·--:. . : --, , If ';;;:~~ ,&~e ! $-"-~. !!.ro.~~~~ January 10,2005 Expenditures Through December 31, 2004: Capital Prof. Services Streets &. Alleys Adnlln. Salaries Sub-total _I M.Clutl\:$. cN"p.. Co;;-r :2.~~-r . '3 ~\'2.. ~ • Mel's Electric $)f~. (F-" ""'~7~' ,'Qwut. ~)y' DGNO Ra.iIroad 504.988 . ~... t1l~"'\ Sub-total $824,688 .. ~ ..?\)~. Total Expendi~es $3,449,422 \}J Assets 2000 Bond Sale $ 300,000 ./-02002 Bond Sale 2,300,000 Inwood/Quorum 300 000 -0-I f¥tY~1 IJ I¥!T t.AP w~Ii 1lf> ,zl704-~l'!U-o~Tf1J1J S4 January 10, 2005 Expenditures Through December 31, 2004: Capital Prof Services Streets & Alleys Admin. Salaries Sub-total Mel's Electric DGNO Railroad. Sub-total Total Expenditures Assets 2000 Bond Sale 2002 Bond Sale Inwood/Quorum DART LAP Quiet Zone Total $2,609,320 1,822 200 13.392 $2,624,734 .$319,960 504.988 $824,688 $3,449,422 $ 300,000 2,300,000 300,000 550,000 o $3,450,000 (Finance shows $337,390 as a 1st Quart. Expend.) ----------------------------------------TOWN OF Am)ISON 2001 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNI) li,I)I\"WI'AL PROJECT REVE'lItfi(~r 3tJ. ;:mu 03500 Athletic Club Outdoor Pool 29,701 83300 Arapaho Road Extension 4,481,165 (28,133) (885,467) (2,701,374) 866,1 02300 Be~ Line Streetscapa 2,070,000 2,070,000 05301 Spectrum Drive 2,300,000 (10,198) (1,822) 12,609,320) (321,340) TOTAL $ 9,033,706 $ 131,405 $ (118,475) $ (912,705) $ (5,347,680) $ -$ 2,766,251 Revised: 07121104 Prln!ed: 11612006 ? TOWN Of A I)()ISON 20£12 CAPITAL PRO.fECT HiND INI)IVIllUAL PROJECT IU,VENUES, EXPENI)ITURES, ANn CHANGES IN BALANCES For lite Fi.fcal Vear EmfioJ: Sepfember 10, 2{)05 ----------------------------- -----------Pro"ect Beginning Number Name Balance Unallocated $ 194,315 03500 Athletic Club Outdoor Pool (22,915) 83300 Arapaho Road Extension 866,191 02300 Belt Line Streetscape 2.070,000 05301 Spectrum Dove (321.340) .................... ·.FI,st QIlarter Ended December 31 2004 Bal Sheet Revenue Ex enditures Dart Def Rev Dart IntereslJOthe Admln.Sal. Prof" Services $ 14,105 (14,897) (1.090) (1,661) Ca ttal (337,390) $ , 650.204 2.070,000 (660.611) TOTAL $ 2,786,251 $ • $ • $ 14,105 $ (16.778) $ (1.090) $ (337,390) $ $ 2,445,098 30;) ~ ( 7 'J .~/Developed: 01111105 Printed: 111212005 Number 02300 03500 04300 85301 05301 12302 83300 TOWN OF ADDISON 20011 CAPITAL PRO.IECT FUND INIHVIDUAL PRO,JECT REVENUES, EXI'ENDlTlJRES, ANll CHANGES IN BALANCES Nil' Ille Pi.,.m/l'ell/, ElIlling September 311, 21}()5 First Quarter Ended December 31, 2004 Pro'ect Beginning Revenue Ex enditures Ending Name Balance InterestlOther Admin.Sal. Prof. Services Balance Unallocated $ 51,633 $ 1,069 $ {1,857} $ 51,546 Belt Line Slreelscape 186,867 193 187,060 Athletic Club Expansion Midway Road Rehabilitation 701 (701) Morris Road Spectrum Drive Belt Line 1Toll Road SPUI Arapaho Road Phase 111111 TOTAL $ 239,201 $ 1,069 $. (1,664l $ -$ -$ -$ 238,606 Developed: 01/11/05 Printed: 111212005 --TOII'\ OF ,llJllISO'i STII!:ET CAPITI!. l'1I0,IE<:T Fli\11 1\IHI'IlIFIL I'IIO.JHT 1I!:1'E/'ilIES, E.\PE\lIIn:IlES, .\\1) ClI,I,,\GES IN U.lL.I\CES r"or ,h" Fi.\l'fIl 1'<'(/1' Ewll,,/{ S,'p/ember 30, ]()(JS First Quarter Ended December 31 2004 Protect' Adjusted Bal Sheet I Revenues I ndftures -1 Changes t~J Budget i I.. Ending Number Name B"",Bat. Dart Def Rev I DART GF Tnmsfer InteresUOtherl Admin.Sal. Prof. Services Ca ital 'IDART DelRe Adlustmenls B.lance UnaUocated $ 785,873 $ 25,952 $ 811.825 52300 Belt Un. Rd. Regroovlng 151 151 2(1300 2002 Paving! RR Rehab, . · 23301 Brookll""", ClllbIMarsh Impr. · 06300 SojoumIWest9rnve ' 6,031 6,031 15301 Addison CIn:Ie Phase 110 -, Cotton Belt RR Quiet Zones 42302 MpaI'oo Rd. Extension 3,593,139 3,593,139 42303 Sooth QuorumItnwood 530,872 530,872 82301 BaH UnoIMidwayIQuorum -88300 Addison Rd. /ElcoeI 28,554 . 28.554 76300 Addison Road! Keller Spnng. 212,903 212,903 84300 Addisoo Road Wdenlng 2,182,961 (3,318) 2,158,645 85300 Spectrum! DART! RR cioaa. Imp. 300,000 300,000 300;000 86300 Keller Spnngs 1Quorum -30300 1)(DOT Slgn._ 152,580 152,580 05301 Speclrum Drive 0 · Undbergh Drainage 45,000 45,000 Arbltnage Rebate UabHijy 111.218 111,216 TOTAL $ 7927380 $ . $ -$ -$ 25.952 $ /33181 $ -$ • $ -$ -$ 7,950016 Developed: 01111105 Prlnled: 1/1212005 04'21/2005 09;00 AM TOWN OF' AOOISON-AC:O ... Quntlfl, 97245070$.5 1/1 FINANCE DIRECtOR FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION FAX: (971) 4SM065 OFFICE: (971) 450-7050 DATE: April 2J, 21105 TO: Trip Brizell, Sr. Mllllfler, Capital PJaIlDiq & Developmeat, DART FAX: (1l4) 749-3844 FROM: Randy Moravec PAGES: 1 COMMENTS: Trip, Please COlISider Ibis letter as II formal request for release of LAPfCMS funds in !be amount of $555,1711.00 for Speolrum Road Exlension. The project is oompJet:'1 and has been accepted by our city eouncil. Should you have any questions regarding lhis requesl, please contact me. cc-/' fIJ.-I-/-£:-.../~.,. ..... Steve Chutchian From: ChrisTeny sent: Thursday, April 21, 200511:13 AM To: steve Chutchian Subject: RE: Funding status of Spectrum Drive SteveLet's discuss tomorrow. Thanks, Chris --original Message-From: SIEve QllJtl:hian Sent: Thursday, Aplil 21, 2005 8:27 AM To, Randy-...ec Ce: ChriS Terry; Jenny Nicewander SUbject: RE: FUnding _ ofSpeclrum DOve Randy: I don't understand how there is a disparity in the Spectrum Drive account. Mike M. attempted to "settle up" completely before he left employment. I pulled his records and it showed the following: Expenditures (through December 31 , 2004) Capital $2,609,320 (includes $2.3M construction & $.3M engineering) Prof. Services 1,822 Streets & Alleys 200 Admin. Salaries 13,392 Mel's Electric 337.390 Total $3,467,112 Assets 2000 Bond Sale $ 300,000 2002 Bond Sale 2,300,000 Inwood/Quorum 300,000 DART LAP ___--""55"'o"',o~0""_0 Total $3,450,000 However, Mike showed a deficit of $667,000, as of 1/12105. He showed in his records that he had discussed with your department the transfer of the following funds into the Spectrum account to make up the deficit: $300,000 RlR signal $185,000 2000 bond sale (at the time, he showed this clOSing out this funding source) $182.000 2004 bond sale $667,000 Total transfer Our records do not show expenditures reaching $3,807,524 at any time. It might be a good idea for us to look at your listing of charges to the account, and determine what other charges were made in the last Quarter. There should not have been any additional charges after the first of the year. Mike did plan on transfering the funds from the railroad Quiet zone account if it was necessary. No other funds or sources of funds have been identified for this project because it appeared to be balanced at the time. Please let me know what I can do further to assist in review and disposition of this matter. Thanks. Steve C. ---Qriginat Message From: Sent: To: Randy-...ec Wednesday, Aplil 20, 2005 5:36 PM SIeve Chutx:ll!an; Jenny Nicewander 1 Ce: Chrts Terry SUbject: Funding SIatlJs Of Spectrum Drive I am in the process of compiling financial reports for the quarter ended 3131105. I show Spectrum Road expenditures no totaling $3,807,524, this exceeds that project's $2.6 million budget by $1,207,524. We are still anticipating $555,178 from DART (we have yet to receive payment despite having made a request several months ago). However even with this funding, we would still be $652,346 in the hote. Now, we still have about $300,000 in fund 41 that was intended for railroad crossings. Was this money intended for Spectrum? As it stands, we will have a difficut! time making up this disparity. Please let me know if you had identified other funds to support this project. Randy 2 TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZAT10N MEMO DATe: Claim #=--_'--___ c • Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address ... {:),qU.AS, C~~ f/hR7h'€~ ;e/1(c..R"'~-t.~. 1-t:!3 Ik(ER/vk77fNv/1L f>Klvk,/$uTCi' SPt:! /?rCffAfZpso<'V( I €XAS 7S"CJ8'1 Address Zip Code EXPLANAnON . fte-~ Authorized Signature Finance DALLAS, GARLAND & NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD, INC. 403 International Pkwy.• Suite 500. Richardson. TX • 75081 Phone 972·808·9800 • Fax 972-808-9903 November 30, 2004 James C. Pierce Town ofAddison POBox 144 Addison, TX 75001 RE: Railroad Crossing -Spectrum Drive Dear Mr. Pierce: Enclosed is the costs for the design and installation ofwarning devices at the Spectrum Drive crossing in Addison. The costs provides for LED flashing lights, constant warning circuitry, and a four quad gate installation with Exit Gate Management System, vehicle detector loops, and confirmation signal. Due to the number of closely spaced crossings and overlapping frequencies, the design includes insulated joints just west ofSpectrum Drive and an additional constant warning controller in the Spectrum Drive cabin. Also, included are three additional constant warning controllers to be installed at Addison Road and cable between the Addison Road and Spectrum Drive cabins. We are submitting the following costs including the DGNO administration cost: TOTAL COST: $504,987.25 Ifyou have any questions, concerns or require additional information, please contact me at 972-808-9800 x221. Attachments CC: David Martinez Roadmaster Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad --------------------------------------------------------~ Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad (DGNO) 403 International Pkwy, Suite 500 Richardson, TX 75081 972.808·9800 phone 972-808·9903 fax INVOICE # INVOICE DATE M1132 11/30/2004 1JrJt'. -# f,AY, ~zc MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Charges for Design and Installation of Warning Devices at Spectrum Road, Addison, TX. Installation of Automatic Warning Devices Installed meter pedistal and under ground wiring for the new railroad signal equipment Installed underground wiring to the power company transformer pad. Crossing has been inspected and is working properly. Total Due $504,987.25 DGNO·RP-04·005 Customer Name & Address City of Addison November. 2004 . Attn: Michael E. Murphy, P.E. PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001·9010 Please Remit to: RaiiAmerica, Inc. Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad P. O. Box 409590 Atlanta, GA 30364·9590 Due Date Upon Receipt I $504,987.25 All accounts are due and payable within 30 days. If rZ/6 A finance charge of 2% per month will be charged on all past due accounts I ~~~b~ntPUBLIC RELATIONS-ADVERTISING SPECTRUM EVENT PLANNING STATUS As of 12/15/04 I. Invitation -completed II. Arrangements c. Tent Sandone rental20x20 -$275 d. Entertainment -Strolling Saxophone Santa -$200 e. Refreshments -Cookies, coffee, water, cider, Culinary Arts $200 f. Flowers Poinsettias around stairway $84 g. Ribbon -stretched between trees; centerpiece from Liberty Tree -$8 h. Remarks for Mayor -Mario to draft L Memento -pen received J. Need to coordinate barricades with Police Department? III. Publicity k. Media Advisory out Monday 12113 I. News Story -approved IV. Responsibilities a. Public Works -easel, name tags. mementos, light coordination, remarks by Mike, ribbon centerpiece b. Liz Oliphant -tent and food arrangements, media coordination, event management, ribbon for street P.O. Box 1734 • Addison, Texas 75001 9721931-0164 Fax: 9721931-0642 OliphantPR@aol.com l Page 1 of 1 Steve Chutchian From: OliphantPR@aol.com Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:38 AM To: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Steve Chutchian; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander Subject: Spectrum Update Thought I'd recap our conference from yesterday so we'll all remember our chores, Uz SPECTRUM EVENT PLANNING STATUS As ofl2/16/04 Invitation -completed Il Arrangements A. Tent Sandone rental -installation Friday morning B. Entertainment -Strolling Saxophone Santa C, Refreshments -Cookies, coffee, water, cider -they'll provide table D, Poinsettias -Public Works to bring to site from Service Center E, Ribbon -stretched between trees; centerpiece from Liberty Tree F. Remarks for Mayor -completed G. Memento -Jenny and Sue Ellen to distribute at table H. Need to coordinate barricades with Police Deparbnent -Robin handling m, PublicilY A. Media Advisory out Monday 12113 B. News Story -approved IT, Responsibilities A. Public Works -easel, name tags, pens, tablet to register guests, mementos, scissors, poinsettias, light light coordination, remarks by Mike, ribbon centerpiece, photographer B. Liz Oliphant -tent and food arrangements, media coordination, event management, ribbon for street 1211612004 'Ilie City Counci[of tlie 'lown of:Ac[(;{ison anatlie 'Pub[ic Worlts 1Jeyartment coraia[[y invite you to a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony to forma[[y oyen ana[iglit tlie new Syectrum 1Jrive extension on :Jriaay, 1Jecember 17, 2004 Parking a(ong S'pectrum 'Drive, Nartli of.Jl.ra'palio 'R£Iaa 'Refresliments ami ~ntertainment TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORlZATJON MEMO DATE: Claim # Check $ 27:3/I c;/, 1-2.. '-----" Vendor No, Vendor Name S(TF: Address Address Address Zip Code TOTAL # 273..> (0(, 9-.2. EXPLANATION ArvA-L Authorized Signature Finance DATE SUBMITTED: October 18, 2004 FOR COUNCIL MEETlNG: October 26, 2004 Council Agenda Item # SUMMARY: This item is for final payment, in the amount 0[$273,101.42, and acceptance of improvements performed by Site Concrete, Inc., fur construction ofthe Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,100,000 Final Construction Cost: $2,550,736.40 Source ofFunds: $2,600,000 from Bond Sale. Remaining amount from transfer offunds from Addison Road widening project. BACKGROUND: The Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project was established as part ofthe current Capital Improvements Program. The portion ofSpectrum Drive, from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway, is a continuation ofthe second phase ofthe Addison Circle project. Spectrum Drive was also extended south, from the DART railroad right-of-way to Arapaho Road. A contract was awarded to Site Concrete, Inc. for construction ofthis project The original contract price for these improvements was $2,536,979.50. Two change orders were approved by Council, in the total amount 0[$156,636.90. In addition, there were quantity increases and decresses in numerous line items that resulted in a total net decrease of$142,880. 00. The final construction cost ofthese improvements was $2,550,736.40, which represents a $13,756.90 increase from the original contract amount. In addition, this project included an incentive/disincentive provision, whereby, the contractor would be awarded $2,500 per day for early completion ofthe project, to a maximum award of$250,000. The Town acknowledged the successful completion ofthe construction improvements within 24 calendar days ofthe contractual time limit, with the contractor earning a total incentive award of$60,000. The only remaining improvements that remain on Spectrum Drive is the installation of street and pedestrian lights that are scheduled for completion in December 2004 under separate contract. The contractor has submitted his Affidavit ofBills Paid, Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment, and One year Maintenance Bond. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council authorize final payment of$273,lOL42 to Site Concrete, Inc, and accept construction ofthe Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project. ~\r. State of: JtXffS Subscribed and Sworn before me on this I~ day of ~ Notary Public: My Conuniss{QfJ Expires: III auof~ with ibe Coat!llC! DoCUInalU, baled on on-&ite obittvlulmu and tbG data ((lmpriting the abcVl!\ applicalion Ute InspcdGT r.crtifU!$ IMI ttlll.ie: best titthe lrupmcl5 bowledge, information and hclief Il.ie: wort hu prognrued ~ the: wort is in ~with theC~1 ~etItS, and IbeCOntrnlrad Start 111;>12004 Calendar Days 210 {incl any by changc orde~ Date; 101112004 Cnntrad Close 10/812004 ProJcct No.! 23-144 Original eo.ntraet sum: $2j 693,016.40 Net ebange b)' change orders $156,036.90 Contract sum Co date $2,849,053.30 Total Completed Ilnd stored to date 52,550,736.40 5.0% Retalnage $0.00 Total earned less retalnage 52,550,136.40 Less prevloU$ ccrtlfcate.s orpll),mcnlS 52,337,634.98 Dave Wilde, TGlm ofAddison :::IS'"E"r.~, i",I.2.8'/"'¢Date Steven Cbutclllan, ToWtl of Addlwn Town Of Addison DATE: 9/2712004 ESTIMATE: • Spectrum Dr. NQrthl Soulh S~t.I'II$IQn M04-ti3 1.00 $15,001),00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $15.000.00 114.00 $1.140.00 0.00 $0.00 114,00: 51.140.00 19.00 $475.00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $475.00 _.00 513,716.00 0.00 $0.00 £859.00 $13,718,00 113,00 S10,170,00 0.00 SO.OO 1131)0 $10,170,(}O em.DO $114,412.00 0.00 $0.00 6229.00 $174,412.00 152.00 $4,560.00 0.00 SO.oO 152.00 $4,560:.00 112,00 $3,920.00 0.00 00.00 112.00 $3.920:.00 3194.00 59,582,1)0 0.00 $OOO 3194.00 $9,582:,00 111-00 $1,110.00 0.00 $0.00 111.00 $1,110.00 23.00 $230,00 0.00 SO,OO 23.00 $230.00 =00 $l1.S60,OO 0.00 So.oO 2372.00 $11,860.00 2372.00 $7,11$,00 0.00 $OllO 2372.00 $7,116.00 0.00 $0.00 ".00 $192.00 ••00 $792.00 0.00 $0.00 .2031.00 $5,111.00 20371)0 $6,111,00 0.00 $0.00 2UX) $136.50 21.00 $136.50 0.00 $0.00 140,00 $1,260.00 140.00 51,260.00 5.00 $1,750.00 0.00 $0,00 5.00 $1,750.00 1.00 $250.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $250.00 1.00 $250.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $250.00 44.00 51.1tKtOO 0.00 $0.00 44,00 51.100.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 57,500J)O 0.00 $OllO 1,00 $.1,500.00 20400.00 $193,600,00 0.00 $0.00 20400.00 $193,800.00 1.00 $350,00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $350.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $350.00 1.00 $350.00 19.00 $1,900.00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $1,900.00 1050,00 $1,575.00 0.00 So.oO 1050.00 $1,575.00 5.00 $625.00 0.00 $0.00 5.00 $625.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 C.OO $0.00 0.00 ".00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $1).00 000 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 C.OO $0-00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 90.00 $lS0.00 90.00 $180.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $300.00 2.00 $300.00 5522,393.00 $9.129.50 5531 ,522.50 P"" 0.00 $0.00 35.00 1420;,00 O.CO $0.00 594,00 $1,182.00 "'4.00 $1.7S2,QO 0.00 $0.00 37.00 $240.50 37.00 $241),50 •• 00 $0.00 ".00 _.00 ,".00 $684-00 5.00 '.00 $1.750.00 $7.soo.oo •• 00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.00 '.00 $1,750.00 $7,500.00 19,00 $1,900-00 0.00 "'.00 19.00 $1,900.00 3SO"" '.00 $525.00 $250.00 0.00 0.00 "'.00 "'.00 350.00 '.00 $52500 $2SOoo '.00 $50,000.00 0.00 $0.00 '.00 $SO,OOMO 231.00 $4,14:0-00 0"" $0.00 237.00 $4,74O,{)O 0.00 $QOO 0,00 "'.00 •• 00 $OJlO 3400.00 $30,600.00 0.00 "'.00 3400.00 $30,600.00 460.00 $920.00 0.00 $$0.00 460.00 $920.00 11.00 $1,650-00 •.00 $0.00 11,00 $1,650.00 $2:78,498.00 $2,105.50 $2:81,2(14,$0 , P<1g0: Sof 10 1011/2004 pay estimate 9· sept Town Of Addison DATE: 9127/2004 ESTIMATE: • 21.80 $3,815.00 0.00 $0,00 21.80 $3,615.00 0.50 $1,750.00 0.00 $0,00 000 5USMC24.00 $1,080,00 0.00 $0,00 24.00 $1,000,0(} tlS.OO $1,445.00 0.00 $0.00 65.00 $1,445.00 640.00 $13,440.00 •.00 $0.00 640.00 $13,441),00 1.00 $575.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 1575,00 4.00 $2.700.00 0.00 $0.00 4.00 $2,700.00 1.00 $1,200.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $1,ZOO.oO 1.00 $2,000.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $2,000,00 2.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $0.00 200 $3,000.00 126.00 $26,350,00 ••00 $0.00 128.00 $26,350.00 1.00 $750.00 • .00 $0.00 1.00 $750.00 0.00 $<1.00 1.00 $775,00 1.00 $775.00 2.00 $500.00 O~O $0.00 2.00 $500.00 1.00 $750.00 O~O $0.00 1.00 $150.00 00.00 $225.00 0.00 $0.00 00.00 $2'25,00 750.00 $750.00 0.00 $0,00 750.00 $150,00 1.00 $3,000.00 0.00 SO.OO 1.00 $3,000.00 2.00 $3,200.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $3,200.00 103,00 $1,200.00 0.00 SO.OO 1031)0 $1,236.00 15:HXl 54,:264.00 Ml $0.00 1531>0 $4,264.00 111,00 $3,6&3.00 •.00 $0.00 111.00 $3,663.00 740.00 $81,400.00 0.00 $0.00 740.00 $81,400.00 284.00 $59,540.00 0.00 $0.00 284.00 $59.640.00 450.00 $107,100.00 0.00 $0.00 450.00 $107,100.00 2.00 13,000.00 O~O $0.00 2.00 $3,000.00 233,00 $2,.330.00 O~O $0.00 233.00 $2,330.00 1.00 $14.000.00 0"0 $0.00 1.00 $14,000.00 2.00 $5,600.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $$,600.00 3.00 $4,SOO.OO 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $4,500.00 '.00 $1,000.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $1,000.00 '.00 $3,000.00 0.00 SO.OO 2.00 $3,000.00 1.00 $1,500.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $1,500.00 100 $350.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $3SO.00 100 $1,500.00 0.00 '.00 1.00 $1,SOO.«I $362,6$00 $ns,OQ $j8'3,IIOa.oo Pa~e: 50fl{l 101112004 pay eslimals 9 -sepl Town Of Addison DATE: 9fl712004 ESTIMATE: 9 1.00 $15,000,00 •.00 "'.00 1.00 $15,000,00 1'.00 $13,200,00 •• 00 "'.00 ".00 $13.200.00 544.00 $11,968.00 • .00 "'.00 544.00 $11.966.00 11.00 $17,600.00 15379.00 $45,042.25 .~O 0.00 "'.00 "'.00 11,00 $17,600.00 16319:.00 $45,042_25 16379.00 $57,326.50 0.00 ",.00 16319.00 S51,326.50 16379.00 $40,947.50 •.00 $G,OO 16379.00 $40,947.50 70.00 66.00 $525.00 $26,050.00 •.00 •.00 $0,00 $0,00 71).00 oMa $525.00 $28,050.00 51.00 $5.100.00 54.00 $5,400,00 105,00 $10.500.00 $234,159.25 .55,4OQ,00 $240,159.25 Paoe: 7 Of 10 10(1/2004 pay estimate 9 ~ sept Town Of Addison OA'" ""7/2004 ESTIMATE: • 1.00 $14,000.00 0.00 '0.00 ,.00 $14.000.00 '"'" $1,50D.oo 0.00 $OJ'" ,~O $1,50000 ,.00 $1.800.00 0.00 $0.00 ,~O $1,fIOOml .94"", $894.00 0,00 $0,00 894.00 $6114.00 435.00 $435.00 OJ'" $Iloo 435.00 $435,00 620,00 $2A86.00 0,00 $0,00 820.00 $2,480.00 620,00 $1,551l00 0,00 $0.00 620.00 $1,.550.00 620.00 _,00 0.00 $0,00 ,2<),00 $620.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 151.00 $804ro 0,00 $0.00 151.00 $604.00 210.00 $3,570-00 0.00 $0,00 210.00 $3,5'10.00 '.00 $19,200.00 0,00 SO,OO 4,00 $19,200,00 2.00 2.00 $$.600,00 $4,000.00 0,00 0,00 ,,00."0'0" 2,00 2,00 $9,eoo,oo $4,000.00 4.00 $14,000.00 0.00 $0.00 4,00 $14,000.00 .,00 $12,000.00 0.00 $0,00 6.00 $12,000.00 1,00 $3.200J.l0 0.00 $0,00 1.00 $3,200.00 '"0 .,~ 0,00 $0.00 1,00 $3,200.00 1,00 $8,700.00 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PAYMENT AUTHORIZimONMEMO DATE: Claim # .Vendor~o; . . ," .' . ~~~--~~'~'--~~~~--~~~~~~~~ .... Hvni ~ZOL~J?S I ~~'.:'<":',: ,: ...•.. Vendor Name -'." Address Address /),4 L64S I rEX A.s 7SZ1 r', • Address Zip Code -TOTAL /I /Cl, 682.01 -, .' ".,'..EXPLANATION . S:P <"< ( 1''''''/' ~~ 7If(§~ L HUI1T:ZOLIARS HUITT-ZOllAI!:s,.INC. , P,O, BOX 191294 I 0'1;1110;, TX 75219 • 214871.3311 phone' 214.303.0923 fax I huilt-J!:o!loN..Cexn INVOICE MAY 17,2002 . INVOICE # i322Q0202 TO: MR. STEVEN aroTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON l~l~GROVEROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322002 SPECfRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED TIiROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED APRIL 27, 2002 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 12.00% 18,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 3,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 3,000.00 0, 1<'". 1-U"rt ! 5zc. 511t;(()Z -----------------------------------------------------HUITT-ZOLlARS =:::::=:-::o----=-=~~~~=:_:_;:;_:_:::::_~~_:_;;;_;:;:::;=;_;_::_::_c_:::_.;"~-...--~-..-~.-~ HUm-ZOLlARs, INC. , P.O. !?tOx 191294 • 001101. IX 75219 I 21d,S7t33H phone I 214..303,0923 fox. • iwilt-.z:alloN,.(OO'I .. --INVOICE MAY 17,2002 INVOICE It 132201002 TO: MR. STEVEN CHtITCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RElMBURSABLES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED ntROUGH 1HE PERIOD ENDED APRIL 27, 2002 RElMBURSABLES 75.90 75.90 TOTAL RElMBURSABLES 75.90 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE 75.90 t>, f::". 1<> ,Pitt[: ~7c.. 51/(;/0 2 HLlIlTZOLIARS HUm-ZOLLARS, INC. I P.O. BOX 191294 I Dalla~, TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone I 214.303.0923 fox' huilt-zollon..com INVOICE MAY 17, 2002 INVOICE #132200701 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTClllAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON I~OI~GROVEROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322007 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. PAVING I STREETSCAPE AL TERNATIVES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED APRIL 27,2002 LABOR CHARGES HOURS ENGINEER VI 10.00 TECH V 21.00 TECH III 51.50 ARCHITECT I 10.00 92.50 TOTAL LABOR CHARGES· TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES LIM1T INVOICE TO A MAXIMUM: TOTAL HOURLY NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT LESS PREVIOUSLY BILLED AMOUNT RATE 118.15 79.92 62.26 53.99 AMOUNT 1,181.50 1,678.32 3,206.39 539.90 6,606.11 6,606.11 6,606.11 9,000.00 0.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $6,606.11 O,ft:', -W /'t+y S'lL 5'#" /0 l. Cla.lm# . '." • ,.>: ~.i .. '. :: ",.' DATE: ,~ '. . .. Vendor No: . NVI ri--ZPLc.AJZS , .Eve ," .... ': ">". """. Vendor Name Address 3/3//"Ie kllVtY€t /Ive--; Serf-TiE 6;P Address ....,·,~·:·~~:\:~:,j~~t-~ .. ':';;:.,:'~(>. ," Address Zip Code ! ---:-~-'--l TOTAL # I!?1/4. 17;" ". -'. .... EXPLANATION ..... Jt::e ~. Authorized Signature Finance -------------------------------------------------HUITT-ZOLlARS HUITT-ZOllARS, INC. t 3131 M 'f ,0( Dear Mr. Chutchian Q -\[' PrflA{fV9~ Pursuant to our meeting on March 26, 2003, Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for additional '1'1 services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. ~~ I'" f,LO~ I Cl \ \ Huitt-Zollars will perform the following tasks pursuant to the design of additional drainage culverts to transmit storm run-off from the Spectrum Drive system to the box culvert approximately 700 feet east of ~1", Spectrum Drive. cvrv ) \t''"'A. Topographic Survey 1. Perform the field work necessary to locate existing features within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of the storm sewer across the north side of the Millennium Tower development. This will encompass an approximate 50 foot wide by 700 foot long area along the existing fire lane on the north side of the Millennium development. This will include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade, swales and other distinct features that can be used in the design. In addition we will locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants, manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. Easement Documents 1. Establish existing property line for the Millennium development based on deed and plat research, and an on the ground survey of existing property comers. 2. Based on deed and plat research and survey of existing property comers, establish the horizontal alignment for the proposed drainage system. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare easement documents for the dedication of a permanent drainage easement from the existing property owner to the Town of Addison. This will include legal descriptions and associated exhibits for each individual parcel including metes and bounds descriptions (Assumes two property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, public hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the drainage easements. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the Dallas County Deed Records. 4. In the event that there are more than two property owners, Huitt-Zollars will provide required legal descriptions and exhibits for the additional property owners on an hourly rate basis. In addition, Huitt-Zollars will provide revised descriptions and maps, as required, to accommodate changes in ownership during the design phase. This task item is subject to situations beyond our control and therefore must be addressed on an hourly basis with an initial budget allowance. \\hzdallas 1 \disk 1 \proj\O 199990 1 \DA VIDM\Proposals\Addison\SpectrumRRdmg. 040 1 03 .doc Mr, Steven Z, Chutchian, PE Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 2 ofS C. Civil Design L Prepare Plan and Prome Construction drawings for the installation of approximately 700 LF of storm sewer from proposed Spectrum Drive east to an existing drainage structure, 2, Prepare a paving removal and replacement plan for the existing fire lane for the limits of the proposed storm sewer, 3, Incorporate the specifications and bid quantities into the Spectrum Drive plans for the purposes of publicly bidding the improvements, Summary of Services and Compensation A, Be. Description Topographic Survey Easement Documents Civil Design Fee Basis Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Amount $2,500.00 $3,000,00 $10,000,00 Total Services $15,500.00 TERMS & CONDITIONS Following are the Tenns and Conditions that will apply to this proposal. 1. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZI) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the AGREEMENT, 2. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZI are prepared from experience and judgement. HZ! has no control over market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from HZ! estimates, 3. STANDARDOFPRACTlCE Services perfonned by HZI under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or gnarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report, opinion, document or otherwise, 4. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZI will be billed to the client in addition to fees. 5. BILLING AND PAYMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZ! for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be subtuitted by HZI on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an invoice, the CLIENT shall so notify HZ! in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question, and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute, The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-one-half (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZI more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion \\hzdallaslldiskllp rojIOI999901IDA VlDMlProposalslAddi,onlSpectrumRRdmg,040103.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian. P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 3 of5 of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZ!. and shall defend and indemnify HZI. from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZI's cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with premature project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract terms and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope of service. In the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT. CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its being called to HZrs attention. If resolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZ!'s liability arising from HZrs professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZI shall not exceed HZI's total fee for the services rendered on this project. 7, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZ! and HZI shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was committed by the CLIENT or HZI, their employees. agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss of profit. 8. TERMINATION In the event termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZI) effecting termination shall so notify the other party. and termination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irre.~pective of which party shall effect termination or the cause of . termination, the CLIENT shall within thirty (30) calendar days of termination remunerate HZI for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective time of termination, in accordance with HZI's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. 9. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. \\hzdallaslldisk 1 \proj\G199990 I \DAVIDMIProposa!s\Addison\SpecuumRRdrng,040 1 03.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 4 of5 If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and return one original to us as our notice to proceed. Attached you will fmd our current "Basis for Professional Fees and Charges" which is made a part of this proposal and will apply for work performed on a time and materials basis; please initial to indicate your acceptance. New rates may be posted each January, Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for your project and we appreciate your interest in our firm. Sincerely, Accepted for: HillTT-ZOLLARS, INC. Town of Addison, ~;,/£: /J1~~ /Signature /~E. Meyers, PE e'" Associa • Printed name and title Robert L. Phillips Date Senior Vice·President \\hzdallas 1 \diskl \proj\O 1999901\DAVIDM\Proposals\Addison\SpectromRRdmg.040] 03.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 5 of5 BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CHARGES Huitt.Zoliars, Inc., Dallas, TX September 1, 2002 ~ ~<.. rjlJ1) . ~ Projects indicated to be performed on a (, .me and Materials" ba is will be invoiced monthly using actual direct salary cost for the persons working e . . a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year multiplier is 2.44. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal $55.00 to $110.00 Arclritec!iEngineer VII, VIn, Officer $35.00 to $ 70.00 Architec!fEngineer IV, V, VI $25.00 to $ 50.00 Arclritec!iEngineer I, II, ill $21.00 to $ 45.00 Designer I through Designer Manager $21.00 to $ 45.00 CADD Tech I through Supervisor SIO.00 to $ 35.00 Project Support: Includes Clerical, Computer Systems, Document Control and Accounting Support $ 7.00 to $ 28.00 SURVEY CREWS WJLL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: 1Person Crew $ 75.00 2 Person Crew $105.00 3 Person Crew $125.00 4 Person Crew $145.00 1 Person GPS Crew $140.00 2 Person GPS Crew $160.00 3 Person GPS Crew $185.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: Outside Services Cost + 10% Mileage $ 0.365/rnile Client Initial ____ l\hzdaUaslldisklIproj1019999011DAVl DMlPropnsalslAddisonlSpe<'rumRRdmg.040l03.doc __ Pj:"Ui':~:: T::t::r)ll tA\ uS li . .h :t !l L~ &...~ ~.~' _~._~, ..____ HUm-ZOlLARS,INC I 3131 McKinney Ave. I Suite 600 I Dallas, TX 75204.-2.d89 I '21.4.8713311 phone I 214.8710757 fox I huiU-zo!loH.Com April 9, 2003 Mr. Steven Z. Chutclrian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutclrian Pursuant to our meeting on l\1arch 26, 2003, Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for additional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. Huitt-Zollars will perform the following tasks pursuant to the design of additional drainage culverts to transmit storm run-off from the Spectrum Drive system to the box culvert approximately 700 feet east of Spectrum Drive. A. Topographic Survey 1. Perform the field work necessary to locate existing features within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of the storm sewer across the north side of the Millennium Tower development. This will encompass an approximate 50 foot wide by 700 foot long area along the existing fire lane on the north side of the Millennium development. This will include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade, swales and other distinct features that can be used in the design. In addition we will locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants, manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. Easement Documents 1. Establish existing property lice for the Millennium development based on deed and plat research, and an on the ground survey of existing property comers. 2. Based on deed and plaq-esearch and survey of existing property comers, establish the horizontal alignment for the proposed drainage system. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare easement documents for the dedication of a permanent drainage easement from the existing property owner to the Town of Addison. This will include legal descriptions and associated exhibits for each individual parcel including metes and bounds descriptions (Assumes two property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, public hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the drainage easements. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the Dallas County Deed Records. 4. In the event that there are more than two property owners, Huitt-Zollars will provide required legal descriptions and exhibits for the additional property owners on an hourly rate basis. In addition, Huitt-Zollars will provide revised descriptions and maps, as required, to accommodate changes in ownership during the design phase. This task item is subject to situations beyond our control and therefore must be addressed on an hourly basis with an iuitial budget allowance. IlhzdaIJas1 \disk I \projlO19 99901IDAVIDMlPropcsalslAddisonISpectrumRRdrng.040103.d oc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P .E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 2of5 C, Civil Design 1. Prepare Plan and Frome Construction drawings for the installation of approximately 700 LF of storm sewer from proposed Spectrum Drive east to an existing drainage structnre. 2. Prepare a paving removal and replacement plan for the existing fue lane for the limits of the proposed storm sewer. 3. Incorporate the specifications and bid quantities into the Spectrum Drive plans for the purposes of publicly bidding the improvements. Summary of Services and Compensation Description Fee Basis Amount A. Topographic Survey Lump Sum $2,500.00 B. Easement Documents Lump Sum $3,000.00 C. Civil Design Lump Sum $10.000.00 Total Services $15,500.00 TERi\1S & CONDmONS FoUowing are the Tenns and Conditions that will apply to this proposal. 1. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the ClJENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the AGREE.i\1ENT. 2. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZ! are prepared from experience and judgement. HZ! has no control over market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from HZ! estimates. 3. STANDARD OF PRACTICE Services performed by HZ! under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or gnarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report. opinion, document or otherwise. 4. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZ! will be billed to the client in addition to fees. 5. BILLlNGANDPAYMENT The CLIENT. recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZ! for services performed in accordance with the rates aod charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by HZ! on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date.1f the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an invoice, the CLIENT shall so notify HZ! in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question. and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-one-half (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZ! more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice. excepting any portion \\hzdaUas 1\diskl\projI019999Ql \DA VlDMlProposals\Addj,onISpeclIUmRRdmg.040103.doc -: 'O'R "7-r-T'" --:'-/",\-,.. 4 ~r' ~,; ., r r -/( '~r' r[ A.,. ,I." '" .:: :. '....... _-'~ '-" <-_"'-./LlL 'hl "-' Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. -.-----------------------~............--......---~- ---Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 3 of5 of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereafter shall fIrst be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIEl\'T for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indemnify HZI., from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZI's cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with premature project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract terms and conditions, such such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope of service. In the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter witllln 60 days of its being called to HZI's attention. If resolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefIts of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZI's liabiliry arising from HZI's professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liabiliry of HZI shall not exceed HZI's total fee for the services rendered on this project. 7. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZI shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was committed by the CLIENT or HZI, their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss of profit. 8. TERMINATION In the event termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZ!) effecting termination shall so notify the other party. and termination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect termination or the cause of . termination, the CLIEl\'T shall witllln thirty (30) calendar days of termination remunerate HZI for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective time of termination, in accordance with HZI's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. 9. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. \lhzdallas l\dlSk 1 \proj\O199990 I \DA VlDM\ProposalslAddison\SpectrumRRdmg.04ll 1 03.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 4 of5 AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and return one original to us as our notice to proceed. Attached you will find our current "Basis for Professional Pees and Charges" which is made a part of this proposal and will apply for work performed on a time and materials basis; please initial to indicate your acceptance. New rates may be posted each January. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for your project and we appreciate your interest in our firm. Sincerely, Accepted for: HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Town of Addison, Signature David E. Meyers, PE (Y Associa • %uI£. /J1~~ /Printed name and title Robert L. Phillips Date Senior Vice-President \\hvlallas I \disk I Iproj\O19999011DAVlDMlProp<>salslAddisonISpectrumRRdrng.040 1 03.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 PageS of5 BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CHARGES Huitt·Zollars, Iue., Dallas, TX September 1, 2002 Projects indicated to be peIforrned on a "Time and Materials" basis will be invoiced monthly using actual direct salary cost for the persons working on the project times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year multiplier is 2.44. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal $55.00 to $110.00 Architect/Engineer VII, Vill, Officer $35.00 to $ 70.00 Architect/Engineer IV, V, VI $25.00 to $ 50.00 Architect/Engineer I, II, ill $21.00 to $ 45.00 Designer I through Designer Manager $21.00 to $ 45.00 CADD Tech I through Supervisor $10.00 to $ 35.00 Project Support: Includes Clerical, Computer Systems, Document Control and Accounting Support $ 7.00 to $ 28.00 SURVEY CREWS WILL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: 1 Person Crew $ 75.00 2 Person Crew $105.00 3 Person Crew $125.00 4 Person Crew $145.00 1 Person GPS Crew $140.00 2 Person GPS Crew $160.00 3 Person GPS Crew $185.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: Outside Services Cost + 10% Mileage $ 0.365/mile Client Initial. ___ \\h,dallas 1 \rljgk 1IprojlO199990IIDAVJDMlProposals\AddisonlSpoctnllnRRdmg.0401 03.doc HUITT-ZOLlARS ...-~.~..•-""~=-------------::--:::-:-=:--:---::---------HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. • 3131 McKinney Ave. I Suile 600 I fXlito$, TX 75204-2489 • 214_87L3311 phone' 214.871.07.57 fa..: I huiu-zollofS.(O/YI April 9, 2003 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutchian Pursuant to our meeting on March 26, 2003, Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for additional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. Huitt-Zollars will perform the following tasks pursuant to the design of additional drainage culverts to transmit storm run-off from the Spectrum Drive system to the box culvert approximately 700 feet east of Spectrum Drive. A. Topographic Survey I. Perform the field work necessary to locate existing features within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of the the stonn sewer acrOss the north side of the Millennium Tower development. This will encompass an approximate 50 foot wide by 700 foot long area along the existing fire lane on the north side of the Millennium development. This will include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade, swales and other distinct features that can be used in the design. In addition we will locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants, manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. E~entDoonnen~ 1. Establish existing property line for the Millennium development based on deed and plat research, and an on the ground survey of existing property comers. 2. Based on deed and plat research and survey of existing property comers, establish the horizontal alignment for the proposed drainage system. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare easement documents for the dedication of a permanent drainage easement from the existing property owner to the Town of Addison. This will include legal descriptions and associated exhibits for each individual parcel including metes and bounds descriptions (Assumes two property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, public hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the drainage easements. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the Dallas County Deed Records. 4. In the event that there are more than two property owners, Huitt-Zollars will provide required legal descriptions and exhibits for the additional property owners on an hourly rate basis. In addition, Huitt-Zollars will provide revised descriptions and maps, as required, to accommodate changes in ownership during the design phase. This task item is subject to situations beyond our control and therefore must be addressed on an hourly basis with an initial budget allowance. \\h ~du.lIru: 1 \disk I \pro j\O 199990 I \DA VIDM\Proposals\Addison\SpeclnllnRRdmg'()40 1 03 .doc HUnTillUARS Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page2of5 C. Civil Design I. Prepare Plan and Profile Construction drawings for the installation of approximately 700 LF of stonn sewer from proposed Spectrum Drive east to an existing drainage structure. 2, Prepare a paving removal and replacement plan for the existing fIre lane for the limits of the proposed Slonn sewer. 3. Incorporate the specifications and bid quantities into the Spectrum Drive plans for the purposes of publicly bidding the improvements. Summary of Services and Compensation A. B. C. Description Topographic Survey Easement Documents Civil Design Fee Basis Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Amount $2,500.00 $3,000.00 $JO.OOO.OO Total Services $15,500.00 TERMS & CONDITIONS Following are tbe Terms and Conditions tbat will apply to tbis proposal. 1. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the AGREEMENT. 2. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZI are prepared from experience and judgement. HZI has no control over market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from HZI estimates. 3. STANDARDOFPRACTICE Services performed by HZI under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report, opinion, document or otherwise. 4. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZI will be billed to the client in addition to fees. 5. BILLING AND PAYMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZI for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by HZI on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an invoice, the CLIENT shall so notify HZI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question, and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-one-half (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZ] more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion \\hzdnllrul \disk 1\proj\O t99990J\DAV IDM\Ptopcsa ls\AddisQfl\SpectrumRRdrng.040 I 03.doc HlIITT-:ZOLlARS Mr. Steven Z. Chutehian. P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9. 2003 Page 3 oi5 of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indemnify HZI from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZ]'s cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with premalnre project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract terms and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope of service. Iu the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its being called to HZI's attention. If resolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may tenninate this AGREEMENT. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZ!'s liability arising from HZ!'s professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZ! shall not exceed HZI's total fee for the services rendered on this project. 7. CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGE.'l The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZI shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nalnre of this fault, or whether it was committed by the CLIENT or HZI. their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss of profit. 8. TERMINATION In the event termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZ!) effecting tennination shall so notify the other party. and termination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect termination or the cause of tennination, the CLIENT shall within thirty (30) calendar days of tel1nination remunerate HZI for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective time of tennination, in accordance with HZ!'s prevaiIing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. 9. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. \\hzdoJlns Hdisk 1\proj\n199990 1\DA V IDM\Proposals\Addison\S peelrumRRdmg.040 1 03 .doc HUITT..z[XIARS Me. Sleven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 4 ofS AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and return one original to us as our notice to proceed. Attached you will find our current "Basis for Professional Fees and Charges" which is made a part of this proposal and will apply for work performed on a time and materials basis; please initial to indicate your acceptance. New rates may be posted each January. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for your project and we appreciate your interest in our firm. Sincerely, Accepted for: HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Town of Addison, Signature David E. Meyers, PE W Associa • Printed name and title ~tJ£. /J1t1Uf~ J Robert L. Phillips Date Senior Vice-President \\hzdallas l\disk l\proj\OI999901\DA VIDM\Proposals\'l\ddi.son\SpeetrumRRdmg,040103,doc HUITTillLlARS Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 5 of5 BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CHARGES Huitt-Zollars, Inc., Dallas, TX September 1, 2002 Projects indicated to be perfonned on a "Time and Materials" basis will be invoiced monthly using actual direct salary cost for the persons working on the project times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year multiplier is 2.44. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal $55.00 to $110.00 ArchitectfEngineer VII, VIIf, Officer $35.00 to $ 70.00 ArchilectlEngineer N, V, VI $25.00 to $ 50.00 ArchitectfEngineer L IL IIf $21.00 to $ 45.00 Designer I through Designer Manager $21.00 to $ 45.00 CADD Tech I through Supervisor $10.00 to $ 35.00 Project Support: Includes Clerical, Computer Systems, Document Control and Accounting Support $ 7.00 to $ 28.00 SURVEY CREWS WILL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: 1 Person Crew $ 75.00 2 Person Crew $105.00 3 Person Crew $125.00 4 Person Crew $145.00 1Person GPS Crew $140.00 2 Person GPS Crew $160.00 3 Person GPS Crew $185,00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: Outside Services Cost + 10% Mileage $ 0.365/mile Client Initial ____ \\hzdallas l\disk J \proj\Ol99990 I\DA VIDM\Proposnls\Addison\SpeetrurnRRdmg.040 1 03.doc HUITT-ZOLlARS HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. , 3131 McKinnl!Y Aile.• Svite 600 • Dollen, TX 75204-2489 • 214.871.3311 phone "214,871.0757 ftlll. I hlJill-,ollafs,tom April 9, 2003 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutchian Pursuant to our meeting on March 26, 2003, Huitt-Zollars is pleased to sobmit this proposal for additional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. Huitt-Zollars will perform the following tasks pursuant to the design of additional drainage culverts to transmit storm run-off from the Spectrum Drive system to the box culvert approximately 700 feet east of Spectrum Drive. A. TopograpbicSurvey 1. Perform the field work necessary to locate existing featnres within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of the storm sewer across the north side of the Millennium Tower development. This will encompass an approximate 50 foot wide by 700 foot long area along the existing fire lane on the north side of the Millennium development. This will include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade, swales and other distinct features that can be used in the design. In addition we wi11locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants, manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. Easement Documents I. Establish existing property line for the Millennium development based on deed and plat research, and an on the ground survey of existing property comers. 2. Based on deed and plat research and survey of existing property comers, establish the horizontal alignment for the proposed drainage system. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare easement documents for the dedication of a permanent drainage easement from the existing property owner to the Town of Addison. This will include legal descriptions and associated exhibits for each individual parcel including metes and bounds descriptions (Assumes two property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, public hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the drainage easements. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the Dallas County Deed Records. 4. In the event that there are more than two property owners, Huitt-Zollars will provide required legal descriptions and exhibits for the additional property owners on an hourly rate basis. In addition, Huitt-Zonars will provide revised descriptions and maps, as required, to accommodate changes in ownership during the design phase. This task item is subject to situations beyond our control and therefore must be addressed on an hourly basis with an initial budget allowance. \\hzdalIas: 1 \disk 1 \proj\O1 99990! \DAv IDM\Proposals\Addison\S pectru mRRdmg.040 1 03 .doc HUITT-ZOUARS Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 2 of5 C. Civil Design I. Prepare Plan and Profile Construction drawings for the installation of approximately 700 LF of storm sewer from proposed Spectrum Drive east to an existing drainage structure, 2. Prepare a paving removal and replacement plan for the existing fire lane for the limits of the proposed storm sewer. 3. Incorporate the specifications and bid quantities into the Spectrum Drive plans for the purposes of publicly bidding the improvements. Summary of Services and Compensation Description Fee Basis Amount A. Topographic Survey Lump Sum $2,500.00 B. Easement Documents Lump Sum 83,000.00 C. Civil Design Lump Sum $10,000.00 Total Services $15,500,00 TERMS & CONDITIONS Following are the Terms and Conditions that will apply to this proposal. 1. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the AGREEMENT. 2. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZ! are prepared from experience and judgement. HZI has no control over market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from HZI estimates. 3. STANDARDOFPRACTICE Services performed by HZI under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or gnarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report, opinion, document Or otherwise. 4. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZI will be billed to the client in addition to fees. 5. BILLING AND PAYMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZI for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by HZI on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an invoice, the CLIENT shall so notify HZI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question, and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-one-half (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZI more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion \\hzdaUas 1 \disk 1 \proj\Q199990 I \D A V lDM\Proposals\Addison\SpectrurnRRdmg.040 I 03 .doc HUITT-ZOLlARS Mr, Steven Z, Chutchian. P,E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9. 2003 Page 3 ofS of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT, Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc, (HZ!) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work On the project and CLlENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indenmify HZI from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZI's cessation of service. CLJENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with premature project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized. CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract tenns and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope of service. In the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its being called to HZI's attention. If resolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT, 6, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for risk funding, the CLlENT agrees to limit HZI's liability arising from HZI's professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZI shall not exceed HZI's total fee for the services rendered on this project. 7_ CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZI shall not be liable to the CLlENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was committed by the CLIENT or HZI, their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss of profit. S. TERMINATION In the event tennination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZI) effecting tennination shall so notify the other party. and tennination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect tennination or the cause of tennination, the CLIENT shall within thirty (30) calendar days of tennination remunerate HZI for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective lime of tennination, in accordance with HZI's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. 9. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. \\hzdallll5 I \disk 1 \proj\O199990 1 \DAv IDM\Proposals\Addison \Spec!rumRRdmg.040 I 03,doc HUITT-ZOLlARS Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 4 of 5 AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and return one original to us as our notice to proceed. Attached you will find our current "Basis for Professional Fees and Charges" which is made a part of this proposal and will apply for work performed on a time and materials basis; please initial to indicate your acceptance. New rates may be posted each January. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for your project and we appreciate your interest in our firm. Sincerely, Accepted for: HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Town of Addison, ~J~;#~~t.Y Signature ~::;E. Meyers, PE (),J Printed name and title Associate Robert L. Phillips Date Senior Vice-President \\hzdallas 1 \disk 1 \proj\O 199990 I \DAVIDM\Proposals\Adc1ison\SpccII1lmRRdmg.040 103.doc HUITT-ZOLlARS Mr. Sleven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension April 9, 2003 Page 5 of5 BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES A]',1) CHARGES Huitt.Zollars, Inc" Dallas, TX September 1, 2002 Projects indicated to be performed on a "Time and Materials" basis will be invoiced monthly using actual direct salary cost for the persons working on the project times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year multiplier is 2.44. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal $55.00 to $110.00 ArchitecilEngineer VII, VIII, Officer $35.00 to $ 70.00 ArchitecilEngineer IV, V, VI $25.00 to $ 50.00 ArchitecilEngineer I, II, III $21.00 to $ 45.00 Designer 1through Designer Manager $21.00 to $ 45.00 CADD Tech I throngh Supervisor $10.00 to $ 35.00 Project Support: Includes Clerical, Computer Systems, Document Control and Accounting Support $ 7.00 to $ 28.00 SURVEY CREWS WILL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: I Person Crew Crew $ 75.00 2 Person Crew $105.00 3 Person Crew $125.00 4 Person Crew $145.00 I Person GPS Crew $140.00 2 Person GPS Crew $160.00 3 Person GPS Crew $185.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: Outside Services Cost + 10% Mileage $ 0.365/mile Client Initial ____ \\hzdallaslldisk l\proj101999901IDAVlDMIPropos.lslAd-- -:--~-~-r-<-'I-r--i' J. "-r-r-r -3f1~O: 20 8 TabuleteandRecommendBidder-'--I-r-,-' -T'.-'--r ", ,+-;--: 1, ----,r I-T c -; rr -1---;-',--1-1-.~.-,---,.----'--; -I : --[["F-I--, t---131141033116/03' 21 G3 Contracts and Award 01 Bid ·~+~t"'·~I. <'I Til t j1 j""";"~ I' ;-;' '~~i _l-J 1-" I; --1-t___ L 1 ·-~-r-l -r-' t.t1-t3l191Ol '-41' 22 ffi3 Begin Cons.ructlon t--i"~++i -1'<:1 r-i-i-n-;~ 1-,--1' h -,-H+tl-h+~t-t-mffi-fH-ft·~~ "i+rtt--r-I1 ii' i+' Extemal Milestone • "'~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~::~~:~~::::::: P S I Task Summary" Rolled Up Progress Splll, , , • , , , , • , • • • Deadllne .0rOlect; ~ctrum I Extension Progress Rolled Up Task Extemal Tesks Iff .. Rolled Up Split • , , , , , , , , , , •• ·Oate: Tue 9/17/02 Milestone. Rolled Up Milestone 0 Project Summery' • -, STEVEN Z. CHUTCIllAN, P.E. As.,istant City Engineer ('72) 450-2886 (972) 450-2837 FAX (214) 673-2518 Mobile s.:butchian@ci.addison.tx.us E-mail Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr, P.O. Box 9010, Addison, Texas 75001-9010 ....... ,-' A TTIl-C;feJ) r.e H(/17 & p"SA--L. f/77 L-( -ry f .sT£ eeT.s CAP" " 4? S P<'CTe t---"7 f) fZ I t--e , !2('vr('v 1l-t-e ST,e~ /3cAPC f,e"'Y{J/",,,-" f pd;e 4--~R A-7 (tJ"1 ~ "'-'1> P ""e e:A-RL/gj" Ct!J"v 0et"V-( -e "'"Ce / _ i ::. .... . HlIIlT-ZOLlARS '--!-='-!...;~=~:=..~=--------------------..IiUITI-ZOlLAltS,lNC. I 3131 McKinney Ave. t Suite 600 • Callen, TX 75204-2489 • 214.971.33n phone I 214.871.0757 fox' nuilf.zellor,u:om January 25, 2002 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX?5001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Proposal for Professional Services Dear Mr. Chutchian Huitt-Zollars is pleased to submit this proposal for professional services associated with the above referenced public improvement project located in Addison, Texas. This proposal encompasses civil engineering. surveying, landscape architecture, irrigation and traffic signal design for the project. There should be no additional tasks, services or fees required in these disciplines to complete the project as we currently understand it with the exception of a railroad crossing design to be coordinated with D.A.R.T as described later in this proposal. This project generally consists of civil engineering, surveying and landscape architecture design for public infrastructure associated with Specttum Drive-North and South Extensions. The limits of the work are as follows: • North Extension -From a point approximately 85 feet north of the centerline intersection of Specttum Drive and Morris A venue north approximately 1,100 linear feet to Airport Parkway. • South Extension -From railroad (D.A.R.T. right-of-way) south approximately 540 linear feet to Arapaho Road. Plans and specifications will be produced to the standards for public infrasttucture of the Town of Addison and the Addison Urban Center Development Guidelines with the intent of publicly bidding the construction work. Plans will specifically provide for paving, water, wastewater, drainage. electric ductbank. streetscape elements, planting and irrigation. It is our understanding that Huitt-Zollars will prepare one set of consttuction and bidding documents for the limits of work described above. In the event that the Town decides decides to Phase the project, a separate proposal for additional services will be prepared at that time. That is the basis for our scope and fees. Projects of this nature fall into the following major categories. any or all of which you may deem necessary for your putposes. I. SURVEYING n. C~SERVICES m. LANDCAPE SERVICES IV. GEO-TECHNICALSERVICES V. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN VI. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN Vll. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 1:\projlO199990I\DAv IDMIP,oposru,\Addison\SpectrumExt3.0 12502.doc Mr, Steven Z, Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Driv~North & South Extension January 25, 2002 Page 2of6 Our detalled scope is as foDows: I, SURVEYING A. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY I. PerfoIm the field work necessary to locate existing features within and adjacent to the proposed alignment of Spectrum Drive from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway and form Arapaho Road to the railroad. (25 feet either side of proposed R.O.W. line of Spectrum) This will include topographic shots at key locations of change in grade. driveways; swales and other distinct features that can be used in the paving design. In addition we will locate surface features such as valves, fire hydrants. manholes and other pertinent items to be used in the generation of a topographic map to be used for design. B. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION DOCUMENTS I. Establish existing right-of-way of Spectrum Drive, Morris Avenue and Airport Parkway and prepare a right-of-way plan based on deed and plat research. and an on the ground survey of existing property corners. 2. Based on deed and plat research, survey of existing right-of-way and property comers, establish the horizontal alignment for the extension of Spectrum Drive. Based on the established alignment and after approved by the Town of Addison, we will prepare a right-of-way map and legal dedication documents including metes and abounds descriptions of Spectrum Drive right-of-way dedications (Assumes three property owners). 3. Attend necessary staff meetings, pnblic hearings, etc .. for the processing and approval of the right-of-way dedication. Provide the Town with the required legal descriptions and exhibits for recordation in the DaUas County Deed Records. C. MISCELLANEOUS SURVEYING 1. In addition to the above services our surveyors will set all centerline PC's, PT's and PI's one time for construction control. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain this control. No other construction staking is anticipated under this contract. Huitt-Zollars compensation for the above listed services shall be the Lump Sum amount of $20,000. II. CIVIL SERVICES A. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 1. Construction documents wiD he prepared to the standards of the Town of Addison and the' design guidelines established for the Urban Center Zoning District. The plans will include the following elements, grouped as necessary for the various submittal and review processes: • Cover Sheet and General Notes • Construction Quantities (in bid/specification book) • Horizontal Control/R.OW. Map • Paving Plans and Profiles • Paving Details . • Sleeving Plan • Drainage Area Map 1:lprojlOl99990IIDAVIDM\Proposa lli\AddisonlSpectrumExI3.012502.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension January 2S, 2002 Page 3 of6 i",J. . ~ ko.. • Storm Sewer Plans and Profiles • Storm Sewer Details • Water Plans and Profiles • Water Details • Wastewater Plans and Profiles • Wastewater Details -~ { jo:>..r -,\, \~~~~VV • Streetscape Plans Sh()wing Tree Locations, Light Locations, Sub-Drain System, Sidewalk. Patterns, Crosswalk Details; etc, • Electrical Design for Pedestrian Lighting • Streetscape Details • Electric Ductbank Plans, Profiles and Details • Erosion Control Plan (SWPPP) and Details 2. Basic services for preparation and processing ofplans also includes the following tasks: • Prepare specifications to supplement Addison standard specifications and construction details where applicable. • Prepare quantity take-offs and opinions of probable construction cost at the time plans are submitted for Town review. • Prepare. documents for advertisement and bidding. • Provide up to 20 bid sets and up to 10 construction sets. (These quantities are the basis for reimbursable expenses as estimated below and may be adjusted as desired with comparable adjustments in the allowance for reimbursables) • Necessary coordination with the Town and franchised utilities is included in the above-listed services; however, no designs or plans for construction of franchised utilities are included except for TXU electric ductbank design. B. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT Huitt-Zollars will proVide construction support services as distinguished from an on-site representative provided by the Town of Addison. The combined tasks for all personnel will be as follows: 1. Assist the Town in preparing documents for advertisement and bidding; conduct pre-bid meeting; prepare and issue addenda; evaluate bids; make recommendation for award; and assist the Town in preparation of construction contract. 2. Make periodic visits to the site (as distinguished from the continuous service of a resident Project representative) to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to to detennine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. In perfonning these services the Engineer will endeavor to protect the Town against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor, but engineer cannot guarantee the performance of the contractor, nor be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations of for the safety measures that the contractor takes or should take. 3. Consult and advise the Town; issue instructions to the contractor requested by the Town; and prepare and issue routine change orders with Town approval 4. Review samples, catalog data, schedules, shop drawings, laboratory, shop and mill tests of material and equipment and other data which the contractor submits. This review is for the benefit of the Town and covers only general conformance with the information given by the Contract Documents. The contractor is to review and stamp his approval on submittals prior to submitting to Engineer, and review by the Engineer does not relieve the contractor of any responsibility such as dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site, appropriate safety measures to protect workers and the public, or the necessity to construct a complete and workable facility in accordance with the Contract Documents. I:lproj\O199990IIDAVIDM\Propos.lslAddisonlSp(J'rl' . Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss ofuse and loss of pm1ll 8. TEIL'UINATION In the event termination becomes necessary, the party (CUENT or HZ!) effecting termination shall SO notifY the other party. and termination will become elfective fourt180,197 ST1!l!ersCAPE IMPROVEMENts $161. 1.552 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENts WASTE-WATER IMPROVEMENT $63.i _.._-_...__ ._$68.: ~ $1 ;()7,02( S89.: 5117.9 ) GAS I _$31,;\65 S21,42C $,35,037 $39,168 t-----$126.990 RAILROAD CROSSING !RAFFle SIGNALS r--$50,000 $60,000 $50.000 $50,000 SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (15%) $422,382 $63,357 $524,713 578,707 $750,324 $112.549 5970,244 $140.537 $2.667,663 $400,149 irOTAL 54a5,7391 $603,420 I $862.8721 51,115,781 1 $3,067,8121 NOTES: t 6cW for uN! p;lces IS Addlatl Circle Ph0$9 28 pM 10({,. 2, 5:reeheope teeflon we$l'$Ide of AllportnOffh ot R.' b 0 S" gtO$l pOOtwayWiIt! $l'reelll'G1» ond 5' concretO' Jldewotx: 1:\1'noJ\01999901'davkln'lVil$lI~dlson e~&(;1rum.0125!l2.xrs ----OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION Hum-ZOLLARS, INC, JOB NO, DATE: 25-Jon-n (;!rtIo\Spec:trum.012502.x1s ------OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION HUITHOllAllS. INC. JOBNQ. DATE: 2f>.Jon-02 CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON SPECTRUM DR. SPECTRUM DR. SPECTURM DR. SPECTURM DR. TOTAL---,-----ITEM UNIT UNIT R-t TO AmPORT Pk'WV. 1'1-2 fa R-l MORRIS to R~2 AropahO to RR. QUANTITY AMOUNT PRICE 300LF 300LF 430LF 540lf STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IRRIGATION SYSTEM INCl. POWER FOR CONTROLLERS LF S15.OO 700 584 876 1040 3200.00 S48.OOO TREE fENCE LF $2;\.00 442 748 1088 1m 3570.00 58:1-110 4" PVC SCH. 40 PERFORATED DRAIN SYSTEM LF 522.00 700 584 876 1040 3200.00 $70.400 BENCH EA 51.800.00 4 3 5 4 16.00 528.800 BIKE RACK EA 5400.00 0.00 SO TRASH RECEPTACLE EA Sl.ooo.oo 2 2 2 2 8.00 S8.ooo 200 GAl. TREE EA 51.650.00 26 22 32 38 116.00 5194.700 100 GAL. TREE EA S8OO.oo 0.00 SO PLANTING AllOWANCE (TREE WELLS) SF S4.00 780 1296 1944 2280 6300.00 $28.300 HVOIlOMULCH SF 50.40 14000 11680 17520 20800 64000.00 S25.000 PEDESTRIAN STREETLIGHT FOUNDATION AND CAP €A $625.00 10 8 12 12 42.00 526.250 HANGING UGH1 UGH1 FOUNDATION POLE EA $1.000.00 0.00 SO HANGING UGHT POLE EA $:1-000.00 0.00 SO BEGA POLE WITH SINGLE LIJMINAIRE EA $3.100.00 7 5 10 10 32.00 $99.200 BEGA POLE WITH DOUBlE LUMlNARE fA $4.400,00 3 3 2 2 10,00 $44.000 HANGING UGHT lUMINAIRE EA $1.000,00 0,00 so STREET liGHT CONDUIT LF $4,00 700 584 876 1040 3200,00 $1:1-600 STREET LIGHT PUll BOX EA $$40.00 4 B 4 4 20,00 56.800 STREET UGH! CONDUCTOR (Multiple Runs) LF S5,00 700 584 876 1040 3200,00 $16.000 BOLlARDS EA $400.00 20 20,00 S8.000 FURNISH GLEN GERY PEDESTRIAN BilICK SF 52.80 3420 5760 B640 10440 28260,00 579.128 FURNISH BEDDING MATERIALS AND PLACE PED. BRICK SF S1.6O 3420 5760 8640 10440 28260,00 S45.216 SlREElSCAPE SUBTOTAl. S 161.134 S 160.036 $ 231.552 $ 270.632 $ 823.354 1;\PAOJ'I019S90011odIlYklm\GsUmales\ll.tfdlson eln:le\Sp«1rnm.O12502Jds r_..:.~; OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST IPROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION I~II~NT: TOWN OF ITEM IDRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS UNIT HUITT-ZOll.AAS. INC. JOB NO. DATE: 25-Jon-02 SPE-CT~RUM-D-R. -S-PECTRUM DR. SPECTURM DR. -S-PECTURM DR. I TOTAL UNIT I1M TOAlRf'ORTPIC'W'(. R-2to R-' MORR!S10 R-2 ArOpohoto RJl QUANTtTV AMOUNT PRICE 350 LF 300 LF 430 LF 840 iF 18" CL III ReP.INCWDING EMBEDMENT 50 40 40 130.00 $7,722 21" CL.IJI RCP.INCLUDING EMBEDMENT 40 30 30 10(1.00 $6.270 !4"CL III RC;P.I~WDING EMBEJJMENT fJJ 6O_~.00_ $8.184 DMENT I LF I 573.00 I 2401 240.001 $17.5: '. INCLUDING EMBEDMENT LF 592.00 40 40.00 $3.61 36' ...... ""'....~. INCLUDING EMBEDMENT LF $105.00 50 50.00 55.: 39" CL.III RCP.INCLUDING EMBEDMENT LF $114.00 0.00 142" CL III RCP. INCLUDING EMBEDMENT LF 5130.00 400 800 1200.00 L60"C;hlll RC;P.Ir0 -~~n(1 of Huitt-Zollars. Inc. Confidenllallty Nolice The document acoompanying this 1elecopy Iransmission contains confidential information, belonging to the sender, lhat Is legally privileged. The Information Is Intended only for the use of the Individual or entily named above. If you am not Iha Intended recipient, you are hereby noOfied that any disclosure, copying, distrlbution or the laking of any actiollin reliance On the con1ents of the this Information Is strictly prohibited. If you have received this telecopy In error, Plea.so noUIY US by telephone immediately to arrange for the return of the original document to us. Fax Sent By: _~="",,:..::.IQ,---_____ Time: xll_\!.:\'Z-::..-__ Date: 1-I!I-01. G:IuseM1nnonlTony'srax fonn.do<: 07/09/2003 10:13 FAX 2148710757 HUITI'-ZOLLARS DALLAS Ig] 002 FUTURE DEVBLOPMBNT LAT. 'L -9' \. 18" RCP . .1.. I , -101"'. oS .' . _(. ~. 1. ---. ""', I',. I . -------j-.--------~ --fiE:€;--'-------- ----. .-.---t---~-.-.-----. .. -----!-~-·---------·-·-·t·-·---·-·-·---·-·-·---·-·-----.---.-. ----------------. ,. N . , I I __LI _____ ." .~.. OJ '7 5.87' RT. PMENT I 7+40 LINE 'L/= 0+00 LAT. /L-9'= PAV. STA. 20+42.41; 7' LT. 60" FACT. WYE r\fitm\":l??(\\'l??OrHwi(\1 nnn .1111 no ?M~ 1n'1(\'M ----------07/09/2003 10:14 FAX 2148710757 HUITI'-ZOLLARS DALLAS !gJ 003 ~~';'"-'~='~~=c,~··=·-·=··"':-i~··=-·=··. , I .1 I I ---,I--I TR. I ..... ....'P , . -1::-A-hLf:: Y 18" RC , . 5+95 LINE 'L'= 0+00 LAT. 'L-7'= PAV. STA. 18+97.59; 7' LT. 60· FACT. WYE 6+19 LINE 'L'= 0+00 LAT.'L-8'= PAV. STA. 19+21.70; 7' LT. 600 FACT. WYE LAT.'L-8A' . 18" RCP ~= m ____ --' m.___ d .•., ... d.... . ." ............m ....:••.... -..... -.. dn.........~:,;.... _--.d·---i .1. ';'l': "l'.J. ~I;,~-.~ ~""""~~~~I"'FI'~;,;;~.-,~:-'TCo ~:r 112.. .---....--~c;;~--.---ilJr-="! __.. /~~ ..--..---.---...-.----.... -... d· __ :' ;etC .~v:~~ : BARBED ';J IRE '-_.'''---0.+-'-:I'~-~;.X-----r=-'.-----.-----.-.---:') ~ ~. .0+50 LAT. 'L-8': PAV. STA. 19+46.44; 35.87' RT END & PLUG 21" RCP 0+24 LAT. 'L-7'= PAV. STA. 19+09; 13.5' RT. CONST. 6' INLET TC 612.79 ec...x. C. \ \........., FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FL 608.79 "tL "L1..S'\ f<... 6O~.S,\ I t \ \ \ \ SPECTRUM DRIVE DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 7 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 3.5343 acres of land platted as Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of Tract I described in instrument to CMA LAND, L.L.c., a Georgia limited liability company as recorded in Volume 2002176, Page 13545 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and re-filed in Volume 2003029, Page 0078! of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said Millennium Phase II, said point being on the southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (100 foot wide right-of-way at this point, hcreinafter called "DART right-of-way" as recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), from which a 112 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 ofthe Decd Records of Dallas County, Texas bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 22.00 feet; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 677.00 fect to a point for a corner; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 0 I second East departing the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds West parallel with the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 699.15 feet to a point for a comer on a westerly line of said Millennium Phase II from which a 112 inch iron rod found for a westerly comer of said Millennium Phase II bears South 34 degrees 20 minutes 27 seconds West at a distance of 11.78 feet, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 2 degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 26.75 foot chord bearing North 32 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds East; THENCE northerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 26.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.2369 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 10f2 ----------\. , LOT 1 BLOCK B ",S'0?1" LOT '. BLOCK B LOT 1 BLOCK B '<-~?\O ~'<-~\)\\ ?".\;,9 ...'0 ~'<-~ ~O\..·9\ 0 O~\..v· -If! QlIi: bi'e;:, o~/ficJ ~ 2'24'36" R= 636.00' L= 26.75' CB= N 32'38'26"E. 26.75' 3.4' UTILITY EASEMENT ~ -.,u._ " VOt.20001JJ PG.DO022 PARCEL 7 0.2369 AC. II MILLENNIUM PHASE II VOL.98221 PG.00022 MILLENNIUM PHASE I VOL.98221 9::1/-.. ~f MILLENNIUM PHASE III VOL.98231. PG.00022 ole VOL.99114. PG.00009 I I I I VOL.82005 PG.2784 TOWN OF ADDISON VOL.93243 PG.6422 "MAG" NAIL SET IN CONCRETE "MAG" NAIL SET IN CONCRETE /"X. CUT SET IN CONCRETE ////IS' ORAINAGE it. UTILrtY ES'....T.,....,.... ,...."'" ... VOL800D5 PG.17X: /__ VOL82005 PG.27B4 ,....,..--?-~ ,...5/S" IRS---............. .... -• ,..../~ ~ TRACT 2 CMA LAND. L.L.C. VOL.2002176 PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.00781 """~ ------_ -\:::ToWN OF _ --VOL.98182 PG.5234 /--. TOWN OF VOL.98140 --------",\s~\o" .N ~co o?Y..'<-' ' \) S 23'15'01" '"'" '" 15.00' E ~ '" '" '" '" '" ~ ",,"( 20' FIRElANE it. WATER EASEMENT VOL98221 PG.00022 TRACT 1 CMA CMA LAND, L.L.C. VOL.2002176 PG.'3545 VOL.2003029 PG.OO78' ADDISON ADDISON PG.5~§...!---__ I" ---.............. ....... ....... /////////.,..//I //./////MEPC 0.& I. INC. ....... ....... /VOL.98140 PG.5687 //I //....... t ///I .,.-.//1 ////I TRACT 4 (CORRECTION DEED) (VOL88109 PG.I723) /1 15' ORAltWJE it. VTILITYIESt.4i. VOL80005 PG.1768 MEPC IQUORUM PROPERT1ES II INC. PAGE 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on July 10, 2003 and that the metes and baunds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~~~:L~ll:~~__ Eric 3.~OUdYI Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texos No. 4862 HUIlT-ZOUAR5 SPECTRUM DRIVE TRACT 3 MEPC QUORUM PROPERT1ES II IN VOL.87186 PG.3028 ~~PG.~J) LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollors yellow plostic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this tract. o 100 200 ~ .... ••••• I SCALE:l "=1 00' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for an the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition ta the Town af Addison. Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153, Poge 00015, Deed Records, Delles County, Texes. Prepered For. TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 HuItI-ZoI1ar8. Inc. Dalaa 3131 McKlrney AVer'" LOO~ 0 5 2 084. 9 8 heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Warrant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways and other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's reasonable approval of the location and extent of same. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: As an inducement to execute and deliver this Deed, Grantee agrees, represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use of public right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. (b) No additional assessments or fees for this Project in excess of those established prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "this Project" means the Spectrmn Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town of Addison 2000 Bond Program. (c) The Property is part of a lot governed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9, 1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development site for purposes of measuring or calculating lot area, setbacks, permissible floor area ratio, landscape area, sign placement or for the application of any and all other applicable development or zoning regulations. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town ofAddison. Correction SpeciaJ Warranty Deed (pa~~ ~ & SA Spectrum Drin) -Page 2 200~ 0 5 2 0 8 4 9 9 (b) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property ofGrantor by virtue of Grantee's use ofthe Property. (c) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the pluraL NOTE CONCERNING CORRECTION: This deed is made as a correction deed in substitution of the deed titled "Town of Addison Special Warranty Deed" dated November 14, 2003, and recorded in Volume 2003236, Page 00027 of the real property records of Dallas County, Texas ("Corrected Deed"), to correct the fo Howing incorrect information: the property description contained in the body of the deed referenced only the field note description and survey depiction for Parcel SA, when it should have referenced field note descriptions and survey depictions for both Parcels 5 and SA. In addition, the exhibits to the deed were not marked as Exhibits A and B, as referenced in the body ofthe deed. Other than these stated corrections, this deed is intended to restate in all respects the Corrected Deed, and the effective date of this correction deed relates back to the effective date of the Corrected Deed. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. GRANTOR: GRANTEE: POST SERVICES, INC. TOWN OF ADDISON a Georgia Corporation a Texas Municipal Corporation By-;-' ~W~ ROi~ead City Manager Corredion Special Warranty Deed (pareeIs 5 & SA Spectrum Dr~ve~ -Page 3 2UO~ nS? nQ r:; n n STATE OF GEORGIA § COUNTYOFFULTON § ~~~;~~:B~~~fr;-~~ 2004, personally appeared l. , the Wldersigned notary public in and for ~sd aCO'Wlty ang state, on this _ tV· ~ , . on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a G gia corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal ofoffice the day and year last above written. bJ. { Public in and for the State of Georgia MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [S EAL] STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said COWlty and state, on this 11th day of MM!..fJ;t-,2004, personally appeared Ron Whitehead, City Manager for the Town of Addison, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: CJt:j,..Z-z~o5" [S ~AL] :' e~···:~J· MICHELE L. COVINO • • NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF TEXAS ~~ IK{ COMMISSION EXPIRES 09-22·2005 Correetion Special Warranty Deed (parcels S & SA Spectrum Drive) -P age~. __ .. _.,,,"ss 200~ 052 0 B 50 I EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Quonun East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5(8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quonun East Addition, said point being the northwest corner of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along lhe westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5(8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of 334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West depa."1ing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of3 J:\Survey\3220\OJlwp\SPEC_DR15.doc 2no~052 08502 EXHffiITA SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County. Texas and being a portion of that tract ofland described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line ofsaid Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line ofsaid Quorum East Addition a distance of5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of7.l1 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 2 of3 J:\Survey1322010llwpISPEC.DII..swSA.DOC 2oo~052 08503 --NOTE: Improvements were not located for this f;\ARRIS ADDm EXHIBITB POINT OF exhibit ond there may be easements VOL.76017 PC.!067 BEGINNING and other matters of record that may affect this troct. LOT' BLOCK A 5/B' IRS WITH HUlnZOLLARS YELLOW CAP f-. t1-----"I 3i S' . &z ' ci ~ cr'tfl POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL 5A .. ~ o ~ AIRPORT PARKWAY b!~ in )( '''-5/8" iRS , /1/2"'RF '" "' r--f--------~'-~-L~3 /M' /I 5' R.O.W. OEDICAllON BY PLAT (." I VOL-9BODl PC.00033 (' PARCEL 5 ~ I 0.0046 AC. I ~.?a!;liRSOF BEGINNING -PARCEL 5A S 44'30'3S"E 7.11' I I . I ',. 69.65' "-D.W. • , , I I '-l ~ '\ EASEMENT ~ S' SlOEWALK 00367 IIC.) ____ _ ........ 0:: I (PARCEL SA -• __ II e 0 'J'?I QUORUM ElI.ST ..., '3 ~ ADDITION U'l::::i I ·0 :l .d., A '0 VOL-geOO' PC.00033 gl'a; g, e: 10 I ~ 15851 DALLAS NORTH .... 0::0 PARKWAY ADDITION POST SERVICES, INC. "'::l 0-UJ VOL.96060 PC.03404 I w '" -0VDL.85021 PC.ISS6 ~ ~ O·(/) .~'", N N_\ UTAH STATE REllREMENT p I INVESTMENT FUNO , '?-~! ~ \'" U> ~'('> ~ g g ij-o I VOL. 96003 PC.196B o ~ ~ \ :z U) 5~ oC> ,,0.. '3 '\ ' I ~8 . \\'\ . ]>.~ G, LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S 00" 08' 23" W 20,01\1' L2 L3 N 44' 30' 38'W S 89'09'39"[ 28,46' 20,00' ~~ • ~I10' TEXIIS POWER I JJ,? I .(0 I ~~ o· I "'..... .,,-'",:"" I 1/2" IR~ WITH I:D 5/5' IR~ WiTH POWEU a: POWEll. 0 HUm-ZOLLARS I I ..=-YELLOW eN' Y-CIIP N S9'04'S4"W 5.00'3. /if ______ l~ ___ I .------I PAGE 3 OF 3 This Is to certify that Ihe above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and Ihat the mele. and bounds sh"wn thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. j':p)~i., __= = ________ Erin J. 'YQhoudy, Registered Professional Land SUlveyor. Te.os No. 4862 LEGEND IRS '" Iron Rod Set with Huiit-ZoIlors yellow plastic cop IRF '" Iron Rod found o 50 ~ .... ••••• 100 I SCALE:1"""50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found os coiled tor an the amended plot of Addison Circle Phas. II, on addition to the Town of Addison. Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000103, Poge 00015, Deed Record., Dollos County. Texos. I --I 'I Prepared rot: TOWN Of ADDISON I SPECTRUM DRIVE 16801 Westgrow Dr,. Addlaon. TX 7~ W[f..zouA~ RIGtlT-OF'-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO, 5 I 313I1.Ic:Kmoy A_&ile eoo &: SIDEW}.Ui EASEMENT CaIu. T_7$204-24l1li OWNER: POST SERVICES, INC. 'j I/I'!lone (214) B7I-33I1 Fax (214) 87K17S1 TOWNOF' AIJDISON, '7EXAS AREA: 0,0046 AC, DAlE: l1iOS/2002 . . . AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ANGELA K. WASHINGTON CoWLES & THOMPSON, P.e. 901 MAIN STREET, SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TX 75202 ...., . =C=' . .z:-' 0 C.J1 N • 0 0) CJ1 0 CJ1 FILED AND RECORDED omCI,~L PUBLIC RECORDS 04 MAR I 7 PH 3: 4a l Steve Chutchian From: Brad Penn [bpenn@jdanielsassociates.comj Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 1:37 PM To: steve Chutchian Subject: Fw: Madison Steve, FYI ~ .. ~ ....... ~ ..... -----Original Message From: "Kim Hiebert" To: Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 10:48 AM Subject: Fw: Madison > Brad, > > FYI this is the most recent correspondence I've had with my contact in Utah > for the Addison property in case you need to keep them updated. Of course I > will continue to follow up on this. > > Kim > > > -----Original Message ----> From: "Reed Goodwin" > To: > Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 9:46 AM > Subject: FW: Madison > > > Kim, > > Per our conversation, below is the email chain I had with Utah > Retirement the last few days. I followed this up with a call to him and > he indicated that their closing on a San Francisco property yesterday > has kept them all busy for the last 2 weeks and unavailable to meet. > I'll keep you posted and let you know as soon as I hear back from them. > > Thanks, > > Reed > > ~----Original Message----> From: Michael.Maires@urs.org [mailto:Michael.Maires@urs.org] > Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:38 AM > To: Reed Goodwin > Subject: Re: Madison > > > Reed, > > That meeting will probably be held next week. > > Mike. > > > > 1--------+---------------------------------> > I I "Reed GoodwinII I 1 > 1 1 tners . com> 1 > 1 1 > 1 07/10/2003 09:30 AM I > I 1 > 1--------+---------------------------------> > > >------------------------------------------------------------- ---------> -----------------------------------1 > 1 > I > To: > 1 > cc: > I > Subject: Madison > > > >----------------------------------------------------------------------> -----------------------------------1 > > > > > Mike, > > Has the investment committee discussed the sale of the portion of the > Madison land yet? Any news? > > Thanks, > > Reed Goodwin > Asset Manager > rgoodwin@cottonwoodpartners.com > Phone: (801) 365-6252 > Fax: (801) 365-6201 > > 2 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____day of_________, 2003 TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~~_~~~~~~~~ General Partner of TexOK Properties, L.P. By _____________ PrintName ______________ Title _______________ Sidewalk Eascmcnl-Parcel3A Spectrum Drive Page 1 DocumcnI fl.: 1031474 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K" WASHINGTON 214.612..2144 AWASHINGTON@COWlESTHOMPSON,COM May 6, 2004 Ms, Carmen Moran City Secretary Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Parcels S and SA, Spectrum Drive Right-or-Way Project Dear Carmen: Enclosed for the Town's file is the original recorded Correction Special Warranty Deed for the above-referenced property. I have forwarded a copy to Dayna Boone with Post Services. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, (~j(J(/~ Angela K. Washington AKW/yjr Enclosure c(wlEnc.): Mr. Steve Chutchian (w/oEnc.) Mr. Kenneth C. Dippel 901 MAUl STREET SUJT£, 400a DALLAS, TEXAS 75202·,37'13 D ALL A S 1" Y l E R TEL 214.672,2000 FAX 214.612.2020 COWLES &THOMPSOK ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K.. WASHiNGTON 214.612,2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM May 6, 2004 Ms. Dayna Boone Legal Assistant Post Properties, Inc. One Riverside 4401 Northside Parkway, Suite 800 Atlanta, GA30327 RE: Parcels S and SA, Spectrum Drive Right-oC-Way Project Dear Dayna: Enclosed is a copy of the recorded Correction Special Warranty Deed for the above-referenced property. Ifyou have any questions, please give me a call. ..~J{. rrj},,?---o/, Angela K. Washington AKW/yjr Enclosure e(w/o Ene.) Ms. Carmen Moran, wlTown ofAddison (w/oEne.) Mr. Steve Chutehian, wlTown of Addison (w/o Ene.) Mr. Ken l Dippel, w/firm 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75.202';3:793 DALLAS T Y L E R TEL 214.072.2000 FAX 214 672,2020 D:x:Umef!f' 1106241 WWW.COWI.ESTHOMF$ON.COM 2802739 After Retmlliing Reture,TIj4: Deed Angela ier:w!!shington STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON CORRECTION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED EFFECTIVE DATE: November 14,2003 GRANTOR: Post Services, Inc. One Riverside 4401 Northside Parkway, Suite 800 Atlanta, Georgia 30327 GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($\.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. (3) Representations and warranties of Grantee provided herein. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Descriptions for Parcels 5 and SA) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction for Parcels 5 and SA) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property (subject to the Reservations from Conveyance described herein), together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's Correction Spedal Warranty Deed (parcels 5 & SA Spectrum Drive) -P age 1 """..,,' I."'" ZOO~ 0 5 2 08 4 9 8 heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Warrant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways and other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's reasonable approval of the location and extent of same. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: As an inducement to execute and deliver this Deed, Grantee agrees, represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use of public right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. (b) No additional assessments or fees for this Project in excess of those established prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "this Project" means the Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town of Addison 2000 Bond Program. (c) The Property is part of a lot governed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9, 1991. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development site for purposes of measuring or calculating lot area, setbacks, permissible floor area ratio, landscapp area, sign placement or for the application of any and all other applicable development or ZOP;llg regulations. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. Correction Special Warranty Deed (par,c~l$ ~ & SA Spectrum Drlve)-P a.ge 2 Docurroent II: ]093955 zoo~ 0 5 2 0 8 4 9 9 (b) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use ofthe Property. (c) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. NOTE CONCERNING CORRECTION: This deed is made as a correction deed in substitution of the deed titled "Town of Addison Special Warranty Deed" dated November 14, 2003, and recorded in Volume 2003236, Page 00027 of the real property records of Dallas County, Texas ("Corrected Deed"), to correct the foHowing incorrect information: the property description contained in the body of the deed referenced only the field note description and survey depiction for Parcel 5A, when it should have referenced field note descriptions and survey depictions for both Parcels 5 and 5A. In addition, the exhibits to the deed were not marked as Exhibits A and B, as referenced in the body of the deed. Other than these stated corrections, this deed is intended to restate in all respects the Corrected Deed, and the effective date ofthis correction deed relates back to the effective date of the Corrected Deed. EXECUTED effective as ofthe day first written above. GRANTOR: GRANTEE: POST SERVICES, INC. TOWN OF ADDISON a Georgia Corporation a Texas Municipal Corporation By: K W~ R~ead City Manager Correction Special Warranty Deed (Parcels 5 &. SA Spectrum Drive) -Page 3 2DO~052 08500 STATE OF GEORGIA § COUNTY OF FULTON § BEFORE , the undersigned notary public in and for s~d county and state, on this It+L day.i>f Utc~ ,2004, personally appeared U-kVIA:.-1 it"· r!..t-Iu..(L , ALf e.u::t.L-"'-L. ~I!L . on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a GeOfgia corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. \JL . L Public in and for the State of Georgia MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § . BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this 11<:I, day of /vJiiil..r , 2004, personally appeared Ron Whitehead, City Manager for the Town of Addison, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] .... '-<\ MICHELE L COVINO l'~'i NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF TEXAS ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 011-22·2005 Correction Sputa! Warranty Deed (parcels 5 & SA Spectrum Drive) -P age ~~ ~ ~ . ""-,,, 10"'" 200~ 0 5 2 () 8 5 0 I EXHmITA SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat ofsaid Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract of land to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of 334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West departing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right-of-way line ofAirport Parkway; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of3 J:lSurvey\3220\Ol\wpISPEC.DR]S.doc ZDD4 0 5 2 0 8 5 0 2 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482. Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quonnn East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion ofiliat tract ofland described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 ofthe Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quonnn East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line ofsaid Quonnn East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quonnn East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quonnn East Addition a distance of 339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of7.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 9:{)387 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page Page 2 of3 zun~052 08503 HARRIS ADDITI VOL.78017 pC.IOS7 LOT I BLOCK A EXHIBITS POINT OF BEGINNING 5/8" IRS Wl7H HUlTTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit ond there may be easements and other motters of record that moy affect this tract f-l -f--"'I~ >:Is .c;i I!~ POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL SA AtRPO,\T PARKWAY ~I! ~ 5/8" IRS I' /1/2.'.' '" ,'" I--+-------7iiiJI""~ L3 1/~/5' R,O.W. OEoICAll0N BY PLAT ~ (.., /1 VOL.98001 PG.OOOll ( PARCEL 5 ~ 0.0046 AC, II ~YJ!:I;RSOF BEGINNING -PARCEL SA S 44'30'3S"E 7.'" ! I I i) :N I!.. 6965' ••OW, • I I I I i 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT ,I 1.(PARCEL 5A -0.Ol87 ~C.) ~ I -il!: I \)1t QUORUM EAST 'S ~ (/):::& ADDITION ~ file o 0:::1 b. ~ VOL.9800! PC.OOOll :\ " ~ 15e: il : '" 15851 DALLAS NORTH ... ct:() POST S£R\ 'f\ ~'" ",8 ~ \ z -0 '2> "\, I~ ~ls! .~ \58 ~, I ; jig: J>.~ I I 10' TEXAS POWER /I/: G, g~ UGHT CO. EASEMENT VOL.85021 PG.1686 -' I 0 l.f) LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE , L1 S 00' 08' 23' W 20,Olt' L2 N 44'30' 38'W 28.46' L3 S 89' 09' 39" E 20,00' I I I CO 0 C'oJ l.f) i! 5/8" 1/2' IRF WITH I., WITH I .0,. ,.. HUITT-ZOLLARS I ~Wtll " POWEll .,== : .,..., N BS1l4'54"W 5,CO'}. /YELLOW CAP \!y -------II ~---------~P~3~3 This is ta certify that the obove survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds sh".." thereon ore true ond correet to the best of my knowledge, 5-_f:\'::1L; ___ Erie J~~OIIdY. Registered Ptofes.ional lond SUtveyot. Texas No, 4862 SPECTRUM DRIVE LI}1[LI~ RIGHT-Of'-WAY EXHIBIT 3131 ~A_, &Jle eoo 8c SIDEWAll< EASEMENT Cdu. T.... 75204-_ Phonel214lll7Hl3l1 Fu 1214) ~ TOWN OF' ADDISON, TEXAS LEGEND IRS -Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars )"Illow plastic cap IRF = Iton Rod found o 50 100 ••••• ! II III···· SCALE:l"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS; The monuments found as coiled for on the amended pial of Addison Circle Pha.e e II. on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas. 05 recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015. Deed Records, Oollas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN or ADDISON 16801 Wntgrow Dr" AddllOl'l, 'IX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEl NO.5 OWNER: POST SERVICES. INC. AREA: 0.0046 ACo DATE: 11/05/2002 I I AFfER RECORDING RETURN TO: 04 MAR 11 PM 3: 4e ANGELA K. WASHINGTON " . . ~ ._~ :'~.;J..IT BY: TXOOT; 9n4249457; MAR·16·04 15:05; PAGE 2/2 f ~,~!'!.~!!.INC 'm-313-<11:n • """972-513.()825 ~""" 972-513.()661 March 16, 2004 Sieve Chutcbian, P. E. T(lwn of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison. TX 7500 I RI!:; S(lectrullJ Dr. Nor1bi Suuth Extension Bid # 04-0J Dear Mr. Chutchillll: Sile Concrete would like to have our projecllime extended for the f\)lIowing reasons: 1. The original contract'quantitics were not correcl for the sidewalk pavers on the North segment. The original qUlllltity was adjusted from 9574 sflo 25233 sfwhen bids were tabulated. 2. We have had various delays on the South segment. Those delays have been from Mel, Utility Quest, Oncor and Huitt-Zollars. We have been delayed fur; line locates, Jlber optic, overhead lines, de~ign chRnges and fire lane issues. 3. The delays on the SOUlh segment hall" caused delays on the North segment as well. We had to have the storm sewer oomplete on the South ~egment so we could start bringing in the excavation from the North segment. Because of those delays, we are now starting to haul the material from the Nurth to the South. 4. Additional work at the Fire lane at the Millennium Building. Site Concrete, Inc.. hn.~ tried to work around these issues. 8ut, do to the unforeseen clcment~ !Is:rociated with the project, we have no choice but to ask lor more time. Should you have any question please feel free to call me at 972-313-0733. Sincerely, r-~~~__.._ Estimatorll'roject Manager Enclosures COpy: l.uke Jalbert, TOWIl of Addisull Bob KosmiCKi, Site Concrete, Inc. DATE SUBMII lED: March 2, 2004 FOR COUNCIL MEETING: March 9, 2004 Council Agenda Item SUMMARY: This item is for Council approval ofa change order, in the amount of$101,587.00, for the construction ofSpectrum Drive North/South Extension Project. FINANCIALIMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,100,000 Change Order Cost: $101,587.00 Source ofFunds: $2,500,000 from Bond Sale. Remaining amount from Unallocated Bond Fund Proceeds BACKGROUND: The Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project was established as part ofthe Year 2000 General Obligation Bond Program. In December 2003, a construction contract was awarded to Site Concrete, Inc., in the amount of$2,536,979.50, which is approximately $563,000 under the budgeted amount. During the construction of these improvements, Public Works Department staff and the Contractor have identified several necessary field changes. Accordingly, a change order in the total amount of$101,587.00 was prepared and submitted to Council for consideration. This change order is the result ofthe following construction issues: • The design engineer, Huitt-Zollars, Inc., inadvertently omitted pay quantities in the contract proposal for the removal and replacement ofan existing concrete drive and fire lane at the Millenium building site. This work is an integral component ofthe project, and was included in the engineering design. It is necessary because a proposed outfall box culvert storm sewer system must be constructed under the existing drive and fire lane. Staff evaluated the possibility of moving the culvert to either side ofthe concrete drive. However, development plans on the Millenium side include the construction ofa new structural facility that will prevent any encroachment from this project. The box culvert cannot be placed on the other side ofthe drive due to the proximity ofthe DART right-ofway and the location of numerous utility and fiber optic lines. The Conttactor originally designed the drive replacement with 6" reinforced concrete over a lime stabilized subgrade. Equivalent work on other areas ofthis project was bid at $30.00 per square yard for concrete and $2.00 per square yard for lime stabilization, with a total unit cost of$32. 00 per square yard. However, the change order for the drive reflects construction of 8" reinforced concrete over a compacted subgrade at a reduced total unit cost of $28.00 per square yard. • Staff determined the need for changes to the design ofa proposed retaining wall and tree grates, with a total net increase in cost of$17,972.00. A milsap stone fa{:ade will be placed on the originally designed concrete retaining wall. The IronSmith tree grates will be replaced with Neenah tree grates. • Due to the review ofengineering plans and specifications fur the proposed Parkview at Addison Circle Townhome development, adjacent to Spectrum Drive, staff was able to reduce the planned water and sanitary sewer facilities to serve the area. The change order reflects a reduction in total utility installation cost by $6,050.00. It should be noted that the drive and fire lane replacement portion ofthe project must be performed at this time, and is included in the original design plans and specifications. The cost ofperforming these improvements would have been part ofthe original bid package ifthe Engineer had placed the quantities in the proposal. The resulting total construction cost is increased to $2,638,566.50, which remains under the budgeted amount by approximately $461,000. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council approve a change order, in the amount of $101,587.00, for the construction ofthe Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project. SITE CONCRETE. INC. PROPOSAL To: Town of Addison 02124104 16801 Westgrove Dr. Site Job # 23-133 Addison, TX 75001 Addison Bid # 04-113 Attn: Luke Jalbert, Project Manager We propose to furnish all labor, malerials, and equipment necessary to construct, as an independent contractor, the following described worn: LOCATION: Speclrurn Dr. Change Order#l DESCRIPTION Paving quantity that should be in original contract but are not: 1 a" Concrete Removal APPROX. 620 SY @$25.00 SY $15,500.00 2 S" Concrete Pavement (No Urne) APPROX. 620 SY @$28.00 SY $17,360.00 3 Sawcut APPROX. 1,300 LF @$10.00 IF $13,000.00 4 longitudinal Butt Joint APPROX. 1,300 IF @$10.00 IF $13,000.00 5 Remove I Relocate Exis!. Fire Hydrant APPROX. 3 EA @$750.00 EA $2,250.00 6 Remove Exist. Inlet Structures APPROX. 2 EA @$500.00 EA $1,000.00 7 Install 6' Inlet Structures APPROX. 2 EA @$2,000.00 EA $4,000.00 Subtotal Contract Paving: $66,110.00 Paving for additional side of Fire Lane: 1 6" Concrete Removal APPROX. 935 SY @$25.00 SY $23,375.00 2 S" S" Concrete Pavement (No lime) APPROX. 935 SY @S2B.ooSY $26,180.00 Subtotal Millenium Paving: $49,555.00 Deducts for doing Complete Fire Lane 1 Sawcut APPROX. 1,300 IF @-$10.00 IF -$13,000.00 2 longitudinal Butt Joint APPROX. 1,300 IF @-$10.00 IF -$13,000.00 Subtotal Fire Lane Deducts: -$26,000.00 Deduct for Water Changes: 1 S" crog Water Une APPROX. 100 IF @-$17.00 IF -$1,700.00 2 S"Valves APPROX. 4 EA @-$675.00 EA ·$2,700.00 3 Oi Fittings (substitute Tees for Crosses) APPROX. 0.25 TON @-$3,500.00 TON -$675.00 Subtotal Deduct Water; -$5,275.00 Deduct for Sanitary Changes: 1 6"SOR APPROX. 400 IF @-$15.00 IF -$6,000.00 2 6· Double Cleanout APPROX. 9 EA @-$350.00 EA -$3,150.00 Subtotal Deduct Sanitary: -$9,150.00 Deduct IronSmlth Tree Grates: 1 60" Sq Tree Grates APPROX. 34 EA @-$1,200.00 EA -$40,800.00 Subtotal Deduct Tree Grates: -$40,800.00 Add Water: 1 S" x 8" Tapping Sleeve wI Valve Ass. APPROX. 1 EA @$2,500.00 EA $2,500.00 2 Cone. Blocking APPROX. 5 CY @$175.00 CY $S75.00 3 12" x 12"x S"Teewl 12" Cap APPROX. 1 EA @$500.00 EA $500.00 Subtotal Add Sanitary: $3,875.00 Page1of2 Add Sanitary: 1 4' Man Hole 2 S"SDR 3 S"Caps APPROX. APPROX. APPROX. 1 125 4 EA LF EA @@@Subt $2.000.00 EA $16.00 LF $125.00 EA otal Add Sanitary: $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $500.00 $4,500.00 Add Ret;llnlng Wall: 1 Milsap Stone APPROX. 1,009 SF @$8.00 SF $8,072,00 Subtotal Add Retaining Wall: $8,072.00 Add NEENAH Tree Grates: 1 50" Sq T rea Grates APPROX. 39 EA @$1,300.00 EA $50,700,00 Subtotal Add Tree Grates: $50,700.00 Total Change for Change Order #1 :1 $101,587.001 Note: If complete Fire Lane is chosen. Site Concrete. Inc will Remove and! or Replace the Curb along our Removal Area next to the Rail Road at no additional cost to the Town of Addsion. . ACCEPTED: BY: DATE: __________________________ BANK REF: SITE CONCRETE. INC. 3340 ROY ORR BOULEVARD GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 75050-4207 972-313-0733 FAX #972-513-0825 ESTIMATING FAX #972-513-0681 Page2of2 COWLES &THOMPSON A Pr~fessional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHiNG i UN 214.672..2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM February 18,2004 Ms. Dayna Boone Legal Assistant Post Properties, Inc. One Riverside 4401 Northside Parkway, Suite 800 Atlanta, GA 30327 RE: Correction Special Warranty Deed for Parcels S and SA, Spectrum Drive Right-or-Way Project Dear Dayna: As we discussed, enclosed is the Correction Special Warranty Deed for Parcels 5 and 5A, Town of Addison Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project. As you will note, in addition to the correction to the property description contained in the body of the deed, I am also providing marked exhibits, as a referenced in the deed. Please have the document executed by the appropriate party and return it directly to me. I will then secure the signature of the City Manager and have the document filed in the real property records of Dallas County. After it is retumed by the County, ] will forward to you a copy ofthe file-marked instrument. If you have any questions, please give me a calL Sincerely, .)c1f+V Y\/YJ~ Angela K. washingt~ 8j (/AKW/yjr Enclosures c(wlEnc1osures): Ms. Carmen Moran, w/Town ofAddison Mr. Mike Murphy, wlTown ofAddison Mr. Steve Chutchian, w/Town of Addison (w/o Enclosures) Mr. Ken C. Dippel, w/frrrn qOl MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS J5202~371}3 D ALL A S T Y L E R TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 Document It, 1Q9399S WWW.COWL.ESTHOMPSON.COM After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.c. STATE OF TEXAS § 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 § Dallas, Texas 75202 COUNTY OF DALLAS § TOWN OF ADDISON CORRECTION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED EFFECTIVE DATE: November 14,2003 GRANTOR: Post Services, Inc. One Riverside 4401 Northside Parkway, Suite 800 Atlanta, Georgia 30327 GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (DaUas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (I) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. (3) Representations and warranties of Grantee provided herein. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Descriptions for Parcels 5 and 5A) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction for Parcels 5 and 5A) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property (subject to the Reservations from Conveyance described herein), together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's Correction Special Warranty Deed (Parcels 5 '" SA Spectrum Drive)-Page] heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Warrant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways and other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's reasonable approval ofthe location and extent of same. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: As an inducement to execute and deliver this Deed, Grantee agrees, represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use of public right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. (b) No additional assessments or fees for this Project in excess of those established prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "this Project" means the Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town ofAddison 2000 Bond Program. (c) The Property is part of a lot governed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9, 1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development site for purposes of measuring or calculating lot area, setbacks, permissible floor area ratio, landscape area, sign placement or for the application of any and all other applicable development or zoning regulations. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. Correction Special Warranty Deed (parcels 5 & SA Spectrum Drive) -Page 2 i:«urnenl it" I0939~S (b) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtne of Grantee's use ofthe Property. (c) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. NOTE CONCERNING CORRECTION: This deed is made as a correction deed in substitution of the deed titled "Town of Addison Special Warranty Deed" ("Corrected Deed") dated November 14, 2003, and recorded in Volume 2003236, Page 00027 of the real property records of Dallas County, Texas, to correct the following incorrect information: the property description contained in the body of the deed referenced only the field note description and survey depiction for Parcel SA, when it should have referenced field note descriptions and survey depictions for both Parcels S and SA. In addition, the exhibits to the deed were not marked as Exhibits A and B, as referenced in the body ofthe deed. Other than these stated corrections, this deed is intended to restate in all respects the Corrected Deed, and the effective date of this correction deed relates back to the effective date of the Corrected Deed. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. GRANTOR: GRANTEE: POST SERVICES, INC. a Georgia Corporation TOWN OF ADDISON a Texas Municipal Corporation By: Print Name: Print Title: By: Ron Whitehead City Manager Correction Special Warranty Deed (Parcels 5: & SA Spectrum Drive)-P age 3 [)ocllll"l'lnt II: IM19JS STATE OF GEORGIA § COUNTY OF FULTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2004, personally appeared _--=-_-:-___-;--__ on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a Georgia corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instnunent, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed $e instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Georgia MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this -=----::--:: day of , 2004; personally appeared Ron Whitehead, City Manager for the Town of Addison, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf ofwhich he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand-and seal ofoffice the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Correction Special Warranty Deed (partels 5 & SA Spectrum Drive) -Page 4 Docwncnl fI: 109395,. ExmBITA SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCELS BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion ofQuorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat ofsaid Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line ofsaid Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West at a distance of334.90 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds West departing said westerly line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 28.46 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the said southerly right-of-way line ofAirport Parkway; TIIENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the southerly right-of-way line of said Airport Parkway a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0,0046 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of3 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL5A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition' to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 ofthe Deed Records ofDalIas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Hultt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records ofDalIas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line ofsaid Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 7.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page 2 of3 ~~--~ ------~ -NOTE'.: Improvements were not located for this HARRIS ADDITION EXHIBITB POINT OF exhibit and there may be easements , VDL,78017 PO.l0S7 ond other motters of record thot may " BEGINNING offect this troet. LOT 1 BLOCK A 5/8" IRS WITH HUITTZOLl..ARS ytLLOW CAP f---t--t---",1~ I " o' lil"~ POINT OF' COMMENCING -PARCEL 5A r:t:IVl ~ '" AIRPORT PARKWAY C!i~ . " ,0 I~ :;: 1<; \j2"'fRr ~ '" 5/B" IRS /' I-+ ......~. ll~ . I 5' RO.W. OEDICATION BY PLAT (';>1' I VOL.9BOOl PG.00033 (' PARCEL 5 ~ I 0,0046 AC, I ~t'iRSOF' BEGINNING -P"RCEl 5" 5 44"30'38"E 7.'" I I I I!. 6'.65' ••C.W. "I II '-l ~ '\ EASElottNT, ~ I (5P' ASRlOCEE LW A5LAK -0.0387 AC./~ _ CI fa \)?I s 1QUORUM EAST (/):::& I ADDITION 0;:) "ct? l>. '0 'b"o a.. a:: VOL.9BOOl 1'0.00033 '" '" 0 F I 15851 DALLAS NORTH POST SERVICES, INC. ~I ~ g: ~ PARKWAY ADDITION ~ VOL.9BOSO PG.03404 w 11: -a.. r-I VOL85021 pC.le8S I") "" "" 0 ,(/) ~ I UTAH STATE RETIREMENT C) ~I!"~ \'g ~ '" gP I INVESTMENT FUNO ~ ~ VOL96003 PO.19SB 0 u ~ \ S z '" I s '\, SIll ,,-N N II °8 I ~. ]>.<0 ig; 10' TEXAS POWER IIlSlTY p(;F P£RCtNf e01.4pAI!:TION COMMeNT' 1 02/03104 FG·9.5 2 23.0 96.5 26.2 95 99 I-A 2 02l(}3104 FG·9.0 2 23.Q 96.5 24.4 94 91 I·A 3 02103104 FCH.5 2 23.0 86.5 26.1 94 97 1·A I : 4 02103104 FG·6,Q 2. 23.0 9S.S 25.2 94 98 1·A , 5 02103104 FG·?5 2 23.0 9S.5 25.7 94 97 l·A ! 6 1121113/04 FG-7.11 2 23,0 965 24,1 95 9Q l·A 7 02103104 FG-6,5 2 23.0 au 243 95 96 l-A TEST L.OCATION' 1 2 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11-50 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11.50 I ! 3 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 11+50 4 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11..50 I 5 IFRANCHISE CONOUIT UNE AAT STATION 11+50 II FRANCHise CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11.50 7 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 11+50 CC: TOWN OF ADDISON: HUITT·ZOLLARS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1. FILL , A. IN p1.Ace PERCEm ..,OI$TURE 'NO FERce.r COMPACTION COMPLY WITH SPEC."CATIONS i. NATURAlSUPGRAO~ D, PER;GENT COMJ.1ACnON OOGS NOr COMPLY WITH SPEClfl~rIONS t«iGptctfl.l\ly Submittsd 3, lJ~t:: STAEm.tZEO C. PERCEJIoIT IN Pv.ce MOJ5TURE [loes NOT cOMPt-YWITH 6PEGlflCATlONS 4. CEMENTTREATEO O. RETEST AU'l-lA TESTING, INC. Ollr_1 f'ullRilllla 1W~t.aB flO! !kIIDP(TJI1I1r.IO ~!IOIO( tlillJiNtaa.t.OP!wlt! 8WpI')t1 dO~cI. AlPHA 'TM 1I~1f IIro:ll,."t lI!uno 4M qfl 19.,,'16 "'/iiI! r'e'~a \iVr..,w1On fOpo'o!fal Tnt flltlljlt.f,\1 't"1U ~Ollly 10 tf'\o DOTJiPl¢' 1'W01I4'lllhl( Qtl~ill'lltll',,ar.d.If ItOI f/\!t\Yl1JB ~ ilia qUIII'llOl 01 appulfIiJ J4IInlicQl ~ ti!fl~'( IlllKjlnJl1&. Geotechnical EnOillilering • Cons/Cons/Nln St" StJIIg 100 CtaIIas. TSllas 75229 ~12162fHj911 -~72/26J4f1J7 (M8tlO) FAX: 97214Otr8D23 rESTED FOR: SITE CONCRETE, INC. GRANO PRAIRIE, TEXAS DATe::: 02103/04 ReVISED: 2/13104 PROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION ....DO!SON. TEKAS OUR REPORT NO.! 04007...a TEST DATA: TEST NO. CATe D~EPTH . SOIL 10 NUMBER Of>T,lfduM f,101srlJltl! ~ MAXIMUM lAB , OAvOENSlh , PC' /II"""'f MOISliJ~E ~ lNPI,.,\Ce ,M,'I"Oe'NS'1TY pC/' PEiIiICEtlT CQWP4CrCrr.l COUIA",.,.. 15 02103104 FG-25 2 23.0 96.S 25.7 94 97 I-A 16 02103104 FG-20 2 23.0 96.5 25.1 95 SB I-A 17 02103104 FG-l.S 2 23.0 96.5 24.6 94 SS l·A 18 0210:1104 FG·l.0 2 23.0 965 25.6 95 98 I-A i 19 02103104 Fe'-a.;; 2 23.0 96.5 26.3 94 B7 I-A 20 02103104 Fe> 2 23.0 96.5 25.6 94 97 I-A TEST LOCATION' i 15 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+50 16 fRANCHIS!! CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+50 17 FRANCHise CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 11+50 18 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11+60 19 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE AAT STATION 11..50 20 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 11-_50 cc: TOWN OF ADOISON; HUITI-ZOLlARS CONSULTING ENGINEERS " Fill.-• A. IN t!il.o\CE ~!!flCENT MQISTUAeANO PERceNT CC».1P"A.C'l'ION COMPl.Y WITH SPECfr-ICATlQNS 2. NATUflAt SUSGflAOe e, PERCENT COMPACTlON DOES NOT COMPLY wm; SPeClFICA'Tl(JN.$ ~ts"mf\l'y Stll'J;mifted 3. LIME STAlllI-lZl'D C. peACEm IN PLACE MOI$TU!U: DOES NOT COMFItYWIYH SPECIFIC'.AiIONS •. CSIlEI'lTTRI!ATEO D. RETeST ALP.HA TESTING. INC. 0.. iU111l8l.N IIIICI fIIPon. ~ lilt IfI' ~''f. lifO or 1/1. C€IM !Math" "IJ;lIf'llIl#Q I'$CblanllOl'lIlil in \lui wric') 1M '/18111\0( 110 fOflm6..t:QQ ,1'o(Vj\~ 0111!jil",,4 .~'IoILh.~~I'" IIpFtIYQl" .4J..hf4 flit UI! OJ O D. ~E"I'eST ALPHA lESnNG, tNt. OVt .1iil!iOll8ring • Consllning REPORT OF FIELD ~'\ COMPACTION TESTS ALPHA TESTING. INC, 2209 WIsconsin St. Suite 100 OQllQ,!. Tero, '$219 97216ro-1J91 I -972/263·4937 (Metlo) FM: 972/406-NJ23 TESTED FOR: SITE CONCRETE, INC. GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS DATE: 02/03104 REVISED: 2/13/D4 PROJECT; SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTHISOUTH EXTENSION ADDISON, TEXAS OUR REPORT NO.: 04007-5A TEST DATA' l~Sl NO. DAlE D~_PTH . SOn. !t) NUMBER OPTI~UM MO!$Ti,!RE ~ hW(lMl.IlIiIW MVOfNSiT'f I'CF IHPLACa ..aI&l\JAE " IN Pl.AC£ opv pOE,~,,9 1T't' ptRCENT CQhlPAC"nOH COMMENT' 29 02103104 FG-16,5 2 23.0 96.S 245 94 97 j·A 29 021031114 1'!3-16.0 2 23.0 965 25.3 94 96 l-A 30 02103104 1'!3-15.5 2 23.0 96.S 95 99 1-A 31 02lQ3104 1'13-15.0 2 23.0 96.5 26.9 94 97 1-A 32 02103104 FG-145 2 23.0 96,5 : 24.4 94 98 1-A 33 02103104 FG-14.0 2 230 96.5 24,9 94 98 1.A 34 02103104 FG·13.5 2 23.0 96,5 25.5 94 97 1-A TEST LOCATION' 29 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 10+80 2B FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINE A AT STATION 10+80 30 FRANCHISE CONDUIT LINe A AT STATION 10+80 31 FRANCHISE CONDUIT L.INE A AT AT STATION 10+80 32 FRANCHISE CONDUIT I-INE AAT STATION 10+80 33 FRANCHise CONDUIT UNE A AT STATION 10+80 34 FRANCHISE CONDUIT UNE A AT STATION 10+80 ce: TOWN OF ADDISON; HUlTT·ZOLLARS CONSULTlNG ENGINEERS 1. All-• A !N PLACE PERCENT MOI$11JRe ANO PeRCENT COMPA<;TION COMPLY '11111; SPECIFICAnONS ~ NATURALSUaGRADE S. PERCENT COMPACTION DOES NOT COh'IPl.VWITH SPECtFICAnONS RSlIpscrflll1V SYbmlltod •• LIME STABIL!2EO C, P!!'ICeNT IN PLACE MOISTV~E 00.6 NOT COW'-89r r· 972126J·4~37 (Metro) FAX: 9?2/40fHJ023 TESTED FOR: SITE CONCRETe, INC. GAAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS DATE: 02/03104 REVISED; 2113104 PROJECT: SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION ADDISON. TEXAS OUR Rl"POAT NO,: 04007·58 TEST DATA: TES'r $O'~'D OPlIW:\J~ M.M~LAe IN PLACE IN PLACE PERCEN, NO, PATE IOEPT>;~ NUMBel! 1,t!:)lSTLI~!f DRV OA'fSJT'I' f40IsruA£ DRVOE/II$J'Y'!' COMPACTION COMMENT' • I'lf'l hpt'&U .~191111 a1 A\.PaJ,. Tl'!. v~oftM i\l'ItIt &/Id 11. ,..l1l.I" mUlt J'lIc:oV.ro tlXwrlnon iO£IlIlVt•. Teil reau~1 ana ~PQt1f IpP/)' Q/'Ii)' 10 Inp umplU 1'~60 ~nd/!H Gf)50r'fIO .1Id.,.. ~Ol iI\oj~lr..o of Ile quali!iu U ~I5nlc.tI.ot Ilrftl,t l,.mH'lf G8018clmlcolliifll/inlllJrifll/• C : :;) '0 ¥: Bryan Piper EstimatorlProject Manager Enclosures Copy: Jean Boney, President-Site Concrete, Inc. 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225-4211 Haiff Associates, Inc. (214) 346-<5200 Fax (214) 739-0108 ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS • SCIENTISTS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Steven Z, Chutchian, P.E. Asst. City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 DATE: AVO: January 5,2004 21738 FROM: John Howell Email: jhowell@halff.com PROJECT: Spectrum Drive Extension Drainage Project WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ ATTACHED o Under separate cover via __the following: o Shop Drawings o Prints o Plans 0 Drawings 0 Specifications o Copy of letter o Change order ~ Other: See Items Sent THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 Approval as submitted o Resubmit __copies for approval ~ For your use 0 Approved as noted o Submit __copies for distribution ~ As requested 0 Returned for corrections o Return __corrected prints 0 For review/comment 0 Other: ITEMS SENT: Parcel 7 -CMA Land, L.L.C. Original filed Drainage Easement from CMA Land, L.L.C. to Town of Addison. COMMENTS: Steve, If you need anything further with regard to this matter, please advise. Have very much enjoyed working with you on this and look forward to our next project. SIGNED: John Howell COPIES: ~ FILE DOWNER o CONTRACTOR 2646917 D R A I NAG E E A S E MEN T +29%58 $20.00 Oeed 1112+103 G~!I2..G.lA STATE OF 'FEXA1i ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; COUNTYOF~ ~ T~I'£"~LAND, L.L.C., ("Grantor"), a Georgia limited liability comp~pJepresented herein byeg"M>,,( -' its~DI£1..l"'-, duly authorized, of[):; kr.l..6County, T_, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No!IOOths Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to Grantor, in hand paid by the TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS, a municipal corporation ("Grantee"), whose address is 16801 Westgrove, Addison, Texas 7500 I, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has given and granted and by these presents does hereby give and grant unto Grantee the right to enter upon and construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, change, add and/or remove drainage facilities with all necessary appurtenances thereto, over, across, under and through that certain land situated in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town ofAddison, County ofDallas, State of Texas, and being more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Grantor acknowledges that the consideration paid by Grantee is full and final payment for all rights and privileges herein granted. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easement conveyed herein. Grantee shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part ofany buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency ofits system. Grantee shall at all times have the right ofingress and egress to and from and upon any ofsaid easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its system without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. The easement rights and priVileges herein granted shall be perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit ofGrantor and Grantee, respectively and their respective successors and assigns. Grantee's rights hereunder may be assigned in whole or in part to one or more assignees. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights appurtenant thereto unto Grantee, its successors and assigns'k \~ =_ EXECUTED this lSLday of ~.)t)\~~ ,2003. . , CMA LAND, L.L.C., a Georgia ::i.d(}1;t~ 20032 32 04 779 G80~lA STATEOF~ ) COUNTY OF CEtfv:£ )) BEFORE ME, ttv undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E).Y( ofCV'1A LAIIJ t> LJ.L, , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed ofsaid limited liability company. \ I ! " \ GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 1:::t day of p.jNJE ~ , 2003. My commission expires: Notary Public, DeKalb County, Georgia My Commission Expires february 14. 2004 2D032 3 2 04 7 8 0 SPECTRUM DRIVE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ExmBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 7 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 3.5343 acres of land platted as Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of Tract I described in instrument to CMA LAND, L.L.C., a Georgia limited liability company as recorded in Volume 2002176, Page 13545 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and re-filed in Volume 2003029, Page 00781 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said Millennium Phase II, said point being on the southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (100 foot wide right-of-way at this point, hereinafter called "DART right-of-way" as recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), from which a 112 inch iron rod found for the northeast comer of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 22.00 feet; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 677.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 01 second East departing the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds West parallel with the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 699.15 feet to a point for a comer on a westerly line of said Millennium Phase II from which a 112 inch iron rod found for a westerly comer of said Millennium Phase II bears South 34 degrees 20 minutes 27 seconds West at a distance of 11.78 feet, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 2 degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 26.75 foot chord bearing North 32 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds East; THENCE northerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 26.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.2369 ofan acre of land, more or less. 2fr03ZG2 O. U 7 8 ,rage 1 of2 J;ISurvey\32201091wplspee_de_P7. doc ~I' ;" LOT 1 BLOCK B ~o~\","\o(j,", ,<-o'ti-'<-"'" s>\\) "\,<-~,",S~.\;<;lO S 213~~g~91·E ...,..<), LOT 1. 8LOCK 8 LOT 1 BLOCK 8 ~V' ~ <;l\r:fJ'O \)I'lo--.P '>je/-' ;:y. 2'24'36" R636.00' L.. 26.75' ce", N 32'36'26" 26.75' 3.<4" UTIUlY EASEMENT ~". VOL2000133 PG.00022 MILLENNIUM PHASE II VOL.98221 P(;.Q0022 MILLENNIUM PHASE I 20' FIREl..A.N£ 4; -WA.TER EASEMENT VOL98221 PG.OOO22 TRACT 1 CMA LAND. L.LC. VOL.2002176 PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.00781 I -/.~:' bQilef;J;;:, : o~l/it:5 \<. VOL.98221 P~.OO'" O~2 ~~ o. 'i \ i. 'i!>'O TRACT 2 1>eMA LAND. L.L.C. !!:'/I-. /i ll. //" ~ .' g \. Haiff Associates ENGINEERS· ARCHITECTS" SCIENTISTS· PLANNERS· SURVEYORS John Howell 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive· Dallas, Texas 75225-4292 (214) 346·6200 Fax (214) 739·0095 Direct Dial (214) 217·6659 Email: jhOwell@halff.com Website http://www.he\ff.com 972-31:M733 • Fax972-513-O!l2-'\ EstimatingFa~ 972-513-0661 October 7, 2004 . Steve Chutchian, P .E., Project Manager Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Dr. Nortbl South Extension Bid # 04-03 Dear Mr. Chotchian: Per our agreement, the :final chargeable WOIX date fur this project is September 14111, 2004. Our current contract ends on October 8111, 2004. That leaves Site Concrete, Inc. with a bonus of 24 days. In addition, some items will not be complete at the time of acceptance. However, Site Concrete, Inc. will ensure that electrical power is coordinated with all parties involved Site Concrete, Inc. also understands that American Landscape has a few plants that still need to be planted but cannot do to the current season. American Landscape will install these plants at the earliest available time with no additional cost to the Town of Addison. It is further understood that the Railroad Controls are not in my contract, but we will coordinate the final worls: with RCL to provide an opening of the South Side . Exten.qion as soon as possible. Also, all barricades and traffic control devfues will be removed at our expenses with the opening of the South Extension. It shouid also be known that your wammty does not start until October 9th• 2004 per our agreement. Shouid yoU have any further questions regarding this matter or wammty issues please feel :free to call my office. Sincerely, Bryan Piper EstimatorlProject Manager Enclosures Copy: Jean Boney, President-Site Concrete, Inc. 972-313-0133 • Fax 972-513-0825 Estimating Fax 972-51:4)661 October 7, 2004 Steve Chutcbian, P .E., Project Manager Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Dr. Northl South Extension Bid # 04-03 DearMr. Chutchian: Site Concrete, Inc. would like to thank the Town of Addison and its staff in the completion of Spectrum Dr. NortbiSouth Extension. It has been a pleasure to work with everyone involved. Altlwugh there are a few unresolved issues regarding the electrical situation, we believe the Towil has a wonderful product and we are proud to say we were the contractor. Ifthe unforeseen event arises that a warranty claim is needed, please feel free to call my office. Sincerely, ('"?~ Bryan Piper~ EstimatorlProject Manager Enclosures Copy: Jean Boney, President-Site Concrete, Inc. · ~~" { Simulation Fonn Directions: fila newESI tDwfth no pr&Vlous usage hlmHy IS: IlWOlved. fill outtb••»>eadsheet below. lfusage hlstory••Im. wewilL eltber need al...tdterot Authorlzatlol'l to abtaJn the usago hIstory-from the Wires & Pol"Company, Of, /(j~ ~ ~S~.V ~S~V Sfl(aritJUs Slrf'~f J..'jkk \ .[i1t1a/s V Il.~.'?, ~At 6.1 1\ //).9J.<'6 \J DlteCttons: Ifa new ESI fD wllh no p«tvlous tlsage blltory Is Involv"', nil out tho: spreadsheet below. If usage: history exists, we will ellher need a Letter Of Autttorizatlon to obt:aJn the usage blstory frcm the Wires & Pote$ Companv. or, !)airy op..t"ling $c,hedule Com.,.."",nI JoiOllhl19 SY'''''m E!ean'eitVciJriStanliYpoweiitimlnga~ ....!)rop Oawn B.c« UgI\hIll1 Load .Humber. T~. WiiliIr.,Sfi' 4. VI>f!.ilIg4 iliA NlA Hour'S ofOpnrMlO}jl par sttifl" Ml>tl>l Loads· Number, Hf', VolI.,~ NlA NlA Offk,,, Meloroo with Mllm;111c\uImO iV"SfNQi" No InigetIon systIms typicallY dl'a'iiOQIy a feW amps permQn1.h and do I'lOt ~1iMft1. DlrtctlOns! If a new ESlln with ftC) prevloua u$8p hlstMy Is Involved. flU out the spreadshOi!t below. "usage hlstory exists. W&wllI either need a LeUar of Auttlortzatton to obtain: the usage hlstMyfrom the Wlm & POlK C4mjlahy. OF, Dally OpllJ'•---~ -~ ~ => ;::: •E o ".. ro ~-,:. = ~ ~•~ ~ b m ~ TXUGAS ci§9R ~ 4 tl.", OEl/JTeE: 1-8GIl-266-2489 FAX: 1-800-253-9602 . i :~ E-htAIL: dt:yin'pectioil':1i)iIU.COlll CITY OF: Addison""~ ; Ii FROM: Bruce Ellis 3' Se.ef. Z,.oc V 972/450-288~ _____972/450-2837______ NAME DATE PHONE" FAXiI ·.··T···· C R Electric Type lnspector or Inspec~io.n AddreSs . .Builder I Owner ITenan( I Contractor i -. '" and Gas Release Permil #I y 6"' l:etCM Bruce /5889' S~,..J.{f!..VM :r:r/oo -/0"'''' arlAbbt..rIJ) Bruce _. L",";'iiI S'c"'fl e -ift CIJ.HeJ AJf!A.e.A'A. ;.t}/,...-I-G ~~ Bruce V$"8e'? .:5/:;ec.k.,,..,.zr2.0 Q ""7Ow,,", dvt. ,40/0/;:',,-, , Bruce ..: .5'1--. L,,1j:"P-VI:: ;:'eA';1 Bruce 1/5,9'.9'3'5-,-.I-".u;" * /00 -;;;be.J AJ o./l /4J/1.s:'d't, Brnce -' .c~I!7..r(!*"""e-I~.(..~ .PeM!. £PI'./. V-t: /f."".IA 'R~n~" /'$ $'93 ;:j,;,'ic. ~tJ_ ~CO -?:ic...w ~ "idd'-S'~ Bruce -5"':" L/~4h:--y t? /.Z Bruce /;S'" Y9~ .:Uedot:,:,.", #-.,30& ~W..J rJ..t?AIJ,~b:; --_._.Bruce Bruce , .. ....,--~.Ph; ~~I _/c.. " R: I M: p I , 7 l .' ~ • ELECTRIC l'RRMITTYl"ES • GAS PERMIT TYPES T'POLE: TEMPORARY POLE ROUGH·IN PERM: NEW METER SET· EXISTING/NEW SERVlCE MQVEIN (FUlQl rel= (orp[umhing) ClPERM: CONDlTIONALPERMANENT/TEMP FJNAL PERM: EXISTING SER VICE; REPAIRS, LEAKS, TESTS, £lELA YS UPGRADE: REWIRE EX1STINQ SERVICE C/O: CHANGE OF OWNERSHlP.RESI COMMERCIAL ...... _ "....... _,.n:.nr>r" 't CJ.'i' O"lJr"...c;o -n1i'~1'l"\1O'iV"f'1'!t r 'CTl'D\I1C'U • • • HP Laser Jet 3200S8 HP LASERJET 3200 invent SEP-3-2004 12:14PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 864 9/3/2004 12:13:56PM Send 918002539602 0:39 1 OK . ~ i il 1 • 1lii 1~ s i~ "~--~a ~ ~ ~~ h,. , ~'< "\.~'! ~ I ;z H 1; .. 1 ~ "j '1 ' ~ . ~~ ~ \ ,.I~ ~ () g\() ~, ~ ~ ~. 'I ~r~~~ "~ ,I II ~ q r *h Iii r·l ~ 'l • • ~ ~ ,,~ ~ ]' I I ~, ,,,~ · I~ .. ~" ~ I, "l ~ , .~ t~~i'~i .. fI :J: ~ ~ 1Io.l1 £~:~,.l: .a. e. a l I ~" •0 Ii ~ ?'~ td _tv. LIobIlIty lor Site DII... _ Rapid Tranoll EIOI ,"'*'" I 231", ~m 0_ ~Ion Commuter AlII o_ Addloon, T_j P. O. Bo. 8110163 IPOIIoy No. AAP3fI81584 DIII.... T_ 7526&-7210 TIP< C ACORD CORPORATION 1993 Attachmeut to Acord Iusurauce Binder Bo. 002311 dated 12/18/2003 Page Two of Two CONDITIONS This Company binds the klnd(s) 01 insurance stipulated on the reverse side. The Insurance is subject to the tenns. condttlons and IImttation. of the policy(ies) in current use by the Company, This binder may be cancelled by the Insured by surrender of this binder or by written nOlice to the Company stating when cancellation will be effective. This binder may be cancelled by Ihe Company by notice to the Insured in accordance With the policy condRlons. This binder is cancelled when replaced by a policy. If this binder Is not replaced by a policy, the Company Is enlttled to charge a premium for the binder according to the Rules and Rates in use by the Company. Applicable In california When this form Is used to provide Insurance In the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more, the title of the form Is changed from "Insurance Binder" to "Cover Note". Applicable In Delaware The mortgagee or Obligee of any mortgage or othar Instrument given for the purpose of creating a lien on raal proparty shall accept as avidence of insurance a written binder Issued by an authorized insurar or ils agent if the binder includes or is accompanied by: the nama and address of the borrower; tha name and address of the lendar as loss payee; a description of the insured real proparty; a provision that the binder may not be canceled Within the lerm of the binder unless the lender and the insured borrower receive written notice of the cancel· lation at least ten (10) days prior to the cancellation; except in the case of a renewal of a policy subsequenllo Ihe closing of Ihe loan, a paid receipt of the full amount of the applicable premfum, end the amount of insurance coverage. Chapter 21 TItle 25 Paragraph 2119 Applicable In Florida Except for Auto Insurance coverage, no notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of a binder Is required unless the duration of the binder exceeds 60 days. For auto Insurance, the insurer must give 5 days prior notice, unless the binder Is replaced by a policy or another binder In the same company. Applicable In Nevada Any person who refuses to accept a binder which provides coverage of less then $1,000,000.00 when proof is required: (A) Shall be fined nol more lhen $500.00, and (B) Is liable to the party presenting the binder as proof of insurance for aclual damages sustained therefrom, ACORD 75-S (1/98) SECTION PtB PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. SU1004195 STATE OF TEXAS Date Bond Exec:uted: 12/09/2003 :PRINCIPAL: Site Concrete, Inc. Sl.Jl.UITY: Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Comp!I"'nz..y_________ PENAL SUM OF BOND (expno.. in words ami figm1:o); _________________ Two Million Five Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Nine and 50/100 ($2,536,979.50) DATEOFCONTRACT: __1=2ro~9/=2~00~3~____________ KNOW ALL MEN BY TIiESE PRESENTS, tI:1at 010, the PRJNClPAL and SURETY above named, are held flnnIy bound Wllo Town of Addison , h<:reinafte;r calJ.ed tb. OWN.!lR, in the penal .,;m~ the attIOwrt stated above, for the payment ofwhich SUlIl ..,d truly to b. made, we bind our:selves. our heirs, ~, administmtDm Il%IiI suecessCll'$. jointly Il%IiI ......erally. 5.a:aly by these P"""""" THE CONDmONS OF THIS OBUGA1l0N ARE SUCH thal, wh= the l'.RINClPAL mle:reIl do.dns the Ufo of any gIlIIrlmty required \lIlder the Con1r.let, iIld sball .llIo well and truly perfbm\ aocI fulfill all the undortakings, covenants, terms, condition, and agnoemenlS of any and all duly authorized modifications ofsaid Conttact that may b=afb::r be nmde. notice of which modilications of said SURETY being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void. otheIWis. in full fOrce l\Ild effect. IN WITNESS W'HE.REOF, !be above-boUllden parries bay. executed this WtrUttlCl1I UIlder tho:i:r several seals Oll tho: date indicated above, the """'" and corpor.te seal of each c:OIpOIatll party being hereto affixed ancI !hose preseDls duly signed by its uudemgJlOd repr""""tative. purslWl! to a'Utbmity Qf its govem:i.ng body. SEAL -------, B~~-ti~~~~~-L______ Jean • Boney, President Address: 3340 Roy Orr Blvd.. Grand prairie. IX 75050 SEAL Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company ~~~ Michael B. Hill, Attorney-In-Fact Address: 12377 Merit Dr.,DaUas. IX 75251 Title: Secretary (Sl.1n:lY tel Attach Power ofAttoLtl"Y) CERTlFlCATEASTOCO~ORATEPRINCIPAL ":<""'''-I, .~~ retti1Y that I am the secretary of the corporation """,ed as PRINCIPAL in the Within ho"'fg;~ ~~II)~ , who sigoed the .aid bond on behalf of the PlUNCIPAI., is !be ~. ~:-:jd corporation; thai I know his signamn., and his signature thereto is ~e; and thet said beme! was duly sigued, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by nutbority .fita ~gbody, , 0/1 ~ SSCTION Pl'B PAYMBN'IBOND Bond No. SU1004195 STATIl OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Da.. Bo",! ~~ 1210912003 PRrNa?AL: __~S~i~te~C~o~n~cr~e~te~.~ln~c~.______________________________________________ SlJR.ETY: Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company PENAl. SUlvl OF BOND (e::.,....,uti"" of the """"'* provided rot in ..ld C011"""~ and my ""d aU d:uly autborizt..d modifieadollS ofsaid Conttact thai may hereafl'2l: be tnade, notice of which t!lCl<:Iificalions to tbe SURETY being hereby'MUved, thBn this obligation to be 'I'Oid, o~te mm:in in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHElUlOF, the abov.-bo~ parties ha~e ""ecuted this i:ns1:o:IJ:Dlontund.ec their seveml seals Oil the date indicated obove. the rur.me 2IlI:I cmporate • ..t of each cotporate party being hereto af5lIed 2IlI:I these presents duly signed byits undersigned represenllltive, pmsuam lb aulbarily ofilS gov: 12377 Merit Dr., DaIJas,TX 75251 Title: Secretary CERTlFICATE: AS TO CORPORATE PRINCll'AL ~that I am the """"'tliJ:yor the ccrporatton n.amed as PRlNCIP AL ;., lbe 'thin bood!:hat .5 wha signed 1he said bond Qll bebalfofthe PRINCIPAl., is 1he __ J, . of said colpomtian; thaI know hh signafiJn:, and his sigoature thereto is genuine; 2IlI:I that $aid hnno WM; nuly .'$igned~ sealed anti .1I'lfe'\iteti fnr aM Tn hehalf of said cOTf'nraticm by by authority of its governing body. SEcnONMB MAINTENANCE BOND Bond No. SU1004195 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAI.lAS 'Tha1 Sitl' Concrl'll', Inc. asprincipalanclArch Insurance Company Missouri & . J a oolporation arganized um!.er 1he laws oiNebmska and Arch Reinsurance Company as sureties. said sureties being aulhorized to do business in Ihc Stale of T=. clo hereby expressly acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay untO !he Town of Addison, Texas, a duly incolpora!ed home nile municipol ing from the imptope:r joining op. of Tl< ! ONLY AND CONFEAS NO RIGHTS UPONTltE OI!R1lROATE 12770 IiOLDER. TIllS CER1lFlCATE DOES NOT AMeND, EXi1!ND OR Oo~ Rood. SUite 150 ALTER TIlE COVERAGE AI'I'OIiDEP BY THE POUCIES BELOW. DallN, lX 75251 (9T.I)4SS-14G11 F:(Q'I2l3l7-M37 INSURERS AI'I'ORDING COVERAGE IN...... """'RERI\:_~I_Oo S~ Conc AmerIcan _ 1__ 00 P. 0. 80.1_ 1Mna. T_ 'ISIl15-44119 , IIt/$UllER'" i~ I ,1ERM ~~~~ PO~~U~~~~:;~~JSrl,?;~~ ~g~ '9~ ~~EACH' UMITS A 'X GENEfW.. UABItJIV 05/11/03 05/11104 FIRE 0''''''''' 50.000 I WOCCUR """El$ .., I~ SC!1Sout.£!) AUTOS HIREOAtJTOS ~ NON a cortain CoOlIact With the OWNER. numbered and dated as oh"Ml abo~ o.od _he<'! lweto; Spectrum Drive NorthfSoulh Extension NOW 'I"H!1:REFORE, if Ibe PRINCIPAL ;haD well and 1l:uly petfol1ll o.od fulfill aU tlm IlI!dedilings, Crlns; lb. life of ony gu"""''1 ..:quite, notice of which moiWicatio .... of sold SURETY Deillg hereby woivod, th .... this obligation !Dbe void, oIbr:1""lllise in full foree a:nd effee!. IN W!nll!SS WHI!!lU!O);. tbc u,ove-boWl!lcn ponies have =c>Jmd this instrument 1Ulde< their -=1 seals on tbc date i.!Idicatcd above, !be IIllX!m and corporate :seal ofeach COlpOtallI pmy being hereto affiXed aDd lhclc ~nts duly sigw:d by it> wdemgJlfld rtpre$eatllliv,,"1'="" ."tbomyofilS govcnUng body. SEAL Site Concrete, Inc. COli! R. By.--.A~~~--------~_____ Jea • Boney, President Adclroso: 3 40 Roy Orr Blvd .. Grand prald!! IX 75050 Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company SURElY . j), By. L:.J2Yp, ·PJ Michael B. Hill. Attorney-in-Fact Adduss: 123n Merit Dr.,Dallas. TX 75251 Title: Secretary (S=ty Ie Almch Power ofAItolll")'} CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I. .. il,L· Po ;ltJt3l /c~1llat I am the SCClCtary of!he <:OrPOJ::l,tlIlnn;u:neej as PRINCIPAL in the Within bo~t .. rAm"?,7~ev _....ho si,!!1led !he said bond onbehalf of the PRINCIPAL, is t:henFi:"';'!I,) p:N-r <9-f! '" .aid. corporali=; thoi IIomw his sigasture, and his sigmtuce thetetn is &"IllIine; and that said bend l"IU daly Jigged, sealed and att.s!ed for ud in behalf of "';d corpontim! by authority ofit= S~8 body. . 8SCTIONl'yfl PAYMENT BOND Bond No. SU1004195 STATE OF TEXAS PRlNaP~ __~S~i~~~C~on~c~m~te~.~ln~c~._________________________ ST.lR.STY: Arch fnsurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company PENAL SUM OP BOND (""P'= in woo:Is am! figures): Two MIllion Five Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Nine and 501100.~'.!!2""5~3,!!6c,9~7=9.,,,5~01.1_______________ DAn Of COJ'ITRACf: -,,121:;;O~9~/2:!OOO~3~___ ___~ _____________ KNOW ALL MEN' BY umsE PRESENTS, tl1at wo. tb.o PRlNCIPAI.. and SURETY above"""""", are held fumly bound llnto Town of Addison • hereinaflor coThod tb.o bWNER., in tb.o pemI sum ofth& _ siatJ:d.abo,,". !Or !he paymeJ:ll ofwhioh sum am! lNly to b. mado. we bind ours.lves, -!u:i.., """""""'" a.d1ZlinisI!;3toIS am! suoe"""""". jointly and sevar.illy, fimdy by those preII_. TIm CONDI1'lONS OFnm;: OBUGAnON ARE SUCH tbal. whe",as thl: PRINCIPAL ClltcrI:lt to all p .... supplying labor and "",..,;".u in tb.o pn> • .....,.;... of tho> wmk pn>vlded 'or ;" lid .U thliy .utbcri:red mndlfioali_ ofsaid Contract !hat may h~ be mad•• l1Olit:e of'l\ll!ieh "",dificaliQlllllc !be SURETY being Ileteby...u,,«:\, tbou Ibis obligation to b. void, ntb<:twise !O......min run force andcImct. Site Concrete, Inc. • Boney, President oRoy Orr Blvd.. Grand Prairie. TX 75050 IN WITNESS WHER.I!OF, lbto abovu.bol!Ddcll pillli"" ba,••,,,,euted lhio i.ns1:rummt IUldcr 1h<;ir several aeaIs on lb. dao:: indioa1l:d obove,. the name and cmpomte seal of each cotpotate pa%Iy bem,g l!eteto oflil<;cd and Ibl:se presents duly si]lllCd by its llOdersigned ,apr_DIl .. '"'''' pUISnal!! It> authority of ils gO'Ye:t:DiJJg body. SEAL co By. Jean Addr.::ss; Arch Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company By. L:'eJ(! JLf; Michael B. Hill, Attorney-In-Fact Athl=.>: 12377 Merit Dr.. Oallas,TX 75251 TitI.: Secretary ~/..-.::c,,~ ,/(Co"",mte Seol) SECTIONMB MA!N1'ENANCE BOND Bond No. SU1004195 STATBOF TEXA.S COUNTY OF DAllAS That Site Concrete, Inc. as prineipal anrlArch Insurance Company Missouri & J a corporation organized u:oderthc laws ruN.bra.k. and Arch Reinsurance Company as sureties, said .un:ties being aulhcri:zed ro do bllSiness in the Stale of Texas, do hereby expressly aci::nowledge !hemseIves to be held and boUlld to pay UIlIll the Town ofAddi.soD" T..,..... a duly incarporated home l1lIe mllDicipal """'P"ratiol1 undenbe1-..cftb.e Sial£: ofT....... the swnof ____________ Twa Million Five Hundred ThirtySlx Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Nine and 501100 ------------------------------------------------~~ 2,536.979.50 ) for the pa}'UllOllt Dfwblcb sum wiIllllld tIUly to bem.ad= unto said Town of' Addisall and its successors, said principal and su:eties do hereby bi:w:I themselves, tbeir assigllS and successots, jointly aDd This obligation is Cackfil.liDg 11m! usa:y aci:;l:o on ""m 0... impn:lper joining 'If the same, or 00 ECOunt ofany br>::aldng of the ~ WWlru by the :sdd COJ:tt:ro,d;t:tr in lA.yi:n,; or bWaing the $alJlC, or on c.ccou.n.t of ;::my defect arising in any of"dd perl of said wodc: laid or conslrt!ctl:d by the said O:u::lt:n1ctor, or on accollnl. of improper e='I'l!.Iion or bacl<:filling; it being tJDdemtocd !bat the plltpOSe of this section is It> Cover all defc~livc condltitms arising by ltSSDIl of . COh>II inct.do vol..fOT reljUilod cmbcdmc:nt No sepua'" p.y i ...... Uait pri<:e$ .han include value for ~dbeDds, i........,... laX"'. etc. No __Ie pay item! "'" pro'IiIlIlt nccdUhgmde....1gc .1lIer. lb1.No. tft7 -§-W& 5.000 PST ComprnuiV9@ZBdaynSllfogedqmqetedropslQ'o 'IJUs item is _ I1S the ~pov_ .... ~10 accept lukk or other cnhmtcd povina materiols in s....... nem No. 108.. s: tbi£k $ 000 psI Comnrmiva@28 d.wstcinforwd p;mermafrgp $lab 1bls il.... is defll!ed .. the recCS$Cd pov_1 om! ""IWred 10 "" in smelS. It£mNo 112 .. ppmisn Vebi91arBriekhyqMatqijtl'l DqJivsmftoSite This it.." eonslsts o{the S!"',iJled vel!icuI.,. Pricks "Co.. Nolc tlmt m..y din1emi.......mI:\Iln IncremenlS .flukk {or "wytbe"). Vebiculo' bricks >h>II me« or .""""d ASTM Cll72-94 for HeavyVelill:uhu'p..vingBrick"l)peR. An lIOCtplIIble "",'enollms b=> !h>ll include only thepmcll_und dellYe;yoCthepo_ 10 tho silO Co.ira_'s priJ:<; ,ball tolle!Y the City.1lidqUi!lltityisfotlnplacequonlllyooly. 'lemMa '.3 -F\lmjsbJ?edding Materlall and ImfAn VeMcuttu' Briel; bvm 1bls ittm Is Ibr the ODS" ...""iate1•.w. rmd Ib. , SIlpplyfug....""""P"Ilet <>fpcdcsulan pa1I...1O lb. City ata location dcsignutcd by IlJo City. Bid quantity i.Ibrlnp!nco quantity<>Dly. PPM"" AM 1201A ADDISON ~ SI?£CTRUM OR. NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION; aID #RFB 04-03 ADD INFO: ESTIMATE: $3,000,000. ADDENDUM; 1 PRESI", 11/17/2003 lOAM 0 SBRV CBNTER, 16801 WESTCROVE. ADDISON BID 'DATE: 12/02/2003 J PM TO OWNER (PP PRM 12/01, lOAM) ARCHIENG, CITY OF ADDISON, PORCH DEPT, 5350 SELTLINS RD. ADDISON 75001 972 450·7091, FAX 972 450-7096 RNGR OE' RECOIUh HUITT-ZOI.iLARS~ DALLAS 214 871-3311, D MEYERS, n PLANS~ PLlINS AVAIL ON cD ONLY FIlM CIT'{ SERV Cl!NTER .. "/C NOTES1, 5\ BID BOND CD ON FILE NO'I'.ES2 : *MUST RESERVE IN ADVANCE TO CHECK OUT OF pLANROOMl1 QUANTITY UNIT BI ftXTENSION PA'VING IMPRVTS. SCI.{ 1 "NORTH" 101 MOBILIZATION LS 1~000 $ 75,000.00 $ 75~OOO~00 102 FULL DEPTH SAWCUT LF -114.000 $ 10.00 $ 1,140.00 103 REM" DISP OF EX CONe &. ASPH PAvg INCL ctm.9 sy 19.000 $ 25.00 $ 475.00 104 fin THICK LIME STAD SUBGRD S'l 6859.000 $ 2.00 $ 13,718.00 105 HYDRATED LIME TON 113~100 $ 90.00 $ 10,179.00 106 s" 50001 <:OMPDSSIVE a 28 DAYS REINF CONe PAW SY '229 . 00·0 $ 38.00 $ 174,412.00 107 , .. SOOO#-COMl>RBSSIVE • 26 DAY REINF CONC DROp SLAB. ST S"t 152.000 $ 30.00 $ 4,560.00 lOS 8-5000,," COMPRESSIVE @28 DAY REINP' CONe PROP SLAB, ST SY 11.2.000 $ 35.00 $ 3.920.00 109 '" 500011 COMPRBSSIVE @28 DAY IN'n.G'RALo CONe CURB I.E' 3l.94. 000 $ 3.00 $ 5,592.00 110 LONGITUDINAL BU'l'T JOINT LV' 111.000 $ 10.00 $ 1~110.00 111 CONC ST lfEADER LF 23.000 $ 10.00 $ 230.00 112 ACME VEHICULAR BRICK PAVER MATLS, DBL TO SITE:: SF 2372.000 $ 5.00 $ 11.860.00 113 BEDDING W\'l."LS Ii PLACB BRICK PAVERS SF 2372~000 $ 3.00 $ 7! 116.00 114 THERMO STOP L1NB 24" WIDE LF 23.000 $ 12.00 $ 276.00 115 THERMO STRIPE lift WIVE LIF' 1942.000 $ 3.00 $ 5,826.00 116 REP!. BU'I'"I'ONS, TY l"C. 4-SA 21.000 $ G.50 $ 136.50 117 REF!. BUTTONS. 'l'Y l~M. 4" HA 1.40. 000 $ 9.00 $ l.,260.00 118 ST« TRAPP' CTRL SI~S .SA S~OOO $ 350.00 $ 1,750.00 119 ST NAME SIGN « MOUNT :HDWR &c APPURT BA 1.000 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 120 UNISr;rRtrr...nI"BSPAR. ST SlOO POST, FOUND, ETC .€A 1.000 $ 250.00 $ 250~00 121 REM EX ST BAMICADES &. poSTS LF 44.000 $ 25.00 $ 1,100.00 1,100.00 122 F&'I ST SJ\RRICADES &. POSTS LP 50.000 $ 55,00 $ 2.750.00 123 BARRICADES, SIGNS &. TRAFF CTRL" LS LOOO $ 7,500.00 $ 7.500.00 124 UNCLASS ST EXC'AVA. DISP C'i 20400.000 $ 9.50 $ 193,800.00 125 BLACK STL STOP SIGN POLE EA 1.000 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 126 ADDISON CIRCLE FINIAL ON BLACK STL POLS EA 1" 000 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 127 $'I'M CONST mTR C'i 19.000 $ 100.00 $ 1,900~00 123 SILT J?2NCB LF 1050.000 $ 1.50 $ 1,575.00 129 INLET PROTBC'l' EA 5.000 $ 125.00 $ 625,00 130 NO ITEM 131 NO ITEM 132 NO ITEM 133 NO ITEM 13<} PUCE G" wxp:e: THERMOPLl\STIC CROSSWALK MAftKER 90 $ 2.00 $ 180.00 135 .PLACE WITH THERMOPLASTIC ARROW 2 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 533,480.50 UTIL IMPRyrS. SCM 2 201 CONC lIUOCKIiIG CY 9.800 $ 175,00 $ 1,715.00 202 DI FITTINGSi CL 250 'roN 1.100 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,850.00 203 PVC AW'WA egOO DRl8 CL 150 'WTR PIPS: W/BMBBD# OG"' LF 30.000 $ 45.00 $ 1,350.00 204 PVC AWWl\. C900 pR1S CL ~so W"l'R PIPE W/RHBED. 06" LV 489.000 $ 17.00 $ 8.313.00 205 PVC A'WWA ~oo DR18 CL 150 \4'l'R PIPE W/EMB~Dz 1.2-LF 1087~000 $ 21.00 $ 22,627.00 206" RES SEAT GATS VALVE/BOX. 061t Ell. 3.000 $ 575.00 $ 1.~725.00 207 RBS SEAT GAT£ VALVE/BOX~ OS'" Ii!A 13_000 $ 675.00 $ 8,775.00 208 RES S£AT GATE 'IlALW/BOX, 12-Ell. 5.000 $ 1,200.00 $ 6,000.00 209 FIRE HYDRA.NT F&I Ii!A 3.000 $ 2,000.00 $ 6.000.00 210 CONNECT TO EX' WTR MAIN SA 2.000 $ 1,500,00 $ 3.000.00 211 NO ITEM 212 2" TY K SOFT COPPER IRiUGA SERV 1.000 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 213 1.5J1 HBRSE¥ M'V'R. 100 TURBINE MEttR 1.000 $ 775,00 $ 775.00 2H: BROOKS PROD~ #65 17'" X 2$" PRBCAST !!Ox 2~000 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 :US 1.5'" FBBCO nosy D8L CilK VAl,.VE AS5Y 1.000 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 215 2-CL 200 PVC SLEEVE 3a.000 $ 7,50 $ 28S.00 217 Tl'tENCH SAFETY 159fi.000 $ 1,00 $ 1.596.00 219 PERFORM WTR TEST LOOO $ 3.500,00 $ 3.500.00 219 NO ITEM 220 NO ITEM TRANSMITTAL OF ADDENDUM **•••***************.****************************.**..........************••**•••• iINSTRUCTIONS:1 Acknowledge receipt of Addenda with the form below, please FAX to (972) 450-7096 upon receipt. ****************************************************************************** Addendum Acknowledgment Should be faxed to (972) 450-7096 I Acknowledge the receipt ofAddendum No.: 1 Total # Pages: 121 Town of: ADDISON, TEXAS Project Name: 04-03 Spectrum Dr NortblSouth Extension By Facsimile Transmission on this date: November 21. 2003 The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that Addendum No. 1 bas been incQl'pOI'lIted into the proposal and ifaccepted becomes part ofthe eonlmct. Company Name: Signature: 1--,r.J~-f Date: I'J -;:}. -(} Phone No: PLEASE SIGN & FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO TOWN OF ADDISON (As verification that you received this update) 972-450-7096 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I AlA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. thaI we Site Concrete, Inc. iHerc Insert fUll ruune <:Ina aatlress or legal tWe Of contractor} 3340 Roy Orr Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Areh Insurance Company and Arch Reinsurance Company cHere Insert fUll name and' addressor legal tlIte 0' suretvl 12377 Merit Dr. ,Dallas, Texas 75251 a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Missouri & Nebraska as Surety, hereinafter called Ihe Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Addrson (Here Insert fWI name and uadres5 or legZlI t!tle oH)wnen 5350 Belt line Rd., Addison, lX, 75240 as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in Ihe sum of Five percent of the greatest amount bid Dollars ($5% G.A.B.), for the payment of Which sum well and truly 10 be made, Ihe said Principal and Ihe said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS. The PrincIpal has submitted a bid (or iH~ Insert fUll n~m~. OIOdross Md descriJ)t1on Of PrQj&ctt Paving, Drainago, Streetscape and Utility Improvements for the SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION NOW. THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter Into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the tanns of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents wilh good and sufficient surety for !he faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds. jf Ihe Principal shall pay to the Obligee Ihe difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which Ihe Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Walk covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 2nd day of December, 2003 _ Arch Insurance Company and Arch ReInsurance _______...company rSum,,) I.... lfdfe} William D. Baldwin Attorney-In-Fact AlA OOCUMENT A310. BID BONO. AlA o. FEBRUARY 1970 EO. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is suhje<:! to legal prosecution 1 POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Men By These Presents: That the Arch Insurance Company, a corporallon organized and exisllng under the laws of the Slate of Missouri, having ils principal office in Kansas Cily, Missouri (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") does hereby appoinl Michael B. Hili, Cindy Fowler. William D. Baldwin, and Suzanne C. Bladwln of Richardson, TX (EACH) its lrue and lawful Allomey(s)-in-Facl, 10 make, execule, seal, and deliver from Ihe date of issuance of Ihls power for and on its behalf as surely, and as Its act and deed: Any and all bonds and undertekings EXCEPTION: NO AUTHORITY is granted 10 make, execute, seal and deliver bonds or undertakings that guarantee Ihe paymenl or collection of any promissory note, check, draft or leller of credit. This aulhority does not permit the same obllga~on to be split Into two or more bonds In order to bring each such bond within Ihe dollar limll of authority as set forth herein. The Company may revoke this appolnlment at any lime. The execution of such bonds and underlakings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon Ihe said Company as fully and amply to all Intents and purposes, as If the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by lis regutarlyelected officers at Its principal office in Kansas City, Missouri. This Power of Attomey Is executed by authorily of resolutions adopted by unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Company on March 3, 2003, lrue and accurale caples of which are hereinafter sel forth and are hereby cerlifled to by the undersigned Secretary as being In full force and effect: "VOTED, Thai the Chairman of Ihe Board, Ihe President, or any Vice President, or their appointees designaled in wriling and filed wllh Ihe Secretary, or Ihe Secretary shall have the power Bnd authorily to appoint agenls and allorneys-In-fact, and to aulhorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and altach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and underlaklngs, recognizances, contracls of indemnity and olher writings, obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such officers of the Company may appoint agents for acceptance of process." This Power of Attorney Is signed, sealed and certined by fac:slmile under and by aulhorlty of the following resolution adopled by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Company on March 3, 2003: VOTED, That the signature of the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice Presldenl, or their appolnlees designated in writing and filed with the Secretary, and the signature of Ihe Secrelary, the seal of the Company, and cerlifications by the Secretary, may be affIXed by facsimile on any power of allorney or bond executed pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of DIrectors on March 3, 2003, and any such power so execuled, sealed and cerllfted with respecl to any bond or undertaking 10 which It t. atiached, shall continue 10 be valid and bindIng upon the Company. OOML0013 00 03 03 Paga10f2 Printed in U.S.A. In Testimony Whereof, the Company has caused this instrument to b8:figned and its corporate seal to be affixed by their authorized officers, this 23rd day of Hay ,20__. Arch Insurance Company Attested and Certified Joseph S. ~ .A':IM~ /L4~Thomas P. Luckstone. Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT SS COUNTY OF FAtRFIELD SS I Melissa B. GilJlgan, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Thomas P. Luckstone and Joseph S. Labell personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are respectively as Vice President and Corporate Secretary of the Arch Insurance Company, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri, subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowtedged that Ihey being thereunto duty authorized signed, sealed with the corporate seal and delivered the said instrument as the free and voluntary act of said corporation and as their own free and voluntary acts for the uses and purposes therein set forth. OFFICIAl SEAt. SEAt. MEUSSA B. GIl.UGAN, Notary Pubhc SIa!e 01 GaIr1ec6cut My Commission El 2004 by and between the ToWll of AddiIca, of the CoIIIIIy of Dallas and SID ofTexas, aeting 1hrougb its City Manager. duly authorized SO to do. PaIIy oCthe Fin! I'IIIt, ~termed the OWNER, and _Mels EI<>:1ric_ of the City of _Dallas--, CoIIIIIy of_Dallas_ and SIIIe ofT-. PaIIy ofthe Second PIIrt, h.mnatlor termed CONTRACTOR. WlTNESSB1H: That for and ill consIdenI:Ion ofthe payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and perfOrmed by the OWNER, the IIIIld CONTRACTOR hereby .,..... with the said OWNER to oommence and complete co_cti... ofcertain ~sa follows: Spedrum L1PiI-Bid B slee11ype street poles IID4 aIIextta wad: in connection IbonIwiIh, UDder the terms 8$ stated in ebe specifications of1he AGRBEMENT; end It his own proper coat end expIIIlSII to fumisb aU ebe materials, supplles, machinery, equipment, tools, supezil:donJence, labar, iDsurance end othor accessories IID4 services necessary to complete the said construction, in ~with ebe condltlm' ad pril:es 5I8Ied in ebe Propose! attached hereto end in accordance with ebe bid speclficallons ad AcIdeada tbm:to, sa piepiled by the OWNER, each of which has been jdenlified by the c:admIement of the CON1RACTOR and the OWNER dimon, together with ebe CONnACTO~S written Prapoaal and the General ProvisIoDs, aU ofwbich are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and conatitute the emIre AGREEMENT. Tho CONTRACTOR hereby..-to COIIIII1lII!C8 wad: within fwe (3) ce1endar days after the dale ofwritten notice to do 10 sI1alI have '-' given to him, 8IId to subsbmriaUy complete ebe wad: within (130) ce1endar days per "P""iflc:ali!$. WHEREAS, the Principal bas entefed into. certain written oonlnlet with Ibe Obligee. dated lb. __...;2::;2:;n:;d=--____dRy of June ,2004 •• cop)'ofwhi.bi.hereto ....chedandmnde.parth"""'tr... _____ Spectrum Lights -Bid B steel type street poles NOW, THElIEFORE, TIlE CONDmON OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, thai if !he said PriDeipal shall firilIlfuI1y pcTform !he WotX in accordance wilh the pi.... specifications and con_t documents, then this obligation .ball he void; otherwise to remain in ful! force BOd eff.... PROVIDED HOWEVER, thai tIWJ bond is exc:culed JlUlSU8Ilt 10 the provisi ... ofCbapler 22S3 ofthe T.... Government Code and .11 liabilities on this bond sIIan he determined in .ccordance with !he provisions lhen>oflo the some extmt as ifil were copied al length herein. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF,!he said PriDeipal and Surety have signed BOd scaled this i __this ________:24~t~h~_______________,dRyof __~J~un=e~___________• 2004 -f-""o;:::---1:H:fr--t.f---f--:-1nlhfolll"""':-:-(Seal} Fidelit 85622 Rev. 3-2000 Printed in U.sA t;.:.. ~ ,.1heStRIul Surety STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND TEXAS Penalty 'Ifthe bond mu.t be 100% of Contrac1 amount 51. Paul Fire and Marine InsanlOte Company SL Paul Guardian Jasunnee Company SL Paul Merury 'UhfaUte Compa.,. Ualted States Fidelity aad Gaar;;lgty Compaoy Fidtlity and Gaaranty Ih5urance Vftderwrikn, Inc. Fkltlity nd GU""Dty Insurance ComPlUl1 Principal Officc: 3l!5 Washington Street SI. Paul. MIII_ 55102 Se .. boud Surtty Compo,. Principal Office: 580J Smith Avenue Bal1i...... Ma:yIond 21209 SureI}' STATUTORYPAYMENT BOND TEXAS Penalty oftlle _ must II. 14"'% ofCoatnct O""'DD' St. raul FIn and Muffle Innir1mtt' CompaDY Sf.. PHI GuaJ"Clb1 bsunm« Company St. Pa1l1 Mert'ttt)' lamrance Compaay United States Fidelity aDd Guaranty Compaay Fidelity aad Goannt)' lasnr8ltf:. Underwrlten..lnt. Fidelity and Ganoly JRmJ"Uce CompaDY Prim:ipal Office: 385 WasbingUm S_ St Paul, MinnesolO 55102 Sea"",,nI Sorely C_ Principal OfT"",: 5801 Smith A""""'? Baltimo... M"lIland 112il9 Bond Number__________ KNOW ALL MEN BYTBESE PRESENTS, thai __.!:He=1!!s-"E!:;l~e:!c:.!t: !:r=i=c.,. ...;L~.:!:P,-,.___________ 1810 S. Akard, Dallas, Texss 75215 (lu:mnaftercalledIhcPriDcipal),BSPrintipalIIJId Fidelity & Guaranty Insurance Underwriters. Inc• • CoIporate Sure1y _ and admitted 10 do basiDess ill Ihc Slate ofT_1IJId Iioonsed by Ihc Slate ofT.,.,. to ••••ute bonds as Sure1y, (berei_ called the Sure1y), as Surely, mebddllJldfinmybMmdUDto__T~9WD~~o~f~A~dw d~i~B~on~______________________ P. O. Box 9010, Addison, Tezas 15001 (Iu:mnafter caIlc:d Ibe Oblip), ill tho peuaI ..... of _--,==:;....,Tb"",r",e",e,--"U.,un.,d,.r",e",d......,N",i",n",e",t",e",e",n c...:Tb"o",us"",a,.,n"'d......S"e"v"'e"'n'-_ ..!Ru~n"'dr~e2.!d!...J!and~..!n!!:o~/~lO!!!O::...;:-.::-.::-:.:-=--_______________DoIl... (S 319.700.00 ) fur Ihc JlIIJIDOIIt of...rum ...., 'MIIl1IJId bUIy 10 be modo, we bind """"'Ives, _ hei"" ~execu1<>.., SllCCeSSors, IIJId 8JI8igIII1, jointly IIJId ......,.ny. firmly by thex prtOCIIIS. WBlIItEAS,lbo PriDcipol baa mImd imo. oo:rtain wrillen contract with the Oblig .... dated the 22nd day of June 2004 •• copy ofwruch is hereto attached and made a part hereof. f01' ______ Spectra Lights -Bid B ateel type street poles NOW TBE1ID'ORE, Ihc CIlIIdition oflbiJ obIiption is """b thai ifthe ..id Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor IIJId ~to him or a IlUbwDbaclor ill !be .....-.mOIl oflbo wori< provided for ill Aid ....ttaet, then, Ibis obligation shall be "'>ill, otherwise 10 taDBiD ill ftdl fon:e IIJId .m.:t. PROVIIJED, HOWEVER, dJat dJat IbiJ boed is .. 3fI' day of 0c:IDIm ,2002. __ me, the ~_,poROIIIlIJ> __-.w. Cannan """ Thomu I!, lIuiblqloo, who -Ied&«\ _ ... to be the Vh:o -.and __Se=wy, ~Y. of Seaboard Sumy Compony, St PIlul_ BOd __~,Sf. PlIo! ClIIaolIlIl_~. s. Paul M«etuy """"""" Compony. UIliICd S_Fidelity BOd GwItaIlly Company, Fidelity aod G!wanty ""'""""~. BOd Fidelity ItIId GwItaIlly InIurance IJudccriosttumcma 11Ola!iJIg '" flllid _ may be siped. -.... ~by pcnooa or CIlIid.. appoInIod as AlrDI1IOy(s}-in-__.,._of__i_In .......,.,." willllhcoe .....1IliooL said _=<.) of A_for and 00 bdlaIfof Ihe ~may aod 8baIl be _ iJI the """" sod 00 behalf of tho ~.eilhco: by tho CbainnaIl, or Ihe i'nlaidell. at ""1-_ or .. __Voce _ jolnlly with tho -.yat an AmlI...... -.y. ___respe:d. '!be sIpaIure ofNOll oftho '_iJIgoftI.... and thooealofthoC.__beallhedbyr...._"'''''1_ofA_ orto ..ycmillcalorela!lng_fIIlIlOiJIIingAIrDI1IOy(.} ob"-y in ... -.elheftAlrDI1IOy(s)-m._ abaJI be.. _gup"" tho Compsoy "if.igned by an -..0fIicer and oeaJod and _10by ... s..:.-y of thoCompooy. t 'lbomas E. HaIbregtio, _,SooteWy of _ S'""'Y Compeoy, St _ 1'... ad Marino IIlaIIranc;e Company,S•. I'ImI 0._ Ills""""", ",",-y. St _ MaI:ury _ Compsoy. Umkd S ..... l'oIeIiIy "'" 0wIn0t>ty ~y, I'IdoUIY "'" 0uazaIIty '-p,mpaoy, and PideIIty and Ouoouly """"""'" U~Inc. do Mmb)' catifyllw ... abo....d r~ CompeoIos. wbi<:bllliJIfullr_ andef(C~,,~y. ~:lo!\gotlon on tile Getnoral Uablllly Policy. ATE HOlDER C 8HOIJU) AK't OF ltEA8CNE DDCRIBEO POLt:a BeCANCIU.IO ee10Rt11fE EXPIM110H Tho Town of Addison 0A'niTHP:I.0fi'. 'J'Hel$lMNI)ICSUItIIt WtU.ENDI!AYOR'fOMAIL ....3IL w.:Ya~ p 080X9010 NO'nC:e.TO ~CZR1'tFtCATE HOt.DmINAMEO TO meLEFT, BUT fALUIIZTO DOao SttAU.. Addison, lX 75001 IIIP'O!I! NO oeLKIATIOH OR UAMJ'fYOFlUff ION.D IJfIOff 'mEINSURER, rra AOBmi OR L-t. "L'""'A~. A4_._ j , .") 'f1~~'~ . '. J..... "I!.n~ 2_ "e, "e, e ACOIIf) 25 (200110811 of 2 #S1412~140948 KMC • ACORD CORl'ORAOON 1988 [!!i:I·ml . ;?:":"I ," .. '.r-------------------------------------------------------~ IMPORTANT «lhe _care holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED. the po\\cy(Ies) must he endorsed. A_I on II1Is cartlflcal8 does no! confer righls 10 the _cale holder In \leu of such endonlemont(s). If SLlBROGATION IS WAIVED. subjocl to thelennaand condllJonsofthepo\\cy.C8I1IIIn po\\des may require en endorsement. A 818_ on this cartIflcaI8 does not confer righle to the cartIflcaI8 holder In lieu of such endoroemenI(s). DISCLAIMER The certlfleat& of Insurance on the reve.... side of II1Is form does not _ a eontracI between the I ..ulng Insurerjs), euthori...o repIEIOeIllatlva or Pftlducer, and the cal'tifica!. holder, nor does ft affirmatively or negatively amend, _ or alter the """""'11& afforded by the po\\des listed thereon. ACORD 2S-S 12001(08) 2 of 2 #S14126~140948 ____________ _ AL,______ MITCH_____ JEFF______ DATE,___~c---+--_-;;;-;--NAME_~f-=--=-""::'-_~L::..::~~_-OME#____ REQUEST FOR • SERVICE ACTION TAKEN /A~ AI~-~ *li. , T@WN OF ADDISON UTILITIES Mail To: p. O. Box 9009 Addison, Texas 75001-9009 Deliver To: 5350 Belt Line Road RECEIVED Dallas, Texas 75254 Questions About Your Statement Call: 972-450-7081 MAY 1, 0 2004 --I~CUSTOMER N'UMSER ---, i SERVICE ADORES'S R E E~ r: ' '!Biiii' 0000033108102 --iir:,C=5445 DALLAS PKWY -.-----~ -~rt=___----! 1 F.!ng ate In ; ~ ,PREV.READINGOATE . 'CURRENT~fNGDATE ~--raILLlNGDA~ ·-,--~---njijE··OAiE --~-1 I 04/12104 _____' _____ .E.511!104~~ __ =t=____051211O_4____~ . 06110104 I Ii ,Reading History: I METER SERIAl NUMBER PREVIOUS RE.ADING _ C,-!RRENT ReAO!NG~rcuAAENT USAGE: I ~__~___ ~.--=:~~ON ~_~==-r~ DAILYU$AG 12626325 ---'--132307 135382 307500 9919,3546 l=:--,..,,-c-----Billing History: ~RANSACTION c~--" j 3100 . W7CA-=T=ER=-,=IR""RC=IGATION LARGE -"AMoUNT ~--•. -: --~~~ $735,61 IFOR All. EXPlANATtON OF PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD SEe REVERSE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT! AMOUNT DUE BEING PAID BY AUTOMATIC BILL 33ADDUTIL AMOUNT: liN. DATE: IEVIOUS BALANCE: $0,00 PROJECT: PP'UDATE: JoBCOOE: ACCOUNT: . 6331 '7/) I '1 $735,61 I PAYMENT. ROPERTY: Millennium I.Addlson, TX 'ENDOR: N,NO: 3,B75OO0 j 3,B750oo 3,875000 ESC.: BIll f>,t,YAaLE O~ RECEIPT. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO TOWN OF AOD1$ON TOWN OF ADDISON UTILITIES Maino: P. O. Box 9009 Addison, Texas 75001-9009 Deliver To: 5350 Belt Line Road Dallas, Texas 75254 Questions About Your Statement Call: f~~STOMER NO .. .-~]SERVICE ~DRESS 972 45G-7~f-.---~-~,hlJU"'e"'O~AT"'''--'~E~OUNT DUE . I PLEASE MAKE PAYMeNT TO OUR oN'lce BY $:00 000033810~ P,M. ON OR BefORE THE ____~1544~ALLAS PKWY 06110104 :,GRO'SAMo'~_$_73_5~~ DUE OATE.. AFT~ THE Due DAlE A PENAlTY MAILADORESS~ j CHARGE WILt.. Be ADDEO. fAr:FTER DUE $809.17\ 'I" , I nATE PAY L ---rPiEAs~ATE AMOUNT PAID; FAILURE TO' PAY THe PAST !--=------,-I DuE BALANCE MAXR£.SUl,l RREEF MILLENNll!IM I L.P, , I IN APROPERiY TAXI-lEN. ;L......-. __________-'i15455 DALLAS PKW'( ADDISON, TX 75001 000000021,oODCtOD03381D2DDDDD735615 i WI 'TOWN OF ADDISON UTIUTIES ~ ~ Mail To: P. O. Box 9009 fY\ I/.... Addison, Texas 75001-9009 Deliver To: 5350 Belt Line Road Dallas, Texas 7S254 Questions About Your Statement Call: 972-450-7081 ,...,. I Service Info: .1 '--' A(frl I -. .1 SERVICE ADDRESS I bv: ,\ Info: • DATE ~' ...... IH"s~ 1 'I 115445 ;PKWY I ~-.. .t:;;/.J. I 1" -;.. . i w :.u.., r READING DATI, 1 ,. f 1 1 1 "'""""" ......"N~ 1 C\Jf1I1fI81 \AMOUNTOuE 0000338101 15445 DALLAS PKWY $278,43 MA11.. ADDR:ESS: IGROss Al.IOUf/T [ AFTER oon--. . $306.27 DATE PAY PLEASE iNDICATE AMOl.1NT PAW MILLENNIUM PARK PHASE I i ATTN: G SMITH 15455 DALlAS Ii'!. FAlLURETQ f'AYTHE PAS'f DUE BA1..ANCEMAY RESUlT IN APRQPERTY TAX uet [J[J[J[J[J002].[J[J000003 3810100000·2781J 36 l PP'UOATE: ___ LEASEiNOrCATEAMOUr CHARGES 21304 30.56+ CHARGES http://sc-gemsweb/gem s!lIPROPERTY/CINQI ASP 7/2112004 PROPERTY -CINQl Page 1 of 1 Nex Charges and Payments Summary Usage History I C Balance by Utility I Organization # Bill Grp# Autopa Account # Start at Date 3210}J Owner I Rent 0 Route Service Address PKWY Customer Name MILLENNIUM PARK PHASE I, L Account Status F Date Mailing Address 15455 DALLAS PKW{ STE 175 ADDISON, TX 75001 # 01 Units 1 Unit Name # alMeters Account Balance Current Charges Arrears Deposit Amount Deposit Date 12004 Comments 1 15455 DALLAS Charge Due Ott Da~e ~ Date Payment EAP Payment Description 1';).0 c3 .-J 70303 417.21-PAYMENT .-J 62003 71003 CHARGES .-J 60503 300.03-PAYM£NT .-J 52103 61003 300.03+ CHARGES .-J 50103 191. 90-PAYMENT .-J CHARGES ..J 142.49-PAYMENT .-J CHARGES ,41803 50803 "32703 32103 41003 >http://sc-gemsweb/gemsl IIPROPERTY/CINQI.ASP 7/2112004 PROPERTY -CINQl Organization # Account # Service Address Customer Name Mailing Address #01 Units Account Balance Deposit Amount Page 1 of 1 Nex Charges and Payments Summary Usage History I C Balance by Utility I 1 Bill Grp# Autopa Start at Date I 1 2 0 cJ():?J Owner /Rent 0 Route 15455 DALLAS PKWY MILLENNIOM PARK PHASE I,L Account Status F Date 15455 DALLAS PKWY 175 ADDISON, TX 75001 1 Unit Name # of Meters Current Charges Arrears Deposit Date 12004 Comments Ott .-J .-J .-J .-J .-J .-J .-J .-J Charge Due Date Date Payment EAP Payment Description 32103 41003 ~42.49+ CHARGES 30303 136.55PAYMENT 21803 31003 ~6.5~ CHARGES 12403 12003 10603 21003 C§.0) 228.08239.96PAYMENT CHARGES PAYMEN1' 122102 11003 ~ CHARGES 120902 --,-,,~-142.08PAYMENT http://sc-gemsweb/gemsllIPROPERTY/CINQl.ASP 7/2112004 DATE SUBMITTED: August 2, 2004 FOR COUNCIL MEETING: August 10, 2004 Council Agenda Item SUMMARY: Tbis item is for Council approval ofChange Order No 2, in the amount of$55,049.90, for the construction ofSpectrum Drive North/South Extension Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,100,000 Change Order Cost: $55,049.90 Source ofFunds: $2,600,000 from Bopd Sale. Remaining amount from transfer of funds from Addison Road widening project. BACKGROUND: The Spectrum Drive North/South Extension Project was established as part ofthe Year 2000 General Obligation Bond Program. In December 2003, a construction contract was awarded to Site Concrete, Inc., in the amount of $2,536,979.50, which is approximately $563,000 under the budgeted amount. During the construction ofthese improvements, Public Works Department staff and the Contractor have identified several necessary field changes. Accordingly, a change order in the total amount of $101,587.00 was prepared and approved by Council in March 2004. As the construction ofSpectrom Drive proceeded, it was determined that a second change order, in the total amount of $55, 049.90, is also necessary to complete the project. This change order is the result ofthe fullowing construction issues: • Several signal and pedestrian poles required adjustments to anchor bolts, backplates and boring, in the amount of$13,703.00. • A portion of the existing concrete pavement un the south portion ofthe project requires removal and replacement to eliminate damaged and mis-a1igned pavement, in the amount of$4,938.00. • The hand rail on the proposed retaining wall around the Millenium Bldg. drive must be extended for security and pedestrian safety. In addition, steep slopes on both sides ofthis retaining wall will be secured with a millsap stone wall and millsap stone steps, respectively, in the amount of$19,870.00. • In order to meet ADA construction requirements and match surrounding infrastructure, it was determined that additional brown brick was needed for border installation, in the amount of$9, 08.90. • The Engineer did not adequately compensate for existing drainage patterns on the east and west sides ofSpectrum Drive, at Airport Pkwy. As a result, additional drainage improvements were required. in the amount of$7,500.00 The resulting total construction cost is increased to $2,693,616.40. In addition, the installation ofnew street light poles along Spectrum Drive will cost $319,700.00. The total project cost remains under the budgeted amount by approximately $86,683.60. RECOMMENDATION: It is reCOmmended that Council approve Change Order No. 2, in the amount of $55,049.90, for the construction ofthe Spectrum Drive North/South Eldension Project SITE CONCRETE. INC. PROPOSAL To: Town of Addison 07119104 16801 Westgrove Dr. Site Job # 23·133 Addison, TX 75001 Addison Bid # (14.(13 Attn: Steve Chutchian, PE. Town ofAddison We propose to fumish ali labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct. as an Independent contractor. the following described work: ' LOCATION: Spectrum Dr. Change Order #2 DESCRIPTION Traffic: 1 Vehicle Signal Sections wi Backplates APPROX. 43 EA @$175.00 EA $7.525.00 2 Vehicle Pole Anohor Bolts APPROX. 148 EA @$21.00 EA $3,108.00 3 Pedestrian Pole Anchor Bolls APPROX. 236 EA @$7.50 EA $1,770.00 4 Bore for Peel LIghts on Arapaho Rd. APPROX. 1 LS @$1.300.00 LS $1,300.00 Subtotal Traffic: $13,703.00 Paving for North Side of RaIlRoad: 1 8" Concrete Removal APPROX. 66 SY @$25.00 SY $1,650.00 2 8" Concrete Pavement (No Lime) APPROX. 66 Sy @$28.00 SY $1.848.00 3 Additional 2" Cone. (Explorer Pipeline) APPROX. 180 SY @$8.00 SY $1.440.00 Subtotal Paving North SIde RR: $4.938.00 Retaining Wall: 1 Additional Bike Rail APPROX. 53 LF @@$100.00 LF $5.300.00 2 Respaoo Previously Manufactured Rail APPROX. 22 LF @$35.00 LF $770.00 3 Millsap Stairs APPROX. 650 SF @$12.00 SF $7.800.00 4 Millsap Wall APPROX. 500 SF @$12.00 SF $6.000.00 Subtotal Retaining Wall: $19,870.00 Brick Pavers: 1 Return Autumn Haze 30 Bundles APPROX. 1 LS @-$7.125.00 LS -$7.125.00 2 Delivery Fee APPROX. 1 LS @$1,800.00 LS $1,800.00 3 Restocking Fee APPROX. 1 LS @$1,863.90 L.S $1.863.90 4 Acme Brown for Border Brick APPROX. 1 LS @$12.500.00 L.S $12,500.00 Subtotal Brick Pavers: $9.038.90 Page 1 012 Storm Sewer: 1 10' Inlel (Airport Parkway) APPROX. 1 EA @$2,500.00 EA $2,500.00 2 3' x3' drop Inlet with 2' apron APPROX. 1 EA @$4,000.00 EA $4,000.00 3 Install 24' RCP Into existing Inlel APPROX. 1 EA @$1,000.00 EA $1,000.00 Subtotal Storm Sewer: $7,500.00 Total Change for Change Order #2:1 $55,049.901 Note: This quote is based upon the Town keeping some of the brick for repairs. The quantity can go up or down based upon the needs of the Town. This does not factor In RaIl along the sidewalk behind the Rail Road crossing guards. ACCEPTED: BY: 3340 ROY ORR BOULEVARD DATE: ____________ GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 7505Q..4207 972-313-0733 FAX #972-613-0825 BANK REF: ESTIMATING FAX #972-613-0661 SITE CONCRETE, Poge2of2 /.. J?n'd<. -rRf'~-r~{5 1M. .&~(",,",-rt.4U"<;:/hJ~3 tf;p-1ler/cJ4:>a.-____ -2 ('""'~~ """;;:t ff~ (d::r ~ C~U~£.7, l't 4(!s(~/;(/:;~'. f.7: AtGOI"'j'O.!.£~) ~ro:J-~~-/I,/t}:; t; ictt -fo,:)e::fLl~iI!Jfl~ L-.. 5~ .>i7~cc"&-£"b /4 f2.{L t. ~ icL....JZ?, P;!~(I$' ¥~f c-: .-;/-caL_A. 1P rce.J~ ->«:' vt:YfC'~ s =-.., R~5 . '7, p>£ S t0fd.5 ~ s:>~ K K;(' -:;'/~ ~~J f ItA:tPl! , /6,t:C~IQ ~t>£~/~/p 5",),fB.k,p~ t;;.fd.~ " Jr, .~cp-~ W 51;~Pc,..,.-ItrJ' rerri""J.<-<-.-CO'rtC-~~ ~1. . /~ .;Ie-I /4C~~ .B '&/~~~~~_/~-p--G?r> -------------/l?f-JIt '17 2 -1'0: BRIAN JUl-2J-2004 WED 10:59 AM SITE CONCRETE FAX NO. 972 513 0661 P. OJ JUl-21-2004 WED 09:51 AN MElS ELECTRIC, INC FAX NO. 2145651091 P. 01 t!L-a:Tl!(C r>eLr4>"'y 5-1}eii.(nINC Estimating Fax 972-513-0661 June 24, 2004 Steve Chutchian, P.E. Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. • Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Dr. Northl Soutb Extension Bid N04-03 Dear Mr. Chutchian: Site Concrete would like to have our project time extended for the following reasons: 1. The original contract quantities were not correct for the sidewalk and pavers on the North segment. The original quantity was adjusted from 9,574 sf to 25,233 sf when bids were tabulated. 15 days 2. We have had various delays on the South segment. Those delays have been from MCI, Utility Quest, Oncor and Huitt-Zollars. We have been delayed for; line locates, fiber optic relocate, overhead lines, design changes and fire lane issues. 15 days 3. The delays on the South segment have caused delays on the North segment as well. We had to have the storm sewer complete on the South segment so we could start bringing in the excavation from the North segment. 15 days 4. Additional work on on the Fire lane at the Millennium Building. 20 days 5. Delays associated with the Vehicle and Pedestrian lights have caused siguificant delays for about 30 days. 30 days 6. Explorer Pipeline has stopped our progress on the North side of the Railroad track for 30 days, so far. 30 days Site Concrete, Inc., has tried to work around these issues. Site Concrete, Inc. has also had unreasonable expenses associated with the re-mobilization of utility crews, haul trucks, and paving crews. Do to the unforeseen elements associated with the project, we have no choice but to ask for more time. Site Concrete, Inc. would like to be granted an extension of 60 days to our original contract. We feel under these circumstances we are being fair for only asking for 60 days and actua1 delays were longer. Should you have any question please feel free to call me at 214-226-1822. Sincerely, C~~ Bryan Piper EstimatorlProject Manager Enclosures Copy: Luke Jalbert, Town of Addison Bob Kosmicki, Site Concrete, Inc. · , COTTONWOOD Management Services DALLAS L(lSAN(;F.LE~ SALT LAKE CITY SAN FHANCISCO WASHIN(iTON D.C. v 7/S/c:q... June 30, 2004 &,1./7 h fr'? }3 .eVff"-" /,fPJt!e Mr. Steve Chutchin, Lead Supervisor Town of Addison ",..,. -e-( tv( /t-( Cd t'e P.O. Box 9010 4 ,4 t< t2-~£} Tl> /"7 Addison, Texas 75001 fife P4/c..c... 4 A-wc-._7: ..s~_ RE: 15851 Dallas Parkway, The Madison Dear Mr. Chutchin: Pursuant to our last conversation on June 22, 2004, you were going to put III a call LU .,,'" Concrete regarding the outstanding invoice from VMC Landscape for $276.03 (see enclosed). This work was done at our property due to the construction of a sidewalk being put in. Our frrm has put in several calls to you and your assistant since June 2, 2004. As of today, we have not received an expense payment for $276.03. I would appreciate if you would like into this matter at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call 972/450-5899. Sincerely, ----Co onwood Management Services..... REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT 15851 DALL\S P,\l\KWA\' SIIJT[ 520 ADDISON, TX 75001 TEL: 972 4';0 5899 FAX: 972 450 5875 vMC L~_~SC~PE SERVICES 2561. MERRELL ROAD , \\n(.3~ DALLAS, TX 75229-2535~.On\\\lD-l~~\ (972) 481.-1616 ~\~'. \ \\.lU_\·;',~ ,\,.~ . ' • ,,-,:,:"'1 .l'\ •-'I. .Ii (-~, t'rh.,·.iJU -; \"\\ 1 . \\ \:,\p,,:\.V .-J~ INVOICE NUMBER: 060670 ' ! ~1 \-.\ \~ ~,\ ~ ~ . . , ~,\ )r:.:';.;.,..5..:' :~:\.J. .-.-lNVOICE DATE .. : 05/11/04 ~~~~~ ............ BILL COTTONWOOD MGMT. SERVICES PROP: THE ~~~ISON TO: ATTN: MICHELLE KEAVENY 15851 DALLAS PARKWAY 15851 DALLAS PARKWAY #520 _r,~DISON, TEXAS ~~DISON, TEXAS 75001 CUST I.D ..... : 999139 WO#: 10776 P.O. NUMBER .. : JOB NUMBER ... : 2790 DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT DNIT PRICE EXT ]\..lVIODNT 00393,-01 1. 00 E..l\.CH 254.99 254.99 IRRIGATION REPAIR: 4/30/04 REPAIRED CONSTRUCTON D]\~l\.GED LATERALS PER PROPOSAL DATED 5/3/04. SUB-TOT1'.L : 254.99 TAX: 21. 04 PAY THIS AMOUNT: 276.03 . ,;;. ." ~?@iVr""tZdCC"'7~~:wti¥:il'~~#,"~~~o,,~~~~ ".,~ to:, ..~? ~ ',r ;;.-,.~ ~~::'Tifr;~!:f1j:CJ"'~~· -. •, \: " > " PROPOSAL FOK llUUGATlON REPAIRS AT . MNli,olL l"b" !J&jl tiiIIoo;Pby., AW-,u: .. ;, '. ·.~~r_l'#tIIlJ<;ood Mana.gement Services .." r:.hftM,8dison Building c15851Dallas Parkway SuiliJ 725 Addison, Texas 75001 972c45Q-5899 Fax 972-450-5875 Please del.i Verthef.o ll-iiiw,li 1g.materia.f IlS800n as possible. '" .. ·co~rf~~nllauty.· . This message ie inlandEid.only (odHe,·ui!e;~nhe indiviiluai~ ¢ritityto which it is addressed and may colliain infcimafior\·thllt.iil: privileged, ponfideniial and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. I(the."'ade!: of·lh'lt\' message ii·nat the. intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible!!i>Tdiliv~rinil the 'message' to' ihe'intended recipient, you are nlllified that any dlsse(l1lr'laticin;·distrll)utlon. or copying 'of thls'communication is strictly prohibited. If you haV~{recelveil.(~i~eqtiil11illjlca1ion i~ eMr, please nOllfy us immediately by telephone and retum the or@/1al"oi]lil1&age to U8 via:U,S. Postal service or destroy .' compleiely;. Thank you: Oale: . . 6130/.2004 To: ".Steve Chutchin Telecopier Telephone No.:. . . 9i2l4po..2837 From: . , Nicole Rustir\;~sistant Property Manager Telephone No.: ..._.__:.....2 No. of pages (inCluding cover):........_.__. : -'_"'-.___ ---_._._._._..-_....9.n:450.S699 4 ---_._-".__.----' ._-.-----.------,,-.~- e6/30/2e04 12:51 97245e5875 COTTONWOOD MGMT SVCS PAGE 02 COTTONWOOD :A{qnnjement Services Dt\Ht\~ Lo.~ AN(iEI.~~ S.uT L"Kf CITV S"N FMN'C1SCC) W"~HJN(i'rllN D.C. Vi. Fac.imile 972/450-1837 June 30, 2004 Mr. Steve Chutchin, Lead Supervisor' Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 RE: 15851 Dallas Parkway, The Madison Dear Mr. Chutchin: Pursuant to our last conversation pp,'June 22; 2004, you were going to put in a call to Site Concrete regarding the outstanding.invoiceJrom VMC Landscape for $276.03 (see enclosed). This work was done ai Ol\f pi:operty due to the construction of a sidewalk being put in. . Our finn has put in several calls to yoti.l!iJ.d your assistant since June 2, 2004. As oftoday, we have not received an' expense paYment for $276.01. I would appreciate if you would like into 'Ihis matter at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please catl972/450"5899: Sincerely, Co onwood Management Services REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, INvESTMENT& DEVELOPMENT 1';85 J Dt\~.~ PAnk\P'~Y . SInn 5'20' AJJl)J,~{iN, TX 75001 . '1',,: 972.50 5899 f ..: 972 450 5875 .". I:.AN!JSCAPE SERVICES MER..'l.ELL ROJl.D (\ nOf\\\ DALLAS, TX 75229-2Stf 35 In'\f?,\~jl.\~\l\\ (972) 481-1616 .~ .~\J..i.l... ~\\ \ " \ • • ¥It," 1.. -.... ~ -....,.. ~'".,~ ....."'.~-"~ ....... ': ... ...\r._......"" .........."." \ ". ...." .. "C''''''''' .. g, . ,~'" . I 65/36/2664 12:51 COTTONWOOD MGMT SVCS PAGE !l4 \ f 1 • n.e (pnI:·w) II: T"", 'rbe \'St/ma""" pM;t-bll"'.~~~ (~b".J IU) •• .••.j"""..... r_"",twIf .'", .. .' " COpy --------------------06/30/2604 13:66 9724565875 COTTONWOOD MGMT SVCS PAGE 61 I Fa:x Cover Sheet ' , Cottonwood Management Services ,1'h& Madison Building 15851 Dallas Parkway Suite 725 ,Add~on, Taxas 75001 , 972-450-5899 Fax 972-460-5875 ,Tel~Cop'Y Fax Numbi;!r: , ~--..-'."----"'--"'-....~--'-.~.-.-.----Please dellYerthe. JolioWirfg,m. at.et'ia l.aa' aoon as possible, . ,Confidentiality This message Is inlended,oniy forthEfllSI!I,of.ihe indi~i(I~al:';~tmtlty to which it is addressed and may contain inrormatlorlltiaiis'privililged, conftdi:lriti~J anifexempt from disclosure under applicable law. IUne re~dilr:pfi~iI!:message·is. o.Ct !H~ infended recipient orthe employee or agent resp6nslbljj 'o(~eilveiii1g the mesiage .lo the intended recipient, you are notined that any dlssemlnall9n(dlst.rib.QlI0n, orcopylllli:of1his communication is strictly prohibited, If-you have recelveifthfstommunication'in error" please notify us Immediately , ·cOi'nple~IYThankYou. ' by telephone and return the OrigiOBI in',a$Sl!ge to to us vla'U.S. Postal service or destroy ...._-_.__ I Dale: -'~-""-,-,~--' 613012004__ i To: ' ..---~~--~-, Steve Chulchin I I i Telecopier Telephone'No,:_.. 97-2-/4-50---28-3_7 .-..~,-From: ~_....:.;NIGole Rustin, A~istant Property Manager Telephone No.: .. __-,_'_'__. ....__~_•. 972~50·~699,--__ No. of pages (Including cOver): ,_.._'_'_',_,,_,_____._._..:.~:.._.____ oPROPERLY. -:-:~"""-:::;:..:.:--:::.='::;;,.-~';;;;;:=-=;---='-----_._--Thanks, Nico-le-R.us-ti-n -.'. ,....,..... , , ~'..-.-~-:-.. --....."...."._-_.._ ._-----~-------..----:.".-----~,,-~---.------..:...-.---";--------~-~.-..~ I ---...----_...__._.._---,.---',-',--'---~-~.,..-..,--.I ----.~"--..,....------.-------------..---.-......-..---IL-_________,---'-,__""""~.._____-_CMS-0402 1199 66/36/2064 13:66 '37245e5875 COTTONWOOD MUMT SVCS PAGE 02 COTTONWOOD· .Mo,,,wcmcnt Ser'tlices. DAUAS tl,l;<;At'lto6tISS S<\l.:r UK.£ an SAtIl fIlAN,m;O W As.tIl.N('TQbI D, C. Vi. Facsimile 972/450-ZIl37 june 30, 2004 Mr. Steve Chulchin, Lead SuperVisor Town ofAddison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 J;tE; 15851 Dallas Parkway, The. Madison Dear Mr. Chutchin: Pursuant 10 our last conye)'sation onJune·22; 2004, you were going to put in a call to Site Concrete regarding thi\:outstanding invoiCe from VMC Landscape for $276.03 (see enclosed). This work was·don!= lit (rur. property due to the construction of a sidewalk being put in. . Our firm has put in several callsto·Y\mand your assistant'sil)ce Ilme 2, 2004. As oftoday, we have not received an expense pa~ent for $276.0:t 1 would appreciate if you would liki·ipto this matter. lit your earliest convenience. If you .