Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary ofProposed Capital Improvements January 2001 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. 30112300 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. ENV!RONMfNTAl ENGINEEA.$ • DESIGNERS' SCIENTISTS JAMES LALTSTAf;TTE:R. P.E. JEFFREY E. CAFfEY. P.E STEPHEN J, COONAN, pt. PEGG-Yw. GLASS, Ph.D, ()6,VlO A, GUOAL f!€. A. tEE HEAD, III. P.E, BErrY LjORDAN, P.E. CLETUS R. MARTIN. PoE. LORETTA E. MOKRY MARl( A. PERKINS, P..€. ALAN n, PLUMMER-JR., P.E" DEE RICHARD n, SMITH, P.E, ALAN R. TUCKER., P.E. P..IONATHA.N YOUNG. Ph.D.. P.€. 7514 MOSIER VIEW COURT SUITE 100 FORTW'OR111, TEXAS 7&1 18·7tH> PHONE 817.184.1724 METRO 817.589·2226 FAX METRO 817·589-0072 30112300 January 22, 2001 Mr. B. Randy Brooks, P.E. Manager, Wastewater Services Planning Northern Region Trinity River Authority of Texas P.O. Box 240 Arlington, Texas 76004-0240 Re: Central Regional Wastewater System 2001 Five-Year Plan Update Dear Mr. Brooks: We are pleased to present the enclosed report entitled 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and SummarY of Proposed Capital Improvements for the Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System. This report summarizes the results of a number of previous planning and design efforts, and defines the proposed capital improvements program for the Central System. Numerous construction projects totaling $74.8 million are recommended for funding under this capital improvement program. The majority of these funds (approximately $50 million) are for interceptor relief and rehabilitation improvements. This report also outlines anticipated project costs to be funded through a subsequent bond series in 2003. The participation of numerous staff members throughout the Authority's organization has been vitally important in this planning effort and is sincerely appreciated. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the Authority on this project. Sincerely, UMNl):l.*"USSOCIATES, INC . • Principal TX i'.E. 6!lJ29 MAP/gh Enclosures f:\projects\f30 I \ 12300lfmai reportlBrooksL21doc CHAPTER I Executive Summary Background and History As a scheduled milestone in the Trinity River Authority's continued long-term planning efforts for the Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS), a "Five-Year Plan" was commissioned in 1992 to identify, prioritize and plan for major system wide improvements needed during the time period from 1992 until 1996. The 1992-1996 FiveYear Plan identified dozens ofrehabilitation and upgrade needs. The Plan prioritized projects for funding through both bond sales and annual operation and maintenance expenditures. The 1992 Five-Year Plan proposed two major bond sales for financing of major capital improvements system wide. The first ofthese bond sales (1992 series) funded capital improvements totaling $28.58 million and the second bond sale (Series 1995) funded capital improvements totaling $37.9 million. Projects funded under these bonds have been completed. In 1998, the Authority updated the 1992 Five Year Plan Update to reflect system needs from the years 1998 through 2002. The 1998 Five Year Plan Update outlined a program ofcapital improvements involving 87 "projects", to be funded through bond sales in 1998 and 200 I to meet system needs from the years 1998 through 2002. The 1998 Bond Issue funded approximately 48 projects totaling $49 million. The majority ofthe projects funded through the first (1998) bond program are either completed or underway. Projects proposed for funding under the second (2001) bond program are now needed and are proposed for capital funding at this time. This document updates the 1998 Five Year Plan Update and outlines a program of capital improvements involving 58 "projects" to be developed for the next five years. The first group ofthese projects (approximately 45 projects totaling $74.8 million) is proposed for funding through a Series 200 I revenue bond sale. Objective The objective ofthis report is to update the 1998 Five Year Plan Update by summarizing the need and projected cost for proposed capital improvements in the following areas: • Interceptor relief improvements • Rehabilitation improvements • Erosion control • I & I management and maintenance activities • Treatment plant improvements • Meter station improvements • Other capital improvements TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capital Improvements 1-1 Capital improvements totaling approximately $ 74.8 million are recommended for funding in the Authority's proposed Series 2001 revenue bond program. Additional capital improvements totaling $89.1 million are anticipated in a future bond program expected to be initiated in approximately 2003. Key Findings and Recommendations The key fmdings and recommendations ofthis report are summarized below: Population and wastewater flow projections The population and wastewater flow system rates within the Central Regional Wastewater System appear to be increasing generally in accordance with projected rates. Interceptor Relief Improvements The Authority's 1996 comprehensive infiltration/inflow assessment identified a number ofpriority interceptor relief projects for implementation. Several ofthese projects were funded through the Series1998 bond program. Action is now recommended on a total of 17 major pipeline segments totaling approximately 30 miles during the next five years. Approximately $107.4 million is anticipated to be needed for these proposed improvements. Ofthis amount, approximately $45 million is recommended for inclusion in the proposed Series 200 1 bond program. Interceptor Rehabilitation Improvements Funding for rehabilitation ofolder interceptor pipelines totaling $7.3 million is anticipated to be needed during the next five years. Of this amount, $4.8 million is recommended for inclusion in the proposed Series 2001 bond program. Erosion Contrgl Improvements The Authority currently operates approximately 200 miles ofmajor interceptor pipelines, a significant portion of which