Town of Addison Capital Project Summary • .. ·. Book March 1998 TOWN OF ADDISON SELECTED PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS MARCH 1998 I Addison Airport Drainage Project 2 Addison Airport Grant Land Acquisition 3 Addison Airport/Keller Springs Tunnel Replacement Land Acquisition 4 Addison Airport Studies 5 Addison Airport Traffic Control Tower 6 Addison Airport Utilities 7 Addison Airport Westside Taxiway Reconstruction 8 Addison Circle Phase I 9 Addison Circle Phase II a IO Addison Circle Phase II b 11 Addison Circle Phase III I2 Addison Road/Excel Parkway Signal 13 Addison Road/Keller Springs Intersection Improvements 14 Addison Road Widening I5 Addison Transit Center 16 Arapaho Road Phase I 17 Arapaho Road Phase II/III 18 Arapaho Road/Tollway Bridge Modification 19 Asphalt Street Paving Program 20 Belt Line Bus Stop Shelters 21 Belt Line/Midway -Belt Line/Quorum Intersection Improvements 22 Belt Line/Tollway Single Point Urban Interchange 23 Celestial Pump Station Improvements 24 Dooley/Wright Brothers Road 25 Keller Springs/Quorum Intersection 26 Keller Springs Road Tunnel 27 Midway Road (Dallas County) Corridor Intersections Improvements 28 South Quorum/Inwood Connection 29 Spectrum Connection 30 Surveyor @Belt Line -Right Tum Lane 31 Tollway Pedestrian Bridges 32 Water and Sewer Line Replacement Program 33 5 Year Utility Maintenance Program Parks ProJects 34 Addison Athletic Club Expansion 35 Addison Circle Park Esplanade 36 Belt Line Road Streetscape 37 Beltway Drive Pedestrian Lighting 38 Les Lacs Linear Park Phase III 39 Les Lacs Linear Park Phase IV 40 Quorum Park Land Acquisition 41 Quorum Streetscape Improvements 42 Special Events Property Development 43 Special Events Landscaping 44 Tollway Landscaping-Phase III 45 Town Hall Bank Stabilization 46 Upper Winnwood Pond De-silting Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Airport Drainage Project Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will eliminate the drainage ditch that flows across the north end of the airport that is considered a potential obstruction to air operations. A storm sewer will be installed and the area will be graded to eliminate this potential obstruction from the runway safety area. Estimated cost: $600,000 90% TxDOT-Aviation 1 0% Airport fund Securing TxDOT-Aviation funding. Engineering in FY 2000. Construction in FY 2001. N.A. N.A. Jim Pierce None at this time 1 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Addison Airport Grant Land Acquisition Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project involved the acquisition of 2 parcels of property located on the west side of the airport, totaling 3 acres. This land is needed to extend the west side taxiway. In addition, funds are available to demolish the existing road and to fence the property. The estimated project costs total $542,000. The FAA has approved a grant in the amount of $487,000. The Town is obligated to fund 10% of the actual costs, estimated at $54,000. None. Land acquisition is complete. Demolition of the roadway and fencing of the property: Engineering -complete. Construction-complete July 1998. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea None at this time. John Baumgartner-Land Acquisition Jim Pierce -Engineering and Construction 74200 2 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Addison Airport/Keller Springs Tunnel Land Acquisition Capital Project Summary March 1998 The Town of Addison has informally agreed to replace the 3 acres of property affected by the Keller Springs Tunnel with 4 acres of property adjacent to the airport. Staff has estimated that this land acquisition will cost approximately $2,000,000. Staff has met with several property owners and is currently working with them to find willing sellers. Staff is continuing to pursue other parcels and is hopeful that this project will be completed by September 1998. N.A. N.A. John Baumgartner-Airport/FAA Chris Terry -Land Acquisition 64300 3 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Airport Studies Capital Project Summary March 1998 Two studies are included in this summary. One is "Addison Airport FAR Part 150 Study Update" which includes an inventory and forecast of aviation activity, measurement of th,e existing noise environment, land use analysis and noise impact, noise abatement alternatives, compatibility, recommendations and development of a FAR Part 150 compliance program. A FAR Part 161 Study is used to evaluate the economics of certain types of aircraft because of noise considerations and possibly phasing out the large business jets with stage II engines. FAR Part 150: FAR Part 161: $158,000 grant from the FAA. The estimated cost is $300,000 and is eligible for FAA participation. The projects are not currently funded. A FAR Part 161 Study can be very controversial because of the need to strike a balance between noise affects and aircraft operation. The FAA Part 150 Study can take from 12 to 18 months and the Part 161 Study, 12 to 24 months after funding. N.A. Barnard Dunkel berg & Co. John Baumgartner 84200 4 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Addison Airport Traffic Control Tower Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project includes the replacement of the existing Traffic Control Tower on a site just south of the existing facility. This project is estimated to cost $4,000,000 and is being funded by the FAA. This project is not fully funded by the FAA and the schedule continues to slip. The FAA has not been able to acquire a site for the tower. Staff has been working with the FAA to acquire the site for them as part of our Keller Springs land replacement. 