"􀁾􀀧􀀠 dallas waterunllnes City of Dallas April 7, 2005 Mr. Jim Pierce Assistant Director of Public Works Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75000-9010 Re: DWU Recycled Water Implementation Plan Dear Mr. Pierce: This letter is sent to invite you and your staff to a public meeting to be held regarding the Dallas Water Utilities Recycled Water Implementation Plan. Recycled water, also known as water reuse, is the use of highly treated wastewater effluent for purposes that do not require drinking water quality. Use of recycled water is an important part of Dallas' strategy to meet the increasing water supply needs of its customers. The public meeting will be held on April 12, 2005, at 6:30 pm, in the auditorium at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla St., Room L1FN, Dallas, Texas. Free parking is available. Enter the parking garage from Young Street (in the median area) in front of the Dallas Convention Center. Park in Visitors' Parking which is near the Auditorium entrance and enter the building through the door door in the green section. We hope that you or your staff can attend this public meeting for this important project for the City of Dallas. If you have questions, please contact me or Dan Nolen at 214-671-0379. Sincerely, Donna Long Program Manager Wastewater Facilities Project Management Dallas Water Utilities cc: Ms. Betty Jordan, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Mr. Dan Nolen, DWU Our Vision: To be an efficient provider of superior water and wastewater service and a leader in the water Industry Dallas Water Utilities Department 2121 Main Street. suile 300 Dallas. Texas 75201 TelephOne 214/948·4560 FAX 214/243-1118 I } Clallas waterutlldle5 City of Dallas April 7, 2005 Director of Public Works Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Re: DWU Recycled Water Implementation Plan Dear Sir: This letter is sent to invite you and your staff to a public meeting to be held regarding the Dallas Water Utilities Recycled Water Implementation Plan. Recycled water, also known as water reuse, is the use of highly treated wastewater effluent for purposes that do not require drinking water quality. Use of recycled water is an important part of Dallas' strategy to meet the increasing water supply needs of its customers. The public meeting will be held on April 12, 2005, at 6:30 pm, in the auditorium at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla St., Room L1FN, Dallas, Texas. Free parking is available. Enter the parking garage from Young Street (in the median area) in front of the Dallas Convention Center. Park in Visitors' Parking which is near the Auditorium entrance and enter the building through the door in the green section. We hope that you or your staff can attend this public meeting for this important project for the City of Dallas. If you have questions, please contact me or Dan Nolen at 214-671-0379. Sincerely, Donna Long Program Manager Wastewater Facilities Project Management Dallas Water Utilities cc: Ms. Betty Jordan, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Mr. Dan Nolen, DWU Our Vision: To be an efficient provider of superior water and wastewater service and a leader in the water industry , Dallas Water Utilities Department 2121 Main Street. suite 300 Dallas. Texas 75201 Telephone 214 {94,B·4560 FAX 214/243·1118 CIOIIOS water uTllmes City of Dallas Gl4--\2A-::' C 􀁾􀀠 0\>Nl 􀁰􀁬􀁾􀁣􀁥April 7, 2005 􀁾􀁜􀁩􀁇􀀧􀀺􀀠C. Mr. Ron Whitehead Town Manager Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Re: DWU Recycled Water Implementation Plan Dear Mr. Whitehead: This letter is sent to invite you and your staff to a public meeting to be held regarding the Dallas Water Utilities Recycled Water Implementation Plan. Recycled water, also known as water reuse, is the use of highly treated wastewater effluent for purposes that do not require drinking water quality. Use of recycled water is an important part of Dallas' strategy to meet the increasing water supply needs of its customers. The public meeting will be held on April 12, 2005, at 6:30 pm, in the auditorium at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla St., Room LlFN, Dallas, Texas. Free parking is available. Enter the parking garage from Young Street (in the median area) in front of the Dallas Convention Center. Park in Visitors' Parking which is near the Auditorium entrance and enter the building through the door in the green section. We hope that you or your staff can attend this public meeting for this important project for the City of Dallas. If you have questions, please contact me or Dan Nolen at 214-671-0379. Sincerely, Donna Long Program Manager Wastewater Facilities Project Management Dallas Water Utilities cc: Ms. Betty Jordan, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Mr. Dan Nolen, DWU Our Vision: To be an efficient provider of superior water and wastewater service and a leader in the water industry Dallas Water Utilities Department 2121 Main Street, suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214/948-4560 FAX 214/243-1118 Water Reuse Study Town of Addison January 2001 Introduction Water reclamation and reuse for non potable purposes offers the potential ofserving residential, commercial and industrial users with an alternative to using existing potable water sources. The following examples apply to the use ofreclaimed water: • Irrigation oflawns, parks, airports, roadway borders & medians. • Air