lies in or adjacent to creek and river banks. The Authority currently monitors over 30 sites where erosion of the creek banks is suspected to be advancing toward the Authority's pipelines at various rates. The Authority routinely implements corrections at a number ofthese sites using its own persounel and equipment. More substantial improvements are recommended for capital funding. Total erosion control improvements of$867,000 are recommended for capital funding within the next five years. It is recommended that $347,000 ofthis amount be included in the proposed Series 2001 bond. I& I Management and Maintenance Activities The Authority's comprehensive 1996 inflow/infiltration assessment recommended a number of system wide planning, inspection, and major pipeline maintenance activities for implementation. A number of these activities are proposed for implementation by CRWS persounel using operation and maintenance funding. A total of$3.4 million is recommended fur capital funding, with $2.4 million recommended for inclusion in the 2001 bond program. Treatment Plant Improvements Through on-going engineering and planning efforts, and through internal efforts directed toward operational cost containment, a number of internal improvements to the Authority's CRWS treatment plant have been proposed. These recommended improvements are anticipated to total $ 36.7 million in the next five years, with approximately $ 15 million ofthis amount proposed for funding in the 2001 bond series. The majority ofthe projects proposed for initial funding are directed toward TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Pian Update and Summary of Proposed Capltei Improvements 1-2 replacement of aging equipment, continuing odor reduction, and improvements to enhance the plant's energy efficiency. Meter Station Improvements The Authority operates approximately 128 metering stations within its 200 mile collection system. These meters are used to proportionally allocate service costs among the system's customer cities. In order to maintain the accuracy, structural integrity, and accessibility ofthese remote meter stations, improvements are proposed at approximately seven sites, totaling approximately $480,250 for inclusion in the Series 200 I bond program. Other Capital Improvements Other capital improvements include long-range planning efforts and planned pipeline relocatious to accommodate the needs ofthe Texas Department of Transportation and other entities. These improvements total $3.0 million with $1.8 million recommended fur inclusion in the Series 2001 bond program. SRF Additional Costs The Series 2001 bond program includes $4,830,000 for escalation, environmental assessments, program management costs, and other costs attributable to SRF funding requirements. Cost Distribution Summary· 2001 Bond Cost DistributIOn Summary for 2001 Bond SeriesThis report provides a detailed listing of proposed improvements to be funded through the Series 200 I bond. Capital improvements totaling approximately $74.8 million are recommended for funding in the Authority's proposed Series 2001 revenue bond program. The major improvement areas and projected costs for construction and inspection are presented in the table to the right and in the pie chart below. The improvements are detailed in subsequent chapters. 0% Capital Improvements Interceptor Relief Improvements Rehabilitaffon Improvements Erosion Control Improvements 1& IManagement and Maintenance Activi#es Treatment Plant Improvements Meter Station Im/Jrovemenls Other Cspita/lmprovements SRFAddllional Costs Totals iii I nterceptor Relief Improvements o Rehabilitation Improvements • Erosion Control IJ 1& I Mgmt and Maintenance .Treatment Plantlmprovemenls iii Meter Station • Other Capltal oSRF Additional Costs TOTAL for 2001 Bond I $ 45,053,400 • $ 4,822,000· $ 347,000 $ 2,385,000 $ 15,009,000 $ 480,250 $ 1,835,000 $ 4,830,000 $ 74,761,650 TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capitallmprovemen!s CHAPTER II Introduction Background The Trinity River Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System is a large regional wastewater system currently serving approximately one million customers in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson, and Denton counties ofnorth central Texas. The service area encompasses all or portions of 20 cities in the DailaslFort Worth Metroplex, as well as the DalIaslFort Worth International Airport. This system consists ofan extensive regional interceptor network and a large activated sludge wastewater treatment plant currently permitted to treat a monthly average of 162 million gallons per day (MOD). In 1992, the Authority completed a planning effort commonly referred to as the "Five-Year Plan" for the Central Regional Wastewater System. Development ofthls plan was a scheduled milestone in the Authority's continued long-term planning efforts for the system. The 1992 Five-Year Plan identified numerous improvements needed throughout the Authority's collection system and for the treatment plant. These improvements were prioritized for implementation under two planned bond issues. The first ofthese bond issues (1992 issue) funded over 50 projects totaling $28.6 million. The second bond issue (1995 issue) funded over 30 projects totaling approximately $37.9 million. All major projects identified fur funding under these two bond issues have been completed, and a subsequent capital improvement program has been implemented. In 1998, the Authority updated the 1992 Five-Year Plan. The 1998 Five Year Plan Update outlined a program of capital improvements involving 87 "projects", to be funded through bond sales in 1998 and 2001 to meet system needs from the years 1998 through 2002. The 1998 Bond Issue funded approximately 48 projects totaling $49 million. Many ofthese projects are either completed or underway. Projects proposed for funding under the second (2001) bond program are now needed and are proposed for capital funding at this time. Objectives This 2001 Update to the Five