1. Complete land acquisition in 1998. 2. Start construction in late 1999. 3. Certify the Tower in late 2000. Parsons Group None at this time. FAA -Design and Coordination Carmen Moran -Zoning John Baumgartner-Airport Coordination Lynn Chandler-Building Permitting Chris Terry-Land Acquisition N.A. 5 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Airport Utilities Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will replace 4,460 feet of existing 8-inch water line on the east and south sides of the airport. There is also 4,060 feet of existing 8-inch wastewater line being replaced along the east side of the airport. The awarded low bid for the project was $989,000. This project is funded out of the Utility Fund 5-year Capital Improvement Program. Careful planning and coordination with airport users and operators is essential to minimize conflicts. One segment of water line may need to be relocated or re-designed due to encountering contaminated soil and ground water. Construction started December 1, 1997 and is scheduled to be complete by May 1998. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea BAR Constructors Jeff Markiewicz Water: 74600, Wastewater 74700 6 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Airport West Side Taxiway Reconstruction Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will reconstruct the parallel west side taxiway (south segment), provide taxiway lighting/signage, and provide connector taxiways. This project is estimated to cost $2.4 million. TxDOT -Aviation Division is in the process of making the Town a grant offer for 90% of eligible project costs. The Town will be required to provide 10% of eligible project costs, plus pay for any other costs tbat are ineligible. Construction coordination witb existing tenants and runway closures. I. Grant accepted. 2. Bids received. 3. Start Construction-May 1998. 4. Complete construction-December 1998. URS Greiner, Inc. H.B. Zachry (low bidder) Jim Pierce 54200 7 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Addison Circle -Phase I Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is a multi-phase public/private initiative to develop a mixed use urban development and includes up to 3,500 apartment units, 50,000 square feet of commercial space and 2,000,000 square feet of office space. This phase includes approximately 450 multi-family units and 20,000 square feet of commercial space. The Town has committed investing $5.9 million for the first phase of this project. This phase is broken down into 3 distinct sub-phases that include; the core infrastructure-$3.4 million, the Bosque Park-$500,000, and the artwork for the circle-$1,900,000 (which includes a $300,000 contribution from Post Properties), plus $100,000 for miscellaneous development expenses. None. 1 Core infrastructure: Construction complete. 2 Bosque Park: Complete. 3 Rond Point Artwork: Start design-January 1997. Complete design-April 1998. Start Start construction-June1998. Complete construction -December 1999. Huitt-Zollars -Core Infrastructure Huitt -Zollars -Bosque Park Van Valkenberg/Mel Chin-Rond Point Artwork Gibson Associates -Core Infrastructure Jim Bowman & Associates -Bosque Park Mike Murphy -Core Infrastructure Slade Strickland -Bosque Park Carmen Moran -Rond Point Artwork 65300 8 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Circle -Phase lla Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is a multi-phase public/private initiative to develop a mixed use urban development that includes up to 3,500 apartment units, 50,000 square feet of commercial space and 2,000,000 square feet of office space. This phase of the project is comprised of 5 buildings and an office tower on the Tollway. Included are 481 apartment units, a 138 unit corporate suite hotel, 6 town homes, 65,600 square feet of retail space, 41,500 square feet of office space, 301,200 square feet of office space in the tollway office tower, and the Addison Circle Esplanade Park. The Town has committed investing $4,200,000 in Phase II. Based on the developer's schedule, the Town has committed $1,720,000 in 1997 -98 for Phase II-A and $610,000 for the Esplanade park in 1997 -98. The remaining project is unfunded at this time. None. This project is driven by the developers interest/needs in continuing with the development. This project has several review/approval steps including a development plan plat, and construction plan submittal/reviews. They are dependent upon the developer meeting his time lines. 1. Right-of-way acquisition-None required. 2. Plat submittal -complete. 3. Plan review-complete. 4. Bid award-complete. 5. Start construction -September 1997. 6. Complete construction-April1999. 7. Addison Circle Esplanade Park-See separate sheet. Huitt-Zollars None at this time. Mike Murphy 75300 9 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Circle Phase II b Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is a multi-phase public/private initiative to develop a mixed use urban development. This project is the continuation of Phase II of the Addison Circle project and includes construction on Quorum Drive, Spectrum, Quorum North Park, Mews Park as well as infrastructure for the residential and commercial areas. Funds committed to Phase lib are $2,482,000. This project is not currently budgeted. No unusual hurdles. This project schedule is driven by Post Properties interest in continuing the project. