I . I I TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR FARMERS BRANCH CREEK CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS Prepared for: The Hudson Group, Inc. 3050 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 110 Houston, Texas 77056 Prepared by: Turner Collie & Braden Inc. 5710 LBI Freeway, Suite 370 Dallas, Texas 75240 September 1993 . j i Item A2004 Item A2008 ItemA2009 Item A2273 Item A2274 Item A3006 Item B100l ltemB200l .Item B300l Appendix TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table of Contents Embankment Clearing and Grubbing (Olanriel) OIannelExcavanon Riprap Filter Fabric Concrete Slope Protection Concrete Concrete Structures Reinforcing Steel Geotechnicallnvesfigation I Std. 8/1/79 '. ITEM NO. A2OO4 • EMBANKMENT PARr 1 • GENERAL 1.01 Scope of Work Place and compact approved materials to required li:nes, grades, and cross-sect:ions as shown on PLANS. PARr 2 .; PRODUcrs 2.01 General As called for in other items of mOOOCAL SPECIFICATIONS or as shown on PLANS. PARr 3 • EXEetmON 3.01 Construction Methods Place embankment on properly cleared and prepared areas. Use suitable materials from excavation, borrow, or other designated or approved sources. Use material free from vegetation, roots, and debris. Scarify or roughen existing sloped areas receiving new embankmenL Construct embankments or fills in successive horlzontallayers, extending across entire fill area. Fill material to be placed in horlzontallayers of depths compatible to material being placed and type of equipment to be used. No layer spread for compaction to exceed 8 inches of compacted thickness. Each layer of fill to be uniform as to material, moisture, and density before compaction. Compact to required ' density density by blading, rolling, and sprinkling with approved equipment. Use, mecl1anical tamps to obtain required density in inaccessible areas. Unless ' otherwise specified, place embankment at or near optimum moisture and compact to at least 95 percent AASHTO Standard Methods T-99-74 density. Make at least one density test per 500 cubic yards of embankment. 3.02 Measurement and Payment Unless otherwise indicated, no separate payment for work performed 􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁲􀀠this Item, including testing. Include cost of same in Contract price bid for items of which this work is a component. When indicated in PROPOSAL as pay item, measure 'Embankment" by cubic yard volume based on average end A2004·1I2 "Std. 8/1/79 areas and actua11engths placed. Measurement to be made from prepared ground elevation to finished top and side slopes. Embankment to be paid for at Contract unit price. Price paid for embankment to be full compensation for all items of work described herein, including testing. ENDOFrrEM I. A2004 -212 Std. 811119 ITEM NO. A1OO8 • CLEARING AND GRUBBING (CHANNEL) PAlIT 1-GENERAL 1.01 ScOpe of Work Furnish labor, supervision, materials, equipment, and supplies necessary for clearing, grubbing, and stripping operations. PAlIT 2 • PRODUcrs 2.01 General Not required for this Item. PAlIT 3 • EXECUDON 3.01 CoDBtl'uction Methods A. Oear, grub, and dispose of trees, stumps, brush, logs, vegetation, rubbish, and other objectionable matter from the entire easement area. B. Protect from damage any trees designated to remain. C. In areas to be cleared that are not within the limits of the proposed channel, clear out stump holes of all refuse and loose earth, backfill and compact to approximate density of surrounding ground. Do not allow water to accumulate in stump holes before backfilling. D. Bum or dispose of offsite all refuse from clearing operations in approved manner. Obtain required permits from various governmental agencies involved. Bury no refuse on Owner's property. 3.02 Measurement and Payment Measure "Oumnel Oearing" by the acre or lump sum as indicated in . PROPOSAL. Payment for work under this Item will be made at Contract unit price for "Otannel Oearing.· ENDOFlTEM AlOO8 ·111 _J Std. 5/13/80 ITEM NO. A2009 -CHANNEL EXCAVA1l0N PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 DescrlpUon A. Extent of Work: Work under this Item consists of required excavation for completed channel or ditch section, disposal of excavated materials in designated areas, and aU related work as shown on PLANS and as spedfi.ed hereinafter. B. Work Specified Elsewhere -Erosion Control: Per Item "Seeding,· 'Spot Sodding Grass,' or 'Concrete Slope Protection.' PART 2 -PRODUcrs Not required for this Item. PART 3 -EXEcunON 3.01 Construction Methods A. Excavation: Contractor to excavate to required lines, grades, and cross..:sections shown on PLANS or as modified by Engineer. Material to be removed in. channel excavation of whatever character or physical conditions will be U1'lclassjfied and paid for as herein provided. li. tolerance of 0.3 foot plus or minus from typical dimensions for channel excavation will be allowed, provided that no abrupt changes in grading of side slopes or alignment occurs. Where special structures, inlets, and concrete lining are provided for, construction· to conform to grades and dimensions indicated. Dimensions for embankment and shallow ditches at top of channel slopes are minimum. Grade interceptor .. ditches to slope U1'liformly to nearest inlet. B. Pipe1ine Crossings: . Contractor to suspend machine excavation within 5 feet of any pipeline right-of-way U1'ltil a company representative is present to identify pipe location and to direct further excavation operations. Notification of pipeline company of Contractor's operations and request for attendance-of a representative to be Contractor's responsibility. Contractor to resume suspended operations only U1'lder supervision of pipeline company representative and employ only such excavation methods, means, equipment, and safety measures as approved by representative. Contractor not to accomplish work on pipeline as part of this Contract, such as lowering,. cribbing up, construction of bents, repairs to coating, cutting, welding, making repairs, A2009 -1/2 i Sid. 5113180 or other essential work, aD. of which will be done by pipeline company and at its own expense. Contractor to be solely responsible to pipeline company for any damages to its line and any related construction as a result of Contractor's operations, irrespective of any order, diredive, or approval by Company Ieptesentative or of his presence at the site. Contractor not to be reimbursed direc:tI:y for any extra work or expenditure as a result of intersecting any pipeline installation. .A:n.y contingent costs therefor to be anticipated in preparation of the bid and included as distributed items of cost in the price for unclassified channel excavation. c. Disposal of Excavated Material: Dispose of aD. excess spoll as shown on PLANS or caD.ed for by Special Provision to this Item. When excess spoll is to be stockpned, spoll piles to be shaped to permit drainage without excessive erosion and openings to be left in the spoll piles at least every 200 feet to permit drainage of adjacent lands. D. Final Slope Treatment: Prior to final inspection, Contractor to retnove an silt and slides from the c:hannel and to drag sJopes to an even sur.fac:e. When i.ndi.cated, seed and fertilize or pave c:hannel side sJopes and maintenance area in accordance with PLANS. 