Year Plan presents detailed listings ofneeded system improvements in a number of areas. These areas include: • Interceptor relief improvements • Rehabilitation improvements • Erosion control improvements • Inflow and infiltration (1&1) management and maintenance activities • Treatment plant improvements • Meter station improvements • Other capital improvements IRA CkWS 2001 Five-Year Pian Upd818 and Summery 0/PrOposed capRallmprovements 1/-1 1 Probable costs for needed improvements are presented in subsequent chapters for each of these areas. Those improvements with the highest priority are identified fur funding in a proposed series 200 I revenue bond program. The remaining improvements are identified for funding in a future bond program anticipated to be implemented in approximately the year 2003. Service Area The Central Regional Wastewater System currently serves an area ofapproximately 467 square miles which encompasses portions ofthe Elm Fork and Lower West Fork watersheds o:fthe Trinity River. The majority of the service area lies in Tarrant and Dallas counties, with some service to portions ofEllis, Johnson, and Denton counties. The figure to the right shows the treatment plant location and the approximate boundaries ofthis .. system's service area. The service area is bounded to the east and west by contractually established service areas within the cities ofDallas and Fort Worth. The system includes J approximately 128 meter stations distributed throughout its 200-mile regional interceptor system. Each customer entity operates its own internal collection system within the city boundaries and has its flow to the regional interceptor system metered (or otherwise accounted for) for proportionate allocation ofsystem costs. The service area includes all or portions o:fthe following entities: Addison, Arlington, Bedford, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, (partially served), Colleyville, Coppell, Dallas (partially served), DFW Intemational Airport, Duncanville (partially served), Euless, Farmers Branch, Fort Worth (partially served), Grand Prairie, Grapevine (partially served), Hurst (partially served), Irving, Keller (partially served), Mansfield, North Richland Hills (partially served), Southlake (partially served). II TRACRWS 200012001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capilallmprovemenls II· 2 I I Regional planning efforts conducted by the North Central Texas Council of Governments, which included input from surrounding local government entities, indicate that very few major service area boundary extensions are anticipated in the foreseeable future. Population and Flow Projections Population and wastewater flow projections for the Central System were developed in 1992 as part ofthe five-year planning effort. The population projections for the served areas within each contracting city are detailed in the table to the right. These projections reflect final 1990 census figures and detailed service area delineations 1 developed through the Authority's Interceptor Management Plan. Projected future populations are based on estimates prepared by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). It is noted that the current service area population estimates are reasonably consistent with projections prepared in 1992. Current NCTCOG projections, however, suggest that year 2010 service area populations may be slightly higher than projected in 1992. These updated population projections have been broken down by individual sewer shed and are presented in that format in the Authority's Interceptor ,'] Management Plan. , 1 I \ "J Population Projections for CRWS Membe 1990 City Census 􀁬􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀡􀁊􀀺􀀡􀁾􀀠1990 'fRACRWS 200012001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed CapilallmprovemenlS II I I CHAPTER IIII Interceptor Relief ImprovementsI I Introduction The Authority currently owns and operates approximately 200 miles ofinterceptorsI within the Central Regional Wastewater System. A comprehensive infiltration and inflow (1&1) assessment was completed hy the Authority and its consultant (Black and Veatch, Corporation) in 1996. This comprehensive planning effort identified and prioritized I interceptor relief improvements needed system-wide. The investigation formed the hasis for proceeding with detailed design and easement acquisition for a numher high priority projects, and continues to form the basis for proceeding with a number ofmajor relief I improvements. 2001 Bond Program Ten I interceptor relief improvement projects are proposed for the 200 I bond program including I reliefimprovements to each of the four interceptor systems. The approximate locations of I the proposed improvements to I he funded under the series 200 I and 2003 bonds are shown in the figure to the right. I 2003 Bond Program Twelve interceptor relief improvement projects are proposed for the future 2003 bond program. I These projects are continuations ofprojects initially funded in one ofthe previous bond series. I I I I I TRACRWS 200 t Five Year Plan Update and Summary of PrO(XJsed capita/Improvements III· 1 --------I I Interceptor Relief Improvements I The following table provides an opinion ofprobable cost for each ofthe proposed interceptor relief projects for both the current (Series 2001) bond program and for the proposed future (Series 2003) bond programs. I I I I I I I I I --. . 􀁾􀀭_.-􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀠. . -. --Interceptor Relief Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series Ii!'"" '" § c: -Eli!' '" § §·c c: :E U 0 :E U 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠'tl TOTALlor '" 's;;. 0> USegment 2 l!!'" 0: 􀁾􀀠'" § Jl a. 2001 Bond __ 2: '" a. ""::0 '" 0>::0 􀁾􀀠c: '" ill'" <.