERllES, L.P. TOWN OF' ADDISON. TEXAS AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHiNGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTOO@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM February 14,2003 VlAllAND DELIVERY Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town ofAddison -Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Drive Project Dear Steve: Enclosed arc right-of-way deeds and sidewalk easements for Parcels 3 through 6 of the above-referenced project. Documents for Parcel 2 were forwarded to you on December 23, 2002 and, as you will recall, Parcel 1 is the property of the Town of Addison. If you have any questions or need anything further, please give me a calL Sincerely, -ttrtJ(. /d-A:s~ Angela K. Washington AKW/yjr Enclosures c(w/o Enclosures): Mr. Mike Murphy Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/fmn 9()1 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS. TEXAS 75202~3793 DALLAS T Y L E R TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 Docummt #; IMOl66 WWW.COWLESTHOMPSON.COM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ---------' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (!) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors;' administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and . assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereo£ WARRANT¥ DEED-Page 1 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive Docurncnlll: !031472 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as ofthe day first written above. General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of 2003, personally appeared -------------' on behalf of a -:;---:---:----:-:---:-::--:-: and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED -Page 2 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive Docum~lfll: 1031472 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A . SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract 4 as described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract of land described in instrument .to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0.0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said platted 0.0697 acre tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said Tract 4 of Gaylord Properties, L.P.; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. Tract 4 and 3.815 acre tracts a distance of 719.98 feet to the northwest corner of said 3.815 acre tract from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. 3.815 acre tract a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. 3.815 acre tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract of!and described in instrument to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 of an acre of land, more or Jess. Page 1 of3 \IHZDALLAS2\disk3\Smvey\3220\0I\wp\SPEC_DR_P3.doc q 0 QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL 9800) PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 "' z-oo V)O -o gci Hl< HUITT-ZOIJ.ARS YELLOW PlASTlC CAP ---~-------------------~ I i I ~~~ " & '-" . "" LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 34. so' 34. so' : I I I Ll S B9'0S'4S"E L2 N 89' 04' 47"W I tl ltl {3.815 AC.) [ ori ori GA YLORO PROPERTIES, L.P. [ .. :;j :;j VOL.99053 PG.05566 NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may effect this tract. ;:R·. :~~:) r--5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT I • • I {PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.) I :!l g: I .,; .,; I ;::: w;::: I PARCEL 3 1 ~ ~ 0.5702 AC. ---~w-,---~~::E-~~~T -R~~-----: _J ~t~~-;fji<-------,::r------------1 '-" I o~'"" _, ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,. ' ---~--------------------L-I a. fi! ~ ~ --l 't.. {TRACT 3 REM.) I ti [!; I~ . \ \ 'it GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. I W 0 o '<> v 'l-VOL.97211 PG.01264 !}; z "' '0 C.· I I I> I If' '!'I I :2 :2 't..'it I in in' {TRACT 4 REM.) GA YLORO PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 '(. 0· I 10 l'l ~ \ "' ~ I 8 8 I N 89'04'47"W 5.00' I z "' POINT OF BEGINNING-PARCEL 3A !i~lr--!\~:-:::-:::-::=-----------------, I \ s;a· IRF WITH 'II· "'~-1>-'i!> I HUITT-ZOLLARS YELLOW PLASTIC CAP I I --f J4.5' f---1 I I I (0.0697 AC.) .1 SPECTRUM DRIVE 5/8 [IRS RIGHT-OF-WAY I DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --=~_L__J jg .j !!! POINT OF' BEGINNING (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON .l]~ 1-----------MOR~I~~VENU~ ~ ----VOL.2000036 PG.02913 o w io j LOT 1, BLOCK A I Ill ..,. f"l N 5i ~ 1 l 0' PRIVATE COMt.IUNICATIONS 1-t-1-1-....J AMENDED PLAT 0::: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g ~ a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti ir I LEGEND E oc; E ");,o.w. PHASE II lt, 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zpll ors lJ:! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 VI/I yellow plastic cap o I IRF = Iron Rod Found K /! :.i LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OE 3 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 end that the metes end bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of ill~ Eric J. Yahoudy, Registered Professional Lend Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT-zo~ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Hultt-Zolarl, Inc. OaJu 3131 Mc:Kmey Avenue, SUite 600 Dala.o. TelWI 75204-2'189 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) B7Hl757 .-, .. ,_-,.~,;•· TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS -~ ,---0 100 200 ~···· MMWMW I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF' BEARINGS: The monuments found os called for on the emended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, os recorded in Volume 20001 53, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dalles County, Texas. Prepared F' ar: TOWN OF' ADDISON 16801 Weatgrave Dr .. Addison, TX 7S001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 OWNER: GA"l.ORD PROPERTIES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11 /OS/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetu!J,lly maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto'·Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of _________ ,, 2003 Drainage Easement-Parce12A Spectrum Drive Page 1 Document II: 1031432 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~--~~~~-~~~General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By _____________ ___ Print Name ______________________ Title------------- -------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared -----------on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Drainage Easement-Parcel2A Spectrum Drive Page2 Documcnlll: 1031432 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being inore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; .THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 3 of6 J: \S UJvey\3 22 0\0 I \ wp\S PEC _DR_ sw 2 A. doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.0340+ zOO QO "'0 a~ o'-' <""o-gN ~g: o..J >-§? • ~ 5/8" IRS L 7 """ : !'~ (FUTURE STREET R-1) ~ ~ 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE ___ ~::::. _ _ _ _ _ _ s;e· IRS LS I 1/2" IRr WITH COURSE BEARING DISTANCE ------------"RANOOt.t" REO ' • I PLASTIC c;.p BEARS u N oo· 55' 13"E 65. oo· s 89"0-4 47 E ~ I N 89"05'45-vi-2 00' 5.oo· ~ ~ I . L2 N 89'04' 47"W 28. 00' . -1 ;,. I PARCEL 2 ;<:I ~ CD I 0.6487 AC. g N "' I N ai I NOTE: t;: w i' I Improvements were not located for this r 1 0:., I exhibit end there may be easements and ~ ~ 1 other matters of record that affect this g I !" 1 tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z g J<.5' I (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)~ I z 1 N 89"04'47"W ------t Ill s.oo' " ~ I f-___ -____ _P~N~ ~ ~~~~~~ _:-~~'::L_!~ ~ o ~ : LJ N 00" 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 28. 00' L5 N 89" 05' 45" W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' L 7 S 89' 05' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N 89' 04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 ., 0 5/8" IRS L4 ti • ~ o I : ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ 15~--l-------------------1 ~, • L2 a::~l f---------------------~~IRS ~a. 0:: I (TRACT 3 REt.l.) ,-t; I '(, "\ GAYLORD pROPERTIES, L.P. s B9"04'~7"E I $ ~ I --1 ~ -h ~ VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00 VI I \) ~ I .,. .o.w. I 'S b. '0 'IS' SIDEWALK EASEMENT s.o· (PRO S£0) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ."5' I ~ .., I '(, ~ ~ I -:, y. 0· 1:!1 ~ I (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 -X ;.:: w ~ \ ~ .., ~ I ;:;1 ,., ::? 1------------------.-,.., II'J I §I~ ~ ·~''' . 'S ~. !>-~ G· POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 2 &: PARCEL 2A 5/8• IRF" WITH HUITT -ZOLLAAS COP z 8 lz I Ill (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913_ IRS (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COt.IPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON .o.w. MORRIS AVENUE > 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --------=-----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A U1 .-I"') N u<( :~::> 1 . 10' PRIVATE COMiotUNICATIONS t-1-1-1-....I AMENDED PLAT a:: I ~ EASEt.IENT BY PlAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.PG.0291J '3 '3 '3 '3 . a. ADDISON CIRCLE t; C2 I LEGEND oc E "g·•· PHASE II . ~ 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars gt VOL.2000153.PG.00015 VI/I yellow plastic cop 0 LOT 1 CK I IRF = Iron Rod Found -' • BLO D PAGE LOT 1, BLOCK E l ::E 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ Eric-J.-Yo au d'Y, egi;;t".;;:;.J'fi~.;-r;;;;,;o-;;~1-L.;;,d Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 tjj[f -zoiJAt§ 3131 Md(iney A'M'U8, &Jte 600 DdU. Teua 75204-24811 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Phon8 (214) B71-3311 Fu (214) rm-o757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~•~ ~L··•·.·. I SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, D·eed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F' or: TO \WI OF' ADO I SON 16801 Wutgrow Dr.. Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 0\WIER: GA Yt.ORD PROPERTIES, LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM December 23, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professio~al Corporation ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS RE: Parcel2-Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are the Right-of-Way Deed for Parcel 2 and the Sidewalk Easement documents for Parcels 2A and 2B, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please let me know. Sincerely, AKW/yjr Enclosures c(w/oEnclosures): 0 A L L A S T Y L E R Document#: 103l28S Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/firm 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.C OW LEST H 0 M P S 0 N. COM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ---------' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED-Page I Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Documa:~t ": 1031388 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sid~walks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such .grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared --------------on behalf of a -.,---...,---,---,--------, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Corninission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Document#: \031388 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 . BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of the tract of land to Gaylord Properties, L.P. described as Tract 3, as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line ofsaid Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the_ northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes !3 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; · THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes !5 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the northerly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P.; Page I of 6 1 :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _ DR_P2.doc EXHIBIT A . THENCE South 8.9 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract 3 from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds Wes! at a distance of 2.00 feet; · THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of6 J :IS urvcy\3 22 010 I lwp\S PEC DR_ P2. doc "' QUORUM EAST a5 15851 DALLAS NORTH VJO ADDITION -0 PARKWAY ADDITION gu VOL.98001 PG.00033 '0 ~ 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SED) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ .J"' I 'il-.., I '(.. ~ ~ I ·'' "\. "'. 'b "''?> 'bY, 0· i:!llil I ~\ ~ .., :t: I ;;; I "' ::! 7;; ~ ~ "' -r· POINT OF' 81 ~ 8 BEGINNING z I ~ Ul PARCEL 2 .t: PARCEL 2A 5/6• IRF' WITH HUITT -ZOLlARS (0.0697 AC.) ~CAP;:__,,....-I SPECTRUI.I DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION VOL 2000036 PG.02913 IRS POINT Of COI.II.IENCING "X• CUT SET IN BRICK PA.V[RS (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON f--__________ MOR~I~ ~VENU~ VOL.20000J6 PG.02913 w ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A '----t-t-1-t-.....J AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ E:ASEI.IENr BY PLAT -voL.2aaaaJ6 PG.0291J "'J D .., ~ ~ ~ 1 10' 10' PRIVATE COt.41.1UNICA.TlONS 9 9 9 9 a. ADDISON CIRCLE tJ iE I LEGEND o E "'/;o.w. PHASE II ~ 1 a I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl J I yellow plastic cop a I IRF = Iron Rod Found -' LOT I, BLOCK 0 p GE LOT 1, BLOCK E 1 3! A 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 SPECTRUM DRIVE 0 100 200 ~ .. ~-••••• I SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found os called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, cs recorded in Volume 200015.3, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F'or: TOM! Of ADDISON 16801 Weatgrove Dr., Addlaon, TX 75001 wrrr illllAl§ :n:n UcKn-.y A-. ue eao o.au. r .... 75204-~ RIGHT-OF-WA~'EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 & SIDEWALK fi:ASEMENT OWNER: GA't\.ORD PROPERTIES, LP. Phone (214) 87KI311 Fu (214) f7K17S7 TOWN OF ADDI'$0N, TEXAS AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/1 00 ($1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________ , 2003 Sidewalk Easement-Parcel2B Spectrum Drive Pagel Document#: 1031463 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~~-~~~~-~~=General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By ___________ __ Print Name ____________________ __ Title------------------ -------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared----------on behalf of a and aclmowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement-Parcel 2B Spectru·m Drive Page2 Document If: \031463 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2B BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of A.ddison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west ·side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set_ with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest comer of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 23.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 89_ degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of5.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of230.14 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; Page 4 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0I\wp\SPEC_DR_sw2B.doc EXHTBIT A THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0264 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 5 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0 1 \wp\SPEC _DR _sw2B.doc: -~ QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG,0341J4 (FUTURE STREET-R-1) 5/8" IRS L7 ~ -~~~ ~ . _ _ _ ::::._ ________________ sLa~R-~s~..-, NOTE: PARCEL 2 0.6487 AC. Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this z~ oo (llO -0 0· o<.> <0. "'N oo 0 j!i:l: o.J o-o > "i I 1/2" IRF' WITH "RANOa~· REO CD "' .,; ;;; I PLASTIC CJ.P SEARS I N 89"05'45"'W-2.00' I I I I I I I I I tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT J<.5' I (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)_ I 1 N 89"04 '4 7"W ----J s.oo· ~ I f-________ _P~N2_ ~ !~I~I~G _:-~~::L_2~ ~ §' ~ : 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N -00'55'13"E L2 N 89' 04' 47"W L3 N 00" 55' 13" E L4 S 89" 04' 47" E L5 N 89" 05' 45" W L6 N 00'54' 15"E L7 S 89'05' 45"E L8 N 89"04' 47"W 65. 00' 28. oo' 61. 00' 28. 00' 28. 00' 61. 00' 62. 52' 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 'I 0 5/8' IRS L4 (/) o ~ o I .~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-R-2) . . ~ o..t~-:------~-----------cr 0 """1: -~ G· (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 POINT OF GOIAIAENCING '"X~ CUT SET IN BRICK PAVERS fO ~ tR POINT OF ~~ ~ 8 BEGINNING z I ~ 111 PARCEL 2 de PARCEL 2A 5/13" IRF WITH HUITT-20Ll.ARS CJoP I IRS (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (J.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 '---THE ASHTON .o.w. _ MORRIS AVENUE 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ----.---:---------------j LOT 1, BLOCK A ll1 ..,. r<'l N ~ ~ 1 10' PRIVATE COMiotUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1--l AMEN. DEC PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -IJOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g g . o.. ADDISON CIRCLE ti ir I LEGEND E "g·•· PHASE II )l:' ' 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars 1...--'---'--I........J ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl /I yellow plastic cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK E :! LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF 6 :::. This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true end correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ .. --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional· Land Surveycr, T exes No. 4862 t!J[f -2DlJA85 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT 3131 McKmey A-8Ae 1100 0e1u. r .... 75204-24811 Phone (214) 87h13l1 Fu (214) r71-07fi7 ·. ---··· TOYIN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ••••• IJ M W M • J SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas; as recorded in Volume 200015J, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared Fat: TO~ OF ADDISON 16801 Weatgrow Or., Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 O~ER: GA'ri.ORO PROPERnES, LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ,....,.....,,,,,,, STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________ , 2003 Sidewalk Easement-Parce12B Spectrum Drive Page 1 Documenlll: 1031463 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~~-~~~~-~~~ General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By ___________ _ Print Name ______________________ _ Title------------------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared _________ _ on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement-Parce12B Spectrum Drive Page2 Document#: 1031463 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2B BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set_ with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 23.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 89. degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; Page 4 of6 J :\Survey\3220\0 1\wp\SPEC _OR_sw2B.doc I!:XHTRIT A THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0264 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 5 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR_ sw2B.doc '! QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.96060 PG,Q340"4 z~ oo ~g §c; <0. Lo.N ao 0 ~g: o.-l ~a > • ~ s;a· IRS L7 """" : 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.16B6 ~~~ (FUTURE STREET"R-1) !S ~ ~ ....... s;a· IRS L5 I 1/2. IRF WITH ----------------------•RANOOM• REO LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING 0 I STANCE I PLASTIC CAP BEARS I N 89'05'o4SiY-2.00' L I N 00" 55' 13" E 65. 00' L2 N 69' 04' 47"W 26. 00' I I PARCEL 2 I 0.6487 AC. :ll I .,; I NOTE: ;:: I Improvements were not located for this 1 exhibit and there may be easements and 1 other matters of record that affect this I tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT J<.s· I (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)_ I 1 N a9'04'47·w ------t s.ao' !:!;! I . o s;a· IRS L4 Ul L3 N oo· ss' t3"E 61. oo· L4 S 69' 04' 47" E 26. 00' LS N 69" OS' 45" W 26. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15" E 61. 00' L 7 S 69' OS' 45" E 62. 52' LB N B9'04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 I-___ 1 _____ _P~N_"[_ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~::L_2':_ ~ 8 ~ : ~ ~ o I ~ g (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ O..J:;-+-----------------~ . ~ 0 ~ ·~ L2 a:::::>l 1---------------------~'!:_IRS X/0.. a:: I (TRACT 3 REM.) -t; I ~ '\ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s B9"04"47"E ~ 1 -,j iXl E--iXl -:c >· VOL. 97211 PG.01264 5.00' VJ I \) ~ I '<> '1> 'l. 69' .o.w. bt 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT S.o· (PR SED) I (PARCEL 2A -0.0428 AC.)~ .'"" I ·'' ~. ~,-~ "~ " .., I ~"";., ~ I y. ., CQ <:> 0·1:!1"' I ~\ ~ .., "'I ;;; I "' ::! POINT OF" BEGINNING PARCEL 2 & PARCEL 2A 5/B• JRF' WITH HUITT -ZOLLARS in ~ lt1 ~I~ 8 z 8 Ul lz (0.0697 AC.) ::C»'::_~,...... I SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT -Of -WAY DEDICATION VOL. 2000036 PG.02913 IRS POINT OF" COMMENCING -x· CUT SET IN BRICK F'Avt'RS (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON MORRIS VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -----. ----=---------j LOT 1, BLOCK A u ~ 10 ..,. I"") N <( :::J 1 10' PRIVATE COt.lloiUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-....J A~ENOEO PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PlAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.02913 g g g g . a.. ADDISON CIRCLE ti iE I LEGEND oc E "!:;,o.w. PHASE II ~ • 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl j I yellow plastic cop o 0 I IRF = Iron Rod Found -' L T 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 LOT 1, BLOCK E l i OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~·· --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered· Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 WIIf-2DLIAl§ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT 313111cKmey A---. aile 800 o.Ju. r .... ~24811 Pl1one C214J 871-3311 Fu (214) 117HJ7ri7 TO'MII OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~~~-··· . -~ . . , SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the emended plat of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, os recorded in Volume 200015.3, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dalles County, Texas. Prepared F" ar: TOWN OF" ADDISON 16801 Weatgraw Dr., Addlaan, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 O~E:R: GA'I'lORD PROPERnES, LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE:: 11/05/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________ , 2003 Drainage Easement-Parcel 2A Spectrum Drive Page 1 Document#: 1031432 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By Gen-e-ra-;1-;P::-artn--:--e-r-o-;:-f-;::G;-a-y;-lo-rd-;-;:;P;-ro_p_e-rt'"'ie_s_,-:;L--;.P;;-.-By ________________________ _ Print Name ______________________ _ Title _____________ _ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared _________ _ on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Drainage Easement-Parcel 2A Spectrum Drive Page2 Document II: 1031432 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being inore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; .THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 3 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR _sw2A.doc • . . .: .. __ QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 a5 ~§ ~ 0 " & ~ " •• 5/8. IRS (FUTURE STREET R-1) ':S L7 ~ I 1/2-IRF' WITH "RANDOM" RED PLASTIC CAP BEARS N B!1'05'45"W-2.00' ---~-----------~----~~s PARCEL 2 0.6487 AC. NOTE: 1:; "' Improvements were not located for this r 1 \., exhibit and there may be easements and ;R i;; other matters of record that affect this g I !P tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z 8 (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)~ I z CD "' .,; ;;: I ,._,. N 89"04'47'"W ~ 111 5.00' g; ~ J-_ _ _ _ ___ _!~N!_ ~ ~E_::~~~ ~ ~~c_:L_!~ ~ : --15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG. 1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 00' 55' 13" E L2 N 89' 04' 47"W L3 N 00'55' 13"E L4 S B9'04' 47"E L5 N 89' 05' 45" W L6 N 00' 54' 15"E L7 ·s 89'05'45"E L8 N B9'04'47"W 65. 00' 28. 00' 61. 00' 28. 00' 28. 00' 61. 00' 62. 52' 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 ·: .. ~~~ 5/8' IRS L4 I _;; ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ J:;--+----------------1 ;; " L2 :::> I 1----..::: ________________ -"/~IRS & I (TRACT 3 REM.) t; I ~ '\ CQ E--CQ -:c :>< t;ol; GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. S 89'04'47"E l;t I '-l VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' Vl 1 \) \l-. 1 "' '0 '1-69' .o.w. b. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ."·'' I \l-.., I ~ 1;l ~ I <:, y. 0· i:!l:ll I (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 ~\ ~ "' 3: I 1:;1 "' ::? L-----------------~ ~ •,.., ~ I ·'' ~. "'. "' J>.'C 6· (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION VOL. 2000036 PG.0291 3 "' -r· POINT OF 81 jg 8 BEGINNING z I ~ Ill PARCEL 2 &: PARCEL 2A 5/f!J IRF WITH HUITT -ZOU,).qS CIJ' I N 89'04'47"W 5 00' ' IRS .o.w. (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON L__ ~t MORRIS AVENUE ~ 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --------=-----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A ~ ~ I 10' PRIVATE COMI.IUNICATIONS on .... 0 • .... .., N o. ADDISON CIRCLE t; 0:: I LEGEND ...J AJ.!ENDED PLAT 0::: I~ EASEJ.IENT BY PlAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J I/E} j ~~"·g·•· PHASE II l;t1° I IRS= Iron Rod Se_t with ill VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl J I yellow plost1c cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found -' .... , .... g g E g Huitt-Zollars _, LOT 1, BLOCK 0 p LOT 1, BLOCK E l ~ AGE 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes end bounds shown thereon are true end correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 wrrr -zollAt§ 3131lolc:Kmey AY«'UtJ, &ile 800 Odu. Teuo 75204-248Q SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Phone (214) 871-3311 Fu (214) 1171-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~~~···· LM aM • r SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as celled for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 0001 5, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TO 'At~ OF ADDISON 16801 Weatgrow Dr., Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: GAYlORD PROPERTIES. LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM December 23, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS RE: Parcel2-Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are the Right-of-Way Deed for Parcel 2 and the Sidewalk Easement documents for Parcels 2A and 2B, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please let me know. Sincerely, AKW/yjr Enclosures c(w/oEnclosures): D A L L A S T Y L E R Document#: 1033285 Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/firm 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.CO W LEST H 0 M PSO N. C 0 M STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ---------'' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANT¥ DEED-Page 1 Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Document#: 1031388 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partuer of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared --------------on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcell Spectrum Drive Document II: 1031388 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of the tract of land to Gaylord Properties, L.P. described as Tract 3, as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line ofsaid Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being thenorthwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees OS minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the northerly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P.; Page I of 6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR_ P2.doc EXHIBIT A THENCE South 8.9 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract 3 ~f Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract 3 from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds Wes_t at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 min\}tes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR_P2 .doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.96001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.96060 PG;0340'4 a5 V)O -a 8c3 <0. ~~ 0 ~g: o...J ~o > • §' 5/B" IRS L 7 """ : ~~j (FUTURE STREET-R-1) ~ ~ 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.65021 PG.1666 LINE TABLE ~ ~ 5/8" IRS L5 I 1/2" IRF WITH ----------------------"RANDOM" REO I PLASTIC CJP BEARS COURSE BEARING D I ST IlNCE Ll N 00" 55' IJ"E 65. 00' s 89"04'47"E ~ I N 89'05'45"W-2.00' s.oo' ~ ;;;-I L2 N 89"04' 47"W 28. 00' -I :.. I PARCEL 2 :..1 d I 0.6487 AC. g ~ g: I ai I NOTE: ;:: I Improvements were not located for this. 1 exhibit and there may be easements and 1 other matters of record that affect this I troct. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT J<.5' I (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)~ I I N 81J"04'47"W ~ tn 5.oo· s ~ I 1-_ _ _ _ ___ __P~N~ ~ !~I~I~G _: !~::L_!':_ ~ 8 ~ : LJ N 00" 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47" E 2B. 00' L5 N 89' 05' 45" W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15" E 61. 00' L 7 S 89' 05' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N 89' 04' 47" W 34. 50' (3.615 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 -~o s;e· '"5 L4 Vl • i>i o I .~ & (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ o..ot:;;-+------------------1 -" ~ I 1---_:_:: ________________ _y~oRS L2 !:!g: ~ I (TRACT 3 REI.I.) -ti I ~ "\ ~ .... -~ -:z:: ~ "" C.· GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. S B9'04'47"E /t I -.l VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' Vl 1 \) \<. 1-:, '1.-69' .o.w. b. ~ 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.o' (PRO I (PARCEL 2A -0.0426 AC.)A ."'' I ~-"'~!>-~'it "' I ~ ];j ~ I -:, Y, 0· f:!l :ll I ~\ ~ .., 31: I POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 2 & PARCEL 2A 5/8" IRF' WITH HUin-20LL.AAS ;:; I "' ::! in ,.., U'J ~I~ ~ z 8 Ill lz (0. 069 7 AC.) :;CAP::;_.....,,...--I SPECTRUI.I DRIVE RIGHT -Of -WAY DEDICATION N 69'04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913 oRs (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON _ __ _ MORRIS AVENUE ~ VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -----=-----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A "' ~ 0 -' ~ ~ g ~ N ~ ~ 1 1 0' PRNATE COMUUNJCATIONS 1-f-...J AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g '3 . a_ ADDISON CIRCLE ti cr I LEGEND Huitt-Zollars E "g·•· PHASE II ~, 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with 1-'-.....1.-.J..._L-..J ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vll I yellow plastic cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found . _, LOT 1, BLOCK 0 p LOT 1, BLOCK E I ~ AGE 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and thot the metes ond bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 wrrr illllAt§ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT -OF"-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT 31311.1c1Ch 181 A---. u. eoo Do1u, Tezu 7-24811 Phone (21.4) 1171-3311 Fu (214) 1171-0757 TOWN OF" ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~~~···· MMMMw I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 200015.3, Poge 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOVttl OF ADDISON 16801 Weatgrow Dr .. Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OVttiER: GA 'II.. ORO PROPERTIES. L P. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 --------------~~--------------~----------~~--- SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAYEXIITBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELl BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 6.272 acre tract of land described in instrument to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the northwest corner of said Town of Addison tract, same being the northwest corner of said McLean Tract Addition, said point being at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of Quorum Drive (an 80 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by instrument recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (1 00 wide rightof-way at this point, hereinafter called "DART right-of-way") as recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract and McLean Tract Addition a distance of 449.49 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the said southeasterly DART right-of-way line and northwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract and McLean Tract Addition a distance of 140.94 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the most northerly northwest corner of Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, from which a 112 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Town of Addison tract and McLean Tract Addition bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 22.00 feet, said 3/8 iron rod being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 3 degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 38.63 foot chord bearing South 33 degrees 10 minutes 33 seconds W~st; THENCE southwesterly along said curve to the right and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II an arc distance of 38.63 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the most westerly corner of said Addition; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 01 second East along the southwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 9.40 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 34 degrees 47 minutes 59 seconds, a radius of 556.00 feet and being subtended by a 332.53 foot chord bearing South 17 degrees 31 minutes 59 seconds West; Page I of3 J:\Survey\Survey\3220\0 1 \wp\SPEC _DR Pl.doc THENCE southerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 337.70 feet to a "MAG" nail set in concrete for the end of said curve; THENCE South 00 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 23.90 feet to a "MAG" nail set in concrete for an angle point; THENCE South 45 degrees 34 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of27.94 feet to an "X" cut set in concrete for a corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 1 degree 58 minutes 51 seconds, a radius of 949.00 feet and being subtended by a 32.81 foot chord bearing South 89 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds West; THENCE westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 32.81 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the end of said curve; THENCE North 89 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 95.20 feet to an "X" cut set in concrete for a corner; THENCE North 45 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 28.29 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for an angle point; THENCE North 00 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 24.05 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 28 degrees 00 minutes 19 seconds, a radius of 644.00 feet and being subtended by a 311.65 foot chord bearing North 14 degrees 08 minutes 09 seconds East; THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of314.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.8026 of an acre of land, more or less. Page2 of3 J:\Survey\322010 I \wp\SPEC DR _P!.doc I I l ~~ 1:::; I~ lg 'll· C>· I I I -1 POINT OF COMMENCING I I -+ 40' :z:~l:z:~ll 2 ~d ~~ ~ ~·~~· ~ u.~ ~.>.~I II. ;~1; 51 ~ Evy w (.) <( --' LOT 1, BLOCK B LOT 1, BLOCK A a.. ' AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II <(..-\ ~--1 "' \) '0 '1-~ ~ "' '0 <(.. ~ 0· ~ \ .< "' \ . ~"' ~\'0 '0\0. ·~ ·~ ,.,.ra.t.9 ll. &&·t.t:<:>9 20' FIRELANE &:: McLEAN TRACT VOL.B2005 PG.27B4 WATER EASEMENT VOL.9B221 PG.00022 TOWN OF ADDISON VOL.93243 PG.6422 PARCEL 1 0.8026 AC, N 00'07'59"E 24.05' N 45'06'46"E 28.29' .,. ~ Vl ;:: w --' ' I ' .bo 3'28'50" R= 636.00' L• 38.63' CB= S 3310'33"W 38.63' ------///~ S iJ15'01"E 9.40' ;/MILLENNIUM t ••• PHASE II 5/8" IRS ', '-\ ·• VOL.98221 PG.DD022 "~ ·. 20' FlRELANE &: ~ \ WATER EASEMENT ~ \ VOL.9B2~1 PG.00022 " \ ·. I}! Qt~ " . q. /:l'CJ £ls /E,~ "'?. L-, ~f I I ~~~'(? ·..o 0 'IJ' ~~.li" (9.~~ "'"' -'O<:ib C?o~:....t 34'47'59" q,~ R= 556.00' f> "'0 L• 337.70' ~ CB= S 17'31'59"W ':' c-332.53' "MAG .. NAIL SET IN CONCRETE S 00'07'59"W 23. 90' 0 ./~MAG" NAIL SET IN CONCRETE //S 45'34'54"E 27.94' //"X" CUT SET IN CONCRETE /-/) /"' //95.20' \CV1 15' DRAINAGE &c UTILITY ESM'T. ////VOLB2005 PG,2784 /_,.-? -I I N 89•54,28.W VOL80005 PG.17:ZB __._-VOL.B4240 PC,.J65~---~PA++9----ReA,(3 ------......-/,.-,-U--UNDERGROUND UTIUTY ESM'T. i S/S" IRS ---(1 0' WIDTH) --"""' /--{TRACT 111-ESM'T. ESTATE) //(VOL.97055 PC.J<145) ~ /////-1 I I~ I I I CURVE CV1 CV2 ~----------/" I ////z-_-_________ I /--RADIUS 949.00' 644.00' ///MEPC 0.& I. INC. __. __. TOWN OF ADDISON \ ' //VOL.9814D PG.5687 __. __. VOL 98132 PG 6846 ACCESS & UTIUTY ESM'T. \ r /__. /' ' VOL84240 PG.J65J /(TRACT 11-ESiot'T ESTATE) Q \ //TRACT 4 (VOL.97055 PG.JHS) I I /I} ___-·' "II /I /CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. VOL.98 132 PG.6B36 (CORRECnDN DEED) (VOl..BB109 F'G.I72J) TOWN OF ADDISON I 1 /VOL.98132 PG.6846 I /MEPC I QUORUM PROPERTIES II INC. I I I ~g~-~~0~,.~~-~,~UTY ESioti. I 41.19' I CURVE TABLE I I I I I I I LENGlH 32.81' 314.78' DELTA 1'58'51 28'00'19" CHORD 32.81' 311.65' CH.BEARING s 89'06'o7•w N 14'08'09"E PAGE 3 OF 3 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 'l-~~-----Eric J.~dy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollars Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this tract. 0 100 200 ~···· MMMM• I SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page OOD15, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. HUITT-zo~ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrave Dr., Addison, TX 75001 Hulti-Zolara, Inc. Dalaa 3131 McKi1ney Avenue, SUite 600 Dalu, TexBB 75204-2<189 Phone C214l 871-3311 Fu C214l 871-0757 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 1 OWNER: TOWN OF ADDISON AREA: 0.8026 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of the tract of land to Gaylord Properties, L.P. described as Tract 3, as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt -Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt -Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the northerly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P.; Page I of6 J:\Survey\3220\0l\wp\SPEC_DR_P2.doc THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast comer of said Tract 3 from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 min11tes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre of! and, more or less. Page2 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0l\wp\SPEC_DR_Pl.doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 3 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0I\wp\SPEC_DR_sw2A.doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2B BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 23.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; Page 4 of6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC DR_sw2B.doc THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0264 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 5 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0J\wp\SPEC_DR_sw2B.doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 z~ co ~g 0· o" <"-u_N co 0 ~~ o.J >-0 > ~ I (FUTURE STREET R-1) ~ t 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 ~ LINE TABLE iif 5/B" IRS L7 """ : --s;a~ IRS L5 I 1/2" -IRF WITH ------------------------~ I PLASTIC CAP BEARS COURSE BEARING Ll N 00'55' IJ"E L2 N 89' 04' 47" W LJ N 00' 55' IJ"E L4 S 89'04'47"E L5 N 89' 05' 45"W L6 N 00'54' 15"E L7 S 89'05'45"E LB N 89' 04' 47" W DISTANCE 65. 00' 28. 00' 61. 00' 28. 00' 28. 00' s 89'04'47"E 'co I N 89"05'45"w-2.00' s.oo' ~ ~ I -1 ;,. I PARCEL 2 "'I ci I 0.6487 AC. g :::J ~ I N oi I 61. 00' NOTE: j;; w ;::: I Improvements were not located for this ~ 1 l., I 62. 52' 34. 50' exhibit and there may be easements and 1R ~ 1 other matters of record that affect this 8 I !" 1 tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z g 34.5' I (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)__ I z I N 89"04'47"W ~ tn s.oo' ~ ~ I 1-_ _ _ _ ___ _!~~ ~ _:!E~I~I~G __:-!~C::L_2':_ ~ 8 ~ : (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 ~~§ 5/B' IRS L4 g) I ~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ O.f::-+--------------------1 ...... a: 0 :::::! 1---_:_:: ________________ _,o/!':_IRS L2 ~ g: ~ : ~ ,_ '\ (TRACT 3 REM.) -U I ~ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. S 89'04'47"[ ~ I '-! VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' Vl 1 \) 'il-C.· l "' '0 '2. 69' .o.w. b. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A -0.0428 AC.) ~ ~ ." s· 1 ,,, ~. "'. ~'i'> "' . ~. 'il-~ l:J II y.." "'" c;, 0· 1:!1 :fl I ~\ ~ .., 3l: I POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 2 & PARCEL 2A 5/B" IRF' WITH HUITI -ZOLLARS ·..",' I ..., ::1 ~ ,., II) ~I i;; ~ 0 .., 0 z 8 Ill lz (0.0697 AC.) :::;CA::_P -...--I SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89'04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913 (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON ~ MORRIS AVENUE ~ VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -------------------~ ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A t! ::;; "...'. 0 -' .. b -' e).oc~ .., N .... .... g g E LOT 1, BLOCK E <_,( Q_ 45' R.o.w.J---0 LLJ lr 0_ , ~ :::> I 1 0' PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT B'r' PLAT -VOL.20000.36 PG.0291.3 ADDISON CIRCLE tJ iE I LEGEND PHASE II ~, 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars VOL.2000153 PG.00015 VlJ I yellow plastic cop I IRF = Iron Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. s_ 0 ~ ~----_________ Eric J.~dY,-~nol Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 0 100 200 I•.•.•.•.•. I SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page OOD15, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared For: TO\\N OF ADDISON HUITTi lll.IL% 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 Hum-Zolara, Inc. Dalaa RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 3131 McKilney Avenue, SUite 600 Dalu, Texoa 75204-2489 Phone !214) 87h'l311 Fax (214) ffl!-ffl!-0757 & SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: GAYLORD PROPERllES, LP. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 I SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAYEXlllBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract 4 as described in instnnnent to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Vohnne 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract of land described in instnnnent to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0.0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectnnn Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly northerly line of said platted 0.0697 acre tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said Tract 4 of Gaylord Properties, L.P.; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. Tract 4 and 3.815 acre tracts a distance of719.98 feet to the northwest corner of said 3.815 acre tract from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. 3.815 acre tract a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. 3.815 acre tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract of land described in instnnnent to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of3 \IHZDALLAS2\disk3\Survey\3220\0 I lwp\SPEC DR P3 .doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract ofland described as Tract 4 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract of land described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract of land to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 535.93 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 535.93 feet to a point for a corner on the northerly line of said 3.3 71 acre Staubach Company tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0615 of an acre of land, more or less. Page2 of3 J:\Survey\3220\0I\wp\SPEC_DR_swJA.doc 'je <::! ;g : ~ . "" QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.OJ404 (FUTURE STREET R-1) "' z-oo .,o 5~ o" "'"-{ u.N 1/2" IRF WITH 0 0 "RANDOM" RED ~ PlASTIC CAP SEARS ~ en N 89'05'45"W-2.00' 12 ~ 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.1686 S 69'Q5'45nE S.QQ' L 1 Ill\ 5/8" IRF "~ fl HUITT-ZOLLARS I YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ------------------------'--: LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING Ll S 89'05'45"E L2 N 89" 04' 47"W NOTE: DISTANCE 34. 50' 34. 50' Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. I II I I I I J<.5' Fr:-. I -I~· ~ I~ (3.815 AC.) .,; .,; GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. ~ :ri VOL.99053 PG.05566 1 -(~~ :~~:) r--5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT I • • I {PARCEL JA -0.0615 AC.) I I gJ lll 1 ai ai I ;::: CJ;::: I PARCEL 3 1 ~ 0.5702 AC. --~~]· f--~~;u:E-s~~~T -R~~-----T _j ~t~~;JJ.--------=:r--------------1 •· I o::::!:~ 3: ..; -a:: "' I' " \ -----------------------'-a.~;;; ~ --1 .... {TRACT 3 REM.) -, ti ~ I~ \) \t GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. I CJ o o <;) ~ VOL97211 PG.01264 I e; z VI '1> C>· I I ~ I I ~ f' I I "' "' ~\t I i';; 1';;1 Y, 0· I I" I" ~ \ "' ~ I g 8 I N 89"04'47"W 5.00' 1 z rn {TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL JA \ ~:---t~~\~5~~~--IR-F_W_I~- -----------------------------~ ~-"'~· l'~ I HUm-ZOLLARS YELLOW PLASTIC Cf.Jl I I --J ,.,5' 1---1 I I I {0.0697 AC.) I SPECTRUM ORIVIE 5/B"IIRS RIGHT-OF-WAY I DEDICATION VOL2000036 PG.0291 J ~~_LJ ~ ... ., POINT OF BEGINNING {3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON .o.w. 1-_ __ _ __ _ __ _ MOR~~ ~ VENU~ ~ 1 VOL20000J6 PG.0291J CJ i;; ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A "1 J v j "' ~ ~ ~ I 1 0' PRIVATE COMUUNICATIONS 1-1-.... 1-.....J AMENDED PLAT a::: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J 9 9 9 9 a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti i2 I LEGEND oc E .,. g·•· PHASE II ~ 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with ~ VOL.200015J PG.00015 Ill/I yellow plastic cop Huitt-Zollars o I IRF = Iron Rod Found =! LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT , ' BLOCK E I ::; This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~---0t~-------Eric J. ~~dy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT -zoUARS SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Hultt-Zoiara. Inc. Dalaa 3131 McKilney Avenue, Suite 600 Dall .. , Texoo 75204·2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-Q757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~···· MMMMw I SCALE:l"=lOO" BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase ll, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texos, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Poge 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .. Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 OWNER: GAYLORD PROPERTIES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL4 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of the final plat of 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 85021, Page 1686 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of a tract of land described in instrument to the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund as recorded in Volume 96003, Page 1968 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, said point being on the platted southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (55 foot right-of-way at this point as per said plat) from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Powell & Powell" cap for the southwest corner of said addition, bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of360.13 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 45 degrees 29 minutes 22 seconds West departing said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 28.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the westerly line of said addition; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East along the westerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 J:\Survey\3220\0l\wp\SPEC_DR_P4.doc I --" 8 0 z .'0 z:!! co cno -o D• "" ..:a. u.N co 0 ~g: o_j >-§? Vl ~ 10' TEXAS POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT VOL.65021 PG. 1666 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING L1 S 89'09'39"E L2 S 45' 29' 22" W L3 N 00' 08' 23" E DISTANCE 20. 00' 28. 11' 20. oo· 1/2• IRF WITH I POWELL &: POWELL ~~~CAP __ _ ---------T I I I 1----------I PAGE 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ( __ 0~--------Eric J.-~udy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT-zo~ Hu/11-ZaUare. Inc. Dalaa 3131 McKMoy Avenue, Suite 600 Dalaa. Texaa 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-o757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS LEGEND IRS = Iran Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap IRF = Iran Rod Found 0 50 100 ••••• I M M M M • I SCALE:1"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75DD1 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 4 OWNER:UTAH STATE RETIREMENT INV. FUND AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ". ,, SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIDBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest corner of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West departing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page1of3 J:\Survey\3220\01\wp\SPEC_DR_PS.doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line of said Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of7.