!......... i ~ )• r l ~ ...... June] 7, 2004 M.B. Edwards Garver Construction, L TO 7600 S. Santa Fe, Bldg. E Houston, 'IX 77061 RE: Bid Tabulation Request Dear Mr. Edwards: I did receive your request for an itemized tabulation for Bid 03-22 Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines on Monday June 14, 2004. As for your original request submitted October 2003, I did respond to you letting you know I did not have an itemized tabulation for the bid and that our Public Works Department should have that information. I also provided naroes and numbers to follow up with ifnecessary. Since I do not have itemized tabulation I have made copies ofthe bids submitted, which I have attached. Ifthis is not sufficient please email me at msnh@ci addison tx llS with further detail of the information you are looking for. MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Town ofAddison cc: Steve Chutchain Jim Pierce Enclosures BID FORM BID NO. 03-22 I Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines I bavc""';VARJc sewer t £.<./V ' Dollars and " ~ ~t Cents per linear foot. 3 and 3,200 $ /. ),\ Q. He, \.+. ~. . 03..22 Trenchlass Jnteranlllning of santtary Sewer Unas .,' ......, 5 SA Point repair of existing a' ~ermainline and service connacUon, 0 to 10 ft In length, 'Jt/h~S depths, ~~ercon plete In place for the lIum of 2 $1.o1fi~ $/,35"o~-Dollersend A.)tJ~< , Cents per each. ' ,\ II 6 SA Point re!~s_nltary sewer mainline and service connactlon, O'to 10 it In langth, 2 various d p • er 1}I~'7aped area, complete In place for the sum of ...., /J.J.J I).ir.;.'nJ Dollars and tJ6 Cents per each. :IJrJ06.!!. $/,!:JdO :.!7 SA Point repair of existing a' sanitary sewer melnllne, 0 to 10 ft In length, various depths, under concrete, CO~ISCBfor the sum of 2 $1SlJ~ , $/, IsM-:'$eV!:N /LED Gay . 'Dollarsand " AJo Cenls per each. a SA PoInt repair of existing a' sanitary sewer mainline, 0 to 10 ft In length. various depths, under' la~SCaped all completa In place for the sum of Dollarsaod :;. $I/566~(iUS(\. ~I=(ET'::j. $'156~/lJD Cents per e,Bch. 9 SA Remove ind replace end of line clearts to facilitate ~~eIn place for the !!!Jm.'If I ~ 1M, ,A ' liars and $bl6D~ $&6D~IlsJO+-fb;t.Jl)/Jl)/2.JY:> f ' c: , Cents per eech. ' 3 ._-----TOTAL BID $ :It~//)'.~() !!Q3.2l! Trenchle.. Inloronl Unlng of Sonllery Sewer Un•• BID FORM BID NO. 03-22 'anitary Sewer Lines Bidder Name: Insituform TechnoIogi'9s , Inc'T.t Address 702 Spirit 40 Park Dr. City =:gjCh~~(i~W~~~~L=:ililll5::= Phone 636-530-8000 Fa 636-530 7 'I have received, read and understand aU pages ofthese instructions ifications. 1will abide by aU areas ofthese specificatioN. and I am a iegld agent of the above named company. authorized to sign this bid. .Affiant further states that Bidder has not paid. givc:n,. qr money or other thing ofvalue, either dim::Uy or indircc~1 Vice President-Project Manage~entAUTHORIZED OFFICERI~ I t:J..e6.fL/~'-'"...,{'fQW' TITLE Name of Contact(print) Gerald Addington 03-22 Trenchlas. Interanl Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines EA IPoint repair of existing 8' sanitary sewer mainline and service connection, 0 to 10 ft in length, various depths\ under concrete, complete in place for the sum of 5 2 1$ 100 • .00 1$ 200.00One.. "v"d..ed .·~Dollars and 1\1.0 Cents per .each. 6 1 EA IPointrepair of existing 8" sanitary sewer mainline and service connection. 0 to 10 ft in length. I 2 IS '00.0 off 2.00.00 various depthsxnd8( landscaped area. complete in place for the sum of b'Y:. h",t1 (e.d Dollars and lJo ~ Cents per each. EA IPoint repair of existing 8' sanitary sewer 0 to 10 ft in length. various depths. unde cOncrete. complete in place for the su 7 01'\ h"".,J(· Dollars and 2 1$ 100.00 1$ ;aDO.OO No Cents per each. EA IPoint repair of existing 8' sanil~mainline. 0 to 10 ft inJength. various depths, under landsGap $2..00·00 NO Cents per each. 9 EA IRemove'and replace end of line cleanouts to facilitate CIPP lining, complete in place fofthe sum ok' I I.L tI I .1111-QallaFli alia .: D.u::. ~"wId{e£! ao It:tfS Q.lild YJD Cents per each. 3 $ ,OO.DO 1$ 300.00 TOTALBID$ I. 10'1. 3;?o.oo 03-22 TrenchleS5 lnteranl Uning of Sanitary Sewer Lines FINANCE DEPARTMENTIPURCHASING DIVISION S3SQ Belt Line Road (972) 450-7091 Ekmail msub@ci addisQn.tx.us Facsimile (972)450-7096 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 August 28, 2003 Insitufonn Technologies, Inc. Gerald Addington 702 Spirit 40 Park Dr Chesterfield, Missouri 63005 Re: NOTICE TO PROCEED-BID NO. 03-22 Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines Dear Mr. Addington: This document shall serve as your Notice to Proceed for the above referenced Project, and is issued and effective August 29, 2003 to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the tenns and conditions of the contract documents. Copy of the signed contract will follow. The proposed improvements and work shall be completed within the time detennined by Public Works Department, with the original contract price of$104,320.00. Please include the Project name and Bid No. 03-22 on all invoices or other correspondence to the Town ofAddison. Should you have any questions, please contact my office at 972-450-450-7091. MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Copy: Jerry Davis L~?t!:~~:."c do: RESOLUTION NO. 003-077 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $104.320.00 WITH INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES FOR TRENCHLESS INTERNAL LINING OF SANITARY SEWER LINES. WHEREAS. a