- /GIS_Documents/Plan-Room/Addison Asbuilts/01 Project Files/2009-05/Correspondence/

[To Parent Directory]

3/8/2011 12:11 PM 2863104 1D - Feb Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1038 1D - Feb Pay App.txt
1/5/2011 11:49 AM 336896 1D pay app (Dec. 2010).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 342 1D pay app (Dec. 2010).txt
12/3/2009 9:05 AM 63488 2009-12-08 Cursory Design Review HNTB.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 100 2009-12-08 Cursory Design Review HNTB.doc.txt
6/1/2011 8:28 AM 175104 Action List for Punch List for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 32346 Action List for Punch List for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
6/25/2010 1:22 PM 35840 Addendum 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 800 Addendum 2.txt
6/25/2010 5:17 PM 29696 Addendum 3 Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1328 Addendum 3 Vitruvian.txt
8/3/2011 10:50 AM 63488 Addison - Bella Upstream Grading - Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5298 Addison - Bella Upstream Grading - Vitruvian Park.txt
6/24/2011 3:23 PM 329728 Addison Agreement.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1380 Addison Agreement.txt
5/5/2010 4:56 PM 49152 Addison Vitruvian Park CD.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1746 Addison Vitruvian Park CD.txt
3/23/2011 10:38 AM 30720 Arch Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 182 Arch Color.txt
3/4/2011 11:41 AM 7483904 Arch issues.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1860 Arch issues.txt
9/13/2010 10:17 AM 87552 Austin Bridge & Road Wire Information.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10486 Austin Bridge & Road Wire Information.txt
4/16/2010 4:55 PM 402944 Bella Bridge Exhibit.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 982 Bella Bridge Exhibit.txt
6/27/2011 11:31 AM 997888 Bella Bridge Modifications.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 562 Bella Bridge Modifications.txt
6/22/2011 3:56 PM 44032 Bella Bridge Shut Down.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 486 Bella Bridge Shut Down.txt
6/8/2011 8:36 AM 36864 Bella Bridge thought.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1894 Bella Bridge thought.txt
3/3/2011 3:43 PM 584704 Bella First Beam.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 66 Bella First Beam.txt
5/10/2010 5:48 PM 645632 Bella Lane Bridge - CAD Files 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 318 Bella Lane Bridge - CAD Files 2.txt
8/31/2010 8:18 AM 44032 Bella Lane Retaining Wall.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1876 Bella Lane Retaining Wall.txt
5/10/2010 11:59 AM 59392 Bid #10-09.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 962 Bid #10-09.txt
5/10/2010 5:29 PM 86528 Bid Advertisement 10-09 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1662 Bid Advertisement 10-09 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.txt
10/6/2009 2:24 PM 75776 Bid Extension (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1056 Bid Extension (2).txt
10/6/2009 2:21 PM 56320 Bid Extension.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 704 Bid Extension.txt
6/29/2010 4:59 PM 65536 Bid Tab for Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 474 Bid Tab for Phase 1D.txt
7/14/2010 2:35 PM 88576 Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2454 Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D (2).txt
7/14/2010 2:34 PM 73216 Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 842 Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D.txt
12/28/2009 5:45 PM 100352 Bid Tab.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 644 Bid Tab.txt
6/25/2010 1:24 PM 35328 Bid.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1348 Bid.txt
10/6/2009 11:22 AM 78336 Bids.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2624 Bids.txt
5/18/2010 2:58 PM 43008 Bridge Color (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 808 Bridge Color (2).txt
5/17/2010 3:47 PM 49664 Bridge Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 838 Bridge Color.txt
6/22/2011 3:57 PM 48640 bridge colors.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 860 bridge colors.txt
1/20/2010 2:11 PM 187392 Bridge Comments.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 664 Bridge Comments.txt
6/3/2011 1:19 PM 33280 Bridge Cracking Mtg.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 266 Bridge Cracking Mtg.txt
10/6/2009 3:29 PM 33792 Bridge Design Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3034 Bridge Design Questions.txt
11/24/2009 12:57 PM 32768 Bridge Letter.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1016 Bridge Letter.txt
5/23/2011 2:10 PM 26112 Bridge Loading.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 184 Bridge Loading.txt
6/28/2010 8:48 AM 24576 Bridge Pre-Con.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 474 Bridge Pre-Con.txt
3/16/2010 12:29 PM 272896 Bridge Railing Height at Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3958 Bridge Railing Height at Vitruvian Park.txt
10/21/2009 12:06 PM 2115584 Bridge Response Letter.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 772 Bridge Response Letter.txt
5/17/2010 11:08 AM 32256 Bridge specs (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2714 Bridge specs (2).txt
5/17/2010 10:57 AM 32256 Bridge specs.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2714 Bridge specs.txt
10/6/2009 11:45 AM 400896 Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1908 Bridges.txt
4/1/2011 11:47 AM 48640 Carbolines contact info.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1252 Carbolines contact info.txt
1/28/2011 11:58 AM 121344 Change Order #2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 506 Change Order #2.txt
11/24/2010 3:14 PM 48128 Change Order 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 748 Change Order 1.txt
10/29/2010 5:00 PM 43520 Change Order Request from Austin.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 612 Change Order Request from Austin.txt
7/19/2011 12:14 PM 2741248 Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 664 Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches.txt
6/3/2011 12:52 PM 74240 CO #3 Revision 3.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 890 CO #3 Revision 3.txt
12/29/2010 5:04 PM 34304 CO#2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 512 CO#2.txt
5/18/2010 3:05 PM 51712 Color Sample.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1148 Color Sample.txt
6/29/2010 8:26 AM 38400 Construction management agreement for the bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 738 Construction management agreement for the bridge.txt
7/14/2010 11:47 AM 47616 Construction Management Contract with UDR.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 916 Construction Management Contract with UDR.txt
7/14/2010 10:25 AM 47104 Construction Management for the Bridge Contract.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 670 Construction Management for the Bridge Contract.txt
1/11/2011 1:50 PM 59392 Conversation with Maxwell Zhang.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6122 Conversation with Maxwell Zhang.txt
7/14/2010 2:08 PM 142848 Dallas County Participation in Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1712 Dallas County Participation in Vitruvian Bridges.txt
9/17/2010 9:33 AM 1179648 Draft Change Order.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1046 Draft Change Order.txt
7/23/2010 4:50 PM 40448 Electrical Discussion.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 690 Electrical Discussion.txt
6/8/2011 8:36 AM 39936 End Treatment at concrete wall _ limestone boulders West of Ponte.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2104 End Treatment at concrete wall _ limestone boulders West of Ponte.txt
5/10/2010 5:46 PM 1124864 Final Plat - Lots 1 & 2, Block B.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 608 Final Plat - Lots 1 & 2, Block B.txt
11/23/2009 1:12 PM 62976 finalLetter regarding bridgesnov192009.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 128 finalLetter regarding bridgesnov192009.doc.txt
3/10/2010 2:16 PM 45056 First Meeting of Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1584 First Meeting of Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
4/19/2010 9:07 AM 52224 Follow-up to Yesterday's Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2422 Follow-up to Yesterday's Meeting.txt
6/20/2011 10:55 AM 152064 Fugitive Dye.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2198 Fugitive Dye.txt
6/25/2010 4:24 PM 97280 FW_ Vitruvian Bid results.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8718 FW_ Vitruvian Bid results.txt
4/16/2010 5:01 PM 55808 Fw_ Abutment wall sections (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5700 Fw_ Abutment wall sections (2).txt
4/16/2010 5:01 PM 3397632 Fw_ Abutment wall sections.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7646 Fw_ Abutment wall sections.txt
5/13/2011 11:28 AM 176640 FW_ Action List for Punch List for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10910 FW_ Action List for Punch List for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
5/21/2010 4:50 PM 57344 FW_ Addendum- Vitruvian park (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2448 FW_ Addendum- Vitruvian park (2).txt
5/21/2010 3:50 PM 92672 FW_ Addendum- Vitruvian park.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7580 FW_ Addendum- Vitruvian park.txt
6/28/2011 8:44 AM 121856 FW_ Addison Agreement (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8160 FW_ Addison Agreement (2).txt
6/29/2011 2:46 PM 134656 FW_ Addison Agreement (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 9142 FW_ Addison Agreement (3).txt
6/29/2011 2:55 PM 134656 FW_ Addison Agreement (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 9142 FW_ Addison Agreement (4).txt
6/27/2011 12:56 PM 349696 FW_ Addison Agreement.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2160 FW_ Addison Agreement.txt
8/27/2009 3:14 PM 41984 FW_ Any thoughts_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8416 FW_ Any thoughts_.txt
5/10/2011 11:58 AM 317440 FW_ April 2011 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2674 FW_ April 2011 Pay App.txt
3/28/2011 8:20 AM 68608 FW_ Arch coatings.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 9240 FW_ Arch coatings.txt
7/14/2010 11:03 AM 58368 FW_ Austin B&R questions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1558 FW_ Austin B&R questions (2).txt
7/6/2010 1:34 PM 65024 Fw_ Austin B&R questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1454 Fw_ Austin B&R questions.txt
9/10/2010 4:47 PM 361472 FW_ Austin Bridge & Road.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2984 FW_ Austin Bridge & Road.txt
6/8/2011 8:34 AM 55296 FW_ Bella Bridge Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8002 FW_ Bella Bridge Meeting.txt
11/24/2010 4:55 PM 192000 FW_ Bella Lane Bridge - Add 2_ Conduit Across Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3216 FW_ Bella Lane Bridge - Add 2_ Conduit Across Bridge.txt
5/17/2010 11:40 AM 76288 FW_ Bid #10-09.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1616 FW_ Bid #10-09.txt
10/6/2009 11:46 AM 85504 FW_ Bid Extension.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3994 FW_ Bid Extension.txt
5/17/2010 2:43 PM 102400 FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6532 FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D (2).txt
5/5/2010 4:56 PM 87040 FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5470 FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.txt
10/6/2009 11:06 AM 29696 Fw_ bonding company.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4778 Fw_ bonding company.txt
5/18/2010 2:47 PM 71680 FW_ Bridge Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5044 FW_ Bridge Color.txt
3/10/2010 12:50 PM 1369600 FW_ Bridge Fencing images.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2234 FW_ Bridge Fencing images.txt
11/23/2009 4:27 PM 24576 Fw_ Bridge meeting today.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2956 Fw_ Bridge meeting today.txt
11/23/2009 2:07 PM 83968 FW_ Bridge Package Structural Drawing Modification.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2536 FW_ Bridge Package Structural Drawing Modification.txt
6/28/2011 9:13 AM 61440 Fw_ Bridge Plans.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8436 Fw_ Bridge Plans.txt
9/9/2010 3:29 PM 154112 FW_ Bridge Pour Checklist (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3076 FW_ Bridge Pour Checklist (2).txt
9/9/2010 2:42 PM 143872 FW_ Bridge Pour Checklist.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2320 FW_ Bridge Pour Checklist.txt
12/28/2009 12:07 PM 1375232 FW_ Bridge review.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6450 FW_ Bridge review.txt
5/17/2010 11:45 AM 49152 FW_ Bridge specs.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3554 FW_ Bridge specs.txt
1/25/2010 12:24 PM 253440 FW_ Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 32426 FW_ Bridge.txt
10/6/2009 11:31 AM 399360 FW_ Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2748 FW_ Bridges.txt
5/18/2011 4:59 PM 295424 FW_ Caeboguard 501 Filler.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1792 FW_ Caeboguard 501 Filler.txt
11/12/2010 4:25 PM 1507840 FW_ Change Order #1 Revised (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1570 FW_ Change Order #1 Revised (2).txt
12/3/2010 4:49 PM 1501184 Fw_ Change Order #1 Revised (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1178 Fw_ Change Order #1 Revised (3).txt
10/29/2010 4:59 PM 1520640 FW_ Change Order #1 Revised.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1918 FW_ Change Order #1 Revised.txt
12/6/2010 5:52 PM 1313792 FW_ Change Order #2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2182 FW_ Change Order #2.txt
5/5/2011 4:08 PM 138240 FW_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1378 FW_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions.txt
6/7/2011 9:57 AM 2628096 FW_ Change Order #3 Revision 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1972 FW_ Change Order #3 Revision 2.txt
11/17/2010 11:03 AM 123904 Fw_ Change Order 1 (revised).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 740 Fw_ Change Order 1 (revised).txt
11/17/2010 11:04 AM 108544 FW_ Change Order 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4376 FW_ Change Order 1.txt
7/28/2011 2:56 PM 62464 FW_ Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6984 FW_ Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches.txt
7/22/2011 4:37 PM 371712 FW_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2440 FW_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges.txt
10/22/2010 5:00 PM 422400 Fw_ Concrete Panels for MOH.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1394 Fw_ Concrete Panels for MOH.txt
10/3/2010 4:55 PM 57344 FW_ Contech Contact Information.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2306 FW_ Contech Contact Information.txt
6/25/2010 4:35 PM 49664 FW_ Dallas County Participation in Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6232 FW_ Dallas County Participation in Vitruvian Bridges.txt
5/5/2010 4:57 PM 46592 FW_ Datum Engineers.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6374 FW_ Datum Engineers.txt
12/2/2010 6:12 PM 513536 FW_ DCO Realty, Inc. - Vitruvian Park - Weekly - 12_1_2010.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1648 FW_ DCO Realty, Inc. - Vitruvian Park - Weekly - 12_1_2010.txt
1/11/2010 1:55 PM 69120 FW_ December 13 Invoice.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7520 FW_ December 13 Invoice.txt
4/19/2010 9:06 AM 146432 FW_ Detail for Lake Edge Walls.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1990 FW_ Detail for Lake Edge Walls.txt
4/22/2011 8:21 AM 4473344 FW_ draft only-Ponte Ave Bridge 04-21-11.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1194 FW_ draft only-Ponte Ave Bridge 04-21-11.txt
4/22/2011 9:24 AM 433152 FW_ draft.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 476 FW_ draft.txt
3/7/2011 1:13 PM 2287104 FW_ February 2011 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1234 FW_ February 2011 Pay App (2).txt
3/7/2011 1:12 PM 247296 FW_ February 2011 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2816 FW_ February 2011 Pay App.txt
6/22/2011 4:39 PM 135168 Fw_ Fugitive Dye.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3406 Fw_ Fugitive Dye.txt
5/5/2011 1:18 PM 140288 FW_ FW_ Rust Speckling on left Arch at Ponte.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10696 FW_ FW_ Rust Speckling on left Arch at Ponte.txt
4/23/2010 3:49 PM 1860096 FW_ Geo Report of Proposed Bridge Retaining Walls in Addison, Texas.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3658 FW_ Geo Report of Proposed Bridge Retaining Walls in Addison, Texas.txt
10/6/2009 12:54 PM 71680 FW_ Henry Building 2009-09-08.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2550 FW_ Henry Building 2009-09-08.doc.txt
6/24/2011 3:27 PM 67584 FW_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4918 FW_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline.txt
7/14/2010 3:01 PM 3870208 FW_ Info on Pioneer Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1404 FW_ Info on Pioneer Bridge.txt
2/9/2011 6:14 PM 2428416 Fw_ Jan Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10048 Fw_ Jan Pay App (2).txt
2/9/2011 6:27 PM 2486272 FW_ Jan Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8294 FW_ Jan Pay App (3).txt
2/9/2011 6:28 PM 2486272 FW_ Jan Pay App (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8294 FW_ Jan Pay App (4).txt
2/9/2011 11:59 AM 131584 FW_ Jan Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1926 FW_ Jan Pay App.txt
11/23/2009 4:40 PM 34816 FW_ Key dates for Savoye Opening.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2818 FW_ Key dates for Savoye Opening.txt
4/4/2011 8:16 AM 121344 FW_ Lights on Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5242 FW_ Lights on Pedestrian Bridge.txt
7/30/2010 11:16 AM 57344 FW_ Lights Under the Ponte Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3212 FW_ Lights Under the Ponte Bridge.txt
4/13/2011 1:39 PM 70144 FW_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8526 FW_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (2).txt
4/13/2011 10:27 AM 2044416 FW_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5114 FW_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App.txt
4/25/2011 3:25 PM 53248 FW_ Meeting (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2268 FW_ Meeting (2).txt
8/30/2010 1:39 PM 237568 FW_ Meeting Minutes For _Construction Meetings_ Meeting No. 6 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 20818 FW_ Meeting Minutes For _Construction Meetings_ Meeting No. 6 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
12/30/2010 9:34 AM 68096 FW_ Meetings Tomorrow.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6110 FW_ Meetings Tomorrow.txt