3.01 Meuwement and Payment "O!annel Excavation" will be measured in its original position by method of average end areas. Payment will be based upon the unit price per cubic yard for "Oumnel Excavation." Such payment to be fun compensation for fumishing all labor, supervision, SIlpplies, materials, and equipment, etc., required to complete the work. ENDOFlTEM A2009 ·212 , \ . , 45-93175..(J{)1 -#1 ITEM NO. A2273 -RIPRAP PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. This section specifies riprap rock (limestone) for special applications in drainage channels as specified on PLANS or other TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS or as directed by Engineer. B. Work under this item consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary to install the riprap, filter fabric, and bedding materials in accordance with the plans and sperifications. 1.02 Related Work Related work as called for on PLANS and specified elsewhere in this or other SPBCIFICATIONS. 1.03 Riprap Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Store riprap on-site in areas approved by the Bngineer. Keep the storage area dean, fum, smooth and well drained in order that the riprap can be completely recovered free from dirt and other foreign matter. B. Stockpile and handle material so as to not cause undue segregation of materials either in the stockpile, or while loading or hauling. PART 2 -PRODUcrs 2.01 Riprap A. The riprap shaI1 consist of blocks of broken limestone. Use of concrete blocks is prohibited. Each block shaI1 have a minimumdiameter andweight asfollows: . Perceilt of Stone Size Stone Weight Gradation Range (ft) Range (Lbs) Smaller Than 1.40 to 1.50 180 to 300 100 1.10 to 1.30 120 to 165 85 0.90 to 1.00 60 to 90 50 0.40 to 0.50 6 to 12 15 . , A2273-114 45-93175-001 -#1 B. Dimensions of Blocks -No more than 25% of the blocks may have a length greater than 2-1/2 times the width or thickness. No length of block shall exceed 3 times the width or thickness. 2.02 Geotextile Provide a geotextile filter fabric material as specified in Item A2274 -Filter Fabric. 2.03 Bedding Material I A. Provide gravel, crushed rock, crushed concrete, or stone consisting of tough, durable particles. I B. The bedding material shall contain less than 2% by weight of thin, flat and elongated prices. C. The bedding material shall contain less than 5% by volume of organic matter, fines, or soft, friable gradation. D. The minimum thickness of bedding material shall be 6 inches. E. Gradation -The bedding material shall be well graded and shall conform to the following gradation. Sieve Size Percent Passing (Square Mesh) (By Weight) 2-inch 100i 1-inch 55-85 No.4 15-55 No. 40 0-15 No. 80 0-10 No. 200 0-5 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 Channel Preparation A. Accurately trim and dress the channel side slopes and bottom to proper lines and grade prior to placing riprap. B. Bring fill areas to as shown on PLANS. Fill materials and execution offill shall be in accordance with Item A2oo9 -Channel Excavation. I . , I A2273 -2/4 i 45-93175-{)Ol -/11 C. The prepared section shall be inspected prior to placing the filter fabric and bedding material. 3.02 Filter FabriC! A. Provide geotextile filter fabric for riprap where indicated on the plans. B. Installation of filter fabric shall be as specified in Item A2274 -Filter Fabric. 3.03 Bedding Material A. Provide bedding material £or the riprap where indicated on the PLANS or as directed by Engineer per field condition. B. Place bedding material uniformly on the filter fabric to thickness, grade, line, and slope. Place material by any method which will not cause segregation of particle sizes. Provide a surface that is even and free hom mounds, windows, or depressions. C. No compaction of the bedding material is required. D. Placement of bedding material Wlderwater willbe permittedbyany method that will ensure compliance with the above requirements. 3.04 Riprap Placement A. Place the riprap to the slopes, lines, and grades as shown on the plans, to provide a well-graded mass of riprap without voids. B. Thickness of the riprap layer shall be as shown on the plans. C. Place the riprap in one course Qift) across the channel bottoms and up' the channel side slopes. Place the riprap carefully on the prepared surface, bedding material or geotexti.le in such a manner to avoid disp1a.cement or damage to the ' subgrade. D. The riprap stones are to be in dose contact, be well-graded and to be free from pockets of small stones or dusters of large stones. . E. Do not drop riprap from such a height to cause breakage. F. Prevent mixture orincorporationofdirt or other materials with the riprap during placing operation. A2273 -314 45-93175-001 -#1 G. Placing riprap underwater will be permitted using equipment and procedures capable of placing riprap to sped.6ed requirements. H. Obtain specified distribution of the various sizes of blocks throughout the mass by selective loading of the material, by controlled placement of successive loads, or by other methods which will obtain sped.6ed results. Rearrange individual blocks by mechanical means or by hand as necessaxy to obtain a well-graded mass. 1. Place the riprap blocks in position and such a manner to ensure the completed riprap is stable, without a tendency to slide or roll down the side slope. J. Fill spaces between larger riprap blocks with spalls and smaller blocks of the largest feasible size to form a compact mass. Do not place spalls and small blocks innests inplace oflarger sized block. Inclusion of spalls, chips and small broken blocks shall not exceed 5% of the riprap mass. K. In placing riprap, release blocks as near to their final position as practical. PART 4 -MEASUREMENT ANn PAYMENT A. Measurement for riprap shall be per square yard of the type of riprap placed in specified layer of thickness(es) at locations as shown on PLANS. Payment for riprap shall bebased on the Contract price bidper square yard for each specified type and thickness(es) of riprap, and shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment required to place riprap. B. Measurement for bedding material shall be per square yard ofbedding material placed in sped.6ed layer of thickness under riprap. Payment for bedding material shall be based on the contract price bid per square yard of .;!ach specified thickness of beddingmaterial for riprap, and shallbe fullcompensation for all labor, materials, and equipment required to place bedding material. C. Measurement and payment for filter fabric shall be as specified in ItemA2274 Filter Fabric. END OF ITEM B:\A2:V'3lTM.Wl..E A2273 -4/4 45-93175-001 -#1 ITEM NO_ A2274 -FILTER FABRIC PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Description This .section addresses the supply and installationof a filter fabric which shall be placed under all riprap installation or where specified on PLANS or other items in this TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION or as directed by Engineer. 