portion of the Town of Addison existing wastewater system was constructed in the early 1960's; and WHEREAS. such a system due to material and soil and root conditions has led deterioration; and WHEREAS. the Town has developed an annual program of replacement of deteriorated sanitary sewer mains throughout the Town; and WHEREAS. this will provide for continued reduction in stormwater inflow and infiltration through an effort of preventive maintenance; and WHEREAS, staff prepared engineering specifications for installation of 1.200 linear feet of trenchless internal lining within the vicinity of the Greenhaven Village and Addison on Brookhaven Apartments and along Beltway Drive, from Midway Road to Belt Line Road; and WHEREAS. Insituform Technologies submitted the lowest responsive bid; and WHEREAS. this bid exceeds the original budgeted amount due to a need to increase the original scope of work to meet the maintenance and repair needs in the project area; and WHEREAS, Insituform Technologies has successfully completed similar improvements within the Town; now, therefore, OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY R03-077 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON: THAT. the City Council of the Town of Addison authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract in the amount of $104,320.00 with Insituform Technologies for trenchless intemallining of sanitary sewer lines. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS, on this the 12th day of August, 2003. , ' \~ ATTEST: OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY R03-077 #/(/5-} SUMMARY: l'hisitem ii; fbI' the'~w~ ofcon!jii«~H()fusit),lroqQ T~liil.oJog!¢li(inthe:api.oi.lli.tof; $104;3iiJ:00, f<>r Trenchiess IntcmlllLining ofSanltaty SewetLines, FINANCIAL IMPACT: Bu4geted Ampi;!p:l; $72;000.00 Constructibn COOt: SH:l4;1l20:()() SouiCe ofFunds: f;\ll~~are avaiLableffom FY 2()()2c03 Wateraud Sewer Fundill$ iildicatef.or installatiog. 6fapproximaw!j l;~OO lin,eat:fuetQfiTeiiclll.eUintemitl· liningwithintUevici.n.lty oi'the,Greenhaven viliage and Addisoo on BrookluweTI Apartments, I!lld a!i'JngBeltwaY Drive, from Mid.way ROll.d.to BeltLine Rd, {\Ua¢hedis abtdtabull!tion fQrthis proj~t. Tin:1owellt.responS1yehid.wll.~suhmitt&:l~y Insihiftirrtl T~hn:Qld 'eli mine aIDooilttif$104320.00: TllisbidexeeiXls'ine (}" aI '.. ...... .. .' ..... 8\,. " ... ' .?, . '...... '. ... . qgm.budgetedrunounti.fueto' a: determined.need by Public Works staff toiilcreaae theotigillal scupeofworldolneet them~tenanceandrepai rneeds'in.tb~projectarea. :rhe cQlltracior illnatibi1i111y~ogni:zedas'!ili iI!dtistty'l1ii;l;deiin:trenchleSlI)ntemll.ll:i,irii.lgo.f WlIllUlwatersystelWi; and has prevIously perfonned siniila:rinlprovements mtheToWll of AddiSl)U, . . RECOMltIENDATIP)S': Staff recommendsiliatCmUlciluuthorlzc the City. Managerto.enretiuto a: contract with with Iruiitut'Qrni TechnologieS, in the I\n~OIll1tor$l04,320.OQ,fotTrenchless l;tiWniril Liitingof Sanitary Sewer Lines. --I I Trenchlasslnternal, Lining ,of' Sanita,¥S~wer Line.$ BIONOO3-22 DUE:JuIY1.S;200~ 2:00 PM BU. .BII)DER stsmm AdeMSOND lOTA!. yInsituform Technologies IU04,320.00Y'1 y $t55,041);00BRR Gii!fI!&r V Y y $242 400;00 •MotSeShoe,CoriSliilctiOO· y ... y 'lTt£,..£ bJ. t>/.i/lOk.SUh; Ruroh""!l:lSCootdo""" eOiwf~k, C:tl~y 6a~ElIl. WijmlSs .3\:.~ ~D'\'.,.~ ~ 1 ____~_--~#=··!(15,.3 DATE SUBMITTED: August 5, 2003 FOR COUNCIL MEETING: August 12, 2003 Council Agenda Item: SUMMARY: This item is for the award ofcontract to Insituform Technologies, in the amount of $104,320.00, for Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Amount: $72,000.00 Construction Cost $104,320.00 Source ofFunds: Funds are available from FY 2002-03 Water and Sewer Fund, as indicated in the Five Year Capital Replacement Program. BACKGROUND: A portion ofthe existing wastewater system in the Town ofAddison was constructed in the early 1960's. During this period, the piping material used in construction usually consisted ofclay tile, and it was very susceptible to shifting soils and root intrusions. This condition ultimately led to increased stormwater inflow and infiltration, and higher wastewater treatment costs. As a result, an annual program ofreplacement of deteriorated sanitary sewer mains throughout the Town was adopted. The program provides fur continued reduction in stormwater inflow and inftltration through an effort ofpreventive maintenance. Public Works Department staff prepared engineering specifications for installation ofapproximately 1,200 linear feet oftrench1ess internal lining within the vicinity ofthe Greenhaven Village and Addison on Brookhaven Apartments, and along Beltway Drive, from Midway Road to Belt Line Rd. Attached is a bid tabulation fur this project. The lowest responsive bid was submitted by Insituform Technologies, in the amount of$104,320.00. This bid exceeds the original budgeted amount due to a determined need by Public Works staff to increase the original scope ofwork to meet the maintenance and repair needs in the project area. The contractor is nationally recognized as an industry leader in trenchless internal lining of wastewater systems, and has previously performed similar improvements in the Town of Addison. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Insituform Technologies, in the amount of$104,320.00, for Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines. Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines BID NO 03-22 DUE: July 15, 2003 2:00 PM ----BIDDER tnsituform Technologies BRH Garver Horseshoe Construction SIGNED y y y BID BOND y y y .. Add-1 y y 'L TOTAL $104,310,00 $155.045.00 • $212,400.00 i 'fTI.;",./, 1,J,. Minok SUh. Purchaslng Coordinator t"""f }J~ Corey Gayden, Witness BID SPECIFICATION FOR TRENCHLESS INTERNAL LINING OF SANITARY SEWER LINES The Town of Addison will accept proposals for the reconstruction of sanitary sewer lines by the installation of a trenchiess internal lining process. The project located within the Greenhaven Village and Addison on Brookhaven Apartments (Approximately 1,200 I.f) and along Beltway Drive, from Midway Road to Belt Line Rd. (Approximately 2,000 J.f). A. INTENT It is the intent ofthis specification to provide for the reconstruction of approximately 3,200 linear feet of existing 8 inch clay tile wastewater main by the installation of a resin-impregnated flexible tube, which is installed into the original conduits by use of a hydrostatic head, and then cured by circulating hot water. The Cured-in Place Pipe (CIPP) will be continuous and tight fitting. The work shall be completed within (30) calendar days from the "Notice to Proceed" B. PREOUALIFICATION The process (materials, methods, workmanship) must be proven through previous successful installations in other sewer systems to an extent and satisfactory to the Owner. The contractor shall have a minimum of 3 years of related experience using the CIPP method and shall have installed no less than fifty thousand (50,000) linear feet. C. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS This specification references ASTM F12l6 (Rehabilitation ofpipeline by inversion and curing of reAt-impregnated tube), and ASTM F1743 (Rehabilitation of pipelines by pulled-in-place installation of a cured-in-place thermosetting resin pipe), which are made a part hereof by such reference and shall be the latest edition and revision thereof In case of conflicting requirements between this specification and these referenced documents, this specification will govern. D. MATERIALS The minimum length of the tube or liner shall be that deemed necessary by the contractor to produce a finished pipe tightly formed to the existing pipe and which effectively spans from the inlet to the outlet of the respective manholes. The contractor will submit for approval his required minimum wall thickness and his proposed design calculations showing the outside and inside diameter sizing for his CIPP. The wall color of the interior pipe surface ofthe CIPP, after installation, shall be light reflective color so that a clear detail examination with closed circuit television inspection equipment may be made. (CIPP) cured-in-pJace-pipe (1) TUBE -The tube materials and design consideration shall meet the requirements of ASTM, F-1216-SECTION 5.1, or current ASTM standards. (2) The tube shall have a uniform thickness that when compressed at installation pressures will equal the specified tube thickness. (3) The tube shall be fabricated to a size that when installed will tightly fit the internal circumference and length of the original pipe. Allowance should be made for circumferential stretching during installation. (4) The wall color ofthe interior pipe surface ofthe CIPP after installation shall be white or light brown so that a clear detail examination with closed circuit television inspection equipment may be made. (5) Resin-The resin system shall meet the requirement of ASTM F12l6. E. STRUCfURAL REQUIREMENT The CIPP shall be designed as per ASTM F1216, Appendix XL The CIPP design shall assume no bonding to the original pipe wall. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for all aspects ofthe design of the tubel1iner and shall guarantee that the installed tube/liner is capable of sustaining outside loads, resisting chemical attack that normally occurs in sanitary sewers, and will maintain hydraulic characteristics over a fifty year design life. The existing sewer shall be considered to be in a fully deteriorated gravity pipe condition and that the original pipe is not structurally sound and cannot support soil and live loads. The tubel1iner shall be designed to support hydraulic soil and live loads. The tube/liner shall be designed for the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer, and 8 ft. of groundwater over the pipe. The pipe depth is between 8 and 10 ft. The manufacturer shall make provisions so that the necessary wall thickness will be achieved after the pipe has been expanded to the existing pipe. L The CIPP shall conform to the minimum structural standards listed below: Standard Cnred Pipe U.S. Standards Results Flexural Stress ASTMD-790 4,500 psi Modulus ofElasticity ASTMD-790 400,000 psi 2. The Polyethylene pipe shall shall conform to the minimum structural standards listed below: PIPE MATERIAL TEST U.S. STANDARD RESULTS Flexural Stress (Yield) ASTMD-638 3,000 psi Flexural Stress (Break) ASTMD-638 4,500 psi Flexural Stress ofElasticity ASTMD-790 133,000 psi If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be corrected by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, then the contractor shall make a point repair excavation to uncover and remove or repair such obstruction and replace the existing pipe. Such excavation shall be approved in writing by the Town Of Addison representation prior to the commencement of the work, and shall be considered as a separate pay item. The contractor shall remove any protruding taps, or obstructions to the inside wall of the pipe. In no case shall