- /GIS_Documents/Plan-Room/Addison Asbuilts/01 Project Files/2007-01/Correspondence/

[To Parent Directory]

8/9/2021 10:54 AM 26578 101 Leed Status.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 690878 12.02.08 John Hancock.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 931722 12.2.08 Joel & Kara Blanco.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 18801 138522.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 96916 2007-00583.tif
12/29/2010 4:45 PM 181760 2008 Capital Projects Fund and Belt Line.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1164 2008 Capital Projects Fund and Belt Line.txt
4/11/2011 2:14 PM 151040 2008 Capital Projects Summary.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2306 2008 Capital Projects Summary.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 165070 3900 Brookhaven Club Drive.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 118238 60' Storm Drain Replacement.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 45976 Addison _ Icon.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 36932 Addison Park Project.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 86186 agenda items.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 875594 Alignement for Brookhaven Club @ spring valley.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 118930 amendment.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 90714 AT&T work on Les lacs.tif
5/13/2011 1:38 PM 241664 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 4_30_11.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1628 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 4_30_11.txt
6/24/2011 3:06 PM 245248 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 5_31_11.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1696 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 5_31_11.txt
7/22/2011 1:04 PM 257536 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 6_30_11 (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2684 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 6_30_11 (2).txt
8/26/2011 8:50 AM 258048 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 7_31_11.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1726 Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 7_31_11.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 23843 Brookhaven Club Drive Gas Retirements.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 37168 Brookhaven Club Drive Sustainability.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 68150 Brookhaven College.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 155680 Brookhaven Demolition Plan.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 109924 Brookhaven hydrany flow information.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 77932 Brookhaven Impact Study.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 28134 Brookhaven Storm Sewer Pipe.tif
6/23/2010 3:51 PM 55296 Brookhaven Trail Connection.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5060 Brookhaven Trail Connection.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 50896 Brookhaven Updated Master Plan Drawings.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 242042 Brookhaven Village Park Plan.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 12919 Brookhaven Village.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 167862 Brookhaven.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 12989 camera sewer line at Green haven.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 43992 cancelled meeting.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11013 Comments (2).tif
12/29/2010 4:59 PM 39424 Comments from Bruce.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1916 Comments from Bruce.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 32879 Comments on Phase 2 Demo Plans.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 72890 contacts.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 175508 corp documentation.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 42478 council agenda item -.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 230404 covenant restriction for park.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 68808 design team meeting.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 60378 Drainage Pipe.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9488 drainage.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 234534 Driskell Tubbs.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 21238 easement agreement.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 24639 easement.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 35685 engineering _ icon.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 44444 existing retaining wall by creek.tif
1/5/2011 3:37 PM 5168128 Existing Weir.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1058 Existing Weir.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 22716 farmers branch flood study.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 18733 Farmers Branch meeting.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 59662 Farmers Branch_ erosion incites widow to take on city.tif
3/4/2011 12:07 PM 32768 FEMA contact for Vitruvian LOMR-F.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 644 FEMA contact for Vitruvian LOMR-F.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 97600 fire lane.tif
5/11/2010 1:17 PM 90112 Fire Line Comments.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1638 Fire Line Comments.txt
5/2/2011 8:05 AM 49152 Fire service at Savoye2.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5124 Fire service at Savoye2.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 24984 fish ladders.tif
10/6/2009 2:33 PM 26624 Flood Study.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 616 Flood Study.txt