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. N.A. Mike Murphy None at this time. 10 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Circle Phase III Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is the third phase of a multi-phase public/private initiative to develop a mixed use urban development. This project is the continuation of Phase II of the Addison Circle project and includes construction of Spectrum Drive to Airport Parkway. Other street improvements along Airport Parkway and Quorum Drive are scheduled to be funded by the developer. Funds committed to Phase III are $500,000. This project is not currently budgeted. No unusual hurdles. This project schedule is driven by Post Properties interest in continuing the project. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. N.A. Mike Murphy None at this time. 11 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Road/Excel Parkway Signal Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will provide a signal and left turn lanes on Addison Road at this intersection. This project is estimated to cost $250,000 and is fully funded by DARTLAP. Right-of-way acquisition. I. Complete land acquisition-August 1998. 2. Open bids-October 1998. 3. Start construction-December 1998. 4. Complete construction-March 1999. Shimek, Jacobs and Finklea None at this time. Jeff Markiewicz 66300 12 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Road/Keller Springs Road Intersection Improvements Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project consists of replacing the extstmg signal in order to accommodate the wider pavement section at the entrance of the Keller Springs Tunnel. There will also be additional tum lanes on Keller Springs. This project will be initially funded by the Town of Addison. The Texas Turnpike Authority will then reimburse the Town for the cost of a portion of the signal relocation. The remaining costs are budgeted as part of DART/LAP. The estimated cost of the project is $275,000. Right-of-way acquisition. 1. Complete Engineering-July 1998. 2. Open Bids -September 1998. 3. Start Construction-October 1998. 4. Complete Construction-February 1999. Parsons Transportation Group (Barton Aschrnan) None at this time. Jeff Markiewicz 76300 13 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: . Project Number: Addison Road Widening-Phase I Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will widen Addison Road to a 5-lane roadway. This phase of the project includes design of the roadway from Belt Line Road to Keller Springs. The first phase of construction will be from Belt Line Road through Arapaho Road or Addison Circle This project is estimated to cost up to $5,000,000, depending on what portion of the project is pursued. $2,500,000 has been funded. Land acquisition -Most of this corridor is developed and right-of-way acquisition may be difficult and expensive. 1998 -Engineering. 1999-2000 Right-of-way acquisition and construction. Shimek, Jacobs and Finklea None at this time. Jim Pierce None at this time 14 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Addison Transit Center Capital Project Summary March 1998 This is a DART project located between Quorum Drive and Addison Road just north of the new Arapaho Road. This facility will replace the existing temporary facility located at Prestonwood Mall. Ultimately, staff ·anticipates this facility to serve as an interface between rail, bus, pedestrian and automobile traffic. This project is estimated to cost a total of $3,000,000 and is funded by DART. None. Construction is anticipated to start in Augustl998. Wendy Lopez None at this time. DART-Owner/Construction Jim Pierce -Public Works/Construction Coordination Not applicable 15 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Arapaho Road -Phase I Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will reconstruct the roadway from Dallas Parkway to Addison Road to remove the 90 degree turn in the road at the existing intersection with Spectrum Drive. The roadway will be 6 lane divided between Dallas Parkway and Quorum Drive and 4 lane divided between Quorum and Addison Road. The project includes adding an additional east and west bound lane to the bridge over the Toll Road which will increase the capacity of the intersection 25 to 35%. The project also consists of streetscape enhancements including double rows of trees on both sides of the street, wide patterned sidewalk with paver treatments and pedestrian lighting. The Town will use DART/LAP funds to pay for the project. Engineering: $405,000. Right-of-way: $1,987,000 (Estimate: Final cost of Pinnell tract will be determined through eminent domain). Construction: $4,000,000. DART has approved $5.0 million for use on Arapaho Road. Additional funding will come from future DART/LAP funding and bond proceeds. A few right-of-way parcels are yet to be acquired. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bids Received. . Right of way acquisition-June 1998. Utility relocations-June 1998. Construction started. Completion-June 1999. Huitt-Zollars -Paving and Drainage Mesa Design Group -Streetscape Ed Bell Construction Co. Jim Pierce 42302 16 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Arapaho Road -Phase 111111 Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will extend Arapaho Road from its present terminus at Addison Road, west to Marsh Lane. DART has approved the use ofLAP/CMS funds for this project, of which approximately $1.3 million will be available for right-of-way over the next 5 years. Total project costs are expected to exceed $12 million. I. Funding. 2. Right-of-way. 3. Securing railroad crossing. 4. Determining if the intersection of Midway and Arapaho should be at grade or grade separated. Decision will determine if Phases II & III will be built together or separately. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HNTB Complete alignment study -December '98. Complete design-December '99. Complete right-of-way acquisition-January 2000. Utility relocations -June 2000. Start construction -July 2000. Complete construction-July 2001. None at this time. Jim Pierce Phase II -83300 17 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Arapaho Roadffollway Bridge Modification Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will expand the Arapaho Road/Tollway bridge deck to allow for a free southbound to northbound U-turn. The existing free southbound to northbound U-turn lane was eliminated in the Arapaho Road Phase I project to allow for 3 lanes of through traffic in each direction. The City of Dallas requires restoration of the free southbound to northbound U-turn when the peak hourly volume for the southbound to northbound U-tum movement reaches 90 vehicles per hour during any peak hour in order to prevent degradation of level of service. Peak hourly volume in July 1997 was 60 vehicles per hour. This project is not funded. Funding. No formal schedule. Traffic will be monitored and a schedule will be prepared based upon rate of increase of peak hourly volume. This project is probably 5 to 10 years away. None at this time. None at at this time. Jim Pierce N/A 18 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Asphalt Street Paving Program Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project provides for the repair milling and overlay of the following asphalt roadways: 1. Airport Parkway. 2. Sojourn Drive. 3. Sakowitz Drive. 4. Lake Forest Drive. Street Capital Project Fund-$375,000. None. Summer 1999. None at this time. None at this time. Robin Jones None at this time 19 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Belt Line Bus Shelters Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is intended to provide architecturally compatible bus shelters at the major stops along Belt Line Road. This project is estimated to cost $300,000. A portion of this (approximately $150,000) will be funded by DART and.the remainder funded by the Town. The Town's portion covers the cost to upgrade the shelters from standard DART facilities and is eligible for funding from DART-LAP. 1. Selecting a design for the facility. 2. Completing an interlocal agreement with DART. 3. Funding. Currently programmed for FY 1998-99. None at this time. None at this time. Jim Pierce None at this time. 20 Belt Line/Midway -Belt Line/Quorum Intersection Improvements Capital Project Summary March 1998 Project Summary: These projects are intended to increase the efficiency of the Belt Line/Midway and Belt Line/Quorum intersections by adding dual left tum lanes and free right tum lanes. This is a joint Addison, DART, and TX-DOT project. DART is administrating the design and r.o.w. phase. TX-DOT will be administering the bidding and construction phase. Funding: This project is funded with State, DART, and DART/LAP funds. The State and DART funding amounts are fixed. The Town is responsible for all cost in excess of their contributions. Project Estimate Engineering Road Construction Right-of-way Landscaping Total Project Cost $ 87,500 $600,000 $380,000 $ 80,000 $1,147,500 Funding Source DART TX-DOT, $500,000, Town (DARTILAP)$100,000 Town (DART/LAP) Town (DART/LAP) Hurdles: Land acquisition -DART is continuing to proceed with eminent domain in Schedule: Design order to secure the necessary right-of-way. We have requested that our legal counsel assume responsibility for the eminent domain process. DART has agreed to transfer the case. DART's failure to acquire right-of-way has already delayed this project approximately one year. Many of the utility companies have relocated their existing facilities where right-of-way has allowed. The Town has purchased traffic signal equipment to supply contractor. Following right-of-way acquisition, the following events shall take place: I. Bid project-Not scheduled. We are hopeful to obtain possession of all right-of-way by March 1999. 2. Relocate existing utilities-Underway. 3. Start intersection construction-Not scheduled. 4. Design landscape improvements-Not scheduled. 