conditioning and industrial cooling towers. • Construction activities. • Scenic waters & fountains. • Environmental & recreational Public water systems are usually designed to provide water ofpotable quality to serve all ofthe purposes listed above. The economics ofusing reclaimed water are site specific, and depend on the cost ofsources ofhigh quality water and costs oftreatment and disposal ofwastewaters. The reclamation and reuse ofwastewaters are geIJe1"!l1b'more attractive in serving new residential, commercial, and industrial areas ofa municipality than in already developed areas. The const:ructionof reuse water transmission and . distn'bution lines to existing users in an urban area will be expensive and disruptive to the community. The overriding consideration in developing a reuse system is that the quality ofthe reclaimed water be appropriate for its intended use. lligher level uses, such as irrigation ofpublic access lands require more extensive wastewater treatrcent prior to reuse than lower level uses, such as pasture irrigation. In urban settings, with the high potential for human exposure to reclaimed water used for landscape irrigation, the water must receive tertiary treatment and be adequately disinfected such that a chlorine residual can be maintained in the distn'bution system. The reclaimed water must be clear and odorless to ensure that it is aesthetically acceptable to the general public. This study assumes that during wet weather and other seasonal conditions, the demand for reuse water may be very low. As a result, it would be necessary for the Town of , Addison to maintain the ability to discharge wastewater flow for treatment by our present treatment providers. Existing Conditions The Town ofAddison wastewater collection system transports flow to various outfull interceptor lines and all wastewater is eventually treated at facilities operated by The City ofDallas and Trinity River Authority ofTexas (TRA), respectively. Average daily flow (ADF) rates over a twelve (12) month period, from October, 1999 through September, 2000, were determined based on data received :from the following metered locations: Location ADF(gal.) Treatment Facility Texas Christian Academy 140,000 City ofDallas . Dallas Parkway 330,000 City ofDallas Arapaho Road 660,000 City ofDallas Inwood Road 250,000 TRA Spring Valley 320,000 TRA Brookhaven East 1,800,000 TRA The Kellway Lift Station and Brookhaven East sites are considered below as potential sources or contributors ofreclaimed water fur reuse purposes. The Kellway Lift Station experiences an average daily flow rate of200,000 gpd. This flow is tnoutary to the wastewater flow of 1,800,000 gpd at the Brookhaven East metering station. Design Design Considerations • Numerous commercial properties exist in the Town ofAddison. However, there are no individual sites that would be capable ofusing a large volume of wastewater eflluent fur any purpose other than landscape irrigation. The initial cost ofinstalling distribution systems to serve multiple sites, including necessary metering, would be very high. • There are no large industrial or agricultural users in the Town ofAddison that would consume reuse water. • The vast majority ofexisting medians and parkways along major collector and minor arterial roadways are currently irrigated with potable water :from the Town's distnoution system. Extension ofa non-potable water line to serve these medians is not cost effective. • The best apparent use ofreclaimed water for reuse within the Town is irrigation oflandscape and grassy areas at the Addison Airport and the grounds ofthe Special Events site adjacent to Addison Road. • A package wastewater treatment plant would be necessary to accept flow :from the sanitary sewer collection system and generate a high quality eflluent that could be maintained in a ground storage reservoir until it is subsequently pumped into a reuse water distnoution system. Reuse water cannot be mixed with the Town's potable water system. • Approximately 2.5 acres ofland are necessary in order to construct a package plant, pump station, and ground storage. A buffer zone around the site is also necessarY. The only point ofdischarge with available land is located near the Kellway Lift Station. However, the average daily flow through this location is only 200,000 gallons per day. The Brookhaven East metering station, with recorded average daily flows ofapproximately 1,800,000 gallons per day, does not have sufficient available property to construct these fucilities. • Contractual agreements with the City ofDallas & TRA, respectively, do not currently have provisions for the diversion ofwastewater flow for water reuse applications. Proposed Improvements The Brookhaven East metering station site, with average daily flows ofapproximately 1,800,000 gallons per day, is the only location with enough potentialllffiuent discharge to be realistically considered. However, this site does not have available land fOr construction ofthe proposed facilities. It would be necessary to purchase an adjacent apartment complex and demolish the structures in order to provide minimum acreage requirements. The following initial cost ofimprovements was developed fOr this discharge point. The total flow is currently designated for the TRA wastewater treatment plant via the City ofFarmers Branch collection system. The estimated cost of construction ofon-site