the pipe be less than 100 percent open to flow. F. INSTALLATION F.l CIPP installation shall be in accordance with ASTM F1216, Section7, or ASTM F1743, Section 6, with the following modifications: F.l.l Resin Impregnation The quality of resin used for tube impregnation shall be sufficient to fill the volume of air voids in the tube with additional allowances for polymerization shrinkage and the loss of resin through cracks and irregularities in the original pipe wall. A vacuum impregnation process shall be used. To insure thorough resin saturation throughout the length of the felt tube, the point of vacuum shall be no further than 25 feet from the point of initial resin introduction. After a vacuum in the tube is established, a vacuum point shall be no further than 75 feet from the leading edge of the resin. The leading edge of the resin slug shall be as near to the perpendicular as possible. A roller system shall be used to uniformly distribute the resin throughout the tube. If the Installer uses an alternate resin impregnation, the method must produce the same results. Any alternate resin impregnation method must be proven. F.l.2 Tube insertion • The wet tube shall be ;:ts~~:df;the pipeline using either inversion or a pull-in-method. lfthe pulled into place, a power winch should be utilized and care should be taken not to damage the tube as a result ofthe pull-in friction. The tube should be pulled-in or inverted through an existing manhole or approved access point and fully extend to the next designated manhole or termination point. F.1.3 Temperature gauges shall be placed inside the tube at the invert level ofeach end to monitor the temperatures during the cure cycle, Rl.4 Curing shall be accomplished by utilizing hot water under hydrostatic pressure in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended cure schedule, G. REINSTATEMENT OF BRANCH CONNECTIONS The present line may have some inactive " Y "s, Active services must be identified by the contractor prior to installing the liners, After the pipe has been relined and tested only existing inactive services connections as shown on the plans or additional services as directed by the Town shall be disconnected, The reconection of the service shall be done without excavation, unless otherwise specified by The Town; this will be accomplished from the interior of the pipeline by a television camera directed cutting devise, All recut service connections shall be free of burrs and frayed edges, or any restriction preventing free wastewater flow, Location of the service shall be made by inspection of the pre-construction TV tape and other proven detection methods. Service lines will be reconnected with 100 % oftheir original capacity. The contractor will provide for temporary pumping for the lateral service line when necessary. The contractor shall certifY that he has a minimum oftwo (2) complete working units plus spare key components on the job site before each relining. No additional payment will be made for excavations for the purpose of reopening connections and the contractor will be responsible for all cost and liability associated with such excavation and restoration work. H. INSPECTION & TESTING The contractor shall perform a television inspection of the completed project. The Town Of Addison shall have a representative present at the time of this inspection. After completion of this project the contractor shall produce a color videotape ofthe entire line. The contractor shall maintain bypassing operations during this inspection so that the entire inside circumference of the pipe can be viewed. Prior to expiration of two years from the date of completion, the Town of Addison will make a visual inspection ofthe project to determine whether corrective work is required. The contractor shall attend such inspection ifrequested by The Town Of Addison. Any defect that will affect the flow capacity or structural integrity ofthe reconstructed pipe shall be repaired or the liner replaced at the contractor's expense. All testing shall be in accordance with standard Town of Addison specifications & shall be subsidiary to the total cost of the project. I. INSTALLATION RESPONSmILITIES FOR INCIDENTAL ITEMS (I) Traffic Control -Traffic Control shall be the responsibility of the contractor and shall conform to the minimum standards in the Texas MUTCD handbook. The contractor shall maintain traffic during working periods, During non-working periods, the contractor shall open the roadway to traffic. (2) Access -It will be responsibility of the Town Of Addison to locate and designate all manholes access points open and accessible for the work, and provide rights of access to these points. Ifa street must be closed to traffic because ofthe orientation of the sewer, the contractor shall institute the actions necessary to do this for the mutually agreed time period, (3) Water usage -Water is available at City hydrants for cleaning, installation, and other work items requiring water, The system is owned by the Town and the contractor shall obtain a temporary meter from the Town, including a $900 refundable deposit, and compensate the Town for the amount of water used, at the current commercial rate established per 1000 gallons of usage. (4) Flow Control Precautions -Precautions must be taken to insure that sewer flow control operations doesn't cause flooding or damage to the public or private property being served by the sewer involved to include bypass pumping necessary to maintain mainline