5. Start landscape improvements-Not Scheduled. Engineers: Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Contractor: None at this time. Project Manager: JeffMarkiewicz Project Number: None at this time. 21 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Belt Line Roadffollway Single Point Urban Interchange Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is intended to reconfigure the ex1stmg Belt Line Road/Tollway interchange to act as a single intersection instead of two. This will allow the simultaneous operation of left turns, east/west traffic and north/south traffic. This should improve the efficiency of this intersection 15 to 20%. This project is estimated to cost $2,000,000. Currently, this project is unfunded; however, funding may be available through DART, DART/LAP, State/Federal Programs, or the City of Dallas. I. This project is located in the jurisdiction of the City of Dallas and the Texas Turnpike Authority's right-of-way for the Tollway. Both entities will need to be involved with review and approval. 2. Addressing pedestrian needs. 3. Funding. 4. Right-of-way acquisition could affect schedule and costs. 5. Interlocal agreement with Dallas, DART and the TTA. I. Preliminary engineering/feasibility study -Complete. 2. Obtain approval from Dallas and the TTA-June 1998. 3. Identify funding-August 1998. 4. Secure funding for complete design-December 1998. 5. Start construction -September 1999. 6. This schedule is dependent upon reaching agreement with Dallas and DART to participate in the costs. Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. None at this time. Jim Pierce 42301 22 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Celestial Pump Station Improvements Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project includes the installation of two small pumps, a backup generator, and new microwave telemetry. The two smaller pumps will move water more efficiently and eliminate the need to use Surveyor Pump Station. The generator will provide backup power. The microwave telemetry will provide the ability to reliably monitor the pumps and tanks from the Service Center. This project will also allow the Town to operate for a limited time without the water tower. $845,000 is budgeted for this project in the utility enterprise fund. I. Length of construction time subject to the fabrication of the pumps. 2. Minimizing construction and operational impacts to adjoining residents. The project has been split into two phases: Phase I includes the installation of pumps, generator and electrical equipment. I. Bids opened. 2. Construction started. 3. Complete construction-August I, 1998. Phase II will consist of a SCAD A monitoring system. This will enable staff to monitor & control the water tower, Celestial Pump Station, Surveyor Pump Station and the lift station from the Service Center. I. Start design -March I, 1998. 2. Advertise for bids-June I, 1998. 3. Start construction-August I, 1998. 4. Complete construction-November I, 1998. Engineers: Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea Contractor: None at this time. Project Manager: JeffMarkiewicz Project Number: 71600 23 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Dooley Road/Wright Brothers Road Connection Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will connect Wright Brothers Road to Dooley Road to provide access to the new signal at Dooley/Midway. This project is estimated to cost approximately $200,000 and is currently programmed for FY 99 -00. 1. Staff needs to investigate the impact and feasibility of the proposed improvement. 2. Support from the affected property owners. No formal schedule has been developed. This project is programmed for FY 99-2000. Teague, Nail & Perkins None at this time. Jim Pierce None at this time. 24 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Keller Springs/Quorum Intersection Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will improve traffic flow east-west along Keller Springs at the intersection with Quorum. Keller Springs will be widened at the intersections to allow two lanes of traffic in each direction plus a left turn lane for each direction. This project is estimated to cost $200,000 and will be funded with DART LAP/CMS funds. Acquire right-of-way. Negotiate design contract-March '98. Design complete-May '98. Construction complete-September '98. Teague, Nail & Perkins None at this time. Jeff Markiewicz 86300 25 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Keller Springs Road Tunnel Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will connect the east and west legs of Keller Springs Road by constructing a toll tunnel under Addison Airport. This will create a continuous arterial roadway from Preston Road, west to Coppell. This project is estimated to cost $24,000,000 and is being constructed and funded by the Texas Turnpike Authority. 1. Coordinating the peripheral projects. 2. North Dooley Road connection. 3. Incident Response/Management. I. Complete Incident Response Agreement-August 1998. 2. Start Toll Plaza construction-June 1998. 3. Complete all construction-February 1999. HDR HB Zachry Bill Leech, Brown & Root -for TT A construction Jeff Markiewicz-Town of Addison-Coordinator 64300 26 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Midway Road (Dallas County) Intersection Improvements Capital Project Summary March 1998 This is a joint Addison, Carrollton, Dallas, Dallas County, and Farmers Branch project that involves intersection improvements on Midway Road from LBJ to Trinity Mills. The intersections in Addison are Spring Valley, Proton, Beltway, Lindbergh, and Keller Springs. Dallas County will administer the design phase. TX-DOT will bid and administer the · construction phase. This project will enhance mobility in this congested corridor. $3.8 million budget. Project is being funded as part of the Federal Government CMAQ program and the 1991 Dallas County Bond Program. 