6/1/2011 4:26 PM 93696 Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5598 Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 10920 funding agreement.tif
8/30/2011 9:01 AM 1814528 FW_ Addison - Arapaho DA Map.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3706 FW_ Addison - Arapaho DA Map.txt
8/29/2011 3:08 PM 30720 FW_ Certificate of Occupancy Permit Review.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3372 FW_ Certificate of Occupancy Permit Review.txt
8/30/2011 8:56 AM 55296 FW_ Fence installations for site visit - per Nancy's request.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5474 FW_ Fence installations for site visit - per Nancy's request.txt
8/31/2011 4:04 PM 4830208 FW_ Fire hydrant and curb on Ponte.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1256 FW_ Fire hydrant and curb on Ponte.txt
6/8/2011 3:01 PM 114176 FW_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9636 FW_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget.txt
4/20/2011 8:31 AM 76800 Fw_ Kickoff Meeting 04-19-11.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 838 Fw_ Kickoff Meeting 04-19-11.txt
10/13/2010 9:58 AM 5069312 FW_ Map.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4736 FW_ Map.txt
8/26/2011 10:10 AM 371712 FW_ Pay Applications.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3128 FW_ Pay Applications.txt
8/31/2010 8:22 AM 178176 FW_ Savoye 2 - Town of Addison City Council Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4570 FW_ Savoye 2 - Town of Addison City Council Meeting.txt
7/8/2010 5:05 PM 1005568 FW_ Savoye Aerials_ April is the most recent.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3412 FW_ Savoye Aerials_ April is the most recent.txt
6/29/2010 10:16 AM 5745152 FW_ Streets Through the College.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1462 FW_ Streets Through the College.txt
6/27/2011 12:00 PM 388096 FW_ Temporary streetlight at Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2924 FW_ Temporary streetlight at Vitruvian Park.txt
9/13/2010 4:49 PM 78848 FW_ Vitruvian Funding Analysis.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 376 FW_ Vitruvian Funding Analysis.txt
6/29/2010 1:31 PM 96256 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Town of Addison - _Prelim_ Streetscape Accessibility Inspection.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7738 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Town of Addison - _Prelim_ Streetscape Accessibility Inspection.txt
10/6/2009 3:35 PM 83456 FW_ Vitruvian Park Review.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2246 FW_ Vitruvian Park Review.txt
8/21/2009 3:43 PM 297472 FW_ Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1114 FW_ Vitruvian Park.txt
4/20/2011 11:07 AM 95232 FW_ Vitruvian Weir (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 13594 FW_ Vitruvian Weir (2).txt
5/12/2011 4:12 PM 51200 FW_ Vitruvian Weir (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2720 FW_ Vitruvian Weir (3).txt
4/19/2011 11:20 AM 966144 FW_ Vitruvian Weir.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 17662 FW_ Vitruvian Weir.txt
1/14/2011 11:05 AM 85504 FW_.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 990 FW_.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 175316 grading plans.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 243328 green aid.tif
5/18/2011 4:35 PM 705024 Greenhaven Easement Abandonments.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1364 Greenhaven Easement Abandonments.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 14008 Infrastructure Exhibit Cad Files.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 30014 latest aerial pics.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 341346 Local Park Grant Program.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 84742 MFA Agreement.tif
5/13/2011 9:54 AM 415744 Notice to Proceed.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 836 Notice to Proceed.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 571476 Overview of speed tables and Similar traffic Calming Measures.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 30342 p & z comments.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 12332 Park Ramps.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 20775 Phase 1 Demo Transmittal.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 21870 Phase 1 south Bldg.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 36861 Phase 1 South Building Site.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 28892 Phase 1 south.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 28679 Phase 2 Demo.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 56674 Phase 2 Demolition Plans transmittal.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 23757 phone numbers.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 33313 Plan review_ Phase 2.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 28732 PN for permit.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 535042 Preconstruction Conference Agenda.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 15036 prelim plat.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 73648 professional services agreement.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 20848 Projected Infrastructure Expenditure.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 12848 proposal.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 41112 Public Improvement Designs.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1732800 Public Notice from US Army Corp of Engineers.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1541976 Public Notice.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 158172 questions for our meeting.tif
8/1/2011 11:06 AM 93696 RE_ 3875 Ponte, Vitruvian Project.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3210 RE_ 3875 Ponte, Vitruvian Project.txt
