- /GIS_Documents/Plan-Room/Addison Asbuilts/01 Project Files/2009-03/Correspondence/

[To Parent Directory]

12/2/2010 3:05 PM 162304 4550 Jimmy Doolittle, Turbine Air Hangar Expansion.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 294 4550 Jimmy Doolittle, Turbine Air Hangar Expansion.txt
11/18/2010 3:28 PM 23040 Certificate of Occupancy Permit Review.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 844 Certificate of Occupancy Permit Review.txt
3/8/2011 6:30 PM 44032 Cleanouts.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2614 Cleanouts.txt
12/29/2010 2:20 PM 171520 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 5508 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (2).txt
12/29/2010 2:52 PM 154624 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 4218 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (3).txt
12/29/2010 4:39 PM 130048 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (4).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 5400 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (4).txt
12/29/2010 4:41 PM 130048 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (5).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 5400 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (5).txt
1/5/2011 11:55 AM 435200 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (6).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 14374 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications (6).txt
12/29/2010 2:19 PM 147456 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 7710 FW_ Proposed Grading Modifications.txt
1/18/2011 12:50 PM 1848320 FW_ Turbine Air Revisions.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 3578 FW_ Turbine Air Revisions.txt
12/29/2010 4:39 PM 2152448 FW_ Turbine Aircraft Services - Request for the Release of Insurance Proceeds.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 3062 FW_ Turbine Aircraft Services - Request for the Release of Insurance Proceeds.txt
11/30/2009 12:00 PM 98304 Garver - Plan Review Contract.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 978 Garver - Plan Review Contract.txt
1/5/2010 9:17 AM 82944 HMI Plans Review (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 804 HMI Plans Review (2).txt
12/28/2009 12:19 PM 120320 HMI Plans Review.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1154 HMI Plans Review.txt
3/4/2011 6:00 PM 41472 Inspection Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 582 Inspection Meeting.txt
3/11/2011 4:34 PM 310272 Letter from TAS (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1412 Letter from TAS (2).txt
3/11/2011 4:26 PM 309760 Letter from TAS.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1412 Letter from TAS.txt
12/29/2010 4:42 PM 149504 Proposed Grading Modifications.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2854 Proposed Grading Modifications.txt
12/30/2009 9:54 AM 80384 RE_ Drainage Criteria Manual (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 8286 RE_ Drainage Criteria Manual (2).txt
11/23/2009 4:26 PM 413696 RE_ Drainage Criteria Manual.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 7136 RE_ Drainage Criteria Manual.txt
3/11/2011 4:33 PM 48128 RE_ Drainage Test.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2154 RE_ Drainage Test.txt
12/29/2009 12:45 PM 103424 RE_ Garver - Plan Review Contract (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2036 RE_ Garver - Plan Review Contract (2).txt
12/28/2009 4:29 PM 49152 RE_ Garver - Plan Review Contract.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 4616 RE_ Garver - Plan Review Contract.txt
3/3/2011 3:56 PM 47104 RE_ Inspection Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2882 RE_ Inspection Meeting.txt
1/11/2010 12:49 PM 106496 RE_ Landmark's Gate.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 18458 RE_ Landmark's Gate.txt
4/20/2011 3:04 PM 55296 RE_ Mylars & CD (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 3756 RE_ Mylars & CD (2).txt
4/20/2011 10:57 AM 45056 RE_ Mylars & CD.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1390 RE_ Mylars & CD.txt
1/15/2010 5:00 PM 53248 RE_ Precon for Exechangar.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 4538 RE_ Precon for Exechangar.txt
12/29/2010 2:16 PM 91648 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 13496 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (2).txt
12/29/2010 2:18 PM 78848 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 9458 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (3).txt
12/29/2010 2:20 PM 102400 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (4).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 7698 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (4).txt
12/30/2010 10:58 AM 118272 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (5).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 16222 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (5).txt
1/5/2011 3:32 PM 236544 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (6).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 12880 RE_ Proposed Grading Modifications (6).txt
12/29/2010 2:14 PM 43520 Re_ Proposed Grading Modifications.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 10304 Re_ Proposed Grading Modifications.txt
3/10/2010 2:22 PM 76800 RE_ Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours) (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 8468 RE_ Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours) (2).txt
3/10/2010 2:26 PM 50176 RE_ Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours) (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 3780 RE_ Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours) (3).txt
3/10/2010 10:39 AM 98304 RE_ Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 12572 RE_ Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours).txt
1/3/2011 2:52 PM 67072 RE_ Turbine Air (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 3094 RE_ Turbine Air (2).txt
1/3/2011 3:18 PM 116224 RE_ Turbine Air (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 12458 RE_ Turbine Air (3).txt
1/3/2011 5:39 PM 94720 RE_ Turbine Air (4).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 8146 RE_ Turbine Air (4).txt
4/8/2011 11:30 AM 3792896 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 8500 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage (2).txt
4/14/2011 1:57 PM 84992 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 13782 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage (3).txt
4/20/2011 10:36 AM 98304 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage (4).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 12874 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage (4).txt
3/23/2011 11:28 AM 64512 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 3946 RE_ Turbine Air Drainage.txt
1/18/2011 11:24 AM 76288 RE_ Turbine Air Revisions (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 4248 RE_ Turbine Air Revisions (2).txt
1/18/2011 12:45 PM 98304 RE_ Turbine Air Revisions (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 9628 RE_ Turbine Air Revisions (3).txt
1/18/2011 9:59 AM 121344 RE_ Turbine Air Revisions.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 13958 RE_ Turbine Air Revisions.txt
11/24/2010 4:31 PM 46080 RE_ Turbine Air Services.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1726 RE_ Turbine Air Services.txt
12/30/2009 2:31 PM 67584 RE_ Turbine Air.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 5378 RE_ Turbine Air.txt
3/16/2010 11:01 AM 62976 RE_ Turbine Aircraft Services Pole Relocation.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 6412 RE_ Turbine Aircraft Services Pole Relocation.txt
12/28/2009 5:56 PM 35328 RE_ Turbine Aircraft Services.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1426 RE_ Turbine Aircraft Services.txt
3/10/2010 1:13 PM 118784 Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2834 Safety Concern with Contractors (Not Ours).txt
1/5/2010 6:33 PM 39936 Turbine Air (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1590 Turbine Air (2).txt
12/6/2010 5:48 PM 41984 Turbine Air (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 860 Turbine Air (3).txt
4/8/2011 11:33 AM 3725312 Turbine Air (4).msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 1598 Turbine Air (4).txt
3/11/2011 12:49 PM 45568 Turbine Air Drainage.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2446 Turbine Air Drainage.txt
1/17/2011 6:04 PM 1835008 Turbine Air Revisions.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 2462 Turbine Air Revisions.txt
12/28/2009 4:59 PM 109056 Turbine Air.msg
8/9/2021 11:05 AM 676 Turbine Air.txt