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 of an acre of land, more or less. Page2 of3 of3 J:\Survey\3220\01\wp\SPEC_DR_swSA.DOC -. HARRIS ADDITION VOL. 78017 PG.1 06 7 POINT OF BEGINNING NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. LOT 1 BLOCK A 5/8" IRS WITH HUITTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP -l----" 8 r--,.~~ q F "' ~ AIRPORT PARKWAY POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL SA 0 z ci F ~ 1---+-----S/8" IRS 1/2"1RF /"' " "' ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ · Jii""~ L3 5' R.O.W. DEDICATION BY PLAT~ (,.? VOL.98001 PG.00033 ( 711 I PARCEL 5 \ I -PARCEL SA 0. 0046 AC. I ~J~~:RSOF BEGINNING s 44'30'38"E 7.1,. I I QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 II • 69.65' R.O.W .. I 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT I {PARCEL SA -D.0387 AC.) ~ 0 . ml ~ m . "' ... "' "' "' .'"' ;:: "' ' N "' <( ~131 ~~ ~ ..-.a:: co LLJ Vl:::E 0::::> C.. a:: Ota::u a..w ......... a. O·Vl ;.., d .'0 y\ y 8 8 z I I I Vl z:!! oo .,a -a 0• o" LINE TABLE BEARING DISTANCE s oo· o8' 23" w N 44'30'38"W S 89' 09' 39" E 20. 00' 28. 46' 20. 00' I 5/8" IRF WrTH HUITI -ZOLLARS YELLOW CAP N B9'D4'54"W s.oo·~. /I I I I I I I I VOL.85021 PG.1686 1/2" IRF WITH I POWELL & POWELL \l~cAP--------LEGEND Huijt-Zcllors 1----------I PAGE 3 OF 3 IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Red Found This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~-G-~--------Eric J. Yohoudy, Registered Professional Land Surveycr, Texas No. 4862 HUITI -zoLIARS Hultt·Zolare, Inc. Dalaa 3131McKMoy Avenue, SU~e 600 Daloa, Texas 75204-2489 Phono (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) B71-D757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 50 100 ~···· MMMM• I SCALE:l "=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the. amended plat cf Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 20001S3, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .. Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 5 OWNER: POST SER\IICES. INC. AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL6 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a 3.371 acre tract of land to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 177.23 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to to a point for a comer on the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West at a distance of 6.83 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 177.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0203 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of2 J:\Survey\322010 1 lwp\SPEC DR sw6.DOC NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. I I I I I 69' R.O.W. I I (PRO OSED) I I I I ~ I c \ 'S ( ~ ..-..o:: '0 ~ 10 . fa o I ~I ~ ~ I I ~G I I ~~ I VI ~· 'S '\ . p..B G· ~~ 'S\) '0 ~ i), ~ '( (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 89'04'47"E 5.00' : 1/s ~~~~~N?~G I tl I 5/8" IRF WITH 1-I HUITT -ZOLLARS CAP I (TRACT 3 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 COURSE Ll L2 LINE TABLE BEARING N 89'04'47"W S DO' 55' 13"W DISTANCE 5. 00' 6. 83' I I I I I I I 34.5' ;-, ';-, N N ,...: ,...: PARCEL 6 ~~ 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 0.0203 AC. ;u ,~ I') I') ~ ~ i.o i.o l/) l/) g lg Z VI (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 I L 1 TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY (0.0697 AC.) L2 EASEMENT BY PLAT SPECTRUM DRIVE VOL.2000036 PG.02913 RIGHT-OF-WAY __ DEDICATION 5/B" IRS f-T--r-f------l VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --=====~+--___;_ _ __.,~ I MORRIS AVENUE -----"' d ---"'-<0 1---t-II II 69' lii.o.w II -~ : I THE ASHTON VOL.2000036 PG.02913 LOT 1, BLOCK A AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II VOL.2000153 PG.00015 :::E :::l,~ g: -1 0' PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS ~EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.2000036 PG.02913 I LEGEND LOT 1, BLOCK D (..) 0:: I.J.JIO a. VII PAGE I 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~--~ ~------Eric J. ~~udy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texos No. 4862 HUITT-zo~ SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Hultt-Zolara, 1nc. Dalae 3131 Mc:Ki1ney Avenue, SU~e 600 Dalu, Texu 75204-2489 Phone (214) 1171-3311 Fu (214) 871-0757 IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zellers 0 50 100 ~···· MMMMw I SCALE:1"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, an oddition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 0001 5, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F" or: TOI'ttl OF' ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .. Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 6 OYttiER: THE STAUBACH COMPANY AREA: 0.0203 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 .\ \~ \\ \ \ ~-\ ·.. ~ ·,_ ·\ ~:... \ ' ·"\· ·. \ \ \ /\ _,-·.\ ' I I I I I I I I r.:/0 -wv RIM= 613.08 TOP OF NUT= 609.98 \ \ \ \ -\ \ \ \ \ . \ (i~~ i PI \ ' '-.· \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }1 I I I I I I HUITT ZOLlARS HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. • 3131 McKinney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dallas, TX 75204-2489 • 214.871.3311 phone • 21.4.871.0757 fax • huill·?.:ollors.com January 22, 2003 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions HZI Project No. 01-3220-02 Dear Mr. Chutchian We are herewith transmitting two sets of plans on the above referenced project. Please provide one set of the plans to Slade Strickland for review of the streetscape elements. We consider the design to be approximately 70% complete. Some of the elements such as paving, streetscape and utilities are closer to 90% complete while items such as signage, street light design, traffic signals, and specifications are not yet included. Huitt-Zollars will continue to work to complete the plans while the City conducts the first review. As we discussed on the phone, we will need to schedule a meeting in the next few weeks with Oncor, Southwestern Bell and DART to initiate their design and input into this project. Please call if you have any questions. We look forward to your comments so we can incorporate them into the plan set prior to our next submittal. If you have any major comments about the design we would appreciate notice of those via telephone in advance of your written comments. This will minimize the amount of time we spend making adjustments to the design. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. ;iZ,JE~t?fl David E. Meyers, P.E. Associate \\HZDALLAS2\disk2\Proj\O 132200 1 \doc\SC-AddisonSub 1.0 12203 .doc SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIITBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELl BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 6.272 acre tract of land described in instrument to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the northwest comer of said Town of Addison tract, same being the northwest comer of said McLean Tract Addition, said point being at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of Quorum Drive (an 80 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by instrument recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (1 00 wide rightof-way at this point, hereinafter called "DART right-of-way") as recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract and McLean Tract Addition a distance of 449.49 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the said southeasterly DART right-of-way line and northwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract and McLean Tract Addition a distance of 140.94 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the most northerly northwest comer of Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northeast comer of said Town of Addison tract and McLean Tract Addition bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 22.00 feet, said 3/8 iron rod being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 3 degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 38.63 foot chord bearing South 33 degrees 10 minutes 33 seconds W~st; THENCE southwesterly along said curve to the right and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II an arc distance of 38.63 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the most westerly comer of said Addition; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 01 second East along the southwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 9.40 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 34 degrees 47 minutes 59 seconds, a radius of 556.00 feet and being subtended by a 332.53 foot chord bearing South 17 degrees 3 I minutes 59 seconds West; Page I of3 J:\Survey\322010 I lwp\SPEC DR _p !.doc THENCE southerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 337.70 feet to a "MAG" nail set in concrete for the end of said curve; THENCE South 00 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 23.90 feet to a "MAG" nail set in concrete for an angle point; THENCE South 45 degrees 34 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of27.94 feet to an "X" cut set in concrete for a corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 1 degree 58 minutes 51 seconds, a radius of 949.00 feet and being subtended by a 32.81 foot chord bearing South 89 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds West; THENCE westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 32.81 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the end of said curve; THENCE North 89 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 95.20 feet to an "X" cut set in concrete for a corner; THENCE North 45 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 28.29 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt -Zollars yellow plastic cap for an angle point; THENCE North 00 degrees 07 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 24.05 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with a Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 28 degrees 00 minutes 19 seconds, a radius of 644.00 feet and being subtended by a 311.65 foot chord bearing North 14 degrees 08 minutes 09 seconds East; THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 314.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.8026 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of3 J:\Survey\322010 I lwp\SPEC DR_P !.doe I I l '> lgj ':::; I~ 'B c,. I I ........ ~· LOT 1, BLOCK A '(..-\ ~--~ '<> \) '0 '1.. ~ '<> ~ '(.. ~~ 0· ~ \ -< t-~ '<> ' . '?'-~ct. ·~ t,t.9·t.9 w (.) < -' Cl. ' AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II LOT 1, BLOCK B I ~~ 3'28'50" R= 636.00' L• 38.63' ce~ s 3310'33"W 38.63' , S iJ15'01"E 9.40' •:;.,-1~ MILLENNIUM t ••• PHASE II 5/8" IRS ', ~ \ •. VOL.9B221 PG.ODD22 ~~ ·. 20' FIRELANE & ~ \ WATER fASEt.tENT ~ \ VOl.98221 PG.00022 ~ \ . ~ 1 POINT OF COMMENCING ~·~9 ~ ///////~ Qi_ip /:ltCJ £l5 !],~ q.,,. ., L-" ~-;:. r.: \.P~ 9l1' ~-0 > 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG. 1686 ~ LINE TABLE §' 5/B" IRS L 7 ""' : E I (FUTURE STREET R-1) ~ {_ ---. ::. -------5/6" IRS L5 I 1/2" IRF WITH COURSE BEARING DISTANCE -----------•RANDOM.RED I PLASTic CloP sEARs u N oo· 55 • 13" E 65. oo· I N B9'05'45'W-2.00' L2 N 89' 04' 47"W 28. 00' I L3 N 00" 55' 13"E 61. 00' I L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 28. 00' PARCEL 2 I L5 N 89' 05' 45"W 28. 00' 0.6487 AC. ~ I L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' cri I L 7 S 89' 05' 45" E 62. 52' NOTE: /" "' ;::: I L8 N 89" 04' 47"W 34. 50' Improvements were not located for this ~ 1 :., 1 exhibit and there may be easements and IR i;; 1 other matters of record that affect this 8 I"' 1 tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z 8 "·5· I (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)_ I I N as·o4'47•w ~ 5.oo· ~ I f-_ _ _ _ ___ _!~~ ~ _:!~~I~G __:-!~C::L_2~ ~ §' gs : (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 ~. ~~c 5/a" IRS oUJ I E ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ g;t:;---!------------------1 •!> • L2 £r§51 1---------------------2/~IRS ~a. £r 1 ~ I-'\ (TRACT 3 REM.) ,-U I ~ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s 89'04'47"E I ~ lt I --1 VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' "' UJ I \) ~ I .,. .o.w. I '0 /). '0 "' 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)A ."·'' I \II· -o~· ~'?> " ,., I ~"~ ~ I oo Y, 0· f:!l :Jl I ~\ ~ ., :t: I ;:; I "' ~ .. , ltl ~I~ ~ 0 "' 0 z 8 Ill lz (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 G· POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 2 & PARCEL 2A 5/8~ IRF WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS CloP I (3.371 AC.) (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 N 89'04'47"W 5.00' THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY EASEMENT BY PLAT VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J THE ASHTON MORRIS AVENUE ~ VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -------~----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A 1-1-1-1-....J AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.2000036 PG.0291J g g g g a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti ir I LEGEND ~ "'l"' j <'l ~ ~ ~ I 1 0' PRIVATE COMt.IUNICATIONS oc E .,. g.w. PHASE II )t 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Ul I I yellow plastic cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found :! LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF 6 LOT 1' BLOCK E I :::; This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 ond that the metes ond bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~--Cd~ Q ______________ _ Eric J. Yoho~dY,~ionol Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 SPECTRUM DRIVE 0 100 200 ~~~···· ••••• I SCALE:1"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 0001 5, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared Far: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr •• Addison, TX 75001 W!LI-zo~ 3131 McKmey Avenue, SUite 600 Dalu, Texao 75204-2489 RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 & SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: GAVLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. Phone (214) 871-3311 Fsx (214) B7Hl7S7 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 I SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIDBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract 4 as described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract of land described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0.0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly northerly line of said platted 0.0697 acre tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said Tract 4 of Gaylord Properties, L.P.; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. Tract 4 and 3.815 acre tracts a distance of719.98 feet to the northwest corner of said 3.815 acre tract from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees OS minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. 3.815 acre tract a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said Gaylord Properties, L.P. 3.815 acre tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract of land described in instrument to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of3 IIHZDALLAS2\disk3\Survey\3220\0llwp\SPEC_DR_p3.doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 4 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract of land described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract ofland to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 535.93 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 535.93 feet to a point for a corner on the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0615 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page2 of3 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC DR sw3A.doc "0~ ~ 0~ iii [~ QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 (FUTURE STREET R-1) ozo"-' (1)0 -o 0· oc.o <(0. 1/2~ JRF WITH 1::;~ MRANDOMM REO 0 PLASTIC CAP BEARS i ~ N 89'05'45"W-2.00' 0 .J >-~ L1 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 Irs ag·os·•s"E s.oo· 5/BM IRF WITH HUm -ZOLLARS YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ----'--------------------'--~ I LINE .I. .f..\ l-:j.L-t. I I COURSE BEARING DISTANCE I I Ll S 89'05'45"E I L2 N 89' 04' 47" W 34. 50' 34. 50' I ~ ~~ (3.815 AC.) 1 ,; ,; GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. NOTE: I . :;) :;) VOL.99053 PG.05566 Improvements were not located for this 69 A.o.w. r--5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT exhibit end there may be easements 1 ~' 0":1 1 {PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.) and other matters of record that may 1 ~ en effect this tract. 1 .,; ~ I r:: w r:: I PARCEL 3 1 ?: 0.5702 AC. ---~w· f--~F~;U:E-s~:;T-R~~-----T _j ~t:~;;-;;;fl;.---------:r---------------1 "• "• I ao:: ~~w. "I'' ~ .,\ ------__________________ ..J._J a.~~ ~ ~ {TRACT 3 REM.) I tJ ~ I~ \) ~ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. I W 0 o 'b ~ VOL.97211 PG.01264 f)j z "' '0 0· I I b. I I i" ~ I ~ ~ I "' "' I ~ ~I Y, 0· I I" I" ~ \ 'b ~ I g 8 I N 89'04'47"W 5.00' 1 z U> {TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERllES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A ~~-i-~\ ~------------------~ I I I ~· 'b ~· 5/Bn IRF WITH HUITT-ZOUARS YELLOW PLASTIC CAP \>-'?> I ---f J?,S' t--1 I I I I {0.0697 AC.) 'I SPECTRUM DRIVE 5/B IRS RIGHT-OF-WAY I ~...,. POINT OF BEGINNING {3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ._..,.::::::::::;t~~~t~~j"h:.::;:?-~.=.::J.,_ THE ASHTON 69' .o.w. 1-----------MOR~~~VENU~ ~ ----I VOL.2000036 PG.02913 w ~ :1 LOT 1, BLOCK A "'l . J n ~ U :=J 1 10' PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-::5 AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J 9 9 9 9 a. ADDISON CIRCLE tJ 0:: I LEGEND oc E ")!:,o.w. PHASE II if 1 ° I IRS = Iron Red Set with w VOL.2000153 PG.00015 VJ J I yellow plastic cap Huitt-Zellers ~ I IRF = Iran Rod Found =! LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT 1, BLOCK E _l ::; This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. -~--~ ~-------Eric J. ~~dy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT -zoUARS SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Hum-Zolara, Inc. Dalaa 3131 McKi1ney Avenue. SUite 600 Dalu, Texu 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 FBlt (214) ff71-071;7 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~M·M·M·M·w I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the emended plat cf Addison Circle Phase ll, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Weatgrove Dr., Addlsan, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 OWNER: GA \'LORD PROPERliES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL4 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of the fmal plat of 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 85021, Page 1686 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of a tract of land described in instrument to the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund as recorded in Volume 96003, Page 1968 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, said point being on the platted southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (55 foot right-of-way at this point as per said plat) from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Powell & Powell" cap for the southwest corner of said addition, bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a a distance of360.13 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 45 degrees 29 minutes 22 seconds West departing said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 28.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the westerly line of said addition; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East along the westerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 J:\Survey\3220\0llwp\SPEC_DR_p4.doc r--;; 'G' 6 z -'0 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING Ll S 89"09"39"E L2 S 45" 29" 22" W LJ N oo·oa· 2J"E DISTANCE 20. oo· 2B. II" 20. oo· G ~ Y\ y 10· ~ I I I I 69.65' R.O.W. ~ ........ a:: oo w (/)::::?! 0:::> a. a:: Ota::u a.w '-"a_ (/) z:£ oo 1/]0 -o 0. ot!> ..:a. u.N oo 0 ~g: o_j >-§;' I I I I ~ '( "' I '2l ;; I ' \.) ~ '-l '6 ~ 10 VI "' I 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION !' I VOL.85021 PG.1686 "' ~ I UTAH STATE RETIREMENT p INVIESTMENT FUND 8 I VOL.96003 PG.196B U1 10' TEXAS POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT VOL.85021 PG.1686 1/2~ IRF WITH I ~WELL &: POWELL liY------------LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cop 1-----------I PAGE 2 OF 2 IRF = Iron Rod Found This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~J.-Q~L;;-nd Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITI illLIAR5 Hullt-Zolara, Inc. Dalaa 3131 McKi1ney Avenue, SuHe 600 Dalaa, Texaa 75204-2489 Phone C214l 871-3311 Fax (214) B71-D7S7 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS 0 50 100 ~···· MMMM• I SCALE:1"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the emended plat of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TD'MII OF' ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .. Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 4 O'MIIER:UTAH STATE RETIREMENT INV. FUND AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt -Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West departing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of3 J:\Survey\322010 I lwp\SPEC DR _PS.doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract ofland described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line of said Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of7.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 of an acre of land, more or less. Page2 of3 J :\Smvey\322010 I lwp\SPEC DR _swSA.DOC HARRIS ADDITION VOL.78017 PG.1067 POINT OF BEGINNING NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. LOT 1 BLOCK A 5/8" IRS WITH HUITTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP 77 -!-------3i 3' . z ~ -. " 0 z 1---fl . I= --0 l~~ 10' TEXAS POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT COURSE L1 L2 L3 > LINE TABLE BEARING DISTANCE s oo· o6' 23" w N 44' 30' 36" W S 69'09'39"E 20. 00' 26. 46' 20. 00' I 5/8" IRF WITH HUITT -ZOLLARS YELLOW CAP N 89'04'54"W 5.00''1.. /I" I I I I I VOL.85021 PG. 1686 I I 1/2~ IRF WITH I POWELL & POWELL \I~CAP--------LEGEND Huitt-Zollars 1-----------I PAGE 3 OF 3 IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _S-__0 -~-------Eric J. ~Q-dy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT -zoLIARS Hllltt-Zolara, Inc. Dalaa 3131 Md g: 0 0:: (.) a. w -a. Ul I I f:,, I I I (TRACT 4 REM.) I GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 I G· ]>. I; s 89'04'47"E 5.00' 34.5' "' ,.., N N r..: r..: PARCEL 6 (TRACT 3 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 ~~ 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 0.0203 AC. LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 89" 04' 47" W 5. 00' L2 S 00' 55' 13" W 6. 83' .fU ,~ I") I") --Ln Ln ll'l ll'l 818 Z VI i1 L1 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY ~U.UO::I I "'-·} L2 EASEMENT BY PLAT SPECTRUM DRIVE VOL.2000036 PG.02913 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION --VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -===::::::~+--~---t_J I __ _j 1---t-II -MO-RRIS AVE-NU-E -;i -ci -"' ;;; 69' Rl.o.w. ~ II II I I I THE ASHTON VOL.2000036 PG.02913 LOT 1, BLOCK A AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II VOL.2000153 PG.00015 ::::1: g=:> I-~ 1 0' PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS ~EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.2000036 PG.02913 I LEGEND LOT 1, BLOCK D (.) 0:: WIO a. UlJ PAGE I 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~--0 ~---------Eric J. ~~udy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texos No. 4862 HUITT -zoLJARS SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Hultt-Zolara, Inc. Dalas 3131 McKilney Avenue, SuHe 600 Dalaa, Texao 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-Q757 -~--IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollors yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Rod Found 0 50 100 ~W·M·M·M·w I SCALE:l "=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plct of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County. Texas. Prepared F'ar: TOWN OF' ADDISON 16BD1 Westgrave Dr .. Addison, TX 750D1 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 6 OWNER: THE STAUBACH COMPANY AREA: 0.0203 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 7/24/02 JOB NO., 01-3220-10 PROJECf, Spectl'utn Drive TO: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE RD RE: Section Exhibits SERVICE CENTER -FIRST FLOOR ADDISON. TX 75001 WE ARE SENDING YOU OsHoP DRAWINGs DSAMPLES D COPY OF LIITfER COPIES DATE ~AITACHED DPRJNTS D SPECIFICATIONS DRBQUEST FOR INFORMATION NO. ATIENTION: MR. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. DUNDERSEPARATECOVER, VIA: Mail OcHANGEORDER DoTHER: DESCRIPTION 1 Revised Exhibit B and D as requested ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ D FOR APPROVAL ONo EXCEPTIONS TAKEN [!]FoR YOUR uss DBXCEPTioNs AS NOTED [!]AS REQUESTED DRBTURNED FOR CORRECTIONS D FOR REVIEW AND CO:MMENI' DFOR BIDS DUB ON (DATE): REMARKS: DRBSUB11IT ___ COPIES FOR APPROVAL D SUBMIT---COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION DRBTURN ---CORRECI'ED PRINTS DOTHER: DPRINTSRETURNED AFTER LOAN TO us ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................. IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. SIGNATURE: David E. Meyers, P .E. lcoPYm HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Ave. • Sui1e 600 • Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 • (214) 871-3311 • Fax (214) 871-0757 /-0 19+00 PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 *PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building FUTURE BUILDING 0 0:: FUTURE BUILDING RESIDENTIAL SUB-DISTRICT WALK COMMERCIAL SUB-DISTRICT I. Requires dedication of 5' feet s i dewa I k easement by commercia I sub-district owners. 2. No loss in residential sub-district buildable area. 3. Requires 5 feet of right-of-way dedication from commercial sub-district property owners. ro PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building 20.5' 60° Head-In Parking 6' 34' 5' Tree Zone 74' R.O.W. 68' B-B 13.5' 13.5' 34' Tree Zone 20.5' ADDISON CIRCLE . ~ E (f) w 0 3 Q) -o (f) 15' -"'-u 0 _o ~ Q) (f) a> c -o 60° Head-In Parking :::> ro EXHIBIT "Bl"-ALT. #3 SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 7 4' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON JULY.2002 Prepared By: HUITTillUAR5 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas.Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 NOT TO SCALE H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXJ883.DGN w ::::J z w > c ·--o -·-::J aJ PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 49 PARALLEL 33 ADDISON 69' R.O.W. 5.5' 74.5' . 55.5' B-B ~ 13.5' • • BUTTONS 6' 8' Parallel Parking Tree Zone 13.5' ·1· 5 '·1· 6 , ·1 E IJ) w 0 3!: c ·-::J aJ EXHIBIT "Al" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared Far: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUJTT-K)LlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871--3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 NOT TO SCALE H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEX IBAI.OGN ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II BUILDING 'M' w ::J z w > 4. Assumes s tree! center I i ne a I i gnment rem a ins 34.5 feet from west right-of-way I ine. (Matches existing Spectrum Drive> 0 10 20 L-~--d ~--SCALE IN FEET 21+00 /EXHIBIT "B" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUITT-ZOLlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SCALE: 1"=20' H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBB.OGN -"' u 0 _Q - c ·--o ·-:::J rn ---i~--0.5' I 0' 20.5' 60° Head-In Parking PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building 80' R.O.W. 68' B-B 34' 6' 5' 13.5' Tree Zone 34' 13.5' 5' 6' Tree Zone 20.5' 60° Head-In Parking 11.5' ADDISON c Walk -"' u 0 _Q 15' -'----------~~ o> c ·-:::J rn EXHIBIT "Bl" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUITT -z:)LIARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) Sn-3311 Fax (214) Sn-Q757 NOT TO SCALE H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXIBBI.OGN ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II BUILDING 'M' w ::J z w > <( ·(f). ·-·-.a: :o:: .· 0" 2. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 RESIDENTIAL SUB-DISTRICT f-w w n:: f-(f) w n:: ::J f-::J LL N I n:: i ~----------~ FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL SUB-DISTRICT f-w w n:: f-(f) w n:: ::J f-::J LL FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ! _ _.,.j 0 50 100 ~...!-d ----SCALE IN FEET ---------------------.. --,..../! ·.·:;::: . . n::· . '· c ·--o ·-:J Parallel Parking Parallel Parking m Tree Zone Tree Zone PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES PARALLEL 62 6' 6' ADDISON CIRCLE I Walk 15' ~ QJ (f) CJ> c ·--o ·-:J m EXHIBIT "Cl" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL. 2002 Prepared By: HUITT -70LIARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 NOT TO SCALE H: /PROJECT /01322001/SOEXIBCI.OGN ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II BUILDING 'M' w ::::> z w > <( (/).· .. ·.a-:· . 0:: .· u ~. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 1-w w 0:: 1-(f) w 0:: ::::> 1-::::J LL N RESIDENTIAL SUB-DISTRICT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 1-w w 0:: 1-(f) w 0:: ::::> 1-::::J LL I I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT r-~~ ~---~~ ~~. 0 50 100 ~-.-..-!5 ----1 SCALE IN FEET -··:·--·-··-··;·'-·--··-··-------··-------··-·------·-··-------··---------------·- ---------··-----------·------j L__ _________________________________________________________ j L__ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _....·''l ----~-_: -._-.:-1:-.-i .·o::·.· ... ... ·._: .·. ·. :::J-. . . ...l ·.<(._ . . J; •. ·a-. ~---'--''-'---'·~-... L . -, i ··-·--·-·--·-·--·--·-·1w>-·rr---·---·----·-----·----·-·---·-·-----·- -----·-·----·--·----L ---_..J ___ -·---··-----·-··----··----·-·-----·----··-··-T -------------·-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-·------------------·-·--'·~ ·•··~ ·.·.· THE AVENTURA i-.:.,1! :[·~. 1·0:: 1 FUTURE FUTURE THE '; '·.0:: .. L 01 DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT MAD I SON :! .<(., ·i COMMERCIAL SUB-DISTRICT :[ EXHIBIT "C2" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: PARKING DATA TOWN OF ADDISON HUITT-ZOLlARS TYPE NO.OF SPACES PARALLEL 62 APRIL. 2002 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Sle. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SCALE: I"" I 00' H: /PROJECT /01322001/SOEXHIBC2.DGN [. f OJ I OJ HE PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 35 FUTURE BUILDING 0 7+00 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 5'x5' TREE GRATE B+oo 0 10 20 L-..-L-...d SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT "D" SPECTRUM DRIVE SOUTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared Far: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 Prepared By: HUITT-.2DLlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SCALE: 1"~20' H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBD.OGN TOWN OF ADDIS ON 88' R. 0 .W 68' B-B I. 6' .I. s·.~· 13.5' 13.5' • • Walk 1 I 0' 20.5' Ck 60° Head-In Parking Tree Zone I PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 35 TOWN OF ADD I SON fl 6' . I Walk f ~ ~ 20.5' 10' I Tree Zone 60° Head-In Parking EXHIBIT "Dl" SPECTRUM DRIVE SOUTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUITT-z:)LlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Sle. 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 NOT TO SCALE H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXIBDI.D GN NATRON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \'·-...... -~··. ,·~ ·.~·. . 0. -:;:>· 0 .----------//\ \ \ \ \ -----\ \ \ \ \ ---· ---------· MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II INC. . 17-. .a· \ \ \ PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 35 \ \ \ \ TOWN OF ADDISON ----------··--·---------------·--·-. -----·----------------------------· -·-. ------··---·----·-·------- ------------TOWN OF ADDISON 0 25 50 L---L-~ SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT "D2" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUilT illllARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SCALE: 1"=50' H: /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBDZ.OGN /\ + 19+00 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ + + x5' TREE GRATE ON 30'CENTERS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60• HEAD-IN 49 PARALLEL 33 + (1) ' I{) . I{) FUTURE BUILDING PARALLEL PARKING + + 20+00 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 60\ HEA'Q_-IN\~ ARK,lNG \ \ \ \ \ \ I{) . I{) FUTURE BUILDING I. Requires dedication of sidewalk easement by commercial sub-district owners. 2. No loss in buildable area if measure building setback from right-of-way I i ne. 0 10 20 I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET ~BUT:ONS~ I. 22' .I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 21+00 /EXHIBIT "A" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUITT-zoLlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) B71-Q757 SCALE: 1"=20' Ho/PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBA.DGN • ADD I SON CIRCLE RESIDENTIAL SUB-DISTRICT -"" u 0 .0 -Q) U) o> c "0 :::J ID Walk 10' It I . I • I PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60" HEAD-IN 49 PARALLEL 33 7' 6' Tree 69' R.O.W. 74.5' ADDISON CIRCLE COMMERCIAL SUB DISTRICT 5.5' • 55.5' B-B • -' 13.5' ! BUTTONS~ ' I 8' I ¢_ Parallel Parking I Zone 13.5' . I E (/) w I I Walk I -"" I U I o I .o 20.5' 1 15' -1----~~--------~~~~~----~Q ) Cf) 60" Head-In Parking Tree Zone 6' 9.5' o> c ~----------1-o EXHIBIT "Al" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL. 2002 Prepared By: HUITT~ Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Da!las,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 NOT TO SCALE Ho /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXIBAI.DGN w ::::> z w > <( ADD I SON CIRCLE :·-· PHASE II ·(f),· .. FUTURE BUILDING 'M' . ii: . DEVELOPMENT :a:: ... o· -~· . ·. . ,.,..,. ,_..,...~ --r-,--,-,---,..,.--,--,--,-,..-T""O---;""""T""""""'-. . . . . . ~ :_·.· . ' . . . . : ·._: . . . ·. : .. : .. -..... . . .. . . .-: '· .. THE AVENTURA FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60• HEAD-IN 49 PARALLEL 33 Iw w a:: I-(f) w a:: ::::> I-::::> LL N I a:: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Iw w a:: I-(f) w a:: ::::> I-::::> LL I a:: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT THE MADISON . -:·-· .... . ·. 0 50 100 II II II I I SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT "A2" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 Prepared By: HUITT -zoUARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) B71-G757 SCALE: I"= I 00' HI/PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBA2.DGN /' ' ' ' ' 19+00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' PARKING DATA ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60" HEAD-IN 110 *PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building -L(') . FUTURE BUILDING ' \ \ \ \ 60\HEAQ-IN '~ARK-.lNG \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5E . 0 . 0:: -0 OJ -,<::. u 0 .0 15' +-(]) C/J 0> c ""0 :::J Ill EXHIBIT "Bl" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUITI~ Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871--3311 Fax (214) 871-G757 NOT TO SCALE Ho /PROJECT /01322001/SOEXIBBI.OGN w ::::> z w > <( ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II -(!)_.·--BUILDING 'M' ·.b:':-:a:: ._. o· ~-.. ·. · ... ---· ...... · .... -. · .. -·. . -.-: ,_·· THE AVENTURA 1-_.LiJ., > ,.,:., .. , 0::: 1.' 0 '1 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 ~ t-w w 0:: t-(/) w 0:: ::::> t-::::> LL N I 0:: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT tw w 0:: t-(/) w 0:: ::::> t-::::> LL I 0:: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT THE MADISON :_·.· .. -... . " -·. .'->-'. <'=!··· .~:: ·. ·:.::: : • 'EJ::' . · street section in the ADDISON CIRCLE Master Foci I ities Agreement. -0 N -(l) -I!) • 1'0 I!) 1'0 -(l) -N PARALLEL PARKING + + I. 22' . I /BUTT:NS PARALLEL PARKING + 0 10 20 I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET /EXHIBIT "C" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL. 2002 HUITT~ Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-Q757 SCALE: 1"=20' Ho/PROJECT/01322001/SDEXHIBC.DGN f r ' ' ADDISON CIRCLE RESIDENTIAL SUB-DISTRICT .00:: u 0 .0 +Q) (f) Walk 10' PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES PARALLEL 62 6' 69' R.O.W. 45' 13.5' 13.5' I TO BUTTONSjTO BUTTONS I ' 9' 6' 9' I ¢_ I Parallel Parking I Parallel Parking Tree Zone J Tree Zone 6' I . . I . . I . 6' . I . . • ADDISON CIRCLE COMMERCIAL SUB-DISTRICT Walk ~ (.) 0 .0 15' +-Q) (f) OJ c "0 ::::J CD • EXHIBIT "Cl" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 HUITT-zoLlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 87h'l311 Fax (214) 871-Q757 NOT TO SCALE HI /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXIBCI.OGN --~---------ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II BUILDING 'M' . -. THE AVENTURA FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES PARALLEL 62 fw w 0:: f(j) w 0:: ::::) f::::) LLN I 0:: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT fw w 0:: f(j) w 0:: ::::) f::::) LLI 0:: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT THE MADISON :_ ·.· -. -· -·. 0 50 100 I I I I I II I I SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT "C2" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 69' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 Prepared By: HUITT illLJARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SCALE: I"= I 00' HI/PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBC2.DGN ' ' ' \ \ \ ' FUTURE BUILDING \ \ \. \ \. \. \ \. '\ \. \. HEAt:\-IN \~ ARK-tNG 60 \ 1.'( \ \ ' \. \ \ ' \. \ \. \ \. \ \. \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \. ' \. \. \. \ \. \. \. \ 60\ HE~\)-IN \pARK\NG \ \. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 01 ' FUTURE BUILDING PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 35 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 10 20 I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT "D" SPECTRUM DRIVE SOUTH EXTENS10N PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 Prepared By: HUITT -z1JARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 87h3311 Fax (214) 871-G757 SCALE: I "=20' Ho/PROJECT /01322001/SDEXHIBO.DGN TOWN OF ADDISON I ~0 Ol<-' PARKING DATA l I 5' Walk 1 CJ 20.5' ; "' 60a Head-In Parking Tree Zone I TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60a HEAD-IN 35 80' R.O.W. 68'8-B 13.5' I i : ' I ' I ¢_ 13.5' TOWN OF ADDISON . ' tf 5' I Walk_, f I ( 20.5' ~/b I Tree Zane 60a Head-In Parking ! I . . I . . I . I EXHIBIT 11 D1" SPECTRUM DRIVE SOUTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80 1 R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL. 2002 HUITf -zoLlARS Huitt-ZollaJS, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 NOT TO SCALE Ho /PROJECT /01322001/SDEXIBDI.DGN NATRON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP . . .. MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II INC. . . . .. PARKING DATA . . .. -; ·. ·-v.·. , . '1:) . . :. -~·-: .. -0 . -;b· · .. . 0 ' .. ·v . .o·. . . TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 35 TOWN OF ADDISON TOWN OF ADDISON 0 25 50 I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT ''D2" SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON APRIL, 2002 Prepared By: HUITI -zoLIARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SCALE: I "=50' Ho/PROJECT /01322001/SOEXHIB02.DGN \ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 6/13/02 JOB NO., 01-3220-10 PROJECT• Spectrum Drive TO: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE RD?.o &,-;t 7oJo SERVICE CENTER -FIRST FLOOR ADDISON, TX 75001 WE ARE SENDING YOU OsHOPDRAWINGS OsAMPLES OcoPYOFLE'ITER [XjAITACHED DPRINTS OsPECIFICATioNs DREQUESTFORINFORMATION Section Exhibits ATTENTION: MR. Steven Z. Chutchian, P. E. DUNDERSBPARATBCOVER, VIA: fVlVIA .. "_.....iliA. ·. ''iJ :ijj"j'~ ·.-. · .. ;· _. ,] ~ -~-~~~;~·-DcHANGE6RoER DoTHER: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 5 Lighl Pole Base Exhibit .................... ........................... ........ ................................... .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Alt. #2 for Exhibil Bl .................... ................................... ··································· ················································································· ··································································· 2 Phase 2 Photometric Study (for Mike Murphy) ....... . .. S+e"e , "" .:n.., -Fu,e, /-If'-?( C-<7A-S I o~]lP,.... ~ e. CoPY 7" -"'IR. ....... ... Attached please find the noted exhibits . In particular, please distribute and review Alt. #2 of Exhibit Bl. This ....... alternate illustrates how we can accomplish head-in parking within the planned 69' R.O.W. Under this scenario . .. ·······the City would only need to obtain sidewalk easements from the adjacent property owners. The distance form .... ·······building face to building face would remain at 94' as it is today therefore not taking away any developable area .... ·······from the site provided the setback is measured form the right-of-way line. Please call if you have any questions. . ... ....... .... DFOR APPROVAL DNO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN DRESUBMIT ___ COPIES FOR APPROVAL [!]FoR YOUR usE DsxcEPTioNs AS NOTED DsUBMIT ___ COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION [!]As REQUESTED DRETURNED FOR coRRECfloNs DRBTURN ___ CORRECfBD PRINIS DFOR REVIEW AND COMMENT DornER: DFOR BIDS DUB ON (DATE): DPRINTS RETIJRNED AFfBRLOANTO us -~-~~-~~=·················································································································································· ············································································· IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. SIGNATURE: David E. Meyers, P.E. jcoPYTo, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 • (214) 871-3311 • Fax (214) 871-0757 -"' 0 0 .0 ~ Q) en c ·-""0 :::J IIl . ~ E fJ) w 0 3 Q) ""0 en 10' --ll---0.5' 6' 20.5' 60° Head-In Parking PARKING DATA TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building ~ -· 34' 6' 5' Tree Zone 69' R.O.W. 68'8-B 13.5' 13.5' 34' ADDISON E fJ) w 0 3 Q) ""0 en -"' 0 0 .0 ~ Q) 1-------~--------~~--------~~en 20.5' 15' Tree Zone 60° Head-In Parking 0> c ·-:::J IIl EXHIBIT "Bl"-ALT. #2 SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: · ·Prepared By: · TOWN OF ADDISON JUNE,2002 HUITT-zoLlARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-D757 NOT TO SCALE Ht/PROJECT /01322001/SDEXIBB3.0GN • t------HANGING LIGHT • • ' ± 20'-0" PLANTER STONE PEDESTAL---+ ADDISON CIRCLE -"' u 0 _Q 10' ~ Q) (f) "0 => co PARKING DATA 20.5' Go• Head-In Parking TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60• HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building 69' R.O.W. 68'8-B 13.5' 13.5' Tree Zone 34' E Ul w 0 3 Q) "0 (f) -"' u 0 _Q ~ Q) 1----+-----.-----li----------l(f) 20.5' 15' Tree Zone 60° Head-In Parking o> c "0 EXHIBIT "81"-ALT. #2 SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON JUNE,20a2 HUilT-70LIAR5 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ava., Ste. 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone (21~) en-3311 Fax (214) en-0757 NOT TO SCALE H1 /PROJECT /01322001/SOEX 1883.DGN ADDISON CIRCLE I ..:.:: (.) 0 -.0 10' Q) (/) c ·-u ::::> m PARKING DATA 20.5' so• Head-In Parking TYPE NO.OF SPACES so• HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Building 69' R.O. W. 68' B-B 13.5' 13.5' Tree Zone 34' 20.5' ADDISON CIRCLE E If) w 0 ;;: Q) u (/) 15' ..:.:: (.) 0 -.0 Q) ~----~--------~~--------~~(/) Tree Zone so• Head-In Parking o> c u EXHIBIT "Bl"-ALT. #2 SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON JUNE,2002 HUITI-70LIAR5 HuiH-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) en-3311 Fax (214) en-0757 NOT TO SCALE tb /PROJECT /01322001/SDEX IBB3.0GN • t----HANGING LIGHT ± 20'-0" 1--::>'xS' PLANTER " ' \ ' STONE PEDESTAL--~ • t---HANGING LIGHT I ± 20'-0" l-~'x5' PLANTER ,, ' \ ' STONE PEDESTAL---+ ~---,SHADE TREE • (J 0 t---HANGING LIGHT ' \ ± 20'-0" PLANTER STONE PEDESTAL---+ ,. ADD I SON CIRCLE I -"' 0 0 -.0 I 0' (/) c ·--o => ro PARKING DATA 20.5' 60° Head-In Parking TYPE NO.OF SPACES 60° HEAD-IN 110 PARALLEL 6 *Parallel adjacent to Madison Bui I ding 69' R.O.W. 68' B-B 13.5' Tree Zone 13 .. 5' 34' ADDISON CIRCLE . ~ E w"' 0 3: Q) -o (/) -"' 0 0 .0 20.5' 15' -~----~--------~~~------~~~ Tree Zone 60° Head-In Parking 0> c -o EXHIBIT "Bl"-ALT. #2 SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH EXTENSION PROPOSED 80' R.O.W. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: Prepared By: TOWN OF ADDISON JUNE.2002 HUITT-zollARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas 3131 McKinney Ave., Ste. 600 Dallas,Texas 75204 Phone (214) Bn-3311 Fax (214) Bn-0757 NOT TO SCALE H, /PROJECT /01322001/SDEX 1883.DGN ~--,SHADE TREE • (J 0 t---HANGING LIGHT .• ± 20'-0" t--5'x5' PLANTER ' ' STONE PEDESTAL---+ __..,_ • " .... .. ~, .. c . SUMMARY: DATE SUBMITTED: December 3, 2003 FOR COUNCIL :MEETlNG: December 9, 2003 Council Agenda Item: This item is for the award of a contract to Site Concrete, Inc., in the amount of $2,536,979.50, for construction of the Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,100,000 Total-$2,500,000 from Bond Sale Remaining amount from Unallocated Bond Fund Proceeds Construction Cost: $2,536,979.50 BACKGROUND: This project was established as part of the Year 2000 General Obligation Bond Program. The portion of Spectrum Drive, from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway, is a continuation of the second phase of the Addison Circle project. Spectrum Drive will also be extended south, from the DART railroad right-of-way to Arapaho Road. The design of a Quiet Zone at the railroad crossing and streetscape improvements are also included in the project. The firm of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. prepared engineering plans and specifications for construction of these improvements. Attached is a bid tabulation for this project, using the A+ B method. Site Concrete, Inc. submitted the lowest Total bid (A+ B), in the amount of$3,061,979.50. and 210 calendar days. The actual amount of the standard bid (A) recommended for award is $2,536,979.50. This amount is within the engineering estimate of$3, 183,000. In addition, the Engineer estimated that it would take approximately 270 calendar days to complete a project of this magnitude and complexity. The number of calendar days submitted by Site Concrete, Inc. (210 calendar days) represents a potential reduction of total construction time by approximately 60 days. The base bid includes street lighting improvements that will be installed and maintained by Oncor. An alternate street lighting bid was submitted that would represent Town ownership of the entire lighting system. Staff evaluated the options regarding ownership of the streetlights and determined that it is not economically feasible for the Town to assume permanent ownership. As a result, the base bid only only is recommended for award. A street lighting study is currently underway for a uniform street lighting package throughout the Town. Upon completion of the study, staff may recommend that the fixtures and features resulting from the street lighting study replace the lighting system in this contract. This will require a change order. The contractor is well known and maintains a good reputation. Site Concrete, Inc. was also the low bidder on the Airport Apron Project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Site Concrete, Inc., in the amount of$2,536,979.50, for the Spectrum North/South Extension Project. Spectrum Dr North/South Extension BID NO 04-03 BIDDER SIGNED Site Concrete, Inc. y Jim Bowman }' Rebcon y_ Tiseo y Texas Sterling y ~buiv Minok Suh, Purchasing Coordinator C~h~ Corey Gayden, Witness DUE: December 2, 2003 3:00PM 'E .. 'tl c Bid J!!"O a1 c( If) ·-Bond --ID y y $2,536 979.50 _}' y $2,535L411.00 _y_ y _ $2,686,944.27 y y $2 707,918.90 ~ .. 'tl c Ill .. >--.. rl'tl 210 250 270 270 y y $2,901,892.40 220 'tl >< c Ill 0 .!! ~ Q ..... Street Lighting .!:!,.08 ID .. "' _., .... Total (A+B) Alternate Bid) $525,000.00 $3 061 ,979.50 $209,095.5( $625 000.00 $3J60 411.00 $196,361.5C $675,000.00 $3,361 944.27 $216,040.80 $675,000.00 $3 382 918.90 $221,137.00 $550,000.00 $3 451 ,892.40 $196,361.50 ' ........ •: .:;-~-~--~ SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION BID TABULATION-BIDS RECEIVED 12/2/03 SOUTH SEGMENT SCHEDULE 1 -PAVING SCHEDULE 2-UTILITIES SCHEDULE 3-STREETSCAPE SCHEDULE 4 -STREET SIGNALIZATION SCHEDULE 5 -STREET liGHT BASE BID Englnaar'a Eat. $ 385,601.40 $ $ 508J}34.30 $ $ 248,833.20 $ $ 208,666.00 $ • _65.09WO s_ Slta Tiseo Jim Bowman Texas Sttellng Rebcon Concrete, Inc. Paving Company Conal Comp. Const. 328,028.60 $ 284,996.60 $ 289,995.75 $ 315,787.12 $ 453,345.00 369,404.20 $ 363,408.00 $ 369,806.00 $ 387,683.65 $ 385,971.00 263,856,81 $ 234,769.25 $ 282,31!0.00 $ 213,184.57 $ 250,5n.70 111.sre.2s $ 123,911.00 $ 115,309.00 $ 101,374.50 $ 118,729.50 ____52.098:20 s 60.681.00 $ 53.280.00 s _47.~IQ. $ __ _AL348.1_5 !SOOTH SEGMENT cONslfiUCTION TOTAL -$ 1-,395~933.9-0/,--1.124,901.96 fr-1,os7;73s.75IT_1";110,770.75( $1,045,558.59 [$ t;zsa_971.95 f NORTH SEGMENT SCHEDULE 1 -PAVING SCHEDULE 2 -UTILITIES SCHEDULE 3 -STREETSCAPE SCHEDULE 4-STREET SIGNALIZATION SCHEDULE 5 -STREET LIGHT BASE BID $ $ $ $ $ 621,391.30 $ 520,384,50 $ 482,245.60 $ 471,346.86 $ 416,606.60 $ 399,795.05 $ $ $ 215.042.00 $ 170.516.90 s 533,480.50 $ 587,947.65 $ '828,383.28 $ 602,833.30 389,844.50 $ 438,802.