> .E ill en 8 .E BC-2A $ 42,000 $ 56,000 BC·S $ 57.300 $ 76.400 BC-4 $ 8700 $ 8700 $ 17400 1$ 34800 1$ 174000 EF-l 95 bond '95 $ 14,000,000 $ 600,000 EM 95 bood '95 $ 20,500,000 $ 840,000 EF6 00 bood '98 1$ 5000,000 $ 250,000 􀁾􀁃􀀭􀀳􀀠$205650 $ 205,650 $ 274,200 $ 1371,000 $ 84,840 MC-4A OOAbond 'OOB $10000,000 $ 600,000 $10500,000 MC-4B 98Abond 'OOB $9,000.000 $ 360,000 $ 9,360000 WF-l 00 bond '00 $19,600,000 $ 000,000 $20,600000 WF-3 00 bond '98 $ 11,000,000 $ 550,000 WF-5 $ 24,800 $ 24.800 $ 98,000 $ 111,220 $ 716,000 1$ 30000 WF58 $ 36,250 $ 36,250 $ 72,500 $ 145,000 $ 725,000 $ 29,000 WFG 95 bond '95 $2,200,000 $ 2,200,000 WF-10 S 38000 Is 38000 $ 51 000 $ 255,000 $ 10,200 WF-11A 98Abood '988 $2,500,000 $ 100,000 I $2,600,000 WF-11B 98A bond '988 $2000,000 $ 80,000 $ 2,080,000 [rotaIs $313,400 $ . $42,800,000 $1,940,000 $45,053,400 $287,200 $3,248,620 $ 53,841,000 34,971,000 TOTALfor 2003 Bond $ 98000 $ 133,700 $ 6.960 ! $ 233,160 $ 14,800000 $ 21340000 $ 5250,000 $ 1,700,040 $ 11,550,000 $ 955,220 $ 971.500 $ 316,200 $ 5200000 $ 62,347,820 I Bear Creek Interceptor Relief Improvements The proposed improvements for the Bear Creek Interceptor are described below. I BC·2A Bear Creek 1030B to OIV BC2 This project will provide 4317 feet of S-inch and 15-inch parallel relieflines for the existing IS-inch pipeline. BC-3 Bear Creek 880B to 1305B This project will provide 2525 feet of33-inch and 15inch relief pipeline to parallel an existing 24-inch pipeline. BC-4 Bear Creek 2695B to 1680B This project will provide 2703 feet of8-inch to I5-inch relief pipeline to an existing 24--inch pipeline. TRACRWS 2001 Five Year Plan Update and Summary ofProposed Capital Improvements III· 2 Elm Fork Interceptor System Relief Improvements The proposed improvements for the Elm Fork Interceptor System are described below. EF-l Elm Fork 1430E to 10M This project will provide 25,2S2 feet of96-inch to lOS-inch diameter relief pipeline for the existing 96-inch pipeline. EF-2 Elm Fork 380E to 1430E This project will provide 15,300 feet of lOS-inch diameter reliefpipeline and 3,900 feet of72 inch diameter relief pipeline. EF-S Elm Fork 170SE to l600E This project will provide 12,904 feet of72 inch diameter relief pipeline. Mountain Creek Interceptor Relief Improvements The proposed improvements for the Mountain Creek Interceptor are described below. MC-3 Mountain Creek 1110M to 900M This project will provide13,929 feet of 15 inch to IS-inch diameter reliefpipeline. MC-4A This project will provide IS,OOO feet of42-inch diameterrelieffurce main and 1,000 feet of 54-inch diameter relief pipeline (gravity). MC-4B This project will provide 16,500 feet of54-inch diameter gravity main. West Fork Interceptor Relief Improvements The proposed improvements for the West Fork interceptor system are described below: WF-1 Bear Creek to Mountain Creek This project will provide capacity relief and will relieve corrosion-damaged sewers for approximately 19,600 linear feet from the Bear Creek/West Fork confluence to the treatment plant. The project will include three major junction structures and a lOS-inch diameter pipeline. WF-3 West Fork 4090W to 1530W This project will provide 1l,053 feet oHS-inch to 24inch diameter relief pipeline for the existing 27 and 33-inch pipelines. WF-S West Fork 1010W to 880W This project wil16,07S feet of 15-inch to IS-inch relief pipeline for the existing 15-and 2 I-inch pipelines. WF-6B West Fork 740W to 800W This project will provide 4700 feet of lO-inch to 48inch relief pipeline. TRACRWS 200 1Five Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capita/Improvements 11/-3 I I 􀁾This project will provide 3,250 feet of 102-inch diameter relief pipeline. I WF-10 West Fork S720W to 3610W This project will provide 4,732 feet of lO-inch to 15inch relief pipeline. I WF·11 A This project will provide a 72-inch to 84-inch parallel relief pipeline. WF·11 B This project will provide approximately 16,000 feet of72-inch relief pipeline. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRACRWS 2001 Five Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capital Improvements 1/1-4 ----------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHAPTER IV Rehabilitation Improvements The recommended rehabilitation improvements consist ofboth interceptor and manhole rehabilitation as well as rehabilitation ofthe Kirby Creek Outfall, The purpose ofthe rehabilitation improvements is to reduce III flow and to accomplish major structural repairs needed to restore structoral integrity ofthe pipeline, The need for these improvements is based on the findings offield inspections, The table below presents engineering and surveying costs, land rights, construction costs, and inspection costs currently projected for the rehabilitation improvements, All ofthe rehabilitation projects are recommended for the Series 200 I bond, Two ofthese projects are also recommended fur further funding under the next bond issue, " 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀢􀁾􀀠-􀁾􀀠􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠. 􀁾􀀠. Rehabilitation Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series "" g><= 􀀮􀁾􀀠os;. '" <= 􀁾􀀠'" c:: :E <> c:: :E c:::> <> :::s <> . 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠:6UCf) {l U TOTAL for Cf) '" 􀁾􀀠TOTAlforSegment '" 2 en i'E 2.,c:: ." 1lI "2001 Bond <= 1l 1lI "2003 Bond'C ai § 􀁾􀀠1ii c .,lE <> .5-' D '" -' Dc c:: '6> '6> c: c: W UJ Kimy Creek 0IAf1li1 (V,Ooo fl)' '9BA tmI '988 bond $1,800000 $ 72,000 $1,872000 Interceptor Rehabilitation $ 90,000 $ 450,000 $ 540,000 $1,718,000 $1,718,000 iMCKCRehab ll00Jlo 1ZloJ $ 30,000 $ 200,000 $ 230,000 􀁾􀁃􀁊􀁵􀁮􀁾􀀠B(lI( @6IJM to roM $ 30000 $ 200000 $ 230,000 Be 1/&III Rehab'CO·l &GV-4' .;;: $1500000 1$150,000 $1650000 .n. Ave. (IS/Ji)() hi 1$100000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 711,000 $28,000 $ 739000 Totals $250,000 $ . $4,350,000 $222,000 $4,822,000 $2,429,000 $28,000 $2,457,000 . 