5/13/2011 5:11 PM 123904 RE_ Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 4_30_11.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2548 RE_ Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 4_30_11.txt
6/27/2011 11:29 AM 58368 RE_ Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 5_31_11.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3008 RE_ Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 5_31_11.txt
7/26/2011 4:20 PM 198144 RE_ Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 6_30_11 Revised.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4480 RE_ Belt Line and 2008 Capital Projects - 6_30_11 Revised.txt
4/20/2011 10:20 AM 72192 RE_ Bid for gas main and service (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8294 RE_ Bid for gas main and service (2).txt
4/20/2011 10:30 AM 71680 Re_ Bid for gas main and service (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9288 Re_ Bid for gas main and service (3).txt
4/20/2011 10:33 AM 74240 RE_ Bid for gas main and service (4).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 10328 RE_ Bid for gas main and service (4).txt
4/20/2011 10:33 AM 76288 Re_ Bid for gas main and service (5).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11072 Re_ Bid for gas main and service (5).txt
4/19/2011 11:05 AM 68608 RE_ Bid for gas main and service.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6766 RE_ Bid for gas main and service.txt
12/10/2010 9:28 AM 261632 RE_ Council Authorizations - Vitruvian (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6890 RE_ Council Authorizations - Vitruvian (2).txt
12/9/2010 1:02 PM 55808 RE_ Council Authorizations - Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6172 RE_ Council Authorizations - Vitruvian.txt
12/29/2010 4:55 PM 48640 RE_ Follow-Up to Vitruvian Contracts (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6354 RE_ Follow-Up to Vitruvian Contracts (2).txt
12/29/2010 4:50 PM 148480 RE_ Follow-Up to Vitruvian Contracts.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8520 RE_ Follow-Up to Vitruvian Contracts.txt
6/7/2011 10:35 AM 124928 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8910 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (2).txt
6/7/2011 11:26 AM 124928 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11162 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (3).txt
6/8/2011 3:30 PM 123392 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (4).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9976 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (4).txt
6/8/2011 4:03 PM 125440 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (5).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 10418 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget (5).txt
6/7/2011 9:56 AM 107520 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7120 RE_ Fund 49 - FY11 Projection and FY12 Budget.txt
7/13/2010 9:47 AM 212992 RE_ Hours Charged to Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 13286 RE_ Hours Charged to Vitruvian.txt
8/26/2011 2:45 PM 51712 RE_ Hydrant Color.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1324 RE_ Hydrant Color.txt
9/3/2010 3:17 PM 64512 RE_ Hydrologic Study of the Vitruvian Park Area (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4646 RE_ Hydrologic Study of the Vitruvian Park Area (2).txt
9/1/2010 8:44 AM 71168 RE_ Hydrologic Study of the Vitruvian Park Area.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7212 RE_ Hydrologic Study of the Vitruvian Park Area.txt
5/3/2011 4:59 PM 133120 RE_ Icon invoice.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 31826 RE_ Icon invoice.txt
9/9/2010 3:32 PM 47104 RE_ LOMR-F (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1878 RE_ LOMR-F (2).txt
9/8/2010 10:58 AM 57344 RE_ LOMR-F.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4458 RE_ LOMR-F.txt
5/16/2011 4:48 PM 44544 RE_ Notice to Proceed.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1440 RE_ Notice to Proceed.txt
8/29/2011 2:55 PM 64000 RE_ Pay Applications.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4898 RE_ Pay Applications.txt
8/31/2010 8:23 AM 57856 RE_ Savoye 2 - Town of Addison City Council Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4594 RE_ Savoye 2 - Town of Addison City Council Meeting.txt
6/29/2010 1:35 PM 82432 RE_ SWPPP.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1892 RE_ SWPPP.txt
6/27/2011 12:44 PM 135168 RE_ Temporary streetlight at Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3786 RE_ Temporary streetlight at Vitruvian Park.txt
6/17/2011 3:57 PM 85504 RE_ The _correct_ REDLINE . . . Sorry LH.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 10340 RE_ The _correct_ REDLINE . . . Sorry LH.txt
7/13/2010 3:20 PM 43008 RE_ TOWN OF ADDISON & CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, DALLAS COUNTY, TX (Case Number 10-06-1008R) (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2550 RE_ TOWN OF ADDISON & CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, DALLAS COUNTY, TX (Case Number 10-06-1008R) (2).txt
6/29/2010 2:20 PM 56320 RE_ TOWN OF ADDISON & CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, DALLAS COUNTY, TX (Case Number 10-06-1008R).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6256 RE_ TOWN OF ADDISON & CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, DALLAS COUNTY, TX (Case Number 10-06-1008R).txt
3/4/2011 12:22 PM 65024 RE_ Vitruvian (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11028 RE_ Vitruvian (2).txt
3/4/2011 12:22 PM 79872 RE_ Vitruvian (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 34890 RE_ Vitruvian (3).txt
3/4/2011 12:23 PM 86528 RE_ Vitruvian (4).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 18688 RE_ Vitruvian (4).txt
3/4/2011 2:52 PM 176128 RE_ Vitruvian (5).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 36882 RE_ Vitruvian (5).txt