1.02 Submittals A. Submit the standard manufactorer's catalogue sheets and other pertinent information for filter fabric. B. Certified test results showing actual test values conformed to the required properties of fabric listed in this .section. C. Manufacturer's installation recommendation. PART 2 -PRODUCT 2.01 Materials A. Provide an engineered fabric commonly used in geotechnical applications. B. The fabric shall provide a permeable layer or media while retaining in situ soil without clogging. C. The fabric shall be a fabric woven from monofiIaments of stabiljzed polypropylene, polyvinylidine chloride, nylon, polyolefins or polyester, With .sealed edges to eliminate ravelling. The fabric shall be inert to to commonly encountered chemicals and hydrocarbons, shall be mildew and rot resistant, and . shall be resistant to ultra-violet light exposure, insects, and rodents. The fabric shall be nonbiodegradable and inert over a Ph range of 3 to 12. A2274-1/4 45·93175-001 • N1 O. Properties of Fabric: PROPElITY VALUE TESTMETHOO UNIT Grab Strength (Min) 260 AS'IM 0-1682 Lb Grab Elongation 15-40 AS'IM 0-1682 % Mullen Burst (Min) 515 AS'IM 0-3786 psi Trapezoid Tear (Min) 100 AS'IM 0-2263 Lb Puncture Strength (Min) 140 AS'IM D-4833 (Modified) Lb Modulus (Load @10% • 1 Elongation) (Min) 125 AS'IM 0-1682 Lb !, Abrasion Resistance 120 AS'IM 0-1175 (1000 cycles, 1kg) (Min) &; 0-1682 Lb E.O.S. (Ref.COE CW02215) 50-80 CFMC-FFET-l Sieve No. Open Area (Ref. COE 1310, 5173) 1-3 % Permeability Coefficient (k) .01 CFMC-FFET-2 crn/sec Air Permeability 30 AS'IM 0-737 cfrnJft Water Permeability 􀀨􀁨􀁾􀀲􀀰􀀭􀀱􀀰􀀠em) (Min) 25 CFMC-FFET-l gpmlft2 Gradient Ratio (Ref. COE CW02215) (Max) 3 Ultraviolet Stability (Min) 85 AS'IM D-1682 % ',:. A2274-214 i 45-93175-001 -#1 E. The fabric shall be wrapped in a protective covering to guard against moisture and extended ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. F. Anchors and all other miscellaneous hardware shall be galvanized. G. Filter fabric under riprap and over gabions: Contech C70106 or approved equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 Instal1ation A. Prepare channel bottom and slope to lines and grades as shown on PLANS before ·placing filter fabric. B. Remove any objectional materials that might puncture filter fabric. C. Filter fabric shall be placed directly on the ground surface. Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be overlapped at least one foot (1) or as recommended by manufacturer, if requirement is more than 1 foot. Avoid vehicular traffic on fabric once it is placed. D. Anchor filter fabric under riprap toe, as shown on PLANS or specified elsewhere in these TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. E. Filter fabric shall be kept in its protective wrapping until ready for use. Any fabric that has been out of its protective cover for over 72 hours without being covered shall be considered unsatisfactory and shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory fabric at the Contractor's expense. F. Torn, punctured or separated sections of fabric shall be repaired by placing a fabric patch over the hole or separation seams. The patch shall be large enough to overlap a minimum of three feet (3') in all directions . G. Anchor trenches and side trenches shall be backfil1ed in accordance with Item A2009 -Channel Excavation. A2274 -3/4 45-93175-001 -#1 PART 4 -MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Measurement for filter fabric under riprap shall be per square yard of filter fabric placed at locations as shown on PLANS. Payment for filter fabric under riprap shallbe based on the Contract price bidper square yard of filter fabric, and shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment required to place filter fabric. END OF ITEM A2274-4/4 I Std. 9/10/79 ITEM NO. A3006 -CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECflON PART 1 • GENERAL 1.01 Descrip60n Furnish and place concrete slope paving composed of portland cement concrete, constructed as herein specified on an approved subgrade, in confonnity with the lines, grades, dimensions, and details shown on PLANS. 1.02 Work Spedfied Elsewhere Other related work as called for on PLANS or specified elsewhere in this or other TECHNICAL SPEOFICATIONS. I 1.03 Quality Assurance I A. Submittals: Submit mix designs for strength. B. Tests: Make test specimens to maintain check on concrete strength throughout job. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. Concrete: As specified on PLANS and in accordance with Item ·Concrete.· B. Reinforcing Steel: In accordance with Item 'Reinforcing Steel.' C. Expansion Joint Material: As specified on PLANS and per AS'I'M: 􀁄􀁬􀁩􀀧􀀵􀀲􀀭􀀶􀀷􀁾􀀠Furnish test results in compliance with AS'I'M: D54S-77, if requested. D. Curing Materials: Per Item ·Concrete.· PART 3 -EXECUIlON 3.01 Construction Methods A. Prior to placing material, prepare subgrade to proper section for width and depth of slope paving. B. Dispose of excess excavation, if any, from site, at no cost to Owner. A3006 -1/2 Std. 9/10/79 C. Locate construction joints as shown on PLANS or otherwise indicated. D. Place I-inch expansion joint material at joints where slope paving is placed against walls or around columns or piling and at maximum intexvals of 80 feet throughout length of slope paving. Nail I-inch by I-inch redwood board to top of joint material and, after slope paving has set and cured, remove redwood board and fill area with joint sealant. B. Unless otherwise indicated on PLANS, use minimum No.3 reinforcing bars at maximum spacing of 18 inches in each direction. Distance from first parallel bar to edge of concrete not to exceed 6 inches. F. Wtte reinforcing equivalent in sectional area to reinforcing bars may be used. Use minimum of 6-inch lap at all splices, with not less than 1 inch nor more than 3 inches clearance from fabric to edge of concrete and no wires projecting beyond last member parallel to edge of concrete. G. Support reinforcing steel throughout placement of slope paving to maintain its position approximately equidistant from top and bottom surface of concrete. H. After concrete has been placed, compacted, and shaped to conform to dimensions shown on PLANS, and after it has set su£fi.dently to avoid slumping, finish the surface with wooden float to secure a reasonably smooth surface. I. Cure concrete slope protection in accordance with Item "Concrete Structures, • immediately following finishing operation. 