11/24/2009 12:57 PM 697856 FW_ Michael Baker Bridge Comments.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 946 FW_ Michael Baker Bridge Comments.txt
4/19/2011 10:48 AM 33280 FW_ Mockup.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4310 FW_ Mockup.txt
12/3/2010 4:41 PM 144896 FW_ November 2010 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10888 FW_ November 2010 Pay App (2).txt
12/3/2010 4:45 PM 634368 FW_ November 2010 Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4186 FW_ November 2010 Pay App (3).txt
12/6/2010 3:57 PM 691200 FW_ November 2010 Pay App (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 22810 FW_ November 2010 Pay App (4).txt
11/30/2010 4:20 PM 78848 FW_ November 2010 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 9348 FW_ November 2010 Pay App.txt
11/12/2010 2:42 PM 27648 Fw_ Out of Office_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 868 Fw_ Out of Office_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.txt
4/22/2011 9:41 AM 52224 FW_ over spray at Ponte Ave Bridge arches.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2220 FW_ over spray at Ponte Ave Bridge arches.txt
10/15/2010 3:47 PM 74240 FW_ P. E. James Cumbee.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1052 FW_ P. E. James Cumbee.txt
11/12/2010 2:46 PM 153600 Fw_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2482 Fw_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D (2).txt
11/12/2010 2:42 PM 153600 Fw_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2440 Fw_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.txt
3/31/2011 12:56 PM 172032 FW_ Ped Bridge Fixture (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1276 FW_ Ped Bridge Fixture (2).txt
3/31/2011 12:44 PM 172032 FW_ Ped Bridge Fixture.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1276 FW_ Ped Bridge Fixture.txt
9/9/2010 3:58 PM 250880 FW_ Pedestrian MOD.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2780 FW_ Pedestrian MOD.txt
7/25/2011 3:49 PM 207872 FW_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2030 FW_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App.txt
7/6/2010 10:36 AM 265216 FW_ Phase 1D - Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3324 FW_ Phase 1D - Vitruvian.txt
10/25/2010 10:09 AM 146432 FW_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10204 FW_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (2).txt
9/13/2010 4:53 PM 73216 FW_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3602 FW_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App.txt
1/31/2011 8:48 AM 122368 FW_ Phase 1D CO#2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3794 FW_ Phase 1D CO#2.txt
2/11/2011 10:14 AM 331264 FW_ Phase 1D Jan Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 12476 FW_ Phase 1D Jan Pay App.txt
7/7/2010 8:36 AM 367616 FW_ Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2890 FW_ Phase 1D.txt
4/22/2011 9:43 AM 3922944 FW_ photos (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 674 FW_ photos (2).txt
4/22/2011 9:44 AM 3054080 FW_ photos (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 778 FW_ photos (3).txt
4/22/2011 9:42 AM 4795392 FW_ photos.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 664 FW_ photos.txt
2/24/2010 5:02 PM 41472 FW_ Please confirm overall length, trail and bridge dimensions.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3886 FW_ Please confirm overall length, trail and bridge dimensions.txt
6/17/2011 4:38 PM 31744 FW_ Ponte approach pour (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4460 FW_ Ponte approach pour (2).txt
6/14/2011 9:16 AM 28160 Fw_ Ponte approach pour.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2196 Fw_ Ponte approach pour.txt
5/12/2011 4:23 PM 38400 FW_ Ponte Sidewalk.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3362 FW_ Ponte Sidewalk.txt
6/9/2010 4:27 PM 5869568 FW_ Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3156 FW_ Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge.txt
7/14/2010 3:00 PM 49664 FW_ Reference_ Vitruvian Park ADDENDUM#2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3296 FW_ Reference_ Vitruvian Park ADDENDUM#2.txt
2/25/2010 1:20 PM 186880 FW_ response to HNTB comments (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1560 FW_ response to HNTB comments (2).txt
2/25/2010 1:20 PM 185344 FW_ response to HNTB comments.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1374 FW_ response to HNTB comments.txt
9/17/2010 12:46 PM 153088 FW_ Response to RFI No. 43 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 16314 FW_ Response to RFI No. 43 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).txt
9/17/2010 10:46 AM 142336 FW_ Response to RFI No. 43 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 12142 FW_ Response to RFI No. 43 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
1/14/2011 2:22 PM 52736 FW_ Retaining Wall Backfill (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4160 FW_ Retaining Wall Backfill (2).txt
1/25/2011 10:29 AM 86016 Fw_ Retaining Wall Backfill (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 15620 Fw_ Retaining Wall Backfill (3).txt
1/11/2011 11:45 AM 101376 FW_ Retaining Wall Backfill.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6330 FW_ Retaining Wall Backfill.txt
12/9/2010 3:45 PM 1146880 FW_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2054 FW_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (2).txt
12/10/2010 10:57 AM 1139712 Fw_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2944 Fw_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (3).txt
12/10/2010 3:19 PM 1152512 FW_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3682 FW_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (4).txt
12/9/2010 3:43 PM 1134592 Fw_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1116 Fw_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments.txt
4/13/2010 1:32 PM 277504 FW_ Savoy Exterior Wall Railing Submittal.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3568 FW_ Savoy Exterior Wall Railing Submittal.txt
8/31/2010 8:30 AM 37888 FW_ Schedule Revision.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1550 FW_ Schedule Revision.txt
10/22/2010 4:43 PM 539648 FW_ September 2010 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2400 FW_ September 2010 Pay App.txt
2/25/2010 12:35 PM 409088 FW_ Site plan and details for park bid tab.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7210 FW_ Site plan and details for park bid tab.txt
7/13/2010 11:02 AM 1304576 FW_ Slide Bearings For Addison Arches - AFCO Contr. No. 10667.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3244 FW_ Slide Bearings For Addison Arches - AFCO Contr. No. 10667.txt
2/25/2010 12:19 PM 150016 FW_ Standard Terms.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2328 FW_ Standard Terms.txt
7/14/2010 3:02 PM 2257920 FW_ Steel Fabricator for Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1850 FW_ Steel Fabricator for Vitruvian Bridges.txt
11/23/2009 12:39 PM 318976 FW_ submission of modified bridge drawings.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1044 FW_ submission of modified bridge drawings.txt
9/1/2010 11:31 AM 58880 FW_ Submittal No 7 - Pedestrian Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5276 FW_ Submittal No 7 - Pedestrian Bridge (2).txt
9/1/2010 9:55 AM 58880 FW_ Submittal No 7 - Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5276 FW_ Submittal No 7 - Pedestrian Bridge.txt
7/16/2010 2:35 PM 534016 FW_ Survey Control.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4784 FW_ Survey Control.txt
8/31/2010 11:10 AM 1517568 FW_ SWP3 paperwork for Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6836 FW_ SWP3 paperwork for Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
3/31/2010 2:50 PM 48640 FW_ TCEQ comments.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3724 FW_ TCEQ comments.txt
7/28/2011 4:37 PM 584192 FW_ Topo.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 13362 FW_ Topo.txt
3/30/2011 11:18 AM 99840 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8330 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (2).txt
3/30/2011 11:22 AM 80896 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8242 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (3).txt
3/30/2011 11:36 AM 197120 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5514 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (4).txt
4/6/2011 9:56 AM 159232 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 19676 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (5).txt
3/30/2011 10:34 AM 121856 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 13688 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint.txt
7/9/2010 3:04 PM 231936 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Project Sign Submittal.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3488 FW_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Project Sign Submittal.txt
9/15/2009 9:23 AM 79360 FW_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2786 FW_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).txt
10/5/2009 11:20 AM 88064 FW_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 17674 FW_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).txt
10/6/2009 9:33 AM 72704 Fw_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 15168 Fw_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).txt
9/15/2009 9:09 AM 95232 FW_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7750 FW_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
1/11/2011 2:02 PM 191488 Fw_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2326 Fw_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..).txt
4/11/2011 11:11 AM 99328 FW_ Type C Poles.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2106 FW_ Type C Poles.txt
11/1/2010 11:31 AM 229376 FW_ Unpaid Invoice for HNTB Services on Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2650 FW_ Unpaid Invoice for HNTB Services on Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
6/27/2011 2:02 PM 47104 FW_ Upstream Grading Design.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2698 FW_ Upstream Grading Design.txt
8/18/2011 1:09 PM 40960 FW_ Upstream Improvements to Bella Bridge Insurance Documentation.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8160 FW_ Upstream Improvements to Bella Bridge Insurance Documentation.txt
6/7/2011 10:40 AM 717312 FW_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges -.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4236 FW_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges -.txt
10/3/2010 4:40 PM 64512 FW_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Halff Inspection Report.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1338 FW_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Halff Inspection Report.txt
5/21/2010 4:50 PM 53760 FW_ Vitruvian (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1614 FW_ Vitruvian (2).txt
4/22/2011 4:29 PM 193024 FW_ Vitruvian - CO #3.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2730 FW_ Vitruvian - CO #3.txt
5/11/2010 1:23 PM 1448960 FW_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3028 FW_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color.txt
7/6/2010 10:43 AM 264704 FW_ Vitruvian - Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3350 FW_ Vitruvian - Phase 1D.txt
5/21/2010 3:48 PM 4106752 FW_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1330 FW_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 2.txt
7/14/2010 2:43 PM 32256 FW_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4608 FW_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3.txt
7/11/2011 2:08 PM 29184 Fw_ Vitruvian Aerial Photos.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1048 Fw_ Vitruvian Aerial Photos.txt
8/30/2010 1:06 PM 49664 FW_ Vitruvian Animation.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1654 FW_ Vitruvian Animation.txt
6/25/2010 3:48 PM 75776 Fw_ Vitruvian Bid results.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4280 Fw_ Vitruvian Bid results.txt
10/6/2009 11:47 AM 112128 FW_ Vitruvian Bid.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 414 FW_ Vitruvian Bid.txt
7/14/2010 2:55 PM 299520 FW_ Vitruvian Birdge Job.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2160 FW_ Vitruvian Birdge Job.txt
5/17/2010 11:20 AM 47104 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Question.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1642 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Question.txt
5/17/2010 11:18 AM 47104 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2002 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions (2).txt
5/17/2010 11:23 AM 157696 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2676 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions (3).txt
5/17/2010 11:17 AM 47104 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2002 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions.txt
12/28/2009 12:34 PM 77312 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Schedule (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1572 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Schedule (2).txt
12/28/2009 5:53 PM 82432 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Schedule (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4292 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Schedule (3).txt
12/28/2009 9:43 AM 67584 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Schedule.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1352 FW_ Vitruvian Bridge Schedule.txt
2/25/2010 12:53 PM 73728 FW_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7614 FW_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (2).txt
2/25/2010 12:53 PM 59904 FW_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7068 FW_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s).txt
9/14/2010 1:23 PM 107008 FW_ Vitruvian Bridges proposal.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 264 FW_ Vitruvian Bridges proposal.txt
10/26/2010 10:00 AM 96256 FW_ Vitruvian Change Order No. 1 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2014 FW_ Vitruvian Change Order No. 1 (2).txt
10/3/2010 4:47 PM 108032 FW_ Vitruvian Change Order No. 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2942 FW_ Vitruvian Change Order No. 1.txt
12/6/2010 5:00 PM 126464 FW_ Vitruvian CO2.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8606 FW_ Vitruvian CO2.txt
2/25/2010 12:16 PM 2368000 FW_ Vitruvian Park (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2440 FW_ Vitruvian Park (2).txt
2/25/2010 12:18 PM 2364416 FW_ Vitruvian Park (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2238 FW_ Vitruvian Park (3).txt
7/14/2010 2:51 PM 54272 FW_ Vitruvian Park (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1388 FW_ Vitruvian Park (4).txt
1/11/2010 1:54 PM 198656 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6018 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans.txt
2/25/2010 12:37 PM 1678848 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Design Charrette (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2192 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Design Charrette (2).txt
2/25/2010 12:35 PM 1681920 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Design Charrette.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2280 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Design Charrette.txt
10/15/2010 2:50 PM 50176 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Further Work Items Clarification (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6054 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Further Work Items Clarification (2).txt
4/13/2010 3:53 PM 75264 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6562 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue (2).txt
4/13/2010 3:51 PM 61440 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5124 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue.txt
4/16/2010 5:14 PM 72192 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 11098 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (2).txt
4/16/2010 4:59 PM 3668992 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 31406 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues.txt
4/6/2011 3:12 PM 866304 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Power Shut Off Request.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7730 FW_ Vitruvian Park - Power Shut Off Request.txt
4/16/2010 4:42 PM 60416 Fw_ Vitruvian Park - Section at Ponte.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5622 Fw_ Vitruvian Park - Section at Ponte.txt
4/14/2010 10:29 AM 46080 FW_ Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5212 FW_ Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge.txt
3/31/2010 9:38 AM 49152 FW_ Vitruvian Park 1D Bid Schedule.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3994 FW_ Vitruvian Park 1D Bid Schedule.txt
5/18/2010 3:26 PM 44544 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bid.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1280 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bid.txt
11/30/2009 10:02 AM 330240 Fw_ Vitruvian Park Bridge Set.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1534 Fw_ Vitruvian Park Bridge Set.txt
12/29/2009 5:36 PM 152576 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6634 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).txt
2/3/2010 11:24 AM 40960 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4738 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).txt
3/2/2010 5:49 PM 146432 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2064 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).txt
5/21/2010 3:49 PM 62464 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2756 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (5).txt
7/14/2010 3:23 PM 57344 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4932 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (6).txt
12/2/2009 5:41 PM 1791488 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 8380 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration (2).txt
12/28/2009 1:31 PM 177152 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2576 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration (3).txt
11/23/2009 1:11 PM 183808 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2790 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration.txt
3/4/2010 12:00 PM 141312 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3200 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement.txt
11/24/2009 1:10 PM 79360 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges, HNTB Follow up from 10-12-2009 meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 10230 FW_ Vitruvian Park Bridges, HNTB Follow up from 10-12-2009 meeting.txt
8/24/2009 10:09 AM 44032 Fw_ Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 9748 Fw_ Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