treatment, storage, pumping and distribution fucilities, which could serve the Addison Airport and Special Events area, is as fOllows: Right-of-Way Acquisition (12.2 acres), Including site for proposed fucilities (2.5 acres), buffer zone (9.7 acres), and demolition of structures (1) based on equivalent values for existing land and structures, as developed in an appraisal prepared in April, 2000 by Mackenzie S. Bottum & Associates, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Package Plant Construction Design, Permitting, etc. Sub-Total (2) based on $3.00/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas (3) based on 25% oftotal construction cost, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas $11,700,000(1) 6,000,000(2) 1.500,000(3) 7,500,000 2 MG Ground Storage Reservoir, including Engineering & Contingencies (4) based on $2.25/gaUon, obtained from CH2M Hill. Inc.-DaI1as, Texas Pump Station @Storage Site, including Engineering (5) based on $1 AO/gaUon, obtained from CH2M Hill. Inc.-DaI1as, Texas Pump Station @Airport Site (6) based on SMO/gallon, estimated by Public Works Department staff 8" Non-Potable Water Transmission Main, from Intersection of Brookhaven Club Dr. & Marsh Lane To Southwestern Portion ofAddison Airport (7) based on unit prices for pipeline installation and infrastructure repair, as listed in DaUas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Offand Estimating Manual 6" Non-Potable Water Distn'bution System Through Addison Airport & Special Events Area (8) based on unit prices for pipeline installation and infrastructure repair, as listed in DaUas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Off and Estimating Manual Total Cost Analysis Assumptions: 4,500,000(4) 2,800,000(5) 720,000(6) 1,200,000(7) 800,000(8) S29,220,000 • Five (5) month usage period for reclaimed water as a source ofirrigation by the Town during a calendar year. • Eliminstion oftaxes received by the Town from displaced multi-fiunily units considered an annual cost oftbe improvements. • Twenty (20) year debt repayment period. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofrec1aimed water, with no recovery of initial construction or annual costs. • Debt payment based on current bond rate of5.5%, with AAA rating. Initial Construction Cost: $29,220,000 Total Debt Incurred: $48,534,011 Annual costs: • Debt Repayment • Maintenance (including permits, Data reports, general, etc.) • Personnel (2 employees @$12.00Ihr.leacb, including indirect costs) • Facility Rep1acementlRepair (i.e., Pump replacement, etc.) • Loss oftax revenue Total Annual Cost Annual Consumption ofReuse Water: $2,426,700 65,000 49,900 55,000 13.000 $2,609,600 1,800,000 gpd x 30 days/mo. x 5 roo.tyr. = 270,000,000 gallonS Annual Cost to Town ofAddison for using reclaimed water: $2,609,60Ox 1.000 = $9.67 per 1000 gallonS 270,000,000 gal. Proposed Improvements (Alternative) The Kellway Lift Station site, bas an average daily flow rate ofapproximately 200,000 gallons per day. The following initial cost ofimprovements was developed for this discharge point. The flow currently discharges at the Brookhaven East metering station and is designated for the TRA wastewater treatment plant via the City ofFarmers Branch collection system. The estimated cost ofconstruction ofon-site treatment, storage, PllJllPing and distribution facilities to serve the Addison Airport and Special Events area is as fullows: Right-of-Way Acquisition (7.8 acres), Including site fur proposed facilities (2.0 acres), 3-sided buffer zone (5.8 acres) (1) based on equivalent values fur existing land and structures, as developed in an appraisal prepared in April, 2000 by Mackenzie S. Bottum & Associates, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Package Plant Construction Design, Permitting, etc. Sub-Total (2) based on $3.00/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas (3) based on 25% oftotal construction cost, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas. Texas 0.2 MG Ground Storage Reservoir, including Engineering & Contingencies (4) based on S2.25/gallon, obtaioed from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas PllJllP Station @Storage Site, including Engineering (5) based on SIAO/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas 6" Non-Potable Water Distnoution System Through Addison Airport & Special Events Area $ 5,346,000(1) 600,000(2) 150,000(3) 750,000 450,000(4) 280,000(5) 800,000(8) \ (6) based on unit prices for pipeline installation and infrastructure repair, as listed in Dallas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Offand Estimating Manual Total $7,626,000 Cost Analysis Assumptions: • Five (5) month usage period for recIairoed water as a source ofirrigation by the Town during a calendar year. • Twenty (20) year debt repayment period. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofrecIairoed water, with no recovery of initial construction or annual costs. • Debt payment based on current bond rate of 5.5%, with AAA rating. Initial Construction Cost: $7,626,000 Total Debt Incurred: $12,666,680 Annual costs: • Debt Repayment $633,334 • Maintenance (including permits, 65,000 Data reports, general, etc.) • Personnel (2 employees @49,900 $12.00Ihr.leach, including indirect costs) • Facility ReplacementlRepair (Le., 40,000 Pump replacement, etc.) Total Annual Cost $788,234 Annual Consumption ofReuse Water: 200,000 gpd x 30 days/mo. x 5 mo./yr. = 30,000,000 gallons Annual Cost to Town ofAddison fur using reclaimed water: $788,234 x 1,000 = $26.27 per 1000 gallons 30,000,000 gal. Alternative Irrigation Water Supply Considerations Ground Water Ground water supply can be considered a source ofwater fur irrigation. as an alternate to water reuse. The Special Events site was selected fur comparison. This site consists ofapproximately 16 acres, and ifirrigated with 1.5 inches ofwater per week, it will require 93,094 gallons ofwater per day (gpd). The proposed system requirements would include a well and pump, a ground storage tank. and a high service pump to boost pressure. An estimate ofthe cost ofthe proposed fucilities is as follows: Paluxy Formation Well & Pump $200,000 100,000 Gallon Storage Tank 225,000 Booster Pump Station 200,000 Total Construction Cost $625,000 Cost Analysis Assumptions: • Five (5) month usage period. • Irrigation ofsite during the hours of9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. • Twenty (20) year debt repayment period. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofgroundwater, with no recovery of initial construction or annual costs. • Debt payment based on current bond rate of5.5%, of5.5%, with AAA rating. Initial construction cost: $625,000 Total debt incurred: $1,046,000 Daily Consumption of Ground Water: 93,094 gpd Annual Costs: • Debt Repayment $52,300 16,000 • Power • Maintenance & Repair 4,000 • Personnel (1/2 person) 15,700 Total Annual Cost $88,000 Annual Cost to Town ofAddison fur using ground water: $88,000 x 1000 = $6,30 per 1000 gallons 93,094 gpd x 150 days Purchase Water from City of Dallas The 16 acre Special Events site may also be irrigated with potable water purchased from the City ofDallas. As previously determined, the site would require purchase of approximately 93,094 gallons per day. This water is delivered to the Town's existing ground storage tanks and subsequently pumped into the distribution system. It is assumed that the irrigation system would operate from the system water pressure. Cost Analysis Assumptions: • Water supply rate offlow from Dallas increased by 100,000 gal.lday. • Volume charge based on rate of$0.3458 per 1000 gallons. • Five (5) month nsage period. • Irrigation ofsite during the hours of9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofwater purchased from City ofDallas. Annual Costs: • Debt Repayment $ -0• Power 3,500 • Maintenance & Repair -0• Personnel -0• Water Demand Charge 12,588 • Water Volume Charge 4,828 Total Annual Cost $20,916 Annual Cost to Town ofAddison fur using water purchased from City ofDallas: RQ,916 x 1000 =$1.50 per 1000 gallons 93,094 gpd x 150 days Conclusion • There are only two sites within the Town that could be considered for the location ofa water reuse fucility. • The Brookhaven East site, which has sufficient wastewater flow for water reclamation and reuse, is very fur from areas that are proposed for irrigation and requires acquisition and demolition ofmnlti-fumily property. • The Kellway Lift Station site has an insufficient volume ofwastewater flow fur significant water reclamation and reuse. • Both sites were analyzed as potentially viable sources ofwater reclamation and reuse, and determined to be cost prohibitive. • The benefit obtained from the construction oftreatment, storage, pumping, and distnbution fucilities for using reclaimed water in the Town ofAddison would be minimal, at best., Annual repayment ofthe Wtial capital outlay over a twenty (20) year period would be very high for each alternative. • The annual cost for using ground water for irrigation is Jess than reclaimed water. However, it is also very high. • Based on the cost ofdeveloping alternate sources ofwater for irrigation, the purchase ofpotable water from the City ofDa1Ias is the most viable and cost effective approach to irrigating the Special Events site and 'any grassy areas within the Addison Airport property. Prepared by: Town ofAddison Public Works Department 􀁾􀀬•. t./Tn-􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠􀀮􀀮􀁳􀀻􀀮􀁾􀀠 f2 ('I/{Je /) /Water Reuse Stud, f /lYqq 5 Cf-k: () '-teTown of Addison r (3 E 􀀱􀀬􀁶􀁃􀀡􀀺􀀬􀀬􀀰􀁚􀁉􀁾􀀠/December, 2000 􀁾􀀠Introduction Water reclamation and reuse fur nonpotable purposes offe residential, commercial and industrial users with an alterna potable water sources. The following examples apply to tl • Irrigation oflawns, parks, airports, roadway be • Air conditioning and industrial cooling towers. • Construction activities. • Scenic waters & fountains. • Environmental & recreational. Public water systems are usualIy designed to provide water ofpotable quality to serve alI ofthe purposes listed above. The economics ofutilizing reuse water are site specific, and depend on the marginal costs ofsources ofhigb quality water and costs oftreatrnent and disposal ofwastewaters. The reclamation and reuse ofwastewaters are generally more attractive in serving new residential, commercial, and industrial areas ofa municipality than in already developed areas. The construction ofreuse water transmission and distribution lines to existing users in an urban area will be expensive and disruptive to the community. The overriding consideration in developing a reuse system is that the quality ofthe reclaimed water be appropriate for its intended use. Higher level uses, such as irrigation ofpublic access lands require more extensive wastewater treatment prior to reuse than