3.02 Measurement and Payment A. Measure 'Concrete Slope Protection" by the square yard of surface area complete in place and accepted. B. 'Concrete Slope Protection" to be paid for at the Contract unit price bid, measured as provided above. Price to be £un compensation for furnishing and , placing all materials, including expansion joint material, jOint sealant, and reinforcing steel; surface finishing and curing; and all manipulations, labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. ' END OF ITEM A3006 -212 Std. 7/28/92 ITEM NO. Bloot • CONCRETE PAIIT 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Description A. Scope 1. nus Item governs for materials used for storing, and handling of materials, and for proportioning and mixing of concrete for reinforced concrete pavement and an reinforced concrete precast and cast-in-place structures. 2. Contractor assumes responsibility for cost and design of proper concrete mixture. B. Other related work as called for on PLANS or specified elsewhere in this or other TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 1.02 QuaBty Assurance A. Furnish laboratory reports showing proportions and materials selected will produce laboratory-mixed concrete of specified quality and having strengths 20 percent higher than 28-day strength specified, at maximum slump and maximum air content specified. B. Owner to select testing laboratory, conforming to ASTM E329, to make·tests throughout concrete operations. When requested by Owner, Bngineer or his representative will monitor tests and review results. 1.03 Submittals A. Samples 1. Furnish material samples to approved testing laboratory for review and testing. 2. Provide sufficient quantities for testing and. determining mixes to produce concrete classes specified. . B. Mix Designs 1. Submit mix designs for each different concrete strength and for each different aggregate. 2. Secure confirmation of laboratory tests on proposed mix designs prior to submittal. . 3. Use only approved mix designs. 4. Make required tests of mix as caIIed for elsewhere in this spec:ification under "Tests." . I Bl00l -1/8 Std. 7/28/92 C. Reports: Provide certified mill reports on cement and sieve analysis on aggregate. D. Tests 1. Make moisture tests of aggregate to ensure proper batching and proportioning. 2. Provide and maintain curing facilities conforming to AS'IM C31. 3. For Structural. Concrete a.· Perform sufficient number of tests to maintain check on quality. b. Conduct tests as per test procedures (AS'IM C31 and C39 for Compression Test). c. When portland cement concrete (other than high-early-strength concrete) is used, test minimum of two standard 6-inch by 12-inch cylinders at 1 days and minimum of two 6-inch by 12-inch cylinders at 28 days for each 50 yards of concrete placed or each structure, whichever is less. d. When high-early-strength concrete is used, test minimum of two standard 6-inch by 12-inch cylinders at 3 days and minimum of two 6-inch by 12-inch cylinders at 1 days for each 50 cubic yards of concrete placed or for each structure, whichever is less. Minimum strengths normally required at 1 and 28 days will be required at 3 and 1 days, respectively. 4. For paving concrete, test pavement work as required by PLANS and/or as follows: a. Make one beam for each 1,000 square yards of pavement, or part thereof, for each day's pour and/or one beam on each street. b. Size of beams as required by AS'IM C31. e:. Core sampling in accordance with requirements of Special Provision. If requirements not established by Special Provision, make one core for each 1,000 square yards of pavement or at least one core for each street, whicltever is least in area. d. Fill core hole with nonshrinking grout at no additional cost to Owner. e. Test core for compressive strength and for thic:kness. f. Test for flexural strength in ac:c:ordance with AS'IM C-293, "Flexural Strength of Concrete (using simple beam with center-point loading). " 5. For air entrainment, make two tests, in accordance with AS'IM Cl38 or 073, for each day's placing. 6. Make slump tests periodic:ally in ac:c:ordance with AS'IM 043. E. Specimen Handling 1. Mark test specimens clearly in a definite sequence. 2. Transport and store specimens to prevent damage. 3. Provide insulated shed for storage of cylinders and beams. 4. Provide records identifying each cylinder with locations from whiclt specimens were taken. .. 81001-218 Std. '1128/92 5. Cure specimens under laboratory conditions, except that for a possibility of surrounding air temperature falling below 40°F; additional specimens to be cured under job conditions may be required. F. Failure to Meet Specifications 1. Concrete failing to meet specifications wl1l be rejected. 2. Should a 3-day (high-early cement) or 7-day (normal cement) test fail to meet established strength requirements, extended curing or resumed curing may be required. 3. Contractor to strengthen structures, or replace portions thereof, which fail to meet established strength requirements, at Contractor's expense. 4. Test cores, when required, to be in accordance with procedures of ASTM C42, at no additional cost to Owner. 1.04 Produd Delivety, Storage, aDd HandUng A. Cement 1. Store in weathertight enclosures and protect against dampness, contamination, and warehouse set. 2. Store off ground in wen-ventilated building. B. Aggregates 1. Stockpile to prevent excessive segregation or contamination with other other materials or other sizes ot aggregates. 2. Use only one supply source tor each aggregate stockpile. C. Admixtures .1. Store to prevent contamination, evaporation, or damage. 2. Proted liquid admixtures .&om .freezing or harmful temperature ranges. 3. Agitate emulsions prior to use. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. Concrete: Ready-mixed concrete conforming to ASTM C94 or site-mixed concrete (dry weight 145-150 pounds per cubic toot). . 1. Cement a. ASTM ClSO, Type I. . b. AS1M speci£ications tor weight variations and length ot storage. c. Use no caked cement. d. Deliver in bags for site-mixed concrete. e. Use only one brand of cement in anyone structure. f. Cement for Oass .p. concrete may be delivered 􀁾bulk if method of handling is approved. BlOOl-3/8 Sid. 7/28/92 2. Admixtures a. Air-entraining admixtures in accordance with ASTM 060. b. WateHeducing and retarding admixtures in accordance with ASTM C494, Type A or Type D admixture, modified as follows: 1) Bleeding water no greater than bleeding water of ASTM C494 reference concrete when tested as per ASTM C232. 