<0 $ 397,ns.1s s 469,366.60 390.765.76 $ 418,058.00 $ 308,706.98 $ 420,733.55 $ . $ $ 185~163.® .s_ ____1Z4.M2.00 S_\M.9B_I.OO L___1M.98LOO jNORTH_sEGMENT#1 cONSTRUcTioN TOTAL . -,--te35.285.40] $-1.562;-042:311 s 1,479.243.75) $ 1,597,148.15) $ 1,489.852.41 I$ 1,647,"9ru"5] TOTAL PROJECT SCHEDULE 1 -PAVING $ 888,992..70 $ 848,413.00 $ B1B,4n.OD $ 857,943.40 $ 944,150.40 $ 1,056,17a30 SCHEDULE 2-UTILITIES $ 990,279.90 $ 846,751.06 $ 753,252.50 $ 808,608.50 $ 7tl5,658.80 $ 855,337.60 SCHEDULE 3 -SlREETSCAPE $ 665,239.70 $ 663,651.86 $ 825,615.00 $ 698,436.00 $ 521,891.55 $ fl71,311.25 SCHEDULE 4-SIGNAliZATION $ 208,566.00 $ 111,516.25 $ 123,9\1.00 $ 116,309.00 $ 101,374.50 $ 116,729.50 SCHEDULE 5 -STREET LIGHT BASE BID $ 2BQ.141.oo I 222.612.1Q_ $_ 215_._B24.Q_O $_ 2?7.~00-J __ 202,;p5.7~ $ 202.335.75 lsrANDf.RQ_BJ~A·:_rorAL ___ --=~ ~--=---s 3.031:21D.lilJ 2,886,944.27] s z.sae,979.so t s 2,7o7,91B.9o 1 s 2,sa5,411.oo 1 s '2,9ot,a9z.4o 1 calendar Da• Calandar Days at@2,500 Derdav ·Time Bid "B" Total PROJECT TOTAL BID StJeet Lighting AltemQte Bid NOTE: Englneem Project Tolal Bid lnculdes 6% estlmetlng conUngencey ltiPROJillt3no!JI\:5PECS\I~modtkllolt.121l303.>11 $0.00 270 $676,000.00 210 $525,000.00 270 $B75,1JOD.OO 250 SBZS,DOD.OD 220 $550,000.00 $3,182,780.27 $3,361,944.27 $3,061,979.50 $ 3,382,911j.90 $3,160,411.00 $3,451,892.40 $ 272,335.00 $ 216,040.80 $ 209,095.60 $ 221,137.00 $ 198,381.60 $ 196,381.50 l'lllllls..nm!IY-1 ;1§' 3 ¥P'Y••'•'t4'¥P••o••e•sr.sm · •Ph'-i•"*"""§liW;i@J.iii+*-w•••w 10/26/2004 11:05 FAX 214 565 1081 MELS ELECTRIC ~ 001/002 To: Jim Pierce From: KEITH ROBERTSON Fax: 972-450-2839 Pages: 2 (including cover sheet) Phone; Date: 10-26-2004 Re: Spectrum Lights Ship Schedule CC1 Job File D Urgent D For Review D Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle 1810 S. Akard Street •:• Dallas, TX 75215 •:• (214) 565-1074 Phone (214) 565-1081 Fax Received: 10/26/04 11 :16AM; 10/26/2004 11:05 FAX 214 565 1081 214 565 1081 -> Addison Human Resources; Page 2 MELS ELECTRIC i4J 002/002 Addison Spectrum Drive Shipping Schedule Tim Keierleber From: Bill Galvin [bgalvin@ala-inc.net) Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 4:33 PM To: tim@melselectric.com Subject: FW: Addison Spectrum Drive Shipping Schedule Tim, Here is the latest delivery information. Let's discuss if this is a problem. Bill ----Original Message----From: Serge Fortin [mailto:SFortin@Lumec.com] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 2:09 PM To: Bill Galvin Subject: Addison Spectrum Drive Shipping Schedule Dear Bill, Page I of 1 As per our previous telephone conversation the Addison Spectrum drive order was scheduled to ship on the week of November 22-04, in an effort to improve our delivery we have decided to split the order in two separate shipments. The Addison Spectrum drive order will ship as follows: QTY: 30 Type: Pedestrian unit Schedule to ship on the week of November 8, 2004 An estimated date of arrival will be provided as we get closer to the shipping date. Qly:37 Type: Roadway and Pedestrian unit Scheduled to ship on the week of November 22, 2004 An estimated date of arrival will be provided as we get closer to the shipping date. We hope to facilitate the installation of the Addison Spectrum Drive project by providing two separate shipments. Should you have any questions con.ceming the production and shipment of this project do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards Serge Fortin Western Architectural Manager Lumec/Lumec-Schreder 10/25/2004 ..................... ---------------------~ CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID (To be executed prior to acceptance of project) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Personally, before me the undersigned authority, on this day appeared ~l'>l ,5. fla::Jt..:f , who, being duly sworn, on oath, says that he is a legal representative of STTE Co~SIE.. JI'-JC. (Full name Of Contractor as in Contract) and that the contract for the construction of the project, designated as _____ _ 5rtel'R\.\M 00\J f-#-0~ -o3 {Project No} has been satisfactorily completed and that all bills for materials, apparatus, fixture, machinery and labor used in connection with the construction of this project have, to the best of my knowledge and belief, been fully paid. Sign~ ) ~M-: Title Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1% 20Qj:_. day of Oef"Of:£(S ~~~ Notary P Gill afldfor J2el1)!S County, Texas !LIZABETH PERTAMANA Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires 22.2007 CONSENT OF OWNER D SURETY COMPANY ARCHITECT D TO FINAL PAYMENT CONTRACTOR D SURETY 181 AlA DOCUMENT G707 OTHER PROJECT: (name, address) Paving, Drainage, Streetscape and utility Improvements for the SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION TO (Owner) [ Town of Addison 5350 Belt Line Rd. Addison, TX 75240 [ CONTRACTOR: Site Concrete, Inc. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: Paving, Drainage, Streetscape and utility Improvements for the SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION BOND NO: SU1004195 CONTRACT DATE: 12/09/2003 In accordance with the provision of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (here insert name and address of Surety Company) Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd., Ste. 300, Dallas, TX, 75219 , SURETY COMPANY, on bond of (here insert name and address of Contractor) Site Concrete, Inc. 3340 Roy Orr Blvd., Grand Prairie, TX 75050 , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractors, and agrees that fmal payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to (here insert name and address of Owner) Town of Addison 5350 Belt Line Rd., Addison, TX 75240 ,OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the surety company has hereunto set its hand this 14th day of October, 2004 Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company Attest: (Seal) Surety Company ~_t;,Af#J Signature of Authorized Representative Michael B. Hill, Attorney-In-Fact Title NOTE: This form is to he used as a companion document to AlA DOCUMENT 0706, CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS, Current Edition AlA DOCUMENT 0707 o CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT • APRIL 1970 EDITION • AlA® © 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 New York Ave., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 ONE PAGE POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Men By These Presents: That the Arch Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Stale of Missouri, having its principal office in Kansas City, Missouri (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") does hereby appoint Michael B. Hill, Cindy Fowler, William D. Baldwin, and Suzanne C. Bladwin of Richardson, TX (EACH) its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal, and deliver from the dale of issuance of this power for and on its behalf as surety, and as Its act and deed: Any and all bonds and undertakings EXCEPTION: NO AUTHORITY is granted to make, execute, seal and deliver bonds or undertakings that guarantee the payment or collectlon of any promissory note, check, draft or letter of credit. This authority does not permit the same obligation to be split Into two or more bonds In order to bring each such bond within the dollar limit of authority as set forth herein. The Company may revoke this appointment at any time. The execution of of such bonds and undertakings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon the said Company as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by lis regularly elected offl.cers allis principal offl.ce in Kansas City, Missouri. This Power of Attorney Is executed by authority of resolutions adopted by unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Company on March 3, 2003, !rue and accurate copies of which are hereinafter set forlh and are hereby cerlified to by the undersigned Secretary as being In full force and effect: "VOTED, That the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice President, or their appointees designated in writing and filed with the Secretary, or the Secretary shalt have the power and authority to appoint agents and attorneys-In-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings, writings, obligatory In the nature thereof, and any such officers of the Company may appoint agents for acceptance of process." This Power of Attorney is signed, sealed and certified by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Company on March 3, 2003: VOTED, That the signature of the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice President, or their appointees designated in writing and filed wllh the Secretary, and the signature of the Secretary, the seal of the Company, and certifications by the Secretary, may be aflb,ed by facsimile on any power of attorney or bond executed pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors on March 3, 2003, and any such power so executed, sealed and certified with respect to any bond or undertaking to which It Is attached, shall continue to be valid and binding upon the Company. OOML0013 00 03 03 Page 1 of2 Printed In U.S.A. In Testimony Whereof, the Company has caused this instrument to bS signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by their authorized officers, this 23rd day of May , 20_3_. Arch Insurance Company Attested and Certified .A:/Mif/~~ JosephS. Thomas P. Lucks tone, Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT SS COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD SS I Melissa B. Gilligan, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Thomas P. Lucks tone and Joseph S. Labell personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are respectively as Vice President and Corporate Secretary of the Arch Insurance Company, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri, subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that they being thereunto duly authorized signed, sealed with the corporate seal and delivered the said instrument as the free and voluntary act of said corporation and as their own free and voluntary acts for the uses and purposes therein set forth. CERTIFICATION OFFICIAL SE.'J.. MEUSSA B. GilLIGAN, Notary PubliC State of Connecticut My Commission Expires February 28, 2005 /;2 2vdJa2J11:d/lf~ Melissa B. Gilligan, Notary Public My commission expires 2-28-05 I, Joseph S. Labell, Corporate Secretary of the Arch Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the attached Power of Attorney dated May 23, 2003 on behalf of the person(s) as listed above is a true and correct copy and that the same has been in full force and effect since the date thereof and is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate: and I do further certify that the said Thomas P. Luckstone, who executed the Power of Attorney as Vice President, was on the date of execution of the attached Power of Attorney the duly elected Vice President of the Arch Insurance Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the Arch Insurance Company on this 14th day of October , 20....QL. ~ JosephS. This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds and undertakings specifically named therein and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Home Office: Kansas City, MO OOML0013 00 03 03 Page 2 of 2 Printed in U.S.A. POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Men By These Presents: That Arch Reinsurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska, having its home office in Omaha, Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") does hereby appoint Michael B. Hill, Cindy Fowler, William D. Baldwin and Glenn E. Ganci of Richardson, TX {EACH) its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal, and deliver from the date of issuance of this power for and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: Any and all bonds and undertakings EXCEPTION: NO AUTHORITY is granted to make, execute, seal and deliver bonds or undertakings that guarantee the payment or collection of any promissory note, check, draft or letter of credit. The Company may revoke this appointment at any time. The execution of such bonds and undertakings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon the said Company as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acl~:cept with express approval of ALPHA. The use or our name and test results must receive our written approvaL Test results and reports applv only to the samples tested andtor observed, and are not in:licaUve or the qualities of apparently idenUcal or sim'rlar speOmens Geotechnical Engineering • Construction Materials Testing • Environmental Engineering • Consulting . :·. PROPOSAL FORM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council Town of Addison, Texas Gentlemen: 1.. . .. -···-~ . .D_g.l,2~5 ·. The undersigned bidder, having examined the plans, specifications and contract documents, and the location of the proposed work, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, proposes to fwnish all equipment and to perform labor and work necessary for completion of the work described by and in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract for the following prices, to wit: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No. I Dated Addendum No.2 Dated Addendum No. 3 Dated Addendum No.4 Dated Addendum No. 5 Dated Addendum No.6 Dated {; PFN·2 '!ligned by: r-----.....YG. ,.,.,, uom uo 1 I Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form 1---~ 10111 --+----,+,4,----t-~'--t;;l ull 1:ep i 1 Sawcut 19 Kern ISP Ut ~x (;one IS. Asph Pave lncl Curb 6859 6" Thick _ime. 105 113.1 )N I Lime 106 6229 SY 8" 5000psi ! 28 Days l---1:i>110 :;,.-7+--~-+-""'---i""'"5' ~CI •avs ' Drop Slab (Street) 1---~--+---i~-+----i'i=----f.;...'"5'C i •avs ' Drop Slab !Street) '5C psi •av lnteQral ' 'c 113 1 1 120 23 2372 2372 12 0 1 1 20400 1 SF A OA OA EA EA I •omt :one Street iea< er ~erne i Irick Paver I To Site i I ; ~ place Brick Pavers Stop Line 24" Wide Stripe 'Wide etl 1-l, 4' ~efl ·11aa,4" Street & Traffic Control Signs )Street Name Sign & Mount I ' & , i I ·Sign Post, , Appurt. 1 Street ; & Posts urnish , Install Street & Posts , SOf Existing RCP 315 0 EA i~c tal STA 1+59.4 . Storm Drain Line T 6' llnlet op l--~--+-*--r~:c,Ac----f.6iii':'~ Inlet op ~or llriCK, ~xtra Uepth A 0' Standard Inlet' i Top 19 :o 321 322 323 324 325 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 0 15 1235 409 1235 1235 1 501 1052 502 1 503 2 504 1 505 3 A ypeB OA "ype B EA CP 60 Degree OA -o Existino Pice LF LF 'recast -0~Piuo IS" 16" 1-Wav ' i Ut ~XIStlng ; PVC r Pipe ; PV_<: r Pice t & Cast Iron Lid i ·Pipe Plug rv r Lines I Trench Safety :& L EA To Existino r Lines L~ 6-6" PVC I ype Ull ' i lin ( EA To Existing EA 14-Way I I EA 13-Way I I EA :End Pluo 'Rip Rap Storm Water I$ $ I$ $ $ $ 30.50 4 4. 51.C 62.7 71.25 93.00 265.00 I ,665.00 30.00 300.00 125.00 i.5C 1~ 2.75 1.25 3:'5.00 404. 11 ----265.00 --~~ -. 0 -450.00 900.00 -,375.00 -105,197.75 31,492. 1.918. 555.00 1.543. 63~ 96.00 11 _13,150.00 'II Total(ltems 2 1-5( Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Page 3 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form ·1~~ ~~~;;;;~~n ~~@:!_····~-I:.~. ; ....... ,:·::::;;_··~·::• . -;;on ""' Meter Socket Base au. 802 1 EA I ' to_ I Meter. Panel. r & Time Clock 0 B03 1 Ei IServica Ground 45.00 45.00 ~g: I Panel Be~~ with 1; /240, BOA MCB 1~. 1~ 806 LJay 11me Clock --"fo'~c-t-:<---~ B07 Photo Cell & I 30.0( 30. BOB 5 EA 2" GRC Elbow 15.0C B55.1 B09 2210 LF 2" PVC I' 40Conduit \1 1 Lighting Circuit) 2.40 5,304.00 B10 1!; ~ 'P' I' 40 Conduit with Pull Rope I ·Street 1 2.50 "-;ondUit )14. 14 15 B16 B1 B1B B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 31 50 60 21 31 !7 27 6 6 1 EA LF EA EA 'P' 'G High ;onduit i Tap '10 AWC I#B 1#6 '4A >tee ht Pull Box 1 Pole Light I Lght Pole & I ·Pol Lioht · Pol • & Sinole 1 ' Fixtures (2 i 30 Amp i t Switch with Fuses Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 'Each Pole) v rot 3. 13.5 0.25 0.35 0.5! 221J.OI 4BO.OI 46. 825. ~/. 675.• 15.00 913.50 -1' 572.00 2~gg 17,100. ~T----.-...;2~75.. : iii-l (Items 80!:= 154,987. Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form 803 1 EA I Service Ground 804 :A 1 Panel Board with 120 . 80AMCB 81 A •& A ' Day Time Clock A I Photo Cell & 51 A 12" GRC Elbow 8C 2285 LF 12" PVC '40 Conduit • 1 Lighting Circuit) 81 425 LF 12" PVC '40 Conduit with Pull Rope C i ·Street I ~~~~16-r~W~c ~~ '40 Conduit With 15 EA 13" GR<: Conduit 811 50 EA I High· Tap 1----i~S;-16-t--7<~ LF I#1~~G 15 EA ;teet L1 tht Pu I Box 27 EA 1 1 Pole Light 822 27 EA i 1 Light Pole & i ' (2 Fixtures Each Pole) 8:: EA 'ole Liaht i EA 'ole & Sinale I ~L-~--L-~8'-A~~~'~mp>C tSwitchwithFuses VIT• Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 45.00 885. 15. 2.4( 2.45 1 1.50 0.25 0.35 z; 480.0 480.00 45.00 1 '170.00 885. 70. 30. B40 1,041.25 1,014.00 4" 920.50 156.00 i 17,100.00 -I (Items~:!::~~ j1Page5 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form ~ ~~ Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Page 6 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form ~--··.·i n I Unit Price 102 LF J-filSawcu >Of E:c Cone & Asph Pave lncl Curb 15 Clime i N ILime 6. 100. 106 107 108 112 113 114 118 119 120 3 0 0 0 1834 18 0 0 35 0 0 8" 5000psi 1 28 Days 43. 1. iY 6" 5000Psi ravs > DroP Slab (Street) -SY 8" 5000Psi ravs ' Drop Slab (Street) -LF A EA LF ' 5000Psi rav lnteoral 'C $ 2.50 ~ i I BL loin! I $ 3.00 ~one Street Heac er _ ~erne i ·Brick Paver I I i To Site -i ; & Place Brick Pavers -rSropLine~24''~Wiid~e---------------------4~----~4~1..0~00~------1~40l.~O ' Stripe-Wide 534. IRell ,T 1-(,4" i IRetl , T 11aa,4" . [<;treet & Traffic Control Signs 300 I Street Name Sign & Mount I Unistrut--I ·Sian Post. !&. 1 Street 1 ; & Posts urnish & Install Street i & Posts , Sians , Traffic Control -, Aooun --$ 4. 00.00 -4~ -Un~Street i l---::10f.:25~-u~+-~--lfo;~l;::aiCkc:fsteel I Stop Sign Pole w/·Base -126 0 A Install, 1 Circle Finial On Black Steel Pole 127 11 CY li =i 31 LF I Silt Fence I Inlet P I Railroad ( 131 132 133 134 135 z; 2:17 3400 460 11 14" 'Base Course 12" 'Surf Course IImpert Fill -~ ~~~erma~ Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP :Marker I Arrow 12/2/2003 >IT• 52.63 1 .20 6.20 6.50 .30 80.00 $ I {Items $ -9999 1,469.40 22,100.0 598. 880 ~ Page? Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form Item Unit ot c. c.:·.·':'::·:. c.~c:·:,c n -4ot:--+---"C2!11,;'----t.a-~cc;~NI ~ g ~ --m \C9o9 lJR 18 Cl 15Q Water Pipe w/88.00 0 1,918.40 2,975.0 396.0 2Q4 205 206 207 208 -,...-' 640 1 4 1 LF EA EA EA ' 'VC A VIII/\ A C9Q9 lJR 18 Cl 15Q Water Pipe w/112' PVC AWWA C909 DR18 Cl150 \/Vater Jtpe WI· IS" I Seat Gate 18" I Seat Gate 112' i Seat Gate I Furnish & Install Fire Hv rant 700.1 930.01 0 ,500.00 I ,950.00 610.0 11 481. 1 o ~xistlng wa er Main 24" :;teet Casing Pipe By tsore ~~4=~~~~~2"~~~pe>~K:~Softt~CC~oppe~r i~~~~SeN~il~~============+t==J4~~~==~1~~ 213 1 EA 1.5" Hersey MVR 100 Turbine Meter 480. •u 218 219 220 3Q 302 303 304 305 306 3Q7 3Q8 309 310 311 317 318 319 32Q 321 322 323 324 325 4Q1 402 403 404 405 406 4Q7 4Q8 501 ~ 5Q4 505 7: 1 2 103 153 11 0 0 0 ·0 2114 450 13 0 2 1 1 1 Q 0 0 0 0 0 LF L L L L LF LF EA A A A EA EA EA Of\ A A A EA LS m. 700.00 10.00 PVC :;teeve 300.1 ·rene lafety 937.5 3~ Water Test ' Air I ' Valve 12" PV<:._ AWWA C909 DR18 Cl150 Water Pipe In Bore Pipe 1< Ill RCP, I tiiRCP,I 2~ 'C Ill RCP, I 2: 'C IIIRCP,I 30"CI I , I 33"CI I , I I , I " I RC P, I " I I RCP, I x: 'CIIIIRCBC t6' x4' Cll RCBC 124" RCP low Storm $ $ $ 15.· 73,771.90 3~1§-34. ------J.QQ 81' .QQ. IQ 198.00 271.50 285.00 8.75 I t!OX@:; I A I +59,41, "'-r"'-"mD"-"!!:rainl'-" LLi""'-ne.:._ '---t-"-----'-"'.!..:..::""'-tf---'-'11: 3"-0·• 77-'-/15oc. .. O=-JQ !Inlet With Top -$ 13,775.QQ !Inlet With Top For Brick, Extra Depth -110' rype 1 "ype I inlet With Top I ;p ;o uegree ractory wve , To Existing Pipe To Existing 'recast • Pipe Plug • & Of Existina i& 'Rio Rap Storm $ 2,785.00 a: 265.00 -60. 6QQ. 3QQ. 125.00 265.00 294,111.7§_ LF 18" i PVC' ·Pipe -Lf EA EA EA 16'' 12-Way' 14' i PVC' ·Pipe t & Cast Iron Lid 18' i ~Pice Plug rv ~ rLines Trench :;atetv To Existing r Lines LF 18-6" P\1( fvpe DB· i lin ( ' II Total (Items . -------. . . . --. 367,883.65 Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/212003 ~ PageS Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Fonn Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Page9 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form ~C~binet De;~ ISQrliif< I 702 1 EA Traffic Signal 703 4 EA Type C Pull Box with < 1 Apron 704 1211 LF ·XHHV/~~ 717 Ject :AWG 430 ic: i~nal I 16 · :on1 . #' Gable 430 1c: i~nal I , #18 AVI 3 Video Cable 430 LF ·ra ic: ignal le, #18 AVI 3 CU VVre, ILSNS 18 LF /C 710 630 LF 4" PVC ( 2:•2 'PVC~:onduit 1-~~+-~--~~A~f,~~~~ ·oroVideo A ~ rafi ignal 7 716 B 9 720 721 722 2 A 1 ype 4H-A rafi iignal 4 OP. I I ' L htec :treet Name Signs 13 1 .. ~ 1,485.00 400.00 0.60 7!6.61 0.70 501.90 12.0 3.7 16.00 woo ,30 530.JO J.l3.00 '96Q. :aoo. -EA 112" LED Yellow fraffic Sional Lamo 18.0 :,274. --12" LEC reen rrafficSional.amo ~ _164.00 ,132.00 12" LE[ reen & Yellow Arrow Traffic """'-'L"'amn-""-o---------+T----, --,;:18.,1:3~·+.;-------.-;"~non· ~ Furnish Install -'";~ IIVTO l(ltems1t~ '"'~ Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form ~~Meter Socket Base 802 803 )7 )8 8( l1 815 820 821 822 =i 1 1 1 20 530 620 40 2 370 15 36 0 4 7 10 EA EA EA LF A EA LF A EA EA Oft, 'to Support Meter, Panel, < 'Ground Panel Board with !& Day 1 ime Clock P1oto Cell & 2" GRC Elbow 12~,80AMCB 2" PVC '40 •;onduit • , Lighting Circuit) ' '40 •;onduit with Pull Rope i ·Street Liohtino ; t;ondult AV' ;( ·AWl iteel Light Pull Box , Pole Light Lioht Pole c Pole Lioht r Pole & :;tng i ; Fixtures (2 Fixtures Each Pole) 130 Amp I Switch With ~uses •V Tot Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 45.00 1,170.00 81 i.OO ~.40 2.45 6.50 13. o.: 0.35 235.0C 48C DC 480.00 1,170.00 885.0 70.0 30. 300. ,272. 1,519. 10 260.0 23.0 1.0 --5,700.0 0 ms s~[t=Jrj2~7i'§•@.o 805 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form 2 A 1 A 1 Enclose To I Meter, Panel, 1 A • Ground 1 Oft. :Panel Board with , BOA MCB ~ ~ 'Dav~k ~~~~"21~,1-~~-f.'ih.~GotRo~c·~~w oob ' PV~ • 40 Conduit ' 1 Lighting [;trcuitl 810 185 2" PVC '40 Pull Rope i ·Street Lighting 811 812 80 LF 12" GRC EA 13"GRG_ F "PVC ~ • 40 •;onduit with ~~+-~~~~~~ ondui IQh · Tap 816 817 818 =i 82 82 0 2 00 0 LF LF LF 1#10 WG 1#8 fll ;G 1#6 AWl 1#4AWC I Steel L ull Box ole Light ight Pole & i c Pole Ligh i ' Pole & Single i i Fixtures (2 i 824 825 2 0 EA EA 130 Amo I Switch with Fuses Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 i Each Pole) o_VI Total (Items 45 1,170. 885.01 70.00 coo I Extended 1 '1 ~ . 8115.'10 70.']0 30.C 2.4 ~ 6.5 520. 0 11.50 23.10 '5 82.5 0. 731 0 ---3, 24, 5, -Page 12 Bid Schedule II Ill IV v VI Description Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form Paving Improvements $ Utilitv Improvements $ Streetscaoe Improvements $ Si nalization Improvements $ Street Li htin~ (Base Bid) $ Total Paving, Utility, Streetscape, Signalization, & Street Lighting Base Bi $ 1 Street Lighting (Alternate Bid) I I$ Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Total 315,767.12 367,883.65 213,184.57 101,374.50 47,348.75 1,045,558.59 44,942.00 Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Proposal Form ~~~~ Jim Bowman Construction Company, LP 12/2/2003 Page 14 PAVING, UTILITIES, Sl'REETSCAPE,SIGNALlZATION & STREET LIGHTING BID scrmput.)ainMMAAY SPECTRUM DliiVE EXTENSION-TOTAL PROJECT Bid SebocJule & Descriptjon I PavinglmpmYm>ODIS D Utility!mprovements IV Sigoali2ation lmprovc:meots V Street ugbting (Base Bid) TOTAL PAVING, UTILITY, STREETSCAPE, SIGNALIZATION & STREETIJGHTING BASE BID STANDARDBID"A"' CALENDARDAYS ;;J..S 0 XS2,500PER.DAY TIMEBID"B" TOTAL BID (STANDARDBm"A"+TIM&Bm"B") VI Street ugbting (Altcma!o Bid) PFS-42 Total AmmmtMatQl• & Sqyices s'---~'Jc.....;/ft-4:...J.'"-L/..::5,..::0_.,__,. __ s, ____ ~76~~~6~5~f_r._~ __ _ s...__*~~C-!....9_2.5_4-_~ __ $ d'--oz. 3 35 ?5 $~------~~~------$ l9.G. 56/s_:: $~--~~~~~--------Add011dnm #I .!5d ~~ 1978-2003 ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM January 29, 2004 Ms. Carmen Moran City Secretary Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS RE: Parce15A, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Carmen: Enclosed for the Town's records is the recorded Special Warranty Deed for the above-referenced property. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Ango~K wL oY/) AKW/yjr Enclosure c(w/o Enc.): (w/o Enc.) Mr. Steve Chutchian Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel D A L L A S T Y L E R Document II: 1090807 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW. COWL E STH 0 M PSO N. C 0 M STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED ~306718 12/02/03 2656390 $26.00 Deed DATE: GRANTOR: Post Services, Inc. ~sf?O GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. (3) Representations and warranties of Grantee provided herein. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Descripti.on for Parcel SA) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction for Parcel SA) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property (subject to the Reservations from Conveyance described herein), together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's Special Warranty Deed (Parcel SA Spectrum Drive)-Page 1 Document II: IOS6Sl7 i ~236 00027 heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Warrant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways and other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's reasonable approval of the location and extent of same. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTffiS: As an inducement to execute and deliver this Deed, Grantee agrees, represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use of public right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. (b) No additional assessments or fees for this Project in excess of those established prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragraph, the term ''this Project" means the Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town of Addison 2000 Bond Program. (c) The Property is part of a lot governed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9, 1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development site for purposes of measuring or calculating lot area, setbacks, permissible floor area ratio, landscape area, sign placement or for the application of any and all other applicable development or zoning regulations. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. Special Warranty Deed (Parcel SA Spectrum Drive)-P age 2 Doc:umcnt II: JOS6Sl7 I ilm236 00028 (b) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (c) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. GRANTOR: POST SERVICES, INC. a Georgia Corporation By: ~£ Print Name~ B.¥ Print Title: E x~~li(:: ;c_. th.s=;=;t:;ib Special Warranty Deed (Parcel SA Spectrum Drive)-Page 3 Dcx:um:nlll: 105"6517 GRANTEE: TOWN OF ADDISON a Texas Municipal Corporation By:c /?-LcJfa;;c__Q Ron Whitehead City Manager '~236 00029 STATEOF (~-'0.. § COUNTY OF _Lki\ § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this I '-1 day of (\o v-e.m I >M , 2003, personally appeared ~Ln 6. (YlQ_ OJ-vJ , ~~ IUu A-u j d J on behalf of Post Services, Inc., Georgia corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § ~EFORE ~the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ao day of U(IYI Je-r , 2003, personally appeared Ron Whitehead, City Manager for the Town of Addison, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the d~ year last above written. ~ Wlltiuw MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~"4 "'' Cil {)()5 SEAL] GAYlE WALTON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES July 16,2005 Special Warranty Deed (Parcel SA Spec:trum Drive)-P age 4 Docurt~C:Dtlf: 10515517 I ~236 · 00030 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of 334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West departing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right -of-way line of Airport Parkway; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page I of3 J : \Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC DR p5 .doc l·~236 0003] SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line of said Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of7.11 feet to the POINT OF . BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page2 Page2 of3 J: \S urvey\322 0\0 I \ wp\spec dr PSA .doc I·~S6 00032 HARRIS ADDITION VOL.78017 PG.1067 LOT 1 BLOCK A POINT OF BEGINNING 5/8" IRS WITH HUITTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. -l----1-,fl . z ~ ;:: "' ~ o B ~ -AIRPORT PARKWAY 1/2.1Rf "' -0 g ci ;::. ~ in X "' to POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL SA t-5/8" IRS --+-------'-· L3 /-~~-~ ~ I s· R.o.w. DEDICATION BY PLAT <..;> I VOL.98001 PG.00033 (" PARCEL 5 ~ I 0.0046 AC. I ~JJ~TRsOF BEGINNING-PARCEL SA s 44'30'38"E 7.11' I I II .. 69.65' R.Q.W. • I I I I QUORUM EAST ADDITION I ~ SA _ 0.0387 AC.) -----_ -Q: (PARCEL --..1 8 0 I I ~ I 0 ~'\ ~"' 0\) '0 '2. D. VOL.98001 PG.00033 en:::!: 0::::> b b O..a:: "! "! 0 1-~1 ;:!; a:: () lll I 15851 DALLAS NORTH POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 \\'\· G· \\~ 0 ~ \ 0-\. J>.'O LINE TABLE COURSE L1 L2 L3 BEARING s oo· 08' 23" w N 44'30'38"W S 89'09'39"E DISTANCE 20. 00' 28. 46' 20. 00' "" "" 0.. w UJ ~ -a.. :.., :.., 0 .en N N~\ ~ ~ I "' '""' • 0 CD 0 b z-0 o og zl "' ~~ <0. "-N og iill! II ~§? I I 5/8' IRF WITH j HUITT-ZOUARS YELLOW r::ltP N 89'04'54"W 5.00') /I I I I ~ • ,., N "' p 0 0 I I I PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG. 1686 UTAH STATE RETIREMENT INVESTMENT FUND VOL.96003 PG. 1968 C/)~ POWER & 10' TEXAS ASEMENT I LIGHT CO. ~G 1686 Ml ('I') I I I VOL.85021 · I 1 /2'" IRf WITH 0 0 0 \0 M N i~; .~. I POWELL & POWELL ~~p--------LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found r---_ ---I PAGE 3 OF 3 .... :~fi.9.~J~ -,~·"c;IST.,,.:~:J:1.1I~ t:a •• ~ ·su~~~~ ~ This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true ond correct to the best of my knowledge. ~-fi~---Eric J. Yohoudy, Registered Professiortd Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Revised: November 25, 2003 HUllT -zoUARS SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT HIJ!t-Zallar&, Inc. DaJaa 3131 McKiney Averue, sute 600 Dalaa, Texas 75204-2489. _, , Phone (214) 871-3311 .-. Fax (214) ~57 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 50 100 ~" ~ WM I SCALE:l "=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOVrf.j OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 5 & SA Qv.f.jER: POST SERV1CES, INC. AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ov·· t..LJC of.'~. C:L, C)~ c:: (.';.. l: I (. ~ C:.: c:.~\ ::;:.· (;~ - Pit'(, (), ~-.sz.c. ; 2-/:u:l" 2.. \ \ \ \ \ \ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 12/11/02 JOB NO., 01-3220-10 PROJECT• Spectrum Drive TO: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE RD SERVICE CENTER -FIRST FLOOR ADDISON. TX 75001 WE ARB SENDING YOU OsuoPDRAWINGs OsAMPLES OcoPY oF LeiTER [!)ATIACHED DPRINTS OsPECIFICATIONS DREQUBST FOR INFORMATION RE: Supplemental Gea-tech Report ATIENTION: MR. Steven Z. Chutchian, P. E. DUNDER SEPARATE COVER, VIA: Mail DCHANGEORDER DoTHER: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I Geo-Tech Report Between Railroad and Arapaho ···················t-·······························t-············· ·················t·················································································································································· OroR APPRovAL ~NOEXCEYnONSTAKEN ~RBSUB.MIT ___ COPIES FOR APPROVAL [!]FOR YOUR USE ~EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED ~SUBMIT ___ CO PillS FOR DISTRIBUTION DAS REQUESTED ~RETURNED FOR CORRECilONS DRETURN ___ CORRECTED PRINTS DFORRBVIEW AND CO:MMENT OoTHER: DFORBIDS DUE ON (DATE): DPRINTS RETURNED AFI'ER LOAN TO us -~-~1~~; .............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................... . IP ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. SIGNATURE: David E. Meyers, P .E. lcoPYTo, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 • (214) 871-3311 • Fax (214) 871-0757 FUGRO SOUTH, INC. Report No. 0702-1 011A November 20, 2002 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 Mckinney Avenue Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 Attn: David Meyers, P.E. Dear Mr. Meyers: Geotechnical investigation Spectrum Drive Extension Dart R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas 2880 Virgo Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Phone: 972-484-8301 Fax: 972-620-7328 This report presents the results of the supplemental geotechnical investigation performed at the referenced site from the Dart right-of-way south to Arapaho Road in Addison, Texas. This report supplements our original geotechnical engineering study report, Fugro No. 0702-1011 dated August 20, 2002. The scope of work included in the original report was used in this supplemental report. The proposed extension is located south of the previous Borings B-1 through B-6 advanced in the original report. The site topography is relatively flat, and the ground surface is generally covered with grass and weeds. A ditch running parallel to the proposed extension exists to the east. The general location and orientation of the site is shown in Plates A and B. Two test borings (Borings B-7 and B-8) were performed for this supplement investigation. The borings were advanced with a truck-mounted rig at the general locations shown on Plate B. The subsurface stratigraphy and laboratory test results, including moisture content, Atterberg limits, minus No. 200 sieve, dry unit weight and unconfined compressive strength, are shown on the attached Log of Borings, Plates 1A through 2A. A key to terms and symbols on the logs is presented on Plates 3A and 4A. The results of free swell are shown on Plate 5A. The results of soil lime/pH series test were presented on Plate 6A. A member of the Fugro group of companies with offices throughout the world. -~---------------------------------------- Report No. 0702-1011A Groundwater was encountered in Boring B-8 at depths between 7.5 and 9 feet at the time of this investigation. It is expected that groundwater fluctuations may occur with seasonal variations. Changes in groundwater elevations may be altered during construction activities. Subsurface conditions, as indicated by Borings B-7 and B-8, consisted of 4 to 4.5 feet of dark brown clay (CH), about 7.5 feet of light brown clay (CL), and 2 to 4 feet of tan weathered limestone underlain by the gray limestone extending to the maximum depths of boring penetrations of 14 to 20 feet below existing grade. Clay soils encountered in the test borings are generally considered as having moderate to high plasticity and a low swell potential at insitu moisture conditions. A PVR calculation with a dry moisture condition indicated a value on the order of 3 inches in the area of Borings B-7 and B-8 which is less than the PVR (3.75 inches) estimated in the original report. This is due to the presence of some higher higher plasticity clays with a greater thickness encountered in the previous borings. Based upon the evaluation of the laboratory and field data, it is our opinion that the subsurface conditions encountered in the test borings (B-7 and B-8) are very similar to those encountered in the previous study for the north section of the proposed extension. Because of the similarity between this site and the original alignment to the north, all the recommendations provided in the original report can be used for the proposed extension from Dart R.O.W. to Arapaho Road. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance on this project. Please contact us if you need any additional information or if we can be of further service. CHT/SMH/kp Copies submitted: (4) __ ............. ,,~, ~~.f..9F..r.ii".~-'.\, ;'c, •.• * ·•~ ~ ..1 ..1 ~ :::c ~ 0 z ~ ..1 <( c 0 North f.~-----------r--------------------------------------L-----~ § ~ ~ ~ a a• a SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Plan Of Borings D.A.R.T. R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas /·~,_ ,_ ~<·L----------------~--0-a -te_=--~~~_J~o-rn_w_n_B_y_:~~----L-P-r_~_·e-ct_N_o_.:~~~~~--L--~~!'T __ E _B __ ~ _ FUGRO SOUTH, INC. 11/5/02 WR 0702-1011A LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION DART R.O.W. to Arapaho Road ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702·1011A TYPE: INTERMITTENT SAMPLING LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS ..... ... ffib~ LAYER "' o;/< o, 1:"". ,i ,.o.. !o:;! .,.. 0 O.oo STRATUM DESCRIPTION ow:Oz: i= :._~ o= o:"' u;:C!:I~.~., :i "' >-u.O ELEV./s ... -i=e:.. o..,: Wo:O: >-w s~ ... " zZ., ~~ .. a-.,x >-:1: ow>-w > O'::l:o:w,U-= DEPTH --'::":J :3l!l z~ o"' ..... 0 !~ ., ~z~ 0 :::>W z"" () o.;:; ;: ,., SURF. EL PZ.O 1 CLAY (CH), Dark Brown 32 P2.0 p 2.0 34 63 28 35 92 P3.5 -with calcareous deposits 32 63111~ LIMESTONE, Tan, 4.0 5 1-'-----T e ~ f-r------1-110010.75' ~ LIMESl u ... ~. Gray 8.0 10 g 2 ~ :s:: .,-!-' 100~7:: --------------------14.0 ~ 15-20-~ I COMPLETION DEPTH: 14.0 WATER LEVEL I SEEPAGE: DRY KEY: ~ DATE DRILLED: 10-30-02 UPON COMPLETION: DRY P = Pocket Penetrometer Note: All depths are measured in feet. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 1A LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION DART R.O.W. to Arapaho Road ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702-1011A TYPE: INTERMITIENT SAMPLING LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS ffi5~ ,. ~~ 0~ u. c ... ,.o w:>: u. .... LAYER "''"' a~ ~~ z -z,_ 0 o.ac STRATUM DESCRIPTION ~~ "'~ .... i:L(!JLL :£ '"""""' wz s..: ti .... -c,.: "' w"'"' ELEV./!;;:~ zw zZ., ... "' Q:il j! ,_, .. >=w-. 5~ c;;u; Z£:! ow,_ > DEPTH ;:z o"' w ., o._o -':::; ...... ~g c ~z~ c :JW z'"" SURF. Fl FVATinN· • ,.,~.,"""' 0 0.;!; O.N ;: =>"' p 1.75 1 CLAY (CH), Dark Brown, with i 32 64 27 37 P2.25 31 89 IT P2.0 P3.0 31 67 26 41 P2.5 5 -1 CLAY (CL), Light Brown, with I 4.5 P3.25 P2.25 25 p 1.75 33 43 18 25 88 ~ p 2.5 ~ P4.0 23 10-~ 1 LIMESl ur UNDRAINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH NUMBER OF BLOWS RELATIVE CONSISTENCY Tons Per Sq. Ft. PER FT., N DENSITY Very Soft Less Than 0.25 0-4 Very Loose Soft 0.25 to 0.50 4-10 Loose Firm 0.5 to 1.00 10-30 Medium Stiff 1.00 to 2.00 30-50 Dense Very Stiff 2.00 to 4.00 Over 50 Very Dense Hard greater than 4.00 DESCRIPTIVE TERMS FOR SOIL <1> DESCRIPTION CRITERIA MOISTURE Stratified Alternating layers of varying Dry No water evident in sample; fines less material or color with layers than plastic limit. at least 6 mm thick. Moist Sample feels damp; fines near the plastic limit Laminated Alternating layers of varying Very Moist Water visible on samftle; fines greater material or color with the ~lastic limit and less han liquid limit layers less than 6 mm thick. Wet ample bears free water; fines greater than liquid limit. Fissured Breaks along definite planes of fracture with little resistance INCLUSIONS ( 1) to fracturing. Slickensided Fracture planes appear ~olished Parting Inclusion <1/8" thick extending through sample or glossy, sometimes striated. Seam Inclusion 1/8" to 3" thick extending Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken through sample. Layer Inclusion >3" thick extending through down into small angular lumps sample. which resist further breakdown. Trace <5% of sample. Lensed Inclusions of small pockets of Few 5% to 10% of sample. different soils. Some 10 to 25% of sample. With 30% to 45% of sample. REFERENCES: NOTE: Information on each boring log is a compilation of subsurface conditions 1) ASTM D 2488 and soil and rock classifications obtained from the field as well as from laborato2' testin~ of samples. Strata have been interpreted by commonly 2) Peck, Hanson and Thornburn, (1974), accepte proce ures. The stratum lines on the logs may be transitional and agproximate in nature. Water level measurements refer only to those Foundation Engineering o served at the times and places indicated, and may vary with time, geologic condition or construction activity. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 3A TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED ON BORING LOGS FOR ROCK ROCK TYPES ~ LIMESTONE ~ SHALE ~ WEATHERED m WEATHERED LIMESTONE SHALE (I HIGHLY WEATHERED ~ ARGILLACEOUS LIMESTONE LIMESTONE SOLUTION & VOID CONDITIONS Void Cavities Vuggy Vesicular Porous Cavernous Friable Low Hardness Moderately Hard Very Hard Interstice; a general term for pore space or other openings in rock. Small solutional concavities. Containing small cavities, usually lined with a mineral of different composition from that of the surrounding rock. Containing numerous small, unlined cavities, formed by expansion of gas bubbles or steam during solidification of the rock. Containing pore, interstices, or other openings which may or may not interconnect. Containing cavities or caverns, sometimes quite large. Most frequent in limestones and dolomites. HARDNESS Crumbles under hand pressure Can be carved with a knife Can be scratched easily with a knife Cannot be scratched with a knife [] [] ~ SAMPLER TYPES I Thinrn Rock SANDSTONE walled Core Tube WEATHERED ~ Standard I Auger SANDSTONE Penetration Sample Test MARL ~ THO Cone u Bag Penetration Sample Test WEATHERING GRADES OF ROCKMASS <1 > Slighlly Moderately Highly Completely Residual Soil Discoloration indicates weathering of rock material and discontinuity surfaces. Less than half of the rock material is decomposed or disintegrated to a soil. More than half of the rock material is decomposed or disintegrated to a soil. All rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to soil. The originaf mass structure is still largely intact. All rock material is converted to soil. The mass structure and material fabric are destroyed. BEDDING THICKNESS (Zl Very Thick Thick Thin Very Thin Laminated Thinly-Laminated >4' 2'-4' 2"-2' 1/2"-2" 0.08"-1/2" <0.08" JOINT DESCRIPTION SPACING Very Close Close Medium Close Wide REFERENCES: 1) Brilish Slandard(1981) <2" 2"-12" 12"-3' >3' Code of Practice for Site Investigation BS 5930. 2) The Bridge Division, Texas Highway Dept. Foundation Exploration & Design Manual 2nd Edition, revised June, 1974. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. INCLINATION SURFACES Horizontal 0-5 Slickensided Smooth Irregular Rough Polished, grooved Planar Shallow 5-35 Moderate 35-65 Undulating or granular Jagged or pitted Steep 65-85 Vertical 85-90 NOTE: Information on each boring log is a compilation of subsurface conditions and soil and rock classifications obtained from the field as well as from laboratory testing of samples. Strata have been interpreted by commonly accepted procedures. The stratum lines on the logs may be transitional and approximate in nature. Water level measurements refer only to those observed at the times and places indicated, and may vary with time, geologic condition or construction activity. PLATE 4A Report No. 0702-1 011A Boring Sample Liquid Number Depth, Limit feet B-7 2-3 63 B-8 7-8 43 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION DART R.O.W. TO ARAPAHO ROAD ADDISON, TEXAS SUMMARY OF FREE SWELL TEST RESULTS Plastic Plasticity Initial Final Limit Index Moisture Moisture Content. Content, % % 28 35 34 36 18 25 33 34 Applied Percent Surcharge Vertical Pressure, Swell, psf % 375 0.8 1,000 0.1 PLATE SA Report No 0702-1 011 A Lime/pH Series Test Results 14 12 [7 /10 [7 :I: c. 8 Q) E :::i ::: 6 '(5 rn 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hydrated Lime, % r HYdrated Lime, % I 0 l 3 I 5 I 7 I 9 I pH I 7.72 I 12.2 I 12.37 I 12.42 I 12.42 I ~GAD Results of Lime Series Test ~ Sa mole I. D.: Borin!! B-8, 0-1' Spectrum Drive Extension FUGRO SOUTH_ INC. Dart R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas PLATE 6A FUGRO SOUTH, INC. Report No. 0702-1011A November 20, 2002 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 Mckinney Avenue Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 Attn: David Meyers, P.E. Dear Mr. Meyers: Geotechnical Investigation Spectrum Drive Extension Dart R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas 2880 Virgo Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Phone: 972-484-8301 Fax: 972-620-7328 This report presents the results of the supplemental geotechnical investigation performed at the referenced site from the Dart right-of-way south to Arapaho Road in Addison, Texas. This report supplements our original geotechnical engineering study report, Fugro No. 0702-1011 dated August 20, 2002. The scope of work included in the original report was used in this supplemental report. The proposed extension is located south of the previous Borings B-1 through B-6 advanced in the original report. The site topography is relatively flat, and the ground surface is generally covered with grass and weeds. A ditch running parallel to the proposed extension exists to the east. The general location and orientation of the site is shown in Plates A and B. Two test borings (Borings B-7 and B-8) were performed for this supplement investigation. The borings were advanced with a truck-mounted rig at the general locations shown on Plate B. The subsurface stratigraphy and laboratory test results, including moisture content, Atterberg limits, minus No. 200 sieve, dry unit weight and unconfined compressive strength, are shown on the attached Log of Borings, Plates 1 A through 2A. A key to terms and symbols on the logs is presented on Plates 3A and 4A. The results of free swell are shown on Plate 5A. The results of soil lime/pH series test were presented on Plate 6A. A member of the Fugro group of companies with offices throughout the world. -~-------------------------------------- Report No. 0702-1011A -------------·---·--·----·--·--------------------------Groundwater was encountered in Boring B-8 at depths between 7.5 and 9 feet at the time of this investigation. It is expected that groundwater fluctuations may occur with seasonal variations. Changes in groundwater elevations may be altered during construction activities. Subsurface conditions, as indicated by Borings B-7 and B-8, consisted of 4 to 4.5 feet of dark brown clay (CH), about 7.5 feet of light brown clay (CL), and 2 to 4 feet of tan weathered limestone underlain by the gray limestone extending to the maximum depths of boring penetrations of 14 to 20 feet below existing grade. ·Clay soils encountered in the test borings are generally considered as having moderate to high plasticity and a low swell potential at insitu moisture conditions. A PVR calculation with a dry moisture condition indicated a value on the order of 3 inches in the area of Borings B-7 and B-8 which is less than the PVR (3.75 inches) estimated in the original report. This is due to the presence of some higher plasticity clays with a greater thickness encountered in the previous borings. Based upon the evaluation of the laboratory and field data, it is our opinion that the subsurface conditions encountered in the test borings (B-7 and B-8) are very similar to those encountered in the previous study for the north section of the proposed extension. Because of the similarity between this site and the original alignment to the north, all the recommendations provided in the original report can be used for the proposed extension from Dart R.O.W. to Arapaho Road. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance on this project. Please contact us if you need any additional information or if we can be of further service. CHT/SMH/kp Copies submitted: ( 4) ---···-------··-,... ., .... ,,~~ 1C-"'e OF T ·'\h .rc<,~~\ ......... :lit,:i>~ :'*········~······ ... ~, S.1 ncere 1y , ,f.* •• :/. . ........~...... .1. ~1;/,~,,o./.:,,~~ ~ CHE-HUNG TSAI · ) FUGRO SOUTH, INC. l'''1 .. "'''""''''''''''"'' ... 1U# /' #' L ~1&-.~~~---~¥ ~ y-I ~ibF.J;.:c~-~'!" Che-Hung (Chris) Tsai, Ph.D., P.E.'''---Project Engineer ~~~ -......;...;....; ;;;:-----Saad M. Hineidi, P.E. Senior Vice President -2- 0 North SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Site Vicinity Map DART R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas FUGRO SOUTH,INC. l-;;;.;...;.;.;..;..;..;;;.;;.;.;r~..;...;;..;;;.:;.;;;.;..;.;.r;.;;;.~------r ...... -...... -..;..;;;_;;;r=:...;.==-t GeotechnfcaJ Engineering Date: Scale: Map Source: Project No. and Materials Testing 5 Nov 02 Not to Scale Delorme Street Atlas 0702-1011 a PLATE A MORRIS AVENUE LEGEND: -$-APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION -$-PREVIOUS BORING LOCATION FUGRO REPORT No. 0702-1011 NOT TO SCALE I I 8-6 B-5 • B-3 ~ B-2 AIRPORT PARKWAY >-~ ...I ...I g ::I: ~ 0 z CJ) <( ...I ...I <( c North t~------------r---------------------------------------~~------; § ! ~ SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Plan Of Borings D.A.R.T. R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas ~ <~--------------~------~11~ffi~/~02~-L--------~W~R~ __ ._ ________ 0~7~0~2-~1~01~1~A--~----------~ Project No.: PLATE B Date: Drawn By: FUGRO SOUTH, INC. LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION DART R.O.W. to Arapaho Road ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702-1011A TYPE: INTERMITIENT SAMPLING LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS ffib~ ,. ~~ d~ u. c"' 1-,.u u. -' LAYER o:,.: c* u,. z -'l!o-0 c.oc STRATUM DESCRIPTION i= 0. ~[ e>'l! .... ii:(!)LL :i: Ill o-u.a ELEV./wz 5.,: c,.: 1-:; Wo:l< <~ Q:E 3~ zw o-:I: zZen .. "'w"' en>< en en owo->-DEPTH ;::z :::li!l Z!:2 u"' w en Oc.U -':::; ..... eno c ~z~ 0 -0 c.;;:: C.N ,en SURF. ELE :L P2.0 CLAY {CH). Dark Brown 32 P2.0 P2.0 34 63 28 35 92 P3.5 -with calcareous deposits 32 63111" 1 LIMEs·, vN~. Tan, ~""'""'"" 4.0 5 ..c...., 2 2 ..,......-'-1100/0.75" ~ 1 """~~' vN~. Gray 8.0 10 2 2 :;=c ~ == .!