\lave any questions, please cal! 972/450-5899. Sincerely, --,(: 0 onwood Management Services·REAL ESTATEMANAG.E~EN'ri INVESTMENT '* DEVELOPMENT 15851 J)"'1AJ PIIIIKWAV ::;tll'lI;: 520 ~?!'\~O', ·~x 7500! Tn; 972 450 5B99. 1'.1>: 972450 567$ PAGE B3 CDTTD~WODD MGMT SVCS 13:B6 , . .~ '.NUMBER, 060670 DATE .. : OS/21/04 BILL COTTONWOOD MGMT. SERVICES PROP: THE ~AD!SON TO; ATTN: MICHELLE KEAVENY 15851 DALh~S PARKWAY 15851 DALLAS P~~KWAY #520 p..DDISON, TEXP.S p~DrSON, TEXAS 75001 COST l.o..... : 999139 WOil: 10776 P.O. NOMl3ER .. : JOB NlJt1BER ... : 2790 DESCRIPTION QTY v'N!T UNIT PRICE EXT AMOUNT _____ ~--__ N------------W----W-------.----------------W ____ "_________________ _ 00393.-.01 1.00 EACH 254.99 254.9S IRRIG)I.TION REPAIR; 4/30/0'1, REPAIRED cONSTRaCTON DAMAGED LATERALS PER PROPOSAL DATED 5/3/04. SOB·TOTJ'..L: 254.59 TAX: 21. 04 PAY THIS ll.MOUNT: 276.03 \. a6/30/2004 13:a6 97245a5875 COTTONWOOD MGMT SVCS PAGE 84 .,. • •. '\ ~: .. T\. , ..,1~ , , ;:.~, .. ":, " " 'I'M (pl1r....~ la: I . Tax, '/1If e'$~ Pi«br\!l!!Ii~~""" (lDdIaClilf We).; -".,----:' ..:~'}"""". -".',', COpy , ., :::: " , '" ..... u' •.: 972-313-0733 • Fax972-513-0825 . Estimating Fax 972-513-0661 July 6, 2004 Steve Chutchian, P.E. Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, TX 75001 RE: Spectrum Dr. Nortbl South ExtellSion Bid # 04-03 Dear Mr. Chutchian: Site Concrete would like to have our project time extended for the following reasons: 1. The original contract quantities were not correct for the sidewalk and pavers on the North segment. The original quantity was adjusted from 9,574 sfto 25,233 sfwhen bids were tabulated. 15 days 2. We have had various delays on the South segment. Those delays have been from MCI, Utility Quest, Dncor and Huitt-Zollars. We have been delayed for; line locates, fiber optic relocate, overhead lines, design changes and fire lane issues. 15 days 3. The delays on the South segment have caused delays on the North segment as well. We had to have the storm sewer complete on the South segment so we could start bringing in the excavation from the North segment. 15 days 4. Additional work on the Fire lane at the Millennium Building. 20 days 5. Delays associated with the Vehicle and Pedestrian lights have caused significant delays for about 30 days. 30 days 6. Explorer Pipeline has stopped our progress on the North side of the Railroad track for 30 days, so far. 30 days Site Concrete, Inc., has tried to work around these issues. Site Concrete, Inc. has also had unreasonable expenses associated with the re-mobilization of utility crews, haul trucks, and paving crews. Do to the unforeseen elements associated with the project, we have no choice but to ask for more time. Site Concrete, Inc. would like to be granted an extension of 60 days to our original contract. We feel under these circumstances we are being fair for only asking for 60 days and actual delays were longer. Should you have any question please feel free to call me at 214-226-1822. Sincerely, rB~ EstimatorlProject Manager Accepted by: -,-)~(;;fL!.A.lt.~~Date 7-7-0 f Copy: Luke Jalbert, Town of Addison Bob Kosmicki, Site Concrete, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Chutchian FROM: John Hill RE: DART License Agreement DATE: December 18, 2003 Steve, I have reviewed the proposed License Agreement between DART and the Town regarding the 12-inch water line to be installed along Spectrum Drive, and the document entitled "Amendment to License No. 970904" and have the following comments: License Agreement (Water Line) 1. Section I. Purpose (a) Add the words "reconstructing", "replacing", and removing" in the list of purposes (see Section 5.01, which includes "reconstruction", "replacement", and "removal" regarding the water line), so that it reads as follows: DART hereby grants a license (the "License") to Licensee for the purposes of constructing, reconstructing, installing, maintaining, replacing, removing, and operating one (I) 12-inch water pipeline (the "Permitted Improvement") ... (b) The "Property" is described as "shown in Exhibit 'A"''', but the extent of the Property is not clear to me. For example, is there adequate room within the Property to allow construction and maintenance activities to occur? (c) Amend the beginning of the second paragraph as follows (to be consistent with the language used in the preceding paragraph): The Property shall be used by Licensee solely for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing. replacing. removing, operating and maintaining the Permitted Improvement (the "Permitted Use"). (d) Note that the term "Permitted Improvement" is used, but that in other places in the Agreement (e.g., Section 13), the term used is "Permitted Improvements". The same term should be used throughout. 2. Section 4. Non Exclusive License This Section provides in part that the license is subject to existing facilities located within the Property and to any existing lease, license or other interest in the Property granted by DART. However, the Agreement does not address future users of the Property who install equipment or property within the Property. Therefore, amend the first paragraph and add a new paragraph as follows: This license is non-exclusive and is subject to (a) any existing utility, drainage or communication facility located in, on, under, or upon the Property owned by Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 2 DART, or by any railroad, utility, or communication company, public or private and installed pursuant to an agreement with DART; (b) to all vested property rights presently owned by any railroad, utility, or communication company, located within the boundaries ofthe Property; and (c) to the actual and current use of the Property by anY individual, corporation, or other entity pursuant to any existing lease, license or other interest in the Property granted by DART to any individual, colporation or other entity, public or private. ill the granting or conveyance of any license, lease. or other interest in or to the Property after the beginning date of the Term, or in any modification of or amendmentlQma license, lease, or other interest in the Property existing on the beginning date of the Term which expands or increases any right in or to. or use of, the Property. DART agrees that it shall include a provision comparable to the foregoing paragraph in any such grant, conveyance. modification. or amendment. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement. DART will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that any equipment facilities, or property ("Other Equipment") installed or used in. on, under, or upon the Property after the beginning ofthe Term (as described in Section 2) by any person or entity will be installed and/or used in a manner that will not interfere with the Permitted Use. Prior to permitting the installation of Other Equipment in, on, under. or upon the Property following the beginning of the TenD, which DART has reason to believe may interfere with the Permitted Use, DART shall direct such subsequent user to submit plans and specifications for its eqyipment to Licensee. Licensee agrees to promptly review any plans submitted and to use commercially reasonable effOrts to resolve any potential interference issues to the mutual satisfaction of both itself and the subsequent user. In the event that despite commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any potential interference issues to the mutual satisfaction of Licensee and the subsequent user such issues remain unresolved, DART agrees that such subsequent user or such Other Equipment shall be relocated so that the subsequent user does not interfere with the Permitted Use. 3. Section 5. Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance (a) Section 5.02 -Amend the second sentence as follows and add a fourth sentence as follows: Change to second sentence: Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld-.m: delayed. New fourth sentence: DART shall keep all construction plans confidential and shall not release such plans to any third person or entity. (b) Section 5.03 -Amend as follows: Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 3 By acceptance of this License, Licensee agrees to design and construct the Permitted Improvement in such a manner so as not to create a hazard to the use of the Property, and further agrees to pay any damages which may arise by reason of Licensee's failure to Use reasonable care in its use of the Property under this Agreement. The change regarding "reasonable care" is consistent with the standard of reasonable care set forth in Section 8. 4. Section 7, DART's Standard.Contract and Insurance. Please note that the last sentence provides that a "company issued photo identification of Licensee's employees, contractors or agents shall be required to work on the Property. " 5. Section 9.04. Amend as follows: Licensee shall indemnify and hold DART harmless against all cost of environmental clean up to the Property resulting from Licensee's negligent use of the Property under this Agreement. 6. Section 11. Maintenance ofCompleted Improvements. Amend the second sentence as follows: The Permitted Improvement shall be maintained by the Licensee iR SI:-J6fl a maRRer as *6 keep the Preperty in a commercially reasonablegeea aRa safe condition and repair with respect to Licensee's use. In the event the Licensee fails to maintain the Permitted ImprovementPrafjeRy as required and such failure causes damage to the Property, upon discovery, DART shall notifY Licensee of such occurrence in writing. 7. Section 12, Future Use by DART. (a) Section 12.01 -Amend as follows: This license is made expressly subject and subordinate to the right of DART to use the Property for any purpose whatsoever which DART is authorized by law to perform, (b) Note that Section 12.02 provides that the Town will have to relocate the water line at the Town's cost ifDART determines that relocation is necessary or convenient for DART's use of the Property. The provision also states that it applies to "DART's assigns", Who are those? Would an assign include a telecommunications company who receives a license from DART to install telecommunications equipment? It would be helpful to clarify who "DART assigns" may be. Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 4 Note also that relocation must occur within 30 days, unless extended by mutual agreement ofthe parties. Consider revising the provision to a longer time (e.g. 90 days). 8. Section 13, Relocation Benefits. What is the purpose of this Section? I don't understand why the provision needs to state what seems to be the obvious, that the "construction of the Permitted Improvements, .. shall be subsequent to the acquisition of the Property by DART ...... 9. Section 15, Compliance With Laws and Regulations. Amend as follows: Licensee agrees. with re§pect to Licensee's use of the Properly for the Permitted Use, to abide by and be governed by all laws, ordinances and regulations of any and all governmental entities having jurisdiction over the Licensee and by Railroad regulations, policies, and operating procedures established by the Railroad ... 10. Section 16, Indemnification. (a) Section 16.02. Amend as follows: Licensee shall at all times protect, indemnify and it is the express intention of the parties hereto that Licensee hold DART and the Railroad harmless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of or from any accident or other occurrence on or about said Property to the extent resulting from the negligent use of the Property by Licensee, its officers, employees, agents, customers and invitees; (b) Add a new Section 16.04to read as follows: 16.04. Any obligation of Licensee hereunder to pay for damages, or to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless, is limited by and subject to any immunity (whether under the Texas Tort Claims Act or otherwise) of or available to Licensee, and is provided by Licensee without waiving any of its rights under any immunity laws. 11. Section 17, Termination ofLicense. Amend Section 17.01 as follows: At such time as this license may be terminated or canceled for any reason whatever, Licensee, upon request by DART, shall remove the Permitted ImprovementllU illlpfO' ..ellleffls ana ajlllilftenanees ewBeE! by it, sitllatea ill; l:Il!der or attaeliea to the Property and shall, in connection with such removal. restore the Property to l!the condition satisfactory to DART, reasonable wear and tear excepted. at Licensee's sole expense. 12. Section 18. Assignment. Amend as follows: Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18,2003 Page 5 Except to an entity that is the parent,. subsidiary. or affiliate ofLicensee, to whom Licensee may assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement without DART's consent, Licensee shall not assign ... 13. Section 19. Methods of Tennination. Section 19.02 allows the license to be tenninated by either party upon 30 days written notice being given. I would suggest that this right to terminate be deleted, and that the right to terminate be limited to the agreement of the parties (19.01) or the failure ofa party to perform (19.03). Amend Section 19.03 as fullows: By either party, upon failure of the other party to perfurm its obligations as set forth in this Agreement, and (i) such failure remains uncured for a period of 60 days after notice thereof (which notice shall specifically identifY the failure) is received by the failing party, or (ij) if the failure cannot with diligence be cured within the said 60 day period. if within such 60 day period the failing party party provides the non-failing party written notice of the curative measures which it proposes to undertake. and proceeds promptly to initiate such measures to cure such failure. and thereafter prosecutes the curing of such failure with diligence and continuity. the time within which such failure may be cured shall be extended for such period as may be necessary to complete the curing of such failure with diligence and continuity. 14. Section 20, Miscellaneous. (a) Section 20.01. Next to the P.O. Box address for the Town, add an address to which notices may be hand-delivered. (b) Section 20.03. Add at the end: VellUe for any action under this Agreement shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. 15. Add the following: DART represents that the Property (including all improvements thereon) are in substantial compliance with building, life/safety, disability and other applicable laws, codes, regulations and ordinances of applicable governmental authorities. DART represents that it has no knowledge of any substance, chemical or waste on, in, or under the Property (or in the improvements thereon) that is identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance. DART represents that it is the sole owner of the Property, and that not other person or entity is necessary to execute this Agreement and to grant the rights set forth herein to Licensee. Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 6 Amendment to License No. 970904 This document states that there is an existing License Agreement between the Town and DART dated December 4, 1997 regarding "the proposed Spectrum Drive, a forty-eight fuot public road crossing in Addison, Texas." The Amendment provides for the "Permitted Improvements" as defined in the License Agreement to be modified to "include a retaining wall encroachment as shown highlighted on Exhibit A". All other provisions of the License Agreement are to remain in effect. Are you aware ofthis License Agreement? Please let me know if you have any questions or comments or would like to discuss any ofthe above. cc: Ken Dippel DEG-24-2003 WED 02:21 PM SITE CONCRETE FAX NO. 972 513 0661 P. 02/02 ')72·313·07.13 • I'a~ 9n·5iH)~15 H'ifim;uillg p;!X" 9'l2~513-()Mtl December 24, 2003 Steve Chutchiun, I' .Il. Town of Addison 16801 Wcsigrove Dr. Addison, TX 75001 IU~: SI)cclrum Or. Northf SOll!h Extellsion Uitl II 0 .. ·03 Dcur Mr. Chulchiun: Site Concrete w~mJu like to have the sln!'1 date for the ub(lve ref.:;renccd Pl'Ojcctl1lovcd 11'<1111 Jalluary 5"" 200410 January 12'h, 2004 Ii.)r tho 'l(,lIowing rllnsons: •As or nucul1lher 23,\1 , 2003 we have not rcceivml St'1l11l'ed Approved cOIlBil1tctin]1 plalls. "As of December 23',1,2003 1'1" have ntH rcceiwo n digital copy ofjlh\n.~ (l!1 a ,lisle J1w ()\lr Survey dCfartmCllt. "As ofDc~cmhcr 23" .2003 we have not rcceivcd om signcll contracts, We IHid Ollr pre,col1slnletion meeting On December 16th {lnd Ihe above ilellls were mentioned. H is i!llpOl'I~nt that onr Survey dl'parlmenl has four (4) or five (5) days to properly prC[Hlru lor sinking on this project Rh()uld we receive Ihese il.el11S 1\]1 Mond,w the 29''', il. will be tli f'liellit till" In Ihe holiday· shortened week, 10 mlllee these am.ll1gemcnts. Additiolllilly, we understand this is the holiday season and key people Oil Ihis projcel 1\1'0 not presonl. With this in mind, we would like Y()1If SLlppolt in moving Ollr stnrt time (0 allow The TOWIl of Addlsnn, Huitt-ZoHnrs, Tnc !1m] Site Concrete, Inc. [0 be bettcr prcl'urcd prior 1<) starting this I'nlj"IOt. Should you have any qllestion \)Iease feel fi'cc to clllI me lit 972-313-0733, Sincufcly, ~~?~ 1ll'yt1l1 Piper Estimalm-fProjcet Managcl' 1!llcl()'l!re~ Copy: Luke Jalbert Dave Wilde Drs, H!litt-I.()II~r5, lnc DEC-24-2003 WED 02:21 PM SITE CONCRETE FAX NO, 972 513 0661 P. 01/02 FAX COVER SHEET Site Concrete, Inc. 3340 Roy Orr Boulevard, Suite 100 -Grand Prairia, Texas 75050 P.O. Box 154469 • Irving, TeXGl5 75015-4469 OFFICE: 9723130733 Ext: 322 FAX: (972) 513-0661 Email: Bpiper@siteconcrete.com , SENTlO: Comp.ny: Altenti .' '. A;;:i. ';~v· p '.',"c'f":" , I Jim ..;-.;:,.':;, . -'·~;'~;:'.;v ,,~;' SI " I <,' '. '., >.--'---'-'-'-,-,,"i..,-·>D~te:-,-.· . ; I 1<. j ...•. ' .' I, .", " ". •• 1:11.: ~ ~ -Il,lllf' ')' 11~' .~~'. ~~p< 'I (2{\,I:b:t, OJ ....; 1<: .; i;~;1j~'; "~;'I '. ~(h-0' 'Jr' _11~; . 1'-<-",·' ". .':":o:T', I Id-"'~,;,;;:' " C:'i·, .. ; 1,·,:·".:',.:-, '" ' J ...... JON E S & CAR T E R. "'. . !.. £NGtNEERS·PLANNERS·SURVEYORS i~~IW+1.Jr,; () Ic't ~';', !.\,i) l1:,i.I. I' !-'1> : o~IJb:ij, ,··'h·IAU:~ ',", .' !'" V1'fC .....1 j(?\WY7'L1~ : . . .~\ .. . lit. . &1111 6-t I r~~ A a:, . ~: "'-1 '-. . -! . ! J T : 0:/vv, ~;, \, ! ! y ·'~ ...L.L,.C..;.~~L.~~L,L~ ...~\,L' Smart Engineering. Smart Solutions.Ta' $OO·8~..s337 w.w;;jooescarter.com P.O. llox 2650 1\lba, Oklaho= 74101 918-493-5172 1'.. 918-493-5148 mpltn;pmn1robJ@sm! com Patrick A. Nwakoby Proiect Engineer May 7, 2004 Mr. Luk.e Jalbert Project Mana,ger Public Works Department Town ofAddison 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, Texas, 75001 Re: Spectrom Drive; Greenville to CarroDton Jet. 12" Line; Dwg. No.231AA-IOIO; Near MP 37.5, DaDas County, Texas Dear Mr. Jalbert: Please find enclosed Explorer's executed Encroachment Agreement fur execution on behalf of the Town of Addison and recording at the Dallas County Court of Records. Also enclosed is Explorer's encroachment specification. Permission to construct the above referenced road across Explorer's 12-inch highpressure petrolenm products pipeline easement will then be granted upon Explorer receiving one (1) certified file stamped copy ofthe executed and reeorded Encroachment Agreement and the necessary adjustments to the pipeline are completed. IfJ can be of further assistance, please call me at 918-493-5172. PAN EncI...... 2 E-mail; J.A. w.,.".,u R.W. Fleming L.V.W_ ML. TudalrlGr ....viUe F.e.1Aw 'ZOQ4Cooee ..it When Reeorder Return To: Patrick Nwakoby EXPLORER Pipeline Company P.O. Box 2650 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF OKLAHOMA } Iss COUNTY OF TULSA } KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, Dallas Area Rapid Transport -DART did grant to EXPLORER PIPELINE COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation (herein called "EXPLORER"), a license to install a pipeline on it's right ofway; WHEREAS, The Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas (herein called CITy) has requested permission to construct a street -Spectrum Drive -across EXPLORER'S 12-inch highpressure petroleum products pipeline easement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the supplemental agreements hereinafter made, EXPLORER does hereby grant permission to construct Spectrum Drive across EXPLORER'S l2-inch high pressure petroleum products pipeline easement only insofar as EXPLORER has the right title and interest to grant such permission, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. EXPLORER'S Area office shall receive notice at least 48 hours in advance of any construction contemplated near pipeline in order that a field representative of EXPLORER can be present. Please contact EXPLORER'S representative at the office indicated below: Mr. Mike Tucker Greenville Area Manager 2856 County Road 2168 Caddo Mills, Texas, 75135 (903) 527-1262 2. CITY hereby agrees to assume the risk of, and shall protect, indemnify, and save harmless EXPLORER from and against all liability for or on account of, injury to or death of persons or damage to property, resulting from CITY'S operations, except to the degree such injury, death, or damage was caused by the negligence of EXPLORER, its agents, servants, or employees. 3. CITY shall not permit any machine excavation nor allow heavy equipment to work within 18 feet either side ofEXPLORER'S 12-inch pipeline without prior approval of EXPLORER'S field representative. 4. CITY shall include the following warnmg on all construction prints involving EXPLORER'S Pipeline. C:\Documents and Settings\pnwakoby\My Documents\Patrlcks_Stuff \NA-Spectrum.doc Page 1 of 4 "WARNING"!!! EXPLORER'S 12-Inch High-Pressure Petroleum Products Pipeline. Contact Greenville Area Manager, (903) 527-1262, at least 48 Hours before Any Construction near Pipeline Begins. fI S. In order to verifY the integrity of EXPLORER'S 12-inch pipeline prior to it becoming inaccessible at the proposed street (Spectnun Drive), CITY shall reimburse EXPLORER for costs to excavate and inspect its pipeline. 6. CITY shall reimburse EXPLORER for work involved in items 5 above the amount not to exceed $20,000.00. 7. This agreement is for Spectnun Drive construction only. All other future road construction across EXPLORER'S pipeline shall require a separate agreement. 8. Any protective slabs, pavements, sidewaiks, landscaping, etc. located within Explorer Pipelines easement that have to be removed for access to pipeline for emergency or maintenance purposes, will be removed and replaced at CITY'S expense. 9. CITY will be responsible for any future erosion repairs due to its activities or lack of proper erosion control measures, which result in EXPLORER having to lower its pipeline or take corrective measures to prevent its pipeline from becoming exposed. 10. CITY shall comply with all applicable requirements listed in form EPL-331 "Explorer Pipeline Company Encroachment Specifications", attached as Exhibit "A". 11. No above ground structnres, including power pedestals, transformers, light poles, fire hydrants, valves, storm water catch basins, manholes, driveways, parking lots, storage sheds, swimming pools (above or below ground), fences, decking, or patios are to be located within EXPLORER'S pipeline easement. 12. The planting of trees or any other shrubbery within EXPLORER'S easement is strictly prohibited unless specifically stated in the right-of-way agreement/easement. 13. CITY shall not commence any work, associated with this project within EXPLORER'S easement until notified that EXPLORER has received a copy ofthis document certified by the County Recorder as having been duly filed for record in the County Records Office. Said copy shall be clearly marked with the record book and page number, and the date and time it was recorded. 14. CITY agrees that in accordance with the original easement Granted that Explorer has the right to install and maintain pipeline markers along the pipeline route as it deems necessary to define the pipeline location. CITY also agrees that by penalty ofFederal law subsequent removal or destruction of said markers without expressed written approval of Explorer is prohibited. 15. This Agreement will not become valid until it is fully executed by both parties and has been recorded by the CITY with attachments in the respective County records where the encroachment is to occur. C:\Documents and Setting-;\pnw.lkobyIMy nocumentsIPatticks_SIUfi\NA.Spectrum,doc Page 2 of 4 __________________________ _ The tenns, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have hereunto set their hands and seals this rytIA day of~m MAy ,2004. EXPLORER PIPELINE COMPANY TOWN OF ADDISON 0(") k •• \ . 11 0 By:~ ""'\I~~2:: ..... Patrick A NwakObY Name: Project Engineer/R.O.W. Title: _______________________ C:\Documents and SeUings\pnwakobyIMy Documents\Patricks~Stufl\N A-Spectrurn.doc Page 3 of 4 STATE OF OKLAHOMA } } ss. COUNTY OF TULSA } BEFORE me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said)(ounty and State, on this r day of md-:;t ,2004, personally appeared p~-, AJun.J~~ known to~ ethe identical person who subscribed the name of EXPLORER P LINE COMPANY to the within and foregoing instrument, as its Project EngineerlR.O.W., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. NotaryPu ·c My Commission Expires:~~,-!_-.!.../""(p::...-....:Vh::::..:o:'---~_ STATE OF } } ss. COUNTY OF } BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of , 20 _. personally appeared _________________________________________ and _________________________________________, known to me to be the identical person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument, on behalf of ________________~ _______________________________________________asits ___________________ ______ and ______________and did acknowledged to me that _______executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. [SEAL] Notary Public My Commission Expires:.____________ C:\Documcnts and Settings\pnwakoby\My Documents\Patricks_Stuff\NA-Spectrumdoc Page 4 of4 EXPLORER PIPELINE COMPANY (EPL) ENCROACHMENT SPECIFICATIONS The fullowing are minimum ""Iuirements fur most proposed ~ts to avoid conIIict with BPL'. easemeut rights. It is not BPL's intent to convey !hat these are the OIIlytypes of aoIivlti.. pennitled; additioaal specificati.... may be ""Iuired depending upo!l the proposed cncroadnnents. For a review of your individual situation, pi....,., _tsct the ."""",t EPL area office, call toll-free 1-888-876-0036 (select option 112, dten#3). GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SURFACE ALTERATIONS A) Federal and Stale laws ""Iu1re 48-72 hours IWIice giwn to the utility companies prior to beginning excavation. This may be acx:amplished by eonIaf-way. Dj Any change in the amount of existing material (soil) 00 aIld ""'" the right-<>f-way, that makes the totsIamOUIrt ofoover I ... thsn rour (4') 1Cet or adds more thsn one (1') fOot of......., most be approved in advance by BPL'. Ilncroaclunent l'n:!iect Engineer (918) 4935100 ext. 172. B) l'ru:roaching party will be respnosible fur any future erosion "'Pairs due to its aoIivlties, or lack of proper erosion _I measures, which result in BPL havlog to ",locate its pipeline or take _ive measures to prevent its pipeline from beooming exposed. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BURIED LINE CROSSINGS A) All buried lines crossing EPL right-<>f-""y shall be installed adheriog to all applicable codes aod ""Iuirements goveming such instalIati..... B) All buried lin .........ing BPL'. right-<>r-waymusl cross on an aogle that when ..............t betwoen the proposed buried line and BPL right-<>..way is between 90 and 45 degeees. This angle must be maintained 0A:r06S the ~width ofthe right-of-way. C) All buried lines Cl'()SSing EPVs pipeline shall maintain a mjnjmum separation of24 indl.. betwoen the two lines, with the same geade ofdepth earried _ the ~right-<>f-way. D) All buried lines shonld croos under the pipeline. However, should the encroaching party be unable to onmply with the 24ft clearance ""luirements due to obstructions or unlilvorabl.. soil conditions, EPL', rcpn:sentati"" may approve special design aIld construc:tion. E) Explorer'. pipeline shall be exposed at encroaching party's expense during all bored croosinp wh.... clearance betwoen EPL'. line and proposed bore path is ten 1Cet (10') or less. Upno onmpleting crossing, eompact all disturbed bacldilI to a density equal to or greater than surroallding soil. F) No fureign appurten ....,. (meters, poles, drop baltes, collection basins, ete.) shall be located within BPL'. rlght-<>f-way. G) Encroaching party shall furnish aIld install a six inch wid. burial WllJl1ing tape, 12 12 to 18 incites above all non metallic lines and extend across the ~width ofEPL'. right-<>f-way. H) Where physically possible, signs shall be installed at each edge of right-<>"way by encroaching party to locate and identifY owner, t}pe ofservice, and emergency phone numbem. 1) Encroaching partywill be responsible for any fuw... erosion repairs due to its activities, or lack of proper erosion control measures, which result in EPL having to relocate its pipeline or take <:am><:tiw measures to prevent its pipeline fiom beooming exposed. PARALLEL ENCROACHMENTS WITIlIN EPL'S RIGHT'()FWAY A) The ""Iuirements fur parallel enOtOlldlmerrts within BPL's rigbt-f-way must be approved befure oommencing work. Excavating closer than 12-18 inches to the pipelinc or <;a!hodic protection (C.P.) wires shall be done by band until the pipeline and C.P. wires are exposed and shall be done only with the approva1 and in the preoence of an au!horized EPL representative. After EPL's pipeline and C.P. wires have been exposed, the excavation equipment should be positioned so that from the point of operations the equipment will not reach within 18 inch.. ofthe pipeline or C.P. wires. B) If" hackhoe is used, the bucket should be curled under each time it is returned 10 the ditch and should have a plate covering an 1eet!J. 10 ~uce the Chance ofgnu&es or pun_ to the pipe. C) Any plowing or ripping of soil on the right-f-way. Directionally bo~ installations will be evaluated on a case by case basis. 3) POWER LINES (BURIED) A) Shall meet all provisions GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -BURlBD LINIl CROSSINGS. B) Shall have mjnjDDlm cleat8llces betwoen lines of24 indies. C) Shall be encased in steel conduit wi!h 6" ofred concrete on top of the conduit. Concrete may be omitted when crossing under EPL's line and the following minimum clearances are obtained: 48 inches between EPL's pipeline and top of steel conduit or, 72 inches for bared insWlati.... utiIi2ing Illl!l-steel_duit. D) Tn the eveD! EPL allows a buried • power line to cross ""'" the pipeline, the steel coodult shall be the lUll width ofthe right-of-way and centralU:ed in a IT minimum layer ofred concrete. E) Signs shall be plaf-way. C) Field til.. 1hat cross 0",", the pipeline shall require special """metallic support. Support is not required fur plastic dlaln lin... U) TEMPORARYBEAVY EQUIPMENT CROSSINGS A) Equipment such .. CO!!SI:ructica, logging, etc., must cross the pipeline only at EPL approved crossing locations Where the cover hss been checked and detetmined adequate to meet load-besting requinmJent5. B) Provisions A, C, D, &; E ofthe GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SlJRFACE ALTERATIONS also apply. NOTE: These specifications are subject 1n cbange. Please contact )'Out local EPL office prior to commencing any wotl< Iltt the right-of-way. EPL AREA OFFICES (These ARE NOT emergency numbers) G.......ru... T.... (903) 527-1250 Wood Ri_.Dlinoil< (618) m.G2S0 Glenpool, 0k1ah0ma Port ArthlU", T.,... (918) 291-5250 (409) "/364250 One CaD S,.tem. IDdlana 1-8lM1-382-5544 Dlinoil< 1-81lO-S92-11123 Missouri 1-8lM1-344-7483 OkWloma 1-100-522-6543 Te_ 1-8lM1-54~5 Loaisia... 1-8lM1-272-3020 EXPLORER PIPELINE CO. 24-HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER (CALL TOLL FREE) 1-888-876-0036 TRENCH SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared for SITE CONCRETE, INC. • Project # 8429 TREN·TECH COMPANY 828 HOWEU DR. COPPBU, TEXAS 75019 972·304·2171 Entire contents ccpyright 0 by Tren~Tech Company. All rights reserved, Reproductlon In whole Or in pari without permissfon iN prohibited. 11.0 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS I 1.1 General. These specifications cover the basic requirements for shoring and/or sloping of excavations for the installation of SANITARY SEWER LINES, WATER LINES, ELECTRICAL DUCT LINES and STORM DRAIN for the SPECTRUM DRIVE, NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION in the TOWN ofADDISON, TEXAS. 1.2 This specification addresses the safety of workers in a trench excavation and does not, in any way relieve the Contractor ofhis responsibility and liability to ensure the safety of the project and workers. 1.3 It is not the intent of these specifications to specify every detail and procedure of the trenching/shoring operations; nevertheless, they shall conform to the high standards of engineering and ofsafe trench excavation. 1.4 The personnel protection systems shown in these specifications have been designed based on information obtained from the project drawings and specifications. 1.5 In accordance with Revised OSHA (Appendix A to Subpart P effective March 2,1990), the Contractor's "Competent Person" will conduct the required Soil Classification Tests. If soils other than those previously identified are found, this specification will be revised. During construction, the Contractor's "Competent Person" will monitor the soil classification as required by OSHA 1926. 1.6 Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the appropriate safety system option shown in these specifications, depending on trench depth and soil conditions. 1.7 The protection of existing structures and utilities which may be affected by these trench excavations is beyond the scope of this report (See Sect.4.2) 1.8 The Contractor must identify a "Competent Person" in the Contractor's firm responsible for performing inspections of the excavations to ensure that expected subsurface conditions are present. NOTE-This person must be "Competent" as described in OSHA 1926.650(b). 1.9 It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all excavation work and site conditions are within the regulations as established by OSHA. Any property damage damage or bodily injury (including death) arising from the use of these specifications, from the Contractor's negligence in performance of contract work, or from Owner's failure to note exceptions to these specifications shall remain the sole responsibility and liability of the contractor. Copyrighl © 1993 by Trcn~Tech Company 12.0 DEFINITIONS I 2.1 All definitions of section 1926.650 of Subpart p, Part 1926, of the Code of Federal Regulations shall be by reference an integral part of this section. 2.2 "Sealing Engineer"-The engineer whose Texas seal is affixed to these specifications. 2.3 "The Contractor"-The contractor responsible to the owner for the excavation work described herein. 2.4 "Competent" as described in OSHA 1 926.650(b). 13.0 APPLICABLE CODE AND STANDARDS I 3.1 The Contractor shall perform all shoring work under this contract in accordance with all applicable codes and standard safety requirements and regulations including: 3.1.1 OSHA 2207, Construction Industry Standards (Part 1926, Occupational Safety and Health Standards) 3.1,2 AISC Code of Standard Practice. 3.1.3 AISC Specifications of the design, fabrication, and erection of steel buildings 3.1.4 AITC Timber Construction Manual 3.1.5 A WS Dl.l Structural Welding Code 3.1,6 The Uniform Building Code 3.L7 OSHA 2226 3.1.8 US Army Corps of Engineers EM 385-1-1 3.2 The latest edition (including supplements and revisions) of the above publications in effect or promulgated at the time ofthe bid shall apply. Equipment fabricated to codes and standards in effect at time of bid but later revised shall be acceptable provided such revisions are not required by law, 2 Copyright © 1993 by Tren~Tech Company 14.0 SHORINGfSLOPING I 4.1 Description. This section covers the technical requirements of the trenching/shoring work. 4.2 Existing Structures. Where existing buildings, other utilities, streets, highways, or other structures are in close proximity to the trench, or may otherwise be affected by the proposed trenching operation, the Contractor shall provide adequate protection by the use of sheeting and shoring to protect the structure, street, or highway from possible damage. In the case of utilities, the Contractor may elect to remove the utility, provided that the removal and subsequent replacement meet with the approval of the engineer, the utility owner, or whoever has jurisdiction of the structure. In all cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect public and plivate property and any person or persons who might, as a result of the Contractor's work, be injured. 4.3 General Trenching and Shoring Requirements. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for trench safety proVIsions meeting the applicable requirements of the United States Department of Labor-Occupational Safety and Health Administration, including subpart P, Part 1926, of the Code of Federal Regulations. All trenching operations and procedure shall also conform to the requirements listed in this specification. 4.3.1 The requirements of sections 1926.650 and 1926.651 of Subpart P, Part 1926, of the Code of Federal Regulations shall be by reference an integral part of this section. 14.4 REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION I 4.4.1 Known underground installations are shown on the site plans. It IS the Contractor's responsibility to verify exact locations in the field. 4.4.2 Before any individual enters an excavation, the excavation will be inspected by a "Competent Person" to ensure that trench excavation has been performed according to this specification and OSHA requirements and to ensure that no anomalies are observed which may effect the safety of the trench project. Note-This person must be "Competen!" as described in OSHA OSHA 1926.650(b). 3 Copyrighl © 1993 by Tren-Tcch Company 14.5 REQUIREMENTS DURING EXCAVATION I 4.5.1 During excavation, the exact location of existing underground installations shall be determined by the Contractor, and when uncovered, proper precautions and supports shall be provided so as not to cause a hazard to the workmen or the project. 4.5.2 Daily inspections of the excavations shall be made by the Competent Person". If there is evidence of possible cave-ins or slides, all work in the excavation shall cease until the necessary precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of the workmen and the trench. Note-This person must be "Competent" as described in OSHA 1926.650. Excavations shall be inspected after every rainstorm or other hazard-increasing occurrence to ensure safety of the workmen and the trench. 4.5.3 Excavated material shall be stockpiled a distance away from the trench, so as not to affect the trench stability. The Contractor's means and methods will determine the distance. As a minimum to protect the workmen from falling debris, the toe of the stockpiled soil shall be no closer than two(2) feet from the edge of the excavation. 4.5.4 All precautions must be made to prevent surface water from entering the trench excavation. Adequate drainage must be provided in the area adjacent to the excavation. 4.5.5 Operation of heavy equipment adjacent to the edge of the trench may cause instability. The Contractor is responsible for the means and methods of excavation, and therefore, for loads imposed on the trench excavation and shoring design. 4.5.6 The Contractor must take precautions to protect the face of the excavation from exposure to excessive drying, water, or freezing. 4.5.7 Water shall not be permitted to stand in the bottom of the trench and suction pumps of adequate capacity shall be installed to ensure that such standing water is removed. 4.5.8 The Contractor shall provide a positive means of ensuring that hydrostatic pressure does not build up behind the shoring or shields. 4.5.9 If a condition requiring the use of a different method of shoring is encountered, this specification will be revised. 4.5.10 Remove shoring units from bottom to top as backfilling proceeds. 4.5.11 When backfill is within five(5) feet of the top of the trench, all shoring may be removed, unless the trench conditions indicate a hazard. 4.5.12 No person shall be exposed to the lower portion of the trench after shoring has been removed. 4 Copyright e 1993 by Tren-"ech Company 4.5. 13 Additional shoring of larger sizes may be installed. 4.5.14 Ladders or other adequate means of exit must be provided and located so as to require no more than twenty-five(25) feet oflateral travel. 4.5.15 When two(2) trenches intersect, both trenches must be protected to a distance of not less lhat the depth of the deepest trench. 14.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONFINED SPACE I 4.6.1 Prior to construction the contractor shaU identify any areas near the proposed excavations that could expose workmen to harmful levels of atmospheric contaminants (i.e. landfills, manholes or materials storage). 4.6.2 During construction, before workmen are allowed in an excavation or existing structure, the contractor shall test the air quality at these previously identified areas for hazardous atmospheres in all excavations greater than four (4) feet in depth. Atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen or more than 20 percent concentration of flammable gas shall be deemed "hazardous" adequate precautions shall be taken. 4.6.3 Retesting of work areas shall be conducted as often as necessary to ensure that the atmosphere remains safe for workmen. 4.6.4 During construction, emergency rescue equipment shall be readily available where potentially hazardous conditions are expected to develop. 4.6.5 As a minimum, the contractor shall have on site the following emergency equipment. Breathing apparatus, a safety harness and line, or a basket stretcher. During construction in potentially hazardous areas, the required equipment shall be attended. 5 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company SECTION 5.0 SITE SPECIFIC EXCA VA TIONS AND SHORING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANIT ARY SEWER LINES WATERLINES ELECTRICAL DUCT LINES AND STORM DRAINAGE 6 Copyright © 1993 by Tren~Tcch Company I 5.1 EXCAVATIONS SPECIFIC TO THIS PROJECT I NOTE: Trench shield(s) and/or slope (Option [ or IT) shall be used for personnel protection at the location ofthe bore pits. If trench shields are employed, end protection shall be accomplished with appropriately rated trench shields or interlocking sheet pile (PZ-27 or equal installed horizontally). These members shall be installed so as to rest on the ends ofthe main trench shields. STORM DRAIN LINE "T" LOCATION MAX.DEPTH OPTION NOTES I +59.41 TO 5+31.32 9.0 I, II INSTALL 2-48" RCP STOR/V! DRAIN LINE "u" LOCATION MAX.DEPTH OPTION NOTES 0+50 TO 2+85 7.0 I, IT INSTALL 6'X4' RCB 2+85 TO 7+83.85 10.0 I, IT INSTALL 6'X3' RCB STORM DRAIN LINE "L" LOCATION MAX. DEPTH OPTION NOTES 5+44.77 TO 8+40 12.0 I, II INSTALL 42" RCP 8+40 11.0 I, IT CONST. MANHOLE 8+40 TO 9+72 10.0 I, II INSTALL 42" RCP 9+72 TO 12+32.15 10.0 I, II INST ALL 36" RCP 12+32.15 1l.0 I, II CONST. MANHOLE 12+32.15 TO 13+81 9.0 I, II INST ALL 27" RCP 7 Copyright © !993 by Tren~Tech Company PROJECT LATERALS & INLETS The contractor shall use guidelines set forth in Option I for the construction of inlets on the above referenced storm drain lines and use guidelines set forth in Option I or II for the installation of related piping. WATER LINE "I" LOCATION MAX.DEPTH OPTION NOTES 18+47 TO 29+34.10 6.0 I, II, III INSTALL 12" W.L. WATER LINE "4" LOCATION MAX.DEPTH OPTION NOTES 2+25.75 TO 8+27 10.0 I, II, III INSTALL 12" W.L. 8+27 TO 9+56 INSTALL BY BORE 9+56 TO 9+66 6.0 I, II, III INSTALL 12" W.L. OTHER PROJECT WATERLINES AND APPURTENANCES The contractor will install other water lines and appurtenances that were not profiled on the project plans. Generally, pipe less than ten inches in diameter will require an excavation of less than five feet in depth, however, at connections to larger size pipe it is probable that excavations will exceed five feet in depth. When excavation depths greater than five feet are encountered or jf there is evidence of raveling or caving for any reason including pre-disturbed soil conditions, the contractor will be required to shore or slope the excavation so as to provide a safe workplace. The contractor may use guidelines set forth in Option I, II or III for these excavations. 8 Copyngh! (9 1993 by Tren~Tech Company SANITARY SEWER LINE "A" LOCATION MAX.DEPTH 4+53 TO 7+41 15.0 7+41 15.0 7+41 TO 11+32.97 14.0 11+32.97 14.0 11+32.97 TO 14+35 14.0 14+35 14.0 SANlT ARY SEWER LINE "B" LOCATION MAX. DEPTH 0+00 TO 0+78.61 15,0 SANITARY SEWER LINE "C" LOCATION MAX.DEPTH 0+00 15.0 0+00 TO 0+78.61 14.0 ELECTRICAL DUCT LINE "A" LOCATION MAXDEPTH 9+35,8 TO 12+44 20.0 12+44 22.0 12+44 TO 16+36.19 22.0 16+36,19 23.0 16+36.19 TO 20+00 20.0 OPTION I, II I, II I, II, III I, II I, II, III 1,11 OPTION J, II OPTION I, II I, II, III OPTION I, II J, II I, II 1, II I, II NOTES INSTALL 8" S.S. CaNST. MANHOLE INST ALL 8" S.S. CaNST. MANHOLE INSTALL 8" S.S: CaNST. MANHOLE NOTES INST ALL 8" S.S. NOTES CaNST. MANHOLE INSTALL 8" S.S, NOTES INSTALL DUCT BANK CaNST. MANHOLE INSTALL DUCT BANK CONST MANHOLE INSTALL DUCT BANK 9 Copyright@1993 by Tren-Tech Company 15.2 SHORING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THIS WORK I 5,2,1 Trenches more than five(5) deep shall be shored, laid back to a stable slope, or some other equivalent means of protection shall be provided where employees may be exposed to moving ground or cave-ins, Trenches less than five(5) feet in depth shall also be effectively protected when examination ofground indicates hazardous ground movement may be expected. The Contractor will have Options I, II or III for providing such protection, 5,2,2 Lateral Earth Pressure: P = We(H+Hq) Assumed Soil: Clay !:!:i I~<~~I p~ a unifonnly distributed lateral soil pressure. in Ibs.lft' We=' Effective Soil Weight, pcf(Use 45 psfType"B" Soil) ~ H~ Depth of excavation from top of supported bank to 1<-_-1 WE 45T bottom of excavation in feet. H Hq= Equivalent Height o[Surcharge, in feet. Reference OSHA Rules and Regulations-Part 1926 of29 CFR 1 as amended by the Federal Register Volume 54. Number 209, October 31, 1989 Maximum anticipated lateral earth pressure for this project is 1125 "PSF" 5,2,3 Option I The Contractor can use Slope as shown in the Option I section of the specification, Applicable slopes may be obtained by either straight cut or benched method. Vertical cuts for the benched method shall not exceed four(4) feet. Easement restrictions may limit the use of this option, See Drawing Option L 5,2.4 Option II The Contractor may use a Trench Shield as shown in the Option II section of this specification. Requirements set forth in this Option shall include curricular trench shield(s) and or manhole boxes, All slopes above trench shield(s) shall conform to guidelines set forth in Option r. Trench shield(s) used on this project will be required to carry a minimum "PSF" as specified, Certification of trench shield(s) or manufacture's "tabulated data" shall be available for verification during construction. See Drawing Option 11, 5,2.5 Option III The Contractor can use Trench Shores as shown in the Option III Section of this specification. Shores are to be installed as shown with horizontal spacing determined by the depth of cut and soil type but shall not exceed 6 feet. See Drawing Option III. If there is raveling of the trench wall, the contractor shall install plywood behind the shores as shown on the Option III drawing. 10 Copyright ~ 1993 by Tren-Tech Company TRENCH SAFETYSPECIFICATIONS OPTIONI Spoil Material SLOPE y: H 3'6" Single Bench is The contractor may use the allowed in stiff clay benched method of"slope". HIV -REQUIRED SLOPE PER SOIL TYPE HIV=¥.tol Stiffclay less than 12 feet in depth (Type"A ") HIV I to 1 Stiff clay or weathered limestone (Type"A" or "8") HIV = I v" tol Silty clays or saturated material (Type "e") HIV=2 to I Fill material or loose soil. NOTES 1. All trenches shall be dewatered as specified in 4.5.7 2. All slopes assume sufficient right-of-way exists. 3. All slopes shall be flattened an additional Y, foot ifan existing parallel utility line is located within the horizontal distance equal to the depth of the new utility excavation. 4. No spoil or equipment shall be permitted nearer than 2 feet from the edge ofthe excavation. 5. A single 3' 6" vertical bench may be used in "stiff clay" only. 6. Exposed existing utility lines are to be supported. II Copyoight © 1993 by Tren~Tech Company TRENCH SAFETYSPECIFICATIONS OPTIONII TRENCH SHIELD Spoil Material l' Bench is recommended V· H Sloped portions of the excavation shall begin 18" below the top of the trench shield(s) and conform to guidelines set forth in Option L Trench shield(s) may be benched 2 feet Requirements and methods stipulated herein will apply to "manhole boxes" and/or "circular shields" that have been manufactured for personnel protection. in "stiff clay!!. NOTES L Trench shields shall be inspected and be free ofstructural defects that may impair their proper function. 2. Trench shields shall be used in accordance with the manufacturerls guidelines and recommendations. 3. Trench shields shall be installed so as to prevent any lateral or other hazardous movement. 4. Personnel shall not be allowed in tbe trench shield during its installation or removal from the excavation. 5. When shield(s) are stacked, the upper shield shall he rated for its physical depth in the trench. 6. Trench shield(s) used on this project shall be rated to to withstand anticipated "PSF" (left side of graph) for depth of cut indicated below. Manufacture's tabulated data or certification shall be maintained on site. 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300~----------------------------------------------------------5 Feel 7.5 Feet 10 Feet 12.5 Feet 15 Feet 17.5 Feet 20 Fee! 23 Feel 12 Copyright © 1993 by TfeJ'l~Tech Company W' . ',:, ..cl ! I I Plywood installed behind shores to prevent raveling. NOTES I. Shores shall be double stacked when trench depths exceed nine (9) feet. 2. Maximum horizontal spacing for double stacked shores shall be five (5) feet. 3. Maximum allowable depth of cut for this Option shall be fourteen (14) feet. 4. Alumillum hydraulic shoring may be used in Type 'IAn or uBIi soils only. 5. Maximum horizontal spacing ofshores in Type "A" soil shall be 6 feet. 6. Maximum horizontal spacing of shores in Type "B" soil shall be 5 feet. 7. The contractor's competent person shall inspect shores and verify that they are in good working order. S. The hydraulic shores shall have a minimum working pressure of750 psi. 9. The contractor shall adhere to the shoring manufueturer's guidelines for use in trench excavations. 10. If there is evidence of raveling or caving the contractor is required to install I 'f," thick plywood or 0/.," thick 14 ply arctic white birch (Finnland fOlm). II. Spoil material will not be allowed nearer than 2' from the edge ofth. excavation. 13 Copyright ~ J 993 by Tren-Tech Company SUBMITTAL SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH I SOUTH EXTENSION TOWN OF ADDISON PREPARED FOR: SrrE CONCRETE INC. P.O. BOX 154489 IRVING, TX 75015 HFERGUSON~ .",Watenoorks 10077 W UNIVERSITY DR. MCKINNEY, TX 75050 972·434·2600 SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH I SOUTH EXTENSION TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. WATER PIPE 2. CASING SPACER 3. GATE VALVE 4. FIRE HYDRANT 5. JOINT RESTRAINT 6. MECHANICAL FITTING 7. SERVICE MATERIAL 8. SEWER PIPE 9. SEWER FITTING 10. CLEANOUT CASTING 11. MANHOLE CASTING WATER PIPE -DR18 CL150 North American Pipe Corporation Ph: (940) 855-4100 __________ 3348 Industrial Drive, Wichita Falls, Texas 76306-3735 FAX: (940) 855-7680 NORTH AMERICAN PIPE PVC WATER PIPE -Class 100, 150, and 'lnn'-. ...is manufactured to meet the needs of modern municipal water distribution systems, fire prevention systems, and various industrial applications • • The pipe conforms to AWWA Standard C-900 and is listed by the Underwriter's Laboratories for use as water mains and fire prevention systems, and is listed by the NSF International and approved by Factory Mutual (FM) • .. It is manufactured to cast iI'on size 0.0. making the pipe compatible with traditional piping materials used in municipal water systems. • Each length of pipe is pressure tested at four (4) times its rated pressure . .. The NorthAmerican Pipe Corporation Joint is the latest development in gasketed integral-bell PVC pipe. It will far surpass any other gasketed coupling system in the elimination of gasket roll-out (fishmouthing) during installation. NSF-51 PRESSURE RATING AT 73.4·F North American Pipe Corporation Class 100 Water Pipe is designed to operate at a service pressure of 100 psi. Each length. including the integral bell is hydrostatically tested at 400 psi. Class ISO Water Pipe is designed to operate at a service pressure of 150 psi. Each length. including the integral bell. is hydrastatically tested at 600 psi. Class 200 Water Pipe is designed to operate at a service pressure of 200 psi. Each length. including the integral bell. is hydrostatically tested at 800 psi. Class 100. ISO, and 200 C-900 all have a surge allowance. Internal pressure and external loading criteria are outlined in AWWA C-900, Appendix A. Size InSide Diameter Depth Of Entry Dimension Bell 0.0. Feet Per Unit , " . . .. ", ~ ... " .":-. -"::,":",,,C·,··':··',-:~'r':C·:·:·'·"';{;;;-:·.;:';::";::~!t:;,,,""',;:,·~,:·,·':i.t,"':'."·;:r;;:,"'5::"'~' ';-;~~:;"0"'7'::":~" :' ...:;~ ...-'... . . NorthAmericanpip~Corpo.(eltIQf'! •....... .. ." ..... "sHoafi:oRlvisPECIFICATIONS . .' For Class 100, 150;ani;l200 IntegralBel1 Gasketed PVC Pipe .' Meeting AWWA StandardC-900alldwithReinforced Gaskets . . ,. • .. .. •.• ' ... ---•. _. ,. .. .• _.. '.·co."",-·,,:, ;' ~ ...•. ","" ', ..." ..... '.. .•. ••... •• ..• . .. .. .. . STANDARDS AWWA C·900 -polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe 4" through 12" for water. AWWA C-111 -standard for rubber gasket jOints for cast iron pipe and fittings. ASTM 0-1784 -Specifications for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compounds. ASTM 0-3139 -Joints for plastic pressure pipe using elastomeric seals. ASTM F-4n -Specifications for elastomeric seals. UNI-B-1 -Thermoplastic pipe joints, pressure and non-pressure applications. UNI-B-3 -Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pressure pipe (complying with AWWA standard C·900). UNI-B-8 -direct tapping of PVC pressure water pipe. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification outlines requirements for rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe for water main systems and other pressure pipe applications. When used for potable water systems the pipe shall meet the ANSI! NSF Standard 61 -Drinking Water System Compo· nents -Health Effects, which is indicated by the following logo: I I . NSF·51 . 2. MATERIAL 2.1 The pipe shall be extruded from PVC meeting the requirements 01 Cell ClaSSification 12454·8 as defined in ASTM D 1784, PVC Compounds. The PVC shall also be approved by NSF Intemationallor use in pctable water pipe. 3. PIPE 3.1 The pipe shall be manufactured to cast iron size (C.I.) outside dimensions with DR's and tolerances in compliance with AWWA Standard C-900. PVC Pressure Pipe, 4" through 12" for water. The pipe shall be approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) lor use in underground lire protection service. Laying length shall be 20' ±1" for all sizes, except that up to 15% of the lootage maybe in random lengths of not less than 10'. 3.2 The pipe shall have an integral bell end and the gasket seal shall be reinforced with a steel band or other rigid material. The joint shall be in compliance with requirements of ASTM 03139, JOints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals. The spigot end of the pipe is cut square and has a smooth bevel of 15' to a depth of approximately 112 of the wall thickness. 3.3 The pipe marking shall include: (A). Nominal size and 0.0. base (e.g., 8" C.I.). (8). Material code designation (PVC 1120). (C). Dimension ratio number, (DR 14 or 18). (0). AWWA pressure class (150 or200). (E). AWWA deSignation number (AWWA C 900). (F). Manufacturer's name or trademark and production code. (G). Seal of the testing agency thai verified Ihe suitability of the pipe malerial for potable water service. 4. TEST REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Each length of pipe (standard or random), including the integral bell, shall be pressure tested to four times the rated pressure for a minimum 01 five seconds. 4.2 Pipe shall meet all additional test requirements as described in AWWA C-900. 5. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 5_1 Criteria lor design and installatin of PVC Water Pipe shall be in accordance With the general requirements set fourth in AWWA C-900, Appendix A. Addnional guidelines, covering thrust blocking, tepping, curved installation, testing, etc., are outlined in UNI-BELL Standard for Installation of PVC Plastic Pressure Pipe for Municipal Water Main Dislribution Systems, UN/-B-S. Ii....•~A~~f;MB.~YilN~TRI1CTI9N$.', ::".:rne:easeofassembly;·of the North.'Amer!-.,: . 'L;;ahPip~ corp6tatioti joint means quiokatiil, '~'eCooorriloal iniltallation~ with a minil'numof . .:tskllled.iabor and regardh!ss of theweath~r . :,<06hdi~ons.<" ; . . '. ..' .' . . :{c';;' ·':I'hre~SiinpieSt eps: .'.. . ·)'1.;<(;/~aII!,W~tlJatagplbrusl]reinove al! for-.: 't ~ign rriateri·: .>... ...; :'i::lfiii~tiCaieIAppIYIl (I]in cq8t of lubtlcil'nt to >:. .;:;the beveled end. of thep/pe. Lubricate up to the ;':;iitopitiarK:~'··.' ...•. .' . :;'~:J)qsh! Align the· beN and male end of the '\:;pipe.iTh,en push together for il tight, leakproof ·]iflht.. .... ...... '. . • .... ... ···.~ptth :j\met;ican J:JipeCor:poralion '. .... ' ~: 3348 Industrial Drive" . .,,:'WichitaFalls,TX 76306-3735 . pH6ne:(~4Pf855-4100 .. FAx: (940) 855-7680· CASING SPACER -RACI i rael patented casing spacers for cased pipelines rael, the leaders in casing spacer technology, has been in business since 1977 and are ISO 9002 CERTIFIED. Their uniquely designed, engineered and patented spacers are respected and their dependability has made them the number one choice of specifiers and installers world wide. raa Casing Spacers Isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casings simply and cost effectively. Insulators are required to separate casing and carrier pipes with the following criteria. • Must ensure electrical insulation between the two pipes • permanently prevent bells from sliding or resting on casing pipe • Must fasten tightly on the carrier pipe to ensure no horizontal movement during Insertion • Must be made of materials which do not conduct electricity and are permanently resistant to chemical corrosion • Must be resistant to both mechanical and thermal shocks and stresses particularly during installation rael SPACER ADVANTAGES: raa spacers meet the above requirements with with the following advantages over the standard skid and strap application and other models of manufactured spacers. • Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene with NO METAL bolts or attachments required • Spacers are quickly and easily assembled by manually fitting elements one Into the other Page 1 • Tooth Insertion method allows on site adjustment to fit a wide range of pipe diameters and coatings • Spacers slide into casing with ease • Spacers maintain continual long term support for the carrier pipe and its contents • Spacers provide constant projections around the entire circumference of the carrier pipe. • Spacers provide long term corrosion protection • Spacers can be installed on coated or plain concrete, ductile Iron, plastic and steel pipe. The spacers are divided into four groups which address a wide range of pipe sizes and weights. Within each grouping there are varying support heights that allow the spacer to clear bell joints, fianges, couplings, and other jointing methods. These heights range from .78 inches to 5.11 Inches (20 -130 mm) SPECIAL APPUCATIONS: For applications with temperatures in excess of 60'C/140' F spacers are available in nylon. On request spacers can be manufactured in other ( types of plastic material according to the mechanical and temperature requirements of the pipeline. The HOPE spacer is manufactured by injection molding. This gives it a high impact strength and a low coefficient of friction which exceeds industry standards. Each spacer element represents a flexible section that has a toothed male butt strap at one end and an appropriately toothed female slot on the other end. Absolutely no metallic parts are involved in their assembly. This' design allows for on site adjustments for any variances within the 0.0. range. Coupled with their flexibility they cover all types of pipe from 0.0. range 1.18 inches (30 mm) and upward. rael SPACER OPTI SPACER ELEMENTS F AND G These spacers are engineered to be small to medium sized pipe and are support a maximum weight load of 1102 /500 kg per ring. F and G spacers are best suited for pipe ranges 3.62 to 16.00 inches (92 to 406 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 1 is used. SMALL TO MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE TYPE FIG 25, 4:1., and 60 mm element support height of ~98, :1.6, and 2.3S inches ; ..:~;.".@"..!W!11!1: ~'''' _ ~ ~ '" ~,. ,.."", I .t;;;mh J ~ '" IKE mfn. I mal( F 92 1 116 ;t~_ 151 2 154 192 2 189 226 3 3 302 ___.2.!!. ,.. ,?6!.. 4 m min a6~. 4.57 6.06 !.44.. ~.~~ 9.88 .1f·,?,2 . 12.36 14.~4 17.32 max 4.49 5.94 1.56 _. ~~,~.3 1~,5~ ...;?-:~Jl 1:?.5Q 14.B4.. ~?c~~" 20.79 nm G 1. 1 1 ~~a ru.r~ 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 .1.8 _~:l; ._ .... , .. ~,~ " .. 280 H<_3~3 4 1 6 ;,.8 31' 317 5 l:.~ " . ." , 6 .3?.? ,--". 452 6 -~:~, . ." i Hei 6 44() 528 7 I 1.8 i , , , , ,. 6 6 6 6 6 6 MEDIUM DIAMETER PIPE SPACER ELEMENTS M AND N The M and N spacer is designed for that middle pipe 0.0. range application. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 2204 Ib./l000 kg per ring. The M and N spacers are best suited for the pipe range 14.09 to 30.8 inches (358 to 764 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 5 is used. • < 8.07. 10.08 12;ofl 14.09 . : l:f2,~-:'"~' '. ~:;,;O~.::· 21.10 25.08 .:' 2~,,~2' .. : SPACER ELEMENTS E AND H For large diameter pipe, heavier applications or LARGE DIAMETER PIPE long casings where maximum strength is required the E and H elements are used. They are able to support a maximum weight load of 5925 Ib./2700 kg per ring and are best suited for the pipe range above 24 inches (609 mm). For installation, the Clamping Tool Type 2 is used for support heights up to 90 mm. Tool Type 4 is used forthe E 130s. SPACER ELEMENTS SAND T (see next page) 0.0. range 1.18 -6,46 inches (30 -164 mm) 29.37 ?~~;.; ... :-·~~~~.if. 31.61 37.80 3~:1~. .. 41:;~~ .. ~"~:.~2 ~.~:~.? ,15:?7 ."~4.5.7 5~68 62.99 59.84 .. 1!J~6 . 1173 11 '1386 ;3 1338 1600 15 ".~'·.'.'.".. I .... ~l:3' J,T.... .. _1?!3~ .... 2133 20 2051 .~4oa 2853 ..~~~.~ .2880 Page 4 SPACER ELEMENTS SAND T These spacers are linked by a tongue and groove methQd. Sand T spacers are able tQ support a maximum weight IQad of 250 IbJ110 kg per ring. They are best suited fQr pipe ranges 1.18 -4.13 inches (30 -150 mm). For installation the Clamping Tool Type 3 is used. Properties of rael Spacers SMALL DIAMETER PIPE " 1.38 ,30 1.69 3S 2.76 60 3.07 _~8._ 3,39 76 4.13 90 4.45 98 4.76 , ..1.06 -_ .. 5.51 120 6.14 1.36 144 ' ,.3~ "L 43 1 70 2 78 1 1 ,2 1 121 1 2 _." 140 4 156 2 2 164" 1 3 .,~.2 ~.~"~ 3.2 0.9~ 5 1.5 5 1.5 6 1,~, 6 1.8 6 1_8 6 1.8 6 1.8 6 : 1.8 1.18 1.50 2.36 2:?B 2.99 , '" 3.54 ~.86" 4.17 ,.'t.72 , 5.35 TECHNICAL DATA OVERVIEW OF SPACERS Spacer Type s T F G M ,3,6-4.3 4.6· 5.2 7.8-8,97 3.14· 4.76 . 10_. ._5. ---1",1,-_.1. "~ 91 109 116-132 198 -227 79·120 266·297 187 220 279·320 129 -185 3.34 3.34 5.11 5.11 7.09.' .. i.09," 8:85 8.85 84 84 129 129 180 180 224.8 224.8 '1.18-6.46 1.18-6.46 3.62-20.79 3.62-20.79 5.63-57.17 7 8.7:134.41 8:7:134.4.1, , , . , -. ",. -,', . 30-164 30-164 92··528 92·528 I'" 143-1452 143·1452 221·3414 221-3414 250 250 <1102 1102 ~204 2204 ' ,5952 5952 ( 110 110 500 500 1000 1000 2700 2700 to 140 .., -,-.·20 to 60 ~cr~~fij~:-~~ r ~ l!.engtl1t' ,. '. I, I~. ",j '" _ N PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE 3625 PSI ,.. 2~}:l<,rnm~ 2900 PSI "2~ .~/mm2 __ ASTM D638 800% 800J' 65 65 ASTM D 2240 4-F ·20·C ,d, ... . >,940 K~/inch, >37 Kvjmm ASTM 149/64 c.-·'--· -----.,.,-'"" -.._---........ ---·yes, ' TYPICAL ROAD CROSSING ICAMI.. PIPE ( --' JRWT -TRADING CORPORATION 9019 Waddington Drive, Vernon, Be ViT 9E2 Tel: (250) 545-6045 Fax: (250) 545·6911 ~, ~-y------------------------------- GATE VALVE -MUELLER 2360 C·QI """ "'" .,... 0-410" O·j& .~. 10.8 IMueller to.1 211_1211 MUELLER® A-2360 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES -M.J. x M.J. Rev. 12·01 o Catalog numbcrA-2360-20 Mechanical joint ends (with mechanical joint unassembled accessories) A-2360-23 Mechanical joint ends (less mechanical joint accessories) A-2360-25 Mechanical joint ends (with transition gaskets) o Sizes-2", 3", 4", 6", B", 10". 12" o Meets OT exceeds all applicable requirements ofANSU A WWA C509 Standard and is certified 10 ANSIfNSF 61 o Standard meehanicaIjoint ends comply withANSIfAWWA CIIl o Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER0Pro-Gard™Fusion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces o Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applieable requirements of ANSIfAWWA C550 Standard and is certified to ANSIJNSf 61 o Iron wedge, symmetrical & fully encapsulated with molded rubber; no exposed iron o Non-rising stcm (NRS) a Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & 1 lower O~rings) a 2" square wreneh nut (optional handwheel avaUabJe}-open left or open right a a 2"_12U sizes-250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum working pressure, 500 psig (3447 kPa) static test pressure o ULListed, FMApproved: 200 psig (1379 kPa) -3"-12" sizes A-2360-20· MJ. accessories shipped una.o:semblcd Options See pages 10.34 and 10.35 for more Information on Resilient Wedge Gate Valve options a Position indicators a Stainless steel fasteners: Type 3M, Type 316 o ASTM B9S·C66I 00lH04 stem 0 Handwheel Resilient wedge gate valve parts CatalOg! Description Part ' No. , Material Material standard G~16 ~onm;1 Bolls & Nuts Carbon Steel ASTM A307 Grndc B. Z~ G4t Stuffing Box Bolls & NUl:;: Caroon Steel ASTM Al07 Grade B Zinc Plated 04' Stem 0 ·rin~s (3) .. Ru_ ASTMD2000 G~200 Wrench NUl an Screw Carboll Steel ASTM A307 Grade B zinc P[aled G·2Qt Stuffing Box Seal R~.bbcr I\!STMD2000 G-202 . 'Wrench Nut Cast !roo ASTM Al26 CLB 0·203 0-204 S1em Halld WheeHnot shoWtll Bronze Ca.'>! Iron ASTMBI38 -ASTM A126 CL.B Q~205 SlemNut Bra"", ASiMB62 0·206 Guide CaP Bearings Cel.,., 0-207 $luffint!Box Casl iron ~STM A126 CL.B G-211S Anli·friclion Washers (2) Celcon G-209 G-210 Wedge, Ru~lm Encapsul.~tcd ·· :Sonnet Cast Iron· A$TM AI26CLB Casl Iron ASTMAI26 CLB G-211"· ,Bonnet O..,.ing Rubber ASTMD2{lOO G-21Z"· IBad)' Casllt'Ofl ; ASTMAI26CL.a I'I \ ',:~t:====:::: G0,2·"0"0 0·207 • Fully encapsulated in molded rubber witb no iron w;;poscd •• Previous to 19991hese parts on 4"-121' valves were designed with a gasket instead ofan O"'fing and witb additional bolt holes (2"-3" sizes retain gasket design affcding these parts). Confirm the type ofseal when ordering a replaecmcnt gaskcl or O-ring. SEE PAGE 10.39 FOR ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 2"_12" MUELLER@A-2360 RESILIENT (Mulilier 1:0.1 10.9 WEDGE GATE VALVE -M.J. xM.J. Rav.12...01 N Q C j-DD----.j I A 00 I:L FF--J.I Dimensions Dimension" Nominal size 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" A 9.88 12.38 14.19 18.00 21.50 25.50 FF 8.50 9.00 10.00 11.50 12.50 14.75 L 2.50 2,50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 N 4.62 7.50 :9.12 lL12 13.37 15.62 o(number and size of boles) 4-718 4-71l! 4-718 6-718 6-718 8-718 DD 3.50 4,00 5,00 6.50 7.50 9.75 Q (bore) 2.30 1.30 4.30 6.30 8.30 10.30 00 (bolt circle diameter) 5.00 6.19 7,s0 9.50 11.75 14.00 Turns to open 8 II 14 20.5 26.5 33 Weight· 40 83 120 186 280 ,405 112" 12&.62 ,14.88 2,~ 17.88 8-718 2·88 12.30 16.25 38.5 540 • AI! dimensions are in inches. All weights include acccssurle.'I: are in pounds and are approximate. FIRE HYDRANT -MUELLER 423 SUPER CENTURION 0 MUEllER@SUPER CENTURION@IMueller to.I 9.1 FIRE HYDRANT ReI{. 12·01 MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 250~ 3-Way Fire Hydrant Features 0 ANTI-FRICTION WASHER helps assure easy turning operation for the life of the hydrant. 0 OIL FILLER PLUG permits quick check of oil level. Lets you add oil without removing bonnet OIL RESERVOIR O-RING SEALS specifications. seal oil in. water out. o STAINLES STEEL o O-RING SEALS AT BONNET, GROUND, AND SHOE FLANGES SAFETY STEM COUPLING for beUer leak resistance, easier maintenanee. pulls free if hydrant is hit by a vehicle preventing damage to the stem and main valve, CQupling will not break into pieces o SEALED OIL RESERVOIR -O-ring that could drop into lower barrel and affect valve operation. Top oflower stem is sealed to prevent leakage. Provides below the top ofthe lower barrel so that a positive lubrication of stern threads alld tire eannot depress Ihe stem and open the bearing surfaces each time the hydrant is main valve, Repair is easy and eeonomical. operated. Filled at the factory. o SAFETY FLANGE -break. cleanly to help o FULL FLOW OPENINGS prevent barrel damage) yet is strong enough to withstand nonnal handHns. Allows large radius hose and pumper openings c<:onornical repair) adding ofe~tension produce low frietion loss. section, rotation or ehanging ofupper barrel without digging or watcr shut-oIT. o FIELD REPLACEABLE HOSE AND PUMP!;;R NOZZLES -O-ring o BRONZE UPP!;;R VALVE PLAT!;; sealed. Threaded in place and retained by conical design for smooth flow. stainless steel locks, Nozzles are easily replaced. o DRAIN VALVE FACINGS speeially designed) tOllg-life o ELECTRO-GALVANIZED BOLTS faeings provide effective sealing, AND NUTS provide eorrosion proteetion. o DUCTILE IRON CAP NUT retains main valve. Seats against cap o NON-KINKING CHAINS nut gasket to prevent corrosion of stem heavy-duty chains are seeurely attached to threads. Locked in plaec by a stainless the hydrant. Special chain loop pennits free steel10ek washer. Mueller HP Epoxy turning ofthe cap. eoated for durability. o BRONZE SEAT RING -threaded into o 250 PSIG -3-way hydrant drain ring and O-ring sealed. Seat ring is 250 psig(I723 kPa) maximum easily removed or installed from above working pressure, 500 psig (3441 kPa) ground. Eaeh time main valve is opened or o SHOE DESIGNED FOR MAXIMUM FLOW AND EASY CONNECTION with its smooth transitional eontours, extended neck and integral anti-rotation pads. allowing use of standard tee~head bolts. The inside ofthe shoe is eovered with MUELLER HfY3 Epoxy Coating. TIitS thermosetting epoxy fonns a tough corrosion-resistant barrier to chemicals, physical impact and electrical eurrents. 0 HOLD-DOWN NUf -with integral weather seal. Design discourages unauthorized removal of the hold-down nut or bronze operating nut. Resilient wiper sea! between hoId~down nut and opetating nut prevents water entry to protect operating nut from freezing. Wiper seal material is resistant to ultra-violet ray deterioration. O-ring seal provides second level of protection. o MEETS OR EXCEEDS all applicable applicable requirements of ANS!IAWWA C502 Standard and UL 246 and FM 1510 closed, double dtailt valves force-flush both drain valve openings to keep them open for eITective barrel drainage. Bronze drain valves are integral parts of main valve assembly. o R!;;VERSIBLE, COMPRESSION TYPE MAIN VALVE -closes with pressure for positive seal. Rubber material bas long service life, yet is reversible providing a convenient spare in place. Manufactured under one or more of the following: u.s. Patent No. 4,717,178; 4,842,246. 9.4 (MuEIIlar to.1 MUEllER® SUPER CENTURION® FIRE HYDRANT a SUller Centurion 250"· 3~way catalog numbers (approved to UL 262, FM 112011130, ANSIIAWWA C562 Standards)A421 4-112" main valve opening three way (two hose nozzles and one pumper nozzle) A-423 5-114" main valve opening three way (two hose nozzles and one pumper nozzle) Super Centurion 200'''Z-way catalog numbers (approved t. ANSIIAWWA C502 Standards) A-420 4_ll2lt main valve opening two way (two nose nozzles) A-422 5-1/4" main valve opening two way (two hose nozzles) A-425 5~1/4" main ....alve opening two way (two pumper nozzles) Super Centurion 2oo·wI-way catalog number (approved to ANSlIAWWA C502 Standards)A424 4_J/2U main valve opening one way (one pumper nozzle) o 10 year limited warranty on material and workmanship o Meets all applicable parts ofANSIIAWW/\ C502 Standard o Post type dry barrel design o Dry top design with O-ring sealed oil reservoir o Traffie feature with stainless steel safety stem coupling o Compression-type main valve closes closes with pressure for positive seal; it is made of rubber and is conveniently reversible providing a spare for long service life o Operating nut available in wide variety ofsbapes and sizes-open left or right o Field replaceable hose and pumper nozzles o Hose and pumper nozzles have large radius, full flow openings for low friction loss o Contoured sboe is designed for fun flow o Dual bronze drain valves provide effective barrel drainage o 250 psig (1723 kPa) maximum working pressure, 500 psig (3447 kPa:) static test pressure for 3~way hydrants; 200 psig (1379 kPa) maximum working pressure. 400 psig (2758 kPa) static test pressure for 2~way and I-way hydrants Dimensions Mechnnlcatjofnt standard and D-150 F!ange ANSI 1251150 or PN 10116 Drilling I -+~-SlIp-<>n Non-rotating bolt design: eclaimst-iinna ptea ndese d for anti-rotation bolls. Front view detail of MechanIcal JoInt (Standard only) Vertical Flange· ~~~;~~~~~ • 4" Vertical shoe available for A~420 and A-421 hydrants. SEE PAGE 9.24 FOR ORDERING INST RUCTIONS MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINT -STAR 4000 PVC Stargrip®series 4000 Mechanical Joint Wedge Action Restraint for PVC Pipe, Patent #5,071,175 TECHNICAL INFORMATION T·HEAD BOLT & NUT DETAILS Pipe Size {In.) Bolt SIze (In.) (ft-lbs) 3 518 45-60 4-24 314 75-90 30·36 1 100-120 42-48 1 114 120-150 These torque ranges are reqlJirements of AWWA ceOO. swges only_ Ratings are fOr PVC pipes with SERIES 4000 Retainer. ANSIfASSA C900 ANSI/AWWA egOS ClOD ClOD DR 14 200 PSI DR 18 235 PSI DR 18 150 PSI DR21 200 PSI DR 25 100 PSI DR25 165 PSI SDR25 Range of Torque StandarOr;;:e:d pressure RaUI1gS for the ordinary waterworks with Transient: ' ASTMD2241 IPS 00 SDR 17 250 PSI SDR21 200 PSI 165 PSI OR 32..5 125 PSI PVC STARGRIP SPECIFICATIONS NOM. SIZE C900 Pipe 00 IPS Pipe 00 3" 3,96 3,50 4" 4,80 4,50 6" 6,90 6,63 8" 9,05 8.63 10" 11,10 10,75 12" 13,20 12.75 14" 15,30 NIA 16" 17.40 N/A 18" 19.50 NIA i 20" 21.60 NIA : 24" 25.80 NIA 30" 32.00 NIA 36" 38.30 NIA <3A 4,09 4,93 7,03 9.18 11.23 13.33 15.45 17,55 19.65 21.75 25.95 32.18 38.48 B 7,79 9,16 11.16 13.75 16,00 18,25 18,25 20,75 23.00 25.25 27.50 32.00 39.38 46.25 ,,0 T-Bolts Approx WT C' SluJNo. Les, 8,50 314 518 (4) 10 9.84 718 314 (4) 11 11.72 718 3/4 (6) 15 13.97 7/8 314 (6) 23 16.18 718 314 (8) 30 18,23 7/8 3/4 (8) 34 20.36 71B 314 (10) 49 22.46 718 314 (12) 59 24.56 7/8 314 (12) 67 26.66 718 314 (14) 19 30.86 118 314 (16) 102 36.82 1·118 1 (20) 150 43.12 1-118 1 (24) 180 k DImenSion C (s after assembly on pipe. AI! dimensions in inches. Tel: (800) 999-3009, (281) 558·3000, Fax: (281) 558-9000 Page? PVCStargrip®series 4000 Mechanical Joint Wedge Action Restraint for PVC Pipe, Patent #5,071,175 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. The rubber gaske! seals more effectively if the surfaces wilb which il comes in COntllet arc thoroughly c~cancd just before assembly to remove all loose rust or foreign mntcriaL Lubrication and additional cleaning should be provided by brushing both the gasket lmd the plain end with soapy water or pipe lubricant. Slide the PVC Stargrip on the plain end, followed by tbe MJ gasket. 2. After insertion of the pipe into the ben of the filling. fimtly press the gasket into tbe gasket recess. During this process the joint sbou!" he kept straight ), Slide the PVC Stargrip loward the MJ bell with the gland lip against the gasket. Insert TMbolts and haud tighten nuts, IMPORTANT: Make deflection afLcr joint is assembled bul before tigbtening T~bolts. 4. While tightening T-bults. it is essential that the gland be brougbt up toward the bell flange evenly, maintaining approximately tbe same distance between the gland and the face of the flange at all points around the socket All Tbolts sbould be tightened until they arc in w.ilhin the lorque range as listed in table. 5. Hand tighten the Torque~ limiting twist-oIT Bolls in n elockwisc direction until all wedges are in firm contael with the pipe surface. IMPORTANT: When installing sizes 4" through 12" on IPS PVC (lr Steel Pipe, the spacer wnshen must be removed from the torque limiting bolts. 6. Continue tightening in an alternative manner until all of lhe Torque.limiting twist-off Bolt heads have been twisted off, Never lum a single bolt over !80 degrees withoul allemating to another bolt. If removal is necessary. utilize the 1 114" hex head provided. If reassembly is required, assemble the joint in the same manner as above and tighten the wedge bolt 10 90 t1 lb. Note,; If effeclive scaling is not auaincd at the maximum torque indicated. then lhe joint should be disassembled. thoroughly cleaned. and reassembled. Overstressing the bolts to compensate for poor instaBation practice is not acceptabJe, IR',stl:air,erm,:eh.anism shall be integrated into the design ofthe follower gland. As tbe meehanism is aetivated, multiple wedging action imparted against the increasing its resistance as internal pressure increases. After burial ofthe restraining meehanism, actuating bolt shaH be threaded into the restraining wedge and have a 1-1/4" across the flats hex head. The actuating bolt system have a torque-limiting head designed to break off at preset torque levels, thus insuring proper action of the restrajning device. removal ofthe torque-limiting head, a I 114" hex head shall remain to facilitate the removal and re-assembly ofthe gland. Glands shall be manufactured ofhigh strengbth ductile iron in accordance withASTMA536 Grade 65-45-12 requirements. Wedge me'chllnisms I shall be beat-treated ductile iron. hardened to at least 370 BHN hardness. IAI'plicat.lle dimensions confOlming toANSIIA\VWAClllfA21.J 1, CI10IA21.1Oand Cl53112L53 and shall be incorporated into the the so that the device facilitates use with standard meehanical joint sockets. restraining mechanism shall have a pressure rating equal to that of the pipe on which it is used and shall have a safety factor of at least 2: I. The restraining gland shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., be approved by Factory Mutual Research, and Iconfo,nntotherequiremcnts ofASTM F 1674, and UNJ-B-13-94. The restmining device forC900 PVC and IPS PVC Pipe sball be Star I PinePrndu"I< PVC Stargrip Series 4000 or equal. Page 8 Tel: (800) 999-3009, (281) 558-3000, Fax: (281) 558-9000 MECHANICAL FITTING -TYLER Ci53 1 MECHANICAL JOINT C 153 DUCTILE IRON Tyler/Union COMPACT FITTINGS Sizes 3" thru 12" UL Listed For Fire Moin Equipment SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS Mechonica! Joint wofermain fittings with accessories I 2" through 36" shall be produced in Ihe USA of Dudile Iron in accordance wilh and meet all applicable lerms and provisions of standards ANsI! AWWA C153/A21.53 ANSI!AWWA Cl11/A21.11 Icurrent revisions). Ductile Iron Mechanical Joint Fittings 3 11 Ihrou~h 2411 shall be rated for 350 PSI working Pr B 1104 lP "" i '" I'" f I'"'04 IF I·" 100 '" 15. ~ i , i I'" 13"3' i W· I".," '" '71 ,H'O "S 17)21P Iun 10' •A-C pipo;, d~ 1S{!..1OO per ASTM C29SaJldAWWA C400-ilct'JaI 0.0. of pip: bdngUI>:ld>rr,l$i r~1I wilhin ll!eJllpc;O.D. r.;nge !dIM In !lie I'r=:tdiug cll1ifl!l.. CcntrifJplly (;ru;\ pipe, c~ 51)..230 pet"A.'lSIIAWWA ClOY Alt.2; ANSfJAW\VA CIOGtAlIJi; IINSVAWWA CIWA2l.8, WId fOOeml ,\JlCCific:mon WW,f.421.1)u(:1ile !ron pif'l", ~~6perM: '" z z.5:ai rhe ease of assembly of the North Ameri· . ·'can Pipe Corporation joint means quick and . • • ' economical installations· with a minimum of. .. ~·skllled laDorand regardless of the weather conditions>' . ., . •. , ',':'f: ',::" ;;'.-\.ThreeSimple StepS:'· , .. . ··'1•.CleanIWith a rag or brush remove all for"f!iim; milteria!from .theinside of the' bell, from . . ,: the,surfaceof the (llestomeric gasket, and from the male end Qf the pipe. ..'....... ,2. ,-iibt:/cate! Applya thin ~I of lubricant to _the bevliJied endojthe pipe, Lubricate up to the' '/.;' stop rn~rk., :. '. ". '. >:3, Push/Align the bell and male end of the .. pipt!l; Then push together for a tignt, leakproof ··joint.: ... North American ·'Pipe Corporation i' i, . ,... 33481ndustrlal Drive . Wichita F=alls, TX 76306-3735 . Phone: (940) 855·4100 FAX: (940) 855-7680 SEWER CASTING -MANHOLE 400·24 (/)(/)(/) -0 -0 -0 M ~ f',. co .-.0) .-. N M CD ClZfI-!I-! l.U -lO::U') .~ SEWER FITTING -MULTI FITTING TRENCH TOUGH T " GASKETED MULTI FITTINGS EnglneeredTaugb" CORROSION TOUGH High molecular weight PVC used in Multi Trench Tough filtings will neither rust nor corrode in aggressive soils, They will not deteriorate when in contact with commonly found chemicals present in emuent or In the ground, This eliminates the n!l.' ....... ' .j? design with locked-in In 1992, Multi developed aone piece crimped design wedge gasket with a 'i I ~ ".• ,,,~ locked-in leg, The gasket material is optimally designed for a durameter rating of 45 which ensures a water-tight joint ..;;t·,.":~ every lime. The patented locked-in design gives a35% • ;;;;_:: .. 15' c:hamfer . Pipe compression ratio for the sealing area, This is one of the highest gasket sealing surface areas available in the ntarket today, The patented locked-in design eliminates the -. >-. possibility of displacement or "fish mouthing-of the gasket during spigot insertion. The Tightest Joint in the Industry AS an added quality control assurance, Multi hes third party tested the gasketed seal to 15 psi positive pressure and 10,8 psi vacuum pressure, Both of these lests are conducled with thejoint in straight alignment, dellected 5', and load denected 5%, All Multi gaskeled sewer fittings are capable of handling a 15 psi internal pressure providing one 01 the tightestjoints in the industry, The pressure rating of the gasketed joint adds asafely factor and may allow pipe and fittings to be used in a common trench with potable water lines, These watertight assemblies protect underground water systems against contamination, prevent the deterioration of surface structures such as roads and reduce the overall costs of sewage treatment. Infiltration and exfiltration are reduced well below the stringent 50 U,S,gal.lin,diaJmlleldayaliowed for PVC pipe and fillings, Vacuum· Pressure (psi) TIme (minutes) 10,8 psi 10 min, 10,8 psi .1Q,Bpsi 10 min, 10min MULTI FITTINGS Engineered Tough'" TRENCH TOUGHT '" SDR35 GASKETED SEWER FITTINGS All Gasketed Sewer Fillings 4' through 15' $halloo molded and comply with ASTM Fl336 and D3034 standards. All fillings shall be manufactumd from ahigh molocularweight compound having aminimum cell classification of 12454 Or 13343 per ASTM D1784. All molded Wyes. T-Wyes and Tees must be aminimum of aSDR26 thickness where the branch connects to the body of the fitting. In addition. all outlets 4' through 6' service branches and bells must have aminimum of aSDR26 thickness. Materials used for gaskets must conform to tha requirements of ASTM F477 or F913. All filtings must 00 manufactured with a locked·in gasket having adummeter rating of 45. These fittings must be third party certif"d to CSA 8182.1 andlor CSA 81B2.2. Approved product: Multi Trench Tough SDR35 Sevver Fitting TRENCH TOUGHT'" SDR35 FABRICATED GASKETED SEWER FITTINGS All fabricated Gasl _ \ 2-lt(.;?io3 Phone Number 4--1:1,-11-3"5/{ tf50 -g -Gt. S.:H CorSf~,)vu. ZI4-Sc:o -3108-(:) 16~ DEC-12-2003 04'44 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.02/10 COWLES &THOMPSON A Proffoio"a! CorpOration ATTO~NEYS AND COUNSELO~S ANGELAK. WASHINGTON nU12:2144 AWMHIHQTO~OWI.ESTHOMP$ON.COM December 12,2003 VIA FACSIMILE (972) 450-7065 Ms. Carolyn Burgette Accounting Manager Town ofAddison P,O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Parcel 4. Spectrum Drive Right-of.Way Project Dear Carolyn: 1n connection wjth the above-referenced matter, enclosed are copies ofthe following documents: I. Executed Purchaser's Settlement Statement; 2. Right-of-Way Deed; and 3. Memorandum ofAgreement. Please forward the amount shown on the Purchaser's Statement to American Title Company and American Title will forward the purchase price to the Seller. Wiring instructions are enclosed. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ~Vr(fP . Angela K. Washington AKWlyjr Attacllments c(wIAttachments): Steve Chutchian Via Facsimile (972) 450-2837 (wlo Attachments) Mr. Ken C. Dippel, wlfirm 901 MA.IN STREET StOTE HOC) DAllAS, Ti;XAS 15202.379,-, D D ALL A S T Y L E R TEL 214.6072.2000 FAX l.14.hH,!oZO 'It ww.cow I. ESTH{) M P $0 N. cO fA ----DEC-12-2003 04'44 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.03/10 AIII!IIIIGNI"""" OOWNl'f .UIIIIII•••.'.ITA'nII!IlIr ....---~: ......w........... ,..,...... u •••• Pl.Ut;QW .,..._IOCoII!¥CIIIII: 1.tM~...-,.-... _L" ...,. bDM ......~.. , ..IIITIIIoCa.: -.....01. ...."'_ ..-...... ~---,"'.... -............ l' '" -• _.. .. ..-. II -.......,... •••• f •• ~~....... ... io 1U............ " •••••• ".94 ....... .. _UOUIIfIlUlln'I'UIOIWlI/l 1oIiII • ..OIIIOI_~__poiI. _.... .1._...,_-_-...... ." 1OTl\l.DIll'll:ll\l'll1I\II:IIAI. -,..-""..-....-.....I'IIIiItI.l......,....._ ........--...__.........._ '---="'","'"'1'",,-...........................,..,...,............... ~_111111...._ .. _1IiiiiIiIf.........___............... -...__,.•••_.r...............-................ .......'-... --......~......~""'..,....."-..............................,...........................................=..........=== i! !!!!!!. • • DEC-12-2003 04:45 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 AMERICA" l1TLE COMPANY PURCHAItERlllTATEMl!1IT DATE: GFNO: SAl,EFROM: to, Pl.US: CHARGES F"1lI1'1Q .,11:1 Count1 Cltrk: wo ~\of'f'tucc~ !.aMI CNl'OOo trld 1II,!tlloto Orlp./", AIIIGII Gmlld. ..".F" tWl14llfttl'.......-..,.,.. ~ F... ~ TIN CO,; ~-Cllmp"t TIif Pd/ltr.OilNl u..AIO ~. '..i.I..M 'j'~ .-Fed'. 1lII,.... .... flII:W"'11/lMOII ".,..mt3 r.I.IntIo!1f1llOt 1MI:18rMd"'" 1:1 Me~ lip! !!I!I!t Mpt!ft •• ,•• ~~-IftIo'II~ 'ltdm ~ AMt~ •.• , .... " .... , tvA • • T'liUU'Ilrlflon" .... ", ....... "".m ~ . •I • TOTAl. C-MAA:UI _"'OUNTDU. IY PU_IER LEU: CRlalT,J .r:.bM.1 pm!. Of..",..1 manD)' paid tD "emonallll'C(;ll!1Y tal( llroiaaoo ... T4JIj proraVon., .. . • • -• ,• 1I\IfII~ ..•• ", ...... " koCIIIl\If~' lOrAL Dill! TO/ilIV) PU"lWIiI< ~"""""..eero...a.-~,-~.................*""I"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''....,...___rI'4li11'1M1.........~__Mt_..._._......... /MJ! ..Mf.....,........-. """"-......"'w:..IIJUIJ:«I~"_ ...IiIIIIIIW\ ...._..,~,.It.......I'f_., ............lIIIWICltW.....IfO .._.,...__._,..;.4l:~........ ..___".,..,....:...._""'......., __ ....-~'NC...,,"'_-""-'... __._....ft~ ___ _ .........._IJI,,_....___.".~_-......I......I#IOIINI"'... C!t!'mlll!! !y' &Y; If~ ITf' EaeRQ'W Qfl Q.O$IHG "GUtf 1'I:••"'''UI9I, "=:::::J",!,'I!SlME'" DEC-12-2003 04:45 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.05/10 l.lAHIEL5 /\HD A5SOC PAGE 03 " ' .. .' " . STATE OF TEXAS §, § COUN'n:' OF DALLAS § RIGHT-Oil-WAY DEED DATEI GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 15001 (Dallas C01lll!'y, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar (StOO) in hand paid by Grmtee, the ·receipt and sufficienoy of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and ilS remainlng property lIB .. ~esult of the proposed public improvemc:nts. .PROl'ERTY (INCLUDING ANY lMPROVEMENl'S): See Exhibit A (Field Note Dcscriptios) and Exhibit B (Survey Depictioll) both attached hereto and incol])6tated h~ by reference, CoNVJ!:YANCE: Grantor, a retirement investment fim4 organized and existing !lllder the laws of !he State ,orUmb for the consideration descnoed above uants. sells, and convey, to Or~ the Property'. together with all and singular the rights IIlld appurtenance.! the:reto· in any wise belonsing, to Mve and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee'. hein, executors, ad.miuistrators. successors, and assips fOMvet. Grantor binds Gtautor au.d Gramor's belrs, exeeuton. IKlministiators, s_nors. and . auips forever. Grantor binds Grl!lllor and Grantor's he;n, exccutolll; .adrniJJiJU'IItors, III'Id sucoessors to W$I'l'anl and forever dofend all and sin,plat th~ l'fOperty to Grantee aru:I c:mmtee'• beirs, exe 1,,"'...<10 .. '.""1 wrA-i+ 8TATE OF 1'li!Xl\:S § .s.....T /...Jr./!./!!.. § COUNTY OFDAU AS § Before Me, Ihe undersigned nolay public in and for said county and stat~. on this ~ day of ~I«t , 2Q03, personally appeared ~ DKA0c... • . 011 behalf of iAdtd ~~ Stf!:!"1' lI. 1"M44't . and aclcnawledsed to me thllt be !IlCecuied th same In his authorizel:l capacity. ond thlI1 by his. signature on the ill8lTWl1eDt, the person : or entity upon behalf. ofwhich he acted e.xecuted tb.e illBaument for the uses and pmposes /herein set furth. GIVEN UNDER my haI1d a!ld sel\J ofoffice the day one! year last above wrilten. NOlatyPu"lic, Stateof~ U{...J.., PrlntName: t)e.btZ. &"k My Cotnm.issioll ,expi.m;: ." "llrO'1 WARR.AJ'(TY DEED -Page 1 . pand.. Sp"'''''lD Drive ~"'Hdl""" DEC-12-2003 64:45 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.07/10 DANIELS AN!) ASSOC PAGE 05 . '.~. I SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIUDl'I, LAND DESCRIl'TION PARCEL 4 BEING II \net of land silUated in the G. w. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of 'Addison, DallaS County. Texas. and bdng II portion of the final pllll of 15851 Dallas North Pw:kway Addition, an addl1i.on to the Town of Addison. Texas liS recol'ded in Volllll\C 85021. ' Page 1686 of the Dee4 Records of Dall.... Couuty, T_lIIId being II portion of 1\ tract of land described in instrwDe:nt to the Utah Stare ~ent InVt.iltlnclDl Fa l1li recutded in Volume 96003, Pail:l 1968 of the Deed. Record.S of Dallss CoUnty. Texas and being more particularly deseribed as folloW!!: BEGINNING at II 1/2 inch iron rod found at the northwest com ... of said 13851 DalJai North Parkway :A.ddiuQIl, said point being all the pla1.1cd southerly right-of-way lino of Aiq:ion Parkw!ly (55 Coot right-of-way at tbi3 polnt as pm: said plat) &om which II III inI:h iron rod found with with "Powell &. Powell" cap for the southlWSt cOn:ler of said additiOQ. bem South 00 degrees 08 minu.r..s 23 secollds West at a dis'lan.ce of3/iO.13 {eet; TIlENCE South 89 desrecs 09minutall 39 seCODds East along the said southerly rlaht-of..WIlY line ofAirpo.t1 Parkway and northerly JiJI,C of said addition a'distance of20.00 foet to II SI8 inch iron rod set with Huitt·ZoUars y~llow pla$iC: cap for a corner; THENce South 4S degrees 29 minute9 22 se~OlIds West c:lepatting !IAld soutbldy right-ol-way lille: ofAirport Parkway and northerly line of ~aid addition a distarlce of28.11 feet to a S/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-ZOUars yellow plastic eap for II corner 011 the westerly li:ae of $aid ~dilion: . THENCE North 00 degJ:ees 08 minutes ~ seCOlIlW East alOllg the wellterly line ofsaid addition II distatlce of 20.00 feet to the .POlNT OF S2GINN1NG and containing 0.0046 ofan acrl:l of land, more or less. Page 10f2 DEC-12-2003 04'45 COWLES &THOMPSON 2146722020 P.08/10 " -.' ,', ,> EXBfl!IID s.. 8 Io/OTE: lPf'l,NIIn'\tr\t...ora r\ol kgcalcd 10t lhl, . ,,,",,,fill\' end tn."a -,nuy 1)1' eos..,.cnts and OUII.t mQttfn Df TIlC.' thg\ ""or HARRIS ADDITION· \ltLJ.on 111:.10" POINT OF BEGINNING . LOr' 11."'" • 1/'1.· W . -----------AIRPORT PARKWAY ------QUORUM £AST ACDIllON YDL98Q01 PG.oOO:J' past StR....C£s. IHt, vo\"'illDIO pQ.OJ404 LINE TABLE HARINe 5 III" all' 30"£ s .... tD· u·". " OD'08' 23"' 20.00' 2& 11~ all. 00' F'AGE :2 OF' 2 ofto,,' ,hi. trltl. .:> I",~I I .... ~ PARCEL 4 0.0046 AC, I ,I I I I I I I I «..'1 . \l '-.l \j ~. 'Z. ~ br 15851 CALL-AS ~ORTH PARKWAY ADOlTION VQl".l!sa~~ P4.1'.l UTAtt 31A'Wt AEllRliMENt ' 1f'lIQJl~"'!1 ....P vtl!...lll00l pc.'!JIm --_ _--........ I I I --. ----__ .-1....I.fG£H~ IRS .. 'ircm '..,d s.t with HuiH-Zdf"ra . il!lIo_ pl••tle coP fHf • UM Rod found' ....,. !oe· •••• 111 ___ BASIS or !!!'AAINGS: 1M ,mDnl.lmlllCI tov'ld M oolled for on tbt om4lndt( 7~om eXHIBIT PARCEl. NO. .. _lIT.... SfAll': ~T INY. Fl,IND -••1Xl4f AC. IlAlI: 1!/IIII/2OGlI DEC-12-2093 04:45 COWlES ... THOMPSON 2146722020 P.e9/10 11105/201'3 11: 10 1:117249£1369 DANIEW! AND ASSOC , , Memorandum of Agreement Utah State Retirement Inveslment Fund, referred to in th~ MemDrandum as 'Grantor", agrees to grant to the> City of Addison, Texas, 'Grantee", right·of-W&y on Grantor's property loeated In Dallas County, Texas, and described more particularly in exhibit "A" Which is attached to this Memorandum. The amount to be paid for the right-of-way is $6,000.00. The conveyance and granting of the right-of-way is subject to the terms and conditions stated in the Right-of-Way Deed attached hereto: GRANTOR: r..W-";,, 5J.4rc.J,~-i-.:r~I\f.k'..J By: .