2) Increase durability, decrease permeability, and increase resistance to surface scaling, when compared to ASTM C494 reference concrete. 3) No chlorides or aDcalies added during manufacture of admixture. c. High-range water-reducing admixture (superplastidzer) in accordance with ASTM C494, Type F or Type G, modified as follows: 1) Superplastidzed concrete to be nonsegregating, have little bleeding. and have physical properties similar to low water-cement ratio concrete. 2) Admixture composed of a synthesized sulfonated polymer to be added to the concrete mixer with gauge water at the central batch plant. 3) Use only one liquid admixture to achieve the superplastidzed concrete, except where air entrainment is desired, in which case, air entraining admixture to be compatible with superplastic:izer admixture. 4) Treated concrete must be capable of maintaining superpJastic state in excess of 2 hours. 5) Dosage as recommended by the manufacturer. d. Additional Requirements 1) Manufacturer to provide proof of successful field use of water-reducing and retarding admixture from recognized laboratories and other authorities. 2) Manufacturer to provide local representative and warehouse facilities, when requested by Owner. > 3) Provide qualified concrete tec:hnidan to assist in concrete mix design, if required. > 4) Ifrequired, Contractor to acquire approved commercial > laboratory testing, at no cost to Owner, to furnish certification of compliance with this specification. 5) Water-reducing and retarding admixtures used in Class A and Class K concrete only, unless otherwise specified. 6) Use manufacturers published recommended dosage for> optimum results as minimum requirements. Dosage may be varied by Engineer after analysis of results of local commercial laboratory tests using materials from sources assigned by Contractor. 81001-418 Std. 7/28/92 7) Dispensing and mixing equipment and procedures at batch plant are subject to approval. 3. Coarse Aggregate a. Durable particles of graveL crushed graveL crushed blast furnace slag, crushed stone, or combination thereof, conforming to ASTM 03. b. Use clean" durable particles, free from frozen mater:ia1s, clay, salt, alkali, vegetable matter, or other coating which would adversely affect strength of conaete or bonding of aggregate to cement paste. 1) Nonprestressed concrete aggregate size from No.4 to 1-1/2 inches. 2) Prestressed concrete aggregate size from No.4 to 1 inch. c. The maximum size coarse aggregate to be as indicated above or no greater than three-fourths of the minimum clear spacing between parallel reinforcing bars or prestressing tendons, whichever is smaller. 4-Fine Aggregate a. Natural sand as per AS'lM 03. b. Fmeness modulus between 2.4 and 2.9. 5. Water a. Free from oils, acids, alkalis, organic matter, or other deleterious substances and not containing more than 1,000 parts parts per million of sulphates. b. Testing not required from municipal supplies approved by Texas Department of Health, but from other sources water w:ill be sampled and tested, at no additional cost to Owner, before use• 6. . Slump a. Test method as per AS'lM 043. b. As indicated in Oassification Table. 7. Mix Proportioning a. As per Oassification Table, based on maximum water-cement ratio and minimum strength requirements, with limits set on minimum cement content. b. Increase cement content above minimum or use approved admixtures, without additional cost to Owner, if type, gradation, or sizes of aggregate being supplied gives concrete mixture not meeting strength and workability requirements. 8. Coring Mater:ia1s: Per Item 'Concrete Structures.' B. Nonshrink Grout: Grout to have moderate fluidity and to conform to Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C 621-82B. :/: B1OO1-5/8 Std. 7/28/92 CLASSIFICATION TABLE .... Water CoaleJl.f'l MfA. Comp. MfA.Oement Stleagtb. (psi) Poudauf Galluu of Perc.y.'" Sbamp Total AIr WaterlLb. WaierlBag RaD&e CoIIIeDf CIa.u-Type 1-thy 2Ikb.y Cement Cement Lb.. Bags (/A.)* ('11.) A -Structural 2000 3000 0.55 6.25 m 5.25 2-112 10 2-112 10 4-112 4-112 A., -structura1" 2000 3000 0.50 5.65 423 uo 1 10 J.OI'I 3105 B -Slope Prolectlon 1200 2000 0.15 8.50 400 '-25 2-112 10" 2-112 C -PIpe Blocking 1500 0.91 11.00 282 3.00 3105 3106 D -Seal Slab 316 ..00 6108 • needed E -Monolithlc Sewer 2000 3000 0.55 6.25 564 6.00 4106 3105 F' -Prestressetfl 5000 0.51 5.15 635 6.75 2103 as needed G -l'restressecf'l 6000 0.49 5.50 658 1.00 2103 • needed K 􀀭􀁓􀁴􀁎􀀺􀀺􀁉􀁕􀁴􀁡􀁬􀁾􀀠2800 clU'al strength at 1 days. til Slump range 1-3 Inch when sUp form method of constrw:tlon used. <1 B1001· 6/8 Std. 7/28/92 PART 3 • EXEcunON 3.01 Mixing Concrete General 1. Ready-mixed and in accordance with requirements of current ACl building codes. 2. Postpone or delay work during adverse weather conditions. 3. Protect chy batch material so that it reaches mixer in a chy condition. 4. Use batch mixer having approved and positive water control and measuring device for an materials. 5. Continue mixing to ensure uniform distribution of materials, but not Jess than 1-1/2 minutes after an materials have been introduced into mixer drum. 6. Rotate drum at peripheral speed recommended by mixer manufacturer. 7. Mix and deliver as per ASTM C94. a. Add mixing water at plant. b. Mix concrete in quantities required for immediate use, and discharge at jobsite within 1 hour after introduction of cement to aggregate. If Contractor can prove that concrete consistency measured by slump wm not be reduced by lJU)re than 2 inches when superplast:icized concrete is used, time interval between mixing and placing may be extended to a maximum of 90 minutes or to a period in which slump loss wm not exceed 2 inches. c. Begin mixing operation within 30 minutes after cement and aggregates intermingled. d. Ready-mixed concrete producer to furnish delivery tickets indicating 1) Delivery date and time dispatched. 2) Name and location of project. 3) Name of Contractor. 4) Name of ready-mixed concrete producer. 5) Truck number. 6) Number of cubic yards of concrete in load. 7) Class of concrete. 8) Cement content in bags per cubic yard of concrete. 9) AInount of admixture in concrete, if any. 10) Number of gallons of water in mixture. 11) Air content. . 8. Job mix concrete in approved type mixer and do not load beyond manufacturer's rated capacity. a. Normal Weight Concrete 1) Mix batches of 1 cubic yard or less for minimum of 1-1/2 minutes after materials are placed in mixer. 