Randy ·Harrison Tim' Hastings WOS·Ai.hCraft Oporator I ,, •'! '···· , .. ,-.·. :·· ''._:·, ·i ;·, ·.; ~-: · · ··:·:::n'!;·~ :•: ···: <:' :i::.:·~'f'>e.: :,'~'ll;· ··. II• . . -· .· . . . : "§it!llfti01l\11 :. QJI19J~JIIJi~31~fJiitlt~/i.· . ..... _,' '. . ..... -·.·· ·'' ' .' . ' . ' . , ,. '' -~ '"'' f:·' ··i. .., ' •' ' ~ ' ' ·-:;: _.·._ '-.-·' ·-~_ .... w u.f ~..,.; ~··V1 -~ : _,. /, ·-.·· ,._ .. ' · ... Z -~····-0.·· .... ·. ··'_--;-~·· ·.. .· V'). .. -. -LIJ:V') ~-...... ~ -VLz·.·.· .-., .-/-:·~-.. 0 -· 'V') 5 ·o ·-:--.··' .. ~- Contracted the resurfacing of Brookhaven Club • Drive and Sojourn Drhte. Acted. as general contractor by coordinatil'!g ·va.rious•aspec~of the •. pavemerifr&pairs,. pavement markings, and traffic signal loop Installation. .. . ,, ' --,. . Contracted the replacement ofpavement.f!!arkers (bl,ltt()ns) on Belt.L,iru~ ~oad, Midway Road, Dallas Parkway,. Keue·r Springs Road, l.:.ihdbergh .Drive; arid Westgrov9 Drive. · · .· .. Contracted the repla~emen~ of pave~e~t ma~4t..S (stop,b~l'$,·a~Yis~.:~nd raUroacl c;rossing markings) at twentY-five locati.ons on seventeen str&,ts. _. · · · · ·· · '• Contracted pavement repairs· on Midviay Road, Quorum Drive, and Westgr6ve Drive. I .. . ' -. Contracted join~ sealing on south~~i.lnd·Mid~yRq~~ between BeltL,Ine Road and Spring·_ Valley Road. ·· ... , Y . . -.·•. .•, .•. . • . . - ·.·Provided. contract;admihisttation fonall.> st~~et·~~e~pin~.· recycling, and street lighting seniices. . · · · ·· · · · · ·· · · · · .~ ... ' .. ·. Worked closely with the SpeCial Events Gommitte.e tQ en~tire successful traffic management and orderly parking at-ill Special Events ... · ·· .> ·· · ,. . " ' ·-: .. •:',.; Provided emergen.cy_response to aU weather eme~ge.ncies'i.,cludi~Jg .storm debris cleanup, and .road sanding during iCing conditions;' · · ,. .• .. " ' :·.· · .. -' ' J ' .: • :•· ~-_,,, r -~· ., '·:·; ·.~. :, ~ .' ~ '• ~ "':;" :~· .~;·.·~·:.·~ I··:·:;-.~ .. ' :ri'fT'I) ~~· ~-···-·q 'J'>·r .';;'': ::·~ :·· ,;~:·•<' ::;::.---~:')1'11; ~;;:>JL' i!~~-1 ~~~-~ T-,.,,'-~'I '1''-.'>;r::-·" ~-!C~·::.'"'i:~~: ~ •. 'I!': i' c;:o.;,! lr;;·-~ -~T-~ T'''·; . I '"'---'i:' ," ; '·I· ! : "•' ::·-· .'!':' I ' :.-: -:;.': • '.! . ' •: .' ,: i L i : .· STRl;ETcfiiVJSI(JN'S~I(~~ES lfJ;J¥:'1 ~~$11& BUJk ' :· . :.· ,'' ·-:· ' ' ' ·.•. . . ' :•·. . , I Signal, Signs · ;and Markings ..•... 19%: :. ·.··e····' .... ·,'··.··, ............. ·a ' .. mergen~y · . ·'·':' ( spiclal:.et)ents' .. ': .•.. ·. '·~71 i!ll£ ,; . ,, '·~·-;'· ''.I . f(',· U'® , '>' ~ .. ·. :II .. Anlrriafcontrol · . :·,·:::'\ 1~%.· .._,. (" . . -''• . ··•·· ···.•.·.· .. · ...... · · .. ·Street ··-' ' ·. ·· Maintenance .. 15% i; •, ··'· ·.,- .,·; .. · 1. Street Ughting ~ Addition El.eetrical · •· Cos is Assoclate<,l with 2. Tr;15b Disposal -.Disposal costs Associate<,~ wtih nfffl •. Sign Installer I Maintenanc.~ Wok!'lr Alroort Parkway Painting T~flic Signal Poles :•._ Expanded Le.veiS' of-. ·. · · ·1g99~2ooo · li ' .... ,_ ' •J•. .· $ '· $ .. 2S:000 '$ 25,000 !I' !i . ;.• ...... ._.., ' .... ,· ··: ,· ·:r ..... , ...... ···•Pro.t5~s·ea··stre.e~:···~ai''Qt~~.,;~~c'e··.·.·"Pr~.g:,i~a61·····.··· . . . -...... · ·.· .. · , .. · ... . :~ 7 ¥~R~~N :,, .. ··.··.·. .·, ··, ... :i;:,,::[:,::.:· >, .• .. • ·. ' '1999' 2000'' . ,. .. ...... ,,, ·: •.... •·•· ' ·' ,., '~.: •. · ... ' ,: .. , >.,' '•?\:::.~:·~:.:~,)''' ... , .. · •. ' ·:,1. urt }'QrJ~~yay =ut E:::!!Jal:JjJJt~rt~jCJJJ< . _· .·• :: . : -·' .' :' ' ·' ,!" .: _ _., '1:.--. ·:::·.-~·-_' ":/.: .• , ',-,,-:::·:· .. _!·;,-.-:::_:·<::1'_·:_::'11.' ' ·.·-~-. _·-::.-·· * Expanded Level ol Service rc!!quests pr~pos~dJo~ J ~99-:2000; , . ':· . ' ' ' ". ' . : . ' -' ,' ',. ·• ' ',---.' ".:.-:.,-.·_-·, .. ·, ... • .·' ,·· ·' •, --., •, .. _._ :,_·- ..... I_--iO.·· ~g . ,tU .·. ~~;i~[:-_ IT'C ~o r~~ -"& ·-~ -. [;~. ·-·;:s·· 6 ·.· ;~-~ 0 '~ --,..-:-. 0 ,f~c~" iV)·. r= -·.~ ,',· .: -""' t.:CLt , · [;~~·-· /:;Q; 'S! a. "-~:~ '. :-·.;.: .··-'· -- .-·:· ;, _. ·~ -/~---. . ~.:-:-; ---' -·:-. . ·.-·.----:-, "---.-" ."'·'. ~ . -. ,_ -._ .. · ·.-· _;· :·· ··,.· .·.· .'.·