Farmers Branch Fire Department
Prefire Analysis Report
Address: 5001 LBJ Inspection Date: December 11, 2003
Bus. Name: Heritage Square Tower 2 Occupancy: Business Offices
Index By AddressIndex by Business Name

Running Route
Building Info
Water Supply
Unique Hazards
Special Information


Front Elevation
Satelite View
Photo #3
Photo #4


First Floor
Floors 2-7, 9-10
Floor 8
Site Plan


N - Parking Garage
E - 5005 LBJ
S - 4901 LBJ
W - 4835 LBJ

Building Information

Floors: 10
Sub-floors: 1 - Basement
Churn Pressure: Pump to involved floor
Square Feet: 19,000
Fire Flow/floor: 6000 gpm
Construction Type: Type 1, Fire Resistive
Exterior Walls: Glass Curtain Walls
Roof: 6" concrete
Interior Walls: metal studs with gypsum
Emerg Power: Yes - Generator on north side of Bldg.
Year Constructed:
Fire Protection

Knox Box: Yes - South Entrance
Fire Command Room: Yes - SW end of center core
Alarm Panel: Yes - In Fire Command Room
Elevators: Yes - 4 Cars
Stairwells: Yes - 2
Roof Access: Yes - West stairwell (Stair 1)
Auto-Unlock: NoYes - South entry & Stairwells
Auto-Suppression: Yes - Full Coverage
Standpipes: Yes - Both stairwells, each floor and roof
FD Connection: Yes - (4) 2 1/2" on south side
Fire Pump: Yes - 750 gpm pump in basement
Smoke Control: Yes - Limited
Fire Communications: Yes

Water Supply
First 5001 LBJ - West feet 1814
Second 5001 LBJ - East feet 1815
Third 5001 LBJ - Northeast feet 1816

Electricity Main electrical in basement; Electrical Closet on each floor contains a breaker box for that floor.

Unique Hazards

Fire Command Room

Located in southwest side of center core. Contains fire alarm panel, firefighter communications systems, public address system, public phone, building keys, and a manual override switch to unlock the stairwell doors for secured floors.

Alarm Panel

Sounds on fire floor and on the floors above and below the fire floor. Smoke detectors are located in the elevator lobbies, in the electrical closets, at the top of each stairwell, and in various locations on each floor. Manual pull boxes are located at each exit, at each stairwell, and in the lobby.


Cars 1 and 2 share a common shaft and Cars 3 and 4 share a common shaft. Standard fire service features are available. When the building is under emergency power, only one elevator car can be used at a time. Select the car to recieve power by using the emergency selector panel that is located in the electrical room on the 1st floor (next to Fire Control room). Lunar key openings are only available on the 10th floor. The phase I/bypass keyswitch is in the West hall next to the elevator lobby. The equipment room for all cars is in the basement.


Standpipe connections are available on each floor in both stairwells. Both stairwells remain pressurized while the fire alarm panel shows an alarm. Stair 1 is in the west end of the center core and has a hallway that leads to an emergency exit. Each floor above the 1st can be accessed by doors on the north and south sides of the stairwell. This stairwell contains a roof access hatch which can be accessed by a flight of stairs. On inspection, it was locked by a padlock. Stair 2 is in the east end of the center core. This stairwell opens to the south side of the center core and is adjacent to the closets which contain the floor isolation valves for the sprinkler system. Immediately next to the entrance for Stair 2 is an entrance to the stairwell which allows access to the basement. The basement contains the main electrical panels and the fire pump.

Automatic Unlocking

The main entry (south) unlocks on any fire alarm. There is a manual switch in the Fire Command Room that, when activated, will unlock stairwell doors to secured floors.

Automatic Suppression

Full coverage by standard automatic sprinklers. A 750 gpm pump located in the basement supplies the sprinkler and standpipe systems. The pump will start and stop automatically. Floor isolation valves are located in closets adjacent to stair 2 on each floor and can accessed without a ladder.


Each stairwell contains a standpipe which is supplied by a 750 gpm pump. There is a 2 1/2" connection on each floor and the roof with no pressure reducing valves or flow restrictor plates present.

Smoke Control

While panel shows an alarm, the main air intake units in the basement shut down. Stairwell pressurization fans will activate automatically.

Fire Communications

Fire phone jacks are located on each floor in each stairwell, in each elevator car, and in each elevator lobby. There is a public address microphone in the fire alarm panel which is capable of all call or individual floor selection. Permanent fire phones are located in the stairwells at the 3rd and 8th floors.