lower level uses, such as pasture irrigation. In urban settings, the high potential fur human exposure to reclaimed water used for landscape irrigation, the water must be adequately disinfected and that a chlorine residual be maintained in the distribution system. The reclaimed water must be clear and odorless to ensure that it is aesthetically acceptable to the general public. Existing Conditions The Town of Addison wastewater collection system transports flow to various outfull interceptor lines and alI wastewater is eventually treated at fucilities operated by The City ofDaUas and Trinity River Authority ofTexas (TRA), respectively. Average daily flow (adt) rates over a twelve (12) month period, from October, 1999 through September, 2000, were determined based on data received from the following metered locations: Location ADF(mgd) Texas Christian Academy 0.14 City ofDallas Dallas Parkway 0.33 City ofDallas Arapaho Road 0.66 City ofDallas Inwood Road 0.25 TRA Spring Valley 0.32 TRA Brookhaven East 1.80 TRA The Kellway Lift Station experiences an average daily flow rate of0.20 mgd. This value is considered a subsidiary to the wastewater flow metered at the Brookhaven East metering station. Consideration ofpeak flow conditions is not applicable in this water reuse evaluation. This is based on the assumption that wastewater may be diverted to the appropriate outfull interceptor in lieu ofon site treatment by the Town ofAddison. During wet weather and other seasonal conditions, the demand for reuse water may be very low. As a result, it would be necessary fur the Town ofAddison to maintain the ability to transport wastewater flow for treatment by others. Design Considerations The fullowing considerations were implemented in the determination ofthe optimum reuse ofreclaimed water: • Numerous commercial properties exist in in the Town ofAddison. However, there are no individual sites that would be capable ofutilizing a large volume of wastewater effluent fur any purpose other than landscape irrigation. The initial cost ofinstalling distribution systems to serve multiple sites, including necessary metering, would be very high. • There are no large industrial or agricultural users in the Town ofAddison that would consume reuse water. • The vast majority ofexisting medians and parkways along major collector and minor arterial roadways are currently irrigated with potable water from the Town's distn"bution system. Extension ofa non-potable water line to serve these medians is not cost effective. • The best apparent use ofreclaimed water fur reuse within the Town is irrigation oflandscape and grassy areas at the Addison Airport and the grounds surrounding the Special Events site adjacent to Addison Road. • A wastewater package treatment plant would be necessary to accept flow from the collection system and generate effluent that can be maintained in a ground storage reservoir until it is subsequently pumped into the reuse water distnbution system. Reuse water cannot be mixed with the Town's potable water system. • Approximately 2.5 acres ofland are necessary in order to construct a package plant, pump station, and grOl.Uld storage. The only point ofdischarge with available land is located near the Kellway Lift Station The average daily flow through this location is approximately 200,000 gallons per day. The Brookhaven East metering station, with recorded average daily flows ofapproximately 1.80 mgd, does not have sufficient available property to construct these facilities. • Contractual agreements with the City ofDallas & TRA, respectively, do not currently have provisions for the diversion ofwastewater flow for water reuse applications. Each entity would discourage the change in influent ratio of liquids vs. solids entering their wastewater treatment plants. Proposed Improvements The Brookhaven East metering station site has experienced average daily flows of approximately 1.80 mgd. This flow is currently designated for the TRA wastewater treatment plant via the City ofFanners Branch collection system. The estimated cost of construction ofon-site treatment, storage, pumping and distribution facilities to serve the Addison Airport and Special Events area is as follows: Right-of-Way Acquisition (2.5 acres), $2,400,000(1) Including Demolition of Structures (1) based on equivalent values for existing land and structures, as developed in an appraisal prepared in April, 2000 by Mackenzie S. botturn & Associates, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Package Plant Construction 6,000,000(2) Design, Permitting, etc. 3,000,000(3) Sub-Total 9,000,000 (2) based on $3.00/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas (3) based on 50"10 oftotal construction cost, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas 2 MG Ground Storage Reservoir, 4,500,000(4) including Engineering & Contingencies (4) based on $2.25/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas Pump Station, including Engineering (5) based on $1.40/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas 8" Non-Potable Water Transmission Main, from Intersection of Brookhaven Club Dr. & Marsh Lane To Southwestern Portion ofAddison Airport (6) based on unit prices for pipeline installation and infrastructure repair, as listed in Dallas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Offand Estimating Manual 6" Non-Potable Water Distnbution System Through Addison Airport & Special