'Funding to supplement 1998 bond proceeds. Kirby Creek Outfall Rehabilitation Internal video inspection performed on the Kirby Creek Outfall has identified the need for rehabilitation ofup to 27,000 linear feet ofpipe ranging in diameter from 12 to 27 inches due to structoral deterioration of the pipeline. These needs were identified after completion completion ofthe Authority's 1997 InfiowlInfiltration Assessment. This amount adds to funding identified in 1998, TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary ofProposed Capital Improvements IV-1 Interceptor Rehabilitation The existing CRWS collection system consists offive major interceptors: • Bear Creek Interceptor System • Elm Fork Interceptor System • Jefferson Tunnel Interceptor System • Mountain Creek Interceptor System • West Fork Interceptor System These systems have a combined total ofapproximately 200 miles ofpipelines ranging in diameter from 12 to 102 inches. The majority of these interceptors have been constructed of reinforced concrete pipe. The Authority has made substantial progress toward systematic video inspection ofits interceptor system as was recommended in the 1992 Five-Year Plan. Through a coordinated effort using both Authority personnel and outside contractors, the Authority has completed video inspection ofmany miles ofits interceptor system. These video inspection efforts have confirmed the need for a number ofrehabilitation projects. The III Assessment' identified a total of 1,721 interceptor III defects which are recommended for rehabilitation. Additional projects (such as cleaning of interceptor pipelines) have also been identified as high-priority tasks, but will be funded through the system's annual operation and maintenance budget. TRACRWS 2001 F1vI...Year Plan Update and Summary Of Proposed Capita/Improvements 1V-2 I I CHAPTER V Erosion Control I ImprovementsI I The Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) includes a wastewater collection I network ofapproximately 200 miles ofpipelines ranging in size from 12 inches in diameter to 102 inches in diameter. In order to provide economical, gravity-flow service to the system's customer cities, many ofthese pipelines have been located adjacent to I natural streams, rivers, and drainage ditches. Erosive forces due to development, flooding, unstable soils, and other fru;tors regularly alter the configuration ofstreambanks throughout the North Texas region. When erosion causes the streambanks to advance I toward a buried pipeline, the pipelines can fail structurally ifcorrective actions are not taken in a timely manner. I The CRWS staffregularly monitors ground conditions along the entire collection I network. At present, 37 erosion sites have been identified for monitoring following major I storm events and for possible future corrective action. The Authority's staffhas prioritized I the erosion sites based on the extent oferosion damage, the likely cost and complexity ofthe I repair, and the severity ofany potential major slope failures. Five erosion sites are proposed I for fimding under the 200 1 and 2003 bond programs. The locations ofthese sites are I shown in the figure to the right In addition to these erosion control efforts, a number ofthe I sites exhibiting advanced erosion have corrective I construction scheduled as part of interceptor relief or rehabilitation work in adjacent areas. I I TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and SummaI}' ofProposed capital Improvements V-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For each ofthe sites for which action is proposed under the current bond series, a brief , description ofthe erosion problems at the site are presented in the table below, The table also presents the proposed funding amounts for each site, A number ofadditional sites are slated for continued monitoring or for repair by TRA crews using operation and maintenance funding, . . --------------------------... -.. ., 􀁾􀀠Projecl Description 108 NFFCISta 78+25!shallow cover 121 WFXJC Sla, 92+00 111 WFX1AI SIa 73+00 &62+7254+06 124 DCURD exposed pipe, replacement in DfOoress' 137 BCIlIA SIa 40+00 TOTAL '" c's:. 􀁾􀀠'" '"'" 'c 'C.,., c: '0 .Ii $ 7,500 $ 7,500 '00 bond '92 bond '98 bond $15,000 􀁾􀁾􀀠Erosion Control Improvements 2001 Bond Series "' 6E §'uco TOTAL fora: 2 ., '0 Ol Q. 2001 Bond§ C '" 0 E0 $10000 $ 50,000 $ 2000 $ 69,500 1$10000 $ 50,000 $ 2,000 $ 69500 '98 bond 1$100,000 $ 4000 1$ 104,000 '00 bond $100,000 $ 4,000 $ 104,000 $20,000 $300,000 $12,000 $ 347,000 co c's:.., 2: '"(J) coc:." $ c: '0 .Ii 􀀮􀁾􀀠"'E coa: ." " os ...J .. 2003 Bond Series 6 c U § TOTAL for2 ., 􀁾􀀠Q. 2003 Bond'".s 1$ 520,000$500000 $20,000 $500,000 $20,000 $ 520,000 'To be constructed with EF-2 Interceptor Capacity Reilef Project, TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summai}' of Proposed Capital Improvements V-2 I I CHAPTER VI I III Management and Maintenance Activities I The comprehensive Inflow/Infiltration (III) Assessment completed by the Authority in 1996 recommended a continuing program ofinspection and III management activities as well as a number ofinterceptor "maintenance" activities. The table below lists the engineering and surveying costs, land rights costs, construction costs, and inspections costs currently projected fur the rehabilitation improvements. These costs are outlined in further detail in the 1996 report entitled Infiltration/Inflow Assessment -Phase 11InfiltrationlInflow Management Plan. 􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠.-. . 􀁾-.------.------------------􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠􀀭􀁾􀀠1&1 Management and Maintenance Activities g'"" c g'"" .9 c.c 0 .'" 