flows. The contractor shall be liable for private property damages caused by sewer blockages resulting from Contractor's activities or lack of action to prevent such blockage. The contractor shall be liable for punitive damages should the Town be fined by a regulatory agency because of the contractor's failure to control sewage flow. (5) The Town has copies of a video inspection of the sewers to be relined that is available fur viewing for prospective bidders. However, since the deterioration of sewer is an ongoing process and root, solids and deposits can accumulate over time, the contractor shall base the design ofthe liner on inspections made immediately prior to installation. (6) The contractor along with the Towns' representative shall contact the the ownerlbusiness within the project limits to inform them of project, and provide them with any information deemed necessary for the successful performance ofthe contract, and to inform them oftemporary sewer service disconnection. With this type of sewer line rehabilitation, an interruption ofthe normal flow ofsewage from businesses is expected. The contractor shall be responsible fur any special needs ofusers such as portable toilet facilities. (7) Ifthe contractor damages the sewer during construction and is unable to complete the lining in a satisfactory manner, the cost ofthe dig and! repairs shall be completed at no additional cost to The Town. J. CLEANUP After the installation work has been completed and all inspected and testing is acceptable, the contractor shall clean up the entire project area and return the ground cover to grade. The contractor shall dispose of all excess material and debris not incorporated into the permanent installation. The contractor at his expense shall dispose of waste material, which is deemed not reusable by the Town's project representative. All areas disturbed by the contractors' activities shall be restored to their original condition. The restoration shall include seeding or hydro mulching, as directed by the Town of Addison and replacement of damaged trees, shrubs, etc. The contractor shall water landscaped areas disturbed, until the restoration is well established. All work under this item is considered subsidiary to the total cost ofthe project. K. Warranty The contractor and the manufacturer shall warranty all materials and workmanship fur a period of2 (Two) years. The warranty shall cover, but will not be limited to the following. (a) Defects discovered in material used in the project. (b) Failure ofliner to remain formed to the previously existing sewer line. (c) Lateral connections that are restricted due to shrinkage in the liner. L. Payment Payment for the work included in this section will be in accordance with the price set for in the proposal for the quantity ofwork performed. M. Bid Bond The Contractor shall furnish a bid bond ofnot less than 5% ofthe amount ofthe bid. N. Insurance The successful contractor shall furnish Workers Compensation, Commercial General Liability, Comprehensive Automobile and Truck Liability, and Owners Protective Liability Insurance in accordance with North Central Texas Council ofGovernments Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Third Edition, Paragraphs 1.26.1, 1.26.2, and 1.26.5. O. Pre--Bid Meeting A Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on June __, 2003 at the Addison Service Center, 16801 Westgrove, Addison, Texas, 75001, (972) 450-2871. All bidders are required to attend. Lack ofattendance will be considered non-responsive and a bid will not be accepted from anyone not attending. P.BIDDING The Town of Addison will expect at least 75% ofthe work to be perfurmed by the Bidding Contractor. Extensive brokering or subletting is not permitted. All bidders must submit, with their bid, satisfactory documentation ofthe contractors minimum requirements of3 years related experience using the CIPP and no less than fifty thousand (50,000) linear feet installed. TRANSMITTAL OF ADDENDUM ****************************************************************************** IINSTRUCTIONS:I Acknowledge receipt ofAddenda with the funn below, please FAX to (972) 450-7096 upon receipt. ****************************************************************************** Addendum Acknowledgment Should be faxed to (972) 450-7096 I Acknowledge the receipt of Addendum No.: 2 Town of: ADDISON, TEXAS Project Name: 03-22 Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines By Facsimile Transmission on this date: July 14, 2003 The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that Addendum No, 1 has been incorporated into the proposal and ifaccepted becomes part ofthe contract, Company Name: I ~--------------~ Signed By: Signature: ~--------------~ Date: PLEASE SIGN & FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO TOWN OF ADDISON (As verification that you received this update) 972-450-7096 Addendum 1 Bid 03-22 Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines Due: July 15, 2003 at 2:00 PM Bid Opening time has NOT changed. The following item can be deleted from specification, since it does not pertain to the bid: Section E. Structural Requirement 2. The Polyethylene pipe shall conform to the minimum structural standards listed below: PIPE MATERIAL TEST U.S. STANDARD RESULTS Flexural Stress (Yield) ASTMD-638 3,000 psi Flexural Stress (Break) ASTMD-638 4,500 psi Flexural Stress ofElasticity ASTMD-790 133,000 psi END OF ADDENDUM 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bid # 