1. Several intersections are in multiple jurisdictions 2. All intersections will require right-of-way to make the enhancements. 3. Project scope may exceed available funds. Cities may be asked to contribute local funds. 1. Begin design-November '96. 2. Approve schematic-January '98. 3. Begin R-0-W acquisition. 4. Complete design. 5. Complete R.O.W. acquisition. 6. Begin construction. 7. Complete construction. Carter & Burgess None at this time. Jeff Markiewicz Not Applicable. 27 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: South Quorum/Inwood Connection Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will construct a roadway to provide another access route to the developments south of Quorum/Landmark Drive which presently can only be accessed off of Dallas Parkway. The roadway will connect to Inwood Road, and Quorum/Landmark Drive. This project is estimated to cost between $1.5 to $4 million dollars, depending on the cost of right-of-way and the cost ofthe railroad crossing. This project is funded at $3.6 million at this time. l. 2. 3. Determine alignment that works for all property owners and the Town. Right-of-way acquisition. Railroad crossing. Negotiation is under way with the affected property owners and TU Electric. Once a consensus is reached, we anticipate it will take approximately 6 months to acquire right-of-way and complete the design. Construction is expected to take 9 months. We are hopeful that we can start construction in early 1999. Parsons Transportation (Barton Aschman) None at this time. Jim Pierce 42303 28 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Spectrum Connection Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is intended to connect Spectrum Drive from new Arapaho Road across the Cotton Belt railroad to the second phase of Addison Circle. This project is estimated to cost $1.2 million, depending on the level of streetscape improvements. Included in the cost estimate is a $300,000 payment to DART for safety upgrades of Addison's existing crossings. This project is currently funded for only $300,000 to pay DART. Funding. 1. Interlocal Agreement with DART-approved. 2. No further formal scheduling as remainder of project is not funded. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. None at this time. Mike Murphy None at this time. 29 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Surveyor Blvd. @Belt Line Road Northbound Right Turn Lane from Surveyor to Belt Line Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will provide a right turn lane for northbound traffic on Surveyor Blvd. to turn east onto Belt Line Road. Necessary right-of-way dedication is complete. Estimated project cost: Engineering $5,000 Construction $40,000 Total $45,000 Staff will propose funding this project as part of the 1998 -99 budget process. None. Project complete 9 to 12 months after funding. None at this time. None at this time. Jeff Markiewicz None at this time. 30 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Tollway Pedestrian Bridges Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is intended to improve pedestrian access across the Tollway. This is particularly important because the proposed single point urban interchange at Belt Line Road and the Tollway complicates the pedestrian/vehicular movements. Two bridges are proposed, one connecting the south Quorum area to Village on the Parkway, and the second bridge connecting the Spectrum Center/Grand Kempinski area to the Prestonwood Mall area. This project is estimated to cost at lease $6,000,000, depending on the type ofbridge(s) constructed. At this time, the project is unfunded. 1. Funding. 2. Right-of-way for the bridges. 3. Approval from Dallas and the Texas Turnpike Authority. No formal schedule as project is not funded. Parsons Group None at this time. John Baumgartner None at this time. 31 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Project Manager: Project Number: Water and Sewer Line Replacement Program Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will replace an aerial sewer crossing with a buried crossing (Brookhaven), rehab a sewer main (Lindbergh/Billy Mitchell), and replace 8" water mains (Brookhaven -Spring Valley and Addison on Brookhaven). These projects are estimated to cost $1,330,000 and will be funded from the Utility Fund. No unusual hurdles. Brookhaven Sewer Rehab -1998-2000. Lindbergh/Billy Mitchell Sewer Rehab -2000 -2001. Water Main Replacements -1998 -2001. Gutierrez, Smouse, Wilmut & Associates, Inc. Jeff Markiewicz None at this time. 32 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: 5-year Utility Maintenance Program Capital Project Summary March 1998 This multi-year program consists of a number of small replacement items to ensure reliable service. $56,000 has been programmed over 5-years to fund these projects. None. Addison Airport/Midway Meadows meter replacement Complete $11,500 Addison Place/Billy Mitchell/Lindbergh meter replacement 1997-98 $11,500 Wright Brothers/Wiley Post meterrep1acement 1998-99 $ 3,000 Elevated storage tank internal rehabilitation 2000-01 $30,000 N.A. N.A. Keith Thompson None at this time. 33 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Athletic Club Expansion Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project involves