7/14/2010 2:20 PM 1985536 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5228 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (2).txt
4/20/2011 2:57 PM 110592 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 33 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1418 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 33 Agenda.txt
2/9/2011 12:02 PM 2479616 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1576 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Pay App.txt
6/29/2010 2:17 PM 35840 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4884 FW_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.txt
7/25/2011 2:47 PM 9820160 FW_ Vitruvian Park-Pointe Ave Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2196 FW_ Vitruvian Park-Pointe Ave Bridge.txt
2/25/2010 12:15 PM 2568704 FW_ Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3200 FW_ Vitruvian Park.txt
9/3/2010 2:52 PM 35840 FW_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2244 FW_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge.txt
5/18/2010 3:05 PM 193024 FW_ Vitruvian Spec Book (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5118 FW_ Vitruvian Spec Book (2).txt
7/14/2010 3:10 PM 197120 FW_ Vitruvian Spec Book (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5834 FW_ Vitruvian Spec Book (3).txt
5/18/2010 3:03 PM 389632 FW_ Vitruvian Spec Book.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2716 FW_ Vitruvian Spec Book.txt
6/27/2011 2:30 PM 326144 FW_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5844 FW_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (2).txt
6/27/2011 12:06 PM 316416 FW_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4898 FW_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading.txt
5/21/2010 3:50 PM 89088 FW_ Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 6334 FW_ Vitruvian.txt
1/25/2011 11:26 AM 634368 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4040 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (2).txt
1/28/2011 12:06 PM 69120 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 7096 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (3).txt
1/28/2011 12:08 PM 82944 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 11210 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (4).txt
1/25/2011 10:29 AM 646656 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 5072 FW_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading.txt
3/7/2011 3:01 PM 266240 FW_ welding procedures.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4006 FW_ welding procedures.txt
12/29/2009 5:34 PM 181248 FW_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2322 FW_.txt
3/3/2010 4:48 PM 235008 Halff Associates (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2594 Halff Associates (2).txt
3/2/2010 5:53 PM 140800 Halff Associates.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4494 Halff Associates.txt
6/25/2010 4:52 PM 3851264 Info on Pioneer Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 686 Info on Pioneer Bridge.txt
11/24/2009 12:57 PM 58880 Letter regarding bridges.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 74 Letter regarding bridges.doc.txt
5/14/2010 10:27 AM 21504 Meeting (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 212 Meeting (2).txt
2/25/2010 11:35 AM 35840 meeting with UDR Thursday at 2_00.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2436 meeting with UDR Thursday at 2_00.txt
10/6/2009 5:22 PM 28160 Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 714 Meeting.txt
5/21/2010 3:32 PM 2929664 More pre-qual information.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2382 More pre-qual information.txt
6/8/2011 8:34 AM 32256 new bridge repairs.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2264 new bridge repairs.txt
7/14/2010 4:37 PM 29696 New Construction Submittals No. 1 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4038 New Construction Submittals No. 1 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
9/3/2010 2:37 PM 48640 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2376 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).txt
9/15/2010 2:42 PM 44032 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 4656 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (3).txt
4/18/2011 7:17 AM 51200 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 2376 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (4).txt
9/3/2010 2:36 PM 45056 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 3000 New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
7/19/2010 9:14 AM 2126336 Notice to Proceed (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 916 Notice to Proceed (2).txt
3/4/2010 12:37 PM 36864 Notice to Proceed.msg
8/9/2021 12:20 PM 1016 Notice to Proceed.txt
8/30/2010 12:54 PM 48640 Openings in Grates on Vitruvian Bridge Sidewalks.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2412 Openings in Grates on Vitruvian Bridge Sidewalks.txt
3/31/2011 12:02 PM 49152 Paint Inspector.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 944 Paint Inspector.txt
5/10/2010 5:31 PM 47104 Painting of Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1232 Painting of Pedestrian Bridge.txt
11/12/2010 4:26 PM 1079808 Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 442 Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.txt
3/31/2011 1:07 PM 103936 Ped Bridge Fixture.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 646 Ped Bridge Fixture.txt
10/26/2010 9:29 AM 55296 Ped Bridge Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1750 Ped Bridge Meeting.txt
12/9/2010 12:59 PM 41472 Phase 1D Construction Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 208 Phase 1D Construction Meeting.txt
7/16/2010 2:33 PM 206336 Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7858 Phase 1D.txt
5/5/2010 10:58 AM 62976 Plans_Specs Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1944 Plans_Specs Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.txt
5/17/2010 9:24 AM 98816 Please Review! - Vitruvian Addendum.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 970 Please Review! - Vitruvian Addendum.txt
12/30/2010 10:59 AM 74240 Ponte Bridge Beam Set, Thus., Dec. 30th 10_30 AM.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 198 Ponte Bridge Beam Set, Thus., Dec. 30th 10_30 AM.txt
5/21/2010 3:36 PM 5858816 Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2138 Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge.txt
9/17/2010 10:59 AM 201216 Proposals.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 504 Proposals.txt
1/20/2010 10:33 AM 48640 Quantity Reduction Discussions 2010-01-04.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1674 Quantity Reduction Discussions 2010-01-04.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.txt
6/28/2010 12:44 PM 42496 Re_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10686 Re_ (2).txt
7/14/2010 11:16 AM 55808 RE_ (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3290 RE_ (3).txt
7/14/2010 11:47 AM 73728 RE_ (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6142 RE_ (4).txt
7/14/2010 2:56 PM 285696 RE_ (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1438 RE_ (5).txt
6/25/2010 3:42 PM 81408 RE_ Bridge Package (Addison Trail Phase 3 & 4 ).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 39546 RE_ Bridge Package (Addison Trail Phase 3 & 4 ).txt
7/14/2010 2:18 PM 139264 RE_ Vitruvian Bid results.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9568 RE_ Vitruvian Bid results.txt
3/8/2011 9:25 AM 1070592 RE_ 1034 - Approved Feb 2011 Pay Application.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4004 RE_ 1034 - Approved Feb 2011 Pay Application.txt
3/14/2011 10:45 AM 235520 RE_ 1D App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1042 RE_ 1D App (2).txt
3/8/2011 12:55 PM 57856 RE_ 1D App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2050 RE_ 1D App.txt
5/18/2011 10:00 AM 64512 RE_ 1D Meeting Tomorrow.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3820 RE_ 1D Meeting Tomorrow.txt
6/6/2011 2:52 PM 61952 RE_ 2A Bella - May Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4500 RE_ 2A Bella - May Pay App.txt
12/29/2010 2:11 PM 36352 RE_ Abutment # 2 breaks.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1664 RE_ Abutment # 2 breaks.txt
4/16/2010 5:12 PM 67072 RE_ Abutment wall sections (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6378 RE_ Abutment wall sections (2).txt
4/16/2010 5:02 PM 68096 Re_ Abutment wall sections.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7188 Re_ Abutment wall sections.txt
6/25/2010 5:16 PM 73728 RE_ Addendum 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4586 RE_ Addendum 2.txt
5/21/2010 2:32 PM 107008 RE_ Addendum- Vitruvian park.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10806 RE_ Addendum- Vitruvian park.txt
8/3/2011 11:09 AM 60928 RE_ Addison - Bella Upstream Grading - Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6600 RE_ Addison - Bella Upstream Grading - Vitruvian Park.txt
6/30/2011 2:29 PM 311296 RE_ Addison Agreement (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10386 RE_ Addison Agreement (2).txt
7/26/2011 11:37 AM 112640 RE_ Addison Agreement (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15482 RE_ Addison Agreement (3).txt
6/29/2011 4:52 PM 100864 RE_ Addison Agreement.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11256 RE_ Addison Agreement.txt
5/17/2010 11:36 AM 254976 RE_ Addison Vitruvian Park CD.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3040 RE_ Addison Vitruvian Park CD.txt
8/19/2009 2:04 PM 40960 RE_ Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4604 RE_ Agenda.txt
5/12/2011 3:53 PM 227328 RE_ April 2011 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3586 RE_ April 2011 Pay App (2).txt
5/10/2011 3:47 PM 331264 RE_ April 2011 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6938 RE_ April 2011 Pay App.txt
3/28/2011 8:22 AM 81408 RE_ Arch coatings (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8618 RE_ Arch coatings (2).txt
3/28/2011 8:21 AM 81408 RE_ Arch coatings.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8618 RE_ Arch coatings.txt
9/10/2010 4:44 PM 275968 RE_ Austin Bridge & Road.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3414 RE_ Austin Bridge & Road.txt
7/6/2010 10:44 AM 50176 RE_ Award of Vitruvian Bridge Project (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1742 RE_ Award of Vitruvian Bridge Project (2).txt
7/14/2010 11:48 AM 44032 RE_ Award of Vitruvian Bridge Project (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1622 RE_ Award of Vitruvian Bridge Project (3).txt
6/25/2010 4:59 PM 51200 RE_ Award of Vitruvian Bridge Project.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3932 RE_ Award of Vitruvian Bridge Project.txt
5/17/2011 10:27 AM 36864 RE_ Bella and Ponte Walk Through (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3600 RE_ Bella and Ponte Walk Through (2).txt
5/17/2011 10:37 AM 37888 RE_ Bella and Ponte Walk Through (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4616 RE_ Bella and Ponte Walk Through (3).txt
5/17/2011 10:26 AM 33792 RE_ Bella and Ponte Walk Through.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1318 RE_ Bella and Ponte Walk Through.txt
6/17/2011 3:46 PM 42496 RE_ Bella Arch Paint (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1364 RE_ Bella Arch Paint (2).txt
6/17/2011 4:29 PM 49152 RE_ Bella Arch Paint.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1508 RE_ Bella Arch Paint.txt
6/28/2011 8:46 AM 34816 RE_ Bella birdbath drain substitute (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1184 RE_ Bella birdbath drain substitute (2).txt
6/30/2011 2:38 PM 40448 RE_ Bella birdbath drain substitute (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1910 RE_ Bella birdbath drain substitute (3).txt
6/28/2011 8:39 AM 33792 Re_ Bella birdbath drain substitute.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3734 Re_ Bella birdbath drain substitute.txt
6/27/2011 12:45 PM 28160 RE_ Bella Bridge Modifications.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1290 RE_ Bella Bridge Modifications.txt
8/9/2011 1:40 PM 106496 Re_ Bella Bridge sealant (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 17958 Re_ Bella Bridge sealant (2).txt
8/9/2011 1:30 PM 176640 RE_ Bella Bridge sealant.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 17610 RE_ Bella Bridge sealant.txt
6/22/2011 3:58 PM 28160 RE_ Bella Drain Submittal.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1230 RE_ Bella Drain Submittal.txt
3/3/2011 3:42 PM 563200 Re_ Bella First Beam (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 640 Re_ Bella First Beam (2).txt
3/3/2011 3:41 PM 552448 Re_ Bella First Beam.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1212 Re_ Bella First Beam.txt
8/30/2010 4:44 PM 637440 RE_ Bella Lane Retaining Wall (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5480 RE_ Bella Lane Retaining Wall (2).txt
8/30/2010 4:57 PM 51712 RE_ Bella Lane Retaining Wall (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4078 RE_ Bella Lane Retaining Wall (3).txt
8/30/2010 4:36 PM 1101312 RE_ Bella Lane Retaining Wall.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9278 RE_ Bella Lane Retaining Wall.txt
5/10/2010 5:34 PM 112640 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11538 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (2).txt
5/10/2010 5:37 PM 92160 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9644 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (3).txt
5/10/2010 5:39 PM 85504 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5754 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (4).txt
5/10/2010 5:21 PM 128000 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 16372 RE_ Bid 10-09_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.txt
10/6/2009 11:50 AM 32768 Re_ Bid Extension (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3902 Re_ Bid Extension (2).txt
10/6/2009 2:23 PM 44544 RE_ Bid Extension (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4910 RE_ Bid Extension (3).txt
10/6/2009 11:25 AM 46080 Re_ Bid Extension.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5720 Re_ Bid Extension.txt
12/29/2009 5:40 PM 1005568 RE_ Bid list request for Vitruvian Park Project.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2260 RE_ Bid list request for Vitruvian Park Project.txt
7/14/2010 2:56 PM 291840 RE_ Bid No.1009- Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction - UPDATED PLANHOLDERS LIST and_or Pre-Bid Sign in sheet.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3504 RE_ Bid No.1009- Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction - UPDATED PLANHOLDERS LIST and_or Pre-Bid Sign in sheet.txt
7/14/2010 2:34 PM 72192 RE_ Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1568 RE_ Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
8/19/2009 2:03 PM 114176 RE_ Bid Tab.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1330 RE_ Bid Tab.txt
4/30/2010 4:44 PM 106496 Re_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9056 Re_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.txt
6/8/2011 8:37 AM 57856 RE_ Bird Bath RFI (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3072 RE_ Bird Bath RFI (2).txt
6/8/2011 8:37 AM 64512 RE_ Bird Bath RFI (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3474 RE_ Bird Bath RFI (3).txt
6/3/2011 4:56 PM 72192 RE_ Bird Bath RFI.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4098 RE_ Bird Bath RFI.txt
3/11/2011 4:43 PM 44544 RE_ Bridge Arch Paint Samples.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1388 RE_ Bridge Arch Paint Samples.txt
5/10/2010 5:48 PM 67072 RE_ Bridge Color (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3626 RE_ Bridge Color (2).txt
5/18/2010 2:49 PM 63488 RE_ Bridge Color (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4542 RE_ Bridge Color (3).txt
5/18/2010 2:57 PM 72704 RE_ Bridge Color (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8414 RE_ Bridge Color (4).txt
5/18/2010 3:00 PM 89600 RE_ Bridge Color (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13114 RE_ Bridge Color (5).txt
4/30/2010 3:04 PM 64512 Re_ Bridge Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7502 Re_ Bridge Color.txt
5/17/2010 2:38 PM 28160 RE_ Bridge Design (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4526 RE_ Bridge Design (2).txt
5/17/2010 2:39 PM 23040 RE_ Bridge Design (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 932 RE_ Bridge Design (3).txt
5/5/2010 2:00 PM 29184 Re_ Bridge Design.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6786 Re_ Bridge Design.txt
7/13/2010 3:21 PM 621056 RE_ Bridge Fabrication Approval (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2976 RE_ Bridge Fabrication Approval (2).txt
6/28/2010 8:48 AM 321024 RE_ Bridge Fabrication Approval.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6844 RE_ Bridge Fabrication Approval.txt
8/30/2010 4:32 PM 91648 Re_ Bridge Inspection Interview.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2018 Re_ Bridge Inspection Interview.txt
10/6/2009 11:25 AM 79360 RE_ Bridge Item.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6536 RE_ Bridge Item.txt
4/21/2010 2:38 PM 59904 RE_ Bridge Lighting Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5224 RE_ Bridge Lighting Meeting.txt
12/30/2009 11:14 AM 30720 RE_ Bridge Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2046 RE_ Bridge Meeting.txt
1/11/2010 12:56 PM 18432 RE_ Bridge Package (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 858 RE_ Bridge Package (2).txt
12/28/2009 4:39 PM 79360 RE_ Bridge Package.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2108 RE_ Bridge Package.txt
6/28/2011 8:42 AM 98304 RE_ Bridge Plans.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12224 RE_ Bridge Plans.txt
2/25/2010 12:56 PM 37888 RE_ bridge project.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2408 RE_ bridge project.txt
3/19/2010 4:25 PM 97792 RE_ Bridge Railing Height at Vitruvian Park (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12380 RE_ Bridge Railing Height at Vitruvian Park (2).txt
3/18/2010 1:28 PM 478720 RE_ Bridge Railing Height at Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9622 RE_ Bridge Railing Height at Vitruvian Park.txt
12/29/2009 12:02 PM 53760 RE_ Bridge Re-submittal.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3768 RE_ Bridge Re-submittal.txt
8/19/2009 4:56 PM 20992 RE_ bridge reveiw.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2084 RE_ bridge reveiw.txt
7/14/2010 1:47 PM 72192 RE_ Canceled_ Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9154 RE_ Canceled_ Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination (2).txt
7/14/2010 1:44 PM 72192 RE_ Canceled_ Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11702 RE_ Canceled_ Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination.txt
10/29/2010 4:34 PM 46592 Re_ Change Order #1 Revised.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4384 Re_ Change Order #1 Revised.txt