(kAle.-% ). ~ GRANTEE: Ciiy. ofAddison .By: ttlIfJ o,z, ~ &LF DEC-12-2003 04'45 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.10~10 WIRING INSTRUCTIONS COMPASS BANK COMPASS BANK #195 . DALLAS. TEXAS ABA#: 113010547 CREDIT: AMERICAN TITI.E COMPANY ACCOUNT #: .. 76520003 PLEASE INCLUDEGF #: 1939S (; Ic.. ATTN: MaFia BFiMer I Mill)'fII8a GaMBill ai'S 789 Bt73 OR g;r2 789 8111 . go..ntA'f 51"":;+1.. /D.e-C!-Eo Ili,son . q 'l~ -'Hl'l ~ g'fI"l 0\2. 0.1 a.-1']Q -8 ~33 ! . • , __,i, ... '.~' ", ".:. ",-.., ',". ':';. ,". ~,"'.!"' . TOTAL P.10 DEC-12-2003 04:44 COWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.01/10 COWLES &THOMPSON A Profeulonal Corpo.taUOn ATTOR~EVS AND COUNSELORS FA C S I MIL E CO V E R P AGE Date: December 12. 2003 Time: ______ Total Number of Pages (including this sheet): 10 Normal/Rush: Nonnal Client/Matter #: 3195125211 TO: (1) Carolyn Burgette FAX: 972.450.7065 PHONE: (2) Steve Chutchlan FAX: 9'12.450.2837 PHONE: FROM: Angala K. Washington Olrect Dial #: (2141672-2144 MESSAGE: RE: Parcel 4. Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMISSION. PLEASE CALL Yolanda Rodriguez at (214) 672·2629 Thank you. IMPORTANTICONFIOENTrAL: This message is intended Qnly for the use 01 the individual or entily to which It is addressed. this message contains information from the law finn of CoWles & Thompson which may be privileged. confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message Is not the intended recipient or the employee, or agent responsible fer ,delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination. I distribution, or copying of this communication is strlcUy prohibited. If you have received this , communication in error, please notify us immediately al our telephone number (214)672·2000. We Iwill be happy 10 arrange for the return of this message 10 us, via the United Slatel> Poslal ServiCe. at no cost 10 you. . 901 MAIM STIt~ET suna:: 4000 DALlAS j TEXAS 1.5202."" DALLAS T ... L E R TEL 21 ••67Z.2000 FAX 2H ••,2.1020 WWW.OOWL£STHOM ... OM.ca .. k~~~;;:P;h~ FlNANCf.m.pABTMENIlPTTRCHASINGDMSIQN 5159 Belt I joe Boad (2m 450-7091 ~~~~~~~~~:-maiI mSllh@ci addison..l:x..uS FaJ::Simile (912) 450-7096 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 December 9, 2003 Jodie Couch Site Concrete, Inc. 3340 Roy Orr Grand Prairie, TX 75050 NOTICE OF AWARD: Spectrum Drive NorthiSouth Extension Dear Ms. Couch: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 04-03. Enclosed please fmd four completed copies of the contract to be signed by an authorized officer or principal ofyour frrm. Please send the signed contracts along with the necessary insurance certificates and bonds as soon as possible, but no later than December 19,2003. Once we receive these items a Notice to Proceed will be issued. If you have any questions or if! can be ofassistance to you, please contact me at 972-450·709 J. Sincerely, ~ MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Enclosures Copy: ~teveCI!iitW;inLUke Jaibert Bryan Piper, Site Concrete, Inc. SECTIONCA AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TIllS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _9_ day of December. 2003~ by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of Dallas and State of Texas, acting through its Mayor, thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Site Concrete. Inc, , ofthe City of Grand Prairie. County of Dallas, State of TX , Party ofthe Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTQR. WITNESSETH; That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction ofcertain improvements as follows; Spectrum Drive North/South Extensiou and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Provisions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insuraoce lll1d other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each ofwhich has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT, The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to comrrience work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within _21 0_ calendar days after he commences work, subject to such extensions oftime as are provided by the General Provisions. TI;le OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR $ 2536,979.50 in current funds for the perfonnance of the Contract in accordance with the Propqsal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the Generai Provisions, and to make payments ofaccount thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties ofthese presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON ATTEST: (OWNER) By: ________________________ City Secretary Party ofthe Second Part (CONTRACTOR) ATTEST: By: _____________________ The following to be executed ifthe CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I, ______---', eertifY that I am the secretary ofthe corporation named as CONJRACTOR herein; that _________---', who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the of said corporation; that said (official title) Contract WaS duly signed for and in behalf ofsaid corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope ofits corporate powers. Signed: ______________________ Corporate Seal I /FINANCE DE.pABTMENTfPIIRCHA.5ING QMSION 5J50 BtJt I joe RMA {922l45Q..7091 E-mail '. , Facsimile (972) 45tJ.7096 P.O. &.9010 Addison, T....75001 December 9, 2003 Jodie Couch Site Concrete, Inc. P.O. Box 154489 Irving, TX 75015-4489 NOTICE OF AWARD: Spectrum Drive NortblSoutb Extension Dear Ms. Couch: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions ofthe contract documents for Bid No: 04-03. Enclosed please find four completed copies of the contract to be signed by an authorized officer or principal ofyour firm. Please send the signed coutracts along with the necessary insurance certificates and bonds as soon as possible, but no later than December 19, 2003. Once we receive these items these items a Notice to Proceed will be issued. Ifyou have any questions or if! can be ofassistance to you, please coutact me at 972-450-7091. Sincerely, MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Enclosures Copy: Steve Cbutchian Luke Jalbert Bryan Piper, Site Concrete, Inc. , \' " 1)\2 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington, Cowles & Thompson, P.C. STATE OF TEXAS § 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 § Dallas, Texas 75202 COUNTY OF DALLAS § TOWN OF ADDISON 2656390 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 01306718 $26.00 Deel! 12102103 DATE: ~~It ,2003 . GRANroR, ~, )S~i;:O GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line RBlI4 ' Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1), One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements, (3) Representations and warranties of Grantee provided herein . • PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): :, . See Exhibit A (Field Note Descriptipn for Parcel SA) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction for Parcel SA) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. , CONVEYANCE: . , Grantor, a corporation' prganized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for . the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property (subject to the Reservations from Conveyance described herein), together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging,to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's COUNTY Cl,.~'K~ fl~ll~ , Special Warranty Deed (l'ar«1 SA Spectrum Drive) -Page 1 t ~26:' 00'0:27 Docwnc:N..: 1056517 ~I ~ t1J ~~0( i;Nb Cl72bV d~~~. , ."~ \ ;':\;:' ...""._. ~I \~ CUff iJi lji;i'::'ll'li\i-. " fILED IN DALl~.S "1!; :~ , I heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself arid Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Wimant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: . (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the . title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves' the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways anf! other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's reasonable approval of the location and extent ofsame. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: As an inducement to execute' and deliver this Deed, Grantee agrees, represents arid warrants to Grantor that: '''"''", (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the .passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use ofpublic right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirabIe. (b), No additional assessments or fees fur this Project in excess of those established prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "this Project" means the Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town . ofAddison 2000 Bond Program. (c) The Property is part ofa lot governed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9; .1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require rllplatting or additional plat dedications prior to d~velopment of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development . site for purposes of measuririg or calculating lot area, setbacks, permissible floor area ratio, landscape area, sign placement or for the application ofany and all other applicable development or zoning regulations., MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this. instrument shall be construed as a.waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town ofAddison. i·2tID236 00028 Special War....!)' Deed (l'ar.LI-iXS GGYtiTV Gj"f.RI<'~ (lfflCl!. '. " (b) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. . , (c) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. ,EXECUTED effective as ofthe day first written above. GRANTOR: POST SERVICES, INC. a Georgia Corporation . By: ~AY~ . PrintName;:??"""~ B, 5rn ' Print Title: E)(~Ve..~a i'~--n "~,, -",' ~ , Spl!clol Warranty Deed (Pa...15A Spe ~~ ~ . ..... fj MY COMMISSION EXPIRES July 16, 2005 \Bl:.. ~ Spewl Warranty Deed (par PG.OO~ARCEL 5 1../, . , , NOTE: HARRIS ADDITION POINT OF Improvements were not located for thisexhibit and there may be easements VOL78017 PG.l067 . BEGINNING and other matters of record that may affect this troct. LOT 1 BLOCK A 5/8' IRS wmI HUlTIZOLlARS YEllOW CAP '" z :r:' ~ ci e; -PARCEL SA q " 'Is b " '" ~ ., B • ;'a" ~ , l/Z'IRF " w /' I VOL.9aOOI .~ . II POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 5A 0.0046 AC.r I 5/8' IllS I I S 44'30'38"£ 7,11' I 'I" "I I 69.65' R.O.w. I '-i 't. "\ (PARCEL SA -0.0387 AC.~ I ~ I \J d b. '0 VOL.98001 PG.OOOJ3 '~"I g. 2q~ :ll I 15851 DALLAS NORTH POST SERVICES. INC. II'')) ;I'.) «0 PARKWAY ADDITION '" VOL.98060 PG.OJ404 ~ Q"I.JJ I ,.., . """"Q" VOL.85021 PG.1686 N'"" 0;(1) ~ in I UTAH STATE REllREMENT I INVESTMENT rUNO VOL96003 PG.1966 't. .'it ~I ~~ p '\\ g ~l 8 z· ~§ -0 0 «\ rde(s Renls In IIIJ offlce under the vol.uTile!' and page stamped tfIereOn. I hereby cerdl\' on . 7 :w7County, TeaX9 ~./. Deputy I itDiZ36 , flO oaG : ADDENDUM NO.1 To The Construction Specifications And Contract Documents For SPECTRUM DIRVE NORTH/SOUTH EXTENSION Nnvember 26, 2003 I. ITEMS FOR CLARIFICATION 1. The Bid Opening is changing from 10:00 am December 1, 2003 at to 3:00 PM nn December 2, 2003. 2. P!!y Item 130 "Furnish and Install Railroad Crossing" -This bid item shall include the rail crossing, ties, ballast, sub-ballast track work, and under drain. The vehicular approach slab, asphalt and conduit fur signals is being added to other pay items in this bid. The railroad signals, crossing gates, sigoal cabinet, and wiring will be provided and installed by others. Contractor will be required to field coordinate with contractor iostalIing railroad signals as described above. 3. Sheet 3 "Ramp Detail" The note about domes should refer to "pre-fub" truncated dome pavers as noted in Bid Item 613. 4. Sheet 5 -Revise the asphalt transition to match the DART detail on Sheet 56. Quantity revised in Bid Form. 5. Sheets 19 & 20 -Added 215 LF of6':os: 4' RCBC; RCBC; Deleted 215 LF of6' x 3' RCBC. 6. Sheet 31 -Add water stubs to adjru:ent property on cast and west side of Spectrum. Quantity revised in Bid Form. 7. Sheet 68 -Revised striping at Spectruml Arapabo Intersection. Quantities revised in Bid Form. 8. Special Provisions -Sheet SP-7: Item 29 -Delete in its entirety and replace with the fullowing: "For the purpose ofaward, each bid submitted shall consist oftwo parts whereby: Standard Bid (A) = The correct summation of the products of the estimated quantities shown in the proposal, multiplied by their bid unit prices Time Bid (8) = (CD x Daily Value) = the product ofthe number of calendar days (CD) provided by the Contrru:tor and the Daily Value established by the Town. Addendum No. 1 -1 For pwposes ofthis Contract, the Daily Value is $2,500.00. The lowest evaluated bid (Total Bid) will be detennined by the Town as the lowest sum of Standard Bid (A) plus Time Bid (B) according to the following fonnula: Total Bid =Standard Bid (A) + Time Bid (B) Time Bid (B) from the preceding fonnula will not be used to detennine final payment to the Contractor. All payments will be based on actuaJquantities and bid unit prices. The Town desires to expedite construction on this contract to minimize the inconvenience to the traveling public and to reduce the time of construction. In order to achieve this, an incentive disincentive provision is established for the contract. The total incentive payment shall not exceed $250,000.00. A bid with more than 270 days will be considered non-responsive and will be rejected." 9. Special Provisions -Item 36 -Delete in its entirety and replace with the following: ''The Contractor shall be responsible for providing traffic control during the construction ofthis Project consistent wit the construction plans and the Texas Manual on Unifonn Traffic Control Devices." 10. Special Provisions -Item 42 -Delete in its entirety and replace with the following: The Contractor shall designate and pay a recognized testing laboratory, approved by the Owner, to perfonn all testing for this project. Such designation shall be subject to the approval ofthe Owner. Samples ofall materials for tests shall be taken by the Contractor's authorized representative at the discretion ofthe Owner. All samples and tests shall be perfonned in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council of Governments (3"' Edition, 1998) as amended or supplemented. All pavement mix designs and supporting data shall be submitted to the Owner for approval and accepted at least ten (10) days prior to placing asphalt. All costs for testing and lab work shall be paid by the Contractor and will be subsidiary to other bid items. Item 5.7.4.(i) & 0) in the NCTCOG specifications will be utilized to conduct eight (8) tests. 11. Special Provisions -Item 49 -Delete in its entirety and replace with the followiug: ''Geotechnical information was obtained from the docwnent Geotechnical Investigation -Spectrum Drive Extension. Report No. 0702-1011 by Fugro South, Inc., included in the Appendix of these specifications. 12. Supplemental Standards Item 1.22 -Delete "Morris Avenue Extension" and replace with "Spectrum Drive North/South Extension." 13. The anticipated Notice to Proceed for this project is mid-January 2004. 14. A complete proposal fonn incorporatiug revisions noted is being provided with this Addendum. 15. The disincentive provision of the A + B bid is discussed in the last two paragraphs on Sheet SP-9, Item 30 of the Special Provisions. The amount established for the "Daily Value" is $2,500. There Il\PROJ'/)1182250\FINALIADDENDUMl is a total incentive payment maximum as established in Special Provision Item 29. There is not limit on the disincentive amount that can be applied fur the contractor failing to meet the Allowable Contract Time. 16. A Special Provision is being added to address Railroad Insurance. (See attached) 11. All excess materials from the installation of utilities, paving, drainage and other items identified in this bid will be disposed ofoff-site. The properties adjacent to the improvements cannot be utilized fur disposal ofexcess materials. 18. The City will provide up to 10 construction sets ofplans and specifications to the successful bidder at the pre-construction conrerence. 19. The contractor should plan his schedule to work around the Special Events planned by the Town which include "Taste of Addison (May 04), "Kaboom Town (July 3, 2004), "Shakespeare in the Park" and "Oktoberfust (September 2004). 20. The contractor can utilize a portioo of the Town of Addison property south of the railroad for a staging area. The contractor shall provide a sketch plan of the storage yard at the pre-construction conference. For the pw:poses ofthis bid, there is no land on the north extension that can be used for stsging. 21. The contractor shall maintain and keep eXIStmg Spectrum Drive free of all debris during construction. Street sweeping will be provided as necessary to keep mud, dirt and debris out of all streets during construction. 22. The SWPPP plan is responsibility ofthe successful bidder. 23. The Town ofAddison will provide all construction management and inspection on this project. 24. Tan and Gray limestone may be encountered during the utility and street excavation on this project. The contractor shall bid his items such that the unit price accounts fur the materials he anticipates to encounter. A log of borings showiog depth of Tan and Gray limestone is attached to the specification. The contractor can usc the tan limestone as a fill material as long as it is treated and tested by a qualified laboratory prior to p1acement. It should be assumed that the gray limestone is not suitable fill material. 25. The engineers estimated quantities fur street excavation are as follows: North Extension: Fill-0 Cut -20, 400 cy South Extension: Fill-23,800 cy (includes 5% shrinkage) Cut-Ocy NET: Import 3,400 cy ofmaterial A bid item fur imported fill and unclassified street excavation is already in the Bid Form. lI:\PROMI182210\FlNALIADDENDliMI 26. "HSS" on Sheet 59 stands for "Hollow Structural Steel" which is used on the bicycle rail. This rail shall be factory painted Black Powder Coat to match street lights. 27. See revised Town of Addison Fire Protection specification, Water Service specifications, Testing specifications, Water and Sewer specifications and General Notes attached to this Addendum. 28. A product cut sheet for the retaining wall form liner is attached to this Addendum. END OF ADDENDUM NO.1 11.'-26/2003 11:29 FAX 2148710757 HUITT-ZOLLARS DALLAS ~ 0021002 HunT..zOUf\RS-='----::-HUITT-ZOUARS,lNC. , 3131 McIGtjne:y Ave. • SIIi'ht 600 I Dalles, TX 75204-2.489 I 214.Bna:m plio.... I 214.871.0757 fox. iruilf·:z:ollon.(OI'TI November 26, 2003 Mr. Benjamin Claybour Right-of-Way Representative Dallas Area Rapid Transit 1401 Pacific Avenue P.O. Box 660163 Dallas, TX 75266-7210 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions HZI Project No. 01-3220-02 Dear Mr. Claybour, Huitt-Zollars is making the following revisions to the General Notes on Sheet 56 of the construction plans. Nota #3 will now read: 3. Remove 2-138.5' 85# rails and replace with 2-138.5' 136# (No.1 Relay Rails CWR) Note #5 will now read: 5. Remove existing ballast to existing sub-ballast within the limits of proposed 96' grade crossing; Replace with clean ballast minimum 8" depth below crossties. Please call ifyou have any questions or if you need additional information. We look forward to receipt of our permit for the work within D.A.R.T. right-of-way. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. ~J2.;41~~ David E. Meyers, P.E. Associate I\HZDALLAB2ldisk2lproj\O13:2100Illlco\BC·DART.112603.doc 11/26/2003 11:29 FAX 2146710757 HUITl'-ZOLLARS DALLAS Ii!! 001/002 HUITI..zOLlARS Dallas ForI Worrk -A'/ISI/n • Denton -21 Paso -Hous/on ~ Afbuquerq'.Je -Rio Rancho -Denver -Phoenix -Ontano -Irvine -Seattle -Tacoma FACSIMILE TRANSMIITAL Date: November 26, 2003 Fax: No: 214-749-3609 HZ Job No. 01-3220-02 No. of Pages 2 (Including this cover sheet) Attention: Mr, BenJamin Cloybour Company: Dallas Area Rapid Transit eel Steve Chutehoin -Town of Addison 972-450-2837 _Urgent _Per Your Request _Please Can Upon Receipt _X_For Your Review _X.Original To Follow _FYI _Other From: David E. Meyers. P.E. Sent By: Time: Date: NOTES/COMMENTS: Re: Sllectru!I! t.:!rive -See attached letter. ----------!fyau have any probl.",. receiving this fax, pIl:a.e call us at (214) 871-3311 3131 McKinney Awmue -Suite 600 -Dallas. Texas 75204 (214)871-3311 Fax (214)855-0219 '\HZDALLAS2\diskl.\uter\davidm\faxIDARTClaybOuT,dOC ENGINEERS ••• 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225-4211 HaIff Associates, Inc. (214) 346-6200 Fax (214) 739-0108 • ARCHITECTS • SCIENTISTS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Steve Chutchian DATE: November 24,2003 Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove AVO: 21738 Addison, TX 75001 FROM: John Howell PROJECT: Spectrum Drive Extension Email: jhowell@halff.com Drainage Project WE ARE SENDING YOU fZI ATTACHED D Under separate cover via __the following: D Shop Drawings D Prints D Plans D Drawings D Specifications D Copy of letter D Change order fZI Other: See Items Sent THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D Approval as submitted D Resubmit __copies for approval [8] For your use D Approved as noted D Submit __copies for distribution [8] As requested D Returned for corrections D Return __corrected prints D For review/comment D Other: ITEMS SENT: Parcel 7 -CMA Land, L.L.C. File slamped copy of Drainage Easement from CMA Land, 1.1.C, to Town of Addison, COMMENTS: Courts: Will forward original recorded Easement wilen received from record, SIGNED: John Howell COPIES: [8] FILE DOWNER D CONTRACTOR DRAINAGE EAS " ~y i~@~JY Ge.~G..\A STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF ~~~ ~ TI!AT,C~ LANJl, L.L.C., ("Grantor"), a Georgia limited liability com~~~:epresented herein bytj.:'§'f , its~o..;0( , duly authorized, OIDE KAU3 County, ., for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100ths Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to Grantor, in hand paid by the TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS, a municipal corporation ("Grantee"), whose address is 1680 I Westgrove, Addison, Texas 7500 I, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has given and granted and by these presents does hereby give and grant unto Grantee the right to enter upon and construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, change, add and/or remove drainage facilities with all necessary appurtenances thereto, over, across, under and through that certain land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town ofAddison, County ofOallas, State ofTexas, and being more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Grantor acknowledges that the consideration paid by Grantee is full and final payment for all rights and privileges herein granted. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easement conveyed herein. Grantee shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part ofany buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency ofits system. Grantee shaH at all times have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon any ofsaid easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its system without the necessity at any time ofprocuring the permission of anyone. The easement rights and privileges herein granted shall be perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Grantor and Grantee, respectively and their respective successors and assigns. Grantee's rights hereunder may be assigned in whole or in part to one or more assignees. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights appurtenant thereto unto Grantee, its successors and assigns. " \ EXECUTEDthis~dayof ~l:;:)\J¢mk('JC ,2003. CMA LAND, L.L.C., a Georgia :~d"JJ;;~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ~%WS \ IJ . B£A.p~,1&6/Qa.]1 oKMA l~c UL.. ,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations thcrein expressed and in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed ofsaid limited liability company. ..GIf'!.N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this tY day of J.:;.j(),,~ ,2003. My conunission expires: MOflS~ 12.. ~M.~ NbtariPhblic in and for the tate o~ . Notary Public, DeKalb County, Georgia . . ~'-"'" 'is\0-, My COmmission EXPires February 14. 2004 Notary's Printed Name: SPECTRUM DRIVE DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 7 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 3.5343 acres of land platted as Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of Tract I described in instrument to CMA LAND, L.L.C., a Georgia limited liability company as recorded in Volume 2002176, Page 13545 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and re-filed in Volume 2003029, Page 00781 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said Millennium Phase II, said point being on the southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (l00 foot wide right-of-way at this point, hereinafter called "DART right-of-way" as recorded in Volume Volume 91008, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), from which a 112 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of22.00 feet; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 677.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 01 second East departing the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds West parallel with the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of699.15 feet to a point for a corner on a westerly line of said Millennium Phase II from which a 112 inch iron rod found for a westerly corner of said Millennium Phase II bears bears South 34 degrees 20 minutes 27 seconds West at a distance of 11.78 feet, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 2 degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 26.75 foot chord bearing North 32 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds East; THENCE northerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 26.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.2369 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 J:\Survey\3220\09\wp\spec_dr_P7 .doe ••••• , . ? " . I .•' >-. LOT I, BLOCK B -/~ t;Qj,cf;f:i?, Ris c;:,/& , /~ 2"24'36" R= 636,00' L= 26,75' CB= N 32'38'26"e; 26,75' 3.4' UTILITY EASE~ENT '[!:-) ....VOL.2000133 PC.DO022 LOT 1 BLOCK B ,01';,,0,,", ...., ~CO " " '" " o:?,-"" • ~'o ,,,,~~ c,~??G1.'\ ~90 : S 23'15'01" 15,00' E ... It MILLENNIUM PHASE III VOL96231, PG.00022 & VOL.99114. PG.00009 VOL.2002176 PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.00761 I I I I VOL62005 PG.2764 TOWN OF ADDISON VOL93243 PG.6422 ·MAG~ NAIL SET IN CONCRETE ~MAG~ NAIL SET IN CONCRETE /~x~ CUT SET IN CONCRETE ~~ ~~ . ....-G-::::--~ ...... /~~~~ .,o~o-~ ~ 0" ~~ /'~ ~~'(\ --------------__ .-!croWN OF ADDISON VOL.961 62 PG.5.=2:.34~_ ---. TOWN OF ADDISON VOL.96140 PG.5~~J--_-----". ORAJNAGr /' ~ .//' ~" VOL.BD005 P P • VllL/1Y ES • ~/' ," ~' 5/8-IRS VOLB2005 pg:~~: Zt.cT.,........,........ ,........,............. . ... -----~~----------"~-~-/" ~ ~ ,/~~ ~ ~ /' /' /'~ ~ /'/.//'/' /' .//'~ /' /'/TRACT 3 MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II IN VOL.67166 PG.3026 TRACT 4 I //v~EPC 0.& I INC /' /' ~ r /L.96140 PG' . ~ /.5667 /' ~ /' , I //' ~/' ~ ), ~/' I //'//'.//(CORRECTION DEED) (VOLaBl09 PG.I723) MEPC IQUORUM PROPERTIES II INC. /I I 15' ORAINAGE VOLB0005 FIG. r7~LITY IESI.n. PAGE 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey mode under my supervision on July la, 2003 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~[?)~:L~!l~~~__ Eric 3~OUdYI Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 SPECTRUM DRIVE =::"PO.D!fD~ LEGEND IRS : Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cap IRF : Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollars Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be eosements and other matters of record that affect this tract. a 100 200 III···· BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found found as coiled for on . the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addisan, Texos, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas Caunty, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF AODISON HUllT-ZOLIAR5 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 Hunt-Zollars, Inc. OaJ... 3131 McKIMey Avewe, SUIte 600 Oalle8, Texaa 75204-2489 DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXHIBITI EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 7 Phone (214) 871-331\ Fax (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS OWNER: CMA LAND, LLC. AREA: 0.2369 AC. DATE: 7/10/2003 /'~ /'~ //. /' ,.'-< was I SCALE:1"=100' · .:. (3-ftv' CUJy $CTt;n ,;0///J~ I ~{4-711 26J-t , CotvFUCT /(5# MfL - . . i~pecfn,~ Dr,ve N,.-", /5c,,1h ITI ?re.-81D fV1~,?,JN:; /l117/ClS' Ii] i: i 1'-1", CCV"\ I'"l.. _ i:IIlI k.'Lid (Y\Q,~) Ii., .. . .!tt-2.:>Jk(J)J1~ .. ~tl~o/\ 5mc~,,-lktiswcf:l\~ IJ ~Ji""JJI!,(.J..) .A,J.fu~~~M?. Ex/en""" /":O~ )fZi'(;r Ph","'e .~.... 2(4vfJ.?1-.i!.'$/1/2'.!.1-'&71-:-t::;7$ 7 . tJ L(-.Q.,S;:--IOf4 (2/4-<::;,wS'-(oS) (J1:1:-~ -'1 ~o/'{17.-q.~() ","'l.o:1_ I j~1.Rly LI<\f'\p k;~ .. ~\~B~M1rJLqrJ:;,t ;!Cf-S-'S~Z,'80 LJI'.. ..... 1fi>t:t~._ts<::>I..JI"I~:72.-/..(2:3~ 1~13f'ct72-~fjff7 .. I , loLL' IN'I~Cn4 9'"1'2--:4:44.-t;:..'Z.-'!.o '17.;;> -4:14 -6!-!4:-~iWt 0> .~.~'7 2.-i-)I 9511 /q {2 il/-I/'f6 5-~'2-q ,"7\ , ~,_, __~___ • -h. .., Funds available for transfer to Spectrum Extension: InwD«lloulh 9utnvIm After all pa,ments are made. Indudlng forParll improwments Is available for transfer. Addlstlll ~WklenlIIfII Keep In mind this Is an estimate_After all pa,ments _ made we are estimating that there will be approllimatel, $625K remaining and available for transfer. 25d COWLES &THOMPSON ~ A Professional Corporation ~ 1978-2003 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHING ION . 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSQN.COM October 31,2003 Mr. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Parcel SA, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Steve: Enclosed is a copy of the finalized Special Warranty Deed for the above-referenced property, which I delivered to Carmen Moran yesterday. Since I spoke with Mike Murphy on Tuesday, October 28, 2003, the owner requested additional changes to Paragraph (c) of the Representations and Warranties. For your convenience, I am enclosing a redline of those changes. Carmen verified that the changes are consistent with the City's intent. If you have any questions, please give me a call. AKW/yjr Enclosures c (wlEnclosures): (w/oEnclosures): Mr. Mike Murphy, Director of Public Works Mr. Kenneth Dippel 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202-3793 DALLAS T Y L E R TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.67 2.2020 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. STATE OF TEXAS § 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 § Dallas, Texas 75202 COUNTY OF DALLAS § TOWN OF ADDISON SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED DATE: __________, 2003 GRANTOR: Post Services, Inc. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. (3) Representations and warranties of Grantee provided herein. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description for Parcel 5A) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction for Parcel5A) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee Grantee the Property (subject to the Reservations from Conveyance described herein), together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's Spetial Warranty Deed (Parcel SA Spectrum Drive) -Page 1 Doewnem Ii: 1O$~17 heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Warrant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling fur same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways and other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's reasonable approval ofthe location and extent of same. REPRESEt"'l"TATIONS AND WARRANTIES: As an inducement to execute and deliver this Deed, Grantee agrees, represents and warrants to Grsntor that: (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use of public right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. (b) No additional assessments or fees for this Project in excess of those established· prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragrsph, the term "this Project" means the Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town ofAddison 2000 Bond Program. (c) The Property is part ofa lot governed by a plat approved by Grsntee on December 9,1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grsntee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development site fur purposes of measuring or calculating lot area, setbacks, permissible floor area ratio, landscape area, sign placement or for the application of any and all other applicable development or zoning regulations. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. Spe€:iaJ Wnranty Deed (parfelSA Spettrum Drive) -Page 2 Oocumer.l P; lOsgSI7 (b) The consideration described above shall be deemed fuJI compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use ofthe Property. (c) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. GRANTOR: GRANTEE: POST SERVICES, INC. a Georgia Corporation TOWN OF ADDISON a Texas Municipal Corporation By: Print Name: Print Title: By: Ron Whitehead City Manager Special Warranty Deed (pared SA Spectrum Dri"e) -Page 3 Document It; 10S6.517 STATE OF § COUNTYO~F~--------§ BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ____ day of , 2003, personally appeared ---::::---;----cc-------:_----:-;----::--__-: ---:-on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a Georgia corporation, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL) STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this -:-__ day of , 2003, personally appeared Ron Whitehead, City Manager for the Town of Addison, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL) Spedal Warranty Deed (parcel SA Spedrum Drive) -Page 4 Dtx:vmrnt 11: LQ$6Sl1 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL SA BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482. Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volwne 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly nght-of-way line of Airport Parkway (6O foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest comer of a 0.5675 of an acre tract ofland to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 00016 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line of said Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of339.90 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 7.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 ofan acre of land, more or less. Page2of3 ------------NOTE: Improvements were "at located for this HARRIS ADDITION EXHIBITB POINT OF exhibit and there moy be easements VOL.78017 PG.1067 BEGINNING and other motters of record that mol,' affect this tract. ' LOT 1 BLOCK A 5/6' IRS WITH HUrrTZOLLARS 'n:LLOW CAP -t----I"I~ "0I'"2" .:/1 COMMENCING -PARCEL SA cil~ ,:i;,; 1/2!~;-~ , ",. AIRPORT PARKWAY POINT OF <~ \ \ \ 1/5/S" IRS -+--------:;:r~Jd /' 5' ••O.w. DEOICA11ON BY PLAT -VOL.geOOl pc.oDo;ARCEL 5 ! ! I . 11\ POINT OF BEGINNINh -PARCEL SA 0.0046 AC.r S/S' IRS I I S 44'30'36'E 7.11' II. I 69.65' •. C.W. • I --( ASEMENT s' SIDEWAll( E D0387 AC.) ___ _ ..... a~:: "I ~ (PARCEL SA -• --I S Q 0-" i~ G· li?g LICH T CO. EASE~ENT VOL.85021 PC.16eS LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 1.1 S 00'08'23'. 20.00' 1.2 N 44' 30' 38'W 28.46' 5/S' IRr WITH 1/2'" IRF WITH 1.3 S 89'OIl'311"E 20, 00' POWELL .. POWELL HUm-ZOLLARS eN' N B9'04'S4'W S.OO' /'n:LLOW CAP LEGEND IRS e Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zallers yellow plastic cap IRF Iron Rod Found ~------------"I PAGE 3 OF 3 E a 50 lOC This is to certify thot the abo. survey was wc=r-• ,.;ro • • • t mode under my supervision on November 5. SCALE:l "=50' 2002 ond thot the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true ond correct to the best of my knowledge. BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as coiled for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texos. os recorded in Voiume Eric J. YOhoudy. Registered Professional land ~Lj{!, . -.= --2000153, Page 00015. Deed Records. Surveyor, TexeS No. 4862 Dolios County. Texas. SPECTRUM DRIVE I>recar...:l For: TOWN Of' ADDISON 16801 West;ro.. Or" Addlaon. 'IX 7!!1oo1 LllJ!lr~ RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.5 3131~A__teO c.au. T_7I5204-2AIIII O\WIER: POST SERVICES. INC. ! TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.0046 AC. DATE: 11/05/2002 i I'hane C214ll17H31! Fa (ZI4) rJH11Sl (c) Gl'lll'ltee aeknewledges that thaThe Property is part of a lot goveroed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9, 1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot or development site for purposes of measuring or calculating lot area. setbl\ckli. ~l')l1issible floOf{lrea ratio, landscape area, sign placement or for the applig;rtion ofany and all other applicable development ef the remainder ef the let H1!der gevemin~ zoning regulations.-ill restrictions. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bid # 04-03 The Town ofAddison is requesting bids for Spectrum Drive North/South Extension, Bid No. 04-03. Pre bid meeting, November 17, 2003 at 10:00 am, Service Center, 16801 Westgrove. Bids will be accepted untillO:OOam, December 1,2003 at the office ofthe Purchasing Coordinator, 5350 Belt Line Rd., Addison, Texas 75254 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Late bids will not be considered and will be returned unopeoed. The Town ofAddison reserves the right to waive any formalities and to reject any or all bids and to select the bid deemed most advantageous to the City. Specifications and bid information are available on :.V\~y"_;:Le.mat1ds1ilL~G_Qm.. 50 YEARS OF FUN! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT' (972) 450-2871 FAX (972)450-2837 ~~~.~.~,-<7-.-'":-:=_------:::-.:::J ® Post Office Box ~1() Addison, Texas 7S001~~10 1680! w •• tgrov. November 6, 2003 Ms. Jan Seidner Manager-Railroad Facilities Dallas Area Rapid Transit P.O. Box 660163 Dallas, Texas 75266-7210 Re: Spectrum Drive Rail Crossing Dear Ms. Seidner: The Town of Addison responded to our recent meeting, regarding the proposed rail crossing on Spectrum Drive, with a revised submittal ofengineering plans for your review and approvaL It is our goal to initiate construction ofthe roadway extension project in January 2004. Consequently, we are respectfully requesting approval ofthe rail crossing design by your staff at your very earliest convenience. In addition, we are requesting that DART expedite the construction ofthe new concrete crossing. This will permit the Town to subsequently construct the roadway to each side ofthe crossing and provide for a better pavement transition. We appreciate your consideration and attention to the proposed street and rail crossing improvements in this vicinity, and request your assistance in enhancing the overall construction schedule on the project. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 972-450-2871. Thank you. Sincerely, Michael Murphy, P.E. Director ofPublic Works TRANSMnTAL OF ADDENDUM .*** •• ***.*.*.**********••••**************••*******************••************* IINSTRUCTIONS:I Acknowledge receipt ofAddenda with the form below, please FAX to (972) 450-7096 upon receipt and Acknowledgement ofAddenda on ou~ envelope ofbid. ****•••********••***••***********.**********************•••****•••*********.** Addendum Acknowledgment Should be faxed to (972) 450-7096 I Acknowledge the receipt ofAddendum No.: 1 Total # Pages: 3 Town of: ADDISON, TEXAS Project Name: 04-24 Spectrum Lights By Facsimile Transmission on this date: May 28,2004 The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that Addendum No.1 has been inentpOrated into the proposal and if accepted beenmes part ofthe enntract. Company Name: Signed By (print name): Signature: Date: Phone No: r-------------~ r-----------------~ PLEASE SIGN & FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO TOWN OF ADDISON (As verification that you received this update) 972-450-7096 Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights. addendum I Town of Addison Bid 04·24 Spectrum Lights ADDENDUM NO.1 Bid due: 2:30pm JUDe 8, 2004 I. The contractor is required to submit a bid for the alumiuum type street light and pedestrian light, as specified in the original contract documents. In addition. the contractor shall also submit a bid for steel type street and pedestrian lights, with identical ontside appearance, dimensions, fixtures, and electrical components. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, for either the aluminum or steel type lights. The contractor shall also submit a delivety schedule and indicate the tots! number ofcalendar days required to complete delivety and installation of all lights. In addition, the contractor shall submit design specifications for the proposed steel type street and pedestrian lights with the bid, and shall be subject to approval by the Town of Addison. 2. New Bid Fonn Attached ACKNOWLEDGED BY BIDDING CONTRACTOR: __________________ Date: ___ Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights, addendum 1 BID FORM (updated from addendum 1) Bid 04-24 Spectrum Lights Company Name: _______________________________ Full Mailing Addre~:_________________________________________________________ PhoneNumbcr:(~____~ _______________________.Fax(~___), ___________ Print Contact Name: ________________________________ I hav~ received, read, and will abide by all pages ofthcsc specifications. I am a lc:gal agent of the above named company and am fnlly antborized to sign this bid. Affiant further states that Bidder has not paid. given, or donated or agreed to pay, give or donate to any officer or employee of Ihc Town ofAddison any money or olhcr thing of value, either ~tly or indi!cctly, in award ofthe Bid. Authorized Signature Print Name and Title Date Bid Items: Bid A aluminum type street poles unit cost total cost 827 Furnish/Install Light Poles & Luminaries APPROX. 30 EA 829 Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & Luminaries APPROX. 37 EA Total bid Total number of days Bid B steel type street poles Furnish/Install Light Poles & 827 APPROX. 30 Luminaries EA Furnish/Install Vehicle Pole & 829 APPROX. 37 Luminaries EA Total bid Total number of days Bid Form signed __ References___ 04-24 Spectrum lights, Addendum 1 Bid Form Steve Chutchian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bid Schedule First Ad 5121/04 Second Ad 5/28/04 Pre Bid· June 1, 2:00 PM Bid Open -June 8, 2:30 PM Council -June 22, 2004 Minok Suh Purchasing Coordinator Town of Addison 972-45D-7091 MinokSuh Tuesday, May 18, 200411:16AM Luke Jalbert Steve Chulchian; Jim Pierce; Mike Hardin 04-24 Spectrum Lights 1 P. O. Box 2650 Tulsa,Okhhonu 74101 Writer', Direct Dial No. (918) 493·5160 ToU free No. 800-364-0720, Opcion # 8 fl@@expl.com May 18,2004 John Hill, Esquire Mailed via FedEx City Attorney, City of Addison C/O Mr. Steve Chutchian 214-672-2170 Public Works Department Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Re: City of Addison Proposed Crossing ofExplorer's 12 ineh Pipeline DearMr.Hi1l: This letter is in follow up to our telephone conservation on May 17. Explorer Pipeline Company is an interstate common carrier of finished petroleum products regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Our pipeline is a 2417 operation and is always pressurized, with a maximum operating pressure in excess of 1,200 p.s.i. Because of the nature and quantity of the product we carry, DOT has labeled us as a "High Pressure Hazardous Liquid Pipeline." Since there are dire consequences of the slightest mishap, we are extremely concerned over public and environment safety and pipeline integrity. This is one reason why we have choscn to place our lines in railroad ROW's, generally a location ofrelative safety. In Addison, we first obtained our permission from a railroad company long before the ROW was purchased by DART. We also realize our permission to be in the now DART ROW is not exclusive. However, we have yet to see a DART permit issued after ours in time that gives the new license holder more superior rights than we have long enjoyed. I am assuming a clause in your license is similar to the following: " ...subject to any existing utility ... and to any existing lease, license or other interest in the property granted by DART to any other corporation or other entity, public or private." Should your occupancy provide otherwise, please let me know. In the meantime, through the years, we have successfully argued that it is a reasonable practice before being covered and made relatively inaccessible, to dig up the line, make an inspection, and John Hill, Esquire P. 0. Box 2650 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101 Writer's Direct Dial No. (918) 493·5160 Toll free No. 800.364-0720, Oprion# 8 flnw@expl.com May 18, 2004 perform any needed maintenance. This process greatly increases the probability the pipe in the crossed area will not have to be accessed in the foreseeable future. This is potentially a significant long term benefit to the entity benefiting from the crossing. As an attorney would analyze: "But for the City of Addison's desire to cross, the pipeline would not now have to be accessed." It then follows it is reasonable for the benefiting party to bear the cost of exposing the line, generally up to about twenty thousand dollars. Because of the importance of our operations, as well as the long term safety of the people who will be using this crossing, we are certainly willing and have the resources to enforce our priority of rights in the DART ROW. This we have done in the recent past and will continue to do so in the future. Our overwhelming preference, preference, however, is to work with our neighbors and attempt to solve our safety concerns without judicial assistance. We ask that you simply do the right thing and assist us with protection of the pipeline which is directly impacted from your project--Addison is the benefiting party, not Explorer. With the above in mind, we ask the following: • Do not cross our pipeline with your planned construction without our permission. Any structure or works placed over our line, without our permission, will be deemed a trespass. Please also note the removal or tampering with a pipeline marker is a federal offense. • Commit to payment of the reasonable costs of exposing our line, up to twenty thousand dollars. Any needed repair work will be done at our expense. In turn we will provide a written document providing permission which can be recorded. I am certainly available to answer any questions you may have. Frederick C. Low Senior Attorney, Explorer Pipeline Company Dallas Area Rapid Transit flO, Box 660163 Dallas,Texas 75266-0163 214/749-3278 November 26, 2003 Luke Jalbert Town of Addison Post Office Box 901 0 Dallas, TX 75001-9010 Re: Amendment & License Agreement for Spectrum Drive public road crossing. Dear Mr. Jalbert: Enclosed are three copies of the above-referenced License Agreement covering the 12-inch waterline at Spectrum Drive for execution. Also enclosed is an amended License Agreement to add the retaining wall encroachment. Please see that all three copies of both agreements are signed by the Mayor of Addison and returned to my attention. Also enclosed are three copies of the respective Standard Construction Agreements and Contractor's Right of Entry for your contractor to execute. No work is authorized until the properly completed documents are received and the required insurance is approved by DART's Risk Management. Upon signature by an authorized official for DART, one fully executed original Agreement will be returned for your records. If you have any questions, please contact me at (214) 749-2636. ~ Ben Claybour Right of Way Representative Commuter Rail & Railroad Management Enclosures AGREEMENT NO. ____ LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS Agreement, by and between DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART"), a regional transportation authority, created, organized and existing pursuant to Chapter 452, Texas Transportation Code, V.A.T.C.S., as amended (the "Act") and the TOWN OF ADDISON ("Licensee"), a Texas municipal corporation acting herein by and through jts duly authorized official, whose mailing address is Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010. . • WITNESSETH: l. Purpose. DART hereby grants a license (the "License") to Licensee for the purposes of constructing, installing, maintaining and operating one (I) 12-inch water pipeline (the "Permitted Improvement") crossing the Cotton Belt Line within the proposed Spectrum Drive at Mile Post 598.09, in Addison, Dallas County, Texas, more particularly described as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all pertinent purposes, (the "Property"). The Property shall be used by Licensee solely for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Permitted Improvement (the "Permitted Use"). Licensee's right to enter upon and use the Property shall be limited solely to the Permitted Use and the Permitted Improvement. 2. Term. The term of this License shall begin on the I" day of December, 2003 (the "Term") and continue thereafter until terminated by either party as provided herein. 3. Consideration. The consideration for the granting ofthis License shall be (I) payment by Licensee to DART the sum of TEN AND NO/IOO ($10.00) DOLLARS cash in hand paid and (2) the faithful performance by Licensee ofeach ofthe obligations undertaken by Licensee in this License. 4. Non Exclusive License. This license is non-exclusive and is subject to (a) any existing utility, drainage or communication facility located in, on, under, or upon the Property owned by DART, any railroad, utility, or communication company, public or private; (b) to all vested rights presently owned by any railroad, utility or communication company, located within the boundaries of the Property; and (c) to any existing lease, license or other interest in the Property granted by DART to any individual, corporation or other entity, public or private. 5. Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance. DART's use of the Property and adjoining property may include the use of electrically powered equipment. Notwithstanding DART's inclusion within its system of measures designed to reduce stray current which may cause corrosion, Licensee is hereby warned that such measures may not prevent electrical current being present in proximity to the Permitted Improvements and that such presence could produce corrosive effects to the Permitted Improvements. 5.01. All design, construction, reconstruction, replacement,. removal, operation and maintenance of the Permitted Improvement on the Property shall be done in such a manner so as not to interfere in any way with the operations ofDART or other Railroad operations. In particular, cathodic protection or other stray current corrosion control measures of the Permitted Improvements as required shall be made a part of the design and construction of the Permitted Improvements. L:\Town ofAddiSOfl.doc 10f6 Mile Post 598.09 5.02. During the design phase and prior to commencing any construction on the Property, a copy of the construction plans showing the exact location, type and depth of the construction, any cathodic protection measures and any working area, shall be submitted for written approval to DART and Dallas Garland and Northeastern Railroad (the "Railroad", whether one or more.) Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. No work shall commence until said plans have been approved by DART. 5.03. By acceptance of this License, Licensee agrees to design and construct the Permitted Improvement in such a manner so as not to create a hazard to the use of the Property, and further agrees to pay any damages which may arise by reason of Licensee's use of the Property under this Agreement. 5.04 By acceptance of this License, Licensee covenants and agrees to institute and maintain a reasonable testing progrem to determine whether or not additional cathodic protection of its Permitted Improvements is necessary and if it is is or should become necessary, such protection shall be immediately instituted by Licensee at its sole cost and expense. 5.05. Absence of markers does not constitute a warranty by DART that there are no subsurface installations on the Property. 6. Governmental Approvals. Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for and shall obtain, any and all licenses, permits, or other approvals from any and all governmental agencies, federal, state or local, required to carry on any activity permitted herein. 7. DART's Standard Contract and Insurance. No work on the Property shall be commenced by Licensee or any contractor for Licensee until such Licensee or contractor shall have executed DART's Standard Contractor's Agreement covering such work, and has furnished insurance coverage in such amounts and types as shall be satisfactory to DART. A company-issued photo identification· of Licensee's employees, contractors or agents shall be required to work on the Property. 8. Duty of Care in Construction. Construction. Licensee or its contractor shall use reasonable care during the construction period and thereafter, to avoid damaging any existing buildings, equipment and vegetation on or about the Property and any adjacent property owned by or under the control of DART. If the failure to use reasonable care by the Licensee or its contractor causes damage to the Property or any adjacent property, the Licensee and/or its contractor shall immediately replace or repair the damage at no cost or expense to DART. IfLicensee or its contractor fails or refuses to make or effect any such repair or replacement, DART shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make or effect any such repair or replacement at the sale cost and expense of Licensee, which cost and expense Licensee agrees to pay to DART upon demand. 9. Environmental Protection. 9.01. Licensee shall not use or permit the use of the Property for any purpose that may be in violation of any laws pertaining to health or the environment, including without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 C'CERCLA"), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA"), the Texas Water Code and the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act. 9.02. Licensee warrants that the Permitted Use of the Property will not result in the disposal or other release of any hazardous substance or solid waste on or to the Property, and that it will take all steps necessary to insure that no such hazardous substance or solid waste will ever be discharged onto the Property by Licensee or its Contractors. L:\Town ofAddison.doc 20f6 Mile Post 598.09 9.03. The tenns "hazardous substance" and "release" shall have the meanings specified in CERCLA and the tenns "solid waste" and "disposal" (or "disposed") shall have the meanings specified in the RCRA; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event either CERCLA or RCRA is amended so as to broaden the meaning of any tenn defined thereby, such broader meaning shall apply subsequent to the effective date of such amendment; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that to the extent that the laws of the State of Texas establish a meaning for "hazardous substance", "release", "solid waste", or "disposal", which is broader than that specified in either CERCLA or RCRA, such broader meaning shall apply. 9.04. Licensee shall indemnify and hold DART hannless against all cost of environmental clean up to the Property resu Iting from Licensee's use oftlie Property under this Agreement. 10. Mechanic's Liens Not Permitted. Licensee shall fully pay for all labor and materials used in, on, or about the Property and will not pennit or suffer any mechanic's or materialmen's liens ofany nature to be affixed against the Property by reason of any work done or materials furnished to the Property at Licensee's instance or request. 11. Maintenance of Completed Improvements. The Pennitted Improvement shall be maintained by the Licensee in such a manner as to keep the Property in a good and safe condition with respect to Licensee's use. In the event the Licensee fails to maintain the Property as required, upon discovery, DART shall notify Licensee of such occurrence in writing. In the event Licensee shall not have remedied the failure within ten (10) days from the date of such notice, DART shall have the right, but not the obligation to remedy such failure at the sole cost and expense of Licensee. In the event DART exercises its right to remedy Licensee's failure, Licensee agrees to immediately pay to DART all costs incurred by DART upon demand. 12. Future Use by DART. 12.0 I. This license is made expressly subject and subordinate to the right of DART to use the Property for any purpose whatsoever. 12.02. In the event that DART shall, at any time subsequent to the date of this Agreement, at its sole discretion, determine that the relocation of the Permitted Improvements shall be necessary or convenient for DART's use of the Property, Licensee shall, at its sole cost and expense relocate said Pennitted Improvements so as not to interfere with DART's or DART's assigns use of the Property. In this regard, DART may, but is not obligated to, designate other property for the relocation of the Permitted Improvements. A minimum of thirty (30) days written notice for the exercise of one or more of the above actions shall be given by DART. Relocation will occur within thirty (30) days, unless extended by mutual agreement ofthe parties. 13. Relocation Benefits. The parties hereto agree that the construction ofthe Permitted-Improvements on the Property shall be subsequent to the acquisition ofthe Property by DART and that Licensee does hereby waive any and all claim that it may may have under the Act, or otherwise, regarding the payment of any and all relocation benefIts and that all costs associated with any relocation of such Improvements shall be borne by Licensee. 14. Duration of License. This license shall tenninate and be of no further force and effect (a) in the event Licensee shall discontinue or abandon the use of the Permitted Improvements; (b) in the event Licensee shall relocate the Permitted Improvements from the Property; (c) upon tarmination in accordance with paragraph 19 of this Agreement, whichever event fIrst occurs. L:ITown ofAddison.doc 30f6 Mile Post 598.09 15. Compliance With Laws and Regulations. Licensee agrees to abide by and be governed by all laws, ordinances and regulations of any and all governmental entities having jurisdiction over the Licensee and by Railroad regulations, policies and operating procedures established by the Railroad, or other applicable Railroad regulating bodies, and Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold DART harmless from any failure to so abide and all actions resulting therefrom. 16. Indemnification. 16.01. Licensee shall defend, protect, and keep DART and the Railroad forever harmless and indemnified against and from any penalty or damage or charge imposed for any violation of any law, ordinance, rule or regulation arising out of the use of the Property by Licensee, its employees, officers, agents, contractors, or assigns, or those holding under Licensee; 16.02. Licensee shall at all times protect, indemnify and it is the express intention of the parties hereto that Licensee hold DART and the Railroad harmless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of or from any accident or other occurrence on or about said Property resulting from use of the Property by Licensee, its officers, employees, agents, customers and invitees; 16.03. Licensee shall at all times protect, indemnify and hold DART and the Railroad harmless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees arising out of any failure of Licensee, its employees, officers, agents, contractors or assigns in any respect to comply with and perform all the requirements and provisions hereof. 17. Termination ofLicense. 17.01 At such time as this license may be terminated or canceled for any reason whatever, Licensee, upon request by DART, shall remove all improvements and appurtenances owned by it, situated in, under or attached to the Property and shall restore the Property to the condition satisfactory to DART, at Licensee's sole expense. 17.02 Acceptance ofany license fee by DART after written notice oftermination or expiration of this Agreement shall not waive, reinstate, continue or extend the terms ofthis License. 18. Assignment. Except to an entity that is the parent subsidiary or affiliate of Licensee, to whom Licensee may assign or transfer its right under this Agreement, Licensee shall not assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement in whole or in part, or permit any other person or entity to use the License hereby granted without the prior written consent of DART which DART is under no ohligation to grant. 19. Methods of Termination. This Agreement may be terminated in any ofthe following ways: 19.01. By written Agreement of both parties; 19.02. By either party giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice; 19.03. By either party, upon failure of the other party to perform its obligations as set forth in this Agreement. L\To\\'O. ofAddison,doc 40f6 Mile Post 598.09 20. Miscellaneous. 20.0 I. Notice. When notice is permitted or required by this Agreement, it shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or when placed, postage prepaid, in the u.s. Mail, Certified, Return Receipt Requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses: LICENSOR: Dallas Area Rapid Transit OR 140 I Pacific Avenue P. O. Box 660T63 Dallas, Texas 75202-7210 Dallas, Texas 75266-7210 ATTN: Railroad Management LICENSEE: TOWN OF ADDISON Post Office Box 90 10 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Either party may from time to time designate another and different address for receipt of notice by giving notice of such change of address. 20.02. Attorney Fees. Any signatory to this Agreement who is the prevailing party in any legal proceeding against any other signatory brought under or with relation to this Agreement shall be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney fees from the non-prevailing party. 20.03. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State ofTexas. 20.04. Entirety and Amendments. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, if any, relating to the Property and the matters addressed herein, and may be amended or supplemented only by a written instrument executed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. 20.05. Parties Bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the executing parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 20.06. Number and Gender. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall be held and construed to include any other gender; and words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, unless the text clearly requires otherwise. L:\Town of Addison.doc 50f6 Mile Post 598.09 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement in mUltiple originals this __day of ,2003. LICENSOR: DALlAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT BY: __~~~~~~~~__ KATHRYND. WATERS Vice President Commuter Rail & Railroad Management LICENSEE: TOWN OF ADDISON BY: Printed Name: Title: L:ITown of Addisoo.doc 60f6 Mile Post 598.09 " .~----o ~_E1\'nib " to License A\!,rcelflent il lletWeen Da\\as {>,Sea Rapid lr!1'l'Sit S,REE:T \..IGl-IT ana the ITy?,l lawn of Aildi,O(\ Z" STRE!:'''iNOUIT co",,,\t\\l, II \1.inch WlI\Cf ?,?cliI1 \..\G;;\ CO at \'AI' :;'l\I,()'l of ('o\\\)\) nell !VI,'. ' '1\\ I\M\:\"\\' rl\l\\\~1 \ \\1\\1\,' ,'\",,\r,;o.WWl'INElt•OV I'J)DlSO'l'l '"', ,I / AMENDMENT TO LICENSE NO. 970904 THIS AMENDMENT made by and between DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART"), a regional transportation authority, created, organized and existing pursuant to Chapter 452, Texas Transportation Code, V.A.T.C.S., as amended (the "Act"), and the TOWN OF ADDISON, a Texas municipal corporation ("Licensee"), acting herein by and through its duly authorized official, whose mailing address i~ P. O. Box 9010, Addison, Texas 75001-9010. WHEREAS, on the 4th of December, 1997, DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART") entered into License Agreement No. 970904, hereinafter called "License", with Licensee, covering the proposed Spectrum Drive a forty-eight foot public road crossing in Addison, Texas. DART desires to amend said License to include a retaining wall encroachment within the DART -owned Cotton Belt right of way, and Licensee is agreeable thereto. IT IS, THEREFORE, mutually agreed by the parties hereto, as follows: 1. Effective December 1, 2003, the Permitted Improvements shall include a retaining wall encroachment as shown highlighted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. It is further understood and agreed that, except as amended and changed herein, said License No. 970904 and subsequent amendments and/or supplements, if any, shall remain in full force and effi:ct as to its present terms and conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment the __ day of , 20 _. LICENSOR: DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT By~~~~___________ Kathryn Waters Vice President Commuter Rail & Railroad Management LICENSEE: TOWN OF ADDISON BYk--~ Printed Name: Title: ///I ///I /////I //////////o lLI fJ) o oa.. aa:.:.: STANDARD CONSTRUI AND CONTRACTOR'S THIS AGREEMENT, dated , is made by and between DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART"), a regional transportation authority created and existing pursuant to Chapter 452, Texas Transportation Code, VATC.S., as amended ("the Act') and hereinafter called "Contractor", whose mailing address is ________________ WIT N E SSE T H: 1. For the period not to extend beyond June 30, 2004, DART hereby permits Contractor to enter upon the property of DART at Mile Post 598.09 of Cotton Belt Line in Addison, Dallas County, Texas, as may be necessary in connection with work to be performed on DART premises by Contractor under agreement between Contractor and the TOWN OF ADDISON, a Texas municipal corporation, (the "Contracf'), and for no other purpose. Contractor understands that the Contract and all work to be performed thereunder is subject to the terms and conditions conteined in License Agreement No. , dated , issued by DART to the TOWN OF ADDISON, a Texas municipal corporation, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. Contractor agrees to: (a) Perform that portion of the work on DART premises in accordance with plans and specifications approved by DART and Dallas Garland & Northeastern Railroad Company (the "Railroad" whether one or more than one) in such manner and at such times as shall not endanger or interfere with DART's or Railroad's representetives. Contractor shall submit to DART and Railroad, for approval, all construction deteils, felsework and other incidentels not detailed in plans, insofer as they affect DART and Railroad. (b) Maintain, at Contractor's expense, competent flagmen to protect and control movement of vehicles and equipment of Contractor while upon DART premises. (c) Notify DART and Railroad at least seven (7) working days before commencing work on DART premises and within five (5) working days after such work is completed. (d) Keep all equipment, tools and materials stored at least fifteen (15) feet from the center line of any operable track. Explosives or other highly inflammable substances or any hazardous materials regulated pursuant to federal or state regulation will not be stored on DART premises without the prior approval of DART's representative. (e) Remove all of Contractors tools, equipment and materials from DART premises promptly upon completion of work, restoring DART premises to the same state and condition as when Contractor entered thereon. (f) Reimburse DART and Railroad for all costs and expense incurred by DART and/or R""road in connection with said work, including Without limitation the expense of furnishing such inspectors, watchmen and flagmen as DART and Railroad deem necessary, the installation and removal of falsework beneath tracks, and restoration of DART's property to the same condition as when Contractor entered thereon, or to a condition satisfactory to DART's representative. 10f4 (gJ Remove any lien against DART's property arising from performance of work hereunder by Contractor or any subcontractor. 3. Contractor agrees to release. defend and indemnify DART and Railroad, from and against all loss, damage, claims, costs, expenses, including attomey's fees, and liability for bodily injury to or death of any persons and loss of or damage to any property and loss of use thereof (including but not lim~ed to employees, subcontractors, agents, invitees and the property of each party hereto) arising out of or in any way connected with the work under said agreement upon or adjacent to DART property, whether or not caused or contributed to bv the presence or operation of DART or Railroad trains, engines, cars or other equipment. structures or facilities of DART or Railroad or any other party, or bv negligence or alleged negligence on the part of DART or Railroad, or any of DART's or Railroad's agents. employees, contractors, subcontractors or invitees. In the event any part of the provisions provisions of this section are determined by any statutory enactment or judicial decision to be void or unenforceable, then this section shall not fail in its entirety but will be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. For the purposes of this section, the term "Railroad" shall include any other railroad company using DART property with DART's consent and any affiliate, subsidiary or lessor of DART. 4. Prior to start of work or occupancy of premises under this agreement, Contractor agrees to procure and maintain at its sole cost and expense, the following types and amounts of insurance with an insurer or insurers and form satisfactory to DART: Comprehensive general and automobile liability insurance with contractual liability endorsement and products and completed operations hazards included, which shall provide coverage for combined single limits of not less than $2,000,000, as further outlined below. All insurance coverage's required by the attached agreement shall provide the following as a minimum standard: (a) Comprehensive General Liability W~ Contractual Liabil~ Endorsement. -Combined single limit of at least $2,000,000. -DART, Railroad and all affiliated companies and organizations are named as additional insureds without any qualifications or restrictions. -DART must have 30 days notice of cancellation or modification. (b) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Policy -Combined single limit of at least $2,000,000. -DART and Railroad are named as additional insureds without any qualifications or restrictions. -Must have 30 days notice of cancellation or modification. (c) Workers' Compensation Insurance -Providing Statutory Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Texas andlor any other State or Federal Law or Laws applicable to the Contractor's employees performing the work under this agreement. -Employer's Liabil~ Insurance with limits of liability of not less than $500,000 each accident $500,000 each employee for disease and $500,000 policy limit for disease. 2 of4 -Endorsed with a Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement, waiving the carrier's right of recovery under subrogation or otherwise from the Authority. (d) Contractor agrees to furnish DART Certificates of Insurance (or, as and when DART rnay direct, copies of the actual insurance policies) as evidence of the coverage's outlined in (a), (b) and (c) above. Approval will be expedited if all required coverage's and the following endorsements are included on the Certificate!;: -Endorsement showing DART and its affiliate companies and organizations named as additional insureds. The certificate must specify that the endorsement is applicable to the General Liability and Auto Liability Policies. -Contractual liability endorsement -Endorsement removing exclusions from contractual liability endorsement for operations within 50 feet of a railroad or the purchase of a Railroad Protective Policy. -Endorsement removing exclusions for XCU hazards. -Waiver of subrogation endorsement specific to Workers' Compensation. 5. All policies should contain a cross liability endorsement reading as follows: "It is agreed that the inclusion of more than one person, corporation, organization, firm or entity as insured under this policy shall not in any way affect the rights of any such person, corporation, organization, firm or entity with respect to any claim, demand, suit or judgment made, brought or recovered by or in favor of any other insured. This policy shall protect each person, corporation, organization, firm or entity in the same manner as though a separate policy had been issued to each; provided that this endorsement shall not operate to increase the company's limits of liability as set forth elsewhere in this policy." 6. Contractor shall deposit with DART the sum of _ -0-_ ($_ -0--> representing the estimated expense to be incurred by DART in connection with said work. Contractor shall deposit the sum of _ -0-_ ($_ -0--> representing the estimated expense to be incurred by Railroad in connection with said work. If there is no amount indicated in the blank space provided above for the deposit to be made by Contractor, in lieu of such deposit Contractor shall cause the attached performance bond to be executed by a reliable surety acceptable to DART, condition upon the faithful performance of the provisions of this agreement 7. The permission herein given shall not be aSSigned by Contractor without the prior written consent of DART except in the case of subcontractors who shall be deemed agents of Contractor subject to the terms of this agreement 8. No vehicular crossing over DART's track shall be installed or used by Contractor without prior written permission of DART 9. No work shall be done between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., nor on Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays without prior written permiSSion of DART 30f4 10. At DART's request, Contractor shall remove from DART premises any employee of Contractor or any subcontractor who fails to conform to the instructions of DART's representatives in connection with work on DART premises, and any right of Contractor to enter upon DART premises shall be suspended until such request of DART or Railroad is met. Contractor shall indemnify DART against any claim arising from the removal of any such employee from DART premises. 11. Company-issued photo identification is required of all contractors and subcontractors working on the DART premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in triplicate the day and year first above written. DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT By~~~~____________ _____ Kathryn D. Waters Vice President Commuter Rail & Railroad Management CONTRACTOR By.~~_____________________ Printed Name: Tille: 40f4 STANDARD CONSTR AND CONTRACTOR THIS AGREEMENT, dated _--:--;:-_-;-:HAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART"), a regional transportation autho 3nt to Chapter 452, Texas Transportation Code, V.ATC.S., as amel\ hereinafter called "Contractor", whose mailing address __________________ WIT N E SSE T H: 1. For the period not to extend beyond June 3D, 2004, DART hereby permits Contractor to enter upon the property of DART at Mile Post 598.09 of Cotton Belt Line in Addison, Dallas County, Texas, as may be necessary in connection with work to be performed on DART premises by Contractor under agreement between Contractor and the TOWN OF ADDISON, a Texas municipal corporation, (the "Contract"), and for no other purpose. Contractor understands that the Contract and all work to be performed thereunder is subject to the terms and conditions contained in License Agreement No. 970904, dated December 4, 1997, amended , issued by DART to the TOWN OF ADDISON, a Texas municipal corporation, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. Contractor agrees to: (a) Perform that portion of the work on DART premises in accordance with plans and specificetions approved by DART and Dallas Garland & Northeastern Railroad Company (the "Railroad" whether one or more than one) in such manner and at such times as shall not endanger or interfere with DART's or Railroad's representatives. Contractor shall submit to DART and Railroad, for approval, all construction details, falsework and other incidentals not detailed in plans, insofar as they affect DART and Railroad. (b) Maintain, at Contractors expense, competent flagmen to protact and control movement of vehicles and equipment of Contractor while upon DART premises. (c) Notify DART and Railroad at least seven (7) working days before commencing work on DART premises and within five (5) working days after such work is completed. (d) Keep all equipment, tools and materials stored at least fifteen (15) feet from the center line of any operable track. Explosives or other highly inflammable substances or any hazardous materials regulated pursuant to federal or state regulation will not be stored on DART premises without the prior approval of DART's representative. (e) Remove all of Contractor's tools, equipment and materials from DART premises promptly upon completion of work, restoring DART premises tp the same state and condnion as when Contractor entered thereon. (f) Reimburse DART and RailrOad for all costs and expense incurred by DART and/or Railroad in connection with said work, including without limitation the expense of furnishing such inspectors, watchmen and flagmen as DART and Railroad deem necessary, the installation and removal of falsework beneath tracks, and restoration of DART's property to the same condition as when Contractor entered thereon, or to a condition satisfactory to DART's representative. 10f4 (g) Remove any lien against DART's property arising from performance of work hereunder by Contractor or any subcontractor. 3. Contractor agrees to release. defend and indemnify DART and Railroad, from and against all loss, damage, claims, costs, expenses, including attomey's fees, and liability for bodily injury to or death of any persons and loss of or damage to any property and loss of use thereof (including but not limited to employees, subcontractors, agents, invitees and the property of each party hereto) arising out of or in any way connected with the work under said agreement upon or adjacent to DART property, whether or not caused or contributed to by the presence or operation of DART or Railroad trains, engines. cars or other equipmenl structures or facilities of DART or Railroad or any other party, or by negligence or alleged negligence on the part of DART or Railroad, or any of DART's or Railroad's agents. employees, contractors. subcontractors or invitees. In the event any part of the provisions provisions of this section are determined by any staMory enactment or judicial decision to be void or unenforceable, then this sectton shall not fail in its entirety but will be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. For the purposes of this section, the term "Railroad" shall include any other railroad company using DART property with DART's consent and any affiliate, subsidiary or lessor of DART, 4. Prior to start of work or occupancy of premises under this agreement, Contractor agrees to procure and maintain at its sole cost and expense, the following types and amounts of insurance with an insurer or insurers and form satisfactory to DART: Comprehensive general and automobile liability insurance with contractual liability endorsement and products and completed operations hazards included, which shall provide coverage for combined Single limits of not less than $2,000,000, as further outlined below. All insurance coverage's required by the attached agreement shall provide the following as a minimum standard: (a) Comprehensive General Liability With Contractual Liability Endorsement. -Combined single limit of at least $2,000,000. -DART, Railroad and all affiliated companies and organizations are named as additional insureds without any qualifications or restrictions. -DART must have 30 days notice of cancellation or modification. (b) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Policy -Combined single limit of at least $2,000,000. -DART and Railroad are named as additional insureds without any qualifIcations or restrictions. -Must have 30 days notice of cancellation or modification. (e) Workers' Compensation Insurance -Providing Statutory Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Texas andfor any other State or Federal Law or Laws applicable to the Contractor's employees performing the work under this agreement. -Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of liability of not less than $500,000 each accident, $500,000 each employee for disease and $500,000 policy limit for disease. 20f4 -Endorsed with a Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement, waiving the carrier's right of recovery under subrogation or otherwise from the Authority. (d) Contractor agrees to furnish DART Certificates of Insurance (or, as and when DART may direct, copies of the actual insurance policies) as evidence of the coverage's outlined in (a), (b) and (c) above. Approval will be expedited if all required coverage's and the following endorsements are included on the Certificates: -Endorsement showing DART and its affiliate companies and organizations named as additional insureds. The certificate must specify that the endorsement is applicable to the General Liability and Auto Liability Policies. -Contractual liability endorsement. -Endorsement removing eXClusions from contractual liability endorsement for operations within 50 feet of a railroad or the purchase of a Railroad Protective Policy. -Endorsement removing exclusions for XCU hazards. -Waiver of subrogation endorsement specific to Workers' Compensation. 5. All policies should contain a cross liability endorsement reading as follows: "It is agreed that the inclusion of more than one person, corporation, organization, firm or entity as insured under this policy shall not in any way affect the rights of any such person, corporation, organization, firm or entity with respect to any claim, demand, suit or judgment made, brought or recovered by or in favor of any other insured. This policy shall protect each person, corporation, organization, firm or entity in the same manner as though a separate policy had been issued to each; provided that this endorsement shall not operate to increase the company's limits of liability as set forth elsewhere in this policy." 6. Contractor shall deposit with DART the sum of _ -0-_ ($_ -0--1 representing the estimated expense to be incurred by DART in connection with said work. Contractor shall deposit the sum of _ -0-_ ($_ -0--1 representing the estimated expense to be incurred by Railroad in connection with said work. If there is no amount indicated in the blank space provided above for the deposit to be made by Contractor, in lieu of such deposit Contractor shall cause the attached performance bond to be executed by a reliable surety acceptable to DART, condition upon the faithful performance of the provisions of this agreement. 7. The permission herein given shall not be assigned by Contractor without the prior written consent of DART except in the case of subcontractors who shall be deemed agents of Contractor subject to the terms of this agreement. 6. No vehicular crossing over DART's track shall be installed or used by Contractor without prior written permission of DART. 9. No work shall be done between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., nor on Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays without prior written permission of DART. 30f4 10. At DART's request, Contractor shall remove from DART premises any employee of Contractor or any subcontractor who fails to conform to the instructions of DART's representatives in connection with work on DART premises, and any right of Contractor to enter upon DART premises shall be suspended until such request of DART or Railroad is met. Contractor shall indemnity DART against any claim arising from the removal of any such employee from DART premises. 11. Company-issued photo identification is required of all contractors and subcontractors working on the DART premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in triplicate the day and year first above written. DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT BY~~~77___________ ______ Kathryn D. Waters Vice President Commuter Rail & Railroad Management CONTRACTOR By~~____________________ Printed Name: Title: 40f4 MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Chutchian FROM: John Bill RE: DART License Agreement DATE: December 18, 2003 Steve, I have reviewed the proposed License Agreement between DART and the Town regarding the 12-inch water line to be installed along Spectrum Drive, and the document entitled "Amendment to License No. 970904" and have the following comments: License Agreement (Water Line) 1. Section I, Ptupose (a) Add the words "reconstructing", "replacing", and removing" in the list of purposes (see Section 5.01, which includes "reconstruction", "replacement", and "removal" regarding the water line), so that it reads as follows: DART hereby grants a license (the "License") to Licensee for the purposes of constructing, reconstructing, installing, maintaining, replacing, removing, and operating one (1) 12-inch water pipeline (the "Permitted Improvement") .. , (b) The "Property" is described as "shown in Exhibit 'A""', but the extent of the Property is not clear to me. For example, is there adequate room within the Property to allow construction and maintenance activities to occur? (c) Amend the beginning of the second paragraph as follows (to be consistent with the language used in the preceding paragraph): The Property shall be used by Licensee solely for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing. installing. replacing. removing, operating and maintaining the Permitted Improvement (the "Permitted Use"). (d) Note that the term "Permitted Improvement" is used, but that in other places in the Agreement (e.g., Section 13), the term used is "Permitted Improvements". The same term should be used throughout. 2. Section 4, Non Exclusive License This Section provides in part that the license is subject to existing facilities located within the Property and to any existing lease, license or other interest in the Property granted by DART. However, the Agreement does not address future users of the Property who install equipment or property within the Property. Therefore, amend the first paragraph and add a new paragraph as follows: This license is non-exclusive and is subject to (a) any existing utility, drainage or communication facility located in, on, under, or upon the Property owned by Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 2 DART, or by any railroad, utility, or communication company, public or private and installed pursuant to an agreement with DART; (b) to all vested property rights presently owned by any railroad, utility, or communication company, located within the boundaries ofthe Property; and (c) to the actual and current use of the PropertY by any individual. corporation. or other entitv pursuant to any existing lease, license or other interest in the Property granted by DART to any individual, corporation or other entity, public or private. In the granting or conveyance of any license. lease, or other interest in or to the Property after the beginning date of the Term. or in any modification of or amendment to a license. lease. or other interest in the Property existing on the beginning date of the Term which expands or increases any right in or to. or use of. the Property. DART agrees that it shall include a provision comparable to the foregoing paragraph in any such gram. gram. conveyance. modification, or amendment. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreeml"nt. DART will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that any equipment. facilities. or proPertY ("Other Equipment") installed or used in, on, under. or upon the Property after the beginning ofthe Term (as described in Section 2) by any person or entity will he installed and/or used in a manner that will not interfere with the Permitted Use. Prior to permitting the installation of Other Equipment in. on, under. or upon the PropertY following the beginning ofthe Term, which DART has reason to believe may interfere with the Permitted Use, DART shall direct such subsequent user to submit plans and specifications for its equipment to Licensee. Licensee agrees to promptly review any plans submitted and to use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any potential interference issues to the mutual satisfaction of both itself and the subsequent user. In the event that despite commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any potential interference issues to the mutual satisfaction of Licensee and the subsequent user such issues remain unresolved, DART agrees that such subsequent user or such Other Equipment shall be relocated so that the subsequent user does not interfere with the Permitted Use. 3. Section 5, Design, Construction. Operation and Maintenance (a) Section 5,02 -Amend the second sentence as follows and add a fourth sentence as follows: Change to second sentence: Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. New fourth sentence: DART shall keep all construction plans confidential and shall not release such plans to any third person or entity. (b) Section 5.03 -Amend as follows: Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 3 By acceptance of this License, Licensee agrees to design and construct the Pennitted Improvement in such a manner so as not to create a hazard to the use of the Property, and further agrees to pay any damages which may arise by reason of Licensee's failure to use reasonable care in its use of the Property under this Agreement. The change regarding "reasonable care" is consistent with the standard of reasonable care set forth in Section 8. 4. Section 7, DART's Standard Contract and Insurance, Please note that the last sentence provides that a "company issued photo identification of Licensee's employees, contractors or agents shall be required to work on the Property. " 5. Section 9.04. Amend as follows: Licensee shall indemnify and hold DART harmless against all cost of environmental clean up to the Property resulting from Licensee's negligent use of the Property under this Agreement. 6. Section 11, Maintenance ofCompleted Improvements. Amend the second sentence as follows: The Permitted Improvement shall be maintained by the Licensee ill sHeh a mallner as to keep the Property in a commercially reasonablegoed and safe condition and repair with respect to Licensee's use. In the event the Licensee fails to maintain the Permitted ImprovementPrepert,. as required-'lndsuch failure causes damage to the Property, upon discovery, DART shall notify Licensee of such occurrence in writing. 7. Section 12, Future Use by DART. (a) Section 12.01 -Amend as follows: This license is made expressly subject and subordinate to the right of DART to use the Property for any purpose whatsoever which DART is authorized by law to perform. (b) Note that Section 12.02 provides that the Town will have to relocate the water line at the Town's cost if DART determines that relocation is necessary or convenient for DART's use ofthe Property. The provision also states that it applies to "DART's assigns", Who are those? Would an assign include a telecommunications company who receives a license from DART to install telecommunications equipment? It would be helpful to clarify who "DART assigns" may be. Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 4 Note also that relocation must occur within 30 days, unless extended by mutual agreement ofthe parties. Consider revising the provision to a longer time (e.g. 90 days). 8. Section 13, Relocation Benefits. What is the purpose of this Section? I don't understand why the provision needs to state what .seems to be the obvious, that the "construction of the Permitted Improvements ... shall be subsequent to the acquisition of the Property by DART ... ". 9. Section 15. Compliance With Laws and Regulations. Amend as follows: Licensee agrees, with respect to Licensee's use of the Property fur the Pennitted Use, to abide by and be govemed by all laws, ordinances and regulations of any and all governmental entities having jurisdiction over the Licensee and by Railroad regulations, policies, and operating procedures established by the Railroad ... 10. Section 16. Indemnification. (a) Section 16.02. Amend as fuilows: Licensee shall at all times protect, indemnify and it is the express intention of the parties hereto that Licensee hold DART and the Railroad harmless against and from any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including attomey's fees, arising out of or from any accident or other occurrence on or about said Property to the extent resulting from the negligent use of the Property by Licensee, its officers, employees, agents, customers and invitees; (b) Add a new Section 16.04 to read as follows: 16.04. Any obligation of Licensee hereunder to pay for damages, or to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless, is limited by and subject to any immunity (whether under the Texas Tort Claims Act or otherwise) of or available to Licensee, and is provided by Licensee without waiving any of its rights under any immunity laws. 11. Section 17, Termination ofLicense. Amend Section 17.01 as follows: At such time as this license may be terminated or canceled for any reason whatever, Licensee, upon request by DART, shall remove the Permitted Improvementall imPfflvemeats Md app1:!ftenooees owned lly it, Ballated is, Ilader or attached to the Property and shall, in connection with such removal. restore the Property to • condition satisfactory to DART, reasonable wear and tear excepted, at Licensee's sole expense. 