2) Increase mixing time 15 seconds for each half yard increase over one cubic yard batch. 81001-7/8 Std. 7/28/92 b. Maintain positive batch control equipment to within 1 percent accuracy. c. Oean, maintain. and operate equipment so as to thoroughly mix material as required. d. Hand-mixing permitted for small placements only or in emergencies, as authorized. e. Hand-mixed batches not to exceed a two-bag batch in volume. 9. Do not mix when air temperature is at or below 4Q°F (taken in the shade away from artifida! heat) and falling, or if likely to tan below 4Q°F in next 24 hours. to. To produce concrete with minimum temperature of 50°F, heat aggregate and/or water uniformly as follows: a. Water temperature not to exceed 180°F and/or aggregate temperature not to exceed 150°F. b. Heat mass of aggregate uniformly. . c. Temperature of aggregates and water to be between 50°F and 85°F before introduction of cement. 3.02 Installation In accordance with other applicable TECHNICAL SPEOFICATIONS. 3.03 Measurement and Payment A. . No separate measurement and payment for work performed under this Item except as indicated below. Include cost of same in Contract price bid for work of which this is a component part. B. Measure "Extra Concrete," when approved by Engineer, by cubic yard of concrete of class ordered, complete in place. Pay for "Extra Concrete" at Contract unit price bid per cubic yard for classes of "Extra Concrete" used. END OF ITEM B100l· 8/8 Std. 10(14/91 ITEM NO. B2OO1 -CONCRETE STRUCTURES PART 1 • GENERAL 1.01 Description A. Scope: Construction procedures for all concrete structures, including methods for fonning, placing, and c:uring. B. Other related work as called for on PLANS or specified elsewhere in this or other TECHNICAL SPEOFICATIONS. 1.02 Submittals A. Submit samples, mix designs, tests, and reports, per Item ·Concrete.· B. Prior to start of work, submit following information when requested by Special Provision. 1. Methods of construction. 2. Plans for forms and falsework. 3. Amount and type of equipment. 4. Concrete placing schedule with facilities for handling concrete shrinkage. 5. Tabulation of concrete surfaces indicating types of finish on each surface. PART 2 • PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. Concrete: Per applicable concrete Item. B. Expansion Joint Material: Per ASTM DI752-67. Furnish test results as to' compliance with ASTM 0545-77. C. Waterstop: Manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride plastic compound conforming to U.S. Corps of Engineers' Specification No. CW-03l5()..8().and containing no scrap or reclaimed material. Unless otherwise indicated, furnish WIRESTOP waterstops as manufactured by Paul Murphy Plastics, Roseville, Michigan of the following types. 1. Expansion Joints: Type 0S-151-CHR-6380. 2. Construction Joints: Type 0S-151-FHR-6380, or Type 05-151-FDR-4316 as applicable. B2001-1(15 Std. 10/14191 D. Curing Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, use the following on an concrete surfaces, including those to be painted, waterproofed, and grouted. Protecrete, as manufactured by P. A. Thornburg, Inc., Houston, Texas. E. Forms and Falsework . 1. T'lIllber a. Seasoned, good quality timber free from 100se or unsound knots, knot holes, twists, shakes, decay, and other imperfections which would. affect its strength or impair finished surface of concrete. b. Wedges, when required, to be hardwood. 2. Metal a. 'I'hickness of metal forms as required to maintain true shape without warping or bulging. b. Keep metal forms free from rust, grease, or other foreign materials, and use only those which present a smooth surface and line up properly. c. Aluminum not permitted. F. Grout 1. Nonshrinldng Grout: Premixed grout which is nonmetallic, noncorrosive, and nonstaining; containing specially selected silicon sands, cement, shrinkage compensating agents, plasticizing and water reducing agents. a. Conform to requirements of Corps of Engineers CRD-C588 Test Method QID.C589. b. Minimum 28-day compressive strength of 8,000 psi. c. Maintain grout temperature during placement between 50°F and 90°F. d. Prepare and place grout according to grout manufacturer'8 sped6cations. 2. Nonshrink Epoxy Grout: Five Star epoxy grout as manufactured by U.S. Grout Corporation or equal. G. Permanent Moisture Barrier: Polyethylene film minimum thick.ne.ss of .000·inch ': (6 mils) with high-impact strength rating. H. Concrete Bonding Agent: Acceptable manufacturers: 1. "Darawe1d-C" as manufactured by W. R. Grace and Company, HCluston, Texas. 2. ·Bond Crete-S· as manufactured by Burke Concrete Accessories, Inc., Houston, Texas. I. Waterproofing: Self-adhering polyethylene with a rubberized asphalt mastic material. 1. Minimum 4 mil thick.ness polyethylene coated on one side with a.layer of adhesive rubberized asphalt with protective membrane .. B2001-2115 Sid. 10/14191 2. Designed for tensile strength of 250 psi when tested in accordance with ASlM 0412-80. 3. Thickness to be 60 mils excluding the protective release membrane. 4. Fumish in rolls 36 inches minimum width and 50 feet minimum length. J. Expansion Bolts; AS1M Type 304 stainless steel with pullout and shear strengths equal to or greater than those provided by Hilti Kwik·Bolts, for all sizes and embedments required on the project. Submit test results as per ASlM E488·76 ·Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements.· 1<. Coal·Tar Epoxy Coating 1. Modified coal·tar epoxy compound consisting of 100 percent sprayable solids not requiring solvent material for application or curing. Fmished product to be flexible and free of c:halking, checldng, and hairline shrinkage cracks. Manufacturers: Madewell 1103 Coal Tar Epoxy Coating or equal. 2. Coal·Tar Epoxy Primer: Madewell 927 or equal. PARI' 3 -EXECUIlON 3.01 General Requirements Tune Sequence of Construction Operations 1. 1. Do not place superstructure members, forms, falsework, or erection equipment on substructure before concrete has cured for 4 days. 2. Erect forms on footings supported by piling or drilled shafts after concrete has cured for 4 days. Such work may begin on spread footings after concrete has aged at least 2 curing days. 3. Support of tie beam and/or cap forms by falsework placed on previously placed tie beams is permissible, provided curing requirements are . completed and tie beams are properly supported to eliminate stresseS"not provided for in design. 