03-22 The Town ofAddison is requesting bids for Trenchless Internal Lining ofSanitary Sewer Lines, Bid No. 03-22. Mandatory Pre bid meeting, July 8, 2003 at 9:00 am, Service Center, 16801 Westgrove. Bids will be accepted unti12:0Opm, July 15, 2003 at in the office ofthe Purchasing Coordinator, 5350 Belt Line Rd., Addison, Texas 75254 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Late bids will not be considered and will be returned unopened. The Town ofAddison reserves the right to waive any formalities and to reject any or all bids and to select the bid deemed most advantageous to the City. Specifications and bid information are available on www.demandstar.com.. Steve Chutchian From: Minok Suh Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 20034:57 PM To: Luke Jalbert Cc: Steve Chutchian; Jerry Davis; Jim Pierce Subject: 03-22 Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines Bid No -03-22 Bid Name -Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines First Ad June 27 Second Ad July 4 Mandatory Pre Bid Meeting -July 8, 2003 at 9am, Service Center Bid Opening -July 15, 2003 at 2:00pm, Finance. Council? -August 12 Est Budget $150,000.00 1 BID SPECIFICATION FOR TRENCHLESS INTERNAL LINING OF SANITARY SEWER LINES The Town of Addison will accept proposals for the reconstruction of sanitary sewer lines by the installation of a trench less internal lining process. v A. INTENT ~\~e. Kl'fPf-. '" t,..0'ecification to provide for the reconstruction 0/3,200 ,. of 8 inch. clay tile wastewater main y the installation of a resin-impregnated flexible tube, which is installed into the original con uits by use of a hydrostatic head, and then cured by circulating hot water. The Cured-in Place (CIPP) will be continuous and tight fitting. The work shall be completed within (30) calendar days from the "Notice to Proceed" B. PREOUALIFICATION The process (materials, methods, workmanship) must be proven through previous successful installations in other sewer systems to an extent and satisfactory to the Owner. The contractor shall have a minimum t~yearslxperience using the CIP!/and shall have installed no less than fifty thousand (5o,000)feet,\ a(.' (lR.I.-;'~ (...I~ . OF a;..-It.. PlZtJceov!te C. REFERENCED DOCUME This specification refere s ASTM Fl216 (Rehabilitation of pipeline by inversion and curing of rein-impregnated tube»C~STM Fl743 (Rehabilitation of pipelines by pulled-in-place installation ofa cured-in-place thermosetting resin pipe), which are1nade a part hereof by such reference and shall be the latest edition and revision thereof. In case of conflicting requirements between this specification and these referenced documents, this specification will govern. D. MATERIALS ~~ The minimum length of the tube or liner shall be that deemed necessary by the con ractor to produce a finished pipe tightly formed to the existing pipe and which effectively spans the inlet to the outlet of the respective manholes. The contractor will submit for approval his required minimum wall thickness and his proposed design calculations showing the outside and inside diameter sizing for his CIPP. The wall color of the interior pipe surface of the CIPP after installation shall be light reflective color so that a clear detail examination with closed circuit television inspection equipment may be made. Page 1. (CIPP) cured-in-place-pipe (1) -The tube materials and design consideration shall meet the requirements of ASTM, F-1216-SECTION 5.1, or current ASTM standards. (2) The tube shall have a uniform thickness that when compressed at installation pressures will equal the specified tube thickness. (3) The tube shall be fabricated to a size that when installed will tightly fit the internal circumference and length of the original pipe. Allowance should be made for circumferential stretching during installation. (4) The wall color ofthe interior pipe surface of the CIPP after installation shall be white or light brown so that a clear detail examination with closed circuit television inspection equipment may be made. (5) Resin-The resin system shall meet the requirement ofASTM F1216. E. STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENT The CIPP shall be designed as per ASTM F1216, Appendix X.I. The CIPP design shall assume no bonding to the original pipe wall. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for all aspects of the design of the tubelliner and shall guarantee that the installed tube/liner is capable of sustaining outside loads, resist"~emical attack that normally occurs in sanitary sewers, and will maintain hydraulic characteristics over a fifty year design life. The existing sewer shall be considered to be in a fully deteriorated gravity pipe condition and that the original pipe is not structurally sound and cannot support soil and live loads. The tube/liner shall be designed to support hydrauli:, soil and live loads. The tube/liner shall be designed for the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer, and 8 ft. of groundwater over the pipe. The pipe depth is between 8 and lOft. The manufacturer shall make provisions so that the necessary wall thickness will be achieved after the pipe has been expanded to the existing pipe. 1. The CIPP shall conform to the minimum structural standards listed below: Standard Cured Pipe U.S. Standards Results Flexural Stress ASTMD-790 4,500 psi Modulus ofElasticity ASTMD-790 400,000 psi 2. The Polyethylene pipe shall conform to the minimum structural standards listed below: PIPE