Events Area (7) based on unit prices fur pipeline installation and infrastrncture repair, as listed in Dallas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Off and Estimating Manual Total ConclusioD 2,800,000(5) 1,200,000(6) 800,000(7) $20,700,000 • The benefit obtained from the construction oftreatment, storage and distnbution mcilities for utilizing reclaimed water in the Town ofAddison appears to be minimal, at best. • There are too many wastewater discharge points throughout the Town of Addison that flow into outfiill collection systems ofother municipalities. Most locations discharge a relatively small portion ofthe total potential allocation that is available fur treatment. • Cost recovery ofthe initial capital outlay would be very difficult to fulfill. Prepared by: Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer WATER REUSE STUDY TOWN OF ADDISON JANUARY 2001 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY: JIM PIERCE, P.E. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS STEVE CHUTCRIAN, P.E. ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER Water Reuse Study Town of Addison January 2001 Introduction Water reclamation and reuse for nonpotable purposes otrers the potential ofserving residential, commercial and industrial users with an alternative to using existing potable water sources. The following examples apply to the use ofreclaimed water: • Irrigation oflawns, parks, airports, roadway borders & medians. • Air conditioning and industrial cooling towers. • Construction activities. • Scenic waters & fuwnains. • Environmental & recreational. Public water systems are usnalIy designed to provide water ofpotable quality to serve alI ofthe purposes listed above. The economics ofusing reclaimed water are site specific, and depend on the cost ofsources ofhigh quality water and costs oftreatment and disposal ofwastewaters. The recIamation and reuse ofwastewaters are generally more attractive in serving new residential, commercial, and industrial areas ofa municipality than in already developed areas. The construction ofreuse water transmission and distribution lines to existing users in an urban area will be expensive and disruptive to the community. The overriding consideration in developing a reuse system is that the quality ofthe reclaimed water be appropriate fur its intended use. Higher level uses, such as irrigation ofpublic access lands require more extensive wastewater treatment prior to reuse than lower level uses, such as pasture irrigation. In urban settings, with the high potential fur human exposure to reclaimed water used for landscape irrigation, the water must receive tertiary treatment and be adequately disinfected such that a chlorine residual can be maintained in the distribution system. The reclaimed water must be clear and odorless to ensure that it is aesthetically acceptable to the general public. This study assumes that during wet weather and other seasonal conditions, the demand fur reuse water may be very low. As a resuh, it would be necessary for the Town of Addison to rnaintaio the ability to discharge wastewater flow fur treatment by our present treatment providers. Existing Conditions The Town ofAddison wastewater collection system transports flow to various outfiill interceptor lines and all wastewater is eventually treated at fucilities operated by The City ofDallas and Trinity River Authority ofTexas (TRA). respectively. Average daily flow (ADF) rates over a twelve (12) month period, from October, 1999 through September, 2000, were determined based on data received from the fullowing metered locations: Location ADF (gal.) Treatment Facility Texas Christian Academy 140,000 City ofDallas Dallas Parkway 330,000 City ofDallas Arapaho Road 660,000 City ofDallas Inwood Road 250,000 TRA Spring Valley 320,000 TRA Brookhaven East 1,800,000 TRA The Kellway Lift Station and Brookhaven East sites are considered below as potential sources or contributors ofrec/aimed water fur reuse pwposes. The Kellway Lift Station experiences an average daily flow rate of200,000 gpd. This flow is tributary to the wastewater flow of 1,800,000 gpd at the Brookhaven East metering station. Design Considerations • Numerous commercial properties exist in the Town ofAddison. However, there are no individual sites that would be capable ofusing a large volume of wastewater efilueut fur any pwpose other than landscape irrigation. The initial cost ofinstalling distribution systems to serve multiple sites, including necessary metering, would be very high. • There are no large industrial or agricultural users in the Town ofAddison that would consume reuse water. • The vast majority ofexisting medians and parkways along major collector and minor arterial roadways are currently irrigated with potable water from the Town's distribution system. Extension ofa non-potable water Iioe to serve these medians is not cost enective. • The best apparent use ofreclaimed water for reuse within the Town is irrigation oflandscape and grassy areas at the Addison Airport and the grounds ofthe Special Events site adjacent to Addison Road. • A package wastewater treatment plant would be necessary to accept flow from the sanitary sewer collection system and generate a high quality efiluent that could be maintaioed in a ground storage reservoir until it is subsequently pumped into a reuse water distribution system. Reuse water cannot be mixed with the