12. Section 18. Assignment. Amend as follows: Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 5 Except to an entity that is the parent. subsidiary. or affiliate of Licensee, to whom Licensee may assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement without DART's consent, Licensee shall not assign ... 13. Section 19, Methods of Termination. Section 19.02 allows the license to be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice being given. I would suggest that this right to terminate be deleted, and that the right to terminate be limited to the agreement of the parties (19.01) or the failure ofa party to perform (19.03). Amend Section 19.03 as follows: By either party, upon failure of the other party to perform its obligations as set forth in this Agreement. and (i) such failure remains uncured for a period of 60 days after notice thereof (which notice shall specifically identitY the failure) is received by the failing party. or Oi) if the failure cannot with diligence be cured within the said 60 day period, if within such 60 day period the failing party party provides the non-failing party written notice of the curative measures which it proposes to undertake, and proceeds promptly to initiate such measures to cure such failure, and thereafter prosecutes the curing of such failure with diligence and continuity, the time within which such failure may be cured shall be extended for such period as may be necessary to complete the curing of such failure with diligence and continuity. 14. Section 20, Miscellaneous. (a) Section 20.01. Next to the P.O. Box address for the Town, add an address to which notices may be hand-delivered. (b) Section 20.03. Add at the end: Venue for any action under this Agreement shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. 15. Add the following: DART represents that the Property (including all improvements thereon) are in substantial compliance with building, life/safety, disability and other applicable laws, codes, regulations and ordinances of applicable governmental authorities. DART represents that it has no knowledge of any substance, chemical or waste on, in, or under the Property (or in the improvements thereon) that is identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance. DART represents that it is the sole owner of the Property, and that not other person or entity is necessary to execute this Agreement and to grant the rights set forth herein to Licensee. Mr. Steve Chutchian December 18, 2003 Page 6 Amendment to License No. 970904 This document states that there is an existing License Agreement between the Town and DART dated December 4, 1997 regarding "the proposed Spectrum Drive, a forty-eight foot public road crossing in Addison, Texas." The Amendmeot provides for the ''Permitted Improvements" as defmed in the License Agreement to be modified to "include a retaining wall encroachment as shown highlighted on Exhibit A". All other provisions of the License Agreement are to remain in effect. Are you aware ofthis License Agreement? Please let me know if you have any questions or comments or would like to discuss any ofthe above. cc: Ken Dippel 1 1 1 1 1 .. , 1 \. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECfIONCA AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TIllS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _9_ day of December, 2003~ by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of Dallas and State of Texas, acting through its Mayor, thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Site Concrete, Inc. . of the City of Grand Prairie, County of Dallas . State of TIC • Party ofthe Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR WTINESSE1H: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commencc and complete construction ofcertain improvements as fullows: Spectl1lM Drive NortblSouth Extension and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Provisions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and uther accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each ofwhich has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Propnsal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectivelyevideoce and constitnte the eotire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substaotially complete the work within_210_ calendar days after he commences work, subject to such extensions oftime as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR $ 2.536.979.50 in current funds fur the perfurmance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments ofaccount thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) AlTEST; By: ___________ City Secretary Party ofthe Second Part (CONTRACTOR) ATTEST: By: _________ The following to be executed ifthe CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I, _____~, certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR berein; that _____~, who signed this Contract on behalfofthe CONTRACTOR is the ____of said corpo.mtion; that said (official title> Contract was duly signed fOT and in behalfofsaid corporation by authority ofits governing body, and is within the scope ofits corporate powers. Signed: __________ Corporate Seal HUITT-ZOLIARS HUm-ZOLLARS, !NC I 3131 MCKinney Ava I Suite 600 , Dt.lIIQ~, TX 75204,2.489 , 214.87L3311 phone 121.4..871.0757 fox I huill-zoUots.com October 30, 2003 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Spectrum Drive-North & South Extensions Contract Amendment #2 Dear Mr. Chutchian Pursuant to our meeting on October 28, 2003, Huitt-Zollars is providing this contract amendment for additional services associated with the re-Iocation of Street R-2 and re-design of street lights. As you are aware, our design was complete based on the original scope of services. At the request of the City, Street R-2 is being moved south approximately 80 feet to accommodate the site plan submitted by City Homes. This will require re-design of street grades for the connecting street and redesign of the water, wastewater, stonn sewer and electric duct design at that street intersection location. In addition we must re-design the head-in parking and sidewalk layout to respond to the street shift. Also at the request of the City, Huitt-Zollars will provide a re-design of the street light plan to adhere to the lighting study being prepared by others. This will involve changing the light placement, details and a new circuit design to respond to the change in wattage at each fixture location. Huilt-Zollars requests a lump sum fee increase in the amount of $7,500 to make the noted design reVISIOns. TERMS & CONDITIONS FoUowing are the Terms and Conditions that will apply to this proposaL 1. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) to proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the AGREEMENT. 2. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZ! are prepared from experience and judgement. HZ! has no control OVer market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs \vill not vary from HZI estimates. 3. STANDARDOFPRACTICE Services perfonned by HZI under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level ofcare and skill ordinarily exercised by members ofthe profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty 1;\projlOI999901 IDA VlDMIProposalslAddisonlSpeclnlmCA2.10l00l.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. HUITTillLIARS Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension Contract Amendment #2 October 30, 2003 Page 2 of4 or guarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report, opinion, document or otherwise. 4. SALES TAXES All sales taxes required to be paid by HZI will be billed to the client in addition to fees. 5. BILLING AND PAYMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay HZI for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by HZ! on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If the CLIENT objects to all or any portion of an invoice, the CLIENT shall so notify HZI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in question, and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. The CLIENT shall pay an additional charge of one-and-one-half (1.5) percent (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZI more than thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZ!) invoices within 30 days ofpresentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indemnify HZI from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZ!'s cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associated with premature project demobilization. In the event the project is remobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriate contract terms and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedule or scope ofservice. In the event any biII or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten days of receipt of the biII in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its being called to HZ!'s attention. Ifresolution of the matter is not attained within 60 days, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee which includes a lesser aIlowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZ!,s liability arising from HZ!'s professional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZI shall not exceed HZ!,s total fee for the services rendered on this project. 7. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZI shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was committed by the CLIENT or HZI, their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to loss of use and loss ofprofit. 8. TERMINATION In the event termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or HZ!) effecting termination shall so notify the other party. and termination wiIl become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect termination or the cause of termination, the CLIENT shaIl within thirty (30) calendar days of termination remunerate HZI for J:\proj\O 1999901 \DA VIDM\Proposals\Addison'SpectrumCA2.1 03003.doc Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. HUITT-ZOLlARS Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension Contract Amendment #2 October 30, 2003 Page 3 of4 services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective time of termination, in accordance with HZrs prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. 9. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately lHlder an additional Work Authorization or amended Work Authorization. IF ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE, THE ENFORCEABlLITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SHALL NOT BE lMPAIRED. AUTHORIZATION If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and return one original to us as our notice to proceed. Attached you will fmd our current "Basis for Professional Fees and Charges" which is made a part of this proposal and will apply for work performed on a time and materials basis; please initial to indicate your acceptance. New rates may be posted each January. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for your project and we appreciate your interest in our firm. Sincerely, Accepted for: HIDTT-ZOLLARS, INC. Town of Addison, %,J2.p14~~ ~r.~ David E. Meyers, PE Associat .~==~~~~.~~~~~~~~D~/~~~ Printed name and title pvi!>. ~ J( /1)I e>"";J Ro ert L. Phillips Date 7 Senior Vice-President I:\proj\O 199990 I\DAVIDMIProposaIslAddison\SpectrumCA2.10l00l.doc tlUllTillLIARS Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Spectrum Drive-North & South Extension Contract Amendment #2 October 30, 2003 Page 4 of4 DALLAS 2003 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Engineering/Architecture Survey Principal-In-Charge $ 170.00 Survey Manager $ 135.00 Sr. Project Manager $ 140.00 Sr. Project $ 95.00 Project Manager $ 125.00 Project Surveyor $ 85.00 Sr. Ovil Engineer $ 120.00 Surveyor Intern $ 75.00 Sr. Structural Engineer $ 120.00 Survey Technician $ 70.00 Sr. Mechanical Engineer $ 140.00 Sr. Electrical Engineer $ 140.00 Ovil Engineer $ 100.00 Survey Crews Structural Engineer $ 100.00 Mechanical Engineer $ 110.00 l-Person Survey Crew $ 75.00 Electrical Engineer $ 110.00 2-Person Survey Crew $ 105.00 Plumbing Engineer $ 125.00 3-Person Survey Crew $ 125.00 Engineer Intern $ 80.00 l-Person Survey Crew-GPS $ 140.00 Sr. Landscape Architect $ 110.00 2-Person Survey Crew-GPS $ 160.00 Landscape Architect $ 80.00 3-Person Survey Crew-GPS $ 185.00 Landscape Architect Intern $ 70.00 Sr. Planner $ 110.00 Planner $ 80.00 Construction Planner Intern $ 70.00 Sr. Environmental Scientist $ 110.00 Construction Manager $ 135.00 Environmental Scientist $ 80.00 Resident Engineer $ 120.00 Sr. Designer $ 90.00 Resident Project Representative $ 85.00 Designer $ 85.00 Sr. CADD Technician $ 85.00 CADD Technician $ 70.00 Reimbursable Expenses Administrative Consultants Cost + 10% Sr. Project Support $ 55.00 Other Direct Costs Cost + 10% Project Support $ 4S.00 Mileage $0.36/mile Oient Initial 1;lproJIO19999011DAVIDMlProposalslAddison\SpcctrumCA2.! 03003.doc Steve Chutchian From: MinokSuh Sent: Tuesday, October 28,200310:20 AM To: Sieve Chutchian; Luke Jalbert Cc: Jim Pierce Subject: Bid No:04-03 Here is the schedule I have assigned for the upcoming bid. Please provide me with Bid Name. I will need bid ad information by Friday, Oct 31. Plans on CD's or hard copies (one or the other) by Thursday, November 6 late afternoon, evening is fine. I will be here to prepare for distribution for Friday morning. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Minok Bid No: 04-03 Bid Name: .5;:>ec (7.?c-, j)£rt.c /V'.15 £XT€""SNI.Cost Est: Smillio••? j{.3, I (» I LLI ~"", Engineers-? HI/1fT -J;.cl(;.{A;?f/:c~ , Rrst Ad: 11 m03 Second Ad 11114/03 Pre Bid-'1 f tI(7(0 'J It!,' t/,4~\ Bid Opening: Monday, December 1, 2003 @10:ooAM Tuesday, 1212103 -Notify Gayle @Town Hall of Council Agenda Item Council-12109/03 1 Steve Chutchian From: Steve Chutchian Sent: Friday, October 24,20039:03 AM To: Jim Pierce Subject: RE: Revised Spectrum Drive Status ---·Origlnal Message-P,.,m: Steve Chutdllan Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:06 PM To: Jim Pierce Subject: Spectrum Drive Jim: The follOWing is a status ofthe Spectrum Drive extension Project: Engineering plans are in the 90% complete status, and under review by staff. Engineering design should be completed in November 2003. I.• A revised rail crossing design has been submitted to DART for review. A follow-up letter is being sent to DART at this time in order to request an expedited approval of the design and construction of the crossing. j. existing utility relocation consists of removal of two abandoned poles and one abandoned SBC line. This can also be performed by our contractor during construction. J. The street light design, based on shoe box fixtures and the Town owning the lights and installing electric meters for them, is included with the specifications for construction. However, the design has not yet been submitted to TXU for approval. This will take place in about 1-2 weeks. SBC is currently underway with engineering for the extension of telephone service capability. All improvements may be completed by December 2003. • Gensler is underway with the lighting study thai directly affects Spectrum Drive. The results of this study may not be ready for implementation until late November 2003. If we implement Genslers design {we anticipate that we will}, a redesign of this portion of the proje£! will be required. This will hold up bidding the project, and will add more engineering and construction cost. Q:iight-of-way acquisition involves the need to complete closing of a comer clip by the title company on the comer of Airport Pkwy. and Spectrum Drive. This will be completed in October 2003. In addlton, Post Properties is nearing completion of contractual wording with the City Attomey for a parcel along Spectrum Drive. Finally, an off-site drainage easement from the Millennium development Is nearing completion and should be finalized by the first of November 2003. v.; Due to the Intersecting roadway realignment with the proposed Post Properties development, it will be necessary for the engineer to perform a redesign in this area. This redesign may not be completed until December 2003. Based on the current status of the above components of the Spectrum Drive project, we estimate that the time to initiate the bidding process is January 2004. Construction would begin in early March 2004. 1 Dallas Area Rapid Transil P.O. Box 660163 Dallas, Texas 75266-0163 214/749-3278 October 23, 2003 Town of Addison ML Luke Jalbert Post Office Box 90 I 0 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Re: License Agreement No, 970904 covering Spectrum Drive crossing in Addison, Texas Dear My. Jalbert: DART has completed the review of plans submitted by Huitt-Zollars on 9/29/03 and has the following comments: 1. Drawings need to be revised to show the median curb set back eight feet from the track centerline as shown on Enclosure I "Proposed Typical Grade Crossing Layout", 2. "Section A-A, Typical Section" on sheet 56 needs to be revised as shown on Enclosure 2. 3, The drawings show the limits of track work to be 138.5-feet, however the scaled dimension appears to be 270-feet, 4. General Note 5 requires the contractor to remove the existing ballast to the subgrade and replace with 8-inches of new ballast, This note should be revised to say subballast not subgrade. This note also references a 45-foot grade crossing whereas the drawing's note requires a 72-foot grade crossing. 5. General Note 7 requires the contractor to install 45-feet of new prefabricated concrete grade crossing, As per the previous comment this dimension is inconsistent. In addition the panels should extend beyond the outside edge ofthe sidewalks. Please have your engineers address these comments and submit revised plans. If you have any questions, please contact me at (214) 749-2636. Very truly yours, ~cL/~ Ben CJaybour Right of Way Representative Dallas Area Rapid Transit PD. Box 660163 Dallas. Texas 75266-0163 214/749-3278 Page Two Cc: Sergio Garza -Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75204 ENCLOSURE 1 I:;"~ AI/'/0 C' I} v' t~" I L_ (~L... .,:J. I{C::;; .;, ~ I ~ <0O0~ ~_ oo=> . u-i N .=: --' ~ /.... 10-0 BARRIER CURB I..L.ClO __ 0::E:-l .... (SEE NOTE 2) -----+. '/"' " 00/-->(f) u \l.! •• "u..)!I:ta..> w o R4-7 SIGN-----d if) ::t: f-CURB MARKINGS PER SECT 3D-3 OF TEXAS gd MUTCD SEE FIGURE 3-13 (!) TEXAS MUTeD Z PVMT MKG DETAIL---+~ ::.:: cr « Q.. o Z DETAIL (MOUNTABLE CURB) NOTES: I. MEDIAN LENGTH DESIRABLE-150~ MINIMUM-75' (UNLESS OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS REOUIRE FURTHER REDUCT ION. 2. FOR TWO(21 LANE STREETS MEDIAN CURB SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETA IL. F-F wiDTHS (FT) STREET MEDIAN LANE (NO) 26-36 4-10 11-13 (2) 44 4 10 (4) * DART PROJECT DART DESIGN CRITERIA .~~ PROPOSED TYPICAL CARTER BURGESS ~ ~ u -JACOOS ENGINEERING GRADE CROSSING LAYOUT :: 0 <> STY I NCORPOflATI';D ;~ * KAI ALl..lA.NCE SCALE: NTS FIGURE: 4-5 ENCLOSURE 2 ·20" 50.5" I" _RUBBER RAIL TYP. ~ I GUARDS )fj" NEOPRENE ABRASION REINF. CONC•. RAIL. HEADER SEE APPROACH ~'\i\~.~3' Ii: 3' • Ih,::: SECTION r==:-22.4.1 ~.. JF":''!!'ij WI=-.\ SECTION j:}i.V·1 I \ ..'!E .~ \ ~~t;(!;'\ ____-' ':-:~~)::,:':'.. 'i /.~ PAD TYPICAL fULL DEPTH CONC. GRADE CROSS ING It TRACK i1iRU8BER RAIL SEE TYP ICAL ~ APPROACH I PROOFROLL SUB GRADE 951: STD. PROCTOR 6" SCH 80 PVC PERFORATED PIPE UNDERDRAIN. PIPE SHALL BE WRAPPED IN FILTER FABR.IC MATERIAL 8. INSTALLED WITH PERFORATIONS DOWN. TYPICA. L . ON SECTION" _____ \ i1l TOP &. PIN. NEW A-A, BALLAST DRAIN SHALL \ GEOTEXTILE FABRIC -S V 8 ~kLLil,ST NTS . \,. , ~--....,______ ", '( ({\ltJlfYi1JYvl :\E~ L'e..wCi11-t \01 .~ ARS 'BEL.OW Tl4e:. 5U8~14LI.'A ~l c ~;(' !',':::'i ~ c:? I.--'4 '..... ........,:....J 1..... .""" c::..:...:-.i .•.•.•• lHJ 08:;Z O'R f'.\11J 'SO TH \'!\T"\1-lE 'P~RR;n'U.\l'D~ Steve Chutchian From: Steve Chutchian Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:06 PM To: Jim Pierce Subject: Spectrum Drive Jim: The following Is a status of the Spectrum Drive Extension Project: • Engineering plans are in the 90% complete status, and under review by staff. Engineering design should be completed In November 2003. • A revised rail crossing design has been submitted to DART for review. A follow-up letter Is being sent to DART at this time in order to request an expedited approval of the design and cQnstruction of the crossing. • Existing utility relocation consists of removal of two abandoned poles and one abandoned sec line. This can also be perfonned by our contractor during construction. • The street light design, based on shoe box fixtures and the Town owning the lights and installing electlic meters for them, is included with the specifications for construction. However, the design has not yet been submitted to TXU for approval. This will take place in about 1-2 weeks. sec is currently underway with engineering for the extenSion of telephone service capability. All improvements may be completed by December 2003. • Gensler is underway with the lighting study that directly affects Spectrum Drive. The results of this study may not be ready for implementation until late November 2003. If we implement Genslers design (we anticipate that we will), a redesign of this portion of the project will be required. This will hold up bidding the project, and will add more engineering and construction cost. Right-of-way acquisition Involves the need to complete closing of a comer clip by the title company on the comer of Airport Pkwy. and Spectrum Drive. This will be completed in October 2003. In add/ton, Post Properties is nearing completion of contractual wording with the City Attorney for a parcel along Spectrum Drive. Finally, an off-site drainage easement from the Millennium development is nealing completion and should be finalized by the first of November 2003. • Due to the intersecting roadway realignment realignment with the proposed Post Properties development, it will be necessary for the engineer to perfonn a redesign in this area. This redesign may not be completed until December 2003. Based on the current status of the above components of the Spectrum Olive project, we estimate that the time to initiate the bidding process is January 2004. Construction would begin in early March 2004. 1 Steve Chutchian From: steve Chutchlan Sent: Wednesday, October 22.20033:06 PM To: Jim Pierce Subject: Spectrum Drive Jim: The following is a status of the Spectrum Drive Extension Project: • Engineering plans are in the 90% complete status, and under review by staff. Engineering design should be completed in November 2003. • A revised rail crossing design has been submitted to DART for review. A follow-up letter is being sent to DART at this time in order to request an expedited approval of the design and construction of the crossing. • Existing utility relocation consists of removal of two abandoned poles and one abandoned SBC line. This can also be performed by our contractor during construction. • The street light design. based on shoe box fixtures and the Town owning the lights and installing electric meters for them. is included with the specifications for construction. However, the design has not yet been submitted to TXU for approval. This will take place in about 1-2 weeks. SBC is currently underway underway with engineering for the extension of telephone service capability. All improvements may be completed by December 2003. • Gensler is underway with the lighting study that directly affects Spectrum Drive. The results of this study may not be ready for implementation until late November 2003. If we implement Genslers design (we anticipate that we will), a redesign of this portion of the project will be required. This will hold up bidding the project, and will add more engineering and construction cost. Right-of-way acquisition Involves the need to complete closing of a comer Clip by the title company on the comer of Airport Pkwy. and Spectrum Drive. This will be completed in October 2003. In additon, Post Properties is nearing completion of contractual wording with the City Attorney for a parcel along Spectrum Drive. Finally, an off-slte drainage easement from the Millennium development is nearing completion and should be finalized by the first of November 2003. Based on the current status of the above components of the Spectrum Drive project, we estimate that the time to initiate the bidding process is January 2004. Construction would begin in ear1y March 2004. 1 James Daniels & Associates, Inc. 9239 Vista Way • Fort Worth, rX76126 REALESTATEAPPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS Phone' 817·249·4152 • Fax: 817·249·0368 Toll Free, 888·879-4152 www.jdanielsassociates.com September 2, 2003 Mr. Steve Z, Cln;.tchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-9010 Dear Mr, Chutchian: Enclosed is a copy of the signed Memorandum of Agreement for Parcel 4 from the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund, Please sign this memorandum and return to me in the enclosed envelope, I have forwarded the executed Right-of-Way Deed and a copy ofthe Memorandum of Agreement to Republic Title to prepare a closing package. I will send you a eopy as soon as I receive it. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, JAMES DANIELS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Kim Hiebert Enclosure , ' , After Recording Return To: J I '2.'" I RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: --,,0..==-::'-''''''5..\.)=-,,-'5..;.'1_'2=-=''_....>' 2003 GRANTOR: Utah State Retirement Investment Fund S'fQ G.t\7r '"Z()r:) S {I vIH ,At.:r UH:.t-c rT:1., vr Y!1UY7_ GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a retirement ,investment fund organized and existing' under the laws of the State ofUtah for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors; and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors; administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators; successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED -Page 1 Parcel 4-Spectrum Drive ~1;I:IOlt479 ". l MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee ofany utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter ofthe Town ofAddison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, 'including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of . Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property ofGrantor by virtue ofGrantee's use ofthe Property. . (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as ofthe day first written above. lATA I-t STATE OF TEXMl § SA,.,. LAI'.£ § COUNTY OF DALU..B § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county arid state, on this zg day of ~Akt , 2003, personally appeared ~ Dgam., --, on behalf of Id.fUll ~m'.e-n{ S!~' a -r1kU¢t and acknowledged to me that he executed th same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf ofwhich he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal ofoffice the day and year last above written. Notary Public, State ofTelfIl8 Ut<>o.h Print Name: DebVb B",k My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED -Page 2 Parcel 4-Spe<:trum Drive '. \ I EXHTmTA SPECTRUM DRIVE .RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 4 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of the final plat of 15851 Dallas North Parkway Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 85021, . Page 1686 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of a tract of land described in instrument to the Utah State Retirement Investment Fund as recorded in Volume 96003, Page 1968 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said 15851 DallaS North Parkway Addition, said point being on the platted southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (55 foot right-of-way at this point as per said plat) from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Powell & Powell" cap for the southwest comer of said addition, bears South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 23 seconds West at a distance of360.13 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds East along the said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 45 degrees 29 minutes 22 seconds West departing said southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway and northerly line of said addition a distance of 28.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on the westerly line of said ruklition; . THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East along the westerly line ofsaid addition a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0046 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 --------.' . . "I0lE: .~ lprovements were not located for this HARRIS ADDITION POINT OF EXHffiITB .. 4xhibit and there may be easements Il0l..78017 PG.l057 BEGINNING and other matters of record that may LOT 1 BLOCK A IIOL85021 PO.1688 1/20 fRF affect this troct. 5/5-ms JJi 06 2AIRPORT PARKWAY ci "!(1 ''"" l!!. s'. R.O.W. OEOfCAllON BY PLAT VOL,98001 PO.ODOll PARCEL 4 0.0046 ACo 69.65' RO.W. QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.9BOOI PG.OO033 15851 DALLAS NORTH POST SER\'IC£S, INC. PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.gaOGO PG.034ll4 UTAH STATE REllREMENT INVESTMENT FUNO VOL.9600l PC.1968 't\, 10' TEXAS POWER &: UGHT CO. EASEMENT VOL.85021 PC.la86 LINE TABLE COURSE: BEARING DISTANCE --~ • • Memorandum of Agreement Utah State Retirement Investment Fund, referred to in this Memorandum as "Grantor", agrees to grant to the City of Addison, Texas, "Grantee", right-of-way on Grantor's property located in Dallas County, Texas, and described more particularly in Exhibit "A" which is attached to this Memorandum. The amount to be paid for the right-of-way is $5,000.00. The conveyance and granting of the right-of-way is subject to the terms and conditions stated in the Right-of-Way Deed attached hereto~ Dated: Q to( ~ I C? "3 GRANTOR: U+.J.. .s}dc...ezJ.'N_+-.Iv-.VO+w.Ilf-F...... By: 4J~'1)! ~ GRANTEE: City of AddisQn By: cdrJl D"2, ~ rU.J. 214.672.2144 ,g5d COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ~"?" 1978·2003 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHING' ON AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON,CQM October 17,2003 Ms. Gayle Walton Department Secretary City Manager's Office Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001·9010 RE: Parcel 3, Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project Dear Gayle: Enclosed for the Town's files are the following file-marked documents: 1. Right-of-Way Deed for Parcel 3; and 2. Sidewalk Easement for Parcel 3A. Please let me know if you have any questions, AKW/yjr Enclosures c( wlEnclosures): Mr. Steve Chutchian (w/o Enclosures) Ms. Carmen Moran (w/o Enclosures) Mr. Kenneth Dippel 901 MAIN STREET SUliE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202.3793 D ALL A S T Y L E R TEL 214.672..2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.COWLE5THOMPSON.tOM STATEOFTEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT·OF·WAY DEED 2455585 \ '") DATE: _,.:...I_',J_"'-\(}r-_...)_I___--', 2003 .050157 US •00 !leetI 08/04/03 GRANTOR: TexOK Properties, L.P. 2005 Faireloud Drive Edmond, OK 73034 GRANTEE: Town ofAddison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is aclmowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. ' PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and, assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED -Page 1 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive l'>ocurt1enl It; 103 1472 1,~r'50 00051 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town of Addison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way .. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. General Partner of~xOK Properties, L.P. BY~,6#..Print\~Print\~an;: :sF~v£..-. Burs. iPrint Tit e: 50Le /M.e. tro h...r-.. (!)ll{a..~~ STATE OF'FEXM § LO"lQ.\I\ § COUNTY OF l>A±:LM § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and fo i'l-id colll}1jy and state, on this 31 gj day of 3k.lllA ,2003, personally appeared .. t-e...vL-f{Ufl.S+ --, SO Ie.. 1Y\e.,--, on behalf of Hu rs +-. D/d I it,$ L~ a DK\?ho"",,-l;.,..·.~&.C!!k:J;h t.rJ, the general partner of TexO Properties, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hmd """ ,,01 OfO~?:i-:;;::~. otaIYPUbli;,§tate of~ 0 jZ~-#O~/tJ.30D Print Name: Wet, ~ .We lb My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED -Page 2 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive Doeu.rnc:nl~: 10314'72 ,!j;xmBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Tract III as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0.0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said platted 0.0697 acre tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract; THENCE North 00 degrees S5 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, a distance of 719.98 feet to the northwest corner of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 5S minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of a 3.37] acre tract of land described in instrument to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Stauhach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 05702 of an acre ofiand, more or Jess. Page 1 of3 \\HZDALLAS2\disk3\Survey\3220\Ol\wp\spec_dr_P3rev.doc 1~"i50 00059 QUORUM EAST ~E 15851 DALLAS NORTH {l15Ulo 8 EXmBITB -0 ADDITION El..s PARKWAY ADDITION -ell. VOL98001 PG.OO033 VOL.1I5021 PG.16S6 1/2" I.' WIT!< POST SERVlCES. INC. "AANDOtoI-RED ()'I VOl.980S0 PG.03404 PlASTiC' CAP eEAAS i ~" fl9'OS·... 5""W ...,2.00· e~ 5 89"05'45"1: 5.00' ,L1 /11\ 5/8' I., """ I \ YEuOW HUfI't-ZOUAAS P!..ASTIC ~ti (FUTURE .~I~ STREET R-l) f CJ.!' ".'.I.~ l --_________________..I.J-, I I f I i I 3·U:' I I ~ I ;'.", I;.", I 's"ri .i.i,i NOTE: I .,'" 0...'" ~ Improvements were not located for this I' ' ; 1--5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT exhibit and tnere may be easements I • 05£: (PARCEL 31'. -0.0615 AC.) and other matters 01 record that may I 19 g: offect this troct. 1 oi oi I ~ ~~ PARCEL 3 I _ 0.5702 AC. ---~Tf--~F~~~:S~:;T-R~~--- --T~ !~ " T£XOK\;~:R~~S, loP. ___~lk___________________l...., &: ~~ I~ -..l ~"\ VOL.2002240 PG.03529 (TRACT II) I ti ~ 1;:1 >,) ~ 0 TEXOK PROPERllES. loP, I ~., 8 '1> 1-VOL.2O!J2240 PG.03529 I ,(Il Z I '" ~ '0 .\0 0 I 0 II" 0 I :? ~~Iitl 0 Y. 0" P Ln ~ \ '1> ~ I 8 N a9"04'04'4rW 5.00' -I Z lea : POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCE~ 31'. ,~, -1;--1-._1 'l\' I ",i' I ".,<;; I c,. I " .... I . '-I ~ POINT Of (3.J71 AC.) I THE STAUBACH COMPANY :;! BEGINNING VOL.2000046 PG.02903 I S/8' IRS WIl" I HUffT-20u,AAS (0.0697 AC,) 5/8"' IRS eN' SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY I DEOICAll0N VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -""":::::::::::qr_-_~l~_o.;;..~.i:;:.:~?.::.::.:::J. ~ .... nr THE ASHTON MORRIS .: 69' .il.W. AVENUE I VOL20000J6 PG.02913 --------.:----------: ----j LOT I, BLOCK A I() ,.. ~ N U ::> I 10' PRIVAT£ COMj,I]UHIC4liONS .... J'.... .......:5 AM~NO£O PLAT ~I~ US£iII£Nl BY PLAT .. Wl...2OOO0J6 PC.0291j LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll S 89' OS' 45'E 34,50' L2 NB9"04'47'W 34.50' S 9 S 9 Q.. ADDISON CIRCLE (.) ii: OC E ••• ;g.w. -PHASE II ~I Q . w VOL,2000153 PC-OOOI5 €"':!'dI 2002 dnd that the metes and bounds shown *1 thereon ore true ond correct to the best of '* '() ."'" . my knowledge. \;.-··E~ic·jOHN·yitHOUO~···\ .......................~ •'. "'.0_ 4 • 862 ,." -_'0 ~....-:" ,<••,.··./,.ESS\O'!'· ·b~ ::i-J.-~dy' egistered prof::~:i~!. !\~ ;,tt".9.... 0...:~~ LEGEND IRS -Iron Rod S,:t with Huiit-Zollars yellow plaslle cop IRF' = Iron Rod F'ound o 100 200 V· .... • • I SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARiNGS: The monuments found os called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II. On addition to the Town of Addison, T exos, os recorded in Volume 2000153, Page' 00015, Deed Records, "" v SUR'" v-Surveyor, Texas No, 4862 ' Dallas County, Texas. a, """"'" Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared F'or: TOWN OF' ADDISON HUITT-ZOLIARS 16801 Westgrove Or., Addison, TX 75001 HuItl-ZoIaro, Inc. 0 .... RIGHT-Of-WAY EXHIBIT 3I3I1kKMey A......., SIJIe 600 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. ;3 & SIDEWALK EASEMENT .. Oalu, Tex.. 75204-2489 OWNER: TEXOK PRoPERTIES, I..P. Phone (214) 871-33tI Fax (214) 871-0751 TOWN Of ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 3/14/2003 /f1 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON 2~55586 4050160 $15.00 IJ\!ejj SIDEWALK EASEMENT 08;'04./03 STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS § That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and nollOO ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency ofwbich are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both ofwbich exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent ofGrantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singUlar the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this _3.;...1__day of ocurnemlt 1031474 olLIM.~ STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF l>rY;,LAS 1-050-11. § o( ~-EFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said coun):y and state, on this day of (.). , 2003, personally appeared s+..,{,-, g;)'$ + , 5"'k""'.......'"'-".0\' "'!,-~\A,~ LL on behalf of Iqc:..D~ p,op,:....h.....s Lf' , aD~~ L:\ .......;~ 1]ip Seller: pitt~Uel af IuuuK llspad!s, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same mhis authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which. he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. ~U:d2jdty Notary Public in and for the State of~o~ . #. 0100 I I ". I ----4 ,.,,' I-I ,t I 1•!l POINT OF' (3.371 AC.) lR: I THE STAUBACH COMPANY '181· ~ BEGINNING VOL.200C04S PG.0290J I (G.0697 AC.) I SP£C1RUM DRIVE >/a-I"s RIGHT-OF-WAY 1 DEDICATION VOL.200003!1 PG.02913 ~~-L..J j') N-· THE ASHTON 69' .c,w. _______ MOR~~~VENU~ ~ ___ j' w ~ LOT I, BLOCK A 10 ~ t<') N U ~ l 10' PRIVATE CONMUNICATIONS I-... AMENDED PLAT t:t: I .......:5 ~ ~£II£NT 8Y PLAl -YOI...20000J6 PG.02913 :3 9 9 9 0. ADDISON CIRCLE t; tE ~ DC-E -"'-••' g_w. PHASE II :r, Q 1w5 VOL.2000153 PG.OOOIS VII= LOT I, BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT 1, BLOCK E :::;; ,,\e..OF"f' _ This is to certify that the aba~ survey was '",~ ••••a.•••S'.J.;: Co •••~G\STi:'Rg·';11.f1 mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown lIItf~ .. 0·•••..", thereon ore true and correct to the best of t'··~Ric·j(tHN·Y::HO~~;···~ my knowledge. ~.......•..........•••....~ ... ..0 4862 ~:' /"~O .'''''.';'' <~ 5·1$'-03 Yf"',,? "o,,'~.F.SS\O';··O~· ------------------,l}", Ilt.'{) .....c. CI •••....J~ Eric J. udy. egtstered Professional Lend LEGEND IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Huit!-Zollars yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Rod Found o 100 ~ ......... , 200 SCALE:l"=100' BASIS or BEARINGS: The monuments found os coiled for on the amended pial of Addison Circle Phase II. on oddiUon to the Town of Addison, Texas, os recorded in Volume 200015.'.1, Page 00015, Deed Records, -"". SU?''I/<:-Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Dalla. Coun ty, Texc•. ~ Revised owner's nome: J/H/20Q.3 SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared For. TOWN Of ADDISON wrrr-zoIJAI§. 16801 Westgro.... Dr., Addison, TX 7500i RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3131 McKinney Avenue, Slite 600 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.3 &: SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP. DaJat, Te'" 75204-24&1 1'tIore (214) 871-:1311 Fax (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: .3/14/200.'.1 I 1 SUBMITTAL 1 ; SPECTRUM DRIVE NORTH I SOUTH EXTENSION TOWN 00 ADDISON ELECTRICAL DUCT BANK , . 'i I SITE CON CONCRETE, INC. 3340 ROY ORR BLVD. GRANS PRAIAIRE, TX 75050 I I o .\-Oldcastle ..--I Precast'"' DESIGN CRITERiA FOR UNDERGROUND PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES MATERIALS General Description -Compre..... stnmglll 5,000 P.S.I .. Cement, unless otherwise specified by tile project shall be T'fPE1~m -Reinforcing SIMI is Grn$ aOw~h 1ieid strengtl1 60,000 P.S. ~Cement' 600 lb5, BATCH CESIGN: -Fly Ash, T~. C 50 lbs. (1 cubiC yard) -Sand 1288 Lbs. -1 P Limestone 1033 Lbs. -Water 29.4 Gals, -P •• I3!avel 6119 Lbel. -PSA232, SUPER P (Masterbuilders/Superplasl,icizar) 117 Oz. -POZZOLITH NC534 (M..terbu~ders/Water-Redu""r) 117 0", -AE90 (Mam:rbuilderslAir 1ntra!nmenl) 14 Oz. i SPECII'lCATlONS: -Specifications ft>r Deformed and Ptain St••1 Ba", for Concrete Relnforoament ••• -Sp..ifi....n. ft>r Concre!e Aggregates -Test Me!l1od tor Compressive Slrengill of CyUndncal concrete Specimens -Me!hnd to Sieve Analysis ft>r 1""", and Coa"", Aggregates ~Test Method tor slump of Portiand Cement Conaete -Specification ft>r Portland Cament _od of Making and ClIling Concrete Test Specimens in the LeboralolY ·Tom Method af Air Content.f Fresnly-Mlxed Con""'''' by the Pre..ure Method ..specmcatioD for Afr..entrainment Admixtures for Concrete -8;leoiflcallon for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ·Reco"1mGnpies of any .-material certifications that are required . to' Prove compliance with the above referenced specillcations. ,j ooaE l3r~3S~l dH 36'~ Opening with Groove for Neck Exten.ion 1-----1---1---10'-9"-----+-+--1 2'-8" r(T),p.)-j Weignt Item, --12,575 Lb•. f-------l,--11'-1,·---------1 15" Top Weight -13,775 Lb•. Item# -1005120 54" Extension 1005100 · I @15" Bottom r'2'. Plastic SUmp Weight -14-,500 Lbs. Item' -100514-0 OOkkastle preaJ 1100 HortIoge P , I n8! .6"0 Terminator (Typical) '"I '"I PQ: , mlJ ~ : ~~ ~QJ V-b l [~ ~. I N • .:"i.;f:~~:: ~~r~t~~~~:J~~~J:...~: ;-~: ~ "~.:~; ::..:~ ·r-~.f;.':::~; 1 'I" SEcnONA-A SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0' 3-WAY·MH-3P 1100 HerH.Cl90 Pol'bray. Matlafioid. Tela. 1e1083 p~ S'7~'05< F~ 117.453;1007 FIlE _ Z50UEEJ-WAY-MH-jP-B.tlWg ISSUE Qt.'fE: January, 2003 _.aldcaltllpnCllll_ S'·9" X 10'-9" X r,-o" I.D. 3-Way Octagonal Manhole 3 Piece ~O2llll1 _--... DOGe i3L~3S~, dH . C 11 '-11' 4'-6' I ~ !--------1"-11"--------I 36'~ Opening with Groove for Neck Extension 00 g;;or-t--~ 00 J 12', Plastic @15" Top Weight -14.650 Lb•. Item# -1005250 54" Extension Weight -13.400 Lb•. Iteril/l -1005220 15" Bottom Weight 15,525 Lbs. Item/-100s,?,40 SCALE: NONE 4-WAY-MH-3P 10'·9" X 10'-9" X 7'-0" I,D. 4-Way Octagonal Manhole FU IIAII~ 260UEE4-WAY-MH-3PJ.dW9 3 Piece ISSUE !We' January. 2003 _.olde '1111111 I! ...... ooas 13r~3SHI dH 1-------"'-11"------1 $PI;CIFICAnoNS: -17"1------10'-9·----4''11. Concrate: Has Q Design Strength of 5,000 psi at 26 Days. 2. Steel Reinforcement: IISTM A-61S, Grade 60. ../../3, Loading; Ol!!Signed for H20 Loading • .. //4. C.I. Castings: ASTM A48, Closs .30/35. ~IQstlc Sump Opening with Groave for GENERAL NOTES: Neck Extension ,. Special Knockouts, ,. PVC 51.""" Pulling lrens and in Floor Terminators per (Typical of 4) Customer Specifications. PLAN VIEW r JS"' Ac;8SlI Opening j I bl; ~;;:::: !:;"":~\': I N l7 I:; ~, F· r, gQ ~ 'en'~;' I~ I . -.;, "-t. ;. I!,~J{~ . i~ b ~C •0 ~. I Nb ',;.:;G>,;:;!::;', ~~. i;.i'::.:[;:: .:\;~~ l;·:t·:'; t J" "'--. Rec~G$ed Puling Iron Sump Terminoror ('rypicol) SECll0NA·A o 4·WAY·MH·3P 10'·9" X 10'·9" X 7'·0"1.0. OIdcas. Precasi' 4-Way Octagonal Manhole FI\E ""'" 26QUEE4-WAY-IfI-JP_B.dwg 3 Piece ISSUE MIC January, 1003 _ IIIdc .1IpnIe.'It 110m DOGe i3r~3S~1 dH r.. .. \ 36" CIa. Neck Extension Weight See Table Item# -See Tabl.. SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" o NECKRING 36" Diameter 0Ide..... Precast Neck Ring Extension ALE _ 26OUMNECKRING-F.dwg· ISSIJE ",re January. 2003· 1100 HoriImy. _Bold, r ..... 7e06J ~1l17.4Sl..1OS.f. Fo:.; 817.453..<4007 _.oIdcutllplI ullcom Copyright iIll2001 ___.. {: A t. PLAN VIEW SECTIONA·A Gclvcnized Bolt-on Step (See Tobie) SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ~~n~zci~ ~s1a; ~~ys~ength 2. Steel Reinforoement: ASTM A-1S5. :I. Loading: Designed for H2Q Laadlng. 4. CJ. Castings: AS'TM .0.48, Class 30/35: o0Idc I 'Ie precast" NECKRING ~6" Diameter Neck Ring Extension ALE ....." 260llAANECKRING-B.dll' COVER I" . ( 25mm..---l§l-+ 1" PRODUCT ND. [25mm] 41600585 COVER BACK J [! CATALOG NO. 2" (lI1mm] V1600-5 HOLES COVER SECTION REF. PRODUCT DRAWING 41600585 EST. WI. 7/S" COVER: 365 LBS 166kg {22mm} OPEN AREA W/A MAT'L SPEC. LIFTING EYE DETAIL COVER-GRAY IRON TWO PLACES ASTM M8 CL35BI LOAD RATING COVER FACE ~ MACHINED BEARING SURFACE HEAVVDUTY ~, ~ , (16) 1"\& VENT 13/1S" {20mm] W 1 1/8" {29mml c ~ Q. c C N !:') .... .L!,J ~ W (J) a: ...J a. ::I: I: a. qo N !:') !:') o o N (I'J N U W <=1 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS, INC. P.O. BOX 439 EAST JORDAN, 1.11. 49727 1-600-874-4100 FAX 231 -536-4458 DRAWN DATE JU/OAL 09/6/00 APPROVED DATE V7058-1 FRAME PRODUCT NO. 47058110 CATALOG NO. V7058-1 FRAME TOP R£F. PRODuCT DRAWING OLES 3/4" (19mm Fr["40"'" I"lIA" 361/." OlAi I [972mm) (5I2m"m] 2" 36" OIA [51mm (914mm N/A EST. WT. (4) 1" DIA. LIFTING (4) 1 '/8" [29mm] OIA. fRAME: 338LBS 154kg UFllNG HOLES -;s OPEN AREA N/A 6" [152mm MAT'L SPEC. FRAME-GRAY IRON AS1M M8 Cl35 36 1/4" OIA (972mm} 46" DIA ft ,.8__1 LOAD RATING FRAME SECTION ..MACHINED BEARING SURFACE HEAVY DUTY --UTILITY DUCT TC 6 -500.000 psi modulus Type eS20 complies with federal and military specifications by conforming to Ul $iliA. Conforms to NEMA TC 6 and ASTM F-512 Rated for 90° C Cable 20' Lengtlls Bell End Type DBHM-6.0 (Direct Burial) I IPART NO. SIZE 0.0. 1.0 -. ! A79CAd,2.i 2. ,g..S?5 2.255 W~D'" : 3 3.500 ._-3.316 A7SEA42 4 i 4.50C)_ 4.258 A79FA42 I 5 5.563 I 5.259 _~79GA42 I s .....r 6.625 6.261 I MIN. APPROX. WAL.L WT/FT .060 .337 .092, .734 .121 i 1.218 i .152 ., 1.846 I .182 2.634 FEET PRICE r -PER PACK PER 100 . 2800 32.24 1760 I 61;!.:.~ 1140 10820 760 I 167.00 520 ! 238~ .Type EBHM-20 (Encasement Burial) ... PART NO. "A77CA42 -;o.77DA42 A77EA42 A77FA42 • A77GA42I .. .10S 1.397 760 ~--"'----;------;-'----r-'-----, SIZE 0.0. 1.0 MIN. APPROX. FEET PRICE I WALL WT/FT PER PAC.K PER-1_00. . ..J 2 2.375 '2":255 .060 .337 2800 32.24 ! 3 3.500 -a.378 .061 i .547 1760 48.62 ; ! -I 4. 4.500 4.336 :082 .901 1140 80.96 I 1 . 5 -I 5.563 i $.357 122.86 I 6 6625 6.375 .12.5 1,9S9 520 173.15 I 1 UTILITY DUCT ASTM F-512 -500,000 psi modulus Conforms to ASTM F-512 . Rated for 90° C Cable 20' Lengths -Bell End Type OB·100 HM (Direct Burial) MIN. APPROx.. FEET PRICE WTfr=T I PER PACK I PE;R 100 I 0.5. I I.D _. WALL .. 3.276 .112 .853 1760 80.35 i SIZE -' 4.500 3.500 .145 1419 t 1140 ! 126.29 I 4.210 5:553 5.205 .179 2.165 760 195.72 6.625 6.199 j .213 3.070 I -520 I 274.95 I Note: Content of thl$ sheet sublect to change without notice . CANTEX INC. P.O. Sox 340 Mineral' Wells. Texas 76068 940-325-3344 FAX 940-325-4644 I Ii NSTALLATION GUIDELINES I ct' AUrIaI: .-...., I/' ,nel'! width: Trench widtn at the ground level may vary depending on soil types. eQuloment used, pOSitionj (surface structures. etc. Where compacting of the initial bacl bottom should be ccnstructed 10 provIde a Ii,..". stable and uniform support for the i! conduit for the full lengths of the conduit Unless specified. line and grade is not required orovided that the conduit will confotnl to the trench bottom and bending does not exceed the values given In Sec. 3.7. Large rocks and boulders. frozen Iumos of soil. large lumps of clay, etc. Should be '!)moved before Ihe conduit is installed. Rocky or uneven !mnCh bottoms shOUld be bedded with loose baclIQrked care/uny between the ducts and under the haunches. Tamping should be done between the edges of the ditch over to the SPriJ'lglihe of the conduit. but no tamping should be done over the top of 111e conduit Initial baclo.r::ing 6' X 1 1/2" 6' X 2" 6" X 3' A '3 7/16' 9 15/16' 10 15/16' B 3/4' l' t 1/2' C 1 3/8' 1 3/8' e 7/S' D 8 1IS" B 5/8' '3 S/8' E l' l' l' F 8 1/4' 8 3/4' '3 3/4' G B 1/2' 9' 10' R 3 3/S' a 3/S' 3 3/S' CANTEX, INC, Minero.l "'ells, TI!'>cas 6' Internedlo:te Spo.cer Draw'" TA'" Do.te' 10/07/0e S0'd ~'6~9~~'8 90'd '1\:1101 .. _G R I I I DI ---T --,.., A 1"B r J ~ e .". r-... T l ......... I E -, /-H • j {g ; ( g) ,F 10 1 Port Nl.IMber 5336039 5336051 5336040 Size x Spo,clng 6 X 1 1126' x 2" 6' x 3' A 7' 77' i B 6 3/8' 6 3/9' €, 3/S' e 3' 3' 3' D 3/4' I' 1 112' E 8 1/4' a 3/4' '3 3/4' F 8 112' 9' 10' G l' l' l' H 3' 3' 3' R 3 3/S3 3/8' 3 3/8" CANTEX) INC. HII"IE'ro.l "'ells, Texo.s 6' So. se Spo.cer Drc.wn: TA'" Do. te : 10/07/02 90'd G,6~9G~,8 , ' , • After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles &: Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON 2455586 . . ~05(l160 U~.OO Deed SIDEWALK EASEMENT . 08/0V03 ' ' " STATEOFTEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS § That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right.-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintainip.g a sidewalk, . landScaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agentS,and licenSees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetUal easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part . thereof. . . ,., EXECUTED this ---:3=-\-,--_ day of ~/,2003 t-Nl:Ime Stqe... vr$ t Title -.:5D=--LL-.-.-:~~w-.--=~=--=--____ Sidewalk Easement-Parcd 3A Spectrutn Drive ._Page 1 " rt.\o-, __.«·llIllU"A I ·?In-fll " n n n n ~ " __ ,.. O!l!a..~ STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLl.S 1-0:)0..1\, § DkBEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this 5 ( -day of tJ. 2003, personally ~peared 9e..rc.. ~r.s, t ., . S<>\<..~bv...~ .....\-~, LL On behalf of I~Dt::. Pro&+\"-.S L-P , ,. aO~"'-c~ l:\,......~hA.. 11.? ge'lerai pahle! sf 101[' \K Ylcpcltii§s, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrulnent, the person or entity upon, behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal ofoffice the day and year last above written. c(l6ds/df!y '.' Notary Public in and for the State ofTaes O~ #. Qt00 1' to' PRN'AT£ COWMUNfCATtONS WEMEHT 8'1' PLAi I' 5/S" ..r WITH I Y'Cu.ow JiUITT-ZOUARS PlASTiC Cf.P q ~ . (FUTURE STREET R-l) 'is ~ ~ • , ..0 e. ._-------::-------------!-, I I LINE TABLE II,. I COURSE BEARING DISTANCE J ,J'''S' L.1 S 89' OS' 45" E ,3<4. 50' : I I, " 'l2, N 89'.0<4' <47".W 3<4,50' '1' ;.,;., . I :"'I/"i' ";' ' .. . NOTE: 'I ' on :;j , , . Impr.ovements were, not located for this ••' ',0,\01. ~5' SlOEWALK EASEMENT" exhibit' .and there moy be eosements r (!'II ""'.:') /' '(PARCEL 3,0. ~ 0.0615 AC;) ond other motters of record thai may 1 ~ 8: affect this troct. .,; .,; .,; '. II . 5 wi:: /PARCEL 3 I 2:' 0.5702 AC. ---~-------------------.,...-.l fl:3 ,..~ "g I II) /(TRACT III) (FUTURE STREET R-2) I" g 'I", TEXOI< PROPER'IIE5. I..P. VOL.20022~O PG.OJS29 ---~ !-----------------:--l.-i ~ ~~ I~ " ~ '\ , , (TRACT II) I t ~ llil -.) \t ,TEXOI< PROPER]E5. L,P. W 0 8 '0 'l. VOL.2002240 PG.OJS29 : . f}j Z III) to '0 'I ,""Q~ I·i" .., .lI: I <3-;::::~~ ",I _ :2 c.G ~ ~ 'I'" • _ ~...,q,~ '...... ::z!. -" (:::) , '0 Y. 0'; ~ ~ ~OQ I \ ~ I 0 N 89'04'~7'W 5.00' ~ "P. 'C1: c:;. "ft) '( I Z '. ~~%~ tD POINT Of" BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A ...l... ~i:I> ~'P>.o ,;..\ 0 i· I I '\ 5/S" ... wrrH ":?x ·10 HtlrrT-lOLlARS n 'l\' ".:(" ".' FILED ';,:":1 2n03 AUG -~ PH 12: 17 CYNTHi., f IGLJE.;·WA c,;UlOUN . COUNTY CLERK . DALLAS COUNTY Any provision herein which restrtds the safe, .rt!ntal, Or u~e or the: descrJbed real property l;Se(ause of color Dr race Is Invalid and unenfor(!able under federal law. ",.. ,", ,', SfATE OF TEXAS .COUN1Y OF DALLAS J l1. ... .' . . AUG 4 200l ' . Q,.\,\1.>.o, S....... Ou,,-COUltTY CLeIU<, DaUBS Co1lll!Vi TaW -.--' ",-" , ; "'!:.":'~"~"'.':::'.'~'~"I"""b.~.~\~ . I ", .. ,._ ~" 1 ~, r..:.'" ...,.... {,... r::(..'-~, , 1IIEsrA~'IEXAS . COUtITY O!'J:>MJ.AS TRUE AND CORRECT . j' Copy OF ORIGINAL ..f FilED IN DALLAS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFrcE' '·1 :. ~ • : ,-.;.. .. -.",~ . ,; . 1hereby cirllfy thai the.•b.vund I'orO!lolng In.~11; 1rtiI!•.tftIf.. . .000.'t'phOtmped th....n ., lind as the ..m~ ~ ~In.\be Re.h~~ k: ....:k.llC",k:t;.t" bJ, the general partner of TexO Properties, L.P., and acknowledged to me that h~ executed' the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or .entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. . GlVEN UNDER my ""'" "'" ,001 o''@:;.z. otal)1Pllbli;'&ate of~ olZ~'#OCOt4300 Print Name: Weft" ~ .We I[s My Commission Expires: .. Of/;J%/1...o()tf o••" °'0 TRUE AND CORRECT f ! ''E COpy OF ORIGINAL . '. i FILED IN DAllAS B·".,1" COUNT WARRANTY DEED -Page 2 ---" .' _ . Y CLERK'S OFF/Cli Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive "~)f:50 00058 ~If:IOll ..... ",-V-:e. LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE LI' S 89'05' 45·E 34.50' L.2 N 89' 04' 47·. 34.50' NOTE: «~""'?' o~ ;t. ~Oo~ I .-:A .:;;;. "" <:::> -,.,L " 0 C! '?:~~~ ~1J~, ~~ U' Y '). l'i 1 I.':..,:, -.... , w,· ,!. ," t ' C2. , -69' RQ.W C ' " ~ Improvements w~re' not lo<;:ated for'"this . '( ~"'.; 1~5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT . n exhibit ond there, may be eosernerots " ,..... "_ I (PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.). ."" Qnd other motters of' record that mey ,affect this treCt. ' I J PARCEL 3 0:5702. AC•.. , ...]'I' .... ',:,' ,', ---T-------------------~ .' I"',.'. ~If '''. :..' (mACT 111) (FUTURE STREET R-2) : .. TEXOK PROPERnEs. I.P. ~. I . . ~i VOL.2002240 PG.03529 ----------------------~, \t-l , (TRACT II) I V ,0 TEXOK PROPERnES, l..P. ., VOL2002240 PG.OJ529 . I III '!:> eo "-/~ 'b o I o I~ o I . I') \tr I 1/1 O· ,I. .~ I -:-.. I ~ e9'04'47"w 5.00' ."........:....... , ... cOUP""'" tASEM£NT BY ,pLAT vnt,2OOOOl6 PC.02913 I ~ ~ H:2t .• ~ _ EASEI.4ENT BY PLAT -VOL20000JA PG.0291.S VOL.2000036 PG.02913 LOT I, BLOCK A 10' PRIVATE COt.l...UHlCATlONS :;)I~ ~ .Q ., '!:> Y. ~ til) ~ \ "'"" ria: POINT Of BEGINNING -PARCEl. 3A l'~' ~. '!:> .... ".'9 ~. (3.371 AC.) , THE STAUBACH COMPANY V01..2000046 PG.02903 " (0.0697 AC.) SPEcmUM DRIVE RIr::blgn~AY VOL.2000035 PG.0291J _ ~ • --------MOR-RIS--AV-EN-UE ---j ::!, 01)1 ... .... 1'" g ,,,AM~NOED P1.AT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE " VOl..2000i53 PG.00015 I.OT I, BI.OCK 0 PAGE f.!: U Il: I.EGENO "",0 IRS a Iran Rod Sef with Huitt-Zollars 35 . yellow 'plo.tic cop 1 IRF = Iran Rod FOund 3 OF 3 This Is to. certify thot the ·obove survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 dnd thot the metes and bounds shown . thereon ore true ond correct to the best of my knowledge. , '.. -<--: --~---~--..-..-... ----$-.-'-S-'-~-3-Eric J. udy. egistered Professional lorid Surveyor, Texas No,. 4662 ' . Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 o 100 200 rw+ye .... . I SCALE;l "=100' BASIS Of BEARINGS: The monuments found os coiled for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, On addition to the To·..n of Addison. Texas. ·os recorded in Volume 2000153, Page' 00015. Deed Records. DaUos County. Texas. HUITTillIlL% HUtl-ZoIan, Inc. 00.1&. 3I3l McKI'lney Av......, SUIte 600 '.' DaJI... Texla 75204"2489 Phone (214) 87Hl311 Fax (214) 871-0151 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-wAy EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS Prepor&lIn;mln my 1_ lui custody and posse;silII, flied on the __ped tneIOOn '1;'" and as tile ..... 1, """rdi>:I In tile Re !P 8 8 Z 1III L 1 1](U ELECTRIC COMPANY L2 EA$EYENT BY PLAT VOl,2000036 PG.02913 I5/S" IRS -VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ......,===~i---~--I~ I ----~ • ! t~t-~:: J THE ASHTON VOL,2000036 PG.02913 LOT 1, BLOCK A 10' PRIVATE COYMUNICATIONS EASEMENT BY PLAT -V0L.2000036 PG.02913 LEGEND IRS = Iron RO,=i Set ~!th Ht.::H·-Zcl!ors yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Rod Found ____ -, _*_ ... o 50 ~ ... 1<-100 -r-. I SCALE:l"=50' BASIS Of' BEARINGS: The monuments found os called for on the amended plct of Addi.on Circi. Pilose II. on addition to the Town of Addison. Texos, as recorded in Volume 200015.3. Page 00015. Deed Record •• Dallas County, T excs. MORRIS AVENUE ;< I I I i 1 -----:t-----i I ;;;. I I :::iE AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE e: _ ~ ::'.ll~ , PHASE II u ~ j VOI..2000153 PG.00015 i.oJ 10 ,..., (0I.) ! I = LOT 1. BLOCK D PAGE 2 OF. 2 .. ..r_""!' ~ ~ -.-~ .. ',", '-' Ul This is to certify that tile above survey was +="" mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown c thereon are true ond correct to the best of o my knowledge. o ~ !J~_~_~_______ Eric ~aUdY, Registered Professional Land SUrveyor. T••as No, 4662 Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON Jj)JJJ-zo~ SPECTRUM DRIVE 16801 Westgrova Dr.. Addison. lX 75001 SIDEWALK EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 6 3131 McICMey A_SUIIe eoo DaIu, T..... 752.04-2489 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS OWNER: THE STAUBACH COMPANY Phone (214) 871-:1311 Fax (214) Il71-0757 AREA: 0.0203 AC. DATE: 11/0512002 I': 1\ 00 ~SO£OOl -,).: leU !:'n H ! 1..-., :"~ I"" 2003 MAR 21 Mi II: 22 e'(l;l ,IIA t ".:cci,," ~"LHuUti . COL'HTY r!.ERK Df..LLt>.S u,u,HY .,fln r.elet!! Nhleb le~~'I~.Io GIC' sate. rental,or use of tht 'o::lJ property .because CIf color or race is invalid and ';jbJe uMier federal " •• . , , jF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAUAS "'.j certify thl. Inltrument .as filed an the date and tlma ';,1 ".'&:1 herlOn ~ me and wa. dul), recorded In tl'rtt volume and P:li:. II fir. namld recoRIs of Dalles Count;" Tuu .a ltamped M.,tun by m•• ~iAR 21 2003 ~~ VOL.98001 PC.OD033 g,~ ~ 15851 DALLAS NORTH POST SERVICES, INC. '"~ Iii!.... 0::0 PARKWAY ADDITION '" :::l a.LLJ VOL.9BDSD PG.03404 l.."., ,~ ....... a. ;~., VOl.85021 PC.1 a8S '" '" O'(/) UTAH STATE RETIREMENT ~ ~gl i~ '" INVESTMENT FUND N ~ y\ o g [ij5 ~ VOL,9600J PG.19B8 z ",0 ~ \ -0 .'O G, LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE , L 1 S 00' 08' 23"W 20.00' L2 N 44' 30' 3B" W 28. 46' L3 S 89' 09' 39" E 20. 00' ~g • ~I~~ 10' TEXAS POWER '" > . I UGHT CD. EASEMENT VOL.B5021 PG.16BS I I I I S/S" IRF WITH 1/2" IRF II'1TH HUITT-ZOLlARS ;;:e:LL & POWELL NSS'04'54"W s.OQ''i. /YELLOW CAP Y--------I I 1---------~PA~3~3 This is \0 certify that the above survey wo. mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 end that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~-~~~ ~~=-== -----Eric J-~Udy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huilt-Zollors yellow plostic eel' IRF = Iron Rod Found o 50 ~ ......... 100 , SCALE:l"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153. Page 00015, Deed Record., DoUas County, Texo•. SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Watgrove Dr., AdelllIO/!, TX 75001 LllJ!LIill~ RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO, 5 3131 t.IdCmeoy A...,... SuRe !iOO &: SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: POST SERVICES, INC. Odu, T_ 75204-2489 I'I1cI1e (214) 871-3311 Fa (214) 87Hl7S7 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.0046 Ae. DATE: 11/05/2002 Page 1 of 1 Steve Chutchian From: Glenn Celener [GCeleJie@dart.org) Sent: Wednesday. October 15. 2003 4:19 PM To: steve Chutchlan Subject: Sepctrum Olive Crossing Signals Hi Steve, After I spoke with you I also got word back from Jan Siedner. Jan said that DGNO's signal contractor will design and Install at Addison's cost. That explains why there was no other detials provided with these plans. Please call if you have any questions 214-749-3947. Thanks, Glenn 10/16/2003 ~~_ 50 YEARS Of FUN! __ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (972) 450·2871 FAX (972)450.2837 ~...~-..:::::z::--.~;::,..~~~-_--=:::® Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001..9010 16801 Westgrove October 14,2003 Mr. Christopher C. Jackson Vice President Development Wynne Jackson, Inc. 600 North Pearl Street Suite 650, L.B. 149 Plaza ofthe Americas-South Tower Dallas, Texas 75201 Re: Drainage Easement Millennium Phase II Dear Mr. Jackson: The Town of Addison is currently underway with the design for the proposed extension ofSpectrum Drive south to Arapaho Rd. and north to Airport Parkway. Included in this project is the need to acquire a permanent drainage easement from the Millennium Phase II site. This easement will permit the Town to construct a necessary outfull storm drainage system that will be placed in underground conduit, and it will be located within the limits ofthe existing water easement. During construction ofthe Spectrum Drive project, the Town will replace the existing fire lane in this area with a reinforced concrete section that is equal or better than the existing pavement. In addition, all associated striping and marking will be performed, and access through the lane for fire protection will be maintained at all times. It is anticipated that construction ofthe roadway extension, including the proposed storm drainage system within your easement, will begin in February 2004, and will be completed in approximately eight months. The Town of Addison will notify you prior to start of construction. Your consideration ofthe granting ofa permanent drainage easement at this location is greatly appreciated. A copy ofthe legal description ofthe easement and accompanying map is attached. Should you have any questions regarding the easement or the overall construction project, please feel free to contact me at 972-450-2886. Sincerely, Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer TO HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 (214)871-3311 OATE "1-\" -0;I'06 N~ l ~ '52.2.0 _"\ ATTENTION '5-cev!E. C;'\II\""",", fA U RE: ~I.... /I~ ~~ S'~~..... ~ ~6""Sf;'..:;:) WE ARE SENDING YOU -fr Attached 0 Under separate cover via---'=C'"O"'i'r-pL!'e!!1#--'-'='--____the following items: o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples o Specifications o 0 _________________________________________ Copy of letter o Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRlPT10N I 4'P{L,\I....,,,,Ctt'i~~~ ~,I1<.-r-\4.......0 (/~C{'tj)1"/"....l \ <::I.A)Sol'tC£, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval o Approved as submitted o Resubmit~_copies for approval use o Approved as noted o Submit ___copies for distribution -f3-As req uested o Returned for corrections o Return __corrected prints 0 __________________________ 4-For your o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE _________________"'___~ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ COPY TO five *-------------------------------------------------------------------~---------* Prepared by: HUITT-ZOLLARS #CGACI0469 * Routine: Area Summary Coord File 322001. CRD 7/09/03 17: 35: 01 * Input Scale Factor: 1.000000 Output Scale Factor: 1.000000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECTRUM DRIVE, ADDISON Proposed 15' Drainage Easement Pt.No. Angle-Right Bearing Distance Pt.No. 2568 N 66,,44'59.4"£ 677.000 1669 1669 270,,00'00.0" S 23"15'00.6"£ 15.000 1670 1670 270,,00'00.0" S 66,,44'59.4"1'/699.147 1671 CURVE DEF: Arc CURVE DIR: COl RAD: 636.000 LEN: 26.751 TAN: 13.377 CEN. ANG: 2024 1 35 .. 7" CHORD: 26.749 MO: 0.141 EXT: 0.141 DEGREE: 9000'31.6" S£G: 3 TRI: 8504 SEC: 8507 1671 237,,05'44.3" N 56,,09'16.3". 636.000 1425 1425 357,,35'24.3" S 58,,33'52.0"E 636.000 2568 1671 325,,53'26.5" N 32,,38'25.9"8 26.749 2568 Perimeter: 1417.898 Accum.Perimeter: 1417.898 Sq. Feet: 10319 Acres: 0.2369 Accurn. Sq. Feet: 10319 Acres: 0.2369 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Prepared by: HUITT-ZOLLARS iCGACI0469 * Routine: List Coordinates Coord File 322001.CRD 7/09/03 17:36:43 * Input Scale Factor: 1.000000 Output Scale Factor: 1.000000 *---------------------~--~----------------------------------------------------Pt. No. Code North East Elevation Desc. 1425 10490.14359 10079.46241 0.00 N.CLRP SPECTRUM 1669 10425.68796 11244.13579 calc.dr.esm. 1670 10411. 90611 11250.05699 calc.dr.esm. 1671 10135.92019 10607.68753 calc.dr.esm. 2568 10158.44456 10622.11492 0.00 IRS HZ CAP SPECTRUM DRIVE DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 7 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 3.5343 acres of land platted as Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of Tract I described in instrument to CMA LAND, L.L.C., a Georgia limited liability company as recorded in Volume 2002176, Page 13545 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and re-filed in Volume 2003029, Page 00781 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said Millennium Phase II, said point being on the southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (100 foot wide right-of-way at this point, hereinafter called "DART right-of-way" as recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), from which a 112 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of22.00 feet; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 677.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 0 I second East departing the northwesterly line of said MiHennium Phase II a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds West parallel with the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 699.15 feet to a point for a comer on a westerly line of said Millennium Phase II from which a 112 inch iron rod found for a westerly corner of said Millennium Phase II bears South 34 34 degrees 20 minutes 27 seconds West at a distance of 11.78 feet, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 2 degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 26.75 foot chord bearing North 32 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds East; THENCE northerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of26.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.2369 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of2 ,LOT 1 BLOCK B ,01"0,10'" -' ~c.O: o~t?\ ' S" ~I' S 23"15'0 " LOT 1, BLOCK B ?~~I\) '?~~'I> ~G.\';90 15.00,1 E ~ .•"0 ~?~ ~0\-·9\ 0 -/~ Q'l6: /%'Q orf&ls: CJ:::/f.,. ~~ /I /~ 2"24'36" R= 636.00' L= 26.75' CB= N 32'38'26" C= 26.75' } 3.4' UTILITY EASE~ENT ~-) ,"'VOL.2000133 PG.00022 McLEAN TRACT VOL.8200S PG.2784 \)~\-v-MILLENNIUM PHASE II VOL.98221 PG.00022 MILLENNIUM PHASE I VOL.98221 MILLENNIUM PHASE III VOL.98231. PG.OO022 & VOL.99114, PG.00009 ~--20' fIRE LANE &: -WATER EASE~ENT VOL98221 PG.00022 'TRACT 1 CMA LAND. L.L.C. VOL.2002176 PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.00781 'TRACT 2 CMA LAND, L.L.C. VOL.2002176 PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.00781 .-::.---------_ -':::ToviN OF ADDISON _ --VOL.98182 PG.5_2_34 _ --I TOWN OF ADDISON VOL.93243 PG.6422 /'/' --. TOWN OF ADDISON -MAGNAIL SET IN CONCRETE -MAG-NAIL SET IN CONCRETE /-X-CUT SET IN CONCRETE . /'/' .. ~/'/'/' ,..,/<>O!>-O--/' /'~" VOL.98140-PG.5~~J.---------/'/' //' <>!>-'<'V" O•L8•0R0AJ0 ~~E /' "/' !>-' &: UTILITY ES • ...... ...... ...t::-/~~ 5/S-IRS VOL.820Q5 pg.~~~x:I.IT./..'. ......../. ' .................. ... ~ ~.///' '-------~-----;'/'/' /' ././//' /'/' /" /' /' /' /'/' ;' /'/' /////' /' /' /' /' ..../' ,/' r-/' /' /' MEPC 0.& I. INC. /' /t'///I" I I i I I VOL.98140 PG.S687 /I ;' ,.;' -///' /' /' /' /' 'TRACT 4 (CORRECTION OEEO) (VOLBSlog PG.172J) ME PC laUORUM PROPERTIES 1/INC. I I I 15' ORAlK.t.GE &: UTIUIYI ESl.4i, VOL80005 PC.' 768 PAGE 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey was made under my supervision on July la, 200.3 and that the metes and bounds shawn thereon ore true and correct to the best af my knowledge. ~~~:L:.!l:~~__ Eric }~OUdY, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 HUrrr-zo~ SPECTRUM DRIVE 'TRACT 3 MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES 1/IN VOL.87186 PG.3028 =:,,,,,,~ LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with yellow plastic cap IRF = Iron Rod Found Huitt-Zollors Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this tract. o 100 200 ~ .... -L-_. SCALE:1"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 200015.3, Poge 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepored For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 75001 HuItt-ZoIlara, Inc. Data. 3131 MeKImoy AvOfU>, sute 600 DaIa8, Tex.. 75204-2489 DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXHIBITI EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.7 Phone (214) 87Hl311 Fax (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS OWNER: CMA LAND, LLC. AREA: 0.2369 AC. DATE: 7/10/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXIDBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 7 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of a 3.5343 acres of land platted as Millennium Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98221, Page 00022 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and also being a portion of Tract 1 described in instrument to CMA LAND, L.L.C., a Georgia limited liability company as recorded in Volume 2002176, Page 13545 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and re-filed in Volume 2003029, Page 00781 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said Millennium Phase II, said point being on the southeasterly line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (100 foot wide right-of-way at this point, hereinafter called "DART right-of-way" as recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), from which a 112 inch iron rod found for the northeast comer of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas bears North 66 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of22.00 feet; THENCE North 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East along the southeasterly DART right-ofway line and northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 677.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 23 degrees 15 minutes 01 second East departing the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 66 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds West parallel with the northwesterly line of said Millennium Phase II a distance of699.15 feet to a point for a comer on a westerly line of said Millennium Phase II from which a 112 inch iron rod found for a westerly comer of said Millennium Phase II bears South 34 degrees 20 minutes 27 seconds West at a distance of 11.78 feet, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 2 degrees 24 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 636.00 feet and being subtended by a 26.75 foot chord bearing North 32 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds East; THENCE northerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 26.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.2369 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 1 of2 ----------__ ••••• · ..______ 1__ . > ~ ,:,\s~\Q" . -"r<:< ~c,Q LOT 1 >!. ~,?-r:R'i.'?-S 23" ' BLOCK S I'~?\<;> ~I'~~~ ?<;,,\.,~Q 15~g091"E ~ ,c, ~'?-~ ~Q,,9>\r:J . <;>~\.v-7 20' F1RELANE « WATER EASEMENT VOl.98221 P{;.OOO22 "TRACT 1 CMA LAND, L.L,C, VOL.2002176 PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.OO781 PG.~ //r/" '" '" VOL87l8S PG.3028 /MEPC O.&: I. INC. '" '" /VOL,98l4Q PG.5687 '" "" '" '" ~I////"" "" "TRACT 4 >·v /" '" /' (CORRECTION DtEO) /' (\101..88109 PG.l72J) =:~~ 1 ///I I.tEPC IQUORUM PROPERTIES II INC. 15' DRAINAGE I: UTlUTVI£SM'T. VCL.BOOOS fIG.17&6 IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zoilors yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found I I I PAGE 2 OF 2 This is to certify that the above survey wos mode under my supervision on July 10, 2003 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon or. true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~~~:l:.!l=-CJ__ Eric J.~OUdY, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Ii LOT 1, BLOCK B ~C~'\'\~~ POINT OF I -If! CI.~ tt'O LOT 1 SLOCK B ~ 2"24'36" R= 636.00' L= 26.75' CB= N N 32'38'26" C= 26.75' ._-) .-3.'" UTILITY EASEMENT ~ " VOL.2000133 PC.00022 PARCEL 0.2369 AC. \I MILLENNIUM PHASE II VOL.9a22l PG.OO022 MILLENNIUM PHASE I -TRACT 2 g41[,!,5 CMA LAND, L.L.C. ~(;j fBi MILLENNIUM PHASE III VOL.98231, PG.00022 .so VOL.99ll4, PG.00009 VOL.Z002l7S PG.13545 VOL.2003029 PG.007Sl I I I I McLEAN TRACT VOL82005 PG.2784 TOWN OF ADDISON VOL.93243 PG.6422 -uAG" NAIL SO IN CONCRETE "MAG-NAIL sa IN CONCRETE /-)(" CUT SET IN CONCROE ,.... ---TOWN 15' ~E &: UllLl'T'Y ESM"T. /'./' ","/"--"" --_ VOL80OOfI PG.2764 .,... ~_ PG.17X: ""'_ 'VOL8200!'.i 5/S· IR-S --/_ ... -----...-""'''''' ..... --'" '" ,.... ,/...-/' ,.... /' /" ---.~/,/'" ~ ..-\.:::l'OWN O"r ADDISON ~ ~ -VOL.98182-' ADDISON '. '" 0,,1)-" .......... /~ r -.. ",,0 Y'" -VOL.98140 -PG-.5!!!~).... or ------:::;::-::..------//~~ IJ'/~ /' _ -. ~ -,....;'" /'..... ~... ~--/'" '" '" '" TRACT 3 MI:PC QUORUM PROPERTIES II IN LEGEND improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements and other matters of record that affect this tract. o 100 200 I III····SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II. an addition to the Town of Addison~ Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Doilas County, T.xas. Prepared For: TOWN OF' ADDISON HUIlT-ZOUARS SPECTRUM DRIVE 16801 W.stgra..... Dr., Addison, TX 75001 HuiII-ZoIIanI, !no. Dalal! DRAINAGE EASEMENT EXHIBITI EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 7 3131 MetOnney A_SUIte eoo Da.Iaa. Texas 75204-2489 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS OWNER! CttA LAND. LLC. f'I1<>rIo (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 1171-0757 AREA: 0.2369 AC. DATE: 7/10/2003 1/ Steve Chutchian From: Meyers. David [davldm@Huilt-Zoliars.ooml Sent: Monday. October 06, 2003 9:59 AM To: 'Parker, Tony' Cc:: Luke Jalbert; Steve Chutchian Subjec:t: Spectrum Drive Improvements October 6, 2003 Mr. Parker, I was provided your name by Luke Jalbert with the Town of Addison. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. has prepared a design for the extension of Spectrum Drive from Arapaho Road to Airport Parkway (two segments). I will be forwarding a set of the design plans to you for your review. Specifically the Town would like SBC to identify if you need to provide conduits in the right-of way for future extension of service. If so, please provide a design or red-line our draWings indicating the route and number of conduits, manholes etc.. you need for service. With the construction of these improvements the entire right-of-way will be paved with street pavement or brick sidewalks on a concrete sub-base. There will not be an opportunity in the future to add conduits without expensive and disruptive demolition and re-re-construction of sidewalk and street pavement. I would be happy to meet with you and discuss the improvements with you in more detail at your convenience. Please let me know when you would like to meet and discuss this project. Perhaps we could meet at the Town of Addison Service Center on Westgrove Drive. The Town plans to bid this project at the first of November and begin construction as soon as a contract can be awarded. Thank you for your time and consideration. ~[p+*:!1 ~~ ~m..I!9m..Cl.E9 \b-~"'ID~ ~..OJUl*®.m.. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinney Ave. Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: 214-871-3311 Fax: 214-855-0219 email: davidm@huitt-zollars. oom 1 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXTENSION PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS October 3, 2003 SOUllf SEGMENT SCHEDULE 1 • PAVING SCHEDULE 2 • UTILITIES SCHEDULE3·STREETSCAPE SCHEDULE 4· SIGNALIZATION SCHEDULE 5 • STREET LIGHT BASE BID CONSTRUCTION SUB-TOTAL CONTINGENCEY (10%) $ 340,800.90 $ 493,046.30 $ 247,103.20 $ 197,543.50 $ 62.379.00 $ 1,340,872.90 :Ii 1~,OB7.29 l80um seGMeNT CONSTRUCTION toTAL i 1,474,960.191 NORTH SEGMENT SCHEDULE 1 • PAVING SCHEDULE 2 • UTILITIES SCHEDULE3·STREETSCAPE SCHEDULE 4 • SIGNALIZATION SCHEDULE 5 • STREET LIGHT BASE BID CONSTRUCTION SUB-TOTAL CONrlNGENCEY (10%) INORTH SEGMENT CONSTRUCTION totAL $ 385,247.20 $ 484,761.60 $ 428,066.50 $ $ 213,752.00 $ 1,511,827.30 :Ii 1§:},182.73 i 1,663,010.031 TOTAL PROJECT SCHEDULE 1 • PAVING SCHEDULE 2 • UTILITIES SCHEDULE3·STREETSCAPE SCHEDULE 4 -SIGNALIZATION SCHEDULE 5 -STREET LIGHT BASE BID CONSTRUCTION SUB.TOTAL CONTINGENCEY (10%) $ 726,048.10 $ 971,807.90 $ 675,169.70 $ 197,543.50 $ 276.131.00 $ 2,852,700.20 $ 285,270.02 IALL SEGMENTS SEGMENTS CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $ 3,137,970.221 FILE COPY Memorandum To: Ron Whitehead, City Manager From: Lea Dunn, Deputy City Manager Date: September 17, 2003 Subject: Costs associated with Addison Circle Per your request, I reviewed the Master Facilities agreement and amendments to the agreement regarding the Addison Circle development. As you'll recall, the original master facilities agreement authorized the Town to spend $9 million for public improvements to serve the development project. As part of that agreement, a schedule was developed that detailed those specific improvements and the estimated dollars allocated to those specific improvements. The agreement provides that the funds may be spent only on those projects identified in Exhibit 4 of the Master Facilities agreement (see attached exhibit 4). The agreement further defines the minimum and maximum amount of funds that may be spent on parks and open space improvements (see attached exhibit 5). Finally the agreement provides that any remaining funds may be reallocated to future phases of the the development· so long as the total amount of funds spent does not exceed $9 million. With the exception of the art piece, the amounts detailed for each project remained the same. The art piece component was amended several times; however, it was understood that the additional funds spent for the art piece would not be included in the overall $9 million that was initially authorized. The agreement was for a period of 12 years and at the time of its adoption, staff was uncertain as to how long it would take for the entire district to build out. As such, when the agreement was approved, the $9 million was not fully funded. It north of the district to Airport Parkway) is estimated to be $550,250. The Town is responsible for the entire cost of this first component. The cost to construct the second component (the remaining area within the district) is estimated to be $1,402,250. The Town has a balance of $141,318 remaining from the original funds allocated to this portion of the Spectrum project. The remainder of the costs ($1,260,568) for this component is to be shared equally by the developers of the two tracts of land abutting Spectrum. The cost to construct the third component (the area south of the railroad crossing to Arapaho) is $1,115,781. The Town is responsible for the entire cost of this third component. Funding for the Spectrum project consists of the following: Bond funds: $2,300,000 Dart funds $273,000 Interest funds $86,000 Additional street funds are available to fund the Spectrum project, if needed. Those funds consist of $500,000 (transferred from the Inwood project) and $200,000 (transferred from the Addison Road Road widening project). It is still not clear who is responsible for the developers' portion; however, based on previous conversations, staff believes that TexOK Properties has agreed to pay those commitments. Finally the Town has the $708,000 in cash that is designated for Addison Circle infrastructure improvements. According to Randy, these funds may be used for any of the proposed infrastructure improvements within the district. He would recommend that the funds be used to fund the proposed park improvements in the district. In summary, the Master Facilities agreement authorizes the Town to spend a total of $9 million on specific public improvements in the district. Currently the Town's remaining obligation is $2,139,945. Of that amount, the Master Facilities agreement commits the Town to funding a maximum of $1,000,000 in parks and open space improvements, which leaves a balance of $1,139,945 that may be spent on the remaining public improvements within the district. If you have any questions, please contact me. TOWN OF ADDISON SUMMARY OF ADDISON CIRCLE INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS FY1996 FY1991 FYl998 FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 YTO •June FY2OO3 TOTAL Urban DMl;1. Street!; ~ #65300 Special Services Advettfsing Engineering Sml ConstJUetiOnJROW Aat. Signals Total 83,596 1,841.261 1.924,657 12,696 297 30.114 1,089.455 100.014 1,233.246 112 ~14,192 114,304 $3,272,407 Addison Circle-Phase lie -#75300 Special SeNlees AdvertlSlng Engineering Street Constructk;" P-E , Company: !ll/t7T~ 2oC..LA-.e s FAX#: 2 14 ~ f?5S -tJ21 l' Date: rItS/p ). No, of pages (including cover):__2~_ ,'. .,' ",,'.' ;',' . -, .. ," /~. '~. ," ..... . PUBLIC WORKS Phone: 972/450-.z.gJ'~ Fax: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 . ", ..... " Steve Chutchian From: Carmen Moran Sent: Thursday, September 11. 2003 6:29 AM To: Steve Chutchian; Mike Murphy Subject: Post right-of-way Danya Boone called me back, and she says they are tIYing to get the property at Airport Parllway and Spectrum under contract to a buyer. She said if we could give them a couple of weeks to get it under contract. then they would be ready to give us the right-of-way. I am not optimistic they will get it under contract that soon. but I will call her egain in two weeks. CM 1 09/13/2003 16:25 FAX 2148710757 HUITT-ZOLLARS DALLAS @OOI HUITT-ZOLlARS Dallas _Fort Worth ~ Ausiih -Denio" -Ei Paso ~ Houston -Albuquerque ~ Rio Rancho -Denver -Phoenix -Ontario -Irvine ~ SeaJlle -Tacoma FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL Date: September 13, 2003 Fax No: 972-450-2837 HZ Job No, 01-3220-Q2 No, of Pages 2 (Including this cover sheet) Attention: Steve Chutchain Company: Tow!! of Addison _Urgent _Per Your Request _X_For Your Review _Original To Follow From: David E. Meyers. P.E. Sent By: -_. NOTBSICOMMBNTS: Re: Sl1ectrum Drive ----: ---,I ---_Please Call Upon Receipt _FYI _Otber Time: Date; , ! : 3131 McKinney Avenue Suite 600 -Dallas, Texas 75204 -(214)871-3311 -Fax (114)855-0219 \\HZDALLAS2\diskl\usc;r\davidm\fax\addisoochutchian,doc ! Steve. Attached is my proposed revision to meet the CART requirements ond provide extra paving for emergency vehicles and stalled cars if that occurs, This is the maximum that we con get and still have room for the 6' walk at tne retaining wall, The retaining wall will require a hand rail. Please review and call me with your comments so we can proceed with the resulting plan modifications due to this revision, Thanks, : i : Ifyou have any problems receiving this fax, please call us at (214) 871-3311 HUITT-ZOLLARS DALLAS IgJ 002 09/13/2003 16:25 FAX 2148710757 /-Jurrt-Zolku-t I Inc.. q If?/t>3 . Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions I. SCOPE HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter "Engineer") agrees to perform the services described In the attached Scope of Services, Exhibit A. which incorporates these terms and conditions. Unless modified in writing by the parties hereto, the duties of Halff shall not be construed to exceed those services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. The Scope of Services and these General Terms and Conditions, when executed by THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS (hereinafter "Client"), shall constitute a binding Agreement on both parties. It is undemtood and agreed by the parties that receipt of payment{s) by Engineer from Client is in no way contingent upon Client's receipt of payment, funding, reimbursement or any other renluneratlon from others. II. COMPENSATION Client agrees to pay monthly invoices or their undisputed portions within 30 days of receipt. Payment later than 30 days shall include interest at 1-112 percent per month or lesser maximum enforceabte interest rate, from the date the enent received the invoice untll the date Eng1neer receives payment. Such interest is due and payable when the overdue payment is made. Time-relaled charges will be billed as specified in the proposal. Direct e"Penses will be billed at actual cost plus ten percent (10%). Subcontracted services will be billed at actual cost plus a service charge of 1 0 percent III. RESPONSIBILITY Englneer is employed to render a professional service only, and any payments made by Client are compensation solely for such services rendered and recommendations made In carrying out the work. Engineer shall follow the standard practices of the engineering profession to make findings, provide opinions, make factual presentations, and provide professional advice and recommendations. In performing professional services, Engineer shall act as agent of Client. Engineer's review or supervision of work prepared or performed by other indMduaIs or firms employed by Client shall not relieve those individuals or firms of complete responsibility for the adequacy of their work. It is understood that any resident engineering or inspection provided by Engineer is for the purpose of determining compliance with the technical provisions of the project specifications and does not constitute any form of guarantee or insurance with respect to the performance of a contractor. Engineer does not assume responsibility for methods or appliances used by a contractor, for safety of construction work. or for compliance by contractors with laws and regulations. IV. SCOPE OF CLIENT SERVICES Client agrees to provide site access, and to provide those services described in the aUached Scope of Work. V. INDEMNIFICATION Engineer agrees to indemnify and hold Client harmless from any actual damage, liability or costs, including reasonable attomey's fees and expense to the extent caused directly by, a negligent act or omission Of willful misconduct of Engineer in the perfonnance of professional services hereunder and that of his or her subconsultants or anyone from whom the Engineer is legally liable, In the event that Client is found to be concurrently negligent. Engineer shall not indemnify for the proportionate negligence of Client, but shall indemnify for the portion of negligence solely attributable to Engineer, its agents, servants, emptoyees, and subcontractors of any tier, theIr agents, .:;ervants and employees. Neither party shall be liable to the other for inCidental or consequential damages, whether or not the possibility of such damages has been disclosed or could have been reasonably foreseen. The parties shall indemnify one another against damages of third parties recoverable from the IndemnHee to the extent caused by the comparative negligence of the indemnHor. Such negligence shall be measured by standards in effect at the time services are rendered, not by tater standards. All legal actions by either party against the other arising out of or in any way connected with the services to be perfonned hereunder shall be barred and under no circumstances shaH any such claim be initiated by either party after three (3) years have passed from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion, unless the Engineer's services shall be tenninated earlier, in which case the date of termination of this Agreement shall be used. VI. INSURANCE Engineer shall maintain during the life of the Agreement the following minimum insurance: A. Commercial general lIablilty Insurance, including pemonal injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broad form property damage liability. The limit shall be not less than $1,000,000. B. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000. C. Statutory workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance as required by stale la"" D. Professional liability insurance in the amounts of $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. VII, SUBCONTRACTS Engineer shall be entilled, to the extent determined appropriate by Engineer, to subcontract any portion of the work to be performed under this project. VIII. ASSIGNMENT Th1s Agreement is binding on the heirs, successors, and aSSigns of the parties hereto. The Agreement is Revised 17 April 2001 Peg&10f2 Halff Associates, Inc. General Tenns and Conditions (continued) not to be assigned by either Client or Engineer without the prior written consent of the other. IX. INTEGRATION These terms and conditions and the letter agreement (Scope of Work) to which they are attached represent the entire understanding of Client and Engineer as to those matters contained herein. No prior oral or written understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered herein. The Agreement may not be modified or altered except in writing signed by both parties. X. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Agreement shall be administered and Interpreted under the laws of the State in which the Engineers office perfonning the majority of the work for this project is located. Jurisdiction of litigation arising from the Agreement shall be in that state. If any part of the Agreement is found to be in conflict with applicable laws, such part shall be inoperative. null ~nd void insofar as it i. In conflict w~h said laws, but but the remainder of the Agreement shall be in full force and effect. Venue will be in the State District Court in which the Engineers offICe perfonming the majority of the work for this project is located. XI. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES A. If the project is suspended for more than thirty (30) calendar days In the aggregate, the Engineer shall be compensated for servlces perfonmed and charges incurred prior to receipt of notice to suspand and, upon resumption, an equitable adjustment in fees to accommodate the resulting demobilization and mobilization costs. In addition. there shall be an equitable adjustment in the project schedule based on the delay caused by the suspension. If the project is suspended for more than ninety (eO) calendar days in the aggregate, the Engineer may, at his or her option, tenninate this Agreement upon giving notice in writing to the Client. Engineer may request that the work be suspended by notifying Client, in writing, of circumstances that are interfering with nonnal progress of the work. B. If the Client falls to make payments when due or otherwlse is in breach of this Agreement, the Engineer may suspend perfonmance of services upon five (5) calendar days' notice to the Client. The Engineer shall have no liability whatsoever to the Client for any costs or damages as a result of such suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by the Client. XII. TERMINATION OF WORK Either the Client or the Engineer may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause upon giving the other party ten (10) calendar days prior written notice. The Client shall within ten (10) calendar days of tenminatlon pay the Engineer for all services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of termination, in accordance with the compensation prOVisions of this contract. XIII. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION It is agreed by both parties that Arb~ration will not be allowed. In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, the parties to this Agreement understand and agree that all disputes between them arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbonding mediation unless the parties agree otherwise. The parties further agree to include a similar mediaUon provision In aU Agreements with independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants also to include a similar mediation provision in aU Agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants. suppliers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the primalY method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. XIV. SEVERABtLITY Any provision of this Agreement later held' to be unenforceable for any reason shall be deemed void, and all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. XV. TIMELINESS OF PERFORMANCE The Engineer wI!( perfonn his or her services wUh due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional practices. APPROVED: Engineer: HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Signature: ":l?kL 71'lQ ~, Typed or Printed Name: Mark M. Z:i Title: Project Manager Dale:,____________________ APPROVED: Client: TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Signature:..Lc...:!::::==_:..:.~~=:::!~=-_r~L---Typed or Printed Name: Title: 0,Q,gc1Qfl, at;. pvst.., c-Oate: , /,"£/P'!> • i:\avo\1006~egaMennslgencon Revised 17 April 2001 Pegs 2 of2 L EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Spectrum Drive Extension -Drainage, Addison, Texas ACQUISmON SERVICES A. Title Services 1. When required by Town of Addison, secure preliminary title commitments and title insurance. 2. Determine property ownership and provide curative work culminating in clear title. B. Initial Appraisal 1. Use diligent effort to secure written permission from the owner to -enter the property from which land is to be acquired. 2. Approach owner concerning donation of property. 3. Prepare and conduct personal pre-appraisal contact with interest owner(s) for each parcel using acceptable Town of Addison forms. 4. Contact property owner(s) or their designated representative to offer opportunity to accompany the appraiser on the appraiser's inspection of the subject property. Maintain file record of contact. 5. Prepare complete appraisal report for each parcel to be acquired. These reports shall conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices. 6. As necessary, prepare written written notification to the Town of Addison of any environmental concerns associated with the parcels to be acquired that could require environmental remediation. 8. All completed appraisals will be administratively reviewed by the Town of Addison. C. Negotiation Services 1. Contact OwnerlRepresentative to acquire property through donation. 