MATERIAL TEST U.S. STANDARD RESULTS Flexural Stress (Yield) ASTM D-638 3,000 psi Flexural Stress (Break) ASTMD-638 4,500 psi Flexural Stress of Elasticity ASTMD-790 133,000 psi Page 2. ux.e ~" ~~(lL-ttYl) If inspection reveals an~bstruction at cannot be corrected by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, then the con actor sh make a point repair excavation to uncover and remove or repair such obstruction. Such e avation shall be approved in writing by the Town Of Addison representation prior to the co encement of the work, and shall be considered as a separate pay item. The contractor shall remove protruding tal, or obstructiOI?to the inside wall ofthe pipe. In no case shall the pipe be less than 100 percent open to flow. F. INSTALLATION F.l CIPP installation shall be in accordance with ASTM F1216, Section7, or ASTM F1743, Section 6, with the following modifications: F.1.1 Resin Impregnation -The quality of resin used for tube impregnation shall be sufficient to fill the volume of air voids in the tube with additional allowances for polymerization shrinkage and the loss of resin through cracks and irregularities in the original pipe wall. A vacuum impregnation process shall be used. To insure thorough resin saturation throughout the length of the felt tube, the point of vacuum shall be no further than 25 feet from the point of initial resin introduction. 0.-. Afterrvacuum in the tube is established, a vacuum point shall be no further than 75 feet from the leading edge of the resin. The leading edge of the resin slug shall be as near to the perpendicular as possible. A roller system shall be used to uniformly distribute the resin throughout the tube. If the Installer uses an alternate resin impregnation, the method must produce the same results. Any alternate resin impregnation method must be proven. F.1.2 Tube insertion -The wet tube shall be poisoned in the pipeline using either inversion or a pull-in-method. If the pulled into place, a power winch should be utilized and care should be taken eSe" jswl. not to damage the tube as a result ofthe pull-in friction. The tube should be pulled-in or inverted through an existing manhole or approved access point and fully extend to the next designated manhole or termination point. F.1.3 Temperature gauges shall be placed inside the tube at the invert level of each end to monitor the temperatures during the cure cycle. F.1.4 Curing shall be accomplished by utilizing hot water under hydrostatic pressure in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended cure schedule. G. REINSTATEMENT OF BRANCH CONNECTIONS The present line may have some inactive " Y "s. Active services must be identified by the contractor prior to installing the liners. After the pipe has been relined and tested only existing inactive services connections as shown on the plans or additional services as directed by the Page 3. Town shall be disconneeted. The reconection of the service shall be done without excavation, unless otherwise speeified by The Town; this will be accomplished from the interior of the pipeline by a television camera directed cutting devise. All reeut service connections shall be free of burrs and frayed edges, or any restriction preventing free wastewater flow. Location of the service shall be made by inspeetion of the pre-construction TV tape and other proven deteetion methods. Service lines will be reeonnected with 100 % oftheir original capacity. The contractor will provide for temporary pumping for the lateral service line when neeessary. The contractor shall certify that he has a minimum of two (2) complete working units plus spare key components on the job site before each relining. No additional payment will be made for excavations for the purpose of reopening conneetions and the contractor will be responsible for all cost and liability associated with such excavation and restoration work. H. INSPECTION & TESTING The contractor shall perform a television inspeetion of the completed project. The Town Of Addison shall have a representative present at the time of this inspection. After completion of this project the contractor shall produce a color videotape of the entire line. The contractor shall maintain bypassing operations during this inspection so that the entire inside circumference of the pipe can be viewed, Prior to expiration of two years from the date of completion, the Town of Addison will make a visual inspection ofthe project to determine whether corrective work is required. The contractor shall attend such inspcetion ifrequested by The Town OfAddison. Any defect that will affect the flow capacity or structural integrity of the reconstructed pipe shall be repaired or the liner replaced at the contractor's expense. !+U. 1<3'17""( ftfM-c.L. !J>e I"" A-UP.C?-t!J4tJ-CC? 'viTII 7l;.:;:C{ ~q:::: ftPtKJ""~ .>m, I. INSTALLATION RESPONSIBILITIES FOR INCIDENTAL ITEMS I!.~;;r;~f~¥(" (1) Traffic Control --Traffic Control shall be the responsibility of the contractor and shall 4:s:..,... "F:~ conform to the minimum standards in the Texas MUTCD handbook. The contractor shall I""~ maintain traffic during working periods. During non-working periods, the contractor shall open ..,., the roadway to traffic. (2) Access -It will be responsibility of the Town Of Addison to locate and designate all manholes access points open and aceessible for the work, and provide rights of aceess to these points. If a street must be closed to traffic because ofthe orientation of the sewer, the contractor shall institute the actions necessary to do this for the mutually agreed time period. Page 4. (3) Water usage -ater is available at City hydrants for cleaning, installation, and other work items requiring ater. The system is owned by the Town and the contractor shall obtain a temporary mete and compensate the Town for the amount ofwater used, k\ '(1.