- /GIS_Documents/Plan-Room/Addison Asbuilts/01 Project Files/2008-07/Correspondence/

[To Parent Directory]

8/9/2021 11:01 AM 675756 10.01.09 Payment under EHOAA Developer Participation contract.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 163392 10.06.09 Relocation of Fire Hydrant.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 48550 Clay Barnett 09.09.09.tif
9/3/2009 9:30 AM 1335296 Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 6078 Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments.txt
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 147990 EHOAA Preconstruction Conference Agenda Aug 11.tif
10/13/2009 3:19 PM 6404096 EHOAA- Addison Final Payment and Fire Hydrant.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 2028 EHOAA- Addison Final Payment and Fire Hydrant.txt
10/27/2009 11:40 AM 56320 EHOAA.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 694 EHOAA.txt
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 22130 Email Re Addison Airport Hangar.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 33414 Email Re Addison Airport.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 42868 Email Re Addison Hangars - Revised Water Meters.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 11282 Email Re Addison Rd Plan.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 29734 Email Re Amended EHOAA Invoice (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 14400 Email Re Amended EHOAA Invoice (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20912 Email Re Amended EHOAA Invoice.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 72090 Email Re Area at East End of Taxiway Romeo (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 30590 Email Re Area at East End of Taxiway Romeo (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 28157 Email Re Area at East End of Taxiway Romeo (4).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 13359 Email Re Area at East End of Taxiway Romeo.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 59730 Email Re Area of East End of Taxiway Romeo.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 30629 Email Re CO's.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 46510 Email Re Comments (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 18110 Email Re Comments.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 46262 Email Re Concrete Drainage Channel (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 28374 Email Re Concrete Drainage Channel.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 39924 Email Re Contractors on Taxiway Romeo Project (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 29926 Email Re Contractors on Taxiway Romeo Project (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 84722 Email Re Contractors on Taxiway Romeo Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 17504 Email Re Copies of Sheet No 18 & 19, Inlet & Grate Details.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 41230 Email Re East end of TWY Romeo.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 13110 Email Re EHOAA Hangar Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 635850 Email Re EHOAA, Inc - MSF Properties Taxiway Construction Contract and Surety Bond.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 647918 Email Re EHOAA, Inc. - MSF Properties Taxiway Construction Contract and Surety Bond.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 46648 Email Re Executive Hangars Report.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 36312 Email Re FAA AC 150-5300-13 (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 44958 Email Re FAA AC 150-5300-13 (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 15239 Email Re FAA AC 150-5300-13.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 10295 Email Re Fire Hydrant Proposal (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 10569 Email Re Fire Hydrant Proposal (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 19799 Email Re Fire Hydrant Proposal (4).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 26186 Email Re Fire Hydrant Proposal (5).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 45513 Email Re Fire Hydrant Proposal (6).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 32788 Email Re Fire Hydrant Proposal.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 22274 Email Re Form 7460 for Ray Kinney Ramp Reference FAA Study 2008 ASW 479 NRA.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 27093 Email Re Form 7460 for Ray Kinney Ramp.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 28561 Email Re FYI about the Romeo Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 80420 Email Re Grate at Hangar Project for Richard French (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 80352 Email Re Grate at Hangar Project for Richard French.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 54238 Email Re Grate Modification at Addison Airport (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 22087 Email Re Grate Modification at Addison Airport (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 27450 Email Re Grate Modification at Addison Airport.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 26174 Email Re Grate Modification.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 36862 Email Re Grate Replacement (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 52758 Email Re Grate Replacement.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 39314 Email Re Grating - EHOAA Project (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 31511 Email Re Grating - EHOAA Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 21300 Email Re Hydrant Relocation.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 1066972 Email Re Invoice for Moving Addison Airport's Fire Hydrant.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 52926 Email Re MSF Slab Pouring.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 36832 Email Re New Hydrant Location (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 52020 Email Re New Hydrant Location (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 37100 Email Re New Hydrant Location (4).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 21123 Email Re New Hydrant Location (5).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 31848 Email Re New Hydrant Location.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20178 Email Re Out of Spec Concrete (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 95524 Email Re Out of Spec Concrete.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 71254 Email Re Relocation of Fire Hydrant (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 41678 Email Re Relocation of Fire Hydrant (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 52084 Email Re Relocation of Fire Hydrant.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20068 Email Re Romeo Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 96050 Email Re Scheduling 2nd Pre-Construction Meeting.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 22695 Email Re Specs for the Grates on Romeo (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 44666 Email Re Specs for the Grates on Romeo (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 72192 Email Re Specs for the Grates on Romeo.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 49998 Email Re Taxiway Romeo (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 50188 Email Re Taxiway Romeo (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 23111 Email Re Taxiway Romeo (4).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 24974 Email Re Taxiway Romeo (5).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 45202 Email Re Taxiway Romeo (6).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 33059 Email Re Taxiway Romeo Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 75878 Email Re Taxiway Romeo Reconstruction Commencing.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 25176 Email Re Taxiway Romeo.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 30974 Email Re TWY Romeo Project.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 43204 Email Re TWY Romeo.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 66470 Email Re Water Easement.tif