expanding the Athletic Club to provide additional space for weight equipment, treadmills, etc. None at this time. Funds not available. None at this time. None at this time. None at this time. Slade Strickland None at this time. 34 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Addison Circle Park (Esplanade) Capital Project Summary March 1998 This 1.43-acre open space project will visually connect the Phase II Urban Center project to the Rond Point when entering Addison Circle Drive from the North Dallas Toll Road. The space will be designed to facilitate year round activity and open space for residential and employment population in the area. $610,000 is budgeted for park improvements in Phase II. None. This project is budgeted for this year. Design is underway and is scheduled for completion m September. Construction will take 5 to 7 months. The Architecture Selection Committee selected the SW A Group to provide landscape architecture services for design of the project. The Selection Committee consisted of Mayor Rich Beckert, Ron Whitehead, Carmen Moran, Slade Strickland, Bryant Nail (Post Properties), Paul Shaw (Landscape Architect -Huitt-Zollars, Inc.), and John Gosling Gosling (RTKL Architects). None at this time. Slade Strickland 85800 35 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Belt Line Road Streetscape Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project envisions reworking the streetscape, lighting and utilities. This project could be done in multiple phases. The current limits extend from the Tollway to Midway Road. This project is estimated to cost in excess of $5,000,000, depending on what alternatives are selected. To place the existing utilities underground is estimated to cost more than $3,000,000. Currently, this project is unfunded. 1. Easement acquisition for franchise utilities. 2. Funding. No formal schedule is developed at this time. None at this time. None at this time. John Baumgartner-Franchise Utilities Slade Strickland -Landscaping None at this time. 36 Beltway Drive-North Parkway Lighting-Midway Road to Marsh Lane Project Sununary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project involves installing pedestrian scale pole lights along the sidewalk on the north side of Beltway Drive. The lighting is proposed to extend from Midway Road, approximately at the Sam's landscape buffer, to Marsh Lane. This is a General Fund project, however, funding is not presently available. The estimated project cost is $250,000 including engineering design services. Funds not available. None at this time. None at this time. None at this time. Slade Strickland None at this time. 37 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Les Lacs Linear Park -Phase III -South Easement Park Capital Project Summary March 1998 The project consists of the developing park improvements of the park easement stretching from Marsh Lane, eastward along the Loos Stadium site, to the trail that extends south of Proton Drive. The !-acre tract fronting Marsh Lane is included as well. Funds are available through this year's bond issuance. The project cost is $575,000 including design consultant services. $58,000 is budgeted for design and engineering and $517, 000 is budgeted for construction. None at this time. Carter & Burgess, Inc. was selected to design the park which should take approximately 4 to 6 months. Construction is expected to begin in October 1998, and the project should be complete by May 1999. The Les Lacs Park Citizens Advisory Committee was selected by the Council to provide input to the staff during the design process. Carter & Burgess, Inc. None at this time. Slade Strickland 63800 38 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Les Lacs Linear Park -Phase IV Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project will focus on the development of the 3-acre tract of park land behind the Athletic Club on Canot Drive. This site provides a natural connection to the Easement Park and Athletic Club sites. Typically, a park site this size would cost from $350,000 -$550,000 depending on the design scope. Funding is not available at this time. None at this time. None at this time. None at this time. Slade Strickland None at this time. 39 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Quorum Park Land Acquisition Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project considers the purchase of 5.2 acres (266,512 sq. ft.) of land north of Quorum Park for expansion of the park. Depending on the design scope, the cost to develop the site could range from $1,000,000-$1,500,000, plus the land cost. Funding. None at this time. None at this time. None at this time. Slade Strickland None at this time. 40 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Managers: Project Number: Quorum Streetscape Improvements Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project is intended to create another entryway to the urban center by duplicating the streetscape on Addison Circle and Arapaho Road along Quorum Drive from new Arapaho Road to Belt Line Road. This includes widened sidewalk, street trees and lighting. This project is estimated to cost $600,000. Approximately $350,000 of this can be funded as part of our existing DART-LAP projects. The remaining $250,000 is currently unfunded. None at this time. None at this time. None at this time. None at this time. Jeff Markiewicz