_1'0~7~ --------------------14.0 15-20 ! ~ COMPLETION DEPTH: 14.0 WATER LEVEL I SEEPAGE: DRY KEY: ~ DATE DRILLED: 10-30-02 UPON COMPLETION: DRY P = Pocket Penetrometer Note: All depths are measured in feet. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 1A LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION DART R.O.W. to Arapaho Road ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702·1011A TYPE: INTERMITTENT SAMPLING LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS ffib~ "" 1:"'. ii u. c, .... ,_o u. -' a.oc STRATUM DESCRIPTION LAYER .. ,.., c,.e o,. o= .... !1;! .... 0 ~~ ii:(!)LL " "' 1-u.O ELEV./wz 5t-=' i=e:.. c,_: !:(~ zZ., .... :!; w"'"' o-"'" 1-:I: ow,_ .. !:t:w-= _:~; ZS! w >-Oa,O DEPTH s:z -':::i :5l!l o"' Q ., ~z~ 0 0.-' ~~ ::>w z .... 0 0.;!0 s: ::."' SURF. : L p 1.75 CLAY , Dark Brown. with calcareous I 32 64 27 37 P2.25 31 89 1.2 P2.0 P3.0 31 67 26 41 p 2.5 5 CLAY (CL), Light Brown, with 4.5 P3.25 P2.25 25 p 1.75 33 43 18 25 88 p 2.5 ' P4.0 23 10-"I"·~~, v ... ~. Tan, • 12.0 ~ ~ ~ LIMESl UN~. Gray 14.0 100/0.1" -15 ' ~ 2 ~ ~ -soft seams, at17.5'to 18.5' :;::::= 100/0.'.:_ 20 --------------------20.0 ~ c COMPLETION DEPTH: 20.0 WATER LEVEL I SEEPAGE: 9.0 KEY: ~ DATE DRILLED: 10-30-02 UPON COMPLETION: 7.5 P = Pocket Penetrometer Note: All depths are measured in feet. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE PLATE 2A TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED ON BORING LOGS FOR SOIL SOIL TYPES ~CLAY(CH) ~ SHALY CLAY (CH) ~CLAY(CL) I SANDY CLAY (CL) li]j Well-Graded SAND (SW) [] Poorly-Graded SAND (SP) IIIII SILTY SAND (SM) ~CLAYEY SAND (SC) ~ Well-Graded GRAVEL(GW) ~ Poorly-Graded GRAVEL(GP) ~=~ SILTY GRAVEL (GM) I FILL Material SOIL GRAIN SIZE U.S.STANDARD SIEVE 6" 3" 3/4" 4 10 40 200 I' 'I I GRAVEL I SAND I SILT : CLAY I BOULDERS COBBLES I COARSE I FINE I COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE I 152 76.2 19.1 4.76 2.00 0.420 0.074 0.002 SOIL GRAIN SIZE IN MIUMETERS STRENGTH OF COHESIVE SOILS (2l DENSITY OF GRANULAR SOILS (2J UNDRAINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH NUMBER OF BLOWS RELATIVE CONSISTENCY Tons Per Sq. Ft. PER FT., N DENSITY Very Soft Less Than 0.25 0-4 Very Loose Soft 0.25 to 0.50 4-10 Loose Firm 0.5 to 1.00 10-30 Medium Stiff 1.00 to 2.00 30-50 Dense Very Stiff 2.00 to 4.00 Over 50 Very Dense Hard greater than 4.00 DESCRIPTIVE TERMS FOR SOIL (1l DESCRIPTION CRITERIA MOISTURE Stratified Alternating layers of varying Dry No water evident in sample; fines less material or color with layers than plastic limit. at least 6 mm thick. Moist Sample feels damp; fines near the plastic limit Laminated Alternating layers of varying Very Moist Water visible on sample; fines greater material or color with the plastic limit and less than liquid limit layers less than 6 mm thick. Wet Sample bears free water; fines greater Fissured Breaks along definite planes of than liquid limit fracture with little resistance INCLUSIONS (1) to fracturing. Slickensided Fracture planes appear polished Parting Inclusion <1/8" thick extending through sample or glossy, sometimes striated. Seam Inclusion 1/8" to 3" thick extending Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken through sample. Layer Inclusion >3" thick extending through down into small angular lumps sample. which resist further breakdown. Trace <5% of sample. Lensed Inclusions of small pockets of Few 5% to 10% of sample. different soils. Some 1 0 to 25% of sample. With 30% to 45% of sample. REFERENCES: NOTE: Information on each boring log is a compilation of subsurface conditions 1) ASTM D 2488 and soil and rock classifications obtained from the field as well as from laboratoc?'; testin~ of samples. Strata have been interpreted by commonly 2) Peck, Hanson and Thornburn, (1974), accepte proce ures. The stratum lines on the logs may be transitional and acproximate in nature. Water level measurements refer only to those Foundation Engineering. o served at the times and places indicated, and may vary with time, geologic condition or construction activity. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 3A TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED ON BORING LOGS FOR ROCK ROCK TYPES SAMPLER TYPES ~ ~ [] I Thinrn Rock LIMESTONE SHALE SANDSTONE walled Core Tube ~ WEATHERED ~ WEATHERED ~ WEATHERED ~ Standard I Auger LIMESTONE SHALE SANDSTONE Penetration Sample . Test I HIGHLY WEATHERED § ARGILLACEOUS ~ MARL rn THD Cone u Bag LIMESTONE LIMESTONE Penetration Sample Test SOLUTION & VOID CONDITIONS WEATHERING GRADES OF ROCKMASS <'l Void Interstice; a general term for pore Slightly Discoloration indicates space or other openings in rock. weathering of rock material and discontinuity surfaces. Cavities Small solutional concavities. Moderately Less than half of the rock Vuggy Containing small cavities, usually material is decomposed or lined with a mineral of different disintegrated to a soil. composition from that of the Highly More than half of the rock surrounding rock. material is decomposed or Vesicular Containing numerous small, unlined disintegrated to a soiL cavities, fonned by expansion of gas Completely All rock material is bubbles or steam during solidification of the rock. decomposed andfor disinte~rated to soil. The Porous Containing pore, interstices, or ori~ina mass structure is other openings which may or may not stil largely intact. interconnect. Residual Soil All rock material is Cavernous Containing cavities or caverns, converted to soii.The sometimes quite large. Most frequent mass structure and material in limestones and dolomites. fabric are destroyed. HARDNESS BEDDING THICKNESS <21 Very Thick >4' Friable Crumbles under hand pressure Thick 2'-4' Low Hardness Can be carved with a knife Thin 2"-2' Moderately Hard Can be scratched easily with a knife Very Thin 112"-2" Very Hard Cannot be scratched with a knife Laminated 0.08"-112" Thinly-Laminated <0.08" JOINT DESCRIPTION SPACING INCLINATION SURFACES Very Close <2" Horizontal 0-5 Slickensided Polished, grooved Close 2"-12" Shallow 5-35 Smooth Planar Medium Close 12"-3' Moderate 35-65 Irregular Undulating or granular Wide >3' Steep 65-85 Rough Jagged or pitted Vertical 85-90 REFERENCES: NOTE: 1) British Standard(1981) Information on each boring log is a compilation of subsuliace conditions Code of Practice for Site Investigation and soil and rock classifications obtained from the field as well as from BS 5930. laboratoc7 testin~ of samples. Strata have been interpreted by commonly accepte proce ures. The stratum lines on the logs may be transitional and 2) The Bridge Division, Texas Highway Dept. agproximate in nature. Water level measurements refer only to those Foundation Exgloration & Design Manual o served at the times and places indicated, and may vary with time, 2nd Edition, revised June,1974. geologic condition or construction activity. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 4A Report No. 0702-1011A Boring Sample Liquid Number Depth, Limit feet B-7 2-3 63 B-8 7-8 43 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION DART R.O.W. TO ARAPAHO ROAD ADDISON, TEXAS SUMMARY OF FREE SWELL TEST RESULTS Plastic Plasticity Initial Final Limit Index Moisture Moisture Content, Content, % % 28 35 34 36 18 25 33 34 Applied Percent Surcharge Vertical Pressure, Swell, psf % 375 0.8 1,000 0.1 PLATE SA Report No. 0702-1011A Lime/pH Series Test Results 14 12 v /10 /:I: c. 8 Cl) E :::i ::::: "5 6 en 4 2 0 ' 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hydrated Lime, % l Hydrated Lime, % I 0 I 3 I 5 I 7 I 9 I pH I 7.72 I 12.2 I 12.37 I 12.42 I 12.42 I ~GAD Results of Lime Series Test ~I § I Sample I. D.: Boring_ B-8, 0-1' Spectrum Drive Extension FUGRO SOUTH. INC. Dart R.O.W. to Arapaho Road Addison, Texas PLATE 6A ;~-·~·-I I [ !~ 1:::; LOT 1, BLOCK A '(._-\ ~-..\ "' \) '0 'II> ' I ~ I I a_ AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II VOL.2DDD153 PG.ODD15 LOT 1, BLOCK B 3'28'50" Ra 636.00' L• 38.63' CBa S 33'10'33"W I~ ,g. ~ "''(> '(._ ~ 0· ~ \ ~' ~"' -lfo~lo>' ~c,O." '?-o?'i..~'-~ J/ei''"" -·"'"'~ ? o ~10 ~I"" ?G ,\ ;,g S iJ'15'01"E 9.40' MILLENNIUM PHASE II PG.00022 ~· 6· I 1./"" POINT OF COMMENCING J>. z.oz' A'res _. '?-~ \ 0oe .• s ~I'-''" ~o'-9 o~'-"' s;e· • ..,:<:>9~ ~ E,Ei McLEAN TRACT VOL.82005 PG.2784 TOWN OF A001SON VOL.93243 PG,6422 PARCEL 1 0.8026 AC. N 45'06' 46"E 28.29' ~ UNDERGROUND UTJUlY ESM''T. CONCRETE 00'07'5Q"W 23.90' --------CV1 15' DRAINAGE & UTJlJTY ESM'T. ////5/B~ IRS -~ I _U-1 I VOL.84240 PG.J6~8 _ ~' WIDTH)----AACT JJJ-ESM''T. ESTATE) ~c:~gg~ ~g:g~ z ... &..--:--------------::::::::.--/-------AR-AP Att&---ReAI3 t..970~5 PG.J445) -------------I~ //----1 /. ~~---:_ ____________ __ I ///./------I I I ADDISON VOL.9H 1 ~2 PG.6846 CARRAMERICA REALTY, VOL.98132 PG.6836 TOWN OF ADDISON VOL.98132 PG.6846 CURVE TABLE I //'t//' /I '~/i I I I I CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CHORD CH.BEARING CV1 CV2 949.00' 644.00' 32.81' 1'58'51" 32.81 314. 78' 28'00'19" 311.65' S 89'06'07"W N 14'08'09"E PAGE 3 OF 3 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 end that the metes end bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~--~~-------Eric J. Ychcudy, Registered Prcfessicncl Lend Surveyor, Texas Nc. 4862 ti!J[f -zoLIAt§ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 3131 Mc:Ki1ney Avenue, Bulle 600 Oalu, Texu 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fu (214) 871-0757 I I /////----------------TRACT 4 (CORRECTION (VOLBB109 P0.172J)I I I 15' DRAINAGE I VOL.80005 PG. MEPC I QUORUM PROPERTIES II LEGEND IRS = Iron Red Set with Huitt-Zellars yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Red Found Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this tract. 0 100 200 ~~-.. MMMM• I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The The monuments found as called for on the emended -.plot cf Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town cf Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 200015J, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Weslgrave Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 1 OWNER: TOWN OF ADDISON AREA: 0.8026 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 Steve Chutchian To: Cc: Subject: Importance: Cannen Moran Michael Murphy; Jim Pierce; Luke Jalbert; awashington@cowlesthompson.com Spectrum Drive R.O.W. High Carmen -Angela Washington, with Ken Dippel's office, is working on the preparation of legal instruments for the Spectrum Drive right-of-way/sidewalk easements. She is going to set up a title search on each property. However, she also asked if you have the names of each property owner involved and a contact phone number. When the forms are completed and ready for signatures & notarization, we will forward them to you for disposition. Your assistance is appreciated. Thanks. Steve C. 1 --DATE: Vendor t-Jo: _ Vendor Name Address Address Address -Zip Code . ··. -/~~-~ \ ... -.-'-:: ·· .. --TOWN OF ADDISON--PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO ·. Claim~-Check~;:_:';>:~W~/~}-,=~;· _--. ·:-.· :_-_.\f\f~;:;{{.\~ ~ .... -_::i· .. < :' . : -·"·· -:",~.: . .:· -· · ... _ .. : __ . . ·_l·-~·~:/'=:· .. ::<· .... :' _:. -. --~--~-~ n-T '-:'.Z~~ 2 _r /(/(_ : . -_ ·-c<<; oi-:• . . ; -. -.. · ... . .. -. . --' -··' OA--c..u Ter./fs 7S2o4-2-(.. llbjtJ: DATE: ·.-_, .. _. Vendor Name Address Address ·:_.: .··. Address .. ' '·._-.. _-:·. Zip Code ·_,·. TOTAL EXPLANATION · .5..f'cCTE't.:'r14. · PRr~f=: , f)~_nq,. · · ~y:· ., ·c• .-.:.:·'~:-~:-,. /f?-(rr ~.z~L~s ...r~. · ·.: · · . ..·:._ : ,· i--A~ Authorized Signature Finance . · HUI1TZOUARS HUITT-ZOllARS, INC. • 3131 MCKinney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dallas, TX 75204-2489 • 214.871.3311 phono 1 214.871.0757 fax • huill-zollors.com INVOICE AUGUST 19, 2002 TO: PROJECT: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES INVOICE # 132200205 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JULY 27, 2002 CONTRACT AMOUNT 150,000.00 %WORK TO DATE 16.00% TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE TOTALAMT BILLED 24,000.00 PREVIOUSLY BILLED 22,500.00 AMOUNT BILLED THIS INVOICE 1,500.00 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 ~,rc.. fomy s-zc . g it.J...!tJ 2. l-1 ( J (_Cf~ (lo LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 6/13/02 JOB NO., 01-3220-10 PROJEcr, Spectrum Drive TO: TOWN OF ADDISON Section Exhibits 16801 WESTGROVE RD~~ &?: 7o1o SERVICE CENTER -FIRST FLOOR ADDISON, TX 75001 ATrENTION: MR. Steven Z. Chutchian, P. E. (!]ATIACHED DUNDERSEPARATECOVER., VIA: D•RlNTS OsPECIFicAnoNs [%]VIA•~~ WE ARE SENDING YOU OsnoPDRAwmGs OsAMPLES DcoPYOFLETTER ORE QUEST FOR INFORMATION DCHANGEOiillER DOTIIER• COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIP110N .............5.. ..... ................................... ................................... .L..i..g..h..t. .P...o..l.e.. .B...a..s..e.. .E..x..h...i.b..i.t.. ........................................................................................................ .............5.. ..... .................... ............... Alt #2 for Exhibit Bl ··································· ............................................................................................................................. ..................... ....... 2 Phase 2 Photometric Study.(for Mike Murphy) f., J-1'"'1. ... ~ ,._.. I f<:e -F"'--e r-,0( ....... CC'~I OCJZ4'F0~ ~ c:.. ""r'Y .. . Attached please find the noted exhibits. In par1"icular, please distribute and review Alt. #2 of Exhibit Bl. This ....... alternate illustrates how we can accomplish head-in parking within the planned 69' R.O.W. Under this scenario . .. ....... the City would only need to obtain sidewalk easements from the adjacent property owners. The distance form . .. ·······building face to building face would remain ot 94' as it is today therefore not taking oway any developable area ... ....... from the site provided the setback is measured form the right-of-way line. Please call if you have any questions .... ....... ... OroR APPRovAL DNa EXCEPTIONS TAKEN DRESUBMIT ___ COPIES FORAPPROV AL ~FOR YOUR USB DBXCEPTIONS AS NOTED DsUBMIT ___ coPIES FOR DISTRIBIIT10N ~AS REQUESTED DRETURNED FOR CORRECllONS oRETURN ___ CORREC!EDPRlNTS DFOR REVIBW AND coMMENT DOTIIER• DFORBIDS DUB ON (DATB): DPRINTS RETIJRNED AFTBRLOANTO AFTBRLOANTO us ..R..E..M...A...R..K..S..:. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NO'l1F'l SIGNA'IURE: David E. Meyers, P.E. lcoPYTo, HUIIT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKmney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 • (214) 871-3311 • Fax (214) 871-0757 DfS {. 45.5 to,...... """' G(?_s-/o~ {7/eJ~ pf?,41.vf.-v 'i.S. ~.VEJ'?c Fl t.e .P .J "'"' i 7H "'"" T /l-"-"j ./1 c TJOIV T /'lice .-v /5Cc .!!5/h~J"?' 1978-2003 ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM August 22, 2003 Ms. Gayle Walton Department Secretary City Manager's Office Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project-Parcels 2 and 2A Dear Gayle: Enclosed for the Town's files are the file-marked Right-of-Way Deed and Sidewalk Easement for the above-referenced parcels. I note that the documents are different from those included in my last correspondence to the Town regarding this matter. By copy of this letter, I am asking Steve Chutchian to give me a call to ensure that all is in order. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, \...._..../~r. of/~ Angela K. Washington AKW/yjr Enclosures c( w /Enclosures): (w/o Enclosures) (w/o Enclosures) DALLAS T Y l E R Document If· 1066911 Mr. Steve Chutchian Ms. Carmen Moran Mr. Kenneth Dippel 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 2111.&72.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.COWLESTH 0 M PSON. COM I After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson STATE OF TEXAS COUN1Y OF DALLAS § § § 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ____,_M....::,.,=;;J; J--z._t ____ __,, 2003 GRANTOR: TexOKProperties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: 3g21)755 06/02/03 2353144 t15.0Cr Deed (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPER1Y (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof WARRANTY DEED-Page 1 Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Document II: 1031388 ~031 0~ J0050 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. C/Gia_~ STATE OF TE*AS § Lago 1 ' § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this Z.l s+ day of M.o..'l , 2003, personally appeared Sk_.,e..l-br.::.+ ,Sole..N\o.Mb...--~ \.\\)rs.-\ f\cldi?j'i LU... on behalf of --rQ;O~ B-opu-t\~5 LP , a DK Lc.V\D""" l..;,..,lj:;& Ar±rt.M''IIand acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Comml"ssion Expires: . ' \ . ·. /Off;~. '#-~t4~o f ! p\lOL.IC : ' : : II,. H , ! . . ..u:_~ :.w~1.7.r...w-.Tagel "parc1I"Z~~ Dool.ut.~#:"''OSU8& • .· ~ . c 4 'I ~. r: '~ qti~~b Notary PubiC:state of+elffts 0~ Print Name: l/,~ ~ .We,a.,. SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT -OF-WAY EXIDBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 Exhibit A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P., as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volwne 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrwn Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrwn Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volwne 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 719.97 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on north line of said Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, L. P. a distance of 34.50 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract II from· which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the easterly line o( said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, L. P. a distance of 719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with 'Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrwn Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrwn Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 of an acre of land, more or less. !003 I' 0 5 ' : 0 0 5 2 QUORUM EAST z~ oo ~g C· c<> <"-"-"' og 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 ADDITION '/OL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERV1CES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 5/8" IRF WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS ~g: o_j ~0 Em.ibitB CAP " S 89"05'45"E _),1 5.00' > L2 ""' : LINE TABLE I }1/2" '"'WITH I "RANDOJ.t" RED PlASTIC CAP BEARS I N 89'05'45-w-2.00' COURSE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL 2 0.5702 AC. NOTE: Improvements were not located for this J ~ exhibit and there may be easements and cri other matters of record that affect this I ;:: tract. ___, "' Cl cri ;:: I I I I I I I I I J4.s' I I I J : ~~ I u N oo· ss· 13" E L2 S 89" 05' 45" E L3 N 89" 04' 47"W 65. 00' 34. 50' 34. so· ~ I ~I ~ : " ~~ t; I '-! ~ o w 1 \<-{TRACT II) {TRACT Ill) TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.2002240 PG.03529 TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.2002240 PG.03529 zl lJi I \) '1. I~ '0 I 69' .o.w. b (PRO SED) I EASEMENT s.o· I 5' SIDEWALK -0.0832 AC.) ~ I {PARCEL 2A \<-1:" 3: I ~ ::?..,1 \ ~-?-~ o-1 ~ ~ 1i ----------------~ 0 0 f.-lz ~ 8 = '-" 0 Cf· .:.=; c CJ1 w 6· ·'' ~. ,.,. ~ \>-'0 POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 2 & PARCEL 2A 5/8• IRF' WITH Hum-ZOLL.ARS {0.0697 AC.) .::CAP.:_......,,......_ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89"04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913 I I I {3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON ~ MORRIS A VENUE ~ VOL2000036 PG.02913 ---------=-----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A ~ ~ I 10'' PRIVATE COLO.IUNII:Al!ONS I I J ~ ~ ~~~--_J AMENDED PLAT 0::: I~ EASEI.IENT BY PI.AT -V0L20000Jfl PG.0291.J "' .. "' "' ~ g ~ 0 -' g g o. ADDISON CIRCLE t; cr I LEGEND oc E .,. g·•· PHASE II lJ::'' 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars /l;! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 tn /I yellow plastic cop o ·1 IRF = Iron Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK E §i LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 --•• "'€.·OF "f~ _ '"'\ t--' ••••••• ~ii;.J.o-::· tO •• ·~G\ST~~·~Je, SUite 600 Dallas, Texaa 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS --~----· --·------------------0 100 200 r-1 • ~~r• • rw • •. , SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .• Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES. LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 5/1/2003 I'J S 0 0 r: s 0 ·1 ron:· ........ !!,.., ~.::' 1" 1-, .• ,j 2003 JU/! -2 PM12: 33 c1·~; i·::. " .. ;;_,;:,· •. CALfiOUN COL'h'TY Cl£,1K DALLAS COUNTY AnY provision herein which restrlcts the sate, renb!, cr L!~r: ct the described real property because of color or ra~ Is !nvaHO and unenforceable under federal law. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAo 1 hereby certify this Instrument was flied on the date ~nd time stamped hereon by me and was duly recorded In the volume tnO page or the named records of Dallas County, Texas a~ stamne~ hereon by me.. . .JL\~) f:' 200~ Q..l,\l,'u. \.'~ ....... c..\\-..-COUN'TY CI.ERK, Callas Countyf Teax..( STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT 23531.45 § § § 3920756 06/02/03 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described . above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this _2_1 __ day of __ :_l"'\_u..::.::j+----'' 2003 Drainage Easement-Pan::el2A Spectrum Drive n---"" !003 I· 0 5 ' I 0 0 5 5 ~ STATE OF BXAS § COUNTY OF BALlAS L~ § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said counw and state, on this ~day of Mo.'-\ , 2003, personally appeared Sk~e.. 1-\ws-t 5o\e. Mt111~ bl;-P.,~s\-t\1;,\~ on behalf of l~J L2 """ : LINE TABLE I }1/2" IRf WITH I "RANDOM• RED PlASTIC CAP BEAAS I N 89'05'45"'W-2.00' COURSE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL 2 0.5702 AC. I I I I NOTE: Improvements were not located for this ('!;; exhibit and there may be easements and a) "' "' .,; ;:::: I I I I other matters of record that affect this J ;:::. tract. I --1 J4.S' I I w I I > I ;.. o25 1 ~~ li! I "' o I ,._ a. u N oo· 55" 13" E L2 S 89"05"45"E L3 N 89" 04" 47"W (TRACT Ill) 65. 00' 34. 50' 34. 50' '"I 0 :::; I :., a:: :-a.~ I "\ ~~ t; I -..l ~ o w 1 ~ (TRACT II} TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL2002240 PG.03529 ·-= = ...... -Cl CJ ~ ·~ 0 c:.T1 Cf) C>· TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP. VOL.2002240 PG.03529 zl 17; I \) ~ I "' '0 I 69' _Q,W. ~ ' {PRO SED) I s.o I EASEMENT 5' SIDEWALK 00832 AC.}~ I (PARCEL 2A -. ~ !" ~ I ~ :::? ,., I '?-0· I )g ;;:; I ·'' ~. ~'. "' ]>.'?> ,., ~ b 'f' ~ I o g POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 2 &: z UJ (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE PARCEL 2A 5/B~ IRF WITH HUnT-ZOLLARS CAP I I I RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89"04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913 IRS (3.371 AC.} THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON R .o.w. MORRIS A VENUE ~ 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -------~----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A "'J ..,. j "' ~ ~ ~ I 10'' PRIVAlE C01.4t.IUNICA.TIONS 1-1-1-..... ....J AMENDED PLAT 0: I~ EASEMENT BY PlAT-VOL2000036 PG,0291.3 g g g g a. ADDISON CIRCLE t; iE I LEGEND oc E 45 g• PHASE II )t 1° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with /r' VOL.2000153 PG.00015 1/l I I yellow plastic cap Huitt-Zollars o I IRF = Iron Rod Found ::! LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT 1, BLOCK E -~ :::; ,.... -E,·OF "{.-_ ·~ 1'-'{ ••••••• S'.J.-:: ,.;.., ···~\ST~~··.~ -J .·"ifY"'ij"'"'~ ··.dl ...... : . '() ....... . .... . ... ) ... , ...•.......••••.. : .. ERIC JOHN YAHOUDY ( ... :·················\··· "·-<> 4862 ,_: •o ~ ,....,.• ~~ ··.e"'~:ss,o~··o~ I liD········· ..... ~ su~'~~"' ---This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i:.0~ J ----~ -~~~c:."J Eric J~~dY,~essi~:mal Land Sur¥eyor, Texas No. 4862 Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 Revised Parcel: 5/01/2003 HUITT -?DLIAR5 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dales 3131 t.4cKimey Avenue. Suite 600 Dalaa, Texas 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 -·,---TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~···· M M M M • I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dalles County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr •• Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERllES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 5/1/2003 ---. ,.,,_. '., .. ""'" ;,.._ : ~ " .. , ~·:: LJ' 20U3 JUI! -2 P/1 /2: 33 CYi1Ti1i:;, it,esdgotion fur the =. there shooid bo no excavation for sb:cels that cucounters gmy limostonc. Tan lim:stouc may be pteSCDt in some areas but it can be a desitable material ifpropcdyproccsscd and cotnpaeled. The con1r11010r shooid not~ that subgmde material must be uodcrcut and replaced with select Jill If such conditions arc cncoun!crod, they will be dealt with bY cbaogc order. Ttem No. 107-6"thlck :5 000 PSI compressive @28 danrefnforced concrete dmpslab This item is defined ·118 the recessed pavement mea-required to nccept brick or ather cahanccd paving materials in streets. Tbi:m NQ 108-gn thjck 5.000 PSI compresstvo@'28 daw minforc.ed conmte dmo slab This item is defined as the m:essed pavement area required 1o ace:cpt brick or other eolw:nced paving materials in streets. Item No. 112-Furnish VeWcularBrickhyerMate;ria1.9., Deliyemi1o Site This item consists of the specified vehicular bricks bricks "C". Note that many dimensions are noted in iueremems ofbrick (or ''wytho'). Vehicular bricka shall mcot arcxceedA5I'M C1272-94 for Heavy Vehicular Paving Brick TypeR. An acecpo.blc material bas boon identified as cqaol to the foUowiog: Typo "C'' -2:Y.."x 3W' x 7'h"' A~maColor"'TUUsa.Blend 2, Gamet Red The unit cost for1hls item shaD include only the pmchaso and delivezy of the pavers to the silo Contracto<'s price shall reflect supplying ooe extm pollet of vehicular pavm to the City at a !ocatlon designated by tho City. Bid quantity is for in place quantity ollly. !tom Np I 13-Furnish BeStl! nssociated with fumlsbing and installing the bedding materials and 1he cost nssoeiated with installing the pavers. The materials and delivery costs ofthe pavers is eovmd in Item No.'s 112. PFN-3 SCHEPULE V & VI The contractor shall bid Schedule V lllld Scbedule VI. Schedule V is the Base Bid for Slreet Lighting ilSSllllling that Oncor om!S lllld maintains the vehicular street lights. Schedule VI is the Altemate bid ilSSllllling that the Town owns and operates the vehicular street lights. For the pwposes of determining the successful bidder the Town will usc a comparison of bids utilizing the Bose Bid for Street Lighting (Scbcdulc V). Item No. 611 Ftnnish Glen-Gery Pedestrim Brick l'ave:r:s Contractor's price shall reflect supplying one exw pallet of pedestrian pavers to the City at a loealion designated by the City. Bid qusntity is for in place quantity only. PFN-4 AM .12Q1A ADD INFO: ADDISON -SPECTRUM DR NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION; BID #RFB 04-03 ESTIMATE: $3,000,000. ADDENDUM: 1 PREBID: BID DATE: 11/17/2003 lOAM@SERV CENTER, 16801 WESTGROVE, ADDISON 12/02/2003 3 PM TO OWNER (PP FRM 12/01, lOAM) ARCH/ENG: CITY OF ADDISON, PURCH DEPT, 5350 BELTLINE RD, ADDISON 75001 972 450-7091, FAX 972 450-7096 PLANS: ENGR OF RECORD: HUITT-ZOLLARS, DALLAS 214 871-3311, D MEYERS,PE PLANS AVAIL ON CD ONLY FRM CITY SERV CENTER @N/C NOTESl: 5% BID BOND CD ON FILE NOTES2: *MUST RESERVE IN ADVANCE TO CHECK OUT OF PLANROOM! ! BOI ~==================[D ESCRIPTION ]=======================UN QUANTITY PAVING IMPRVTS. SCH l "NORTH" 101 MOBILIZ~TION LS 1.. 000 102 FULL DEPTH SAWCUT LF 114.000 103 REM & DISP OF EX CONC & ASPH PAVE INCL CURB SY 19.000 l04 6" THICK LIME STAB SUBGRD SY 6859.000 lOS HYDRATED LIME TON 113.100 l06 8 11 5000# COMPRESSIVE @28 DAYS REINF CONC PAVE SY 6229.000 107 6" 5000# COMPRESSIVE @28 DAY REINF CONC DROP SLAB, ST SY 152.000 108 8" 5000# COMPRESSIVE @28 DAY REINF CONC DROP SLAB, ST SY 112.000 109 6" 5000# COMPRESSIVE ® 28 DAY INTEGRAL CONC CURB LF 3194.000 llO LONGITUDINAL BUTT JOINT LF 111.000 111 CONC ST HEADER LF 23.000 112 ACME VEHICULAR BRICK PAVER MATLS, DEL TO SITE SF 2372.000 113 BEDDING MATLS & PLACE BRICK PAVERS SF 2372.000 1J.4 THERMO STOP LINE 24" WIDE LF 23.000 115 THERMO STRIPE 4" WIDE LF l942. 000 116 REFL BUTTONS, TY 1-C, 4" EA 21.. 000 ll7 REFL BUTTONS, TY llAA, 4" EA 140.000 118 ST & TRAFF CTRL SIGNS EA 5.000 l19 ST NAME SIGN & MOUNT HDWR & APPORT EA 1..000 120 UNISTRUT-TELESPAR ST SIGN POST, FOUND, ETC EA 1.000 l2l REM EX ST BARRICADES & POSTS LF 44.000 122 F&I ST BARRICADES & POSTS LF 50.000 l23 BARRICADES, SIGNS & TRAFF CTRL LS 1. 000 124 UNCLASS ST EXCAVA, DISP CY 2 0400. 000 l25 BLACK STL STOP SIGN POLE EA 1.000 126 ADDISON CIRCLE FINIAL ON BLACK STL POLE EA 1. 000 127 STAB CONST ENTR CY 19.000 128 SILT FENCE LF 1050.000 129 INLET PROTECT EA 5.000 130 NO ITEM 131 NO ITEM 132 NO ITEM 133 NO ITEM UNIT BI $ 7S,OOO.OO $ $ 10.00 $ $ 2S.OO $ $ 2. 00 $ $ 90.00 $ $ 28.00 $ $ 30.00 $ $ 3S.OO $ $ 3. 00 $ $ 10.00 $ $ 10.00 $ $ s. 00 $ $ 3. 00 $ $ 12.00 $ $ 3. 00 $ $ 6. so $ $ 9. 00 $ $ 350.00 $ $ 2SO.OO $ $ 250.00 $ $ 2S.OO $ $ 55.00 $ $ 7,SOO.OO $ $ 9. so $ $ 3SO.OO $ $ 3SO.OO $ $ 100.00 $ $ 1. so $ $ 125.00 $ 134 PLACE 6" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK MARKER 135 PLACE WITH THERMOPLASTIC ARROW LF EA 90 $ 2 $ 2.00 150.00 $ $ UTIL IMPRVTS. SCH 2 201 CONC BLOCKING 202 DI FITTINGS, CL 250 203 PVC AWWA C900 DR18 CL 150 WTR PIPE W/EMBED, 06" 204 PVC AWWA C900 DR18 CL 150 WTR PIPE W/EMBED, oan 205 PVC AWWA C900 DR18 CL 150 WTR PIPE W/EMBED, 12 11 2 06 RES SEAT GATE VALVE/BOX, 06" 2 07 RES SEAT GATE VALVE/BOX, 08" 208 RES SEAT GATE VALVE/BOX, 12" 209 FIRE HYDRANT F&I 210 CONNECT TO EX WTR MAIN 211 NO ITEM 212 2" TY K SOFT COPPER IRRIGA SERV 213 1. 5" HERSEY MVR 100 TURBINE METER 214 BROOKS PROD, #65 17" X 28" PRECAST BOX 215 1. 5" FEBCO 805Y DBL CHK VALVE ASSY 215 2" CL 200 PVC SLEEVE 217 TRENCH SAFETY 218 PERFORM WTR TEST 219 NO ITEM 220 NO ITEM PAVING IMPROVMENTS SCH. 1 11 NORTH 11 cr TON LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF LS 9.800 1.100 30.000 489.000 1087.000 3.000 13.000 5. 000 3.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 1. 000 38.000 1596.000 1. 000 $ 175.00 $ 3,500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 45.00 l7.00 21.00 575.00 675.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 750.00 775.00 250.00 750.00 7.50 1.00 $ 3,500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EXTENSION 75,000.00 1,140.00 475.00 13,718.00 10,179.00 174,412.00 4,560.00 3,920.00 9,582.00 1,110.00 230.00 11,860.00 7,116.00 276.00 5,826.00 136.50 1,260.00 1,750.00 250.00 250.00 1,100.00 2,750.00 7,500.00 193,800.00 350.00 350.00 1,900.00 1,575.00 625.00 180.00 300.00 533,480,50 1,715.00 3,850.00 1,350.00 8,313.00 22,827.00 1,725.00 8,775.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 750.00 775.00 500.00 750.00 285.00 1,596.00 3,500.00 STRM DRAINAGE 30~ CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 18 11 302 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 2~ 11 3 03 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 24 11 304 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 27 11 305 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 30 11 306 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 33 11 307 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 36 11 308 CL III RCP INCL EMBED, 42" 309 NO ITEM 310 NO ITEM 31~ NO ITEM 312 NO ITEM 313 REM & DISP OF EX CONC INLET 314 NO ITEM 315 NO ITEM 316 6 1 STD INLET W/RECESS TOP 317 6' STD INLET W/RECESS TOP, EXTRA DEPTH 318 NO ITEM 319 TY B MH 320 NO ITEM 3 21. RCP 6 0 DEG FACTORY WYE CONNECT 322 CONNECT TO EX PIPE 323 NO ITEM 324 PRECAST CONC PIPE PLUG 324 NO ITEM 325 NO ITEM --WWTR--40~ SDR26 PVC WWTR PIPE, 08" 402 SDR26 PVC WWTR. PIPE, 06" 4 03 2 WAY CLEANOUT & CI LID 404 4' DIA WWTR MH 405 8" DIA WWTR PIPE PLUG 406 TV INSPECT OF WWTR LINES 4 07 TRENCH SAFETY 408 CONNECT TO EX WWTR LINES --ELECT DUCTBANK--501 8-6" PVC TY DB CONDUITS, ENCASE IN CONC 502 CONNECT TO EX DUCTBANK 5 03 STD 4 WAY ELECT DUCTBANK MH 5 04 STD 3 WAY ELECT DUCTBANK MH 50 5 CONC DUCTBANK END PLUG STREETSCAPE. SCH 3 601. IRRIGA SYS COMPLETE 602 60 11 SQ TREE GRATE 603 4 11 PVC SCH 40 SUBDRAIN SYS 604 RED OAK, 200 GAL 605 DWARF YAUPON HOLLY l. GAL 606 DAYLILLY l. GAL 6 07 YELLOW BEARD IRIS l. GAL 6 0 8 DAFFODIL 1 GAL 609 BLEEDING HEART 1 GAL 61.0 4" 3000# CONC SUBBASE, SW 61.1 GLEN-GARY PED BRICK PAVE MATLS DEL TO SITE 612 BEDDING MATLS FOR PED BRICK PAVERS 613 TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS ON NEW RAMPS 614 NO ITEM 61.5 NO ITEM ST LIGHT IMPRVTS. SCH 5 801 METER SOCKET BASE LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF EA EA EA LF LF EA LF EA EA EA EA 231.000 59.000 75.000 188.000 26.000 46.000 261.000 428.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 2.000 1.5.000 3.000 11.000 1.235.000 409.000 9.000 3.000 3.000 1235.000 1235.000 l. 000 1052.000 1.000 2. 000 1. 000 3.000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 28.00 33.00 39.00 45.00 51.00 60.00 69.00 92.00 750.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ $ $ $ 350.00 16.00 15.00 350.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ $ $ 150.00 1.50 l. 00 1,500.00 $ 115.00 $ 3,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,500.00 $ 500.00 UTILITY IMPROVMENTS SCH. 2 "NORTH" LS EA LF EA EA EA EA EA EA SF SF SF SF l. 000 23.000 1841..000 41.000 390.000 130.000 130.000 286.000 78.000 9574.000 9574.000 9574.000 70.000 $ 30,000.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 21.00 $ 1.,600.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $ 7. 00 $ 7. 00 $ 8.00 $ 2. 7S $ 3 .so $ 2. so $ 7. so STREETSCAPE IMPROVMENTS SCH. 3 "NORTH" 802 ENCLOSE TO SUPPORT METER, PANEL, CONTR & TIME CLOCK EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.000 1. 000 1.000 1.. 000 1.. 000 1..000 l. 000 $ 125.00 $ 3,500.00 8 0 3 SERV GROUND 804 PANEL BOARD W/BREAKERS 8 0 5 ENCL & CONTACTOR 806 7 DAY TIME CLOCK 807 PHOTO CELL & CONNECTIONS $ $ $ $ $ 50.00 1,200.00 900.00 75.00 50.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,468.00 1,947.00 2,925.00 8,460.00 1,326.00 2,760.00 18,009.00 39,376.00 750.00 4,000.00 7,200.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 4,500.00 3,850.00 19,760.00 6,135.00 3,150.00 6,000.00 450.00 1,852.50 1,235.00 1,500.00 120,980.00 3,000.00 24,000.00 12,500.00 1,500.00 389,844.50 30,000.00 27,600.00 38,661.00 65,600.00 1,950.00 91.0.00 910.00 2,002.00 624.00 26,328.50 33,509.00 23,935.00 525.00 252,554.50 250.00 3,500.00 50.00 1,200.00 900.00 75.00 50.00 BOB B09 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B1B B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 2" G~C ELBO~ 2" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT 2" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT W/PULL ROPE 2" GRC CONDUIT 3" GRC ELBOW 3" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT W/EMBED 3" GRC CONDUIT HI COMPRESSION TAP #10 AWG CONDUCTOR #08 AWG CONDUCTOR NO ITEM #04 AWG CONDUCTOR STL LIGHT PULL BOX PED POLE LIGHT FOUND PED LIGHT POLE & LUMINARIES FIX, 2 EA VEHICULAR POLE LIGHT FOUND VEHICULAR POLE & SGL LIMINARE 30 AMP DISCONNECT SWITCH W/FUSES EA LF LF LF EA LF EA EA LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA 57.000 2210.000 2510.000 156.000 4.000 300.000 30.000 50.000 60.000 2610.000 3040.000 11.000 27.000 27.000 6.000 6.000 1. 000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 17.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 1.3. 00 3.00 4.00 15.00 1. 00 0.50 0. 75 250.00 500.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 500.00 $ $ 3,000.00 300.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ST. LIGHT IMPROVMENTS SCH. 5 "NORTHn {BASE BID) $ ST LIGHT IMPRVTS. ALT BID. SCH 6 8 01 METER SOCKET BASE 802 ENCLOSE TO SUPPORT METER, PANEL, CONTACTOR, TIME CLOCK 8 03 SERV GRND 8 04 PANEL BRD W /BREAKERS BREAKERS 8 05 ENCLOS & CONTACTOR 8 06 7 DAY TIME CLOCK 8 07 PHOTO CELL & CONNECTIONS 808 2" GRC ELBOW 8 09 2 11 PVC SCH 40 CONUIT 810 2" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT W/PULL ROPE 811 2 11 GRC CONDUIT 812 3 II GRC ELBOW 813 3" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT W/EMBED 814 3" GRC CONDUIT 815 HI COMPRESSION TAP 816 #10 AWG CONDUCTOR 817 #08 AWG CONDUCTOR 818 #06 AWG CONDUCTOR 819 #04 AWG CONDUCTOR 820 ST LIGHT PULL BOX 821 PED POLE LIGHT FOUNDATION 822 PED LIGHT POLE LUMINARIERS FIXTURES, 2 EA 823 VEHICULAR POLE LIGHT FOOND 824 VEHICULAR POLE & SGL LUM 825 NO ITEM EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF LF EA LF EA EA LF LF LF LF EA EA RA EA EA 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 l. 000 1.000 l. 000 56.000 2285.000 425.000 156.000 2.000 150.000 15.000 50.000 30.000 2630.000 2890.000 3040.000 15.000 27.000 27.000 6.000 6.000 $ 125.00 $ $ 3,500.00 $ $ 50.00 $ $ 1,200.00 $ $ 900.00 $ $ 75.00 $ $ 50.00 $ $ 17.00 $ $ 3. 00 $ $ 3. 00 $ $ 7. 00 $ $ 13 .00 $ $ 3. 00 $ $ 4. 00 $ $ 15.00 $ $ 1. 00 $ $ 0. 50 $ $ 0. 75 $ $ 0. 75 $ $ 250.00 $ $ 500.00 $ $ 3,700.00 $ $ 500.00 $ $ 3, 000.00 $ ST. LIGHT IMPROVMENTS SCH. 6 11 NORTH" (ALT BID) $ 969.00 6,630.00 7,530.00 1,092.00 52.00 900.00 120.00 750.00 60.00 1,305.00 2,280.00 2,750.00 13,500.00 99,900.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 300.00 165,163.00 250.00 3,500.00 50.00 1,200.00 900.00 75.00 50.00 952-00 6,855.00 1,275.00 1,092.00 26.00 450.00 60.00 750.00 30.00 1,315.00 2,167.50 2,280.00 3,750.00 13,500.00 99,900.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 161,427.50 PAVING, UTILITIES, STREETSCPAE, SIGNALIZATION & STREET LIGHTING BID SCHEDULE SUMMARY SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION-NORTH BID SCHEDULE & DESCRIPTION PAVING IMPROVEMENTS UTILITIES IMPROVEMENTS STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SIGNALIZATION IMPROVEMENTS STREET LIGHTING {BASE BIDl TOTAL PAVING, UTILITY, STREETSCAPE, SIGNALIZATION & STREET LIGHTING BASE BID STREET LIGHTING (ALT BID) $ 533,480.50 $ 389,844.50 $ 252,554.50 NO ITEM $ 1.65,163.00 $ 1.,341,042.50 $ 161,427.50 ·---·--·-----------· ··---·--·--.. -··-·--------·-----------·---~-~--SUMMARY: DATE SUBMITTED: February 18,2002 FOR COUNCIL "MEETING: February 26, 2002 Council Agenda Item This item is for the approval of an Engineering Services Contract for the design of the Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,000,000 Total-$2,600,000 from Bond Sale Remaining amount from Developer contnbutions Cost: $228,000 (Engineering Only) Source of Funds: Funds for engineering design of this project are available from the Year 2000 General Obligation Bond Program, Project No. 25300. BACKGROUND: This project was established as part of the current Capital Improvements Prografu. The portion of Spectrum Drive, from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway, is a continuation of the second phase of the Addison Circle project. Spectrum Drive will also be extended south, from the DART railroad right-of-way to Arapaho Road. The design of a Quiet Zone at the railroad crossing and streetscape improvements are also included in the project. The attached proposal for engineering services was negotiated with the firm of Huitt-Zollars, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $228,000.00, for the design of this project. RECO!\'JM:ENDA TION: ' It is recommended that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Huitt-Zollars, Inc., in the amount of$228,000.00, for engineering services associated with the design of Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions. HUilTZOLIARS HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC • 3131 McKinney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dallas, TX 7520.&-2489 • 214.871.3311 phone • 2U.B71.0757 fox • huilt-zollar1.Com February 11, 2002 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutchian Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for professional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. This proposal encompasses civil engineering, surveying, landscape architecture, irrigation and traffic signal design for the project. There should be no additional tasks, services or fees required in these disciplines to complete the project as we currently understand it with the exception of a railroad crossing design to be coordinated with D.A.R.T and DGNO as described later in this proposal. . This project generally consists of civil engineering, surveying and landscape architecture design for public infrastructure associated with Spectrum Drive-North and South Extensions. The limits of the work are as follows: • North Extension -From a point approximately 85 feet north of the centerline intersection of Spectrum Drive and Morris A venue north approximately 1,100 linear feet to Airport Parkway. • South Extension-From railroad (D.A.R.T. right-of-way) south approximately 540 linear feet to Arapaho Road. Plans and specifications will be produced to the standards for public infrastructure of the Town of Addison and the Addison Urban Center Development Guidelines with the intent of publicly bidding the construction work. Plans will specifically provide for paving, water, wastewater, drainage, electric ductbank, streetscape elements, planting and irrigation. It is our understanding that Huitt-Zollars will design and prepare bid documents will be for the North and South Extension as a single project for the limits of work described above. In the event that the Town decides to Phase the project, a separate proposal for additional services will be prepared at that time. That is the basis for our scope and fees. Projects of this nature fall into the following major categories, any or all of which you may deem necessary for your purposes. I. SURVEYING II. CIVIL SERVICES III. LANDCAPE SERVICES IV. GEO-TECHNICAL SERVICES V. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN VI. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN VII. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 1:\proj\0 199990 I \DA V IDM\Proposals\Addison\SpectrumEx:t4.0211 02.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February 11, 2002 Page 2 of? Our detailed scope is as follows: I. SURVEYING A. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY HUITT ..ZOLlARS 1. Perform the field work necessary to. locate existing features within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of Spectrum Drive from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway and from Arapaho Road to the railroad. (25 feet either side of proposed R.O.W. line of Spectrum) This wi\1 include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade, driveways, swales and other distinct features that can be used in the paving design. In addition we wi\1 locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants, manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. RIGHT-OF-WAYDEDICATIONDOCUMENTS 1. Establish existing right-of-way of Spectrum Drive, Morris Avenue and Airport Parkway and prepare a right-of-way plan based on deed and plat research, and an on the ground survey of existing property corners. 2. Based on deed and plat research, survey of existing right-of-way and property corners, establish the horizontal alignment for the extension of Spectrum Drive. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare a right-of-way strip map for effected parcels and legal ·descriptions and associated exhibits for each individual parcel including metes and bounds descriptions of Spectrum Drive right-of-way dedications (Assumes three property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, public hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the right-of-way dedication. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the Dallas County Deed Records. 4. In the event that there are more than three property owners, Huitt-Zollars will provide required legal descriptions and exhibits for the additional property owners on an hourly rate basis. In addition, HuittZollars will provide revised descriptions and maps, as required, to accommodate changes in ownership during the design phase. This task item is subject to situations beyond our control and therefore must be addressed on an hourly basis with an initial budget allowance. C. MISCELLANEOUS SURVEYING l. In addition to the above services our surveyors wi\1 set all centerline PC' s, PT' s and PI's one time for construction control. It wi\1 be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain this control. No other construction staking is anticipated under this contract. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $20,000 plus the Hourly Not-to-Exceed amount of $5,000 for Task Item B.4. II. CIVIL SERVICES A. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 1. Construction documents will be prepared to the standards of the Town of Addison and the design guidelines established for the Urban Center Zoning District. The plans will include the following elements, grouped as necessary for the various submittal and review processes: . 1:\proj\0 1999901\DA VIDM\Proposals\Proposals\Addison\SpectrumExt4.021102.doc . ----------·----·· .... --------· ---. ··-··---·-···--·-~--'--"---------... ·'------~-·--Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P .E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February II, 2002 Page 3 of7 o Cover Sheet and General Notes o Construction Quantities (in bid/specification book) o Horizontal Controi/R.O.W. Map o Paving Plans and Profiles o Paving Details o Sleeving Plan o Drainage Area Map o Storm Sewer Plans and Profiles o Storm Sewer Details o Water Plans and Profiles o Water Details o Wastewater Plans and Profiles o Wastewater Details HU11lZOLIARS o Streetscape Plans Showing Tree Locations, Light Locations, Sub-Drain System, Sidewalk Patterns, Crosswalk Details, Paver/Concrete Details etc. o Electrical Design for Pedestrian Lighting o Streetscape Details o Electric Ductbank Plans, Profiles and Details o Erosion Control Plan (SWPPP) and Details 2. Basic services for preparation and processing of plans also includes the following tasks: o Prepare specifications to supplement Addison standard specifications and construction details where applicable. o Prepare quantity take-offs and opinions of probable construction cost at the time plans are submitted for Town review. o Prepare documents for advertisement and bidding. o Provide up to 35 bid sets and up to 10 construction sets. (These quantities are the basis for reimbursable expenses as estimated below and may be adjusted as desired with comparable adjustments in the allowance for reimbursables) o Necessary coordination with the Town and franchised utilities is included in the above-listed services; however, no designs or plans for construction of franchised utilities are included except for TXU electric ductbank design. The engineer will submit paving and city utility design plans to each franchise utility company with a request for a design from each company representing their existing facilities, plans for relocating facilities in conflict and plans for new facilities. The engineer will maintain contact with the franchise companies throughout the design process and obtain a relocation plan for each company or at a minimum a letter stating that the company has no new facilities to install or any plans to relocate or upgrade existing facilities. B. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT Huitt-Zollars will provide construction support services as distinguished from an on-site representative provided by the Town of Addison. The combined tasks for all personnel will be as follows: I. Assist the Town in preparing documents for advertisement and bidding; conduct pre-bid meeting; prepare and issue addenda; evaluate bids; make recommendation for award; and assist the Town in preparation of construction contract. Subsequent to the award of the contract the engineer will provide final specifications and contract documents to the Town. The Town will be responsible for obtaining contractor signatures. 2. Make periodic visits to the site (as distinguished from the continuous service of a resident Project representative) to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine in general if \\hzdallas I \disk I \proj\0 199990 I IDA VIDM\Proposals\Addison\SpeotrumExt4.0211 02.doc ------___ ;_____ ___ . ___ ---~~~--·----~--~-------~----------------------------·---~------------------~---------------------Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February 11, 2002 Page4 of7 HUITI ill LIARS the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. In perfonning these services the Engineer will endeavor to protect the Town against defects and deficiencies in the work of the · contractor, but engineer cannot guarantee the performance of the contractor, nor be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations of for the safety measures that the contractor takes or should take. 3. Consult and advise the Town; issue.instructions to the contractor requested by the Town; and prepare and issue routine change orders with Town approval 4. The engineer will prepare a list of shop drawings and submittals that will be required for the project. We will review samples, catalog data, .schedules, shop drawings, laboratory, shop and mill tests of material and equipment and other data which the contractor submits. This review is for the benefit of the Town and covers only general conformance with the information given by the Contract Documents. The contractor is to review and stamp his approval on submittals prior to submitting to Engineer, and review by the Engineer does not relieve the contractor of any responsibility such as dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site, appropriate safety measures to protect workers and the public, or the necessity to construct a complete and workable facility in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5. Schedule and conduct, in conjunction with Town and Contractor, required final inspection walkthrough and follow up on contractor's punch list items. 6. Compile and submit documentation for final acceptance of public facilities, including mylar record drawings and electronic files. 