0 Projecl Description "m 􀀮􀁾􀀠l!l'"._ C: 0> => 0>a: '" C 'il 2 1}; § U '" 0. TOTAL for 2001 Bond c '" '5jg ",' ._ C: 0>a: '" '" U 􀁾􀀠i and Summary ofProposed Capital Improvements VII·1 I Pump Station 6/6A Bar Screens I Raw wastewater is lifted into the treatment facilities by two major pumping facilities: Pump Station 6 (constructed in 1979) and Pump Station 6A (constructed in 1990). Previonsly, the I Pump Station 6 pumps were protected from debris by three 10-foot wide screens, all ofwhich were deteriorating due to their age and to the corrosive operating environment. The series 1998 bond provided funds to replace several ofthese bar screens with fine screensI constructed ofcorrosion-resistant materials. Pnmp Station 6A previously had two "coarse" (4-inch opening size) screens for pumpI protection prior to wastewater being lifted into a bank offiner "climber-type" screens located at the plant's headworks structure. The coarse screen arrangement at PS 6A, however, provided inadequate screening ifthe flow was transferred into the older treatment facilities I (flow routed to the above ground fine screens can only be routed to the newer "Phase III" fucilities). The series 1998 bond provided funds to replace the coarse screens with fine screens (l12-inch openings ±) to allow operation options for dry and wet weather flow eventsI in order to reduce energy costs through blending ofdischarges from Pump Stations 6 and 6A. The series 2001 bond will provide funds to complete the installation of two fme screens at I Pump Station 6 and one fine screen at Pump Station 6A. These improvements are needed to meet permit requirements. I To address budget constraints, CDM has provided an outline (Technical Memorandum No.4) for phasing improvements based on available capital funds, operational needs and constraints, and the necessity for improvements. Phase I will include structural modifications to PS 6 andI the installation oftwo new fme screens that include a washer, compactor and a screenings conveyance system. No modifications to PS 6A are included in Phase l. The opinion of probable cost for Phase I is approximately $2.4 million and was funded through the 1998I bond series. Phase II, which will be funded through the 200 I bond series, will include installation ofthe third screen in PS 6, structural modifications to PS 6A, and the installation oftwo new fine bar screens with a washer, compactor and screenings conveyance system in I PS 6A. Phasing the project in this manner will allow time for budgeting additional capital funds for Phase II while simultaneously completing Phase T, which will meet the primary goal ofeliminating the existing caternary screens and the confmed space entry requirements I associated with PS 6. Effluent Filter Rehabilitation I A major rehabilitation ofEffluent Filters 9-16 was performed as part oftile Phase III expansion ofthe plant and improvements. Effluent filters 1-8 are rarely used at the present I time, b.ut require rehabilitation ofmedia, underdrains, controls, and other miscellaneous components in order to provide reliable service as plant flows continue to increase. Effluent' Filters 17-23 which were installed as part ofthe Phase mexpansion require new underdrains.I The series 200 1 bond will provide funds for the rehabilitation of Effluent Filters 1-8 and for . new underdrains for Effluent Filters 17-23. These improvements are necessary to ensureI reliable long-term operation ofthese filters. I I TRACRWS 2001 Five-Yeer Plan Update and SummaI}' of Proposed Cepnallmprovemenl. 􀁖􀀯􀁾􀀲􀀠 I I RAS Cross Connection for Pump Stations 13 and 13A I Return Activated Sludge Pump Station 13 (constructed under Phase I & II) currently operates separately from RAS Pump Station J3A (constructed under Phase III). Pump Station J3 provides service to Aeration Basins 1-6 while Pump Station 13A serves Aeration Basins 7I 12. At present, the normal operating mode during dry weather is to operate only Aeration Basins 7-12, with minimal or no flow being treated in Aeration Basins 1-6. I Providing a 60-inch cross connection between the return sludge force mains for Purop Stations 13 and 13A would enable rapid seeding ofany ofthe plant's aeration basins from either return pump station, thus enhancing the ability ofthe plant to place additional treatment units in service quickly to respond to changing wastewater conditions. I The series 2003 bond will provide funds for the design and construction ofa 60-inch diameter RAS cross connection for the Return Activated Sludge Pump Stations I Replace RAS Pumps at Pump Station 13 I The three 31 mgd horizontal centrifugal return activated sludge pumps at Pump Station 13 are twenty years old. The series 2003 bond will replace these older pumps with newer, more efficient, pumps. I Sludge Stabilization Reactor I The series 200 I bond provides funding for the design and installation ofsludge stabilization equipment to produce Class A biosolids. I Fourth Sludge Dewatering Belt Press I The 1998 bond series provided funding for design and construction ofthree belt filter presses for sludge dewatering. Presently about 75% ofthe sludge is dewatered by these three belt presses, while 25% ofthe sludge is dewatered by the older Phase III filter presses. Processing the sludge with the older filter presses, while effective, is twice as expensive as dewatering I the sludge with the newer belt filter presses. The series 2003 bond will provide funding to purchase and install the fourth belt filter press. This will allow for all sludge solids to be processed by the newer belt filter presses. . I I Control System Automation I In order to take advantage ofenergy and labor cost savings that can be afforded through selected automation improvements, the series 2001 bond includes funding for an engineering I evaluation and design ofthe automation improvements identified to provide a rapid return on . ::. investment.. It is proposed that funding fur installation ofthese improvements (after determination ofa specific construction budget) also be funded through the 2001 bond series. I I I TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary ofProposed Capifal Improvements VII-3 I Stage V and VI Odor Control Evaluation I I The Authority proposes to continue its proactive, long-term program ofodor control at the Central Regional Wastewater facility. Odor control evaluations were conducted in 1989, 1995, and in 1999 each identuying a number ofspecific areas in the pIant to be targeted for odor control improvements. All such areas targeted for improvements under previons bond programs have been addressed (the improvements targeted in 1999 are scheduled forI completion later this year), and the Authority proposes to continue with this program as was I originally planned