11/30/2010 2:38 PM 70144 RE_ Change Order #2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3388 RE_ Change Order #2.txt
6/27/2011 1:14 PM 27136 RE_ Change Order #3 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2584 RE_ Change Order #3 (2).txt
5/11/2011 2:33 PM 108544 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15318 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (2).txt
5/11/2011 3:10 PM 123392 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13178 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (3).txt
5/12/2011 2:51 PM 138752 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 14380 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (4).txt
5/12/2011 2:51 PM 105472 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12892 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (5).txt
5/12/2011 4:04 PM 74240 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3678 RE_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions (6).txt
5/11/2011 1:48 PM 103936 Re_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10688 Re_ Change Order #3 - Scope Revisions.txt
6/6/2011 3:47 PM 72192 RE_ Change Order #3 Revision 2 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3890 RE_ Change Order #3 Revision 2 (2).txt
6/6/2011 3:48 PM 68096 RE_ Change Order #3 Revision 2 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3590 RE_ Change Order #3 Revision 2 (3).txt
6/3/2011 1:28 PM 48128 RE_ Change Order #3 Revision 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1330 RE_ Change Order #3 Revision 2.txt
6/22/2011 3:46 PM 30720 Re_ Change Order #3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4804 Re_ Change Order #3.txt
11/17/2010 11:05 AM 54272 RE_ Change Order 1 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3322 RE_ Change Order 1 (2).txt
11/17/2010 11:06 AM 36864 RE_ Change Order 1 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3708 RE_ Change Order 1 (3).txt
11/24/2010 3:15 PM 59392 RE_ Change Order 1 (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3848 RE_ Change Order 1 (4).txt
11/16/2010 2:38 PM 108032 RE_ Change Order 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3746 RE_ Change Order 1.txt
4/19/2011 10:47 AM 51712 Re_ Cleaning of Arches Prior to Painting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2562 Re_ Cleaning of Arches Prior to Painting.txt
7/27/2011 4:34 PM 52736 Re_ Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5026 Re_ Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches (2).txt
7/19/2011 1:58 PM 54272 Re_ Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4216 Re_ Clear Coat on Vitruvian Park Arches.txt
8/16/2011 10:30 AM 44544 RE_ Clear Coat.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2102 RE_ Clear Coat.txt
7/26/2011 3:40 PM 96256 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12354 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (2).txt
7/26/2011 3:49 PM 71680 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6528 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (3).txt
7/27/2011 4:28 PM 106496 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 18676 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (4).txt
7/27/2011 4:29 PM 81408 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9276 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (5).txt
7/27/2011 4:29 PM 114688 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 24086 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (6).txt
7/27/2011 4:36 PM 99840 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15174 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (7).txt
8/5/2011 4:24 PM 90624 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12830 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges (8).txt
7/25/2011 9:29 AM 67584 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6600 RE_ Clearcoat Invoice - CO #4 Bridges.txt
5/5/2010 4:55 PM 29696 RE_ Color Sample (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7266 RE_ Color Sample (2).txt
5/18/2010 3:06 PM 29696 RE_ Color Sample (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4788 RE_ Color Sample (3).txt
4/30/2010 4:31 PM 43520 RE_ Color Sample.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3986 RE_ Color Sample.txt
6/25/2010 1:26 PM 60416 RE_ Construction Management Contract with UDR (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3272 RE_ Construction Management Contract with UDR (2).txt
6/25/2010 1:26 PM 60416 RE_ Construction Management Contract with UDR.msg
7/13/2010 12:48 PM 55296 RE_ Construction Management for the Bridge Contract (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3416 RE_ Construction Management for the Bridge Contract (2).txt
7/13/2010 11:42 AM 57856 RE_ Construction Management for the Bridge Contract.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3564 RE_ Construction Management for the Bridge Contract.txt
6/28/2010 11:40 AM 47104 RE_ Dallas County Participation in Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4988 RE_ Dallas County Participation in Vitruvian Bridges.txt
2/24/2010 4:55 PM 55296 RE_ Datum Engineers (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5586 RE_ Datum Engineers (2).txt
1/26/2010 1:40 PM 53760 RE_ Datum Engineers.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5846 RE_ Datum Engineers.txt
5/21/2010 2:20 PM 27648 Re_ Discussion of Alternate for Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3556 Re_ Discussion of Alternate for Pedestrian Bridge.txt
5/17/2010 11:16 AM 83456 RE_ Disk for Bridge Package.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 43798 RE_ Disk for Bridge Package.txt
10/26/2010 10:09 AM 373760 RE_ Draft Change Order.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1966 RE_ Draft Change Order.txt
4/22/2011 9:25 AM 59392 RE_ draft only-Ponte Ave Bridge 04-21-11.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5310 RE_ draft only-Ponte Ave Bridge 04-21-11.txt
3/8/2011 12:58 PM 246272 RE_ February 2011 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2238 RE_ February 2011 Pay App (2).txt
3/7/2011 1:14 PM 72704 Re_ February 2011 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6590 Re_ February 2011 Pay App.txt
5/23/2011 11:35 AM 35840 RE_ final walk.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1254 RE_ final walk.txt
11/23/2009 5:23 PM 323072 RE_ finalLetter regarding bridgesnov192009.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2994 RE_ finalLetter regarding bridgesnov192009.doc.txt
7/14/2010 3:24 PM 136192 RE_ Follow-up to Vitruvian park Meeting (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 28584 RE_ Follow-up to Vitruvian park Meeting (2).txt
5/18/2010 2:37 PM 156160 RE_ Follow-up to Vitruvian park Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 49646 RE_ Follow-up to Vitruvian park Meeting.txt
6/27/2011 1:20 PM 58880 RE_ Fugitive Dye (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4196 RE_ Fugitive Dye (2).txt
6/22/2011 4:35 PM 76800 RE_ Fugitive Dye.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6624 RE_ Fugitive Dye.txt
9/10/2010 2:24 PM 44544 Re_ FW_ Bridge Pour Checklist.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5218 Re_ FW_ Bridge Pour Checklist.txt
6/27/2011 2:11 PM 41984 RE_ FYI.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11074 RE_ FYI.txt
8/5/2011 4:25 PM 46080 RE_ Gaunt Electric.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1676 RE_ Gaunt Electric.txt
4/23/2010 3:53 PM 61440 RE_ Geo Report of Proposed Bridge Retaining Walls in Addison, Texas.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4440 RE_ Geo Report of Proposed Bridge Retaining Walls in Addison, Texas.txt
12/29/2010 9:54 AM 52224 Re_ GeoCall Locate Information - 103623720.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12844 Re_ GeoCall Locate Information - 103623720.txt
3/31/2010 2:49 PM 580096 RE_ Geotech Report.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1736 RE_ Geotech Report.txt
3/2/2010 5:52 PM 41984 RE_ Halff Associates (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4992 RE_ Halff Associates (2).txt
3/4/2010 10:02 AM 62976 Re_ Halff Associates (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9008 Re_ Halff Associates (3).txt
3/2/2010 5:52 PM 44544 RE_ Halff Associates.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5268 RE_ Halff Associates.txt
10/6/2009 2:24 PM 37376 RE_ Henry Building 2009-09-08.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4606 RE_ Henry Building 2009-09-08.doc.txt
5/24/2011 4:23 PM 48128 RE_ Ibrahim Musa.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2128 RE_ Ibrahim Musa.txt
6/27/2011 1:57 PM 107520 RE_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10316 RE_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline (2).txt
6/27/2011 2:00 PM 79872 RE_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3548 RE_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline (3).txt
6/20/2011 10:56 AM 52736 RE_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5738 RE_ Inclusion of Penetrol in Carboline.txt
3/4/2010 12:02 PM 62464 RE_ Invoice (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9498 RE_ Invoice (2).txt
9/21/2010 4:52 PM 131584 RE_ Invoice (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 17416 RE_ Invoice (3).txt
3/4/2010 12:00 PM 59904 RE_ Invoice.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6004 RE_ Invoice.txt
2/9/2011 6:31 PM 65536 RE_ Jan Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4662 RE_ Jan Pay App (2).txt
2/11/2011 11:23 AM 285184 RE_ Jan Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10938 RE_ Jan Pay App (3).txt
2/9/2011 6:15 PM 162816 RE_ Jan Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9202 RE_ Jan Pay App.txt
8/30/2010 4:47 PM 61440 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7074 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination (2).txt
8/31/2010 8:34 AM 58368 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6092 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination (3).txt
8/31/2010 8:35 AM 47616 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4304 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination (4).txt
8/2/2010 9:43 AM 44032 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3174 RE_ Lighting Circuit coordination.txt
3/23/2011 8:19 AM 62464 Re_ Lights on Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5738 Re_ Lights on Pedestrian Bridge.txt
7/27/2010 2:20 PM 70656 RE_ Lights Under the Ponte Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6126 RE_ Lights Under the Ponte Bridge.txt
4/13/2011 3:46 PM 772096 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8376 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (2).txt
4/14/2011 1:59 PM 385024 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7004 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (3).txt
4/22/2011 9:58 AM 148480 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10074 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (4).txt
4/22/2011 9:59 AM 265216 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9026 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (5).txt
5/5/2011 4:22 PM 760320 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10310 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App (6).txt
4/8/2011 12:03 PM 75264 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5754 RE_ March 2011 Phase 1D Pay App.txt
7/13/2010 10:56 AM 40960 Re_ Meeting with Kleinfelder.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2154 Re_ Meeting with Kleinfelder.txt
12/29/2010 2:08 PM 49664 RE_ Meetings Tomorrow.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5304 RE_ Meetings Tomorrow.txt
10/27/2009 11:40 AM 50688 Re_ Mike Pappas - Dallas County (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7010 Re_ Mike Pappas - Dallas County (2).txt
10/27/2009 3:42 PM 46592 RE_ Mike Pappas - Dallas County (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4678 RE_ Mike Pappas - Dallas County (3).txt
10/6/2009 12:06 PM 43008 Re_ Mike Pappas - Dallas County.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4554 Re_ Mike Pappas - Dallas County.txt
7/16/2010 9:52 AM 76288 RE_ Need Data! - Contact Information for Addison (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6224 RE_ Need Data! - Contact Information for Addison (2).txt
7/16/2010 9:50 AM 61952 RE_ Need Data! - Contact Information for Addison.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3166 RE_ Need Data! - Contact Information for Addison.txt
7/27/2011 1:29 PM 140800 RE_ New Construction Submittals No. 47 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15486 RE_ New Construction Submittals No. 47 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).txt
7/27/2011 11:19 AM 129024 RE_ New Construction Submittals No. 47 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11794 RE_ New Construction Submittals No. 47 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
9/27/2010 8:06 AM 115712 RE_ New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4236 RE_ New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).txt
9/27/2010 8:06 AM 136192 RE_ New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5898 RE_ New files uploaded for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
7/14/2010 11:04 AM 36352 RE_ NOI for NTC.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9694 RE_ NOI for NTC.txt
7/19/2010 11:01 AM 53248 RE_ Notice to Proceed.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1716 RE_ Notice to Proceed.txt
12/3/2010 2:55 PM 114176 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 21268 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (2).txt
12/3/2010 3:20 PM 157184 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 21082 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (3).txt
12/3/2010 3:29 PM 96256 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 16342 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (4).txt
12/3/2010 3:41 PM 241152 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12900 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (5).txt
12/6/2010 4:55 PM 233472 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 23882 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (6).txt
12/6/2010 4:56 PM 95744 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13976 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (7).txt
12/6/2010 4:57 PM 201216 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12012 RE_ November 2010 Pay App (8).txt
11/30/2010 4:19 PM 75776 RE_ November 2010 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8958 RE_ November 2010 Pay App.txt
12/29/2010 5:05 PM 346624 RE_ November Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2614 RE_ November Pay App.txt
5/21/2010 3:58 PM 65024 RE_ Only bidding on pedestrian bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6280 RE_ Only bidding on pedestrian bridge.txt
6/29/2010 9:37 AM 61440 RE_ Other work at Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5258 RE_ Other work at Vitruvian.txt
6/29/2010 9:40 AM 42496 Re_ Paint Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3198 Re_ Paint Color.txt
6/3/2011 4:56 PM 73728 Re_ Pay App and Pier Log.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6804 Re_ Pay App and Pier Log.txt
11/24/2010 4:35 PM 162304 RE_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1638 RE_ Pay Apps Phases 1C and 1D.txt
3/31/2011 12:43 PM 188928 RE_ Ped Bridge Fixture (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2494 RE_ Ped Bridge Fixture (2).txt
3/31/2011 12:42 PM 188928 RE_ Ped Bridge Fixture.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2940 RE_ Ped Bridge Fixture.txt
10/15/2010 3:21 PM 50688 RE_ Ped Bridge Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4730 RE_ Ped Bridge Meeting.txt
10/4/2010 10:47 AM 91648 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8394 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge (2).txt
10/15/2010 3:23 PM 40960 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2084 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge (3).txt
10/26/2010 9:36 AM 78336 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5240 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge (4).txt
10/4/2010 10:23 AM 88576 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7846 RE_ Pedestrian Bridge.txt
9/7/2010 11:56 AM 79872 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9102 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (2).txt
9/7/2010 1:13 PM 81408 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9606 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (3).txt
9/7/2010 1:14 PM 253440 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4276 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (4).txt
9/7/2010 1:14 PM 82432 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4752 RE_ Pedestrian MOD (5).txt
9/3/2010 2:58 PM 74752 RE_ Pedestrian MOD.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3686 RE_ Pedestrian MOD.txt
7/19/2010 9:12 AM 231936 RE_ Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12644 RE_ Phase 1D (2).txt
7/19/2011 11:21 AM 323072 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9882 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (2).txt
7/25/2011 11:14 AM 94720 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12628 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (3).txt
7/25/2011 2:46 PM 81408 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7908 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (4).txt
7/25/2011 3:48 PM 364032 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2856 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (5).txt
7/26/2011 4:24 PM 88064 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9192 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (6).txt
7/26/2011 4:24 PM 284160 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9252 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (7).txt
7/26/2011 4:31 PM 258048 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3874 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App (8).txt
7/19/2011 11:20 AM 750080 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10470 RE_ Phase 1D - Bridges - Jun Pay App.txt
7/14/2010 11:06 AM 76288 RE_ Phase 1D - Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5852 RE_ Phase 1D - Vitruvian.txt
9/10/2010 3:29 PM 113152 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5050 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (2).txt
9/13/2010 4:42 PM 101888 Re_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12584 Re_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (3).txt
9/15/2010 2:49 PM 141824 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9424 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (4).txt
10/22/2010 3:19 PM 110592 Re_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 14454 Re_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (5).txt
10/22/2010 3:19 PM 757760 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11068 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (6).txt