4. For bridges and direct t:raffh: culverts, construction traffic and traveling public permitted in accordance with the following. a. Authorization for light construction traffic not to exceed a three-quarter ton truck may be given after last slab of concrete has been In place at least 14 days. ' b. Authorization for normal construction traffic, when necessary, and to traveling public may be given after last slab of concrete has been in place 30 days. 5. Forms, or screed supports for bridges, may be attached to I-beams or girders by welding. B2OO1-3/15 Std. 10/14/91 3.02 Construction Methods A. Forming 1. General Requirements: Design and construct to carry maximum anticipated loads and provide rigidity to prevent settlement or deformation. 2. Design Loads: Use 150 pounds per cubk: foot for concrete and Jive load of 50 pounds per square foot of horizontal surface of form work with 125 percent of allowable stresses used for design of structures. 3. Falsework a. . Make timber sills and grillages large enough to support superimposed load without settlement. b. Place falsework which cannot be founded on a satisfactoJ:y spread footing on piling or drilled shafts. c. Cap each falsework bent transversel¥ by a member of proper size, and fasten caps securely to each pile or column in bent and set at proper elevation, allowing for a construction camber. d. Use wedges, If required, in pairs and arrange so as to ensure uniform bearing. e. Use of wedges to compensate for incorrectly cut bearing surfaces not permitted. 4. Forms a. General 1) Provide mortar-tight forms sufficient in strength to prevent bulging or sagging. 2) Maintain to proper line and grade, and prevent warping and shrinkage. 3) Oean areas of extraneous material before concrete placement. 4) Ifbulging or sagging occurs, remove concrete causing such condition and reset forms. 5) Construct forms to permit their removal without damage to concrete. 6) Use metal form ties of a type that permits their easy removal and which will not require removal of excessive concrete. 7) Remove metal alignment appliances from forms to a depth of at. least V2 inch from concrete surface without undue chipping or spalling, leaving a smooth opening in the concrete surface. S) Burning off of rods, bolts, or ties not permitted. 9) Cut wire ties back at least V2 inch from face of concrete: 10) Metal tie-holding devices to develop strength of ties and to be adjustable for alignment. 11) Remove spreaders, which are separate from the forms, as concrete is placed. 12) Provide clean-out openings for walls and other locations where access access to bottom of forms is not readily attainable. . . 82001-4115 Std. 10/14191 b. c. 13) Prior to erection, treat facing of forms with oil or other bond-breaJd:ng coating which will not discolor or otherwise injuriously affect concrete surface. 14) Wet surface of forms to be in contact with concrete immediately before placing concrete. 15) Before concrete placement, align edges and faces of fonn panels and tape or fill joints with patching plaster or cold-water putty to prevent leakage; sand lightly with No. 0 sandpaper to make joints smooth. 16) Forms of any kind are not permitted under permanent structures. Timber 1) Tnnber for facing or sheathing surfaced on at least one side and two edges. 2) Use nominal2-inch lumber minimum thickness for forms for bottoms of beams. 3) Use lumber of nominal1-inch minimum thickness elsewhere, generally, and back by sufficient number of studs and wales. 4) Provide fonn linings free of irregu1ariI:i.es for concrete surfaces to be given rubbed finish. S) Li:ning not required with plywood forms. 6) Plywood fonn lining made with waterproof waterproof adhesive to be 1/4-inch minimum thickness, oiled at mill, and re-oiled or lacquered on job before using. 7) Use tempered Masonite Concrete Fonn Board, 3/16-inch minimum thickness, as alternate fonn lining. a) Keep moist at least 12 hours before applying to sheathing by moistening screen side ofboard and stacking boards screen side to screen side. b) Use smooth, hard face as concrete contact surface of fonn. 8) Plywood forms to be minimum 3/4-inch thickness and made with waterproof adhesive backed by adequate studs and w!lles, with fonn lining not required. .. 9) Molding for chamfer strips, or other uses. a) Redwood, cypress, or pine. b) Use quality which will not split when nailed and will hold true lines.· c) Mill cut, dressed on all faces. d) Fillet sharp comers and edges with triangular chamfer strips, 3/4 inch on sides. Metal 1) Li:ning not required. 2) Countersink bolt and rivet heads on facing sides of metal forms. B2001· 5/15 Sid. 10114191 3) Design clamps, pins, or other connecting devices to hold forms rigidly together and to allow removal without injuIy to concrete. 4) Straight metal panel forms may be used for all structures with straight walls and for those structures with curved walls only below groUl'ld leveL 5) Curved metal panels may be W!ed for all structures with curved walls. B. Joints 1. Expansion Joints a. Remove form from formed joints as soon as possible to permit free expansion of conaete. b. Anchor expansion joint fillers to concrete on side of joint by means of copper wire not lighter than No. 12 B&:S gage or copper nails of approved size. .. . c. Ensure complete separation of concrete sections by Joint material. 2. Construction Joints a. Other than those indicated, joints not permitted without written authorization. b. Roughen previously placed concrete surface so as to expose aggregate particles. c. Remove loose materials, and wash and scrub surface c:lean with stiff brooms. d. Keep concrete surface moist for 12 hours prior to placing adjacent concrete. e. Immediately prior to placing conaete thereon, wet surface of joint with c:lean water. C. Placing Reinforcement: Per Item "Reinforcing Steel• D. Placing Concrete 1. Seal Slabs a. Use in all excavations for structures requiring reinforcing steel in base slab. For retaining wall footings and bridge footings, use seal slab only if shown on PLANS. b. Excavate 2 inches minimum below bottom of structural slab and pour seal slab concrete to structural slab bottom elevation. c. Provide rough float finish. d. No direct payment made for seal slab conaete. 2. General Requirements a. Give advance notice before placing concrete. b. Place conaete only after forms and reinforcing placement have been checked. B2001· 6/15 SM. 10/14/91 3. 