7. Assist Town and Contractor in locating and tagging street trees. This is limited to a maximum of 2 trips. All work is assumed to supplement the primary inspection activities of the Town of Addison and the franchised utility companies. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $150,000. ID. LANDSCAPE SERVICES A. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS I. Construction documents will be prepared to the standards of the Town of Addison and the design guidelines established for the Urban Center Zoning District. It is assumed that the streetscape scheme already established in the Urban Center district will be implemented for this project. The Civil services scope includes the layout of the hardscape and hardscape details. The Landscape services scope is limited to planting and furniture plans, irrigation plans and associated specifications. The plans will include the following elements, grouped as necessary for the various submittal and review processes: • Landscape Plans Showing Tree Species, Planting and Turf areas, Details and Specifications for Planting in the Public right-of-way • Irrigation Plans and Details • Furniture Plans illustrating location and specifications for street furniture including benches and bike racks. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $18,000. IV. GEO-TECHNICALSERVICES Huitt-Zollars will enlist the services of a qualified geo-technical engineering firm to perform the following tasks. 1. Meet with Town officials to review and identify bore locations. 2. Stake the bore hole locations in the filed. 1\hzdallas I \disk llproj\0 199990 !IDA VIDMIProposals\Addison\SpectrumExt4.0211 02.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February II, 2002 Page5 of? HUITT ..ZOLlARS 3. Obtain soil samples from bore holes for material testing. The bore holes and subsequent tests will identify the depth of the tan and gray limestone, plasticity and other properties of the soil. 4. Prepare a written report of findings including the following: a) Plan of borings, boring logs (to be included in final specifications), laboratory test results and water level observations. b) General soil and subsurface water conditions at the boring locations. c) · Evaluation of the swell characteristics of the subsurface soils. d) Earthwork recommendations e) Guidelines for pavement design and concrete pavement sections. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above referenced services shall be the Hourly Not-to-Exceed amount of $8,500. V. RAll..ROAD CROSSING DESIGN Huitt-Zollars will prepare and coordinate design plans for a railroad crossing across D.A.R.T. right-of-way. It is our understanding that this crossing will be a two track crossing for future D.A.R.T. rail lines. The plans will generally consist of the following: • Railroad Crossing Plan • Railroad Crossing Details This scope also includes coordination with D.A.R.T., DGNO, the Town of Addison and other governing agencies that may have jurisdiction on the existing rail. Huitt-Zollars .compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $8,000. VI. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN Huitt-Zollars will prepare a traffic signal design at the intersection of proposed Spectrum Drive and existing Arapaho Road. The plans will generally consist of the following: • Signalization Plan -Identifying horizontal layout of signals, conduit runs, signal head placement diagrams, mast arm signing, and video detection. • Phase Diagram Plan • Traffic signal pole, arms, heads, mast arm, transformer base controller cabinet and signal foundation details. This scope also includes coordination with the Town of Addison, DGNO and D.A.R.T. to determine proper interconnecting of signals to existing traffic signals and the D.A.R.T. rail crossing. It is assumed that traffic counts and or a traffic study will be provided to Huitt-Zollars by others. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $10,000. VII. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable expenses accrued through printing for distribution outside our office, photocopies, computer plotting, deliveries, travel, long distance calls, express mail, postage and similar out of pocket expenses shall be reimbursed at cost plus ten percent and are estimated to be $8,500. This includes the bidding and construction sets as noted above. 1\hzdallas I \disk! \proj\0 199990 I IDA VIDM\Proposals\Addison\SpectrumExt4.0211 02.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February II, 2002 Page 6 of7 Assumptions: .. -----~--HUITT -:ZOLlARS 1. Traffic control and detour plans, if required, will be provided by the contractor prior to construction activities. These plans are not included in the design fee. 2 .. Traffic Studies, if required, are not included in this proposal. .3 .. Construction Support services, beyond the services noted above, are not included in this proposal but can be provided for additional compensation. 4 .. Franchise utility burial plans, if required, will be provided by" the respective franchise companies except for the TXU duct design as noted in the scope. 5. The specifications and details necessary to construct the civil elements will be provided by note or drawing on the construction documents. Primarily the civil elements will be constructed per the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) specifications and details or the Town of Addison standard details. 6. There are no substantial environmental, habitat or endangered species issues with respect to this site. 7. The client will provide all submittal fees, review fees, permit fees and all other regulatory fees required for this project in advance of their need and in addition to the stated budget for reimbursable expenses. 8. The Town will obtain and review monthly and final estimates for payments to contractors, and recommend payments to contractors; assemble written guarantees which are required by the Contract documents. 9. The contractor will be responsible for all testing during construction of improvements. Sumrnarv of Services and Compensation Item I. Item II. Item ill. Item IV. ItemV. Item VI. Item VII. Description Surveying Surveying Civil Services Landscape Services Geo-technical Services Railroad Crossing Design Traffic Signal Design Reimbursable Expenses Total Services Fee Basis Lump Sum Hourly (Not to Exceed) Lump Sum Lump Sum Hourly (Not to Exceed) Lump Sum Lump Sum Estimate Amount $20,000.00 $5,000.00 $150,000.00 $18,000.00 $8,500.00 $8,000.00 $10,000.00 $8,500.00 $228,000.00 Previous experience indicates that revisions and alterations are inevitable. However, if properly tended in the design stage, revisions incurred will be considered minor and incidental to the base contract. · Major alterations to the design development, construction staking, and field inspection program are, of course, beyond our control. In this event, our office will notify you in advance of approximate cost and we will proceed upon receipt of signed Work Authorization. All additional work shall be invoiced monthly and reimbursed on a "Time and Materials" basis using actual direct salary cost for the persons working on the project, times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The general range of direct salary cost for various employees is provided on the attached schedule. Following Town approval of the plans, no changes will be made without additional compensation unless such changes are required due to our oversight. 1:\proj\0 199990 I \DA VIDM\Proposals\Addison\SpectrumExt4.0211 02.doc '--~-~-~·--': --.::.~:: ____ ,_-·.-. __ .-.:.. _ ____:_,_ Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February II, 2002 Page 7 of? •. _....:.__-__.::._:.:...__ ______________ .i, -· HUITr -ill LIARS A copy of our current rate schedule is enclosed as Exhibit "A" and our standard contract provisions are enclosed as Exhibit "B". If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below, initial the exhibits and return one copy for our records. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. J:!::w~ 2. ;JI~ David E. Meyers, P.E. Associate Robert L. Phillips Senior Vice President Accepted for TOWN OF ADDISON Signature Printed Name and Title Date I :\proj\0 199990 1 \DA V IDM\Proposals\Addison\Spectr umExt4.0211 02.doc "EXHIBIT A" DALLAS HUITT -ZOLLARS, INC. BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CHARGES April 1, 2000 Projects indicated to be performed on a 'Time and Materials" basis will be invoiced monthly using actual direct salary cost for the persons working on the project times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year multiplier is 2.44. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal Architect/Engineer VII, VIII, Officer Architect/Engineer IV, V, VI Architect/Engineer I, II, III Designer I through Design Manager CADD Tech I through Supervisor Project Support: Includes Clerical, Computer Systems, Document Control, and Accounting Support $55.00 to $110.00 $35.00 to $ 70.00 $25.00 to $ 50.00 $21.00 to $ 45.00 $21.00 to $ 45.00 $10.00 to $ 35.00 $ 7.00 to$ 28.00 SURVEY CREWS WILL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: 1 Person Robotic Total Station Crew 2 Person Total Station Crew 3 Person Total Station Crew 4 Person Total Station Crew 1 Person GPS Crew 2 Person GPS Crew 3 Person GPS Crew Testimony Standby Preparation HOURLY BILLING RATES EXPERT WITNESS $75.00 $95.00 $115.00 $135.00 $140.00 $160.00 $185.00 $260.00 $130.00 $130.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: In House Blue Prints In House Photocopies Outside Services Mileage $ 0.20/11:2 $ 0.10/page Cost+ 10% $ 0.325/mile Client Int. __ _ HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS "EXHIBIT B'' I. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZI) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the WORK AUTHORIZATION/AGREEMENT. 2. . COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 3. 4. s. Construction cost estimates provided by HZI are prepared from experience and judgement HZI has no control over market conditions or construction procedureS and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from HZI estimates. STANDARD OF PRACTICE Services performed by HZ! under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report, opinion, document or otherwise. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZ! will be billed to the client in addition to fees. BILLING AND PAYMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely pa)'mellt is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZI for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by HZI on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an_invoice, th_e CLIENT shall so notify HZI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question, and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-onehalf (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZ! more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor ofCLIENT._Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZI) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indenmify HZI from and against any claims for injury or loss stenuning from HZI's cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with preman.m: project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobili.zation, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract terms and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope of service. In the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZl within ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its lx::ing called to HZI's attention. If resolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT. 6. LIMITATIONOFLIABILITY 7. 8. 9. In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZrs liability arising from HZI's professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZI shall not exceed HZI's total fee for the services rendered on this project CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZI shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was conunitted by the CLIENT or HZI, their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss of profit TERMINATION In the event· termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZI) effecting termination shall so notify the other party. and termination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect termination or the cause of termination, the CLIENT shall within thirty (30) caJendar days of termination remunerate HZ1 for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective-time of termination, in accordance with HZI's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF TilE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN TillS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, TilE ENFORCEABILITY OF TilE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. Client Int. __ _ Page2of2 Council Agenda Item SUMMARY: This item is for the approval of an Engineering Services Contract for the design of the Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions. · FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,000,000 Total-$2,600,000 from Bond Sale Remaining amount from Developer contributions Cost: $228,000 (Engineering Only) Source of Funds: Funds for engineering design of this project are available from the Year 2000 General Obligation Bond Program, Project No. 25300. BACKGROUND: This project was established as part of the current Capital Improvements Program. The portion of Spectrum Drive, from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway, is a continuation of the second phase of the Addison Circle project. Spectrum Drive will also be extended south, from the DART railroad right-of-way to Arapaho Road The design of a Quiet Zone at the railroad crossing and streetscape improvements are also included in the ·.. project. The attached proposal for engineering services was negotiated with the firm of Huitt-Zollars, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $228,000.00,forthe design of this project. · RECOM.· M.. ENDATION: ~ It is recommended that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Huitt-Zollars, Inc., in the amount of$228,000.00, for engineering services associated with the design of Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions . . -~. HUilT -zoLIARS HUITT-ZOLlARS, INC 1 3131 McKinney Ave. • Suite 600 • Dclllas, TX 75204·2489 • 214.871.3311 phone 1 214,871.0757 fox • huitt-;z:ollorJ.CCITl February 11, 2002 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutchian Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for professional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. This proposal encompasses civil engineering, surveying, landscape architecture, irrigation and traffic signal design for the project. There should be no additional tasks, services or fees required in these disciplines to complete the project as we currently understand it with the exception of a railroad crossing design to be coordinated with D.A.R.T and DGNO as described later in this proposal. . This project generally consists of civil engineering, surveying and landscape architecture design for public infrastructure associated with Spectrum Drive-North and South Extensions. The limits of the work are as follows: • North Extension -From a point approximately 85 feet north of the centerline intersection of Spectrum Drive and Morris Avenue north approximately 1,100 linear feet to Airport Parkway. • South Extension-From railroad (D.A.R.T. right-of-way) south approximately 540 linear feet to Arapaho Road. Plans and speciftcations will be produced to the standards for public infrastructure of the Town of Addison and the Addison Urban Center Development Guidelines with the intent of publicly bidding the construction work. Plans will specifically provide for paving, water, wastewater, drainage, electric ductbank, streetscape elements, planting and irrigation. It is our understanding that Huitt-Zollars will design and prepare bid documents will be for the North and South Extension as a single project for the limits of work described above. In the event that the the Town decides to Phase the project, a separate proposal for additional services will be prepared at that time. That is t,'J.e basis for our scope and fees. Projects of tins nature fall into the following major categories, any or all of which you may deem necessary for your purposes. I. SURVEYING II. CIVIL SERVICES III. LANDCAPE SERVICES IV. GEO-TECHNICAL SERVICES V. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN VI. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN VII. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES l:\proj\0 1999901 \DA VIDM\ProposalsV\ddison\SpectrumExt4.021102.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February 11, 2002 Page 2 of7 Our detailed scope is as follows: I. SURVEYING A. TOPOGRAPIDC SURVEY HUITT illLIARS 1. Perform the field work necessary to locate existing features within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of Spectrum Drive from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway and from Arapaho Road to the railroad. (25 feet either side of proposed R.O.W. line of Spectrum) This will include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade, driveways, swales and other distinct features that can be used in the paving design. In addition we will locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants, manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. R!Gill-OF-WAYDEDICATIONDOCUMENTS 1. Establish existing right-of-way of Spectrum Drive, Morris Avenue and Airport Parkway and prepare a right-of-way plan based on deed and plat research, and an on the ground survey of existing property comers. 2. Based on deed and plat research, survey of existing right-of-way and property corners, establish the horizontal alignment for the extension of Spectrum Drive. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare a right-of-way strip map for effected parcels and legal descriptions and associated exhibits for each individual parcel including metes and bounds descriptions of Spectrum Drive right-of-way dedications (Assumes three property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, public hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the right-of-way dedication. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the Dallas County Deed Records. 4. In the event that there are more than three property owners, Huitt-Zollars will provide required legal descriptions and exhibits for the additional property owners on an hourly rate basis. In addition, HuittZollars will provide revised descriptions and maps, as required, to accommodate changes in ownership during the design phase. This task item is subject to situations beyond our control and therefore must be addressed on an hourly basis with an initial budget allowance. C. MISCELLANEOUS SURVEYING 1. In addition to the above services our surveyors will set all centerline PC' s, PT' s and PI's one time for construction control. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to IDaintain this control. No other construction staking is· anticipated under this contract. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $20,000 plus the Ho\Irly Not-to-Exceed amount of $5,000 for Task Item B.4. II. CIVIL SERVICES A. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 1. Construction documents will be prepared to the standards of the Town of Addison and the design guidelines established for the Urban Center Zoning District. The plans will include the following elements, grouped as necessary for the various submittal and review processes: 1:\proj\0 199990 1 \DA VIDM\Proposals\Proposals\Addison\SpectrumExt4.0211 02.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension February 11, 2002 Page 3 of7 • Cover Sheet and General Notes • Construction Quantities (in bid/specification book) • Horizontal Control/R.O.W~Map • Paving Plans and Profiles • Paving Details • Sleeving Plan • Drainage Area Map • Storm Sewer Plans and Profiles • Storm Sewer Details • Water Plans and Profl.les • Water Details • Wastewater Plans and Profiles • Wastewater Details HUITI ..ZOLlARS • Streetscape Plans Showing Tree Locations, Light Locations, Sub-Drain System, Sidewalk Patterns, Crosswalk Details, Paver/Concrete Details etc. • Electrical Design for Pedestrian Lighting • Streetscape Details • Electric Ductbank Plans, Profiles and Details • Erosion Control Plan (SWPPP) and Details 2. Basic services for preparation and processing of plans also includes the following tasks: • Prepare specifications to supplement Addison standard specifications and construction details where applicable. • Prepare quantity take-offs and opinions of probable construction cost at the time plans are submitted for Town review. • Prepare documents for advertisement and bidding. • Provide up to 35 bid sets and up to 10 construction sets. (These quantities are the basis for reimbursable expenses as estimated below and may be adjusted as desired with comparable adjustments in the allowance for reimbursables) • Necessary coordination with the Town and franchised utilities is included in the above-listed . services; however, no designs or plans for construction of franchised utilities are included except for TXU electric ductbank design. The engineer will submit paving and city utility design plans to each franchise utility company with a request for a design from each company representing their existing facilities, plans for relocating facilities in conflict and plans for new facilities. The engineer will maintain contact with the franchise companies throughout the design process and obtain a relocation plan for each company or at a minimum a letter stating that the company has no new facilities to install or any plans to relocate or upgrade eJ R. c, tv., (~ U 11-0 ( ""~ -y >;, iD £v,__ -13 Of~this-license,-L-icensee -ilgfees-te-design, -construGt,-install-and--maintain the Penmitted Improvements in such a manner so as not to create a hazard to the use of the Property, and further agrees to pay any damages which may arise by reason of Licensee's use of the Property under this Agreement. 5.04.-By acceptance of this license, Licensee covenants and agrees to institute and maintain a reasonable testing program to determine whether or not additional cathodic protection of its Penmitted Improvements is necessary and if it is or should become necessary, such protection shall be immediately instituted by Licensee at its sole cost and expense. 5.05. Absence of markers does not constitute a warranty by DART that there are no subsurface installations on the Property. 5.06. If at any time, traffic volume or other circumstances should warrant a grade separation for the crossing licensed hereunder, Licensee shall be responsible for the installation of such grade separation to DART's standards, at no cost to DART. · 6. Governmental Approvals. Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for and shall obtain, any and all licenses, penmits, or other approvals from any and all governmental agencies, federal, state or local, required to to carry on any activity permitted herein. 7. DART's Standard Contract and Insurance. No work on the Property shall be commenced by Licensee or any contractor for Licensee until such Licensee or contractor shall have executed DART's Standard Contractors Agreement covering such work, and has furnished insurance coverage in such amounts and types as shall be satisfactory to DART. Spectrum Drive 2of6 8. Dutv of Care in Construction. Ooeration and Maintenance. Liceosee or its contractor shall use reasonable care during the construction. operation and· maintenance period and thereafter, to avoid damaging any existing buildings, equipment and vegetation on or about the Property and any adjacent property owned by or under the control of DART. If the failure to use reasonable care by the Licensee or its contractor causes damage to the Property or such adjacent property, the Liceosee and/or its contractor shall immediately replace or repair the damage at no cost or expense to DART. If Licensee or its contractor fails or refuses to make such replacement, DART shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make or effect any such repair or replacement at the sole cost and expense of Licensee, which cost and expense Licensee agrees to pay to DART upon demand. 9. Environmental Protection. 9.01 Licensee shall not use or pennit the use of the Property for any purpose that may be in violation of any laws pertaining to health or the environment, including without limitation. the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA"), the Texas Water Code and the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act. 9.02. Licensee warrants that the Pennitted Use of the Property will not result in the disposal or other release of any hazardous substance or solid waste on or to the Property, and that it will take all steps necessary to insure that no such hazardous substance or solid waste will ever be discharged onto the Property by Licensee or its Contractors. 9.03. The terms "hazardous substance" and "release" shall have the meanings specified in · ·-· · · -cEReJ::.-A-and·the-terms-"solid-waste'~-and-"disposal"-(Gr ~'disposed'!) .shalLhave.the.meaningupecified in _ . the RCRA; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event either CERCLA or RCRA is amended so as to broaden the meaning of any term defined thereby, such broader meaning shall apply subsequent to the effective date of such amendment; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that to the extent that the laws of the State · of Texas establish a meaning for "hazardous substance", "release", "solid waste", or "disposal", which is broader than that specified in either CERCLA or RCRA, such broader meaning shall apply. 9.04. Licensee shall indemnify and hold DART harmless against all cost of environmental clean up to the Property resulting from Licensee's use of the Property under this Agreement. 10. Mechanic's Liens Not Pennitted. Licensee shall fully pay for all labor and materials used in. on. or about the Property and will not pennit or suffer any mechanic's or materialmen's liens of any nature to be affixed against the Property by reason of any work done or materials furnished to the Property at Licensee's instance or request. 11. Maintenance of Completed Improvements. After the Pennitted Improvements have been constructed, they shall be maintained by the Licensee in such a manner as to keep the Property in a good and safe condition with respect to Licensee's use; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, with respect to the warning protection devices installed as Pennitted Improvements, such devices shall be maintained by the Railroad, upon acceptance of installation in accordance with approved plans, subject to reimbursement therefor by Licensee. Iii the event t:IR:Licensee fails to maintain tire P10pert) as rcqttired;-llfl6n-diseewry, DART shal notify Licensee of such occurrence in writing. In the event Liceosee shall not have remedied the failure within ten (10) days from the date of such notice, DART shall have the right, but not the obligation to remedy such failure at the sole cost and expense of Licensee. In the event DART exercises its right to Spectrum Drive 3 of6 remedy Licensee's failure, Licensee agrees to immediately pay to DART all costs incurred by DART upon demand. · 12. Future Use by DART. 12.01. lbis license is made expressly subject and subordinate to the right ofDARTto use the Property for any purpose whatsoever. 12.02. In the event that DART sball, at any time subsequent to the date of this Agreement, at its sole discretion, determine that the relocation of the Pennitted Improvements sball be necessary or convenient for DART's use of the Property, or that the crossing must be modified, including but not limited to the installation of grade crossing signals, Licensee sball, at its sole cost and expense make such modifications or relocate said Pennitted Improvements so as not to interfere with DART's or DART's assigns use of the Property. In this regard, DART may, but is not obligated to, designate other property for the relocation of the Pennitted Improvements. A minimum of thirty (30) days written notice for the exercise of one or more of the above actions shall be given by DART, and Licensee sball promptly commence to make the required changes and complete them as quickly as possible. 13. Duration of License. lbis license shall terminate and be of no further force and effect (a) in the event Licensee shall discontinue or abandon the use of the Pennitted Improvements; (b) in the event Licensee shall relocate the Pennitted Improvements from the Property; (c) upon termination in accordance with paragraph 18 of this Agreement, whichever event first occurs. 14. Compliance With Laws and Regulations. Licensee agrees to abide by and be governed by all ·Jaws,-ordinances-and -regulations -of-any and aU-governmental-entities baving. jurisdiction=er thellcensee _ _ _ _ and by railroad regulations, policies and operating procedures established by the Railroad, or other applicable railroad regulating bodies, and Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold DART bannless from any failure to so abide and all actions resulting therefrom. Licensee acknowledges the current applicability of federal and state railroad regulatory agency requirements for the blowing of whistles when approaching at-grade public and private road crossings. 15. Indemnification. 15.01. Licensee shall defend, protect and keep DART and Railroad forever bannless and indemnified against and from any penalty, or damage, or charge, imposed for any violation of any law, ordinance, rule or regulation arising out of the use of the Property by Licensee, whether occasioned by the neglect of Licensee, its employees, officers, agents, contractors or assigns, or those holding under Licensee; 15.02. Licensee shall at all times protect, indemnify and it is the intention of the parties hereto that Licensee hold DART and Railroad harmless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of, or from any accident or other occurrence on or about the Property causing personal injury, death, or property damage, except when caused by the willful misconduct or negligence of DART or Railroad, their officers, employees or agents, and then only to the extent of the proportion of any fault determined against DART for its willful misconduct or negligence; 15.03. Licensee shall at all times protect, indemnify and hold DART and Railroad bannless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of or from any and all claims or causes of action resulting from any failure of Licensee, its officers, Spectrum Drive 4 of6 employees, agents, contractors or assigns in any respect to comply with and perform all the requirements and provisions hereof. 16. Action Upon Termination of License. At such time as this license may be terminated or cancelled for any reason whatever, Licensee, upon request by DART, shall remove all improvements and appurtenances owned by it, situated in, under or attached to the Property and shall restore the Property to the condition existing at the date of execution of this License, at Licensee's sole expense. 17. Assignment. Licensee shall not assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement in whole or in part, or permit any other person or entity to use the License hereby granted without the prior written consent of DART which DART is under no obligation to grant. 18. Methods ofTermination. This Agreement may be terminated in any of the following ways: 18.01. Written Agreementofbothparties; 18.02. By either party giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice. 18.Q3. By either party, upon failure of the other party to perform its obligations as set forth in this Agreement. 19. Miscellaneous. 19.0 1. Notice. When notice is permitted or required by this Agreement, it shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or when placed, postage prepaid, in the U.S. Mail, Certified, Return Receipt Requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses: LICENSOR: Dallas Area Rapid Transit P. 0. Box 660163 Dallas, Texas 75266-7210 Attn: Railroad Management LICENSEE: Town of Addison P. 0. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Attn: Director of Public Works Either party may from time to time designate another and different address for receipt of notice by giving notice of such change of address. · 19.02. Attomev Fees. Any signatory to this Agreement who is the prevailing party in any legal proceeding against any other signatory brought under or with relation to this Agreement shall be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney fees from the non-prevailing party. 19.03 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 19.04 Entirety and Amendments. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, if any, relating to the Property and the matters addressed herein, and may be amended or supplemented only by a written instrument executed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. Spectrum Drive 5 of6 '' 19.05. Parties Bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the executing parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 19.06. Number and Gender. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall be held and construed to include any other gender; and words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, unless the text clearly requires otherwise. 11 IN ,S WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement in multiple originals this ~..t.0day of~ :tAm J. ,_.v , I9:l:Z.. LICENSOR: DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT By:~ .~ ROgeile r'V President/Executive Director LICENSEE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Spectnun Drive 6 of6 . . ' ' ' BELT LINE (Not to Scale) ~}{{~ ADDISON CIRCLE • ADDISON AIRPORT '-•-FUTAUURGENRMOEANDTWSA Y ___ FUTURE D.A.R.T. EXHIBIT A KELLER EXHIBIT 1-STIJDY AREA: FUTURE SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION • FUTURE HIGHWAY-RAn. CROSSING '.0:- HUITI -K)LlARS rvr~~-fi02~:s2a5i 3131 McKinney Ave. I Suite 600 I Dallas, TX 7520.4-2489 I 21.4.871.3311 phone I 214.871.0757 fa/\ I huilt-zollors.com Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutchian Pursuant to our meeting on March 18, 2002, Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for additional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. Huitt-Zollars will evaluate up to three plan and section alternatives incorporating a combination of head-in and parallel parking for the north and south extensions of Spectrum Drive. It is our understanding that the goal of the alternatives is to create as many on-street parking spaces as practical. Per your direction the alternatives will reduce the driving lanes on Spectrum Drive from 4lanes to 2lanes (one in each direction) of approximately 13 feet in width for this analysis. We will present the alternatives to staff for review and incorporate staff comments before preparing a final version for presentation to City Council if required. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Hourly Not-to-Exceed amount of $8,500 plus and allowance of $500 for reimbursable expenses. Assumptions: I. A traffic study to determine the merit of reducing Spectrum from four lanes to two lanes has not been conducted and is not part of this proposal. A copy of our current rate schedule is enclosed as Exhibit "A" and our standard contract provisions are enclosed as Exhibit "B". If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below, initial the exhibits and return one copy for our records. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 9v--Jc#!JroiY David E. Meyers, P.E. Associate Robert L. Phillips Senior Vice President Signature I e. Date ' I \\hzdallas I \disk I \proj\0 199990 I \DA VIDNI\Proposals\Addison\Spectru m0ptioins.032502.doc Mur "EXHIBIT A" DALLAS HUITT-ZOLLARS,INC. BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CHARGES April 1, 2000 Projects indicated to be performed on a 'Time and Materials" basis will be invoiced monthly using actual direct salary cost for the persons working on the project times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year multiplier is 2.44. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal Architect/Engineer VII, VIII, Officer Architect/Engineer IV, V, VI Architect/Engineer I, II, III Designer I through Design Manager CADD Tech I through Supervisor Project Support: Includes Clerical, Computer Systems, Document Control, and Accounting Support $55.00 to $110.00 $35.00 to $ 70.00 $25.00 to $ 50.00 $21.00 to $ 45.00 $21.00 to $ 45.00 $10.00 to$ 35.00 $ 7.00 to$ 28.00 SURVEY CREWS WILL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: 1 Person Robotic Total Station Crew 2 Person Total Station Crew 3 Person Total Station Crew 4 Person Total Station Crew 1 Person GPS Crew 2 Person GPS Crew 3 Person GPS Crew Testimony Standby Preparation HOURLY BILLING RATES EXPERT WITNESS $75.00 $95.00 $115.00 $135.00 $140.00 $160.00 $185.00 $260.00 $130.00 $130.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: In House Blue Prints In House Photocopies Outside Services Mileage $ 0.20/ft2 $ 0.10/page Cost+ 10% $ 0.325/mile Client Int. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. HUITT-WLLARS, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS "EXI:llBIT B II ADTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZI) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherv.rise in the WORK AUTHORIZATION/AGREEMENT. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZI are prepared from experience and judgement. HZI has no control over market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from HZI estimates. STANDARD OF PRACTICE Services perfonned by HZ! under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report, opinion, document or or otherwise. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZI will be billed to the client in addition to fees. BILLING AND PAYMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZI for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by HZI on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an invoice, the CLIENT shall so notify HZI in writing within ten (I 0) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question, and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-onehalf (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZI more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZI) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indemnifY HZI from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZI's cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with premature project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract tenns and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope of service. In the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its being called to HZI's attention. If resolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7. 8. 9. In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZI's liability arising from HZI's professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZI shall not exceed HZrs total fee for the services rendered on this project. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZ! shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was committed by the CLIENT or HZI, their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss of profit. TERMINATION In the event termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZI) effecting termination shall so notify the other party. and termination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect tennination or the cause of tennination, the CLIENT shall within thirty (30) calendar days of termination remunerate HZI for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective time of termination, in accordance with HZI's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. Client Int. ___ _ Page 2 of2 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporalion ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM February 14, 2003 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison-Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Drive Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are right-of-way deeds and sidewalk easements for Parcels 3 through 6 of the above-referenced project. Documents for Parcel 2 were forwarded to you on December 23, 2002 and, as you will recall, Parcel 1 is the property of the Town of Addison. If you have any questions or need anything further, please give me a call. Sincerely, J~ !(. / ~§ ql ~ ~. ------I -. ---I ---·~---------I (FUTURE STREET R-1) LINE TABLE 15851 DALLAS NORTH EXHIBIT B PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 S B9'05'45"E 5.00' L 1 Ill\ s;a• rRr WITH IJI \ HUITT-ZOUARS YELLOW PLASTIC CAP I I COURSE BEARING Ll S 89"05"45"E DISTANCE 34. 50' 34. 50' I II I J4.S' lr:-.. ---~~ L2 N 89" 04" 47"W I I ,., I,., (3.815 AC.) ::J ::J GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. :;) :;j VOL.99053 PG.05566 NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. I (~~-:~~:; r--5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT I . • I (PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.) I :!l 81 I .,; .,; I ;;: w;;: I PARCEL 3 1 ~ ;?! 0.5702 AC. ---.~s---------------------.1 ..J ~ :5 m o ~I (FUTURE STREET R-2) I c.~-.;;-'"'~----::;-- -----------1 '" • I 01:::;; w ;o "\ ---~ ~--------------------L g: ~~ ~~ ~ '(.. '(.. (TRACT 3 REM.) i ti ~ I~ \) 'it GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. I W 0 o 'b 'l-VOL.97211 PG.01264 f)j z en '0 C:.· I I I> I I II' 'FI I "' "' '(., 'it I i;; i;; I y. 0·1 ~ "' ~ \ 'b ~ I 0 8 I N 69'04'47"W 5.00' I z "' (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERliES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A II --t--.~~~---------------------·' ~. "'' 'b \>-~ 1 I I 1-1 I I I J4.5' I\ 5/a-IRF WITH HUm-ZOLLARS YELLOW PlASTIC CAP 1---lg ... ., POINT OF BEGINNING (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 (0.0697 AC.) I SPECTRUM DRIVE S/B"IIRS TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY I EASEMENT BY PLAT DEDICATION VOL.200DOJ6 PG.0291J VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --====-=t-_j___j THE ASHTON I i') MORRIS AVENUE ~ VOL.2000036 PG.02913 0 ---------=-----------: -----:~ LOT 1, BLOCK A I Ll) "'t ,., N ~ :J I 10' PRIVATE C0t.4MUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-.....J AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL20000J6 PG.0291J g '3 '3 '3 . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti ct: I LEGEND ~ oc~ E ...=_ 45 g.w. PHASE II lr' a I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars tk! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl j I yellow plastic cop a I IRF = Iron Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK < ... LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OE. 3 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of · I I b. I I ~ 3: I I ., •, ~ ~ I ~ ~I Y, 0· I II' II' ~ \ ~ ~ I 8 8 I N 891l4'47'W 5.00' 1 z 111 (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 POINT or BEGINNING -PARCEL JA !I -i--..~~-:::-:::-::::::- ----------------, ~ . I •t•" IRF """ ~ · '0 «:, I ~L"['~z~~~c CAP I' I I ---f J4.s· J---1 I I I (0.0697 AC.) I SPECTIRUM DRIVE •t•"I 1RS RIGHT-or-wAY 1 DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --==t-..l._J 8 .. !!! POINT OF BEGINNING (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON .o.w. _ MORRIS AVENUE ~ 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ---------=-----------~ ----j LOT 1. BLOCK A ~ U'l V l""l N ~ ~ 1 10' PRIVATE COM~UNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-.....J AMENDED PLAT a:: I~ EASEMENT BY PlAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g 1 ~ • a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti 1r I LEGEND 8 oc~ E 45 g·•· PHASE II lt 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars ~ VOL2000153 PG.00015 Vl/I yellow plostic cop 0 LOT a I IRF = Iron Rod Found LOCKE ] -:I 1' LOCK 0 PAGE 3 OF' 3 This is to certify thot the above survey wos made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 ond thot the metes end bounds shown thereon ore true end correct to the best of my knowledge. 5 __ 0 '::jj_ ____ QL -------Eric J. ~~dy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texos No. 4662 HUITT illLIARS Hultt-Zolaro, Inc. · Oalaa 3131 Mc:Kmey Aw.nue. SUite 600 Dolu, Texu 75204·2489 Phona !214) 871-3311 Fu !214) 871-0757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~···· MWWWw I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the emended plat of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dollos County, Texas. Prepared Far: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Weatgrave Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 OWNER: GAYLORD PROPER11ES, L.P. AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 I . ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM December 23, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS RE: Parcel2-Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are the Right-of-Way Deed for Parcel 2 and the Sidewalk Easement documents for Parcels 2A and 2B, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please Jet me know. Sincerely, AKW/yjr Enclosures c(w/oEnclosures): 0 A L L A S T Y L E R DocWllent #: 1033285 Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/firm 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.COW LESTHO M PSO N.COM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recordin~ Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ---------'' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (!) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED-Page I Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Document#: 1031388 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared _____________ _ on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive DQcumentll: 1031388 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of the tract of land to Gaylord Properties, L.P. described as Tract 3, as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the_ northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the northerly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P.; Page 1 of6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR _P2.doc EXHIBIT A THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract 3 ~f Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast comer of said Tract 3 from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 min!ltes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR _P2 .doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 L7 ---~ l_--(~U~U~~ ~~E~~~ ~---::~~~: ,_,., NOTE: PARCEL 2 0.6487 AC. Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 55 VJO at:! "" .. a. c.N oo 0 ~g: o..J >-0 > I'{ "' "' ai ~ I ,,_,. (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)_ I z N sg·o4'47•w ~ Ill 5.00' "' _I~ 1--________ _P~~ ~ !~1~1~ _: !~'::L_!':_ ~ 81 ~ 1/2~ !RF WITH .RANOOt.l• RED PLASTIC CAP BEARS N 89'05'45-w-2.00' 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG. 1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N oo· 55' lJ"E 65. oo· L2 N B9" 04' 47"W 28. 00' L3 N 00" 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 2B. 00' L5 N B9' 05' 45" W 28. DO' L6 N oo· 54' 15"E 61. oo· L 7 S 89" 05' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N B9" 04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 'I 0' 5/8" IRS L4 (/) ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ O.f:;:--+------------------1 ~ lE o ~ I 1--/" a::=> --------------------~!._IRS 1110. a:: I (TRACT 3 REI.!.) -lJ I '(_ '\ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. S 89'04'47"E ~ 1 ...j QQ E--QQ -:c X "" VOL.9721 1 PG.Ol 264 5.00' Vl I \,) \II 'i:> '1l 'l-69' .o.w. b. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ~ .'"' I ~-\1-~ ~ II '(-"' ., .... "' 0· ~I ~ I ~\ ~ "' !1: I 1:;1 ... ::? ·'' ~. "" "' !>-~ 6· POINT OF' BEGINNING PARCEL 2 &t. PARCEL 2A 5/e• IRf WITH HUITT-ZOL.l.ARS (0.0697 AC.) ::::""'::.........,.--SPECTRUM DRIVIE RIGHT -OF -WAY .-, II) ~I~ 8 z 8 Ill lz I DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.0291 3 IRS POINT OF COMMENCING -x· CUT SET IN BRICK PAVERS (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON _ MORRIS AVENUE VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --------=---------------j LOT 1, BLOCK A II') ..,. 1"1 N ~ ~ 1 10' PRIVATE C01.4t.IUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-_J AMENDED PLAT Ct:' I~ EASE"'ENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000JS PG.0291J g g g g . a. ADDISON CIRCLE lJ i'2 I LEGEND E "g·•· PHASE II ~ 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars t-.J.-....1...-.L........l-.J l;:! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl I I yellow plastic cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found l ::! LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF 6 LOT 1, BLOCK E :::11 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 end that the metes end bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. {~~ ------------------ --------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 wrrr~ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT &: SIDEWALK EASEMENT 3131 Mc:Knoer A-u. eoo Oolu, Tuu 75204-2418 Phone (214) B7l-33l1 Fu (214) f7H17S1 .. ~"~:;" . TO'MII OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~~-·. WMMMw I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F'or: TOWN OF ADDISON 18801 W..tgrow Dr., Aclcllaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OVII'IER: GAYLORD PROPER11ES. LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/1 00 ($1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of _________ , 2003 Drainage Easement-Parce12A Spectrum Drive Page 1 Document II: 1031432 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~--~~~~-~~~ General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By ___________ _ Print Name _____________________ _ Title------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared _________ _ on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Drainage Easement-Parcel 2A Speclrum Drive Page2 Document II: 1031432 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; .THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of372.83 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 3 of6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC __ DR_ sw2A.doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVlCES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 z~ oo -0 > ~. ~ 0 0 " ~ ~ " •• (FUTURE STREET R-1) 5/8• IRS ~ L7 I~ I 1/2. IRF WITH ---:::._-__________ -:-____ sLB~R"P BEARS I N 89"05'45"\11-2.00' I 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VDL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N DO' 55' 13"E 65. 