Farmers Branch Fire Department
Prefire Analysis Report
Address: 5005 LBJ Inspection Date:
Bus. Name: Occidental Tower Occupancy: Business Office
Index By AddressIndex by Business Name

Running Route
Building Info
Water Supply
Unique Hazards
Special Information


Front Elevation
Satelite View
Photo #3
Photo #4


Floor Plan
Site Plan


N - No Building
E - No Building
S - No Building
W - 5001 LBJ

Building Information

Floors: 24
Sub-floors: Yes - Five levels of parking
Churn Pressure:
Square Feet:
Fire Flow/floor: gpm
Construction Type: Type 1, Fire Resistive
Exterior Walls: Steel Beams with glass curtain
Interior Walls: Metal studs with gypsum board
Emerg Power: Yes - Generator located on P1
Year Constructed:
Fire Protection

Knox Box: No
Fire Command Room: Yes - East Ctr Core, by service elevator
Alarm Panel: Yes - In Fire Command Room
Elevators: Yes - 17 cars
Stairwells: Yes - 2
Roof Access:
Auto-Unlock: Yes - Front access on alarm
Auto-Suppression: Yes - Full Coverage
Standpipes: Yes - Both Stairwells and 9 locations in Parking Garage
FD Connection: Yes - (4) 2 1/2" connects on West side
Fire Pump: Yes - 750 gpm on P1
Smoke Control: Yes - Panel in Fire Command Room
Fire Communications: Yes

Water Supply
First 5001 LBJ - Directly across the street from the FD Connections feet 1815
Second 5001 LBJ - Across the street at the north end of the building feet 1816
Third feet


Unique Hazards

Fire Command Room

To access the Fire Command Room, go through the lobby, past the elevator banks and locate the door to access the service elevator car. The Fire Command Room is adjacent to the service Elevator. Fire Command Room contains fire alarm panel, elevator annunciator, fire communication intercom, addressable public address system, landline phone, emergency generator annunciator, smoke control panel, key box, and special lock override switch. Access for key box is provided by a key in a breakglass box.

Alarm Panel

Fire Panel is in the Fire Command Room. A flashing red light on the panel indicates an alarm for the floor. A steady red light indicates system trouble. To silence alarm, press "Alarm Silence". To reset alarm, reset any pull box and clear smoke out of detectors that have been activated. Then press "reset". Panel should clear and only the green "A/C Power" light should be illuminated. There are 4 duct detectors on P1 and one duct detector on every floor above P1. Smoke detectors are located in the tops of each elevator shaft and include remote indicators. Additional smoke detectors are in the mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, telephone rooms, at the top of each stair shaft, and in the atrium area.


Total of 17 cars. Cars 1, 2, 3 are in a common shaft and service the five parking levels and the first floor. Car 4 is the service elevator and serves P1 through floor 24. Cars 5, 6 share a shaft with car 4 and serve floors 14 through 22 from the first floor. Cars 7, 8, 9 are in a common shaft and serve floors 14 through 22 from the first floor. Cars 10, 11, 12 are in a common shaft and serve floors 1 through 14. Cars 13, 14, 15 are in a common shaft and serve floors 1 through 14. Cars 16, 17 share a common shaft and serve floors 22 through 24. Elevator mechanical rooms are located on floors 24, 21, 16, and 2. System is a standard Phase I/II operation. The elevator fire service key switches are three position with the ability to hold a car on a floor. Shaft pressurization is 0.05 psi. There are Lunar key openings on all floors for each car. Any fire alarm will recall cars to the ground floor. On a 1st floor alarm, cars 1-3 respond to level P1, cars 4 & 10-15 respond to the 4th floor, and cars 5-9 respond to the 14th floor.


North stairwell is X feet wide and the entrance is at the NE corner of the center core. It serves all floors from X to X. The south stairwell is X feet wide and found at the SW corner of the center core. It serves all floors from X to X and contains sprinkler floor isolation valves. Both stairwells pressurize to 0.25 psi on any alarm.

Automatic Unlocking

Automatic Suppression

Fully Sprinklered throughout. Level P1 through P5 are protected by a dry pipe standpipes and sprinklers. Floor isolation valves are in the south stairwell. The fire pump is 750 gpm and is located on level P1.


There is a wet standpipe in each stairwell with a 2 1/2" connection on each floor (ROOF?). Pressure reducing valves may limit water flow on floors X to X. There are 9 dry standpipes in levels P1 through P5.

Smoke Control

On floors with an automatic alarm, supply dampers close and exhaust dampers open. A detector in alarm in the atrium area will cause the atrium smoke exhaust fans to activate. They are located on the 5th floor. All dampers can be controlled manually in the Fire Command Room. Stairwells and elevator shafts pressurize on any alarm.

Fire Communications

Phone jacks are on each level in each stairwell, elevator cars, elevator lobbies, and all 1st floor exits. On floors 23, 18, 13, 8, 3, and P3, there are fire phones in the stairwells instead of jacks. The Fire Command Room contains a public address system that can address the whole building or individual floors.