10/22/2010 3:20 PM 761856 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13058 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (7).txt
10/25/2010 10:08 AM 103936 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12114 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App (8).txt
9/10/2010 3:18 PM 89600 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10196 RE_ Phase 1D August 2010 Pay App.txt
1/5/2011 11:53 AM 58368 RE_ Phase 1D Construction Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6328 RE_ Phase 1D Construction Meeting.txt
2/11/2011 10:13 AM 756736 RE_ Phase 1D Jan Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 16310 RE_ Phase 1D Jan Pay App.txt
10/29/2010 12:06 PM 39936 RE_ Phase 1D October Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1456 RE_ Phase 1D October Pay App.txt
7/16/2010 3:35 PM 62464 RE_ Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9568 RE_ Phase 1D.txt
4/22/2011 9:32 AM 70656 RE_ photos.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2546 RE_ photos.txt
3/3/2011 4:31 PM 92160 RE_ Plans and shop drawings (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7638 RE_ Plans and shop drawings (2).txt
2/25/2011 4:00 PM 62976 RE_ Plans and shop drawings.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3912 RE_ Plans and shop drawings.txt
2/24/2010 5:01 PM 47616 RE_ Please confirm overall length, trail and bridge dimensions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6456 RE_ Please confirm overall length, trail and bridge dimensions (2).txt
2/24/2010 4:56 PM 49152 RE_ Please confirm overall length, trail and bridge dimensions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5354 RE_ Please confirm overall length, trail and bridge dimensions.txt
12/30/2010 5:18 PM 78336 Re_ Ponte Bridge Beam Set, Thus., Dec. 30th 10_30 AM.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2650 Re_ Ponte Bridge Beam Set, Thus., Dec. 30th 10_30 AM.txt
12/30/2010 9:34 AM 156672 RE_ Ponte Bridge Beam Set.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5422 RE_ Ponte Bridge Beam Set.txt
6/24/2011 3:24 PM 38912 Re_ Ponte Painting (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1502 Re_ Ponte Painting (2).txt
6/24/2011 10:29 AM 46592 Re_ Ponte Painting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3766 Re_ Ponte Painting.txt
1/29/2010 3:49 PM 60416 RE_ possible dates for charrette.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8440 RE_ possible dates for charrette.txt
7/14/2010 3:02 PM 47104 RE_ Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3292 RE_ Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge (2).txt
5/21/2010 3:31 PM 61952 RE_ Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4170 RE_ Pre-Qualification Package from Big R Bridge.txt
7/14/2010 11:01 AM 47616 RE_ Project Sign.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1622 RE_ Project Sign.txt
5/11/2010 11:57 AM 77312 RE_ Project Specific Agreement - Vitruvian Park Addison.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 37354 RE_ Project Specific Agreement - Vitruvian Park Addison.txt
9/17/2010 9:32 AM 52224 RE_ Proposals.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1734 RE_ Proposals.txt
10/15/2010 3:14 PM 37376 RE_ Quick NCTCOG Question.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1054 RE_ Quick NCTCOG Question.txt
6/29/2010 9:55 AM 71680 RE_ Reference_ Vitruvian Park ADDENDUM#2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7426 RE_ Reference_ Vitruvian Park ADDENDUM#2.txt
5/17/2010 11:30 AM 26112 RE_ REQUEST FOR PLANHOLERS LIST UPDATE (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 916 RE_ REQUEST FOR PLANHOLERS LIST UPDATE (2).txt
5/10/2010 1:15 PM 111616 RE_ Requesting CD of plans, FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11436 RE_ Requesting CD of plans, FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D (2).txt
5/17/2010 11:39 AM 104960 RE_ Requesting CD of plans, FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7530 RE_ Requesting CD of plans, FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D (3).txt
5/10/2010 10:33 AM 120320 RE_ Requesting CD of plans, FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11590 RE_ Requesting CD of plans, FW_ Big R Bridge, Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase 1D.txt
6/29/2010 9:59 AM 161792 RE_ Response to RFI No. 10 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13130 RE_ Response to RFI No. 10 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_.txt
10/3/2010 4:51 PM 120320 Re_ Response to RFI No. 38 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13042 Re_ Response to RFI No. 38 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_.txt
12/2/2010 5:59 PM 183808 Re_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15004 Re_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).txt
12/6/2010 5:02 PM 169984 RE_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12478 RE_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (3).txt
12/6/2010 5:31 PM 139776 RE_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8198 RE_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (4).txt
12/2/2010 5:46 PM 183808 Re_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15004 Re_ Response to RFI No. 54 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
5/25/2011 11:22 AM 149504 RE_ Response to RFI No. 71 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11242 RE_ Response to RFI No. 71 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_ (2).txt
5/25/2011 11:03 AM 155136 RE_ Response to RFI No. 71 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13464 RE_ Response to RFI No. 71 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park_.txt
6/8/2011 8:32 AM 161792 RE_ Response to RFI No. 79 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 17096 RE_ Response to RFI No. 79 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (2).txt
6/8/2011 8:33 AM 168960 RE_ Response to RFI No. 79 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 20288 RE_ Response to RFI No. 79 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_ (3).txt
6/8/2011 8:32 AM 157696 RE_ Response to RFI No. 79 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15360 RE_ Response to RFI No. 79 for project _Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1D Bridges_.txt
1/11/2011 2:01 PM 104448 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4274 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill (2).txt
1/18/2011 5:49 PM 76800 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6364 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill (3).txt
1/24/2011 3:29 PM 131584 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 24806 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill (4).txt
1/11/2011 12:08 PM 66048 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5348 RE_ Retaining Wall Backfill.txt
12/10/2010 10:53 AM 84480 RE_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5948 RE_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (2).txt
12/10/2010 10:54 AM 69120 RE_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5000 RE_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments (3).txt
12/9/2010 3:36 PM 58368 Re_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5936 Re_ RFCO #4 - Additional Waterproofing on Ponte Abutments.txt
12/29/2009 6:00 PM 50688 RE_ Salt.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6904 RE_ Salt.txt
8/31/2010 8:27 AM 33280 Re_ Schedule Revision.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1832 Re_ Schedule Revision.txt
10/22/2010 11:39 AM 40960 RE_ Scoping Sheets for the Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1544 RE_ Scoping Sheets for the Bridges.txt
10/15/2010 3:16 PM 210944 RE_ Scoping sheets to use for multiuse pathways.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6702 RE_ Scoping sheets to use for multiuse pathways.txt
9/14/2010 2:09 PM 689152 RE_ Signed Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1716 RE_ Signed Pay App.txt
11/16/2010 10:20 AM 1711616 RE_ Signed Pay Application.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 828 RE_ Signed Pay Application.txt
4/1/2011 4:36 PM 60416 RE_ Signs.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3766 RE_ Signs.txt
7/13/2010 11:02 AM 61440 Re_ Slide Bearings For Addison Arches - AFCO Contr. No. 10667 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4186 Re_ Slide Bearings For Addison Arches - AFCO Contr. No. 10667 (2).txt
7/13/2010 11:01 AM 70656 RE_ Slide Bearings For Addison Arches - AFCO Contr. No. 10667.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5090 RE_ Slide Bearings For Addison Arches - AFCO Contr. No. 10667.txt
4/16/2010 4:46 PM 75776 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7742 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge (2).txt
4/16/2010 4:54 PM 58880 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5002 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge (3).txt
4/16/2010 5:15 PM 58880 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4676 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge (4).txt
4/16/2010 3:50 PM 82944 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8616 RE_ South Pedestrian Bridge.txt
2/15/2010 4:06 PM 68096 RE_ Standard Terms.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3322 RE_ Standard Terms.txt
5/21/2010 3:32 PM 28160 RE_ Steel Fabricator for Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4684 RE_ Steel Fabricator for Vitruvian Bridges.txt
2/24/2010 4:51 PM 43520 RE_ Structural Engineer Interview Questions.doc (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3702 RE_ Structural Engineer Interview Questions.doc (2).txt
7/14/2010 2:05 PM 57344 RE_ Summary of County funding for Addison Trail.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5048 RE_ Summary of County funding for Addison Trail.txt
7/16/2010 2:35 PM 35328 Re_ Survey Control.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5182 Re_ Survey Control.txt
8/31/2010 8:31 AM 30208 RE_ SW3P (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4252 RE_ SW3P (2).txt
8/31/2010 8:32 AM 98304 RE_ SW3P (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4152 RE_ SW3P (3).txt
8/31/2010 11:03 AM 1511936 RE_ SW3P (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5110 RE_ SW3P (4).txt
8/31/2010 11:09 AM 1536000 RE_ SW3P (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1734 RE_ SW3P (5).txt
8/31/2010 8:28 AM 30208 RE_ SW3P.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4330 RE_ SW3P.txt
7/28/2010 3:48 PM 232960 RE_ SWP3 paperwork for Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4908 RE_ SWP3 paperwork for Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
7/27/2010 8:18 AM 47104 RE_ SWPPP for the Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3812 RE_ SWPPP for the Bridge.txt
6/24/2011 10:28 AM 62976 Re_ TCEQ permit (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7300 Re_ TCEQ permit (2).txt
6/27/2011 1:51 PM 307200 RE_ TCEQ permit (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1064 RE_ TCEQ permit (3).txt
6/27/2011 1:52 PM 343040 RE_ TCEQ permit (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8296 RE_ TCEQ permit (4).txt
6/22/2011 4:34 PM 30208 Re_ TCEQ permit.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1696 Re_ TCEQ permit.txt
7/28/2011 4:40 PM 572416 RE_ Topo (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12424 RE_ Topo (2).txt
7/29/2011 11:26 AM 104448 RE_ Topo (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 14202 RE_ Topo (3).txt
7/22/2011 11:16 AM 64512 RE_ Topo.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6454 RE_ Topo.txt
4/7/2011 1:32 PM 196096 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (10).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 49450 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (10).txt
4/8/2011 10:12 AM 179712 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (11).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 34706 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (11).txt
3/30/2011 10:33 AM 127488 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15508 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (2).txt
3/30/2011 10:35 AM 109568 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13786 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (3).txt
3/30/2011 10:37 AM 108032 Re_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12706 Re_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (4).txt
3/30/2011 11:35 AM 65024 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7162 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (5).txt
4/6/2011 10:01 AM 169984 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 25420 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (6).txt
4/6/2011 12:05 PM 217600 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 31184 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (7).txt
4/6/2011 3:02 PM 178688 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 34200 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (8).txt
4/6/2011 3:03 PM 176128 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (9).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 30064 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint (9).txt
3/30/2011 10:32 AM 146432 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 16878 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint.txt
7/14/2010 10:56 AM 68096 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Project Sign Submittal.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4448 RE_ Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Project Sign Submittal.txt
10/6/2009 2:23 PM 76800 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (10).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11598 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (10).txt
11/24/2009 6:09 PM 83456 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (11).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 17640 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (11).txt
11/30/2009 10:52 AM 279040 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (12).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 16904 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (12).txt
10/6/2009 9:49 AM 79872 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15238 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).txt
10/6/2009 9:51 AM 79872 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 14608 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).txt
10/6/2009 10:02 AM 84480 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13498 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).txt
10/6/2009 11:21 AM 84480 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13524 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (5).txt
10/6/2009 11:21 AM 83968 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15122 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (6).txt
10/6/2009 11:22 AM 86528 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12900 Re_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (7).txt
10/6/2009 12:51 PM 59904 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10180 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (8).txt
10/6/2009 2:21 PM 83456 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (9).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 14106 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges (9).txt
9/15/2009 9:08 AM 56320 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8376 RE_ Town of Addison, Pubic Works 32009-05, Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
1/3/2011 10:51 AM 65024 Re_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4740 Re_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (2).txt
1/3/2011 11:17 AM 189952 RE_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1878 RE_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (3).txt
1/3/2011 11:21 AM 47104 RE_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3090 RE_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (4).txt
1/3/2011 2:40 PM 43520 Re_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6480 Re_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (5).txt
1/4/2011 4:59 PM 79872 RE_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8440 RE_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..) (6).txt
12/30/2010 5:19 PM 60416 Re_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4340 Re_ Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..).txt
6/3/2011 2:18 PM 49152 Re_ TxDOT Bridge Inspection.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3196 Re_ TxDOT Bridge Inspection.txt
4/11/2011 11:23 AM 93696 Re_ Type C Poles (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7662 Re_ Type C Poles (2).txt
4/11/2011 2:19 PM 87552 RE_ Type C Poles (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5076 RE_ Type C Poles (3).txt
4/11/2011 10:40 AM 124416 RE_ Type C Poles.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4058 RE_ Type C Poles.txt
7/16/2010 8:58 AM 68608 RE_ UDR.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4408 RE_ UDR.txt
5/21/2010 4:49 PM 286720 RE_ Updated Plan Holders list please.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2758 RE_ Updated Plan Holders list please.txt
6/27/2011 1:53 PM 146432 RE_ Upstream Grading Design (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2758 RE_ Upstream Grading Design (2).txt
6/24/2011 10:34 AM 55808 RE_ Upstream Grading Design.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3708 RE_ Upstream Grading Design.txt
6/27/2011 12:57 PM 61952 RE_ Upstream of Bella Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4402 RE_ Upstream of Bella Bridge (2).txt
6/24/2011 10:38 AM 74752 RE_ Upstream of Bella Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7376 RE_ Upstream of Bella Bridge.txt
3/19/2010 4:37 PM 38400 RE_ VETRUVIAN TRAIL.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1520 RE_ VETRUVIAN TRAIL.txt
4/13/2010 2:34 PM 1113088 RE_ Viridian Bridge Colors.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5708 RE_ Viridian Bridge Colors.txt
6/8/2011 2:09 PM 242688 RE_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges - (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1806 RE_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges - (2).txt
6/7/2011 10:40 AM 242688 RE_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges -.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1806 RE_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges -.txt
1/5/2011 11:55 AM 236032 RE_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Dec Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1838 RE_ Vit Park - Phase 1D - Dec Pay App.txt
9/10/2010 3:03 PM 81920 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8092 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (2).txt
9/10/2010 3:03 PM 110592 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6252 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (3).txt