\::' "4!!~#r fIIf!ikto MM(.IUtX-eA-1e. ~rft t'M.sI!(,9 I'n. IfPo ti~ (4) Flow Control Precautions -Precautions must be taken to insure that sewer flow control ~p V) II til:'", operations doesn't cause flooding or damage to the public or private property being served by the sewer involved to include bypass pumping necessary to maintain mainline flows. The contractor shall be liable for private property damages caused by sewer blockages resulting from Contractor's activities or lack of action to prevent such blockage. The contractor shall be liable for punitive damages should the Town be fined by a regulatory agency because of the contractor's failure to control sewage flow. (5) The Town has copies of a video inspection of the sewers to be relined that is available for viewing for prospective bidders. However, since the deterioration of sewer is an ongoing process and root, solids and deposits can accumulate over time, the contractor shall base the design ofthe liner on inspections made immediately prior to installation. (6) The contractor along with the Towns' representative shall contact the ownerlbusiness within the project limits to inform them of project, and provide them with any information deemed necessary for the successful performance of the contract, and to inform them of temporary sewer service disconnection. With this type of sewer line rehabilitation, an interruption of the normal flow of sewage from businesses is expected. The contractor shall be responsible for any special needs of users such as portable toilet facilities. (7) If the contractor damages the sewer during construction and is unable to complete the lining in a satisfactory manner, the cost of the dig and! repairs shall be completed at no additional cost to The Town. J. CLEANUP After the installation work has been completed and all inspected and testing is acceptable, the contractor shall clean up the entire project area and return the ground cover to grade. The contractor shall dispose of all excess material and debris not incorporated into the permanent installation. The contractor at his expense shall dispose of waste material, which is deemed not reusable by the Town's project representative. All areas disturbed by the contractors' activities shall be restored to their original condition.' T,he contractor shall water landscaped areas disturj:)ed, until the restoration is well establiShed;) ~~,t:: v~~ 1"1+.$ (Je'1 IS tcJ/'I:5l pr;e e.-(/5~!,s(//)..1:e-f 7D ('l''''I0w CaT or: Page 5. F '(.. I r;e",ncr . "___ .w_w. ____._. • K. Warranty The~contractor and the manufacturer shall warranty all materials and workmanship for a period of2 (Two) years. The warranty shall cover, but will not be limited to the following. (a) Defects discovered in material used in the project. (b) Failure of liner to remain fonned to the previously existing sewer line. (c) Lateral connections that are restricted due to shrinkage in the liner. tI'p, ~Pavment If1}... ~ro Payment for the work included in this section will be in accordance with the price set for in r:f.JI! the proposa or the quantity of work perfonned. /.l': Contractor shall furnish bid bond of not less than 5% ofamount ofbid. ___.____ _____ __ ..~~~ M :rVl:5"'" V"4 VI. c::..eThe successful contractor shall furnish Workers Compensation, Commercial General Liability, Comprehensive Automobile and Truck Liability, and Owners Protective Liability Insurance in accordance with North Central Texas Council ofGovernments Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Third Edition, Paragraphs 1.26.1, 1.26.2., and 1.265 ( 0 Page 6. .. , '!, · . j · .: · ., ; "'1 .~ ; . . LEGEND , . hown are bued on GrId liron and V~U:~d~nale S11'em. Norln,he Ta.as Sllle 0 Cenlt., lone. ------------------~ \ .. s J'0/- -I.. r - i I I I I i ADDENDUM No.1I I TRENCHLESS INTERNAL LINING OF SANITARY SE I BID No. 01-41 Bid opening: September 11,2001, 2:00PM ,! NOTICE: Bidders are hereby notified of the following additions, deletions, I and/or changes to the plans, specifications, and bid documents. 1) RE: Town of Addison Instructions to Bidders Section 6.0 BIDDING Please add the following: "6.2 The Town ofAddison will expect at least 75% ofthe work to be done by the Bidding Contractor. Extensive brokering or subletting is not permitted." 2) RE: Bid Specification for Trenchless Internal Lining of Sanitary Sewer Lines Section B. PREQUALIFICATIQN Please add the following: "In addition to the qualification submittals required with the bid as referenced in Section 7.2, Award ofContract, all bidders must also submit, with their bid, satisfactory documentation ofthe contractors minimum requirements of3 years experience using the CIPP and no less than fifty thousand (50,000) feet installed." 3) RE: BID FORM Please replace the section below the dotted line with the attached revised Bid Form, and submit both documents with your bid. The portion above the dotted line ofthe original Bid Form must be completed. END OF ADDENDUM The undersigned bidder hereby certifies the Addendum No. I has been incorporated into the contract and ifaccepted becomes part ofthe contract. By:____________________________ DATE:_______