00' L2 N 89' 04' 47"W 28. 00' L3 N DO' 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47" E 2B. 00' L5 N 89" 05' 45" W 2B. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' L 7 S B9' 05' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N 89" 04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99D53 PG.05566 ,~o 5/8' IRS l4 ~ 0 ~ 0 ." ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ a..l-;----!-----------------1 ;; .,_ L ~~~ I 1--------------5/B' IRS 2 a_ ::J I ---------~ cr (TRACT 3 REM.) .-ti I ~ '\ "l .... -"l -:c ;>( w GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s 89'04'47"E I ~ ~ I "-l VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' Vl I ~ I 'b \) 'l-1 ... .o.w. t. '0 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ~ ."5' I ~. \t ~ ~ II y,"' ., "' 'b O·r:!I:Sl I ~\ ~ ., ~ I ;:; I w ::! 6· ,,, ~. "'. 'b ~'0 (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of'-WAY DEDICATION VOL. 2000036 PG.02913 POINT OF COI.It.IENCING -x· CUT SET IN BRICK PAVERS fn ~ ~ "' -r• POINT OF 81 ~ 8 BEGINNING z I ~ en PARCEL 2 &: PARCEL 2A 5/B• IRf WITH HUITr -ZOllARS CAP I I I IRS (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.D2903 THE ASHTON MORRIS VOL.20DD036 PG.D2913 ---------=-------- ---j LOT 1, BLOCK A ~ ~ I 10' PRrvATE COMt.IUNICAnONS II J d ... 14 -l AMENDED PLAT a::: I~ EASEI.IENT BY PLAT-VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g a_ ADDISON CIRCLE tJ iE I LEGEND oc E "'(!:,o.w. PHASE II ~ 1° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zellers ~ VOL.2000153 PG.DD015 Vl /I yellow plastic cop "' N ... g "' "' ~ g o 1 IRF = Iron Rod Found l :! LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF 6 LOT 1, BLOCK E ~ This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes end bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 J:ftJ[f-20~ 3131 McKmey A-!kite 600 Oelu, T81U 75204-2o4811 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT f'hone (214) 1171-3311 Fu (214) 1171-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ' 0 100 200 ~···· MMMM• I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called far on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dalles County, Texas. Prepared For: TO\\t ~. w 5/B" IRS L7 ~-~ ~ (FUTURE STREET-R-1) ~ I . " ---:::... -------5/8" IRS L5 I 1/2" IRF' WITH 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE -----------I "RANDOM" RED PLASTIC CAP BEARS I N B!f05'45"H-2.00' Ll N 00" 55' 13"E 65. 00' L2 N B9" 04' 47"W 2B. 00' I I PARCEL 2 I 0.6487 AC. :ll I ai I NOTE: I" w ;:::: I Improvements were not located for this ~ 1 I., 1 exhibit end there may be easements end IH :-other matters of record that affect this 81 Ill : tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z 8 J<.5' I (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)_ I I N 89"04 '4 7"W --J I 5.00' 1-________ _P~N.:r_ ~ .::~~~~~lNG -PARCEL 2B I L3 N 00' 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 s B9' 04" 47"E 2B. oo· LS N B9" OS' 45" W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' IS"E 61. 00" L 7 S B9" OS' 45" E 62. 52' LB N 89" 04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 •!" -----,/..-IRS L4 I a ~ I -~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ::] t-;-;-------------------1 -------cr I (TRACT 3 REM.) , ti I -( GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s 89"04'47"E I ~ LoJ I -I '(.. CQ ,.. -CQ -::t: ·~ ~ VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' ~ !); I ~ l'b\) ~ I ... .o.w. b. -o 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRo SEOJ I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ~ ."'' I ~-~~~ II '(\ " .. ... 'b 0· ~~ :ll I ~\ ~ ., ~ I ;;;I kJ ~ ~ b 1R POINT OF ~~ ~ 8 BEGINNING z I 8 Ul PARCEL 2 .t z PARCEL 2A ·'' ~. "'' "' 1>-~ C>· 5/8" IRF' WITH I HUITT-ZOLL.ARS (0.0697 AC.) """=-..... -SPECTRUM DRIVE I RIGHT -OF' -WAY DEDICATION I VOL.20D0036 PG.0291 3 IRS POINT OF COMMENCING -x· cur sa IN BRtCK PA.V[RS (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.D2903 THE ASHTON MORRIS VOL.2000036 PG.02913 1 -----. --~----------j LOT 1, BLOCK A II') .,. .., N ~ ~ I 1 0' PRIVATE COMWUNICATIONS ..... 1-1-.... _J AMENDED PLAT ~I~ EASE~ENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g g a. ADDISON CIRCLE u iE I LEGEND L I ~ ~ OCK E -.., .,·~o.w. PHASE II ~ 1° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 "'a. "-N oo 0 ~g: o.J ~a > I~ I 1/2'" JRF WITH I .RANOOt.l. REO co "' .,; ;:: PLASTIC CAP BEARS I N B9"05'45"W-2.00' I I I I I I I I other matters of record that affect this 81(3 tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z 8 J<.5' I I (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)_ I z I N ag·o4 • 4 7•w ----, VI 5.oo• $ I I-________ _P~N!_ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ !~::L_2r:_ ~ f3 I 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 00' 55' 13"E L2 N 89"04' 47"W L3 N 00'55'13"E L4 S 89'04' 47"E L5 N 99• 05' 45"W L6 N 00' 54' 15"E L7 S B9'05'45"E LB N 89" 04' 47"W (3.815 AC.) 65. 00' 28. oo· 61. 00' 28. 00' 28. 00' 61. 00' 62. 52' 34. 50' GA YLORO PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 •j s 5/a' IRS L4 UJ I a :X o I ."' g (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ a.l-;---!-------------------1 iQ [ ~~~ I ~------------5/B'IRS L2 a.::> I ----------1:' a:: (TRACT 3 REI.!.) .-ti I "\ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s B9'04'47"E I ~ ..... I --1 't-VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' ~ f}; I ~ I 'b \) 'l-1 ... .o.w. b. '0 l:Q t:l l:Q -::c ><: w C.· 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SED) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ~ .''·5' I ~· "'~· 1''0 . ~-~ ~ ~ II y, '\; ., .... <;, 0· r;:!l:ll I ~\ ~ ..., 31: I ;:; I ... ::? in ,.., ~ "' -r· POINT OF g I ill 8 BEGINNING z I ~ Ill PARCEL 2 4: PARCEL 2A 5/B• IRf WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS CAP I I (TRACT 4 REM.) CAYLORO PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PC.02903 (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY OEOICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 I IRS TXU ELECTRIC COMPNff EASEMENT BY PLAT POINT OF COMMENCING -x· CUT SET IN BRICI( PAVE:RS VOL20000J6 PG.0291J _ __.., THE ASHTON .o.w. _ __ _ __ MORRIS AVENUE 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ----=---------------j LOT 1, BLOCK A II') ..,. l"l N ~ ~ 1 10' PRIVATE COMI.IUNICATIONS ~ ~ 1-~ .....J AMENDED PLAT a::: I~ E.\SEI.IENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g g a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti iE I LEGEND I I 1j OCK E 1-.,. g·•· PHASE II lt 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars 1 UJ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 UJ J I yellow plastic cop 1 gj I IRF = Iron Rod Found --' LOT 1, BLOCK 0 p GE OF LOT 1, BLOCK E I :i A 6 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 ond thot the metes ond bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 tAJ[f~ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT 3131 Md(inoy A-U. 1100 o.Ju. Tuu 75204-24811 Phone C214l 1171-3311 Fu (214) ~ TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ~~~···· M MdMLM • I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as coiled for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 200015.3, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dollos County, Texas. Prepared For: TOYIN OF ADDISON 16801 Weatgrow Or., Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OYINER: GA'I\.ORD PROPER11ES. LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto'Grantee, its successors and ass1gns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________ , 2003 Drainage Easement-Parcel2A Spectrum Drive Page 1 Document II: \031432 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~--~~~~-~~=General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By ____________ __ Print Name ______________________ _ Title------------- -- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared __________ , on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Drainage Easement-Parcei2A Spectrum Drive Page 2 Document II: \031432 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 3 of6 J :\Survey\322010 I lwp\SPEC _DR_ sw2A.doe ------"' z-QUORUM EAST co -' V>o ADDITION a~ o'-' VOL.98001 PG.00033 <"-"-"' POST SERVICES, INC. og VOL.98060 PG.03404 ill: 0-' >-§; ---~~ (FUTURE STREET R-1) 5/B" IRS ~ L7 I~ I 1/2" lRF WITH I ~RANOOM~ REO -------------:---PARCEL 2 0.6487 AC. r-=--NOTE: :"" t&J Improvements were not located for this ~ 1 ';., exhibit and there may be easements and ~ :-CD "' ai ;::: other matters of record that affect this g I ill tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z g J<.5' (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)~ I N ae·o4 · 4 7·w ---J 5.00' ~ 1-_ _ _ _ ___ _P~N~ ~ ~~I~I~G _:-.!:~::L_3~ ~ 0 ~ PLASTIC UP BEARS I N B9"05'o45'W-2.00' I I I 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L 1 N 00" 55' 13" E 65. 00' L2 N B9" 04' 47"W 26. 00' L3 N 00" 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 26. 00' L5 N B9' 05' 45"W 26. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15" E 61. 00' L 7 S B9' 05' 45" E 62. 52' L6 N B9' 04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 ·~c 5/0' IRS l4 ~ c ~ 0 ~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ a.t:;;-~----------------1 iO~ ~::;I 1----------------5/0"IRS L2 a.:::> I -------~ a:: (TRACT 3 REI.I.) ,-ti I '(, "\ CQ' t:l CQ -::c >< ~ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s 69'04'47"E I ~ w I --1 VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' " e; I \) \<. I .,. .o.w. I '<>I> '0 '1-5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ~ .><.5' I 'II· '<>~· ~"' 6· . ~-\<. ~ ~ II y," ., ... «> O·f;!1:ll I ~\ ~ "' !1: I ;:; I "' :::? ~ ~ ~ .., -.. POINT OF 81 ~ 8 BEGINNING z I ~ Ill PARCEL 2 &: PARCEL 2A 5/B~ IRf WITH HUITT -ZOLLARS CAP I I (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 I IRS "X" CUT SET IN BRICK PAVERS (ffiACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON .o.w. ~ MORRIS I VOL.200D036 PG.02913 --------=-----------0; ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A u ~ <( :::1 I 10' PRIVATE COt.lloiUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1--' AMENDED PLAT a::: I ~ EASE~ENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291 J "' ..,. "' "' 9 9 9 9 . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti 0:: I LEGEND I I E oc~ E I-=-" g.g.w. PHASE II :J: 1° I IRS = Iran Red Set with Huitt-Zollars lj:! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl /I yellow plastic cap o I IRF = Iran Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK E I ~ LOT 1' BLOCK D pAGE 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2DD2 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true end correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ Erlc-J.-Ya oud'Y, egi;T;;;-p~.;;;;-sio-;;~IL.;-nd Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 tuJ[f-zo~ 313ll.ld(mey A-&lite 600 DaJu. Teau 75204-241111 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT &: SIDEWALK EASEMENT Phone (214) 871-3311 Fu (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ••••• IM -~ M • I SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phose U, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page DOD15, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 W..tgrow Dr., Ackllaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: GA YI.ORD PROPERT1ES, L. P. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ~-~----------------------------~--~-------H:~.i'DIJ21001'apca~Non!iptr.doc SBCTIONPF PROPQSAL fORM ... '' .. ;....-.. ; ... :.~ ;,, ·-... ~-.. : ~ ·'-PROI'dSALFORM TO: The Honornblo Mayor and Town Council Town of Addison, Texas Gentlemen: )e~. :z. .2o2.3 The undersigned biddQ'; having ~e!l t® plans,specificaticms and contract documen!a. and the location of the proposod work, and being fully advised as to the extent and ~oft®. work, PI'Q]IOSe8 to fim!ish all equipment and to perform biborond worlc nec:mry for J>OmPioiion of tho woik described by and in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and CoDirstt for tho fullowin$Prices;to.wit ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: The Biddcraclmowlcdges receipt of tho following addenda: · Addendum No. I Dated Addendum No.2 Dated Addendum No. 3 Dated Addoodwn No. 4 Dated Addendum No. S Dated Addendum No; 6 Dated 11-.:Z /-6 3 Sigoedby: --,-----·--------------------'--------'-------Gmeral Notg and SupplemeritBJ Spr&lficinioru For Bjddigg 11iE FOlLOWING NOTES PROVIDE iJ)DIDONA!. CLARIFICATION OF <;ERTAIN BID ITEMS SUPPLEMENTAL TO 11iE PLANS AND TBCl!NICAL SPECIPICATIONS. ~ All oxcess trencll spoil from utility installations are to be disposed of off-site. All excess llllC!assified sa.et excavation is to be disposed of off· site. All unit prices for utility Hnes shall illclude value for required embedment No seporu~c pay ilem. Unit prices sballlnclude value for required bouds, insuranco, lUes, etc. No Sclltremoval sections atono time. Sequencing or tho project may, bowover, neeessillto addlt!onallntcrim sawouts and removah which will be incideotal to the ..-ct. Item No 104 -6" Thfclc Limo Sflbilized Submd.e Ihml No. 105 -Hydrated Limo Based on geotoclmical inveallgatlon for the mea, 1hezo. abould be no excavadon for sa.e1s that encaonters gray limestone. Tan "-ne may be ptI'IISUIDO that subgradematedallllllll be tiDI!cn:utlll!C!Jt:jilacedwith selettfi!L If such conditiom are CJlCnsls!s of the spocllled veblcular bricks "C''. Note that many dlmoosions are nOtod in lncremen!s ofbriclc (or "wythe'?. Vehicular brlcb.sball meet or oxceed ASlM_ Cl272·94 for Hel!vy Vehicular Paving Brick 'I)pe R. An acaplllblo matc:riallw been iden!llied as oqoal to thefoDowiz>.!!: 'I)pe "C"-21'." x 31'." x11'." Ac:mc Color "TUlSa Blend 2, Gtimet Red The uolt c:QSt for this itomahali IDclwlc ouiY thep!l!!.~·~UJ!Ids. ·Schtclule VI fffhoAitenwebld.W11111iD&1hat.fhoTown,oWJII omd operalcs tlic vcJilcillar met Ughia, Porfho purj>osi:s of deii:riri!rihig tlic sucoesStlii 'bidder tho Town will uso a compari.son of bids Ulilizirig tho BQOBid for Si=!Lightillg (S~ V). !teJn No. 61 I Fymfsb Gl!!!tGOcy r.dgtr!ah Brick Pljm. Contractor's price aha!! reflect supplylila one extra paDotofpedeotrian pavers to tho City at a !ocal!on designated by the City. Bid cjuanlity Is fur in place qUantity OD!y. . . PFN-4 102 114 L.F. 103 19 S;Y. 104 6,859 s.Y. !OS 113.1 TON PAVING IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE I SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION-NORTH Full dq>ih-aistiDg conaete. Q>mpleiD in Place, for tho Sum of ::IJ.'O . ,<.-RemoVe 8Dd dilpOIO of eXIsdilg c:oacreiD aDd ~ ........... including cuili, ~ ~--~'S. ~ FuailSb, place lllld.i:OmpaetS'tbk:k .limo ltabilized subs=&, ~inPlaee, for tho Sum of eE 3.-PUinbh aDd place bydimdllmo (33 lbo/sy), ~tete in Place,~ Sum of e; &,,T,j . . . c J5.-PFN-S ~. -..;ze6.-4q..f. .-rn. -SD q,~13.-;lie_ .t/36/'1 -I . • Addendum#! 108 112 S.Y. FuiDI!h lll!d place!" ddcll: S,OOO PSI • compressive@28 days ..mt'otoed Cr die Sum or . ,..,tf)-2' . • JlgiJmlud f::d.tJ j{),-f,qt,o.-Cents per umt 109 3,194 L.F. l'IIDil.ih lll!dplaee 6" tbfd: S,OOO PSI ~.@28days~ -cmb, ~~Place, fortboSumof t.J 'l'--,;./+. ll!lllm IIIli NO -~-Cents pducil ,Z. 110 111 L.F. Fimdsh m:1 c:oliS1iuctlollallll dloallrutt joim, ~In Place, for the Siuifof -"c!l< Dollm:tod NO :z.-;z ;2. ;}. • -c-perumt PFN-6 Addendum#! 111)" ll ""' rwrmnnp __ -~ llullom, TypO l,C, ~~~lace, for tho Sum of -(.,3. -Dollamtmd NO 3. Cc:nfs per llllil PPN·7 Addendum#.! 117 140 EA. Furnish and place 4" Rellectlve Buuom, Typo n, A·A, Co~te in Place, for tho Sum of -~g 1:1211!111!11!! 6.10 Cents per unit. 3.-4~o.-118 s EA. Pumlsh and lDstall street &.traffic contnil signs, ~!oto in l!r,; tor tho Sum of t! _.,lc:>~ DollmanP:.~u~CS>ru'2m o~ DOt too.-: 121 44 L.F. Rcmove.l!xlstblg Streo1 Bmi<:ado and posts, Co~jPiace. tbrtboSumof Dollaro and t-lQ to.-44o.-122 so LF. Fumilh ODd iDsbllSteel Blllri<:ado and posts, ~~ tbrtboSumof $"0. --;z, ~o().-R.~ll2XO~PP.l.DA:Icl PPN41 Adderullim Ill NO. QTY. UNIT · · · .'. PBlCBJNWORDS PRICE $ . 1·;:· .•. '; . -. ' ...... $ • 0 -~. <~;. • . . 0 -123 I L.S. Fumlsli, plaoe and mainlain buricadlD& · · and tnffic coliimt . ""'""· ... ' ~::ID.~tnof lllllllii llild ~Q c=Is per IIIIi!. ~9;0.-;;:s-co.-124 20,400 C.Y. UirlaUifjM Street ExcavatiOn iDc1udfii& illapolll, ColppletO ill P~lbrthcSum of s~cc. tl!illlii liD!I o.l!2 7. -IJ.f;t, goo.~ ~ porllllll. 125 I Jl..A. Fumlaluod lustoll Bloek Steel SlOp sigu:]!lllll ~Q c=Is por ...... /00,-too.-126 I Jl..A. Joltall AddfloJ1 CjJOio ftnlaiOll Black -' pPlo'I!Dial u>i>o IIIPP!i.d by ibe '!own. ~h>lfs:;/"'~of IUJ.g l::l DOilan-lllil "'!:! c=Is per llllll. ~oo.-;2.00.-127 19 C.Y. Pllliillb, lilslillinillilllfniiim stibllzod eomb:Ui:tlon~ Comj>~ fp Place, far the sum of . ll• ,.~ P.. mmllll!ld mainlain sat p...,., ~!n~lace,tbrthoSumof non-1111!1 ~ ,• ~ f. .c:' /,57S: -~porunit, ··~-PFN-PFN-9 cildum# Add r~. --0 I ·t.· 1: •• •' i· ., .. NO. QTY. uNIT 135 2 E.A • ~ .,1.:: ._,'".J:. -'y ' . -...... ( "-:-·· PRiCE INWORDS . . . Placo with IIH:m>oplasdc c!Uoctiooal mow ~leloinP~t__tbe Sumo£ IS> b~-:v~ Dalllllllllll!l NO Cents per unit PAVING IMPROVEMENTS .SCHJl!M.BI ···.;; ' -. -. .. •,· .. " ' ~· ,.; -PRICE $ $ ~--170. -SPECTRUM DRIVE SXTENSION • NORTii TOTAL AMOUN! BID FORMATI!RIALS.ANII SERVICES, SCHEDULEJ,TI'EMS 101 TiiRQUGH.!35,.1NCWSIVB PFN-11 'SO s t,o3.,;?. 3 3. -• Addondmn#l 201 9.8 C.Y. 202 1.1 TON 203 30 L.F. 204 489 L.F. 205 1,087 L.F. UTILl1'Y IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE IT SPECI'RUM DRIVE BXT!!N'SION ·NORTH Fumish and installoonorell: blocking, ~loto in P'ifJor the Smn of I ~2 . o. ~l2.~ P!!(un!!-. /.ooc.-3,01!1(), -207 13 EA. Fimiish:.and_m.tillr·clbi. :iOalliCDt seat gatevaivellxJx, . -r.i.-.::l~i~~.. .~ ~ DoO...JIIII t..l~ Ccmls per uDit. J :ll>D -IS hOo.-208 5 EA. Fomilluud iDstlll12• dia.-rn..t IICOipje voM:Ibolr. 1 ~r-l:~n·';P""l:a'c=i i,~~~r· ~ .... Dlilliii IIlli o..!!2 .Ccmls per.uDit. I. 'loo.-9 SDc.-209 3 EA. FmD!Jhandhlllillflre.hy«anf, ~leta In Jilaaioriho Smnuf ~~~ I!!lllmlll!l ~o Ccmls per ~~~~~~ :;{ ;}_()0.-/n /.00,-210 2 EA. COimcct to e:xisliDB water maiD (aD ilies), ~~~~!'~~or DOOm Iiiii ~5;! ~11!0r-'::i!, /"ID,-/.I. /)(j, -. ' 211 ..(1. LF. Flmlbh11Ddlnstall24" -~1 C&!lng_ plpoey~ -'Ploto wlih Willg ll]iaCeD and ODII.elk. ~In PliOe; &>r the Sum of Dlillmllll!l CentS CentS per uDitc. PFN-13 ~#I -. -·:.~ ,'-' --~-;u .:, '. -.. . ,_ .. ; ,.;.. ~-····' " ~. : .. ~-; : ..... :: ~ : .. '• . ·--n·' ~-.· • -~. h' >I_'' . ~ •I •• -NO. QTY. UNIT woiti;>f s ·$ 218 1 L.S. I'Orfotm waler test; CQ!iq>le1oin Place, tbrlho ~of -ril,'rz.I~ T!!ll2 J./.,ntt.Z""""" -D2Um·aod 6!2 ~~--J, :too. ,... Ceo:tts per UDil. 219 0 EA. Fumlihaad Install 2." AirR:.Ieaso V\llvO, Comj>lctoi in PlacO, for 1ho Sum of DglJm-IDd Coollctoi in Place, for the Soitnof [lg1JIIJIDd Ceo:tts per UDil. SubtooaiWII!Or STORM DRAINAGE 301 231 Fumlaharullnsoalll8" ct. m RCP bicludliog omh lqrtnt ~Place, tbrlhoSJ>mof ~ DDIJ.mJillll foJO ~o.-CeDis joer UDil. II 5'50.-302 59 Fumlihandlnsoall2I" CL. m RCP fDcludmg embed '"'"'. ~~Place, forihcS1imof ~I'f Il!lllmllll!il t:.!.o -3, 5 "'/(), -CezdB per UDil. ~(). Addeodum#l ~-:-. ~--:-.:-.:. -------, ------~ ----···'?.' ' ""~"l'' • .., ··-· •-;-' , • ..;: ~ ·{;•;" .!·-, •:, I J 'I -, ,. ·H.:i;. ,;,u -~;·.,;-,~~,.~.,-;,J!•~;.:...' ~-~-, :;•"-;, .ua:.;..: -~~ NO. qry. UNIT WORDS s s 303 75 Furnlsb IIDd install24" CL. Ul RCP includmg embedmm1, ~~in Place, for tho Sum of ro,L~TIA. !lgJI!!IIIIIIII f')o -5,~S"o.-Ceml pcnmil 70. 304 188 Fumlsh mid lllstall27" CL. ID RCP including cmbcclment, Comp~ in _!lace, filr tho SUm of l ICd ~ i J2gllmilad i\:l.:. l,~.-/l,;zgo.-eem. per unit. 305 26 Fumlsb mid imtall30" CL. m RCP inchlding cmbcclment, Co~lcto in Place, for tho Sum of \!EJI:J.rj. J:!gllmiDd r:,!o /0.-;z. o fo. -eem. perUDil 306 46 Fumlsb mid install33" CL. m RCP iDcl~ em}wtmentJ Cott in Place, fOr tho Sum of i~"'~ JJgJiamlld ~Q 'lo.-~ 1"-10.-eem. per llllil 307 261 Fumlshmidinstall36" CL. IDRCP includingamb h•ei!l ~ in Plato, for tho Sum of __:.""~ I!!!llml!l!d 1:>1!:1 'Jo.-eem. per unit. .;23 -l'lo.-308 428" Fumlsb mid imtall42" CL. m RCP includfDg emil drmnt, Comp!ctoin~forlhoSumof IWh C::..£ '"':!:::a Cg)larJand 6l_O ,oo.-1-z. f~.-Ccms per unit. PFN-16 Addeudum#l __ " _____________ __:______:__ __ _ liT---"--• ""---.. -----~ -~ .. .._...,. __ ._ ~-~-~· '" .. -. ~~· .. ..:·;}' W'': 'w• I'<'·~,~ ':·• · .-._ .. ,•, •• ,).~ 11: ' ~· ,,. ,.J-.' ~II ..• ., NO. QTY. UNIT "W61!DS s s 309 -0-1'\lmiib. and )nstall48" CL. Ill RCP includlDg cmbednient, . . Comp~ In Place, for tho Sum of Do~ .a Cd!js per Ullit. 310 -l). Furnish and lnslall6' X 3' CL. ill RCBC lncludingemWmimt Completo mPlaca, tor tho Sum or nou..r.~m~ CeDis per Ullit. 31L -l). Pumlsb and 1Ds1a1.16' x 4' CL. m RCBC,includlogcmMI••eut Completo lnPlaoe, far the Sum of Dollarolllll Covo and dlsposo ofOlCist!og RCP, Complclo In Place, fi>r tho Sum or Im)Jmaod CeDlJ per uo!L PFN-17 Addendum#! --· ........... 1 .. ~---"' :· • ------·---------.... _, • ;. i' '" •. ::: ' '· ·,; ... : . --; :·'.:··,ur:r;' •": •. -... •1• 1 1 J. :'I , ,, l/~1·'! . ,, '· I ' '~ I' t ./• ~: j,,(., -NO. qry. UNIT WbRll$ '$ s 31S ..(). EA. Fumlsluod instBII coiii:elojuliction box@STA.I+S9.41,Stoin1Draln LioeT, Comp!Oto inP!aat,lbrtho Smn of tll!llllllllill Cellls per JllliL 316 2 EA. Fmnlsh 8l!d insiall6' stmidiniiDlct w/m:essed top for lirld<, ~in~thoSmnof ~ ltl.!~t.r!b !£:.\ ~1111111!1 ~· ...;:~Dtl,-Cellls~ lllliL :Z.IJtiO -317 3 EA. Fmnlsh mel insiall,6' Slladini.llllet w/m:essed top forbtlck;aba dq>lh, ~eta~ for the Sl!mof 0 ltilbi:5A.v!::l Ilallllllilld .vo c..ibpetlllliL ::1. 0"0.-/,, t:)()t). -318 ..(). EA. Fnmlsh 8l!d IDstaiiiO'IItaDdaldllllet w/recessed top for brlck:, extra depth Comp~ in Placo, for tho Sum of Il2llm 1111!1 Ceols ~lllliL 3!9 2 EA. Fual!sha!ld iDslalll)pe B Manhole, ~ciOinP~thoSmnof _ . ., ~ l 1:!1:111! ~d...!~ DWiillliHI ~Q Cellls per Jlllit; S.ool>.-tO,ooo. -320 ..(). !!A. • Fumloh 8l!d IDstaii'I)peBll~ Complete in Pisco, for tho Smn of Il2llilniHI CelllsperlllliL PFN-18 Addendum Ill --.. ----" .. -.. . -· .. "' .. "' • .. j 'r ,. •• { • '.!.'' .--,; .•:•., ·~I' , :.' '.·····; ,_ '4 ;.~; • I • -:,· ...... ~. '.::;!:; -. " I~ :,)'~'' •; l:.. ' ho ·' NO. qr'{. UNIT wdRDS $ s 321 15 HA, Fullllshai>d mswJ. RCP 60 degree &cay wyo COIIIIOCtioa, Q!mp~Place, for1ho 5= of "/i.Jo~N.:> 12211mlliil l>l. 0 )!.'$(). -'3, 7~0.-Ceilllpor 11Dit 322 3 I!A Fumlah aDd m...n CODDdimtall.CO!IIledlrm. to exlstloa atractule. . Complete ill Place, fbr lhc SUm of llgJim IIIII Ceilll por llllit. 324 11 BA. Fumlah ""' Install precut c:Oncrote plpO:plug. ear;,l"P~rcr1hos.m•r '"'t/t:. l!t.lt.I.USb non.t.aod !!..1Q Ceilllper llllit.. 50C).-5~oD.-325 0 LS. Rve aDd dlspoao ofoxlsting hOadW;dla lllil c:Oncrote lip-rap. Campldo ill PlaoO, fedment, ~em inP!aco,Jortho Slim of I!HIZ~ D~Umind !>,!Q Cenb per unit. 3o.-370SO.-402 409 L.F. Fumiah and iDm11 6' d!a.. SDR-3S PVC-p;po,includiDg · em1;>edment, !Jff:lete in P~ tho Sum of ·.z.~ __ :-.1 f I:!• liars 111!1 IS!I:l 35.-1~31'5.-Cercunit. 403 9 EA. Fumiah and fnsta117-vnrt clean aut& cast iron lid, ~letqin ~for tho Sum of -r.wu;e ~f:atSC> ~..:._ I>ollmond No 3t..O.-J,;l.L/0, -Celita per unit. 404 3 EA. Fllmlsband iDstall4' dia. Wastewater muihoie, ~clo In P~tbr tho SIIJllof e&. l::!tcJ~d...J~ ~ lll!llm 111!1 f:::!.O 3,000.-'*' 9,ooo,-Cenb per.UDit. 40S 3 EA. Furnish and lnsla118" d!a. Wastowatcr pipe plug, ~lclo~PIB consi!Uction, Comple!o in Place, for 1he SUm of NO Do!Ws 111111 T~bl '10 S_E CeDis per UDit ~~~. 408 1 BA. Comlect to CJfLGC:'.. -rer-J Doll.mllllll nlll II 0. -(l-5, 7;t0.-Ceals per UDiL 502 I BA. Couoect to cxistiDg duclbaDk, . . lcto~~ SUm of t~ ----!oi,SatolQ DmiiiiiiDd l:!!O 3 ooo.' ~,()()0, -Cents per uDit. 503 2 BA. Fumlsh and ID9tall iltaiJdud 4-way clcctdcal ductbonllace, for the Smnof D•u.r.11111 11111 r7 E r I;! s.s:£ Z,i'IS.-Ccliliipor uilit ( PFN-23 Addondum#l .... o •• ~ ••.• ., ,.,. F ~,;,,. ~:-;.;~. ·;~-"':-:-----------' . . . -.-. -,. -----------~--... ··:~:::·;;·:!;;; •. _,.-~ -,1·.~ ·~ :·:. !" -~~ -:·:·~ ;' :)·~ ~·1~1' ~ :: ... ,l ,).··"·:,;;)' :._ NO. qry, llNrr -WO)ttls _ s s 606 130 !!A. Fumlsh aJ]d plant full Day lilly "Stella do Oro\ I gal, ~in Place, fortheSUmof e.ve-~ l:!!!llllll 111!1 Cents perunit. ~.a 7.-9;o. -607 130 !!A. l'ltm!!b and plant y ollovi l!ea!dod Iris; !gal. ~~ b>J'~ for the SUm of !:!!!lim 1111!1 ~Q 7. -910.-Ceala perualL 608 286 !!A. 1'nmi3h ml plant full Dalllxti! 'llaniJD!I t:;1Z> cr.-!-2-c.f .-~per unit. 610 9,574 S.F. l'ltm!!b ml place 4" thick 3000 PSI WIUpiusivo@28 days toiritottcd --(lidowalk), ~: PJ>u:o, fortheSuuiof IV!;; IlDJiitiilld iOo -5.-?/7, f'/0.-Cents per UDit 611 9,574 S.F. Fumlsh Cllen-Geey.pcd~ brick pav..malerials delivmd to silo, ~in Plate, for the SUm or ttWl..S§i 'i~ 1221lm and 1:::!/. g '3.-~.7 ,:;..].. Cents per UDit PPN-24 Addendum#! c· ,-;,. --;.;'• I,' --... " NO. QlY. 612 9,514 613 70 614 615 ------UNIT S.F. S.F. C.Y. L.F. ..1 ~·;r ..,,·,:l , ~ .,··· ,. -' ' •' ... • ' r1: -l·'~ . · ,, W,0 RDS Fumlsh and plaoc bedding materials· andplaoc peckitiWi brick !'full (stdowalk), ~inPlaoc,fortboSumof ll!!llm...t"TM ,• &~ ~v' CcmapcrUD!L Fumlsh and illstol1 tnmcatoil.ciomo pavem on new rampL C toii:O!ti.~ 7l;~ lll!llm 111!1! ~Q c..ta per unit I !C. -EA. l'\lmlahml Imm1l EuclooUie to support Meter, Panol, Conllctor, I!nC!osme and Timo Clock, Fumish and Install Service Ground, Cjlloplotio in P!aco,~ tbc §um of • t 0 a. :r:~ '" c. Dollanllilid ~ .. c..ta per uniL ,<{5. -Fumllhi!Ddlnslalli'an.! Board with llnoal=i 120/lAO, 80A MCB, Complelo !nP~ Cortbc Smnof t: l!h'ihJ .. Q.!USl). ~!Zio!-~lllllllllll ~ 1,170. -EA. Fumlsb and lns1all EucloaUie and Conlactor, ~eteinP~fortheSmnof ~. ~~ y.V..,Acl;;l :>~ Dollanlllll!l ~ !1 eas-.-c..ta per unit EA. Fumiahi!Ddlnslall7DityTimo Clock, Co~~laco, fortbc Smnof ~e'7od { I)(llliirA IYid I!:!.O 70.-Cent> PFN-26 $ ,:20. -'3qo.-~.:;.-II\ 10.-e5.-7(),-;-: Addeudum#l 807 EA. Furnish aod luslllll Photo CeU ond Cmmoctions, ~Jete in Place, for the Siml of · '& T't-30.-'30. -808 57 EA. Furnish omd Jnstall'l!' GRC Elbow, ~~~!)theSimlof Dollmand IVO ;-r.-~ss.-809 2,210 L.F. Fumlsb aod !nstoU 2" PVC Sc.bedule 40 Conduit (Pedestrian Lightilig Cin:uit) with embcdmcm, ~lete in Place, for the Smn of ...... 0 Dollm I!Dd Eo a. T o( ;z... "(!! ~ 30-1. unit 1 810 2,510 L.F. Fumlsb and Jnstall2" PVC Schedule 40 Coriduit with Pull Ropo (V ebic:ublr Saeet Lightilig aod !Irigation) with embedment, ~in Place, fortheSmnof wo Imllmmsl f: ; i::5 k 'SO G.,"'., s: -Cenll per unit I ;z..-811 156 L.F. Furnish and Jnstall2" GRC Condui~ Camp~ iJ;I ~ce, for the Swn of Dollmarnl Ri"T)! I &.~ 01<./.-812 4 EA. Fumlsh aad1nstall.3" GRC B~w, ~lefo in Place, for the Smnof jr-v/5,V {I. '.)(] .,_;~.-PFN-27 Addcw:hun#1 813 300 LF. FUml.sh and lnstall3"PVC Sobedule 40 Conduit willfonil61mtu! • Complete. in Place, forthoSumof 'TU l Q 12211mlll!l 51;..-..c..;~ Eli.: ~poruuil.· ;2.. 75 6'..2. S'. -814 30 BA. Fumlsh and lnstall3" GRC Ccmdul4 ~in Place, fur tho Sum of tSG .%.S" 97. Sf) -815 so BA. Fumlahandlnstall Hlgb Compo:ss!6D ToP, ~~~~SUmof 12!llllll.llllll ~::?r-:. ..... v ~per. uuil. 7 /3. S-'O t7~.-816 60 L.F. FUml.sh and Install #10 AWG ~~ Compl1et'e-JinO P la.ce,. fo r tho Sum of IloUI!Jmcf'iw~ F( J6 . ).(" I!>'. -817 2,610 L.F. Furnish and Imtallll8 AWG ConduCtor. Complete m Place, ror1ho Sum of 1-JO ._. '5'0 q t.3 . -. 3 ~ 818 L.F. Fumisbcmdlnstall #6 AWG ~' Complete in Place, forthoSumof PFNC28 Addeudum#1 --___________________ _:__ __ ~ ----------NO. QTY. UNIT 819 3,040 L.F. 820 11 EA. 821 27 EA. 822 27 EA. 823 6 EA. 824 6 EA. -. .P}UCEif'l WORJ;>S Fumish and lnslllll #4 AWG Conductor, Compl~ blaec, for 1ho Sum of Il21l!!!ii!Dd Ei'Pr~ ~N.:: Ceiiis per unil Fumish and iiistall Steel Light Pull Box, ~lete JdPlact:, for tho Sum of -r ~ ft. 6l. ~ll t$1',. Twoli~tr. ~ IloUm and r:J 9 Fumish and !nstal1 Pcd!ip.Q Fumishmliiistall Vehicular Pole ml Singlo Luminarc, Q!mplctc in P!a£e. for tho Sum of l!!'f;M:O~ Dollmand N ~~ Cell IS per unil PFN-29 PRICE $ $ . So{" 1,(,7.:4 • -po. -,-z,...;;l..(), -1{-'{(). -Addoudum#l -~--.. .. -.rf' ; I • _>''I -~!.."' ,. NO. QTY. . . 825 I -· . -----. -.. -...; .: '•.H v ,_ ,. ;· . ·,;-:·. . UN1T PRICE.JNWORDS PRICE • . . $ B.A. Fumish IJid lnstall30 JoMP di!corinect SviilCh with FUSes, ~~foribo~of ~ ~!j!f ll!!llm IIIII I!.! Q :ol!l.-Ccnllpenmit. STREET IJGBTJMPROVEMENTS (BASE BID) sCHI!bm.Bv SPECI'RUM DlUVllllXTI!NSION' NORTH . -', ·~ ' . . _,. •::; L• $ ;l.., S"". -TOTALAMOUNTBIDFORMATERIALSANDSJ!R.VICI!S. SCHEDULE V, ITEMS 801 THR.OUGR82S, INCLl)SIVE s I.S-1, 'lsbllll!nclosuno to support Meter,~ Conlactor, llnc1osutO end Time Clock, Coulp1eto in~Smnof ~~~~==~ IJotlarA DJJd ,.., 0 -Ceuta per unit. J, ·y~D, EA. Fwnish and IristaiiService Ground, Comp~PJ-. fortmof -"--L'f-.-.;., lls!ll!!llll!l!!! ND '-/~.-Cc!ds per unit. EA. Fwnishml Iristall Peno1 Boanl with BJOilkm 1201240, 80AMCB, 'J!'ft_1eto in~ tbo Smn of er% ~-'••·")-20) DOllars 1111!1 ::.. Q o/;,no.-Cc!ds per unit. EA. Fumi6h and Iristall EDc1osme end Contactor, ~~kloln/?f?:~·r ~ -~ Dollars llliil tJ 0 tf<;.-Cc!ds per unit. EA. Fwnish and 1Dstall7 DayTime Clock, Compklo in Plzce, for tbo SUD1of '!:u!.t.e~T';f. I&I&Dmmd 1!..11:1 70. -Cc!dsperuliil. PFN-31 ----' ·•· .: ; loi . . . $ ;l.:2.0. -3, 3'7t>. -~5'.-/,170. -3P5.--70. Addendum#! r·-~ ------------" -----------------,_ ' ·-:,;· ~ "" ,. ' ::., ~-; \; .,.p' ' ... ' :-. ;. , .... I, '' ... ' l; ---~-~ ,.,: .. ··· ~~~.: NO. QTY. UNIT ,._· __ ->?,RICE IN 'Wo~s PRICE $ .. -~,~~."-:_.:>: .. :~ ,/·_;·.: $ ··.·. 807 I EA. Fnmish and lDsbUi Photo cdl and Ccmloctions, Complete in Place, lbr the Smn of • I. o'&I'::f-!lpUm!!!!!l NO 30. -'3a. -Cent! per unil 808 56 EA. Fnmish and Jnstall2" GRC Elbow, Comjll~~:.:ortheSumof ' -t!!. i!i 6d. Dolhroll!!!l f:::t.O -8"/0.-Cents per unil !5. 809 2,285 L.F. Fnmish and lllslll112" PVC Schedule 40 CJI ~ E :v~ )S" S_{) "ilk Cen!a perunil ;z.-814 15 BA. Fumlsh and lnslall3" GRC Candull, ~in Place, for the sUm 1c10 in Place, fOr the Sum of NO D: "~;,",.~· ·:=-:J -,.,~'.:';;! 1• ., ,.',,', .--~;;:-,;-..r -_, • ~ ... --.J ..:•: •• : li'l..J ·• NO. QTY. UNIT I'RICE IN WQRDS PRICE $ $ 819 3,040 LF. Fumish om! Instill #4 AWG Conduo::lor, Complete in Place, for the Sum of NO 12211!!!! l!ll!l ~="•"E:rfo S\!l !.i . 5~ /.t, n. -Cents per unit 820 15 EA. Fumish and Instill Steel Ligbl Pull llcx, ~Jete ~y:cc. for the Sum cf J • liN 1'-. Ia 6r::. ll·h"~T V ~v'" I nnn ... ond """' .;z 3 5'.-3,S~~.-Cents per unll 821 27 EA. Fumish om! Instill Pedestrian Polo Ligbl POUDdalioa, ~lt:to in;~¥itth• Sum cf ~--~~ tz.d::J. Delton 1!!11! ---'j-AJ 5! .1-/RO.-/').,9~0.-Centsperun!L 822 27 EA. Fumish IIDd Instill Pedestdan Ligbl Pclo om! Lum!nar!es·Fixt=s (2 Flxtu!es each polo), ~lcto in P~e, for :ltsum cf l!:J,Cl.11 ... lll~ _w!)~ E1~ ..... ~ 12g]Jm lad -t::d. Q 3 c:;~o.-9s; ~S'O.-Cents perun!L , 823 6 EA. Fnmhh and Instill V ebi<:Ulm: Polo Ligbl FOU!Idation, c:or;:ctc in Pfoor the Sum of o I! n... u1J.!.~ at51'.. I!;;_ I 1:::. 8, r_ rt!o.Dil:l DOd l" Q -,t-f~().-:t. svo.-Cents per unll 824 6 EA. Furuiah om! tm1Bll Vebi<:Ulm: Pole ODd Slnglo LorniDare, ~!etc in Place,.£"' tho Sum of 9!/?lr:.~·~~ !2s!llm !l!!!l t!..! Q ~ J'~/).-17,too. -Cents per un!L PFN-34 Addeodum#l r:-";..;i':"•" ~· .. ···'; 1 .... 1--..! .• r-~---· ..... ,.-\ •..• :.: .. ,., .. ~,-v .,,..,-''_.; ·~--.. ···~ · .. : ...... -y -~--··--·01·"""' ' .., n I "' • " \1. \It u .., •. '' "' . , ,. • ow NO. QTY. 825 E.A. . : .:: wut:!:iHN':wofilis FUmisb and l'i!siil11 :lo AMP ~SWilcliwilhl'usOs, Completo in Pli<:e; for the Slim of Dollanund p'RJ:dE $ STREET LIGBTIMPR9'YEIIoJENTS (.U.'l'ERI'!~TE BID) SCHJlQUIJiYI SPI!CTRUM DRIVE EX'I'ENSJ'ON -NOR'IH $ TOTALAMOUNTBlDFORMATERIALSANDSERVICES, SCHEDULE VI, ITI!MS 801 THROUGH82S,INCLUSIVE s-o s 151,41'1.-PFN-35 Addendum#! Bid Schedule & Pescription I Paving lmprovcm!:j11S n Utility Improvements m Streetscape Improvements IV Sigoali2alion ImprovemIS""'-1,-~-, . ._,9~8:..!./.._. ------=--IO $ 1.-470. 30~.-• $o___,L/=S~J>I-'4 .~ . !..J'J~,o.;_.$'_,!_ _ Addendum Ill PROPOSAL FORM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council Town of AddiSOII, Texas Gentlemen: The undersigned biddct, having exarilined tho plans, sp;cificaticins and conlract docuincn~ .and the location of the proposed work, and being fully advised as to tho Ol$ntlii!d~ofthe ~ proposca tolilmi$ all equipment and to Jl"l"form labor. and work nCC!'SSIIlY for completi911 of the work described by 1111d in accordance with the Plana, Specifications and Contract for the following prices, to wit: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: The Bidder aolmowledp receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 Dated ~umNo. 2 Dated Addendum No. 3 Dated Addendum No.4 Dated Addendum No. S Dated Addendum No. 6 Dated ;1-.21. el3 PFS.2 Signed by: Genera) Notes and Stmplemental Specificatiom For. Bidding TilE FOllOWING NOTFS PROVIDE ADDmONAL CLARIFICATION OF CERTAIN BID ITEMS SUPPLEMENTAL TO TilE PLANS AND TECI!NICAL SPECIFICATIONS. !m!ml All excess trenoh spoil from ulility ins1allations "" to be disposed of off-site. All excess unclassified sttoet excavation is to be dispoaed of off-site. All unit prices forulility Jm.s siWl include value forrcquiied embedmcDI. No sepai~~tcpay Item. Unit prices siWl include value for rcquiied bocds, insurance, taxes, ete. No seporate pay items ""' pmvided fur these elements. Mobjlization lu1 item for mobilization is included in bid paebgo. The amount bid fur this item will not be limited by a pettentase of the tot!l bid amount. SCHEDULE! Item No 102 · FuD Depth Sawcut The quaolity indicatod·fur full depth sawcut is oniy the amoUDt ~ to lsolato all pavemenl mnoval sections at one limo. Sequencing of tho pmject may, however, neeessililtc additional interim sawcuts am romovala which will be incidr siWl bid Scbedale V ODd Schedule VI. ~ule V is the Ease Bid for Sl=t Lighting assuming that Oncor owns and msinlains tho vehicular street lights. Schedule VI is the Albmiate bid assumiog that the. Town owns H:lnJ"DilZ2001\Ipod&llall PP.doc PFS-3 . ''······--" .. , and OJl<'lles tho vehicular stmt Hgbti. For ,tho J'1IIPO!OS of dmmmiDh>g ,tho !UcceosJ\11 bidder tho T0vm; will ~ a comparisOn of bids utlliti:Dg tho ;B..O Bid for Sired Llgl&g (!lcboclule V), · !!em No. 611-fllmbh OJen.Qm J>od!S]riap BrickPAyotl CI>@28c!&ylmmarcod ~dropolab{ltrool), Complete In Place, fur ihcSu!nof Fuiilfohandp~6"~.$,000PSI ~ve@lildaya~ COll!ireto ~ . . . . Complete ml'laoe; furihc Sum or au<; Fumi&hand,CODStnlctlong;main•l butt jalld, ~·l'ioo<>; furtiw:Sumof tWO --/. -I, i.31. -;z.-.231...-Add<:Ddum#l " -----;-----:o ,-;-. . ... . --, . -. ---;-,----7"'1 "· 'o-t'· '"-'·"" J. i. ·-~:. -·· ~ ;.!.;:•,.:••,.1;· •';;,~?~··~,:, '[; ·u: ..... ~:.,,1.. ·';:P'••-... -~~--..,, ~. :. ~~ .. :-.:.~ ~[j-......; NO. Q1Y. UNIT PRICE IN WORDS PRICE $ $ Ill -0-L.F. Fumish and consttuct Ieinforced concrete meet beadc:r, Complete in Place, for the Sum of llollan IIlli Caaperunil 112 -0-S.F. Fuml!h Acme vohlcular brick paver mah:Iials, deliv=d to slte, Complete in Placo, for the Sum of llllllm l!!l!i Caaperunil 113 -0-S.F. Fumish ODd place bedding mitcrials and place vehicular brick pavem, Complete in Place, for the Sum of Dotlanggd Caaperunil 114 35 L.F. Fumish and place 24" wide 'Ibemloplastic Stop LiDo, Compl~!':,.lace. for the Sum of DoliV.and /VO "/.-I"''D. -Cents per DDiL 115 594 L.F. Fumish and place 4" wide 'Ibemloplastic Stripe. Coa;>lctc in P~ for the Sum of (2/Vt:.. D2Um111d IVO ;.-5'91.-Caaperunil 116 37 EA. Fumish and place 4" Reflective. Bui!Oos, Type 1-C, Coa;>~laec, for the Sum of ~ l&]l!EI·ud AJf2 3.-{/I. -Caaperunil PFS-7 Addendum#! 117 76 EA. 118 s EA. 119 EA. 120 EA. 121 -(). L.F. 122 L.F. ..... ___ .. ~ .. .:. . .:.··., .· -·: Fumlsh and plaoe 4' R.eflective BDIIDm, Type D,A-A, ~ill Place; for lhe Sum of _JJ.tt.~6 DollartrmJIS No Cems penmiL Pumiah .m imtBl1 sa.et & tmffic colll!olslgm. Fumisb. and imtBl1 SttcciNIIIDII Sign oni!IJI.1UDIIDg IWdwBtoaad app..-, Compl*.ID.Piace, £or the Sum of DoDmmcl m::iiL Pumish and immlll'lnistmt-te!iSpsr atreehlg11 pool, fo1mdation,. ino)mtiag badware and 1lpptlllellliD< Complete in Place, for the Sum of Rvo EldstiDg Sttcct Bm!Cililo aDd posts, Complotein Place, for lhe Sum of Fumisb. onil iDstill Sttcct Barricade and posts, Complete In Place, f'or.ihoSum of PF8-8 3. -:z.:z.. e. -I PtJ.-Addendum#! ---;;--. '-.-~ --------. ---' N-. --·-Y,-b:u;.:.~·-.·-;·i~'--1·--,. ;···-~0. ·~ :;.~ ;:_ ".ji•"' .J 'I' •• • !; 'o ·:, '-~ ,....,~, .... .: '"' ><< '<->• •·"' ~'-'·~I :/w'''P •:: i.: --•J NO .. QTY. uNIT ·-PRICE _IN WORDS PRICE $ ·-' . . .. s 123 I L.S. FluDish, place 8Dd mailrtaln bmti. DgiJam·aod No 3,000, -3,ooc. -Cent! per UDit. 124 .{). C.Y. Unclassified Slleet.BXcavatiail iDcludJng-cli5poaal, Completo in Placo,-fortho Sum of 12!lllllllill!l Ceml perUDit. 125 .{). B.A. Fumilh 8Dd lDstall Black-~ 8l!>p s!gn~Witb TxDOT~ B..U..AwayBase Complcto in Place, for tho Sum of 12o11am·IDSI Cemlperuoil 126 .{). B.A. lDstall Addison Cit'clO finial 011 Black steel pole I!Dia1 to be supplied by the town. Complete In Place, for the Sum of DoU...IIII!I Ceml per lmil 127 19 C.Y. -. iDatalliiDd mafniBin stablizcd Construction~ <'~~inPia•~-tthe Sinn of · • ...I::f!--'""' ~ ~lllinllld /Jo 55.-/, o"/5.-CeQ!J per UDit. 128 350 L.F. FluDish, iDatalliiDd maintain Silt Silt Fc:oce. Complete in Place, for the Sum of 0./JJ/.~S /. S" 5" ~'5".-D~llmll!ld S::·r~ -Ceml per UDit. •·W.O. PPS'9 Addendum# --------------------------'-----------'-----~ ,;:----=--------0 -----~ --------I -----------_, ._ '-. ~, ... -·~· ,-'1 'i:.r ~~ ... 'Ji' ... ~ ', ;--~-~--, -~ ~ ~: . :r ,. • ' ~ .. -J ',; ; ... NO. QTY. UNIT PRICEINVlORJ)S PRICB s $ --129 2 EA. Fumlsb, install aod maintain Inlet Prclcciion, ~1ctelnPiacc,for~of ~~ .s J22Ummd /VO 75:.-/SO. -c-perunit 130 I LS. Furnish and install Rallroad CrossiDg, lncludlngbollast, .. ~ tmdcrd!aiD, tlcs and traCk wmlt ~~inP~thoSuinof -. .....nr --~~~..,. ...... !) Dallmmd ,.JO Sl1 CCO.-so,ooo. -Cenls per unit 131 237 SY Fumlsb and iDstall4" HMACP Boso CoUISC ~cte ln PlBce, for the Sum of IC"v'6,.J Dollml!lll NQ !I. -;<,t,D?.-CeDis per unit 132 237 SY Furnish aod install2" HMACP Surfiu;o Course Compl~ ~ ~lBce, for lho Sum of D2l!lti'Ud fVQ (p, -/4.z2,-CeDis per unit ' 133 3,400 C'{ imp9rtodFW Complete loP lace, forlho Sum of . ~fa.!.;-,.J Do!!am!!lld i\.Jo 7. -..-z3 ~oo.-CeDis per unit 134 4fiO LF Place 6" wide v.ill!elhotmoplaSI!c I crosswalk marlier Co't "glace, for the Sum Sum of Drullm DUd lU. I'IZ]: 1 Cents per unit /. 1,!?.. 5"9~.-PPS-10 Addendum#! --l ~ •• ':..j.; ~-~-·~· i ~-NO. QTY. 135 II ---·-. -~ .. ~·;.":.,:( .:•g ....;,....,...~ Comp~Piacc; for tho Slim of &.e. T y ,__ ~"' Dollar! !!!d N o FumlshiDd:i!ISiaUB" dla. PVC. AWWAC909,DR 18, CL!SOVIIItet pJpo. iliol\liliDg cinbcdae:il, Do!!m am! IU i5 01.00.-1./0.-~o.-30.-o.-'Jl.O. -J'i,2.00.-PF S-12. Addendu!ll#l ........................... /;;---------------------.. -~--::·. ~---i .. ~;!.; ·:>;;-· . -:•·:'td: '1 ,_ '""''=1 ::f ~. ')I -.~' -,, ·''"• '· I I) :: '.\'il'• I!! ' '.• J" ''" ·--:lh, ~ '· WP!UlS -.. NO. qry. UNIT s s 206 I 1!A. Funibh ad insta116' dia. res!Uent scat gate Vllvelbox, ~in Place, ~Sum of 61) '611;;; _'A,l.Ofl Di>lW.!lll!l IVQ 9()().-9ao.-~~tmiL '1JJ7 4 1!A. Fuaiisha.d lnltallS' d!a. •cut seat gate wlvtlbox, Cottwlote-§~Sumof (;;;,£ -Cl12£D Mmml -;:/~ (,too.-4.J./oO.-~pettmiL ' 208 I 1!A. Funibh ad insta1112' dla.-seat gate wlv.Jbox. ~J:lnP!ace,~of II§.Ji'""&..J 0!11'&"l. I&llllJ•md ~i5 ~pettmiL I, 700.-/,70().-209 I 1!A. Fuaiish ODd insta11 jiR! hydnmt, ~Jeto,?~~Sumof '6eJ..)-~~. Ollilullillll t::!_O I. -,oo.-I. 700.-~pettmil 210 2 1!A. Com>eot to eidalills wale< main (all sizes), ~~.rJ'er~.!~of.-J -Dnllml!lld IVO ~qO(),-~ fiJO. ~pettmiL • -Funibh ad lnstall24" oteei caslnB . 211 126 L.F. .. pipo by bore, complelo wilh i:asiDg •. apacm""" eudoOals. ~ln)!t:; fattbe Sumbf ! 4.! 11 I.::IIZ.tsl"l ' -I2DlllillliK1 i\io ;zoo. ;t.~~(){).-CeDIS pet UDit. PF S-i3 Add~ i' · t.; • • , ~ · I '' :' I =·~ ,. :.-,_ ; -'•' '.! ~ ·'I : j,< '-' . -.. NO. QTY. UNIT WORDS s s 212 I EA. Furnish azid ID.stall2" 1)'pe K soft copper ltrlgation service. ~m.:!:j,e 1M s.m.r . to.).:: -!oli::l {l. '() Il211mllll!l t.l~ Cfoo,-C?oo.-c-perunit 213 I EA. Furnish and ins1alll.5" Hmey !.{VR IOOiu!bmametor. ~¥-i'!.P~forlho~ I 1-J~ _1,/CJ.O Dol1mlm1 ~!5 9oo.-9¢.-Cenb per un!L 214 2 EA. Pumiahllld ins1all Brooks pn>docta No. 65 IT' x28" precast box. ~""'inP~IhoSumof ' "{J,. _J::.Ild'J !;!ollmll!lld NO goo. -eem. perun!L ..y'e;t:?,-215 I EA. Furnlshllild ins1alll.5" Febeo 80SY dOuble cbecl:: w1vo assembly. ~inP~ Jbrlhp Sum of IZ 6 1/.Aif'> {1«'> DoiJmlllid ('J(J ~~.-....joo,-eemSperm!ll. 215 30 L.F. Furnish llild ins1all2" Class 200 PVCtdceve ~~ IDP~fo_!.llloSUmof e~T¥ II&J.Q l:lillllllllllll ~c) p.. -t.,{,o. -eem. '"" unlL 217 750 L.F. Furnish imd install trench safely flJr . comtrilctioo, Compk:to In Plo!>O, tbr 1ho Sum of bJ.O 7'). -!;!olbnl!llll L6.AJ. , I 0 c-po. -3, {)00. -Ccnii per \lllit. _219 2 BA. Famish mu!lostall2"· Afr ROkaSO Valve, ~inP1aceJt.thoSmilcif • ~~ ~lllt::lll: liD DaBar!IUid I'\ID /, ~/)().-3, Ot». -c.ms porllDit. 220 103 L.F. Flllnlslund 1Dstal1'12" Dia. PVC AWWA C909, DRISCL lSilWatc< ~inl>o!e~. CoJ!t>~.4!7fortboSmilof DQDiiiiDd Ci_li so.-5', 1 -so.-c.ms peruniL SUbtDtal Wp;er STORM IiRAINAGE; 301 153 Furnish and lnslalll&" CL. m RCP ~OIJ1!.tdmtnt, Comp'e~ tbrlhOSmllof --r-so.--1211DmiD!I l!!i5 7,/.SO. Ccniipormi!L 302 Ill FuriJ&b and lnslall 21" CL.IilltCP ini:tudlag embedmcot, ~~laoo;forthoSmilor -· S'": 5 S'D. -so.-llsllllliml l!d_'D ' . CI '-~-. ' "'l' ... • ';.~•~ '·~;:lL I . . " NO. QTY. UNIT .WORDS $ s 303 .(). Furnish lllldinstall24" CL. W RCP illcludiog-.mbedmoot ' Comp~ In Plaoc, for tho Sum or J:lgJIIIIIIII!I Cems perimit 304 .(). Fumish and install2T' CL niRcP ioclud!ng embednlOD~ Comp~ In Plaoc, for tho Sum of 122llmllld Cellb per uoit 305 .(). Furnish and install30" CL. m RCP ioclud!ng em}wbncnt Comp~ In Plaoc,fqrtbo Sum of 1:!2111111111!1 Cellbp.timlt 306 .(). Furnish ad los\all_33" CL. III RCP iocluding ombedment, Completoin Plaoc, for tho Sum of noum:g Cemsperuoi~ 307 .(). FurnWII!IId install36" CL. m RCP iocmdJoa euihMmeot . Colq>~ In Plaoc, for tho Sum or DotluaiJid Cemsj>er uoit. 308 .(). Furnish and install42" CL. m RCP mc~·mr: '""'"'• Compl& In Place, for tbo Sum of DWimind Cellb p.: uoit PPS-16 Addeiulum #I -· ,.--.-,.-----; -. -----------' . ---------, ''-.;-::•;.:-' •;.,;1·': ~ • r.,: ~ ·· · · ·-' • ~l·~ .... ~,:,1. U .,1•-•. ~il'''•'• ·• '' ;•~ '!' ! -~~:. '·-~•J ~el:j :·~~-• ,,r '.!'ti•'::.!:'H, .., __ ,; NO. QlY. UNIT 309 740 310 284 311 450 312 2 313 314 233 LF WORDS Furnish and lnstall48" CL. III RCP iDcludiDg embeam Pol!arJ and yv 0 Cents per uniL Furnish a lnstall6' x 4' CL._ m RCBC, iDcbldlna embedment ~!etc j1;: for the Sum of lu•o~.?e Pol!arJ and N o Cealsper uniL Furnish and io.sta1124" RCP Plow ~ Pollan and tv 0 Remove and dispose of cxistfng concrctc inlet, Compkll: in Place, for the Sum of Rt:move and dispose of cxistfng RCP, ~ iD PlaceJ:or the Sum of Elve Dollm!!!!l No Ceab per uniL pp 8-17 s s Jon.-71-/. ooo.-.230.-t,'S.~:w.-2~0.-II 08. ooo. -4()0.-1.2..-7,, 79(,.-Addmdom#t ____________________ :_____ ____ ~ " -----------,--------------.. -------------· .. ·.---~>".:c: , .... : '~ •· /T -: . .! -~ ·~ ;':':••.j•' '•:J' ' .-.•: ,:-,,, J .::-•~J~~ ,,J~ • ~ •,,,1 ·,c~J:•JI• ''•'· .: .. L, 1 • ··.\~:~ ;~~~-... ~ NO. qri. UNIT WqJIDS $ s 315 I EA. Furnish~ iDstall concrete junction box@srA. 1+59.41, Storm Drain LlneT, ~inPia~Sumof .. ... -_,t::.,._ I. lltDv3AAJ0 D2llmimd ~Q /'S, 0()0,--Ceids per UDit. 1~, ()()(), 316 4 EA. Fuml!h and lnstall6' stmdozd inlet w/recessed top for brick, Complete in Place, for the Sum of !Jollamllld Ceids pei unl~ 317 4 EA. FumWl and lnstall6' sfllndord Inlet w/m:essed top for brick, cx1111 depth. Complete in Placo, for the Sum of Dollmlll!l Cenl>perunl~ 318 2 EA. FumWlaodlnstalllO' stmdozd bilet w/......oc),-t,,OO(),-Ceids pei UDit. 319 4 EA. Fuml!h and Install Typo B MJmholc, Comp1ldo ~ forthoSumof {)Nif t'A"'NQ /,ooo.-;l., ()~~. -12l!llmilll!l ~~ Coob PI!' miiL 322 '2 BA l'llrilllllllllll jDstB1l ~ II> exlstiDg jlfpo. ~ldoln~fortllo!'Sumof ~~ 1,1/X), -3,UJ().-Dgllar.ubd !!!.!!:! CeDis per milt. ' 323 I EA. l'Um!Jhllllll ias!Bll CODIIOCiion.ll> exist!ilgllnlituie, SZ'~~B=·f ~.a~'"'\ ~:l.OO,-;?, ;z.oo . -DoUmapd ('.JO ' Coob per milt. 324 I EA. Ful:allh llld, Instill! prg, ' ~inP)p,~Suin~ ~le ~""0 Dq1!gu!!!l NO Cf(X'j,-90(),-O:iltlper.llllfl. 325 I -LS. Ranowllid~of~ boadwalla """~riP'~ ~"·f.· 1,dld.-J/~1'.-I Calia poruri!t. '' _, SUbtotal Stonn Dialllago H:'opnt/DIWOOI~pP.l.I).ADc: PFSo19 Addendum#] WAsTEWATER 401 .().. L.F. Fumislund lllstallS' dia. SDR-26 PVC Mltewllterpipe, including emb '"If:'!••, Complelo in Place, for tho Sum of 11!!11m ll!ld CenlS per uoiL 402 .().. L.F. Fllmlsb.l\lld lllstall6" dia. SDR-3S PVC wastewater pipe, includii>g embuluw "' Complete in Place, for tho Sum of ]JnJbtiol 11¥1 Ceols~uoiL 403 .().. EA. FllinWi arid insta112-waycl..mmit & CIIS!ironlid, Complete in Place, for tho Sum of . Dmlmmd CentS per liDiL 404 .().. EA. FllrDlsh and iDstall4' dia.WaStewalcr mailboiO, Complete in Place, for lbc. Sum of D!lllm&md Ceols per liDiL 405 .().. EA. FllrDlsh and InstallS" dia. Wastewoll:r pipe plug; Complete in Place, for the Sum of · llRllml!llll Ceols per UDit. 406 .().. L.F . Flmdsh arid pmvldo TV.!Dspootion of ---Complcto in Place, for the Sum of D:21lA11 imJ Ceols per uoiL IL-\prgj\OI:WOOI~PP-l.D.doc PF8-20 Addcnduiil #I 407 ..(). L.F . FumiJh ""'provide bOncb safetY {m wutewaterlh>o conotructioll, Complele in PlaOe, !br the SUm of DolWalil!l Ccnlrpe:nmiL 408 ..(). BA. Co;m.cito e:dsting wastewater lines, Complotc in Place, foi tho SUm or ll2111DIIld Celill per \mil Subtotal Wastev~ater ELECIRICAL DUCTBANK SO! ..(). L.F • l'mDish ood Install B-6" PVC, Typo DB COIIf!uits, ODCa!Od in coDc.eie, Complele lnPiace, fm the SUmo£ J);g][m lAd Cents per \mil 502 ..(). BA. Co!moct to oxlatiD3 duotbank, Complcto ln Place, for the Sulll of llQillllllll!l Ce:riiSper \mil 503 ..(). BA. Fumiah ood IDstallilan4ald4-""Y elcC!iicil duCtbililk:manho)c, Comploto ln Place, for the SUm or DolWallll!l cem•por \mil 504 ..(). BA. FumiJh 8Dd lm1illl ilan4ald3-way electdcil ductbtmk manhole, Complele in Place,>for the SUm of MID IIIli Cents per \mil 1L~Il2:l001~ PP-l.D.dcc pp s-21 Addendum#! 50S -0-EA. ' .... -........ .,,.;, :· .... ,;, .·,, ... . Fumlalnmd lmtallconaeto iluotbm>k endplu& . . ~inPlace;·lbrthoSUmor Dg]Jmlll!l ci:mperimft. UTD..lTYil'tfi.'R9~NTs SCHEPUL!! II SPI!CTRtJM DRIVBBXTBNSION -SOlJI'H TOTALAMOUNrB!DFORMATHRIALSANDSER.VICBS, S 385,9 7/.-SCHBDULB U.ITBMS.201 1HROUGH ~OS INCLUSIVE. Add!DIIiumllt miEETs~,r::s~VEMEN.Ts SPI!Cl'RUM DRIVBrixrm!SiON· Si:>~ ~ '. ' : •' ,, ' :"..;.' . -'' -~ : ... ,...,·~j'. ~ ' ' ; • ... ·'·. ~: j. ··~ • ' ~·•"•] •I• _,1] ; ~ l ! ' ' ' ' NO. qry. uNIT WPRDS' $ $ 601 I L.S. F..m.J>Wbi.l!alll!iigati""~"""' iDclu4IDg poWOI' mul telephone for C0!11!0Den; ~Qill~fortboSumof ! li::!"'.l!"-~ DJ. 0 ?. -"'. 3 ~;J.. -604 11 .EA. PumlshUXI plaDI Red Oak, :zoO Gat., 6";U'hl., 12'·14' Spiead,-.r -~1$1nPiso.-CCms.pcr ualL 60S .().; ·EA. PumiahUX!p!lmtllvh and lllslall Type 35-A Traflic Signal FOUDdation, ~!ete~_La~ ~it.vs;'~ S.Srs:.., '7"1o F; .n5 Il!!l!m IIlli " f:!!.O 4, n-:..-'1. S"'S' 0.-c-perunlt I 714 2 EA. l'umi>h and lmtall T)l>o 48-A Traflic Signal FOUDdatioo, CoJwlete ~lace, for~of Ni~fe....-..v ~co JlgJJ.m IIDd ..Vo 119oo.-3 aoo.-c-perunlt • 715 4 EA. Furnish and lmta!liDttmally Lighted Street Name Signs, ~!ete in Place~ Sum of I tl jg_T~tJ!~l5C 1:!211mll!ll l!!l 3, 'joo.-f 3, t,oo. -Cents per unit 716 8 EA. l'umi>h and lllslall Pedestrian Signal with COuntdown LED, ~leta in Place, ff-. Sum of ~~&:] -/, 35/). -;O,foo. c-perunlt 717 I EA. l'umi>h and lmtall Steel Traflic Signal Polo Assembly, I Ami, 36 Feet, ~=~inJ~=~ Dollm and tV., 3,ooD.-3 (;)00. I -c-perunlt PFS-28 Addendum#! 718 EA. 719 EA. 720 EA. 721 8 EA. 722 13 EA. 723 13 I!A. Fumish and Install Steel Traffic Signal Pole Assembly, I Ann, 40 Feet, Fumish and Install Pedestrian Detector PushBution, Complcle "l;: for tho Sum of cw e r:.aPD l:;,.'""' DqUmpnd AIO Fumish andinstall12" LED Red Tnlflic Signal Lamp, ~~Place,~S~of rv _ ... vc. ~ ll!!llllllllll!l ~Q Ceob per unit. Fumish and Installll" LED Yellow Tnlflic Signal Lamp, ~let< in Pia~ i!Jjmof . ,.J"r!J. ,·"' e-Il211mm Jo,)o Cents per unit PF5-29 3,too.-3,too.-8,£/oo.-J,1oo,-~500.-!, ~()(), -/10.-;J>o.-85.-I, to~.-9~.-),.J.3'r.-Addendum #! ~-------' ::;v ·~ -· ~.: ·' 1 i NO. QTY. 724 13 725 4 726 4 -~ -' '' o/; .•• :···"•' 1"' ;.t'· ;. • -.. UNrr -· ·. PRICB:IN.woiU>s: PRICE -~ ~ $ BA. Fumlsh and InStall l2"·l.I!D Greeo Tra1iic Sigaal i.aiDp, ~~~~~-r.~ ll!lllmllll!l l=!Q J[g1. ~ CCiiiS pat llllit. B.A. FUI:Dlib Olld!Jisbn 12" LED~ & Yellow Anow.Ttallic.Sigoa!l.amp, ~or /~3.-Cc:ais pot UJiit. B.A. Fumlsli and !Do1ol1 (Jplikto~ lbrtlio'Sumof ·~ /,09~.-C<:ms per llllit. SIGNAiiZAUONIMPl\OVEMENTS SCimpllLBI\7 SPECTRUMD:RiVB:llxTBNSlON ·SOUTH ' .. o! "' .. :''l ... $ ~I 'j;J.. -7.3.:z.-4,380.--TOTALAMOUNTBIDFORMA~AND·sBRVICES, SCHEDULE I, ITEMS 701 TIIROUGH126, INCLUSIVE s Ill. .12-'L S..£ • PF 8-30 Addendum#! ~ ~ ---------· -iji\' ,. ''" ;.~ . 11·.·.-' NO. QTY. 801 2 802 I 803 I 804 I 805 I 806 I • .~. ,;; ...• !. ·"'· .; •. •,.:: •.. STREET LIGHT IM:PROVEMENTS (BASE BID) SCHEDULBV SPECI'RUM DRIVI! BXTBNSION ·SO UTI! ~ --.. ' :; :..~;. ...,··~~···· ~-~· -:· •• ~": <' ,_,. ·~· . . --. UNIT PRICE IN WORDS PRICE ----$ EA. Furnish and Install Meter Sotkct Base, Complete 7fu1=. for 1ho Sum of Q\1 c ,lf!:!)'