Town's potable water system. • Approximately 2.5 acres ofland are necessary in order to construct a package plant, pump station, and ground storage. A buffer zone around the site is also necessary. The only point ofdischarge with available land is located near the Kellway Lift Station. However, the average daily flow through this location is only 200,000 gallons per day. The Brookhaven East metering station, with recorded average daily flows ofapproximately 1,800,000 gallons per day, does not have sufficient available property to construct these fucilities. • Contractual agreements with the City ofDallas & TRA, respectively, do not currently have provisions fur the diversion ofwastewater flow for water reuse applications. Proposed Improvements The Brookhaven East metering station site, with average daily flows ofapproximately 1,800,000 gallons per day, is the only location with enough potential effluent discharge to be rea1istically considered. However, this site does not have available land for construction ofthe proposed facilities. It would be necessary to purchase an adjacent apartment complex and demolish the structures in order to provide minimum acreage requirements. The following initial cost ofimprovements was developed for this discharge point. The total flow is currently designated for the TRA wastewater treatment plant via the City ofFarmers Branch collection system. The estimated cost of construction ofon-site treatment, storage, pumping and distn"bution facilities, which could serve the Addison Airport and Special Events area, is as follows: Right-of-Way Acquisition (12.2 acres), Including site for proposed facilities (2.5 acres), buffer zone (9.7 acres), and demolition of structures (1) based on equivalent values for existing land and structures, as developed in an appraisal prepared in April, 2000 by Mackenzie S. Bottum & Associates, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Package Plant Construction Design, Permitting, etc. Sub-Total (2) based on $3.00/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas (3) based on 25% oftotal construction cost, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas $11,700,000(1) 6,000,000(2) 1,500,000(3) 7,500,000 2 MG Ground Storage Reservoir, including Engineering & Contingencies (4) based on $2.25/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas Pump Station @Storage Site, including Engineering (5) based on $1.40/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas Pump Station @Airport Site (6) based on $0.40/gallon, estimated by Public Works Department staff 8" Non-Potable Water Transmission Main, from Intersection of Brookhaven Club Dr. & Marsh Lane To Southwestern Portion ofAddison Airport (1) based on unit prices fur pipeline installation and infrastructure repair, as listed in Dallas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Offand Estimating Manual 6" Non-Potable Water Distribution System Through Addison Airport & Special Events Area (8) based on unit prices fur pipeline installation and infrastructure repair, as listed in Dallas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Offand Estimating Manual Total Cost Analysis Assumptions: 4,500,000(4) 2,800,000(5) 720,000(6) 1,200,000(1) 800,000(8) $29,220,000 • Five (5) month nsage period for reclaimed water as a source of irrigation by the Town during a calendar year. • Elimination oftaxes received by the Town from displaced multi-family units considered an annual cost of the improvements. • Twenty (20) year debt repayment period. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofreclaimed water, with no recovery of initial construction or annual costs. • Debt payment based on current bond rate of5.5%, with AAA rating. Initial Construction Cost: $29,220,000 Total Debt Incurred: $48,534,011 Annual costs: • Debt Repayment $2,426,700 • Maintenance (including pencits, 65,000 Data reports, general, etc.) • Personnel (2 employees @49,900 $12.00Ihr.leach, including indirect costs) • Facility ReplacementlRepair (i.e., 55,000 Pump replacement, etc.) • Loss oftax revenue 13,000 Total Annual Cost $2,609,600 Annual Consumption ofRense Water: 1,800,000 gpd x 30 days/mo. x 5 mo.lyr. = 270,000,000 gallons Annual Cost to Town ofAddison fur nsing reclaimed water: $2,609,60Ox 1,000 = $9.67 per 1000 gallons 270,000,000 gal. Proposed Improvements (Alternative) The Kellway Lift Station site, has an average daily flow rate ofapproximately 200,000 gallons per day. The fullowing initial cost ofimprovements was developed for this discharge point. The flow currently discharges at the Brookhaven East metering station and is designated for the TRA wastewater treatment plant via the City ofFarmers Branch collection system. The estimated cost ofconstruction ofon-site treatment, storage, pumping and distribution facilities to serve the Addison Airport and Special Events area is as fullows: Right-of-Way Acquisition (7.8 acres), Including site for proposed facilities (2.0 acres), 3-sided buffer zone (5.8 acres) (1) based on equivalent values fur existing land and structures, as developed in an appraisal prepared in April, 2000 by Mackenzie S. Bottum & Associates, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Package Plant Construction Design, Permitting, etc. Sub-Total (2) based on $3.00/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas (3) based on 25% oftotal construction cost, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas 0.2 MG Ground Storage Reservoir, including Engineering & Contingencies (4) based on $2.25/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas Pump Station @Storage Site, including Engineering (5) based on $1.40/gallon, obtained from CH2M Hill, Inc.