9/10/2010 3:30 PM 53248 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1732 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (4).txt
9/9/2010 4:06 PM 54784 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1886 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing.txt
7/14/2010 11:46 AM 49152 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Bridge Precon (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3118 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Bridge Precon (2).txt
6/24/2010 5:39 PM 52224 Re_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Bridge Precon.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5478 Re_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Bridge Precon.txt
5/17/2010 11:48 AM 51712 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1592 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Bridges.txt
10/22/2010 3:21 PM 81408 Re_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4556 Re_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10 (2).txt
10/22/2010 4:42 PM 101376 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2298 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10 (3).txt
10/25/2010 10:09 AM 187904 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10 (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3520 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10 (4).txt
10/22/2010 2:11 PM 711680 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5226 RE_ Vit Park - Phase ID - Pay App 02 - Sept 10.txt
5/18/2010 2:54 PM 52736 RE_ Vitruvian (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1338 RE_ Vitruvian (2).txt
5/21/2010 2:14 PM 85504 RE_ Vitruvian (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8842 RE_ Vitruvian (3).txt
7/27/2010 2:40 PM 503296 RE_ Vitruvian (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1264 RE_ Vitruvian (4).txt
7/25/2011 9:35 AM 59392 RE_ Vitruvian (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4512 RE_ Vitruvian (5).txt
5/24/2011 8:28 AM 35840 Re_ Vitruvian - Bella Avenue Bridge Deck.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4022 Re_ Vitruvian - Bella Avenue Bridge Deck.txt
4/26/2010 11:01 AM 49152 RE_ Vitruvian - Bella Lane Storm Profiles.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2008 RE_ Vitruvian - Bella Lane Storm Profiles.txt
10/22/2010 2:17 PM 114688 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3622 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (2).txt
10/25/2010 9:45 AM 95744 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7332 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (3).txt
11/12/2010 5:02 PM 115712 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3622 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (4).txt
11/17/2010 9:45 AM 105984 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13394 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (5).txt
11/17/2010 9:45 AM 1331200 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6160 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (6).txt
11/24/2010 3:05 PM 104960 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10720 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (7).txt
11/24/2010 4:25 PM 130560 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4918 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods (8).txt
10/22/2010 11:05 AM 136192 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5816 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order #1 Mods.txt
6/27/2011 12:44 PM 125440 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order No. 3 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2820 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order No. 3 (2).txt
6/7/2011 11:50 AM 393728 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order No. 3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1862 RE_ Vitruvian - Change Order No. 3.txt
4/22/2011 10:07 AM 61952 Re_ Vitruvian - CO #3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3064 Re_ Vitruvian - CO #3.txt
7/26/2010 10:36 AM 80896 RE_ Vitruvian - Electrical Issues at Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9030 RE_ Vitruvian - Electrical Issues at Phase 1D.txt
5/11/2010 1:20 PM 101888 RE_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11318 RE_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color (2).txt
5/11/2010 1:21 PM 101888 RE_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11318 RE_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color (3).txt
5/11/2010 10:56 AM 107520 RE_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 14702 RE_ Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color.txt
5/10/2010 5:52 PM 62464 RE_ Vitruvian - Message 2 of 2 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4468 RE_ Vitruvian - Message 2 of 2 (2).txt
4/26/2010 9:17 AM 62464 RE_ Vitruvian - Message 2 of 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4468 RE_ Vitruvian - Message 2 of 2.txt
4/4/2011 1:41 PM 64000 RE_ Vitruvian - Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3438 RE_ Vitruvian - Phase 1D.txt
10/3/2010 3:59 PM 60928 RE_ Vitruvian - Ponte Abut #2 and RFI 50.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2368 RE_ Vitruvian - Ponte Abut #2 and RFI 50.txt
1/31/2011 8:50 AM 68096 RE_ Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Elevations.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7728 RE_ Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Elevations.txt
10/25/2010 10:11 AM 82432 RE_ Vitruvian - Quantity Mods.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3834 RE_ Vitruvian - Quantity Mods.txt
4/22/2011 3:19 PM 43008 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4530 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (2).txt
5/5/2011 4:50 PM 301568 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5550 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (3).txt
5/5/2011 4:51 PM 254464 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4986 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (4).txt
5/12/2011 4:08 PM 58880 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1924 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3 (5).txt
4/22/2011 9:46 AM 71680 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4706 RE_ Vitruvian - Revised CO #3.txt
3/10/2010 2:26 PM 43520 RE_ Vitruvian - Sheet Size and other things (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3430 RE_ Vitruvian - Sheet Size and other things (2).txt
3/10/2010 11:11 AM 65536 RE_ Vitruvian - Sheet Size and other things.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6778 RE_ Vitruvian - Sheet Size and other things.txt
10/13/2010 9:43 AM 59904 RE_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2050 RE_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair (2).txt
10/13/2010 9:49 AM 61952 RE_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2332 RE_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair (3).txt
10/25/2010 5:04 PM 76800 RE_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3004 RE_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair (4).txt
10/13/2010 9:41 AM 48128 Re_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2988 Re_ Vitruvian - Support Wall Repair.txt
5/17/2010 4:34 PM 106496 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum No. 1 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2146 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum No. 1 (2).txt
5/17/2010 2:26 PM 100864 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum No. 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2752 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum No. 1.txt
6/25/2010 3:49 PM 34304 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5476 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (2).txt
7/14/2010 2:44 PM 81920 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1992 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (3).txt
6/25/2010 1:22 PM 68608 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1280 RE_ Vitruvian Addendum Number 3.txt
7/30/2010 10:50 AM 187392 RE_ Vitruvian Base Files.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5086 RE_ Vitruvian Base Files.txt
6/29/2010 1:36 PM 59904 RE_ Vitruvian Birdge Job.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2838 RE_ Vitruvian Birdge Job.txt
5/17/2010 11:19 AM 81920 RE_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6570 RE_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions (2).txt
5/17/2010 10:06 AM 88064 RE_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9608 RE_ Vitruvian Bridge Questions.txt
2/22/2010 4:57 PM 157696 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5098 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges (2).txt
8/25/2010 10:45 AM 82432 RE_ Vitruvian bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6362 RE_ Vitruvian bridges (3).txt
9/10/2010 3:33 PM 57856 RE_ Vitruvian bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2792 RE_ Vitruvian bridges (4).txt
6/27/2011 2:23 PM 62464 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3776 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges (5).txt
11/23/2009 4:20 PM 40960 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4232 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval (2).txt
11/23/2009 4:20 PM 35328 Re_ Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4244 Re_ Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval (3).txt
11/23/2009 2:17 PM 38400 Re_ Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4954 Re_ Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval.txt
2/3/2010 11:54 AM 93184 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10594 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (2).txt
2/24/2010 4:32 PM 71680 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9856 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (3).txt
2/25/2010 12:47 PM 69120 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7378 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s) (4).txt
2/3/2010 11:32 AM 82432 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10282 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s).txt
9/14/2010 2:20 PM 171520 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges proposal (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1006 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges proposal (2).txt
9/14/2010 2:08 PM 250368 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges proposal.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4182 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges proposal.txt
2/22/2010 4:56 PM 81408 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6538 RE_ Vitruvian Bridges.txt
12/3/2010 3:53 PM 92160 Re_ Vitruvian CO2 (2).msg
12/3/2010 3:53 PM 92160 Re_ Vitruvian CO2 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9366 Re_ Vitruvian CO2 (3).txt
12/3/2010 3:55 PM 112640 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6392 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (4).txt
12/6/2010 5:50 PM 56320 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2258 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (5).txt
12/7/2010 4:37 PM 72192 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (6).msg
12/7/2010 4:38 PM 72192 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4192 RE_ Vitruvian CO2 (7).txt
12/3/2010 3:51 PM 71168 RE_ Vitruvian CO2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4192 RE_ Vitruvian CO2.txt
8/31/2010 10:33 AM 54784 RE_ Vitruvian Handrail.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2040 RE_ Vitruvian Handrail.txt
8/22/2011 4:24 PM 297984 Re_ Vitruvian meters.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 59020 Re_ Vitruvian meters.txt
3/3/2010 5:12 PM 71680 RE_ Vitruvian Park (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5012 RE_ Vitruvian Park (2).txt
3/19/2010 4:22 PM 1401856 RE_ Vitruvian Park (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6784 RE_ Vitruvian Park (3).txt
4/13/2010 1:48 PM 71168 RE_ Vitruvian Park (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5566 RE_ Vitruvian Park (4).txt
4/13/2010 4:46 PM 52224 RE_ Vitruvian Park (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2646 RE_ Vitruvian Park (5).txt
6/29/2010 1:08 PM 62464 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Addison - Bridge Precon (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7482 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Addison - Bridge Precon (2).txt
7/14/2010 11:45 AM 58880 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Addison - Bridge Precon (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4784 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Addison - Bridge Precon (3).txt
6/29/2010 1:08 PM 69120 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Addison - Bridge Precon.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8956 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Addison - Bridge Precon.txt
3/24/2010 1:54 PM 783872 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Bridge Design Geotech Requirements.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7702 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Bridge Design Geotech Requirements.txt
12/10/2010 3:11 PM 70656 Re_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4078 Re_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2 (2).txt
12/10/2010 3:12 PM 172544 RE_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3374 RE_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2 (3).txt
12/10/2010 3:17 PM 106496 RE_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2 (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2154 RE_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2 (4).txt
12/10/2010 10:09 AM 65536 Re_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2846 Re_ Vitruvian Park - CO #2.txt
1/20/2010 10:32 AM 231936 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 16784 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans (2).txt
1/20/2010 2:17 PM 90112 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11896 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans (3).txt
1/11/2010 12:51 PM 64512 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6450 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans.txt
3/31/2010 2:37 PM 521728 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5444 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue (2).txt
3/31/2010 2:48 PM 521728 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5444 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue (3).txt
3/24/2010 1:56 PM 73728 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7816 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue.txt
3/31/2010 2:24 PM 51200 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Handrail Drawings.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2106 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Handrail Drawings.txt
4/13/2010 1:38 PM 61440 Re_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4744 Re_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10 (2).txt
4/13/2010 1:38 PM 88576 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8186 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10 (3).txt
4/13/2010 4:49 PM 93184 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10 (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9462 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10 (4).txt
4/13/2010 1:37 PM 88064 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8186 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10.txt
4/21/2010 2:36 PM 48640 Re_ Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3250 Re_ Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item (2).txt
4/21/2010 3:25 PM 76288 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7760 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item (3).txt
4/21/2010 2:35 PM 61952 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6080 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item.txt
4/14/2010 2:24 PM 107008 Re_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 19814 Re_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (2).txt
4/16/2010 5:14 PM 67584 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10676 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (3).txt
4/21/2010 3:26 PM 87552 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 17062 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues (4).txt
4/14/2010 2:17 PM 83456 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15226 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues.txt
10/3/2010 5:09 PM 90624 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 12 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 670 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 12 Agenda.txt
10/22/2010 2:21 PM 86016 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 15 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 778 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 15 Agenda.txt
4/8/2011 10:13 AM 76800 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Power Shut Off Request (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8610 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Power Shut Off Request (2).txt
4/7/2011 1:26 PM 80896 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Power Shut Off Request.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9770 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Power Shut Off Request.txt
4/21/2010 9:56 AM 722432 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Proposed Grading Revisions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5778 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Proposed Grading Revisions.txt
4/19/2010 2:45 PM 88064 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Section at Ponte.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10330 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Section at Ponte.txt
4/16/2010 5:14 PM 4477440 RE_ Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 11178 RE_ Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge (2).txt
4/13/2010 11:26 AM 73216 RE_ Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8252 RE_ Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge.txt
7/14/2010 10:58 AM 74752 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Street, Park & Bridge Lighting & Electrical Coordination Review (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13176 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Street, Park & Bridge Lighting & Electrical Coordination Review (2).txt
7/13/2010 10:55 AM 83968 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Street, Park & Bridge Lighting & Electrical Coordination Review.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 15948 RE_ Vitruvian Park - Street, Park & Bridge Lighting & Electrical Coordination Review.txt