4. c. Discontinue pile driving and other causes of vibration until concrete has attained an age of at least 18 hours. d. Mix, place, and finish concrete in daylight hours. If necessary to continue after daylight hours, light entire working area. e. Do not place concrete when impending weather conditions, such as rain. sleet, or snow, threaten to impair quality of finished work. f. If rainfall occurs during concrete placement, provide covering to protect work. g. Place concrete in forms or excavations with no apparent moisture therein. h. Standing water not permitted in forms or excavations during concrete placement. Handling and Transporting a. Use method and equipment to maintain rate of placement as required to prevent cold joints. b. Place concrete by buckets, chutes, buggies, pipes, or troughs, which prevent separation of concrete ingredients. c. With prior written approval, use belt conveyors or pumps, and test samples at discharge end. d. Protect concrete transported by conveyors from sun and wind to prevent loss of slump and workability. e. Pipes used to pump concrete to be shaded and/or wrapped with wet burlap to prevent loss of slump and workability. f. Do not transport concrete through aluminum pipes, tubes, or other aluminum equipment. g. Use of chutes in excess of 35 feet total length prohibited. Depositing: Contractor to provide thermometer to measure temperature of concrete. a. Equip chutes with baffles for depositing concrete on steep slopes, or make chutes in short lengths that reverse lateral direction of movement. b. Provide downpipe at end of chute. c. . Use no slope steeper than one vertical to two horizontal d. Discharge concrete from chutes and troughs either vertically down inside of forms or into pockets outside of forms from which it may £low through holes left in forms. , e. Keep chutes, troughs, and pipes dean and free from coal:ing8 of hardened concrete. f. Deposit concrete in continuous horizonta11ayers maximum 12 inches thick. g. Depositing large quantities at one point and running or working it along forms not permitted. h. Limit free-fall of concrete to '4 feet, except in walls 10 inches or less in thickness, if segregation can be prevented. , L Use tremies for placing concrete in walls over 10 u\ches thick. B2001-7115 Std. 10/14191 j. Remove hardened concrete spatter ahead of plastic concrete. k. Do not jar forms after concrete has taken initial set or place any strain on projecting reinforcement. 1. Make tremies in sections, or provide in several1engths, so outlet may be adjusted to proper heights during placing operations. m. Place each layer while preceding layer Is still p1asfu:, but do not allow more than one hour to elapse between placement of successive layers. n. Apply vibrators to concrete immediately after depositing and move throughout mass, through layer of concrete just placed, and several inches into plastic layer below. o. Consolidate concrete and flush mortar to form surfaces by continuous working with immersion-type vibrators. p. Do not attach vibrators to forms or reinforcement. q. Provide one standby vibrator for emergency use. r. If excessive bleeding causes water to form on surface of concrete in tall forms, use stiffer mix. s. In walls and deep beams, place concrete to a point approximately 1 foot below finished elevation of bottom of slab or beam to be poured monolithically with wall, and allow to settle; but to avoid a cold joint, resume placement of concrete before initial set occurs. t. Overfill forms and screed off excess concrete after partial stiffening. u. Placing Concrete in Cold Weather: Minimum temperature of all concrete at time of placement to be not less than sooF. 1) Maintain slab temperatures at sooF or above for period of 72 hours from time of placement and above 40°F for additional 72 hours. 2) Maintain temperature of all other structural elements at 40°F or above for period of 72 hours from time of placement. 3) Maintain temperature of concrete placed on or in the ground above 40°F for period of 72 hours from time of placement .. 4) Protect concrete against freezing during curing period in accordance with Portland Cement Association "Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures •• 5) Protect concrete from temperatures below 40°F until it has . cured for a minimum. of 3 days at mOF or 5 days at sooF. Remove and replace, at Contractor's expense, all concrete deemed unsatisfactory by Engineer. 6) Protection may consist of additional covering, insulated.forms, arti£icial heatings, or other means approved by Engineer. . v. Placing Concrete in Hot Weather: When air temperature is aboye :/; 90°F use approved retarding agent in all exposed concrete and in: all cased driI1ed shafts regardless of temperature. B2001-8/15 Std. 10/14191 w. 1) Reinforcing steel, steel beam flanges, and other surfaces in contact with concrete to be cooled to below 90°F by means of water spray or other approved methods. 2) Concrete temperature prior to placement not to exceed 85°F, plus a maximum tolerance of sop. Concrete above this maximum will be rejected. 3) Reduce concrete temperature at time of placement to satisfy maximum allowable temperature by one or more of the following: ' a) Addition of cold water with a subsequent addition of cement to maintain proper water-cement ratio. Tanks or trucks used for storing or transporting water to be insulated or painted white. Mechanical refrigeration may be used to reduce water temperatures. b) Addition of crushed, shaved, or chipped ice directly into the mixer with a subsequenf addition of cement to maintain proper water-6:t.,u lI; 􀁾􀀢􀀡􀁯􀁳􀀠􀀤􀁬􀁾􀀠""',' ••􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁉􀀬􀁉􀀧􀀩􀀠􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀠.,-; • 􀁾􀀠􀂻􀁯􀁾􀀡􀁯􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁉􀀮􀁉􀁃􀀠"11" 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀮􀂻􀀠x,l(l!!6tOO" 􀁾􀂥􀁩􀁬􀀺􀀠:.,.. 􀀧􀁾􀁍􀁊􀀠.4MIl :M 􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀧􀁬􀁯􀀮􀀴􀁴􀀠·oc " $ 􀁾􀁾􀀤􀀮􀀧􀀺􀁴􀀠'" '" •""...'1 􀁾􀀠􀁓􀁾􀀮􀁯􀁉􀁉􀁬􀀠􀁾􀀺􀁕􀀱􀀠P,l lOCo!.!)"' 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁬􀁊􀀧􀁕􀀠7􀀫􀁏􀁱􀀬􀁾􀀧􀀢􀁴􀀷􀀠'''' .. 􀀤􀁾􀁾􀀱􀁬􀀠• 􀀢􀁾􀀬􀁪􀀦'"i''' l:lW 6+00 p.) " •• ,,'''''''-_ ---;;:t", ____" --􀁂􀁒􀁉􀁾􀁣􀁲􀀠􀁾􀀤􀀴􀁾􀁯􀁳􀀮􀀠--􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀵􀀱􀀮􀁳􀀮􀀮􀀿􀀠..􀁾􀀠'"C!" , ill 􀀤􀀵􀀳􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀠􀂷􀂷􀁾􀀩􀁬􀁍􀀧􀀻􀀨􀀬􀀠"" ,-P 5 > $ k,"'..... 'T"""." .,. 􀁾􀀮􀀧..""""., T"",.I> ___" _ """ r:)<'"'" -".... T:"" P-4 " .....,,='1ll'lo.1... "" ". ','....􀁾􀀬􀀠􀁾.,,-. 􀁱􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀻􀀬􀀢􀀠􀀮􀀧􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀬􀀠􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀢􀁍􀀤􀀮􀀩􀀹• \ "",,,,,,, ,./' '" To< , lJ , . ., I ......." ...." __9""00 • ',. 􀁾􀀠• ..'''' P-6' 􀁾....􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀭,."..", .";,,,...,, '," ![] 􀁾􀁪􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀠x 􀀡􀁬􀁩􀁾􀀠-'ilVlb --., ." ". 􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀢􀁾􀀮􀀠....".,," ."." 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I:iI 􀀬􀀻􀁾􀀠I ..• /􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀠<' CA4I!w< ...1otI. .'." /..:. .:;::, LEGEND • ."'" '''' SHALE Porouuion 􀁾􀀠FUr Creek exposed along creek bed Water beating undy ORA VEL. 􀁾􀀠." .cobbio, .bale .& limestone fragmenu BXPOSED MA TERJALS Ci :& boulders observed along creek beet c: See Table One for probing refu!al depths. :>:J DE93-043 ttl NORTH FIGURE 2 "'" TERRA-MAR.