10/6/2009 10:49 AM 104448 Executive Hanger Report.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 1854 Executive Hanger Report.txt
10/27/2009 3:41 PM 99840 Executive Hangers Cylinder Report.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 2004 Executive Hangers Cylinder Report.txt
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20112 Fax from JDJR Engineers and Consultants Re EHOAA.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 19860 Fax from JDJR Engineers Re EHOAA (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 19492 Fax From JDJR Engineers Re EHOAA.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 51748 Fax Re Cylinder Report (10).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 104848 Fax Re Cylinder Report (11).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 145484 Fax Re Cylinder Report (12).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 114180 Fax Re Cylinder Report (13).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 48462 Fax Re Cylinder Report (14).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 76246 Fax Re Cylinder Report (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 60514 Fax Re Cylinder Report (3).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 41594 Fax Re Cylinder Report (4).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 235030 Fax Re Cylinder Report (5).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 77976 Fax Re Cylinder Report (6).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 45334 Fax Re Cylinder Report (7).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 138546 Fax Re Cylinder Report (8).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 53458 Fax Re Cylinder Report (9).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 55154 Fax Re Cylinder Report - Pages 3 and 4 of 4-page fax.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 56520 Fax Re Cylinder Report.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 51720 Fax Re Executive Hangers Report.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 123210 Fax Re Scheduling 2nd Pre-Construction Meeting.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20592 Field Observation Report EHOOA Nov 10.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 23107 Field Observation Report EHOOA Nov 5.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 23120 Field Observation Report EHOOA Nov 7.tif
12/30/2009 10:38 AM 33792 Final Items.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 1436 Final Items.txt
10/6/2009 11:08 AM 467968 FW_ Completion of EHOAA Project.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 37142 FW_ Completion of EHOAA Project.txt
10/6/2009 11:11 AM 1324032 FW_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 19240 FW_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments (2).txt
9/14/2009 11:03 AM 1320448 FW_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 17812 FW_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments.txt
12/30/2009 10:10 AM 58368 FW_ EHOAA.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 1554 FW_ EHOAA.txt
6/7/2011 7:18 AM 142848 FW_ MSF Insurance Agency Update.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 3886 FW_ MSF Insurance Agency Update.txt
10/27/2009 11:40 AM 120320 Fw_ Oct 13, 2009 Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 13882 Fw_ Oct 13, 2009 Meeting.txt
10/13/2009 3:19 PM 6481408 FW_ Urgent Meeting Request.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 7068 FW_ Urgent Meeting Request.txt
9/15/2009 5:10 PM 881664 Fw_ Water line Repair at Keller Springs Addison Rd.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 980 Fw_ Water line Repair at Keller Springs Addison Rd.txt
9/15/2009 5:07 PM 207872 JDJR Plan Review.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 1166 JDJR Plan Review.txt
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 22323 Letter of Transmittal Addison Airport (Hangar Addition).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 69738 Letter to James Dewey Re Plan Review EHOAA (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 30500 Letter to James Dewey Re Plan Review EHOAA.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 35079 Memorandum from Fire Marshall re Executive Hangar Site Plan.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 769188 Memorandum Re Developer Participation Contract between TOA and EHOAA.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 58146 Mr. French Letter EHOAA_MSF Request for Partial Payment (2).tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 58212 Mr. French Letter EHOAA_MSF Request for Partial Payment.tif
10/6/2009 2:01 PM 93696 Payment Application #2.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 736 Payment Application #2.txt
10/6/2009 11:07 AM 171008 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 39354 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project (2).txt
10/6/2009 11:14 AM 143360 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 29030 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project (3).txt
10/6/2009 2:34 PM 109568 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20286 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments (2).txt
10/6/2009 2:53 PM 56320 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments (3).msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 7596 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments (3).txt
9/14/2009 11:02 AM 1306624 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 13650 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project w_attachments.txt
10/6/2009 11:04 AM 174080 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 41074 RE_ Completion of EHOAA Project.txt
8/19/2009 2:01 PM 68608 RE_ Grate at Hangar Project for Richard French.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 8742 RE_ Grate at Hangar Project for Richard French.txt
10/6/2009 3:26 PM 45568 RE_ Grate replacement.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 1480 RE_ Grate replacement.txt
10/6/2009 2:42 PM 46592 RE_ Taxiway Romeo Payment (2).msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 5034 RE_ Taxiway Romeo Payment (2).txt
10/6/2009 12:53 PM 76800 RE_ Taxiway Romeo Payment.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 12520 RE_ Taxiway Romeo Payment.txt
10/6/2009 12:53 PM 1628160 Taxiway Romeo Payment.msg
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 2074 Taxiway Romeo Payment.txt
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 20738 transmittal grate inlet 08.19.09.tif
8/9/2021 11:01 AM 27215 transmittal revised inlet.tif