2. Analyze preliminary title report to determine potential problems, propose methods to cure title deficiencies. 3. Prepare the initial offer letter, instruments of conveyance, and any other documents required or requested by the Town of Addison. If applicable use Town of Addison forms. 4. Contact each property owner or property owner's designated representative, to present the written offer and deliver appraisal report and any other information as required by the Town ofAddison. 5. Provide a copy of the appraisal report for the subject property exclusively to the property owner or authorized representative at the time of the offer. Maintain original signed Receipt of Appraisal. 6. Respond to property owner inquiries verbally and in writing within two (2) business days. 7. Prepare a separate negotiator contact report for each parcel per contact. S. Maintain parcel files of original documentation related to the purchase of the real property or property interests. 9. Transmit to the Town of Addison any written counter offer from property owners, including supporting documentation. 10. Prepare fmal offer letter, documents of conveyance as necessary. D. Condemnation Support 1. Negotiate in "good faith" to avoid condemnation. In the event condemnation is necessary, send a Final Offer Letter to the owner. 2. Coordinating closely with the Town of Addison, file the necessary documents in the proper Court, coordinate the hearing date amongst all interested parties, obtain special commissioners signatures on the orders and perfect service of notice ofhearing. 3. After the hearing, file necessary documents with the Court and in the Real Property Records. II. EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGS -Meet with Town Council in Executive Session to discuss property acquisition and other matters as requested. FEE SUMMARY Title Services, Negotiation Services and Condenmation Support -$1,500.00. Appraisal Services -$1,500.00 Direct costs including printing and reproduction, postage, messenger service, long distance telephone calls and mileage (36¢ per mile) are not included in the fee estimate and are considered reimbursable at 1.1 times the direct cost incurred, not to exceed $300.00 Executive Briefing services shall be billed at the rate of $95.00 per hour-Acquisition Agent and $130.00 per hour-Project Manager in an amount not to exceed $500.00. Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions I. SCOPE HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter "Engineer") agrees to perform the services described in Ihe attached Scope of Services, ExhibU A, which incorporates these terms and conditions. Unless modified in writing by the parties hereto, the duties of Haiti shall not be construed to exceed those services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. The Scope of Services and these General Terms and Conditions, when executed by THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS (hereinafter "Client"), shall constitute a binding Agreement On both parties, It is understood and agreed by the parties that receipt of payment(s) by Engineer from Client is in no way contingent upon Client's receipt of payment, funding, reimbursement or any other remuneration from othefs. II. COMPENSATION Client agrees to pay monthly invoices or their undisputed portions within 30 days of receipt. Payment later than 30 days shall include interest a11·1/2 percenl per month or lesser maximum enforceable interest rate, from the date the Client received the invoice until the date Engineer rece[ves payment. Such interest is due and payable when the overdue payment is made. Time·related charges will be billed as specified in the proposal. Direct expenses will be billed at actual cost plus ten percent (10%). Subcontracted services will be billed at actual cost plus a service charge of 10 percent. III, RESPONSIBILITY Engineer is employed to render a professional service only, and any peyments made by Client are compensation solely for such services rendered and recommendations made In carrying out the work. Engineer shall follow the standard practices of the engineering profession to make findings, provide opinions, make factual presentations, and provide professional advice and recommendations. In performing professional services, Engineer shall act as agent of Client Engineer's review or supervision of work prepared or performed by other individuals or firms employed by Client shall not relieve Ihose individuals or firms of complete responsibility for the adequacy of their work. It is understood that any resident engineering or inspection provided by Engineer is for the purpose of determining compliance with the technical provisions of the project specifications and does not oonstitute any form of guarantee or insurance with respect to the performance of a contractor. Engineer does not assume responsibility for methods or appfiances used by a contractor. for safety of construction work, or for compliance by contractors with laws and regulations. IV, SCOPE OF CLIENT SERVICES Client agrees to provide site access, and to provide those services described in the attached Scope of Work. V. INDEMNIFICATION Engineer agrees to indemnify and hold Client harm!ess from any actual damage, liability or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and expense to the extent caused directly by, a negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Engineer in the performance of professional services hereunder and that of his or her subconsultants or anyone from whom the Engineer is legally liable. In the event that Client is found to be concurrently negligent, Engineer shall not indemnify for the proportionate negfigence of Client, but shall indemnify for the portion of negligence solely attribulable 10 Engineer, its agents, servants, employees, and subcontractors of any tier, their agents, servants and employees, Neither party shall be liable to the other for incidental or consequential damages, whether or not the possibilUy of such damages has been disclosed or could have been reasonably foreseen. The parties shall indemnify one another against damages of third parties recoverable from the indemnitee to the extent caused by the comparative negligence of the indemnitor. Such negligence shall be measured by standards in effect at the time services are rendered, not by later standards. All legal actions by either party against the other arising out of or in any way connected with the services to be performed hereunder shall be barred and under no circumstances shall any such claim be initiated by ellher party after three (3) years have passed from the date of issuance of Ihe Certificate of Completion, unless the Englneer's services shall be terminated earlier, in which case the date of termination of this Agreemenlshall be used. VI. INSURANCE Engineer shall maintain during the life of the Agreement the following minimum insurance: A. Comme",ial general lIabilUy insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broad form properly damage liability. The limit shall be not I ..s than $1 ,000,000. B. Automobile bodily injury and properly damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000. C. Slatutory wor1 Rev/-(' 4...-0".. ""e"'-fS 1'v /-lAc-Ph TOWN OF S'l:::.. ADDISON PUBLIC WORKS Phone: 972/450-2.gg>b FAX#: 2-14--73'1' -C7/c>t? Fax: 972/450-2837 Date: 81.2 '7(o~3",,--~___ 16801 Westgrove No. of pages (including cover): G P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 8S1S NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 HaIff Associates (21') 346-6200 FAX (214) 739·0095 eNGINeeRS' ARCHITeCTS' SCIeNTISTS ,>ft' oirli PLANNERS' SURVEYORS August 13, 2003 Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75001 Attn: Mr. Steven Z, Chutchian, P ,E. Assistant City Engineer RE: Easement Acquisition -Spectrum Drive Extention Drainage Project Dear Mr. Chutchian: Halff Associates is pleased to present the enclosed proposal to provide Easement Acquisition Services to facilitate the development of city facilities, The fees quoted in this proposal will be honored for up to 30 days from the date hereof. We trust this proposal meets your requirements for this project and appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the Town of Addison, If this proposal meets with your approval, please execute the General Terms and Conditions and return the copy as notification to proceed, approval of the budget and agreement to fee schedule and basis of compensation. Please feel free to contact me at 214-217-6659 if you have any questions or comments concerning this matter. Sincerely, DALLAS • FORT WORTH • HOUSTON • McALLEN • AUSTIN TRANSPORTATION • WATER RESOURCES • LAND DEVELOPMENT' MUNICIPAL' ENVIRONMENTAL' STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL • elECTRICAL • SURVEYING • GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions I. SCOPE HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinaller "Engineer') agrees to perform the services described in the attached Scope of Services, Exhibit A, which incorporates these terms and conditions. Unless modified in writing by the parties hereto, the duties of Halff shall not be construed to exceed those services specifically set forth In the Scope of Services, The Scope of Services and these General Tarms and Conditions, when executed by THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS (hereinafter "Client"). shall constitute a binding Agreement on both parties. It 15 understood and agreed by the parties that receipt of payment(s) by Engineer from Client IS in no way contingent upon Client's receipt of payment. funding, reimbursement or any other remuneration from others. II. COMPENSATION Client agrees to pay monthly invoices or their undisputed portions withIn 30 days of receipt. Payment later than 30 days shall include interest at 1-112 percent per month or lesser maximum enforceable interest rate, from the date the Client received the invoice until the date Engineer receives payment. Such interest is due and' payable when the overdue payment Is made. TIme-related charges will be billed as specified in the proposal. Direct expenses will be billed at actu.1 cost plus ten percent (10%). Subcontracted services will be billed at actual cost plus a service charge of 10 percent. III. RESPDNSIBII.ITY Engineer is employed to render a professional service only. and any payments made by Client are compensation solely for such services rendered and recommendations made in carrying out the work, Engineer shall follow the standard practices of the engineering profession to make findings, provide oplnions, make factual presentations, and provide professional adv1ce and recommendations. In performing professional services, Engineer shall act as agent of Client. Engineer's review or supervision of work prepared or performed by other individuals or firms employed by Client shall not relieve those individuals or firms of complete responsibility for the adequacy of their work. It is understood that any resident engineering or inspection provided by Engineer is for the purpose of determining compliance with the technical provisions or the project specifications and does not constitute any form of guarantee or insurance with respect to the performance of a contractor. Engineer does not assume responsibility for methods or appliances used by a contractor, for safety of construction work, or for compliance by contractors with laws and regulations. IV, SCOPE OF CI.IENT SERVICES Client agrees to provide site access, and to provide those services descrlbed in the attached Scope of Work. ';I. INDEMNIFICATION Engineer agrees to indemnify and hold Client harmless from any actual damage. liability or costs. including reasonable attorney's fees and expense to the extent caused directly by, a negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Engineer in the performance of professional services hereunder and that of his or her subconsultants or anyone from whom the Engineer is legally liable. In the event that Cllenl is found to be concurrently negligent. Engineer shall. not indemnify for the proportionate negllgence of Client, but shaU indemnify for the portion of negligence solely attlibutabte to Engineer, its agents, servants, employees, and subcontractors of any tier, their agents. servants and employees, Neither party shall be liable to the other for incidental or consequential damages, whether or not the possibility of such damages has been disclosed or could have been reasonably foreseen. The parties shall indemnify one another against damages of thlrd partles recoverable from the indemnitee to the extent caused by the comparative negligence of the indemnitor. Such negligence shall be measured by standards in effect at the tIme services are rendered, not by later standards. All legal actions by either party against the other ariSing oul of or in any way connected with the servjces to be performed hereunder shall be barred and under no circumstances shall any such clalm be Initiated by either party alter three (3) years have passed from the date of issuance of the Certfficate of Completion, unless the Engineer's servIces shall be terminated earlier, in which case the date of termination of this Agreement shall be used. Client acknowledges Engineer may perform work at facilities that may contain hazardous materials or conditions, and that Engineer had no prior role in the generation, treatment, storage, or disposition of such materials. In consideration or the associated risks that may give rise to claims by third parties or employees of Client. Client agrees to indemnify. defend, and hold Engineer harmless (including attorneys' fees) from any and all losses, damages, claims, or actions brought by any third party or employee of Client against Engineer or Engineer's employees, agents, officers or directors, in any way arising out of the presence of hazardous materials at the facilities, except for claims shown by final judgment of a court of competent jurlsdfction to arise out of the sole negligence of Engineer. VI. INSURANCE Engineer shall maintain during the life of the Agreement the following minimum insurance: A, Commercial general liability insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability. and broad form property damage liabilily. The limit shall be not less than $1,000,000. Revised 17 April 2001 PSQe10fi Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions (continued) B. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1.000.000. C. Statutory workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance as required by -+ state law. O. Professional liability insurance. VII. SUBCONTRACTS Engineer shall be entitled, to the extent determined appropriate by Engineer. to subcontract any portion of the wor!< to be performed under this project. VlII. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto_ The Agreement is not to be assigned by either Client or Engineer without the prior written consent of the other. IX. INTEGRATION These terms and conditions and the letter agreement (Scope of Work) to which they are attached represent the entire understanding of Client and Engineer as to those matters contained herein. No prior oral or wriften understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered herein. herein. The Agreement may not be modified or altered except in wr~ing signed by both parties. X. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Agreement shall be administered and interpreted under the laws of the State in which the Engineers office performing the majority of the work for this project is located. Jurisdiction of litigation arising from the Agreement shall be in that State. If any part of the Agreement is found to be in confllct with applicable laws, such part shall be inoperative, null and void insofar as it is in conflict with said laws, but the remainder of the Agreement shalt be in full force and effect. Venue will be in the State District Court in which the Engineers office performing the majolity of the work for this project is located. XI. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES A. If the project is suspended for more than thirty (30) calendar days In the aggregate, the Engineer shall be compensated for services performed and charges incurred prior to receipt of notice to suspend and, upon resumption, an equftabla adjustment in fees to accommodate the resulting demoblli<:aUon and mobilization costs. In addition, there shall be an equitable adjusbnent in the project schedule based on the delay caused by the suspension. If the project Is suspended for more than ninety (90) calenaar days in the aggregate, the Engineer may. at his or her option, terminate this Agreement upon giving notice in writing to the Client Engineer may request that the work be suspended by notifying Client, in writing, of circumstances that are interfering with normal progress of the wor!<. B. If the Client fails to malle payments when due or otherwise is in breach of this Agreement. the Engineer may suspend performance of services upon five (5) calendar days' notice to the Client The Engineer shall have no liability whatsoever to i :\avo\ 1oo6\legallterms19oncon the Client for any costs or damages as a result of such suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by the Client. XII. TERMINATION OF WORK Either the Client or the Engineer may terminate terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause upon giving the other party ten (10) calendar days prior wrltten notice. The Client shall within ten (10) calendar days of termination pay the Engineer for all services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of terminatIon, in accordance with the compensation provisions of this contract XIII. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION It is agreed by both parties thai Arbitralion will not be allowed. In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or constructIon of the project or following the completion of the project, the parties to this Agreement understand and agree that all disputes between them arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbonding mediation unless the parties agree otherwise. The parties further agree to include a similar mediation provision in all Agreements with independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants also to include a similar mediation provision in all Agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants, suppljers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the prim.ry method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements, XIV. SEVERABILITY Any provision of this Agreement laler held to be unenforceable for any reason shall be deemed void, and ali remaining provisions shaU continue in full force and effect. XV. TIMELINESS OF PERFORMANCE The Engineer wlU perform his or her services with due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional practices. APPROVEO; Engineer: HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Signature: J1'tAA7n9'-' Typed or Printed Name: Mark M. Jan; Title: Project Manager Date: (/-lfrl1' APPROVED: Client: TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Signature:__________________ Typed or Printed Name:,_______________ Title:____________________ Date:,____________________ Revised 17 April 2001 jPage2 of 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES Spectruirn Drive Extention -Drainage, Addison, Texas I. ACQUIsmON SERVICES A. Title Services 1. When required by Town of Addison, secure preliminary title commitments and title insurance. 2. Determine property ownership and provide curative work culminating in clear title. B. Initial Appraisal c:1. Use diligent effort to secure written permission from the owner to enter the property from which land is to be acquired. Prepare and conduct personal pre-appraisal contact with interest owner(s) for each parcel using acceptable Town of Addison forms. 3. Approach owner concerning donation ofproperty. 4. Contact property owner(s) or their designated representative to offer opportunity to accompany the appraiser on the appraiser's inspection of the subject property. Maintain file record of contact. 5. Prepare complete appraisal report for each parcel to be acquired. These reports shall conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices. As necessary, prepare written notification to the Town of Addison of any environmental concerns associated with the parcels to be acquired that could require environmental remediation. All completed appraisals will be administratively reviewed by the Town of Addison. C. Negotiation Services 1. Analyze preliminary title report to determine potential problems, propose methods to cure title deficiencies. 2. Prepare the initial offer letter, instruments of conveyance, and any other documents required or requested by the Town of Addisonl 9a aJl'Il1isaQle V~Town of Addison forms. I f=,.",pp Li:c..J.:,I-t... 3. Contact each property owner or property owner's designated representative, to present the written offer and deliver appraisal report and any other information as required by the Town of Addison. 4. Provide a copy of the appraisal report for the subject property exclusively to the property owner or authorized representative at the time of the offer. Maintain original signed Receipt ofAppraisal. 5. Respond to property owner inquiries verbally and in writing within two (2) business days. 6. Prepare a separate negotiator contact report for each parcel per contact. t"7'" S..,~ t S. '"lO ~ {j.t:>~ (~-r::iJ::I;~ '16 J>.GQp Ittl1 p(l.Of~1 ~U~ lA'>NATI 04. 7. Maintain parcel files of original documentation related to the purchase of the real property or property interests. 8. Transmit to the Town of Addison any written counter offer from property owners, including supporting documentation. 9. Prepare fmal offer letter, documents of conveyance as necessary. D. Condemnation Support 1. Negotiate in "good faith" to avoid condenmation. In the event condenmation is necessary, serid a Final Offer Letter to the owner. 2. Coordinating closely with the Town of Addison, file the necessary documents in the proper Court, coordinate the hearing date amongst all interested parties, obtain special commissioners signatures on the orders and perfect service of notice ofhearing. 3. After the hearing, file necessary documents with the Court and in the Real Property Records. II. EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGS -Meet with Town Council in Executive Session to discuss property acquisition and other matters as requested. FEE SUMMARY Title Services, Negotiation Services and Condenmation Support -$$1,500.00. Appraisal Services -$1,500.00 Direct costs including printing and reproduction, postage, messenger service, long distance telephone calls and mileage (36¢ per mile) are not included in the fee estimate and are considered reimbursable at 1.1 times the direct cost incurred, not to exceed $300.00 Executive Briefmg services shall be billed at the rate of $95.00 per hour-Acquisition Agent and $130.00 per hour-Project Manager in an amount not to exceed $500.00. 6616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE DALLAS. TEXAS 75225 HaIff Associates (214) 346·6200 FAX (214) 739·0095 liNGINEERS • ARCHITECTS' SCIENTISTS PLANNERS. SURVEYORS August 13, 2003 Tow,n ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 7500 I Attn: Mr. Steven Z. Chutehian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer RE: Easement Acquisition -Spectrum Drive Extention Drainage Project Dear Mr. Chutchian: Halff Associates is pleased to present the enclosed proposal to provide Easement Acquisition Serviees to facilitate the development of city facilities. The fees quoted in this proposal will be honored for up to 30 days from the date hereof We trust this proposal meets your requirements for this project and appreciate the opportunity to be ofservice to the Town of Addison. If this proposal meets with your approval, please execute the General Terms and Conditions and return the copy as notifieation to proceed, approval of the budget and agreement to fee schedule and basis of compensation. Please feel free to contact me at 214-217-6659 if you have any questions or comments concerning this matter. Sincerely, John Howell DALLAS " FORT WORTH • HOUSTON • McALLEN • AUSTIN TRANSPORTATION" WATER RESOURCES" LAND DEVELOPMENT" MUNICIPAL. ENVIRONMENTAL" STRUC1URAL MECHANICAL' ELECTRICAL' SURVEYING' GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions I. SCOPE HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafier "Enginee!") agrees to perform the servfces descrjbed in the attached Scope 01 SelViees, Exhibit A, which incorporates these terms and conditions. Unless modified in writing by the parties hereto, the duties of Halff shall not be construed to exceed those services specifically set forth in the Scope 01 SelVices. The Scope of Services and these General Terms and Conditions, when executed by THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS (hereinafter "Client"), shall constitute a binding Agreement on both parties. It IS understood and agreed by the parties that receipt of payment(s) by Engineer from Cllent is in no way contingent upon Client's receipt 01 payment, funding, reimbursement or any other remuneration from others. II. COMPENSATION Client agrees to pay monthly invoices or their undisputed portions within 30 days of receipt Payment later than 30 days shall include interest at 1-112 percent per month or lesser maximum enforceable interest rate, from the date the Client received the invoice until the date Engineer receives payment. Such interest is due and payable when the overdue payment is made. Time-related charges will be billed as specified in the proposal. Direct expenses will be billed at actual cost plus ten percent (10%). Subcontracted selViees will be billed at actual cost plus a selVice charge 01 10 percent. III. RESPONSIBILITY Engineer is employed to render a professional service only, and any peyments made by Client are compensation solely for such services rendered and recommendations made in carrying out the work. Engineer shall follow Ihe standan:! practices 01 the engineering profession to make findings, provfde opinions, make factual presentations, and provide profess1onal advice and recommendations. In performing professional services, Engineer shall act as agent of Client Engineer's review or supervision of work prepared or petfonmed by other individuals or firms employed by Client shall not relieve those individuals or firms of complete responsibility for the adequacy 01 their work. It is understood that any resident engineering or inspection provided by Engineer is for the purpose of determining compliance with the technical provisions of the project specffications and does not constitute any form of guarantee or insurance with respect to the performance of a contractor. Engineer does not assume responsibility for methods or appliances used by a contractor, for safety of construction work, or for compliance by contractorS with laws and regulations. IV. SCOPE OF CLIENT SERVICES Client agrees to provide site access, and to provide those services described in the attached Scope of Work. y. INDEMNIFICATION Engineer agrees to indemnify and hold Client harmless from any actual damage. liability or costs, induding reasonable attorney's fees and expense to the extent caused directly by, a negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Engineer in the performance of professlonal services hereunder and that of his or her subconsultants or anyone from whom the Engineer is legally liable. In the event that Client is lound to be concurrently negligent, EngIneer shall not indemnify for the proportionate negligence of Client, but shall indemntly for the portion of negligence solely atlribulable to Engineer, its agents, servants, employees, and subcontractors of any tier. their agents, servants and employees. Neither party shall be liable to the other for incidental or consequential damages, whether or not the possibility of such damages has been disclosed or could have been reasonably foreseen. The parties shall indemnify one another against damages of third parties recoverable from the indemnitee to the extent caused by the comparative negligence of the indemnitor. Such negligence shall be measured by standards in effect at the time services are rendered, not by later standards. All legat actions by either party against the other arising out of or in any way connected with the services to be performed hereunder shall be barred and under no circumstances shall any such claim be initiated by either party after three (3) yea ... have passed from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion, unless the Engineer's services shall be terminated earlier, in which case the date of tennination 01 this Agreement shall be used. Client acknowledges Engineer may perform work at facilities that may contain hazardous materials or conditions, and that Engineer had no prtor role in the generation, treatment, storage, or disposition of such materials. In consideration of the associated risks that may give rise to claims by third parties or employees of Client, Client agrees to indemnlly, defend, and hold Engineer hamnl..s (including attorneys' fees) lrom any and all losses, damages, claims, or actions brought by any third party or empfoyee of Cllent against Engineer or Engineer's empfoyees, agents, offICers or directors, in any way arising out of the presence of hazardous materials at the facilities, except for claims shown by final jodgment of a court of competent jurisdiction to arise out of the sale negligence of Engineer. VI. tNSURANCE Engineer shall maintain during the life of the Agreement the following minimum insurance: A. Commercia! general liability insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broad lonm property damage liabiltly. The limit shall be not less than $1,000,000. Revised 17 April 2001 Page 1 of2 Halff Associates, Inc. General Tenns and Conditions (continued) 6. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000. C. Statutory workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance as required by state law. D. Professional liability insurance. VII. SUBCONTRACTS Engineer shall be entitled, to the extent determined appropriate by Engineer. to subcontract any portion of the wor!< to be performed under this project. VIII. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is binding on the heirs. successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. The Agreement is not to be assigned by either Client or Engineer without the prior written consent of the other. IX. INTEGRATION These terms and conditions and the fetter agreement (Scope of Wor!<) to which they are attached represent the entire understanding of Client and Engineer as to those matters contained herein. No prior oral or wlitten understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered herein. The Agreement may not be modified or altered except in writing Signed by both parties. X. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Agreement shall be administered and interpreted under the laws of the State in which the Engineers office performing the majorily of the woll< for this project is located. Jurisdiction of litigation arising from the Agreement shall be in that State. If any part of the Agreement is found to be in conflict with applicable laws, such part shall be inoperative, null and void insofar as it is in conflict with said laws, but the remainder of the Agreement shall be in full force and effect. Venue will be in the State District Court in which the Engineers office performing the majority of the work for this project is located. Xl. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES A If the project is suspended for more than thirty (30) calendar days in the aggregate. the Engineer shall be compensared for services performed and charges Incurred prior to receipt of notice to suspend and. upon resumption, an equitable adjustment in fees to accommodate the resulting demobilization and mobilization costs. In addition, there shall be an equitable adjustment in the project schedule based on the deley caused by the suspension. If the project is suspended for more than ninety (90) calendar days in the aggregate, the En9ineer may, at his or her option, terminate this Agreement upon giving notice in writing to the Client. Engineer may request that the wolk be suspended by notilYing Clien~ in writing, of circumstances that are interfering with normal progress of the wor!<. S. If the Client fails to make payments when due or otherwise is in breach of this Agreement, the EngIneer may suspend performance of services upon fIVe (5) calendar days' notice to the Client Tha Engineer shall have no liability whatsoever to the Client for any costs or damages as a result of such suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by the Client XII. TERMINATION OF WORK Either the Client or the Engineer may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause upon giving the other party ten (10) calendar days prior written notice. The Client shall within ten (10) calendar days of termination pay the Engineer for all services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of termination, in accordance with the compensation provisions of this contract. XIII. AI.TERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOI.UTION It is agreed by both parties that Arbitration will not be allowed. In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the deSign or construction of the project or following the compleUon of the project, the parties to this Agreement understand and agree that all disputes between them arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbonding mediation unless the parties agree otherwise. The parties further agree to indude a similar mediation provision in all Agreements with independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants also to include a similar mediation provision in all Agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. XIV, SEVERABII.ITY Any provision of this Agreement later held to be unenforceable for any reason shall be deemed void, and all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. XV. TIMELINESS OF PERFORMANCE The Engineer will perform his or her services with due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional practices. APPROVED: Engineer: HALFF ASSOCIATES. INC. Signature: -~,:7J1~, Typed or Printed Name: Mark M. Jan; TItle: Project Manager Date: II-il-o' APPROVED: Client: TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Signalure:__________ ________ Typed or Printed Name:_____________ Title:__________________ Dale:____________________ i:\avoI1006Ueganterms",encon Revised 17 April 200 I jPaga 2 0'2 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Spectruim Drive Extention -Drainage, Addison, Texas I. ACQUISITION SERVICES A. Title Services 1. When required by Town of Addison, secure preliminary title commitments and title insurance. 2. Determine property ownership and provide curative work culminating in clear title. B. Initial Appraisal 1. Use diligent effort to secure written permission from the owner to enter the property from which land is to be acquired. 2. Prepare and conduct personal pre-appraisal contact with interest owner(s) for each parcel using acceptable Town of Addison forms. 3. Approach owner concerning donation ofproperty. 4. Contact property owner(s) or their designated representative to offer opportunity to accompany the appraiser on the appraiser's inspection of the subject property. Maintain file record of contact. S. Prepare complete appraisal report for each parcel to be acquired. These reports shall conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices. 6. As necessary, prepare written notification to the Town of Addison of any environmental concerns associated with the parcels to be acquired that could require environmental remediation. 6. All completed appraisals will be administratively reviewed by the Town of Addison. C. Negotiation Services I. Analyze preliminary title report to determine potential problems, propose methods to cure title deficiencies. 2. Prepare the initial offer letter, instruments of conveyance, and any other documents required or requested by the Town of Addison on applicable Town ofAddison forms. 3. Contact each property owner or property owner's designated representative, to present the written offer and deliver appraisal report and any other information as required by the Town of Addison. 4. Provide a copy of the appraisal report for the subject property exclusively to the property owner or authorized representative at the time of the offer. Maintain original signed Receipt ofAppraisal. S. Respond to property owner inquiries verbally and in writing within two two (2) business days. 6. Prepare a separate negotiator contact report for each parcel per contact. 7. Maintain parcel files of original documentation related to the purchase of the real property or property interests. 8. Transmit to the Town of Addison any written counter offer from property owners, including supporting documentation. 9. Prepare final offer letter, documents of conveyance as necessary. D. Condemnation Support I. Negotiate in "good faith" to avoid condemnation. In the event condemnation is necessary, send a Final Offer Letter to the owner. 2. Coordinating closely with the Town of Addison, file the necessary documents in the proper Court, coordinate the hearing date amongst all interested parties, obtain special commissioners sigoatures on the orders and perfect service ofnotice ofhearing. 3. After the hearing, file necessary documents with the Court and in the Real Property Records. II. EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGS -Meet with Town Council in Executive Session to discuss property acquisition and other matters as requested. FEE SUMMARY Title Services, Negotiation Services and Condemnation Support -$1,500.00. Appraisal Services -$1,500.00 Direct costs including printing and reproduction, postage, messenger service, long distance telephone calls and mileage (36¢ per mile) are not included in the fee estimate and are considered reimbursable at 1.1 times the direct cost incurred, not to exceed $300.00 Executive Brieflllg services shall be billed at the rate of $95.00 per hour-Acquisition Agent and $130.00 per hour-Project Manager in an amount not to exceed $500.00. Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions I. SCOPE HALFF ASSOCIATES. INC. (hereinafter "Engineer") agrees to perform the services described in the attached Scope of $elVioes. Exhibit A, which incorporates these terms and conditions. Unless modified in writing by the parties hereto, the dutles of Halff shall not be construed to exceed those services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services. The Scope of Services and these General Terms and Conditions, when executed by THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS (hereinafter "Client"), shall constitute a binding Agreement on both parties, It is understood and agreed by the parties that receipt of payment(s) by Engineer from Client is in no way contingent upon Client's receipt of payment, fundlng, reimbursement or any other remuneration from others. II. COMPENSATION Client agrees to pay monthly invoices or their undisputed portions within 30 days of receipt. Payment later than 30 days shall include Interest at 1~112 percent per month or lesser maximum enforceable interest rate, from the date the Client received the invoice until the date Engineer receives payment. Such interest is due and payable when the overdue payment is made. Time~related charges will be bilred as spedfied in the proposaL Direct expenses win be billed at actual cost plus ten percent (10%). Subcontracted services will be billed at actual cost plus a service charge of 10 percent. III, RESPONSIBILllY Engineer is employed to render a professional service only, and any payments made by Client .re compensation solefy for such selVices rendered and recommendations made in carrying out the work. Engineer shall follow the standard practices of the engineering profession to make findings, provide opinions, make factual presentations, and provide professional advice and recommendations_ In performing professional services, Engineer shall act as agent of Client EngIneer's review or supervision of work prepared or performed by other individuals or firms employed by Client shall not relieve those individuals or firms of complete responsibility for the adequacy of their work. It is understood that any resident engineering or inspection provided by Engineer is for the purpose of determining compliance with the technical provisions of the project specifications and does not constitute any form of guarantee or insurance with respect to the performance of a contractor. Engineer does not assume responsibility for methods or appliances used by a contractor, for safety of construction work, or for compliance by contractors with laws and regulations. IV. SCOPE OF CLIENT SERVICES Client agrees to provide site access, and to provide those selVices described in the attached Scope of Work. V. INDEMNIFICATION 'Engineer agrees to indemnify and hold Client harmless from any actual damage. liability or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and expense to the extent caused directly by, a negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Engineer in the performance of professional services hereunder and that of his or her subconsultants or anyone from whom the Engineer is legally liable. In the event that Client is found to be concurrently negligent, Engineer shalt not indemnify for the proportionate negligence of Client. but shall indemnify for the portion of negligence solely attributable to Engineer, its agents. servants, employees, and subcontractors of any tier, their agents, servants and employees. Neither party shall be liable to the other for inCidental or consequential damages, whether or not the possibility of such damages has been disclosed or could have been reasonably foreseen. The parties shalt indemnify one another against damages of third parties recoverable from the Indemnitee to the extent caused by the comparative negligence of the indemnitor. Such negligence shaU be measured by standards in effect at the time services are rendered. not by Jater standards. All legal actions by either party against the other arising out of or in any way connected with the services to be performed hereunder shall be barred and under no circumstances shall any such claim be Initiated by either party after three (3) years have passed from the dale of issuance of the Certificate of Completion, unless the Engineer's selVlces shall be terminated earlier, in which case the date of tennination of this Agreement shall be used, Client acknowledges Engineer may perform work at facilities that may contain hazardous materials or conditions, and that Engineer had no prior role in the generation, treatment, storage, or disposition of such materials. In consideration of the associated risks that may give rise to claims by third parties or employees of Cllent. Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Engineer harmless (including attorneys' fees) from any and all losses, damages, claims, or actions brought by any third party or employee of Cllent against Engineer or Engineer's employees, agents, officers or directors, in any way arising out of the presence of hazardous materials at the facflities, except for claims shown by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction to arise out of the soJe negligence of Engineer. VI, INSURANCE Engineer shall maintain during the life of the Agreement the following minimum insurance: A. Commercial general liabitity insurance, including personal injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broed foon property damage liability. The limit shall be not less than Sl,OOO,OOO. Revised 17 April 2001 Page 1 ar2 Halff Associates, Inc. General Terms and Conditions (continued) 8. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000. C, Statutory workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance as required by state law. D. Professional liability insurance, VII. SUBCONTRACTS Engineer shall be entitled, to the extent determined appropriate by Engineer, to subcontract any portion of the wor!< to be performed under this project. VIII. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement Is binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. The Agreement is not to be assigned by either Client or Engineer without the prior written consent of the other. IX. INTEGRATION These terms and conditions and the letter agreement (Scope of WOIl<) to which they ar" attached represent the entire understanding of Client and Eng1neer as to those matters contained herein. No poor oral or written underslanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered herein. The Agreement may not be modified or attered except in writing signed by both parties. X. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Agreement shalf be administered and interpreted under the laws of the State in which the Engineers office performing the majority of the work for this project is tocated, Jurisdiction of litigation arising from the Agreement shall be in that Stale. II any part of the Agreement is found to be in conflict with applicable laws, slJch part shall be inoperative, null and ....oid insofar as it is in conflict with said laws, but the remainder of the Agreement shall be in full force and effect. Venue will be in the State District Court in which the Engineers office performing the majority of the wor!< for this project is located. XI. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES A. If the project is suspended for more than thirty (30) calendar days in the aggregate, Ihe Engineer shall be compensated for servlces performed and charges incurred prior to receipt of notice to suspend and, upon resumption. an equitable adjustment adjustment in fees to accommodate the resulting demobilization and mobilization costs. In add~ion. Ihere shall be an equitable adjustment in the project schedule based on the delay caused by the suspension. If the project is suspended for more than ninety (90) calendar days in the aggregate, the Engineer may, at his or her option, terminate this Agreement upon giving notice in writing to the Clienl. Engineer may request that the wor!< be suspended by notifying Clienl, in writing. of circumstances that are interfering with normal progress of the wor!<. B. If the Client fails to make payments when due or otherwise is in breach of thiS Agreement. the Engineer may suspend performance of services upon five (5) calendar days' notice to the Client The Engineer shall have no liability whatsoever to the Client for any costs or damages as a result of such suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by the Client XII. TERMINATION OF WORK Either the Client or the Engineer may terminate this Agreement at any time with or Without cause upon giving Ihe other party ten (10) calendar days prior wriUen notice, The Client shall within ten (10) calendar days of termination pay the Engineer for all services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of termination, in accordance with the compensation proviSions of this contract. XIII. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION It i. agreed by both parties that Arbilration will not be allowed. In an effort to resolve any ""nflicts Ihat arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, the parties to this Agreement understand and agree that all disputes between them arising out of or related fo this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbonding mediation unless the parties agree otherwise. The parties further agree to include a similar mediation provision in aU Agreements wilh independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants also to include a similar mediation provision in all Agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers or fabricalors so retained. thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. XIV. SEVERABILITY Any provision of this Agreement later held to be unenforceable for any reason shall be deemed void, and all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. XV. TIMELINESS OF PERFORMANCE The Engineer will perform his or her selVices with due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional practices. APPROVED: Engineer: HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Signature' ~7n5iZ'-' Typed or Printed Name: Mark M. Ja:l Title: Project Manager Date: 1l~'/~()' APPROVED: Client: TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS Signature:___________________ Typed or Printed Nam":______________ Tille:____________________ Date:____________________ i:\avo\ 1 006\le9 a~terms\gen""n Revised 17 April 2001 jPaga2 of2 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Spectruim Drive Extention -Drainage, Addison, Texas I. ACQUISITION SERVICES A. Title Services 1. When required by Town of Addison, secure preliminary title commitments and title insurance. 2. Determine property ownership and provide curative work culminating in clear title. B. Initial Appraisal 1. Use diligent effort to secure written permission from the owner to enter the property from which land is to be acquired. 2. Prepare and conduct personal pre-appraisal contact with interest owner(s) for each parcel using acceptable Town of Addison forms. 3. Approach owner concerning donation of property. 4. Contact property owner(s) or their designated representative to offer opportunity to accompany the appraiser on the appraiser's inspection of the subject property. Maintain file record ofcontact. 5. Prepare complete appraisal report for each parcel to be acquired. These reports shall conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices. 6. As necessary, prepare written notification to the Town of Addison of any environmental concerns associated with the parcels to be acquired that could require environmental remediation. 6. All completed appraisals will be administratively reviewed by the Town of Addison. C. Negotiation Services 1. Analyze preliminary title report to determine potential problems, propose methods to cure title deficiencies. 2. Prepare the initial offer letter, instruments of conveyance, and any other documents required or requested by the Town of Addison on applicable Town ofAddison forms. 3. Contact each property owner or property owner's designated representative, to present the written offer and deliver appraisal report and any other information as required by the Town of Addison. 4. Provide a copy of the appraisal report for the subject property exclusively to the property owner or authorized representative at the time of the offer. Maintain original signed Receipt of AppraisaL 5. Respond to property owner inquiries verbally and in writing within two two (2) business days. 6. Prepare a separate negotiator contact report for each parcel per contact. 7. Maintain parcel files of original documentation related to the purchase of the real property or property interests. 8. Transmit to the Town of Addison any written counter offer from property owners, including supporting documentation. 9. Prepare final offer letter, documents of conveyance as necessary. D. Condemnation Support 1. Negotiate in "good faith" to avoid condemnation. In the event condemnation is necessary, send a Final Offer Letter to the owner. 2. Coordinating closely with the Town of Addison, file the necessary documents in the proper Court, coordinate the hearing date amongst all interested parties, obtain special commissioners signatures on the orders and perfect service of notice of hearing. 3. After the hearing, file necessary documents with the Court and in the Real Property Records. U. EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGS -Meet with Town Council in Executive Session to discuss property acquisition and other matters as requested. FEE SUMMARY Title Serviees, Negotiation Services and Condemnation Support -$$1,500.00. Appraisal Services -$1,500.00 Direct costs including printing and reproduction, postage, messenger service, long distance telephone calls and mileage (36¢ per mile) are not included in the fee estimate and are considered reimbursable at 1.1 times the direct cost incurred, not to exceed $300.00 Executive Briefing services shall be billed at the rate of $95.00 per hour-Acquisition Agent and $130.00 per hour-Project Manager in an amount not to exceed $500.00. Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Glenn Celerier [GCelene@dart.orgj Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 12:08 PM To: davidm@huitl-zollars.com Cc: Steve Chutchian; Benjamin Claybour; George Avalos Subject: Traffic Comments and Design Criteria Dave, below are the comments from our traffic engineer. I also attached a file with the DART utility design crltieria. I sent you the entire chapter for your future reference but I highlighted what I thought might be most applicable. Note there are criteria common to both heavy and light rail as well as criteria specific only to light rail and heavy ralll. Most of the heavy rail criteria are near the end. I also provided you the AREMA casing wall thickness table referenced in the criteria. Please call me if you have any questions 214-749-3947. 1. The proposed roadway is only 26 feet curb-curb with no median. DART's design criteria for at-grade LRT crossings requires a 4' wide median 75 feet long on both approaches. A 4' wide median should be added on both approaches. Additional width should be added to allow vehicles to escape the crossing area if another vehicle is stalled and blocking the road. 2. On-street angled parking is proposed just 100' south of the crossing that could cause traffic to stack back to the crossing. This situation is very Similar to 15th Street in Plano which creates undeSirable situations. In the case of the Plano crossings the LRTs are provided advance notice if the crossing is blocked and are instructed to slow their speed in preparation to stop. This is not an option for Freight rail as they take a much longer distance to stop. The Parking should be eliminated within 200 feet of the crossing unless the road can be widened to provide a second through lane so parking maneuvers do not block traffic or a detailed traffic and queuing study can adequately demonstrate a safe situation. 3. The at-grade crossing is skewed at about a 45 degree angle. This creates undeSirable sight distance and requires longer gates and longer track clearance time for the crossing. It does not appear possible to create a better crossing angle so the median and gate protection is more critical. 4. The design criteria for sidewalk width within DART ROW shall have a minimum width of 6'. They only show a 5' Sidewalk In their plan. 5. Sidewalks should be covered by the gates as well. 6. A design with the provision of Gates and Flashers were not Included in the package for review. Glenn Celerier, P. E. Ovil Engineer 9110/2003 Page 2 of2 ACT-21 AJoint Venture 214-749-3947 9/1012003 .l?5d COWLES &THOMPSON ~a.;y~ A Professional CorporatiOn 1978·200.\ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ANGELA K. WASHINGTON 214.672.2144 AWASHINGTON@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM June 16, 2003 Ms. Cann Moran City S etary Tow f Addison P.O ox 9010 dison, TX 75001-9010 RE: Parcel SA, Spectrum Drive Right-or-Way Project Dear Carmen: Enclosed is a Right-of-Way Deed for the above-referenced property incorporating the terms to which you agreed. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or ifthere are any questions or concerns expressed by Post. Sincerely, AKW/yjr Enclosure c(w/Enc.): IMr. Steve Chutchian (w/o Enc.) Mr. Ken Dippel 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202~3793 D ALL A S T Y L E R TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.,2020 WWW.COwLE5THOM PS 0 I'LCOM After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.e. STATE OF TEXAS § 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 § Dallas, Texas 75202 COUNTY OF DALLAS § TOWN OF ADDISON SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED DATE: ________-',2003 GRANTOR: Post Services, Inc. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas S300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (I) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description for Parcel SA) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction for Parcel SA) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property (subject to the Reservations from Conveyance described herein), together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby bind itself and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to Warrant and forever Defend all and singular the premises herein conveyed unto Grantee and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. Speeial Warranty Deed (parcel SA Spedrum Drive) -Page 1 Doi:utmtlt 11: )056517 RESERVATIONS FROM CONVEYANCE: (a) Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulfur in and under the land herein conveyed, but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same. Nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of Grantee to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. (b) Grantor reserves the right to use the Property for access to and from the Remainder and to install driveways and other facilities necessary for such access subject to Grantee's approval of the location and extent ofsame. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and drainage, or for any other customary use of public right-of-way as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. (b) No additional assessments or fees for this Project in excess of those established prior to the date of this agreement shall be required of Grantor. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "this Project" means the Spectrum Drive Right-of-Way Project approved by the Town ofAddison 2000 Bond Program. (c) Grantee acknowledges that the Property is part of a lot governed by a plat approved by Grantee on December 9, 1997. Nothing in this conveyance shall require replatting or additional plat dedications prior to development of the remainder of the lot pursuant to the lot configuration approved by said plat, and Grantee agrees that the Property shall continue to be a part of the platted lot for purposes of development of the remainder of the lot under governing zoning regulations. (d) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter ofthe Town ofAddison. (e) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue ofGrantee's use ofthe Property. (f) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of the day first written above. GRANTOR: GRANTEE: POST SERVICES, INC. TOWN OF ADDISON a Georgia Corporation a Texas Municipal Corporation By: By: Print Name: Ron Whitehead Print Title: City Manager Special Warranty Deed (parcel SA Spe£trum Drin)-P .age 2 I.)o(:u:mmt'f: 10"6511 STATEOF ______ § COUNTY OF _____ § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared , on behalf of Post Services, Inc., a Georgia corporation, and acknowledged to me that executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal ofoffice the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this c::--.---= day of , 2003, personally appeared Ron Whitehead, City Manager for the Town of Addison, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [S EAL] Speeial Warranty Deed (Partel SA Spectrum Drive) -Page 3 D,xurrtenrlt: IOs{)SI1 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL5A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the westerly side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Quorum East Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 98001, Page 00033 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Post Services, Inc. as recorded in Volume 98060, Page 03404 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the southerly right-of-way line of Airport Parkway (60 foot wide right-of-way at this point) as established by the final plat of said Quorum East Addition, said point being the northwest corner of a 0.5675 of an acre tract of land to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 99002, Page 00016 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds West along the westerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 334.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap on the platted southerly line of said Quorum East Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 54 seconds West along the southerly line ofsaid Quorum East Addition a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East departing the southerly line of said Quorum East Addition a distance of 339.90 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 44 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 7.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0387 ofan acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of3 J:\SulVey13220\OllwpISPEC_DR_,w5A.DOC NOTE: HARRIS ADDITION Improvements were not lOCO ted for thisEXHIBlTB POINT OF exhibit and there may be easements VOL.78017 PC.1OS7 BEGINNING and other motters of record that may affect this tract. LOT 1 SlOCK A S/B' IRS WITH HUITTZOLLARS YELLOW CAP r -i---it \ c ~ ~ "0\ ' ~ AIRPORT PARKWAY POINT OF COMMENCING -PARCEL 5A 'q" -= ~ ~ b ~ in x ~ 1j2'"jRF -" ~ 1--+-S/B" IRS ,/-;;;r~ L3 ~ (~ (I I 5' R.O.W. OEOICAllON BY PLAT (' \ I I VOL.S8CCI PC.COCD , \ PARCEL 5 I POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 5A AC 5/B' IRS 0.0046. S 44'30'3S"E 7.11' I I1 ~ I,.. I I 69.65' R.O.W. • I '-I x... '-{ ASEMENT I 5' SIDEWALK ~ 0.0387 AC.) --...,.. ~ I eM'" ~ . I -ir 0~ 8 0 I '0 QUORUM EAST (/):::!: ;., ADDITION I D, '0 ~ b '0 0::l ci VOl.9aOOl PC.OOOJJ 00.. 1a: ~ I 15851 DALLAS NORTH .., ..., POST SERVICES, INC. ~I ~ a=u PARKWAY ADDITION VOL-98060 PC.OJ404 LU ~ o..w I ~ ~ -o0·(./). '.F.., VOL.6S021 PC.1686 N N~\ N I UTAH STATE REllREMENT ~ • 0 INVESTMENT FUND 0 I'" \"'1 ~ '( ~ ~ 0 '0 y\ yo 0 0 z~ o VOL-9600l PC.19B6 o I z 1iJ§ ~ \ (I) '\. I ~~ '0 u. 08N \l'\. J>-~ jg; I l~110' TEXAS POWER .Ie G, 0.1 ;->0 UGHT CO. EASEMENT VOL8S021 PC.168S I ILINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll S 00'08'23"W 20.00' L2 N ....·30· 38"W 28...6' L3 S 89' 09' 39"E 20.00' I I II I 1/2~ 5/S" IR, WITH I IRF' WITH HUITT-ZOLLARS ~ELl &< POWELL . YELLOW CAP N 8S'04'S4"W 5.00''1... /\IY--------______ I ---~P~3~3 This is to certify that the above survey wos made under my supervision cn November 5. 2002 ond that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~_0L~. ~_ == Eric J:-~UdY, Registered Professional Land Sur""l"'r, Texos No. 4862 HUfIT-l()lJAR5_-ZeIIar.. Inc. Ddu 3131 t.IcKmajI A_, &lite eoo IlIIu. T_1$204-28 _ (214) 87l-33II Fu.(214l 871-07S7 LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plostic cop IRF = Iron Rod FQun d o 50 100 ~. e C!I II 9 .~ ~ .. SCALE:l"=50' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found 05 coiled for cn the omended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison. Te)(os. 0$ recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Record., Dollos County, Texas. Prepored For: TOMol OF ADDISON 16801 Wutllrove Dr" Addison, TX 711001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.5 OWNER: POST SERVICES. INt. AREA: 0.0046 At. DAlE: 11/05/2002 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Steve Chutchian To: Cannen Moran Cc: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce Subject: RE: Steve Hurst row Carmen -thai is good news, Thanks, ·····Origlnal Message--· From, carmen Moran SeIIt: Thursday, May 29, 2003 12:00 PM To: Steve ChUb:hlan Subject: Steve Hurst row Steve, I got Steve Hurst's right of way and street easement documents back Tuesday. I will send them down to the County to be recorded. I told Angela we had them and that recorded copies would be coming to her. so to look for them, I also had a conversation with Dayna Boon at Post Properties. She sent us some proposed wording they wanted on the dedication, and I forwarded it to Angela yesterday. CM 1 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXlITBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P., as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat ofAddison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest corner ofsaid Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 719.97 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on north line of said Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, L. P. a distance of 34.50 feet to the northeast comer of said Tract II from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, L. P. a distance of 719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line ofsaid Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 ofan acre of land, more or less. Page I of3 J:\Survey\3220\OI \wp\$pec~dry2rev2,doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 reet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract 11 as. described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of DaIlas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of DaIlas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 724.97 feet to a point for a comer on the north line ofsaid Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 719.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0832 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of3 J:\Survcy\3220\O I \wp\spec dr_sw2Arev2.d oc z~ QUORUM EAST 00 (/}o 15851 DALLAS NORTH ADDITION g-e0j PARKWAY ADDITION CAP \.. S 89'05'45"E},1 L2 5.00' LINE TABLE I 1/2"' IRF WITH COURSE BE....RI NG 0 I ST"NCE I "RANOOM" ROO PlASTIC C\P BEARS L1 N 00" 55' 13"E 65.00' __, I I N 89'"05-'4S"W-2.00· L2 S 89' 05' 45" E 34, 50' ~ I L3 N 89'04' 47"YI 34.50' f PARCEL 2 I 0,5702 AC. I I NOTE: " ~ 1 Improvements were not located for this :n cD I exhibit and there may be eo.ements and cD r::: I other matters of record that affect this ;::: 1 tract. ---I I"'" II IS! I J 0 ~ : ~I ~ I ~ :r I (TRACT III) wI 0::; TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.2002240 PG.03529 ;:; [~I i (TRACT II) ~, --t; I -l ~ TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. o UJ I ~ VOL.2002240 PG.03529 zi III I ',) '{.. I~ '0 I .,. o,w'..j '" '0',.::.(: :' SED) I EASEMENT ,..,' r II5' SIDEWALK 00832 AC.) ~ (PARCEL 21'. -. ..., 1 ~\~''(\" O· ,1183 g;;; l1 ____________ .: (Il '1\. ~ -<.. POINT OF I BEGINNING ~<;; PARCEL 2 Jt (;>. PARCEL 2A I 5/S" 1AF' WITH (3.371 AC.) HUfTT-ZOll...ARS I, THE STAUBACH COMPANY (0.0697 AC.) ::CA::.,P_",""_ VOL.20oo046 PG.02903 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89"04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913. T.3, Poge 00015, Deed Records, 8UR'J Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 001105 County, Texas. Re~sed Porc~: 5/01/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrolle Dr., Addison, TX 75001 ww-zoIJAt§ RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 313IlAcIClmey A_ Suite eoo EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 &: SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: 1EXOK PROPERTIES. LP. Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 Dallas, TaXll8 75204>-24119 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. OATE: 5/1/2003 --_._-------------------- (972) 450·7000 !ii!ii!!i!i!i!..iiiii~~~~1I!> Post Office Box 90 1 0 Addison. Texas 75001·9010 5300 Bolt Line Road FAX (972) 450·7043 May 6, 2003 Mr. Steve Hurst TexOK Properties 2005 Faircloud Drive Edmond, OK 73034 Dear Mr. Hurst: Please find enclosed two copies of the right-of-way deed and two copies of the sidewalk easement for Spectrum Drive. The exhibits attached to these documents have been revised to eliminate the notches on the west side of the right-of-way for future road connections. Please sign and return all four copies to our office, and we will have them recorded at the Dallas County Records Office. After recording, we will return a recorded copy of each document to you. I have also enclosed plans and a cross section of the design for Spectrum, which details how the head-in parking and sidewalk will work. Sincerely, c~ Carmen Moran Director of Development Services ENCLOSURES: 2 copies sidewalk easement 2 copies right-of-way deed 1 copy of 20 scale plan 1 copy of 100 scale plan 1 cross-section 1 self-addressed envelope After RecordinK Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TexOK Properties, LP., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/l00 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction). both ofwhich exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose ofconstructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent ofGrantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself; its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of ________-', 2003 TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. By_~~_~~~~~~~~ General Parmer ofTexOK Properties, LP. By ____________ Print Name ____________ Title _____________ _ ge _nt-Pan:d2A Spednun Drive "---.. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day 2003, personally appeared ________---' on behalf of a _-;--;--;-_--;__;- ;-_ and acknowledged. to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf ofwhich he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL) Dntlnage Easement -Pan:e12A Spednun Drive 'n___ .... Exhibit A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of SpectJ:um Drive and being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 20.0.2240., Page 0.3529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of a 0..0.697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume, Page 2913 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 0.0. degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.0.0. feet to a point for a corner; THEN'CE North 89 degrees 0.4 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.0.0. feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 0.0. degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 724.97 feet to a point for a comer on the north line ofsaid Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 0.5 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 5.0.0. feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 0.0. degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 719.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0..0.832 of an acre ofland, more or less. %~ QUORUM EAST !ilg ., ADDITION gd <0. YOL.98001 PG.00033 u. N POST SERII1CES. INC. VOL.980S0 PG.03404 5/8-IRf WlTH ;* o..l HVIIT-ZOLL.ARS ... 0 > CAP " S 59'05'45"E .J., L21~ 5.00' I 1/2"' IRF WfIH I .....,.00.· REll Pt.ASTIC CAP BEARS I H 69"05'45"'w-2.00· ~I-II PARCEL 2 k , I 0.5702 AC. I ~ I I NOTE: ~ I Improvements were not locoted far this .,; I exhibit ond there moy be easements and '11! ;::: I other motters of record thot affect this ,~ I troc\' -I I "," IJ I ~ I 812 I ~I LU Cl I N (Il I ... 0 w a. I 1::1 ~::! I in a.:::> I ('TRACT II) ~I .:::; G I ~ " TEXOK PROPERTIES. L.P. VOL.2002240 PG.03529 Z I (IItl' II \) 'it --l I .,' I'Z>'O~ .0,', -I b. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT ,0', _iP", "I "0) I (PARCEL 2A -0,0832 AC.) ~ "," I--I " !oJ I ~ ,-\., '" I 'b '0 O' I i;; ~ I ,, \ "" 8~ Iift)' I Iz 8 If) POINT Of' , '\\. 'b -<.. BEGINNING 1 PARCEL 2 &: PARCEL 2A J>.~ (>. I 5/S" IRf WITH ~rrr-ZOllAR$ iHE STAuaACH COMPANY (0,0697 AC.) VOL.2000046 PG,02903 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 59'04'47'W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG,02913 11 I 10" PRIVATE COIoiMUNrc.-.lION$ to-I-I-t---l AMENDED PLAT OC , ~ EASEMOO BY PLAT -V01..20000J6 PG.0291.3 g g g g 0. ADDISON CIRCLE ti 12 OC E .,' g... PHASE II It' ' 0 llt VOL.2000153 PG.00015 (Illo ~ LOT 1. BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT " BLOCK E L This is to certify that the above survey was --.-"'E: OF r:mode under my supervision on November 5. '"'\'"'..••••••••G'.;,.-:-2002 and that the metes and bounds shown G;t••*,G\ST~.';!c.P thereon are true ond correct to the best of td my knowledge. '* '0 ....... . ( ..\ ...........•••••.:...~ ...E.:R.IC. ..JO..H.N. ..Y.A.H.O..U.D.Y,. ..J ~0~~____~ _s:.~~o..~ ' • .<> 4862 ~" (" -: lib ~""'A Eric Land J~~d;~eSSi9nol '7.. :"/I;'v·•e•l•'>••E•S•S••IO•• .~:O"" Sur¥eyor. Texas No. 4862 i"~, SUR'J'" Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 Revised Parcel: 5/01/2003 wrrrill~ 313ll.lol<.lnrtey A_, SUIIe eoo Oallll8. To,,,,, 15Zl4-lI4B9 _ (214) 871-3311 _ (214) 871-0157 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN Of ADDISON. TEXAS 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWA Y ADDITION YOL.85021 PG.lsa6 ExhihitB LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE LIN 00' 55' 13" E 65. 00' L2 S 89' os' 45" E 34. 50' L3 N 89' 04' 47'W 34.50' (TRACT III) TEXOK PROPERTIES. LP. VOL.2002240 PG,03529 (3.371 AC.) LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars IRY yellow plastic cop = Iron Rod Found ,o., .... 100 •••~. 200 I SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as caUed for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, an oddition to the Town of Addison~ Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153. P0ge 00015. Deed Records • Dollos County. Texas. . Prepored I'or. TOWN 01' ADDISON 16801 Westgro .... Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: TEXOI< PROPERllES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 5/1/2003 Exhibit A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P., as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records ofDaiIas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COIV!MENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with' the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat ofAddison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectru.Ip.. Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest comer of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 719.97 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on north line of said Tract II; . THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, 1. P. a distance of 34.50 feet to the northeast comer of said Tract II from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of 2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of,' said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, 1. P. a distance of 719.98 feet to to a 5/8 inch iron set with 'HUitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectmm Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 ofan acre ofland,. more or less. Exhibit A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 724.97 feet to a point for a comer on the north line of said Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of719.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0832 of an acre ofland, more or less. 1.0 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.B5021 PG.1685 .ExhibitB LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 00' 55' 13' E 65.00' Ll! S 89' 05' 45' E 34. 50' L3 N 89' 04' 47" W 34. 50' (TRACT III) TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.2002240 PG.03529 (3.371 AC.) 9 9 9 9 ,0. ADDISON CIRCLE t; ~ ~ OC~ E -=.. 4S g... PHASE " :r 0Ii! VOL.2000153 PG.00015 (f) I 9 LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT 1, BLOCK E ::;: I -,~,-This is to certify that the above survey wasmode under my supervision on November 5. '-<'~"(~!"'.r.S'.J.":' 2002 and thot the metes and bounds shown 'i:I.,~GIST~~,?,1SI thereon are true and correct to the best of '.; it \,.1 my knowledge.l···\·················,··~ ERIC JOriN YAriOUDY 1 .......•.......•..•.•,... ~0'--} J____~ _~~~~ ... .0 4862 ),,:"':-.'\'0 _,'9'.'A Eric J~~y.~eSSiOnai Land,:"'}' '. IO'I;SSIO";··O"" Surveyor. Texas No. 4862 .. lV'b....•..···c':..~ Revised owner's name: 3/14/2003 .§U~\j'" Revised Parcel: 5/01/2003 WIJJ-ZOLIAt§ SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3131 McKlMey Av..,...., 6Ii1e eoo & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Dallas, Texaa 75204-2489 Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (2\4) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS QUORUM EAST ~6 ~g ADDITION ~c; ",0. VOl.9B001 PG.00033 ~g POST SERVICES. INC. VOl.98060 PG.03404 ill:5/S· IRF WITH HUlTT-ZOllARS g~ CAP " I 12 I S 69'05'~5'E ).1 5.00 ~ I 1/7." IRF wm; I _00." REO Pi.ASTlC CAP 8£AAS I N twOS'4S"W-2.00' ~t-II PARCEL 2 I I 0.5702 AC. I I NOTE: " ~ I Improvements were not located for this :;; I"; I exhibit and there may be easements ond oi -I other matter. of record that affect this r::: .... tract. ....., I I 0<." I I .... I ;... II ogs 2: I I ~I ~ I N 0 I " 0. 1"1 0::;: I ~ §:ie I ,<-" (TRACT II) ~I -t; I ~ TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. OWl ~ VOL.2002240 PG.03529 Z I IJI 1 ',) '/. 1'0 '0 I 69' .o.w. ...j I> 5.0' (~c SED) 1 EASEMENT ".5' 5' SlOEWAlK 00832 AC.) ~ r I1 (PARCEL 2" -. ~ k" " I '<-~ I') I Y, O· 112 ;;; 1 ~\'b~ Ig~r Z In POINT OF ~, '" "\. BEGINNING I ~'i> PARCEl 2 &: I <>, PARCEL 2A 5/e~ lRF WfTH HUITT-ZOLlARS THE STAUBACH COMPANY (0.0697 AC.) ::::CA:::.._~_ I VOL.2000046 PG.02903 SPECTRUM ORIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N S9'04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913 r------------..:..--r::::::::::::J~.,b._l THE ASHTON ~ 69 .0.W, MORRIS AVENUE ~ j I VOL.2000036 PG.02913--------:-----------: ----j LOT 1, BLOCK AV t<') N ~ ~ I 10't PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS fj,-t-t--I AMENDED PLAT 0::: I~ EAS£~E'N'T BY PlAT -VOL2000OJ6 PG,D!t:913 LEGEND IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollors yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found o 100 200 ~ .... ••••• I SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, os recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texos . Prepared For: TOWN OF AOOISON 16801 Westgro,," Dr., Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 5/1/2003 DATE: 5/1/03 JOB NO" 01-3220-10 PROJECT, Spectrum Drive TO; TOWN OF ADDISON RE, TEXOIC Reevised Documents 16801 WESTGROVE RD SERVICE CENTER -FIRST FLOOR 972·450·2886 ADDISON, TX 75001 A'ITENTION: MR. Steven Z. Chutc:hiQ/l, P.E. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL WE ARE SENDING YOU DUNDERSBPARATECOVER. VIA: DSHOP DRAWINGS OOVlA' Overniqht DSAMPLES DSPECIFICATIONS DCHANOEORDER DCOpy OF LETTER []REQ~FOR~ruMATION DOnIER' COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 Parce1 2 Revised 3 Parcel 3 Revised DFOR APPROVAL DNO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN DRESUBMiT ___COPIES FOR APPROVAL ~FOR YOUR USE DEXCEPTIONS AS NOTED DSUBMIT ___COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ~AS REQUESTED DRETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS DRETURN ___CORRECTED PRIN1'S DFOR REVIEW AND COMMENT DOTHER DFOR BlDS DUE ON (DATE), DpRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ,~'""""""...."".""."".".,.,.""",,,,,,,,,,,,.,....,.,,,,.,,.,,,,,..,,,..''',.,'','''''''''''',,.,,,,,.,,',,.,,',,.,,',,.,,.....,,.......,,,,.,,',,.,,...""...""...,"""'.'''''' ''''''''"..."','''',."''"."'',.",,.,,.,.,,.,,' IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE, David E. Meyers, P.E. ICOPYTO, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Ave,· Suile 000 • Dallas, Texas 75204-2489· (214) 871-3311 • Fax (214) 871-0757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P., as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 719.97 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer on north line of said Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the north line of said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, L. P. a distance of 34.50 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract II from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the easterly line of said Tract II of TEXOK Properties, L. P. a distance of 719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page I of3 SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 fcet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 724.97 feet to a point for a comer on the north line ofsaid Tract II; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 719.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0832 of an acre of land, more or less. Page 2 of3 ___________ _ ••••• 10 QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOI...9aOO1 PG.OO033 POST SERVlCES. INC. VOL.98060 PG.03404 5/t? IRf WITH Hum-ZOl.t.ARS CAP " S 89'OS'45'E ~Im; 5.00' I 1/2-tRF' WITH I I ....00"· RED PlASTIC CAP BEARS I H 89'OS'-+S"W-2.00' ~t--I PARCEL 2 I I I 0.5702 AC. I I NOTE: Improvements were not located for this I:;; ~ I I ll I I ~I IX I "N a0. I "'I 0:::< I 2 g:~ I ~ (TRACT II) ~I -t; I '-l ~ TEXOK PROPERTIES. L.P. <> W I 'it VOL.2002240 PG.03529 "'I B; I " ~ I '1> ~ I ... .D.W. -l b. 5.0' (PRO SED) I 5' SIDEWALK _E AS0E.0M8E3N2T AC.)~ ".,' r II (PARCEL 2A 'it if".. I ~ :2... I \'" '?-"" O· 1188 ~;;:; /IIL 'i 1 0 z '" ~. POINT OF 1 '1>0«,. BEGINNING \>-'9 PARCEl 2 .k PARCEL 2A 1 (>, 5/8" lRF WITH HUrTT-ZOUAAS (3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY (0.0697 AC.) =CAP::.--«,..-I. VOL.2000046 PG.02903 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89'04'47"W 5.00' VOL.2000036 PG.02913. 02913. TXlJ m<:mlc <0""_EASEMENT BY PLAT VOL20000J& PG.0291J .--'" ]) N-* THE ASHTON _o,w. _ MORRIS AVENUE ~ I --------:;-----------: ----j LOT 1. BLOCK A ..,.. r<1 ('II ~ ~ I 'f0' PRIVATE: COWNUNlCAilONS ..... t-I-I-...J AMENDED PLAT c::t:: I~ EASEMENT BY PLAT -VOU'000036 PG.0291J IRS m Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollors IRF = ~lIow plastic cop Iron Rod Found o 100 %~ 1i!8 °d ~o. :58 I ~ ~ .-0 :> 9 9 9 9 a. ADDISON CIRCLE t; r;:E OC~ E -=-4" :!::,D.W. PHASE II !l:, Q i:t:! VOL.2000153 PG.0001S (I) I Q :! LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT 1, BLOCK E 1 :::< This is to certify that the above survey was ",,~OF r,.___ mode under my supervision on November 5, ,~t-\.........G'~__ 2002 and thot the mete. and bounds .hown c;,••*G\ST~~';!I.P thereon are true and correct to the best of ttl .. '(j\,. my knowledge. t··~·················:·· ERIC JOHN YAHOUDY ......••......~......\ ..., :i:.0~J____~ _~~~~ ~.A 4862 ~: <' :-.~O ....'1'••:... Eric }"~dy.~e"iOnal Lond ':"Y •••1>:-ESS\O':··O~" Surveyor, Texos No. 4862 ,., IvO·..•••••........~ . Revised owner's name: 3/14/2003 SUR"'" Revised Parcel: 5/01/2003 W!Llill~ 313t MoKIMey Averoe, sute 800 Dalaa. Tex.. 75204-2489 Phone (214) 87).3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 00' 55' ! 3" E 65. 00' L2 S 89' 05' 45" E 34. 50' L3 N 89' 04' 47" W 34. 50' (TRACT 111) TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. YOL.2002240 PG.03529 LEGEND Pl.". • • • SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as called for on the omended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, os recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallos County, Texas. Prepared f'or: TOWN OF ADOISON 16801 Westgrow Dr., Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPER'TlES, LP. AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 5/1/2003 200 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXIIIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Tract III as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volwne 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0.0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectrwn Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seeonds West along the northerly line of said platted 0.0697 acre tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, a distance of 719.98 feet to the northwest corner of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Traet, a distance of 34:50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest comer of a 3.371 acre tract ofland described in instrument to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0,5702 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 oD J:\.Survcy\322010 I Iwplspcc_ dr]3rev.doc , CD , 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 rS 89'05'45"E 5.00' 5/8" '" WOH HUITT-ZOll.AAS YEu.ow PLASlIC CAP z-QUORUM EAST fil8 ADDITION -o0· 00 ",,0VDL.98001 PG.00033 t/2'" tRr WITH ~o~ POST SERVlCES. INC. "RANDOM~ REO g VOL.9BOBO PG.OJ404 PlASTIC CAP BfARS ~ Q\ N 89"OS,..5"W-2.00· 0 ~ >-> L1 111\ 1 1 LINE TABLE I COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 34.5'~_ L 1 S 89' OS' 45" E 34. SO' -I~' L2 N 89' 04' 47" W 34. SO' 1-) 11-) t'"ri 'v"j NOTE: :l :3 69' R.o.W. t.::.:: Improvements were not locoted for this (PR OS< l exhibit and there may be easements • ~ 1 ond other motters of record thot may I :§1 8l olleet this trect. I ;(:D:: ..... r':": I I 2: I 8 15 I ~ I I Q. I ~ ~ bI~ I Cl.Q:12""" (TRACT II) I Bgl~ TEXOK PROPER11ES, L.P. VOL2002240 PG,Q3529 II o.z Ill'" til 1 Il" " I :2 " I • Y. ~ 0, I ~ \ '" ~ I 8 ~ I Z POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL JA -,-'_...... ~, \ '" -<:" ~~ ~. -"",'1-10 ~ l!! (0.0697 AC.) .J SPECTRUM DRIVE 5/8 I., RlGHT-OF-WAY I DEDICATION VOL.2000036 PG.02913 69' .o,w, MORRIS AVENUE ., I --------:;-----------: ----j ... ~ S..., I ...J AMENDED PLAT I!: Ig'" ig '>" -1>-~ 9 a. ADDISON CIRCLE u ii1 E 9 ". g.w. PH ASE II !t I 0 ~OCI -~ VOL.2000153 PG.OOOI5 til I • 1--5 SIDEWALK EASEMENT (PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC) PARCEL 3 0.5702 AC. (TRACT III) TEXOK PROPERTIES. L.P. ~ -{ VOL.2002240 PG.03529 \l~ ~ '0'" ~ H 89'04'47"W 5.00' 5/ff" IRr WITH fUtT-ZOLlARS 'IEIJ.DW PUISTiC CAP POINT OF (3,371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY I3EGlNNING VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON VOL.2000036 PG.02913 LOT I. BLOCK A 10' PRNAiE COMMuNICATIONS _"'NT ay PLAT -VOI..2000036 P ",..;.'t',.tA Eric J. Yohoudy. Registered Professional Lond Addison. Te xos, as recorded in Volume t:11'...'0 ESSlv .~.O"-I!..Yl) Q.II''''\j'''4.~' Surveyor, Texos No, 4862 2000153. Poge 0001 S. Deed Records, ~~]., Revised owner's name: 3/14/2003 Dellos County, Texas. Revised: 5/1/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepored For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgra"," Or., Addison. TX 75001 'WlIf-ZO~ RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3131 MoK.M&y A_ SuIte 600 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3 DaJIa.e, T""... 75204-2489 & SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES. LP. Phone (214) 8?l-33tI Au (214) 1171-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0,5702 AC. REV. OAT£: 5/1/2003 200 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Tract III as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0.0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said platted 0.0697 aere tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, a distance of 719.98 feet to the northwest corner of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of 2.00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, a distance of 34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner ofa 3.371 acre tract of land described in instrument to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page I of3 J:\Survey\3220\O1 \wp\spcc _dr,l3rev . doc ;,.-," QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.9BOOl PC.00033 POST SER\i1CES, INC. VOL-9B060 PG.03404 LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE Ll S 69'05'45"E 34.50' L2 N 89"04' 47"W 34.50' NOTE: Improvements were not locoted for this exhibit and there may be easements and other motters of record thot may off..ct this troct. (TRACT II) TEXOK PROPERllES. L.P. VOL-2002240 PG.03529 ~ POINT Of BEGINNINC '1\ . "\. ~'9 (>. (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM. DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY DEOICA nON .., ,.. l">'-~ ,..~.... ..~J 9 9 9 9 ,ll. o E .. g.w. ~ Cl :! LOT " BLOCK E :::; ' ... "~OF r..~~~••••o....t:"h>_ _ <0 .!{..'jG,\ST£,,,;i."'Y.,,, "'C'-~'T~.c!,,,, ;.; lii· -·.it' tJ i...~•••••••••••••••••:••• ) ERIC JOHN YAHOUDY •••0.0••••••••••••••0•••• ~OAA 4862 ... l .. 'T. J-Y'~ ~?:' i.':Jl" .. .0...., . !?S$\"V' ~,' ,.0~'"A ~vD e., ..".&"'$r:·.... SlJP,'Ill' ,~t;; ., gzg-o0· 0<0". 1/2" IRr WITH {J~~ "RANDOM-RED 0 PLASTIC CAP BEARS ~ N a9"05'45"'W-2.00· ~.J >-§I L1 I ~ : : : ;)4.5' : ~ I~ I 69' R.O.W. L (PR 0,",0) f-I"' ., '" I"!"! I"'''' I ;:::~;::: I I e ~ l:g I I~ 1"3: 1 C>:: ~!;:! Il<> I a. f!; in in I ~ gIg : 34." I ~ I ~ I I VOL.2000036 PG,02913 ~==::i-~ t-~~----------------------.-~~,~~ &9 .Q,w, __________ MORRIS AVENUE ~ j' ---------G ---'" '" ~, AMENDED PLAT f!; I!:Ii ADDISON CIRCLE (,) 1'2 PHASE II ~ Cl VOL.2000153 PG,00015 (I) I LOT " BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 1\ 5/8"'" W1TH I \ t!UrrT-Z.Oll,ARS YEU.OW PlASTIC c,.p I I ~. I o.",., '01: (f) I ~ I W iii< I a I h 'h " I" -I y.. «.. o· I ;:I ~ \ ~ I 8 :5 I N 89'04'47'W 500' I % ~ -PARCEL 3A -rI --'--_ I \ 5/1f' '0' """ I """-ZllI.I.AAS I """'" l'tASTlC CAP ',) This is to certify that the obove su"",y was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds ""own thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 5:.k?t14;=~~_~=-l-~__ Eric J. Yohoudy, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Texas NO. 4662 Revised awnor's nome: 3/14/2003 Revised: 5/1/2003 HUITT-K1IARS HuItt-ZoIIart. Inc. 0aI8a 3l\l1 MeKInn "'Ioffect this tract. ~'" ~'" I PARCEL 3 !!;! 0.5702 AC. "cO,e:: ~ (TRACT III) 1 TEXOK PROPERTIES. l.P. ~::!~I~ ~"\ VOL.2002240 PG.03529 a. iii iii ;;; '4 ,... If> l" 'It (TRACT II) TEXOK PROPERTIES. L.P. ~ g 18 ~ \j ~ VOl.2002240 PG.03529 0..", .. '0 Vl 1 ~ I ., I ~._.... •.l.I..:. I I 'i" I' -I 'P ~ O· I ~ 12 ~ \ 'Q '" I 8 8 I N S9'04'47"W 5.00' I Z III POINT OF BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A oI --L. 5tr jRr WITH \ "JEl..i1)W Pl.ASi1C CAP ~. '" ~. tUTT-2D1..!..AAS ~'O (>. '-(3.371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOl.2000046 PG.0290J (0.0697 AC.) '1 SPECTRUM DRIVE '/8 I'RS IXU £!.£CT"C COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY EAS£.OO "" PLAT DEDICATION VOL200llll3S PO.0291J VOL.2000036 PG.02913 R . THE ASHTON 69 .O.W. 1----------_ MOR~~~VENUE ~ 1 VOL20000J6 PG.02913 -~ ----j LOT 1. BLOCK A ,-------_....::.JL......_....., ~ l 10' PRIVATE COII4IAUNICA.TIONS "§' l'"§ §,., §'" ~ AMENDED PLAT Il::' I~ £A5EMENT BY PLAT VOL2000036 PG.0291J c[ ADDISON CIRCLE t; 12 LEGEND 45' R.o.W.t-PHASE II It OC E 0 1 e IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Hurtt-Zollars \,01..200015::; PG.00015 (/) I yellow plcstic cop ~ IRF : Iron Rod F ovnd =: lOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 lOT 1, SlOCK E 1 5i o 100 200 This is to certify that the above surlJey wos ~ .... ""ie-OF 7'~ mode under my supervision on November 5, ••••• ! <''0" •"•"! ~•9•\•S•T•E•I•1•~.•J'.:.:JJ!'-"<"'... P 2002 and thot the metes and bounds shown SCALE:l"-100' l "C" ~ li •• ' thereon ore true and correct to the best of • • lfi· .... my knowledge. BASIS OF BEARINGS: t ·\·····..·..··:..·.~ ERIC JOHN YAHOUDY ~ The monuments found oS coiled for on ......0 •••••···'·······\··· the amended plat of Addison Circle ••• A~ 4862 •. v : ~G~_2-:1~_ Phose II, an odditlon to the Town of Eric J. Yohoudy, Registered Professional Land _.p '!t-.'"~~A'/.~ ··i~"~~~(\\·O~~:""' ORAddison~ Texos, os recorded in Volume Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 2000153. Page 00015. Deed Records, .., .SUP,\l (.: Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 Dallas County, Texas. ,.~~./;..;.JP Revised: 5/1/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE P.....pared For: TOWN OF ADDISON HUllT:ZOLlARS 16801 Westgro .... Or" Addison. TX 75001 Hultt-Zollaro, Inc. Dol.. RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3131 ~yAvet"<5 S 89'05'45·£ 5.00' ~ 8 i Ll ~ 5/8" I.' WITH ~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-l) I HUlTI-ZOLlARS • ~ YELLOW PLASTIC CAP 1---~ -a =----______________ -I-'-, LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 1.1 S 89' 05' 4S' E 34, SO' 1.2 N 89' 04' 47'W 34.50' I I I I '<'s' I •• I ~. I ~ It; 1 ill :ri NOTE: I 69' RO to ~ Improwments were not located for this ( ..w. 1---5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT exhibit and there may be easements I .PI! OS';') (PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.) and other motters of record thot may 1 l!1 g: affect this tract. I .,; .,; I r::~;;:: PARCEL 3 ___ ~----------------_---.J e ~ 0.5702 AC. ~ 8 I l:3 I (TRACT III) oi i (FUTURE STREET R-2) I 0. TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. ___'<> ~-------------______ 1~ ~~ I~ '-l t ~ YOL.2oo2240 PG.03529 (TRACT II) i t;:g I~ '-'l ~ TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. I !r '" 0 ~ ~ VOL,2002240 PG.OJ529 I (/) Z I'" ". '0 I 1 J" ;r: I I ~ h t ~ I ~ ~ I ~ '-i' O' I ~ !O ~ \ ';\ I :5 I N S9'04'47·W 5.00' I Z !II POINT OF' BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A !-t......"""~_=_=--::__--------------.., \ 5/8-IRF' 'WITH HUm-ZOLLARS YEU.OW PlASTlc CAP ~. ~~. ~~ (>. ~ ".5'1-10 :; IPOINT OF e? BEGINNING (3.J71 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VDL.2000046 PG.02903 (O.0697 AC.) 'I SPECTRUM DRIVE 5/8 IRS TXU ELECTRIC COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY I EASEMEHT .... PLAT DEDlCATION 1-....;1__t1:..::~;tVO=-L:20:.:00:0l36 PG.02913 VOL-2000036 PG.0291J --=::::~'f-....:L-f I -+R••' i!o:'. THE ASHTON 1__________ MOR~I~~VENU~ ~ _ I VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ._ --j LOT I, BLOCK A ., ... .., '" sr---------~..l..--., ~ I 10' PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS AMENDED PLAT ct:: I!S! EASE!.IENT BY PLAt -VOL2000036 pe,029t3 §I§ sl.oc o>... -jt0.-. . ADDISON CIRCLE t; ir LEGEND "'/!So.w. PHASE II !t', 0 IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollers -w VOL.2000153 PC.OOOI5 r/) I yellow plastic cap ~ IRF ~ Iron Rod Found E :! LOT I, BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT I, BLOCK E ::; '...("t-:t•~••O•Faa'~. "7li',J,-.., CQ "'~G\STEIi'~'';fcJI .!~ 1i ;0 ..... . j ........................ : .•. ) @. ERIC JOHN YAHOUDY ••••• •••••••••6•• ••••••••••• ·.A..... 48 2 ~: /'·",.70 ..,l".·A ""1 ·~.~eSS\O':··O"'· ~ ~'D ....l\ ...CI.