by identuying the next phase ofplant processes to receive action. The series 2001 bond and series 2003 bond will provide funding to design and construct the Stage V and VI odor control improvements which will cover remaining primary clarifier effluent troughs, the Pump Station 6 wet well, and connect the belt presses and the Phase III grit basin outlet works to the foul air collection system. In addition, minor foul air air collection I improvements are proposed at the sludge blend tanks and other locations, and an odor/corrosion assessment ofthe collection system is proposed. I Low Voltage Electrical System Improvements I A number ofhigh priority improvements, primarily to the "high voltage" switchgear and transmission system within the plant, were identified and completed through previous bond I funds. An allowance for funding the engineering evaluation of the "low voltage" (480 volts) electrical system components is included in the series 2003 bond. An allowance for funding construction ofthose identified improvements to the low voltage electrical system is also I included in the bond, as it is anticipated that several major motor control centers (some of which are now nearing 20 years ofage) will need to be rehabilitated. Several of these motor control centers operate in moist, corrosive environments. Replacement ofthe motor control centers can afford the opportunity to install automated controls and current monitoring monitoring I technology which will enhance energy costs savings as well as maintenance record keeping. Energy Management I Chemical Usage Evaluation The series 200 I bond will provide funding for a plant-wide chemical usage evaluation to assess the feasibility of a more efflcient chemical usage at the I facility. I Conversion from Fine Bubble Diffusers to Rubber Membrane Diffusers Funds are included in the series 2001 bond to install 19,200 flexible membrane diffusers in the Phase I and Phase II aeration basins. These will replace the existing ceramic diffusers . I . Flexible membrane diffusers have been shown to provide a substantial energy savings at this facility. Capacity Evaluation and Master Plan Update I Upon completion ofprojects currently under construction, the plant's capacity will be rated at 162 million gallons per day. Current Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Rules and Permit provisions call for expansion planning to begin when flows reach 75 percent ofcapacity, and for construction to begin when flows reach 90 percent of capacity.I Planning for future phase expansion was completed in the late 1980s. It is recommended, however, that the plant site master plan be updated in 200 I, in order that the Authority can be I I TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update amJ Summary of Proposed Capital Improvements V/I-4 I , prepared to proceed with design and construction when flows approach 90 percent ofI capacity. It is anticipated that this will occur in the next three to five years. Gravity Discharge Around PS 7UA The series 200 I bond will provide funds to evaluate the I feasibility ofdiversion ofa portion of the plant effluent around PS 717A for disinfection and discharge. If the treated wastewater currently being pumped from Pump Stations 7 and 7 A were instead allowed to gravity flow through a,new pipe around the pump stations, the plantI would realize a substantial energy savings. Potential technical hurdles, however, include a very deep pipeline beneath the plant's protective levee, as well as a need to provide chlorination contact time at the pipe's depth. It is anticipated that construction, ifprovenI feasible, will be funded in the year 2003. Energy Conservation Evaluation The CRWS Plant's annual power cost is approximately $3 I million. The series 2001 bond will provide the funds necessary to conduct an energy management audit ofthe plant to determine where additional energy savings may be realized. I Pump Station 6 Raw Wastewater Pump The series 2003 bond will provide funds to evaluate the efficiency ofthe seven raw influent pumps at Pump Station 6. These 20-year-old pumps are rated at 41 mgd. It is anticipated that at least three ofthe pumps will need to be replaced. The I series 2003 bond includes funds to replace three ofthe existing pumps with three new variable speed pumps. I Sludge Blend Tank The existing Phase I and II sludge blend tanks have extensive corrosion in their interior I headspaces. The present holding capacity ofthe existing sludge blend tanks is 250,000 gallons. The series 200 I bond will provide funds for engineering and construction necessary to convert a one million gallon digester to a sludge blend tank. It is anticipated that the larger I capacity ofthe converted sludge blend tank will provide enough storage to allow operators to dewater sludge five days a week instead ofthe current seven days per week. I Purchase Railroad Spur The series 2001 bond will provide funds for purchasing the property upon which the plant'sI existing railroad spur is located to ensure reliable future chemical deliveries ofchlorine, iron salts, polymer, and sulfur dioxide. The plant receives a large discount when purchasing process chemicals through rail delivery rather than truck delivery. I Replace Gas Engines at Blower Building I The plant currently has three gas engine driven motors located in Blower Building II. Two blowers do not provide enough air to meet the plant's process needs; however, three blowers produce more air than is needed. The series 2003 bond will provide funds for replacing theI gas-fired engines in Blower Building II with electric motors. TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capil8llmprovements VII·S I I I I I I I CHAPTER VIII Meter Station Improvements The Central Regional Wastewater System meters wastewater flow from each ofthe customer cities discharging into its interceptor system. The flow measurements are used to determine the proportionate use ofthe system by each contracting party. TItis proportion is applied to the total system