>rt.lSO £E:YV J;!gl!mi!!!!l Dd,D Cents PI" unil /10.-EA. Fumbh and iDstallllDclosurcto support Meter, Plmo~ Contactor, Bocl= and Time Clock, ~,Jete lnP~Iho Sum of l~~DmiDil& ~ N """"/3,3'70.-Cents per unil EA. Furnish and iDstallScrvlcc Gmlmd, · ~ lnPlace¢:;1ho Sum of l'" 1-•• ..1' Dollanand No .!/5.-Cents PI" unil EA. Furnish and iDstall P8DCI Boord with BI08lo:rsl201240, 80A MCB, ~leto~~thoSumof -~-Ulll/::!~£:1"-, Do~ti'IO /, {70.-Ccnls PI" tmll EA. Furnish and lnslall Enclosmo and Co~r. ~~.:~~r;~~ ~.-• '"'~ "7 /{; '" '"' 81.;.-nou ... 1!11!1 ~~ Ccnls PI" unll EA. Fumbh aod Install? Day Time Clock, ~~inP~forlhoSumof ~c-.~. l-1-IJQllm!rul IVQ ?t-'.-Cents PI" unit PFS-31 ---. ·~· ... ~. ':!:.:J~ •. $ ;<-;;.D,-3,3~0.-~5.-/,f70. -ggt;. .-/0. -Addendum#! --------------------- •... · ... · ... -..... -' " ~ ----' -~------~=-:;~_,;;:~-! -. ~~J~'i: :. ' : •;_; .. :.;·c ".Jj' : .• \.oi • ·~-;.~L. ··:· : ___ ., . -~: ~ ·!" •• :::\1"· .:~··;, ... :.;..: ·~·I; :'l .. NO. QTY. ·UNIT . -)RIC!~ IN. WORDS PRICE $ . ·. -'. -:;"·~~ :-' .,::, {i}<-~. : . •. ·-$ . . 807 1 EA. Fumish one! lmtall Photo Cell and c.nme.,tions, ~Placo,forthoSUmof (ff 1 'fl. T ¥-t!21lm llll!l JVQ 30. --30. -CeDis pcnmit. 808 20 EA. Furnish one! Install T' GRC Elbow, eo~m~SUm•r t!!!lllilllll!l iC~ /S. ----Ccob penmiL 300, 809 530 LF. Fumish one! lnstall2" PVC Scllcdulc 40 Conduit (Pedestrian IJghl!ng Cimm) wi1h :abe !nent, ~in Placo, for the SUm of two ll!!llml!ll~ Ea !t 1 y .if() :<. 1.~ 7.<. ~ Ccob per un!t. 810 620 LF. Fum ish and lnstall2" PVC Scllcdulc 40 Conduit with Pull Rope (V chlcular Street Ughting and laigation) with -. ~In Place, for tho SUm of l (l,l. () t12u.m 11114 EM 'o/h"'ii 6 J/~ /,519.-;:;.. -Cerib per un!t. 811 40 LF. Fumlsh and lnstall2" GRC Conduit, Complete ~J!laco, for the SUm of l ~ t!!!llmllllll a:-[?-'t ~-~ ;z.~o.-Ccob per unit. 812 2 EA. Fum1sh BDd!nstall3" GRCBlbow. ~fg.~rorthc SUm or t!2llm llll!l ...... ~r; (so .;2'3. -Ccob per unit. I. -PFS-32 Addendum#! ------; -----;----;--;--------------· ·'-:.J· ·''"" -··· ·-·• .. i ·:"Q'-'l, 1:-•. "' -~l .. , a.'• . I • • J ..... -~~-' ., . '. ~ ,, ~ "'; ' '• -~-i; NO. QTY. u:Nit · .·. · · · ~Rit:BlN:W6RDS PRic:li $ --~-----.· :.:~:-·L\~~;-1~\ ~;--~-_;· __ :. _ .. ;... :.. :· .:. . $ 813 370 LF. Furnish and !nstall3" PVC Scbedu!o 40 Coi>duit Mth cmbedmen~ ~e1o0inP!ace,fi>rtheSiimcif 12Wim 1m! ~J;l 1-:i ~ ir c.m. p:r unit. ,A.?i so t.oo.-814 15 BA. FUmlsh and !nstall3" ORC Conduit, ~lnP~ fortheSumof /?:,!;_ DoUm!!!!!l Wbi1' Ef.; e ~ 7~ 3.~ ~-.--c.m. p:r Ullit 815 36 BA. Pumiah ond IDsla1l lfigh COmpressloo Tap; ~~~or • S"rl r ...... i-·~ g., ---1!t. -c.m. per unit. I 816 10 L.F. Pumiahond losta1HIIO AWG COnductOr, CcimplecoinP~fortheSumof NO l:!!!llm ~m~ ~,&..~ .. , fi11 c;: so .~~ .z. -c.m. pcr.UIIil r 817 1,500 L.F. FUmlshlllid !nstall #8 AWG COnduc.tor, Colq>lelo, t}~ for tho Sum of Dollan !!!!!I 'ffi;-ery ~ ~ . '35 S~S'. ,.-c.m. perUDit .· .. 818 .(). L.F • FUmlsh mid !nstall #6 AWG COnduc.tor, O>mple1o in Place, tOr the Sum of 12!!l!Diund c.m. per Ullit PF8-33 Addenilum#l ~;r~~; ; ... --------'•<., .' .:' ~' I ,' ~· J ... ' ' ~A :.-: '' i 0 .J • .:::-'" • ... 1: >J • ; ••• ... . -'J •; I NO. QTY~ . ·mm-PI®E~wo~ 11RICE $ .... ' $ .. ,,·· .. -. ' ' 819 .(). L.F. FU!Ill5h.and Install #4 AWO CoDdnetor. C~ Pull Box, J;gmple1o~ Plau, for lhe Sum of (~0 rb'fc t -~t"l E: i\) pgtlm·pnd ,.._.) :J ,235.-9~c?.-CciiU per unft. 821 7 !!A. Fumlsb ond lDSia11 Podatdlll Polo Li&ht POulldallaa, ~leto~tboSumof e VnJ 1:!-«>r'l Dl!Dm lad 6:J. o -£/.Po.-Cema per unft. .3 3{.0. -822 7 EA. Fumlsb ond lDSia11 Pedooldall Llaht Pole-and J>m>lnoriN ~-(2 Fl>lu!es each pole), mrerrx~~·r -IH; ~:r'-1 ;v;; ',.-;-,.;;,_r.t\ "'-Ils!Dm IIIII t ~S2 3, s :5'0.-21 rs-o.-Cwbperulilt I 823 2 l!A,. Fumlsbmllnltall Vobk:ullr Polo LijbiFouadabOD, ~lito !nP~ for tbo Sum of u~ ~.!.~ .... ~.:,.·,. "v· ':f. ,;;·'<,, -:· -'~' •• I UNIT PRICE IN WORDS PRICE ··'· $ BA. Furnish and lnsta1l Meter Socket Base, ~~~mor I ~t.2 12!!U!!IIIIlld t::l.<> Cents per unit. (I 0,-I!A. Furnish and Install Enclowro to support M-.p...,~ Contactor, Enclosure and r""" Clock, z~~Spof ------I' ' •, --·' !;,J,; $ .,2.;2-D.-12!!llllllllll!l llo! Q ~ 3 3'30.-Cents per unit. 3 3'lz:>.-EA. Fumbh and lnsta1l Service Ground, ~ktcin0~~of tC.i! 7 ,. . ...,~~ nnnan: g~, ....,;Q_ Cents per unit. ~~-4~.-EA. Fumbh and lnsta1l Paoel BoiUd with Brcakm 120/240, BOA MCB, £11.ktc inP~ the Sum of t;./6.-1 '(IJQrt t:i:> 'T,<;.v6a.!2;)! DoJJm !!!!d IU 0 J, /70.-1,170.-Cents per unit. EA. Furnish and Install Enclosure and Conlactor, ~~p~~~,rn~ ~-~,< AJ .... tfS.-1!5.-Cents per uniL EA. Fumish and lnsta1l7 Day Time Clock, ~toinPbcc, toinPbcc, for tho Sumo£ &.rr':f-12!!U!!III!II! JVQ 7D.-70.-Cen!S per unil PF S-36 Addendum#! ' .. -:;--'' --~,-----------.-I --------------~. -.~ t. .,-.,-~-""""~'lo.l•~-. j'-.:-• '-' ..;_, __ --J~ :,::.; d·J~· .J' ; "."• • ~ • 'l; ,. """''_.I h. ;~ ;j''>&>'•~'"'-""'~~~ c..' "J I•'J ,;;' , -~.! ;,:'..;.. NO. QTY. UNIT · PRICE IN WORDS PRICE $ . •.: : . . $ 807 I EA. Fumish and Install Photo CeU and ~-~j"J:~4forthcSumof Dallmmsl Od_i5 30.-~0.-Ccob per unit 808 21 EA. Fumish lll!d lnslall2" GRC Elbow, C'f"'?!:f" Plaoo, for tho Sum of .. _,ee,,._; l!!!llm I!ISI l:::d.-!J. /S. -3/S.-Cents per Lmit 809 665 L.F. Fumish and lnstall2" PVC Schedule 40 Conduit (Pedestrian I.JghtiDg Circuit) with embcdmen~ CQlllP}~jn0Plaoo, for tho Sum of I!!!Dm and F M.'ry ~:'fl? ;_ 591. -Cents per unit . 810 185 L.F. Fumish lll!d lnstall2" PVC Schedule 40 Conduit with Pull Rope (Vehicular St!eel Lighting lll!d hriga!ion) with embedmont, CoJ!lP!= inPlaoo, for the Sum of ll.!.l.O Mmi!ISI !Q a.,.; E7 v e "(~ .Z.S' Cenbi per unit ;z.-1453.-811 80 L.F. Fumishand lnstall2" ORC Condul~ Compl~ ip. Plaoo, fur tho Sum of II!:: ;Q2Um ADd £:!' ;=:-.,... ., t.~ S;J.o. -Ccob per unit ,... 812 2 EA. FUrnl!h lll!d lnstall3" ORC Elbow, ~lew in Plaoo, for tho Sum of _e-v~ ll21!m !!!Ill -;:. .. "" :,... "" /I. so .2-'3. -Ccob per unit /-PFS-37 Addendum#! NO. 813 814 815 816 817 818 -----------···· ------------------~--QTY. UNIT 30 LF. 15 EA. 36 BA. 10 l.F. 2,100 l.F. L.F. . PRICE IN'woims Fumlsh and lrutall3" PVC SChedule 40 Conduit with embedment. ~in Place, for the SUm of tWO Fumlsh and lrutall3" ORC Conduit, ~~fortheSumof Dollars ondii(/Ovlj 6fJG Cents per uniL Fumish BDd IDstall High Compt..J Dollm and I=';• f' T7 Cents per .unil Fumishll!ld IDstDll #10 AWG Conductor, Colrq>lete in Place, for the Sum of tYO Furoish and IDstDII113 AWO Conductor, Complete in Place, for the Sum of HO Furoish and Install #6 AWO Conductor,,._) 0 =-Tin P~for the SUm of ~@e=:" e.r S£> Dollars md t'!i'72 Ccnts per uniL PF S-38 PRICE s 3.~ /3.~ . 3S"' ~(, 0 ·"~-I 0 · $ cP.2. so '" 7S" 4'o.--73S"-!fie-0 3 '368.·-Addendwn#l NO. QTY. UNIT 819 I.F. 820 EA. 821 7 EA. 822 7 EA. 823 2 EA. 824 2 EA. .. : ..... · PRicE IN WORDS Furnish and installll4 AWG Condlictor, Complete in Place, for the SIDD of DollarsllJd Ceatoperunit Fumlsh and Install Sb:el Light Pull Box, Complete in Place, for the SIDD of Dollmand CeaU per unit Fumlsh and Install Pedcstrlan Pole IJgbl Fotmdatioo, Q>ulpleto~rtboSumof .. o~l)t?Ci"'> !Jo1!m and ,..J 0 CeniB per unit Fumish and Install PedestrianiJgbl Polo and J.>rmjnaries Fixtures (2 Fixtures each polo), ~~eto in:~the SIDDof 11tzt::~.'t=. 7 DolJm and tV 0 CeaU per unit CeaU per unit Fumlsh and 1nstall VehiJ:ular Pole and single Lumillare, CeaU per unit PF5-39 PRICE $ $ 3.3t-O.-3,5 s-o.-:z-1 ?so. -.t//P.-9~t?.-;<. i~o.-~ 70o.-Addendum#! ~~ ---: ·:_;', 1_. :..~.-·.p. ' ' ': ;)'';.'.!I,"•J<'' \\J'' [.;:_. ,. • • -• ... '" "' :•',:.,,• ,',!•J. NO. 8~ -0-Q'I'Y .. ·.mm PiUctnNwoii:Ds . ' .~ ...... • ..... :_.:,, .. llA Fumiahmxi~30AMP I ~Swf¢hwl1hl'use!, Dolllraand STREET LIGHT IMPRO~(I\LTEruiJATE BID) SCHI!pULB VI SPECI'RUM DRIVEBXTI!N"SION. • SOlJTH S Jl ?ra.Q'"'I .9-L ~~' TOTALAMOUNTBIDFORMATERJALSANJ)SEIWICSS; _ .!'S;;r ;;~, ::1 I SCHEDULE VI, ITEMS SOlTHI!.OUGH 825, JNCLUSIVB . .1-f i.f I q L/:l.' • ;.._ Addendum#! Bid Schedule & Descriptjon Paving Jmprov=onts II Utility Improvements m Streetscape Improvements IV Signalizotion Improvements V Street Ughling (Base Bid) TOTAL PAVING, UTILITY,STREETSCAPE, SIGNALIZATION & STREET LIGHTING BASE BID VI Street Lii!hling (Aitema!G Bid) PF s-41 ToJDI AmOI!jl! Materials & Seryices s.l/53.3-'tS. -' s3~5.97J.-• -10 $ 02!>0 .S77.-' so s/ll,,/69.-• 7~ $ ~7. 3~8. -• ~S" s /. ;1..53. ~/1.-$ 14. 9"-/,Z IAddendum#! ------------------------------------------------------------· -----------PAVING, UTILITIES> STREETS«:;~ SI!JN~T.!ON & STREET LIGJlTING BID SCIIEDuJJi: SJJMMW . . . SPECl'RUMDRIVE EXTENSION~ TOTAL PROJECI' Bid Schedule & pesmAAon I Paving Improvements II Utility Improvements m Stn:etscape linprovements IV Signalization Improvements V Street llgbling (Base Bid) TOTAL PAVING, VTILITY, STREETSCAPE, SIGNALIZATION & STREETUGHTINGBASEBID STANDARDBID"A" CALENDARDAYS .;2,2-0 X$2,SGOPERDAY TJMEB~"B" TOTAL BID (STANDARDBID"A"+T!MEBID"'!") VI Slteelllghting (Alternate Bid) Total Amount Materials & Smices 30 s l, 05(,,5 7&. -75' s ;... 7 :2:'-1. 2-eo. -s · 5~0. Ooo. -· • ,s s .3, ~7i2-80.-$ 1'1~,3l-l.~ AIIJ"YHO"'~ ~o( O'IMP.IO J i t..i. fil.£. s. : <;;> £:,..1\ --re;.,..,., Sl6.-z-{,·,.u. .. , ~..J'-•tWc.i'I(),JJ ·1-.P. PFS-42 Addendum#! PAVING,liTILl'fn)S,S'l'REE~c;APE,SI~ALJ:ZATION&STREETLIGHTJNG \J ~ () r A L. . umsMni;nllL'EsuMM;ARx · · · VUAJ 1../v-v-SPECTRUMD~ EXTENSION -TOTALPROJEcr Bid§chedule & Descri¢on Toia! AmoW!IMatetia!s &Seryis:es I Pavingimprovements ~ y~J vr.J. oo $~ :t;;-! I •.. ) 5 . ?/} g'l£3 7S7 (}~ lii SiioclscapcimprovcmeriiS .Jt>6_~ ~1.-,'LJ ~ ~ = sfVO Itt gg ..--C"J" I~~ :!"'JJ-. z_:J TOT@.PA,YJNqi.·~J'l!Y~·S,1:'.REF;T~CAPE; ~~-JlD,l!.f~S:rREt'J:'LIGilTJNGBASEBID ~ALENJ:)ARJ}AYS Z 7 0 ;,($2,SifOl'Jilllil;iAY 'tii'@j:rl!' . TOTAL BID.•{Sl'ANDARDBlD·~A"·+'TIMIIJIID•"JJ") VI St=tLighting,(AltomateBid) PFS-42 2. 2-"-_, {. r1-. 1 d sL--...,.,-~t,..L7..::::J~(J~V~O ~· ~ucJ_ s~-=-:r+!,. z::;;.!o~z::,.... -=-r..:...7~:!.~G2..!GLZIC tY/0, ~0 Addendum#! PAVING, UTR.lTIES, STltEETSCAPE, SIGNALlZATION & STREET LIGHTING I!ID SCIDID'!,JLB~ARY SPECTl!.UM DIUVE :lix'rENSJ()N -NORTli Bid Si:bedule&~tion Total AmountMaterials-&SeiVices $~.--=5-~_o~,>=B~4~·~ G_o __ s~~4_7~{1 ~3~1~~·~8~h-· _ V S1ree!Ugbting:@~.Bid) s, __ l!.-!7~0+:=:5...!./...::!::>~-..:_· ...!.9..;0:_,_:___ ~~~~1+-"5:....2[._1-:.· .:..'·t .!.:.•=.D_,__ Pl"N-36 Addendum#! l'AVING, UTILITIES, STBEEl'SCAl'E; SIGNAI.IZAl'ION &STREET LIGlrn:NG. BIDSClliEJ)UI.ESUMMARY :lPECl'RUlij D:RIVE:BXTBN$10N, SOUIH • s~--~z~'~?~~~~~~&~.~~'~/11 s1J---:z.s $·~--~~~--~~~~--J-; v streetLigb~(BascBid) s ________ ~'-,~--_0~9_b_._2-'._•_o~--~~~v:g~~~li~g~EBID s..,· =-""..:;/..J.l..:/~L~'f.# =. ,;7~~~0~.~-~CJ;,.;.:l.: ..... '-1 &j t.J'bleMI!yor.md 'Town Council Town ofA'ddiSon, Texas ~"""""\ l ,.....__ (OJ Gentlemen: U '/CJ The undersigned bidder, having =mined the plans, specifications and cootract documents, ond tho location /PJ \0 of the JJtO])!>Sed wor)<, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, proposes to fumish lj all equipment and to perform 18bor and work necessary for ~ompletion of the work descnbed by and in accordanceW:ith\hcPJans, Specifications and·Cootrnct for the following prices, to wit: AC%NOWLEDGEMENT OF·ADDEI)IDA: The Bidder.acknowledges reoeipt of the following addenda: Ad9•:mluo(No.l Dat¢<1. Ad •···· Notice to Proceed March I, 2002 Preliminary Meeting with City March 4, 2002 Begin Field Surveys March 4, 2002 Complete Field Surveys March 22, 2002 Preliminary meeting with D.A.R.T. March 25, 2002 Submit Preliminary Plans to City and D.A.R.T. for Review May 31,2002 Receive Review Comments from City and D.A.R.T. June 21, 2002 Complete Final Plans July 24, 2002 City Final Review Comments August 9, 2002 Advertise Project August 15, 2002 Receive Bid September 9, 2002 Award Construction Contract September 24, 2002 Notice to Proceed (Construction) October I, 2002 Construction October 2002 thru March 2003 \\h7..dalla.~l \disk 1\proj\0 199990 1\DA V IDM\Proposals\Mdi.son\S pcctrumE:oaSchJ.O l2502.doc COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM February 14, 2003 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison-Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Drive Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are right-of-way deeds and sidewalk easements for Parcels 3 through 6 of the above-referenced project. Documents for Parce12 were forwarded to you on December 23, 2002 and, as you will recall, Parcel 1 is the property of the Town of Addison. If you have any questions or need anything further, please give me a call. Sincerely, Jrt J(. /d-J,~~ Angela K. Washington AKW/yjr Enclosures c(w/o Enclosures): Mr. Mike Murphy Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/firm D A L L A S T Y L E R Document /I: 1040166 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.&72.2020 WWW. COW LESTH 0 M PSO N. C 0 M STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson . 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ---------' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED-Page 1 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive Doeumentit: I03147:Z MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of 2003, personally appeared --------------' on behalf of a -:--:--::---:----:-:--c and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel3-Spectrum Drive Document~: 1031472 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: . ~-· ·-. "je d ~ « & '" ~ 0 e. QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.OOOJJ POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.OJ404 {FUTURE STREET R-1) "' z-oo 1110 0~ o'-' <0. 1/2" IRF WITH {JO ~ "RANDOM" RED ~ PLASllC CAP BEARS ~ 0> N 89'05'45-w-2.00' 0 ~ '""> 15851 DALLAS NORTH EXHIBIT B PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 5 B9"05'4S"E 5.00' L1 ~~~ 5/B' '"' I\1TH I HUITT-ZOUARS YELLOW P~C CAP ------------"-~ ------------I LINE TABLE I I I COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 34. 50' 34. 50' I II J4,S' tr:-.. ---~~ Ll S 89'05'45"E L2 N 89' 04' 47" W I I ];l l];l (J.B15 AC.) ,; ,; GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. :;j :;j VOL.9905J PG.05566 NOTE: I Improvements were not located for this exhibit end there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. I I I ~~~ :~;:; r--5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT . . I (PARCEL JA -0.0615 AC.) "' "' "' "' ai ai ;:: w;:: I PARCEL 3 I I ~ ?! 0.5702 AC. !j g; . Vl 0 ~t~~~~~~~------~i~-------------------------J g: :::>)21';? ,\ ~ ---~Tf--~F~::E-~~T-R~~-----T _J ~ll I --------7r~~;;~--------~, GA YLORO PROPERTIES, L.P. II VOL.9721 1 PG.01264 I I I~ I "' ~\t I i;; a::: Ill ~... ~ 1-"' "' \t tl 8 I ~ "' \) '~-a.z 111 '0 Vl I , 'i> y. ~ 0· I ~ ~ \ I 0 N B9"04'47"W 5.00' I z (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL JA -r:---t--~~\~s~;: •. ~,=.,~I\1TH::--------------- ---------------, I HUITI-ZOUARS 'II· "'~-1>-'il c;,. YELLOW PLASTIC CAP I 1-"·'' f---1 "' I ~ POINT OF" : ~ BEGINNING (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 (0.0697 AC.) I SPECTRUM DRIVE S/B"/IRS TXU EL£CTRIC COMPANY RIGHT-Of-WAY I EASEMENT BY PLAT DEDICATION VOL.20000J6 PC.0291J VOl.20000J6 PG.02913 --:::::::::::~(~~~1:~~1:;:..:~'4-~..::..:::J.. THE ASHTON MORRIS AVENUE ~ VOL.200DOJ6 PG.02913 -------~----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A u ~ "'1"'" j "> ~ < ~ I 10' PRIVATE COMI.IUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-...J AMENDED PLAT a::: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g g . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti iE I LEGEND oc E 45 g.w. PHASE II ~' 0 I IRS = Iran Rod Set with ~ VOL.200015J PG.00015 Ill/I yellow plastic cap ··O I IRF = Iran Rod Found ... " .. . . ...: LOT 1, BLOCK a PAGE 3 OE· 3 LOT 1, BLOCK o ·1 ~ " ~ Huitt-Zpllars 0 100 200 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of ~I1~----Eric J. Yahoudy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT illllARS Hulti-Zolara,Jnc. Dalu 3131 McKiY1ey Avenue, SUite 600 Dalu, Toxu 75204-2489 Phono !214) II7Hl311 Fu !214) 87Hl757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ~ .. ~-~-... I SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared Far: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Weslgrove Dr., Addison, 1X 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 OWNER: GA YI.ORD PROPER11ES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 •-, ,, ,. t STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above a!).Y buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of _______ , 2003 Sidewalk Easement-Pan~el 3A Spectrum Drive Pagel Document#: 1031474 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~~-~~~~-~~~ General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By _____________ __ Print Name ______________________ _ Title--------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned .notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of 2003, personally appeared -----------on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement-Parcel3A Spectrum Drive Page2 Documen1ll: 1031474 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE ·SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 4 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and a portion of a 3.815 acre tract of land described in instrument to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 99053, Page 05566 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract ofland to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 535.93 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said 3.815 acre Gaylord Properties, L.P. tract a distance of 535.93 feet to a point for a corner on the northerly line of said 3.3 71 acre Staubach Company tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0615 of an acre ofland, more or Jess. Page2 of3 J:\Survey\3220\0!\wp\SPEC_DR_sw3A.doc QUORUM EAST "' z-oo ~g. 15851 DALLAS NORTH ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 0· oto <0. EXHIBIT B PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 ~I@: C!· 0 ~ ~ . " POST SERVICES, INC. VOL. 98060 PG. 03404 (FUTURE STREET R-1) 1/2" IRF WITH {J~~ -RANDOM" RED ~ PLASTIC CAP BEARS ~ 0'1 N 89'05'45"W-2.00' ~ g S B9"05'45"E 5.00' L 1 Ill\ 5/B" IRF "'"" HUITT-ZOI..l.ARS I YELLOW PLASTIC CAP l---_..,l _____ ----------------'--, I I I I LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll S 89' 05'45"E L2 N 89' 04' 47"W 34. 50' 34. 50' I I I ;., 1., (3.815 AC.) I ~ ~ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. I :;J :;J VOL.99053 PG.05566 NOTE: ... ROW L Improvements were not located for this (PR · · ) r-5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT exhibit and there may be easements 1 • 0"~ I (PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.) and other matters of record that may 1 ~ g: affect this tract. 1 eli eli I ;::: ~;::: I PARCEL 3 ---~~f--~F~:~E-s~:;T -R~~-----T J ~ .... ~:;-;;:;fl-.:---o-.5-7::r0-2_A_c_. -----------1 ~ ~ I 01~ w "' " "'& a:::....:,_,,. . I ~ I "' <(.~I~ <:> Y. 0· I ~ ~ \ ~ I 0 N 89"04'47"W 5.00' I z POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A ~· .,~· "~ I I 5/B" IRF" WITH I HUITT -ZOI.J.ARS YELLOW PlASTIC CAP I I --1 ,.,,. I--'io (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) I I I I I ~ I POINT OF' "' BEGINNING THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 (0.0697 AC.) • SPECTRUM DRIVE 5/B I IRS RIGHT-OF-WAY I DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --=:::::::j_~ .o.w. 5/s• IRS WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS CloP THE ASHTON MORRIS AVENUE ~ 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --------=-----------: ----j LOT 1. BLOCK A u :::;; 111 V I"') N <( :J I 1 0' PRIVATE COMI.IUNICATlONS 1-t-1-1-....J AMENDED PLAT f?E I ~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291 J g 9 9 1 ~ • n. ADDISON CIRCLE u iE I LEGEND ~ oc~ E "g·•· PHASE II ~ 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars !;! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 VI/I yellow plastic cap 1 :J LOT 1, BLOCK D I IRF = Iron Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK E l l ':ii PAGE 3 OF' 3 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~---~ '::Jj_ ____ QL -------Eric J. ~~dy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT -lOLIAR5 Hulti-Zolaro, Inc. Dalu 3131 McKmey AvervJe. Bulle 600 Dolu, Texu 75204-2489 Phone C214l 1171-0011 Fu (214) rn-cl757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 . 100 200 ~~~···· • -~.. J SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F' or: TOWN OF' ADDISON 16801 Weatgraw Dr., Addison, TX 75001 .EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 OWNER: GAYLORD PROPERTIES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 I . STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: --------'' 2003 GRANTOR: Utah State Retirement Investment Fund GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (!) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a retirement investment fund organized and existing under the Jaws of the State of Utah for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED-Page 1 Parcel 4-Spectrum Drive Docwncnl #: 1031479 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day frrst written above. Utah State Retirement Investment Fund By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared -------------on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel 4-Spectrum Drive Document II: 1031479 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE -RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL4 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of the fmal plat of 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 85021, Page 1686 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of a tract of land described in instrument to the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund as recorded in Volume 96003, Page 1968 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, said point being on the platted southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (55 foot right-of-way at this point as per said plat) from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Powell & Powell" cap for the southwest comer of said addition, bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of 360.13 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 45 degrees 29 minutes 22 seconds West departing said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 28.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on the westerly line of said addition; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East along the westerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre of land, more or Jess. Page 1 of2 J:\Survey\3220\0I\wp\SPEC_DR_P4.doc " .-;> HARRIS ADDITION VOL. 78017 PG. 106 7 LOT 1 BLOCK A POINT OF ~XHIBITB BEGINNING 1/2" IRF NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit end there may be easements and other matters of record that may effect this tract. 3! s . z "'! " -l-----r--: 8 I-' z 0 " "' ~ AIRPORT PARKWAY "' ~ in a + Yiiii' 5/B• IRS L1/_ ~ -o 5 w -5' R.O.W OED /_/VDL.98001 PG~~~~f~ BY PLAT~ I I') IV' ~ QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG,03404 ~-G· p, LINE TABLE '2J y\ ~ \ '2J '\ ' '9 s~ ~ 0· 69.65' R.O. W. ~ ...... a::: oo w VI~ 0::> a.. a:: Ota::u a..w '-"a.. VI z~ oo "'" -o 0• ""' ..,c. ~s 0 ~g: o_j >-0 > I I I I I PARCEL 4 0.0046 AC. " '-l \) ,... s '( I ~ ;., I I ':::1 0 <0 ..., '0 ~ j), I ~ I ..., 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.1686 ~ I UTAH STATE RETIREMENT p INVESTMENT FUNO g I VOL.96003 PG.1968 (/) 10' TEXAS POWER & LIGHT CO. EASEMENT VOL.B5021 PG.1686 COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll S 89'09'39"E L2 S -45' 29' 22" W LJ N 00' 08' 23" E 20. 00' 28. 11' 20. OD' 1/2• IRF WITH I ~ELL & POWELL tl~------------II I I I PAGE 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 end that the metes end bounds shewn thereon ore true end correct tO the best of my knowledge. E~J--G.~er~--~---= Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 LEGEND IRS = Iran Red Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Rod Found 0 ·50 100 ~ ~-.. WMMWw I SCALE:l "=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the emended plat of Addison Circle Phase II. en addition tc the Town of Addison. Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. HUITT -zoiJAR5 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared Far: TO~ or ADDISON 168D1 Westgrave Dr., Addison, TX 750D1 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 4 Huiii-Zolara, Inc. Dalu 3131 McKMey Avenue, SUite 600 Oalu, TeliU 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-D757 D~ER:UTAH STATE RETlREt.CENT INV. FUND AREA: 0.00-46 AC. DATE: 11/D5/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ________ _,2003 GRANTOR: Post Services, Inc. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is aclmowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED-Page 1 Parcel 5-Spectrum Drive Document II: 1031496 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. hnprovements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in·the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. Post Services, Inc. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of 2003, personally appeared , ------::-..,.-----....,......,---on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel 5-Spectrum Drive Document#: 1031496 Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY ExmBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Po~t Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest corner of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West departing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of3 J:\Survey\3220\0J\wp\SPEC_DR_PS.doc HARRIS ADDITION VOL.7B017 PG.1067 LOT 1 BLOCK A EXHIBITB POINT OF BEGINNING 5/8" IRS WITH HUITTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit end there may be easements and other matters of record that may effect this tract. 1--f--------------l----1-"' -0 ~ . " "' "' AIRPORT PARKWAY POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL SA "' -d ~ : ~ b a ~ -5/8" IRS I'/1/2"1RF "' ~ ·-+--------="~ LJ 1/_/-I 5' R.O. w. OEOICA TION BY PLAT <.;> _..J I VOL.98001 PG.00033 (' PARCEL 5 . ' I 0. 0046 AC. I ~JJ~TRsOF BEGINNING -PARCEL SA s 44'30'3B"E 7.11' I I R I, . 69.65' R.O. w. .., I I I --< '-.\ ~ 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT I (PARCEL SA -0.0387 AC.) ~ QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.OOOJJ POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.OJ404 ~· G· 'S y\ ~ \ :;, '\ . ]>.'0 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L 1 S 00' OB' 23" W 20. 00' L2 N 44' 30' 38" W 26. 46' L3 S 89' 09' 39" E 20. 00' ~ 0 • ~, ~ .., ... .., ..., ..., }" ;;:: .., . N o<) G S,~, ~~ v 0 p 0 0 0 z ' 1 I I I ...-.a:: f30 Vl~ 0:.::> O..a:: 01-0::() a..w ........ a.. O··Vl z~ ~g -0 0• o'-' .,.o.. .._N og ~g: oJ 1-g I 5/B' IRF WITH HUITT -ZOLLARS YELLOW CAP N B9'04'S4"W S.OO'i. /'T I I I I I ~ I 0 :il I ;;:: ' .., N 'io p 0 0 I I I '0\)s. /), '0 ~ 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.1686 UTAH STATE RETIREMENT INVESTMENT FUND VOL96003 PG.1968 l~~ 10' TEXAS POWER o!c LIGHT CO. EASEMENT I I I I VOL.85021 PG.1686 1/2~ IRF WITH I ~ELL & POWELL ~ --------LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollars 1------------., ' r-. .. 3 OF 3 j r "·'C:.-This is to certify that the above .survey was made under my supervision on NoVember 5, 2002 end that the metes end bounds shown thereon ore true end correct to the best of my knowledge. ~-~~---------Eric J. Yohoudy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 -HUITT -zoLIARS Hultt-Zolora, Inc. Dalaa . SPECTRUM DRIVE -RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 3131 McKiv1ey Avenue, Suite 600 Dalu, Texu 75204-2489 Phone !214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 0 50 100 100 ~~~···· MWWWw I SCALE:1"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison. Texas, as recorded in Volume 20001S3, Page 0001S, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F' or: TOWN OF' ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 5 OWNER: POST SER\IICES. INC. AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Post Services, Inc., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/1 00 ($1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________ ,, 2003 Sidewalk Easement-Parcel Parcel SA Spectrum Drive Pager Docwncnt. .. :i'":"''f! POST SERVICES, INC. By ___________ _ Print Name ______________________ _ Print Title ----------------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared -----------' ---------.,....--on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement-Parcel SA Spectrum Drive Page2 Doeumcnt#: IOJISIO Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract ofland described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract of!and to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line of said Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 7. I 1 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 of an acre of land, more more or Jess. Page2 of3 J:\Survey\3220101\wpiSPEC_DR_swSA.DOC HARRIS ADDITION VOL.78017 PG.1067 LOT 1 BLOCK A EXHIBITB POINT OF BEGINNING 5/8" IRS WITH HUITTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP 7Z NO IE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that may affect this tract. f---i---l----1-"' -d ~ . " " "' b X AIRPORT PARKWAY POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL 5A "' -. " 0 z ci " in ¥l ~ !!\ · 5/8" IRS //1/2"1RF -+--------~~ L3 f/_/" !!\ ~ y1 5' R.O.W. DEOICATlON BY PLAT (~ I VOL.98001 PG.OOO~~ ( PARCEL 5 \ I 0. 0046 AC. I ~~J~TRsOF BEGINNING -PARCEL 5A s 44'30'3B"E 7.11' I R QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL. 98001 PC.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PC.03404 I 69.65' R.O.W. : I I 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT (PARCEL SA -0.0~87 AC.) ~ I -----......_ .-..a: I I c c w . o. ~~ ~ I 01 0 a.. :::> 5l ~~ ~ o g: "' I "' ::l 0: (.) ,w ;;: .e:, w ;;: 1 tr)l a... E s. ~I -~~ 0 ,Ill ~ I y . 0 '\ 0 ,, v o . . I ( '\ 0 0 1D 0 a z.-o s. '.] s0 ~"\ bt '0 '2-15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PC.1686 UTAH STATE RETIREMENT INVESTMENT FUND VOL.9600~ PC.1968 \\'\· (;1. ~ \ s s '\. P-'0 z I I I Ill oo "'" -0 "<3 51 a. "-N og iii8: o..J ,_a l~~ 10' TEXAS POWER &: LIGHT CO. EASEMENT COURSE ,u L2 LJ > LINE TABLE BEARING DISTANCE s oo· 08' 23" w N 44'30'38"W S 89'09'39"E 20. 00' 28. 46' 20. 00' lj 5/8" IRF WITH HUITT -ZOLLARS YELLOW CAP N 89'04'54"W 5.00'~ /I I I I I I I I VOL.85021 PC. 1686 1/2• IRF WITH I ~ELL &: POWELL y --------LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollars 1---------I PAGE 3 OF 3 This is t'o certify that the above survey w·as mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~-~-~ Eric J.~oudy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUITT..ZOLIAR5 Hultt-Zclara, Inc. Dalu 313t McKi1ney Aveooe, SUite 600 Dalu, Texu 75204-2489 Phone C214J 871-3311 Fu (214) B71-0757 . SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 50 100 ... ~-j M W MM. I SCALE:1"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The The monuments found as called for on the emended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F' or: TOI'n>j OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 5 Ol'n>jER: POST SERVICES, INC. AREA: O.OD46 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The · Staubach Company, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/1 00 ($1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ____ _:_ ___ ,, 2003 Sidewalk Easement-Parce16 Spectrum Drive Page 1 Documcnlll: IOJ 1523 THE STAUBACH COMPANY By _______________ __ Prim Name ____________________ _ Print Title-------------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared--------,----on behalf of The Staubach Company, a corporation, and aclmowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instnunent, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instnunent for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement-Parce16 Spectrum Drive Page2 Doeu.mcntll': 1031523 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL6 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a 3.371 acre tract of land to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract; . THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 177.23 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner on the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West at a distance of 6.83 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 177.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0203 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 J:\Surveyi3220\0l\wp\SPEC_DR_sw6.DOC ! I NOTE; EXHIBITB s '( Improvements were not located for this I I ~~ exhibit and there may be easements end other molters of record the! mcy I effect this tract. I 69' R.O.W. 0\) I (PRO OSED) I '0 ~ [:,, I I ~ I ......... cr ~I y\ s lo. a a I LLJ Ul :::::1: \0 ~I 0 I ::J (TRACT 4 REM.) ~ a.. g: '\ . I 0 I GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. 0:: (.) VOL.97211 PG.01264 ~· 0 I a.. LLJ I '0 ......... a.. ]>-Ul G· I ! I s 89'04'47"E 5.00' 34.5' I ~~~~~~N~{~ r ==~ I ~ I HUITT -ZOLlARS _.,. -CAP I ~~~~ PARCEL 6 (TRACT .3 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 89' 04' 47"W 5. 00' L2 S 00' 55' IJ"W 6. 83' I I I I I I I r::: 12 ~ ~v-5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 0.0203 AC. .w If: P") P") ~ ~ in in I() I() 8 18 z (/) (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 I L 1 TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY (0.0697 AC.) L2 EASEMENT BY PlAT SPECTRUM DRIVE VOL.2000036 PG.02913 RIGHT-OF-WAY __ DEDICATION 5/8" IRS 1-r----:~/------...J. VOL. 20000.36 PG. 0291.3 ---=:::::::::::.:~~--_;___....,~ I MORRIS MORRIS AVENUE 3i 0 --------"'-AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II VOL.200015.3 PG.00015 ;;; ~-t--69' RO.W. -~ II II II I I I _, ___ _j THE ASHTON VOL.20000.36 PG.0291.3 LOT 1, BLOCK A :::::1: rr 10' PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS ::J lLJ EASEMENT BY PlAT -VOL.2000036 PG.029 1 3 g: ::: LEGEND (.) 0:: I · IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zellers LLJ I 0 I yellow plastic cop --_ . .::.;::;;-.. .~-JQT ! , BLOCK D f}; 1 . IRF = Iron Rod Found PAGE 2 Of 2 --· ·-·-_ ;.--~-..-.-. This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and thct the metes end bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. HUITT -zoUARS Hultt-Zolaro, Inc. DBiall 3131 M<:Kmoy Avenue, SUite 600 Dalu, Texaa 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) B7Hl757 SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 50 100 ~~~···· MMMMw I SCALE:l "=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the emended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, en addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Pcge 00015, Deed Records, Dalles County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF' ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .. Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 6 OWNER: THE STAUBACH COMPANY AREA: 0.0203 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM December 23, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS RE: Parcel2-Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are the Right-of-Way Deed for Parcel 2 and the Sidewalk Easement documents for Parcels 2A and 2B, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please Jet me know. Sincerely, AKW/yjr Enclosures c(w/oEnclosures): D A L L A S T Y L E R Documenlll: 1033285 Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/firm 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW. COW LE STH 0 M P S 0 N. COM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: --------' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED-Page I Parcell Spectrum Drive Document#: 1031388 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of 2003, personally appeared -------------on behalf of a --,---,----.,---.,....---,---and aclmowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Documenlll: J0313BB Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of the tract of land to Gaylord Properties, L.P. described as Tract 3, as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the. northwest comer of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; · THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on the northerly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P.; Page I of 6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR _P2.doc EXHIBIT A • THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract 3 from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds Wes~ at a distance of 2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\S PEC _DR_P2.doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PGcOJ4ct4 1§5 VJO .oa.<,a~>. u_N oo 0 ~g: o.-J ~a > • §' 5/B" IRS L 7 ""'-: 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.1686 El~ (FUTURE STREET"R-1) ~ ~ ~ ~ 5/8" IRS L5 I 1/2" IRF WITH ------------------------~ LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE I PlASTIC CJP BEARS I N 89'05'-45"W-2.00' Lt N 00' 55' tJ"E 65. 00' L2 N B9' 04' 47"W 28. 00' I I PARCEL 2 I 0.6487 AC. g: I ai I NOTE: ;;:: I Improvements were not located for this. 1 exhibit end there may be easements and 1 other matters of record that affect this I tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT J<.5' I (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)~ I I N 89"04'47'"W ~ s.oo' '5! I J-_ _ _ _ ___ _P~N! ~ !~I~I~G __=-~~~L-2~ ~ 8 gs : LJ N 00' 55' tJ"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 28. 00' L5 N 89' 05' 45" w 28. oo' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' L 7 S 89' 05' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N 89' 04' 47"W 34. 50' (J.B15 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 ~~ 5/B" IRS L4 ~ I ·~I! (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ g;J::::l:;-+------------------1 1---.:.:: ________________ ~~IRS L2 K'g: ~ : (TRACT 3 REM.) .-ti I ~ "\ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s 89'04'47"E I ~ ~ I -..! CQ """ ...... -CQ ::c ;;..: lol VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' Vl I \) \t I ... .o.w. I "'~ '0 'l-5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A -0.0428 AC.) ~ .''·5' I ~.,." . ~ ~"' II <;, Y., 0· r;!l ~ I ~\ ~ ., :1: I ::; I "" ::? .-, II) "' -"' POINT OF ~~ ~ 8 BEGINNING z I ~ U1 I ·~"' . "' ~. J>."' PARCEL 2 .1: G· (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY PARCEL 2A 5/8" JRf' WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS CAP DEDICATION VOL.20000J6 PG.0291 3 IRS POINT OF COMMENCING -x· CUT SET IN BRICK PAVERS (TlRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.9721 1 PG.01 264 (J.J71 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.0290J THE ASHTON ~~ .o.w. --------=---MO-RRIS I VOL.2000036 PG.0291J ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A "'J"'J _, ~ ~ ~I 10' PRIVATE COI.IMUNICATIONS 1-1-1-1-_J AMENDED PLAT a::: I~ EASE'-IENT BY PlAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291J g g g g . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti iE I LEGEND oc E "g·•· PHASE II ~ 1 a I IRS = Iron Rod Set with tl:! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vlj I yellow plastic cop Huitt-Zollars a T I IRF = Iron Rod Found ..J LO I, BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 LOT I, BLOCK E l ::! OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey wos made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 ond that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <-----~---~------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surve) I'{ 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE ~. ~ _ _ _ ::._ ___________ -:-____ SLB~R:,S~;,o I 1/2"' IRF WITH •RANOOt.l"' REO I PLASTIC CJP BEARS I N B9'05'45"'W-2.00' COURSE BEARING L1 N 00" 55' 1J"E L2 N 89' 04' 47"W LJ N 00' 55' 1J"E L4 S 89' 04' 47" E L5 N 89" 05' 45" W L6 N 00" 54' 15" E L7 S 89'05'45"E LB N 89" 04' 47"W DISTANCE 65. 00' 28. 00' 61. 00' 28. 00' 28. 00' S 89"04'47"E ~ 5.00' ~ ~ PARCEL 2 ~~ g 0.6487 AC. g N N "' "' ai I I 61. 00' NOTE: ;;:: I I I I 62. 52' 34. 50' Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that effect this tract. I I I I ,._,. I I I I I I (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES. L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 z ~ ~r~ ~0 a:: ~;;a;~ ~ w 0 ~ e L4 ~ ·~ 0 ~ j; (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ a.'7-:------------------1 ~ g: a::OI:;:o I -I. :::> 1---------------------..e."-IRS 111 a. a:: I (TRACT 3 REI.!.} -t; I '<, '\ CQ E-< -CQ -:I: ~ \:oil GA YLORO PROPERTIES, L.P. S B9"04V"E lt I --1 VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00 Vl 1 \) ~ I"' ~ ... .o.w. b. '0 5" SIDEWALK EASEMENT s.o· (PRO SED) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ~ ."·'" I ~-~ ~ :j II ·'' ~. ~'. "' ~~ 6· (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 y," ., ... -;, 0· ~~ :5l I ~\ "" .., ~ I ::; I "' ::? .-,.., II) "' .. I" POINT OF ~~ ~ g BEGINNING z I 8 en PARCEL 2 &: z PARCEL 2A 5/B" IRF' WITH I HUITT -ZOL.l.ARS CAP N 89"04" • 7"w 5. oo· IRS (TRACT 4 REM.) GA YLORO PROPERTIES. L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON ~ 1-__________ MOR~~ AVENUE ~ VOL.2000036 PG.02913 w ----t; ----j LOT 1. BLOCK A "' ~ 0 -' .. .., N ~~~/"" 0 0 0 -' -' -' E etoc~ u :::0 <( ::J I 10' PRIVATE COMWUNICATIONS ...J AMENDED PLAT 0:: I ~ EASEI.IENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000JB PG.0291J . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti 0:: I LEGEND "g·•· PHASE II g: 1 ° I IRS ~ Iran Rod Set with ti VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vll I yellow plastic cop o I IRF ~ Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollars LOT 1, BLOCK E ~ LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF 6 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ -------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 wrrr-zo~ 3131 McKi"ney AYWUII, Ue 800 o.lu. TU&I 75204-241111 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT &: SIDEWALK EASEMENT PhaM (214) 871-3311 Fu !214) 117Hf757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ••••• I M M M M • t SCALE:1"=1 00' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records. Dallas County. Texas. Prepared F'or: TOv.t • ~ 5/B" IRS L ,-""'-:-15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 ~~~ (FUTURE STREET"R-1) ~ '( ---~::::....-------5/B" IRS L5 I 1/2" IRF WITH -----------"RANDOM" REO LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE j PLASTIC CAP BEARS I N B9'05'45'"W-2.00' I I PARCEL 2 I 0. 6487 AC. :ll I .,; I L I N 00' 55' 13" E 65. 00' L2 N 89" 04' 47"W 28. 00' LJ N 00' 55' 13" E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47" E 28. 00' L5 N 89' 05' 45" W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' !5"E 61. 00' L7 S 89' 05' 45"E 62. 52' NOTE: l" ;:: I Improvements were not located for this ~ 1 1 L8 N 89' 04' 47" W 34. 50' exhibit and there may be easements and kR Ln 1 other molters of record !hot effect this 811" 1 (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. troct. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z 8 J4.5' I VOL.99053 PG.05566 (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)~ I I N 89"04'47"W -----t 5.oo· ~ I J-. _ _ _ _ ___ _P~N.:. ~ ~~~~~ _: !~C::L_2~ ~ 8 ~ : • ~ 5/B" IRS L4 gJ I -~~1 (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ g;t:::l!~-!-------~----------1---.:__:: ________________ ~'!:.,•Rs L2 Klg: ~ : = f-. -· = -:c ~ ~ (TRACT 3 REM.) ,-ti I ~-\ GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s 89'04'~7"E I ~ :r I -.I VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00 Vl I \) \II ... .o.w. I '<> ~ '0 'l,. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ."·'' I \1-.., I ~ ~ ~ I <:> Y, 0· 1:!1 :!l I (TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 ~\ ~ .., ll: I ;:; I "' :::? 1--------------------... , .-It, ., "' -I" ~· '<> ~-~>-" 6· (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATION VOL.200D036 PG.02913. POINT OF COMMENCING "X" CUT SET IN BRICK PAVLRS POINT OF ~~ ~ 8 BEGINNING z I 8 Ill PARCEL 2 &: z PARCEL 2A 5/f!J IRF' WITH I HUITT-ZOLU.RS COP (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH'COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON L.__ )) 1--_ __ _ __ _ MORRIS AVENUE VOL.2000036 PG.02913 . ---=---------------j LOT 1, BLOCK A "' ..,. ~~~ 0 0 -' -' 00 .., N 0 0 -' -' ~,~ E ~ ~ I 10' PRIVATE COt.lt.IUNICATIONS _, AMENDED PLAT ~I~ EASEt.IENT BY PtAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.02!il13 a. ADDISON CIRCLE u 1E I LEGEND .,. g·•· PHASE II lt 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with "' VOL.2000153 PG.00015 Vl/I yellow plostic cop lS I IRF = Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollars l :! LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 OF 6 LOT 1, BLOCK E :::1! This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 end !hot the metes end bounds shown thereon ere true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ . Erlc-J.-Yo oud'Y, egi;(,;;;,j-p~.;;;;sio-;;~j:"L.;;,d Surveyor, Texos No. 4862 wrrr illllAl§ 3131 t.lc:KivMoy A-aile 800 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF'-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT o.1a11. r .... 75204-2481o . ' Phone (214) 1171-3311 Fu (214) 87> 07fH TOWN OF' ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 ere • a • LM.... I SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison. Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153, Poge 00015, Deed Records, Dollos County, Taxes. Prepared F' or: TO~ OF ADDISON 16801 Wutgrove Dr .. Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 0\WjER: GA 'Yl.ORD PROPERllES. L P. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P ., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of _______ , 2003 Sidewalk Easement-Parce12B Spectrum Drive Page I Document#: 1031463 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~~-~~~~-~~~ General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By ___________ __ Print Name ______________________ _ Title--------------- ------------ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared _________ _ on behalf of a and aclmowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement-Parcel2B Spectru'm Drive Page2 Document tl: I 031463 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2B BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set_ with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 23.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with Huitt~Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 89_ degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; Page 4 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0l\wp\SPEC_DR_sw2B.doc EXHTBIT A THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and contruning 0.0264 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 5 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0I\wp\SPEC_DR_sw2B.doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERV1CES. INC. VOL.98060 PG,034CH (FUTURE STREET ·R-1) 5/B~ IRS L7 ~ z!" oo V)O -o .§.,ad. "o''o"' 0 ~g: o.J >-§: ~. ~ Oo __ •_t •:_c•s ~& ----•~ oc ---'47"E )>, ----5 89"04, ~-I~ I 1;2· !Rr WITH ----5.00 5. ---1 ·RANoot.t· RED PLASTIC CAP BEARS PARCEL 2 0.6487 AC. g~ ~~N NOTE: 151 f...., Improvements were not located for this ~ 1 ';., N exhibit and there may be easements and 1R ~ CD g"'j ;:: I N B9'05'4S"W-2.00' I I I I I I I I other matters of record that affect this 81 !" I tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z g {PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)~ I z N 89"04 '4 7•w ----t 111 I "·'· I I 5.00' ----.... "' '~ 1-POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 2B--..._ "-J :., O iii ----------------------~wo . 0 5/8" IRS L4 V) ~ !:( 0 : ~ (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ g; ; •• a:::::E I I I I I 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L I N 00' 55' 13" E 65. 00' L2 N 89" 04' 47"W 28. 00' L3 N 00' 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 S 89' D4' 4 7" E 28. 00' L5 N 59• 05' 45" w 28. oo' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' L7 S 89' D5' 45"E 62. 52' L8 N 59• 04' 47"W 34. 50' {3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.99053 PG.05566 1-----=----------------~!:_IRS L2 li!~ ~ I (TRACT 3 REM.) -A .-ti I ~ i GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s B9"04'47"E _/'I ~ ~ I --! ~ -E-o -~ :c >< 1:.:1 6· VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' "' U1 1 ~ I 'b \) 'l-J 69' .o.w. t-'0 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT s.o· (PRO S£0) I {PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ."·'" -I . ~ :;:! I ~ 1;l ,..: I ·~',' · 'b ~. 1>-'il 'b Y., 0· ~~ Ill I ~\ ~ "' 31: I ~~ "' :::! I r ' II) I ""'' "-' or.n· POINT OF 81 ~ 8 BEGINNING z I 8 Ill PARCEL 2 6: z PARCEL '2A 5/8" IRf WITH I HUITT -ZOLL.ARS {0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE CJoP RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION VOL. 2000036 PG.0291 3_ POINT OF COI.UAENCJNG "X" CUT SET {TRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 '--IN BRICK PAVERS THE ASHTON .o.w. 1-____ -. _____ MOR~I~ ~VENUE 1 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 w -i; ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A Ill ot' P"l N u<( :::::EJ 1 I 0' PRIVATE COJ.I.IofUNICATIONS ... 1-1-1-_J AMENDED PLAT a:: I ~ EASEI.IENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.029 I J g g g g . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti iii I LEGEND B oc• E -"g·•· PHASE II ~' 0 I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars ~ VOL.2000153 PG.00015 V1/I yellow plastic cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found -' LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 OF LOT 1, BLOCK E l :i 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes ond bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <------~--~----------·---------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional· Land Surve)'Cr, T exes No. 4862 W[fill~ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3131 toldCmlrt .......... U• eoo & SIDEWALK EASEMENT o.1u, Tuu 75204-2o48& Phone (214) 87KI3T1 Fu !214) r11-07~ TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 r••• • •• ••• • 1 SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas~ as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page OOD15, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TO~ OF ADDISON 18801 Weatgro\18 Dr .. Addlaan, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 O~ER: GA'I\.ORD PROPERnES, LP. AREA: D.6487 AC. DATE: 11/DS/2002 ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM December 23, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutcbian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS RE: Parcel2-Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Steve: Enclosed are the Right-of-Way Deed for Parcel 2 and the Sidewalk Easement documents for Parcels 2A and 2B, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project. Should you have any questions or need anything further, please let me know. Sincerely, AK.W/yjr Enclosures c(w/oEnclosures): D A L L A S T Y L E R Documa~t #: 1033285 Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel, w/firrn 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW. COW LE STH 0 M P S 0 N. C 0 M STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ---------'' 2003 GRANTOR: Gaylord Properties, L.P. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANT¥ DEED-Pagel Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Documeru#: 1031388 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage,. and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such .grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared --------------on behalf of a -:----:--:----:-----::--::---: and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED-Page 2 Parcel 2 Spectrum Drive Documcnlll: !03JJ8B Notary Public, State of Texas Print Name: EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIDBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 . BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of the tract of land to Gaylord Properties, L.P. described as Tract 3, as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records ofDalhts County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line ofsaid Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being thenorthwest comer of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes !3 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; · THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes !3 seconds East East a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on the northerly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P.; Page 1 of 6 J :\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC DR _p2.doc EXHIBIT A THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract 3 ;f Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract 3 from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees OS minutes 45 seconds Wes~ at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 min1,1tes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract 3 of Gaylord Properties, L. P. a distance of719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; · THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of6 J:\Survey\3220\0 I \wp\SPEC _DR_P2.doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.OOOJJ POST SERVICES. INC. VOL98060 PG;OJ404 z~ co 1f10 -o 0· o<> 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE ~ ~ . 5/B" IRS l7 """ : ~ i (FUTURE STREET"R-1) ~ {_ _ _ _ -:_ ________________ sLa~Rs L5 I ~~0~~-w~~ I PLASTIC CJ.P BEARS /. N 69'05'4S"W-2.00' COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 00" 55' 13"E 65. 00' I I PARCEL 2 I 0.6487 AC. ~ I .,; I NOTE: I" w ;::: I Improvements were not located for this. ;21 :., 1 exhibit and there may be easements and ~ ~ 1 other matters of record that affect this g I 10 1 tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z g J4.5' I (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC.)_ I z I N 89"04'47"W ~ tn s.oo· "' ~ I f-________ _P~N!_ ~ ~~I~I~G _:-!~C::L_!r:_ ~ 8 ~ : L2 N 89" 04' 47"W 28. 00' L3 N oo· 55' 13" E 61. oo' L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 28. 00' L5 N 89' 05' 45" W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' L 7 S 89' 05' 45" E 62. 52' LB N 89' 04' 47"W 34. 50' (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.9905J PG.05566 ;.: 0 S/8" IRS L-4 Ul ":x o I •i II (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ a.J:;--!-----------------1 -0:: 0 ""'!: .., & a::: ....:; I 1---------------------2/~IRS L2 1:! a. ~ I (TRACT J REM.) .-tJ I ~ "\ CQ .... -CQ -:I: ~ w GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s B9'04'47"E I ~ w I --1 VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00' "' f}i I ~ 1'<>\) ~ 1 69' .o.w. b. '0 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A -0.0428 AC.) ~ ~ _,.,. I ~-~ ~ ~ II ~-"'~!>-~,, "' ., .... '<> '' 0· ~~ ~ I ~ \ ';'\ ., ;r: I ::; I ... ::? in ~ ~ of> :-r• POINT OF 81 ~ 8 BEGINNING z I 8 Ill PARCEL 2 4: z PARCEL 2J. (TIRACT 4 REM.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, LP. VOL.97211 PG.01264 6· 5/8" IRF' WlfH I HUITT -ZOLLARS (J.J71 AC.) (0.0697 AC.) :;:CN':;_-.:.--SPECTRUM DRIVE I RIGHT-Of-WAY THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.0290J DEDICA TIDN I VOL.2000036 PG.0291J IRS TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY -EASEMENT IN' PLAT VOL20000J6 PG.0291J POINT OF :::::::::::::::::::---2~t:;:::t-;~::~?~..::.,:::J. COt.lt.lENCING "X" CUT SET IN BRICK PAVERS THE ASHTON 1-__________ MOR~~ ~VENU~ VOL.20DOOJ6 PG.0291J w ----j LOT 1, BLOCK A ~ 1-t-t-t-..J AMENDED PLAT a::: I ~ EASEtr.IENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PG.0291 J "'j ... j ., I~ ~ §5 I 1 0' PRIVAT[ COM.UNICATIONS g g g g a. ADDISON CIRCLE tJ C2 I LEGENO oc E .,. g.w. PHASE II ~ 1 ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars !);! VOL200015J PG.00015 "'J I yellow plastic cop o I IRF = Iron Rod Found ...J LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 6 OF LOT 1, BLOCK E l ::i 6 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <~~ --------------------------Eric J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 !jJ[f -IDUAl§ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT 31311.1c1Ciw-.y A-Ue eoo 0e1u. r .... 75204-245 Phone (214) ~ Fu (214) PKJ757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 0 100 200 Ill • ere • ••••• r SCALE:l"=lOO' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found os called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose H. on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared F' or: TO \WI Of ADO I SON 18801 W..lgro..., Or., Addlaon, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 Qv,t.jER: GA'I'lORD PROPERnES, LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gaylord Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetul!llY maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto"·Grantee, Its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________ , 2003 Drainage Easement-Parcei2A Spectrum Drive Pagel Document#: 1031432 GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~--~~~=--~~=General Partner of Gaylord Properties, L.P. By ___________ __ Print Name ______________________ __ Title------------- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared ___________ , on behalf of a and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Drainage Easement-Parcel 2A Spectrum Drive Page2 Document II: 1031432 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas • EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of a tract of land described as Tract 3 to Gaylord Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97211, Page 01264 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being inore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; .THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 3 of6 J :\S urvey\3 2 2 0\0 I \ wp\S P EC _DR_ sw 2A. doc • ··--· QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 155 . • iif 5/8" IRS L7 "' : 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG. 1686 ! I~ (FUTURE STREET R-1) ~ {_ ---~:::.-------5/8~ IRS L5 I 1/2-IRF WITH -----------•RANDOM. REO . .. I PL..A.STIC CAP BEARS LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N00"55'13"E 65.00' s 89"04 ~7 E ~ I N 89'05'-45"'W'-2.00' s.oo ~ ...., I .,.,._ I L2 N B9' 04' 47"W 28. 00' L3 N 00' 55' 13" E 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47" E 28. 00' PARCEL 2 ~~ ~ ., I 0.6487 AC. g N "' I " .,; I L5 N 89' 05' 45" W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61. 00' L7 ·s 89'05'45"E 62.52' NOTE: I" w ;::: I Improvements were not located for this ~~ :., 1 L8 N 89"04' 47"W 34. 50' exhibit and there may be easements and ~ ~ 1 other matters of record that affect this g I !'> 1 (3.815 AC.) GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z g J<.s· I VOL.99053 PG.05566 (PARCEL 2B -0.0264 AC.)~ I z 1 N 89"04. 4 7"W ---I VI s.oo· ~ ~ I 1--_ _ _ _ ___ _P~N_:_ ~ ~~~~~~ : ~~C::L_!El_ ~ §' gs : ~-~:o:t 5/8" IRS L4 (o/) I _:; (i; (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ a..t:;--+------------------1 -~ o ::::! I 1----•--" ----------------_.V!!_IR• S L2 a:: ::> IQa. 0:: I (TRACT 3 REI.I.) ;-ti I ~ -\ ~ -h -~ ::c ~ "" GAYLORD PROPERTIES, L.P. s B9'04'~7'E I ~ ~ I -.1 VOL.97211 PG.01264 5.00 Vl I \) '\t I .,. .o.w. I 'b b. '0 'l-5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5.0' (PRO SEO) I (PARCEL 2A-0.0428 AC.)~ ."·'' I 'It .., I ~ l;l ~ I <;; '<-0· ;:!1 ~ I (TRACT 4 REM.) GA YLDRD PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.97211 PG.01264 ~ \ ~ ..,. :I: I ~I ... ~ ~------------------------------. ... I II) I ~ :2 , G· 't\· 'b ~t>-~POINT Of 81 jg 8 BEGINNING z I ~ en PARCEL 2 &: PARCEL 2A 5/B-IRf WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS (0.0697 AC.) ::.CAP:._-...,r-I (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89"04'47'W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.0291 3 IRS TXU ELECTRIC CO"PANY -EASEMENT BY PLAT VOL.20000J6 PC.0291J ~~~:..:::J.. THE ASHTON t'l 1--_____________ MOR~~ AVENUE ~ VOL.2000036 PG.02913 w -----0; -----j LOT 1, BLOCK A "' >-0 -' ... .... 0 -' ~ §5 I -1 0' PRIVATE COIIIIoiUNICATIONS 1-I-...J AMENDED PLAT a::: I ~ EASEJ.IENT BY PLAT -VOL.20000J6 PC.029 1 J g g . a. ADDISON CIRCLE ti ir I LEGEND .., N E "g·•· PHASE II . ~ 1 Huitt-Zollars ° I IRS = Iron Rod Set with 1-'---'--l-...J.-.J ~ VOL.2000153 · PG.00015 Vl /I yellow plastic cap CJ T I IRf = Iran Red Found -' LO 1, BLOCK 0 p LOT 1, BLOCK E l ~ AGE 6 OF 6 This is ta certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shewn thereon ere true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <------~-----~---------------Eric ·J. Yo oudy, egistered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 t{Y[fill~ 3131 r.tcKmoy A-Bulle 600 0e1u. r .... 75204-24811 :::,1-'t.C lt- I Authorized Signature Finance HUITT -zoLIARS HUIIT·ZOLLARS, INC. • P.O. BOX 191294 1 Dollos, TX 75219 1 21.4.871.3311 phone • 214.303.0923 fax 1 huilt-zollar~com INVOICE APRIL 19, 2002 INVOICE# 132200201 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON PROJECT: 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 30, 2002 CONTRACT AMOUNT 150,000.00 %WORK TO DATE 10.00% TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE TOTALAMT BILLED 15,000.00 PREVIOUSLY BILLED 0.00 AMOUNT BILLED THIS INVOICE 15,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 15,000.00 -------------------------------------------------------~~ ~ r,4y, .S?,:: Cl-frJ'/v L HUilTZOLIAR5 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. • P.O. BOX 191294 • Dallas, TX 75219 • 214.871.3311 phone • 214.303.0923 fo;~~ • huitt-zollou .. com INVOICE APRIL 19,2002 INVOICE# 132201001 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON PROJECT: 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 01322010 SPECfRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 30, 2002 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION MILEAGE & FEES DEED&PLATS TOTAL REIMBURSABLES TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE 9.90 54.99 7.00 133.10 204.99 $ 204.99 204.99 ..L ------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ,. /'A-j. $2? cr/c,r/e ~ HUITT -zoLIARS HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 1 P.O. BOX 19129.4 1 Dallas, TX 75219 • 21.4.871.3311 phone • 214.303.0923 fo~t r huitt·<~:ollar!.com INVOICE APRIL 15, 2002 INVOICE # 132200101 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON PROJECT: 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 01322001 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. .SURVEYING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 30, 2002 CONTRACT AMOUNT 20,000.00 %WORK TO DATE 61.00% TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE TOTALAMT BILLED 12,200.00 PREVIOUSLY BILLED 0.00 AMOUNT BILLED THIS INVOICE 12,200.00 12,200.00 $ 12,200.00 D, ~· t /'l+y >7c.. t-lr.t! Steve Chutchian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve, Randy Moravec Thursday, Apri125, 200211:14AM Steve Chutchian Michael Murphy; Jim Pierce; Sue Ellen Fairley; Sandra Goforth Spectrum Drive Project When you submitted the PAM for Huitt-Zollars for work on Spectrum Drive, I noticed that we have two project numbers for this particular project. l ~takenly created a second project number when another existed. We will remove project # J$3!JfJ from the system. Effective immediately, all engineeringldesign work done on Spectrum Drive should be charged to: Fund# Project# 46 05301 As of the end of 12131101, nothing has been drawn against the $300,000 budget allocation. ~ Concerning a related issue, in fund 41 we still have $273,600 remaining in project# 85300 ~ titled Spectrum Connection. This amount is from the $300,000 the Town dedicated to improving ~ railroad crossings in the area in return for DART granting us a crossing at Spectrum. Could you {:: please give me an indication as to how and when these monies will will be spent? ~ ~ ~ v { ~ ~~~ THANKS!!! R.and_~:~ 1 ..A ~ i y ~ ~ ~ ~} ~ ~ t'e[\.l ~ ~ <\. )-. ~ ~ ~ t ~ 1 ~ ..___ ) ~ ~ ..-\..-"'>L-\~ ~ !- Jan Sidenor, with DART called Jim Pierce on 7/17/01. She stated that there was an agreement on Spectrum Railroad Crossing. The agreement number is 970904, dated 9/4/97 No construction plans are available, but she stated that we should contact Huitt-Zollars regarding any work that they have done on it. Her phone number is 214-749-2917 FUGRO SOUTH, INC. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION MORRIS AVENUE TO AIRPORT PARKWAY ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702-1011 Report to: HUITT-ZOLLARS 3131 MCKINNEY AVENUE DALLAS, TEXAS AUGUST2002 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 9/12/02 JOB NO., 01-3220-10 PROJECf, Spectrum Drive TO: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE RD SERVICE CENTER -FIRST FLOOR ADDISON, TX 75001 WE ARE SENDING YOU OsHOPDRAWINGs OsAM:PLEs D COPY OF LIITI'ER [j]AITACHBD DPRINTS OsPECIACATIONS DREQUESTFORINFORMATION RE: Geo-Technical Report ATfENTION: MR. Steven Z. Chutchian, P. E. DoTHER: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Geo-Tech Report Steve, At the time I ordered the geo-tech report we were designing the north half of the road only. Now that we are designing the north and south halves of the road I will need to order additional geo-tech on the south half. DFORAPPROVAL DNa EXCEPTioNs TAKEN DRESUBMIT ___ COPIES FOR APPROVAL [!]FoR YOUR use DExcEPTioNs AS NOTED D SUBMIT ___ COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION D AS REQUESTED DRETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS DRBTURN ___ CORRECI'ED PRINTS OroR REVIEW AND co:MMENT DOTIIBR: DFORBIDS DUE ON (DATE): DPRINTS RIITURNED AFTER LOAN TO us ..R..E..M...A...R..K..S..:. .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................... IF ENCLOSURES ARB NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. SIGNATURE: David E. Meyers, P.E. lcoPYTo, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKimey Ave. • Sui1e 600 • Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 • (214) 871-3311 • Fax (214) 871-0757 ·I 1 I r 1 ! I : I j : I . I I I ! .. 1 . 1 . II GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION MORRIS AVENUE TO AIRPORT PARKWAY ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702-1011 Report to: HUITT-ZOLLARS 3131 MCKINNEY AVENUE DALLAS, TEXAS AUGUST 2002 • I ~-~------------------------------------------------- ~.-. '~ I FUGRO SOUTH, INC. Report No. 0702-1011 August 20, 2002 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinney Avenue Suite 600 2880 Virgo Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Phone: 972-484-8301 Fax: 972-620-7328 Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 Attn: David Meyers, P.E. Mr. Meyers: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION MORRIS AVENUE TO AIRPORT PARKWAY ADDISON, TEXAS This report presents the results of the geotechnical investigation performed at the abovereferenced project site located in Addison, Texas. We performed this study in accordance with our Proposal No. P0702-1011 dated January 14, 2002 and authorized on May 23. Our engineering analyses as well as the results of the field and laboratory investigations are included in this report. Our firm is interested in providing the professional material testing and inspection services that will be required during the construction phase ofthe project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if we we can be of further service. --""oF)-''' ..1;1'--~~---····f.r·_,, ;'e;, ~--··* "•::'/<]' i Sincerely, ~*./·· .. _:;)11 "*: I" Sl"''·;,.* i FUGRO SOUTH, INC. t ... : ................. r.·.r-o .. : ... ~ t CHE-HUNG TSAI i --r ~~:"'"8"7'9'2"2""":::t;J I "i 1L.~.W£(CENS'G.0 .• -~~.:" Che-Hung (Chris) Tsai, Ph.D., P\~§ioi-J.A:Ct~~ Proje~ngineer ,,,._ ______ _ HfT~,(I--Senior Geological Engineer CHT/HK/kp Copies submitted: (4) · ] A member of the Fugro group of companies with offices throughout the world. I -~-------------------------------------------- Report No. 0702-1011 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION General................................................................................................................. 1 Scope of Work.................... ................................................................................... 1 Applicability of Report.......................................................................................... .. 1 FIELD INVESTIGATION................................................................................................... 2 LABORATORY TESTING....................................................... .......................................... 2 SITE CONDITIONS General................................................................................................................. 3 Stratigraphy........................................................................................................... 3 Groundwater Conditions..................................................... ................................... 4 Potential Vertical Movement.................................................................................. 5 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Pavement Subgrade Preparations ........................................................................ 5 Pavement Section . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. 7 Fill Placement Monitoring . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. 8 Excavation . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. 8 LIMITATIONS ................................................... ............................................................... 9 ILLUSTRATIONS Site Vicinity Map . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . . .. A Plan of Borings . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... ... . .. .. . .. . .. . . B Boring Logs 1-6 Key to Terms and Symbols used on Boring Logs............................................................. 7-8 Summary of Free Swell Tests....................................................................................... .... 9 Lime/pH Series Results .................................................................................................... 10-11 1. -@--------------------------- Report No. 0702-1011 General GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION MORRIS AVENUE TO AIRPORT PARKWAY ADDISON, TEXAS INTRODUCTION ,-1 In this report, we present the results of the geotechnical investigation performed at the referenced site from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway in Addison, Texas. We understand the proposed project will consist of the construction of 1,1 00 linear feet extension of the existing Spectrum Drive. The roadway will have up to 4 lanes and it will be below or close to existing grade. The deepest utility line is expected to be 12 feet deep or less. The general location and orientation of the site is shown in Plates A and B. (All figures are in the "illustrations" section, which follows the report text.) Scope of Work The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions in test borings at selected locations along the proposed street. More specifically, the scope of work included the following steps: 1) General site subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater conditions; 2) Soil characteristics and their effects on design and construction; 3) Earthwork recommendations; and 4) Guidelines for pavement design and concrete pavement sections. Applicability of Report The scope of the explorations, tests, and analyses for this study were selected and the recommendations in this report were developed on our understanding of the project, as described above and in later sections of this report. If pertinent details of the project have changed or otherwise have differed from our description, we request that we be notified and engaged to review the changes and modify our recommendations, if needed. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report may not apply to different locations at the site. -1-'-~----------------------------------------------- I I I I I . Report No. 0702-1011 This report should be made available to prospective contractors for information only, and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions. FIELD INVESTIGATION A total of six test borings were drilled at the site. The test borings were advanced to a depth of 20 feet below existing ground surface along the proposed street extension. The approximate locations of the borings are shown in Plate B. Logs of the borings with descriptions of the materials sampled are presented as Plates 1 through 6. A key to the terms and symbols used on the boring logs is presented as Plates 7 and 8. The test borings were drilled with a truck-mounted rig. Undisturbed soil samples from the borings were sampled by means of thin walled seamless tube samplers pushed hydraulically into the bottom of the borehole. The recovered tube samples were evaluated for consistency with a hand penetrometer in the field. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Cone Penetration tests were performed in the limestone strata typically at 5-foot intervals. This test consists of driving a 3-inch diameter, 60-degree, steel cone with the energy equivalent of a 170-pound hammer dropped 24 inches. Depending on the resistance of the materials, either the number of blows of the hammer required to provide 12 inches of penetration, or the inches of penetration of the cone due to 100 blows of the hammer are recorded on the boring log. The borings were drilled using dry auger procedures to observe the water level at the time of the exploration. These water level observations are recorded on the boring logs. Upon completion of the field investigation, the borings were backfill with soil cuttings. LABORATORY TESTING Soil and rock samples obtained during the field exploration were observed and classified by a geotechnical engineer in the laboratory. Laboratory tests were assigned and performed to define pertinent engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered. The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM test procedures. ASTM test designations used for these tests include visual classification (ASTM D 2488), moisture content (ASTM D -2-i -@------------------------ ] Report No. 0702-1011 2216), Atterberg limits (ASTM D 4318), lime pH series (ASTM D 3551 & D 4972), minus No. 200 sieve (ASTM D 1140), and overburden swell (ASTM D 4546). On-site soils were classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System on the basis of visual observation of the samples, natural moisture content, dry unit weight, minus No. 200 sieve, and Atterberg limits test results. Results of the moisture content, minus No. 200 sieve and Atterberg Limits tests are tabulated at their respective sample depths on the boring logs. For the overburden swell tests, representative samples are placed in a consolidometer and subjected to the estimated overburden pressures, inundated with water, and allowed to swell. The changes in sample height are measured and moisture contents are determined both before and after completion of the test. Test results are recorded as the percent swell, with initial and final moisture content. The results of an overburden swell test are presented in Plate 9. Lime modification optimum (LMO) for on-site clay soils near the existing grade was estimated using the results of lime pH series test, shown on Plates 10 and 11. SITE CONDITIONS General The proposed Spectrum Drive extension, a total of approximately 1,100 linear feet, is located east of Dallas North Tollway, west of Addison Airport, and between Morris Avenue and Airport parkway in Addison, Texas. Currently, the site of the proposed extension is an open field covered with grass and weeds and some trees. The generally layout of the subject area is shown on Plan of Borings, Plate B. Stratigraphy Based on published geological information and visual observation, the site is located within the outcrop limits of the Austin Chalk geological formation. Subsurface stratigraphy at this site, based on test borings and laboratory testing results, can be categorized into the following strata. Soil strata boundaries shown below are approximate. -3--~------------------------------------------------- Report No. 0702-1011 Top of Stratum, Bottom of Stratum, feet below feet below existing Stratum Description existing grade grade I FILL, clay, dark brown (encountered in 0 1 to 4 Borings B-1 through B-4) II CLAY (CH), dark brown (encountered in 0 to4 5 to 8.5 all test borings) Ill CLAY (CL), tan (encountered in Borings 5 to 6 8.5 to 13 B-1, B-2, B-5 and B-6) LIMESTONE, tan, moderately weathered IV to highly weathered (encountered in all 5 to 13 9 to 16.5 test borings) v LIMESTONE, gray, fresh (encountered in 9 to 16.5 20* all test borings) * -Bonng termmat1on depth ] Groundwater Conditions : l Test borings were advanced using dry auger drilling methods, which enabled groundwater seepage levels to be observed during drilling. Groundwater conditions encountered in the test borings during the time of this study are shown on the following table. Depth at Depth at Boring No. Depth During Completion Boring No. Depth During Completion Drilling, feet of Drilling, Drilling, feet of Drilling, feet feet B-1 Dry Dry B-4 4 Dry Dry B-2 Dry Dry B-5 14 12 B-3 Dry Dry B-6 13 18.5 It is expected that groundwater fluctuations may occur with seasonal variations. In addition, '" changes in groundwater elevations and soil moisture conditions may be altered by construction activities. -4--~------------------------------------ ----------- [J ' ' .! Report No. 0702-1011 Potential Vertical Movement The near-surface clays (CH/CL) encountered at the site exhibited Plasticity Indexes (PI's) ranging from 22 to 52. These clays are considered to be moderately to highly expansive and can experience vertical movement with changes in soil moisture conditions. The magnitude of the moisture induced vertical swell movement in the area is estimated to be on the order of 3. 75 inches if the soils are in a dry moisture condition at the time of construction. The above vertical movement is calculated using TxDOT method, Tex-124-E. The laboratory swell tests performed on a selected soil sample (CL) indicated less than one percent swell at a moist soil moisture condition. It should be noted that TxDOT method of calculating potential ground movements is empirical and is based on the results of the Atterberg limits and moisture content of the soils. Swell tests provide swell data based on the existing moisture profile of the subsurface soils at the time the borings were drilled. The total swell potential depends on the moisture content of the expansive clays within the zone of moisture changes. Expansive clays in a dry soil moisture condition exhibit higher swell potentials. Vertical movements calculated based on swell tests will be greater with lower soil moisture levels. Considerably more movement will occur in areas where water pending is allowed to occur during or after construction. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Pavement Subgrade Preparations We recommend that all surface vegetation, organics, loose fill, and other deleterious materials be removed from the proposed areas to be paved. All cuts should be performed after the site has been stripped. The subgrade and fill soils and lime-treated subgrade should be tested, evaluated, and reworked, as necessary, until approved by the geotechnical engineer's representative during all phases of the pavement construction and prior to placement of the concrete pavement. The exposed subgrade soils should be proofrolled with a a loaded, tandem-axle dump truck, scraper, or other, heavy, rubber-tired vehicle weighing at least 25 tons (in the presence of Fugro's representative), to locate any fill areas and zones that are soft or unstable. The proofrolling should consist of several overlapping passes. The subgrade in areas where rutting or pumping occurs during proofrolling should be removed and replaced with similar, but drier soil if the in-situ soils cannot be satisfactorily compacted in place. After approval or reworking -5--~------------------------------------------------- Report No. 0702-1011 as described therein, the subgrade should be scarified to a depth of 6 to 9 inches, and treated with hydrated lime. Treating the pavement subgrade with hydrated lime will improve the pavement performance by increasing the strength of the subgrade and providing a stable working platform for construction. Based on the results of the laboratory tests including the lime series tests and our experience with similar soils near the project, 7 percent hydrated lime by dry soil unit weight (32 pounds per square yard for a 6-inch thick stabilized layer) should be used to stabilize the subgrade soils found suitable to remain in place beneath the pavement. This application rate can be used for estimating purposes. The actual application rate should be determined at the time of construction by sampling the finish subgrade soil and testing with the intended source of hydrated lime, to determine the optimum lime content. The pH of the lime/soil mixture should , j be 12.3 to 12.4 or greater. : 1 . I ' ' :··· :. .I .. , ! The lime treated subgrade should extend a minimum 12 to 18 inches outside the curb line or pavement edge. This will improve the support for the edge of the pavement and also lessen the "edge effect" associated with shrinkage during dry periods. All utility excavations within the lime treated area should be complete prior to treatment in order to ensure uniform conditions across the pavement. In the event that a utility excavation is undertaken after lime treatment, the lime re-treated area should extend a minimum of 5 feet beyond the excavated area in all directions. The use of sand as a leveling course below the pavements areas should be avoided. The sand can pipe out through joints or at the pavement edge by erosive action and leave cavities beneath the pavement. Construction of the lime treated subgrade should follow Item 260 of the TxDOT Standard Specifications For Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. The lime-treated subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of Standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698) at a moisture content ranging from optimum to 4 percentage points above optimum. The moisture content and density of the completed subgrade section should be maintained until the paving is complete. If the subgraoe will be exposed for a period of time in excess of 7 days or during very dry weather, an asphalt emulsion should be applied to the subgrade to limit moisture loss and to help protect the surface from loss of material due to traffic. On-site clays or similar imported soil free of organic and other deleterious material could be used as fill to develop design grades, where needed. The clays should be placed in 8-inch 1 loose lifts, their moisture adjusted to a range of 0 to 5 percentage points above their optimum I ' I -6--~----------------------------------------------- •.. 1. 1 Report No. 0702-1011 moisture (between 3 percentage points of their optimum moisture content for sandy fill with a PI of 15 or less) as determined by the standard proctor test, ASTM 0698, and compacted at a minimum of 95% of their maximum dry density. Pavement Section Specific axle loading and traffic volume characteristics have not been provided at this time. It is our understanding that Portland Cement concrete pavement sections will be used for the proposed extension. The following minimum pavement section is recommended for consideration at this site. The final pavement section to be used for the site should conform to the City of Addison pavement requirements. · Section Thickness (inches) Portland Cement Concrete 7 Lime Stabilized Subgrade 6 ·. I Some differential movements in the pavements are anticipated due to swelling of the subgrade . J clays. Pavement recommendations are based on assumed loading conditions and commonly accepted design procedures that should provide satisfactory performance with relatively low maintenance for the design life of 20 years for the assumed traffic loadings. Additional evaluation of the pavement design can be performed upon request on the basis of more specific estimates of the design traffic and design period. We recommend the design of the concrete pavements have a minimum 28-day concrete compressive strength of 3,600 psi with 4 percent to 6 percent entrained air. Hand-placed concrete should have a maximum slump of 4 inches. A sand-leveling course should not be permitted beneath pavements. The concrete should be placed within one and one-half hours of batching. During hot weather, the concrete placement should follow ACI hot weather concreting guidelines. In no case should concrete temperature exceed 95°F. Consideration should be given to limiting concrete placement to the time of day, which will minimize large differences in the ambient and concrete temperature. Use of superplasticizer should be considered to improve the concrete workability without increasing increasing water cement ratio . -7-~-~--------------------------------------- '"·'! i . ~ .i I Report No. 0702-1011 The rigid pavement should be designed with adequate reinforcement, and load transfer devices (e.g., smooth dowels) across all joints, including saw joints. Frequent use of expansion joints with flexible joint material and saw joints will improve pavement performance. The pavement should be maintained properly, including the use of a flexible joint material to seal cracks that can occur during the life of the pavement. After construction, the construction and expansion joints should be inspected periodically and resealed, if necessary. Sawing of joints for crack control should begin as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit sawing without excessive raveling. All joints should be completed before uncontrolled shrinkage cracking occurs. Joints should be cleaned and sealed before opening to traffic. A proper testing and observation program by the project geotechnical engineer during construction can also contribute to the overall long-term performance of the pavement. Minimizing subgrade saturation is an important factor in maintaining subgrade strength and in minimizing the potential for post-construction movements in the expansive clays. Water allowed to pond on or adjacent to the pavement could saturate the pavement and cause premature pavement deterioration. Positive surface drainage away from the edge of the paved areas should be maintained. Fill Placement Monitoring The exposed pavement subgrade and each lift of compacted fill should be tested, evaluated, and reworked, as necessary, until approved by the geotechnical engineer's representative, prior to placement of additional lifts. We recommend that each lift of fill be tested for density and moisture content at a frequency of one test for every 2,500 square feet of compacted fill and one density and moisture content test for every 1 00 linear feet of compacted utility trench backfill. Excavation The side slopes of excavations through the overburden soils should be made in such a manner to provide for their stability during construction. Excavation of the limestone will require rock ripping, breaking, or similar equipment. The shear strength of the limestone often exceeds 2000 pounds per square inch (psi). Structures, utility lines or facilities, which are constructed prior to or during the proposed construction, should be protected from loss of end bearing or lateral support. -8-I-@------------------------ I I Report No. 0702-1011 Trench safety recommendations are beyond the scope of this study. The contractor must comply with all applicable safety regulations concerning trench safety and excavations, including, but not limited to, OSHA regulations. LIMITATIONS Since some variation was found in subsurface conditions at boring locations, all parties involved should take notice that even more variation may be encountered between boring locations. Statements in the report as to subsurface variation over given areas are intended only as estimations from the data obtained at specific boring locations. The professional services that form the basis for this report have been performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical engineers practicing in the same locality. No warranty, expressed or implied, is '' I made as to the professional advice set forth. i I, The results, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are directed at, and intended to be utilized within, the scope of work contained in the proposal letter executed by Fugro South, Inc. and client. This report is not intended to be used for any other purposes. Fugro South, Inc. makes no claim or representation concerning any activity or condition falling outside the specified purposes to which this report is directed, said purposes being specifically limited to the scope of work as defined in said agreement. Inquiries as to said scope of work or concerning any activity or condition not specifically contained therein should be directed to Fugro South for a • i determination and, if necessary, further investigation. -9-I -~------------------------------------------------- r r c .(.f.), ::0 ~ 0 z (f) !---·: I c I I '.:1 Report No. 0702-1011 ILLUSTRATIONS Boring and laboratory data presented were developed solely for the preparation of this report. We are not responsible for interpretation or use of these data for purposes beyond the stated scope of this report. Subsurface conditions different than those found at our boring location may be present as a result of, among other factors, soil moisture variations, fill placement, and naturally occurring variations in soil properties and elevation of the top of the rock. -~----------------------------------------------- Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing 0 North SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Site Vicinity Map Spectrum Drive, South of Airport Parkway Addison, Texas PLATE A Scale: Map Source: Project No. Not to Scale DeLorme Street Atlas 0702-1011 Date: 31 July 02 B-5 MORRJS AVENUE ·.; LEGEND: -$-APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION AIRPORT PARKWAY B-2 ~ ...1 0 1-:I: ~ 0 z ~ ...1 <( c 0 · NOT TO SCALE North :~I---------........ --------------------------.L..-----1 ;i SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Plan Of Borings .~ : '.).:. ~ Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway Addison, Texas ~ ~~L...-F_u_G_R_o_s_o_u_T_H_,_rN_c_._.l-___ ,:.:?i,::.J.:.:,1f;::02:;....-L ____ ..;W~R:.:,__..L ____ ....,::0.:.:70:::2:..-1:.::0:.:.1.:.:1 -....l.------..1 Drawn By: PLATE B Date: Project No.: LOG OF BORING NO. 8-1 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702·1 011 TYPE: INTERMITTENT SAMPLING LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS Zt-:::.e "' ~::'; ci* u. >-w 0 ° ~ ,..u "w J: u. ~ "-oc STRATUM DESCRIPTION LAYER o:,.: o;;e ~~ z.; o:"-z>-:£ 0.. >-u.O wz 5....: ti;...,: ~~ Cl> c,.: u:Ciu. >-Wo:O: ELEV./>-w zw zZ"' " """" a-~~ X -J: ow>-w U"'wa..U., DEPTH ;:z -~::":; oo " "' ~z~ 0 a.~ ~c u a.;; oto :::>W ~t; O.N ;: SURF. ELEVATION: UNKNOWN P4.5+ FILL. CLAY. Dark Brown 26 63 P4.5 1 CLAY (CH). Dark Brown 1.0 15 P4.5 29 79 27 52 r-s -P2.75 30 CLAY (CL). Tan. some l""""'u"c fragments. trace 6.0 calcareous deposits P4.5 -23 -10 -P2.0 25 ' LIMESTONE. Tan. moderately weathered to highly 12.0 ~ weathered 10010.75" 15 "t,.,~,, v .. ~. Gray. fresh 14.5 2 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 100/1.5" 20 ·---------------------20.0 ~ ~ ~ COMPLETION DEPTH: 20.0 WATER LEVEL I SEEPAGE: DRY KEY: DATE DRILLED: 6-27-02 UPON COMPLETION: DRY P = Pocket Penetrometer § Note: All depths are measured in feet. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 1 LOG OF BORING NO. 8-2 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702·1 011 TYPE: INTERMITTENT <>o"D' '"'"' LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS ffib~ ;/!. ~::: 0~ ~ c ... ,_o w:I: u. -' a..oc STRATUM DESCRIPTION LAYER .,,.: Cl~ o, z.; .,a.. z,_ :i: 0 ...... o wz 5,.: i= 0 ~ ~~ <0> o,.: u:::C!Iu.. Ill w.,o: ELEV./... w ~~ zw zZ., ... "' ..... o-"'" (i)(i) ,_, ow,_ 0.. ,.. X:w...., DEPTH ;:z _,. :):g z~ o"' w Oa..O -':::; o c w z'" 0 a..;; Q.N ;: =>"' SURF. EL UNKNOWN P4.5+ FILL, CLAY, Dark Brown 10 P4.5+ 1 CLAY (CH), Dark Brown 1.0 15 68 24 44 P4.5 22 5 -P3.0 26 'CLAY (CL), Tan, some '""' trace 5.5 calcareous deposits p 1.75 21 I LIMESi UN~. Tan, ·~ ooooJ to highly 8.5 ' weathered 10 100/2.5" 2 ~ ~ ' 15 I 10012.25" 16 ~ """~~, v"~· Gray, fresh 16.0 ~ 2 ' 100/1.5" ' 20 ---------------------20.0 : ~ ~ ~ COMPLETION DEPTH: 20.0 WATER LEVEL I SEEPAGE: DRY KEY: DATE DRILLED: 6-27·02 UPON COMPLETION: DRY P = Pocket Penetrometer ~ Note: All depths are measured in feet. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 2 LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway ADDISON, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 0702-1011 TYPE: INTERMITIENT SAMPLING LOCATION: SEE PLAN OF BORINGS ffib~ " 1:~ 0~ ~ c 1->-" '"" ~ -' "-oc STRATUM DESCRIPTION LAYER o:,.: c~ !d~ z.; o:"-zl-:i: 0 1-~0 UJZ 5r: 1--~~ > c,_: u:::C!Iu.. "' ELEV./~~ <1)1-ZUJ zZo c "' ~z~ 0 ..oC -0 o.oo STRATUM DESCRIPTION ... -~[ "'~ .... U:::(!)u.. :£ >-u.O wz 51--o,.: "' Wo:O: ELEV./>-w ., ... zw zZ"' ... :; <>-Q:; :51!1 "'" (i)U) >-:Z: ow>-.. ,.. "'w""' DEPTH ;::z :5~ z~ u"' w u._u -'::; Ulo 0 Ul :?z~ 0 0.-' -:t' 0 t-u.O wz u-U:::t!ILL. s~--1--i=e;. '-'> c,_: "' Wo:O: ELEV./t-w .,,_ zw zZ., 1-.. ~!z .. o-Si!l "'" u;u; 1-:I: owo->-"'w""' DEPTH _,. w u._u -'::J s:g U>o Z52 u"' c ., ~z~ 0 ...... <:o :>w z>-u o.;:: ll.N ;: =>"' SURF. ELEVATION: UNKNOWN ~ P4.5 CLAY (CH), Dark Brown 21 P2.25 17 5 P2.75 I CLAY (CL), Tan, some I ""' . trace 5.0 18 48 20 28 calcareous deposits P3.25 29 10-p 1.0 27 1 """~~•vn~. Tan, oHuuooo" wJ: .. -' LAYER o:r= 0~ !::;!~ z • o:O. z>-0 o.oo STRATUM DESCRIPTION Uif "'~ :£ >-u.O wz 5...: ... . o,.: u:::C!>u.. ID ELEV./>-w ., ... i=;( zw zZ., ... "' Wo:O: >-J: .. ::S::w---= <>-Q:§ :5~ "'w ~en Z!:2 ow>-w > u._u DEPTH ;:z -':::; :5o o u"' " ., ~z~ 0 ...... DESCRIPTION CRITERIA MOISTURE . . i Stratified Alternating layers of varying Dry No water evident in sample; fines less material or color with layers than plastic limit. at least 6 mm thick. Moist Sample feels damp; fines near the plastic limit Laminated Alternating layers of varying Very Moist Water visible on sample; fines greater material or color with the plastic limit and less than liquid limit layers less than 6 mm thick. Wet Sample bears free water; fines greater Breaks along definite planes of than liquid limit. Fissured fracture with little resistance INCLUSIONS (1) to fracturing. Slickensided Fracture planes appear polished Parting Inclusion <118" thick extending through sample or glossy, sometimes striated. Seam Inclusion 1/8" to 3" thick extending Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken through sample. Layer Inclusion >3" thick extending through down into small angular lumps sample. which resist further breakdown. Trace <5% of sample. Lensed Inclusions of small pockets of Few 5% to 10% of sample. different soils. Some 10 to 25% of sample. With 30% to 45% of sample. REFERENCES: NOTE: Information on each boring boring log is a compilation of subsurface conditions 1) ASTM D 2466 and soil and rock classifications obtained from the field as well as from laborato2' testin~ of samples. Strata have been interpreted by commonly 2) Peck, Hanson and Thornburn, (1974), accepte proce ures. The stratum lines on the logs may be transitional and a~proximate in nature. Water level measurements refer only to those Foundation Engineering. o served at the times and places indicated, and may vary with time, geologic condition or construction activity. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 7 TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED ON BORING LOGS FOR ROCK ROCK TYPES SAMPLER TYPES ~ ~ D I Thinrn LIMESTONE SHALE SANDSTONE Rock walled Core Tube ~ WEATHERED ~ WEATHERED Ed WEATHERED 0 Standard I Auger LIMESTONE SHALE SANDSTONE Penetration Sample Test ~ HIGHLY WEATHERED ~ ARGILLACEOUS ~ rn THD Cone u Bag LIMESTONE ' LIMESTONE MARL Penetration Sample Test SOLUTION & VOID CONDITIONS WEATHERING GRADES OF ROCKMASS 11> Void Interstice; a general term for pore Slightly Discoloration indicates space or other openings in rock. weathering of rock material and discontinuity surfaces. Cavities Small solutional concavities. Moderately Less than half of the rock Vuggy Containing small cavities, usually material is decomposed or lined with a mineral of different disintegrated to a soil. composition from that of the surrounding rock. Highly More than half of the rock material is decomposed or Vesicular Containing numerous small, unlined disintegrated to a soil. cavities, formed by expansion of gas bubbles or steam during solidification Completely All rock material is of the rock. decomposed and/or disinterated to soil. The Porous Containing pore, interstices, or ori~ina mass structure is other openings which may or may not stil largely intact. interconnect. Residual Soil All rock material is Cavernous Containing cavities or caverns, converted to soil. The sometimes quite large. Most frequent mass structure and material in limestones and dolomites. fabric are destroyed. HARDNESS BEDDING THICKNESS 12> Very Thick >4' Friable Crumbles under hand pressure Thick 2'-4' Low Hardness Can be carved with a knife Thin 2"-2' Moderately Hard Can be scratched easily with a knife Very Thin 1/2"-2" Very Hard Cannot be scratched with a knife Laminated 0.08"-112" Thinly-Laminated <0.08" JOINT DESCRIPTION SPACING INCLINATION SURFACES Very Close <2" Horizontal 0-5 Slickensided Polished, grooved Close 2"-12" Shallow 5-35 Smooth Planar Medium Close 12"-3' Moderate 35-65 Irregular Undulating or granular Wide >3' Steep 65-85 Rough Jagged or pitted Vertical 85-90 REFERENCES: NOTE: 1) Brilish Standard(1981) Information on each boring log is a compilation of subsurface conditions Code of Practice for Site Investigation and soil and rock classifications obtained from the field as well as from BS 5930. laborato~ testin~ of samples. Strata have been interpreted by commonly 2) The Bridge Division, Texas Highway Dept. accepte proce ures. The stratum lines on the logs may be transitional and a~proximate in nature. Water level measurements refer only to those Foundation Exgloration & Design Manual o served at the times and places indicated, and may vary with time, 2nd Edition,revised June, 1974. geologic condition or construction activity. FUGRO SOUTH, INC. PLATE 8 --' I' I . I i ! . j . I' . i .I I .I I I :-! Report No. 0702-1011 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXPANSION MORRIS AVENUE TO AIRPORT PARKWAY ADDISON, TEXAS Boring Number B-5 Sample Depth (ft) 5-6 Initial Moisture Content (%) 18 Final Moisture Content (%) 20 Applied Surcharge Pressure (psf) 750 Vertical Swell(%) 0.2 Liquid Limit 48 Plastic Limit 20 Plasticity Index 28 I PLATE9 -~---------------------- ------------------ Report No 0702-1011 Lime/pH Series Test Results 14 12 I v /' 10 v ' ::r: Q_ 8 G) E :.::i I :::: "(5 6 I (/) 4 I .. ' 2 0 ' , 0 2 4 6 8 10 I Hydrated Lime, % , ; I Hydrated Lime, % I 0 I 3 I 5 T 7 I 9 I I pH I 8.14 I 11.75 1 12.35 I 12.42 I 12.42 I ~GAD Results of Lime Series Test ~ Sample 1.0.: Boring B-2, 1'-2' Spectrum Drive Extension FUGRO SOUTH. INC. Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway Addison, Texas PLATE 10 Report No 0702-1011 . ) r i ' I Lime/pH Series Test Results i I I 14 i I I ' ' ! 12 ' I I i v I ' I /' 10 I v I J: ! c.. 8 i I Q) E ::i ::::: ·s 6 (J) 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hydrated Lime, % Hydrated Lime, % I 0 I 3 I 5 I 7 I 9 I pH I 7.86 I 12.23 I 12.38 I 12.42 I 12.5 I i: ~GAD Results of Lime Series Test ~ Sample I. D.: Boring B-6, 0-1' Spectrum Drive Extension FUGRO SOUTH. INC. Morris Avenue to Aircort Parkwav Addison, Texas I J PLATE 11