~.~ '~UR" ,'."'~' This is to certify thot the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 end that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 5·1 S'-o3 ----------Land HUllT..zoLlARS HuIt!-Zolar8.lnc. 00.Iae 3131 McKlMey Avewe, SUIte 800 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT DaII.., Te... 75204-2489 & SIDEWALl( EASEMENT o 100 200 /Ii •••• ••••J I SCALE:l"-100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found 0$ coiled for on the omended plot of Addison Circle Phose II. on addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in VOlume 2000153, Poge 00015, Deed Records. Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 West9rove Or.. Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO, 3 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P, I'horIe (214) 871-3311 3311 Fax (214) 871-0767 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.S702 AC. REV, DATE: 3/14/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P., as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of MOlTis Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase 1I; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northwest corner of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod sct with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic eap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance ''of 230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner on the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L. P. Tract; Page I of6 TIIENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds Ea,t along the north line of said TEXOK Properties, L. P. Tract, a distance of 62.52 feet to the northeast comer of said TEXOK Properties, L. P. Tract, from which a 112 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears North 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2.00 feet; TIlENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes J 3 seconds West along the easterly line of said TEXOK Properties, L. P. Tract, a distance of 719.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the nOl1herly right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive; TIlENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said Spectrum Drive a distance of 34.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6487 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 2 of6 \\HZDALLAS2\disk3\Stl fVCy\3220\0 J\\'Vp\spec_dr~P2 rev.doc SPEClRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract II as.described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes l3 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 3 of6 \\HZDALLt\S2\disk 3\Survey\3220\01 \wp\spcc dr_$w2Arev,doc SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2B BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract II as. described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more pmticularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (61 foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat of Addison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic eap for the northwest comer of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distanee of 367.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; TImNCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 23.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 230.14 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; Page 4 of6 \\HZDALLAS2\disk3\Sll rvcy\3220\O 1 \wp\s pee~tiT~sw2Brev,doc THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distaoce of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distaoce of 5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0264 of an acre oflaod, more or less. Page 5 of6 \\HZDALLAS2\disk3\Sl1rveyU220\OJ\wp'lspec_dr_sw2Brev.doc QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOLsaOOl PG,aOOJJ POST SERVICES, INC, VOL.9S060 PG,03404 ~~ -0 gci <".. N 0 0 i~ 0"; 0-0> .. ---<;-......-...--+-3f:la 5/S" IRS L7 ~I ~ (fUTURE STREET R-1) ~ :l~ 5/S-IRS L5 1/2" IRF' WITH 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG,1686 LINE TABLE ----------------------~.;;..cln "RANOOM~ REO COURSE BEAR ING 0 I 5T"NCE ~ PlASTIC CAP SEARS S 89'04'47·£ ~ N 69"05\45"W-:2.00' LIN 00' 55' 13" E 65, 00' 5.00' ~ ..~ ,.. PARCEL 2 "'I ci -.., 110 0,6487 AC, g N '" N .,; NOTE: I" w iC Improvements were not locoted for this ;:! 1:.., exhibit end there may be easements and ~ i;; other matters of record thot affect this gI '" troct, 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT Z 8 ",S' I (PARCEL 28 -0_0264 AC,)~ I Z I N 89°04'41"W ~ In 5"0 0 ' -~ >W I I--_ _ _ _ ___ -!.?:N!. ~~E~~I~...::-..':~,=L_2~ ~ f;J gs : ~~:3 5/8' IRS L4 ~ I ;,l g (fUTURE STREET R-2) ::l Q. I '"'" 0::; L2 N 89' 04' 47" W 28. 00' L3 N 00' 55' 13"E 61. 00' L4 5 89' 04' 47"E 28.00' L5 N 89' OS' 45" W 28. 00' LS N 00' 54' IS" E 61. 00' L7 5 89' OS' 45"E 62.52' L8 N 89' 04' 47' W 34. 50' (TRACT III) TEXOK PROPERllES, LP. 1-----..: ""------________ ..¥~".. l2 iI1!l: iE : VOL.2002240 PG.03529 (TRACT II) ,t; I '\.-"\ TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP. s 891>4'47'£ ~ ~ I '-l (>. VOL.2002240 PG.OJ529 5.00' '" V) I \) 'it ,o.w. I I> '" '/,. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 5,0' '(0) I (PARCEL 2A -0,0428 AC')A "s' .,\ ~. ~" ",' ..., < 'it;., "< '1;\ v., ..... O· ~I ~ ~\ ~., 31: l-:; I' '" ":2' j:l P \0 01 '" POINT OF 0 II" 00 BEGINNING Z 1 ~ ' '"""" ••·t'I·.,o c:" ••·~G\STe~€,"'1.fI Ill· ~ * * J ..................'.(.j .\. :.• ~•.) (! ERIC JOHN YAHOUOY ••••• ~•••••••••••••••¥ ••• ~..A 4862 .... 1 ~ ,.~. ,(.;A·t·"••, 'J: I 10' PRIVATE COMNUNICATION$ AMENDED PLAT Ct:: I~ OOEMEN'r BY PLAT -voc...20000JG P{i,Q.2913 ADDISON CIRCLE t; a;: LEGEND PHASE II ~, C IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars VOL 2000153 PG,Q001S V) I yellow plastic cop IRF ~ Iron Rod Found LOT 1, BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 OF 6 This is to certify thot the above survey was made under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 2-'J,Q-;:;d ,Registered ------[;;-nd Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 o 100 200 I'I~• •• ••• LI SCALE:1 "=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found os COiled for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on addition to the Town of Addison. Texas. as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, 001105 County, Texas. HUm-zoLlARS Hullt-ZoIore, Inc. Dal.. 3131 Mc:KIrin$y Aveme. SUIt.. 600 DoJIas, Texas 75204-2489 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison, TJ( 75001 _ (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES. LP. AREA: 0.6487 AC. REV. DATE: 3/14/2003 Steve Chutchian To: Michael Murphy Cc: Jim Pierce Subject: Outstanding Attomey Items Inwood Rd. /South Quorum. Phase II • Three drainage easements have been negotiated with property owner. Legal description and map must be placed on standard form for signing and notarizing 'kL:..ad '? Jl, .e6~ ~ Spectrum Drive NorthlSouth Extension • Several parcels, representing proposed right-of-way/easement acquisitions, have been negotiated with property owner. Legal descriptions and maps were previously placed onto forms for Signing and notarizing. However, property ownership changed, and forms must be revised to reflect new owner. Arapaho Rd.. Phase III • Harbor Group (Parcel 10) -set up condemnation hearing, including appOintment of commissioners. • Watson & Taylor (Parcel 12) -finalize right-of-way/easement agreement • Heritage Inn (Parcel 5) -revised legal description and map must accompany correspondence to property owner. The revised legal descriptions reflect actual area to be acquired for right-of-way. According, the amount of compensation will change according to a proportionate reduction in square footage of land and utilizing the same unit price per square foot. • Kim Forsythe (Parcel 2) -Finalize right-of-way/easement agreement • Buliough/Lykos (Parcel 11) -Deposit money and take possession of property, in accordance with PubliC Works schedule Addison Rd .. Phase I • Cafe Capri -Follow-up on agreement for easement acquisition • Sultan Chaana -File for condemnation for acquiring parkway easement • Minol Centre -Follow-up on agreement for easement acquisition • Outback Steakhouse -Follow-up on agreement for easement acquisition 1 ". '" .'.", 2106462 .... U/lI/oa l&OmO t25.0t MAIL TAX STAl1JMI!NT TO: Th"XOK Properties, L.P. 200S Faircloud Drive Edmolid, OK 7J0l4 Attn: Step~n or. Hurst SPF.CIAL WARRANTY DEED KNOW AU. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TMT OAYI.ORD PROPERTIES, LP. a Texas limited ",,"oOlShlp ("Ora.lor'), wi.h .. address of 9000 Nortb Broadway, Oklahol1Ul Cit)". Oklahoma 73114, in C01l!idcmtion of d'l; 1UIl01ll\' of Ten Doll.,. (SIO) and o'her good and valll3bl. con,idonllian, Iho ""'tip•.Wld ' dcscccmbcrL. 2002, by E. K. Guylord It. as President ofOPUR<.'O iQICmmional. Ud.~ ~ Dclnwnrc corporation. the eeMr.1 fJl'lI1RCr' or Gaylord Prop.I1i... l.V•• I_limi.ed partnelShip. '(J .4 -rh,bV Noillry Public CommissiooNo. tJ(e/3Ul_ (SF.A~I My coRlllli!si•• expi""'~c0" , . , . 2U221tO 03530 :,~ '1, ,. ,',', , < t'~ .' t.. ' :~ , 1,.' , ',,) i" ' i. .,".'. ," "." " ;., EXlllBrf"A"TO gl'ECIAL WARRANTY OEI!D :, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY i.21+0 03531 ":t· :,' :.' "'. ,; ... " ,l' . , ~ " ) 1 "", " ~ • ~ Il' •... 1 j, I' ,I ' ;.' .'~. ' <;•• ',. r. exhibit A =, anNe: • t ..iJCt; ef land aitu.u:e'd in t:he G.W.Fi.hf:i: Survey. ~traet. "0. '&2. Town of Addieon, Dall•• County, T~xaa, and ~ins a po~tion of Tract 2 .a deacr~ i~ iR4~t5 to Gaylord Propertie.w LP. As recordad in Volume·',04S. Pas2812 of t"he Dc4d R..eol"dll of :0"'11... County. Texaa and Ming: tn;'·'::.~·<;j:~'~Ti: ",':,;"::> ;, " ' '1' " 'i: ".-""~-"-"-.~".'."~"". ) ... _' THEHCE dep_relqg tee e••eerly ;lghtwot-wav line of laid Quorum Drive, South 89 deg:rcca .5 lItl~tQ 4S (leCOMa 'Seet eloag the northerly line ,of .al4 o.ylQr4 ProSWlrt1"t l,.P fi&ct. Ii" cliatanclt of SO> Sl faet to a point for CCltMr I.e t:M north.e..t COcnGl" of IIMl.d Oaylord PS'opard••# LP Tract: from which ... iron rod found with r~ cap beart HorCh .g d~. os ftdnu~ 45 .eCOQd$ Wa.t, .. diatanc:e of' z.eo feu; 1'HBJfC£: deputing th_ lI.ortbedy Une of •.dd CIIIylord Prop,erti... LP Tl:'act. South 00 degreo. 55 m$~ut•• l3 .econd. w••t .1009 .~ easterly line of ..ld a.ylord Proporti••, ~ ~r.ct • dl.~&ne. of 11•. ga f ••~ to .. 5'1 incb iroQ red ••t wi~b HU.Lt~"ZOlUr. C'4f on the nortbedy right-o!':way line of $pee~ Did.. (Sf toot: dgh~"of._y) .al "tabU.bed bt the Ciul plat:: of ~ Al'hton. &tI aMidon to' " the Town of ~bon u recomd. ill Vol_ 2000O:Jt;. P.age 29lJ of th. o..d RecD~. ot DaU.. 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G\l.rV1II to the 1.f~ hIIving & ra.cU.\l& of'SU.&2 teet. & cenltr&1 artgle of l( dep'... 18 Inhwtea l5 ICrds .ro.lloo Couoty. T"""", (AITecI' 'Truth",':'!) .iiiaalfo: 03537 . -'<, n!..ED ~fln£C II PM 12-51 ',' 8esto OfJZ~ DEC 11 20111 ! ." .. HUITT·ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS, TeXAS 75204 (2141871·3311 TO C\-r'I( of' P>'ODISO,.J' ~NG/jJ~/N6 \.. ~,,\ \:I.err§HL.cv,,;; .Ql".. CAT£ ~~ 't-,,-o'!; I'00"0(:) \?'22.0-0 \ ATTENTION ~V~ "''''VT",A '~'-J RE: 'Sp~F"vM P!'4V""-.. $U~tfi:...sr,..L. $<.III>M'4"7/1.'WE ARE SENDING YOU -tft-Attached 0 Under separate cover via 1\'''0 'DAb the following items: o Shop drawings $ Prints o Plans 0 Samples o SpeCifications o Copy of letter o Change order Ell 11.5 Ntrr"@COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION . -z.. I , tz."'(..(I.c"'G1 C!><>~SI~6 f'1.-"'~ -z. I (L~, ... @<:;>,. p ,,(>-0 Ss 1,,",6 lAS."7l\ I ... ~ "2\ f¥.,r",,.... INIi> w~<..(... Pt."...., 'Z. 2\t-e-rM"" , .... 1\, t,..!\"'-' Os....,,!(,.\' 2S -q;.,,~ 5 1""'A (.,I~n 0"" p""...., 'Z. C; -rJI../\ f'f'.. $.\....,.I..I-...,.-rl..,.... 'Qe:ntu: THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below; o for approval o Approved as submitted 0 Resubmlt __copies for approval o for your use o Approved as noted 0 Submit __copies for distribution o As requested o Returned for corrections 0 Retum__corrected prints 0 _______________________ ~or review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE _________•., ___ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ____________________________________________ COPY TO ~". 'fik$. I ~.monseConcrete Fonn Liners Page 1 of2 {left of headline} Symons concrete forming systems and related products \by system name: . il Find Symons locations and contacts E-mail Symons info@symons.com Request Publications \ select one: :::J Do you want to know more? Form Liners Enhance concrete appearance with form liner patterns and textures. Symons provides the widest selection of form liners in the industry. Wood grain, stone, brick, and a wide variety of ribbed and other textures makes Symons Form Liners the best choice. Choose from more than 25 standard patterns or ask us to create a custom liner just for you. Symons gives you the choice of four different materials to create an architectural concrete finish. SPS Plastic™ A polystyrene form liner that provides contractors with an inexpensive alternative for single-use applications. ASS Plastic An ABS form liner that provides durability and performance suitable for projects requiring 5 to 10 use material. Dura-Tex™ A medium-range, 40 use, elastomeric material that can be stripped from complex form liner designs without damage. Elasto-Tex™ A pure urethane form liner that provides an exceptional cost advantage for projects that require 1 00 uses or more. ~ More information about the Form Liners is available ~in the Online Brochure. ~ If you would like a printed brochure mailed to you, • pleae go to the )..iterature Request form. http://www.symons.com/products/formlinr.htm 3/4/03 Symons-Concrete Form Liners Page 20f2 ©SYMONS CORPORATION I. Find Symons 200 East Touhy Avenue ( IOCl':Itions and Des Plaines. Illinois 60018 USA contacts Phone: 847·298·3200 Fax: 847·635·9287 www.syrnons.com jofo@symons.com http://www.symons.com/productslformlinr.htrn 3/4103 Cus,tom Rock International -Product Specifications -Concrete Wall System Specifications Page I of 5 Specifications Concrete Wall System Specifications This is a closed (proprietary) specification. For public or other projects where needed, the way to convert this to a non-proprietary specification is to provide so in Division I, Substitutions -0]630, Typical wording: "Whenever a product is specified by using a proprietary name or the establishing type, function, dimension, appearance, and quality desired. Other manufacturer's products will be accepted provided sufficient information is submitted to allow the Architect/Engineer to determine that products proposed are equivalent to those named:' A similar paragraph would have to be included in Instructions to Bidders. In addition, if the project requires a non-proprietary specification, extreme caution should be taken by the design and engineering team to insure that the pattern, texture, relief and color of the construction mock-up meet the design intent of the project In order to protect the design intent of the project we strongly recommend that all contractors, at the time of submitting their bid, be required to disclose their source of simulated stone masonry manufacturer and final coloration contractor. SECTION SIMULATED STONE MASONRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.0 I SECTION INCLUDES A. Construction of textured and colored formed concrete surfaces using simulated stone masonry molds and color stain system designed to duplicate closely the appearance of natural stone, 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03300 -Cast-in-place Concrete: Cast-in-place concrete, concrete reinforcements, accessories, curing and form work. Quality standards specified in Section 03300 shall apply to concrete used for this Section. 1,03 REFERENCES -ADD COMPLETE TITLE, NUMBER, ISSUING ORGANIZATION, AND DATE OF ISSUE HERE, AND PUT IN ABBREVIATED FORM IN 2.02 E. 1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Design and pattern of the concrete surface shall follow the manufacturer's standard drawing. If an actual stone surface or stone wall to be matched is available, thc completed colored and formed concrete surface shall match the natural material as closely as possible, Patterning of simulated stone masonry shall appear natural and non-repeating, Seam lines or match lines caused from two of more molds coming together will not be apparent when viewing final wall. Final coloration of cast stone concrete surface shall accurately simulate the appearance of real stone including the http://www.custom-rock.comlfcspecla.htm 3/4/03 Cu~tom Rock International -Product Specifications -Concrete Wall System Specifications Page 20f5 multiple colors, shades, flecking, and veining that is apparent in real stone. It shall also demonstrate the colors that may be apparent from aging, such as staining from oxidation, rusting andlor organic staining from soil and lor vegetation. Note that in part I, SUBMITTAL and part 3, EXECUTION, a sample and mockup are required. Upon approval by Architect/Engineer and Owner, mockup shall serve as quality standard for the project. 1.05 SUBMITTAL A. Sample Panel: Within 30 days of receiving the general contract General Contractor is required to submit a 24" x 24" sample of the simulated stone masonry finish. Sample is to demonstrate the finish described in section 1.04, DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. Approval of sample panel is required by Architect! Engineer and Owner. B. Shop Drawings: Plan, elevation and details to show overall pattern, joint locations, form tie locations, and end, edge and other special conditions. C. Samples: Form ties, sample and description, showing method of separation when forms are removed. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer of simulated stone masonry molds and custom coloring system: Five years experience making stone masonry molds and color stains to create formed concrete surfaces to match natural stone shapes, surface textures and colors. B. Pre-Installation Meeting: Schedule conference with manufacturer representative to assure understanding of simulated stone masonry molds use, color application, requirements for construction of mockUp, and to coordinate the work. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental requirements: Apply color stain when ambient temperatures is between 50 and 100 degrees F. Consult manufacturer if conditions differ from this requirement. 1.08 SEQUENCING A. Schedule color stain application with earthwork and back-filling of any wall areas making sure that all simulated stone texture is colored to the minimum distance below grade. Delay adjacent plantings until color application is completed. Coordinate work to permit coloring applications without interference from other trades. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. The specified system is based on the Custom Rock® Concrete Wall System, Custom Rock International, St. Paul, Minnesota 55116, phone (612)-699-1345, or equal as approved by the Department. http://www.custom-rock.com/fr_specla.htm 3/4/03 Cu~tom Rock International -Product Specifications -Concrete Wall System Specifications Page 3 of5 2,02 MATERIALS A. Simulated masonry molds: Reusable, made of high-strength urethane, easily attachable to forms. Molds shall not compress more than 114 in, when concrete is poured at rate of 10 vertical feet per hour. Molds shall be removable without causing deterioration of surface or underlying concrete. The wall mold pattern shall be #__ by Custom Rock International, SI. Paul, MN (800) 637-2447 (NOTE TO SPECIFIER: specify stone pattern number and any special pattern requirements.) B, Release Agent: Compatible with simulated stone masonry molds and with color stain system to be applied to surface. Consult manufacturer. C. Form ties: Shall be made of either metal or fiberglass. Using metal ties which result in a portion of the tie permanently embedded in the concrete shall be designed to separate at least one inch back from finished surface, leaving only a neat hole thut can be plugged with patching materiaL Contractor shall submit the type of form ties to the engineer, project designer or Owner for approval prior to use in this work, D. Mortar Joints: Joints shall be colored to simulate real mortar. E. Color stain: Special penetrating stain mix as provided by manufacturer, shall achieve color variations present in the natural stone being simulated for this project, as required by ArchitectlEngineer and Owner as referenced in section 1,04 DESIGN REQlJIREMENTS, Stain shall create a surface finish that is breathable (allowing water vapor transmission), and that resists deterioration from water, acid, alkali, fungi, sunlight or weathering. Stain mix shall be a water borne, low V.O.c. material, less than 289 gramslliter, and shall meet requirements for weathering resistance of 2000 hours accelerated exposure measured by weather-o-meter in accordance with ASTM g-23. Scrub test 1000 revolutions. Abrasive resistance (Tabor-CF-10) 500 cycles. Adhesion ASTM 0-3359 LOOMM cross cuts on glass pass 3 or higher on a scale of 1 1 to 5, Supply information pertaining to chemical resistance ASTM D-1308 to 87, PART 3 EXECUTION 3,01 ACCEPTABLE INSTALLERS A. Formed concrete construction: five years experience pouring vertically formed architectural concrete. Installer shall be trained in manufacturer's special techniques in order to achieve realistic surfaces, B, Color stain system application: Manufacturer or manufacturer's authorized representati ve, 3,02 CONSTRUCTION A. Mockup: Build on site sixty days before work starts, using same materials, methods and work force that will be used for the project. ArchitectlEngineer and Owner will determine specific requirements and location, and whether mockup shall be incorporated into the project. L Size: 50 sq. ft, or larger if needed to adequately illustrate http://www.custom-rock.comlfcspecla.htm 3/4/03 Custom Rock International-Product Specifications Concrete Wall System Specifications Page 4 of 5 the pattern and texture selected. 2. Include an area to demonstrate wall mold butt joint and if appropriate, continuation of pattern through expansion joint. 3. If design includes stone texture across top of wall, include in mockup. 4. After concrete work on mockup is completed and cured for a minimum of 28 days, and after surface is determined to be acceptable for coloring, apply color stain system. 5. After coloring is determined to be acceptable by the ArchitectlEngineer and Owner, construction of project may proceed, using mockup as quality standard. 3.03 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES -FORMING TEXTURED CONCRETE A. Simulated Stone Masonry Molds preparation: Clean and make free of buildup prior to each pour. Inspect for blemishes or tears. Repair if needed following manufacturer's recommendations. B. Simulated Stone Masonry Molds attachments: Place stone molds with less than 114 inch separation between them. Attach molds molds to form securely following manufacturer's recommendations. C. Form release agent: Apply following manufacturers' recommendations. D. Form stripping and related construction shall avoid creating defects in finished surface. E. Where stone texture is to continue across top of wall, a finish to achieve a continuity of the formed pattern must be done by hand when concrete is being poured. Hand carve and emboss the wet, pliable concrete, aligning rustication joints with those in the formed pattern. Great care must be taken to achieve intended relief and texture as per ArchitectlEngineer/Owners direction. F. If the pattern selected has molds connecting through the middle of the stones, carefully remove the seem line created by abutting molds. Match the texture and shape of the surrounding stone, avoiding visible seams or mold marks. G. Place form ties at thinnest points of molds (high points of finished wall). Neatly patch the hole remaining after disengaging the protruding portion of the tie so that it will not be visible after coloring the concrete surface. H. Where an expansion joint must occur at a point other than at mortar or rustication joints, such as at the face of concrete texture which is to have the appearance of stone, consult manufacturer for proper treatment of expansion material. 3.04 SPECIAL TECH..'\IIQUES -APPLYING COLOR STAIN SYSTEM. A. All Simulated Stone surfaces that are to be stained and any patching http://www.custom-rock.com/fcspecla.hlm 3/4/03 Custom Rock International-Product Specifications -Concrete Wall System Specifications Page 5 of 5 that has been done in these areas shall be at least 30 days old. B. Clean surface prior to application of stain materials to assure that surface is free of latency, dirt, dust, grease, efflorescence, paint, or other foreign material, following manufacturer's instructions for surface preparation. Do not sandblast. Preferred method to remove latency is pressure washing with water, minimum 3000 psi (a rate of three to four gallons per minute), using fan nozzle perpendicular to and at a distance of one or two feet from surface. Completed surface shall be free of blemishes, discoloration, surface voids and unnatural form marks. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Where exposed soil or pavement is adjacent which may spatter dirt or soil from rainfall, or where surface my be subject to over spray from other processes, provide temporary cover of completed work. END OF SECTION I I Copyright 1998-2!J02, Custom Rock lnternational 1156 Homer Street "" SL P.3ul, f\'lI\J 55116..v info@custom-rock,com Phone: 651.699.1345 Toll Free: 800.637.2447 F·,x: 651.699.1830 http://www.custom-rock.com/fcspecla.htm 3/4/03 Greensl:f!lak, Inc. -Form Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories Page I of3 Retum to Architectural Form Menu Return to Ribbed Design Menu Elastomeric Architectural Concrete Form Liners *Note: Vac-formed installation available. Contact a Greenstreak representative. Job Site Guide and Specification Data Greenstreak Elastomeric Form Liners are ideal for texturing cast-in-place or precast architectural concrete. Panels of the elastomeric liner attach to the form work or casting bed prior to placing the concrete. Following placement and normal curing time (usually 24 hours or less), the form work and liner are stripped, leaving a textured concrete surface. • Nominal 4 ft. x lOft panels, widths to 8 ft., lengths to 30 ft. available • All GREENSTREAK vacuum formed form liner pattems (45 plus) are available as elastomeric liners. • SUPER-CAST® and ULTRA-CAST® elastomeric liners are inter-changeable with GREENSTREAK's UNI-CAST®, MULTI-CAST® and DURA-CAST® vacuum formed form liners on the same job (See separate publication for information on vacuum formed form liners). Allowances need to be made for thickness differences between liner types. • Custom liners also available • Available as 40 use SUPER-CAST® or 100 use ULTRA·CAST® 1. UL TRA-CAST® liners are composed of 100% polyurethane material with excellent tear resistant and release properties. '-2. SUPER-CAST® liners are available for less demanding applications • Available with or without plywood backing. Factory bonding of 3/4" Plyform plywood promotes easy installation onto the form work at the job site and is highly recommended. Job site bonding of the unbacked liner can be accomplished with GREENSTREAK's 7300 Epoxy. • Edges of plywood backed liners are encapsulated in urethane to protect the edge and to create an effective seal to prevent grout leakage. Typical Applications Include: • Residential and commercial buildings • Water 1waste water treatment plants • Prisons • Schools • Airports http://transmittal.net/wireproducts/greenstreak/coninst.htm 3/4/4/03 Greenstreak, Inc. -Form Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories Page20f3 • Parking garages • Exposed foundations • Bridges • Retaining walls • Sound walls • Planters • Corporate signs Custom Fonn Liner Designs GREENSTREAK manufactures custom form liners to supplement a wide selection of standard patterns and textures. • Specify a unique pattern or texture that best suits the structure. • Custom patterns enables architects to closely match existing structures. Typical applications include precast additions to existing brick or stone buildings. • All new tooling has a standard lead time of six weeks. Tooling costs can have wide variances depending on the complexity of the pattern. Contact GREEN STREAK for more information. • Custom rustication strips are also available to add accents and detail to the overall design. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES GENERAL • Greenstreak requires a full scale pre-construction mock -up to test specific concrete mix, slump, placement rate, form pressures, joint sealing, vibrating and stripping practices. The mock-Up must duplicate the materials, methods, workmanship, placement rates and form pressures that will actually be used on the job. Fallure to complete the pre-construction mockup will void all warranties. • GREENSTREAK elastomeric form liners should be protected from long term exposure to direct sunlight. TRIMMING • Form liners will need to be custom trimmed to fit the form work on many jobs. • A circular handsaw with a 40 tooth carbide tipped blade is recommended for trimming liner backed with plywood. A sharp knife can often be used to trim unbacked liner. • Where slight touchup is required, a small hand grinder with a coarse wheel can be used to remove material. http://transmittal.netlwireproductslgreenstreaklconinst.htm 3/4/03 Greenstt;eak, Inc. -Fonn Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories • When butting a liner against a chamfer or reveal strip, miter the edge of the liner the same angle for a proper fit. MOUNTING Page 3 of3 • Keep vertical joints plumb and on the same line. Horizontal joints should be kept level and in line at the same elevation. • Rustication or reveal strips are recommended at liner joints that do not blend with the pattern. A properly sized rustication will compliment the pattern and can enhance the overall appearance of the structure. • Hex head self-drilling, self tapping screws should be used to fasten plywood backed liner from the back of the fonn work. Care should be taken in selecting the proper length screw so that the screw does not extend through the liner. • When necessary, the liner may be attached through the fonn liner face. Screws should be driven in through the urethane material and seated against the plywood backing. The small hole left by the fastener head should be sealed with a a neutral cure silicone sealant. • Fasteners should be placed on 12" to 24" centers that are evenly distributed over the sheet. When attaching the liner through the liner face, place fastener through the valley of the fonn liner. Patterns with more relief and texture require more fasteners. • Unbacked liners may be adhered to steel or plywood forms with GREENSTREAK 7300 Epoxy. Both fonn and fonn liner must be thoroughly cleaned with acetone or denatured alcohol prior to installation. Roughening the surface with a 40 grit grinding pad will aid the adhesive. Trowel a thin unifonn coat of7300 onto the fonn. Place unbacked liner onto fonn starting at one end and rolling the liner into position. When liner is properly positioned, install clamps and let cure for 24 hours before erecting fonns. SEALING • Although elastomeric fonn liners fonn a natural seal at their edges, all fonn liner joints and tie holes should be sealed to prevent localized water loss and suhsequent discoloration of the concrete. Grout leakage leakage will make stripping difficult and may damage the liner. • Neutral cure silicone sealant is recommended for cast in place jobs. Once cured, it is flexible, has good adhesion and won't discolor or stick to the concrete. Continued ... http://transmittal.netiwireproducts/greenstreak/coninst.htm 3/4103 Greenstreak, Inc. -Fonn Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories Page 10f4 Return to Architectural Form Menu Return to Ribbed Design Menu Return to .Job Site Guide Part Omt Elastomeric Architectural Concrete Form Liners Job Site Guide and Specification Data: Continued FORM BOLTS, TIES AND BAR SUPPORTS • Tie spacing should be a mUltiple of the fonn liner pattern repeat. • Tight fitting holes may be drilled or cut with a hole saw. • Reinforced fiberglass rod ties work well with architectural fonn liners. After stripping, the rods are snapped off and ground flush with the concrete. Patching and filling of holes is eliminated. • Ties located in the "valley" of the concrete may be less obvious. Patching tie holes located in the "peak" of the concrete is easier. • Supports and spacers should be plastic or plastic tipped to minimize rnst stalns on the finished concrete. CONCRETE MIX DESIGN • For uniformity of color and texture, use one concrete supplier, making sure that all ingredients come from the same sources. • Recommended slump is 4 to 6 inches. The higher slump allows easier filling of pattern detalls. • Avoid overly sandy or high air entrained mixes as they tend to be "sticky" and can promote bugholes. • For ribbed textures the aggregate should be smaller than the width of the rib. Oversize aggregate can cause honeycombing and chipping on the ribs. • Use an elephant trunk or tremie for placing concrete to minimize aggregate separation. • The proper use of a plasticizer in the mix will minimize air voids. The placement rate may have to be reduced to keep fonn pressures at an acceptable level. • High pour rates may cause more air voids. • Keep concrete lifts less than 24 inches. Thoroughly vibrate concrete to achieve good consolidation, eliminate lift lines and to minimize air voids. External vibrators can loosen the liner from the fonnwork; internal vibrators are nonnally http://transmittal.netlwireproductslgreenstreaklmore.htrn 3/4103 Oreenstl;eak, Inc. -Fonn Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories Page 2 of4 used. Under and over vibration may also cause defects in the surface of the concrete. RELEASE AGENTS AND BOND BREAKERS • Use only a GREENSTREAK approved release agent to ensure a clean release from the concrete without any ill-effect on the liner material. GREENSTREAK 7000 RELEASE AGENT is available for this purpose. Some release agents may cause swelling of the liner material with subsequent release problems. • Apply release agent at recommended rates. Over application may produce surface voids. • Reapply release agent before ech use. STRIPPING AND CLEAN·UP • The force required in stripping fonns with architectural liners is greater than smooth fonn work. • When applying the extra force needed, care should be taken so that the textured surface is not damaged • Fonn work should be broken back after a minimum of 12 hours and stripped preferably within 24 hours of concrete placement. Extending the time from placement to stripping can increase the force required. • Begin stripping at the top of the fonnwork. Separate the fonn from the concrete slightly. Hold in this position for several minutes to allow the induced stress in the fonn to diminish. Continue to separate the fonn work from the concrete in stages until fmal separation. • GREENSTREAK elastomeric fonn liners are easily cleaned with household detergent and a stiff brush. FINAL FINISIDNG • Rubbing: Seams and forming defects may be removed with a stone while the concrete is green. • Sandblasting: Many jobs call for sandblasting to roughen the surface and bring out the color of aggregate. Sandblasting may also hide seams and forming defects but will not hide discoloration caused by grout leakage. • Patching: When patching tie holes or more serious forming defects, a close color match is critical. Use the same materials used in the original mix and perfonn several trial runs before beginning work on the structure. Ifin doubt, hire a consultant. Bad patches look worse than the original problem. AVAILABILITY AND COST http://transmitlal.netlwireproductslgreenstreak:lmore.htm 3/4/03 Greenstreak, Inc. -Form Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories • Availability:GREENSTREAK form liners are distributed worldwide through an extensive network of concrete forming and accessory dealers. Contact GREEN STREAK for the name of a dealer in the area. • Lead Time:Lead times will vary with order quantity, pattern and production backlog. Smaller orders for popular patterns can usually ship in one to two weeks. Allow a minimum of four weeks for larger orders and six weeks for custom patterns. • Cost:Contractor cost will vary with order quantity, pattern and choice of SUPERCAST or ULTRA-CAST form liners. TEC~CALSERVICES • GREENSTREAK DISTRIBUTORS have the knowledge and ability to answer most questions. GREEN STREAK engineers are also available for consultation during design, specification and product installation. • Additional information, product brochures, 3 part CSI formatted specification, and technical notes, is available upon request. • The following ACI Committee reports are recommended: o ACI 117; "Standard Tolerences for Concrete Consttuction and Materials" o ACI301 CH.13; "Specifications for Sttuctural Concrete" o ACI 303R; "Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete" o ACI 309 CH.7; "Consolidation of Concrete" o ACI 347 CH.S.2; "Concrete Formwork" MATERIAL PROPERTIES:(Typica1) 1Super-Cast® II mtra·Cast® I Tensile Strength (PSI) 1170S 118S0 I Shore A Hardness IISS-60 1160+/-S I Elongation (%) 410 200 11 11 I Tear Resistance (lb/in) 11127 IIlS0 I WARRANTY GREENSTREAK( warrants its products will be free from defects and will perform as stated in this literature, provided the application and consttuction practices used are per our recommendations and Job Site Guide insttuctions and provided the acmal job consttuction duplicates mock-up materials, methods workmanship, placement rates, form pressures, joint sealing and stripping practices. If our product does not meet the published product specifications and our customer gives notice to us before installing http://transmittal.netlwireproducts/gree nstreaklmore.htrn Page 3 of4 3/4/03 Greenstreak, Inc. -Form Liners, Waterstops, And Other Concrete Accessories the product, we will replace the product without charge or refund the purchase price. Product replacement or refund are the buyer's sole remedy for breach of warranty or negligence and we will not be liable for any indirect, consequential, special or resultant damages. To the best ofour knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate and reflects average test values. Final suitability of any information or material is the sole responsibility of the user. Page4of4 http://transmittal.net lwireproductslgreenstreaklmore.htm 3/4/03 Steve Ch9tchian To: Randy Moravec Subject: FW: DART Spectrum Crossing Randy -As a follow-up to my message from last week, could you give me the current balance, for inclusion in Mike's correspondence to DART, Thanks. Steve C. -Original M~ Ftvm: Jim PI""" sent: Wednesday, Marcll19, 20038:26 AM To: Steve Chutchlan Ce: Michael Murphy Subject: RE: DART Spectrum Crossing Steve: Some money has been spent from the grant. Find out the amount left and prepare a letter for Mike's signature. Jim. --onglnal Messag~ From: Steve Chutchl.n Sent: Thursday, February 20,20038:26 AM To: Jim Pierce Subject: fIN: DART Spectrum Crossing Jim -we probably need to talk about this. Thanks. Steve C. ---Original Messag..•••• From: Randy Moravec Sent: Wednesday, February IS, 20034:28 PM To: Steve Chutchlan Ce: Michael Murphy Subject: DART Spectrum Crossing Steve, I received the copy you sent me of the agreement with DART when we acquired crossing rights over the Cotton Belt railroad line for Spectrum Drive. I do not believe the agreement precludes us from spending the funds for the Spectrum crossing. I would suggest we make a fOlillal request of DART staff to use the money for this purpose. THANKSI! Randy 1 --09/04/2003 14:04 9[1364[15887 FARM N HOME CASUALTY PAGE I'll ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I .ATE 09/04/2003 '" 'fI'llDI.ICEtt f'arm N' Home C..ually THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONI.Y lIND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE p, 0, Box 387 HoLOER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMENO EXTEND OR ALTEF! THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLr(lIES BELOW, Bonhaft' TX 75418 INSURERS AFFORDING CoVEFlAGE ------.. , ' " ,,--,---. . -..--.,.~---~-------.--.-.------.-....-......-~ ... "-.-,.--."'-~~."",_., . ..,-.... --~ UiSIJRED INSVAERk fa~t Forward Metal Construclion & Demolition ." .. ••• ____ ••• _. _ ••• ' __ ____ "._ "' __, _'R'R ___'" J~mv'Aiis\.t'; PO J30x 631 •• ·•••••• _H" ••.••• ..... ..I!,$VFHi!L~:_.. .. .... _......... ,..... ..-..-...-.~.-......"~-~-.-Bnnt",m TX 754.18 -.. _:..m!{!!.ER Q: __________,___,__...___.. .._.• ~ .. " .... .--..-" ... ~ i I,"U.'.• ', Tc~a. MulUDl In.." ..nc. Compillll'COVERAGES lHe POLICIES of INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED INSURED NAMED ABOVE ,OR THE POUCY PERIOD "'''GATED, NQTwITHSTA"'DING ANY REOUIREMENT, TEAM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RES~;;CT TO WHICH THIS CER11FlCATe MAY ee ISSUED 0I'l MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFoRDED BY THE FOUCIES DeSCRIBED HEREIN IS 5UBJ.CT TO ALL THE TEAMS, EXCLVSIONS AND CONDlTlONS OF SUCl-l IFfPcO LICIES. AGGREGAie. LIMITS SHowN MAy HAVE. SEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLA:::::;'M:::S,~.=~::::"",,=====~. --;~PEO~~';lJ"ANe~ POl';~~~~E" -... , ...... '''POLlcve''':ECTlV€ POLICYli)(~LRA.1l9N --.------.-.--~;;;;~-~'.-~~--..''"..,-~-.-B O~".l\GGP,~P41f UMIT APfb!.sS PER' iPOIJCV I X I ~~,9T ; ! Loe ~~OBll,E UAIltUTY _ ANYAVTO Al.L OWNED I'iLfTOS SCHEOULED AUTO~ --I ~IREO AUTOS E WOAkthtoC:OMJ'l!N£ATIOHAHf) EMPi.QYemt IJAtUVT\f 04115/2002 TSFOOOH29129 0312112003 i 0411512003 03J21I2004 '~£IiQQ"-Ul'-~"f{" -E,.,_.'__!., _______~!li1.!'l~l.cTI ~qlLt;.r;U~·L~_.._.._._..,"~, .S.,._ •.._.,,_ . -I ~ ..... -.. --.-..~ r. _.•....•.______..._j I • I ~J.~iiG~f~.L..J.~l~· .__ "______....'".,,.,....., .li.!"I~.!2:! ~I'!;!P-'~L.__+'________ '" _5QU,000 : E.!., QISEASI!.. I!A !MP\.OVl;e .$ 500,000: I"L'-~;~E>I~~:P~L I '" .,; ;::: I I I I I 34." I ~, ",,~' ~~ (;>, IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plostic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found a ~ .... 100 200 t SCALE:l """100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: HUIlT-ZOLIAR5 SPECTRUM DRIVE HuItt-Zolero, Inc. DaJae RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT 3!31 McKInn&y A ......... , SuH" 600 &: SIDE'NALK E'f,SEMENT Dlln"", TeWl 75204-2489 f'Ilone (214) 871-3311 F.. (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS z~ QUORUM EAST EXHIBITB ~g "g,,"15::: i~ l2ei > ADDITION VOl.98001 PG.00033 POST SERVICES, INC, VCL98060 PG,03404 s 5/6' 'RS ..: I (fUTURE STREET R-1) ~ __ _ :":. . ____ _ __ _ _ 5/6' IR. ~ S 89"04'47'"E 5.00' PARCEL 2 0.6487 AC. NOTE: Improvements were not locoted for this exhibit and there may be easements and other motters of record that affect this troct. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT (PARCEL 29 -0.0264 AC');---j N 89'04'47'W 5.00' • I---;~= ___ ~~~=~::~~'~~~~CE\~~; L4 w g; 1----------______ 5/8"R' L2 (TRACT II) TEXOK PROPERTlES, L,P. s 89'04'47'E VOL.2002240 PG.03529 500' 500' . 5' SfDEWALK EASEMENT ~O' (PARCEL 2A -0.0428 AC.)~~ ,;,'" ~,~ ~ "'! Y'-v ",'" <:, O· '~"I ~ (0.0697 AC.) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATfON VOL.2000036 --------:-I() ..,. I") N ...... 9 9 E I-''---'--..L...-'--' LOT 1, BLOCK E 1 ~ -' Q. "'bo.w Il;! o == :::; PG.02913. ~ :=t~OF 7'-'" ' ~~ ~ ! ~ ~ I Q.::> I 111 a:: ,-0 I ~ loW I ~ Q. (/)1 .O.\\" ' VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ----j LOT I, BLOCK A ~ I 10' PRIVATE COMMIJHIC\llONS /i!'i I~ W'""" BY PUT -VOL20 '0 SED) ~ :2 If) 'fl 00 (3.371 AC.) THE STAU9ACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and thot the metes ond bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge, ;}JQd ,7'-.........;>"'1 Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Revised owner's nome; 3/14/2003 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VCL.85021 PG.1686 LINE TABLE l/2"RY_ COURSE BEARiNG DISTANCE '"RANDOM-REO PLASTIC CAP BEARS Ll N 00'SS'13"E 65.00' N 89:"05'45"w-2.0 0' L2 N 89' 04' H"W 28.00' Ll N 00' 55' lYE 61. 00' L4 S 89' 04' 47"E 28.00' L5 N 89' OS' 45"W 28.00' L6 N 00' 54' lS'E 61. 00' L 7 S 89' OS' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N 89' 04' 47' W l4. 50' (TRACT III) TEXOK PROPERTlES, L.P. VCL.2002240 PG.03529 <"' '-l v \l"<) LEGEND The monumen ts found as coiled for on the emended plot of Addison Circle Phose II, on oddition to th e Town of Addison, Texas. os recorded in in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr., Addison. IX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP, AREA: 0.6487 AC. REV. DATE: 3/14/2003 After Recordin& Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____day _______-' 2003 General Partner of TexOK Properties, L.P. By __________________ PrintNamc _____________________ Title _________________________ Drainage Easemcnt-Parcel2-A Spectrum Drive Pagel Document"; 1011432 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day 2003, personally appeared _________-' ______________ onbehrufof_~--~=_~~ -~~~=_a , the general partner of TexOK Properties, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the nses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Drainage Easement -Parcel 2A Spectrum Drive Page 2 Docwnem1l: 1()31432 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest corner of a 0.0697 of an acre tract of land for the right-of-dedication of Spectrum Drive as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West along the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West departing the said westerly right-ofway line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 372.83 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 367.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0428 of an acre ofland, morc or less. • Page 3 of6 \ \HZDALLAS2\d isk3\SuTveyD220\O I \ wp\spec_ dr ~sw2Arev.doc ..... ' .;. .__----L'--" ___.. ____. QUORUM EAST "~,60 15851 DALLAS NORTH EXHIBITB ADDITION 0° PARKWAY ADDITION ' VOL-9OO01 PG,00033 0'" 0Q. VOL.85021 PG,1585 ~~ POST SERVICES, INC, o vOl.gaOSO PG,03404 i~ ~~ .f 0' !)/s-IRS L7 ~:w ~ ~ (FUTURE STREET R-1) ~ LINE TABLE 1-----:..--------_______ L5 I ;,(Z;~~,~ COURSE BEARING DISTANCE r PLASTIC CAP BEARS LIN 00' 55' 13' E 65.00' I N S!FOS'4!)"W-2.00· L,2 N 89' 04' 47"W 28,00' I L,3 N 00' 55' 13' E 61. 00' I L,4 S 89' 04' 47'E 28,00' PARCEL 2 L I L5 N 89' 05' 45" W 28. 00' 0,6487 AC. ~ ~ 1 L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61,00' .,; I L7 S 89' 05' 45" E 62. 52' NOTE: ;;: 1 La N 89' 04' 4'" W 34. 50' Improvements were not located for this I exhibit and there may be easements and I other motters of record that affect this 1 tract. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT "," (PARCEL 29 -0,0264 AC,) _____ I I N 89"04'4?'W ~ "-' I 5,00' > L___~ ____ -"~N2.::!' .!!EGI~I::'G..:!~::L':~ ~ : " §' ./s' IRS I .~ I (FUTURE STREET R-2) ::J I (TRACT III) n:XOK PROPERTIES, L,P, ____~!_!, _____________ --. __ 'L2 0~::: II VOL,2002240 PG,03529 ~~IRS (TRACT II) , t; I ~ ""\ n:XOK PROPERTIES, L,P, S 89"04'47"E ~ ~ I '-l VOL.2002240 PG,03529 5.00' ~ (J) I ',) ~ l'b 'a. '9' ,0, •. t. '0 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT S,o' ( "D) 1 (PARCEL 2A -0,0428 AC')A ,34S' I ..., I ~ ~ &l ~ 'b 'fo. O· ~I :g ,\ ~ '" iii:: ;:; 1 '" :2 -' I{) i2 ;: '" POINT Of' 81 18 g'l\' 'b -<.' BEGINNING zig ~~ PARCEl. 2 &: Z 0, PAAC(\. 2A:Sja" JRF' WiTH I (3,371 AC,) HUITl-ZOLlARS CAP THE STAUBACH COMPANY (0.0697 AC,) VOl,2000046 PG,02903 SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION N 89'04'47'W 5,00' VOL.2000036 PG,0291 J 5/8 IRS rxu El..ECTRIC COMPAH'f' EASEMENT BY PLAT V VOL20000JJ} PG.02~n:s P~NTOF ~~~=-~~~~--i;:~~~f:A~~ COMMENCING "X. CUT $Ei IN BRICK PA1JD'l.S THE ASHTON .o.w. MORRIS AVENUE I VQL,2000036 PG.02913 -----:--------------j LOT 1, SLOCK A "'l" j'" ~ ~ I to' PRtVATE CDMt.lUNICAilONS 5t-to-t-to-...J AMENDED PLAT ~ I ~ EASEMENT BY PLAT VOL20000J6 PC.02913 g g g g.o. ADDISON CIRCLE t> Ii: LEGEND DC E " ~o,._ PHASE II ~ 1 0 IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollors i:i;! VOL,2000153 PG.00015 (J) I yellow plostic cop o IRF = Iron Rod Found ~ LOT I, BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 OF 6 LOT I, BLOCK E o 100 200 :"1OJ"--..... ~ --.... -""OF r: This is to certify thot the obove SlJrvey wos ••••• ! ',.L "f."'\"q,••(}o••io' l:,J,.""'.. mode under my supervision on November 5. SCALE:l"-100' ~.' c;\ST,:p·••""f. 2002 and thot the metes and bounds shown *,....0 ' «-(oJ ~Tl:<>"1' thereon ore true and correct to the best of ~ .....' my knowledge, BASIS Of' BEARINGS: l··E~ic·joOHN·y;:~ouD~···!t. The monuments found as celled for on ~.•.....•.........•..•..•.~ the amended plot of Addison Circle ~• ...o 4862 .... 1 Phose II, on addition to the Town of • ~ \,-y' ~JQ~d. Addison, Texos, os recorded in Volume Registered pro~;s~~(~!nd ·.q ·N'PO.!·g-t€lS ..$ I\t'Oif~J'·!.·tlbi~'~ <--2000153, Poge 00015, Deed Record., 8UA"· Surveyor, Texas No, 4862 001105 County, Texas, Revised owner's nome: 3/14/2003 SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON HUfITillLIARS 16801 Westgro,"" Dr., Addison, TX 75001 75001 HuItt-ZoI&rs, Inc, OBI.. RIGHT-OF -WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 3131 McKlnnoy Avonue, &dte 500 & SIDEWALK EASEMENT OWNER: TEXOK PROPERTIES. LP, Phone (214) 87'K!:n1 Fax (214) 8:n-0757 DalIssj Texu 75204-2489 TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS AREA: 0,6487 AC, REV, DATE: 3/14/2003 After Recordinll Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and noll00 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right -of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____ day of________-', 2003 General Partner ofTexOK Properties, L.P. By _____________ Print Name _______________________ Title __________________ Sidewalk Easement-Parcel 28 Spectrum Drive Pagel Dotument II: 1031463 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared _________-' _______________ onbehaliof ___~~~~~-~~~-~ a , the general partner of TexOK Properties, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDERmy hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement -Partel 2B Spectrum Drive Page 2 Docummt~; 1<131463 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL2B BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the west side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion of Tract II as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas.County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "X" cut set in brick pavers at the intersection of the northerly right-ofway line of Morris Avenue (6\ foot right-of-way) as established by the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas with the west right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as established by said plat ofAddison Circle Phase II; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes J3 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of said Spectrum Drive as per said plat of said Addison Circle Phase II, and as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 29\3 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas a distance of 65.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest comer of said Spectrum Drive; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes J3 seconds East a distance of 367.83 feet toa 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 28.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; TIIENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes \3 seconds East a distance of 61.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 23.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap bears South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East at a distance of5.00 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of230.14 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a corner; • Page 4 of6 \\HZDALLAS2\disk3\Survcy\322O\Oi\wp\spec_dr_sw2Brey,doc EXHIBIT A THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of230.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of5.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0264 ofan acre ofland, more or less. • Page 50f6 \\HZDALLAS2\disk3\SUf\,ey\3220\O J\wp\spec dr~sw2Brev.doc ------------------QUORUM EAST EXHIBITB ~-0§ 15851 DALLAS NORTH ADDITION ~g PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.ga001 PG,Oa033 VOL,85021 PC,1S86 ~~ POST SERVICES, INC, ig: VOL-980S0 PG.03404 S~ §' ! ~ (FUTURE STREET R-1) ~ ...... PARCEL 2 0,6487 AC, NOTE: Improvements were not located for this exhibit and there may be easements ond other matters of record that affect this 5/8" IRS L7 ~ 5/8" IRS L5 ----';!',.';;''1011) !; S 89"04'47'"£ ~ 5.00' ~-, ..'r.i.-:., ci g-'" N N 'c"o .,; ~ '" :!'" I:" ;::: ~ 8 t;; !I'l tract. I----r: .18 01'" ~j~ 1----<-tI =0. 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT z 1 g "'.5' (PARCEL 28 -0.0264 AC,) __ . I Z N 89'04'47'W ~ 12 '" 5,00' ----~:'N2. ~..EI~~'~-=-~~~'--"~ 5/8' IRS (FUTURE STREET R-2) ~ ________________ l't!!:,IRS ("'ACT III TEXOK PROPERTIES. L,P. S' 89'04'47'E V0L2002240 PG.03529 5.00' S' SIDEWALK EASEMENT 50' (PR (PARCEL 2,0. -0.0428 AC,lA -,«o«)c ;..\AS-T,;f.:"' b:"-."'f~;o••1$J MORRIS .1 l;1'{ ••••i r··E·Ric·jo·HN·YA~OUD~···) ~..........•.•.....••...•.• 4 • .I.I... .A 862:\f.': ~ .\\"..::,.,. ".' 1IV'", .."'I':1<.<';1E" S.. S\C~,·O'<· ~Q I LOT 1. BLOCK 0 PAGE 6 OF 6 POINT OF 81 BEGINNING Z I PARCEl. 2 &: PARCEl. 2A 5/S" !Rr WlTH HUI'tT-ZO!.l.AAS 1 ;::CAP::......_,..N 89'04'47"W 5.00' A VENUE • -> ~e g : ' ~ ~ ii" ~ g ~ fJ) o.w, I 1t;t' (f) .o.w. 'D) t/.2~ IRf WITH "RANOOiA" RED PtASTIC CJiP BWS N a9'05'~5-w-2,OO' I I I J I jI I 't.. "\ I '-l I \) 'it 1'0 ~ t:.. '¢ I I I I I I This is to certify thot the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes ond bounds shown thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISr....NCE LIN 00' 55' 13" E 65. 00' L2 N 89' 04' 4'"W 28. 00' Ll N 00' 55' 13"E 61.00' L4 S 89' 04' 4'" E 28. 00' L5 N 89' OS' 4S"W 28. 00' L6 N 00' 54' 15"E 61.00' L 7 S 89' OS' 45" E 62. 52' L8 N 89' 04' 4'oW 34. 50' (TRACT lit) TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOL.2002240 PG,Q3529 ~I----------------------~ (3,371 AC.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON VOL2000036 PG.02913 LOT 1. BLOCK A 10' PRWATt COM~UNICAl!ONS OOEMENT By PLAT -VOL.2000aJS PC.0291J LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set wilh IRf = yellow ploslic cop Iron Rod Found o 100 ~ ....-II • • • SCALE:l""'100' BASIS OF BEARINGS; ~ .. Huitl-Zollors 200 I The monuments found os coiled for on the omended plot of Addison Circle Phose It, on addition to the Town of Addison, T exos, os recorded in Volume 2000153. Poge 00015, Deed Records, Dollos County, Texos, """ SPECTRUM DRIVE Prepared For: TO\W>l OF ADDISON HUm-ZOLlARS 16801 Westgro,,", Dr.• Addison, TX '5001 Hultt-ZoIars, Inc. 0.... RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 2 3131 McKInney Avenue, SUit" 500 & SIDEWALK EASEMENT O\W>lER: TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP. Dalla., T"XlIJI 75204~20489 Phone (214) 871-:3311 FBX (214) 871-0757 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA: 0.648' AC. REV. DATE: 3/14/2003 After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington Cowles & Thompson, P.C. 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 TOWN OF ADDISON SIDEWALK EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TexOK Properties, L.P., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and no/l00 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter tenned Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in, under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and shown on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior writtcn consent ofGrantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposcs of the perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ____day of________., 2003 General Partner ofTexOK Properties, L.P. By _________________ Prim Name _____________________ Title ____________________ Sidewalk Easement -Pareel3A Spectrum Drive Pagel Doemru:nU: 1031414 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this ___ day of , 2003, personally appeared __________ _____________ on behalf of _-:--_-:;-:=--:::::::-:::--_::-----::--::::-_--: a , the general partner of TexOK Properties, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for the State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: [SEAL] Sidewalk Easement -Parul3A Spectrum DrIve Pagel Oocumou./f: 1031474 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL3A BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 5 feet in width and adjacent to the east side of Spectrum Drive and being a portion ofTract III as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, L.P. as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 3529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County. Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northwest comer of a 3.371 acre tract of land to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 535.93 feet to a S/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap on the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract; THENCE South 89 degrees OS minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, L.P. Tract, a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said TEXOK Prope11ies, L.P. Tract, a distance of 535,93 feet to a point for a corner on the northerly line ofsaid 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract a distance of 5,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0,0615 of an acre of land, more or less. • Page 20f3 \\1-lZDALLAS2\dis!·;3\Survey\3220\O J\wp\spec_dr_sw 3Arev .doc >~ if a~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ !' QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL9BOQl PG.Oa033 POST SERVICES. INC. VOL9B060 PO.03404 (FUlURE STREET R-l) ... EXHIBITB ~§ o0"· z '" '" '0 '" (>. I I t. I II" ~'it:~ '{\ O' I P ~ \ '" " I 8 N 89'04'47"W 5.00' 1 ::I! POINT OF BEGiNNING -PARCEL JA ~. '" ~. ~'¢ 1 I \ 5/8-iRF" WITH I HUm-ZOLlARS YELlOW PL'S1lC CAP 1 I --I ",,'1--I I I I I i!: Ii POINT OF BEGINNING (J.371 AG.) THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 (0.0697 AC.) "I SPECTRUM DRIVE 5/6 IRS TXU £LrCTR1C COMPAN'f RIGHT-OF-WAY I FAS"',", BY PlA' DEDICATION 1/Ol..2000036 "'.02913 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 ~::::!:I-..l-l ~w .O.w. THE ASHTON MORRIS A VENUE ~ 1 V0L.20000J6 PG.02913 --------.---------: '---j LOT 1. BLOCK A W :::!l ..., '" .... i31i3 ~ ~ .. ... o 0 ~ .... !i cr :> I 10' PRfVATE COUMUNIC,t,nONS Rs/-oc~ "'IN E450' R,O.w.1--Q AMENDED PLAT 0:: I~ EAS£I.IENi BY PLAT -VOL2000036 PG.0291J ADDISON CIRCLE t; 12 LEGEND PHASE II ~ I Q IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars LOT 1. BLOCK E 1 --. ..., oe: 9 :i "it\:OF 'f... 'lII '~,.. ••••o.."/$'j,,,.VJ CO "'~G\ST$'R€:';?\SI ..l~ * ..... <0 \ ii' "............•....:...~ • ERIC JOHN YAHOUDY If •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .... .0 4862 ! ". ~O -,~.' 1'}ESS\O';··O~ ~~" Ii.Vl' .. .;;.,t'.O"II...~ ,,~..,-, "'U..."'{;o -.~ 0 ",~ ... _~~~,~...s V') I yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found LOT 1. BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 VOL.2000153 PO.OOOI5 This is to certify thot the obove survey was mode under my supervision on November 5. 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown thereon ore true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ,>, (214) 8'h" . . 1M", """';' .tY'J57 ....... ~ " SIDt::WAl.K ~:ASEM:.::r·H '?~ER: lEXOK PROPERTIES, LP. rG~~':::_.?:..~??!~?N, TEX~S ,-C!";.A: 0.5702 AC._'!~.DA1E: 3/14/200J ' .. -.-.'.--..........._""'-.,. After Recordina Return To: Angela K. Washington STATE OF TEXAS § Cowles & Thompson § 901 Main Street. Suite 4000 COUNTY OF DALLAS § Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: ,2003 GRANTOR: TexOKProperties, L.P. 2005 Faireloud Drive Edmond, OK 73034 GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) CONSIDERATION: (I) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singUlar the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED -Page 1 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive i»eumcnt#: 1031412 MISCELLANEOUS: (a) Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any utility connection charge or other charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the Town ofAddison. (b) The Property hereby conveyed may be used as a public right-of-way for the passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including (without limitation) streets, roads, sidewalks, utilities, drainage, and other customary uses of public right-or-way. Improvements may be on such grade and according to such plans and specifications as will, in the opinion of Grantee, best serve the public purpose. (c) The consideration described above shall be deemed full compensation for the conveyance of the Property, and for any diminution in value that may result to the remaining property of Grantor by virtue of Grantee's use of the Property. (d) When the context requires it, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as ofthe day first written above. General Partner ofTexOK Properties, L.P. By: Print Name: Print Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Before Me, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this __ day of , 2003, personally appeared _____________ ____________-: on behalf of ___-=--=--==--=-__:----:::-::-_--: a , the general partner of TexOK Properties, L.P., and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. Notary Public, State ofTexas Print Name: My Commission Expires: WARRANTY DEED -Page 2 Parcel 3-Spectrum Drive Docwnent #: 1031472 EXHIBIT A SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 3 BEING a tract of land situated in the G. W. FISHER SURVEY, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Tract III as described in instrument to TEXOK Properties, LP, as recorded in Volume 2002240, Page 03529 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap at the northeast corner of a platted 0,0697 acre tract of land for right-of-way dedication of Spectrum Drive (69 foot right-of-way) as per the plat of The Ashton, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 2000036, Page 2913 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds West along the northerly line of said platted 0.069'7 acre tract for Spectrum Drive a distance of34.50 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with HuittZollars yellow plastic cap for corner on the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, LP. Tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East along the westerly line of said TEXOK Properties, LP. Tract, a distance of 719.98 feet to the northwest comer of said TEXOK Properties, LP, Tract, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Random" red plastic cap bears 'NOIth 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds West at a distance of2,00 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 05 minutes 45 seconds East along the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, LP. Tract, a distance of 34.50 feel to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds West departing the northerly line of said TEXOK Properties, LP, Tract, passing at a distance of 535.93 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cap for the northwest corner of a 3.371 acre tract of land described in instrument to The Staubach Company as recorded in Volume 2000046, Page 2903 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and continuing along the westerly line of said 3.371 acre Staubach Company tract in all a distance of 719.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.5702 of an acre of land, more or less. • Page I of3 \\HZDALtAS2\disk3\.\i !lrvey\3220\O1 \wp\spec dr_P3re\'.doc i!~5 8 QUORUM EAST EXHIBlTB -8 15851 DALLAS NORTH ADDITION cCO· PARKWAY ADDITION ... 0. VOI...9BOOl PC.oo033 VOL.8S021 PG.1686 POST SERVlCES. INC. "1R/A2N' ,o.o,. ' WITH REO '" VOL.98060 PG.0340' PLASTIC' CAl' e..... ~ '" H 89"05'''S''W-2.0Cr S~ S 89"05"5'0 5.00' !II .I~ 5/0' I.' """ I YEW-ow HUf!i-ZOLl..AAS Pl,AST1C CAP ~Ij (FUTURE STREET R-l) i ---1~--------------------'I-, I LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE LI S 89' 05' 45" E 34.50' L2 N 89' 04' 47"W 34,50' J I I I I "... If-:-, --I~' , I : Itl NOTE: : ~2 Improvements were not located for this ;; •.o.w) 1___S' SIDEWALK EASEMENT exhibit and there moy be eosements liD' (PARCEL 3A -0.0615 AC.) and other matters of record thot may I 0> 8l offect this tract. I .,; .,; I ~ UJ~ PARCEL 3 I 2: 0,5702 AC. ---;Tf--~F~:::S~~T-R~2)-----T-J ~ ~ I TE~OK~~~~~R~~S, L.P. _~l~ I ~ ::I! ~ I~ ~ -i VOL.2002240 PC.03529 -----------------____-'-, 0. ~~ ,... -I (TRACT II) u '£I I~ ., ~ TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. I w 8 8 '!> v 'lVOL.2Q02240 PC.03529 I 5;" on '0 I I f> I I I'" '" I ::2 • ~~Ii<> '!> y.. ~ O' I {! ~ \ IONB9"04"7'W 5.00' I Z POINT Of BEGINNING -PARCEL 3A '"7---1..._. I , \ :5/e" I~J' Wliti '\I' '!> ~. I HutrT-ZOl.l.ARS YEllOW PLASTIC CAP j).'i!> I (,. I --I ,..,. J--. I I i.s. (3.371 AC.) POINT Of' THE STAUBACH COMPANY I '" BEGINNING VOL.20000'S PG.02903 I (0.0697 AC.) I SPECTRUM DRIVE ./6'1'" TXU '1.£011"" ""MP_ RIGHT-OF-WAY I """""" By """T DEDICATION l-.....::r_f:;:.::~t.:W:.L:2aooo:..:J...JtI ?G.G2913 VOL.2000036 PG.02913 --::::::::::~~--1--<..l THE ASHTON 69' .o.w, J-----______ MOR~~~VENUE ~ I VOL.2000036 PG.02913 UJ ---li; ___ oj LOT " BLOCK A .0 ..,. I"") C'Iol ~ ~ t 10" PiWATt CONII4UNICA.1IONS l-I-t-I-....,J AMENDED PLA T 0: I~ E},5£uENT BY PLAl -WL..2()()()()J6 PC.C291.3 '3 9 9 9 Q. ADDISON CIRCLE t; ii' E OC~ E ..::.. "·oo.w. PHASE II :r 0 1 I=i VOL.2000153 PC.OOOl5 '" I o ~ ;;;! LOT " BLOCK 0 PAGE 3 OF 3 ......-. ::I! ""€:OF""~. This is to certify thot the above survey was '~t-\........ ' mode under my supervislon on November 5, Co .*GISTElig·••\Sl 2002 and that the metes ond bounds shown •.l ~ :a ••••1 thereon are true ond correct to the best of ft l··fRic·joHN·y::HouD~··..\ my knowledge. .................•.g.~..·ir '\..o~ 4862 ~/~.I '5-<)3 {"1···"'~fl:oSSS\O:: :.b~~1 ---------I~.. Itt..... V\l .. ~ •• III" G~ Pro(essiono! Land "-<;i.q . s'UF\'l ,.. :r~.. r.;: SPE'CTRUM r\RIVE HUIT. I-:lO~ . ,.~ • 'v I) , ,J JA DC HuIII-ZoIaro, Inc. . DaIu RIGHT-OF:';'hA ,. E~HIF!11 3131 t.!cKInrl<>y "'_ Su~" 600 & ""DEW' "'" "A<;;r'MENT Da!.'" Te'''' 75204-2_ '?' ""-).1'" <. ,.. Phone(214)~/!-3:l11 ;1:'; (214) 87Hl757 TOWN OF A[~DIF.')'·~, TEXAS __-'..,. '.-.:;~ .;::.~~~-:.~ ..--::"~;:t LEGEND IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars )I'Oliow plastic copIRI' '" Iron Rod Found o 100 ~-.r. • • 200 • .IM • • I SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found os called for on the amended plot of Addison Circle Phose II. on oddition to the To·,.n af Addison. Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153, Page 00015, Deed Records, Dallas County. Texas. Prepared For: TOWN 01' ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Dr .. Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL ~v J OWNER: lEXOK PP.OPE.R\.T1.IES. I..P. AREA; 0.5702 !,C. REV. DATE: 3/14/2003 , (971) 4S().7000 !!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!! III> Post Office Box 9010 Addison, To... 75001·9010 5300 BellLim: Road FAX (971) 450·7043 June 6, 2003 Mr. Steve Hurst TexOK Properties 2005 Faircloud Drive Edmond, OK 73034 Dear Mr. Hurst: Please find enclosed a "time and date stamped" copy ofthe Sidewalk easement and Right-of-way deed for Spectrum Drive .. These copies-are for your records. Thanks so much for your cooperation in getting this street built: We hope to be under construction soon. . Sincerely, CJf\d?$\N Carmen Moran Director of Development Services ENCLOSURES: 1 right-of-way deed 1 sidewalk easement ., After Recording Return To: Angela K. Washington STATE OF TEXAS Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 COUNTY OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas 75202 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATE: --'-~-="I--".l"--I,--__--, , 2003 GRANTOR: TexOK Properties, L.P. 2.005 Ft..,rc.\c\..I.cl Df',"t.. GRANTEE: Town of Addison, Texas 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001 (Dallas County, Texas) , CONSIPERATION: (1) One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency ofwhich is acknowledged by Grantor. (2) Benefits to be derived by Grantor and its remaining property as a result of the proposed public improvements. PROPERTY (INCLUDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS): See, Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and Exhibit B (Survey Depiction) both attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CONVEYANCE: Grantor, a limited partnership organized and existing under the laws ofthe State ofTexas for the consideration described above grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the Property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WARRANTY DEED -P.gel P""'eU SpeS LOT 1. BLOCK ~ QUORUM EAST ADDITION VOL.9S001 PG.00033 POST SER\i1CES. INC. VOl..9S060 .PG.03404 PARCEL 2 0.5702 AC. . NOTE: I Improvement~ were not locoted for this exhibit and t~ere moy be easements ond other motterj of record thot affect this tract. I II I. (mACT II) TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOl..2002240 PG.03529 5' SIDEWALK EASEMENT ~ \ " ~ POINT OF ~. 'b "\BEGINNING l'~ PARCEl 2 & (;.PARCfi 2A 5/8" IRf' WITH HuITT-20u..ARS (0.0697 AC.) CAP SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION VOL.2DD0036 PG.02913 MORRIS AVENUE • ------:-----------: ~ -OF r~ _ ~t*-• .......~,.a...: 10••*"It; ,I&ST.1E' ~~.'. ifc.J..I..1_ ..~..... .....•••...:..:) ERIC JO N YAHOUOY ..............•..•.•,... \,., 4862 ~: .... 9'1>0 ~,.••~ :-v. ··,£'S510.;.·:0 "VI' ·~·"··..·t"'""" S 69<05'45"E ~I L2 5.00' I I __, I I ~ I:I II • :l? I :;; ,,; I ,,; r:: I r:: I .... 1 ~I .N.. ... bl 10 ~H "I 3<." I ~ : c> ir I Vwl c> 1I 0 CL I Ii:::;: I 0..::> I ~ I Ul lr II AMENDED PLAT ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE " VOl..2000153 PC.OOOI5 LOT 1. BLOCK 0 PAGE 't/"" IRF WITH """OM' RED PlASTIC CAP BEARS H 69'05'45"'w-2.oo' -.)'" 0'" ~i 1 .9' .•.w I 'b", '¢ ~ ... (PM SED) I (PARCEL 2A -0.0832 AC')~--I "s' I ., ~ '\l 'I ~ ~ : 'bY"-,o, 'II"t")"', I" on 0 !p 0 I Z 0 0 I '" I I .(>.w. j ' lX 5 I' ~ t; ir lr ' 0 VlI 3 OF 3 I I I I I This is to certify that the above survey was mode under my supervision on November 5, 2002 and that the metes and bounds shown }"~;'~.sSi9l1al thereon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge . .i.0~0____:::. _~~L~~ Eric Land Surveyor, Texas No. 4862 Revised owner's name: 3/14/2003 Revised Porcel: 5/01/2003 . SPECTRUM DRIVE . RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT & SIDEWALK EASEMENT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS , 15851 DALLAS NORTH PARKWAY ADDITION VOL.85021 PG.1686 ExbihitB LINE TABLE COURSE---BEARING-DISTANCE Ll N 00" 00" 55' 13"E L2 S 89'05' 45'E L3 N 89" 04' 47'W (TRACT III) TEXOK PROPERTIES, L.P. VOl..2002240 PG.03529 (3.:m AC.)THE STAUBACH COMPANY VOL.2000046 PG.02903 THE ASHTON LOT 1, BLOCK A '0" _AlE CO""UN'CA~ONS USEMENT 6Y PLAT -VQl....2000036 PG.02913 IRS = Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollars yellow plastic cop IRF = Iron Rod Found o 100 ~.. ..~ ... .. 200 , SCALE:l"=100' BASIS OF BEARINGS: The monuments found as coiled for on the amended plat of Addison Circle Phase II. an addition to the Town of Addison. Texas, as recorded in Volume 2000153. Page 00015. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. 'Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16601 Westgrove Dr .• Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO.2 OWNER: TEXOK PROPERllES, LP, AREA: 0.5702 AC. REV. DATE: 5/1/2003 , LEGEND 65.00' 34.50' 34.50' [) § § § · . After Recording Return To; Angela K. Washington ~ ~Cowles-&4hompsoD, :e.C•. ~~~~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ 901 Main Street, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE :eRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS That TexOK :eroperties, L.:e., hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and 00/100 ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the Town of Addison of the County of Dallas, State of Texas, its successors and assigns, hereinafter termed Grantee, a perpetual easement and right-of-way in. under, over, along and across the property described in Exhibit A (Field Note Description) and sho.wn on Exhibit B (Survey Depiction), both of which exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement and right-of-way with all rights and privileges hereby granted may be used for the purpose of constructing, repairing, reconstructing and perpetually maintaining a sidewalk, landscaping and utilities, as Grantee determines necessary or desirable. Grantee, its employees, agents, and licensees shall at all times have the right and privilege to access the perpetual easement herein granted. Grantor agrees not to construct or place within the premises described above any buildings, fences, shrubs, trees or other improvements, without the prior .written consent of Grantee. To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, fo. the purposes ofthe perpetual easement herein granted. And Grantor hereby binds itself, its heirs, executors, agents and assigns to warrant and defend all and singular the above descn"bed easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this Zt~ day Of __~--,-CUj=-=J-___-" 2003 TEXOK nOURTIES, L.:e. By I\\)n.-t-~D[&I~ LLC...General Partner ofTe K perties By S+e..~ +l.u~+ PrintName ______~-------------Title~~ Drainage Easement -Parul2A Spectrum Drive '0___ .. ~ STATE OF-!fEXAS § COUNTY OF~.Loa-~__i. BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public in and for said county and state, on this 2.\':>t-day of ~ , 2003, personally appeared ~~t.. \-\irs1-:ik Uu.A.btt.. 0; \1m \\b\A.,,~ L~ on behalf of J<"'~ ~pe.d\!!.S LP ,a 0\::..\0.1-._ Lyc!u "", and acknowledged to·· me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or entity upon behalf ofwhich he acted executed the instrument for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN UNDER my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. ~){YdtJ Notary Public in and for the State of~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: {)iff).s1~ wa::ol4'#;o . : DraInage Easemw-Pa:rs,o) I (PARCEL 2A -0.0832 AC.)~ ,.,s' _ I ~w I y, ~ i., '" I \ 'i:> '"' (j. I ~ :2 I ~ , :g I [5 b z 0 1 '" POINT OF I '1\, 'i:> ~. BEGINNING ~'9 PARCEL 2 AI: I". PARCEl .'lA 5/S" IRf WITH (~.371 AC.) HUITT-ZOL!.ARS I lHE STAUBACH COMPANY (0.0697 AC.) .;:;CA,,-P_~_ VOL.2000046 PC.0290;) SPECTRUM DRIVE RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION • VOL.2000036 PG.02913. IR$ nu ELl'CTRlC CO"p_ ;5/8 ~N'T F1f PlAT VOl..20DOO.J6 PG.tl2:9:13 ~-/l PCOOMINMTE ONCFINGR'-T"....-;....... . .:t-H::~:-i. y cur so ...J ~ IN BRiCK PAVERS _t---------------------------~----_;~~WN~.~,.J.o~.w~.~ THE ASHTON MORRIS AVENUE ~ I VOL.2000036 PG.02913 -------=-----------: ----:1 LOT 1, BLOCK A "'l"" I '" Ib r-: r-..~.. ~ :::l ' 10'-PRIVAlE co".".,CAnoHS -l AMENDED PLAT ff I ~ EASEMENT BY PlAT VOl...20OOO36 PG.029p ...J g: S g Q ADDISON CIRCLE (.) 11t: I LEGEND O~ E ""g'.' PHASE 1/Ii: I Cl I IRS ~ Iron Rod Set with Huitt-Zollor. Ii! VOL.2000153 PC.OOOlS V"J I I yellow plostic cop Cl I IRF ~ Iron Rod Found ~ LOT 1, BLOCK D PAGE 3 OF 3 LOT 1. BLOCK E 1 This is to certify thot the obove survey was o 100 200 ....... "E:OF 1.'mode under my supervision on November 5. 1•"1-•...•. •• I ."\~ ••,••••••t:Jt.c 2002 and thai the meles and bounds shown SCALE:l"=100' CO••*O\ST~...~c.P thereon ore true ond correct to the best of my knowledge.*'() \.' . BASIS OF BEARINGS: t·.E.~.i c·jOHN·YA·HOU·~~···\ The monuments found as coiled for on ttl : .............•..•,... ~0~J____~ _~:{-o3 the amended plot of Addison Circle \., i il 1 r h '\-.I. •<> ----.1 'i '" I 1;:: i;:; I .,,;' ", I I " I 'Q b i ...I I i, ... ~ I ~ I /1 I III RoadWay I Pedestrian Fixture r Spectrum Lights BID NO 04-24 DUE: June 8, 2004 2:30pm -BIDDER CI UI Z !.2 rn E " .., Iii I) .., c .e.l.l iii Option 1 Bid (AI Aluminum Poles # ofdav8 Option 2 Bid (B) Steel Poles #Of days Mels Electric v v v $401.950.00 130 $319700.00 130 Sebaslians Service Co y y y $531.100.00 150 $458.720.00 140 'ffIM..4 &J. Mlnok SIMl. PurJ'b Fax: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 . '.".....:.... " . ....,.. ' . . SITE CONCRETE! INC. PROPOSAL To: Town of Addison 02124104 16801 Westgrove Dr. Site Job # 23·133 Addison, TX 75001 Addison Bid # 04-03 Attn: Luke Jalbert, Project Manager We propose to furnish ail labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct, as an Independent contractor, the following described work: LOCATION: Spectrum Dr. Change Order #1 DESCRIPTION Paving quantity that should be In orlginel contract but are not: 1 6" Gencrate Removal APPROX. 620 SY @$25.00 SY $15,500.00 2 8" Concrete Pavement (No Ume) APPROX. 620 SY @$28.00 SY $17,360.00 3 Sewcut APPROX. 1,300 LF @$10.00 LF $13,000.00 4 Longitudinal Butt Joint APPROX. 1,300 LF @$10.00 LF $13.000.00 5 Remove I Relocate Exist. Fire Hydrant APPROX. 3 EA @$750.00 EA $2,250.00 6 Remove Exist. Inlet Structures APPROX. 2 EA @$500.00 EA $1.000.00 7 Install S'lnlel Structures APPROX. 2 EA @$2,000.00 EA $4,000.00 Subtotal Contract Paving: $66,110.00 Paving for additional side of Fire Lane: 1 6" Concrete Removal APPROX. 935 SY @$25.00 SY $23,375.00 2 8" Concrete Pavemenl (No Ume) APPROX. 935 SY @$28.00 SY $26,180.00 Subtotal Millenlum Paving: $49.555.00 Deducts for dOing Complete Fire Lane 1 Sawcut APPROX. 1,300 LF @-$10.00 LF -$13,000.00 2 Longitudinal Bull Joinl APPROX. 1,300 LF @-$10.00 LF -$13,000.00 Subtotal Fire Lane Deducts: -$26.000.00 Deduct for Water Changes: 1 8" COO9 Water Line APPROX. 100 LF @-$17.00 LF -$1,700.00 2 S"Valves APPROX. 4 EA @-$675.00 EA -$2,700.00 3 Di Fillings (substitute Tees for Crosses) AP1'ROX. 0.25 TON @-$3,500.00 TON -$875.00 Subtotal Deduct Water: -$5.275.00 Deduct for Sanitary Changes: 1 6"SDR APPROX. 400 LF @-$15.00 LF -$6,000.00 2 6" Double Cleanout APPROX. 9 EA @-$350.00 EA -$3.150.00 Subtotal Deduct Sanitary: -$9,150.00 Deduct IronSmlth Tree Grates: 1 SO" Sq Tree Grates APPROX. 34 EA @-$1,200.00 EA -$40,800.00 Subtotal Deduct Tree Grates: -$40.800.00 Add Water: 1 8" x 8" Tapping Sleeve wi Valve Ass. APPROX. 1 EA @$2,500,00 EA $2,500.00 2 Conc. Blocking APPROX. 5 CY @$175.00 CY $875.00 3 12"x12"x8"TeewI12"Cap APPROX. 1 EA @$500.00 EA $500.00 Subtotal Add Sanitary: $3.875.00 Page 1 of2 Add Sanitary: 1 4' ManHole 2 8"SDR 3 8" Caps APPROX. APPROX. APPROK 1 125 4 EA LF EA @@@Subt $2,000.00 EA $15.00 LF $125.00 EA otal Add Sanitary: $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $500.00 $4,500.00 Add Ret\!llnlng Wall: 1 Milsap Stone APPROX. 1,009 SF @$8.00 SF $8,072.00 Subtotal Add Retaining Wall: $8,072.00 Add NEENAH Tree Grates: 1 60" Sq Tree Grates APPROX. 39 EA @$1,300.00 EA $50,700.00 Subtotal Add Tree Grates: $50,700.00 Total Change for Change Order #1 :1 $101,587.001 Note: Ifcomplete Fire Lane is chosen, Site Concrete, Inc will Remove and! or Replace the Curb along our Removal Area next to the Rail Road at no additional cost to the Town of Addsion. . ACCEPTED: BY: DATE: ____________ BANK REF: SITE CONCRETE, INC. 3340 ROY ORR BOULEVARD GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 75050-4207 972-313-0733 FAX #972-513-0825 ESTIMATING FAX #972-513-0661 Page 2 of2 To Owner: Town OfAddison 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, TX 75001 F....m (Coll:U'aclor); Site Concrete 3'340 Roy Orr Blvd Grand Prnirie.1eus 75050 Fax: (972)513_1 Phone: (972) 313-0733 Date: County of: Project: Spectrum Dr. North! South Extension #fi4.ApplicaUon No.: 3 01 Period to 41112004 Conttacl Slart .11212004 Calendar Days 210 (incl any by change order) Date; __4/112004 ConlrRd Close 8!9120()4 Projm:No.: 23-144 Original contract sum~ Net cbange by change orden Contract 'Sum 10 date Total Complettd and stored 10 date tl'J.% Retalnage \J h~tal e~ relalnage rovlous eertlfcatcs of payments Subscribed and SWOrn before me on this. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Inspcdor: BY' Dan: WUdt1 TOWll ofAddhon Assbtant Ctty Engloccr: Daw By: 51:evoo Clndchlan, Town of Addlscn Dat. 51,618,566.30 5101,587.00 S2~?40~153.50 SI,316,306~5 565,815.31 51,250,490.94 S691,393.28 md bcifc:flhew{)rk (:ove:m:l by uw Application fo~ p..,Iyment has boen completed in ar.eordante with IhI;-COllltilCI OC/ellmmu, 11m aU amounts have been pt.id by the Contractor for work for whidl previOUl! Certificau (or Payment were-issued and payments m:eived from lhoOwner. and dUll i:1IM:m payatrol showh berein is now due. Con"~to" ~~ By:: Site Concrete ~ State of: 1~t15 III ac~ordw:oWllh thcCO!IttlU:! [)(,cumt1ltl>. Wt:dOl1 on-s]tc observations md thedala eomptimng tbe :I.'bove application 1M 111,'l1peclor ct:rtifies !hat to the ~I of the lnsped1li' knowledge, ~nftmnatilm and bclierthe w01'k hi'lll pt'Ogn:5Sed as indiea1«1., !he<[Ull11ty or the W¢fk is in aeeordante vAth theCon~ Ooewneots, and the C01tl.r.WIorU entillt:d to payment fo, the AmOlltlt Certified. Amount Certified; P"So: 11;1!1 ~1I'"'' 6J*I.rumpay~3-»Q4" Co_Shlllotlt MM2IJOoI Pow:] Town Of Addison DATE: 4/1/2004 ESTIMATE: 3 Spectrum Dr. North! South extension #04-03 1.00 $75,000.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $75,000.00 0.00 $0.00 114.00 $1,140.00 114.00 $1,14Q.O() 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $475.00 19.00 $475.0() 0.00 $0.00 6859.00 $13,718.00 6659.00 $13,718.00 0.00 $0.00 113.00 $10,170.00 113.00 $10,170.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 44.00 $1,100.00 44.00 $1,100.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.50 $3,750.00 0.25 $1,875.00 0.75 $5,625.00 10200.00 $96,900.00 8000.00 $76,000.00 18200.00 $172,900.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $1,900.00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $1,900.00 1050.00 $1,575.00 0.00 $0.00 1050.00 $1,575.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00000000 $0.00 0.00000000 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OI) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $179,125.00 $104,478.00 $283,603.00 Page: 1 of 10 4/112004 spectrum pay estimate 3-30-04 -Mar 2004 Town Of Addison ENGINEER.ING DATE: 4i1i2004 ESnw.rE: 3 Spectrum Dr. Northl South Exfl\tnslon "'+03 9.00 $1,715.00 0.00 $'>'00 9.ao $1,715,00 0.8$ $2.975.00 0.25 $815.00 1:to $3.850.00 30.00 $1,350.00 0.00 $0.00 30.00 $1,3S0,00 36S,00 $6,613.00 100.00 $1,700.00 489.00 $8,313.00 1007.00 $21.147.00 80.00 $1.S&O.00 1081.00 $22.827,00 3.00 13.00 $1,725.00 5s.ns,ao 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.00 13.00 $1,72$,00 $6,175.00 5.00 $6,000.00 0.00 $0.00 $.00 $6,000.00 3.00 $6,000.00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $6,000.00 2.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $3.000.00 1.00 $750.00 0.00 $0,00 $750.00 1.00 $775.00 0.00 $0.00 $775.00 2.00 $500.00 0.00 $0.00 ~ $$00.00 1.00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 $750.00 38.00 $265.00 0.00 $0.00 38,00 $285.00 1596,00 $1,$96.00 0.00 $0.00 1598.00 $1,596.00 1.00 $3,$00.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $3,500.00 151.QO $4,228.00 80.00 $2,240.00 231.00 $8,468.00 59.00 $1,941.00 0.00 $0.00 59.00 $1.947.00 75.00 $2,925.00 0.00 $0.00 75.00 $2.925.00 186.00 $8,460.00 0.00 $0.00 168.00 $8,460.00 26.00 $1,326,00 0.00 $0.00 26.00 $1,326.00 46.00 $2,760.00 0.00 $0.00 46.00 $2,760.00 261.00 $18.00$1,00 0.00 $0.00 261.(10 $18,009.00 426,00 $39,376.00 0.00 $0.00 428.(10 $3$1,376.00 1.00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $750.00 {)'oo $0.00 1.50 $3,000.00 1.50 $3,000.00 0.00 $0.00 2.2$ $5,400.00 2,25 $5,400.00 0,(10 $0.00 2.00 $7.000,00 2.00 $7,000.00 15,(10 $7,500.00 0.00 $0.00 15.00 $7.500.00 aoo $4,500.00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $4,500.00 11.00 $3,850,00 0.00 SO.Oo 11.00 $3,850.00 1235.00 $19,760.00 0.00 $0.00 1235.00 $19,760.00 9.00 0.00 3.00 $135.(10 $0.00 KOOO.OO (9.f $6,000.00 $3,150.00 $0.00 409.00 '9.00 3.00 $6,135.00 $3,150.00 $6,000.00 3.00 $450,00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $450.00 1235.00 $1,852.50 0.00 $0.00 1235.00 $1,852.50 1235.00 $1.235.00 0.00 $O~O 1235.00 $1,235.00 100 $1,500.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 S1,500.00 1052.00 S1:2O.980.oo 0.00 $0.00 1052.00 $120.000.00 1.00 $3.000,00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $3,000.00 2.00 $24.000.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $24,000,00 1.00 $12.500.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $12,500.00 3.00 $1.500,00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $1,500.00 $355,009.50 $31,045.00 $pectrum pay 6S1ir&!SY~ ~ Mar 2004 Town Of Addison ENGINESEAING DATE: ESTIMATE: 4I1f2004 3 Spectrum Dr. North! Soulh ExtensIon #04.03 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0,00 10.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 10.00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 CLOO SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO C25iOO1 S88,315.5O 25233.00 $88,315.50 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 S(100 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0,00 P"90: 3 of 1 0 411f2004 spectrum pay eslirnafe ~O-04 -Mar 2004 Town Of Addison DATE: 411/2004 ESTIMATE: 3 Spec:trum Dr. Northl South Extension #04-03 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 SO.oo SO.OO SO.oo SO.OO SO.OO SO.oo $0.00 SO.OO som so.oo SO.oo SO.OO som SO.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 SO.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO som $0.00 SO.OO SO.oo $0.00 $O.llO $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $O.l)O 0.00 $D.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.ilO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.oO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $O.DO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page: 4 of 10 411J2004 spectrum pey estimate 3-JO.04 -Mar 2004 Town Of Addison DATE: eSTIMATE: 41112004 3 Spectrum Or. North! 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Mar 2004 Town Of Addison DATE: 41112004 ESTIMATE: ; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OJ)O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO.OO so.OO SO.OO $0.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 so.oo SO.OO so.oo $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {},OO 0.00 0.00 so.oo so.OO SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 so.oo SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO so.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 SO.oo $0,00 0.00 so.oo 000 SO.OO 0.00 so.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 so.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 so.oo 0.00 so.OO 0.00 so.OO 0.00 so.oo 0.00 so.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 so.oo 0.00 so.OO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 o.oc $0,00 So.oo 0,00 $0.00 C.DO SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 $0.00 Page: 11 of 10 41112004 speetrum PAY esl!mat& 3-30-04 ~ Mar 2004 Town Of Addison DATE: 41112004 ESTIMATE: 3 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $01)0 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 ono SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 Iloo $0.00 0.00 $0-00 ----------" 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 So.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.(lO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $000 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Page: 90f 10 4/1/2004 speclfUm pay estimate ~30-04 -Mar 2004 DATE: 4/112004 ESTIMATE; • Town Of Addison Spectrum Or. North} South ExtensIon #04-OJ 0.00 $0.00 0.7. $76,190,25 0,75 $76,19(1.25 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 50.00 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 50.00 GRANO TOTAL $2,63-8,566.50 $734,624.S0 $583,181.75 $1.316.305,.25 4&,9% Page: 10 of 10 4/1/20()4 spectrum pay estkn6te 3-3Q.04 -Mar 2004 To Owner: From (Contractor): Fax: Phone: Tho Town Of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 Site Concrete 3340 Roy Orr Blvd Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 (972) 513-0661 (972) 3 \3-0733 and bcliefthe work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for work Cor which previow; Catificats ror Pllyment Wtn'l issued and payments received from the Ovmer, and that eurrent payment shoWTl herein is now due. Contractor: By: Site Concrete State of: Subscribed and Sworn before me on this ___day of , 2003 Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Inspector's CertiCcate for Payment In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site: observlltions and the data comprising the above application the Inspector certifies that to the: best of the lru..pector's knowledge, inrormation and belie:fthe: work has progressed as indicated, the quality or the work is in accordance with the ContraCt Documents, and the: Contractor is entitled to p~yment fo the Amount Certified. ,'I,''';··· .·;'1:· .-:;'!:'''.'. . .. ,.::'" 'rl:::'~"" "";:11: "i !",d,",··: ' . ·':i·' ~pplication andCertific"te:'For Payment' " .. "·"i':'!'" ,'" ". . Date: County of: Project: Spectrum Dr. North! South Extension 1104-Applicallon No.: 03 Period to Contract Start 111212004 Calendar Days 210 (incl any by change order) Date: Contract Close Inspector: By; Dave Wllde, Town or AddIson Assistant City Engineer: 81912004 Project No.: Original contract sum: Net change by change orders Contract sum 10 date Total Completed and stored to date 5.0% Relalnage Tolal earned less retalnage Less previous certlfcates of payments o.t, 3 41112004 4/112004 23-144 52,638,566.50 SI01,587.00 $2,740,153.50 SI,316,306.25 565,815.31 $1,250,4'90.'94 56'97,893.28 Amount Certified: $,_______________________________ By: Date Sl.eYen CbulchlaJ1, Town or Addison PII\IO: 10f1 41112004 apedtum pay eetlmota 3-30-04 • Cover Sheal Mar 2004 App 3 50 YEARS OF FUN! FAX ® \, ) 50 YEARS Of fUN! p~Si:g1'1.I ... 26-610\ V1'Y) IV~ (( f'/~~:A~~(jj;g~ 28.0.10.,' r~ tVq}!~.~ 30. Drwi::::!. (3v1Wl1J 31. 32. ) 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ___________ 50 YEARS OF FUN! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (972) 450·2871 FAX (972)450·2837 ® Post Office Box 9010 Addis<>R. Texas 75001.9010 16801 Westgrove P~S4fn; ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 'l1ie City Councif ofthe Town of.Jtaaison anathe 'Pu6fic 1VorRS 'Deyartment cordlaffy invite you to a 1ti660n-Cutting Ceremony to formaffy oyen anafight the new Syectrum 'Drive extension on :frtaay, 'Decem6er 17, 2004 S:30 y.m. Parki'YIfJ arong Syectrum :Drive, '.Refresfi:rrumts ana North of.JtrtyJafio 'Road: :Entertainment Page 1 of 1 Sue Ellen Fairley Irom: OliphantPR@aol.com Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 3:04 PM To: Sue Ellen Fairley; Jenny Nicewander Subject: Spectrum Invite list vue Ellen, Wasn't sure you could read our scribbled notes from our meeting with Chris today so thought I'd translate additions to the invite list: /?(),t/1d,( 61l ,4;;4&,,:-'7 J7)t;; I //"h.J Zs:-tJOp -lA Board of directors 'i" 4J....U~3 L;~~~Pit-.-.dtrocrest Chamber Board of Directors z.., tI--cfrJ. -"~O /,;l () 'f' 1/A.~t'O x..Owner and property manager (s) for Millenniumbuilding, Aventura and Post Properties -Zl'l-cf'4=oF <. jjly j.lQR'18a rel3Feselitalive c.e...r'*. or.:: /'" /./? ;ef, . County Commissioner Jim Jackson and his soon-to-be replacement, Maurine Dickey -:J.~II v()e...ne(p'--2.-..i )<. ~oever you work with at DART ~4I1AS 75Z I 'I..North Dallas Chamber of Commerce President Steve T%07~dlC~;;17i~~. .::z>t9-/I'~ '?S":2:, 0 I need complete names and addresses for all non-Addison folks. Staff and Council will go through internal mail. mail. Chris would like the invitations out Monday or Tuesday. THANKS! 12/3/2004 Carson Coleman r-r;0),'Oi'" s~n~ , :.'2:0<10" & Anodal." Inc, 3333 Welborn Sfreel • Suile 200 •. Dallas, TX 75219 SITE CONCRETE, INC. 3332 Roy Orr • Grand Prairie, Texas 75050-4207 Jesse Lopez Utility Porrnum Mailing Address: Box 1544B9 In,jng. Texas 75015·4489 (972) 313-0733 Pager: I SITE CONCRETE, INC. 3332 Roy Orr· Grand Prairie, Texas 75050-4207 Mailing Address: Box 1544B9 Irving, Texas 75015-4489 (972) 313-0733 TIM KI':IEI'IL.I':SEI'I PHONE: 214.565,1074 C£LL: 214.354,1902 FAX: 214.565. t 081 T1M@MEI..SELECTF416 rv i I lSI ~ U1 rv ~'" e.hei!tl!@mtj!tx.o!9 TJ ~ rmwantb!ie.&'9 r ~ N ! p tbUS .....§tlodlwil:yco.«Im ~ netdltwm.wll14.@I\I)tIl'lAif.()CHn :s rv ~ ~ ~ rv 1) rv ! ~ \fJ .. ADDISON BUSINESSASSOCIAnON I .~ WARD O"F" D..IR ECTORS ~ ~ Phone E!! E-Mail j:. !Il JEANNE HOOKER .. PrHident ~ t440It'.JoM)I Lm.. Fb;'tnloUS Brancl"l. Tun: 1523C ~ ",!«>, (!t72~ 8U·1a0S61 Com",,$$ BanI( (2f4) 14J6..6(12a .a'4) 891J"",6/lJ Of.aiq.bm!@:eornpmbP11C.C9l!!! :u ...•. -..;--_ ... .-Vj' \1 ~ •.... ",I 8 -......,. }( \S) ';Y [ ~ (\J ; \1~k ~ ~ ~ 1.Y..