costs to determine each party's prorated share ofthese· costs. As a secondary benefit, these measurements enable the CRWS to observe flow conditions in individual interceptor segments and identifY where potential relief interceptors may be needed. The Authority currently operates and maintains 128 metering stations within the Central Regional Wastewater System. The majority ofthese flow meters consist ofParshall flumes (or similar primary devices), with ultrasonic flow measurement instrumentation. Approximately two-thirds of the meters currently have telemetry capability. The remainder are monitored in the field on a regular basis by Authority personnel. The Authority staff responsible for operation and maintenance ofthese meter stations has developed and maintained a list ofimprovements needed to maintain flow measurement .accuracy, reliability, personnel safety, accessibility, and structural integrity of the metering system. The figure to the right presents the meter station sites for which improvements are slated for the Series 200 I bond. TRACRWS 2001 Ave-Ye.r Plen Update and Summary ofProposed 􀁃􀀮􀁰􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠Improvements VIII-1 I I The following table presents tile engineering and surveying costs, land rights costs, construction costs and inspection costs currently projected for the meter station improvements I to be funded in tile 200 I bond series, I I I I I I 􀁾􀁾􀀠. 􀁾􀀠------_.---------􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠--. .. 􀁾, Meter Station 1m rovements 2001 Bond Series go"" ". c: is. 􀁾􀀠l5􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠ii TOTAL forProject Description 2!'" a: '0, 2: 􀁾􀀠'Vi Ii} 2001 Bond ,fja5 § 1:--' (.) 1.08 Improve access $ 2,000 $10000 $20,000 $ 800 $ 22,800 .68 Improve access $ 3,000 $15000 $20,000 $ 800 $ 38800 12.00 Replace Gates $ 750 $ 5000 $ 200 $ 5950 13.3E Improve ",inaccess; upslzeprimlll)' element $ 12,000 1$15000 $80000 $ 3200 $ 110200 9.OJ Re"""ts meter & 􀁾lor flow Imp. S 7500 $50000 $ 2000 $ 59500 B.OWImprove I!CC-c: c: 3l ."" .5 􀁾􀀠0>",jJa: "C lii ..J c: 0 U 2 U5 c: 0 ° c: 􀁾􀀠Cl. U> .E TOTAL for 2001 Bond g'o> "iji ·i Q) Q) .5 c= 0>",jJa: "Cc:., ..J c: 0 u 2 U5 c: 0 0, c: 0 􀁾􀀠Cl. U> .E TOTAL for 2003 Bond ongRange Plann;no $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $75,000 $ 75,000 TXDOT Pipelne 14d'ustments $200,000 $1,500,000 $ 60,000 $1,760,000 $50,000 $1,000,000 $40,000 $1,090,000 [rotals $ 275,000 $1,500,000 $ 60,000 $1,835,000 $75,000 $50,000 $1,000,000 $40,000 $1,165,000 TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary ofProposed Capita/Improvements IX·1 I I I CHAPTER X Cost Summary I I I The table below summarizes the cost associated with each category ofimprovements proposed fur both the current (Series 200 I) bond program and for the proposed future (Series 2003) bond program. I Our opinion ofprobable capital costs (including easement acquisition, engineering/surveying, . construction, and inspection) for all improvements proposed for funding in the Series 200 I I bond program is $74.8 million. This includes $4,830,000 for additional costs associated with SRF funding requirements (environmental assessments, program management and administration, and other cost considerations). A future bond sale (capital costs totaling I approximately $89.1 million) is envisioned in approximately the year 2003, The proposed interceptor relief improvements comprise approximately 61% ofthe total proposed Series 200 I bond program. It is anticipated that interceptor system improvements w,ill comprise the majority ofthe anticipated Series 2003 bond program as well. I I I I I I I I ----------􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾..---------------_. ----_.-.. . . .. ....-OPINION OF PROBABLE CAPITAL COSTS 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series rn '"<= co"f 's;, 􀁾􀀠'" <= 􀁾􀀠c: '" co E 􀁾􀀠co 8l .2 " .2 􀁾􀀠TOTAL for 2001 '" 􀁾􀀠TOTALforImprovements 0> 􀁾􀀠1 0> 1<= 3 Bond c '0 1ll 2003 Bond·c c 􀁾􀀠·c <= c 􀁾:ll 0 ., ,j 0 (.) '" (.)<= c';:;, '0 c c W w Inteicepror Relief Improvements $ 313,400 $42800000 $1,940,000 $ 45,053,400 $ 287200 $3,248,620 $53,841,000 $4,971,000 $62,347,820 R_ Improvements $ 250,000 $ -$ 4,350000 $ 222 000 $ 4,822,000 $ 2429000 $ 28000 $ 2457,000 fro6ivn C $1420000 $ 945000 1$ 20.000 $ 2,385,000 $ 975,000 $ 975,000 TreaIm..t Plant Improvements $1,618,000 $390,000 $12615,000 $ 386,000 $ 15009,000 $1270.000 $19766000 $ 622000 1$21658000 MaterStaIiOfl $ 46,250 $ 14000 $ 480.250 $ . $ . 1$ . Other CspilBl $ 275000 $ 1500 000 $60000 $ 1,835000 ,$ 75000 $ 50000 $ 1000000 $ 40,000 $ 1165,000 SRF AddiIionai Costs $4 830,0Q( Totals $3,937,650 $480,000 $62,860,000 $2,654,000 $ 74,761,650 $2,607,2 $77536000 $5 681000 $89,122,820 TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary 01 Proposed CapftaJ Improvements X-I I I I I Series 2001 BondI I I 0% I 3% I I Series 2003 Bond I 70% I I I I I I I I !iii Interceptor Relief Improvements o Rehabilitation Improvements • Erosion Control 01& I Mgmt and Maintenance. • Treatment Plant Improvements IIf!l Meter Station • Other Capital o SRF Additional Costs TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summa/}' ofProposed Cspital Improvements X·2 I The figure below graphically depicts historical and projected annual average daily flows for the Central Regional Wastewater System. The projected and actual flows are presented for the years 1993 through 1999. Projected flows developed through the Authority's short-term internal planning efforts are presented through the year 2001. It is noted that a significant flow increase has recently been experienced (as planned) as a result of diversion of flows from the western portion of the City ofArlington into the system. 160 150 140 130 cIi 120 110 100 50' 80 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Fiscal Year I ---Projected Flow Actual Flow -·-Actual Flow I CRWS Historical and Projected Annual Average Daily Flows TRACRWS 2000/2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Capllallmprovements 11·4