3/4/2011 6:19 PM 84480 RE_ Vitruvian (6).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 13756 RE_ Vitruvian (6).txt
3/4/2011 6:20 PM 65536 RE_ Vitruvian (7).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8052 RE_ Vitruvian (7).txt
3/4/2011 6:21 PM 375296 RE_ Vitruvian (8).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5044 RE_ Vitruvian (8).txt
7/14/2010 11:07 AM 67584 RE_ Vitruvian - One quick question.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4902 RE_ Vitruvian - One quick question.txt
11/29/2010 12:25 PM 63488 RE_ Vitruvian Building 101 (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4984 RE_ Vitruvian Building 101 (2).txt
11/24/2010 4:28 PM 48640 RE_ Vitruvian Building 101.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2242 RE_ Vitruvian Building 101.txt
7/14/2010 10:25 AM 1601024 RE_ Vitruvian Final Plat Status.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2466 RE_ Vitruvian Final Plat Status.txt
11/29/2010 12:08 PM 75776 RE_ Vitruvian LOMR-F (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6260 RE_ Vitruvian LOMR-F (2).txt
11/29/2010 11:53 AM 75776 RE_ Vitruvian LOMR-F.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6260 RE_ Vitruvian LOMR-F.txt
1/6/2011 9:45 AM 69632 RE_ Vitruvian Monument Sign.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7388 RE_ Vitruvian Monument Sign.txt
8/22/2011 4:59 PM 69120 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3714 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO (2).txt
8/23/2011 2:34 PM 67072 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3454 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO (3).txt
8/22/2011 4:55 PM 69632 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4450 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO.txt
12/28/2009 4:14 PM 138240 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7678 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting (2).txt
12/28/2009 4:36 PM 80896 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8738 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting (3).txt
12/28/2009 4:50 PM 55808 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting (4).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3944 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting (4).txt
12/28/2009 9:35 AM 167936 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7810 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting.txt
6/14/2011 9:09 AM 67584 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Wye Strainer.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9078 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Wye Strainer.txt
5/17/2010 2:46 PM 74240 RE_ Vitruvian Park Hydrology.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 6826 RE_ Vitruvian Park Hydrology.txt
10/25/2010 11:18 AM 109056 RE_ VITRUVIAN PARK MONUMENT SIGN MEETING (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11844 RE_ VITRUVIAN PARK MONUMENT SIGN MEETING (2).txt
10/25/2010 11:21 AM 60416 RE_ VITRUVIAN PARK MONUMENT SIGN MEETING (3).msg
3/31/2011 1:07 PM 321024 RE_ Vitruvian Weir (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4822 RE_ Vitruvian Weir (2).txt
4/1/2011 4:49 PM 67072 Re_ Vitruvian Weir (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7494 Re_ Vitruvian Weir (3).txt
4/1/2011 4:52 PM 245760 RE_ Vitruvian Weir (4).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5634 RE_ Vitruvian Weir (4).txt
5/12/2011 3:47 PM 46080 RE_ Vitruvian Weir Evaluation (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1652 RE_ Vitruvian Weir Evaluation (2).txt
5/12/2011 3:45 PM 46080 RE_ Vitruvian Weir Evaluation (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1652 RE_ Vitruvian Weir Evaluation (3).txt
5/11/2011 1:22 PM 34816 Re_ Vitruvian Weir Evaluation.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4240 Re_ Vitruvian Weir Evaluation.txt
3/30/2011 11:17 AM 86016 RE_ Vitruvian Weir.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11510 RE_ Vitruvian Weir.txt
3/4/2011 12:21 PM 79872 RE_ Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 34890 RE_ Vitruvian.txt
8/31/2011 9:30 AM 65024 RE_ VP 206--Soil Retention System (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7354 RE_ VP 206--Soil Retention System (2).txt
8/30/2011 11:35 AM 67072 RE_ VP 206--Soil Retention System.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 5646 RE_ VP 206--Soil Retention System.txt
10/13/2010 9:43 AM 940032 RE_ VP Monument Sign Comments (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8806 RE_ VP Monument Sign Comments (2).txt
10/13/2010 9:42 AM 50688 Re_ VP Monument Sign Comments.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9322 Re_ VP Monument Sign Comments.txt
10/15/2010 3:09 PM 51200 RE_ VP Monument Sign Fees (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3372 RE_ VP Monument Sign Fees (2).txt
10/25/2010 5:06 PM 67072 RE_ VP Monument Sign Fees (3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 4272 RE_ VP Monument Sign Fees (3).txt
10/13/2010 9:57 AM 84480 RE_ VP Monument Sign Fees.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 8000 RE_ VP Monument Sign Fees.txt
7/14/2010 10:51 AM 201216 RE_ Will Serve Letter (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1654 RE_ Will Serve Letter (2).txt
7/14/2010 10:49 AM 59904 RE_ Will Serve Letter.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2890 RE_ Will Serve Letter.txt
8/19/2009 2:01 PM 54784 RE_ Will Serve Letters.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7558 RE_ Will Serve Letters.txt