\j {) 2 ~ • Spectrum Drive Town Council and Mayor Ron Whitehead Slade Strickland Mike Murphy Jim Pierce Steve Chutchian Jenny Nicewander Robin Jones Jerry Davis Dave Wilde Jose Flores AI Dent Carmen Moran Lea Dunn Chris Terry Mario Canizares Les Folse Lynn Chandler Hamid Khaleghipcur Shanna Sims MinokSuh Randy Moravec Bryan Langley Liz Oliphant Bryan Piper /3340 Roy Orr Blvd Grand P(arie Tx 75050-4207 DATE SUBMITTED: June 11,2004 FOR COUNCIL MEETING: June 22, 2004 Council Agenda Item: SUMMARY: This item is for the award ofcontract to Mels Electric, L.P., in the amount of $319,700.00, to furnish and install steel street and pedestrian light poles, and luminaries on the Spectrum Drive Construction Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $3,100,000 Cost: $319,700.00 Source ofFunds: Funds are available from the FY 2002 General Obligation Bond Program (Spectrum Drive), and residual funds from Inwood/S. Quorum and Addison Road Widening Projects. BACKGROUND: Construction of Spectrum Drive North/South improvements is currently underway. The portion ofSpectrum Drive, from Morris Avenue to Airport Parkway, is a continuation of the second phase ofthe Addison Circle project. Spectrum Drive is also being extended south, from the DART railroad right-of-way to Arapaho Road. The design ofa Quiet Zone at the railroad crossing and streetscape improvements are also included in the project. The contractor, Site Concrete, Inc., has completed the majority ofthe roadway construction and will perfurm the installation ofconcrete foundations and associated electrical items for the installation of street and pedestrian light poles. However, the Town worked with a lighting consultant to develop a new design for street and pedestrian lights (see attached drawing) that are scheduled for implementation on Spectrum Drive and subsequently on Addison Road and Arapaho Road. The new light poles will provide an enhanced aesthetic look within the proposed streetscape design and optimum lighting coverage within the entire street right-of-way. Attached is a bid tabulation for this project. Bidders were given the opportunity to bid on both aluminum and steel poles for the street and pedestrian lights. Mels Electric, L.P. submitted the lowest bid for steel poles, in the amount of$319,700.00, and 130 calendar days for delivery and installation. Due the exclusive nature ofthis project, the Town only received two bids for consideration, Accordingly, the Town has already approved a change order with the principal contractor on Spectrum Drive for the deduction of costs for installing standard "shoe-box" type poles. The amount ofthe change order directly \ " \ related to the street and pedestrian lights is approximately $130,787. As a result, the affect ofthis bid for new light poles results in a net increase to the total project cost of $188,913. Upon completion ofthe light pole fuundations by Site Concrete, Inc., the new poles will be installed in place and electrical connections finalized by Mels Electric, L.P. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mels Electric, L.P., for furnishing steel street and pedestrian light poles, and luminaries, in the amount of$319,700.00. Addendum No.1 The contractor is required to submit a bid for the aluminum type street light and pedestrian light, as specified in the original contract documents. In addition, the contractor shall also submit a bid for steel type street and pedestrian lights, with identical outside appearance, dimensions, fixtures, and electrical components. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, for either the aluminum or steel type lights. The contractor shall also submit a delivery schedule and indicate the total number of calendar days required to complete delivery and installation ofall lights. In addition, the contractor shall submit design specifications for the proposed steel type street and pedestrian lights with the bid, and shall be subject to approval by the Town ofAddison. TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #'------Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address > Address Zip Code EXPLANATION ~~ Authorized Signature Fihance P. O. BOX 2650 TULSA, OK 74101-2650 918.493.5172 Date: August 9, 2004 Mr. Steve Chutchian 16801 Westgrove Drive Invoice No. 5996 Addison, IX 75001-5190 Total: $ 12,000.00 We invoice you $12,000.00 for pipeline adjustment to accommodate Spectrum Road. Invoice total: S 12,000.00 U;· Summary of Invoice for Spectrum Road Excavation and Inspection Company/Contractor Description of Work Amount Site Concrete 18" Storm Sewer Repair $ 5,000.00 Driver Pipeline Excavation and Inspection $75,926.88 IRIS Non Destructive Testing $ 1,028.50 Cleveland Inspection Third Party Inspection $ 8,774.50 DART Protection/Flagging $ 9,250.00 Total > $99,979.88 SITE CONCRETE. INC. Invoice To: Explorer Pipeline 071G8/1M 6846 S. Canton Dr. SIIe.Jab.. 23-144 Tulsa, OK 74136 Addlaon Bid II CJ4.03 918-493·5172 Fax 918 ....93·5148 Attn: Patrick Nwakoby This is an invoice for the following described wcrk: LOCATION: SIomI Seowr Repair. SJ)IIdnIm Dr. RailRoad Crossing • DESCRIpu9N Approach @Rlilllroad elOPing: ~ Repair lind/or ReplaCe 100' of1S" ReP APPROX. 1 LS @J 55,000.00 EA $5,000.00 lind 1 (one) Type D HHdwaIl Totllllnvoa: ",000.00 .~.) t3fg SITE COHCRETE:lNc: 33040 ROY ORR BOULEVARD GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 7505Q..4207 972-31U733 FAX 1912.513-0825 ESTIMATING FAX n72-513-0661 f-·····~'~''':""· : " .. L:'.· .. ' ;;t/t~MA1/~ l~--··'· l"...........~ ." , .', -" • . Pagel.11 i .. . June 30,1004 Ex.plorer Pipeline Company P. O. BOll 1650 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101 Driver Pipeline Co., Inc. 2019 Ruder Oollae. T_75212·S542 Attn: Mr. Patrick Nwakoby {214} 638-7131 (214) 831l-713S F.. INVOICE NO. 80116 Contract No. OC-440 AFE: 5996 Loeation: McEntire and Spectral, Addison, TX. Excavate la"'pipeline forinspeclion and make necessary repairs as directed by Explorer representative, backfill and compact ditchline. Total Labor and Eqt. Charges as per attached backup" Sales Tax 8.25% Total Third Party Charges as per attached backup 15"10 Handling Charge on Third party Sales Tax 8.25% on Handling 67,462.95 5,565.69 676.07 101.41 8.37 INVOICED BY: A ~~".::l~r;j(L~!::·:::::~_____.!T~O:!TAL~,--..:$!.!7~3.:!!:81~4.:!!.4:::19 -1"" RECO~NDED:___________ RECOMMENDED:_________ RECO~ED:.______ APPROVED:________ f if II! !; ,. j .. ~ i , . II ~~Ii fl ~1~li i e~ ei i irri wrrnI ,i.. P f' H ~ ~ i ~ ! ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ii [ j f ~ q m ~ 1 I · I • e I I t I! . ~ e II ~ i. I . Ie • II II ! 'I I. • Ii! ! s !' '. "! ~ e I~ s t I: I: ~ Ii! S I! " " II Ie "II! s ~ I•• • S '. ~ ~ ~ . s \: • c c I i. ~ --• -. : !•f ~ . ; t "•• -: ; ! -! ! • • I l! I. I ! ! • • • • I. ! if = ,I '. § I § 'I ~ I I I i ~ 1m I~ ~k~ ~Ii I; l b Ii ~~ i b~ I~ ~ ~ III~ m~I~ I~ I~ 1;1' e ~.~~li~i~~!II~ ~ I iTIH'rl '~f Il f~ i ~ 2 ~ i ~ = I ~ . i. Ii · ! II ~ I. § . • ~ ! . il S e • ! S • I I II -1£ ! $ It · s I: • · I. s. ! :1 . • I -! i! , • ! ! • ~ ! -• ' I I ! i t I ! ! ·; e ! ! ! ! • • § • • I t · • i JlI:bb~IJUi~ ~ 1~li ~ I;I~~~~ 1~ln i m~~~E~i il /July 7.2004 Explorer Pipeline Company .! P. O. Box 2650 f Tnlsa, Oklahoma 74101 Attn: Mr. Patrick Nwakoby INVOICE NO. 80126-02 Driver Pipeline Co .• Inc. 2019 RudOr Dallas, Texa. 75212-5542 (214) 538-7131 (214)638-7138 Fax Contraet No. OC-440 AFE; 5996 Localion: McEntire and Spectral, Addison. TX. Excavate 12" pipeline for inspection and make necessary repairs :~~~;:~~~ E~~~~rrep~ntative, backfill and compect r~;U:> Qi~tclean-up and demobilization. "'--......,~ ,-.. ~. -.. --,.~ " .. , Total Labor and Eqt. Charges as per attached backup 1.951.40 Sales Tax 8.25% 160.99 /ArE" 5'7-17 f-AFS S 1Cf' 1--t.-i) C ::1 ;. I PA-~ 71,,,/0'1, TOTAL 52,112.19 RECOMMENDED: RECOMMENDED:______ RECOMMENDED:------APPROVED:________ 80126-02 J/, //I I "ate: 107107/04 Invoice No: 18D121W1~ Co. Rep.: IPlrtlck Hwakobv Work Order #: I I L I I Hourlll ' rk· bar INVOICE i Unit Total ItamNo. Item Description .... Qtv Rate Cost 30 SUDOrintendent I i ,.D 10 40.00 400.00 140 Eaulomant Oceralll< 1IlJ> 10 I 28.00 260.00 280 !.abet ... 30 15.90 477.00 .1SO" Tandem Truck OriVer .. 6 24.90 149,40 i 1 Total Labor Charges 1,286.40' HOUrIV~. I ot. t Unit Total Item No. Item Da8Cli Don .... ". Qty Rate Cost 330 3f4.Tan PIcku!:> Truck , ,",' I 20 9.30 laB.OC 370 l·Ton Cniw cab Truck 0 18.00 0.00 350 1·Tan TIUck I '''' 10' 11.90 119.00 490 Truck Tractar wi Lowbov .. 6 60.00 360.00 I I Total Eqt. Charges 665.00 I I , Tolal Labor& Eqt. Charges 1.951.40 Sales Tax 8.25% 160.99 Third Pa a. ! i I ; Item No. Da8CIiption Total I Rata Eamad , 0.00 1.00 0.001 : 0.00 1.00 0'.00 I 0'.00 I TOIaI Third Partv Cha!'ll!18 0.00 15% HandOng Charga. 0.00 -Sales Tax 8.25% on HandlIng 0.00 I I I Tota/lnllolce ; 2,112.39 Page 1 /-, ! Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc. PO Box 100 I l 6 Miles SE of Cleveland Cleveland. OK 74020 /1 (918) 358-3527 ! Explorer Pipeline Company Attn: P. R. Erlandsen P. O. Box 2650 Tulsa. OK 74101-2650 INVOICE #6041862 PAGE 1 OATE 06/22/04 ACCOUNT 14954 SITE 70616 Gary D. Armstrong Chief Inspector 5996 .06/06/04 -06112104 Rate 7 Day(s) @325.00 2.275.00 TOTAL COST FOR 06/06/04 -06/12/04 2.275.00 Invoice inc/us 7 days ofper dil!1ll at SI25:qo pe~ doy. IlOl exceeding CUmnl yearfedem/per diem ratefor lodging. pIllS mIDis and lncldtlllal expenses. 06/13/04 -06/19/04 Rate 7 Day(S) @325.00 2.275.00 TOTAL COST FOR 06/13/04 -06/19/04 2.275.00 Invoice indus 7 doys ofplIr diem at $125.00 per doy. nat exceeding al"mt YlDr federal per diem rQlefo~ lodging, plus 11Itals and Int:tiUIIIal expenses. P/lQSt remit paymenJ to: Cleveland Inspection Services. Inc. Dept # 1041 Tulsa. OK 74182 LC c.. ,/i , INVOICE #6042025 ! Cleveland Inspection Services, Inc. -j PO Box 100 PAGE 1 i 6 Miles SE of Cleveland Cleveland, OK 74020 DATE 07/07/04 •i ,/(918) 358-3527 ACCOUNT 14954 EX~lorer Pipeline Company SITE 70616 At n: P. R. Erlandsen P. O. Box 2650 Tulsa. OK 74101-2550 Gary·n. Armstrong Chief Inspector 5996 06/20/04 -06/26/04 Rate 7 Oay(s) @325.00 2.275.00 TOTAL COST FOR 06/20/04 06/26/04 2.275.00 « Invoice Inch.des '7 days 01per dim lit $125.00 per day. 1101 w:eed1118 Cll.mrnI yearledilral per diem raJelor lodging. 2lus meal.s and Incidenull t!1ptMtS.06/27/04 07/03/04« Rate . 2 Day(s) @325.00 650.00 .. TOTAL COST FOR 05/27/04 -07/03/04 650.00 invoice illCludllll 2 dayi ofper dil/lllllt $125.00 per day, 1101 l!XCeedln8 CUmrnl yearfeikral per diem raJe for lod8ing, pIllS tlU!ois and lndt/enlIll t!1penses. INVOICE TOTAL 2.925.00 P/£Dse umil paymellllO: Cleveland Inspection Services. Inc. Dept # 1041 ..!!i>""97 $I, "f 6 ~.5'1:> Tulsa. OK 74182 ~FE . . Fe 5CfCf&:' ~ .',4 r..z-s-o ,"-oc. .;lSI ~l!/t~, VA-AI 7/111/0 '1t ••~!,::;;~.ti·:Jdh':';(' iJt...vr ,, ,.w:·;~O'.':r: {.::!,: 9"1'~,,-~~~:j t ,.1, ",'".''' \'i"'.?,:I~.,L ~ ["'~~'-.:."~~' .-.:~-"., ," .. ; i //; INVOSCE SEFI\IICE TO LOCATIONEXPLORER PU'ELINE CO. ,·'lTTi'h ACCOUNTS PAYABLE P.O SOX 2650 ~·;.;L~;'A,:, ORLAHONA ( ) 14-1IIlt • PlEASE MAKE PAYMafTS TO: 1115 W. 41'" Strht. 'U.IIba. 01( 74107 81LUNG INQUIRIES, ...... (lI11I) +IlHl713 fax (918) 44IHl'?7 TEfWS-NET '0 DIi ON PIIIST DL5 ACcoUNTS !'!.EASE INDICIa'E IIMlICE "WHEN MAKING PAYMENT ACCOUNT NO. . Dr SPA TCH 4~S033 QJ6/1e~/:lI-+ uLT Rt:'1SQi"'; tC f -.-."b i' 1!'i':; & ['I'l}-l I OJ',.i2: !·"j4N ULW[HASDN.:C: 'rC:~:'l ':")\;(3 ::;; lq~.f .' ~)·~t:~ ~'r'':'{~ .':·i\it:: MAN! CVi:.U(, '( Ii'fif;. M~:".EAGE PER DIEt1:"1:)(;:: ( !rj(·)N ~'!-tONE I '.' l.. ..e. /' L.. c:. 1... .... ~~, ........ "--'"'.....-.~ -',.' I 4. 0iZi 55.00. (I. ~t!; 55.0lLl 0.50 77.00 40<10.00 0.55 1.00 100.00 2.00 5.00 TOTAL 220.00 4·40.00 ,31.'1. 5il1 2;::0.00 100.00 10.00 1,028.50 , IRI~"I3!HoIA Dallas, Garland" Northeastern Railroad (DGNO) 40$ International Pkwy.. Suite 500 RichardllOn, TX 75081 972-1108-9800 phone 972-808-9903 lax INVOICE /I M1084 INVOICE DATE 07/0112004 Protection and flagging at Dallas, TX. IW~'rkirla within you 25 foot right of way In the Dallas area. 26 thru 31, 2004 1 thru 30. 2004 1,2004 8daya 0 30da~ 0 1 day 0 $250.00 per day $250.00 per day $250.00 per day S 1,500.00 $7,500.00 S 250.00 Please Remit to: Dalla, Garland & Northeastern Railroad (DONO) RallAmerlca, Inc. P. O. Box 409590 AIIanl&, GA 30364-9590 AlllICCounts are due andpsyable within 30 days. A finance charge of2%psrmonth will be charged on all pastdue accounts eueData 9,250.00-I TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #~_:...-___ Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION ~~ Authorized Signature Finance ITo Owner: Town Of Addison 16801 Weslgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 From (C1 pay esUmale 8· August Town Of Addison OATE: 813112"'" ESTiMATE: , Speetrum Dr. North! South Eltteoslon tKt+03 9.llO $1,11Qj)O 0.00 $<).00 9.80 $1,715.00 1.10 $3,8&UIO 0.00 $<).00 1,10 $3.850.00 30.00 489,00 1087.00 .$1.350.00 $8,313.00 $22,821.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO 30.00 ,..."" 1087,00 $1,350.00 $£1,313.00 $22,827.00 3.00 $1,72.5,00 0.00 $<).00 3.00 $1,725.00 1MO $6,775.00 0.00 $<).00 13.00 $8,775.00 5.00 $6,000.00 0.00 $<).00 5.00 $6,000.00 3.00 -5:5.000.00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $6,000.00 2.00 $3,000.00 0.00 10.00 200 $3,000.00 1.00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 $0.00 '.00 $500.00 2." .....00 0.00 10.00 1.00 $750.00 1.00 .$750.00 38.00 $21lS.OO 0.00 $0.00 38.00 $285.00 1596.00 $1,596.00 0.00 $0.00 1596,00 $1,596.00 1.00 $3,500,00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 53,500.00 231.DO $6.4e8,OO 0.00 $<)." 231.00 $6,468.00 SMO $1,947.00 0.00 $<)00 59.00 $1.947.00 75,00 $2,92:5.00 0.00 $0.00 75.(m $2,925,00 188.00 $6,460.00 0.00 $0.00 186.00 $8,460.00 2aoo 411.01) $1.326.00 $2,760.00 .0...". $0.00 $<).00 ''MO 46.00 $1,326.00 $2,760.00 26'.00 $18,009.00 0." 10.00 2£1.00 $18,009.00 428.00 n$,376.oo 0.00 $0.00 428.00 539,376.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 $750.00 $4.000.00 $1,200,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $Q,oo ,no '.0, 3.00 $750.00 $4,000,00 $7,200,00 2.00 .$7.000,00 0.00 $<).00 '.00 $7,000,00 15,00 $7,500,00 •.00 $<).00 15.00 $7.....00 3.00 $4,500.00 0.00 10.00 100 $4.500.00 11.00 $3,850.00 0.00 $0.00 11.00 $3,850.00 1235.00 $1&,760,00 0.00 10·00 1235.00 $19,100.00 409.DO $6,135,00 0.00 10.00 _0. SG.135.oo 9.00 $3,150,00 •.00 10.00 9.00 $3,100.00 3.00 $6,000.00 0.00 10.00 3.00 $6,000,00 3.00 $450.00 0.00 $0.00 10' $450.00 1235.00 $1,852.50 0.00 $0·00 1235.00 $1,852.50 1235.00 $1,235.00 0.00 $0.00 1235.00 $1,235.00 1.00 $l.soo.00 0.00 10.00 '.00 $1.500.00 1052.00 $120,980.00 0.00 $0.00 1052.00 $120,0&1.00 1.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $0.00' ,..0 $3,000.00 2.00 $24,000,00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $24.000,00 1.00 $12,500,00 ,.00 10.00 1.00 $12.500.00 3.00 $1,500.00 •.00 10.00 3.00 $1,500.00 $367.819,5(l $1,250.00 $389,069.50 Page; 2of10 913'2004 pay estimnte 8 ~ August Town Of Addison $pocttum Or. Northl South i.deflllk»'l #04-03 DATE: 813112004 ElmMATE: • 0.25 $7.~,OO 0.75 $22,:500.00 1.00 $30,000.00 '"00 $27,600:,00 0.00 $0.00 23.00 $27,600.00 1841.00 $38,661.00 0.00 $0.00 1841.00 $38.661.00 0110 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 23991.00 $65,975.25 1242.00 $3.-41~.50 25233.00 $69,300,75 25233.00 $88,315.50 0.00 $O,1Xf 25233.00 tlea,liS,5I} 23991.00 $59,977.50 1242.00 $3.105.00 25233.00 $63,082,5(} 0.00 SMa 228.00 $1,710-00 moo $1,710,00 Page: 3 0110 913/2004 pay esli.ma!e 8 ~ August Town Of Addison DATE: 8131/2004 ESTIMATE: 6 Spectrum Dr. North! South eJ(ton$ktn fl04-03 0.00 $0<00 .<00 $250JlO 2<00 $250.00 0.00 0.00 $0<00 $0,00 ,<00 1m $3,500,{)O $50,1)(l 1.1" ,<00 $3,500.00 $50.00 000 SO.OO 1.00 $1,200,1)(1 1.I)() $1,200.00 0<00 "'<00 1.00 $900.00 1,1)0 $900.00 0<00 "'<00 1.00 $75.00 1,00 $75.00 0<00 $OJ" 1.00 $50.00 1.00 $50.00 0.00 $0<00 51.00 $939,(}o 57.00 $969.00 261aDO $7,&lIl.OO 0.00 $0.00 2615.00 $7,848.00 :3050..00 $9,100.00 0.00 $0.00 3050,00 $9,150,00 0<00 SO,OO 156.00 $1,092.00 156.00 $1.0~.OO 0<00 SO,OO 4.00 $52.00 4.00 $52'.00 0<00 SO,OO 300,00 $900.00 300.00 _<00 0<00 $0<00 30<00 $120.00 30<00 $1<10.00 0<00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0<00 ,tWO 0<00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0.00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0.00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0.00 $0<00 .<00 $1.000.00 '<00 $1,"50.00 ,,00 $2,150.00 13.00 0,00 $6,500.00 $000 9<00 0<00 $4.500.00 $0<00 >2<00 0.00 $11,000.00 $Om 16.00 "_00 12.00 $6,000.00 26<00 $14,000.00 0<00 $0<00 om $0<00 0<00 $0<00 0<00 $0<00 ,<00 $300<00 ,<00 $300.00 5165,163.00 $32,49$.00 $21,706.00 $5U06..oo Page:4of 10 '''''''''' paYI)$!.imato 6~AugU$1 Town Of Addison DATE: 00'12004 esTIMATE: • Spectrum Or. Northl south E!xtem~lort #04-tI3 DAlE: 913112004 1.00 143.00 11.00 3115.00 51.00 _,00 1834.00 118,.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.50 '9.00 350,00 ',00 1,00 0,00 0,00 3400.00 0,00 0,00 $15,000,00 S1,43ttoo $275,00 $5,230,,)0 $4,5®.OO $&4,000.00 $5,502,00 $1,180,00 $0.00 $0.00 $00' $000 $000 -$3,750.00 $1,900.00 $525.00 $250.00 $50,000.00 $0,00 "',00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $265,222.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.0' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 5,00 0,50 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 237.00 0.00 0.00 4G(J,QO It,(\() $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0,00 IIl,OO IIl,OO $420,00 $0.00 $0,00 IIl,OO 51.75OJXl $3,750.00 "'.00 "'.00 So.OO SO.OO $4,740.00 $0,00 $0,00 $920.00 $1.650.00 $13,230.00 1.00 143.00 11.00 3115.00 51.00 3000,00 1834,00 116.00 3M" 0.00 0,00 0.00 5.00 1.00 19.00 "",00 '"0 1.00 237,00 0,00 ,,"000 460.00 11.00 $75,000,00 $1A3O.oo $275.00 $6,230.00 $4.590.00 S84.00ttOO SS,502,OO St,1SQ,OO $420.00 SO,OO so.oo $0.00 $1,750.00 $7,500.00 51,900.00 =.00 _,00 $50,000,00 $4,740.00 $0.00 $30,600.00 $920.00 51.650.00 $218,462.00 P*:5Qf10 9lJi2004 pay estimate 8. August Town Of Addison DATE: 813112004 ESTIMATE: 8 :2UIO 53,915,00 0,00 $0,00 21.80 $3,815.00 0,50 51,750,00 0,00 $0.00 O,SO $l,T5(J.OO :24,00 $1,000,00 0,00 $0.00 2.11.00 $1,080.00 ",00 $1,445,00 0,00 $0,00 85.00 $1.445.00 640.00 1.00 4.00 UlO $13,440,00 $575,00 $2,100,00 $1,200,00 0,00 ..." ",00 0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 640.00 1,00 4,00 1.00 $13,440.00 $575.00 $2,700.00 $1,200.00 1.00 $2.000.00 '0,00 $O,{)O 1.00 $2,000.00 >00 $3,000.00 ",00 $0.00 2,00 $3,000.00 126.00 $:28,350.00 ",00 $0.00 126,{)o $28,350.00 1,00 $150,00 ',00 5150.00 2.00 $1,SOO.00 0,00 $0,00 0'.00 $0.0 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 200 $500,{)O >00 5500.00 0,00 'MO 1.00 $150.00 ',00 $750.00 00.'" 75-0733 By: Site Concrete State or, 1ZJ(f\:S, Subscribed and Sworn before me on tbis...3Ot\1 day of Notary Public: My Commission Expires: In aeccrdancewith the COnl:i'aet Doo.unt.nlS. band OIl Oil-lite ob!~ and ~ (®lpriSihg the above spplicatiOlllhc wpct;!01' certlfies wt to the best otthe the ~k u in ae.torda;uec with the Co!l1.mct DOCWDmlS, and the: COtll.rtIClcr jj entided tI.l payment fa the AmOllDt Cen:ifio:d, Amnunt Ceriifled: Project: Spectrum Dr. North! South Exfension II04e Applltntion No.: 03 Ptrlod to Contract SUtr1 111212004 Calendar Days 210 (ind any by changeotder) Dale: Contract Close 81912004 Project No.: Original contract sum: Net cbange by change orders Contract sum to date Total Compldcd and stored to dll;le 5.(;% Relainage Total earn«lle.!ll retalnage Less previous cerUfca(es of payments 6 612512004 ~13012004 23-144 82.638,566.50 5101,857.00 $2,740,423.5[1 S2.0511,912.25 Slnl,54S.61 51,948,366.64 51,761,581.61 To Owner: Town OfAddison Dave WUdr. Town otAddlson Aszgln,'Z::' ;7, .7 By' ~ Date 7(~/"'r-Stellen Dtutch.lall, Town ofAddbon Town Of Addison Spaeirum Or. Nortfl! South ExteMlon 'IM..(Y.J '.00 114.00 19.00 6659.00 113.00 6229,00 152.00 112.00 3194,00 111.00 23.00 2372.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0, 44.00 0.00 0.75 18200,00 0.0' 0.00 19.00 1050,00 5.00 000 0.00 000 000 "0.'0"0 OAtE: ES'i'IMATE: $75,OO(UIO $1,140,00 $475.00 $13,716.00 $10,170,00 $114,<'112,00 $4,560:,00 $3,920.00 $9,562.00 $:1,110.00 =.00 $11.800,00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $Oro ","00 $O.DO $0.00 $1,100.00 $OJ)O $5,525.00 $172,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.900-00 $1,575.00 $6:25.00 $0.0<) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1)00 $0.00 $489,902.00 -• O.DO O.DO 0."" <>00 0,00 0,00 0.00 01>0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O~O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q,OO 0.00 o~o 0.00 0."" $0.00 $0"" $0.00 $01>0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0."" $01>0 So.oO SCi.CO $0.00 $0.00 ,<>00 So.oO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ",.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $eLOO $M!l $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MO $75,000.00 114,00 $1,140.00 19.00 $415.00 G859JJO $$13,11a.oo 113.00 $10,110.00 6229.00 $174,412.00 152.00 $4,5S{),OO 112.00 $3,920,00 3194.00 $'9,58;2.00 111,00 $1,110.00 ',"00 $230,00 2372.00 $11,8£0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $01>0 0.00 ,<>0' 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0.00 "'" So.oO 44.00 $1,100.00 0.00 $0.00 0.75 $5,525.00 18200..00 $172.000.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $1,900,00 1050.00 $',575..00 5.00 $625.00 0.00 $G.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SCIJXl 0.00 $1)."" $489,902.00 P&9&: 1 otiO Sl3OI2004 pay estimato 6· jUfH) Town Of Addison ENGINEEERING DATI? 6I30120()4 eSTIMATE: • $p&Qlrum Dr. NarthJ South \Sxtens.lon ft04-01 91l1l $1,115.00 0.00 $QOO 9.00 $1,715,00 1.'0 $3,850.00 0.00 10.00 1.10 $3,850.00 "'.00 $1,350.00 0.00 SO.OO "'.00 $1,35O£j(J 41!9DO $8,313.00 0,00 $O,DO 48!),QO $8,313..00 1067.00 $22.827.00 0.011 $0.00 1087.00 $22,827.00 3.00 $1,725.00 0.00 10·00 3.00 $1,725.00 13.00 $8,775.00 0.00 $0.00 13.00 $~"".OO 5.00 $£,000.00 0.00 SO.OO 5.00 $6,1,}O000 3.00 $6,000.00 C).OO SO"O 3.00 .$Q,OOo.OD 2.00 $3,000.00 (1.00 10.00 2.00 $3,000.011 1.00 $7oo.GO 0.00 SO·OO 1.00 $15()J)(l 0.00 so.oo QOO SO·OO 0.00 $000 0.00 $QOO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $(),O(] (},OO SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 38.00 ,,"'00 0.00 10.00 36.00 $28&.00 1596.00 $1,SSti.OO 0.00 SO.OO 1596.00 $1,596.00 1.00 $3,500.00 0.00 $0,00 1.00 $3,500.00 231.00 56.463.00 0.00 $0.00 231,00 $6.46aOO 59,00 $1,947.00 0.00 $0.00 59.00 $1,947.00 75.00 $2,925.00 0.00 SO.OO 75,00 $2,925,00 1.a00 $8,460.00 0.00 SO.OO 1t11UlO $8,460.00 2.00 $1,326.00 0.00 SO.OO 26.00 $1,326.00 46,00 $2,760.00 0.00 $0.00 48,00 52.700.00 2&1,00 $18,009.00 0.00 $0.00 161,00 $18,009,00 42MO $39,376.00 0.00 SO.OO 42£,00 $39,376.00 1.00 1.50 2.2S $750.00 $3.000.00 SS,400.00 0.00 '.50 0.75 $0.00 .1.00 $1,000.00 BII $1,600.00 ; $750..00 $4,000.01} '£7,200.00 2.00 $7,000.00 0.00 SO·OO '.00 '$7,000.00 ".00 $7.so0.00 MO $0.00 15,00 '$7,500,00 3.00 $4.500..00 0.00 SO·OO 3.00 $4,500..00 11,00 $3,350.00 '.00 $0.00 11.00 $3,850-00 1235.00 $19,760..00 0.00 SO.OO 1235.00 $19,160.00 409.00 '$6.135..00 000 SO.OO 400.00 $6,135.00 '.00 $3,150,00 '.00 SO.OO '.00 $3,150.00 ~OO $6,000,00 '.00 $0.00 3'" $6,000.00 3.01) $450..00 0,00 ${).OO 3.00 S450.00 1235,00 $1,652.50 0.00 SO.OO 1235,00 $1.6S2.050 1235.00 $1,235.00 0.00 $0.00 1235.00 $1,235,01} 1.00 $1,500.00 0.00 SO.OO 1.00 $1,500.00 1052.00 $120.9S0.-OO 0.00 $0.00 10~.00 $120.900.00 1.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $1).00 1.00 $3,000.00 2.00 $24,000.00 0.00 SO·OO 2.00 $24,000.00 1.00 $12.so0,00 MO $0.00 1.00 $12,500-00 3.00 $1,500,00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $1.501MO $' $2.800.00 $331,819,50 -Page: 2 of 10 P.OO $0.00 OJlil OJlO ',0Il 0.00 $0,00 $0,00 ,",00 ,",00 0,00 151.00 210,00 0.00 $000 $604,00 $3,510,00 $O,OIl O~O 151.00 210.00 0,00 ,",00 ....."'" 53,STO,{lO SO.OO MO 0"", 000 ,",00 ,"m ,"m ,~O 2,00 MO $9,600,0(} $4,000.00 ${100 2,00 2,00 0,00 $9,600.00 $4,OOo.OG $0.00 0,00 $0,00 000 $000 ova $0,00 0.00 $0,00 ,,"0 so.oo om ,"A" 0.00 0,0Il ,"A'" ,"A'" om 0.00 $0.00 $(l.ao 000 0,00 $0,00 $0.00 om Mo ."'" 000 0,00 ,"m ".00 $0.00 $0,00 SO,OO 0.00 0.00 "'0 .,,'" 0,00 $0,00 ,",00 ,",00 $0.00 $0.00 0,0Il 0.00 0,00 0,00 om $0.00 $0.00 ${100 $0,00 $0,00 0,00 SO,OO 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 "'0 SO"" 0.00 $O,OIl 0,00 $0.00 "jOO $16.814.00 $18,814.00 PaSG: e of 10 ilI3OI201)4 Town Of Addison DATE: 613012'00 $4,500,00 11.00 $3.850.00 1235.00 S19,750.00 409.00 $6,135.00 0.00 $3,150.00 3.00 $8,000.00 3,00 5450.00 1235.00 $1,652.50 1235.00 $1.235-.00 1.00 $1,500.00 1052.00 $120,960.00 1.00 $3,000.00 2.0 $24,000.00 1.00 $12,500.00 3.00 $1,500.00 _ $387,81£1.50 $0.00 $387.819.50 Page: 2 of \0 """"'" pay estimate 7· JULY Town Of Addison DAle: 7130/2004 ESTIMATE: 7 Spoetrum Dr. North! South ExteMlon tf04.o3 .,.,---'------0.25 $1,500.00 03)0 $0.00 0,25 $7,500.00 ------. ------_. _. -----, 23.00 $27,aOO.OO 0,00 $0,00 23.00 $27,600.00 ---'"~I "--,---.' '-"11 184100 $38,661,00 0.00 $0,00 1841.00 $3S,6S1.00 , _____ ... _,,_I_._-i.-'-'______ ·.._ 0,00 $0,00 000 0,00 $0.00 ~ '0.00 0,00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 ""-00 0,00 $0,00 0,00 SO.OO 2041.1.00 $56,13025 3SS0.00 $9,845.00 23991,00 $65,975.25 25233.00 $88,315.50 0,00 $0.00 252331)0 $88,315.50 20411.00 $51,027.50 3580.00 $a,SSC.OO 231191.oo $59,977.50 0,00 $0,00 0,00 SO.OO 000 $0,00 --$16,795.00 $2ea:629.25 Page: '3 0110 """"" payesUmate7 . JULY Town Of Addison DATE: 7/".3012004 eSTIMATE: 7 Spectrum Or. NQrth/Soultl extensIon 1104.(13 0-00 0.00 ----"--' ______h~~ --;;'I--~--··II-·-·-···~---~---·-~ 0.00 0.00 .. ----..... ---' 57p-oa 0.00 ._--_._. ---_.__. t ~=. EA ___ 0.00 ----_.,._._---_..._.._. .1 EA . _ .-·····$50..00 0.00 -.-------_-.-_---_..__.57 EA --$17.00 -'.00 2210 LF __.-~]O 2616.00 --_._--_. ._,.'. nCO 3050.00 ---_._----.----~-''',' -_•._... $7.00 0.00 -----_. 513.00 0.00 ~= L'g* ----S3.00 0.00 __$4.00 0.00 0.00 .._------•... _--_._---, ~oo 0.00 000 _:::.::-:.:.~~=-t:: 271"=_~_. ~t:::"oooot--$13 sonoo! 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----~oo ."'--'---'---0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $7,646.00 59,150.00 ".00 $0.00 So.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ,0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $i6.sse.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 13.00 0.00 16,00 0.00 0.00 ...'" ".00 $0.00 $0.00 so 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000,00 $$,500,0{) $0,00 56,000,00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 $0.00 MO $0.00 0.00 $0..00 0.0 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 ".00 0.00 ".00 2616.00 $7.848.00 3050.00 $9,150,00 0"0 $0,00 0.00 $0..00 0.00 $0.0 ~oo $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.0 $0,00 0.<>0 $0.00 0.00 50.00 4.00 $1,000.00 lMO $6,500.00 O~O $0.00 16.00 $8,000.00 0.00 $11OQ 0.00 $0.00 $15,500,00 $32,498,00 Pilge:" 0110 &J2/2004 1)11)' estimate 7 • JULY Town Of Addison DATE: ESTIMATE: 713012004 7 SplKolrum Or. North{ South i:;xtenslon ~ DATE: 713012004 1.00 $75,000.00 0.00 $<).00 1.00 $75,OOQoo 143.00 $1,43ItOO 0,00 $<).00 143.00 $1,43MO 11.00 $275.00 0.00 $<).00 11.00 $275.00 3115.00 $6,230,00 0.00 $<),00 3115.00 $&,23(1,00 51.00 $4,500.00 0.00 $.00 51.00 $4,500.00 2&00.00 $72,800.00 400.00 511.200.00 3000.00 $$4,00Q00 ~ .. _.. .._. ~",_~_-"'-_._....,,~_~o--_...........:..._-=, 1400.00 $4,200.00 434.00 S1,30U>Q 1834.00 $5,$02"00------~-118.00 $1,100.00 0.00 $<)'" 118,00 $1.1BO,00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 000 10,00 0.00 ....., 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0'" 0.00 So.oO 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 ••00 0,00 SO.OO 0,00 So.oO 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.50 $3,150.00 0,00 $0.00 0.50 $3,75(\,0(1 19.00 $1,90G.OQ 0,00 $0.00 19.00 51,900.00 350.00 $525.00 0,00 $000 350.00 $525.00 2.00 S25I:tOQ 0.00 $<).00 200 $250.00 "--"~~---J r-" "W __ It~·-·-I '5'000001 0.00 100 $SO,ooO.OO ~" ____ _ ._ J ___'_$__ ___~~:I¥! 1,00 $50,000.00 $0,00 0.00 $000 0,00 ",00 0.00 $C,na 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0,00 50.00 0,00 11).00 3400.00 $30.600.00 0,00 .0.00 3400.00 530,EiOQOO 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $<).00 0.00 $0.00 5252.73QOO S1i.502.00 $265,23',OQ ----~-.. P0 $01>0 ".00 $01>0 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0'" $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.oo 1.00 $1,500,0(1 2.00 $900.00 01>0 $O1lO ono $O1lO 0.00 !&ge: 6 0110 ""'""" payeslimole: 1. JUl.'" Town Of Addison OATt::: UJOI2004 ESTIMATE!: 1 0"0 $0.(10 0.00 0$0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.(10 "'.00 0.00 $().OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $(1.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 $MO 000 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 S558.00 186.00 $558.00 0,00 "'.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 ·~ __I .w~__'~__-~__II___ 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $25.00 '.00 "'.00 330,00 $990.00 25.00 $75.00 355.00 $1,065.00 0.00 $(l.ao 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 ____ oc~ 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO ~-'-"~~--'~~->----- 0.00 "'.00 '.00 $'.()()(LOO 4.00 51.000-00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $3,50000 ~~---------",~-'... --.~--,,----~ '.00 $3.500.00 a,co $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 200 $1,000.00 2.00 51,000,00 0.00 $0.00 .00 SO.OO 0.00 so 00 ------------0.00 so.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO ------'--~~ S990.00 $6,159.00 $1,149.CO OAT!;: 713012004 ESTIMATE: 1 Town Of Addison Spe<:trum Dt. North! South El¢len&lon j#()4-03 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $101.5$7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO.OO $0.00 so.oo $0.00 1.00 000 •.00 000 $101,587.00 SMO .MO '000 $101,587.00 GRANii'j'OTAI.. S2.,iiai,56S.5D $2.0$0,912.25 $101,510.15 $2,152A23,QO ¥U% Page: 100110 812i2004 pay csllma!e 7 ~ JUI..Y TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: C!aim# Check $ 365,7,6 '------,. Vendor No, Vendor Name Address p. 0. I3"'X 19 12 '1efAddress f) A-L.-LA$ I TcXA-5 752·1 r Address Zip Code TOTAL I 36S, 7b EXPLANATION ilk-: .~~ .CkL, Authorized Signature Finance HUITT-ZOUARS HUIT1~ZOlLARS, INC. I ".0. Box 191294 • OoUOJ. TX 75219 , 214.8713311 phone I 21.4.303.0923 fcuc. I huiu·,toHon.eom INVOICE JUNE 15, 2004 INVOICE # 132201022 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADD£SON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR PJID"fBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED Mil. Y 29,.2004 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION MILEAGE & FEES DELIVERY CHARGES FED EX TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 68.04 21273 67.52 17.47 365.76 365.76 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $365.76 I t'J,/C, iv /'Ay. 5U bh4-{(}(j-."',', . ------TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim # Check $ /36J 6 ftUlC!Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code OBJ PROJ SAC EXPLANATION ·A eL-~ Authorized Signature Finance ~'. To Owner; Town Of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, 1X 75001 From (Contractor): Site Concrete 3340 Roy Orr Blvd GrandPrairie.. Texas 75050 F;u:: (972) 5 13-0661 Phone: (972) 3[3·0733 Project: Speetrum Dr. North! South Extension li04-AppllcatJon No.t 5 03 Period to Sa8l20!14 Contract Start 111212004 CahmdnrDays 210 (lncI any by change order) Date: 6JJa004 Contract Close 119aOO4 ProjeetNo.: 23~144 and belieftbe work c.overctl by Ihis Application ror Payment hDJ been completed in aooCItdanee willt 1M CO[l1tact Docvm~", th.:!.r ..!11W101WU have beer\ paid by Ilte O;!otractor fur work COt which p~ious Cotilie:ats furPayntem were lulled DIld pa.pnetlu reWved frofll. the OwnC", And that eu.treI:rt payment ibtrwn hertin is: ntlW due. Original eontract sum: Netcban2;e by change orden Contraci sum to date 'Total C{lmpleted and stored to date 5.0% Retaluage Total earned less rclalnage Uss previous cerfifut¢ll ofpll1ments $2,631,566.50 SlOI,857.00 S~,740,423.50 51,854,302.75 592,7)5.14 51,161,537.61 SI,6:Z4,1!91.S7 "~.." ~ By: Slle Concrele Stale of: ·W:f.1'T5 Subscribed and Swom before ~e on thls ~day of ...Jvr:'''Notary Public: My Commission Expirt.S~ hi ~with theCru:rtraet ~ts, basedOll en-siteQ~ and thedatlil oomprising the above appliealKm the ~oU1ifics that to the best ofthe Date: County of: b/Z /4 J)R~ In~ L B~~~~ tnspecra!'3 ia:cwledg.; io(tmtllltioo nnd belk! the work has progres.scd All indlea:t!::d. the quail!)' of Date tbe WOJk is in aw:m:huu::c with tile Conlrnct Documents, and the Confrat:t(lr is mlided to paymcru fo the Amounl Certi6td. Amount Certified: $, __________________________ C.R~Y DaveWJJd~ Town!)fAddboo G~B;'c~ ~e Date "'!4f,:>C/. Steven Chut1::h.bn, Tnwn or Additon P.aqe: 1 of I om"", pl!y l!Ie~mlltll 5 • Cover Shea! May 2004 App 2 Town Of Addison DATE; 512812004 eSTIMATE:; 5 Spo<:trum Or. Norlhi SllUth EdonsJon 1104.03 1.00 $75,000.000.00 SO.OO 1.00 $15,000.00 114.00 $1,14tf.OO 0.00 SO.OO 114,00 51,140.0(} 19.00 $475.00 0.00 $0.00 19,00 $475.00 ."..00 $13,718.00 0.00 $0.00 6859.00 513.718.00 113.00 $10,110.00 0.00 10.00 113.00 $10,170.00 """.00 $162,960.00 409.00 $11,452.00 6229.00 $174,412.00 0.00 SO.OO 152,00 $4,560.00 152.00 $4,560.00 112.00 $3,920.00 0.00 $0.00 112.00 $3,920.00 2585.00 ST,755.00 609.00 51,627.00 3194.00 $9,582.00 0.00 SO.OO 111.00 $1,110.00 111.00 $1,110.00 0,00 SO.OO 23.00 5230.00 23.00 $23(WO 0.00 $0,00 »noo 511.860.00 2372.00 Si1,sm,OQ 0.00 ,"00 0.00 ,0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 .0.00 MO $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 '0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 so.oo 0.00 $0,00 ROO $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 so.oo 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 so.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 ,"00 0.00 SO.OO 44.00 51,100,00 0.00 "'.00 44.00 51,100.00 0.00 sO,OQ 0.00 SO.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.75 $5,625.00 0.00 $0.00 0.75 $5,625.00 16200.00 $172,91)0,00 0.00 $0,00 1820(1,00 5172,900-00 0.00 "'.00 0.00 $0,00 O.oO $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $1,900,00 000 50,0.0 19,00 $1,IlOMO 105Q.00 $1,575,00 0.00 50,00 1050.00 $1,575,00 0.00 $0.00 ~OO S&25.00 5.00 $625.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 So.OO 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 SO,OO 0,00 50.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 '"00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 50.00 G,OO 0,00 $0,00 $0,00 0.00 000 $0.00 "'.00 $458,2313.00 531,6BUIO $469,9\)2.1)0 Page: 1 Q( 10 61212004 psy e$11ma!e 5 ~ may Town Of Addison ENGlNEEER1NG OATE: ESTIMATE: 512012004 5 $p6!:trom Dr. Northt Sooth Exton$loI'lIi'Cl4-03 J Page: 20( 10 61212004 "ll) 1.10 '0.00 0 '.00 38,0{] 1596.00 '.00 231.00 59_00 7500 188JXJ '"-00 '6.00 261.00 428,00 1_00 iSo 2.25 200 15.00 ,~O 11.00 1235.00 409.00 9.00 3.00 '.0 1235.00 1235.00 1.00 10SitOO 1_00 2,00 1_00 3_00 $1.715.00 $3)l50 $0.00 1.00 $575.00 4.00 $2,700.00 0.00 $0,00 4.00 12.700.00 1.00 $1,200.00 0.00 $0,00 1.00 $1.2O{).oo 1.00 $2,000.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $2,000.00 2.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $3,000.00 126.00 $26,3S0,00 0.00 $0.00 128.00 $16,350.00 1.00 $700,00 0.00 $0.<>0 '.00 $700.00 '.00 $0.00 0.00 $(i.OO 0.00 $0.00 '.00 $0.<>0 0.00 :SMa 0.00 $0.00 '.00 $0.00 0.00 so.oo 0.00 $0.00 30,00 $225.00 0,00 SO.OO 30,00 $225.00 750.00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 750,00 $750.00 1.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $3.000.00 2.00 $3,200.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 S3,200,00 103.00 $1,236.00 0.00 $0.00 103.00 $1.235.00 153.00 $4,264.00 0.00 SO·oo 153.00 $4.264.00 111.00 $3,6$3,00 0.00 $0.00 111.00 $3,663.00 740.00 $61.400,00 0.00 so.oo 740.00 $81,400.00 2ll4.00 $59,84Q,OO 0.00 $0.00 284.00 S59,6/l0.00 450.00 S107.100.00 0.00 $0.00 1150.00 $107,100.00 2.00 $3,000.00 0,00 $0,00 2.00 $3,000.00 233.00 $2.330.00 0,00 $0.00 233.00 $2,330.00 1.00 $14.000.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $14,000,00 1.50 54,200.00 0.00 $0.00 1.50 $4,;200,01) '.00 54,500.00 1).00 $0.00 3.00 $4,5O{),0I) 2.00 $1.000,00 ••00 $0.00 2.00 $1,000,01) 2.00 $3.000.00 ••00 $0.00 2.00 $3,OOIMO 1.00 $1.500,00 • .<>0 $0.00 '.00 $1,500.00 1.<>0 $350.00 • .00 so.oo 1.00 _.00 1.00 $1,500.00 0.00 so.oo 1.00 $1,500.00 $359,983.00 so.oo $359:.983.00 -Page:ti 0110 pay ftllmale 5 • may Town Of Addison DATE: 5/28/2004 ESTIMATE: 5 0.25 ',00 $3,750,00 $0,00 0,00 ',00 SO,OO $G.oo 0.25 0,00 ,$3,750.00 $0.00 544.00 '.00 ',00 $11,aoa.OO $0.00 $0.00 ..0..,0.. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 544.00 ',00 ',00 511,{)6ll.[IO SO,OO $0,00 1637Q..oo $57,326.50 0.00 $0,00 16379.00 $57,326,:50 ',00 SO,OO 0,00 SO,OO ',00 $0.00 ',00 '.00 $0.00 So.oo 0.00 SMa SO,OO $:28,050.00 '.00 00,00 $0.00 $28.050.00 '.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 $73,044,50 $28,050.00 $101,004.50 Page: 7 of 10 6/212004 pay estimate 5· m&y Town Of Addison -DATE: ESTlMATE: 5 0.00 $000 0.00 $4 pa1' etillrnale 5 w moty Town Of Addison -OATS: ESTIMATE: 5 .... •.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 !lOO 0.00 <>00 •.00 0.00 0'.00 0.00 COO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 $0.00 so,oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $MO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 '000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "0."0"0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $OJ). $OJliJ $0,00 10.00 so.oo $0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $(l.CO 10.00 SO.OO "'.00"'.00 SO.OO SO.OO 00.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 10.00 0,00 "0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 So.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 •.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 '0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 So..oO 0.00 $0.00 000 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page: 9 Of 10 &?12"'" pay eslimalO!i ~ may I ~ .!! t II' ~'" "~ 0 ~ 0 ~ r ~,.. ~ j!l !l 19 !: ': '0" ~ 0 !l ~ ~ ;" ~ ~ .~ Ji. ~ @e ~ '" 000 g88 "0 0 " o =!~ ~. ~ '" @I : .' , TOWN OF ADOISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION "MEMO",,;., """.' " """ . """::::~"".i!f~tf,~,r:}\/"' DATE: Cla"lm # " Check $jfjjliiii;1'~:,'~," ."~r~?-:~:t!t;::;j:,y:::; " " " " "" " Vendor" No: "__.,..::,.;"'"-'-"::.."":....:.-+-~-,--"-~---,.~'-,..---,--'_".:..:"7"';';':~';':;{"~:"':';:'-'-~{'-;~;'-:",":':".,-' :, ~. Vendor Name It&( IT "~"ZtlUAJIZ."s-".".r"P-C,"" """;""~"""'" ".', J .'.... Address " 3/3>/A k-e . .J S UT~ ." "b"tJb . , ; \, Address 75"2 CJ4...:i.'¢ir : : '.:-,: ; Address :Zip Code " " .. TOTAL 11 Gj (:) 09, tP " "' 0 ~ {c If (f rj& 2.. '"'. " PATE: Cla.im# Vendor~o: , .'.. ," " Vendor Name I/vtlT-Z; rk':.I::'; '.' A~ Authorized Signature Finance HUITT-ZOUAIt5.INC I 3131 McKinney Ava. • Suite 600 1 DedIos, TX 7520d-2489 I 214.S7L3311 phone I 21d.871.{)757 fox • huiU"%ollan.<;Otn INVOIC~ SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 INVOICE # 132201005 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON l~OlwnSTGROVEROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 31, 2002 RElMBURSABLES MILEAGE & FEES 10.35 10.35 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 10.35 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 10.35 0, tc, to fin( t s.it.. t{ (2-~/tJ 2. ,,TOWN OF ADDISON ' ·r ~;j~:I:::" ": ", PAYMENT AUTHORIzATION MEMO ".::; ,:;: : " , ,,:, , ': . ",' '." ;: -'.' ClaIm # ' ", ;, CheCk~·;~.:~'I~f;':·~>'~::' ". ::" i,;, Vo'do, No:' , ••"~,J:,~,f~,it~'; ,'" "" . .... '", '. . --.,..:..:..:.:.-.;..;..._.;.....,---'-~,......,-;-"--r-----'---'--=--:.:.~.;;..:...;.....,.,-:--::--,..", . , "if v~ IT'::' Z OC.LA-P5) :i~'~' '.: ':"\'."'< \".'.Vendor Name , .' Address 313( 'l'1~kr/v~r:r AvE'. ,.:. Address Address ", ....ZipCode ~ " . ','" . " EXPLANATION '.S per: te~ "'1 . ",:i? -.e/~ ", '1!i1f 71ffs·d~/71f':.«~~c;' ' ....~',' \:. ?KTE-~'~c>-'V EtVt;(/V~':";'I+ tl" pe/¥-i)· .. · ' ....' .';'. ~e4L: \ Authorized Signature Finance , , .'. '.' HunT..zoUARS HUITI-ZOttAR5.!NC. , P.O. Box 191294 I Do11os, TX 75219 I Z1.t871..J311 phone I '214.303,Q9l3 fox I huiH-;wlion.c(ltn INVOICE FEBRUARY 14, 2003 INVOICE If 132200301 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322003 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE FERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2003 " . CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 18,000.00 70.00% '12,600.00 0.00 12,600.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 12,600.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE l-IUilT~UARS Hum'~ZOlLARS, INC. I PD. ~ 19129'" • Do110s,IX 75219 , 214.871.3311 phone I 214.303,0923 fall: • huiu-%ollars.eom INVOICE FEBRUARY 14, 2003 INVOICE II 132200209 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 wEsTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2003 CONfRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNf TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 70.00% 105,000.00 60,000.00 45,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 45,000.00 TOTAL DUE TlflS INVOICE $ 45,000.00 HUllTqaUARS HUITT-ZOllARS. INC. I P.O, Box 191294 I Oolio" TX 75219 • 214.871,3311 phone' 214,300.0923 fox' huill·%.ollon.eom INVOICE FEBRUARY 14, 2003 INVOICE # 132200601 TO: MR STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX7S001-9010 PROJECT: 01322006 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED TillS INVOICE 10,000.00 10.00% 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 TOTAL FEE TillS INVOICE 1,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE HUllT.zoUARS HUITT-ZOLLARS, lNC. I P.o. Box i91294 • 0.,110$, TX 75:219 , 214 ..8]],3311 phone. 214.303.0923.fox I huitt-;r.:ollor$,o;;om INVOICE FEBRUARY 14,2003 INVOICE It 132201008 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 1,2003 RElMBURSABLES . DEUVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION BLUEUNES I MYLARS REPRODUCTION, BLUELINES/MYLARS TOTAL RElMBURSABLES 20.90 171.10 116.91 86.80 395.71 395.71 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 395.71 .. Claim # . . " . ;.. '. ! " .' " . , . ~ ,..' . . . . Vendor No: . Vendor Name -.... Address .. " . ..' Address 7S2...I"! "", Address Zip Code ",.'" -EiXPLANATION ".. -, '. . .~ .. <: ".' .... , " . Authorized Signature Finance Hurnr=lDtU\RS HUITT-ZOlLARS-INC. I INVOICE P,o. Bo)!; 191294 • Dallas, TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 ph()1'\l) , 2i4.303J)923 fall; I huiU-zoilclr).coll'l JULY 18, 2003 TO: MR STEVEN Z, CHUTCHIAN INVOICE # 133630101 TOWN OF ADDISON·DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01336301 ADDISON CIRCLE RAMPS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERV1CES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 28, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREV10USLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 2,500,00 100.00% 2,500.00 0.00 2,500,00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 2,500.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ Hl~nT~UARS HUITT-ZOllARS, INC. , P.O. Box 191294 I 00110$. TX )5219 I 214.871.3311 phone I 2U.303.0923 fox I huitH!ollan.com INVOICE JULY 18,2003 INVOICE # 132200801 TO: MR. STEVEN CHtITCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322008 SPECTRUM DRI OFF SITE TOPO VE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 28, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 2,500.00 50.00% 1,250.00 0.00 1,250.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 1,250.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 1,250.00 jo fl1' O,I'\x. 1 \2.<1'1 07 ---DATE: Vendor 1:<0; _ '. ~ Vendor Name Address ',:' ~. .: Claim # . . . ,..~ " ..:.' " ... .,' .; JA-,,? 13'123'1 . ': ' ," . ""-'. 'r,' ". ". ~. .., Address rt)f?T Wt>fi?7Jf,' TEXAS-:ii://z"i > Address , .:.....;~ : .. . " ," " :',_., ',.' ,': _Zip Code " ~j " " . . ~~ '.,.', .. TOTAl.: Ij 1J'3, /0 -. -__ . EXPLANATION . 't· Authorized Signature Finance " " JAMES DANIELS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Right-of-Way Services 9239 Vista Way Fort Worth, TX 76126 Office -(817) 249-4152 Fax· (817) 249-0368 INVOICE 28-May-03 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P .E. Assistant City Engineer City of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, Texas 75001 Parcel 4-Proposed Spectrum Drive Project For the months of May, 2003 .. .. User Summary Basic ,Services' , Employee Hour Rate Righi of \fIIay-Manag. 10.00 $ 53.25 Senior ROW Agent 12.00 $ 47.00 Office Expense-Sec.' 0.00 $ 25,00 Appraisal Services Total For right.of-way services rendered Total Mileage, Expenses, & Postage Total amount of this bill Contract amt not to exceed $ 5,000.00 Previously Billed -Basic Services $ 2,115.90 Curren! Amount Dlle-Basic $ 1,183.10 TQtal Billing to Date $ 3,299.00 ',h M"7!'"ilif) ')'."~2fiz~?J.{C~ Melissa Ehrhard! E-Mail: jda@flash.net Web Page: http://www.flash.netl-jdal Amount Mileage Expenses $ 532.50 $ $ $ 564.00 $ 57.60 $ $ $ $ $ $ 29.00 $ 1,096.50 $ 57.60 $ 29.00 ------TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim # Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION ~~ Authorized Signature Finance To Owner. Town OfAddison 168{)1 WestgroveDrlve Addison, TX 75001 From (ContnclOr): Site Concrete 3340 Roy Orr Blvd Grand Prairie,lexa5 ?SOSe Fax: (972) 51).0661 :Pbl:me: (972) 313-ln12CiJ7 In ~I.'.e with the Contnlel Documents, bt.std on otNIill: oiJat:tvauons aud \he data comprblng 1M nbove applicaiion lbe I'rIspecwr certifies thai to the bes.1 of!.Jle; ~I b:towf¢dge,. information tIl:ll1 btliefthework hll$ ~ed II$~. tbe.qulillfy n[ !hI: wot\ is in occordanee with tbe 0:mtrmc1 Docu.rut,ntJ. Md (be ContmclOf is artitl.ed 10 pl\}'mmr fl) !he Amouol Certi6ed. Amount Certln(d: ~~ Dave WIlde. Town ofAddooll AJ!htalltCltyEnglnee2' /~ • BYA~· Date Oat, s;tki 5(14tl4SIe$'l Chotelilall, ToQ 01 AddllOft P-.: lolt Town Of Addison DATE: 4I2W2.... ESTIMATE: • Spectrum Dr, North! Sou1h extension 104-03 1.00 $75,000.00 ROO $0.00 1.00 $75,000,00 114.,00 51,140,00 0,00 $0.00 114,00 $1,14Q,{)O 19.00 $475.00 0.00 $0.00 19.00 $475.00 6859.00 $13.118.00 0.00 $0.00 6859.00 $13.718.00 113.00 $'0,170.00 0.00 SO:,OO 113.00 $HJ.17ttOO 0.00 $0.00 5820,00 $162,900,00 S820.00 $162,960,00 '.00 $0.00 O~O $0.00 ROO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 112,00 $3.G20.00 112,00 $3,920.00 000 $0.00 258&,00 $7,755,00 2585.00 $1,7MOO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SUO 000 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 000 $0,00 O~ $000 0"0 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 So-oO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SiMQ 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 O~O $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 10.00 ROO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 So.oO 0.00 SO,OO 0.00 "tOO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 O~O $0.00 44.00 $1,100.00 0.00 $0.00 44.00 $1,100.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.75 $5.625.00 0.00 $0.00 07' 55,$25;00 18200.00 $172.900.00 0.00 $0,00 :'18200.00 $172,900.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SMO 0.00 $000 ROO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 000 .000 1aoo $1.900.00 0.00 $0.00 19,00 51.900.00 1050.00 $1,515.00 0.00 $0.00 1050,00 $1,$75.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 O~O $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 ,000 000 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 .0..0.0 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $().QO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 000 $000 000 "'.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $283,003.00 $114.63500 $458.238,00 Page: 1 (1110 513'2004 pay as!i'mala4 • .aprl! Town Of Addison €NGlNEEERlt4G Spaclrum Or. 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PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #~---:____ Check $ 4-7.83 Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOTAL /I 1-7,83 EXPLANATION Authorized Signature Finance ,". HUITHOl.LAR$, lNC. , P,O, &ox 19129..4 I Oolloi,IX 75219 f 2t.4.S712311 phone' 2t.4.303.0923 fax t hui!t·%o!fon.com INVOICl APRIL 9, 2004 INVOICE #132201020 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RElMBURSABLES . FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES LNCURREfJ THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 2:7, :2004 REIMBURSABLES DEUVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION 12.10 35.73 47.83 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 47.83 _TO_T_A_L__DU_ E_T_Il_lS _IN_V_ O_IC_E _______________________________$4_ 7o_8_3 ~~ 0.(, S7l.J <\'l7t'lA TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO , . DATE: Claim #':-"~____ Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION f)ervE Authorized Signature Finance iU'!d bcJleClhewmk covered by fum Application for Paymmt has been eomplek:d in ~ce widl the: ConIr.K! Doct.nnents. thac alll'lmoMu have been paid by the Cootrnctor for wod: for whlen previous CenJft.;alS. for Payml'!nt wcrel!5\led and paymeolS receim from !heOwncr, and that CUlmII paymt:rlt shown hercih \$ IIOW We:. Contraelon Original contract sum: Net cllange by cbange O'rders Contract tum to date Total CllmpJeted and stored to' date 5.0% Retalnago Total earned less retalnagc Less prevJO'llS cert1ftares O'fpaymcnts Inspect:cr~ By: Data Dave WUde. Town o(AddlJon AssI$CantCityEngi~eer: ..fhi'. , By,~-.e· Dale Stev\ttl Chutcl!hn. Town of Addison To Owner: Town OfAddison 16801 WestgroveDrlve Addison. TX 7S001 From (COntractor): Site Concrete 3340 Roy Orr Blvd Grand Prairie, icxltS 75010 Fu: (972) 513-0661 Phone: (972) 313·0733 ~i?:1c@By: Sire Concrete .,t)(flS Slate of: Subs.cribed and Swom before me en this ___day of Notary Publi¢: My CommiSlJiO'n Expires: Project! Spectrum Dr. North! South Extension N04-Application NO'.: 03 Pmodto Contrad Surt lfl212004 Calendar Days 210 (inelanybycbao.geonier) Date: Contract Close 81912004 Project No.: 3 4/1121J04 4/112004 23-144 _____-,., In !l.ccordanccwhb lhcCeIllmet Documents. bilsc:don M-$l(eolmrval.ioo:l and lhedata ccmprilillg tho:abovc appliCl(iQlllhc WpcetN ~ifies dll.110 Ihe best ofthe IntpeClot', 1w1i.lWiedgc:, inIommliQn and belief the wotk has prQgn::!.5c:d ItS ~dlo: quality Qf Ih.~ ~i. in Attord1nce with tho:. COI'>trl!t:I Dooomcnt:5. md d:e Cotrt~r is entitled to p3YIU('.IIt fu the AmIi.lWlt Certified. AmoulltCertlfled: $'-_________________________ 52,638,566.5Q 1101,587.00 52,740,153.50 51,312,981.25 565,649.06 Slj 247,332.19 5696,468.28 ct-/r:/o¢!'lag!!; 1"'1 t;p~ pay 4!!llm.'Ito 3-30-04 • COV6r SbutM:!: 2004 App ::I """'" Town Of Addison DATE: 4/112004 ESTlMATE: 3 S~trum Dr. Northl South extension '04-03 1.00 $75,000.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $75.000.00 100.0% 0.00 SO.OO 114.00 $1,140.00 114.00 $1.140.00 100.0%! 0.00 SO.OO 19.00 $475.00 19,00 $475.00 100.0%1 0.00 $0,00 6859.00 $13,718.00 6859.00 $13,716.00 100.0% 0.00 $0,00 113.00 $10,170.00 113.00 $10,170.00 99.9% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 ""00 0,00 $0,00 Q.O%I 0.00 $0,00 0.00 SO.OO 0,00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 SO.OO 0,00 $000 0,00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0,00 SO.OO 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $O.DO 0,00 $0,00 0.00/0 0,00 $0,00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.0% 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,0% 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 Q,O%! 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 0.00 44.00 0.00 $0,00 $1,100.00 $0,00 0.00 44.00 0.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 100O.0O%~ 0.0% 0.50 $3,750.00 0.25 $1,675.00 0.75 $5,625.00 75.0% 10200.00 Sile,llOQ.oo 8000,00 576.000.00 16200.00 $172.900.00 89.2% 0.00 $0,00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 SO.oO 0.0% 19.00 $1.900j)(l 0.00 $0,00 19,00 $1,900.00 100.0% 1050.00 $1,575.00 0.00 $0,00 1050,00 $1,575.00 100,0% O.DO $0.00 0.00 $000 0,00 $0.00 0,0% 0.00000000 $0.00 0.00000000 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,0% 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0,00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0,0% 0.00 SO,OO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0,00 0.0% $179,125.00 $104,476.00 $283,603.00 P3ga: 1 of 10 415/2004 spectrum pay ostimaIe 3.SQ- 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.0% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.0% om SO.OO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 SO,OO 0.0% 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% {).QO SO,OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0,0% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.0% a,no ${'I,OO 0.50 $3,750.00 0.50 $3,750,00 50.0% 19,00 $1,900.00 0.00 SO,OO 19.(1) $1,900.00 100,0% 350.00 $525.00 0.00 $0,00 350,00 5525.00 100.0% 0.00 so,oo 0.00 $0.00 0,00 SO.OO 0.0% 0.00000000 $0.00 0.00000000 ${lOO 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.0% 0.00 $0,00 3400.00 $30.000.00 3400.00 $30.600,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $O~o 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO $77,425.00 $45.445.00 $122.870.00 Page; 5 of 10 4!5/2004 spectrum pay estimate 3--30-04 • Msr 2004 Town Of Addison DATE, 4/1J2004 ESTIMATE: 3 10.00 51,750,00 1UIO $2.065,00 21.00 $3,615.00 0.25 $875.00 0.25 $875.00 0.50 $1,150.00 0.00 $0,00 24.00 51.000.00 24.00 $1,080.00 60.00 $1,020.00 25.00 $425.00 "".00 $1,445.00 80.00 $1,eoo.OO seo.oo s11,700.oo 640,00 $13.440.00 0.00 SO.OO 1.00 SS7S.00 1,00 $575.00 0.00 $0.00 4,00 $2,100.00 4.00 $2,100.00 0.00 $0,00 1.00 $1,200,00 1,00 $1,200.00 0.00 $0,00 MO $2,000.00 1.00 $2,000.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 $3,000,00 2,00 $3,000,00 126,00 $26,350.00 0.00 $0.00 126,00 $26,350.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $750.00 1,00 $750.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 so.oo 0.00 so.oo 0.00 SO.OO 30.00 $2'25.00 30.00 $225.00 0,00 SO.OO 750.00 $760.00 750.00 $75MO 0.00 SO.OO 1.00 $3,000.00 0.00 SO,OO 0.00 SO.OO 2.00 $3,200.00 2.00 $3,200.00 0,00 $0.00 103,00 $1,236.00 103.00 $1.236.00 0.00 $0.00 153,OQ $4,284.00 153.00 $4.284.00 0.00 $0,00 111.00 $3,003,00 111.00 $3,663.00 740,00 $81,400.00 0.00 $0.00 740.00 $61,400.00 0,00 $0,00 284,00 $59.640,00 284.00 $59,640.00 0,00 $0,00 450.00 $107,100.00 450.00 $107.100.00 2.00 $3,000.00 0.00 $0,00 2.00 $3,000,00 o~o $0,00 233.00 $2;330.00 233.00 $2,330,00 0.00 10.00 1.00 $14.000.00 1.00 $14,000,00 0.00 $0,00 1.50 $4,200.00 1,50 $4,200,00 0.06 $0,00 3.00 $4.500.00 3,00 34,500,00 2.00 $1,000.00 0.00 SO.OO 2.00 $1,000,00 1.00 11.$00.00 1.00 $1.500.00 2.00 53,000,00 1,00 $1,500.00 0.00 $0,00 1.00 $1,500.00 0.00 $0,00 1.00 $350.00 1.00 $350.00 1.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $1,500.00 $122.075.00 $236,408.00 $356,003,00 Page~ 6 of 10 4/512004 spectrum pay e.slim,He 3~.()4· Mar 2004 Town Of Addison DATE: ESTIMATE.: 41112004 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,0{) 50,00 $0,00 SO,OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 0,0{) $0,00 0,0{) $0.00 0,0{) SO,OO 0,00 SO,OO 0.00 SO,OO 0,00 SO,OO 0.00 SO,OO 0.00 $0.00 0,00 SO,OO 0,00 SO,OO SO,OO (),Oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,0{) 0,00 0,00 0,00 $0,0{) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO,OO SO,OO $0,00 $0.00 Page: 'Tof 10 4/5/2004 speetrum pay estimate 3·30-04 • Mar 200< Town Of Addison DATE: 411/2004 ESTIMATE: 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.00 $0,00 SOliD $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 10.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0,00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO O~O $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0110 0.00 10.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $(taO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Paga~8QfiO 41512004 spectrum pay estimate 3-30-04 -Mar 2004 Town Of Addison OATE: 41112004 EST!MATE; 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PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim # Check $ 2{ 5'.3 3I 34''----'---Vendor No, Vendor Name Address 7SZl r Address Address Zip Code TOTAL EXPLANATION DRI4" ~~. Authorized Signature IHtlJn1f:lOUAlP{5 --------------._--_._-_...HUITT·ZOLl.ARS,INC , P.O. Box 19129.4 • Dollos, TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phOt'lQ 1 214.303.0923 Fox , huill-zollon.com INVOICE MARCH 15, 2004 INVOICE # 132201301 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001·9010 PROJECT: 01322013 SPECTRUM DRIVE STREET LIGHT RE-DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 29, 2004 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 2,500.00 100.00% 2~00_00 0.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 2,500.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 2,500.00 0, {C, *' ,Ilp-0, <;.'<:. ,hqj04 HLlrrr:mllAu'C?S IiUtn·ZOUARS, INC. I P.O. Box 19129.4 • Don~u,iX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone _ 21.4.303.0923 fax , huitt·.t:ollofu:om INVOICE MARCH IS, 2004 INVOICE # 132201019 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADOISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 29, 2004 . REIMWRSABLES DEUVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION 17.60 15.74 33.34 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 33.34 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $33.34 ----------------------O-,(t--r,10 I'Ayl <;,X -,) 2..:';,(od" TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #=--_=--___ Check $ /.,3 if!. 7t? Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address 7521f Address Zip Code TOTALI/.==r==='7=O~ EXPLANATION .~~ Authorized Signature Finance HJUillf-:lOUAlRS HUIn-ZOllA~ INC.' P.O. SOl( 191294 J Dallas, TX 75219 1 'ltUl71.3311 phone I 214.303.0923 lox I hvm~zollon.eom INVOICE FEBRUARY 25, 2004 INVOICE # 133631001 TO: MR. STEVEN Z. CHUTCHIAN TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 16801 WBSTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX75001-9010 PROJECT: 01336310 ADDISON CIRCLE RAMPS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 31,2004 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 22.00 97.04 119.04 119.04 T__OTAL_ D_D_E__THI S _I_N_V_O_I_C_E______________________________$ ___l_ 19_.~04 ~~ 0.1"'. 5"1(. vI v7/.,Q ________• __• ___~_~___• __ • ________________ u ____________ IHurrr.zoUARS HUfTT·ZOU..AR~ INC I P.O. !lox 19i294 I Oollos, IX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone. 214.303,0923 fox I h!,litt-zoll(lrt.cam INVOICE FEBRUARY 25, 2004 INVOICE if 132201018 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE FERIOD ENDED JANUARY 31,2004 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION MlLEAGE & FEES TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 40.70 1,163.36 75.60 1,279.66 1,279.66 T_O_T_A_L _DU_E_ T_H_IS_ I_N_VO_I_CE_ _ ________________________$_1,_27_9.6_6 ~ ~fM oAt, su v(Vl/4' TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #' -------Check $ ----Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION -foe-~ Authorized Signature Finance To Owner: Town OfAddison 16801 WestgJOvc Drive Addison. TIC 7SOO1 From (Contractor): Site Concrete 3340 Roy OIlI, nnd the Con!rBctor i!J c:ntitled to P~)'ttlevll"¢!he Arucwn Cd'tillcd. Amount Certified: $'-_________________________ Project: Speetrutt!: Dr. Northl SOlUb. :£1temion ii04-Applielltion No.~ 2 03 Period to Con1cact Sfart I1J2I2004 Calendar Days 210 (inel.nybychangeruder) Date: 2/2812O()4 Contract Close 8/9/2004 l'rojec:t No.: U-144 Or.lginal contract sum~ $2,536,919.$0 Net change by ehange orders $0.00 Contract sum to date S2,536,919.511 To-tal Comp1eted and stored to date $734,624.50 5.0% Retalnage $36,731.23 Tolal earned leu retainage _$697,893.28 Less prevlo-us cert]reate5 of payments $262,580.00 B'I~~ '. ____~~ Date 3>/4-/c:Cf-Sleven (:1Jut~h1an. TOI'fIl of Add-boll Con',ac •• " ~ II" SHe e••,,,,, r~~ na"" ~).7/2DClf Slaleof: if,cft:5 County or, &;~~~ 4./').')../2cc>7 Subscribed and Sworn before me on this 2,,7 doy of Notary Public: My Commission Expires: m.aceordancl:l with thcCotrtrnc( Documc:nts, based on on-site observations and !he data c.omptisiJJ.g !he t'l.oovc application !he Inspector certifies !hat to !he best of !he ~1C1'S blo1.1ll.r::dgc, W«mruion nnd bclkfihcworlc hEl!; pmgMucd IU indicated, !he qualil)' of Ill$peclor: 13y; Date Dave Wilde, Town or Add.iJ9,1l A"I'lan'C;"'Engln~ Pag&: 1 of1 :lm12OO4 tpeiVtNm payeslirmle 2·29-041 • Cover She~l J~n 2004 App 2 Town Of Addison DATE: 113112004 ESTIMATE: 2 Spectrum Dr. North! 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Northl South Extension M4-t13 {),OO $0.00 0.00 $0,00 •.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 .,00 ${'-oo 0.00 $0,00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0,00 MO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 {),OO $<1,00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $000 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0.00 $O~O MO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 Page: 30f10 212112004 spfIctrum pay csUmafe 2~29-041 • Feb 2004 Town Of Addison DATE: 1/31/2004 ESTIMATE: 2 Spocttum Dr. NGrth/South ~t.j1slon #0443 0.00 SIl.oO 0.00 SO.OO O.CO $0.00 0.00 SIl.CO 0.00 SIl.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SIl.CO 0.00 $0.00 O.CO $0.00 0.00 SIl.OO 0.00 SIl.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO,OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.CO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO,OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.CO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0,00 SO,oo 0.00 $0.00 0,00 SO.OO 0,00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.oO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.oO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.oO 0.00 S(LOO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.oo 0.00 S().OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 50.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OO 0.00 W.OO 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 P;;tge; 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SOuth extension #04-03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0,1)0 0,00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 so.oo $0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 $0,00 $(1'.00 $0.00 SO,oo GRANO TOTAL $2,536.979.50 $276,400.00 $4S9.124.50 $734,624.5Q 29.0% Page:10of10 2127/2004 spectrum pay estlmale 2-29-041 ~ Feb 2004 TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #:....----.:.____ Check $ b;Z8S,?3 Vendor No, Vendor Name Address f o. goX 1'1/z'14Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION ·A~ Authorized Signature Finance rRJliITmU6ES~__________~__ ______ ___ _ HUm-ZOllARS, INC. I P.O. Box: 191294 l Darlos, TX 75219 • 214.871.3311 phone I 214,303.0923 fax I huilt-.oUGr3.com INVOICE JANUARY 16, 2004 INVOICE # 133630204 TO: MR. STEVEN Z. CHUTCHIAN TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX75001-9010 PROJECT: 01336302 ADDISON CIRCLE RAMPS DESIGN & BIDDING FOR PROFESSrONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 3, 2004 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 12,500.00 100.00% 12,500.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 6,250.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ " ..'. HL1]lT~UA1~ ---....----....~..---....~--.-.--.... HUITT-ZOllARS, INC. I P.O. Bo)t 191294 I Dollol, TX 75219 I 214.871..3311 phone • 214.303.0923 fox. I huiU-zoUon.com INVOICE JANUARY 16, 2004 INVOICE # 132201017 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCillAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADD1S0N, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 3, 2004 RJUMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES DELIVERY CHARGES FED EX 20.90 15.03 35.93 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 35.93 TOTAL DUE TIllS INVOICE TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #=--_.:..-___ Check $ I; S 2 :2 • tPl' Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOTAL -I /522 .0,) EXPLANATION ~~ Authorized Signature Finance DALLAS INVOICE FT. WORTH 8616 Northwest Plaza Dr. 4000 Fossil Creek Blvd. Dallas, TX 75225 FI. Worth, TX 76137 HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS McALLEN' REMITTANCE ADDRESS: HOUSTON 4600 W. Military, Ste. 700 P.O. Box 910259 3701 Kirby Dr., Sle. 1290 McAllen, TX 78503 Dallas, TX 75391-0259 Houston, TX 77098 Town of Addison Invoice Date: 12/1512003 16801 Westgrove Invoice #: D82169 Addison, TX. 75001 Project: 21738 Attention: Mr, Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Invoice Group:" Client Code: ADDISO Project Name :AddisoniSpectrum Drive Client Ref: For Professional Services Rendered through: 11/3012003 Re: Spectrum Drive Extention Drainage ProjectEasement Acquisition. Total Project Fee Authorized Percent Complete as of 11/30/2003 Fee Earned To Date Less Previous Billings Current Billing Amount Amount Due this Invoice 1,500.00 100.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 ===;==~ 1,500.00 f~ ~--\0 '7~ (JL (}v _I. ()'<. \ttN TERMS; NET 30 ntllt:1If\,1 A I DALLAS 8616 Northwest Plaza Dr. Dallas, TX 75225 McALLEN 4600 W. Military, Ste. 700 McAllen, TX 78503 Town of Addison 18801 Westgrove Addison, TX. 75001 INVOICE FT. WORTH 4000 Fossil Creek Blvd. Ft. Worth, TX 76137 HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS REMITTANCE ADDRESS: HOUSTON P.O. Box 910259 3701 Kirby Dr .. Ste. 1290 Dallas, TX 75391-0259 Houston. TX 77098 Invoice #: D82170 Project: 21738 Project Name: Addison/Spectrum Drive Invoice Group: R1 Attention: Mr_ Steven Z. Chutchian, P,E. Invoice Date: 12/1512003 For Professional Services Rendered through: 11/3012003 Re: Spectrum Drive Extention Drainage Project-Easement Acquisition. Reimbursable Expenses Expenses Regular Expenses 22.00 Total Expenses 22.00 Amount Due This invoice .. TEAMS: NET 30 (214) 346-6200 nQI~IM.d1 Project: 21738 _. AddisonlSpectrum Drive Invoice # : 082170 Phase: RE01 -Reimbursable Expenses Regular Expenses Vendor Nama Filing Fees & Abstracts John B Howell recording fee DocNbr 29989 Date 11124/2003 Regular Expenses Cost 20.00 Multiplier 1.10 Amount 22.00 22.00 Total Phase: RE01 •• Reimbursable Expenses Labor: Expense: 0.00 22.00 Total Project: 21738 -Addison/Spectrum Drive 22.00 Page: 2 TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #'------Check $ 57 2';;.5-,60 Vendor No, Vendor Name Address p.o. BiJX 1Cj'12 '14= Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION 'A~~ Authorized Signature Finance HU~Tf-:ZOllARS HUm-ZOLLARS, INC.. 1 P,O, Box 191294 I 00110$, TX 75219 • 214,871,3311 phone t 21.4.303.09Z3 fox I huiU·zcl!ors,<:OOI INVOICE, DECEMBER 23, 2003 INVOICE It 133630203 TO: MR. STEVEN Z. CHUTCHIAN TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 16801 WESTGROVE ROAQ P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01336302 ADDISON CIRCLE RAMPS DESIGN & BIDDING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 29, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 12,500.00 50.00% 6,250.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 3,125.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 3,125.00 rP~( --------------------------------------------------------~ °,It'· '7-.& 4' \1'7(0 HunT:ZOUARS HUm-ZOLLARS, INC. • P.O. BCH( 191294 I Dallos, IX 75219 I 214.1371.33n phon~ I 214,303'{>923 fOA: I huill-J::ollot;,cQl'll INVOICE DECEMBER 23, 2003 INVOICE # 132201104 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX75001-9010 PROJECf: 01322011 SPECTRUM DRIVE OFF·SITE DRAINAGE DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERV1CES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER29, 2003 CONTRACf % WORK TOTALAMT PREV10USLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 100.00% 10,000.00 9,800.00 zoo.oo TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 200.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 200.00 Wi ---------------------------------------------------~rl' 0, v-'7 "C111/0 4 Hunr-illUAJRS HUITT"ZOlLA~ INC. 1 P,o. Box 19129,,( l DolloJ, TX 75219 • 21"(Ji7i.33H ph0fl6 1214.30'3.0923 fox I IwIU·xollaH.eom INVOICE DECEMBER 23, 2003 INVOICE # 132201016 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 29, 2003 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION MILEAGE & FEES TOTAL RElMBURSABLES 145.20 1,332.20 43.20 1,520.60 1,520.60 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $1,520.60 \ /1'_/r t {II 0,1' 'T t,,1/( Il'"1 o. \ I Hl~~lf'illUARS HUm-ZOLLARs, INC. I p,o, &ox 191294 I Dallal, TX 75219 f 214.871.3311 phon" I 2\4.303.0923 fax I hvtl"htoliou.com INVOICE DECEMBER 23, 2003 INVOICE # 132200607 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322006 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 29, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 100.00% 10,000.00 9,800.00 200.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 200.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 200.00 \ -------------------------------------------------------io 1M' Odt. "J"U.. ,Ho4 HL~nT.zoUARS HUITT-ZOLIAR5,INC. r P.O. Sox 191294 4 o.:rlku., TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone I 214:,303.0923 fl,lx I hvill.zoJIQT.},;:;olll INVOICE DECEMBER 23, 2003 INVOICE # 132200506 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322005 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 29, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 8,000.00 100.00% 8,000.00 7,840.00 160.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 160.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ , , DATE: " '" Vendor~o: ' , , Vendor Name Address .: . '. , ,?' ." , '-, ..... : ',' .-~;' . :,\ Address ,752-(e, :",~ .,' . .,' ~""'", ;', . .: . :.; ; Address , " "'.:, ", ',' .', ,Zip Code : ," .'~' ,..... ': ; ,~~" \ Authorized Signature Finance HurrrZOLIARS HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC.. I P,O. 8.....x 19i29J I 0011010, TX 75219 • 2ld.8713311 phone I 2!iC303,0923 fox • huitt·%r.>lltlf$.com INVOICE SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 INVOICE if 132200605 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322006 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERlOD ENDED AUGUST 30, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 95.00% 9,500.00 9,000.00 500.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 500.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 500.00 HunT.zoUARS HUITI-ZOlLAR5, INC. I P.O. Sox 191294 • Dalles, TX 75219 I 214,871.3311 phona i 2U.303.0923 fo;o: • hl.IA(' >7<.( (u 1I I HunrzOLIARS HUITT-ZOLLAR5, INC. I 3131 McKi'ln0Y A>JtJ. , Suite 600 • Dallo" TX 752o.t-2.489 • 21.tS7i.3:m phone. 214.87U)757 fox. huUl-zollonccm INVOICE JUNE 21, 2002 INVOICE 41 132201003 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 1~1~TGROVEROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECf: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RElMBURSABLES ", -, . -.,. ... --. .~ ... '~ FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 1,2002 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES 9.90 9.90 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 9.90 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 9.90 r --------------------------------- ------------------------~ . I),/<' '7k 11{lc-:' TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #=----'____ Check $ &'3 9,..;;,7!J Vendor No, Vendor Name JA"1 E'"s j),AME?S f fisso(.(;4TB, I..vc..., -Address 92Yf Vi5TA VvAt Address Address Zip Code TOTAL II !?3 9,9 EXPLANATION F ("VAL P t'4 [-"'1 e"""If,..-( F t-!4:? J?I fill T-K.J1;=-tv-"'!Y , ACif? 1./1 Sf pc"...., c?'V S Pee rl.(? c'~ DRlI-f:'"' , Finance REALESTATEAPPRA1SERS AND CONSUU'ANTS James Daniels & Associates, Inc. 9239 Vis,. Way· Fort Worth. TX 76126 Phone: 817·249·4152 • Fax: 817-249.0368 Toll Free: 888-879·4152 www.jdanielsassociates.eom INVOICE 30-0ct-03 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P .E. Assistant City Engineer City of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, Texas 75001 Parcel 4-Proposed Spectnum Drive Project For the months of September-October 2003 Basic Services Employee Right of Way-Manag. Senior ROW Agent Office Expense-Sec.' Appraisal Services Total Hour 14.00 2.00 0.00 User Summary Rate $ 53.25 $ 47.00 $ 25.00 $ $ $ $ $ Amount 745.50 94.00 839.50 $ $ $ $ Mileage Expenses $ $ $ $ $ For right-of-way services rendered Total Mileage, Expenses, & Postage Total amount of this bill Contract amt not to exceed Previously Billed -Basic Services Current Amount Due-Basic Total Billing to Date $ 5,000.00 $ 3,982.75 $ 839.50 $ 4,822.25 AMOUNT $ 839_50 $ $ 839.50 "(/:" fp PA-" f S Inc. Account Number: 14996·01877 Bank Name:: Bank ofAmerica I Transit Routing Number 121000358 Gensler Dallas Bank Address: 345 Montgomery Street. San Francisco) California 94104 To &mit by Check: P.O. Box 848279 (Please include invoice numbers on wire transfer.) Dallas, Texas 75184-8279 Tel: 713.228.8050 Part due invoices are subjat tIJ a W'Vice chargr in accordance with the termJ ofthe contract Fax: 713.229.9343 TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #' -----Check $ 'IrS! 3,4-7 Vendor No, Vendor Name Address 111214 Address 7.5>2.17 Address Zip Code TOTAL/I r/g?, ,47 EXPLANATION )?,, v Authorized Signature Finance HUITT-ZOllARS,. INC. i P.O. Box 191294 , Do!i01,TX 75219 , 214.871.3311 phone' 214,303.0923 fox 1 hultt-zollorM;om INVOIU NOVEMBER 25, 2003 INVOICE # 132200214 TO, MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT, 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 1, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BlLLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 100.00% 150,000.00 147,000.00 3,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 3,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 3,000.00 c', It. +0 tJIry} 5>'~t 12-1 q/()3 HUITHOlLARS, INC. f P,O. 80)( 191294 I Oalku, TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone f 214,303.0923 fax I huilkzollon.com INVOICE NOVEMBER 25, 2003 INVOICE II 132201201 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322012 SPECTRUM DRIVE R-2 RE-DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 1, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 5,000.00 100.00% 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 5,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ u-:Llin I~OUAlqs HUITI'ZOlLARS, INC. t p.o. 80x 191294 I Dallal, TX 75219 , 214.871..3311 phone , 214.303.0923 fox I Iwill-xollon.com INVOICE NOVEMBER 25, 2003 INVOICE # 132200305 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P,E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322003 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 1,2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 18,000.00 100.00% 18,000,00 17,640.00 360,00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 360.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 360.00 HUITT-ZOLlARS, INC.• P.O_ Box 191294 , Dollo$,TX 7.5219 I 2lA.&71.331\ phone' 214.303.09'23 fo,," I huitl":tollon.I;Qm INVOICE NOVEMBER 25,2003 INVOICE 41 132201015 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 1, 2003 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES .REPRODUCTION MILEAGE & FEES FIUNGFEES DELIVERY CHARGES FED EX TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 88.24 696.45 111.60 599.50 27.68 1,523.47 1,523.47 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $1,523.47 TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION IIilEMO DATE: Claim # Check $ 832,74'----'---Vendor No, Vendor Name Address 1'1/2'f4Address 7S2-1 '1 Address Zip Code TOTAL.# 8 32 ,74EXPLANATION .~~ AiItl1Ofjz;d Signature Finance 1f-<11:1'ilTl-lOlil ll 1I)1~"C II J.l ~-,Lli il ; U£\l1Iv .........,~.-~-~-------~--HUITT-ZOlLARS, INC. I PJ'~ Box 19'294 • Dallas, TX 75219 I 214.8713311 pho". I 214.303.0923 fax , huifl·xollon.(om INVOICE MAY 19, 2004 INVOICE # 132201021 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P,E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MAY 1, 2004 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUGTION MILEAGE & FEES TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 12.10 803.76 16.88 832.74 83274 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $832.74 Ci, y; 1v I"Ay. .s~ ;;()..t/1l4 .... ' '.' ''':".:' . /:'. ,TOWN OF ADDISON " , , . '....." PAYMENT AUTHORlzJ\TION 'MEMO ,'~' , , ".,":~:i:?-;,.;~{;~£~:i:::;;;~::< " ' .', " DATE: C!aim# ' Check $'i :r0y~tiflo,",~' Vendor No: , .:" : Vendor Name Address , , ", ~ Address ".". Ahe : ,,; '. ,,,;, " Address ,Zip Code ".' . ... TOTAL /117, 5l'J6.,!ffo .., ;::, ..,' '.' '~7lf/Soc--7lt;~",'.l£XTEi:?13'j><.!7~< ." .IE";;' (:; (,v~ ..;. tj 061 t;''';'';-''' ' ',," ,", ~~. Authorized Signature Finance HUIlT-:lOlIAR) Hum·ZOLLARS,INC. • 313~ McKinney Ave. I Suite 600 I 00110., TX 75204-2489 I 214,871.3311 phane I 21.4.871.0751 fo)l • hl.'ill-.r.ollors.ccrn INVOICE DECEMBER 15, 2002 INVOICE # 132200207 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322002 SPECfRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2002 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 30.00% 45,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 15,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 15,000.00 CJ,~. 1> /t.R~ .>~ 12-( ~./.J2- HU1TI-IOLLAR$,lNC. I 3131 MCKinney Ave.. , Svihi 600 I Dollut,. 1:<; 15204-2489 • 214.871.3311 phone I 214.871.0757 lox I hvilf-zollaru;om INVOICE DECEMBER 15, 2002 INVOICE it 132200402 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322004 SPETRUM DRIVE EXT. GEQ-TECflNICAL SERVICES FOR PROFFSSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2002 TOTAL LABOR CflARGES 0.00 CONSULTANTS Fugro South, Inc. TOTAL CONSULTANT COSTS 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $2,450.00 11,IC. fv PAr .'>ZC ,2-( ~.j!.? Z. " ..' .. ~ •..., Vendor. N. o: . , . Vendor Name '/:,: ". . . . ~ . , '.' . Address Address D,4LUIs ! . TEX As iS2J'f ... ,. .. '.: . .: ' .' . ~ .... . Address , :. . ;". ~ : . . , ." :ZlpCode .. '.". ','. 1 .. . ' EXPLANATION J>:Ce~7rt;~··. ·};Fr,::.:;1//S~ . )5es1fo'. ~aL \ Authorized Signature Finance . .'..: HUllT-ruUARS KtIlTT-ZOLLARSrINC.' P.O, Sox 191294 • DQl!o~,TX 75219 J 214.87l.3311 phone. 214.303.0923 fox I nofthcQllt'HS.cQI'J\ INVOICE OCTOBER 10, 2003 INVOICE # 133630201 TO: MR. STEVEN Z. CHUTCHIAN TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01336302 ADDISON CIRCLE RAMPS DESIGN &: BIDDING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 12,500.00 10.00% 1,250.00 0.00 1,250.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE ],250.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 1,250.00 oJ; fo /'7! :5 2eICit,/o ?> HUHT-zDUARS HUm-ZOLLARS, INC, I p,o, ~ 191294 • Dallol, TX 75219 I 214.sn..3311 phone I 214.303.0923 fox I huitt·:tollon.com INVOICE OCTOBER 10, 2003 INVOICE # 132201103 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON l~l~TGROVEROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322011 SPECTRUM DRIVE OFF-SITE DRAINAGE DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 98.00% 9,800.00 9,500.00 300.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 300.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 300.00 ", ;:; -P /'r+y J;7c ,,,,It! ~;, HUiTr~UARS HU1TTw ZOLLAR:5.INC,1 1'.0. Box 191294' Dollol,TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone 1 21.4.303,0923 fox ' huiH-xollor$,Cllm, INVOICE OCTOBER 10,2003 INVOICE # 132201014 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECfRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2003 REIMBURSABLES MILEAGE & FEES 48.60 48.60 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 48.60 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $48.60 0, I:; -& ~Ar! 52c /0/1'-;10::.. h4unT~UARS HUITT-ZOllARS-INC, I P.O, Bo.x 19129.4 I Dollos,IX 75219. 2i4.871.33lJ phone f 214.303.0923f~ , huW"zQlloft•.eom INVOICE OCTOBER 10, 2003 INVOICE if 132200606 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322006 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 98.00% 9,800.00 9,500.00 300.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 300.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 300.00 q K'. -h ""f'Iy 52c (",11,/10 j HUIlT~UARS HUITT-ZOllARS, INC. 1 P.O. Box 191194. , Donas, TX 75219 • 21A,B71.JJll ph¢ne • 214.303.0923 fox 1 huilb~oJJan.com INVOICE OCTOBER 10, 2003 INVOICE # 132200505 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUfCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322005 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27,2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 8»00.00 98.00% 7,840.00 7,600.00 240.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 240.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 240.00 ~K iv .PAyJ 5-Ze lolr7 /a ~ HunTl()HARS HU!TI-Z01LAR$.INC, I P.O, 8o)c 191294 • Dollos, TX 75219 I 21..j.871.3311 phonfl I 214.303.0923 fax I nuill-z;olion.cOtn INVOICE OCTOBER 10, 2003 INVOICE # 132200304 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, FE TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322003 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALA,\1T PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 18,000.00 98.00% 17,640.00 17,100.00 540.00 TOTAL FEE TillS INVOICE 540.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 540.00 t"J, r -f;rJ I"'r'ly /S 2C /0 ftilo:3 HunT-ZOUARS HUITT-ZOllARS, INC.' P.o. !lOlt 191294 I Dollo1<, TX 75219 , 214.871.3311 pnoM , 21.(.303.0923 lox I hvifi-zoUors.-com INVOICE OCTOBER 10, 2003 INVOICE 11132200213 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX7500l-9010 PROJECT: 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2003 CONTRACT O/CWORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 98.00% 147,000.00 142,500.00 4,500.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 4,500.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 4,500.00 rP, t:" fo ,Pry 3'c: /",1/) ;;, :'> ... .. ' PATE: '.' :' '~:"~~ ." .... !" .". :. ClaIm #. Vendor Name . > "." . Address 1"1(2 f1= Address ?S":2( r Address : i •• ", ." ," '; '... ,', ,Zip Code TOTAL /1'24;6 tV, tV , ,. EXPLANATION . " . . :; , ,.'" , A~· Authorized Signature Finance HunT-illUARS HUm-ZOll.ARS, INC I P.O. Box 191294 , Oollo~,TX 75219 • 21.4.671.3311 phone I 214.303.()9'23 fOil I huilJ-;r;oIlQu.c:om INVOICE AUGUST 26, 2003 INVOICE # 132200211 TO, MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. CIVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED TIlROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2, 2003 CONTRACT AMOUNT % WORK TO DATE TOTALAMT BILLED PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 90.00% 135,000.00 120,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 15,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE tJ,K; 40 /~y-' .s~ f(;"/<':j HUyTf-zGUARS HUITHOlLARS, INC I P.O. Sox 191294 , Dolio$, IX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone: I 214.303.0923 fox' nuil1·%oJlcu.eom INVOICE AUGUST 26, 2003 INVOICE # 132200302 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322003 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 18,000.00 90.00% 16,200.00 12,600.00 3,600.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 3,600.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 3,600.00 (J,t: 1>/t'ly/5l¥: ffo~., HUiTf70UARS HUITT-ZOlLARS, INC. I P.O. Box 19129.& • Dallas,TX 15219 • 21.4.B71.3311 phone. 21.4.303.0923 lax I huill·zollon.cam INVOICE AUGUST 26, 2003 INVOICE # 132200604 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322006 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 90.00% 9,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 1,000.00 _T_O_T_A_L_D_V_E_T_H_I_S_I_N_V_O_I_C_E______________________________$ __1 _,0_0_000_0 \ . fl'i ' o,(/: {Q ,,~ q(/pl'~ HUITFZC)UARS HUITT-ZOLLARS-INC. I p.o, Sox. 19129.4 I DoUtu,IX 75219 • 214.871.3311 phone' 214.303.0923 r~ I huill-zolton.eom INVOICE AUGUST 26, 2003 INVOICE # 132201101 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX7SOO1-9010 PROJECT: 01322011 SPECfRUM DRIVE OFF-SITE DRAINAGE DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 50.00% 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 5,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 5,000.00 .... -. . .,.." . ;: ..:' Cla.im# ,,:-.: . :' .".. , , DATE: Vendor No: . , , ' Vendor Name Address . t:'. Address '7S2../'?~" ., " , .... . ' , ~.' ; Address : : , . ': . ! 1 '," •••• Zip Code .... .' ... . ' '," .~ " ..... " , TOTAL /IS"'{)~o, I/O ' ' ,. eXPLANATION ." ; , :;' .""'". ." .~ . .":' . '. :: . ,". A~· Authorized Signature Finance '".. HUllT~UARS HUiTt-ZOlLARS, lNC.. I P.O, Box 191294 , Oollol,TX 752l't , 214.871.3311 phone, 214.303.0923 fax I huitt-z'OII"f'.,C!.'\fn INVOICE AUGUST 28, 2003 INVOICE # 132200802 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322008 SPECTRUM DRIVE OFF SITE TOPO FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2, 2003 CONTRACT AMOUNT 2,500.00 % WORK TO DATE 100.00% TOTALAMT BILLED 2,500.00 PREVIOUSLY BILLED 1,250.00 AMOUNT BILLED THIS INVOICE 1,250.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 1,250.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE \ $ 1,250.00 pr'\' 'ft. ~ ~ 0, '1 HUITf-:ZOUt\P~ HUm-ZOLLARS, INC. l p.o. Sox 191294 t Dallta,Tit 75219 • 214.871.3311 phafle • 214.303.0923 Tax I nurtl.:t.ollorl.com INVOICE AUGUST 28, 2003 INVOICE # 132200901 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322009 SPECTRUM DRIVE OFF-SITE EASEMENTS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED ruROUGH ruE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2,2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 3,000.00 100.00% 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 3,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE HUiTfillUARS HUITT'ZOllARS, INC.. P.o. Box 19129.d • D0110$, TX 75219 I 214.8n.3311 phone • 214.303.0923 [ox • huilt'k.olJo(u:bI'I'! INVOICE AUGUST 26, 2003 INVOICE # 132200503 TO: MR, STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P,E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P,O, BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322005 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH TIIE PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 2, 2003 CONTRACT AMOUNT 8,000.00 % WORK TO DATE 90.00% TOTALAMT BILLED 7,200.00 PREVIOUSLY BILLED 6,400.00 AMOUNT BILLED THIS INVOICE 800,00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 80Q,00 \ _T_O_T_A_L_D_UE_T_HI_S_ IN__VO_ IC_E_ _____________________________$_ __80_ 0_.O_O~ rM' -v'~:? \<;\0'1 ~ , DATE! . . ,,'. . Vendor No: . :J-A~ci' 04Me~j :(: koc~~~'{);< .:..... . Vendor Name . . .'.,-. Address __--L'L.::::'.Z:..,;-3 r 0.>724 /tv,A f--.. Address Ft'FY W" g TJf.. I Tex.4.> p'7i/i.J:b. , ,"; ; Address " ,.': .. , :.: .: -.' ", . -,' , . Claim # ' :' , :. ..'.: , ~". '. ,n Zip Code ."', ': . :' TOTAI.;./I 68'3,7S ": '. EXPLANATION :;fec'tRv;';'" ··Piz.1t!-&:,·· J?('tllf.r-~· <1;;~:~A';'~fc:-'."':. ". ,'. '.'. ,~' . .'::'":-" ,..\' ..... .'" Ac(7", £1?7ort/. . A~ \ Authorized Signature Finance .......,' JAMES DANIELS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Right-of-Way Services 9239 Vista Way Fort Worth, TX 76126 Office -(817) 24~4152 Fax -(817) 249-0368 INVOICE 26-Aug-03 Mr, Steve Chutchian, P,E. Assistant City Engineer City of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, Texas 75001 Parcel4-Proposed Spectrum Drive Project For the months of June-August, 2003 User Summary Basic Services Employee Hour Rate , Right of Way-Manag, 6.00 $ 53.25 Senior ROW Agent 7.75 $ 47.00 Office Expense-Sec.' 0.00 $ 25,00 Appraisal Services Total For right-of-way services rendered Total Mileage, Expenses, & Postage Total amount of this bill Contract amt not to exceed $ 5,000.00 Previously Billed -Basic Services $ 3,299.00 Current Amount Due-Basic $ 683.75 Total Billing to Date \. $ 3,982,75 E-Mail: jda@flash.net Web Page: http://www.flash.netl-jdal Amount Mileage Expenses $ 319.50 $ $ $ 364.25 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 683.75 $ $ AMOUNT $ 683.75 $ $ 683~75 ~ ff0{ r. O.f{. '3> "Z(:, q{S(O l, 'iOWN OF ADDISON , . ",:B·}' " '" , PAYMEWf"AuTHoRlzATIONMEMO ' ci'I~~ ....... '.' ch"k;:;f,f~~~},';'DATE: '::':~);~~~1fF~~:,?:'~> " . , : .. , ' '.: ,:·'j'~~!:Lj:,~;:,,:; ,>:',,' , , : 'H(/I~ ':;. Z;9;"L~;;',:i:/Vc :' h,'.:'i5:~·\:":< \':>', Vendor No; , ", ~ . :.'. " Vendor Name , " . ,',. :; ',' :'. Address '::', ': ...; -. 0". ...Address " " : : ", Address ..'~'; : .. ' :, ., ...~ :Zip Code .,' , TOTAL .. " ' ,.',, "', " , * • . ". .... • i • ~~ Authorized Signature Finance • ", c' " Hum-ZOll.AR5,.INC. I PD. Box 191294 I Dollo~, TX 75219 • 21A..Sn.3311 phcme • 214.303.0923 fox. bl.lill-xollafv::om INVOICE JUNE 13, 2003 INVOICE 41 132201012 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHlAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVEROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED TIlROUGH THE PERlOD ENDED MAY 31, 2003 REIMBURSABLES DELIVERY CHARGES REPRODUCTION MILEAGE & FEES DEUVERY CHARGES FED EX TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 19.80 14.29 14.40 10.89 59.38 59.38 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 59.38 ~ K -I> I"Ar { IS..." d-Ik/<,j, , ,'. .TOWN OF ADDISON ~'i ::;}. PAYMENT AUTHORIzATION ·MEMO '.' ,:':.::;. ..... . ...:. ~ ;: . . .' . ;:+;J.is~;~t.::}~ (~~;;:~:i< ' -' '. ~. DATE: Cla.im# . Check $'"·l·<,ifjllr',q::,,,·:" . . . ':;:}~~~;~[j:\}i';;' . " .' Vendor No: . '. '"". " , .. ·.:f~:~'l\'·<;' ,:: :::>. Hvl'rT -·it?LlA-;Z>" ~~~. ~:"":.:~:'.:' Vendor Name I , ...•.. .' . Address PC'. {3oX ir12'!'1-" ". Address , Address ". ·ZipCode TOTAL .# 1/1, <1-) " ..: : . " ',' ·.S I"~C:7}:'~~· ~~( ~ 13'v.#,f P~'e (., .' ",:;'; .' "-" " ", • T', Authorized Signature Finance ..~--:--:-'--'-~;;;.;.,;:~..:...,~:-TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT'AUTHORlzATION'MEMO : ' . ' .... ",' Cla.im# '. :,'. " .' . ..... . .'. '. Vendor No: . _ ....,:.,..;'';..;.-.:.;::.-':....::.....:.....:. ..:.._.:-.,....::,;--..:..-.,;'"':.--' .... , . , Vendor Name T-4";·s· PA";(~~> iA:r-~~;;;V:;"t'j~', .. , . " Address ~ . . ,'. Addniss Address ·ZipCode ....... EXPLANATiON .-, . >'?~~77e&4ut' . j)/ejiJ&'; 1~.. ;',: ir;'· ··A-C:rpu,sc/':tJ:-.¢-b· ":':-.::-:.; ". ':.' ".-.,:~:.:"" ... ~.: ...,; .... ::.~ " .... " " ~~ Authorized Signature Finance JAMES DANIELS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Right-ai-Way Services 9239 Vista Way Fort Worth, TX 76126 Office -(817) 249-4152 E-Mail: jda@llash.net Fax -(817) 249-0368 Web Page: http://www.flash.neV-jdal INVOICE 29-Apr-03 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer City of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, Texas 75001 Parcel 4-Proposed Spectrum Drive Project For the months of March and April, 2003 User Summary Basic Services Employee Right of Way-Manag. Senior ROW Agent Office Expense-Sec.' Appraisal Services Total Hour 5.00 2.00 0.00 Rate $ 53.25 $ 47.00 $ 25.00 Amount $ 266.25 $ 94.00 $ $ 1,750.00 $ 2,110.25 Mileage $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Expenses 5.65 5.65 AMOUNT For right-of-way services rendered $ 2,110.25 Total Mileage, Expenses, & Postage $ 5.65 Total amount of this bill. $ ,'2,115.90 . .. .~\ Contract amt not to exceed $ 5,000.00 0\1:';1'<'1 Previously Billed -Basic Services $ ,?..u;. 141 Current Amount Due-Basic $ 2,115.90 t;\\'i Total Billing to Date~ $ 2,115.90 ,',-", , . DATE: ' ..,; . Claim #. .-, " .: '.. ::,' , . .' Vendor No: , "','. '", ," ." ~ '~:':"':":,,,-..,. :,:;.. .... " Vendor Name ,'.' '" . .'.,' . -;:. " Address p, o. '" Address j)A-L-t:.ft$ TE)(AS7S21 '1,-;-' ,', ,.'" I Address ~:. :. . " ',.' .', :Zip Code ..,"..: .. .... .:< ' .I TOTAL -I l5;b~.Pb' EXPLANATION ." '. ,,':;".' '.::' -~ " .' ", ~~ Authorized Signature Finance" HUiTT-Z()UARS HUITI-ZOllARS, INC. I P.O, Box 191294 l Dollo$, TX 75219 t 214 871,3311 phone 1 214.303.0923 fox I huitt-);oUott.eom INVOICE JANUARY 10,2003 INVOICE # 132200208 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322002 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. ClVIL SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 28, 2002 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 150,000.00 40.00% 60,000.00 45,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 15,000.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ 15,000.00 I 0, K. +0 P''''Y . ~. I{IY(() 3> DATE: ,,', . , , , " Vendor Name .... , " 'C ',' ;. Address p. 0, Address ,.: :-:..:..: '....... ' . . '.'. ..... Address ;'. , ' , " , ' .~ ,Zip Code " .-...' .... ,,' , " EXPLANATION .. , ' .$' pff-rgkA, "DR'i-:tf:; /h},em /.s"'v;j;y:'i~~rp,~"::-',~:' " c t1/4'{;"~wi'!JC"514',,-',' .", ,"::" ., " ,", ~~, Authorized Signature Finance .. " , '" HUITI.z()UARS Hum-ZOUAR5.-INC.' 1>.0. Box 19129.4 I Dollo$,l)( 75219 , 21.d.87t33l\ phone I 21A.303.0923 fox' huin,xoU(if$.«Im INVOICE APRIL 11,2003 INVOICE #132200502 TO: MR. STEVEN CHlITCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322005 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. RAILROAD CROSSING DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 29, 2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT TO DATE BILLED BILLED TIllS INVOICE 8,000.00 80.00% 6,400.00 2,000.00 4,400.00 TOTAL FEE TIllS INVOICE 4,400.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE Hum-zouARS HUITT-ZOLlARS, INC. I P.O. Box 19129.4 I Dailci,TX 75219 I 214.871.3311 phone I 2U.,303.0923 ftl:x f hviH·:rollou.eom INVOICE APRIL 11, 2003 INVOICE # 132200603 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.O. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT; 01322006 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN FOR PROFESSIONAL SERV!CES RENDERED 1HROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 29,2003 CONTRACT % WORK TOTALAMT PREV!OUSLY AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT BILLED BILLED THIS INVOICE 10,000.00 80.00% 8,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL FEE THIS INVOICE 2,000.00 TOTAL DUE TIllS INVOICE $ 2,000.00 1-iU.TFlDUAJJ6 HUITT-ZOLLARS, I~' P.o. Bo)( 191'294 t Dollo"TX 75219 , '214.871,3311 phone' 214.303,{)923 fox • huill·zoIlQr~.com INVOICE APRIL 11,2003 INVOICE 1/132201010 TO: MR. STEVEN CHUTCHIAN, P.E TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE ROAD P.o. BOX 9010 ADDISON, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: 01322010 SPECTRUM DRIVE EXT. REIMBURSABLES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 29,2003 REIMBURSABLES MILEAGE & FEES 40.20 40.20 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 40.20 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $ , .' ,. Vendor Name Address .. TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim # . .... " ... ' : .' , ' .. ',' '-.', " Address Address "", .ZipCode .,,-: : ' .. ." , .' TOTALliz2. ;040.0 3 > EXPLANATION ., 'Spec'-mh"l .DRr.;,,~;' ::A/;'JiW (5;&