7/14/2010 3:06 PM 46080 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bid (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1516 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bid (2).txt
5/18/2010 2:03 PM 65536 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bid.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4158 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bid.txt
5/18/2010 3:11 PM 1437184 RE_ Vitruvian Park bidders list request.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3282 RE_ Vitruvian Park bidders list request.txt
3/4/2010 12:43 PM 58880 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridge Design Meeting (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5346 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridge Design Meeting (2).txt
3/4/2010 12:36 PM 38400 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridge Design Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2220 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridge Design Meeting.txt
5/21/2010 3:49 PM 74752 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (10).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3958 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (10).txt
6/29/2010 11:14 AM 69120 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (11).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5302 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (11).txt
7/14/2010 11:46 AM 97280 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (12).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3218 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (12).txt
7/14/2010 2:03 PM 70656 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (13).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7748 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (13).txt
7/14/2010 2:04 PM 84992 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (14).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9128 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (14).txt
12/28/2009 4:36 PM 53248 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1738 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).txt
12/29/2009 5:35 PM 72192 Re_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8356 Re_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).txt
12/29/2009 5:35 PM 54784 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5570 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).txt
1/20/2010 2:20 PM 98816 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 10318 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (5).txt
1/25/2010 5:01 PM 39424 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1698 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (6).txt
2/25/2010 1:10 PM 82432 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 13860 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (7).txt
3/4/2010 12:48 PM 155136 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3312 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (8).txt
5/18/2010 2:54 PM 55296 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (9).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2184 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges (9).txt
12/28/2009 3:02 PM 69120 Re_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9880 Re_ Vitruvian Park Bridges - Traffic Rail Configuration.txt
3/2/2010 5:54 PM 162304 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5502 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement.txt
6/29/2010 1:16 PM 38912 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges CAD Files.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1658 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges CAD Files.txt
5/18/2010 2:35 PM 66048 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges Question.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4750 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges Question.txt
11/23/2009 4:41 PM 39936 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3380 RE_ Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
5/21/2010 4:49 PM 62976 RE_ Vitruvian Park Pedestrian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3516 RE_ Vitruvian Park Pedestrian Bridges.txt
6/25/2010 2:38 PM 30208 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4482 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (2).txt
6/29/2010 1:45 PM 28160 Re_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 972 Re_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (3).txt
6/29/2010 1:52 PM 34816 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8258 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (4).txt
6/29/2010 2:16 PM 36864 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9828 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (5).txt
6/29/2010 2:17 PM 38912 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6158 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (6).txt
7/14/2010 2:21 PM 30208 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1492 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (7).txt
7/14/2010 2:22 PM 33792 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5666 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (8).txt
7/14/2010 2:22 PM 35840 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (9).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6918 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D (9).txt
12/29/2010 4:33 PM 88064 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 21 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 302 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 21 Agenda.txt
3/21/2011 8:33 AM 65536 Re_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 29 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1734 Re_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 29 Agenda.txt
5/18/2010 3:12 PM 160256 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6820 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction (2).txt
5/17/2010 4:33 PM 180224 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9376 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction.txt
6/25/2010 2:38 PM 1982976 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4468 RE_ Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.txt
5/21/2010 3:57 PM 35328 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure - Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8152 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure - Phase 1D (2).txt
5/18/2010 3:26 PM 29184 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure - Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4556 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure - Phase 1D.txt
5/17/2010 11:51 AM 77824 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8624 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID (2).txt
7/14/2010 2:50 PM 288256 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1628 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID (3).txt
5/5/2010 10:50 AM 75264 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12562 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID.txt
8/31/2010 10:39 AM 56832 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure TAS Plan Review Report (ARS6095) (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5904 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure TAS Plan Review Report (ARS6095) (2).txt
8/11/2010 4:50 PM 80384 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure TAS Plan Review Report (ARS6095).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9570 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure TAS Plan Review Report (ARS6095).txt
6/28/2010 9:16 AM 66048 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3702 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D (2).txt
6/28/2010 8:41 AM 71168 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2926 RE_ Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D.txt
7/14/2011 5:01 PM 61440 RE_ Vitruvian Park-Pointe Ave Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4732 RE_ Vitruvian Park-Pointe Ave Bridge.txt
10/6/2009 2:24 PM 78848 RE_ Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2954 RE_ Vitruvian Park.txt
10/27/2010 8:48 AM 228352 RE_ Vitruvian Park_ Bella Electrical Conduit.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3758 RE_ Vitruvian Park_ Bella Electrical Conduit.txt
5/17/2010 11:16 AM 49152 RE_ Vitruvian ParkBridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2144 RE_ Vitruvian ParkBridges (2).txt
5/14/2010 10:35 AM 66048 RE_ Vitruvian ParkBridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5422 RE_ Vitruvian ParkBridges.txt
9/3/2010 3:12 PM 86528 RE_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9848 RE_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge (2).txt
9/3/2010 3:13 PM 59392 RE_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2180 RE_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge (3).txt
9/3/2010 2:53 PM 65536 RE_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5046 RE_ Vitruvian Pedestrian Bridge.txt
8/27/2010 2:47 PM 64512 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5022 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D (2).txt
9/17/2010 9:21 AM 2227200 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D - Structural Inspection Services (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6182 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D - Structural Inspection Services (2).txt
9/9/2010 3:50 PM 56832 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D - Structural Inspection Services.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2630 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D - Structural Inspection Services.txt
5/18/2010 2:55 PM 45568 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1650 RE_ Vitruvian Phase 1D.txt
5/18/2010 2:47 PM 55296 RE_ Vitruvian Questions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1700 RE_ Vitruvian Questions (2).txt
4/30/2010 2:51 PM 69632 RE_ Vitruvian Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4658 RE_ Vitruvian Questions.txt
5/18/2010 3:28 PM 79872 RE_ Vitruvian Spec Book (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5906 RE_ Vitruvian Spec Book (2).txt
4/30/2010 4:52 PM 189440 RE_ Vitruvian Spec Book.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3888 RE_ Vitruvian Spec Book.txt
7/26/2011 3:41 PM 35840 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5944 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (2).txt
7/27/2011 11:12 AM 54784 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4052 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (3).txt
7/27/2011 1:26 PM 73728 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7108 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (4).txt
7/27/2011 1:26 PM 58880 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4840 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (5).txt
7/27/2011 1:27 PM 67584 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6072 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (6).txt
8/1/2011 10:49 AM 84480 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8670 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (7).txt
8/1/2011 11:32 AM 36864 Re_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6886 Re_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (8).txt
8/1/2011 11:32 AM 33792 Re_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (9).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 7176 Re_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading (9).txt
7/22/2011 10:50 AM 38400 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading - Original Topo _ ProjectMates.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1792 RE_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading - Original Topo _ ProjectMates.txt
7/26/2011 11:32 AM 38400 Re_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 8966 Re_ Vitruvian Upstream Grading.txt
7/26/2011 4:36 PM 42496 Re_ Vitruvian Weir.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2826 Re_ Vitruvian Weir.txt
4/30/2010 9:08 AM 58880 RE_ Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3766 RE_ Vitruvian.txt
6/29/2010 1:25 PM 60928 RE_ vp - PARK - ADDENDUM #1.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6212 RE_ vp - PARK - ADDENDUM #1.txt
1/28/2011 12:44 PM 58368 RE_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6284 RE_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading (2).txt
1/25/2011 4:15 PM 95232 RE_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 22120 RE_ VP - Ponte Ave. Bridge Sidewalk Grading.txt
7/14/2010 10:24 AM 64512 RE_ VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4100 RE_ VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination (2).txt
7/13/2010 2:47 PM 70144 RE_ VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 6608 RE_ VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination.txt
4/13/2011 9:39 AM 72704 RE_ Weekly Meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5438 RE_ Weekly Meeting.txt
2/18/2011 4:50 PM 69120 Re_ welder certifications for bridge (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4568 Re_ welder certifications for bridge (2).txt
2/18/2011 4:51 PM 70656 Re_ welder certifications for bridge (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4702 Re_ welder certifications for bridge (3).txt
2/18/2011 4:20 PM 53760 Re_ welder certifications for bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3392 Re_ welder certifications for bridge.txt
5/10/2010 5:21 PM 48128 RE_.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1156 RE_.txt
6/25/2010 2:18 PM 31232 Reference_ Vitruvian Park ADDENDUM#2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2576 Reference_ Vitruvian Park ADDENDUM#2.txt
8/24/2009 10:10 AM 2024448 Response Letter re_ Bridge Design.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 882 Response Letter re_ Bridge Design.txt
1/25/2010 4:31 PM 182272 response to HNTB comments.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 422 response to HNTB comments.txt
4/13/2010 2:22 PM 223232 Revised Estimate.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1886 Revised Estimate.txt
8/30/2010 2:15 PM 31744 RFI on Quartz in Piers.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 980 RFI on Quartz in Piers.txt
11/23/2009 1:39 PM 26624 Salt.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 724 Salt.txt
5/10/2010 12:09 PM 401920 Savoy 2 - Turn Schedule.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 366 Savoy 2 - Turn Schedule.txt
10/25/2010 9:55 AM 163840 Scoping Sheets for the Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 676 Scoping Sheets for the Bridges.txt
10/26/2010 9:28 AM 43520 Scoping Sheets.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 642 Scoping Sheets.txt
11/16/2010 10:29 AM 330752 Signed Pay Application.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 298 Signed Pay Application.txt
4/13/2010 11:41 AM 31232 South Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 904 South Pedestrian Bridge.txt
9/24/2010 8:39 AM 741376 Spec Book (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 968 Spec Book (2).txt
10/25/2010 5:09 PM 39936 Spec Book (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 560 Spec Book (3).txt
5/17/2010 3:04 PM 39936 Spec Book.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 652 Spec Book.txt
4/22/2010 8:45 AM 41984 Spec Question.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1468 Spec Question.txt
3/19/2010 4:36 PM 190976 Stone Spec.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 874 Stone Spec.txt
5/5/2010 4:58 PM 58880 Structural Engineer Interview Framework.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12 Structural Engineer Interview Framework.doc.txt
5/5/2010 4:58 PM 55808 Structural Engineer Interview Questions.doc (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 12 Structural Engineer Interview Questions.doc (2).txt
2/24/2010 4:54 PM 71168 Structural Engineer Interview Questions.doc.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 308 Structural Engineer Interview Questions.doc.txt
4/21/2010 10:48 AM 479744 Stuff.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 834 Stuff.txt
6/29/2010 1:27 PM 350208 Summary of County funding for Addison Trail.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1022 Summary of County funding for Addison Trail.txt
5/18/2010 2:52 PM 70144 Summary Sheet.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 510 Summary Sheet.txt
7/16/2010 1:08 PM 37376 Survey Control.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1062 Survey Control.txt
7/16/2010 1:54 PM 27136 Survey for Bridge Control.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1018 Survey for Bridge Control.txt
8/31/2010 8:20 AM 181760 SW3P Letters.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 736 SW3P Letters.txt
7/26/2010 11:56 AM 849408 SWP3 paperwork for Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 378 SWP3 paperwork for Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
7/26/2010 3:48 PM 40448 SWPPP for the Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 604 SWPPP for the Bridge.txt
12/30/2010 5:04 PM 184320 Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 742 Triaxial test for project_ 99526 (Vitruvian Park..).txt
5/12/2011 4:01 PM 61440 Two Bridge Items.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1462 Two Bridge Items.txt
7/16/2010 8:55 AM 63488 UDR.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 442 UDR.txt
6/27/2011 1:02 PM 37376 Upstream of Bella Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 784 Upstream of Bella Bridge.txt
6/6/2011 1:35 PM 183808 Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges -.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 814 Vit Park - Phase 1D - Bridges -.txt
10/22/2010 11:10 AM 96256 Vit Park - Phase 1D - Claim for Days.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1016 Vit Park - Phase 1D - Claim for Days.txt
10/3/2010 3:42 PM 162304 Vit Park - Phase 1D - CO 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 510 Vit Park - Phase 1D - CO 1.txt
1/3/2011 10:48 AM 2369024 Vit Park - Phase 1D - Dec Pay App.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 850 Vit Park - Phase 1D - Dec Pay App.txt
9/9/2010 3:22 PM 882176 Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 658 Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (2).txt
10/22/2010 5:01 PM 882176 Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 658 Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing (3).txt
9/9/2010 3:20 PM 882176 Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 658 Vit Park - Phase ID - Austin Change Order #01 Pricing.txt
10/3/2010 4:55 PM 148992 Vit Park - Phase ID - Specs.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 860 Vit Park - Phase ID - Specs.txt
6/29/2010 1:46 PM 2018816 Vitruvian - Additional Services.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1480 Vitruvian - Additional Services.txt