5/12/2011 11:59 AM 49152 RE_.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1734 RE_.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 32858 Response to Plan Review Comments.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 675202 review of united Dominion Realty Trust's Total Development Budge and Pro Forma.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 54914 Revised Infrastucture Schedule.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 29666 Sanitary Sewer Calcs.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 33870 Sanitary Sewer Laterals.tif
10/3/2010 4:39 PM 48128 Savoye 1 LEED Silver Certification.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 1668 Savoye 1 LEED Silver Certification.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 92508 Schedule of Improvements.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 58044 Schedule.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 17916 sewer line relocation.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 244276 signal Warrent Comments.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 15526 South Civil pLans.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 28238 stellan nita.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 173738 storm drain relocation plans.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 201236 Storm Lines.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 130660 storm water issues.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 13526 street names.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 244736 Street Section Comments.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 214624 Street Type G-1 Improvments.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 416344 Summary of Improvements.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 11318 suspension bridge Impact Barrier.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 118682 sustainability Considerations.tif
8/23/2011 4:42 PM 40960 TCO for Savoy 2.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 634 TCO for Savoy 2.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 32900 Temp Drainage at Brookhaven.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 109928 Tia report.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 26452 Tracking.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 122230 Traffic Impact Study for Brookhaven development.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 22902 transmittal - construction docs.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 20510 Transmittal - GMP Plan Sets.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 85616 Transmittal - mark-ups.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 20235 Transmittal - Phase 1 South.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 19191 transmittal - prelim grading.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 30578 Transmittal - Shop Drawings.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 21929 Transmittal 00493.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 20474 transmittal_ corp of engineers.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 9944 Transmittal_ Proposal Exhibits.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 17195 transmittal_ Signed Contracts.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 23650 Tree Protection.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 26661 Trucks on Brookhaven Club Drive.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 82386 Two Addison Circle - Fire Hydrant Install.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 218657 UDR Ad.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 367660 UDR Vitruvian Park.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 88892 United Dominion Property.tif
2/18/2011 5:03 PM 1261056 Untitled (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 484 Untitled (2).txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 38428 Untitled.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 27633 utility fund vitruvian expenses.tif
5/4/2011 8:41 AM 159744 Vitruvian (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 724 Vitruvian (2).txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 32001 vitruvian meeting.tif
8/22/2011 4:57 PM 224768 Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2502 Vitruvian Park - Block 102 TCO.txt
12/28/2009 11:06 AM 51200 Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2536 Vitruvian Park - Pre CO coordination meeting.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 13949 Vitruvian Park - Public Notice.tif
6/29/2010 11:19 AM 310272 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (1 of 3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 950 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (1 of 3).txt
6/29/2010 1:33 PM 2367488 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (2 of 3) (2).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 474 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (2 of 3) (2).txt
6/29/2010 11:20 AM 2367488 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (2 of 3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 474 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (2 of 3).txt
6/21/2010 3:13 PM 8263680 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (3 of 3).msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 474 Vitruvian Park Hydrology (3 of 3).txt
5/21/2010 3:38 PM 6141952 Vitruvian Park Phase 1B North, under Bldg. Permit No. 0186, address 3875 Pointe Ave.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 2490 Vitruvian Park Phase 1B North, under Bldg. Permit No. 0186, address 3875 Pointe Ave.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 575754 vitruvian Park.tif
3/4/2011 12:23 PM 258560 Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 3268 Vitruvian.txt
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 22682 Will Serve Letter.tif
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 55592 wooded creek estates.tif
5/21/2010 2:08 PM 79360 Wrong Account Numbers - Vitruvian Project 83100.msg
8/9/2021 10:54 AM 7992 Wrong Account Numbers - Vitruvian Project 83100.txt