Slade Strickland None at this time. 41 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Special Event Property Development Capital Project Summary March 1998 The Town is in the process of acquiring property in the 0 ld Addison area to be used as open space and active recreation space for the Addison Circle development, and as a venue for the Town's Special Events such as Oktoberfest, Taste Addison, and Kaboom Town. The area may also be used for the expansion of the Conference and Theatre Centre, and may have additional parking for the Conference and Theatre Center as well as an exhibition space for events. The project will be funded by the Hotel/Motel fund. A total of 1.4 million dollars was budgeted for fiscal year 1997 -98, and those funds are being used for property acquisition. In addition, $50,000 was funded for the hiring of a consultant to begin design of a conceptual master plan for the district. Funds for the construction of any capital improvements in the district have not been been budgeted. Acquisition of the property is the biggest hurdle to overcome this year. We have been fairly lucky in that we have been able to acquire four tracts through negotiated sales. However, there are five tracts left to purchase, and it is expected that those will go to condemnation. Once the properties are acquired, the development can be phased and funded in a logical order. Condemnation proceedings began in February of 1998. They may take as long as one year. The Town has hired the Sports Facilities group at HKS Inc. at 700 N. Pearl, Suite 1100, Dallas, TX 75201-7485 to design the conceptual Master Plan. Brian Trubey and Bob Fatovic' at HKS are the project architects. No contractor selected at this time. Carmen Moran, Director of Developmental Services is scheduling and managing the project, but the work is being reviewed by a committee consisting of: Mayor Rich Beckert, Councilmember Susan Halpern, Councilmember Frank Klein, Ron Whitehead, Lea Dunn, Barbara Kovecevich, Rob Bourstrom, Slade Strickland, and Carmeri Moran. None at this time. 42 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Special Events Landscaping-Phase I -Grading, Irrigation, and Grass Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project consists of light grading, irrigation, and turf establishment on 16 acres of land (696,960 sq. ft.) acquired by the Town. This includes the land bound by Quorum Drive, Addison Circle Drive, Addison Road, and the railroad tracks. It considers all of the property presently owned and the properties pending acquisition. The approximate cost for these improvements is $380,000 which includes engineering, light grading and drainage improvements, topsoil, irrigation, and hydromulched Bermuda grass. The five-year capital project funding summary lists "Special Events Landscaping" at a cost of $4,360,000 for full scale development of hardscape and softscape amenities. The project is paced by available funding and land acquisition; however, the properties presently owned could be improved now if funding is available. It would be beneficial for the upcoming events to have grass on the land the Town already owns. This depends on priority and funding availability. None at this time. None at this time. Slade Strickland None at this time. 43 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Tollway Landscaping-Phase III Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project involves installation oflandscaping and irrigation along the North Dallas Tollway right-of-way. The project boundary includes the green belt on the west side of the Tollway, extending north from Westgrove Road to the city limit line south ofTrinity Mills. Estimated Cost: $323,000 100% General Fund Surplus Funding None at this time N.A. N.A. Slade Strickland None at this time 44 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Town Hall Creek Bank Stabilization Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project involves erosion protection of approximately 300 feet of stream bank behind Town Hall. The opposite banks will be protected using gabions covered with ground cover for screening. This erosion control will also include protection of the large trees on the edge of the creek that are in jeopardy of falling over due to erosion around their roots. The budget is $300,000 including engineering services. The construction cost is $240,000 and engineering $35,000. Funds are available from General Fund surplus. A bid was awarded to Craig Olden, Inc. on January 27, 1998. Construction will be completed in June 1998. Shimek, Jacobs & Finlkea Craig Olden, Inc. Slade Strickland 71400 45 Project Summary: Funding: Hurdles: Schedule: Design Engineers: Contractor: Project Manager: Project Number: Upper Winnwood Pond Desilting Capital Project Summary March 1998 This project involves removal of silt build-up in the upper Winnwood Pond west of the gazebo. The pond will be drained to allow heavy equipment to access and remove the silt. The pond was last cleaned out in 1988. The estimated project cost is $140,000 including engineering design services. Funding is not available for this project at this time. This project is listed as a 1998 -1999 project in the 5-year CIP plan. If funding is approved, design could begin as early as fall1998. Followed by construction early 1999. None at this time. None at this time. Slade Strickland None at this time. 46