-Dallas, Texas 6" Non-Potable Water Distribution System Through Addison Airport & Special Events Area $ 5,346,000( 1) 600,000(2) 150,000(3) 750,000 450,000(4) 280,000(5) 800,000(8) (6) based on unit prices fur pipeline insta/.lation and infrastructure repair, as listed in Dallas Water Utilities Line Item Bid Take Offand Estimating Manual Total $7,626,000 Cost Analysis Assumptions: • Five (5) month usage period for reclaimed water as a source ofirrigation by the Town during a calendar year. • Twenty (20) year debt repayment period. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofreclaimed water, with no recovery of initial construction or annual costs. • Debt payment based on current bond rate of5.5%, with AAA rating. Initial Construction Cost: $7,626,000 Total Debt Incurred: $12,666,680 Annual costs: • Debt Repayment $633,334 • Maintenance (including permits, 65,000 Data reports, general, etc.) • Personnel (2 employees @49,900 $12.00/br./each, including indirect costs) • Facility RepIacementlRepair (i.e., 40,000 Pump replacement, etc.) Total Annual Cost $788,234 Annual Consumption ofReuse Water: 200,000 gpd x 30 days/mo. x 5 mo./yr. = 30,000,000 gallons Annual Cost to Town ofAddison fur using reclaimed water: $788.234 x 1.000 $26.27 per 1000 gallons 30,000,000 gal. Alternative Irrigation Water Supply Considerations Ground Water Ground water supply can be considered a source ofwater for irrigation, as an alternate to water reuse. The Special Events site was selected fur comparison This site consists ofapproximately 16 acres, and ifirrigated with 1.5 inches ofwater per week, it will require 93,094 gallons ofwater per day (gpd). The proposed system requirements would include a well and pump, a ground storage tank, and a high service pump to boost pressure. An estimate ofthe cost ofthe proposed fiwilities is as follows: Paluxy Formation Well & Pump $200,000 100,000 Gallon Storage Tank 225,000 Booster Pump Station 200.000 -Total Construction Cost $625,000 Cost Analysis Assumptions: • Five (5) month usage period. • Irrigation ofsite during the bours of9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. • Twenty (20) year debt repayment period. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofgroundwater, with no recovery of initial construction or annual costs. • Debt payment based on current bond rate of5.5%, of5.5%, with AAA rating. Initial construction cost: $625,000 Total debt incurred: $1,046,000 Daily Consumption ofGround Water: 93,094 gpd Annual Costs: • Debt Repayment $52,300 • Power 16,000 • Maintenance & Repair 4,000 • Personnel (112 person) 15,700 Total Annual Cost $88,000 Annual Cost to Town ofAddison fur using ground water: $88.000 x 1000 = $6.30 per 1000 gallons 93,094 gpd x 150 days Purcbase Water from City of Dallas The 16 acre Special Events site may also be irrigated with potable water purchased from the City ofDallas. As previously determined, tbe site would require purchase of approximately 93,094 gallons per day. This water is delivered to tbe Town's existing ground storage tanks aod subsequently pumped into tbe distnbution SYstem. It is assumed that the irrigation system would operate from the system water pressure. Cost Analysis Assumptions: • Water supply rate offlow from Dallas increased by 100,000 gal/day. • Volume charge based on rate of$0.3458 per 1000 gallons. • Five (5) month usage period. • Irrigation ofsite during the hours of9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. • Town ofAddison will be the only user ofwater purchased from City ofDallas. Annual Costs: • Debt Repayment $ -03,500 • Power • Maintenance & Repair -0-0• Personnel • Water Demand Charge 12,588 • Water Volume Charge 4.828 Total Annual Cost $20,916 Annual Cost to Town ofAddison for using water purchased from City ofDallas: $20.916 x 1000 = $1.50 per 1000 gallons 93,094 gpd x 150 days Conclusion • There are only two sites within the Town that could be considered for the location ofa water reuse fucility. • The Brookhaven East site, which has sufficient wastewater flow for water reclamation aod reuse, is very fur from areas that are proposed for irrigation and requires acquisition aod demolition ofmulti-furnily property. • The Kellway Lift Station site has an insufficient volume ofwastewater flow fur significant water reclamation and reuse. • Both sites were analyzed as potentially viable sources ofwater reclamation and reuse, and determined to be cost prohibitive. • The benefit obtained from the construction oftreatment, storage, pumping, and distnbution filcilities fOr using reclaimed water in the Town ofAddison would be minimal, at best. Annual repayment ofthe initial capital outlay over a twenty (20) year period would be very high for each alternative. • The annual cost fur using ground water for irrigation is less than reclaimed water. However, it is also very high. • Based on the cost ofdeveloping alternate sources ofwater fur irrigation, the purchase ofpotable water from the City ofDallas is the most viable and cost effective approach to irrigating the Special Events site and any grassy areas within the Addison Airport property. Prepared by: Town of Addison Public Works Department