5/24/2011 8:32 AM 54784 Vitruvian - Bella Avenue Bridge Deck.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2436 Vitruvian - Bella Avenue Bridge Deck.txt
4/26/2010 12:05 PM 111616 Vitruvian - Bella Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3016 Vitruvian - Bella Grading.txt
4/26/2010 12:06 PM 43008 Vitruvian - Bella Lane Storm Profiles.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1076 Vitruvian - Bella Lane Storm Profiles.txt
6/7/2011 10:31 AM 333824 Vitruvian - Change Order No. 3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1240 Vitruvian - Change Order No. 3.txt
12/10/2010 10:58 AM 84480 Vitruvian - CO #2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2322 Vitruvian - CO #2.txt
4/20/2011 3:16 PM 175104 Vitruvian - CO #3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1634 Vitruvian - CO #3.txt
7/9/2010 3:06 PM 522752 Vitruvian - Control Points.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 890 Vitruvian - Control Points.txt
7/23/2010 4:48 PM 86016 Vitruvian - Electrical Issues at Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1854 Vitruvian - Electrical Issues at Phase 1D.txt
5/10/2010 5:51 PM 1433600 Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2080 Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color (2).txt
4/26/2010 12:03 PM 1433600 Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2080 Vitruvian - Elephant Gray Color.txt
4/26/2010 12:01 PM 6248960 Vitruvian - Message 1 of 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 678 Vitruvian - Message 1 of 2.txt
4/26/2010 9:16 AM 4468736 Vitruvian - Message 2 of 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 688 Vitruvian - Message 2 of 2.txt
4/4/2011 12:21 PM 45056 Vitruvian - Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 784 Vitruvian - Phase 1D.txt
12/29/2010 2:31 PM 646144 Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Elevations (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5092 Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Elevations (2).txt
12/29/2010 2:23 PM 646144 Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Elevations.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5092 Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Elevations.txt
4/26/2010 12:00 PM 49152 Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Renderings.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2416 Vitruvian - Ponte Bridge Renderings.txt
5/10/2010 5:50 PM 241152 Vitruvian - Ponte Landscaping at Approaches.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 950 Vitruvian - Ponte Landscaping at Approaches.txt
10/22/2010 5:00 PM 750592 Vitruvian - Quantity Mods.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1378 Vitruvian - Quantity Mods.txt
4/22/2011 9:56 AM 226816 Vitruvian - Revised CO #3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1082 Vitruvian - Revised CO #3.txt
6/30/2011 2:30 PM 1211392 Vitruvian - Upstream Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 536 Vitruvian - Upstream Grading.txt
5/17/2010 2:21 PM 1185792 Vitruvian Addendum No. 1 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 638 Vitruvian Addendum No. 1 (2).txt
5/17/2010 2:20 PM 1224192 Vitruvian Addendum No. 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 732 Vitruvian Addendum No. 1.txt
5/21/2010 2:33 PM 4062720 Vitruvian Addendum Number 2 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1498 Vitruvian Addendum Number 2 (2).txt
8/27/2010 2:47 PM 4093440 Vitruvian Addendum Number 2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 712 Vitruvian Addendum Number 2.txt
6/29/2010 1:39 PM 470016 Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1406 Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (2).txt
6/29/2010 1:40 PM 472576 Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1632 Vitruvian Addendum Number 3 (3).txt
6/25/2010 4:04 PM 507392 Vitruvian Addendum Number 3.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 738 Vitruvian Addendum Number 3.txt
6/29/2010 1:29 PM 1992704 Vitruvian Additional Services.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 984 Vitruvian Additional Services.txt
6/29/2010 1:40 PM 433664 Vitruvian Base Bid.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1058 Vitruvian Base Bid.txt
10/6/2009 11:48 AM 112640 Vitruvian Bid.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 438 Vitruvian Bid.txt
5/17/2010 10:25 AM 60416 Vitruvian Bridge Question.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 832 Vitruvian Bridge Question.txt
5/17/2010 10:30 AM 55808 Vitruvian Bridge Questions (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1178 Vitruvian Bridge Questions (2).txt
5/17/2010 10:05 AM 55808 Vitruvian Bridge Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1266 Vitruvian Bridge Questions.txt
2/22/2010 4:59 PM 4993536 Vitruvian Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1874 Vitruvian Bridges (2).txt
11/23/2009 4:21 PM 62464 Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 312 Vitruvian Bridges - Critical Path_Timeline for Approval.txt
2/24/2010 4:33 PM 56320 Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5998 Vitruvian Bridges Design Charrette(s).txt
11/23/2009 4:42 PM 19968 Vitruvian Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 878 Vitruvian Bridges.txt
10/3/2010 4:52 PM 82944 Vitruvian Change Order No. 1.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1046 Vitruvian Change Order No. 1.txt
12/3/2010 4:44 PM 76800 Vitruvian CO2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 868 Vitruvian CO2.txt
6/3/2011 2:43 PM 1029632 Vitruvian Elevations.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 630 Vitruvian Elevations.txt
8/30/2010 11:59 AM 2006528 Vitruvian Handrail.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1298 Vitruvian Handrail.txt
6/29/2010 1:21 PM 44544 Vitruvian Lighting Conflicts_Changes.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1476 Vitruvian Lighting Conflicts_Changes.txt
1/11/2011 10:43 AM 62464 Vitruvian Park (10).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 3702 Vitruvian Park (10).txt
10/6/2009 12:51 PM 25600 Vitruvian Park (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1534 Vitruvian Park (2).txt
2/23/2010 12:40 PM 2551296 Vitruvian Park (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1372 Vitruvian Park (3).txt
2/23/2010 12:47 PM 2353664 Vitruvian Park (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1288 Vitruvian Park (4).txt
2/25/2010 5:45 PM 2547712 Vitruvian Park (5).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4000 Vitruvian Park (5).txt
3/19/2010 3:03 PM 43008 Vitruvian Park (6).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1002 Vitruvian Park (6).txt
4/14/2010 10:46 AM 494592 Vitruvian Park (7).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 574 Vitruvian Park (7).txt
6/25/2010 2:39 PM 30720 Vitruvian Park (8).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 586 Vitruvian Park (8).txt
6/25/2010 4:30 PM 35840 Vitruvian Park (9).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 692 Vitruvian Park (9).txt
3/31/2010 2:47 PM 1039360 Vitruvian Park - 03_25_10 Meeting Minutes.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1162 Vitruvian Park - 03_25_10 Meeting Minutes.txt
10/27/2009 11:40 AM 691200 Vitruvian Park - Bid Extension.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1072 Vitruvian Park - Bid Extension.txt
3/24/2010 1:56 PM 47104 Vitruvian Park - Bridge Design Geotech Requirements.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2346 Vitruvian Park - Bridge Design Geotech Requirements.txt
12/10/2010 10:10 AM 90112 Vitruvian Park - CO #2.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 978 Vitruvian Park - CO #2.txt
1/11/2010 1:00 PM 193536 Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4974 Vitruvian Park - Cursory Review of Bridge Plans.txt
2/24/2010 4:31 PM 1670144 Vitruvian Park - Design Charrette.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1312 Vitruvian Park - Design Charrette.txt
3/31/2010 1:47 PM 53248 Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4152 Vitruvian Park - Geotechnical Issue.txt
3/31/2010 1:18 PM 875008 Vitruvian Park - Handrail Drawings.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1038 Vitruvian Park - Handrail Drawings.txt
3/31/2010 9:48 AM 127488 Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 03-18-10.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1098 Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 03-18-10.txt
4/13/2010 1:38 PM 2006016 Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1128 Vitruvian Park - Meeting Minutes of 04-01-10.txt
4/21/2010 2:37 PM 1120768 Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2556 Vitruvian Park - Open Engineering Item.txt
9/17/2010 9:13 AM 88064 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 11 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 670 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 11 Agenda.txt
10/3/2010 4:09 PM 89600 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 13 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 680 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 13 Agenda.txt
10/15/2010 2:53 PM 90112 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 14 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 710 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 14 Agenda.txt
10/27/2010 1:08 PM 92672 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 16 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 668 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 16 Agenda.txt
11/12/2010 4:10 PM 99328 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 17 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 668 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 17 Agenda.txt
11/24/2010 2:17 PM 99840 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 18 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 678 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 18 Agenda.txt
12/3/2010 3:57 PM 99328 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 19 Agenda (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 668 Vitruvian Park - Phase 1D - Meeting 19 Agenda (2).txt
12/29/2010 2:58 PM 43520 Vitruvian Park - Ponte Bridge Beam Set Date.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1244 Vitruvian Park - Ponte Bridge Beam Set Date.txt
4/15/2010 1:57 PM 48128 Vitruvian Park - Sheet L2-05.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1648 Vitruvian Park - Sheet L2-05.txt
4/13/2010 11:27 AM 41984 Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4132 Vitruvian Park - South Pedestrian Bridge.txt
3/19/2010 3:03 PM 980480 Vitruvian Park Bridge - Meeting Minutes from 03_11_10.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1350 Vitruvian Park Bridge - Meeting Minutes from 03_11_10.txt
11/24/2009 6:03 PM 419328 Vitruvian Park Bridge Review, HNTB Project No. 50257.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2032 Vitruvian Park Bridge Review, HNTB Project No. 50257.txt
12/28/2009 4:25 PM 38400 Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 710 Vitruvian Park Bridges (2).txt
12/29/2009 12:03 PM 125952 Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4660 Vitruvian Park Bridges (3).txt
7/6/2010 11:57 AM 43008 Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1186 Vitruvian Park Bridges (4).txt
4/16/2010 5:01 PM 2654720 Vitruvian Park Bridges - Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2010.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1516 Vitruvian Park Bridges - Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2010.txt
3/11/2010 1:01 PM 76288 Vitruvian Park Bridges - Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1400 Vitruvian Park Bridges - Questions.txt
4/13/2010 1:53 PM 69120 Vitruvian Park Bridges - Sidewalk Slope.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1680 Vitruvian Park Bridges - Sidewalk Slope.txt
2/22/2010 3:21 PM 138752 Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2530 Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement.txt
10/27/2009 11:40 AM 79360 Vitruvian Park Bridges, HNTB Follow up from 10-12-2009 meeting.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 9658 Vitruvian Park Bridges, HNTB Follow up from 10-12-2009 meeting.txt
11/23/2009 4:41 PM 43520 Vitruvian Park Bridges.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2674 Vitruvian Park Bridges.txt
9/8/2010 10:49 AM 94208 Vitruvian Park Infrastructure - Phase 1D - Bridges - Meeting No. 10 Agenda and Meeting No. 9 Minutes.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 606 Vitruvian Park Infrastructure - Phase 1D - Bridges - Meeting No. 10 Agenda and Meeting No. 9 Minutes.txt
8/30/2010 11:54 AM 87552 Vitruvian Park Infrastructure - Phase 1D - Bridges - Meeting No. 8 Agenda and Meeting No. 7 Minutes.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 606 Vitruvian Park Infrastructure - Phase 1D - Bridges - Meeting No. 8 Agenda and Meeting No. 7 Minutes.txt
9/1/2010 5:06 PM 96768 Vitruvian Park Infrastructure - Phase 1D - Bridges - Meeting No. 9 Agenda and Meeting No. 8 Minutes.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 596 Vitruvian Park Infrastructure - Phase 1D - Bridges - Meeting No. 9 Agenda and Meeting No. 8 Minutes.txt
12/8/2010 12:59 PM 129536 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 20 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 282 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 20 Agenda.txt
1/14/2011 1:12 PM 135168 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 23 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 272 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 23 Agenda.txt
1/19/2011 3:46 PM 104448 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 24 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 282 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 24 Agenda.txt
1/26/2011 1:31 PM 104960 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 25 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 282 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 25 Agenda.txt
2/17/2011 11:56 AM 98304 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 26 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 312 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 26 Agenda.txt
2/23/2011 6:27 PM 105472 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 27 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 290 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 27 Agenda.txt
3/3/2011 3:27 PM 105984 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 28 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 300 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 28 Agenda.txt
3/11/2011 4:38 PM 98304 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 29 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 290 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 29 Agenda.txt
3/30/2011 11:05 AM 99840 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 31 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 522 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 31 Agenda.txt
4/6/2011 3:00 PM 109568 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 32 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 292 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 32 Agenda.txt
4/13/2011 9:41 AM 109056 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 33 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 290 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 33 Agenda.txt
4/27/2011 9:56 AM 106496 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 34 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 242 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 34 Agenda.txt
5/4/2011 1:34 PM 108032 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 35 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 232 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 35 Agenda.txt
5/11/2011 1:25 PM 108032 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 36 Agenda.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 232 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D - Meeting 36 Agenda.txt
5/17/2010 4:28 PM 153600 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 5476 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Bridge Construction.txt
6/25/2010 2:39 PM 1293312 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 568 Vitruvian Park Phase 1D.txt
5/5/2010 2:05 PM 27136 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2128 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure Phase ID.txt
8/11/2010 3:54 PM 779264 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure TAS Plan Review Report (ARS6095).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4694 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure TAS Plan Review Report (ARS6095).txt
12/28/2009 5:45 PM 1395200 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D Plan Review.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1294 Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 1D Plan Review.txt
6/29/2010 1:27 PM 59904 Vitruvian Park Stone.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 4288 Vitruvian Park Stone.txt
10/6/2009 9:34 AM 28160 Vitruvian Park.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1024 Vitruvian Park.txt
9/17/2010 9:22 AM 1560576 Vitruvian Phase 1D - Request for Increase of Project Budget.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1864 Vitruvian Phase 1D - Request for Increase of Project Budget.txt
9/10/2010 4:46 PM 2200064 Vitruvian Phase 1D - Structural Inspection Services.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1458 Vitruvian Phase 1D - Structural Inspection Services.txt
8/30/2010 4:47 PM 89088 Vitruvian Phase 1D - Update of Electrical Coordination Issues.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1012 Vitruvian Phase 1D - Update of Electrical Coordination Issues.txt
5/10/2010 5:34 PM 45056 Vitruvian Questions.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1528 Vitruvian Questions.txt
7/27/2011 11:13 AM 45568 Vitruvian Upstream Grading (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2866 Vitruvian Upstream Grading (2).txt
7/22/2011 11:51 AM 30208 Vitruvian Upstream Grading - Original Topo _ ProjectMates.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1188 Vitruvian Upstream Grading - Original Topo _ ProjectMates.txt
7/27/2011 11:11 AM 45056 Vitruvian Upstream Grading.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 2214 Vitruvian Upstream Grading.txt
5/10/2010 5:35 PM 40448 Vitruvian.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 818 Vitruvian.txt
7/30/2010 10:46 AM 6918144 VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination (2).msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1914 VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination (2).txt
7/9/2010 3:09 PM 4245504 VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination.msg
8/9/2021 12:21 PM 1744 VP Bridges - Street Lighting and Power Design Coordination.txt